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Organized 2016

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Employment Application Form

First Name: Olivia Middle Name: Last Name: Mudarikwa

Address:2205 Clipsham Views, Apartment/Unit#: Clipsham Views

City: Masvingo State, Country: Zimbabwe ZIP: 00263

PC Email Address:
Home Phone #: 00263782443489 Mobile Phone #: 00263782443489

Skype ID: Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD):1980 / Sex: Female

03 / 04

Nationality: Zimbabwean

Emergency Contact Name (Home Country): Munyaradzi Mudarikwa Phone #: 00263782218870 Relation: Husband

Emergency Contact Name (Japan): n/a Phone #: n/a Relation: n/a

Have you ever worked as an ALT in Japan? ☐ Yes ☐√ No If yes, please fill in the following (Dates: YYYY/MM - YYYY/MM)

Pref./City: Levels: ☐ KD ☐ ES ☐ JHS ☐ HS ☐ Uni. Company: Dates: -

Pref./City: Levels: ☐ KD ☐ ES ☐ JHS ☐ HS ☐ Uni. Company: Dates: -

Pref./City: Levels: ☐ KD ☐ ES ☐ JHS ☐ HS ☐ Uni. Company: Dates: -

Have you ever worked at an Eikaiwa? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, please fill in the following (Dates: YYYY/MM - YYYY/MM)

Pref./City: Levels: ☐ Kids ☐ Students ☐ Adult Company: Dates: -

Pref./City: Levels: ☐ Kids ☐ Students ☐ Adult Company: Dates: -

Have you ever been convicted or accused of a crime? ☐ Yes ☐ √No If yes, please explain

Have you ever been accused of anything by the police

and/or a third party both in your home country and in ☐ Yes ☐ √No If yes, please explain


Have you ever used substances that are prohibited

☐ Yes ☐ √No If yes, please explain
under Japanese law?

Do you have a valid driver’s license? ☐ Yes (Country issued in: Date issued on: Expiration date: ) ☐√ No

Where did you hear about Borderlink? (Please mark one)

☐ Borderlink Website ☐ √Gaijinpot ☐ Jobs in Japan ☐ Craigslist ☐ Facebook ☐ X(Twitter) ☐ Instagram ☐ LinkedIn

☐ Web search (i.e. Google) ☐ MUSUBI ☐ School ☐ Friend ☐ Other:

Which social media platforms do you use? (Mark all that apply)

☐ √Facebook ☐ X(Twitter) ☐ Instagram ☐ TikTok ☐√ Youtube ☐ √LinkedIn ☐ Pinterest ☐ Snapchat ☐ Other:

High school name: Founders High School Country: Zimbabwe


From 1993/01 to 1996/11

Did you graduate? ☐ √Yes ☐ No Clubs participated in: Field events

University name: Great Zimbabwe University Country: Zimbabwe

From 2019/03 to 2022/11

Did you graduate? ☐√ Yes ☐ No Type of degree: Bachelor Honors Degree

Major: Logistics and Transport Management Clubs participated in: Athletics

Other:Diploma in Teacher Education Country:Zimbabwe

From 200/01 to 2002/11

Did you graduate? ☐√ Yes ☐ No Type of degree:Diploma in Teaching

Major: Junior Level Clubs participated in: all across the curriculum

Teaching Certificates: ☐ TESOL ☐ TEFL ☐ CELTA ☐ √Teaching license (country:Zimbabwe )☐Other

( )

Have you had at least 12 years of education with English being the medium of instruction? ☐√Yes ☐No

(Where the language of instruction for all your subjects and courses were taught in English)

If “Yes”, would you be able to provide documentation of the above from your schools? ☐√Yes ☐No

Please list three professional references.

Full Name: Maradzapasi Sharon Relationship: Supervisor Phone Number: 00263774948623

Company: Mutapurwa Primary school Email Address:

Full Name: Tareva Ak Relationship: Supervisor Phone Number: 00263775124846

Company: Majongwe Primary School Email Address:

Full Name: Chidya C Relationship: Tutor Phone Number: 00263772155912

Company: Email Address:

Company: Majongwe Primary School Phone #: 00263775124846 Job title: Teacher In Charge

Address: Box 355 Guruve From 2014/01 to 2019/10 Supervisor: MR AK TAREVA


Responsibilities: Teaching, scheming, marking, assessing pupils progress through tests, senior teacher

Reason for leaving: Transfer May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference?

✓ ☐Yes ☐No

Company: Mutapurwa Primary School Phone #: 00263774948623 Job title: Teacher In Charge

Address: Box 225 Guruve From 2019/10 to 2023/11 Supervisor: MS MARADZAPASI S


Responsibilities: Teaching, scheming, assessing, mentoring student teachers, disciplinary committee and sports organizer.


Reason for leaving: Transfer May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference?
✓ ☐Yes ☐No

Company: Great Zimbabwe University Phone #:+263 772 155 912 Job title: Student

Address: PO BOX 125 Masvingo From To (YYYY/MM) Supervisor: Mr Chidya

2019/03 2022/11

Responsibilities: Student

Reason for leaving: N/A May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference?
✓ ☐Yes ☐No
Branch: N/A From N/A to Rank at discharge:

Type of discharge: If other than honorable, explain.



1) Do you have any special talents? (Ex., playing instruments, magic, singing, etc.)

Coaching field events

2) What are your hobbies?

Reading and visiting places of interest

3) Do you have any tattoos? ☐ Yes Where are they located? ( No ) ☐ No

4) Do you smoke? ☐ Yes ☐√ No

5) Have you ever been treated for any serious mental, emotional, nervous or eating disorders, or for depression? ☐ Yes ☐ √No

6) Are you currently seeing a physician and/or undergoing treatment and/or taking prescribed medications? ☐ Yes ☐ √No

If yes, please give details:

7) Have you ever taken a physical examination? ☐ Yes - When? ( / ) ☐ √No

What diseases, medical conditions or injuries do you currently have or have had in the past?


If you have ever been hospitalized, please give details as to when, why and the duration of treatment:


8) Are there any foods you cannot or do not eat for medical or personal reasons? ☐ Yes ☐√ No

If yes, please give details: N/a

9) Please sum up your personality, especially your thoughts on being punctual


All applicants should evaluate their Japanese language proficiency honestly using the guidelines below.

Reading: ☐ advanced ☐ semi-advanced ☐ intermediate ☐ elementary ☐ introductory ☐ √none

Writing : ☐ advanced ☐ semi-advanced ☐ intermediate ☐ elementary ☐ introductory ☐√ none

Speaking: ☐ advanced ☐ semi-advanced ☐ intermediate ☐ elementary ☐ introductory ☐√ none

Listening: ☐ advanced ☐ semi-advanced ☐ intermediate ☐ elementary ☐ introductory ☐ √none

Introductory: Applicant is familiar with basic greetings and conversation, and has previous experience with hiragana and katakana

Elementary: Applicant has mastered elementary level of grammar, about 100 kanji, 100 words, and demonstrates the ability to listen and

understand simple conversation and read short, simple sentences

Intermediate: Applicant has mastered basic grammar, 300 kanji, 500 words, and demonstrates the ability to listen to and understand

everyday conversation and to read simple sentences

Semi-advanced: Applicant has mastered grammar at a relativity high level, 500 kanji, 2,000 words, and demonstrates the listening and

reading comprehension ability about matters of a general nature

Advanced: Applicant has mastered grammar to a high level, about 2,000 kanji, 10,000 words, and has an integrated command of the

language sufficient for life in Japanese society and for providing a useful base for study at a Japanese university.

10) Have you passed the JLPT? ☐ Yes Please indicate your level. ( N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 ) ☐ √No


The following questions are to get to know you as a person better, as well as gather information that will help us when introducing you to

various schools and boards of education. Please answer each question honestly and as fully as possible.

11) Why do you want to be a teacher?

Teaching is my passion and besides l have 20 years of experience and expertise in this field.

12) What is your impression of Japan? (i.e. What do you like? What are you interested in? What first attracted you?

I like learning and getting to know more about other cultures hence my desire to be in Japan. I so much like the way the Japanese people

respect their culture and how they have tried to match their school curriculum to their culture.

13) What are your goals for your time in Japan?

I wish to learn Japanese, focus on making the kids l teach learn in as much English vocabulary as l can. I would also want to immerse ly

contribute to the growth culture sensetisation in Jaoana

14) Do you have any experience in public speaking or speaking in front of large groups of people? ☐ √Yes ☐ No

If yes, please give details: Giving speech to parents on speech and prize giving days, giving lecture presentations

15) Please tell us of any experience you have teaching (or interacting with) children. (Please list dates as YYYY/MM)

Have worked as a teacher from 2002 to date at government institutions.


16) Please write a short essay on the following: Reasons why you think you will be a good teacher.

I am hard working, approachable and good with children. I have proven experience working with children of different ages and with

different backgrounds. I have the ability to build good work relationships with both children and adul. I am creative, fle xible, have

good organisational skills , l enjoy working with children hence l have the ability to manage groups of pupils and deal with challe nging


17) Which level would you be interested in teaching? (Mark all that apply)

☐ √Kindergarten/Pre-school school ☐ Elementary school ☐ Junior high school ☐ Other:

Please give a detailed reason why. This is because these young ages are easy to do language acquisition.

18) What ideas do you have for making your classes interesting?

Games, using real media for every lessons, songs in English and story telling

19) How will you deal with “problem students?”

Your class should be kept occupied with written work to curb misbehaving

20) You may have a lot of time at school when you have no classes. How do you plan to use this time?

As a foreigner who is not knowledgeable on the Japanese language, i will take this opportunity to study and learn Japanese.
21) What difficulties, including homesickness, do you expect to encounter in Japan, and how will you deal with them? Communication

barrier with locals due to language hence l plan to make friends with both Japanese and other Assistant Language Teacher.

22) Would you be willing to ride a bicycle should it be necessary? (within a reasonable distance) ☐√ Yes ☐ No

Would you be willing to drive a car to work? ☐ √Yes ☐ No

23) How far are you willing to commute (time wise)?

Less one hour to one hour.

24) If you are required to be at school at 8:30, what time do you think you should arrive at school?


25) In which general area would you like to be placed and why?

☐ √ Anywhere ☐ Kanto ☐ Kansai ☐ Tohoku ☐ Chubu ☐ Kyushu ☐ Other ( )

Please give a detailed reason why? As a first time recruit l just want a job

Would a rural placement be an acceptable placement for you? ☐ √Yes ☐ No

If no, please give a detailed reason why.

26) Please tell us of any experience you have in the office. (Mark all that apply)

Typing ☐ Blind touch ☐ Pick and peck ☐√ Never used this skills

MS Office ☐ √Power Point ☐√ Excel ☐√ Word ☐√ Access

Visual editing ☐ Movie Maker ☐√ Illustrator ☐ Photoshop



27) After purchasing your airplane ticket, how much money (in JPY) will you have at your disposal upon arrival?


28) How long are you planning on living in Japan? □ 1 year □ 2-3 years D 3-4 years □ v'Syears or more
29) Are you planning on living with someone in Japan? (Friend, partner, pet, etc.) D Yes □v' No
If yes, what living arrangements do you plan to make?

30) Can you commit to a full year of employment with Borderlink? D v'Yes D No


Please write the following bold texts BY HAND on the lines below.

I hereby certify the following:

• That my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge

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• That I have nev een convicted or accuse a crime, both in my home cquntry and in Japan. _ _ I
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• That I understand the " Confirmation Related to the Handling of Personal Information " policy and agree to sharing my personal

• If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in

Signature: Date /YYYY/MM/DD):


-Confirmation Related to the Handling of Personal Information -


1. BORDERLINK, INC. (hereinafter the Company) uses personal information for the following purposes:
(1) For selection and decisions on candidates during recruitment of the Company and sister companies
(2) For responding to all types of inquiries
(3) For creating statistical data

2. Personal information will not be provided to a third party without the consent of the candidate. However, information is
provided in the following cases:
(1) When notification or written disclosure of required items is given to the candidate in advance, and said candidate
grants approval
(2) When required by law
(3) When there is a possibility of threat or damage to body or property, either personal or public.
(4) When it is difficult to obtain the consent of the candidate yet necessary to protect public health or promote the
sound development of children.
(5) When obtaining consent of the candidate impedes the work of a national or local government official, or a delegated
representative authorized by law.
(6) When sharing personal information with our group companies serves to secure employment opportunities as well as to
develop higher quality services
3. Personal information gathered shall be divided into mandatory items and optional items. If any mandatory items are
lacking, resubmission may be requested. If items are not resubmitted, please be advised that some inquiries may not be handled.

4. The company may entrust a portion of data processing to a company that exceeds a set criteria for personal information
security determined by the Company.

5. It is with the understanding that any submission of documents will not be returned to the candidate. In addition, said
documents will be properly disposed of for unsuccessful candidates.
6. The Company may share personal information among sister companies of the same group under strict management and
direction to the extent that is necessary under the following conditions for added·value, high·level services. The use shall not
exceed the purposes of personal information use of each sister company within the group.
(1) Purposes for shared use
Personal information shall be shared and used within the parameters of the following work duties:
G) For selection and decisions on candidates during recruitment
@ For handling all types of candidate inquiries
(2) Scope of information for shared use
Each sister company in the group may share and use obtained personal information but, such use will be limited to what
is absolutely necessary for the execution of work duties as listed in (1).
(3) Companies under the scope of shared use
Rarejob Sister Company Services (https://www.rarejob.co.jp/en/service)
(4) Person in charge of shared use of personal information
Rarejob Co., Ltd. Corporate Executive Officer Nakamura Galm
(5) Methods for obtaining personal information
Personal information for shared use shall be obtained through written documentation by each sister company in the group.
Appropriate safety measures shall be taken upon receipt of personal information.

7 . Please refer to the following homepage to contact the Company regarding:

(1) Notifications on use of personal information, disclosure, content revisions, additions, or omissions, suspension of use,
destruction of information
(2) Suspension of third party provisions
(3) Complaints relating to the handling of personal information
Please refer to the Company homepage for details on disclosure of each form of personal information.

8. Among personal information, personnel and evaluation items are not subject to disclosure, correction, or deletion.

9. Interpretation of wording
If any differences occur in the interpretation of wording between the Japanese and English texts of this agreement, the
Japanese text shall prevail.

Please contact the following office with questions regarding this document:
< Contact Information for Inquiries on the Handling of Personal Information>
Saitama·ken, Saitama·shi, Omiya·lrn, Shimocho 2·16·1 Across 8F
Telephone : 048·631·0230

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