Great Power of Positive Thinking When Applied Correctly: Xiuyi Jia
Great Power of Positive Thinking When Applied Correctly: Xiuyi Jia
Great Power of Positive Thinking When Applied Correctly: Xiuyi Jia
Proceedings of the 2020 4th International Seminar on Education, Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2020)
This article summarizes the general advantages of positive psychology, optimism and the correct usage of it.
During the past decades, topics revolving around positive psychology have aroused attentions of the public.
Misinterpretations are frequent, whereby people are misled. Several literatures show the benefits of correct
applications of optimism including healing emotional issue, faster and better recovery, and preventative
effect. Another research has provided evidence that people cannot systematically fool himself. Therefore, the
suitable approaches are introduced. This article studies different groups of people, including patients,
teenagers, and people with longevity. Distinct measures are taken to conduct respective experiments, mostly
through surveys and interviews. Additionally, the article is based on ample authoritative researches published
within decades and represents the author’s personal aspect of positive psychology. In conclusion, positive
psychology might be beneficial to put forward the way to apply it in daily lives.
Key words: Positive psychology, optimism, correct usage, authoritative research, self-confidence, optimism
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 466
2.4 Optimism Enhances Overall Health Figure 3. Optimism makes us better. (Retrieved from
The fourth benefit is that optimism is propitious to our
physical health. Relating to the previous paragraph,
positive emotions can not only prevent illnesses from 3.1 Positive Psychology Is Approachable
happening, but also accelerate recovery and reduce the
possibility of recrudescence. Scientific researches have Optimism is a part of personality, and it is possible to gain
already proved that optimism leads to lower possibility of extrinsically. Some people could have intrinsic talents of
illness and high speed of healing. For instance, after a heart being optimistic in personality, but some could not. It is a
transplant, positive expectation usually suggests greater natural phenomenon. It is a good property that people
health. Other major surgery also shows the same results. should try to gain, though it may take a long time.
Cancer is vindicated to be another example. Patients with Difficulties mainly surround introspection, which is an
positive emotions end up their lives in a much healthier inevitable mind activity of human beings and works as a
way than those do not have [10]. Researchers studied those detector of lies. Without it, self-delusion is much easier.
who lost their spouse, and among them, the ones who With some of this metal cognition, self-deception becomes
overcame this tragedy and once again found a new purpose a much more subtle and complex endeavor. It will be
of life, had longer life span [11]. Furthermore, it is well successful only if self-belief matches the individual’s
known in medical field that full disappearance of behaviors in real life. Depressed people often sink in a
symptoms does not mean full recovery. Still, there are world of sorrow, as they enjoy the pain in a way, or for it is
potential of recrudescence. Some studies about survivors just much simpler to give up. However, being diffident
verified this claim as well. Lower anxiety and depression actually has negative outcomes. People who think minor of
state can have positive influence on their longevity. themselves do perform worse than the average, on account
According to Affleck, he found out people who acquired of low motivation and low self-esteem. In other words,
new meaning of life after the first heart attack, had less they do not believe in themselves and do feel that they
potential of the second heart attack [12]. Supports from the deserve the bad results of their work and study [14]. When
society and family members play an important role in confidence and positive thinking are difficult to attain for
lowering negative mental conditions. There are a great the fact that people may not be born with it, one can still
amount of experiments involving optimistic, related to acquire this advantageous trait through practice. Seeking
copious branches of disease and trauma, and all proven to help from parents or therapists is possibly the best way to
support this idea. Dr. Fava and her colleagues found a achieve this goal. Therapists can provide a set of rules in
health session for people just pulling through a major the respects of gathering, interpretation, and encoding into
surgery, to enhance their acknowledgments and memory of self-relevant information, to pull people out of
understandings of daily lives. Those who have joined this the self-traps circle. Entrapping in negative, depressed
session have lower recrudescence rate [13]. This emotion, low self-esteem or diffident state is dangerous.
experiment also exemplified for the claim that positive The central means of training is to become optimistic and
emotion was a cognitive phenomenon, an extrinsic to build up a new self-image. Through recollecting
character that could be acquired through practice. memory, self-reversing attribution and rehearsal of event,
Therefore, one’s cognition influences his or her health. one can achieve the aim although it takes time and patience
to practice.
3.2 Correct Usage of Positive Psychology
In spite of the content above, there are other things worth
to mention. Being positive is beneficial and very It is necessary to understand what optimism is and learn
intriguing. However, if it is used incorrectly, there will be when and how to apply it correctly to serve our purposes.
negative consequences that are opposite to the original Firstly, positive thinking is a kind of mental attitude in
purposes. which people expect good and favorable results. Also, a
positive mind waits for happiness, health and a happy
ending in any situation. However, it is different from
self-deception. Self-deception happens when one knows
the valid fact but chooses to ignore it and tells himself or
herself otherwise. Blindly deceiving harms people in a
mental way.
Currently, positive thinking is a very popular topic, which
consequently leads to lots of psychologists or writers to
publish books and give speech about it. It is advocated in
books to “look at the bright side” (the most classic one is
the half glass of water example), and to forget the bad
things. In some cases, it is effective. However, numerous
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 466
studies showed that positive thinking cannot be applied in support. Without all their enlightening instruction
all circumstances. In certain situations, “we need to and impressive kindness, I could not have
embrace how we feel and accept who we are,” instead of
avoiding them. Under those conditions, continuous completed my thesis.
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