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Series 3 Plus
Dual-Loop A/P Controller
for Axial and Centrifugal Compressors

Description Benefits
For some applications, the cost of a dedicated, single- Series 3 Plus Dual-Loop Controllers offer benefits you
loop controller for each control loop may be hard to can’t get from other multi-loop controllers, including:
justify. On the other hand, general-purpose controllers • More economical operation of your compressor
lack the speed and specialized algorithms needed to because our advanced surge control methods and
protect and precisely regulate a compressor. dedicated, high-speed hardware allow your com-
The Series 3 Plus Dual-Loop A/P Controller is our pressor to safely operate closer to its surge limit
solution for this dilemma. If its simplified surge protec- without unnecessary recycling
tion and shared operator displays meet your needs, • More precise control of your process because our
this controller can provide an economical alternative integral loop-decoupling algorithms allow the per-
to our full-featured Antisurge and Performance Con- formance control loop to be tuned faster and coun-
trollers. It is particularly well suited to packaged air teract the potentially disruptive effects of antisurge
compressors, for which we offer Air Miser Control control actions
Systems built around this controller. • Less compressor downtime because our surge
protection and process-limiting algorithms eliminate
Like all Series 3 Plus Compressor Controllers, the A/P
model offers loop-decoupling, limiting control, and
automatic startup and shutdown. They can be com- Benefits, continued on rear panel
bined in multi-compressor load-sharing network, and
can exchange information with host computers or dis-
tributed-control systems via serial communications.
Patented Surge Protection
Every turbocompressor has a characteristic combina-
tion of maximum head and minimum flow beyond
which it will surge. To protect against this damaging
phenomenon, the Dual-Loop A/P Controller employs
a simplified version of our patented surge control
strategy, which combines our unique method of calcu-
lating proximity to surge with both open and closed
loop control responses.
A compressor’s surge limit is a function of many
variables. Because the antisurge loop must share the
controller’s inputs and computational capacity, it can
not take all of those factors into account. But its
proximity-to-surge calculation can adapt to changes
in suction temperature and pressure, rotational
speed, and guide vane angle.
Surge prevention is also complicated by the speed at
which surge can develop, so the control system must
respond with comparable speed. For small, slow dis-
turbances, proportional-plus-integral control is usually
enough. If the PI action fails to maintain an adequate
margin of safety, the Recycle Trip response steps
open the recycle valve even further. If the compressor
Description, continued on rear panel

PB303 (1.1) March 2000

Integrated Loop Decoupling
Description, continued from front panel Operating independently and often at cross purposes,
does surge, our Safety On response redefines the conventional antisurge and performance controllers
surge limit to prevent any repetition. can create pressure and flow oscillations that degrade
performance and reduce antisurge protection. To pre-
In addition, the controller can further increase the vent such problems, the A/P Controller can decouple
recycle or blow-off rate as needed to limit either of two its own control responses from those of any compan-
optional constraint parameters. ion Series 3 Plus controllers.
Performance Control As a result, these loops can be tuned faster to achieve
The capacity control loop can regulate any single- more precise control without sacrificing process
input process variable (such as the suction pressure), stability. This decoupling action also enables the per-
including any of those used by the proximity-to-surge formance loops to help move the compressor away
calculation. Or, it can participate in a load-sharing from surge, and to maintain precise performance
network that throttles each compressor as needed to control during movement of the antisurge valve.
keep them all equidistant from their surge limits.
Air Miser Control Systems
The performance loop can also switch to limiting con- The A/P Controller also serves as the basic building
trol of a second, single-input variable (motor current, block of our Air Miser Control Systems for packaged
for example) if its efforts to maintain the capacity con- air compressors. These consist of one or more A/P
trol variable might otherwise lead to equipment Controllers, usually mounted in NEMA rated enclo-
damage or a process trip. sures. For a load-sharing application, the system
would also include a master Series 3 Plus Perfor-
mance Controller [PB302].

Summary of Features The A/P Controller incorporates several features spe-

cifically for Air Miser applications. These include
The many built-in, keyboard-configurable features of special proximity-to-surge calculations, modified
the Series 3 Plus Dual-Loop A/P Controller include: start-up and shut-down sequences, and the ability to
• proximity-to-surge calculations that adapt to chang- display additional calculated variables such as total
es in most inlet conditions and net mass flow.
• patented combination of open- and closed-loop
surge control responses
• control of any single-input process variable or a
load-sharing variable based on proximity-to-surge Benefits, continued from front panel
• local or remote performance control set point
unnecessary process trips due to surge or overload
• process limitations can be controlled by either loop conditions
• integrated loop decoupling • Lower maintenance and capital costs because our
• bumpless transfer between each loop’s automatic surge protection and limiting-variable control algo-
and manual operating modes rithms prolong the life of your compressor
• automatic start-up and shut-down sequencing • Optimal efficiency in multi-compressor applications
because our patented load-sharing algorithms elim-
• manual override guards against accidental com- inate unnecessary recycling
pressor damage due to operator error
• Simplified operation because our Recycle Trip,
• tracking and self-test features allow smooth, auto- Safety On, and start-up and shut-down routines
matic switching to redundant controllers require less operator involvement
• standard hardware simplifies maintenance and
spare parts stocking (see Series 3 Plus Compres-
sor Controllers Hardware Specifications [DS300/H]) This product is covered by U.S. and foreign patents allowed
• Modbus interface for communication with host com- and pending. The impeller logo, Safety On, and Recycle Trip
puters or distributed control systems. are registered trademarks of Compressor Controls Corp.

PB303 (1.1) March 2000

4725 121st Street, Des Moines, IA 50323, USA
Phone: (515) 270-0857 • Fax: (515) 270-1331 • Web: www.cccglobal.com
Printed in U.S.A.

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