Q2 HOPE 1 Revised
Q2 HOPE 1 Revised
Q2 HOPE 1 Revised
Health Optimizing
Physical Education 1
Quarter 2 – Week 1-8
Health Optimizing Physical Education 1 -Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
1st Semester Quarter 2- Module 2: Fitness and Exercise
Revised Copy, 2021
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Developer /Compiler : Claudith L. Zapanta , TII, Don Sergio Osmeña Sr. MNHS
Health Optimizing
Physical Education 1
Quarter 2 – Week 1-8
Introductory Message
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by teachers from
public schools to assist you in meeting the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum
while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource aims to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
The hand is one of the most symbolized parts of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action, and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create, and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you, as a learner,
are capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and
skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
At the end of this module you will also find:
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator through text, phone call, chat, or the online
classroom during the virtual orientation with students.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
This module was designed and written with you, students, in mind. It is here to help
you achieve optimum health through active engagement in physical activity. The
scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) released by
the Department of Education (DepEd) for this school year 2020 – 2021.
Second Quarter
Module 1- Weeks 1 to 8
Fitness and Exercise
Quarter : Second Quarter
Performance Standard : The learner leads sports events with proficiency and
confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in
influencing others positively.
Duration : 8 Weeks
Physical Activity
Lesson 1
Week 1 and 2 and Stress Management
What I Know
Instructions: Read the statements carefully and choose the correct answer. Write
your chosen answer on a separate sheet of paper. Don’t forget to write your name,
grade and section, and the module number.
1. This is a method of limiting stress and its effects by learning ways of behaving and
thinking that reduce it.
A. Time Management C. Physical Activity
B. Stress Management D. Sleep Management
4. It is a low impact physical activity that also develops the love of nature.
A. Yoga C. Gardening
B. Pilates D. Cycling
5. When you lost your self-esteem, it is a symptom that you are _______stressed.
A. physically C. behaviorally
B. emotionally D. mentally
6. These are events or conditions in your surroundings that may trigger stress.
A. stress C. body changes
B. stressors D. physical changes
8. The following stressors cause physical and mental reactions, EXCEPT:
A. anxiety C. peer pressure
B. self-confidence D. family problem
12. It is the excessive loss of water from the body, usually through sweating,
urination, and evaporation.
A. Hyperthermia C. Overtraining
B. Hypothermia D. Dehydration
13. One of the following shows that you are mentally stressed.
A. change in sleeping pattern C. body pains
B. constant worry D. change in eating habits
15. The following stressors cause physical and mental reactions, EXCEPT:
A. anxiety C. peer pressure
B. self-confidence D. family problem
What I Need To Know
This lesson focuses on recognizing the causes and symptoms of stress and how
physical activities help you in managing it.
What’s In
Think of something that made you feel bad, nervous, or worried lately.
What did you do? What made you feel better?
What’s New
Take the quiz to identify how stressed you are. Answer each of the following
statements with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
If you answered ‘Yes’ to five or more statements, stress management techniques are
recommended for you.
What Is It
Stress is a fact of life which you cannot avoid but you can manage.
Definition of terms
Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response.
The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional
Stressors are events or conditions in your surroundings that may trigger stress.
Stress management is a method of limiting stress and its effects by learning ways
of behaving and thinking that reduce it.
Symptoms of stress
There are four primary types of symptoms of stress: physical, emotional, cognitive,
and behavioral. The number of symptoms in every person varies depending on the
cause of stress. The chart below shows the types of symptoms that may be present
in someone suffering from stress.
Causes of stress
Why are you stressed? These are common things that cause teenagers’ stress.
1. School Requirements
2. Peer Pressure
3. Relationships
4. Family and financial needs
5. Anxiety
6. Self-doubt
Stress can directly affect one’s health. It’s impossible to eliminate, but you can learn
to manage it. Spending time with your family or friends, doing your hobbies, and
sleeping are usually done to cope with stress. While all of these coping techniques
are commonly known, exercise or physical activity is primarily recommended. Many
of the physical symptoms of stress can be managed through physical activity.
Keeping your body physically active can improve your mood and make you feel better.
Here are sample physical activities you can engage to reduce stress:
It is important to incorporate Physical Activity Assessment when you are engaging in
different physical activities to determine their health benefits and to know whether
progress has taken place. This assessment can be in a form of questionnaire (survey)
or Objective measures.
Experts advise to use direct observation and direct measurement assessment using
objective methods over a long period of time.
Keep in mind that no amount of stress is significant; instead, the person’s ability to
overcome the stressful situation is what matters most.
What’s More
Instructions: Interview household members regarding what stresses them and what
physical activities relieve them from stress. Follow the template below.
1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
What I Can Do
A. My Plan
1. Use a separate sheet of paper and copy the template below.
2. Recall the things that stressed you this week.
3. Plan what physical activity you will be doing. Find something that you really
enjoy doing because that increases the likelihood that you would continue
participating in the activity.
4. Slowly build up your activity level and participation in your chosen physical
activity. Start with 20-30 minute sessions three times a week and gradually
increase the time. Make sure that the total time should be at least 60 minutes.
5. Let your parent/guardian affix his/her signature in the scoresheet as witness.
B. Execution
Instructions: Do the chosen physical activity as scheduled in your calendar and its
allotted time as indicated in your plan.
Important Reminder
• Do not exercise with an empty stomach. Eat something light to give you some
stamina. But do not exercise immediately after a full meal because this will
affect digestion.
• Replenish extra fluids before, during, and after physical activity to avoid
• Beware of the weather and environmental conditions. Avoid doing outdoor
vigorous exercises in hot or humid weather because this may lead to an
alarming increase of body temperature called Hyperthermia.
• Don’t overdo the exercises. Overexertion or Overtraining causes fatigue, sleep
problems, and increased risks for injuries.
C. Assessment
1. Your performance will be rated based on the rubric below.
2. Copy the template for your scoresheet on a separate sheet.
3. Put the check mark (✓) if the physical activity is performed and let your
parent/guardian affix his/her signature on the last column as witness.
Signature Over Printed Name of Parent or Guardian
Each day has a total score of 10 points. Perfect score is 80 points.
Table 1. Physical Activity Performance Rubric
Instructions: Read the statements carefully and choose the correct answer. Write
your chosen answer on a separate sheet of paper with your name, grade and section,
and the module number on the upper left most of the paper.
1. These are events or conditions in your surroundings that may trigger stress.
A. stress C. body changes
B. stressors D. physical changes
3. When you lost your self-esteem, it is a symptom that you are _______stressed.
A. physically C. behaviorally
B. emotionally D. mentally
4. It is a low impact physical activity that also develops the love of nature.
A. Yoga C. Gardening
B. Pilates D. Cycling
6. This a method of limiting stress and its effects by learning ways of behaving and
thinking that reduce it.
A. Time Management C. Physical Activity
B. Stress Management D. Sleep Management
8. It is a low impact physical activity that also develops the love of nature.
A. Yoga C. Gardening
B. Pilates D. Cycling
10. One of the following shows that you are mentally stressed.
A. change in sleeping pattern C. body pains
B. constant worry D. change in eating habits
11. The following does not help you in coping with stress.
A. social support from family/friends C. doing your hobbies
B. participation in physical activity D. alcohol drinking
12. It is the excessive loss of water from the body, usually through sweating,
urination, and evaporation.
A. Hyperthermia C. Overtraining
B. Hypothermia D. Dehydration
14. The following stressors cause physical and mental reactions, EXCEPT:
A. anxiety C. peer pressure
B. self-confidence D. family problem
Lesson 2 Bone and Muscle
Week 3-5 Strengthening Activities
What I Know
Instructions: Read and understand the following statements. Write YES if you think
it is correct and NO if it is not correct. Write your answers in a separate sheet of
paper. (Write your name, grade and section, and the module number.)
This lesson involves performance on another type of physical activity and its barriers
that are needed to overcome to adopt a physically active lifestyle.
What’s In
What’s New
Copy and fill-up the Physical Activity Readiness Questionairre (PAR-Q) on a separate
sheet of paper. Please read the questions carefully and answer each one honestly.
Check Yes or No.
1. Talk with your doctor by phone BEFORE you start becoming much more
physically active or BEFORE you have a fitness appraisal.
2. Tell your doctor about the PAR-Q and which questions you answered YES.
3. If you are not able to talk with your doctor, you may do the activity with
moderation or you may limit your activities to those which are safe for you.
4. Talk with your doctor about the kinds of activities you wish to participate in and
follow his/her advice.
5. Find out which community programs are safe and helpful for you.
If you answered NO honestly to all PAR-Q questions, you can be reasonably sure
that you can:
1. Start becoming much more physically active. Begin slowly and build up
gradually. This is the safest and easiest way to go.
2. Take part in a fitness appraisal. This is an excellent way to determine your basic
fitness so that you can plan the best way for you to live actively.
Delay becoming much more active:
1. If you are not feeling well because of a temporary illness such as a cold or a
fever. Wait until you feel better.
2. If you are or may be pregnant, talk to your doctor before you start becoming
more active.
Please take note of the restrictions, if you have, based on the result of your PAR-Q.
Never sacrifice your health and safety. Remember, your safety is our priority. So be
safe and have fun as you engage in different physical activities!
What Is It
When engaging in regular physical activity or planning your physical activity routine,
it is important for you to know the types of physical activity that you should engage
in and the benefits they provide.
Examples: Examples:
Benefits: Benefits:
• They increase bone • They boost the strength of muscles,
density, strength, and tendons, and ligaments.
reduce the risk of • They develop lean muscle mass that
osteoporosis. contributes to healthy body weight.
• They improve mental • They can help you perform well in daily
health and reduce the risk physical tasks.
of depression.
After knowing the type of physical activity you want to engage in, it is best to have a
self-assessment to determine and gauge your personal fitness level. It is done by
recording and evaluating assessment result. However, you should not make
conclusions about your fitness level solely to your performance in the assessment
Health-Related Physical Fitness Testing
Assessing one’s health status will help you know about one’s strengths and
weaknesses. Being aware of your health-related fitness level and its relevant
interpretation will help you efficiently create an action plan in observing a healthy
lifestyle and selecting appropriate activities for areas that need improvement.
• Procedure:
a. Identify your weight in kilograms and height in meters.
b. Calculate your BMI using the formula:
• Procedure:
a. Stand at least one foot away from the step or bench with trunk erect and
eyes looking straight ahead.
b. The first step of the sequence should be alternate. Step up and down the
step/bench for 3 minutes at a rate of 96 beats per minute. One step
consists of 4 beats- up with the left foot (count 1), up with the right foot
(count 2), down with the right foot (count 3), down with the left foot (count
4) for the second sequence. Observe proper breathing (inhale through the
nose; exhale through the mouth).
c. Immediately after the exercise, stand and locate your pulse and in (5) five
seconds, start getting the heart rate.
d. Don’t talk while taking the pulse beat.
e. Count the pulse beat for 10 seconds and multiply it by 6.
• Procedure:
a. Assume a push-up position. Rest body on forearms with palms and fingers
flat on the floor. Elbows are aligned with the shoulders.
b. Legs are straight with ankles, knees, and thighs touching together.
c. Support weight on forearms and toes; make sure your back is flat. Head,
neck, and spine are in a straight line.
d. Keep abdominals engaged/contracted; do not let stomach drop and hips to
• Procedure:
a. Stand erect.
b. Raise your right arm, bend your elbow, and reach down across your back
as far as possible, to test the right shoulder; extend your left arm down and
behind your back, bend your elbow up across your back, and try to
reach/cross your fingers over those of your right hand as if you to pull a
zipper or scratch across the shoulder blades.
c. To test left shoulders, repeat procedures a and b with the left hand over the
left shoulder.
1. Lack of time
• Schedule activities into your day and use an exercise log so you can see
how little time it takes.
2. Lack of motivation to begin
• Keep in mind all the physical and psychological benefits of the activity.
3. No support
• Join a club or program, or get active with a friend or family member so
you have support and encouragement during difficult times.
4. Feeling of being uncomfortable and bored
• Choose an activity you enjoy and keep it varied.
5. Risk of injury
• Progressing gradually will help you avoid injury and don’t push yourself
too hard.
What’s More
1. Compute your BMI and give its interpretation. (Show your solution at the back of
the scoresheet)
2. Perform the three (3) health-related physical fitness tests.
3. After completing the tests, record your results and their equivalent score based on
the rubrics below. Analyze the results of your performance of the 3 health-related
physical fitness tests in relation to your BMI.
4. Copy the template for scoresheet on a separate paper.
5. Let your parent/guardian affix his/her signature in the last column.
BMI-_______________ -_____________(Interpretation)
Physical Score
Fitness Test 5 4 3 2
(Excellent) (Good) (Fair) (Needs
1. 3-minute Male: less 79-99 HB 100-116 More than
Step Test than 79 HB HB 117 HB
Female: Less 85-108 HB 107-126 More than
than 85 HB HB 127 HB
2. Basic Plank 51 sec. & 46-50 31-45 16 and below
3. Zipper Test Fingers Fingers Fingers Just touched the
overlapped overlapped overlapped fingers
by 6cm & by 3.5- by 0.1-
above 5.96cm 3.4cm
What I Can Do
B. Execution
1. Create a 20-minute dance exercise using the different movements of the
household chores listed in the table above.
2. The rubric below is your guide for the rating of your performance. Copy it
in a separate sheet.
3. Additional points will be given for taking some pictures or video of your
Performance. Submit this to your teacher.
4. Let your parent or guardian rate your performance and affix him\her
signature as witness/rater.
Important Reminder
Execution and Consistently Most of the Movements Offbeat
Timing moves in time are movements;
synchronizat movements inconsistent can’t dance
ion with the are with the with the beat
beat. consistent beat.
with the
Adherence to Follow all Has not Has not Has not
safety and safety followed 2 followed 4 followed all the
precaution protocol safety safety safety protocol
protocol protocol
Signature Over Printed Name of Parent or Guardian
Read the statements carefully. Write True if the statement is correct and False if
it is incorrect. Write your answers in a separate sheet.
Lesson 3 FITT Principle
Week 6 - 8
What I Know
8. It is the principle of exercise which talks about the selection of appropriate
activities to help achieve the desired results.
A. Frequency C. Time
B. Intensity D. Type
9. Identify the part of FITT program being developed in the following situation.
Situation: Marie is doing the 3-minute jumping jacks and she feels hard doing
it. After doing it, her breathing is deep and rapid. She even can’t say
few words without stopping for breath.
A. Frequency C. Time
B. Intensity D. Type
Situation: Luis is a volleyball player. As the libero of their team, his coach
trained him through different agility exercises.
A. Specificity C. Aerobic
B. Overload D. Progression
II. Yes/No
Instructions: Read the following situation and its subsequent suggestions
carefully. Write YES if the suggestion WILL help John meet his fitness goal. Write
NO if the suggestion WILL NOT help John meet his fitness goal.
John is working on an activity plan. His primary goal is to increase his heart and
lung endurance.
1. John should focus on aerobic exercises.
2. John should skip his warm-up in order to get the maximum benefit
from each exercise.
3. John should plan to exercise everyday as soon as he begins his plan.
4. John should limit his activity to strength training.
5. John should exercise at a high intensity every day.
What I Need To Know
This lesson focuses on how to apply the FITT principle to the various components of
Physical Fitness, such as: Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Strength, and
Muscular Endurance. In addition, it also focuses in the application of FITT principle
in creating one’s workout plan.
What’s In
Review the results of your self-assessed Physical Fitness Test. How will you design
your own fitness program to improve your physical fitness status?
What’s New
Zach has been engaging in exercise for a couple of months. He engages in one physical
activity every day for 30 minutes. A few days after he started, he experienced positive
results from his physical activity program, one of which is not easily getting tired at
the end of each exercise. In fact, his self-assessment score showed that there is
progress in his cardiorespiratory status.
However, Zach felt discouraged because his flexibility and muscular strength show no
improvement as much as he did before. Zach is desperate to know what is wrong with
his fitness program.
What Is It
In order to get the most out of your training, you must follow some basic training
principles which are overload, specificity, and progression.
• Overload means to work your body harder than it normally does to improve
your fitness. This should not be confused with overtraining when you don’t
have get enough rest during your training schedule. You can increase
frequency, intensity, and time of training gradually to avoid injuries. It should
be followed by rest to enable your body to prepare for more strenuous exercise
later on.
Using this principle, Zach could have increased the level of intensity to avoid his
fitness level to hit a plateau.
• Specificity relates to the type of training that you do, or a specific skill, and
the specific part of the body you want to develop. So, if you want to improve
your arm strength, do the strengthening activities which improve your arm
strength like push-ups, weight lifting, and punches. Similarly, do not spend
too much time doing muscular strength if your goal is to increase your
cardiovascular endurance.
Being fit is important and requires a proper plan, effort, and discipline. If we want to
live healthy, we need to optimize our daily physical activities to achieve our desired
level of fitness.
1. Frequency
How often should you exercise? Your fitness will improve greatly if you exercise more
often and it is measured in days per week. But remember that your body needs 24
to 72 hours of rest in between workouts to recover.
2. Intensity
How hard should you exercise? It means that you should know your maximum
strength and it is often described as light, moderate, and vigorous. The best way to
gauge the intensity of your exercise is to monitor your heart rate. You should choose
a weight heavy enough to exhaust your muscles but light enough for you to complete
the repetitions in good form.
The intensity level target may be determined by computing the target heart rate (THR)
range based on the results of an exercise, considering the resting and exercise heart
rate, with 60% to 80% intensity level using the Karvonen’s Formula.
Therefore, your target heart rate range is 146 (4.a) to 174 (4.b) beats per minute.
When performing physical activities, your heart rate is within the normal range.
Therefore, you have to select moderate to vigorous activities that will make your heart
pump within the THR range of 146 to 174 bpm.
3. Time
How long should you exercise? How many repetitions, sets, and rest should you make?
The time dedicated to exercise usually depends on the type of exercise undertaken.
Your fitness will improve if you spend more time exercising. Remember, this does not
have to be all in one session. It can be distributed within the day.
4. Type
What kind of exercise should you use? There are different training modalities that you
can choose from --strength training, endurance training, exercises with weights,
machines, etc. You need to be specific on what type of exercise you will use on a
particular component of fitness you want to improve.
1. Cardiorespiratory Fitness
According to exercise experts, one must burn up 150 to 400 calories per day and
1000 calories in a week in order to gain significant benefits of cardiorespiratory
Do aerobic 60% to 80% of -60 minutes of Any type of
exercises 3 to 5 Heart Rate physical activity rhythmic activity
days a week Reserve per day that can be
-exercise with sustained for at
minimum of 30 least 20 minutes.
minutes per day Examples: brisk
walking and
It is important to develop a program that works for you and increases your
muscular strength and endurance. Your training program exercise should focus on
the major muscle groups.
2 or 3 -Vary the amount -Muscle- and -Perform at least 8
nonconsecutive of weight you lift, Bone- to 10 exercises to
days per week. number of strengthening train all the major
repetitions & sets, activities should muscle groups of
or the speed by be incorporated the body.
which you perform with moderate-
the exercise. vigorous physical
activities at least 3
times a week.
3. Flexibility
The best way to improve flexibility is to do regular stretching exercises. You need to
stretch the major muscle groups.
Minimum of 2 or 3 -Stretch just until -Hold each stretch -Do static
days per week you feel discomfort for 25 to 30 stretches.
or tightness, but seconds.
not to the point of
-2 to 4 repetitions
for each stretch
What’s More
1. Get the Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)
MHR = 220 - ________ (your age)
MHR =________________
4. Add each HRR to Resting Heart Rate (RHR) to obtain the target Heart Rate
(THR) range.
Activity/Exercise F I T T
Indicate the Light, Form of exercises Total time
days of the Moderate to must not
week Vigorous less than 60
What I Can Do
A. My FITTness Plan
Instructions: Read and answer what is ask in the following items. Copy first
the given template for week 1 below in a separate sheet of paper before doing
the activity. Don’t forget to write your name, grade and section.
Time Completed
Type of
Day Workout (in Repetitions Week Week
1 2
Ex: 30 mins 1 cardio ✓ ✓
B. Execution
Instructions: Read and execute the following guidelines.
1. Perform the different exercises indicated in your fitness plan for week 1.
2. After performing your fitness plan week 1, gradually increase the parts of
FITT that you think you need to adjust to achieve your fitness goal.
Indicate it on the second week plan.
3. On the second week, perform the exercises with adjusted parts of
prepared FITT.
C. Assessment
Instructions: Copy the score and the rating sheets below in a separate sheet of
paper and accomplish the following directions.
FITTness Plan Please put a √ mark Score
when done
Week 1 ___/25
Week 2 ___/25
Week 3 ___/25
Week 4 ___/25
Signature over printed name of parent or guardian
Rating Sheet:
Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
The FITT parts of the plan are accomplished.
Selection of appropriate activity is appropriate.
The activities for FITT is appropriate, achievable and
Activities are done as indicated in the plan.
Safety protocols are observed when doing the exercise.
Important Reminder
I. Instructions: Read the items carefully. Write the correct answer on a separate sheet
of paper. (Write your name, grade & section, and module number.)
1. Which part of FITT program is being developed in the following situation?
Situation: Jane is doing the 3-minute jumping jacks and she feels hard doing
it. After doing it, her breathing is deep and rapid. She even can’t say
few words without stopping for breath.
A. Frequency C. Time
B. Intensity D. Type
Situation: Luis is a volleyball player. As the libero of their team, his coach
trained him through different agility exercises.
A. Specificity C. Aerobic
B. Overload D. Progression
5. The FITT principle is used to _____________________.
A. determine how fit I am
B. plan my fitness program
C. measure the fitness level of a competitive athlete only
D. help weight loss
10. It is the best monitoring practice to measure the intensity of one’s exercise.
A. Breathing C. Heart rate
B. Sugar Level D. Rate of Perceived exertion
II. Yes/No
Instructions: Read the following situation and its subsequent suggestions carefully.
Write YES if the suggestion WILL help Wella meet her fitness goal. Write NO if the
suggestion WILL NOT help Wella meet her fitness goal.
Wella has learned that she is carrying too much body fat. She is planning a fitness
schedule to help her lower body fat and increase lean body tissue.
1. As Wella’s fitness schedule continues, she should increase the exercise
2. Wella should determine her current abdominal muscle strength and
endurance by measuring her pulse after doing curl-ups.
3. Wella should include a cool-down before every exercise session.
4. If Wella feels pain, she should not stop exercising.
5. Wella should begin by exercising once a week.
• Gadiano, Henry. Health and Physical Education for Fitness and Wellness.
Brilliant Creations Publishing, Inc.,2016
Online Sources:
Online Videos:
• Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOJAesUfGMA How to
Manage Stress and Anxiety with Physical Activity - Top 5 Tips Retrieved on
September 17, 2020
• Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9mM1vSr0vY Physical
Symptoms of Anxiety Retrieved on September 17, 2012
• Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvTL2Z1Jm9A Causes
of Stress in Teenagers and Real-life Solutions Retrieved on September 17,
Assessment What I Know
1. B 1. B
2. C 2. C
3. A 3. D
4. B 4. B
5. B 5. B
6. C 6. C
7. B 7. C
8. D 8. A
9. D 9. B
10. C 10. A
1. Yes 1. Yes
2. Yes 2. No
3. No 3. No
4. No 4. Yes
5. Yes 5. No
Lesson 3
Assessment What’s In What I Know
1. True 1. Yes
2. True 1. Physical Fitness Test
2. No
3. True 3. Yes
2. To determine and
4. True 4. Yes
gauge your fitness level
5. False 5. Yes
6. True 6. No
7. True 7. Yes
8. True 8. Yes
9. True 9. Yes
10. False 10. Yes
11. True 11. No
12. False 12. No
13. True 13. Yes
14. True 14. Yes
15. False 15. Yes
Lesson 2
Assessment What I Know
1. B 6. D 11. D 1. D 6. B 11. A
2. C 7. D 12. D 2. D 7. B 12. D
3. B 8. A 13. C 3. A 8. A 13. B
4. C 9. B 14. B 4. C 9. D 14. D
5. A 10. B 15. A 5. B 10. C 15. B
Lesson 1
Answer Key
For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Cebu City Division,
Curriculum Implementation Division
3rd Floor, DepEd Bldg., Imus Avenue, Cebu City, Philippines 6000