Parqplus 2020
Parqplus 2020
Parqplus 2020
1) Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition OR high blood pressure ?
2) Do you feel pain in your chest at rest, during your daily activities of living, OR when you do
physical activity?
3) C
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4) Have you ever been diagnosed with another chronic medical condition (other than heart disease
or high blood pressure)? PLEASE LISTCONDITION(S) HERE:
5) Are you currently taking prescribed medications for a chronic medical condition?
6) Do you currently have (or have had within the past 12 months) a bone, joint, or soft tissue
(muscle, ligament, or tendon) problem that could be made worse by becoming more physically
äCtÎV "? Please answer NO ifyou had a problem in the past, but it does not Timit your current abiTity to be physically active.
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7) Has your doctor ever said that you should only do medically supervised physical activity?
I'm If you answered NO to all of the questions above, you are cleared for physical activity.
Please sign the PARTICIPANT DECLARATION. You do not need to complete Pages 2 and 3.
@ Start becoming much more physically active — start slowly and build up gradually.
@ Follow Global Physical Activity Guidelines for your age (https://a
@ You may take part in a health and fit ness app raisal.
If you are over the age of 45 yr and NOT accustomed to regular vigorous to maximal effort exercise, consult a qualified exercise
professional before engaging in this intensity of exercise.
@ If you have any further questions, contact a qualified exercise professional.
If you are less than the legal age required for consent or require the assent of a care provide r your parent, guardian or care provider
must also sign this form.
I, the undersigned, have read, understood to my full satisfaction and completed this questionnaire. I ac knowledge that this physic al activity
clearance is valid for a maximum of 12 months from the date it is completed and becomes invalid if my condition changes. I also
acknowledge that the community/fitness center may retain a copy of this form for its records. In these instances, it will maintain the
confidentiality of the same, complying with a pplica ble law.
G If you answered YES to one or more of the questions above, COMPLETE PAGES 2 AND 3.
Delay becoming more active if:
You have a tempora ry illness such as a cold or fever; it is best to wait until you feel better.
a re pregnant - talk to your health care practitioner, your physician, a qualified exercise professional, and/or complete
the ePARmed-V+ at before becom mg more physically art ive.
Your health changes - answer the questions on Pages 2 and 3 of this doc ument and/or talk to your doctor or a qualified exercise
professional before continuing with any physica I activity program.
3. Do you have a Heart or Cardiovascular Condition? This includes Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Failure,
Diagnosed Abnormality of Heart Rhythm
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 3a-3d If NO go to question 4
3a. Do you have difficulty controlling your condition with medications or other physician-prescribed therapies?
(Answer NO if you are not currently taking medications or other treatments)
3b. Do you have an irregular heart beat that requires medical management? YES NO
(e.g., atrial flbrillation, premature ventricular contraction)
3c Do you have chronic heart failure? YES NO
3d. Do you have diagnosed coronary artery (cardiovascular) disease and have not participated in reg ular physical YESp
activity in the last 2 months?
5. Do you have any Metabolic Conditions? This includes Type 1 Diabetes,Type 2 Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 5a-5e If NO go to question 6
5a. Do you often have difficulty controlling your blood sugar levels with foods, medications, or other physician-
prescribed therapies?
5b. Do you often suffer from signs and symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) following exercise and/or
5c Do you have any signs or symptoms of diabetes complications such as heart or vascular disease and/or YES NO
complications affecting your eyes, kidneys, OR the sensation in your toes and feet?
5d. Do you have other metabolic conditions (such as current pregnancy-related diabetes, chronic kidney disease, OF YES NO
liver problems)?
5e. Are you planning to engage in what for you is unusually high (or vigorous) intensity exercise in the near future? YES Q NO
7. Do you have a Respiratory Disease? This includes Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma,
Pulmonary High Blood Pressure
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 7a-7d If NO go to question
7a. Do you have difficulty controlling your condition with medications or other physician-prescribed YES NO
therapies? (Answer NO if you are not currently taking medications or other treatments)
7b. Has your doctor ever said your blood oxygen level is low at rest or during exercise and/or that you require YES NO
supplemental oxygen therapy?
7c. If as thmatic, do you currently have symptoms of chest tightness, wheezing, laboured breathing, consistent cough
(more than 2 days/week), or have you used your rescue medication more than twice in the last week?
7d. Has your doctor ever said you have high blood pressure in the blood vessels of your lungs?
8. Do you have a Spinal Cord Injury? This includes Tetraplegia and Paraplegia
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 8a-8c If NO |**] go to question 9
8a. Do you have difficulty controlling your condition with medications or other physician-prescribed therapies? yES NO
(Answer NO if you are not currently taking medications or other treatments)
8b. Do you commonly exhibit low resting blood pressure sig niflcant enough to cause dizziness, light-
headedness, y ES NO
and/or fainting?
8c Has your physician indicated that you exhibit sudden bouts of high blood pressure (known as Autonomic YES NO
9. Have you had a Stroke? This includes Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) or Cerebrovascular Event
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 9a-9c If NO[**] go to question
9a. Do you have difficulty controlling your condition with medications or other physician-prescribed therapies?
(Answer NO if you are not currently taking medications or other treatments) ES
10. Do you have any other medical condition not listed above or do you have two or more medical conditions?
If you have other medical conditions, answer questions 10a-10c If NO{_j read the Page 4 recommendations
10a. Have you experienced a blackout, fainted, or lost consciousness as a result of a head injury within the last 12 YES
months OR have you had a diagnosed concussion within the last 1 2 months?
10b. Do you have a medical condition that is not listed (such as epilepsy, neurological conditions, kidney problems)? YES NO
10c. Do you currently live with two or more medical
conditions? YES NO
GO to Page 4 for recommendations about your current C aper ight Oc 2020 PAR-Q* Col lab or ati or
If you answered NO to all of the FOLLOW-UP questions (pgs. 2-3) about your medical condition,
@It is advised that you consult a qualified exercise professional to help you develop a safe and effective physica
You are encouraged to start slowly and build up gradually - 20 to 60 minutes of low to moderate intensity exercis
@ As you progress, you should aim to accumulate 150 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity pe
qualified exercise professional before engaging in this intensity of exercise.
G You are encouraged to photocopy the PAR-Q+. You must use the entire questionnaire and NO changes are permitted.
G The authors, the PAR-Q+ Collaboration, partner organizations, and their agents assume no liability for persons who
undertake physical activity and/or make use of the PAR-Q+ or ePARmed-X+. If in doubt after completing the questionnaire,
consult your doctor prior to physical activity.
0 AII persons who have completed the PAR-Q+ please read and sign the declaration below.
GIf you are less than the legal age required for consent or require the assent of a care provider, your parent, guardian or care
provider must also sign this form.
I, the undersigned, have read, understood to my full satisfaction and completed this questionnaire. I acknowledge
that this physical activity clearance is valid for a maximum of 2 months from the date it is completed and
becomes invalid if my condition changes. I also acknowledge that the community/fitness center may retain a copy
of this form for records. In these instances, it will maintain the confidentiality of the same, complying with
applicable law.
3 Chish olm DM, Coll is ML, Kula LLL, Dayen pot tW, and Gtubet N Physi ¢al a ¢tiyup lead in ess BIlash Columbia Me di¢al Joutn al 1975,17 37S-378
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