DLL - English 5 - Q3 - W6
DLL - English 5 - Q3 - W6
DLL - English 5 - Q3 - W6
listens critically to different text listens critically to different text listens critically to different text listens critically to different text
types; expresses ideas logically in types; expresses ideas logically in types; expresses ideas logically in types; expresses ideas logically in
oral and written forms; needs. oral and written forms; needs. oral and written forms; needs. oral and written forms; needs.
B. Performance Standards The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner...
demonstrates interest in reading demonstrates interest in reading demonstrates interest in reading demonstrates interest in reading
to meet various to meet various to meet various to meet various
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Show enjoyment in listening to a 1. Realize that obedience to
Write the LC code for each story. authority should be consistent
Answer question about the story and within a good reason.
listened to. 2. Read words, phrases and
sentences with proper
intonation and pronunciation.
3. Speak clearly articulately and
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Unlocking of Difficulties Tongue Twister Tongue Twister Tongue Twister
presenting the new lesson Identify the word that means the
underlined word in each
People dislike the owl because of
the loud sound (hoot, speaker,
laughter) it produces.
“Where are you going?” inquired
the dove. ( asked, answered,
B. Establishing a purpose for the Motivation 1. Realize that Philippines 1. Realize that Philippines 1. Realize that Philippines
lesson Have you encountered a dove legends enrich our culture. legends enrich our culture. legends enrich our culture.
and an owl in any medium – 2. Use the vocabularies in 2. Use the vocabularies in 2. Use the vocabularies in
community English. community English. community English.
picture, realia, etc.?
3. Read the selection with full 3. Read the selection with full 3. Read the selection with full
In what direction do you usually comprehension. comprehension. comprehension.
see them moving/flying?
C. Presenting examples/instances of ) . Modeling the Students Contextual Clues (Synonyms) Contextual Clues (Synonyms) Contextual Clues (Synonyms)
the new lesson During Listening Circle the meaning each Circle the meaning each Circle the meaning each
underlined word. underlined word. underlined word.
Read the story to the pupils 1. After the father was gone, she 1. After the father was gone, she 1. After the father was gone, she
accurately and clearly. Pause step into the cave. (entered, step into the cave. (entered, step into the cave. (entered,
once in a while to ask questions. slept, wandered) slept, wandered) slept, wandered)
2. The waves on the shore and 2. The waves on the shore and 2. The waves on the shore and
Today you are going to listen to sea shells fascinatedher sea shells fascinatedher sea shells fascinatedher
the story of the owl and the (frightened, allure, angered) (frightened, allure, angered) (frightened, allure, angered)
dove. 3. But a great billow flying has 3. But a great billow flying has 3. But a great billow flying has
out into the sea ( earthquake, out into the sea ( earthquake, out into the sea ( earthquake,
Ask: Why does the owl move wave, wind) wave, wind) wave, wind)
to the west? 4. His fears was confirmed upon 4. His fears was confirmed upon 4. His fears was confirmed upon
If he moves to the west, seeing the clothing on water seeing the clothing on water seeing the clothing on water
will he be liked by the people (disappeared, stopped, (disappeared, stopped, (disappeared, stopped,
there? strengthened) strengthened) strengthened)
If you were the owl, will 5. When he got exhausted, he 5. When he got exhausted, he 5. When he got exhausted, he
you do the same? Why? rested upon the shore and soon rested upon the shore and soon rested upon the shore and soon
fell into slumber. (Sleepy, fell into slumber. (Sleepy, fell into slumber. (Sleepy,
hungry, tired) hungry, tired) hungry, tired)
D. Discussing new concepts and D. Guided Practice Do you know how the 3 islands, Do you know how the 3 islands, Do you know how the 3 islands,
practicing new skills #1 1. Cooperative Group Activities Luzon, Visaya, and Mindanao Luzon, Visaya, and Mindanao Luzon, Visaya, and Mindanao
Group 1- Play the role came into existence? came into existence? came into existence?
of the dove and the owl.
Group 2- Draw the eyes
of an owl and write their
Group 3- Draw a dove
and write the words that
symbolize it.
E. Discussing new concepts and Reading the story Long time ago, the Philippines Long time ago, the Philippines Long time ago, the Philippines
practicing new skills #2 was divided into 3 big islands of was divided into 3 big islands of was divided into 3 big islands of
Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
Ask: What led to the Ask: What led to the Ask: What led to the
separationof those islands and separationof those islands and separationof those islands and
what was the effect? what was the effect? what was the effect?
Read the story aloud. Each group Read the story aloud. Each group Read the story aloud. Each group
will read one paragraph. will read one paragraph. will read one paragraph.
The teacher ask questions after The teacher ask questions after The teacher ask questions after
each read paragraph. each read paragraph. each read paragraph.
F. Developing mastery Let us predict and fill the chart to Group I – Draw Luzon and the Group I – Draw Luzon and the Group I – Draw Luzon and the
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) answer each question. crops raised in it. Label them crops raised in it. Label them crops raised in it. Label them
Group II – Draw Visayas and the Group II – Draw Visayas and the Group II – Draw Visayas and the
products raised in it. Label them products raised in it. Label them products raised in it. Label them
Why does the owl/dove fly
Group III – Draw Mindanao and Group III – Draw Mindanao and Group III – Draw Mindanao and
toward the chosen direction? the basic foods develop there. the basic foods develop there. the basic foods develop there.
Label them. Label them. Label them.
Pupils are grown to do great Pupils are grown to do great Pupils are grown to do great
work. work. work.
G. Finding practical applications of During Listening What happened to the 3 sisters? What happened to the 3 sisters? What happened to the 3 sisters?
concepts and skills in daily living How are the 3 islands called How are the 3 islands called How are the 3 islands called
Read the story to the pupils today? today? today?
Assessments: Assessments: Assessments:
accurately and clearly. Pause
If the Philippines hadn’t been If the Philippines hadn’t been If the Philippines hadn’t been
once in a while to ask questions. divided what could be the divided what could be the divided what could be the
effects? effects? effects?
Today you are going to listen to
the story of the owl and the
I. Evaluating learning Evaluating group activities using 1. The article is about 1. The article is about 1. The article is about
rubrics a. The 3Philippine islands a. The 3Philippine islands a. The 3Philippine islands
b. The disappearance of the 3 b. The disappearance of the 3 b. The disappearance of the 3
sisters sisters sisters
c. Why the 3 daughters drowned c. Why the 3 daughters drowned c. Why the 3 daughters drowned
2. While not directly stated, the 2. While not directly stated, the 2. While not directly stated, the
giant was _ giant was _ giant was _
a. Carpenter a. Carpenter a. Carpenter
b. Former b. Former b. Former
c. Fisherman c. Fisherman c. Fisherman
3. He is the first paragraph refers 3. He is the first paragraph refers 3. He is the first paragraph refers
to __________ to __________ to __________
4. In the appearance of the 3 4. In the appearance of the 3 4. In the appearance of the 3
islands, the giant was_ islands, the giant was_ islands, the giant was_
a. Excited a. Excited a. Excited
b. Sad b. Sad b. Sad
c. Afraid c. Afraid c. Afraid
5. The reading selection is a _ 5. The reading selection is a _ 5. The reading selection is a _
a. Fable a. Fable a. Fable
b. Legend b. Legend b. Legend
c. Tale c. Tale c. Tale
J. Additional activities for application Cut a feature article from a Refer to LM _______. Refer to LM _______. Refer to LM _______.
or remediation magazine and paste it on the
page of your notebook. Be ready
to explain it.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation