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Figurative Language - Answers

Identifying Figurative Language

For each example below, circle what type of figurative language is being used.

a. Your eyes sparkle like diamonds.

Metaphor Simile Alliteration

b. The wild woolly walrus waits, wondering when we will pass by.
Personification Alliteration Assonance

c. His brain is the size of a pea.

Personification Hyperbole Idiom

d. Her hair was a flowing golden river.

Metaphor Assonance Onomatopoeia

e. Crack! The ringleader’s whip broke the silence.

Onomatopoeia Assonance Pun

f. The monster spoke in a low mellow tone.

Assonance Pun Idiom

g. Hold your horses, I’m coming!

Idiom Pun Repetition

h. What do you call a knight who is afraid to fight? Sir Render

Hyperbole Assonance Pun

i. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.

Pun Personification Repetition

j. The flowers begged for water.

Pun Hyperbole Personification

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Figurative Language - Answers

Matching Figurative Language to an Example

Draw a line to match the example to the type of figurative language being used.

Figurative language Examples

Metaphor I bee-leaf in you!

Simile She is as strong as an ox!

I ate five thousand pancakes for

Personification breakfast!

Steve saved seven seagulls.


It’s time to hit the hay.


I’ll take a tray for Taylor the sailor.


The beach is calling to me.


BOOM! The fireworks exploded above


He’s a walking encyclopedia.

I do not like it anywhere, I do not
want it over there, I do not want it,
Onomatopoeia I do not care!

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Figurative Language - Answers

Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks to complete these examples of figurative language:

a. Simile
His words cut like a knife.

b. Metaphor
My heartbeat is a drum.

c. Personification
The clouds skipped across the sky.

d. Alliteration
Look! Lucy is leaping into the lake!

e. Idiom
That’s it! This is the last straw!

f. Pun
The captain’s motto was to seas the day.

g. Hyperbole
She must be a million years old!

h. Onomatopoeia
Splash, I jumped into the pool and water went everywhere.

i. Repetition
They locked him up, never, never, never to be released.

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