Snort Project Final
Snort Project Final
Snort Project Final
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I cannot imagine a house without any kind of doors or locks, and in the same way I cannot
imagine an enterprise network infrastructure as to be wide open to the internet without any kind of
defense against cyber threats. According to Kaspersky Lab Security Bulleting 2015, there were
over 1,966,324 attested cyber-attacks in year 2015; 753,684 workstations were infected by various
ransomware software and attacks were carried out from more than six milling hosts. Statistics and
predictions even will increase if we start to count new trends like IoT – Internet of things that will
bring even over attack platform not only targeting enterprises but homes as well. The biggest task
in front of Cyber Security Engineers and experts is to be proactive and to be away ahead in
computer and network infrastructure against hacking and various types of attacks. In order to cover
those previous issues IDS has come to place and in our paper we are focusing on an open source
Abstract: ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents: .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction: ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Snort: .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Barnyard2: .................................................................................................................................................. 6
PulledPork:.................................................................................................................................................. 9
Snorby:...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Conclusion: ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................... 12
In this project we are involved in discussing an effective way to protect network against
outside and inside treats by utilizing and implementing Network Intrusion System Snort.
Intrusion detection system (IDS) is an irreplaceable part of any modern network. While
Firewalls become not enough in order to maintain and prevent organizations perimeter and inside
security IDS systems started to win cybersecurity market. Open Source and commercial product
are available for enterprise, small business and home customers. Besides commercial Intrusion
Detection Systems products, open source systems are widely available for technology enthusiasts
to test, implement and use. Open source Network Intrusion Detection projects are currently popular
and available on the market such as Bro, Suricata and Snort. In this paper we are going to widen
your knowledge about snort and introduce three advanced features to implement side by side with
Snort: Barnyard2, pulled pork, and Snorby. All these previous techniques can make your life easier
while you are using Snort in your environment and they are mostly free.
Snort project was started by Martin Roesch in 1998 and maintained by company
Sourcefire. In 2013, Sourcefire was acquired by Cisco. By this acquisition Cisco provided a superb
Snort is not a GUI based application and is available for the following platforms: Fedora
Linux, CentOS Linux, FreeBSD and Windows OS. Sourcefire IDS can also be downloaded as a
source and compiled manually in Linux environment. By installing IDS on Linux it can be
configured in three different modes: sniffer mode, logger mode and most importantly in intrusion
detection mode. According to Snort Intrusion Detection and Prevention Toolkit “Packet logger
mode logs the packets to the disk. Network intrusion detection mode is the most complex and
configurable, allowing Snort to analyze network traffic for matching against a user-defined ruleset
and to perform one of several actions, based on what it sees.” Snort rules needed to be downloaded
and installed separately. Three types of rules are available: Community rules, Registered Rules
and Subscriber rules. Community rules are less often updated then other set of rules. These rules
are free to download and do not require Snort portal account. Community Rule can be downloaded
tar -xvfz community.tar.gz -C /etc/snort/rules
Registered rules are only available for registered users and still free. Oinkcode is required
in URL in order to download a rule archive. The last types of rules package are Subscriber Rules.
These set rules are the most often updated and is available for a small annual fee. It is a really good
choice for even self-build home, SOHO and Small business IDS systems.
The power of Snort IDS is in its soli architecture. System consists of the following
components: Sniffer, Preprocessor and Detection Engine, Output (alerts, Log). IDS also have an
API for interfacing plug-ins. Sniffing engine is primarily for collecting data packets of the network.
Sniffer module has a capability to recognize traffic and detect various packets types like TCP,
UDP, and ICMP etc. Preprocessor module is power module of the Snort since it can interface
plugins. These add-ons check raw network traffic and check against various behaviors. Behavior
analysis can be optimized by keeping only needed plugin enabled. Special preprocessor plugins
can be also interfaced for HTTP traffic reconstruction after fragmentation. This is necessary for
further data analysis and prevention of evasion attacks. Next part module is Detection Engine. Its
task is to check data packets towards Snort rule set. In case if match is found, alert or log will be
generated by the next and last model caller Alerting/Logging component (Output).
Flexibility of Snort system is still related to wide availability of multiple modules, plugins and
third party applications that can integrate and make IDS more efficient and user friendly. Such
models like Pulled Pork, Barnyard2 and Snorby extend Snort to high enterprise level application.
Ubuntu has proven itself as a reliable and stable server environment for test and production
environment. VMWare Workstation a host base hypervisor was chosen as a platform to run Ubuntu
Server for Snort IDS. Ubuntu Server will require and VMWare Tools with VMXNET3 vNIC
driver installed for higher performance. VMware tools may be downloaded and mounted to Linux
sudo ./ –d
firewall is used instead if Snort sensor is configured in inline mode. After all prerequisites are
installed Snort can be downloaded using Linux wget utility, unpacked with tar and installed.
cd ~/snort_src
tar -xvzf snort-
cd snort-
./configure --enable-sourcefire
sudo make install
After successful installation Snort can be executed by this command snort –V to verify application
version. An additional requirement is to create a separate user account to run snort process. It is a
best practice security approach. After changes needs to be made in Snort configuration file
/etc/snort/snort.conf. Since PulledPork will be implemented there is no need to keep individual
Next, it is important to set proper values for variables HOME_NET and EXTERNAL_NET. These
variables are used for distinguishing between trusted sand untrusted networks. By uncommenting
the following line will enable an administrator to create and test his own Snort rules:
include $RULE_PATH/local.rules
Finally, IDS and configuration files needs to be tested. The simplest was to do so is to run snort
One of the issues that came with snort is that how snort can keep processing the network
traffic without dropping packets and performing extensive output operations such as send alerts
and log them to the syslog or a database. One of the solutions was to make snort multithreaded,
but it was a nightmare for developers to maintain a stable multithreaded version. As, a result, the
final solution, they came up with was using a secondary program which will focus on generating
alerts. The communication between snort and this secondary program is to be done by spooling
the alerts data using certain kinds of files. And here I’m introducing the unified output format and
If you are in the network management field and familiar with software define network, we
are almost on the same page. Barnyard was first created to isolate the missions of processing output
data from snort and keep the later focusing on more fundamental operations to monitor the network
traffic. As it was mentioned in Snort Intrusion Detection and Prevention, “Barnyard can be thought
of as an asynchronous event processing and dispatching tool designed for use with Snort.”
Furthermore, by using Barnyard along with snort, we will have an extra benefit as we can separate
the level of access to snort. On one hand, in snort we need to have a root privilege in order to run
the IDS mode. On the other hand, in Barnyard we can be in a user level to read the unified data.
One more advantage of using Barnyard is that we always can reanalyze archived data issued by
unified Barnyard plug-in. Since I mentioned unified files, I would like to talk about the format of
these files; the essential requirements for the format are to be written in a fast way and in a small
Now let’s go to the technical part which is installing Barnyard2 after installing snort. The
basic idea here is that snort is to store events in binary form, and then Barnyard2 will read those
event in asymmetrically and save them in a MYSQL database. Barnyard will require some requests
in order to be installed and work probably such as C compiler and MYSQL server and client as it
shown in the command I provided Also we are going to download a MYSQL library by using one
To download, unpack and install Barnyard the following command needs to be used:
e948f88afb74040f6dc9.tar.gz \-O barnyard2-2-1.14-336.tar.gz
tar zxvf barnyard2-2-1.14-336.tar.gz
mv barnyard2-7254c24702392288fe6be948f88afb74040f6dc9 barnyard2-
cd barnyard2-2-1.14-336
autoreconf -fvi -I ./m4
sudo make install
All configurations are located in a special configuration file /etc/snort/barnyard2.conf. This file
will have all information necessary for Banyard2 to connect to MySQL database. Next step is to
test the system. It requires two steps: run Snort and save output to a log and then run Banyard2
As snort has several modes, Barnyard also provides two modes which are batch processing
and continual processing. First, in batch processing mode, Barnyard will process the each and
every pre-specified unified files and then quit. The advantages of this mode are pulling tangible
data from a unified file, reloading old data into a database, or testing new plug-ins used in snort.
Second, in continual mode, events can be processed instantly if they triggered snort alerts.
Barnyard has one more capability to localize alert messages in very easy way because the data is
loaded from and files. Unlike snort which has 48 rule files,
preprocessors, and rule options. As a result, if we need to localize messages by using Barnyard,
we only need to create new and When a new rule needed to be added,
PulledPork is a powerful tool for keeping SNORT rules up to date. Snort itself does not
have automated capabilities to download updates in the free version. It can be done manually by
default. PulledPork besides downloading rule updates it combines them in one file and maintains
PulledPork uses the following configuration file /etc/snort/pulledpork.conf. This file must
be edited with Snort Oinkcode. This code can be obtained by registering at Snort portal. This code
will allow to download rules for registered users. This rules are updated more often than
community rules. At the same time SNORT configuration file must be updated with proper
include $RULE_PATH/snort.rules
In addition, to run PulledPork daily a CRON job needs to be setup. And this feature is
not available on windows. CRON jobs is excellent in automating tasks according to time based
Snorby is another open source project that can be implemented with Snort. This add-on is
think is one of the most import parts of IDS. It provides a user friend GUI interface (refer to Figure
1) for monitoring the events and alerts produced by Snort. This project can be found on GitHub
repository. Software was developed on Ruby on Rails and is web based. Snorby can be used also
with other IDS systems like Suricata. One of the great features of Snorby is support of OpenFPC
(Full Packet Support). This allows to capture a complete flow of date instead and see a full scale
of attack.
In order to setup Snorby on Linux environment the following commands needs to be used
cd ~/snort_src/
wget -O
tar xzvf snorby-2.6.2.tar.gz
sudo cp -r ./snorby-2.6.2/ /var/www/html/snorby/
cd /var/www/html/snorby
sudo bundle install
sudo cp /var/www/html/snorby/config/database.yml.example
sudo vi /var/www/html/snorby/config/database.yml
sudo cp /var/www/html/snorby/config/snorby_config.yml.example
sudo sed -i
s/"\/usr\/local\/bin\/wkhtmltopdf"/"\/usr\/bin\/wkhtmltopdf"/g \
cd /var/www/html/snorby
sudo bundle exec rake snorby:setup
In addition is recommend to create a separate MySQL database user for Snorby like we
did for Banyard2. This will have provided additional level of security to our database. After new
$ mysql -u root -p
myslq> create user 'depaul'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'TDC577';
myslq> grant all privileges on snorby.* to 'depaul'@'localhost'
with grant option;
myslq> flush privileges;
myslq> exit
cd /var/www/html/snorby/
sudo bundle exec rails server -e production
In our paper we have shown the need for using IDS systems despite the nature of the
environment. It can be for Service providers, enterprises, universities, or even for you home
network. In addition, we have provided you with some types of open source IDS.
Our focus in this paper was to give you a brief description about two techniques that can
optimize snort and make it work fast and efficiently. The third feature was to help the user in
Lastly, we have provided you the command lines needed to implement all these three
programs. Those commands belong to Linux environment and were tested on Ubuntu distribution .
Figure 1
[1 ] B. Caswell, J. Beale and A. Baker, Snort Intrusion Detection and Prevention Toolkit. Burlington:
Elsevier, 2007.
[3] R. Dionicio, "Installing PulledPork and Barnyard2 for Snort - Packet6", Packet6, 2014. [Online].
May- 2016].
[4] N. Dietrich, Snort 2.9.8.x on Ubuntu 12, 14, and 15 with Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby, 1st ed.
[5] D. Edwards, "Community:Snort Installation Guide for Ubuntu 12.04, with Barnyard2,,_with_Ba