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Mandal Level Teams

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Coord-4/902 /2022
Sub:- Disaster Management - prakasam District
- cycronic storm -
Heavy to Very Heavy rains Iikely to be occurred from
03.12.2023 to 06.t2.2023 in the District _ Constitution of
Mandal and Secretariat level Teams _ Orders _ Issued
Read:- IMD Bulletin received from the APSDMA on 02.12.2023

1. In the reference read above it is informed that the depression over

southwest Bay of Bengal moved nothwestwards, intensify into a cyclonic storm
over southwest Bay of Bengal during next 24 hours and it would reach west central
Bay of Bengal off south Andhrapradesh and adjoining north Tamilnadu coasts by
4th December forenoon. Thereafter, it would move nearly northwards almost
parallel and close to south Andhra Pradesh coasts and cross south Andhra pradesh
coasts between Nellore and Machilipatnam during forenoon of 5th December as a
Cyclonic Storm with a maximum sustained wind speed of 80-90 kmph gusting to
100 kmph.

2. In this connection, Mandal level and Secretariat level command control teams
are hereby constituted with the following officers for look after all kinds of Disaster
Management operations in their jurisdiction

Mandal Level Control & command Team : : Mandal Level Control &
Command Team should be consists of following officers

1. Tahsildar /Municipal Team Head

2 MPDO Member
3 Station House Officer Member
4 AE, PR Member
5 Mandal Aq ricu ltu re Officer Member
6 Medical Officer Member
7 AE, Irriqation Member
B EOPR&RD Member
9 Mandal Animal Husbandry Officer Member
10 Fisheries Development Officer Member
11 Mandal Fire Officer Member

Role and Responsibilities :

a) To Alert all the field staff in their jurisdiction about the cyclonic
storm from time to time
b) To see that fishermen are not venture into the sea
c) To Coordinate with all village/ ward secretariat functionaries and
volunteers in their mandal
d) To visit all cyclone shelters in their jurisdiction and make sure that they ].:
are in good condition and keep the keys available with VROs
e) To identify suitable other relief centers like schools, Shadikanas,
ka lyana mandaPa ms etc.,
f) Identify the low laying areas and evacuate the affected people to the
relief centers well in advance
g) To arrange food, drinking water in relief and rehabilitation centres In
coordination with Civil Supplies and RWS departments
h) To ensure the PDS stocks in FP shops & MLC godown of their jurisdiction
i) To alert all the people in their jurisdiction for taking necessary
preparatory measures to prevent human/live stock loss
j) To enumerate all the vulnerable persons like pregnant womans, old age
people, Specially abled persons and children in their Mandals with the
cooperation of Secretariat staff and volunteers and should prepare
action plan for shifting of them to the safe place
k) To ensure all the needy medicines should be available at relief
cam ps
l) To maintain sanitation at all relief camps
m) Take stock of diesel availability in nearest petrol bunk and make
awareness about precautions to be taken by the children and other
people at the time of while crossing the streams and other water bodies
n) To open a control room 24X7 at Mandal level and monitor the situatuin
in their mandal from time to time and intimate any untoward situations
to the higher authorities

Secretariat Level Control & command Team : Secretariat Level

Control & Command Team should be consists of following officers

Panchayat Secretary / Ward Administrative

1. Team Head
2 Village Revenue Officer Mem be r
3 Engineering Assistant / Ward Amenities Secretary Member
4 Energy Assistant Mem ber
5 Auxiliary Nurses Midwifery (ANM) Mem ber
6 Village Fisheries Assistant Mem be r
7 Village Horticu lture Assistant Mem ber
8 Animal Husbandry Assistant Mem ber
9 Village Agricu ltu re Assistant Mem ber
10 Mahila Police and Child Welfare Assistant Member
Welfare and Educatio@
and Development Secretary Mem ber

urgrrat Asststant / ward Education and Data

Processing Secretary Mem ber

Roles and Responsibi lities :

coordination of entire sachivarayam functionaries and vorunteers

a Responsible for posting of vorunteers for 24*7 duty round the crock in
areas required in 3 shifts.
a Take stock of all CPWS and pWS schemes in the villages.
a Ensure no outbreak of communicable diseases
Ensure Covid protocol is followed in the relief centres.
a Compiling and consolidating of all reports and ensuring all reports are
submitted in time.
Ensure Sanitation activity in relief centre and in village is taken up
Ensure No water stagnation
Ensure coordination with RWS department and ensure there is clean
drinking water.

Village Revenue Officer:

. Cause beat of tom-tom for awareness
. Identify weak structures and shift people to relief centre
o Identify and shifting of people from low lying areas to relief centre when
the warning is issued
. In coordination with Revenue and Civil Supplies department ensure
food, drinking water are arranged in relief and rehabilitation centres.
o Take stock of ration stock available in nearest FP shop
. Take stock of diesel availability in nearest petrol bunk
. Take stock of availability of power saw locally
. Take stock of availability of JCB and other vehicles
. Take stock of generators available locally.
. Ensure no outbreak of communicable diseases
o Assist VAA on crop damage and AHA on Animal loss assessment.
. Ensure Covid protocol is followed in the relief centres.
. Coordination with fire department and SDRF/NDRF teams wherever
. Irrigation tank breaches, railway line, clearing of roads monitoring.

Enoineerino Assistant / Ward Amenities Secretarv:

. To take stock of all possible relief centres in locality,
o Ensure that relief centres are identified and required repairs are

. Nearby government buildings- schools, Anganwadi are visited in prior
and sufficient facilities are identified for operating relief centres.
. Reporting of house damages, cattle shed or any other structure .;_

da mages.

o Identifo all low hanging wire and weak polls in the jurisdiction and
rectify pre disastbr.
. To take stock of generators available in the locality . .

. Spread awareness on DO's and Don't's pre, during and post disaster.
. Ensure quick restoration of power supply.

Auxiliarv Nurses Midwifery (ANM):

. Should ensure that all basic medicines are in stock of Sachivalayam.
. Health camp be put up in relief centres

' Ensure special care is taken for pregnant women and children who need
special care in relief centre.
. Ensure no outbreak of communicable disease.
. . Ensure Covid protocol is followed in the relief centres.
Villaoe Fisheries Assistant, '

. Alerting all fishermen regarding cyclone and instruct them not to

venture into sea as early warning.
' Beat of tom-tom in fishermen corony and convening rocar community
meeting .
o Vacating people weak structure and those living near to coast.
o continuously staying in communication and providing information to the
fishermen community.
. Shifting people to relief centres wherever required immediately.
. Assess any damage to fishermen boats during disaster.

Villaoe Horticulture Assistant:

' Alefting all farmers regarding cycrone and instruct them to shift
harvested crop to dry storage place.
o Beat of tom-tom in convening and local community meeting.
o continuously staying in communication and providing information to the
farmer community.
. Assess any damage to crop damage and report to the Mandal Officer
within 12 hours of post disaster.

Animal Husbandry Assistant:

. continuously staying in communication and providing information to the
farmer community.
Awareness of Dos and Don'ts .
Assess any damage to animal ross and report to the Mandal officer
within 12 hours of post disaster.
Reporting of cattle shed damages.
. Operate Animal camps wherever required.

Villaqe Aqricultur
Alerting all farmers regarding cycrone and instruct them to
harvested crop to dry storage
Beat of tom-tom in convening and local community meeting.
continuousry staying in communication and providing information to
the farmer community.
Assess any damage to crop damage and report to the Mandal
Agriculture Officer within 12 hours of post disaster.

Mahila Police nd Child Welfar

Ensure special care is taken for pregnant women and children who need
special care in relief centre along with disabled, senior citizens.
Ensure hassle-free and safe stay in relief centres.

Secreta ry:
. Alerting and spreading precautionary measures to be taken up by
community pre , during and post disaster awareness among community.
. Ensure all weak and vulnerable are shifted to safe locations.

. Compilation and consolidation of all reports and assist panchayat

secretary and functionaries in online updation of data wherever

3. Therefore all the drafted officers should follow the above instructions
scrupulously and should maintain headquarters and leave will not be sanctioned to
any officer until the further orders.

-o*t*' ,K5*
6\'' Collector & District Magistrate
Prakasam District :: Ongole

All the concerned officer

Copy to PS to Collector/ CC to JCl CC to DRO

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