DT-IA-Guide 2020
DT-IA-Guide 2020
DT-IA-Guide 2020
IB Design and Technology Major Project Guide Value - 40% of IB Assessment
SL Duration: 40 hours Approximately 34 A4 pages (or equivalent), maximum 38 pages, and no more than 3000 words.
HL Duration: 60 hours Approximately 52 A4 pages (or equivalent), maximum 56 pages, and no more than 4000 words.
At HL, the design project is assessed against the 4 common criteria and 2 HL only criteria:
General Notes
• A4 PDF only
• 50Mb max file size
• Citations need to follow IB guidelines and are not included in page count
• Use of fonts such as Arial, minimum font size 11 (where the language/character set supports it)
• Single (or greater) line spacing
• Numbered pages
• Portrait orientation (rather than landscape)—except where it is necessary or appropriate. The use of landscape orientation may be to accommodate a specific item such as a graph or illustration
• For components with page limits: It is not acceptable to “shrink to fit” an eCoursework assignment to remain within page limits by reducing white space on the page, reducing A3 to A4 so the font size
becomes less than 11pt, or by choosing a non-standard font. Examiners are instructed not to award marks for work that has been 'shrunk to fit' in this way.
• Appendices are not required and examiners will not read them or any information contained within them.
• A note on annotations
Annotations must not be more than 10 words each. Any annotation more than 10 words will be considered as counting towards the word count.
Annotations must be legible, preferably typed. Students and teachers should ensure annotations can be read clearly.
Handwritten annotations must be clear and equivalent to Arial font size 11pt. To ensure clarity when scanned, black ink is strongly recommended.
A 1 2 3 4 5
B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Feasible Ideas: sketches and annotation Concept modelling: test ideas, user feedback Presentation drawing with annotation,
justification related to spec
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Identify and Justify choice of materials, Detailed technical drawings, bill of materials for third party to manufacture prototype Construction plan
components and manufacturing techniques
D 1 2 3 4 5
E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Drawings and models showing modifications Commercial Commercial prototype: Technical drawings, bill of materials, assembly drawing
needed for commercial production prototype
drawing and
F 1 2 3 annotation
Material must be placed in appendices to form evidence for the teacher proving students have conducted background
research, collected and analysed raw data, and conducted tests for evaluation.
Required Evidence....
This can be any style that suits you but must include the following Sections and headings...
– Criterion A: Analysis of a design opportunity
– Criterion B: Conceptual design
– Criterion C: Development of a detailed design
– Criterion D: Testing and evaluation
– Criterion E: Detailed development of a commercial product (HL only)
– Criterion F: Making choices for commercial production (HL only)
A: Analysis of Design Opportunity Student Notes
Clients and designers establish a design opportunity before engaging with the design process. Establishing the design opportunity often stems from a real-life
problem that needs to be solved. By investigating this problem and design opportunity thoroughly, designers can gain clear direction in the requirements for a
prototype. To meet the requirements of this criterion, students must:
Describe an appropriate problem that Develops a detailed brief that identifies the Develops a design specification that justifies the
leads to a design opportunity relevant parameters of the problem requirements, based on the outcomes of the
The only required evidence for this strand A design brief comprises: The design specification for the prototype will
is: • the expected outcome need to address the following aspects.
• broad requirements determined from • Aesthetics
• A problem statement, which includes: initial research into the problem. • Target audience
– the current situation • Function
– the current problem The only required evidence for this strand is: • Production constraints
– a summary of research that informs the • a written design brief. • Material selection
appropriateness of the problem • Size
– supporting images demonstrating the The evidence for achievement against this • Quantity
nature of the problem and where it occurs. strand should be presented in approximately
one A4 page or the equivalent, and Students should prioritise the design
The evidence for achievement against this approximately 150 words specifications.
strand should be presented in The design specification must be developed from
approximately one A4 page or the the design brief and research.
equivalent, and approximately 200 words. The only required evidence for this strand is:
• a set of design specifications justified with
reference to supporting research and citation of
0 The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard described by
described by the descriptors below. described by the descriptors below. the descriptors below.
1-3 identifies a problem develops a simple brief that identifies few develops a design specification that states the
relevant parameters of the problem requirements, with no reference to the outcomes
of the research.
4-6 identifies an appropriate problem that develops a brief that identifies some of the develops a design specification that outlines the
leads to a design opportunity relevant parameters of the problem requirements, with limited reference to the
outcomes of the research.
7-9 describes an appropriate problem that develops a detailed brief that identifies the develops a design specification that justifies the
leads to a design opportunity relevant parameters of the problem requirements, based on the outcomes of the
Moderator Hints and Tips Remember to include……
Describe an appropriate problem that leads to a design opportunity
• Use expert appraisal to justify the design opportunity. Describe an appropriate problem that leads to a design opportunity
• Spend time with the client in order to understand their specific needs. • Supporting images to consolidate the problem statement.
• Identify a design need based on a client-based approach to gather information. • Summary of research into the problem.
• Consider engaging with a user group to focus on a particular need to better define the problem and • Evidence of why this is an actual problem.
investigate the existing market.
Develops a detailed brief that identifies the relevant parameters of the problem
Develops a detailed brief that identifies the relevant parameters of the problem • A written statement which portrays what you are going to do to solve the problem.
• Develop a better understanding of the user group, their age and requirements, and provide evidence to • Alignment with the research.
substantiate the key aspects. • Alignment with the client.
• Develop a design brief based on information from the client and the internet to highlight the parameters. • Target and market audience.
Develops a design specification that justifies the requirements, based on the outcomes of the research Develops a design specification that justifies the requirements, based on the outcomes
• Identify sources of data to fully justify aspects of the design specification. of the research
• Outline the design specification with consideration of the parameters. • The major aspects of the specification; Aesthetics , Target audience, Function,
• Use research with the target audience to help describe the problem and conduct research into the market Production constraints, Material selection, Size, Quantity.
conditions in detail. • Citations from research to justify requirements.
• Cite sources of information to justify requirements of the specification and provided specific, measurable • Screenshots of the actual research which backs up specification justification.
constraints. • Measurable specification points. What testing procedures will be used?
B: Conceptual Design Student Notes
Once the design brief and specifications have been established, designers explore a range of possible concepts through modelling. As the concepts are developed
and refined, their feasibility is determined against the specifications, which helps determine the most appropriate ideas to take forward into detailed design
development. Students will use concept modelling to develop ideas to meet appropriate specifications that explore solutions to the problem and justify the most
appropriate idea for detailed development.
Develops feasible ideas to meet Uses concept modelling and analyses the Justifies an appropriate idea for detailed
appropriate specifications that explore outcomes to guide design development development
solutions to the problem
The only required evidence for this strand Concept modelling is used to: The most appropriate idea should be
are: • test design ideas to find out if they will validated against the specification before
• sketches/drawings of ideas annotated* meet requirements development is refined
to identify key features • provide feedback, which is used to to enable manufacture.
• annotations* highlighting additional develop designs further. The only required evidence for this strand is:
research and/or feedback enabling Students should consider the appropriate • a presentation drawing of the chosen
iterative development of use of conceptual, graphical, physical and design
Ideas. CAD models. • annotation* of the presentation drawing
The only required evidence for this strand of the selected design, highlighting features
Annotations* must be legible. is: • justification for the choice related to the
Students must not include any extended • annotated* evidence of concept design specification (300 words)
writing to address this strand. modelling that indicates how the findings
from modelling informs design The evidence for achievement against this
The evidence for achievement against this development strand should be presented in approximately
strand should be presented in one A4 page or the equivalent, and
approximately six A4 pages or the Students must not include any extended approximately 300 words.
equivalent. writing to address this strand.
0 The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard
described by the descriptors below. described by the descriptors below. described by the descriptors below.
1-3 demonstrates limited development of few presents concept models selects an appropriate idea for detailed
ideas that explore solutions to the problem development with no justification.
4-6 develops ideas with reference to the uses concept modelling with limited selects an appropriate idea for detailed
specifications that explore solutions to the analysis of the outcomes to guide design development with no justification.
problem development
7-9 develops feasible ideas to uses concept modelling and analyses justifies an appropriate idea for detailed
meet appropriate specifications the outcomes to guide design development development.
that explore solutions to the
Moderator Hints and Tips Remember to include……
Develops feasible ideas to meet appropriate specifications that explore solutions to the problem Develops feasible ideas to meet appropriate specifications that explore solutions to the
• The annotations should be analytical in nature, and indicated incremental thinking problem
• Focus on aspects of practicality of the design for manufacturing and ease of use, while better considering • An initial page full of design ideas.
how the different ideas addressed the problem, for example, addressing the product’s feasibility • 4 Main design ideas.
• Consider a wider range of solutions that have the potential to solve the problem. Annotations would • Additional research might have to be investigated to resolve any questions that arise.
benefit from being more analytical rather than descriptive. • An analysis of your design ideas against the specification.
• Client feedback about your ideas.
Uses concept modelling and analyses the outcomes to guide design development
• Use modelling extensively to test the product. Uses concept modelling and analyses the outcomes to guide design development
• Evidence of development using sketches and CAD. • A concept model for each of your main design ideas.
• Use outcomes of modelling to guide design development. • 3D CAD work.
• Use models to explore different facets of the designs, to improve functionality and construction. • The use of prototyping to test all functions and features of the design ideas.
• Considered the success criteria for the product to improve the ability to analyse the outcomes of
modelling. Justifies an appropriate idea for detailed development
• A final justification relating to all the points in the specification: Aesthetics , Target
Justifies an appropriate idea for detailed development audience, Function, Production constraints, Material selection, Size, Quantity.
• use incremental development and trial and error to arrive at a design to take forward, providing reasoning • Feedback from the Client to aid development
as to its suitability for detailed development.
• Include detailed justification of the choice of design for detailed development, basing decisions on a more
comprehensive evaluation against the specification, and based on user feedback.
• Draw from user testing and feedback when determining the chosen design. The appropriateness of the
chosen design in relation to the functions should have been emphasised.
C: Development of Detailed Design
The designer needs to detail all aspects of their chosen design to create a testable prototype or a series of prototypes. They develop a detailed design proposal,
Student Notes
which includes all details necessary to make the prototype. Students will produce a detailed design proposal and then sequence the manufacturing process in
enough detail for a third party to be able to follow to create a prototype.
The only required evidence for this strand Develop designs to sufficient detail for a third An appropriate construction plan comprises a
is: party to be able to interpret them correctly. sequential order of operations to follow to
make the prototype. The construction plan
• identification of materials, components, The only required evidence for this strand is: must be written before the prototype is
and manufacturing techniques to be used manufactured; it must not be written
to create the prototype • appropriate technical drawings with retrospectively.
sufficient detail for prototype manufacture
• justification of choice of each material, The only required evidence for this strand is:
component and manufacturing technique • a bill of materials.
based on the requirements of the Students must not include any extended • a completed construction plan template for
prototype. writing to address this strand. the process to make the prototype
– the construction plan template must be
The evidence for achievement against this The evidence for achievement against this used
strand should be presented in approximately strand should be presented in approximately – there must be no more than 10 words per
two A4 pages or the equivalent, and nine A4 pages or the equivalent. cell in the construction plan template.
approximately 400 words.
Students must not include any extended
writing to address this strand.
The evidence for achievement against this
strand should be presented in approximately
two A4 pages or the equivalent.
0 The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard described The work does not reach a standard described
described by the descriptors below. by the descriptors below. by the descriptors below.
1-3 lists some appropriate materials, develops a design proposal that includes few produces an incomplete plan that contains
components and manufacturing techniques details and is not sufficient for a third party some production details.
to make the prototype to manufacture the prototype
4-6 describes some appropriate materials, develops a design proposal that includes produces a plan for the manufacture of the
components and manufacturing techniques most details necessary for a third party to prototype.
to make the prototype manufacture the prototype
7-9 Justifies the choice of appropriate materials, Develops an accurate design proposal in produces a detailed plan for the manufacture
components and manufacturing techniques sufficient detail for a third party to of the prototype.
to make the prototype manufacture the prototype
Moderator Hints and Tips Remember to include……
Justifies the choice of appropriate materials, components and manufacturing techniques to make the prototype
Consider the required properties of materials in relation to use and assembly, and select the manufacturing processes
based on a suitable craft-based process for one-off production
• Consider how the manufacturing processes selected could be performed accurately and their suitability for each of the
chosen materials. R
• Research the properties and characteristics of the materials to make informed choices.
• Describes a suitable material based on some of the required properties, and link to an appropriate manufacturing
• Consider materials/techniques that match the requirements of the specification, including eco-design aspects and cost
constraints, and link the manufacturing technique to the shape and complexity of the design proposal
Develops an accurate design proposal in sufficient detail for a third party to manufacture the prototype
Produced good-quality working drawings of the made components, including all required dimensions, and a detailed
assembly drawing
• Identify the standard components required and indicate the orthographic projection and scale of the working drawings.
• Provided a high level of technical detail, clearly communicated in the working drawings. The exploded drawing must
demonstrate how the components fitted together
• Included a comprehensive bill of materials.
• Included aspects related to the finishing of the product, methods to ensure effective joining, and evidence of quality
• Ensure all risk assessments are well informed.
• Produced a plan for manufacture that includes all steps needed for each stage of creating the prototype.
• Consider post-production processes, such as smoothing and finishing to remove ridges on the surface and the assembly
of components to create the product.
Construction Plan Template
Processes Equipment Scheduling Quality control Risk assessment
D: Testing and Evaluation
Student Notes
Once the detailed design has been determined, a prototype can be created for testing against the marketing and design specifications. The testing should generate
data, which is analysed to determine the success of the prototype as a solution to the initial problem. The testing will also highlight areas of weakness where the
prototype has not met the required expectations. This leads to further iterative development. Students will evaluate the success of the prototype against the design
specification and suggest how the prototype can be improved.
Justifies a testing strategy to measure the Evaluates the success of the prototype Demonstrates how the prototype could be
success of the prototype against the design specification improved, considering how individual
improvements affect the design as a whole
A testing strategy comprises of a number of Strengths and weaknesses of the Recommendations are presented to address
appropriate testing methods that will prototype(s) need to be based on qualitative weaknesses identified through evaluation
generate data to measure the success of a and quantitative data. against the design specification.
prototype. The only required evidence for this strand The only required evidence for this strand is:
The only required evidence for this strand is:
is: • a combination of graphical models and
• information gathered from testing of the extended text to suggest how the
• the testing strategy prototype prototype could be improved.
• a justification of why this testing strategy • an indication of the extent to which the The evidence for achievement against this
is appropriate. prototype matches the requirements of strand should be presented in approximately
the design specification. two A4 pages or the equivalent, and
The evidence for achievement against this approximately 250 words
strand should be presented in The evidence for achievement against this
approximately one A4 page or the strand should be presented in approximately
equivalent, and approximately 200 words two A4 pages or the equivalent, and
approximately 700 words
0 The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard described
described by the descriptors below. described by the descriptors below. by the descriptors below.
1-3 states a testing strategy to measure the evaluates the success of the prototype lists how the prototype could be improved.
success of the prototype against few aspects of the design
specification with no evidence of testing
4-6 describes a testing strategy to measure the evaluates the success of the prototype outlines how the prototype could be
success of the prototype against some aspects of the design improved.
7-9 justifies a testing strategy to measure the evaluates the success of the prototype demonstrates how the prototype could be
success of the prototype against the design specification improved, considering how individual
improvements affect the design as a whole.
Moderator Hints and Tips Remember to include……
Justifies a testing strategy to measure the success of the prototype
• provided reasoning and justification for the approach of the testing strategy, considering the
relative importance of each technique
• included some explanation of the techniques used to collect data and determine the success of the
• detailed a testing strategy that justified why the strategy was appropriate and include user testing
Demonstrates how the prototype could be improved, considering how individual improvements
affect the design as a whole
• demonstrated many improvements to the prototype and how the overall design was adapted to
accommodate these changes.
• considered the impact of the improvements on the specification and the product as a whole, in
particular the cost effectiveness and environmental aspects.
• outlined how the prototype could be improved using graphical modelling and sketching.
Eval v
spec ?
E: Detailed Development of a Commercial Product Student Notes
Once the prototype has been evaluated and weaknesses resolved, students will develop their prototype for a commercially viable production process. This action
will develop the prototype into a commercial product. The student presents their re-designed product, identifying modifications that were required for a
commercially viable production process, and produces a detailed design proposal sufficient for third-party manufacture.
Develops the design, addressing the Presents the developed commercial Develops an accurate design proposal of the
required modifications for a commercially product comprehensively commercial product in sufficient detail for a
viable production process third party to manufacture the product
The only required evidence for this strand The only required evidence for this strand The commercial product must be presented in
are: is: sufficient detail for a third party to be able to
• drawings/modelling of ideas annotated* • a presentation drawing of the commercial interpret correctly.
to show the required modifications product The only required evidence for this strand is:
• annotations* highlighting additional • annotation* of the presentation drawing • appropriate technical drawings with
research and/or feedback enabling of the selected design highlighting the sufficient detail for commercial manufacture
iterative development. Annotations* key modifications required for • a bill of materials
must be legible. commercial production. an assembly drawing.
Students must not include any extended Students must not include any extended Students must not include any extended
writing to address this strand. writing to address this strand. writing to address this strand.
The evidence for achievement against this The evidence for achievement against this The evidence for achievement against this
strand should be presented in strand should be presented in approximately strand should be presented in approximately
approximately five A4 pages or the one A4 page or the equivalent. nine A4 pages or the equivalent.
0 The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard described
described by the descriptors below. described by the descriptors below. by the descriptors below.
1-3 states the choice of materials and states the choice of manufacturing states an appropriate scale and volume of
components for commercial production techniques for commercial production production, with little or no reference to
4-6 describes the choice of materials and describes the choice of manufacturing identifies an appropriate scale and volume of
components for commercial production techniques for commercial production production, based on limited research.
7-9 justifies the choice of materials and justifies the choice of manufacturing justifies an appropriate scale and volume of
components appropriate for commercial techniques appropriate for commercial production, based on appropriate research
production production and suitability for the product.
Remember to include……
Develops an accurate design proposal of the commercial product in sufficient detail for a third
party to manufacture the product
Justifies the choice of materials and Justifies the choice of manufacturing Justifies an appropriate scale and volume of
components appropriate for commercial techniques appropriate for commercial production, based on appropriate research
production production and suitability for the product.
The only required evidence for this strand The only required evidence for this strand The only required evidence for this strand
is: is: is:
0 The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard
described by the descriptors below. described by the descriptors below. described by the descriptors below.
1-3 states the choice of materials and states the choice of manufacturing states an appropriate scale and volume of
components for commercial production techniques for commercial production production, with little or no reference to
4-6 describes the choice of materials and describes the choice of manufacturing identifies an appropriate scale and volume
components for commercial production techniques for commercial production of production, based on limited research.
7-9 justifies the choice of materials and justifies the choice of manufacturing justifies an appropriate scale and volume of
components appropriate for commercial techniques appropriate for commercial production, based on appropriate research
production production and suitability for the product.
Remember to include……
Justifies the choice of materials and components appropriate for commercial production
• Describe the choice of materials in terms of advantages and disadvantages and provide full justification.
• Justified the choice of materials by linking it with the volume of production and manufacturing processes
• Justify the choice of material for the components of the product based on reducing the environmental
impact of the material
• Compared the physical properties of materials to justify their interchangeability
Justifies an appropriate scale and volume of production, based on appropriate research and suitability for
the product.
• Provide rationale for the initial production run, using some data to establish the number of products
• Provide further research was required into the potential market.
• Compare production methods and use statistical analysis to determine the number of products required.