Occult Debunks Globe Mind Unveiled
Occult Debunks Globe Mind Unveiled
Occult Debunks Globe Mind Unveiled
[Music] in the modern day the most prominent or mainstream cosmology is that of materialism
it's the idea that something can come from nothing this idea of a big bang that time space
matter all arose from a random explosion of nothing and it was created in a single instance for
no particular reason explosions typically are defined as being very destructive but in this
scientific theory of the world it somehow produced consciousness and all the intelligent life that
we experience today i want you to ask yourself one thing which came first matter or
consciousness and let me say it this way is consciousness a product of matter or is matter a
product of consciousness is consciousness physical i'm only asking it that way because we
need to get straight to the point the occult or what we know as ancient philosophies brought
back to the modern day and other spiritual new age philosophies completely contradict our
modern viewpoint of the realm we live in yes these ideologies make absolutely no sense in our
current world model of the globe and space this video will break down the lunacy of the globe
model but doing so through different means this isn't a physical approach i'm not going to try to
prove it to you through what we call proof in the modern day eric dubay has great videos that
show problems with the physical aspect of the globe model but instead this video will take a
spiritual approach many people already understand many of these new age concepts but still
somehow they've blended these ancient concepts with the modern cosmology of the globe that
is where the contradiction lies there is an agenda at play a scientifically run utopia that is
corrupted through politics completely removing god and spiritual realities but the utmost
importance is to remove any possibility for occult students to develop in this new society in this
materialistic scientifically run society we are taught that we evolved from monkeys but somehow
after this big bang single-celled organisms begin to appear then gases and small ice particles
begin to form into planets that then collide into one another to create our moons and solar
systems this is all just random coincidence in the eyes of science and i know many may have
specific alternative explanations of the universe like string theory or it may be beyond our
comprehension however to keep it simple you can break it down into two main categories there
are two main cosmologies that most people we know subscribe to for those who may not know
what i mean by cosmology this just means the universe you live in a realm or world with a set of
laws there is a cosmology of something and a cosmology of nothing if matter came first through
the big bang of nothing then consciousness is a product of matter meaning that consciousness
is physical something came from nothing very important to note in a little bit we will speak on the
contradiction of modern new age movements that still belong to a materialistic cosmology
materialism has many forms and it feeds into many modern practices of spirituality as a virus in
the background because these beliefs about cosmology are on some of the most deepest most
fundamental levels of our consciousness in short our modern cosmology teaches subconscious
and conscious atheism and nihilism that everything in existence is solely physical many still see
the world through a certain lens and refuse to look into any other way of thinking simply
because they cannot imagine it to be so but this is more due to the indoctrination that they have
been given from today's modern societal dogma this is done through a variety of topics such as
globe earth boss history aliens and counter culture hijacks such as the psychedelic culture and
the new age spiritual communities we have educational propaganda and then we have societal
or cultural propaganda we see this with the memes and mockery of flat earth as if the sheep
heard themselves now i guess i should just go ahead and address this before we go further to
the people who may be very resistant to hearing this information um why not flat earthers just
because i'm doubting the validity of the globe model and nasa doesn't mean i associate myself
with the physical flat earth cosmology many flat earthers understand these concepts however
it's usually misunderstood by the masses because of the aristotelian critical skeptical mind that
in almost all cases has no training in the occult these people mock the flat earth and praise their
political scientific data that has been funded and pushed for in the education systems as their
source of knowledge many are becoming aware that the news in the modern day is largely fake
but still refuse to accept that the news in the past was equally as misleading this is not a new
phenomena it only becomes easier with modern technology we are trained to see the world in a
certain way i think the honest reason people don't want to let go of the globe is because they
grew up with the sci-fi genre or they follow elon musk and actually believe that he put a car in
space regardless there are many things that could be said about nasa it's past and plus the
heliocentric models only from the past 400 years and couldn't even be proven as they say until
the 1950s that's if you buy the whole space race story remember it's common knowledge today
that we have fake news but if someone is to bring up that the moon landing may have been a
hoax all of a sudden that's too far for some people you don't think nasa in space was political
well it was just like race relations and climate change have become their own industries in the
modern day well nasa was one of these deceptive industries the organization takes in billions of
tax dollars and simultaneously becomes a vehicle for promoting this new spirituality of man
there's this grand idea that we can leave earth and go colonize other planets asteroids or
moons we grew up convinced that there's an american flag on the surface of the moon basically
this is all new stuff aliens flying rocks in space or what we call planets none of this was believed
until very recently on our modern timeline now i know what you're thinking yes they knew of
planets in the past but they were not terrestrial the planets were always associated with
astrological qualities they were spiritual forces in the sky these internal forces were influential
not only for worldly affairs but for our own individual personalities this is what was believed for
thousands of years but none of that makes sense if we have no purpose and we're monkeys
flying around thousands of miles per hour around the sun in a galaxy that is traveling 1.3
millions miles per hour when how or why would the stars have any meaning they're just balls of
gas how could they be integrated with the personality or within the mind man a common
question is okay so you aren't a flat earther but you also don't believe in the globe so then what
else is there a cosmology of the ancients we're not taught the true occult viewpoints of the past
in the education systems man in the modern day is seen as a monkey as but an evolutionary
and chemical process that came about for no reason at all in the ancient cosmologies the mind
of man was seen as a reflection of god as the center of the entire universe the stars the planets
also known as wandering stars in the past would revolve around the mind of man influencing
world events and attributes of personality our modern day education system teaches a
heliocentric cosmology in a universe that randomly came to be from a big bang and this
explosion created matters somehow from absolutely nothing and then over time planets begin to
form water appears from nowhere and that intelligent life forms through evolution but finally
most mysteriously came to form the mind of man the mystery schools of the past preserved an
ancient knowledge and this information has traveled through hermeticism alchemy the
renaissance the resecretions and all the way up to even the modern new age movement a lot of
things are actually based on truth it's just that it's being distorted by mixing with the reality of the
modern materialistic heliocentric model of the universe a two or two separate beast you have
one which is a cosmology of materialism which really is just a skeptic's attempt to debunk
metaphysical realities and then the other cosmology which is the cosmology of the ancients a
hierarchy of spiritual planes now we can dive into any one of those topics to explore them
further but the hierarchy of spiritual planes is very important to understand in order to really be
able to explore an alternative cosmology other than space big bang and planets i'm not trying to
speak to those who easily gravitate to this material but more so to the mind who may be
resisting it i know this sounds all quite spectacular did you know that many of the most
successful minds in history have belonged to this ancient cosmology yes even the founding
fathers of america some of the most successful celebrities in the world even belong to this
ideology and it is that the mind has some sort of superiority or influence over matter they believe
that will alone had the power to bring about change in the material realm that belief had a play
on fate now back to what i was saying about two different cosmologies the first cosmology
which is that of the ancients is that of something this is because all came from source or
something and there will always be something eternal life rebirth this cosmology is a hierarchy
of spiritual planes we know these planes in the occult as the physical etheric astral and mental
planes of consciousness in the second cosmology the cosmology of the modern day is that of
nothing all came from nothing and all there will be is nothing because nothing matters the
cosmology of the modern day is nihilism and yeah i'll explain how by just believing in the globe
you fall into the trap of nihilism that doesn't mean in your heart you are a nihilist it just means
you are being controlled spiritually by nihilist philosophies for those who don't know what
nihilism is it's an ideology that resulted from the modern day cosmology of big bang that
concludes that there is no meaning to life and so nothing matters and rightfully so as they
actually understand the implications of their own cosmology even modern day spiritual
philosophies have been overcome by this deadly ideology such as taoism i honestly believe in
the past this concept of chaos was interpreted as light not nothingness it is pure ether but these
people in the modern occult circles have lost their spiritual ancestry due to prescribing to
modern day cosmology such as space travel and the globe model hence nihilism is rampant
throughout our culture we're going to start with the cosmology of nothing it will break down the
history of how this cosmology came to be so that you can see how this virus of nihilism has
infected the human race it is a foreign ideology and it is a parasite to the mind i think another
aspect to understand is historical fraud and the amount of rewriting that has been done to the
history books it's not only that our entire timeline is messed up we have many videos on this
and this kind of belongs more to the tartaria aspect of our channel but in order to understand the
history of nihilism and the globe you need to understand somewhat of an alternative history look
into our tartaria explains series and you'll learn how certain groups of people took over our
history and spirituality it all starts with aristotle we all learn about him in schools as laying the
foundations of our modern way of thinking the skeptic's mind the philosophy of materialism that
if it can't be seen and it can't be proven then it doesn't exist plato is a good representation of the
ancient way of thinking that all matters but a manifestation of spiritual forces or as he called
them in his metaphysics forums both plato and pythagoras were both initiated into the occult
secrets by the priest of the ancient mystery schools aristotle was a political figure that threw
over the old paradigm in order to hide the ancient ancestry of man we will see how aristotle's
philosophy has been idolized by the elites who gave us our modern day cosmology this
philosophy was taken by the jesuit nations who then became venetians who are the ones who
created a modern scientifically run society that might be a lot to take in and many may be still
confused about the timeline i understand this can sound bizarre a lot of effort has gone towards
skewing the timeline for example you may be thinking that aristotle lived 2000 years ago this
world view that i'm trying to share with you is on a completely different timeline and like i said
you're gonna have to look into some other content to grasp what i'm implying but check out the
tartaria phenomenon explained or flamenco's work on chronology but yeah it's likely aristotle
may as well just be a figure created by the priest either way in his politics aristotle is most
explicit his theory of the purpose of politics is to maintain inequality the very basis for aristotle's
politics is the maintenance of the master slave relationship because it is as he asserts natural
quote that one should command and another obey is both necessary and expedient indeed
some things are so divided right from birth some the rule some to be ruled it is clear then that by
nature some are free others are slaves and that for these it is both just and expedient that they
should serve as slaves it is true that plato even makes a case for slavery but unlike aristotle
plato bases his state on the idea of justice the reason that aristotle was so widely influential in
venice is that venice was a slave society based on the principle of oligarchism some of you may
be thinking okay well what does this have to do with venice our modern heliocentric model and
globe model came from these scientific political minds in venice who believed it is their natural
right to rule those who were born to be slaves yep that's right the globe theory is but a political
spiritual agenda created by the university of padua and venice copernicus funded by venice and
political agendas at the time went to padua galileo funded by venice and padua kepler worked
with padua this group of atheists who ruled the entire world at this point who praised the
ideology of aristotle have undermined not only our modern education and history but our
spiritual philosophies as well the goal is to control the power that is consciousness to enslave us
because it is the natural order of things and they have the power to do so that's their philosophy
there's more to be said on history but let's connect this with the modern nihilistic philosophies
now try to imagine that all these categories are a child of this cosmology of nothing all right so
we have aliens evolution freemasonry globe model hollow earth occult nihilistic philosophies in
the modern day and the space sci-fi genre now i know aliens can be a very touchy subject but i
always start the same way there are only two cosmologies that of nothing materialism or
something that a spirit the modern understanding of aliens belongs to the cosmology of
materialism now before i explain i know there are many personal experiences and we even
have supposed whistleblowers with all the secret military information being exposed now but i
think it's become even more obvious that this is some type of propaganda when you see fox
news nasa forbes history channel all promoting this idea that aliens are real this is just counter
culture propaganda the cia has done this with every culture group and that's a deep subject on
its own but the idea is to collect the individuals who find interest in a particular subject and
undermine that collective through these underground belief systems you have mainstream
science and education then you have alternative research slash spiritual collective of people
who follow esp the paranormal and aliens it's all grouped into one category this alternative
information such as aliens and consciousness having influence over matter or in other words
magic has been hijacked by this group of people who want to create a scientifically run society
where all that exists is that which is physical aliens or at least the way the modern media
portrays it are either one other humans or other advanced life forms from this very earth or from
underneath it two spiritual beings are higher dimensional beings three military technology or four
lies created by nasa now for number one many follow the theory of hollow earth and this is
usually something that resists them from pursuing other cosmologies that completely contradict
the globe model entirely there can still be underground realms and planes beneath this realm in
the cosmology of the ancients a matter of fact in the vedic cosmology there are multiple levels to
this universe and there are realities beneath this earth plane and beings can come from below
into this realm there's this famous magazine from the 1900s called amazing stories and a writer
named richard shaver wrote to the editor ray palmer a 10 000 word document entitled a warning
to future man he wrote of advanced prehistoric races who had built cavern cities inside the earth
before abandoning earth for another planet due to damaging radiation from the sun now this is a
perfect example of truth mixed with propaganda the information was mixed with the globe model
and the concept of flying through space visiting different planets willy-nilly this is fantasy created
in the 1900s it started with h.e wells and jules verne this was propaganda before television and
so an age of planet nibiru anunnaki zechariah sitchin eric von daniken history channel with
ancient aliens and alien abduction stories reenacted have led the public to fully believe that
aliens exist in some way or another it's usually the extremely religious who resist this
information because they know it contradicts their cosmology well it does because it belongs to
the cosmology of nothing the cosmology of materialism ancient aliens says that these beings
could be our gods and so science has to subtly lean towards the possibility of aliens which was
created from sci-fi writers simply to explain the nature of consciousness we are led to believe
that these beings engineered us and made us similar to themselves that they are god but again
this makes no sense who created them oh they have some other creator alien who created him
and so on eventually they need to come from somewhere but this is what they do they play the
marvel card and makes a cult and modern sci-fi concepts together bam there you go it's
explained but wait is it explained i think they completely contradict each other these alien gods
belong to the big bang cosmology whether they mention it or not and sure you can believe in
string theory or try to tie in occult concepts to explain how these alien gods were created but it
doesn't explain anything i'll say it again it's either the cosmology of nothing or something it can't
be anything else if it's something then it always has been and always will be the light ether
source god if it's nothing then somehow something came from nothing the only explanations are
string theory and big bang and they make no sense they're also not practical that's the big point
because i'm not playing the game with the skeptics well okay just because there isn't a current
explanation doesn't mean that there is some foreign variable some unknowable third cosmology
that we just can never know because it's outside of our understanding no that's just not practical
and you're just a nihilist trying to find a way out the occult has practicalities it has real world
effects and skills or faculties that can be developed from it nothing can be developed out of the
modern day cosmology but nihilism and pseudoskepticism it's simply an escape to say i'm okay
with not knowing meaning being agnostic i can understand many would not know that they're
nihilus that's because it is the mid-ground between being a conscious occultist an agnostic and
a conscious nihilist atheist and i need to clarify i'm categorizing right now by a cultist i only mean
those who belong to the cosmology of something or a hierarchy of spiritual planes those who
believe mind over matter the religious the gnostics those who practice the ancient mysteries
such as hermeticism alchemy and i understand some christians may be upset with being
categorized as a cultist but it simply means that which is hidden these matters are of occult
means they require a mind that can peer into spiritual concepts realities in order to gain a closer
relationship with god and self the agnostic or one who's willing to admit that they just don't know
is a subconscious atheist who sometimes finds interest in some of these spiritual topics and in
their heart they may better fit one of these spiritual perspectives of the world but due to social
and educational conditioning has been persuaded by other areas of interest that have shaped
their world views such as aliens hollow earth and space travel the atheist or nihilist is one who
idolizes the power of knowledge that results from modern day science forming their own fantasy
on how this realm was created through unproven theories such as big bang and evolution we
have no problem with science but education became political hundreds of years ago and since
then industries have been created on this fraud such as nasa why is nasa lying first you have
economical reasons nasa gets paid billions a year for creating cgi two the cia recruited nazi
scientists in project paperclip and we're talking high-ranking nazis like wander von braun was
fundamental in creating the rockets that went to the moon supposedly three then we have the
idea that we didn't go to the moon it's kind of crazy that they lost the footage to one of the most
historic moments in human history and i mean it's obvious how weird and strange these
astronauts were behaving when they got back from the moon and it just so happens to be that
most of these astronauts are also freemasons 4. nasa has freemasonic and occult connections
their symbolism is quite a cult and always references ancient occult forces of the past the jet
propulsion lab is one of the world leaders in space exploration but many don't know that jack
parsons one of the founders was deep into the occult and even practiced magic and had sexual
relations with aleister crowley we have propaganda like 2001 space odyssey created by stanley
kubrick who worked with nasa and disney the top visual effects industries at the time in order to
create a certain viewpoint of the capabilities of space travel this is very important for they were
trying to brand the future of space travel as they were nowhere near the technologies presented
in the films but this gave the public the imagination to visualize these ideas as reality there are
many conspiracies that link kubrick to the filming of the apollo 11 millionaires it's also said that
he left clues in his films such as the shining the symbolism is the start of religion of an alien god
space travel removing the focus from us being the center of the universe in this cosmology of
materialism or atheism the agenda is clear to create a scientifically run society perhaps even
with an alien god but the goal is to remove the god within man to explain the universe through
physical means and to remove men from his center in the universe aliens other earths or
planets all belong to the cosmology of nothing the origin of the modern ufo story seems to
correspond with the establishment of the cia quote an extraordinary 95 of all americans have at
least heard or read something about unidentified flying objects and 57 believe they are real
former u.s presidents carter and reagan claim to have seen a ufo ufo ologists and private ufo
organizations are found throughout the united states many are convinced that the us
government and particularly cia are engaged in a massive conspiracy and cover-up of the issue
the idea that the cia has secretly concealed its research into ufos has been a major theme of ufo
buffs since the modern ufo phenomena emerged in the late 1940s but what if it was actually in
reverse that they created this whole phenomena to cover advanced military technology or to
hide other breakaway civilizations that possess advanced technology and so this modern
perspective of aliens was propagated through the entertainment industry it started through the
fantasy era of the late 1800s such as with h.g wells and jules verne many of these popular
authors could have been cover-ups for a hidden hand to feed in nihilism through the medium of
fantasy while the right brain was in full active potential this eventually led to the sci-fi genre in
the 1900s which was created by design in order to start preparing the society for a new
cosmology aliens change everything because now there's an explanation on how
consciousness or life formed they say one thing in the mainstream which is big bang but in the
alternative communities they feed information such as aliens maybe our gods even the concept
of anunnaki was created by zechariah sitchin who worked for the cia as means of propaganda
modern taoists believe that there is some primordial chaos this nothingness that precedes
something but they're just interpreting ancient beliefs for themselves from their current modern
cosmology which is funny because taoism is all about navigating yourself through a perfect life
using divination practices such as ai chain why would or how would divination work on a
physical materialistic explanation of the universe why would you even want to try to find the best
path for you there's no purpose to do anything the psychedelic communities are also filled with
nihilism and this idea that it's all meaningless we're just dust in the wind i could go on but
basically nihilism is prevalent throughout all our culture but it feeds into other ideologies such as
new age concepts that blend spiritual communications with aliens with the sci-fi genre of planet
and space travel now i should also explain that there are higher beings and intelligences that
you can communicate and experience through your mental faculties however many of these
stories of pleiadians and ets have been blown out of proportion by mixing two different
cosmologies together now some may say well what if they both exist it's just based on
consciousness or your belief but that's not so and it's not practical you can't just believe that we
live in an apple the occult faculties of man contradict the modern day globe model why the globe
is a rock that somehow magically formed water after millions of years of combustion there are
laws and this goes back to what i said about the occult being practical as there are results that
follow that is the proof that's how you debunk the globe cosmology it is the faculties that result
from occult training whether it be alchemical or religious that completely contradict the modern
day cosmology of the globe if you have physical questions such as well then how does this work
on a flat disk or why do planets look spherical and so on and so on and blah blah blah i'm not
here to do that i said at the beginning i recommend eric dubay he's a great reference for
answering all those questions you may have in a sense of breaking down the globe model from
a physical viewpoint but i want this to be seen from the mind of an occultist because then it will
become obvious that there are indeed other planes of existence that one can navigate to with
the soul in mind these planes as they have been called in the occult were originally proposed
without the need of a globe explanation where there was a much more ancient doctrine one that
had existed for thousands if not millions of years there's still no explanation on how the ancients
had such a thorough understanding of the stars this knowledge was passed down after the flood
and mankind lost touch with its golden age it's not easy trying to explain that to a skeptic i mean
so many things have to be addressed before even getting to the point which shows how
complex our minds have become right daggerus was said to make his initiates remain silent for
two to three years before he shared his secrets as this was necessary to achieve the mind that
would be capable of handling these skills which moves us on to our next section what is this
other cosmology and how does it debunk the globe model because mind over matter does not
work on a glow astral projection telepathy astrology spirit guides ghost esp and magic show that
the mind has capabilities of influencing realities through non-physical means this means that
mind has some sort of superiority to matter and that even after death the mind continues to exist
as many ancient philosophers wrote that mind is not just a physical body but that he is of a dual
nature that of mind and body and that the mind which was also known as the soul in ancient
circles inhabited the body for a short time before moving on and being reborn into another
vehicle this philosophy belongs to the idea that there are planes of consciousness check out our
astral plane explain series and i break this down that's a good place to start if the occult is new
to you many have really rejected religion which is what makes them have a more materialistic
perspective of the world they begin to lean towards science and atheist philosophies but modern
religions have been used as tools for the church to control the population many of the things
that people laugh and mock the bible for are but analogies for occult secrets such as astro
theology all religions were created from the knowledge of the ancient mystery schools i can
understand many people's resistance to the concept of a christian god however that's not what
i'm preaching and more so i'm trying to bring forward ancient ways of thinking back to the
modern day so that it could be used practically in order to debunk the modern world cosmology
that has been used as a tool for suppressing the power that we contain within our
consciousness not only is the practical aspects of the occult proof for debunking the globe but
there are many signs of purpose and intelligent design all around us if you just have the eyes to
see we have eclipses what are the chances of this happening perfectly in our solar system we
have plants that seem to have been placed here for us as they have medicinal and spiritual
uses as if they are creating chemicals specifically designed for us do they fully understand our
biology if so what are the implications of such advanced design in such a randomly created
universe sacred geometry is but a representation of the nature of this realm many see the same
visuals in altered states of consciousness but we can find these patterns all throughout nature
now in modern science the education system teaches that consciousness is in fact physical but
this is but a recent belief due to particle theory before this there was the theory of ether or the
universal source of all niels bohr wrote that quote isolated material particles are abstractions
their properties being definable and observable only through their interaction with other systems
in other words no atom or subatomic particle has an isolated separate existence no material
particle has independent properties or location as distinct from any other at the atomic and
subatomic levels no thing is separate from everything else there's just one field of pulsating
energy that compulses the entire physical universe it has been called the ether the field the
quantum field the zero point field and many other names all referring to this essential energetic
oneness end quote british astrophysicist sir arthur eddington said that physics is the study or the
structure of consciousness the stuff of the world is mind stuff we now shall explain the
cosmology of something or spirit or eternal mind ether these categories belong to the
cosmology of something ancient mystery schools gnosticism hermeticism kabbalah religion and
we also have new age concepts but most of the time these are mixing with concepts from the
cosmology of materialism many mystery schools in the past were established in order to
develop the god within man all these mystery schools belong to the cosmology of something or
spirit in which there is a hierarchy of planes the top being the godhead at different times the
techniques used by these schools involved sensory deprivation breathing exercises sacred
dance drama hallucinogenic drugs and different ways of redirecting sexual energies these
techniques were intended to induce altered states of consciousness in the course of which
initiates were able to see the world in new ways the ancient druids the greeks through the
lucinian mysteries and the oracles of delphi pythagoras and many other cults such as
zoroastrianism devised a series of rituals and practices in order to clearly show to the adept the
reality of this cosmology they were put into self-isolation chambers and forced to face their
greatest fear ought to prove to the initiate that this realm is but a product of the neophyte would
experience astral projection and even be shown rituals that would cause real-world effects this
knowledge is also very ancient very well could be from atlantis as it is said that thoth is said to
be an atlantean in the emerald tablets therefore this knowledge is from a past age and has
existed for ages how else did such a perfect art of astrology and magic form randomly these
mystery schools were trying to preserve this knowledge these are the people who are trying to
preserve the knowledge of the last age they knew political tensions were rising and began
creating hidden schools in order to train occult students the druids are one of the oldest sex and
keepers of ancient knowledge the druids were considered to have a deep understanding of
nature they were said to have studied geography physical science astrology and theology their
knowledge of medicine was advanced for their day and they were even known to have
performed surgical procedures many of the rights that we have seen in many other cults and
religions are derived from this ancient order gnosticism is another concept that i feel that has
been slightly altered and influenced by modern cosmologies in many ways even mistranslated
however i feel that this concept of knowingness through navigating different planes of
consciousness and experiencing knowledge face to face creating wisdom contains much truth
jesus was said to be in a scene the scenes were masters of the mystic state of mind and they
could astral project to other realms of existence with the angels all the world religions all come
from what we call paganism or divine attribution through analogy which is magic the symbol
object and subject kabbalah and the tree of life is a graph of god in his attributions he is divided
into different separates or planes of existence or metaphysical realities but more so these are
states of consciousness there are qualities but you can actually go there and experience them
with your consciousness this is exactly what i was referring to with the essenes they were
practicing a similar system the kabbalah is basically a road map for your mind that was said to
be created by the angels really it was just passed along from ancient cold orders and landed
into the hands of the jews to summarize all these ideologies belong to the reality of spiritual
planes of consciousness that man is a mind antibody and that a body is not what we call a
physical body i should probably explain that actually so in the cult a body is not just a physical
body like your skins and bones but it's simply a vehicle for your consciousness meaning you
can transfer your consciousness to other bodies or control many bodies at the same time more
explained in our astral explain series each plane has a corresponding body and these planes
are part of a system where the top plane has superiority to the plane below it the very top plane
is the godhead otherwise known as ether or infinite source this energy then fades down to each
corresponding plane of consciousness influencing and creating the realms below it for simplicity
the god plane feeds energy down to the mental plane that then influences and creates the astral
plane that then influences and creates the etheric plane that then influences and creates the
physical plane this is not only a matter of theory but can be put to practical use through occult
faculties what are occult faculties senses skills and abilities that must be gained through
everyday use and practice that allow the practitioner to experience these other planes of
existence thinking must be developed ponder the nature of a thought what is imagination we
have names for these faculties but have forgotten their full potential these faculties that we call
thinking and imagination can be developed into entirely new phenomena such as actual
projection telepathy and magic which allows the user to make changes in the material realm
through thought alone this can be experienced and put to the test and then you can come to
your own conclusions what are the implications from the results of these practices let go of
everything you think to be true relax the mind and ask the question do i truly understand what
this reality is