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Seven Thunders Are Seven Men - Ganism Denounced - The Junior Jackson Connection


The History & Roots Of Ganism – Jackson Connection & Basis Of Message Perversion………………………………...1
Basis of Message Perversion……………………………………………………………………………..……………………...1
Heresies Exposed Previously………………………………………………………………………………...………………….2
New Heresies Exposed………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………3
Richard Gan’s Affiliates – USA and other Countries………………………………………………………………..………….4
Gan’s & Jackson’s Affiliation…………………………………………………………………………………….……………..5
Two “Chief Thunders” Separated……………………………………………………………………………………..………...5

Exposition Of New Heresies Of False Thunders Apostle Richard Gan………………………………………………….....7
Heretical Article No. 596: An apostle does not feed the saints or answer questions with quotes of William Branham………7
Heretical Article No. 597: Christian women in Asian Nations can wear trousers and pajamas. ……………………………...8
Heretical Article No. 598: It is okay for men who are message believers from eastern nations to wear a “sarong” or “lungi”
(Skirt-like garments), and women to wear “samfoo” (Pants-like
Heretical Article No. 599: A divorced woman can be re-married…….…...………………………………………………...14
Heretical Article No. 600: I Corinthians 7: 15 gives the woman the authority to be remarried……………………………...15
Heretical Article No. 601: A woman can be remarried…...…………………………………………………………………..16
Heretical Article No. 602: Christians can eat blood...………………………………………………………………………...16
Heretical Article No. 603: America is the false prophet of Rev. 16: 13.……………………………………………………..16
Heretical Article No. 604: God has left America and moved westward to Asia………………...............................................17

New Ganism Heresies: Genesis, Creation And The Mark Of Cain………………………………………………………..18
Heretical Article No. 605: Abel had dominion over the animals like Adam…………………………………………………18
Heretical Article No. 606: Genesis 4: 6-7: The sin that lieth at Cain’s door was a sin offering……………………………...18
Heretical Article No. 607: The ground was cursed twice in Genesis..……….. ……………………………………………...19
Heretical Article No. 608: The mark of Cain: God increased his size and intellect………………………………………….19
Heretical Article No. 609: Genesis 4: 6 means that Cain’s race began to profanely call on the Lord………………………..20
Heretical Article No. 610: The Scribes and Pharisees had the mark of Cain. That was elect persecuting elect……………...20
Heretical Article No. 611: The mark of the beast today is religions having everything big………………………………….21
Heretical Article No. 612: The fiery stones of Ezekiel were cherubims……………………………………………………...22
Heretical Article No. 613: There was a recreation of the Heaven & Earth…………………………………………………...22
Heretical Article No. 614: Angels were created in the image of God……...............................................................................22

New Ganism Heresies: The Garden Of Eden, New Jerusalem Etc…..................................................................................24
Heretical Article No. 615: The Garden spoke of in Genesis 2: B is not the Garden of Eden…...……………………………24
Heretical Article No. 616: The two trees were two laws that governed sexual reproduction………………………………...24
Heretical Article No. 617: The tree of Life and knowledge were not two persons…………………………………………...25
Heretical Article No. 618: People could have nibbled at the tree of Life.................................................................................25
Heretical Article No. 619: The Garden of Eden is the land of Israel…………………………………………………………25
New Jereusalem Heresies………………………………………26
Heretical Article No. 620: Brother Branham’s teaching on the New Jerusalem does not make sense……………………….26
Heretical Article No. 621: New Jerusalem is not literal……………………………………………………………………...26
Heretical Article No. 622: The Garden of Eden was both literal & spiritual…………………………………………………27
Heretical Article No. 623: The Garden of Eden holds the secret of the mystery of New Jerusalem…………………………27
Heretical Article No. 624: The New Jerusalem is the people of God...………………………………………………………28
Heretical Article No. 625: New Jerusalem is placed throughout the earth…………………………………………………...28
Heretical Article No. 626: The New Jerusalem will not descend in Jerusalem. That will not be its location………………..29
Heretical Article No. 627: City lieth foursquare means that the Bride is from the four corners of the earth………………...29
Heretical Article No. 628: The natural people in the new earth do not have supernatural bodies……………………………29
Heretical Article No. 629: The age of regeneration is in the millennium….............................................................................29
Heretical Article No. 630: Matthew 19th: the word “regeneration” used there is applicable to an age and time……………..30
Heretical Article No. 631: Matthew 19:28 and 25:31-46 is fulfilled before the thousand year reign………..……………….30
Heretical Article No. 632: Gan’s intellectual knowledge is spiritual understanding of truth given by the Holy Spirit……...30
Heretical Article No. 633: The renewing of your mind is the renewing of your intellect…..……………………………......31
Heretical Article No. 634: Paul was not the chief apostle. The doctrine of a chief apostle is erroneous…….………………31
Gan Coming Against E.O.D.H………...………………………………………………………………………………..……...32

New Ganism Heresies: The Baptism Of The Holy Ghost & The Day Of Pentecost……………………………………...34
Heretical Article No. 635: Only the twelve apostles received the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost……………………...34
Heretical Article No. 636:There were more than 120 gathered in Acts 1: 15...........................................................................34
Heretical Article No. 637: Where the 120 were gathered was not the upper room…………………………………………..34
Heretical Article No. 638: The outpouring took place in a different place from where the 120 were gathered……………...35
Heretical Article No. 639: The evidence of the Holy Ghost is that the Spirit will bear witness that we are the children of
Heretical Article No. 640: Gan received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost in organization…..………………………………..36
Heretical Article No. 641: The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost is different from the baptism of the
Holy Ghost…….37
Heretical Article No. 642: The power that came at Pentecost was not the power to do signs and wonders………………….37
Heretical Article No. 643: To teach that the New Birth and the baptism of the Holy Ghost are not the same is a fallacy…..38
Heretical Article No. 644: Brother Branham’s teaching that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost is power for service is
Heretical Article No. 645: Gan’s revelation is brighter (greater) than the message of Malachi 4…….……………………...39
Heretical Article No. 646: The commandment to tarry in Jerusalem for the Holy Ghost was only given to the eleven
apostles. ………..39

New Ganism Heresies: Theophanies & Tent Ministry……………………………………………………………………..41
Heretical Article No. 647: The Word ‘Theophany’ cannot be used for anyone but God Himself………..………………….41
Heretical Article No. 648: The theophany is God appearing in the visible form of a man; not the Pillar of fire.……………41
Heretical Article No. 649: The saints do not have a theophany body in heaven. They come into existence when the saints
Heretical Article No. 650: A soul does not wait to catch a baby as soon as it is born………………..………………………42
Heretical Article No. 651: God did not literally put Adam in a literal sleep and took a literal rib out of him to form Eve….43
Heretical Article No. 652: Moses and Elias did not literally appear in their theophanies on Mount Transfiguration. It was a
vision.. ………………43
Heretical Article No. 653: The Angel that brought the book of Revelation to St. John was a heavenly angel………………44
Heretical Article No. 654: The tent is not natural but spiritual………..……...........................................................................44
Heretical Article No. 655: The shout message brought us into the tent…...………………………………………………….45
Heretical Article No. 656: We must get into the little room because the translation will not be a public show……………..45
Heretical Article No. 657: Only the eleven apostles witnessed the ascension of the Lord Jesus…………………………….45
Heretical Article No. 658: The elect are capped by the Word..…………................................................................................46

Ganism Heresies Previously Exposed: A New Order Of Apostles; Seven Thunders Are Seven Men ………………….47
Heretical Article Nos. 15, 379 & 380: As the Word came to the prophets under the law, so the Word came to the apostles
under grace………………..48
Heretical Article No. 16 & 381: The seven thunders must be revealed by seven chosen men to give the Bride rapturing
Measuring Rod Of Identification Of Seven Thunders Ministry Applied………………………………………………………60

Gan’s Opposition To E.O.D.H. Defeated By The Word & Message Of Malachi 4………………….……………………61
Answer And Question……………………….……………………….………………………………………………………...65

Ganism Heresies Previously Exposed: 7 Spirits, Seals Opening & Revelation Chapter 10………………….…………..66
Heretical Article No. 356: The 7 spirits assume a total of 7 different roles…………………………………………………..66
Heretical Article No. 357: The seven Spirits of God came in a constellation of seven angels, and revealed the seals………67
Heretical Article No. 358: The 7 spirits take on the role of the 7 thunders…………………………………………………...67
Heretical Article No. 359: The scroll was a little scroll because of the huge size of the angel of Revelation 10:1……….....67
Heretical Article No. 360: The seals were not opened in 1963, but in AD 96………………………..………………………67
Heretical Article No. 361: The 7th seal cannot be an unopened seal. It was opened in AD 96…………………………….....68
Heretical Article No. 362: There is no literal mercy seat in heaven where the Lamb is laying…….………………………...68
Heretical Article No. 363: God’s mercy will be over only after the Millennial reign of Christ. …..………………………...68
Heretical Article No. 364: The words “sea” and “land” in Revelation 10, connote “Gentiles” and “Jews” respectively……68
Heretical Article No. 365: The phrase “as when a lion roareth” in Revelation 10, does not indicate that the mighty Angel
descended as the Lion of Judah………...69
Heretical Article No. 366: The “mystery of God” in Revelation 10:7, is the period of time for the grafting of the Gentiles.
Heretical Article No. 367: The voice of an archangel is the five-fold ministry… …………………………………………...69
Heretical Article No. 368: The Word-Groom and His Bride entered into spiritual marriage during the period 1963 to
Heretical Article No. 369: The Word-groom and His bride entered the spiritual nuptial chamber since around 1966………70
Heretical Article No. 370: We don’t need an outward revival in this hour; The Bride is capped by her “theophany..………70

Ganism Heresies Previously Exposed: Prehistoric Man, Sexual reproduction, Serpent & Serpent Seed, Polygamy,
Marriage & Divorce…..71
Heretical Article No. 371: There existed prehistoric man……….……………………………………………………………71
Heretical Article No. 372: The church is built upon twelve foundations……………………………………………………..71
Heretical Article No. 373: The Branhamites are our adversaries….……………………………………………………….....72
Heretical Article No. 374: Adam was not created to be a tiller of the ground………………………………………………..72
Heretical Article No. 375: Cain inherited a part of the nature of the Spirit of God…………………………….………….....72
Heretical Article No. 376: The two trees are two laws which governed the sexual reproductive organs..…………………...72
Heretical Article No. 377: It was the intention of God that they would bring forth by sexual union…………………...........72
Heretical Article No. 378: Brother Branham is not a prophet…...……………………………………………………………73
Heretical Article No. 382: Polygamy was introduced by Lamech (a serpent seed) and not by God or His children………...73
Heretical Article No. 383: A covenant of polygamy was not introduced after the fall…………… …………………………73
Heretical Article No. 384: The Old Testament prophets each had one wife……………………………………………….....73
Heretical Article No. 385: A woman could remarry if her husband divorces her………………………………………….....73
Heretical Article No. 386: In Christ Jesus, there is no preference so the woman could remarry………………………….....73
Heretical Article No. 387: If a woman’s unbelieving husband departs, she can remarry………………………………….....74
Heretical Article No. 388: Mixed marriage is not a sin, nor unscriptural………………………………………………….....74
Heretical Article No. 389: God never ordained polygamy…….……………………………………………………………...74
Heretical Article No. 390: The serpent was a household servant to Adam…………………………………………………...74
Heretical Article No. 391: The serpent and the seed of the serpent were tillers of the ground…………………………….....74
Heretical Article No. 392: Noah was unequally yoked. His wife was either a Cainite or a hybrid..........................................75
Heretical Article No. 393: Seth and Japheth possessed serpentine traits..................................................................................75
Heretical Article No. 394: The tree of Life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were two laws ………….……..75
Heretical Article No. 395: Genesis 4: 26 means that men began to profanely call upon the Name of the Lord……………..75
Heretical Article No. 396: All men today are traced back to Noah’s three sons for the inheritance of their satanic traits…..75
Heretical Article No. 397: No literal and physical serpent seed exist today……………………………………………….....75

Ganism Heresies Previously Exposed: Apostles, Mysteries Revealed, Five-Fold Ministry…….………………….……76
Heretical Article No. 398: The early church did not judge the teachings of the other apostles by what Paul taught……….76
Heretical Article No. 399: All the mysteries were not revealed by W.M.B…………………………………………………76
Heretical Article No. 400: Zechariah 14: 6-7 does not refer to the condition of the Laodicean age. It applies to Christ’s 3rd
Heretical Article No. 401: Culture, customs, and traditions of people are not necessarily against the Word of God………..76
Heretical Article No. 402: Believers are adding to the Word by putting the books and tapes of Brother Branham side by side
with the Word…..77
Heretical Article No. 403: There were no prophets, evangelist, pastor and teachers in the upper room……..………………77
Heretical Article No. 404: There were no pastors up to A.D. 46..............................................................................................77
Heretical Article No. 405: Paul was in the office of an Old Testament prophet before he was elevated to the office of an
apostle and a messenger…..77

Debate: Ganism Defeated By The Word Of Truth…………………………………………………………………………78
Ganism Versus The Word Of Truth: Tamilnadu, India………………………………………………………………………..78
Agents Of Gan – Beware………………………………………………………………………..…………………….……......81

Ganism Denounced..………..………………….………………….…………………………………………………………..83
Exposition Of Damnable Heresies: Ganism Denounced, Beware…………………………….…………………………….....83
Letter To Gan Dated 02-04-02: Chucks – Nigeria, Africa………………..……………………………………………………83
Ganism Denounced In The Philippines………………………………………………………………………………………...84
Ganism: Beware Of Franco Togonon & Other Agents Of The Philippines…………………………………………………...85
Pastor James: Agent Of Mr. Gan: Singapore Contentions & Challenge Against E.O.D.H……………………………………85
Ganism Denounced In Zambia…………………………………………………………………………………………………90

Raymond Jackson’s Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders Program……………………………………………………………...97
Basis Of “Apostle” Jackson’s Interpretation…………………………………………………………………………………...97
Heresies: Church Order, Chief Apostle, 7 Thunders, 7 Men, Jesus, God……………………………………………………...97
Heretical Article No. 459: Church order is only for Branham Tabernacle...............................................................................97
Heretical Article No. 460: Jackson is the chief apostle of the five-fold ministry...…………………………………………..97
Heretical Article No. 461: The 7 thunders will be the voices of 7 men………………………………………………………97
Heretical Article No. 462: Jesus only became God at the banks of Jordan.…………………………………………………..99

Jackson’s Heresies: Exposition Of Seven Heretical Sermons…………………………………………………………….100
Messages Of Apostle Jackson – Heretical……………………………….……………………………………………………100
Heretical Article No. 463: Before Gen. 1: 2 there existed prehistoric man…………………………………………………100
Heretical Article No. 464: Satan’s Angels caused the animals to kill & devour one another… this is how the earth became
void in Genesis 1:1…100
Heretical Article No. 465: God had to judge those angels for what they did to the creation they were put in charge of.…..100
Heretical Article No. 466: The animal kingdom God gave Adam was a new bunch that God resurrected and fashioned from
a mud hole somewhere. …101
Heretical Article No. 467: What scientists call the modern man, (90,000yrs ago), was the serpent that had been
Heretical Article No. 468: Gen. 1: 26; God is speaking to the angels……............................................................................101
Question # 48: When God said let us create man, to whom was he referring to in Genesis?...…….......................................101
Heretical Article No. 469: Man was the first physical thing put on earth…………………………………………………...102
Heretical Article No. 470: Genesis 2:4 was a recreation…..………………………………………………………………...103
Heretical Article No. 471: The serpent would have been a servant type creature to man..…………………………………103
Heretical Article No. 472: If you literalize New Jerusalem, which is called the Lamb's wife, then you believe in
Heretical Article No. 473: The Garden of Eden was spiritual..……………………………………………………………..103
Heretical Article No. 474: God did not drive Adam and Eve physically from the Garden Of Eden......……………………103
Heretical Article No. 475: Original plan of reproduction was to be by sex............................................................................104
Heretical Article No. 476: I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and conception is to increase her number of periods when
conception could take place…...104
Heretical Article No. 477: This act of conception is the only way for the redeemed planet to be repopulated……………..104
Heretical Article No. 478: The woman of Rev. 12 is the nation of Israel coming from the Law Dispensation right on through
to her Millennium glory………104
Heretical Article No. 479: The two wings of a great eagle will be the message the woman receives from the two
Heretical Article No. 480: God will spare the lives of the 144,000; they will reign with Christ 1000 years in the
Heretical Article No. 481: The first resurrection has three orders……..……………………………………………………105
Heretical Article No. 482: The 144,000 preach the everlasting gospel to all nations, for 3 ½ years, in fulfillment of the 3
angels’ messages of Rev. 14…..105
Heretical Article No. 483: Matthew 19, the word regeneration is applicable to the 1000 year reign……………………….105
Heretical Article No. 484: Matthew 24:27 is not talking about the rapture…………………………………………………106
Heretical Article No. 485: We are not going to know the new name until we get our changed bodies…………………….106
Heretical Article No. 486: The 7th seal pertains to Jesus leaving the mercy seat……………………………………………106
Heretical Article No. 487: The tribulation saints will be resurrected to enter the Millennium. This is part of the first
Tribute To Departed Pastor Raymond M. Jackson………………………………………………………………….....……..106
Quotations In Verification Of Heretical Claims Of “Apostle” Jackson………………………………………………………107

Exposition Of New Heresies Of Apostle Jackson…..……………………………………………………………………...108
Heretical Article No. 659: A woman who was divorced for unfaithfulness could remarry…………………………………108
Heretical Article No. 660: A believer is not to divorce his wife…………..……………………………………...………...108
Heretical Article No. 661: The foolish virgins will wash their robes & make them white in the blood of the lamb in the
Heretical Article No. 662: Revelation Chapter 5 is Christ the mediator sitting on the mercy seat as a High Priest...……...109
Heretical Article No. 663: Christ is a High Priest, with a girdle upon His paps in Revelation chapter one...………………109
Heretical Article No. 664: To be born again is to be baptized with the Holy Ghost...……………………………………...110
Heretical Article No. 665: You cannot be a manifested son of God without a changed body...……………………….……110
Heretical article No. 666: The Nations and Israel will be judged to choose a people to live on earth in the millennium......111
Heretical Article No. 667: Church order was not in the early Church………………………………………………………111
Heretical Article No. 668: Church order drives the Spirit of God out of the church...…………………………….…....…..111
Heretical Article No. 669: Brother Branham said that love is not the evidence of the Holy Ghost, but believing the Word. He
was wrong…………...112
Heretical Article No. 670: There were no dinosaurs in the garden of Eden. They belonged to another era...………………112
Heretical Article No. 671: The apostolic ministry of Jackson and others are to sift the message of Brother Branham…….113

Differences Of Doctrines, Fightings And Disunities Amongst “Seven Thunders Apostles”…………………………....114
Available Literature And Addresses………………………………………………………………………………...……..116


This booklet entitled: “Seven Thunders Are Seven Men - Ganism Denounced - The Junior Jackson Connection”, is
the exposition of the heresies of Mr. Richard Gan of Singapore. Such heresies were inspired of Satan and wisely designed by
Mr. Gan with the intended purpose to discredit, pervert and destroy the message of Malachi 4: 5-6. He hates all that are loyal
to the message and seeks to discredit the prophet and every major doctrine which he established. This is the cunning plan of
Satan, identical with the plan he employed to deceive Eve in the Garden of Eden. It has bewitched ministers and message
believers in many Countries.

E.O.D.H. has made war with Gan’s satanic regime for several years, which has successfully defeated Gan and his
heresies in several Countries, bringing deliverance to many. True ministers and believers denounced Gan and his heresies,
and they are now established upon the truth. The battle continues for the deliverance of the elect who are caught in the net of

Almost all the major heresies of Gan were exposed over a period of years, and were documented and published on
E.O.D.H. books 2, 4, 8, 10, 11 and 12. New heresies keep surfacing on his website and publications. Therefore, this work
serves to bring together the exposition of new and old heresies in a condensed form, to enable message believers to have a
clear picture of Ganism, which was designed of Satan to destroy the message, ridicule the prophet and mock message
believers, calling them, “Branhamites.” It is the same spirit of Pentecostalism.
The new heresies of Gan will first appear in this book. Heresies previously exposed will follow. In addition, elder
Raymond “Junior” Jackson and his heresies will be exposed, as these two apostles were closely linked together in the
formulation of many heresies which are similar in design, destructiveness and total disregard for the message and the Word
of God. In fact, Gan was tutored by the “Chief apostle” Jackson, propagating a major heresy that the seven thunders were to
be revealed by seven chosen men, who were to be the seven voices of God and the seven thunders themselves; each man
being a thunder. War broke out between these two chief “thunders”; they were separated, but their heresies are similar.

This work will also show the mass-confusion that follows their heresies, especially in the fold of Mr. Jackson, now
that he is deceased. We trust that the Lord had mercy upon his soul. Gan is yet alive. He rageth and is confident, full of
arrogance and is unrepentant.
We trust that the condensation and the exposition of Ganism will deliver many souls from the bondage of Satan.
We hope likewise that those that were bewitched under the heresies of Mr. Jackson can find deliverance through the
exposition of the heresies of both Mr. Gan and Mr. Jackson. Peace be unto you.

Written and Published By Dalton Bruce

In November 2007. Co-Author, Ronald Jack



“Apostle” Richard Gan. “Chief Apostle” Raymond Jackson.

The author of Ganism is “apostle” Richard Gan of Singapore who came to the message of Malachi 4 in the
seventies, but chose to refer to message followers as “Branhamites”, and declared that they are his adversaries. He believes
that all the mysteries were not revealed by Revelation 10: 7 and as such, he is the chosen apostle to reveal the mysteries that
the prophet did not reveal. He has a website where he propagates all his teachings under the title, “Prophetic Revelation.”
He built his apostolic ministry upon dreams and spiritual experiences and not the Word of God. He has perverted
the message in every form and fashion, trying to show where the prophet was wrong in many of his teachings. He, no doubt,
claims a higher office by trying to correct the messenger of the age on the Word of God.
His heresies are based upon the erroneous teaching that the seven thunders of Revelation 10, which were not
revealed in 1963 by Brother Branham, must now be revealed by seven chosen men (apostles) in the end time; and, not only
that, but these seven men are the seven thunders themselves, who will utter a revelation to give the Bride of Christ
rapturing faith. This teaching, he illustrated on the diagrams below taken from one of his books.


Gan further stated that the seven spirits of Revelation 1, (whom the prophet of God, by divine inspiration,
interpreted as being the one Spirit of God manifesting Itself through seven church ages messengers at seven different periods
of time) came as the seven angels at the seals, and will assume the role of the seven thunders, each of them having a voice,
and will identify themselves with these seven anointed men, through whom they will utter their seven voices.


As a result of claiming an apostolic ministry to reveal the thunders and mysteries that the prophet did not reveal;
Gan propagated a detrimental heresy which states:
“Amos 3:7, where one prophet received the revelation for the age, applies only to the Old Testament and not the
New. New Testament order is to bring the Word by a group of apostles to the church, which came progressively over a period
of time by several apostles, evident by the twenty-six epistles written in the New Testament by the apostles. As a result of
this new order, gifted apostles can add to the message of the hour. They can also add to the written Word of God, because
the written Word of God is the letter, but revelation that is coming from God is in the Spirit and it comes straight from the
Logos, Christ, who is now upon the face of the earth personified.”
This delusion was the foundation and the basis by which Gan propagated his own doctrines in opposition to the
message and the prophet, and perverted almost every major teaching of the prophet, and the Bible. His multitudes of heretical
teachings are as follows:


1. The apostolic ministry is placed above that of the prophetic ministry. The Word now comes to the apostles.
2. A new order had been established. In the Old Testament time the prophets were God’s spokesmen. They revealed
and interpreted God’s Word. However, in the New Testament, the apostles were the ones who revealed and
interpreted God’s Word and not a one man prophet.
3. The seven spirits assume a total of seven different roles:
i) Seven stars. ii) Seven lamps. iii) Seven seals on the backside of the sealed-book. iv) Seven horns and seven eyes
on the Lamb. v) The seven thunders. vi) Seven trumpets and vii) seven vials of God’s wrath.
4. The seven Spirits of God came in a constellation of seven angels, and revealed the seals to W.M.B.
5. The seals were not opened in 1963, but rather in AD 96.
6. The seventh seal cannot be an unopened seal because the Apostle John had witnessed the opening of the seventh
seal in AD 96.
7. There is no literal mercy seat in heaven where the Lamb is laying.
8. God’s mercy will be over only after the Millennial reign of Christ.
9. The words “sea” and “land” in Revelation 10, connote “Gentiles” and “Jews” respectively.
10. The phrase “as when a lion roareth” in Revelation 10, does not indicate that the mighty Angel descended as the
Lion of the tribe of Judah.
11. The “mystery of God” in Revelation 10:7, is the period of time which God had allocated for the grafting of the
Gentiles into His promised Word.
12. The voice of an archangel is the five-fold ministry.
13. The Word-Groom and His Bride entered into the spiritual marriage during the period 1963 to 1965.
14. The Word-groom and His bride entered into the spiritual nuptial chamber of the Word of God since around 1966.
15. The Bride is capped by her “theophany.”
16. We don’t need an outward revival in this hour.
17. There existed prehistoric man. Perhaps the serpent was like prehistoric man, maybe better looking, who existed
long before modern man. The present Adamic race was created some 6,000 years ago.
18. The church is built upon twelve foundations. (I Corinthians 3:11, Ephesians 2:20).
19. “We don’t even need the Branhamites to help us build for they are also our adversaries.”
20. Adam was not created to be a tiller of the ground. A son of God is not created to toil.
21. According to Mendel’s Law, Cain, the son of the serpent, inherited a part of Eve’s nature, the nature of the Spirit of
God which was in Adam.”
22. The two trees are two laws which governed the sexual reproductive organ which is found in the middle part of the
human body (the garden).
23. It was the intention of God that they would bring forth “seeds after their kind” by physical union. Sexual union
was intended that the two shall be one flesh.
24. Brother Branham is not a prophet; he was only addressed as one.
25. After the fall, polygamy was introduced by Lamech (a serpent seed) and not by God or His
children, but God allowed it.
26. A covenant of polygamy was not introduced after the fall. The covenant that was made was that the man would rule
the woman (Genesis 3:16).
27. The prophets of the Old Testament each had one wife.
28. A woman could remarry if her husband divorces her for sexual uncleanness. (Deuteronomy.24:1-2), but if she was
illegally put away and remarries, she would be guilty of adultery.
29. In Christ Jesus, there is no preference of the man over the woman, therefore, not only the man could remarry,
30. If a woman’s unbelieving husband departs, she can remarry according to I Corinthians 7:15.
31. Mixed marriage is not a sin, nor is it unscriptural. It can be practiced amongst believers.
32. God never ordained polygamy; Jesus did not sanction polygamy, neither did he condemn it, but discouraged it.
Paul never encouraged it.
33. The serpent was a household servant to Adam, and he was to do the tilling.
34. The serpent and the seed of the serpent were tillers of the ground. Adam’s linage was mainly shepherds.
35. Noah’s wife was either a Cainite or a hybrid, therefore Noah had to go through the tribulation of the flood because
he was unequally yoked in marriage.
36. Seth and Japheth possessed serpentine traits which they inherited genetically from their mother.
37. The tree of Life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were two laws that governed sexual relationship,
either for pleasure or reproduction.
38. Genesis 4: 26 means that men began to profanely call upon the Name of the Lord.
39. All men today are traced back to Noah’s three sons for the inheritance of their satanic traits.
40. No literal and physical serpent seed exist today, for all died in the flood.
41. The early church did not judge the teachings of the other apostles by what Paul taught.
42. All the mysteries were not revealed by Brother Branham.
43. Zechariah 14: 6-7 does not refer to the condition of the Laodicean age, but William Branham used it as a type. It
applies to Christ’s third coming in His corporal body as the evening light.
44. Culture, customs, and traditions of people are not necessarily against the Word of God.
45. Believers are adding to the Word by putting the books and tapes of Brother Branham side by side with the Word.
46. There were no prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers in the upper room.
47. There were no pastors up to A.D. 46, only the other four office-gifts.
48. Paul was in the office of an Old Testament prophet before he was elevated to the office of an apostle and a


49. Church order was only for the Branham tabernacle.

50. An apostle does not feed the saints or answer questions with quotes of William Branham.
51. Christian women in Asian Nations can wear trousers and pajamas. Trousers are not only man’s pants. They are
women’s garments also.
52. It is okay for men who are message believers from eastern nations to wear a “sarong” or “lungi” (Skirt-like
garments), and women to wear “samfoo” (Pants-like garments) for those are their traditional wear and are very
53. A divorced woman can be re-married.
54. Christians can eat blood.”
55. America is the false prophet of Revelation 16: 13.
56. God has left America and has already taken the gospel and moved westward across the Pacific Ocean to Asia.
57. Abel had dominion over the animals like Adam. That is why he was a shepherd.
58. Genesis 4: 6-7: The sin that lieth at Cain’s door was a sin offering.
59. The ground was cursed twice in Genesis.
60. The mark of Cain was that God increased his size and intellect, and he was a deceiver.
61. Genesis 4: 26 means that Cain’s race began to profanely call on the Lord.
62. The Scribes and Pharisees had the mark of Cain upon them, and they persecuted Jesus and the disciples. That was
elect persecuting elect.
63. The mark of the beast today is religions having everything big and their intellectualism and deceptiveness.
64. The fiery stones of Ezekiel were cherubims.
65. There was a recreation of the Heaven and Earth.
66. Angels were created in the image of God.
67. The Garden spoke of in Genesis 2: 9B is not the Garden of Eden. In the midst of the Garden is the midst of the
human body.
68. People could have nibbled at the tree of life but not eat of it.
69. The Garden of Eden is the land of Israel.
70. Brother Branham’s teaching on the New Jerusalem does not make sense.
71. New Jerusalem is not literal.
72. The Garden of Eden was both literal and spiritual. Spiritually it was being in the presence of God.
73. The garden of Eden holds the secret of the mystery of New Jerusalem.
74. The New Jerusalem is the people of God from the time of Adam to the end of the White Throne Judgment.
75. The New Jerusalem is placed throughout the earth.
76. The New Jerusalem will not descend in Jerusalem. That will not be its location.
77. City lieth foursquare means that the Bride is from the four corners of the earth.
78. The natural people in the earth do not have supernatural bodies, so they cannot breathe at 1500 miles high.
79. The age of regeneration is in the millennium.
80. Matthew 19:28 and 25:31-46 is fulfilled before the thousand year reign.
81. Gan’s intellectual knowledge is spiritual understanding of truth given by the Holy Spirit.
82. The renewing of your mind is the renewing of your intellect.
83. Paul was not the chief apostle. The doctrine of a chief apostle is erroneous.
84. Elders who held the office of bishops, were not part of the five-fold ministry.
85. The qualification for elders and bishops are different from the qualification of five-fold ministers.
86. There are no qualifications laid down for the five-fold ministry.
87. Only the twelve apostles received the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost.
88. There were more than 120 gathered in Acts 1: 15, because they did not count the women and children.
89. Where the 120 were gathered was in an open area and not the upper room.
90. The outpouring took place in a different place from where the 120 were gathered for the choosing of Matthias.
91. The evidence of the Holy Ghost is that the Spirit will bear witness that we are the children of God.
92. Gan received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost in organization before coming to the message and afterwards backslid
for two years.
93. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost is different from the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
94. The power that comes at Pentecost is not the power to do signs and wonders.
95. To teach that the New Birth and the baptism of the Holy Ghost are not the same is a fallacy.
96. Brother Branham’s teaching that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost is power for service and different from the new
birth, is erroneous and not true.
97. Gan’s revelation is brighter (greater) than the message of Malachi 4.
98. The commandment to tarry in Jerusalem for the Holy Ghost was only given to the eleven apostles.
99. The Word ‘Theophany’ cannot be used for anyone but God Himself.
100. The theophany is God appearing in the visible form of a man. Therefore, the Pillar of fire that led Israel in the
wilderness and the burning bush that Moses saw was not the theophany, but only manifestations of God’s
101. The saints do not have a theophany body presently waiting in heaven as a separate entity. Theophany bodies
only come into existence when the saints die.
102. A soul does not wait to catch a baby as soon as it is born.
103. God did not literally put Adam in a literal sleep and took a literal rib out of him to form Eve.
104. Moses and Elias did not literally appear in their theophanies on Mount Transfiguration. It was a vision that the
apostles saw.
105. The Angel that brought the book of Revelation to St. John was a ministering spirit; a heavenly angel.
106. The tent is not natural but spiritual.
107. The shout message of Brother Branham brought us into the tent, but we need to hear the voice of the Chief
Messenger in the little room.
108. We must get into the little room because the translation will not be a public show. The rapture is a secret.
109. Only the eleven apostles witnessed the ascension of the Lord Jesus.
110. The elect are capped by the Word.”

RichaRd gan’s affiliates: usa and otheR countRies

The teachings of Gan were exposed, in no uncertain terms, as heretical and antichrist, on E.O.D.H. books 2, 4, 8
and 12, along with this present work. The results are that several ministers and lay members from different parts of the world
such as India, Africa and the Philippines, who once adhered to such heretical teachings, were delivered and denounced Gan
and his ism. Some of their testimonies are detailed later in this work.
This detailed work is with the purpose to warn message believers of such a heretic and his heresies, whose work
resembles that of a Jesuit in every respect; and with the hope that others whom he has deceived may also find deliverance
from such damnable heresies.
Some of Gan’s affiliates in the United States are: David Curtman Sr. of Eagle Bride Assembly, Southwest Missouri,
who identifies himself with the teachings of both Gan and Jackson, Ernest Hawtin of Oakland, California, David Sidhu of
Sacramento, California, David Piper of Omaha, Nebraska, Nan Khorn of Chicago, Illinois, Ken Walker of Joliet, Illinois,
Sam Spangler of Roanoke, Virginia, and Stephen Martin of Tucson, Arizona.
Others are: Gusto Gadama-Lilongwe Malawi, James M. Veremu-Seke- Chitunqwiza Zimbabwe, Moses A. Segite-
Nyaru Kenya, George M. Matthew-West Malaysia, Franco Togonon-Bulihan Silang cavite Philippines, Osel B. Dumanon-
Mahogany Butuan city Philippines, Ruben Lachica-Capitol site Cebu city Philippines, Richard D’souza-Sankli St. Byculla
Bombay M.S. India, Hubert D’souza-Colony Borivli West Bombay India, S. Sunderaraj-Puthukudy Nagercoil-Kanyakumari
India, Chandula Abeywickrema-Dehiwala Sri Lanka, Peter Ochola-Kampala Uganda, Andrew Phiri-Lusaka Zambia.

gan’s and JacKson’s AFFILIATION

Gan was once associated with Raymond Jackson. Their former affiliation explains why their doctrines are so
similar with some exceptions. The fact that Gan preaches that “Church order is only for the Branham Tabernacle”, a doctrine
which originated with Jackson way back in the early sixties, is evident proof that Gan got his seed from Jackson, his spiritual
father. Their propagation of the same heresies is reflected in their similarity and are exposed as heretical articles numbers: 16,
381, 367, 371, 374, 376, 377, 385, 386, 387, 390, 392, 394, 399, 459, 461, 463, 468, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 483, 599,
600, 601, 613, 614, 617, 621, 622, 629, 630, 643 and 644.

Quote Richard Gan: …this minister could not bear to hear the name of Raymond 'Junie' Jackson or Faith
Assembly Church…I have often wondered how many believers around the world have heard him and his kind shoot down
Raymond Jackson and those who associate or fellowship with him…Now, some of you may say, “Brother Gan, you are
defending him because you associate with him.”
Let me say this: I cannot sit on the fence and watch. And I am not ashamed to be identified with Brother Branham,
Brother Jackson or any minister or brother who stands on the WORD. I will defend or take the side of any man of God who
takes the side of Christ, the Word of God. (Revelation truth and love).

Quote Richard Gan: How could it be possible that the Seven Thunders be Seven Anointed Men of God? Is this not
Bro. Junie Jackson's teaching?
First of all, let me say this: nobody has the monopoly on the Word of God. Bro. Raymond (Junie) Jackson is not the
first person to have received this revelation, nor is he the first to have taught this doctrine. There are others who believe the
“thunders” would be “men” though they may not fully understand the significance.
Before the Lord opened my eyes to the mystery of the Seven Thunders, my understanding was that they were related
to the Seven Spirits which are before the Throne of God. What they are supposed to be was not revealed to me then until
some time in 1987. (Discrepancies & Branhamism).

two chief “thundeRs” sepaRated

Their association continued until disputations, variations on doctrines and fightings to be the chief thunders apostle
or to hold the top position in the thunders ministry brought about separation. Jackson claimed that he was the chief apostle,
Joshua, Elisha etc., to lead the Bride to the rapture, after the days of Malachi 4, while Gan claims to hold the “first prize”,
which he said is a top position in the ministry, rejecting and denouncing the idea that Jackson is the chief apostle after
Brother Branham.

Quote Apostle Jackson: “I met a man in Singapore about 1978, Richard Gan, a good man…He has taken a lot of
good things to the world, but he preached everything as though he was right, and I just happened to be wrong on some
…Revealing Error …I wrote to Bro. Gan years ago. He wanted to come to our convention that year. I had read
many articles that he had printed…Some of the articles I read were very good, but I could begin to see in him, what I had
seen in many other men, like, Well God has given us all a revelation.
…Things that they preached on my platform, taking advantage as if I did not know any better, but I respected them
and did not create an ugly scene…However there has to be an end to that kind of relationship as time is running out. That is
why I said, I sent word to Richard Gan, months and months ago, when he wanted to come back to Faith Assembly, that it
would not be right for him to come.” (The body of Christ part 2).

Quote Richard Gan: “After Bro. Branham passed away there have been many false teachings going out from the
USA to the rest of the world. One of these teachings is that God has another man, another leader, to take His Bride to
perfection. Many preachers have openly declared that God has ordained them as the "Elisha" or "Joshua" or any other "one-
man ministry" by which all other ministers and believers must heed to their words or to conform to their teachings.
… Undoubtedly this man is one of many around the world who believe that a certain minister in Jeffersonville,
Indiana, U.S.A. is God’s chief apostle for today.
… This teaching that the Bride of Christ has a chief apostle to whom all other apostles and ministers in the 5-Fold
Ministry must subject themselves is a heresy.
… For a minister to make himself the NUMBER ONE APOSTLE over the whole world is baloney.” (Who is the chief
apostle today).

These two men projected that the seven thunders apostles are spoken of in Zechariah as the seven eyes upon one
stone (revelation), stating that these apostles would not differ on doctrine, but see eye to eye on the revelation of God’s Word.
Their separation and disputations are enough to expose them as heretics, along with their heretical seven men are the seven
thunders teachings and all their other heretical claims.
Apostle Gan and Mr. Jackson have indicated by their contentions for the first prize that they are two of the seven
thunders and voices. However, it is sad to say that one of the chief thunders died.
“Chief Apostle” and Pastor Raymond Jackson, regarded as an elder, by message believers, and popularly known
as Junior Jackson, gained great popularity by his dreams, high commendation as a dreamer, and interpretations of few of his
dreams by the Prophet. This dreamer disagreed with the prophet on the teachings of church order, and those who belonged
to the Branham Tabernacle, who also disagreed, went down to fellowship at Junior’s church. He allowed people to prophesy,
speak in tongues and interpret in the open congregation, though the prophet forbid it, placing all such gifts into a room, to be
operated before service, and their messages to be read at the pulpit.
Jackson’s associate assemblies are: Faith Assembly Church of Moncton, Canada, pastored by Fred Cormier;
Christian Fellowship of St. John, Canada pastored by Neil Connally, and Belvedere Assemby of Tongaat, South Africa
Christian Fellowship of St. John, pastored by Canada Deva Govender
Jackson claimed that he got a mail from the prophet, in a dream. In it was a minister’s license which stated:
“Apostle.” And then, “Raymond M. Jackson being called of God is hereby ordained to preach the gospel.” He therefore, like
Gan, built his apostolic ministry upon dreams and spiritual experiences.
Like Gan, Jackson disagrees with the prophet on many of his teachings and tries to correct the message and the
prophet, where he thinks they are wrong. Jackson also propagates the same heresy of seven men/seven thunders.
Some of the top men in this seven men/seven thunders ministry are: apostle Strommen from Norway, James Allen
and Bud Thompson, the Pastors of Jackson’s “Faith Assembly” in Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA, and apostle Amos Segun
Omoboriowo of Bible faith Tabernacle, Lagos, Nigeria, who claims vindication of a ball of fire and photographs of the angel
of the Lord accompanying his preaching, and who preached and published that apostle Jackson would not die but will be on
earth until the rapture and there would no successor to his ministry.

Quote “Apostle” Amos Segun Omoboriowo: “…his ministry would be on ground till the rapture…… will take us
right through to the rapture… Wait and see!…I am aware there are people wishing Bro. Jackson were dead. I am aware
there are those , supposedly following his ministry, who have been prophesying his death for them to take over. So they wish!
Let me tell you now: the sent one; he that is to come is here till the rapture. This is one ministry you would have to contend
with till the rapture. We shall see.
… he did not raise up a successor to Joshua? Why…? It was because God’s mission was accomplished.” (He that is
to come).
However, “chief apostle” Raymond Jackson died less than one year later, on December 4, 2004, and Omoboriowo
has since declared himself to be the chief apostle after the death of Mr. Jackson, fulfilling the ministry of John the divine.
Mr. Jackson had said that Omoboriowo has a great ministry. Omoboriowo corrected one of the thunders apostle
whom he said began propagating error, telling him that he ought to submit to the correction of chief apostle Jackson.
Presently he is at war with the pastors of Jackson’s home church who publicly came against some of his projections which
exposed Jackson’s false claims to the world by his death. One of these pastors of Jackson’s church, whom he now contends
with, had previously said that he believes Omoboriowo had an apostolic ministry. Details of these will be included under
Jackson’s exposition.
Later in this work we will detail the present positions of these chief men and thunders apostles, their separations,
wranglings, confusions and disputations, now that one of the thunders; and the chief one, is dead.
We will now examine, by the Word of God and message of Malachi 4: 5-6, new heresies of apostle Gan that came to
our attention.



Heretical Article No. 596:

Quote Richard Gan: An apostle does not feed the saints or answer questions with quotes of William Branham, but
rightly divides the Word of Truth to them as God gives him the ability.” (From the website Page 7).

E.O.D.H. Answer: We do not deny that an apostle rightly divides the Word of Truth, but it is erroneous to say that
he does not answer questions by quotes of the messenger of the age. The early Church was taught by their messenger,
Apostle Paul, to judge every man’s teaching by what he and his companion taught, and further more to “curse” them if they
said or taught contrary to what they preached (Galatians 1:8). William Branham, the messenger of this age, taught the end
time Church to do the same.


Quote W.M.B.: 83-1 Thou hast tried them that say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars.” My,
that is a blunt statement. “Thou hast tried them who call themselves apostles.” Isn’t that presumptuous? What right has a
people to try those who call themselves apostles? And how do they try them? Oh, I love this. Here it is in Galatians 1:8, “But
though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have (already) preached unto you,
let him be accursed.”
It was the apostles who brought the original Word to the people. That original Word could not change, not even a
dot or dash of it. Paul knew it was God Who had spoken to him so he said, “Even if I come and try to give a second
revelation, try to make one little change in what I gave originally, let me be accursed.” You see, Paul knew that first
revelation was correct. God can’t give a first revelation, then a second revelation. If He did, He would be changing His
… And see what those false apostles were doing. They came with their own word. Those Ephesians knew that Word
as Paul had taught it. They were full of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of Paul’s hands. They looked those false apostles in
the eye and said, “You are not saying what Paul said. You are, therefore, false.” Oh, that sets my heart on fire. Get back to the
Word! It is not you that really tries the apostle, and prophet and teacher, IT IS THE WORD THAT TRIES THEM.
One of these days there is going to come a prophet to the Laodicean Church Age and you will know if he is the real
one sent from God or not. Yes you will, for if he is of God HE WILL BE IN THAT WORD EXACTLY AS GOD GAVE IT
there will be many false prophets appearing, watch and see how they keep telling you that if you don't believe them and what
they say, you will be lost; but when that LAST DAY PROPHET comes on the scene, if he is truly that prophet, he will be
crying out, “Get back to the Word or you are lost.” He won’t build on a private revelation or interpretation, but on the Word.
Amen. (Ephesian Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.3).

Quote: 156-2 In every age we have exactly the same pattern. That is why the light comes through some God-given
messenger in a certain area, and then from that messenger there spreads the light through the ministry of others who have
been faithfully taught. But of course all those who go out don’t always learn how necessary it is to speak ONLY what the
messenger has spoken. (Remember, Paul warned the people to say only what he said, I Corinthians 14:37, “If any man think
himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the COMMANDMENTS
OF THE LORD. What? came the Word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?”) They add here, or take away there,
and soon the message is no longer pure, and the revival dies down. How careful we must be to hear ONE voice, for the Spirit
has but one voice which is the voice of God. Paul warned them to say what he said, even as Peter did likewise. He warned
them that EVEN HE (PAUL) could not change one word of what he had given by revelation. Oh, how important it is to hear
the voice of God by way of His messengers, and then say what has been given them to say to the churches. (Smyrnaean
Church Age – Church Age Book Cpt.4).


Quote: 365-1 …once again a prophet is in the land. Once more God will reveal the truth as He did to Paul. In the
days of the seventh messenger, in the days of the Laodicean Age, its messenger will reveal the mysteries of God as revealed
to Paul…And they that hear him will be blessed and become part of that bride of the last day who are mentioned in
Revelation 22:17, "The Spirit and the bride say come."
… Yes, listen to the authenticated prophet of God who appears in this last age. What he says from God, the bride
will say. The Spirit and the prophet and the bride will be saying the same thing. And what they will say will have already
been said in the Word. (Laodicean Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.9).

Therefore, the scriptural way to try any man who claims to be an apostle, is to see if he is speaking contrary to
the Word and messenger’s message. A true apostle will speak and teach in accordance with the messenger’s message, be it by
quotations or his teachings. Mr. Gan is doing the opposite of this and deceitfully tries to bind the people by this heresy,
because he knows if the people judge him by the quotations of the messenger, they will find him to be a false apostle and a
perverter of the Word of God and message of the hour. It is obvious, as all false apostles and Satan himself, that Mr. Gan
fears exposure and knows that he teaches contrary to the Word of God, and by extension, the messenger’s message. We again
challenge him to prove otherwise.

Heretical Article No. 597: “Christian women in Asian Nations can wear trousers and pajamas because they have
been their traditional wear for centuries, and are far from the trousers women wear in America.”

Quote Richard Gan: They want everyone to dress the way Americans dress. Some have even told the believers in
India that it is a sin for Christian sisters to wear a “Punjabi” dress – a dress in which a trousers is worn under a long dress
skirt. To them a “trousers” is a man’s garment, and women are not allowed to put their legs into two “tubes” of clothing
material. By such interpretation, Christian women are therefore not allowed to wear pajamas to bed.
… The traditional trousers women wear in many parts of Asia is far from the trousers that the women wear in
America. They were worn for centuries before the birth of Christ. (From the website - Page 8).
E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan is trying to justify pants wearing for women that the prophet condemned in the
strongest possible terms. His heresy is based upon “national garbs.” Even if they had been worn for millenniums before the
birth of Christ, if the Word and messenger condemn them, then they are wrong.
African women went topless for millenniums, but when the prophet messenger went to Africa and the Holy Spirit
fell in the meetings, those women covered themselves and ran out of the presence of men.
If this apostle had a touch of that same Holy Spirit, he would not be propagating such heresy in opposition to the
Word of God under the disguise of “traditional wear.” The Church of Christ has no such customs, whether it be in Africa,
India, Italy, Finland, France, America or any other Nation. Satan anointed Gan for the defeated purpose of destroying the
holiness message. He acts like a Jesuit.


Quote W.M.B.: E-19 When I was in Finland, they taken me down to one of those... Finnish bath. When I got down
to the place, the Holy Spirit told me not to go in there… I found out they had women in there to scrub the men. So I said to
Dr. Munion, and I said, “Do you think that’s right?” He said, “Just as right as it is for your American doctors to lay the
women on the table and strip them down and examine them.”…
And then when you go into France, there--all women and men use the same rest room. When you go into Africa,
into dark parts of the jungles, they don’t wear any clothes at all. But here’s what: it’s a custom of the nation. She said,
“Then aren’t we Americans?”
I said, “No, for we are from another land. We are pilgrims and strangers here. We’re seeking a city to come.” I said,
“Because we have been born from... Our spirit comes from another land which is heaven, where holiness, and God, and
righteousness rules and reigns. And we confess that we are pilgrims and strangers. We’re seeking a city to come Who’s
builder and Maker is God.”
We are not looking for these things of the world. And when the Spirit of God comes into a person, it changes
them. It motivates you... The life that’s in you motivates you. And what’s the matter with the church today, it’s become too
worldly. What we need is the Holy Ghost in the human being, in the heart. It’ll take the new birth to do that: change that
person, making him or her a new creature.
In darkest of Africa, when I seen women standing there stark naked as they came into the world, and when the Holy
Ghost came on them, to hide their nakedness, they folded their arms and walked away till they could find clothes. And then
they call us the civilization, and each year we’re taking off more clothes, and then claim to have the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit won’t work on one person one way and on another, another.
But let me tell whether it’s America, Finland, France, anywhere it is, when a woman or a man is borned of the
kingdom of God, he becomes a new creature and stops the things of the world. They are dead to him; for he is dead and his
life is hid in God through Christ, sealed by the Holy Ghost. (Where Has Thy Strength Gone Samson 59-0702).

See also Quote W.M.B.: 34 “A Deceived Church By The World 59-0628m” and E-18 “The Reaction To An Action

Quote: E-31 We are citizens, not of Canada, neither are we citizens of the United States. Our citizenship is of
above. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God.
…You find different traits in different nations. We find it in Canada, find it in the United States. But then, when a
Christian becomes a Christian, he is no more a citizen of this world. For we plainly know that we’re Abraham’s seed, and
he confessed that he was a pilgrim and a stranger. He was a citizen of another world, looking for a city whose Builder and
Maker was God.
So we, our citizenship is of above. And above is holiness, and purity, and power, and revelation. (Sirs We Would
See Jesus 61-0519).

I will add the answer to a question about an Indian dress for women, which was given when ministers from India,
Africa and the West were gathered to consider these and many other questions in 2006.

Question: “There are some traditional wears both for men and women that appear to contradict Deuteronomy 22:5.
The Churidar, which is a combination of a dress and pants or pajamas, is sewed between the legs and resembles slacks {pants
like the women wear in USA}that is considered to be traditional women’s wear in parts of India and in Pakistan, which is
also worn by believers of this message. Some claim that this Churidar covers a woman’s body better than a skirt, especially
when she has to bend and work in the fields etc. Others think it is okay because in the vision of the Bride W.M.B. saw and
recognized the people of different nations that make up the Bride by their various traditional wears.

E.O.D.H. Answer: The devil hides himself in certain terminologies in order to have his way. When they brought
the epileptic child to Jesus, he said it was a devil. Today science hides that same devil and calls it “epilepsy”.
For the devil to deceive people around the message and in religious circles, sometimes he takes the same item and
calls it by the name it carries in a foreign language. From the description of this garment, it is a shirt and a skirt that are sown
together, but the skirt is parted between the legs and sown together, therefore it resembles a man’s garment.
People in the message and even ministers allow their families to wear that, and the reason that they give is that when
the women bend down and have to work in the fields they are more protected, and beside that they call it a national garment
and Brother Branham seen the people in their national garment when the Bride was previewed in his vision. Now these
points sounds very reasonable, and if we would go only on reason concerning that, then a lot of us would agree that it
looks like a good garment because when the woman bends you cannot see her form and so on, and she is even more covered
than a dress, so this seems to be a very good way of cladding one’s self.
Now reason could take us a long way and go back and say, “National garb”. But then we as ministers, we have no
message of our own and we cannot interpret scriptures by ourselves. The first thing we have to do is find out what the
prophet had to say about that? Now he may not have used the word “Churidar”, but can we find something in his message
that he described that could fit the Churidar? So I am not going to deal with Churidar here this morning; I am going to deal
with the prophet’s message, and if what he said fits the Churidar then the Churidar is unscriptural.
From my understanding of this garment, it is parted between the legs, but it is still slack on both legs to a certain
extent, Brother Branham described this garment as slacks, don’t matter what you call it. Let us hear what he said about
slacks. If he said that slacks is okay, then Churidar is okay, and if he said that slacks is bad then Churidar is bad. Very
Churidar, the Indian wear, is another name for slacks worn by Western women. The prophet said it’s worse than a


Quote W.M.B.: E-22 I happened to meet a lady today, and she was very much upset on what I said the other night
about women wearing little short clothes; it was not nice for Christians to do that, and it was absolutely unscriptural. She
said, “Young man, you’ll—you’ll ruin your ministry.” I said, “Oh, no, no. If I don’t, it’ll be ruined. See?” She said... I said,
“Are you guilty?” She said, “No, sir, I don’t wear shorts.” I said, “Well then, what’s you fussing about?” She said, “I wear
slacks.” I said, “That’s worse.” She said, “Oh, no,” she said, “--it's decent like if...” And said, what are you going to do with a
woman out in the field?” I believe is the way she put it. Said, “Yeah, riding a horse.” Said, “Out with my husband to help
round up some cattle. You think I ought to wear a skirt?” Said, “...” I said, “You oughtn’t to be out there in the first place.
That’s what’s the matter; women’s trying to take man’s work now; we got so many men out of work.” That’s right, that’s
right. She said, “What about in the garden --when you’re pulling up stuff, a garden with a--with a dress on. Don’t you think
it’d be better with--with slacks?” I said, “No, ma’am. My wife has no trouble about it, neither did my mother. I don’t think
you will either, if you’ll just take care of yourself.” I said, “I don’t...?...” She said, “And slacks is wrong?” I said, “The Bible
said that a woman that’ll put on any garment that pertains to a man, it’s an abomination in the sight of God.” That’s right.
(Abraham's Covenant Confirmed 61-0210).
Malachi 4 has spoken and let the churidar take its flight. We regard no opinion. We regard no suggestions under
these conditions. Malachi 4, the prophet, has spoken and he has quoted the scripture. The scripture against churidar, slacks,
pants or whatever, is Deuteronomy 22:5 <The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man
put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.>


Quote W.M.B.: 87 There’s no harm in it. I have taste; I have feelings. I have a feeling that this is all right.” She
come right on down through that and right into her soul, if her soul is of that type. Shows that she isn’t drawing through
God’s Filter. But if she’s got bobbed hair, wearing makeup, shorts, pants, looks like man, all of these slacks and ever what
they call them, saying those kind of things, and doing those things, and living for the world, she’ll stop; she can’t get through
there. No, sir. It’ll stop her at the beginning. (Thinking Man’s Filter 65-0822e).

He is saying the same thing here that the slacks is worse. This is 1965. So he did not change his opinion at all. The
same thing he said way back there in the earlies is the same thing he said at the last year of his time on earth.


Quote W.M.B.: 97 Now, notice this. Live for Him, keeping ourselves from the world. Now, look. You look on
television, some of you sisters, and you go down here and you want... You young women, you’re young; I know that, but
you’re a Christian. See? You’re different. You don’t want to be like the world. You love the world’s--not only you young
ones, but some of you older ones. See? Well, what does that? See? You watch television; you go down to the store; and you
see these little old clothes that women wear that’s ungodly.
Do you know what’s going to happen at the day of judgment? You might be just as virtuous to your husband as you
can be, but in the day of judgment you’re going to have to answer for committing adultery. Jesus said, “Whosoever looketh
upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Who’s to blame? You. See? You
presented yourself: them shorts and slacks. Some women said to me not long ago, said, “I don't wear shorts, Brother
Branham. I thank the Lord for that. I wear slacks.” I said, “That’s worse; that’s worse.” That’s right. You can’t even buy a
dress hardly for a woman. (Things That Are To Be 65-1205).


Quote: 111 If the Bible says it’s wrong for a woman to put on a garment that pertain to a man, and you wear these
little old overalls and slacks out here on the road... You grown women... I guess a little baby would be all--think if they’re
play with little boys and things. But look, when you--when you grown women fifteen, sixteen, eighteen years old, and up to
grandma, out here on the road... And the Bible says it’s an abomination in the sight of God for a woman to wear those things,
and you wear them anyhow, and say you got the Holy Ghost? I wonder sometimes. The Holy Ghost will follow God’s Word
to the letter. And a preacher behind the pulpit that ain’t got grace enough to preach it, I doubt he’s got It. Well, that’s what
the Holy Ghost is for. (What Holy Ghost Was Given For 59-1217).


Quote: E-81 It’s a--it’s an abomination. A woman said to me, “I don’t wear shorts.” Said, “I wear these--what do
you call them, when they pull like? Slacks.” I said, “That’s worse than ever. The Bible says it’s an abomination for a woman
to wear a garment that pertains to a man.” It’s a shame. Oh, our women, our men... And you men with a wishbone instead of
a backbone, to let your women smoke cigarettes, and act like that. Shame on you. I don’t call that a ruler of his own house. I
call that led around by the ears somewhere. Shame on you. Oh, “Our whole body,” Isaiah said, “has become putrefied sores.”
We need a house cleaning and a Holy Ghost revival, for the coming of Lord Jesus Christ a cleaning... That’s right. You know
that’s right. (Greater Than Solomon Is Here 62-0628).


Quote: E-42 I said that not long ago and a woman said to me; she said, “Listen...?... Brother Branham.” She met me
in the back of the building. She said, “Listen, Brother Branham, I don’t wear shorts.” Well, I said, “That’s very good.” She
said, “I do wear slacks.” I said, “That’s worse.” That’s right.
The Bible said it’s an abomination for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man. God don’t change. He
made a man to look like a man and a woman to look like a woman. But today men are so sissified, they don’t know how to
dress. That’s right. And women, God’s daughters, smoking cigarettes, the greatest sabotage that the world ever had. (Hear
Ye Him 60-0712).


Now the question comes up here about national garbs. This is the excuse they are making to wear the churidar.
They say it’s a national garb: “It fits the Muslims in Pakistan, fits the Hindus and it fits a lot of people, and it’s a decent
wear.” I proved to you that it is not a decent wear. From the words of the prophet, it’s a man’s garment. The excuse about the
prophet seeing people in their national garbs or national wear, cannot justify a woman’s slacks. It is contrary to Deuteronomy

Quote W.M.B.: 32-4 Then I just thought I just might as well forget it; I was gone. Then all at once, I heard them
coming again, and coming upon this side come the same Bride that went around this a-way. Here come them little ladies
again, and each one of them was dressed in their national garb from where they come from, like Switzerland, Germany and
so forth, each one wearing that kind of garb, all long haired, just exactly like the one at the first. And here they was coming,
walking, “Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war...” (The Choosing Of A Bride 65-0429e).

The original national wear of USA, was long dresses to the floor and long sleeves which fully clothed the woman.
The national wear for women is now shorts, pants, slacks and even G-strings: the filthiest women are now upon the earth. Are
you telling me that the prophet seen the Bride of USA attired like that? Absolutely not! However, in that same vision:
“Preview of the Bride”, where this quotation is taken from, the prophet seen the false church, Satan’s bride, dancing to rock-
n-roll music and almost naked. Thus there is a great difference between original national garments and modern national
garments. So we cannot take such Devil’s excuse to permit violation of God’s Word concerning modest dressing.
Several national garments of many countries are not original but have been modernized which fits Hollywood and
Bollywood, which spells out Sodom and Gomorrah. I defy, reject and condemn such styles by the written Word of God and
the message of Malachi 4:5& 6. So let it be established in all churches. Scriptures to back up my statements are:
I Timothy 2:9 <In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and
sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array. >
I Peter 3:3-4 <Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of
putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek
and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.>
Deuteronomy 22:5 and also you could get some things on dressing on E.O.D.H. Book 6.


Quote W.M.B.: E-40 A Christian woman preacher sent a girl down here the other day that looked like she was
poured into her clothes. She said, “Oh, Brother Branham, you’re from the old school. Our pastor liberates women.” I said,
“Liberate them from what?” They’re liberating them from Christ and common decency. Oh, very famous, the woman is...
certainly. But anything that does that’s a child of hell. “By their fruit you shall know them.” (Handwriting On the Wall


Quote: 51 And you men, you poor, little, boneless, sissified things, you, that would let your wife do such a thing
as that, that shows what you’re made out of. That’s the reason you ain’t got the Holy Ghost like you profess to have, or
you’d have enough something about you to make her act like a lady, as long as she lived with you anyhow. Amen. That
sounds old fashion, cutting. But that’s what the church needs today is an old fashion, Holy Ghost washing out, and hanging
out, and drying out, and ironing out by the Holy Spirit. Sure. (Church And It’s Condition 5/8/56).

Heretical Article No. 598: “Asian believers are being forced to conform to Western Christian standard of attires. It
is okay for men who are message believers from eastern nations to wear a “sarong” or “lungi” (Skirt-like garments), and
women to wear “samfoo” (Pants-like garments) for those are their traditional wear and are very modest. Trousers are not
only man’s pants. They are women’s garments also. So are culottes trousers and long johns. Neither is the skirt only a
woman’s garment.”

Quote Richard Gan: There have been much "force" put upon Asian believers to conform to a Western Christian
standard of attires. Because of this, Asian ministers blindly passed the instructions to their flocks and instructed the men to
wear "shirt and trousers" and the women to wear "blouse and skirt". Anything other than these are an abomination to the
Lord. Is that so? (From Gan’s Website).

Richard Gan in his dress-sarong!

Gan’s Mother In law wearing a “Samfoo” & He wearing a “Sarong”

E.O.D.H. Answer: We will first document the answer given to Gan from a preacher, and what effects and reproach his
heresy and these garments have brought upon the message.
Quote Richard Gan: “When Moses wrote Deuteronomy (22:5), was he referring that women should not wear
trousers? Obviously not, for trousers was not yet in existence. But that there was a distinct difference between men’s and
women’s apparel is clear. Yet, there were Jews in those days who had lost their sexual orientation and cross dressed causing
Moses to write what he did” (Of Man’s and Woman’s garments).

Quote Mr. Reckhart: For a self-promoted intellectual he sure don’t know the Word of God. What about God
specifically designing breeches-britches for the priest to be worn in the Tabernacle as man’s clothing, and yes Mr. Gan,
trousers! We read of it here: Exodus 28:42--And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness;
from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach.

To the left is a picture of these breeches-britches. Later the length was extended down to the ankle. These were
designed by God for men. It was a sin for a woman to put wear these breeches, now called britches, pants or
trousers. These breeches are the forerunner of pants/slacks/trousers/britches. No one will ever prove these
breeches descended down from women’s clothes. And if a woman wanted to be a priestess she had to wear these.
Since there were no female priestess in the Tabernacle, they were forbidden to wear them. Gan is false on his doctrine here!
He thinks he can make breeches baggy, drop the hem line down to the ankle, and his mother and other females can put them
on and walk about before God without condemnation. Moses forbid cross-dressing after the breeches design was given to the
Priesthood, Gan has to come up with the proof of what a man and women could not wear that the opposite sex did wore. Did
he do it? No! Did Jews permit women to walk in the open world in a pair of breeches pants? If so, then Jews broke the
commandment of God given to Moses, and any such reprobation regardless of who did it would not be acceptable to God.

E.O.D.H.: Although this writer seems opposed to the message of the prophet, Malachi 4: 5-6, Revelation 3: 14 &
10: 7, he should be credited, bearing in mind that perverters of the Word and the message, like Mr. Gan and others, are
responsible for much opposition to the truth.
Mr. Gan was exposed, put to shame and defeated by this writer who has not advertised himself as a revealer of the
mysteries and a sent one to correct the message of the hour like Gan. This man expressed more consideration for the holiness
standard than Gan. Shame on you Gan! You have absolutely no defense against the scriptures of the Old Testament which
defeated you. You have brought upon yourself some of the worst rebukes and insults. You have displayed yourself like a
female, and your mother-in-law like a man. She is attired in the breeches of a priest and you in the skirt of Mary. This
proves how foolish you are to the simplicity of the Word, insomuch that a non-message believer made you ashamed publicly.
He also saved me much research and writing in exposing your heresy.
However, I will add to this exposition, the answer to a question concerning your skirt or the modern Indian Lungi,
when ministers from Africa, India and the West were gathered to consider this and many other questions in 2006.

Question: “There is a skirt-like garment that is worn by men and also message-believers in India and other parts of
the world. It’s called the Lungi. Is it scriptural?”

E.O.D.H. Answer:

Quote W.M.B. And woman, you dress like a woman. And men, you dress like a man; don’t try to be a sissy and
wear women’s clothes. And women, don’t you try to be masculine and wear a man’s clothes, because God don’t want you to
do it; the Bible condemns that. But now, about wearing a piece of hair or wearing a hair... What is one of those rats? Did I
make a mistake awhile ago or is that a mouse? It--it’s something to--it’s something that a--a woman puts in her hair to make
it look more... Ever what it is (See?), there’s nothing wrong with that. Go ahead; it’s all right. (Questions And Answers 64-

This is a very ticklish question and we have to be very considerate, in the sense that we are not trying to change the
national garb of people around the world. I have pictures with brethren from Africa who still wear some of their traditional
clothing and it is somewhat like a robe. I believe that style is fast going out from Africa.
Now, you take the Arab. He wears a robe. I want to divide this right. You take the African. He wears something like
a robe. In India, I guess they have certain garments that were original, which they call the dhoti, and they came to Trinidad
with it. Other styles were adopted later. My grandfather used to wear dhoti. That isn’t anything strange to us here in Trinidad.
When this scripture was written which said, Deuteronomy 22:5 <The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth
unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God>, there
was a dress-like garment that belonged to a man. It was called a robe. When Jesus came, He found that robe and it was a
man’s garment. It was built differently from a dress, and both were different from each other that you could differentiate and
say that this is the woman’s garment and this is the man’s garment. And back in the days when Moses wrote the Law, they
had the same kind of attire, because that is actually the Palestinian gown, and Moses wore a robe and the women wore a
certain type of dress which was entirely different, but both of them resembled a dress, but they were definitely different.
It traveled up that even the Africans had those kinds of garments, also the Palestinians and the Arabs. If an Arab
comes here, who dressed like that, all the days of his life, and he wants to accept the Lord, I cannot demand from this man to
wear a western shirt and pants. It will not be fair. On the basis of that, can I say that the man’s wear today is scriptural and to
just go on and use it? No! We have to come back to the scripture.
This is what we have to do. What they are calling ‘Lungi’, does it resemble the original robe that a man used to
wear back in the days of Jesus, or what the Palestinians have, or does it resemble a woman’s dress? If that man over there in
India has a Lungi, and it resembles a man’s garment, as it used to be in ancient times, I cannot condemn it. But if they take
the original robe or dhoti and brought it closer to the woman’s dress, that you could hardly make out the woman’s skirt from
the Lungi, then I am in place to say, “Brother, you are looking like a woman. Discontinue that kind of wear.” We have to get
away from the feminine appearance.
Vice-versa: if the woman would take a garment, and it is looking more like a robe for a man, then I will say, “You
have on the wrong garment.” You are looking like a man in this man’s robe, and I will be in place to say, “Woman, you
better go back to your feminine wear of a dress.” So it is not a matter of a lungi, but the resemblance of a man’s wear and a
woman’s dress: be it shirt, pants, robe or whatever. Now that’s the line behind it.
Let us get the opinion of those that are gathered here [Ed. Brother Watson of India wore and displayed the Lungi.]
Now how many says that that’s a skirt? [Ed. All ministers and officers say, “Amen!”]
Is that the kind of material they use to make the lungi, and not pants material nor jacket material?
[Ed. The brother answers: “This is the material of lungi. A kind of saree material.]
So they are wearing women’s material. Brethren, in all honesty, and being very balanced men here, does this
resemble a woman’s skirt? [Ed. Everyone answers, “Amen!”] It does resemble a woman’s skirt, and in our opinion,
Deuteronomy 22:5 cannot be fulfilled with this garment on. If it was of a different kind of a material like a robe, like what
Jesus had, like what the Palestinians had and they will wear it from here-the shoulders right down and it will open up with the
proper material as men would have, I will still agree with that. But in my opinion I cannot agree with this.
However, I would leave this to the consciences of men in India, and let us say that we are misunderstanding
something, brethren, we would not make a big fuss about this garment. I will leave it to their consciences, and just as the
Holy Spirit convicted the African women, and they folded their arms and hid their breast and ran out from the presence of
men, I would leave that to the consciences of the men of India in whatever state that, that is worn.
I believe that if they cannot see what I am saying now, I believe that if they are children of God the Holy Ghost is
going to convict them later. So if a man wears that I would not fuss with him, and would not condemn him, and would not
say that I would not associate with him, and I am not going to make it a point of separation. I would leave that to the
consciences of our brothers because, probably they have had this garment wearing there for a long time, they got accustomed
with that, and in their understanding they cannot see that that is something wrong. If you cannot see, then, my beloved, I
cannot condemn you. But if you feel convicted about that and you continue to wear it then the Lord is not going to be pleased
with you. So that’s the line that I would draw here.
Now understand what I am saying. One of these days you might see an African come in here with a garment that is
down to the foot that resembles a robe and you may want to call it a dress, and I allow this fellow to come in here, and even
preach behind my pulpit with this kind of garment. I am not breaking the Word. That is that man’s custom.
If an Arab is saved and he wants to continue with his garment I would feel bless to see the Arab in his garment
preaching behind here; it’s a testimony. If a priest comes here, and he wants to come and testify with his robe on I will allow
him to testify, and that actually happened. We’ve got to have the right line.
I will welcome any brother here, from India, who does not understand that he should not wear that lungi with
women’s cloth, and I will feel good about him. If that’s the way he understands, then fine. I wouldn’t fuss, I don’t quarrel, I
don’t fight. Certain things you have got to leave to the consciences of men until they could understand better, until they can
see. So, I don’t fight and fuss, then we will have peace in our ministers’ meeting.
Now, if a brother will rise up and say, “Brother, I think that the lungi is good and you shouldn’t say what you said.”
I would give him his rights. I would say, “You have a right to your opinion.” But in the way that I explained that here
brethren, I am for the robe, I am for the African dress, I am for the original garment of India called, ‘the dhoti’. Brother
Branham seen three hundred thousand of them in dhoti: national garb.
Now, when we meet those people, I cannot command them to take off their dhoti and wear shirt and pants. That is
original garment, but I believe that this lungi is a perversion of the dhoti.
So, if I come down there to India and a fellow feels to wear his lungi where I am staying, you don’t have to take it
off for me. I could sit down and eat with you with your lungi. Now, but if I see your wife’s back showing, I am going to deal
with you from the pulpit.


Quote W.M.B.: 29-3 I was preaching here in Phoenix, not long ago, on something like that; and the minister’s
wife, setting on the pulpit with one of these boyish bobbed hair all kinked up, and with a dress that she couldn’t even keep
her underneath skirts from shining (She couldn’t get down over her knees, was about four or five inches above her knees
setting up there.), jumping up-and-down leading songs. I blasted it just as hard as I could. ‘Course he won’t invite me back. I
don’t expect to, but he knows what’s right and wrong. When I stand at the judgment, it’s not on my hands anymore. (Way Of
A True Prophet 62-0513m).


Quote: 5-5 And at that, the Angel of the Lord taken me out then, and He taken me to a real bright stream of water...
He said, “I will make you a fisher.” …I got all excited and jerked it hard on the next one out; I pulled the fish and all out of
the water. And what it was, it was a little bitty fish, and it, just about the size of the lure. And I got my line all tangled up.
And I was straightening out my line, and the Man which was talking behind me, walked around in front of me, dressed in
Palestinian clothes and a turban on His head. He had a white robe. He said, “Brother Branham, that’s it.” (Why Are People
So Tossed About 56-0101).

Heretical Article No. 599: “A divorced woman can be re-married because Romans 7: 1-3 applies to those that
know the Law (Israel) and not the gentiles.”

Quote Richard Gan: Romans 7:2-3 has often been used, by such preachers…to “kill” every woman who
remarried, or will remarry, while her ex-husband is still living. They…try to…support their reasoning by applying the first
part of 1 Cor.7:11 which states “But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried…” These preachers are saying, “See, the
divorced woman cannot remarry. She must remain single until her husband dies.” The application of the statement of 1
Cor.7:11 together with Romans 7:2-3 is a serious error… one cannot…apply it to every woman. (From the (Gan’s) website,
pages 18-20)

… a preacher…emphasized that an unsaved divorced woman can never ever remarry just as a Christian woman
cannot remarry if she divorces her husband.

… Now, the LAW was given to Israel. It was not given to the Gentiles; it was not given to the sinners. This is a fact…
Therefore, how could this example of Paul's be used… to form a doctrine that an unsaved divorced woman cannot
remarry?... Why is the preacher using the Law and even the Bible to judge such a sinner when she knows nothing about its
Author and the Saviour who loves her? (From the (Gan’s) website, pages 16 & 17).

E.O.D.H. Answer: The foundation upon which this heresy is built is a perversion of the scriptures that:
 Romans 7: 2-3 does not apply to every woman on earth.
 The Law was given to Israel. It was not given to the Gentiles
 We cannot apply the Law to judge a people who know not the Law.
 Paul was speaking to them that know the Law.
 The Law that was given to Israel cannot be used to Judge an unsaved, divorced woman.
 If she is an Israelite woman who knows the LAW then she would be judged by the LAW.

The Church is made up of Jews and Gentiles. If this heresy is true, then this teaching will apply to some in the
Church (Jews) who know the law, and not the Gentiles.
It is true that the law of Moses was given to the Jews, but when the Apostle Paul laid down these scriptural
standards, he was speaking to the Romans and Corinthians, which were gentiles.

Heretical Article No. 600: “I Corinthians 7: 15 gives the woman the authority to be remarried. Brother Branham
never explained this scripture in his entire message.”

Quote Richard Gan: 1 Corinthians 7… Verse 15 is one verse that Brother Branham did not touch on in his
message “Marriage and Divorce” nor did he ever explain the verse in any of his sermons… Now, since a brother or a sister
is not under bondage in such cases, can he or she remarry?
…Many Endtime Message believers will retort that only the man can remarry but not the woman…In Christ Jesus,
is there a preference for the man over the woman? Are not all one and equal in Him as far as the Gospel is concerned?...
God…provided a way for the spiritually reborn woman who had been a victim of a sinful life molded by Satan, even her
unbelieving husband (1 Cor.7:15)…the Law of Christ does not apply to the unbelievers but only to those who are born into
His Body. (From the (Gan’s) website, pages 19 to 23).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan is telling lies on the prophet and about the message to deceive the simple in mind. He is
a make-believer of the message. He purposely wrest the scriptures to his own destruction and is destroying the souls of some.
Now compare Gan’s heresy with the Word and what the prophet taught.

Quote W.M.B.: 697-27 Now, I Corinthians, 7th chapter, 15th verse. Now, the question they asked: Brother
Branham, does this mean a sister or a brother is free to remarry?
No…They’re not free. See, that would make a contradiction in the Scripture, and the Scriptures doesn’t contradict
themselves at all. See?
… Now, it seems like here, that the person is wanting to know... Is a brother or sister in the Lord, can marry or
remarry and be free, if they leave their companion to remarry again?
No. Now, let’s... begin at the 10th verse: ... unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord,... (See?)... Let not
the wife depart from her husband: (See?)
But... if she departs, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his
wife. (That’s the Commandments of the Lord. See?)
But to the rest speak I, not the Lord:... (See?)... if any brother hath a wife that believeth not,...
…they thought, “If... I got married and I become a believer, and my wife wasn’t a believer, let me put her away.”
Oh, no. That isn’t it. You can’t do that. See, see?
... But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart... A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such case, that is, if
your companion is putting you away and wants to depart for it. You don’t have to just hold onto them. If they’re wanting to
leave you and they’re going to leave you for the cause of Christ, let them leave. But you can’t remarry. “But God has called
us unto peace.” See? Now, not that you can remarry again; he’s already stated that, but you don’t have to live with an
unbelieving husband or an unbelieving wife if they are not willing.
… Does this mean a sister or a brother is free to remarry? No, sir. See, he explained that first. See:
... unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she
departs, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband:... (See?) There’s no such things as any believer ever being
reconciled to remarriage again, with a living companion. (Questions & Answers 62-0527).

Quote: 37-4 Now, you notice in I Corinthians 7:10, notice, Paul commands the wife that is--that divorces her
husband to remain single or be reconciled, not to remarry. She must remain single or to be reconciled back to her husband.
She cannot remarry; she must remain single. But notice, he never said about the man. (Marriage And Divorce 65-0221m).

Mr. Gan does not read the message with an open heart, but by his private interpretation. He is trying to make the
scripture fit his thoughts by forcibly twisting it out of context. Mr. Gan’s teaching is definitely contradictory to the teachings
of Brother Branham and the scripture. Some are willfully ignorant of the message. They have closed their eyes to the Word
and message of the hour because of money, women and popularity.

Heretical Article No. 601: “Unmarried means divorced. Therefore, according to I Corinthians 7, the divorced can
be remarried if they are divorced for a legitimate reason.”

Quote Richard Gan’s book: From Jason To: Richard Gan:

Bro. Gan: …in a Bible commentary… I Cor. 7… verses 11 identifies the divorce as “unmarried”…They are the
divorced…Throughout Scripture…When divorce is permitted, so is remarriage.

…so my understanding of this issue is that…divorced women or men… can remarry if they are divorced for a
legitimate reason. Death, adultery or the unbelieving departs from the husband… the person is free to remarry just like
widows in I Cor. 7:39… Is their any inconsistencies to my understanding? Bro. Jason.

Reply: Bro. Jason: …you understood correctly. R. Gan (From the (Gan’s) website, pages 24 to 25).

E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: 697-27 But if the unmarried depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in
such a case: but God has called us unto peace.
Now, I Corinthians, 7th chapter, 15th verse. Now, the question they asked: Brother Branham, does this mean a sister
or a brother is free to remarry? No. See, you don't get his question there and what he's saying. They're not free. See, that
would make a contradiction in the Scripture, and the Scriptures doesn't contradict themselves at all. See?... You see, like you
can make the Scripture, just by reading one verse, say anything you want it to say to fit your thought.
… Does this mean a sister or a brother is free to remarry?
No, sir. See, he explained that first. See: ... unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife
depart from her husband: But and if she departs, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband:... (See?) There's
no such things as any believer ever being reconciled to remarriage again, with a living companion. (Questions And Answers

Heretical Article No. 602: “Christians can eat blood.”

Quote Richard Gan: Is it true that the Word of the Lord forbids the eating of food offered to idols and the eating of
blood?... (Act 15:1)…the Apostles and Elders there… were still just as religious, holding on to the laws of Moses…let their
feelings and passions get the better of themselves… It was an agreement based on religious feeling concerning the law…the
opinions of the flesh were involved. The carnal mind is always at enmity with God…1CO 8:1 Now as touching things offered
unto idols…
…1CO 10:25 Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no question for conscience sake:
… the eating of anything — any food which the dietary law of Moses forbids in Leviticus 11, including blood, is not
contrary to the Christian faith… we are not under bondage to the Law (From the (Gan’s) website, pages 28 to 36).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Paul’s subject was not eating blood, in those verses, but eating meats sacrificed to idols.

Quote W.M.B.: E-14 ...The life lays in the blood. The Bible said, "The flesh thereof, you may eat it. But the blood
thereof (which is the life) pour it upon the ground. Don't eat the blood." 'Cause in the blood lays the life. (God Perfecting
His Church 54-1204).

Heretical Article No. 603: “America is the false prophet of Revelation 16: 13.”

Quote Richard Gan: In chapter 13 of the book of Revelation… the second beast is Americanism… for the last 50
years it has been prophesying lies. It has become a False Prophet (Rev. 16: 13)
… The apostle John did not see any further vision of the Second Beast after Revelation 13 except that it had become
a False Prophet (Rev. 16: 13, 19: 20, 2o: 10). (From the (Gan’s) website Page 9 & 13).

E.O.D.H. Answer: The false prophet cannot be America, else how could America be cast alive into the lake of fire
(Revelation 19:20) at the end of the tribulation? This heresy has again proven that Mr. Gan is a make-believer of the message
of Malachi 4: 5-6.

Quote W.M.B.: E-74 …it come out of the… mouth of the false prophet which was popery, from out of the beast.
See? (Thy House 61-0808).

Quote: 170-3 {367} It’s three stages of the same devil power…first stage he's called antichrist; second stage, he's
called the false prophet…
…Notice, Nicolaitia…when the teaching become a man, he was a prophet to the teaching of the hierarchy of the
Catholic church. The Pope was the prophet to the false word, and that made him a false prophet. The third stage is a beast.
(The First Seal 63-0318).

Heretical Article No. 604:

Quote Richard Gan: America claims to have the Word of God, but she does not have the faith. She does not have
the Truth for God has already taken the gospel and moved westward across the Pacific Ocean to Asia. (From the (Gan’s)
website Page 14).

E.O.D.H. Answer: It is true that the prophet of God said that the Holy Spirit has gone overseas hunting souls in
foreign lands, but never invented a heresy as Mr. Gan is saying here.
Quote W.M.B.: E-55 The Lord Jesus was standing here at the platform last night, and proved to every person
present that He was absolutely raised from the dead without a shadow of a doubt. Tonight, two or three hundred more people
than was here last night... What’s the matter? The end time is here, brother…That same action in Germany, Switzerland,
Africa, anywhere in the other lands…would’ve took place, there’d have been a hundred thousand people there, there’d have
been at least twenty or thirty thousand come to Christ. And the next night, there’d have been double that. What is it? The
Holy Spirit flew away from us, and She’s gone overseas hunting lambs to dwell in. That’s really, exactly what’s taking
place. (Making The Valley Full Of Ditches 56-0728).

After making that statement, God opened up the seals in America which released the Word of God; and God’s
prophet, to whom the Word of God came, remained in America until his decease. So Mr. Gan does not know what he is
In the previous ages, whenever the Gospel went to another Nation, it went by another messenger of another age who
was called and had his ministry in that locality. Mr. Gan is not a messenger, and no where in the scriptures or the message
said that the Gospel has moved from America to Asia (Singapore). The next locality where the Gospel is promised to go after
the seals revealed the Word in America is to the nation of Israel by Christ the messenger to Israel.

Quote W.M.B.: 72-1{29} This seven-sealed Book is revealed at the time of the Seven Thunders of Revelations 10...
Let's turn to Revelations 1... If you notice that's Christ (See?), ‘cause He in the Old Testament was called the Angel of the
Covenant, and He’s directly coming to the Jews now, for the Church is finished.
…Angel is a messenger, and He’s a Messenger to Israel. See? The Church has been raptured. See? Now, or fixing to
be raptured. He comes for His Church. (The Breach 63-0317e).



Heretical Article No. 605: “Abel had dominion over the animals like Adam. That is why he was a shepherd.”

Quote Richard Gan: Like his father, the Serpent, who was a servant of Adam, Cain was a tiller of the ground.
Whereas, Abel was a shepherd. And like his father, Adam, he had dominion over the animals that God had created. (The
Mark of the wicked ones - pages 1 & 2).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan has no revelation of the fall of man, therefore he has no revelation of redemption;
hence he has formulated multitudes of heresies. By this heresy Satan seeks to destroy the value of the cross and redemption.
If Adam and his sons did not lose dominion power with God, Jesus died in vain to restore it. He said, <All power is given
unto me in heaven and in earth.> (Matthew 28: 18). <But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon
you.> (Acts 1: 8)

The dominion power that Adam lost was only restored in Christ. That power will be displayed by the manifested
sons of God in the end time. This heretic is dumber than a theologian.

Quote W.M.B.: E-35 …the Creator of the heavens and the earth, He Who made all nature and made man ruler over
such. And in the fall, he lost his dominion through Adam. But in Christ he was restored back.
We see our blessed Saviour, that second Adam, Who stopped the winds and the waves, was so anointed with the
Holy Spirit until great miracles and signs proceeded from Him. (The Great Commission 57-0804a).
Quote: 76 And now, this may just choke you to death. But did you know that men that are sons of God are amateur
gods?...God said in Genesis 2 that they were gods, because they had full domain over the dominion of the world. He give him
dominion over all things. And he lost his godship; he lost his sonship; he lost his domain; and Satan took it over. But, brother,
we are waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God, who will come back and take it over again. Waiting for the fullness
of time, when the pyramid gets up to the top, when the full sons of God will be manifested, when the power of God will walk
out (Hallelujah.) and will take every power that Satan's got away from him. Yes, sir, it belongs to him. (Adoption.4 60-

Quote: 112 But man was put here with a dominion over the earth. He had everything under his control. What
Adam lost, Jesus proved that He had restored. He stopped nature. He raised the dead. He done everything, "And the world is
groaning today," the Bible said, "for the manifestations of the sons of God," for God to get into His children again in reality
to make things real. (The Unfailing Realities Of The Living God 60-0626).

There are no scriptures to support that the serpent was a tiller of the ground nor a servant of Adam. Adam was made
a tiller of the soil. <There was not a man to till the ground.> (Genesis 2: 5).

Heretical Article No. 606: “Genesis 4: 6-7: The sin that lieth at Cain’s door was a sin offering.”

Quote Richard Gan: Cain…if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou
shalt rule over him.” – Gen.4:2b-7.

… Let me paraphrase Genesis 4:6-7: And the Lord said to Cain, "…If you had done well, would you not be
accepted? And if not, there is a sin-offering crouching right before you. He is subjected unto you, and you can do with him as
you please.” (The Mark of the wicked ones - pages 2 & 3).

E.O.D.H. Answer: The revelation of this heretic is grossly contrary to that of the Holy Spirit and God’s prophet,
William Branham. This identifies the spirit of antichrist upon Mr. Gan. The prophet of God taught us that the sin that lieth at
Cain’s door was his unbelief. He was willfully disobedient to Abel’s message. Gan is saying it was a sin-offering. He is


Quote W.M.B.: 182 Genesis 4:6 and 7. God said to Cain…, "If you'll do well, go do like your brother's doing out
there; I'll receive you and bless you. I'll do for you the same thing." But he just couldn't do it. He said, "Now, if you don't, sin
of unbelief lieth at the door."
…Now, notice what that done to Cain, and it's going to do the same today. It made Cain go away a willful sinner.
He willfully was disobedient. Every person will be the same way. Willfully disobedient after he had seen Abel's message so
vindicated of God, that it was the truth, and refused to do it. Done the same then. Then he crossed the dividing line. (God's
Power To Transform 65-0911).

Quote: 252 Notice it in Genesis 4:6 and 7… "Do as Abel did." He said… "Go ahead and do what Abel did…and I'll
bless you. If you don't, sin layeth at the door." Now, "sin" is "unbelief." "If you don't do as Abel did... then it shows that sin,
unbelief, lays at the door." See? (Power Of Transformation 65-1031m).

Heretical Article No. 607: “The ground was cursed twice in Genesis.”

Quote Richard Gan: when thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive
and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.” – Gen.4:10-12

… The ground was cursed twice. The first curse was the judgment of God on the sin of Adam. Although the ground
would bring forth thorns and thistles, its strength to produce abundant crops was not removed (Gen.3:18). The second curse
was the penalty of Cain's sin for shedding the righteous blood of Abel. (The Mark of the wicked ones - pages 4 & 5).

E.OD.H. Answer: This is a horrible lie of Satan. The earth was not cursed twice, but once in Genesis 3: 18: “Cursed
be the ground for thy sake.”
Cain was cursed in Genesis 4: 10-12, not the ground. It remained productive but it was not going to yield her
strength unto Cain. To prove that the curse was to the individual and not the ground, another curse was pronounced upon
Cain. He was to be a fugitive and a vagabond.

Heretical Article No. 608: “The mark of Cain was that God increased his size and intellect, and he was a deceiver.”

Quote Richard Gan: The mark of Cain… the mark set upon Cain was his size. This is the revelation I have
received from the Holy Spirit according to His Scriptures. That same Mark was upon some of his kind, as we shall see by
following the trail of the Serpent… Cain must also be a BIG fellow like the Serpent according to the law of reproduction.
When God set the MARK upon Cain, He actually further increased his physique and his intellect.

… When God increased his build, the size of his brain also increased proportionately and his mental capacity
and reasoning power were thus enhanced… The third feature of Cain's mark was his ability to deceive the people spiritually,
making them religious.

… Hence, we see the same Mark of Cain upon the Hamites: big physically, great intellectually. And their religion?
As 'great' and 'beautiful', but full of deceit. (The Mark Of The Wicked Ones - pages 6 to 9, 12).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan claimed that the Holy Spirit gave him this revelation. God don’t lie or reveal any
heresy. The revelation of Gan is of the antichrist because it contradicts the Word and message of the major prophet.
The prophet of God said that the Mark of Cain is the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. Mr. Gan is saying it was the
increase of his size: physically, intellectually and otherwise. Those who believe Gan must believe that the prophet’s
revelation is wrong. We believe that the prophet is right. He was ordained to reveal the mysteries of God and Gan was
ordained to pervert the truth of the message.


Quote W.M.B.: E-15 Genesis 4:15…God marked Cain. And as soon as Cain was marked, he went out of the
Presence of the Lord. (The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God 2 61-0217).

Quote: E-69 “He that sins...” What is sin? Unbelief... “If we disbelieve willfully after we have received the
knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin.”
You turn your back on God; what do you do then? Seal yourself away, and take the mark of the beast, and go off
like Cain did, from the Presence of God…You seal yourself out of the Kingdom: mark of the beast.
When God told Abel, or told Cain, said, "Just go over and worship like your brother. Bring a lamb, come down
here and worship like your brother," said, "you'll do all right. Do as your brother does, you'd be all right."
But he wouldn't do it, said, "This is the best I can offer. You can take it or leave it." And he was marked and went
out of the Presence of God. (The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God 2 61-0217).


Quote: E-73 You hear the Gospel trump… turn it down, what did they do?... His master then had to take him down
to the Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, or Presbyterian church, and take him up to the wall, and stick his ear up against the
wall, and take a awl and bore a hole in his ear and marked him. And never was he free no more.
And if you hear the truth and turn away from it, then your ear is stopped and you'll never hear it no more. You'll
go out of the Presence of God, saying, "My mother was Presbyterian, I'm just as good as the rest of them." (The Mark Of The
Beast And The Seal Of God 2 61-0217).


Quote: E-75 What is the mark of the beast? To reject the Holy Ghost. See... After he once come to the knowledge of
the truth... "For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened..." See? Coming up to the knowledge of the truth, and
seeing that they see the truth, and see the knowledge of it, and see it's here, see it working, see it's right, and have a
knowledge of the truth and then turn away again, "There remaineth no more sacrifice for sin."
Just like Cain at the beginning, so will it be at the end. That's Hebrews the 10th chapter. And will be marked away
from the Presence of God and be a Baptist, Presbyterian, or a Pentecostal, by denomination only, the rest of their days. (The
Mark Of The Beast And The Seal.Of.God.2 61-0217).
Heretical Article No. 609: “Genesis 4: 26 means that Cain’s race began to profanely call on the Lord.”

Quote Richard Gan: As we read Genesis 4:26, it appears that this people in the generation of Enos had begun to
call upon the Name of Jehovah God to worship Him:

“And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the

… Ancient Jewish records rendered that the “men” refers to the Cainic race who “began profanely to call
upon the name of the Lord”. That is right. (The Mark Of The Wicked Ones).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan has a different opinion than the revelation given to the prophet. He is perverting the
simplicity of the Word. It is Satan at work. Let him be accursed (Galatians 1: 8).


Quote W.M.B.: 53 We find out that in Genesis 4 that Cain's people started civilization, building towns, and cities,
and so forth, and instruments of music, and become in science. And the people got further away from God, yet religious. But
when Seth's people come on, they begin to call on the Name of the Lord. (The Rapture 65-1204).

Heretical Article No. 610: “The Scribes and Pharisees had the mark of Cain upon them, and they persecuted Jesus
and the disciples. That was elect persecuting elect.”

Quote Richard Gan: Now, let's see another group of 'elects' that persecuted the elects in their generation.

The Pharisees, The Sadducees & The Scribes … They were INTELLECTUALS in the field of traditional religions.
They were BIG, STRONG and VERY DECEPTIVE. Without a shadow of doubt, they had the Mark of Cain upon them. Did
they not also persecute the disciples and the Lord's Christ just like Cain and Esau did their blood brothers? (The Mark Of
The Wicked Ones - pages 14 and 15).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan is saying that the Pharisees and Scribes were the elect of God, had the mark of Cain
and persecuted the elect of God. That is a lie and a heresy, and proves that he don’t know his Bible. The prophet said they
were sons of Satan. Jesus said they were not of his sheep-elect, but their father was the devil (St. John 8). Gan is contrary to
both Jesus and Branham. He is not of God.


Quote W.M.B.: 86 The sons of Cain, or rather sons of Satan... They are sons of Satan because Cain was the son of
Satan. And so therefore, the sons of Cain today... And you say, "Are you sure of that, Brother Branham?" Yes, I am. I'm
positive of that. Well, listen.

Jesus, when He was here on earth, He promptly told them religious leaders that, "Ye are of your father the devil."...
If those religious leaders in that day were called sons of the devil, we know then that the devil in the beginning was the one
who inspired Cain to persecute his brother and to kill him. That's the same thing taken place by them same leaders that
persecuted Jesus Christ and killed Him. They were forced to a decision just the same as they were forced back there in the
garden of Eden. They were forced to make a decision. "Well, what about This?" The sons of Cain, the sons of Satan... (The
True Easter Seal 61-0402).
Quote: 32 And all these cults and uprises, and all these things and isms today, by God's grace it's, every one, written
in Genesis, where it had its beginning back there, and it's just got another name.

… And when Jesus come, they were holy men, and Jesus said, "You're of your father, the devil." Said, "You do err
not knowing the power of God, neither the Word of God." Could you imagine the Lord Jesus Christ calling a holy,
righteous scholar, Bible student, a devil? But He did. And now, if you'll go back, you'll find out where it come from.
(Israel.And.The.Church.1 53-0325).

Heretical Article No. 611: “The Mark of the beast today is religions having everything big and their intellectualism
and deceptiveness.”

Quote Richard Gan: The Mark Of The Beast… Just look at the MARK. They have everything BIG. They have
BIG buildings… Then they have BIG programmes, many Hollywood-styled, which are conducted in the name of the Gospel,
to draw BIG crowd. They have BIG names for their organisations, even BIG names for their preachers, too. That's right.
They are called by such high-sounding titles as Archbishop, Cardinal, Right Honourable, Very Reverend, Holy Father, etc.,
etc.. They are an INTELLECTUAL lot with letters after their names to denote the strings of university degrees they possess in
Bible Theology and such like. But they are truly the children of DECEIT who are full of dead men's bones. (The Mark Of The
Wicked Ones - pages 15 to 17).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Here is another heresy of Gan. He is a make-believer and is only using the name of the
prophet and the message for deception. He is set to destroy the prophet and the message. Thus he speaks in opposition to the
prophet. The Mark of the beast is to believe Romanism and do their works-mark in the head and hand. It is to reject the truth
and the Holy Ghost-the token


Quote W.M.B.: 233 Now, you see what the mark of the beast is? It's the mark of apostasy. It's a person who is a--
just thinks that, "Well, I belong to church, and I'm just as good as the next fellow. Am not I belonging to this church?" And
you realize where your church organization that you're depending on, where it come from? Do your realize?
The Bible said, "He that worships the beast, receives his mark, or the letter of his name (Now, watch.) in forehead
or hand." That's knowledge or deed. That don't mean you got a big tattoo on your face. It don't have to be that. It's not
talking of the outward. It's talking of spiritual.
…You say, "Well, I belong. I'm Protestant…He goes down, instead of going to prayer meeting, you'll close up the
church and set and watch television. He goes out here and he drinks and carries on and acts like the rest of the world, yet he
belongs to the church. Remember, that's the mark of sin. (The Mark Of The Beast 54-0513).

Quote: 157 We so hear so much about this new system going to bring the religious system, you know, going to
bring peace upon the earth, when the Catholic and all the Protestants unite together… And you have to forfeit… your
evangelical belief, to get into the World Council… If Rome is the mother of denominations, and she is the beast and the mark
of the beast, then they made an image unto it, council, the churches all together make an image to the beast… a system to
bring the mark of the beast.
…And when it does, no man can preach the Gospel, no man, without belonging to this system. There's the mark of
the beast. (The World Is Again Falling Apart 63-1127).

Quote: 124 Notice his plans to build a super denominational church, the World Council of Churches (See?), a super
denomination, so that all the world will worship him, the beast, under the name of united Christianity. Would you like to read
that in the Bible? Revelations 13:6 and 8. It's a modern tower of Babel.
… the World Council of Churches, which will make every one of them bow to her. And you took the mark of the
beast not knowing what you were doing... But those who are elected will hear the Word and come out of it. (The God Of This
Evil Age 65-0801m).
Quote: 172 God called you, you'll come to It; but if you're not, I don't care how religious you are, you're gone; that's
all. You can't come, no man can, except He called you. And He's not willing that any should perish, but a lot of you will
because you're too unconcerned about it.
And you'll go around and see something looks a little fanatically, a little shadowed, "Well, Dr. So-and-so said so-
and-so, and so forth." And then you walk around and blaspheme the Holy Ghost. You know that's right, and it's never to be
You're going to find out in a few minutes what the mark of the devil is, what the seal of the devil is, the mark of the
beast. "Whosoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, will never be forgiven him in this world or the world to come."…You
could seal yourself out of the Kingdom of God and into the devil; out into where there's no forgiveness in this world nor the
one to come. Truly. So be careful, walk reverently. Be careful what you do, for you don't know what will take place. (The
Mark Of The Beast 54-0513).


Quote: E-51 But when Titus came up, and they seen... Jesus told them, "When you see Jerusalem compassed about
with armies, let him that's in the field, don't return to get his coat. But hit for the hills of Judaea just as hard as you can go.
Get out of there." 'Cause they're going to blaspheme the Holy Ghost. And if they blaspheme the Holy Ghost, they take the
mark of the beast, and there's nothing but destruction left. (The Mark Of The Beast 54-0513).

Heretical Article No. 612: “The fiery stones of Ezekiel were cherubims.”

Quote Richard Gan: The Seraphim and Cherubim are such imageries with hidden mysteries… In chapter 28 of his
book, the Prophet Ezekiel was speaking of Satan as he directed his words at the prince of Tyrus. Satan was that anointed
guarding cherub named Lucifer who had once possessed great authority and moved among all the other angelic
principalities and powers (fiery stones) of God (vv.14). (From the (Gan’s) website…2, The revelation of the flaming sword
page 2).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Gan has no scriptures to prove his heresy. His wild imagination has driven him mad. How I wish
that he would repent and be delivered, even like legion. The people of God will be set free from his bondage. Gan, please
have mercy upon the souls of lovely people who mean well. Tell them that God never revealed those things to you.

Heretical Article No. 613: “There was a recreation of the Heaven and Earth.”

Quote Richard Gan: No sooner and right after the re-creation of the Heaven and Earth, Satan went straight into
the garden of Eden where Adam and Eve dwelled. (From the website…2, The revelation of the flaming sword page 2).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Genesis 1:1, God “created” the heavens and the earth not re-created. There is no bible to support
a re-creation in Genesis. This is strictly the imagination of heretics. I am sure that Pastor Gan never did believe such a
heresy, after he first read the bible for many years, even because of the simplicity of the scripture. The prophet never
preached it, because he understood it in the simplicity that it is written. He never preached such a heresy. Why should we
believe it? This is totally unscriptural and unfounded in the message. It’s based on science and “prehistoric man”.

Heretical Article No. 614: “Angels were created in the image of God.”

Quote Richard Gan: Adam was first created a spirit in the image of God and His Holy Angels. He was in the
likeness of God and His Holy Angels (The Serpent Seed The Original Sin.)

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan is contradicting the Word and the Prophet. The very scripture that he quoted exposed
this heresy. “Image and likeness;” if God was speaking to the angels, it could not say such in singular form, but would say
“images and likenesses.” Angels are not in the image of God; only man (Gen: 1: 26-27). The only one that was in the image
of God before the creation of man, was Christ the son of God’s Spirit (Colossians1: 15), who is the image of the invisible

Quote W.M.B.: 175-57 And when we, through that Theophany that... We were made in the image of God before
the world was ever made. When that Theophany has been made flesh and dwelt among us, then through His death we
ourselves receive His Spirit and we have no end: Eternal Life; not Angels, but men and women.

…You will never be an Angel. God made Angels, but God made man. (Hebrews Chapter Five And Six 1 57-

Quote: E-54 Brother, I'm telling you; I believe in the resurrection. God will speak one of these days, and we'll come
forth in His image and in His likeness, men and women, not angels, but men and women. God made Angels; we'll never be
Angels. We wasn't made for Angels. Men are made men. God made man. He intends him to be man. It's God's pattern. (El
Shaddai 59-0416).


Quote: E-65 He said, "Let us (plural) make man (plural) in our own image." What was He? There is a supernatural
Being. There's the One that could not be seen. God the Father never was seen… And there He is. And now, here's the Son,
which is the Logos that went out of Him, made in His image, a supernatural Being that went out in the beginning. (Show Us
The Father And It'll Satisfy Us 53-0610).

Quote: 80-278 And now, the Logos that went out of God… begin to form into a body shape… called in the scholar's
teaching, "Logos,"…it was what we call a theophany… it is of a form of a human body that doesn't eat, neither does it drink,
but it's--it's a body, a body that's waiting for us as soon as we leave this one… And that's the kind of body that God was. For
He said, "Let Us make man in Our own image and in our likeness." (Hebrews Chapter Two 3 57-0828).



Heretical Article No. 615: “The Garden spoken of in Genesis 2: 9B is not the Garden of Eden. In the midst of the
Garden is the midst of the human body.”

Quote Richard Gan: … not all the "trees" (in Scriptures) were literal trees, neither were they the same type of
"trees". Likewise the word "garden" does not necessary mean a literal garden. It could symbolise the soul (Jer.31:12), the
shrine (Isa.65:3), or the human body (Songs of Solomon 4-8). The basic meaning of "garden" whether literal, symbolic or
spiritual, is an enclosure i) where a seed can be planted to reproduce itself; ii) cultivated for public enjoyment. While the
Garden of Eden is a literal garden, the "garden" mentioned in Genesis 2:9b is not that Garden of Eden. (The serpent seed,
the original sin).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Please observe the similarity of Raymond “Junior” Jackson’s heresies on this subject:
Jackson’s Heresy: “The Garden of Eden was spiritual, and had nothing to do with how God planted trees, flowers,
etc. It was a little bit of the spirit world placed here with man in this natural world. That same setting is referred to as a

E.O.D.H. Answer: Utter foolishness “chief”, you wear me out with your foolishness! I could not imagine that two
men could speak and believe such a heresy about the Garden of Eden and spiritualize it. This is a dumb doctrine, no wonder
why, nobody ever challenged you on your heresies, because it’s a waste of time. But E.O.D.H. has taken up this challenge to
prove that you are not so bright after all, but is spiritually dumb calling yourself a chief apostle.

Heretical Article No. 616: The two trees were two laws that governed sexual reproduction.

Quote Richard Gan: "Tree of Life", "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil", "In the midst of the garden", and
"Eat", and MEDITATE upon them for awhile. We will understand that the human body is the garden, and in the midst
of the garden is the sexual reproductive organ. And two laws govern that sexual reproductive organ. (Remember,
two trees stood in the midst of the garden, not side by side Gen. 2:9). The Divine Way or Law of Life is symbolised by the
Tree of Life. The Perverted Way or Law of Death is symbolised by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
These two Laws (Trees) are diametrically opposed to each other. (The Serpent Seed The Original Sin pt. 2.)

E.O.D.H. Answer: How can this infidel and heretic speak such blasphemies in the face of the almighty God who
revealed the mystery of God to his prophet, William Branham, the fulfillment of Revelation 10: 7 and Malachi 4: 5-6. Gan is
definitely out of his mind. Reports are that he was treated at a mental home. This heresy is expressed madness. Here is the
prophet’s teaching. You have a choice to follow a mad man or the message of a vindicated prophet.


Quote W.M.B.: 97-5 Now that Tree back there in Eden, that Tree which was the source of life, was Jesus. In John,
chapters six through eight, Jesus sets Himself forth as the source of eternal life. He called Himself the Bread from heaven. He
spoke of giving Himself and that if a man ate of Him he would never die. He proclaimed that He knew Abraham, and that
before Abraham, He WAS. He prophesied that He Himself would give them living waters that if man drank he would never
thirst again, but would live eternally. He showed Himself as the GREAT I AM. He is the Bread Of Life, the Well Of Life, the
Eternal One, the TREE OF LIFE. He was back there in Eden in the midst of the garden even as He will be in the midst of the
paradise of God. (Ephesian Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.3).

Quote: 102-2 … there were TWO trees in the midst of the garden. The Tree of Life was Jesus. The other tree is
definitely Satan because of what came forth of the fruit of that tree. (Ephesian Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.3).

Quote: 98-3 All right. If the Tree Of Life is a person, then the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is a person
ALSO. It can't be otherwise. Thus the Righteous One and the Wicked One stood side by side there in the midst of the Garden
of Eden. Ezekiel 28:13a "Thou (Satan) hast been in Eden, the garden of God." (Ephesian Church Age - Church Age Book

Heretical Article No. 617: “The tree of Life and the knowledge of good and evil were two laws and not two

Quote Richard Gan: Laws Not Persons. Due to their lack of spiritual understanding of the Word of God and
the teaching of the Laodicean Church Age Messenger, William M. Branham, certain Bible believers insist that the two "trees"
"in the midst of the garden" were Jesus Christ and Satan, or…standing side by side in the Garden of Eden…Such erroneous
teachings are based on the misunderstanding of certain words used in the Scriptures.

… Genesis 2:9b does not say that the two trees stood side by side in the midst of the Garden of Eden. Also, Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, could not have been there in the Garden of Eden as He was not yet born. Genesis 2:9b merely states
"the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil." The two trees are two laws
which govern the sexual reproductive organ which is found in the middle part of the human body (the garden). The Tree
of Life is the Divine Way or Law of Life. It is the Divine Truth given by the Divine God for eternal (divine) life. Proverbs 3:18
says, "She (that is, wisdom, verses 13 and 19, which is the personification of the Creative Divine Word of Life) is a tree
of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her." (The Serpent Seed The Original Sin
pt. 2.)
E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: 79 And the Tree which is in the midst of the paradise of God, and he will eat from (See?), the
Tree." Which, the Tree was Christ Jesus. See? And Christ Jesus, being dead, He come back in the form of the Holy Spirit. So
He's here, and the manna that's eaten in the Church. (The Seven Church Ages 54-0512).

Heretical Article No. 618: “People could have nibbled at the tree of life but not eat of it.”

Richard Gan: When Death entered the Garden, the Man and the Woman were driven out of the Garden and Life
was withheld from them. The way into the Garden was from the east — the 'eastern gate'. Since that day, it has been guarded
by God's ministering angels (cherubim) and a flaming sword which turned every way so that mankind could never eat
directly and wholly of that Tree of Life (Gen.3:22-24) although a chosen group may be permitted to 'nibble' at It. (The Holy
City, New Jerusalem Pt. 1.).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan, where did you get that nonsense about the tree of life? It sounds so foolish. Don’t you
understand that the way to the tree of life was guarded by cherubims? How man ever got to the tree to nibble on it? Foolish
man, Jesus was that way, the truth and the very tree of life. Man could only eat of it since the Christ cleared the way. Away
with your nibbling heresy. You are nibbling on the souls of men like a rat.



Quote W.M.B.: E-20 The Holy Spirit guarded the Tree of Life until the Atonement was made, and now the Holy
Spirit is running the people to the Tree of Life. Adam and Eve was trying to get to the Tree of Life…And Jesus Christ is the
Tree of Life. (The True And False Vines 56-0311a).

Quote: 49 God put Seraphims there, guarding that Tree, that no one would touch It. Now, He's got Seraphims out
trying to drive them in to the Tree. Them day--they seen the vision, they wanted to the Tree, to get back without an
atonement. But now after the atonement's made, the devil's blinding them, turn them this way from the Tree. Notice.
(Jehovah Jireh 2 62-0706).

Heretical Article No. 619: “The Garden of Eden is the land of Israel.”

Quote Richard Gan: … the garden of Eden (which is the land of Israel), even to this day… the garden of Eden was
Israel. (From the website…2, The revelation of the flaming sword page 1, 4).
…By the revelation given unto me by the Lord, let me establish the location of Eden and its Garden…It was the
Land of CANAAN. (Taken from Gan’s website: Where is the Garden of Eden?)

E.O.D.H. Answer: Gan was not sent to reveal the mystery of God. William Branham was foreordained to fulfill that
mission. The proud spirit of Gan has betrayed him to exalt himself like Lucifer against Michael. He thinks he has the first
prize and is revealing mysteries that were not revealed by the prophet. We believe Branham and do not mind being called
Branhamites by the heretic Gan.


Quote W.M.B.: E-13 ….we are told that the streets of Babylon were two hundred feet across... And not only that,
but their agriculture program. They have the best...?... in all the world today to compare with that valley now. You can raise
almost anything there: perfect irrigation. They claim that the garden of Eden was located near there. (The Sign Of The Time


Heretical Article No. 620: “Brother Branham’s teaching on the New Jerusalem does not make sense to Mr. Gan.”
Richard Gan: For years, even when I was in the the A.o.G. church, I have held the belief that the Holy City, New
Jerusalem would be composed of the redeemed saints of God of all ages. I have never read or heard any teaching on the
subject which made sense to me. (The Holy City, New Jerusalem Pt. 1).

E.O.D.H. Answer: This is a good example of people coming to the message and bringing over their seeds from the
harlot organizations. If Gan truly had the Holy Ghost, it would guide him into the truth that the Spirit spoke by the prophet.
Brother Branham’s teaching on the New Jerusalem was a revelation from almighty God. To speak against it is to blaspheme.


Quote W.M.B.: 49-5 Here's a deep revelation from God... the City is
measured, fifteen hundred miles square… That is the pyramid. Foursquare--lieth foursquare. (The Future Home Of The
Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride 64-0802).

Heretical Article No. 621: “New Jerusalem is not literal.”

Richard Gan: …an Endtime Message minister wrote a booklet in which he taught that the HOLY CITY, NEW
JERUSALEM would be a literal city which would hang directly above the old city of Jerusalem in the Eternal Age.

… Many may picture the HOLY CITY, NEW JERUSALEM as a literal physical city of gigantic size as described in
the last two chapters of the Book of Revelation. (The Holy City, New Jerusalem Pt. 1.).

… the Holy City, New Jerusalem is not a literal city! … Therefore, the dimension of its length, breadth and height
shows us the volume of its size, giving us an idea of the large number who are redeemed and clothed with Glorified Bodies.
(Notice the number of times the number 12,000 is used — 3 times 12,000. This tells us of the completeness of the Holy City
and the perfection of God's control, rule or government.) (The Holy City, New Jerusalem Pt. 2.).

E.O.D.H. Answer: The prophet said that it is a literal place. Who do you believe?

Quote W.M.B.: 42-3 And in the new earth, there is a new City…that
Jesus said in John 14, He would go to prepare…I'm going to prepare a place for you. In My Father's house is many mansions.
In My Father's Kingdom is many palaces." Christ is there under the construction of this New Jerusalem now.
… And Christ is gone and is preparing a place (that's been on its construction for many, many thousands of years),
preparing a place. "And if I go and prepare a place, I will come again, and receive you, that wherever I am, there you may be
also." Notice, the Redeemer and the redeemed. (The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride 64-

Quote: 49-5... the City is measured, fifteen hundred miles square… That would make it fifteen hundred miles this
way, fifteen hundred miles that way, fifteen hundred miles the length by the breadth by the height. Fifteen hundred miles…
That doesn't necessarily mean that it's a cube or square. There is another geographical measure that the dimensions
are the same. That is the pyramid. Foursquare--lieth foursquare. (The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The
Earthly Bride 64-0802).

Notice the similarity of Raymond “Junior” Jackson’s heresy on this subject:

Jackson’s heresy: “The New Jerusalem in Revelation 21, is called the Lamb's wife. If you literalize that city and say
it is a city made up of natural mineral substance, you will have to settle as fact that you believe in polygamy. It is spiritually
referred to as a city.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Elder Jackson. The city represents the Lamb’s wife. Anybody with a limited understanding of
reading can understand that Revelation 21 fits the description of a literal city. The major prophet Malachi 4:5&6 used the
same scripture to preach Future Home of the Bride and Bridegroom. His understanding was that it is a literal city. Who are
you to say differently? Are you God, or greater than God who gave him that revelation? Since you are not God, we will
believe the prophet. Your nonsensical blind excuse to invent this heresy cannot stand the word test. Christ is not a
“Polygamist”. Whoever heard such unintelligent excuse? Don’t you understand as a chief apostle that the city was a type of
the bride of Christ? If you deny that, how would you explain the description of the city to fit the bride? She is not 1500 miles
square and streets of Gold. You will have to invent another heresy. The city comes down while the bride is on the earth at the
end of the 1000 year rain. That shows that this doctrine is of the devil.

Quote W.M.B.: 50-4 Fifteen hundred miles square. What a City. But remember the sea is gone. And the breadth
and the height are the same. That would make it fifteen hundred miles this way, fifteen hundred miles that way, fifteen
hundred miles the length by the breadth by the height. Fifteen hundred miles (Think of it.) transparent gold. And the City had
a wall around it. (Future Home 64-0802).

Heretical Article No. 622: “The Garden of Eden was both literal and spiritual. Spiritually it was being in the
presence of God.”

Quote Richard Gan: God drove Adam out of the garden of Eden…This passage of Scripture is both literal and
figurative. Though the garden of Eden was a literal place.
… Adam was not only separated from the natural garden where he dwelled but also from that spiritual Garden of God where
God’s Presence truly dwelled. (From the website…2, The revelation of the flaming sword pages 1 to 3).

Expulsion From The Presence Of God…It wasn't just a specific location from which God had driven them…
The couple were actually driven from the Eternal Presence of God…They were actually dwelling in the Glorious Presence
of the Almighty…They were driven away from God's Glorious Presence of Eternal Life. (The Mark Of The Wicked Ones,
pages 1 to 2).

E.O.D.H. Answer:


Quote W.M.B.: 685-201 …the last question here was: "Is the new Jerusalem spiritual?" No, no, the new Jerusalem
John saw coming from God out of heaven, it isn't the discernment of the church now. You see?... The new Jerusalem John
saw descending out of heaven prepared as a--Revelation 21 (See?)--prepared as a bride adored for her Husband... (Questions
And Answers 61-1015m).

Notice the similarity of Raymond “Junior” Jackson’s Heresy on this subject:

Jackson’s Heresy: “When God drove Adam and Eve from the garden. God lifted His presence from them and
simply removed that heavenly setting from their midst and left them with those things that pertain only to earthly activity.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: This is gross unbelief and perversion of the written word. “Therefore the LORD God sent him
forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.” (Genesis 3:23). They were sent out of the
Garden. Not the garden left them, as you are saying, which you interpreted to be the glory of God. You could never make
your heresy fit the scripture above. Adam went out of the Garden to till the ground.

Heretical Article No. 623: “The garden of Eden holds the secret of the mystery of New Jerusalem.”

Richard Gan: To have an understanding of the Holy City, New Jerusalem, we need to look at the loci of the
GARDEN OF EDEN and the City of David called JERUSALEM. They hold the mystery to the Holy City, New Jerusalem.
(The Holy City, New Jerusalem Pt. 1.).

… THE HOUSE OF THE LORD was in the City of Jerusalem…

…(Don't you notice the hidden mystery of the Spiritual Jerusalem?) Yes, the city, Jerusalem, on Mount Zion is God's
habitation forever…)
… The Land of Canaan was the very place where the Garden of Eden was located… the Lord God had chosen that
place to make His Presence known and to put His Name in the midst of it. (The Holy City, New Jerusalem Pt. 1.).

E.O.D.H. Answer:

Quote W.M.B.: E-13 …we are told that the streets of Babylon were two hundred feet across... And not only that,
but their agriculture program. They have the best...? ...in all the world today to compare with that valley now. You can raise
almost anything there: perfect irrigation. They claim that the garden of Eden was located near there. (The Sign Of The Time

Notice the similarity of Raymond “Junior” Jackson’s Heresy on this subject:

Jackson’s heresy: “The Garden of Eden was spiritual, and had nothing to do with how God planted trees, flowers,
etc. It was a little bit of the spirit world placed here with man in this natural world. That same setting is referred to as a

E.O.D.H. Answer: Utter foolishness “chief”, you wear me out with your foolishness! I could not imagine that two
men could speak and believe such a heresy about the Garden of Eden and spiritualize it. This is a dumb doctrine, no wonder
why, nobody ever challenged you on your heresies, because it’s a waste of time. But E.O.D.H. has taken up this challenge to
prove that you are not so bright after all, but is spiritually dumb calling yourself a chief apostle.

Heretical Article No. 624: “The New Jerusalem is the people of God from the time of Adam to the end of the
White Throne Judgment. This is the City Abraham looked for. It will be completed after the White Throne Judgment.”

Quote Richard Gan: NEW JERUSALEM is nothing less than the Glorified Spiritual body of the people of God who
have been redeemed throughout the ages since Adam was created until the time Death is destroyed by Jesus Christ.
…Now, this is the “very city which…Abraham, the Father of our Faith had looked for. It will be completed after the
Great White Throne Judgement. (The Holy City, New Jerusalem Pt. 2)

E.O.D.H. Answer:


Quote W.M.B.: 344-857 And I, John, saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem, descending from God out of heaven,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." …There he said, "The wife... The Lamb and the Bride will be there
forever."…Oh, there'll be such beauty. And in there, there's a fountain right at the throne of God, that flows before the throne.
There's a tree on either side of the… river of Life... My home, sweet home... Amen. (Questions And Answers On Hebrews 3


Quote: 49-2 Your body was justified under Noah's baptism... And the earth is to be cleansed by fire (the place
where you live) with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, a dwelling place for Christ and His Bride, the New Jerusalem. Watch
this City. (The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride 64-0802).
Heretical Article No. 625: “The New Jerusalem is placed throughout the earth.”

Quote Richard Gan: And They Shall Walk By The Precious Light Which Illuminates From THE TABERNACLE OF
GOD, THE HOLY CITY, Which Is The GLORIFIED SAINTS, Who Will Be Placed Throughout The New Earth… the
members of the Holy City, New Jerusalem will be scattered throughout the New Earth. (The Holy City, New Jerusalem Pt.

E.O.D.H. Answer:

Quote W.M.B.: 979-Q-273 I said that when I was measuring the New Jerusalem, that it would be fifteen hundred
miles square…I said the city, to my opinion, will be setting right on the ground where prophet Abraham searched for that
city, when there'll be no more sea…I believe it'll set in that little place where they fuss so much about, and God was born,
there in Bethlehem. I believe it'd be right along in Palestine there, where it'll raise up out of the earth right there and be that
mountain. (Questions.And.Answers.1 64-0823m).


Quote: 54-1 And didn't Jesus said, "You'll set on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel"? Who set at the
gate to judge when they come into the City? Oh, my, there you are. The kings of the earth, entering into the City, comes
before the apostolic judge, as Jesus promised. (The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride 64-

Heretical Article No. 626: “The New Jerusalem will not descend in Jerusalem. That will not be its location.”

Quote Richard Gan: The city of Jerusalem…In the Age of Regeneration, the city will measure 12 miles by 12 miles.
If the Holy City, in the New Heaven and New Earth, is literal, how will it fit into the locality of the Land of Israel? (The Holy
City, New Jerusalem Pt. 2.).

E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: 979-Q-273 I said that when I was measuring the New Jerusalem, that it would be fifteen hundred
miles square. I said it would reach approximately from Maine to Florida, and six hundred miles west of the Mississippi; that
would be fifteen hundred square miles. I said the city, to my opinion, will be setting right on the ground where prophet
Abraham searched for that city, when there'll be no more sea. The Bible said there'd be no more sea, which about three-
fourths of the earth is in water. And there'll be no more sea; so therefore, it won't be too big a city setting in a place like that. I
believe it'll set in that little place where they fuss so much about, and God was born, there in Bethlehem. I believe it'd be right
along in Palestine there, where it'll raise up out of the earth right there and be that mountain. (Questions And Answers 64-
Quote: 56-1 Why is it God so thought and cared so much about that little place of Palestine (See?) when it's just a
little spot? But right in there is where the temple will set. That's where the New Jerusalem will break up right there. Olive...
Mount of Olives shall cleave part to the right and left (sure) when she pushes up from the beneath. Now, if they said pushing
apart like this... It's pushing up, in that day when He stands, His holy feet upon the mountain... (The Future Home Of The
Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride 64-0802).

Heretical Article No. 627: “City lieth foursquare means that the Bride is from the four corners of the earth.”

Richard Gan: That the Holy City, New Jerusalem is perfect and chosen of God is again shown by the number 12 in
the measurement of the CITY, which “lieth foursquare”, that is, the length and the breadth are equal, 12,000 furlongs by
12,000 furlongs. The height is also 12,000 furlongs… 4 denotes the earth. Hence, the uniform measurement of length,
breadth and height speaks of completeness, and the four equal sides show us that the Lamb's Wife is redeemed out of the four
corners of the earth. (The Holy City, New Jerusalem Pt. 2.).
E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: 50-4 …the breadth and the height are the same. That would make it fifteen hundred miles this way,
fifteen hundred miles that way, fifteen hundred miles the length by the breadth by the height…That is the pyramid.
Foursquare--lieth foursquare. (The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride 64-0802).

Heretical Article No. 628: “The natural people in the new earth do not have supernatural bodies, so they cannot
breathe at 1500 miles high.”

Richard Gan: The natural people in the New Earth do not have supernatural bodies. They will be like Adam and
Eve before their fall. They will need oxygen to breathe. (Without special equipment, breathing is already impossible even at
an altitude of 10 miles. Air thins out with increase altitude.) Hence, how are they going to approach the Throne of the Lord in
that great height? (The Holy City, New Jerusalem Pt. 2.).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Yes, the Bride will have supernatural glorified bodies in the new world. Nonsense, Mr. Gan.
How did Brother Branham survive when he was caught up in the Cloud of seven angels?
Jesus had a supernatural body. He went up into the highest heaven.

Heretical Article No. 629: “The age of regeneration is in the millennium.”

Quote Richard Gan: The Age Of Regeneration — The Millennial Reign Of Christ…

Anointed kings of Israel, like Solomon and David, reflected The Anointed King Who will reign over the earth in the
Age of Regeneration… During the Millennial Reign of Christ, the Age of Regeneration (Matt.19:28). (The Holy City, New
Jerusalem Pt. 2).

Notice the similarity of Raymond “Junior” Jackson’s Heresy on this subject:

Heretical Article No. 630: “Matthew 19th chapter, this word regeneration used by Jesus, is applicable to an age of
time, thousand year reign and age of regeneration…”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Both Mr. Gan and Jackson are inventors of the same heresies. They are supposed to be two of
the seven men who are the seven thunders, as they claim. This heresy is contrary to the scriptures and message of the prophet.
Christ reigns for a thousand years as the son of David, not son of man. Jesus told his apostles that they were following him in
the regeneration. The church is a chosen generation, by the new birth. {1 Peter 2:9}. The theology of Jackson and Gan is
dumb like a theologian. (Matthew :19:28). This heresy was previously exposed as heretical article # 483

Quote W.M.B.: 246 There’s got to be a regeneration, a new birth, a born again. (Mark of the Beast 54-0513).

Heretical Article No. 631: “Matthew19:28 and 25:31-46 is fulfilled before the thousand year reign.”

Quote Richard Gan: Christ will then sit upon the Throne of David (cf. Isa.9:6-7; Luk.1:31-33) and in His glory He
will judge all nations that are gathered before Him (Matt.19:28; 25:31-46) prior to His Reign over the earth for a thousand
years. (From the website…2, The revelation of the flaming sword page 5).
… those who could survive the Great Tribulation and be judged as “sheep” would be given life to repopulate the
earth in the Age of Regeneration (Matt.25:31-46 cf. Rev.13:8). Out of that thousand years of regeneration only those whose
names are in the Book of Life will be saved. (The Holy City, New Jerusalem Pt. 2).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Message believer deceived by Gan and company must decide which message they desire to
follow: Gan’s or William. M. Branham’s. This heresy of Gan is able by itself to prove the infidelity of this heretic. The
prophet is saying Matthew 25: 31-46 will be fulfilled at the White Throne. Gan is saying it’s before the thousand years reign
of Christ. His infidelity and satanic attack upon the prophet and his message were expressed in a clear manner when he stated
that Christ sits upon the throne of David before the thousand years reign. That throne is not set up upon earth before that
period of time. There is no scripture for it. Gan certainly forgot to take his medication for his mental problems.
Quote W.M.B.: 274-3 There is another point to see here. In the great White Throne judgment there will be a
separation of people. The Book of Life will be opened and another book will be opened.
Matthew 25:31-46… and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
And He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on His left.
…There will be both the righteous and the unrighteous in this judgment.
… Now we all know that John 5:28-29 is NOT THE RAPTURE for only the dead in Christ will arise from the
graves at that time along with the living bride who still is on the earth.
…This is the very same resurrection that is spoken of in Revelation 20:11-15 wherein THE DEAD were brought
before the Lord and judged according to their works, and all whose names were not in the Book of Life were then cast into
the lake of fire.
…Now let us be very clear here. These are not nations being judged and going into the millennium because they
have harbored and helped the Jews. (Sardisean Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.7).

Heretical Article No. 632: “Gan’s intellectual knowledge is spiritual understanding of truth given by the Holy

Quote Richard Gan: Several Branhamite preachers have sarcastically called me “intellectual” in their
disagreement with my doctrines…they have misunderstood Bro. Branham’s usage of the words. There is intellectual
knowledge and there is intellectual knowledge. One is carnal postulation based…The other is spiritual revelation, spiritual
understanding of truth given by the Holy Spirit in accordance to His Own Word. …God is intellectual…a believer does
possess spiritual intellect. “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD:…” (From the website…2, The revelation
of the flaming sword - pages 7 & 8).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Which do you possess Mr. Gan? Obviously not that of the Holy Ghost, or you would not reason
with the Word and message and bend, twist and pervert them out of context in every form and fashion as you have done. This
is the same kind the serpent possessed. It’s earthly, sensual and devilish.
<But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom
descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.> (James 3: 14-15).


Quote W.M.B.: E-18 Many people have faith by their intellects; others have faith by their soul. Now, the intellect
up here, will reason with the Word of God, "It's not reasonable." But the soul doesn't reason at all, it says, "It's the truth." And
that settles it. It's... See, the soul believes it. The intellect will say, "I wonder, it might've been for a day gone by. I... That
might've been for the disciples, or that might been something... Not for us now because we're living in a different day."
But the soul says, "Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." No reasoning, doesn't reason at all. It believes.
(Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever 55-0806).


Quote: E-49 As I said the other night, in the garden of Eden the devil chose a part of a man, and God chose a part.
God chose his heart. The devil chose his intellect. And now today, the church today, depends everything upon the intellect,
and never thinking of the heart. See?...His intellects would tell him that. That's his reasoning. But the Bible said, "We cast
down reasoning." Cast them away from us. (Abraham's Covenant Confirmed 61-0318).


Quote: E-46 Our great, famous Pentecostal movement, now before a missionary can go overseas… they have to go
before a psychiatrist to see if their intellect is right. You're backslid when you get that. Right. Who is our intellect? It's the
Holy Ghost, Jesus. (It Is I Be Not Afraid 61-0213).

Quote: 12-3 God that called him was taking him back and changing all of his intellect, changing all that he ever
thought, all that he trained to be, all of his ambitions, just wiped it away from him, and he became a prisoner. (A Prisoner 63-

Heretical Article No. 633: “The renewing of your mind is the renewing of your intellect.”

Quote Richard Gan: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
(that is, your intellect), that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom.12:2). “For who
hath known the mind (that is, the intellect) of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind (that is, the intellect)
of Christ” (1Cor.2:16). (From the website…2, The revelation of the flaming sword pages 8 to 9).
E.O.D.H. Answer: “We have the mind of Christ.” This is not the intellect of Christ. It is the person of Jesus Christ
coming into the believer.
<At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.> (John 14: 20).

Quote W.M.B.: 241 He wants to transform you by the renewing of your mind, not to the church or to the
denomination, but to His Word. (God's Power To Transform 65-0911).

Quote: 37 Romans, the 12th chapter… And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing
of your mind…Now, that we have been saved, as we are; and that we have been filled with the Holy Spirit, as we have; now
we want the mind that was in Christ to be in us, that we might be transformed from the natural things of life, and be brought
in to do the perfect will of God by transformation of God's Spirit by His Word. Now, my subject is: "The Power Of
Transformation." (Power Of Transformation 65-1031m).

Heretical Article No. 634: “Paul was not the chief apostle. The doctrine of a chief apostle is erroneous.”

Quote Richard Gan: To propagate this heretical teaching, several scripture verses have been taken out of context to
profile an image that Paul was actually the chief apostle among all the other apostles in his days. … If Paul was the chief
apostle why did he say:

"For I suppose I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles…Paul was simply saying that as an apostle, he was
equal to all the other apostles and that he was certainly not inferior.

…To say that Paul was "the chief" would decry Peter’s position… there is one who is truly THE CHIEF. He is called
THE CHIEF SHEPHERD… For one to teach and make a servant of God "the chief apostle", he has been deceived by the
Nicolaitane spirit. He is bringing back that doctrine of the Nicolaitanes into the church… an "ARCH" over a bishop above
all other bishops ― an ARCHBISHOP! (Gan’s website. Questions and answers).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan is trying to shield his pride by raising this topic, since in a previous discussion by letter
with me he was confused on this subject and uttered some foolishness and was defeated. How I address his foolish defense
above. Jesus Christ is the chief Shepherd. That makes Him the chief apostle (sent one). He is also the High (chief) Priest.
Christ made Paul the chief apostle to the Gentiles, and Peter the chief apostle to the Jews. Where is Gan’s heresy of “Peter
decried by Paul, Nicolaitanism, Archbishop etc.?” Other chief apostles existed or Paul would not use the term “chiefest
apostle.” That answers Gan’s foolish assertion. When you claim to have the first prize, you claimed to be the chief apostle of
the age, but you are chief heretic.


Quote Richard Gan’s website: I was given a book entitled: "Exposition of Damnable Heresies, Book Ten". Someone
sent it to me I believe you might have one. Many of the answers given to questions are very opinionated and confusing. There
is this one particular question and answer that I want you to comment. It reads:

Question#137: "I am a minister of the message. I was married before I came. I want to obey every commandment of
God. My wife is worldly and don't want to hear the message, what must I do: separate from her for the ministry or leave the

Here is a portion of the answer that really puzzles me. Some words are even highlighted in bold:

"... Now, it is even wrong for a believer to allow his wife to be worldly in his house and continue to live with her,
and much more so for a minister. A wife must live under certain conditions if she will continue to live with you as a
believer!... You cannot command her. Let her know that these are the requirements to qualify you. And she may say, "Mister
gentleman, if I don't do that, what is the decision?" "Well lady, if you will continue to walk as you walk, in the process of
time, I may have to separate in order to qualify as a Christian. I don't expect you to change overnight; I am inviting you to
church, would you please go with me and see where I am going, see what I am hearing and what I am believing?"

(1) A. Brother, someone had also sent me a copy of this book. I have also received several emails asking if I have read
it and asking if I could comment on some of the teachings. I want to say that I am not a corrector of other ministers'

(2) The preacher who answered this question did not comprehend the differences between the ministries of the
"Ascension Gifts" (of Ephesians 4) and the Presbytery.

(3) This is nothing but heresy. On the contrary, Paul said: "If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be
pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away" (1 Cor.7:12). Paul did not force any other condition on the wife nor tell
the husband to BEG his wife to live according to "certain conditions if she will continue to live with you as a believer!..."
E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan, in opposition to the answer given to Question 137, E.O.D.H. Book 10, Page 51, has
again displayed his folly. He has contradicted the written Word and message of Malachi 4: 5-6. He has perverted I
Corinthians 7:12 to justify his heresy which allows a minister’s wife to live worldly in his house and also his daughters.
Worldliness includes immoral dressing, conduct and other sins. Is this heretic telling us that a believer’s or preacher’s wife
and daughter can wear pants, shorts, live in whoredom, cuss, smoke, gamble, have rock-n-roll party in the home and Gan
wear his Lungi (skirt) and say, “My wife is pleased to dwell with me?” One preacher asked where is Gan’s wife and why is
she never seen with him. Why is he defending this heresy? I am inquisitive to know what is the moral conduct of Gan’s wife
and family members. He was lifting the wedding veil of his daughter. I asked what is the meaning of it and got no answer.
The photograph was removed from his website.
Mr. Gan has correctly stated that he is not a corrector of other ministers’ teachings. Heresies cannot correct the truth
nor can they defend the claims of heretics. Hence the feeble effort of this misled man in opposing E.O.D.H. His big
intellectual brain overlooked Matthew 19 that promised a blessing upon the man who forsakes his wife for the gospel’s sake.
Why did he have to forsake his wife, Mr. Gan? It is for the same reason that the prophet established. You are not a believer of
God’s Word nor the message of Malachi 4: 5-6.
Quote W.M.B.: 1183-Q-429 429. Brother Branham, the Bible tells us that a wife should obey her husband. I am a
Christian and my husband is a sinner. He persecutes me in every way that he can, and for me not to go to church, and read
my Bible, and--and denies the Word. What should I do?
…Now, listen, you're supposed to obey your husband; that's the Word. Now, if he tells you and refuses you to read
the Bible, go to church, or something like that, you don't have to obey that, because, "He that won't forsake his father, mother,
husband, wife, or whatever it is and follow Me, is not worthy of Mine." That right?
... A man's not supposed to use that authority over a woman just because he's her ruler. God is her ruler above you,
brother. See? And if your wife is doing something wrong, then you got a right to tell her, and she's supposed to listen to you.
(Questions & Answers #4 64-0830).


Quote: E-45 You set around, let your wife act like that, and dress like that, and say nothing about it. Well, you
puppet. How would you ever make a preacher? How would you make a deacon? If you can't control your own house, what
are you going to do in the house of God? (Door to the heart 58-0302).


Quote: E-59 Any man that’ll let his wife smoke cigarettes and wear shorts, I got little respect of him even being a
man. He’s so sissified he don’t even know what he belongs to. He ain’t a man…That shows who’s boss around your
house…What we need today is men. (Seal of God 61-0216).


Quote: E-89 Any man’d let his wife get out there, and wear shorts, and these little old bathing suits, bikinis, or ever
what it is, and lay out amongst these people. I got little hopes of you even being a man. That’s right. (An Absolute. 63-0127).



Quote: 316-157 And you men that'll let your wives do those kind of things, I've got little hopes of you as a man.
And that's right. Any man that'll let his wife get out on the street and act like that, brother, you ought to be wearing her
clothes. That's right. I won't say my wife won't do it, but I have to be changed and perverted to what I am now if I ever live
with her while she's doing it. (Hebrews Chapter 7 pt.1 57-0915e).


Quote: E-32 And you men, you poor little boneless back thing you, that'll let a woman, your wife walk around and
blow cigarette smoke through her nose, and wear shorts, and act like that around your house, and you're not man enough...
You are a poor substitute as a son of God. I don't say mine will never do it. If she ever lets down, the devil gets a hold of her,
she'll do it; but that's the day she ain't Mrs. Branham no more. That's right. That's the truth. Stand up. God don't put
wishbones in men. He puts backbones in men, Gospel bones, that'll stand for the truth.” (Mark Of The Beast 56-0715).


Quote: 51 And you men, you poor, little, boneless, sissified things, you, that would let your wife do such a thing as
that, that shows what you're made out of. That's the reason you ain't got the Holy Ghost like you profess to have, or you'd
have enough something about you to make her act like a lady, as long as she lived with you anyhow. Amen. (Church and it’s
condition 5/8/56).
See also: 76 (Adoption #3 60-0522).

Mr. Gan’s devil’s excuse, giving licenses for women to live like the devil in a believer or preacher’s home, is based
upon a perversion of the five-fold offices: Ephesians 4:11-15. He said elders were a superior class of apostles and called
Bishops. Thus, I Timothy 3 qualifications of a minister belong only to that group. The five-fold ministry has no set
qualifications. In simple terms this heretic is saying that a preacher can live like the devil and preach heresies. His wife and
daughter can pattern after the immoral conduct of Hollywood and belong to Gan’s fold. This is the voice of an insane man
who needs to go back to the mental home in Singapore. Believers investigate this man’s life, conduct and mental problems.
Run for your lives. He is not a believer of the message of Malachi 4:5-6. He uses the prophet and his message as a platform
to deceive message believers. He operates like a Jesuit.



Heretical Article No. 635: “Only the twelve apostles received the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost.”

Quote Richard Gan: Back in the 1980s, I was given a tract that questioned the evidence of the number of disciples
that actually received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.
… "they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them
utterance"…Who are the "they"…(Lk.1:3) could only have referred to the Apostles…the "they" could not have referred to
the entire assembly of the 120 plus the women. (The True Evidence Of The Holy Spirit Baptism).

E.O.D.H. Answer: This is a heretical assumption that Gan cannot substantiate by the scriptures nor the message.
This heretic is not only trying to correct the prophet and his message, but he is trying to correct the Word of God. This was
the work of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, which was anointed and possessed by Lucifer himself. Mr. Gan is therefore
guided, anointed and possessed by an evil spirit of the same nature.
The scripture is very clear on this subject. Acts 1: 15 said that 120 were gathered. Acts 2: 1 said that they were all in
one accord and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. The prophet of God confirmed the same.

Quote W.M.B.: E-32 While they were assembled in a little place no bigger than this here, about a hundred and
twenty people, all of a sudden there came a sound from heaven like a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where
they were setting. (Conference With God 60-0108).
Quote: E-53 When God, on the day of Pentecost, poured out the blessings of the people... They were all locked up
in a little room, a hundred and twenty, the women and men together, praying. And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven
like a rushing mighty wind, filled all the house where they were setting. Cloven tongues set upon them. They were filled with
the Holy Spirit. Out into the streets they went, giving testimony and praises of God. (The Ministry Of Christ 53-0607a).

Heretical Article No. 636: “There were more than 120 gathered in Acts 1: 15, because they did not count the
women and children.”

Quote Richard Gan: In the Scripture, when a number of persons is mentioned, the number reflects only the men;
the women and children are not included. (See Matt.14:21; 15:38.) If the women and children were numbered in the
gathering together, it would probably come to more than double the amount of 120. (The True Evidence Of The Holy Spirit

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan is perverting the scriptures to suite his insanity. We believe the Bible and the message
of William Branham


Quote W.M.B.: E-53 When God, on the day of Pentecost, poured out the blessings of the people... They
were all locked up in a little room, a hundred and twenty, the women and men together, praying. (The Ministry Of Christ 53-

Quote: 418-49 He said, "Go up to Jerusalem and there remain; just wait there until I send the promise of the
Father." And then what did they do? There was one hundred and twenty of them, men and women. They went into a upper
room at the temple. (Questions And Answers On The Holy Ghost 59-1219).

Quote: E-32 While these people went up to the upper room, one hundred and twenty, with Mary, and Simon Peter,
and rest of them, went up into an upper room…And while they were gathered in one place and one accord… about a hundred
and twenty people, all of a sudden there came a sound from heaven like a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house
where they were setting. (Conference With God 60-0108).

Heretical Article No. 637: “Where the 120 were gathered was in an open area and not the upper room.”

Quote Richard Gan: …15: And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of
names together were about an hundred and twenty,)

This particular verse has been taken at face value by many Christians to imply that about 120 believers were
gathered together with the womenfolk in the upper room to "wait for the promise of the Father" for some 10 days. The
average upper room of a Jewish house could not have housed that many people unless they were packed like sardines in a
tin…to imply that all of them were together in an upper room at any one time is an exaggeration… the large group of
believers, both men and women, could have only gathered in an open courtyard, perhaps beneath the upper chamber of that
apartment or that of some other apartments. (The True Evidence Of The Holy Spirit Baptism).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan, in direct contradiction, has two separate teachings on this subject.

Quote Richard Gan: He did not show me the meaning until the 7th of April, 1990… And this is the meaning of those
two numbers. According to Bible Numerics or Theomatics the first number-120- signifies a divine appointed period of
waiting (3×40) as well as the perfect order of appointment (10×12). In the book of Acts there were about 120 believers
waiting for the coming of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, in an upper room (Acts 1:15). (From Glory To Glory, pages 13-15,
Prophetic Revelation.)

This is evidence that this apostle changes his doctrines. A true apostle, Brother Paul, said that his revelation was
unchangeable, not even by he or an angel from heaven. (Galatians 1: 8-9).
Mr. Gan is a dead unbeliever in the written Word and the revealed Word of the hour. Again the scripture is very
clear on this subject. Acts 1: 12-15 states that the believers returned from Mount Olivet and went into an upper room, the
number being 120. Luke 24: 52-53 gave further information that they were in the Temple. Therefore the upper room was in
the Temple. The prophet of God confirmed the same.
Quote W.M.B.: 418-49 Now, notice. He said, “Go up to Jerusalem and there remain; just wait there until I send the
promise of the Father.” And then what did they do? There was one hundred and twenty of them, men and women. They went
into a upper room at the temple.
… Outside the temple, we are told, there was a stairway that led up to a little room way along: go up, and up, and
up, till you get up to a little room up there, like a storage room in the top of the temple, some kind of a little room, an upper
room. And the Bible said that they were in there and the doors was shut, because they were afraid of the Jews… and they
were waiting. (Questions And Answers On The Holy Ghost 59-1219).

Quote: E-53 A hundred and twenty people went in an upper room one time, under a persecution. I can imagine
hearing those people come by, say, “You know what? That bunch of holy-rollers is up there for ten days. What’re they doing
for eating?”
“They’re fasting.”
“I don’t see the grocery boy going up there.” Oh, no. They were fasting. They were waiting. And said, “What do you
know, they’re up there, Why? Why, they got the doors all barred. A fellow couldn’t get in there.”
Go up this little old steps up here at the top of the temple--just about one man at a time can go up to that room. And
we get up there, why, you can't get in... “Just might as well let them stay up there, I guess, and starve to death if they want
to.” (Hearing Receiving And Acting 60-0607).

Quote: E-32 While these people went up to the upper room, one hundred and twenty, with Mary, and Simon Peter,
and rest of them, went up into an upper room, a little stairway leading on the outside of the temple, to an old storage room...
While they were assembled in a little place no bigger than this here, about a hundred and twenty people, all of a sudden there
came a sound from heaven like a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were setting. (Conference With
God 60-0108).

Adding to this, Acts 2: 1 said that they were with one accord in one place. After the outpouring came, Acts 2: 46
said that they continued daily with one accord in the Temple.

Heretical Article No. 638: “The outpouring took place in a different place from where the 120 were gathered for
the choosing of Matthias.”

Quote Richard Gan: …The place mentioned in Acts 2:1 could not have been the same place (the courtyard) where
the choosing of an apostle to replace Judas Iscariot took place. The Scripture states that "they were all with one accord in
one place" and this "one place" is not mentioned as the "upper room" where they abode. (The True Evidence Of The Holy
Spirit Baptism).
E.O.D.H. Answer: The exposition of the three previous heresies is sufficient to prove that this heresy has no
scriptural foundation and is not supported by the Word nor the message of Malachi 4. Mr. Gan is very self-opinionated. We
admonish his followers to save themselves from such a heretic and his heresies. Such teachings are unscriptural and

Heretical Article No. 639: “The evidence of the Holy Ghost is that the Spirit will bear witness that we are the
children of God.”

Quote Richard Gan: What Then Is The [Initial] Evidence of The Holy Spirit baptism?
How does one know that he is born again, that he has the Holy Spirit?
This is the evidence: "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God" (Rom
8:16)…The witness of the Holy Spirit is the initial evidence per se. If one does not have this witness, then there is no
evidence of having the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (The True Evidence Of The Holy Spirit Baptism).

E.O.D.H. Answer: The scriptures said that the Holy Ghost will guide us into all truth. (John 16: 13). Mr. Gan
claims that the witnessing of the Spirit is the evidence that he is a child of God. Gan is not abiding in the truth. His witness is
Jesus said, <Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for
he is a liar, and the father of it.> (John 8: 44).
In the light of Gan’s perversion of the Word and message, and his refusal to turn from the error of his ways when
corrected by the Word of God through the instrumentality of E.O.D.H., is sufficient proof that he is a bastard and not a son.
A heretic doesn’t know God and cannot teach about the evidence of the Holy Ghost Baptism, as he is out of the Spirit.
Hebrews 12: 8 <But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. >
Quote W.M.B.: 27 Today’s so confused about the evidence of the Holy Ghost and so forth. Satan can impersonate
any kind of a gift that God's got, but he cannot bring that Word, word by word. That's where he failed in the garden of Eden;
that's where he's always failed. (Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word 65-0822m).

Quote: 272-2 … a person that is truly baptized by the Holy Ghost into the body of Christ receiving the fullness of
the Spirit will be in the WORD ALL THE WAY. That is the evidence of being baptized with the Holy Ghost. Judas failed.
Multitudes fail right there. And when they fail to go on in that Word, their names are taken off the Book of Life. (Sardisean
Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.7).

Heretical Article No. 640: “Gan received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost in organization before coming to the
message and afterwards backslid for two years.”

Richard Gan: I remember the day I gave my life to the Lord…I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus… I had an
experience right there and then. I had a witness in my spirit that I was a child of God… when I entered Secondary (High)
School, I began to backslide. For about two years I stayed away from church… the Lord used a sinner to get me back to
church… in an Assembly of God church… I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I spoke in tongues. I prophesied. But I
was baptized in the triune title of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
If you ask me as to whether I really have the Holy Spirit baptism even though I was not baptized right accordingly to
Acts 2:38, my answer is YES. I had the witness of God's Spirit that I am His child, even at that time when I first gave my
heart to Him. Like Cornelius who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit before he was baptized in the Name of the Lord
Jesus Christ, I did too, only much later when the Message of the Seventh Church Age Messenger reached me. (The True
Evidence Of The Holy Spirit Baptism).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Ephesians 1:13 <In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the
gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.>
It’s amazing that Mr. Gan received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost before he heard the Word of truth (message of
Malachi 4). E.O.D.H. is again proving that Mr. Gan does not believe the Word or the message. He is an unbeliever and a
grievous wolf that has crept in unawares to pervert the message.

Quote W.M.B.: 363-3 About the turn of the century the hunger for God that was generated in the
Philadelphian Age brought a cry for the Spirit of God. And when the cry was answered by God sending forth
manifestation in tongues, interpretation and prophecy, a group immediately, and most contrary to the Word, drew
up a doctrine that tongues was the evidence of being baptized with the Holy Ghost. Tongues were far from
evidence. They were manifestation, but not evidence. The falsity of the doctrine can not only be seen by a lack of
Scripture to substantiate it, but those who subscribed to the doctrine immediately organized on the basis of the
doctrine, proving that they were not in the truth as they would have people believe. Oh, it looked good. It looked
like the return of Pentecost. But it proved it wasn't. It could not be, for it organized. (Laodicean Church Age -
Church Age Book Cpt.9)

Quote: 377-2 This age started just after the turn of the twentieth century. As it was to be the age in which
the true church would return to being the bride she was at Pentecost, we know that there must of necessity be a
return of dynamic power. The believers sensed this in their spirits and began crying to God for a new outpouring
such as was in the first century. What seemed to be the answer came as many began to speak in tongues and
manifest gifts of the Spirit. It was then believed that this was indeed the long awaited RESTORATION. It was not,
for the latter rain can come only after the former rain which is the spring or TEACHING rain. The latter rain, then,
is the HARVEST rain. How could this be the real thing when the Teaching Rain had not come? The Prophet-
Messenger who was to be sent to TEACH the people and turn the hearts of the children back to the Pentecostal
fathers had not yet come. Thus what was thought to be the restoration and the final quickening unto the rapture
had not come. (Resume Of The Ages - Church Age Book Cpt.10).

The prophet is clearly stating that what so-called Pentecost received back there was not the genuine
article, because he, the messenger had not yet come with the seed Word of truth. So what Mr. Gan received
before he came to the message was not the genuine seal of God/baptism of the Holy Ghost. Mr. Gan is anointed
of the devil, which he mistook for the true baptism of the Holy Ghost. He can only pass on what he received.
If that is the baptism that Mr. Gan has imparted to you, his followers, it is not the real thing. And if you are
relying on that to take you in the rapture, you are bound for the tribulation.

Quote W.M.B.: 41 … men take one another's spirit. Be careful that you don't get some man's spirit
instead of the Spirit of the Lord. Go into a church watch the way the pastor acts, and you'll see the way the people
act. See? (Unpardonable sin 54-1024).

Quote: E-52 … a lot of times people get one another's ghost, instead of the Holy Ghost. (Law Having A
Shadow 56-0621).

Heretical Article No. 641: “The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost is different from the baptism
of the Holy Ghost.”

Quote Richard Gan: The pouring out of the Spirit of God upon all flesh on the Day of Pentecost is not to be
equated to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (The True Evidence Of The Holy Spirit Baptism).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Utter nonsense, Mr. Gan. You need to have your head examined. Jesus told the disciples that
they would be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.
Acts 1: 5 <For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.>

Quote W.M.B.: E-41 …a real heart full of the original baptism of the Holy Ghost that fell on the day of Pentecost is
real for the church tonight. (Believest Thou This 51-1003).

Quote: E-30 What a beautiful type of the Holy Spirit, on the day of Pentecost. As God led the Church, natural,
through the wilderness, now God's leading His Church, spiritual. And our manna, our life-sustaining resource comes by the
Holy Spirit. And as soon as the apostles had crossed out all the fear and doubt, and gathered in the upper room, God gave
them the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (I Am The Resurrection And The Life 52-0810a).

Quote: E-58 Oh, brother. What we need today is an old stirring of the Holy Spirit again…We need another
rushing, mighty wind sent. (That's right,) as it did on the day of Pentecost. They were all religious and followers of Jesus,
but they had to go and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. (The Faith That Was Once Delivered To The Saints 53-1129a).

Quote: 257-3 …the Sardisean Age… missed sanctification and the Baptism with the Holy Ghost… That is what
they had at Pentecost. (Sardisean Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.7).

Heretical Article No. 642: “The power that came at Pentecost was not the power to do signs and wonders.”

Richard Gan: Acts 1:8: But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…The Greek word
for "power" is "dunamis", meaning force or miraculous power.
…But… The miraculous power given is not to cause the believer to speak in tongues, prophesy or perform signs and
wonders. It is essentially a power to quicken and miraculously transform a believer to become a son of God. Amen… John
1:12: (The True Evidence Of The Holy Spirit Baptism).

E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: 67-2 What the church had at Pentecost is her inalienable right. Originally, she had the pure Word of
God. She had the power of the Spirit manifested in divers signs and wonders and gifts of the Holy Ghost.
Hebrews 2:1-4… God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of
the Holy Ghost, according to His own will?" (Ephesian Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.3).

Quote: E-69 See, I don't want to blame you people; it's the pulpits where it started. No wonder that's the damnation
of the country, when Satan got in the pulpit. It's the truth. Failing to preach the unadulterated Word of God, and the Word of
God will produce just exactly what It said It would do. But we explain it all away. "It's all away. It's for some other day."
…Holy Ghost had power at Pentecost through the first age, second age, and on down. What about this age? He's the
same Holy Ghost today. The same power, the same signs, the same wonders, the same miracles, if He can get the same kind
of faith amongst the people. God doesn't change. (The Resurrection 53-1205).

Satan is using you in the pulpit, Mr. Gan, to try to take away what rightfully belongs to the Church of God. But it
is inalienable. It cannot be taken away from her. There will be another Pentecost with the same power, signs and wonders as
in the Book of Acts, and greater.
Heretical Article No. 643: “To teach that the New Birth and the baptism of the Holy Ghost are not the same is a

Quote Richard Gan: One cannot be born again without the baptism of the Spirit and without the new birth, one is
not a child of God. Apostle Paul wrote:

Rom.8:9: But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does
not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. (NKJ)

Hence how then could any preacher make this sweeping statement that's often heard: "To be born again is to have
salvation, eternal life, whereas to be Holy Spirit baptized is to receive power for service." (Acts 1:8 and Luke 24:49 are often
quoted to show that when the Holy Spirit comes upon a believer, the believer is endued with power for service.) To teach
that being born again is not the same as the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a fallacy. (The True Evidence Of The Holy Spirit

E.O.D.H. Answer: That is wrong Mr. Gan. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is different from the new birth. He that
believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. Peter made that confession in Matthew 16 and was born again. He yet had to
go up to Pentecost to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. (Acts 1:5). You are trying to correct God, His Word and William
Branham in a subtle way like the serpent when he came to Eve.

Quote W.M.B.: 37 And the new birth, as people talks that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is the new birth. Now,
that's wrong. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is different from the new birth. The new birth is when you're born again. But the
Holy Ghost is when power comes into that birth for service. That's exact. See? The Holy Ghost is--baptized into the Holy
The new birth, you have the new birth by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. See? By having faith and accepting
Him as your Saviour, that's birth (See?), because you've passed from death unto Life. Now, if you want to back that up, take
St. John 5:24, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life." See, he's got Life
because he believes. And that same group had to go to Pentecost to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Exact. (Countdown 62-

Quote: 129 I never thought there was a person believed that like me till this morning, I heard Charles Fuller as I was
going down. He believes too, that the new birth is not the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The new birth is being born. The Holy
Ghost is the baptism. See? Uh-huh. All right. (Why I'm Against Organized Religion 62-1111e).

Heretical Article No. 644: “Brother Branham’s teaching that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost is power for service
and different from the new birth, is erroneous and not true.”

Richard Gan: … Let me highlight again this erroneous statement that's so often made: "Being born again of the
Spirit and the Word is not the same as being baptized with the Holy Spirit, for to be born again is to have salvation, eternal
life, whereas to be Holy Spirit baptized is to receive power for service." … A fact remains that Acts 1:8 and Luke 24:49 have
been stretched to extremes to indicate that a Holy Spirit baptized believer is different from a born again believer because
only the former has received power to do service for God, to overcome sins, to perform miracles, and etc. (The True
Evidence Of The Holy Spirit Baptism).

E.O.D.H. Answer: You heretic; your attacks are upon the prophet and the message. Your folly will be made
manifest shortly.

Quote W.M.B.: 37 …you have the new birth by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ… And that same group had to
go to Pentecost to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Exact.
Holy Ghost is power for service. So when talk like you got to be born again, and applying that to the Holy Ghost,
many of the Methodists and so forth are wrong there. It cannot. It just won't cope to the Scripture here. You get the thing
sideways. It's got to take it the way the Scripture's got it placed out here. See? And the Holy Spirit is a... "You shall receive
the new birth after this"? What? No. "You shall receive power (Acts 1:8) after this the Holy Ghost is come upon you." See?
And they'd already believed to Eternal Life, and so forth, but they had to have the Holy Ghost for power. (Countdown 62-

Quote: E-56 Then after you've did that, then by one Spirit we're baptized into the Body of power and service. He
never said you'll receive new birth after the Holy Ghost come upon you. Said, "You shall receive power after the Holy Ghost
come upon you," a different thing altogether: not new birth, but new power. You're borned again by believing. You believe to
Eternal Life. But you're baptized with the Holy Ghost until power, power for service. (The Mark Of The Beast 56-0715).

Quote: 390-4 {469} And then in obedience of their acceptance and obedience to their confession and to the water,
may You in return fill them with the Holy Ghost for power of service the rest of their lives. (The Fifth Seal 63-0322)

Quote: E-56 Then after you've did that, then by one Spirit we're baptized into the Body of power and service. He
never said you'll receive new birth after the Holy Ghost come upon you. Said, "You shall receive power after the Holy Ghost
come upon you," a different thing altogether: not new birth, but new power. You're borned again by believing. You believe to
Eternal Life. But you're baptized with the Holy Ghost until power, power for service. (The Mark Of The Beast 56-0715).

Mr. Gan is foaming out his shame. He is a shameless perverter of the Word and message. You do not believe this
message Mr. Gan. You are trying to destroy it. That makes you a tool of the Devil like the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
You said that the serpent was a household servant. God would have more mercy on your soul if you do that job rather than
pervert the Word and message the way you have done.

Heretical Article No. 645: Gan’s revelation is brighter (greater) than the message of Malachi 4.

Richard Gan: “The Word of God for this hour is brighter than the message for Bro. Branham's hour, since the Day
Star has risen, and the seven evening stars have faded away.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: A heretic and his heresies cannot outshine Christ and His message.
Quote W.M.B.: 83-1 Thou hast tried them that say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars."
…These false apostles are the grievous wolves that Paul spoke of. He said, "Once I am gone they will try to come
and claim equal revelation; but their purpose is not to help you, but destroy you. (Ephesian Church Age - Church Age Book
The messenger already had the Church of God on the look-out for such false apostles like you Mr. Gan. You are not
only claiming equal but greater revelation than the messenger of the age, Malachi 4. You act like the serpent in Eden who
was possessed by Lucifer himself. Repent and tell the people that God never revealed those things to you. Have mercy on
your soul and the souls of lovely people whom you have deceived.

Heretical Article No. 646: “The commandment to tarry in Jerusalem for the Holy Ghost was only given to the
eleven apostles.”

Richard Gan: Now, the commandment was given to the Apostles that they should not depart from the City of
Jerusalem until they have received the promise of the Father − "ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost". This
commandment was certainly not issued to the other disciples of Christ. Nevertheless, if the other disciples did tarry for the
Holy Spirit it must be that the Apostles had given them the information. But there is no such record.

E.O.D.H. Answer: Gan does not know his ABC’s and much less his numerals. Let the following scripture prove it.
Luke 24:33-52 <And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together,
and them that were with them,
…And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
… And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
…And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued
with power from on high.
And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.
And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.

And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:>
Quote W.M.B.: E-40 When a hundred and twenty people were gathered in the upper room, that Jesus had sent them
there... And He told them, "Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with power from on high." (But From The
Beginnning It Was Not So 58-1002).
Mr. Gan, any sincere person that follows your heresies, by now, should plainly see that you are a dead unbeliever.
You don’t truly believe this message. Repent or perish!



Mr. Gan’s theophany heresies are a direct attack upon the message and messenger, W. M. Branham. His cunning
craftiness can be clearly seen in the fact of not frequently including the prophet’s name but speaking in opposition to his
teachings in no uncertain terms. The serpent spoke and taught in opposition to God, the first messenger and the message to
Adam and Eve. He pretended to have had more light on the message to make them wise. It was death to the human race. Gan,
like the serpent, is trying to show how wrong W. M. Branham was in his doctrinal teachings. He is exalting himself as an
apostle of greater light after the messenger, bringing message believers back to the Word, correcting the message and the
messenger of the 7th church age. He has a lying tongue like his father the devil and is leading good people to unbelief, sin and
death. He is arrogant like Cain who rebelled against God when he was corrected by Him. He has produced sons in his own
image in several parts of the world. Mr. Franco Togonon of Cavite City, Philippines is a faithful son in the image of Gan. He
burns E.O.D.H. books, wrote blasphemous letters in times past and of recent months, against the truth and Pastor Bruce. His
request for gifts and money was not granted to him in measures that he expected, after which he displayed beastlike qualities
like Cain and Judas. This sends a clear indication to all message believers as to what Ganism is producing. Many were
delivered from that cult in India, the Philippines and other parts of the world. They are delivering others by the Word.
Without much persuasion, all who casually examine the theophany heresies of Gan and compare them to the Word
and doctrinal statements of W. M. Branham can understand the satanic motives and objectives of that insane man named
Gan, unless they have the same purpose of Satan. They are as follows:

Heretical Article No. 647: “The Word ‘Theophany’ cannot be used for anyone but God Himself.”

Quite Richard Gan: … the word THEOPHANY is…from the Greek word THEOPHANEIA – THEO, meaning
GOD, and PHANEIA, TO APPEAR… If the word THEOPHANY means GOD APPEARS, how could the word be used for
anyone other than God Himself? (The theophany of William Branham and his return ministry).
E.O.D.H. Answer:

Quote W.M.B.: 175-57 And so therefore, Melchisedec, the great Priest (like a man), He had no beginning, and He
has no end. And when we, through that Theophany that... We were made in the image of God before the world was ever
made. (Hebrews Chapter Five And Six 1 57-0908m).

Heretical Article No. 648: “The theophany is God appearing in the visible form of a man. Therefore, the Pillar of
fire that Led Israel in the wilderness and the burning bush that Moses saw was not the theophany, but only manifestations of
God’s presence.”

Richard Gan: … some theologians and preachers have misused the word even to apply it to such things as the
Burning Bush…and the Pillar of Fire which led the children of Israel in the wilderness. Those were not THEOPHANIES,
they were just MANIFESTATIONS of God's Presence…To point to the Pillar of Fire and say "That's God" shows a lack of
proper understanding of the word. (The theophany of William Branham and his return ministry).
E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: 25-149 …that was Jesus before He had the human Name Jesus.
He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." There He is. Who was the I AM? A perpetual Name for all generations. That
was that Pillar of Fire in the burning bush: "I AM THAT I AM." There He was, that Theophany made here, called the Son
of God, the I AM, the Jehovah. (Hebrews Chapter One 57-0821).

Heretical Article No. 649: “The saints do not have a theophany body presently waiting in heaven as a separate
entity. Theophany bodies only come into existence when the saints die.”

Richard Gan: …is this heavenly body (theophany, Word body) …the house not made with hands of every born-
again saint alive at this present moment as a living entity in heaven? Is it waiting to catch the spirit-soul of its specific saint
when the spirit-soul leaves the natural body?... To a good many Branhamites, they are… Yes, we have each a
theophany…But it is not a separate entity as yet... theophanies…come into existence only to each particular saint when they
pass from this earth to the other side. You and I have ours waiting in God's Word. But they are not literal separate entities
existing outside of the WORD. (The theophany of William Branham and his return ministry).

E.O.D.H. Answer: This insane man has no wisdom more than Paul the apostle and messenger of the first church
age nor W. M. Branham of the last church age. Paul declared that we know that we have a body eternal in the heaven if our
earthly body is dissolved. Only Gan and those whom he bewitched are ignorant of this glorious revelation. Who is this false
apostle and deceitful worker (II Corinthians 11:13) to say that it does not exist in reality but only by faith and the Word. We
believe God’s prophet W. M. Branham. He believed like Paul the apostle.
II Corinthians 5:1 <For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of
God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.>


Quote W.M.B.: E-12 The Logos that went out of God…And it was a body. It was in the form of what we are now,
which is called in the clergy way of speaking it, a theophany. It's a body that doesn't have a spirit in it. It's a body that's
waiting for you Christians. As soon as the life leaves this, you go into that body. When this earthly tabernacle be dissolved,
we have one already waiting, a theophany. (Thirsting For Life 57-0630).


Quote: 80-278 Theophany is a human body that's glorified, not exactly with flesh and blood like it will be in its
glorified stage, but it is of a form of a human body that doesn't eat, neither does it drink, but it's a body that's waiting for us as
soon as we leave this one. Now, in there, we enter into that body. And that's the kind of body that God was. For He said, "Let
Us make man in Our own image and in our likeness." (Hebrews Chapter Two 3 57-0828).


Quote: 21-129 … the Logos that went out from It was the Son of God. It was the only visible form that this Spirit
had. And It was a theophany, which means a body, and the body was like a man.
Moses saw It when It passed through by the rock. And he looked at It, said, "It looked like the hind part of a man."
It's the same type of body that we receive when we die here, "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already
waiting." (Hebrews Chapter One 57-0821).


Quote: 342-841 …before the foundation of the world, when God created you in His image, or created the man in
His image, and created the woman in the image of the man for the glory of the man, He made you a theophany just like
Hisself, when He said,…"let us make man in our own image, in our likeness..." a theophany. God had never become flesh
yet; He was in a theophany. (Questions And Answers On Hebrews 3 57-1006).


Quote: 339-824 Now, if you take the theophany when you are looking at that, that's a man... Now, that's where we
were in the beginning. Now, you do not understand it now, but you was back there in the beginning that way. (Questions And
Answers On Hebrews 3 57-1006).

Heretical Article No. 650: “A soul does not wait to catch a baby as soon as it is born.”

Quote Richard Gan: …we are aware of the expression that "a soul waits to catch the baby as soon as it is born".
But does this mean that there are souls literally hanging around every pregnant woman who is about to give birth so that
they can catch the baby as they are born? What happens if a baby is born dead? Does it mean that there is no soul for that
baby? Or does it mean that a soul has failed to catch it? Then again, what about those that die in the womb, whether full
term or just a few days to a few weeks old? (The theophany of William Branham and his return ministry).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Yes, we as “Branhamites”, as you and the Pentecostals (so-called) labeled us, are aware of the
statement of the prophet and do believe it. You are attacking him and his doctrine. It proves that you are not a believer of
Christ, His Word nor His prophet. You are an unbeliever. You are using the name of the prophet and the message like the
serpent to deceive sincere people.

Gan’s three foolish questions sound like the story of three foolish persons pushing a cow on top of a house roof to
eat grass that was growing there. Gan, God knows the end from beginning and predestinated all things. Knowing that He
foreordained the baby or the fetus to die, He sent no soul.

<Wisdom is too high for a fool.> (Proverbs 24: 7).

W. M. Branham lived in the realms of God and was acquainted with spirits and souls of men more than any human
being. You are inspired from the regions of the lost, hell and demons to oppose God’s major prophet. You are like Korah and
company who withstood Moses and were swallowed alive in a pit.

Quote W.M.B.: 112-42 Do you know when a baby is begotten in this earth, before it’s delivered, it’s got life. But it
hasn't been delivered. And just as soon as that baby comes to--it--it begins to--is born... It’s lungs are all closed up, and it’s
dead. It’'s muscles are quivering and jerking. But the first thing, just a little spank or two like that [Brother Branham
illustrates--Ed.], and he’ll [Brother Branham gasps--Ed.] catch his breath. What’s the matter? As soon as that natural body is
being formed in the mother, there is a spiritual body waiting to receive it just as soon as that baby’s born. (Questions &
Answers #2 54-0103E).

Quote: E-12 Now, as it is in the natural, so is it in the spiritual. When a woman brings forth a baby… Then if this
earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one waiting. See? Just as sure as the natural body was coming forth, there's a
spiritual body to receive it when it dropped from its mother. (Hearing, Recognizing, acting on the Word of God 60-0221).

Quote: 387-1{446} Watch when a baby... Did you ever notice your wife before the little ones was born? She
always, right along at the last, becomes real kind, sweet. If she hasn't been all of her life, she will be then…around that
mother seems to be a sweet feeling. What is it? It's a little spiritual body, spiritual life waiting to come into that little body as
soon as it's born. Now, it's only begotten; but when it's born, it's born. The spiritual body unites with the natural body. (The
Fifth Seal 63-0322).

Heretical Article No. 651: “God did not literally put Adam in a literal sleep and took a literal rib out of him to form
Quote Richard Gan: Are Bible believers to believe that 1) God put Adam into a deep sleep – literally, 2) He broke
a rib off Adam – literally, and 3) from the rib He fashioned a woman – literally? Or are those words so expressed by the
Spirit of God for a purpose to hold a mystery? (The theophany of William Branham and his return ministry).

E.O.D.H. Answer: We and Branham take the Word of God literally upon the basis of Genesis 2: 21.
<And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up
the flesh instead thereof.>
Your heresy made it mysterious. You have no scripture for your foolishness. The old Chinese man in the West will
say "Chupid man". That is what you are: a stupid man wearing a skirt.

Quote W.M.B.: E-63 I believe that when God woke Adam up to look at Eve, she was the most beautiful thing that
eyes has ever looked at. (My Life Story 50-0820A).

Quote: E-23 When Adam woke up that morning and seen there that beautiful woman, flesh of his flesh and bone of
his bone, he took her by the arm and walked down through Eden. (Preparation 53-1111).

Quote: E-18 Adam was a strong, fine, handsome looking man. And Eve was one of the most beautiful women the
earth's ever seen. I can see them setting there after God woke him up, and see him setting there by her side, her beautiful
figure, her beautiful hair hanging down, her eyes as blue, sparkled like the stars of heaven. (I Will Restore Unto You Saith
The Lord 54-0809A).

Heretical Article No. 652: “Moses and Elias did not literally appear in their theophanies on Mount Transfiguration.
It was a vision that the apostles saw.”

Quote Richard Gan: Peter, James and John did not see the real thing. The whole event of the transfiguration was
a VISION given by God… on the Mount of Transfiguration…the three disciples had only a vision for when they came out of it
they saw their Master just as He was. He had no glorified body…Unlike the disciples, some Branhamites look at the vision
and speculate that the disciples saw the theophanies of Moses and Elijah. (The theophany of William Branham and his
return ministry).

E.O.D.H. Answer: It is amazing that Gan, with as much education as the serpent, cannot understand the difference
between the words, “glorified” from “transfigured”. Let the Branhamites teach you thou "chupid" man. Jesus was changed on
the mount into a different form for a short period but was glorified after his resurrection.
In any event the apostles had to be caught up into a dimension of visions to have seen what they saw. The Word
declares that Moses and Elias appeared unto them talking with Him (Jesus) (Matthew 17: 1-9). Has Gan ever had a vision
from God? Has he ever been caught up to heaven by 7 angels? He knows nothing about theophanies. Let’s hear a man who
lived in the realms of God more than the earthly realm.


Quote W.M.B.: 88 Eight hundred years later, on Mount Transfiguration here stood those two men. Moses' body had
been rotten for hundreds of years, but here he was in such a form till even Peter, James, and John recognized him. Amen. "If
this earthly tabernacle be dissolved..." If you're an attribute of God expressed here on earth, you've got a body waiting after
you leave this world. There they was standing on Mount Transfiguration in their theophany, for they were prophets to
whom the Word came to. (Who Is This Melchisedec 65-0221e).

Heretical Article No. 653: “The Angel that brought the book of Revelation to St. John was a ministering spirit; a
heavenly angel.”

Quote Richard Gan: The angel was ministering to John just as we have angels ministering to us… the angel was
not an earthly being but a spirit being who was sent to be John's guide…That's right. Hebrews 1:14 "Are they not all
ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" (The theophany of William Branham and
his return ministry).
E.O.D.H. Answer: Proverbs 17: 28 <Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise…>, but Gan is so
vicious to put down Branham and Branhamites, that he denies the scriptures. He is dead set against the message of God.
That angel sent to John declared who he was; “I am of thy brethren and thy fellow servants the prophets.” We don’t
need Gan’s heresy to tell us differently. He doesn’t believe the Word nor the message. Thus he twists it like the serpent.
That angel was not William Branham. We do not believe in a resurrection doctrine nor a return heresy. But that
angel was a man, a Jew and a prophet. The prophet said that it could have been Elias or one of the prophets. William
Branham was not a Jew (John’s brethren)


Quote W.M.B.: 111 …signified this by His angel unto John. We do not know who the angel was. The Bible
doesn't say who the angel was. But we know that it was a prophet… it might've been Elijah. It might've been one of the
prophets.” (Revelation Chapter One 60-1204m).

Heretical Article No. 654: “The tent is not natural but spiritual. The last trump will utter in the little room of the
tent to give the Bride rapturing faith.”

Quote Richard Gan: The vision was given to him for the believers to understand that the message calls for a
people of God to enter into a "little room" where awaits a "revival" for all that enter in.

…There are 3 divisions in Branham's TENT VISION – the people in the queue outside waiting to get into the tent,
those already in the tent and those waiting to get into the "little room". It is in the "little room" that the "last trump" to the
elect… would be uttered to give her rapturing faith. (The theophany of William Branham and his return ministry).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan, the prophet of God who had the vision of the tent, never taught us such. He taught us
that it will be a literal tent. How did you get your nose into it?

Quote W.M.B.: I am here to get the trustees together. I am kind of getting put out off all turning me down of places
to hold a meeting. When I'm feeling led to do it so I think I am going to ask them if we can, if we just can't get out tent and
put it up, and just stay there. And you know get our there in the ball park, out on the park and move it from place to place just
as the Lord will lead. And I feel that, that's what he's going to do. You know there's a vision concerning that. (Trying to do
God a Service - 1965).


Quote: I want to get my own tent, like the Lord gave me a vision to, and I believe the time is just now at hand…
We'll rent the farm and put it up. (Ashamed Of Him 65-0711).

You are not saying what the messenger said, therefore you are false.

Heretical Article No. 655: “The shout message of Brother Branham brought us into the tent, but we need to hear
the voice of the Chief Messenger in the little room.”

Quote Richard Gan: …the elect have to get into the TENT of God. "Oh, the message has brought in so many!" …
It's just not good enough to come into the TENT and say, "We believe the message."… we need to GET IN to that "little
room". We need to hear the VOICE of the Chief Messenger and we need to hear the Last TRUMP before the body change
can take place. And it is all IN THERE – the "little room". (The theophany of William Branham and his return ministry).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Is Mr. Gan indicating that he is the one to be in that little room with Christ in him as the chief
messenger? He is propagating his own doctrine. Mr. Gan, no where in the message of Malachi 4 could you show us where he
taught such heresy that the message brought us into the tent. And no where did he say that the translation or body change
takes place in the tent. You don’t know what you are talking about. The tent never even came into existence in the lifetime of
the prophet. You have spiritualized the tent and made the little room your ministry which all must follow to be translated for
the rapture. You are an idiot - a “chupid man”. Hear a wise man:

Quote W.M.B.: I have never had but one thing that he ever told me in my life that hasn't happened yet. That some
sort of a building or a tent, where there will be a little building setting. And I have to go into that and pray for the sick. That
hasn't happened yes, as far as I know. That's the reason that by a vision the Lord has shown me to get this big tent and stay
from 4-6 weeks. (Unfailing Word of Promise - 1964).

Quote: And somehow or another Lord it maybe that you are driving us to that tent to make that vision fulfill. So thy
will be done. (Ashamed of Him - 1965 page 18).

Quote: And I just can hardly wait to get into that tent and it's going to be something wonderful, and I just know he's
just going to do it just before his coming. (Jehovah Jireh - 1956).

Heretical Article No. 656: “We must get into the little room because the translation will not be a public show. The
rapture is a secret.”

Quote Richard Gan: …we need to GET IN to that "little room"…Why must the Lord meet the elect in there?
Certainly the translation of the Bride will not be a public show. The "rapture" will be secret.

… Like the caterpillar entering into its cocoon, a "little room", where it undergoes a transformation, a
metamorphosis, into a butterfly. Its' revival for a new body is hidden away from prying eyes. It's a secret! Silence! Rev.8:1.
(The theophany of William Branham and his return ministry).

E.O.D.H. Answer: You are talking real nonsense. If you have not spiritualized the little room and the body change
takes place in the little room of the tent, then that little room has to be big like the whole earth, because according to the
scripture and the prophet it is a universal rapture, and therefore a universal body change. Brother Branham gave us the size
of the room to be about twelve feet across and twenty feet long. That’s how big your ministry is. God is bringing it down.
You don’t believe the prophet nor his message. He that believeth not is condemned already.

Quote W.M.B.: 17-5 …and in there behind this canvas was a little square building about twelve foot across and
twenty foot long, something like that. (What Is A Vision 56-0408A).

Heretical Article No. 657: “Only the eleven apostles witnessed the ascension of the Lord Jesus.”

Quote Richard Gan: When our Lord ascended into Heaven, His ascension was not staged publicly but only to His
11 apostles. There might have been other people around the vicinity of Mount Olivet but certainly no one, who might have
happened to cast his eyes skyward, saw our Lord drifted off into the heaven. (The theophany of William Branham and his
return ministry).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Rubbish Mr. Gan. An “apostle” like you ought to know better than that. It shows that you are a
false one. The scriptures declare that more than the eleven apostles saw him ascend to heaven. You don’t believe the Word.
Luke 24:33-52 <And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together,
and them that were with them,
…And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
… And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
…And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.
And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.
And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:>

Any sincere follower of Mr. Gan, whom he has deceived, should clearly see that he does not even understand the
ABCs of the Bible. He don’t know what he is talking about.

Heretical Article No. 658: “The elect are capped by the Word.”

Quote Richard Gan: … by the utterances of the Seven Thunders when they shall come and utter their voices (which
will cap the elect with the Word…). (The theophany of William Branham and his return ministry).

E.O.D.H. Answer: The elect are not capped by the Word, Mr. Gan, neither are they capped by the heresies that you
and the rest of your five-fold and seven men/seven thunders are preaching. Jesus was born the full Word of God, but thirty
years later he was capped by the Spirit when the Spirit descended upon Him in the shape of a dove. He delivered the Word
unto His apostles and disciples, and that same group had to go up to Pentecost for the outpouring of the Spirit. You have the
thing sideways and upside down. This is further proof that God never called you to restore the sure foundation of the Word in
the Church, as you heretically claimed. You, therefore, are a tool of the Devil, an apostle sent of SATAN TO TRY TO STOP
Christ from building His Church upon the true rock foundation here in the end time. But you shall not prevail. Repent or
The following chapters deal with the exposition of Gan and his heresies, which were previously exposed and
published on E.O.D.H. books 2, 4, 8, 10, 11 and 12.



An apostle is one who is sent by God, and who is set before a prophet (not the messenger) in the church of God.
I Corinthians 12:28 <And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets.>
A false apostle therefore, is one who acclaims himself, and usurps such authority without being genuinely called of
God to do so, even to the point of exalting himself above the prophet messenger of the age.
They may not openly claim that they are eighth messengers or Christ etc., but they indicate that they are someone
special, and specially gifted to interpret the Bible and even try to show where certain teachings of the prophet, Brother
Branham, were not inspired, which is borne out in their books and by their teachings. It is either they are too afraid or
pretendingly humble to state their claims as prophets, Christ, or Son of man revealed; but the essence of their very ministry,
teachings, emblems of dove leading eagle, and other projections, indicate such self exaltations.
We will now examine the claims of a self-proclaimed apostle from Singapore by the name of Richard Gan. True
believers, refer to his religious cult as Ganism. He has a book ministry, and has followings in Malaysia, Philippines, India,
Sri Lanka, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Kenya. His books are entitled; “Prophetic revelation.”
This man, who claims to be a believer of this message, proclaims himself an apostle, and that God called him as a
watchman and an apostle, to restore the apostolic foundation of the sure Word of God in the church. He said that this was
revealed to him in a spiritual dream. The dream further revealed that his position, ministry and calling would be “the first
prize”, which he interpreted as being a top position in the ministry that he would hold. He said that the followers of Malachi
4 do not have a proper foundation, because they have substituted the Word for the quotations of Brother Branham.

Quote Richard Gan: “God has reaffirmed my prophetic teaching ministry, and has called me, as an apostle, to do
the work of ‘restoring’ the apostolic foundation…Right in these last days, many end time Message churches, too, do not
have a proper foundation or have a shattered one at best. The condition is caused by adding to, or taking away from, the
sacred Word and substituting the statements / quotes of Brother Branham for the Word.” (The Foundation and the Wall,
pages 37, 49).

E.O.D.H.: Comparing this with the Word of God, neither Paul, Brother Branham nor any of the apostles were ever
called by a dream, but were supernaturally called by a burning bush experience, by meeting the pillar of fire and being sent
and commissioned by God. The foundation of the early church was laid by the Apostle Paul, the first prophet messenger, who
said, “…as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation” (I Corinthians 3: 10), and that said Word foundation has
already been restored by Brother Branham, the last church age messenger, God’s restoration Elijah, Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew
17:11, Revelation 10:7, and all the saints that have gone on are resting on that.

Quote W.M.B.: Maybe this ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word has laid a foundation.
(Seventh Seal page 567).

Quote: I said, “Then if Paul makes it, I will too, because I preached the same thing he did, without compromising on
one word. And all them people screamed out, we are resting assure on that. (Jehovah Jireh Pt.3 03/08/60).

After having this dream, he was told by discernment, by an evangelist from California U.S.A., by the name of Ernest
Hawtin, that he has an apostolic ministry, and the time had come for him to move. He began his first missionary trip, he said,
at the age of 33.

Quote Richard Gan: “He began to discern the people in the church…and pointed at me and said, “Brother…you
have an apostolic ministry. The time is come for you to move…when the word of knowledge was given by the Spirit of the
Lord, I knew that was my answer from God.”…“To whom am I sent: I may not be an apostle to some people, but I am surely
one to those true believers, who would receive me, for they are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord (cf.1 Cor.9:2).” (The
Foundation and the Wall, pages 50, 51).

E.O.D.H.: There is a way that an apostle is identified. The scriptures speak of the signs of an apostle:
I Corinthians 12: 12 <Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders,
and mighty deeds.>
An apostle means a sent one. All and every true apostle that is sent of God must have the signs and vindication of an
apostle, or he is found to be a false apostle that was sent of Satan. This self proclaimed apostle does not have these
vindications and signs working in him, and clearly states:

Quote Richard Gan: “The vindication that William Branham had were vindications to his calling as a church age
messenger fulfilling the scriptures of Mal.4:5-6, Revelation 3:14, Luke 17:30. If another minister has the same vindications
as William Branham then both would have fulfilled the same calling of the same scriptures. Then we would have two
messengers to the same age.” (Hearing They Hear Not page 31).

E.O.D.H.: Such poor excuses cannot explain away John 14:12:

John 14:12 <Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater
works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.>
Mark 16:17-18 <And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak
with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay
hands on the sick, and they shall recover.>
Hebrews 13:8 <Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever”, but exposes false christs and false
prophets, even as Jannes and Jambres when they could not duplicate the creative supernatural works of Moses. >
Though he claims to be a believer of this message, at the same time, he refers to message believers as
“Branhamites”, and teaches his own doctrine, which he formulated, in direct opposition and contradiction to the messenger
and his message. His teachings and heresies are listed on pages 2 to 7 of this book.
After careful study, and examination, we found his doctrines to be heretical, damnable and contrary to the
message of the messenger and the scriptures. We therefore exposed them for what they are on; “Exposition of Damnable
Heresies Book 2”, Heretical Articles 15 & 16.

Heretical Article Nos. 15, 379 & 380: “As the Word came to the prophets under the law, so the Word came to the
apostles under grace”

E.O.D.H Answer: Amos 3: 7-8 <Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants
the prophets. The lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy? >
Revelation 2: 1 <Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in
his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks.>
Revelation 3: 14 <And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the
faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. >
I am Dalton Bruce. We are approaching another heresy, and a very complex one. Very complicated heresy. And I
believe that this heresy has many thousands of people bound. This states, I quote, “As the Word came to the prophets under
the law, so the Word came to the apostles under grace.” Compliments “Prophetic Revelation” from a book entitled, “Speak
the Word,” from Singapore via Arizona.
This heresy is saying that Amos 3:7 is limited to the Old Testament, where God used one prophet to bring the
revelation to a certain age or generation. That Amos 3:7 is limited to the Old Testament where one prophet received the
revelation for the age. It applies only to the Old Testament and not the New Testament. It states that New Testament order is
to bring the Word by a group of apostles to the church, and not by an Old Testament order of Amos 3:7. The revelation for
the apostolic age came to the Church collectively and progressively over a period of time by several apostles. This is evident
by the twenty-six epistles written in the New Testament by the apostles. As a result of this new order, gifted apostles can add
to the message of the hour. They can add to the message of Brother Branham (Malachi 4:5-6, Revelation 3:14). They can
also add to the written Word of God, because the written Word of God is the letter, but revelation that is coming from God is
in the Spirit and it comes straight from the Logos, Christ, who is now upon the face of the earth personified. Therefore the
seven thunders that were not revealed by the Apostle Branham (only called a prophet) must be revealed by seven apostles.
All these heresies are hooked up in one. That is why I used the term “complex heresy.”
For a little evaluation of this heresy, let us look this heresy in its face. What is it trying to achieve? What is it trying
to bring out? What are the motives and objectives of this heresy and the heretics that preach such heresy? It is a complex
heresy, deceptive, that has its roots and foundation in the misinterpretation of Amos 3:7.
This heresy is presenting to us an order of the New Testament, and to present this New Testament order of God
bringing His spiritual revelation to the church, this heresy is doing away with God’s Old Testament order - Amos 3:7.
The only way that this heresy can flourish and make any headway amongst the people of God, amongst message
believers, is first to destroy Amos 3:7. Therefore the misinterpretation of Amos 3:7 is the foundation that this heresy is based
upon; it is the root. Anybody that is bound by this heresy must go back to the simplicity of the Bible, the simplicity of the
message and the simplicity of the understanding of Amos 3:7, in order to obtain their deliverance.
This heresy, when speaking of the revelation coming to a group of apostles for New Testament times, evident by
twenty-six epistles, looks very convincing and it further states that there were no prophets in the New Testament system, and
God never called any one of the apostles, “prophets.” So this heresy is attacking the foundational order of the scripture, in
God bringing the revelation by His prophet to the age.
I want you to clearly understand what this heresy is saying. This heresy is saying that Amos 3:7, where God used
one man to bring the revelation for the age, is done away with, and in the New Testament God used a group of apostles to
bring the revelation to the age in a collective manner, progressively, which means that the revelation did not come altogether
to one man, but it came collectively, over a period of time, and different apostles got parts of this revelation, and bringing
them together through twenty-six epistles formed a complete revelation. I defy this heresy! We defy this heresy! How many
say we defy this heresy? [Congregation says, “Amen!”]
The evidence that is given for this heresy is the twenty-six epistles that were written in the New Testament which
were all written by apostles. Now this is very diabolical; very cunning. I must take my time and attack this satanic heresy.
This is not just something to hit over the head. Thousands of people are hanging their souls upon this heresy. This heresy is
master of all heresies, because it attacks the very foundation of the Bible, it attacks the very foundation of every message that
God ever sent in the New Testament, and automatically, it attacks the very message of William Branham. It attacks the very
Bible system, the unchangeable system and order of God, to bring revelation to mankind.
This heresy has blatantly and cunningly attacked the message of the hour brought by William Branham. It
cunningly attacked William Branham himself and his claims to prophethood. This heresy is attacking Malachi 4:5&6, where
it is stated; “Behold I send unto you Elijah the prophet.” It is attacking Revelation 3:14, which states, “Unto the angel of the
church of the Laodiceans.” It is attacking Revelation 10: 7, “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall
begin to sound,” (when “HE” shall begin to sound), “the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his
servants the prophets.”
It is attacking Amos 3:7 and trying to do away with Amos 3:7, the very foundation of the Bible, the very foundation
of the message, and the very foundation that William Branham based his message upon.
This heresy and the heretics are trying to do away with the very foundation of the entire Church.
Amos 3:7 <Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants the prophets.>
We clearly state here that Amos 3:7 is God’s order. We clearly state that this is God’s established system for both
the Old Testament and the New Testament. We disagree with this heresy that limits Amos 3:7 to the Old Testament and has
formulated a new system and a new order to bring revelation in the New Testament to the church by a group of men.
The messenger himself, William Branham, established his message in no uncertain terms, upon the foundation of
Amos 3:7, Malachi 4:5&6, Revelation 3:14 and Revelation 10:7, beyond a shadow of a doubt. I could bring quotations to you
here today, but the quotations that support the statement that I just made are so numerous that it would take me about five
years to quote William Branham concerning Amos 3:7 and God’s order of bringing divine revelation to the church. It’s all
hooked up in Amos 3:7. There is no shadow of a doubt from the Church Age book, from the Seven Seals book, and there is
no shadow of a doubt from all the messages that William Branham preached, that Amos 3:7 is alive for our day, alive for our
age, and it was applicable both in the Old Testament and the New. Therefore I will not waste my time and my breath to bring
all those quotations, for if a man could study eleven hundred tapes and so blatantly attack Amos 3:7 and all the various
scriptures that support a one-man revelation for the age, something is wrong with him. He is highly ambitious like his father
Lucifer. There is much ambition that is involved here and we are about to identify this spirit in the Bible with its ambition.
I clearly state here that Amos 3:7 is God’s order, His established order and His established system for both the Old
Testament and the New Testament. The messenger established that in his message in no uncertain terms. That’s the
foundation of the entire Bible, and the foundation of his entire message.
I quote the messenger briefly. If the messenger says the same thing a thousand times and I quote to you once what
he says, and there are nine hundred and ninety-nine other quotes that are saying the same thing, if you are born to be a
believer, that one quotation is sufficient. And if you are born to be an unbeliever, though I quote the thousand quotations, you
will still be an unbeliever, for I say, “Search the message for in it you think you have eternal life and it is that which testifies
of God’s system.”
I quote William Branham and I am laying emphasis here upon God’s order, God’s system of Amos 3:7 that is still
applicable to the New Testament, applicable in our day and applicable in our age, verified by William Branham beyond a
shadow of a doubt.

Quote W.M.B.: 324-1 It was in the end-time period that the seven thunders of Jesus came forth. Revelation 10:3-
4…What was in those thunders no one knows. But we need to know. And it will take a prophet to get the revelation…
(Laodicean Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.9).

My emphasis here is not thunders; my emphasis is God’s order.

Quote W.M.B.: …because God has no other way of bringing out His Scriptural revelations
except by a prophet. The Word always came by a prophet and always will. That this is the law of God
is evident by even a casual search of Scripture. The unchanging God with unchanging ways invariably
sent His prophet in every age where the people had strayed from Divine order. (Church Ages 324).

This quotation alone exposes this heresy as from the pit of hell and the darkest abyss of Satan, and not to be
recognized as a revelation from God.

Quote W.M.B.: You can’t go under a group of men. I defy anytime that it ever went--God ever did use a group of
men. He uses one man (It’s exactly.)… (End time Evangelism 3/6/62).

We defy that God uses groups of men.

Quote W.M.B.: …He uses one man (It's exactly.), one man at a time, 'cause two men’s got' two opinions. One man.
It’s exactly right. Notice now every dispensation it's been that way; all the way down through, it's been that way every time.
(The End time Evangelism 3/6/62).

Let me re-emphasize that. The prophet of God now starts speaking about dispensation. He said, “God uses one man
at a time;” He never did use a group, and then he concluded that in every dispensation it’s been that way, all down the way
through. And if you are not familiar with that word, dispensation, all that it means is an age; all through the ages, all through
the dispensations. We had a dispensation of Adam, we had a dispensation of Abel; we had an age or a dispensation of Noah;
we had a dispensation of Abraham; we had a dispensation of Moses. God’s order is to bring revelation to the age by one man.
This is clearly understood from Church Ages page 324, and it is clearly understood from ‘End Time Evangelism,’ page 27,
and there are many other quotations that I could give here where God does not use groups of men, but He uses individuals.
Old Testament examples of God applying this one-man system and applying Amos 3:7 is that God Himself brought
the Word in Eden and Adam was the first prophet, and the Word of the Lord came to Adam in Eden, and the Word said that:
“Thou shall not eat of this tree; the day you eat of this tree, you shall surely die. Be sure to tell your wife that.”
The Word of the Lord came to Adam and by faith Abel offered the right sacrifice. (Hebrews 11). It was a divine
revelation that God gave to Abel of what kind of sacrifice to bring to the altar, and Cain refused to accept Abel’s revelation
because he thought that he was equal with Abel and God should speak to him personally also. He failed to listen to the
prophet, Abel and he perished. God rejected his sacrifice.
There arose another dispensation. That next dispensation was in the days of Noah, and God found one man, and by
that one man He brought a message to that generation and everybody that did not hear that prophet with that message
perished. You were going to listen to Noah’s message and get into the ark or perish.
Luke 17:26-30 <And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man… Even thus shall
it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.>
One man; and the world failed to hear that one man called Noah and they perished.
Amos 3:7 is applied in Adam, applied in Abel, applied in Noah and applied in Abraham. There were lots of men
upon the face of the earth but God spoke to one man and He said, “Come out of thy father’s house and from amongst thy
kindred and I will show you a land,” and Abraham followed God. He was one man. That’s another dispensation.
There arose another man in another dispensation; his name was Moses. Let me linger here a little while. God called
one man, and for over four hundred years, Israel, God’s children had to wait upon that promised deliverer, promised through
the prophecy of Abraham. They suffered in bondage in the land of Egypt until that one that was prophesied of to come, came
on the scene. While Moses was growing up the children of Israel were suffering and Moses came on the scene. And God only
spoke to Moses in a burning bush of fire. Not to all the rabbis, not to all the priests, and not to all the great men. He called
Moses and He said, “I will send thee to deliver the children of Israel”. One man, Amos 3:7. If you wanted to leave Egypt
land and enter the Promised Land, you had to follow Moses or perish.
I want to call your attention to something here that identifies this heresy and identify this spirit right in your Bible.
Moses led an exodus out of Egypt land, and Amos 3:7 was in operation where God was speaking to one man and leading two
million people to the Promised Land. But there arose ambitious spirits, and I am identifying this heresy with men that arose,
and their statement was,
Numbers 12:2 <And they said, Hath the LORD indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he not spoken also by us? And
the LORD heard it.>
Numbers 16:1-3 <Now Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, the sons
of Eliab, and On, the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben, took [men]: And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children
of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown: And they gathered
themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the
congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the
congregation of the LORD?>
Ambitious spirits! That is where this heresy is identified. This spirit that wants to say that God is also using groups
of men on the same level and on the same basis as William Branham, our Moses today with the pillar of fire, this is that same
spirit identified in your scriptures. It’s the same spirit that followed that pillar of fire down there, and later arose against
Moses. It’s the same spirit in this modern generation, in this 21st century, because of ambition, that is saying, “Hath God only
spoken by William Branham? He hath not only spoken by William Branham, He hath spoken by us, a bunch of apostles
also.” You lying heretic! You have the spirit of Korah, Abiram and Dathan, and the two hundred and fifty princes upon you.
You’re anointed by the same spirit that was in the wilderness. This is the same spirit that is writing these books called;
“Prophetic Revelation.” This is the same spirit that wants to exalt itself above the messenger. This is the same spirit that
wants to attack the foundation of the entire Bible. This is the same spirit that wants to attack the foundation of the very
message. This is the same spirit that wants to do away with Amos 3:7, but Amos 3:7 will live on. It is for today. It was for
every dispensation.
We have identified this spirit. It’s a spirit of Jannes and Jambres that withstood Moses. This spirit does not only
want to be recognized as adding revelation to the message or new light to the message. No! This is not the only ambition of
this spirit. This spirit has the same ambition as it had in the wilderness, which is to contradict Moses. Those spirits that arose
in the wilderness did not only say that they were bringing new light, but were contradicting the message of Moses. And I
state right here, that the contradiction that those false prophets, ambitious preachers, were bringing was on the promises of
the hour. That is how you identify a heretic today; that is how you identify the Korahs, the Abirams, the Dathans, and the two
hundred and fifty princes. You identify them when they start confessing unbelief in entering the Promised Land, Capstone,
Outpouring of the Holy Ghost.
They arose to stone Moses. They arose in the desert and said that Egypt land was the Promised Land; it was the land
flowing with milk and honey. They arose in the wilderness and blamed Moses for bringing them and their children in the
wilderness to slay them. It's the same spirit.
This heresy is contrary to Amos 3:7. This heresy is contrary to Malachi 4 and his beliefs. This spirit is contrary to
the Message of the hour. It has totally contradicted the Message of the hour. It has contradicted the very foundation of the
Bible; contradicted the very Message of the hour; not only add light, (what they are calling light), but it changed the message.
It perverted the message. It attacked the very foundation of the entire Bible. It attacked the very foundation of the very
message. It has contradicted the teachings of William Branham who made use of Amos 3:7 throughout his message,
thousands of times, stating that God always uses one man for the age and for the dispensation to bring a revelation to the
people. Therefore, this heresy is from the deepest abyss of hell. The propagators are heretics, false anointed ones, Korah,
Abiram and Dathan in modern times, and false apostles who have crept into the Message. And if they cannot repent of this
doctrine, it proves who their father is, because they abide not in the truth. And when a man slips out of the truth of the
Message of the hour and you correct him and he fails to repent, it shows that he is doing the deeds of his father; and the deeds
of the devil is to pervert the Word of God. They cannot continue in the Word of God.
The second part of this heresy, part “B”, states:
“God uses groups of apostles, evident by the Epistles.”
It is one thing to believe something, the next is to prove it, and especially when heresies come up and challenge
your faith, and challenge your revelation that you took for granted all the time. You’ve got to know where you are standing.
Now, this second part of this heresy is very slick, and they are citing twenty-six epistles to show that God never used
a prophet in the New Testament times. In the apostolic age, all that God used were apostles, therefore the days of prophets
were done away with and God only used apostles, and those apostles wrote twenty six-epistles: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
Romans, Corinthians and on down. What is your answer, as Ministers, to this heresy? Study the Word to show thyself
approved, a workman rightly dividing the Word of truth. And that is what we are doing here, we are studying the Word to
show ourselves approved, rightly dividing the Word of God.
This heresy states that Amos 3:7, where God uses one man to bring the revelation for the age, is an Old Testament
order. But then in the New Testament time, since the New Covenant came into existence, God did away with Amos 3:7, one
man bringing the revelation to the age, and now He is using a group of apostles and that is his standard; that is His order for
the New Testament. Therefore twenty six epistles were written by the apostles and brought forth a collective revelation over a
period of time.
It also openly stated that there were no prophets in the New Testament time, and the evidence of this is that there are
five "ascension gifts" and the first one is an apostle, and the second is a prophet. So when speaking of the five-fold Ministry
and the ascension gifts, prophets played a secondary role, and the apostles were placed first, therefore the apostles had the
headship as a group of men. Furthermore, when problems arose in the Church in Asia Minor, the apostles there sent to the
apostles in Jerusalem to settle the issue. Another proof is that the apostles collectively had to settle the issue. What are you
going to do when you face a heresy like this? Do you see how cunning that is?
Now, I cannot be angry with my brothers and sisters in the Message for being caught up in a heresy like this,
because it is cunning, it is diabolical, seemingly with plenty of evidence. People who had not been exposed to the message,
hearing a heresy like this for the first time, and heretics laying that kind of foundation on virgin soil, by the thousands, and
possibly by the millions, people accept that as the teachings of Brother Branham; accept that as the teachings of the Bible;
accept that as revelation from Christ veiled in human flesh, personified upon the face of the earth as head of these seven men.
How are these poor Africans going to distinguish the wrong and the right of it? How are these poor people in India
going to distinguish the right and the wrong of this doctrine, when you have a great intellectual giant that is very fluent in his
speech like Lucifer himself, who could speak and write, and have the assets to send forth these kinds of devilish doctrines
throughout the world? When you have people that have now come to this message with the idea that everybody that preaches
the message are God’s servants. Everybody that preaches this Message are not God’s servants. Some are of the devil! Some
are literal seeds of the serpent! Some are incarnated devils! Some came from hell and they are going back to hell! Certain are
ordained to this condemnation and they were allowed to creep into the Message. (Jude 1: 1-4)
This heresy says that the New Testament order is that God uses a group of men, evident by the twenty-six epistles, and
none of these apostles were called prophets, all that they were called were apostles. Proof and evidence is Ephesians
4:11, I Corinthians 12: Firstly apostles, secondarily prophets.
This heresy is saying that the New Testament prophets were not like the Old Testament prophets. They were not
the absolute, but rather secondary prophets, Agabus and others. They were not bringing a message for the age, but the
Message was coming collectively to Peter, James, John, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul and Barnabas. It’s a cunningly
devised fable, heretical to the core, deceptive to the core, damaging to our African brothers, to our European brothers;
damaging to the world; attacking the foundation of the very Bible; attacking the very foundation of the Message; attacking
the very foundation of the Word of God that we preach.
A heresy is a deceptive thing. The power of that heresy is a damaging thing. It destroys the souls of mankind.
This heresy concludes that each one of the epistles and each one of the apostles brought part of the revelation over
a period of time, and when put together it formed a complete revelation for that age. Yet, in doing that, the Bible was not
completed. Yet in these Apostles bringing parts of revelation to write the Bible in the New Testament, the Bible was an
incomplete book. The proof of it is that the seals had to be opened. Now that the seals are opened, the Logos himself has
come down, personified in a man, and that Logos personified in a man is greater than the written Word, for the Logos was
first and then the written Word came after. Therefore this Logos has more power than the written Word. Therefore the Logos
is receiving divine revelation and can bring revelations that can be added to the message and added to the Bible. You talk
about a cunning, diabolical heretic that can destroy millions of souls by his heresies.

Isn’t that the Pope’s doctrine? Isn’t that identified with the Pope’s doctrine that the Pope and the Catholic Church
are above the written Word of God? It is the same spirit that is upon the Pope of Rome, that built the Catholic Church
in 325 AD, which states that the Pope is above the Word and the Pope is infallible? And it’s not what the Bible says; it’s
what the Church says. That’s the law of the Catholic Church. It’s not what the Bible says, but what the Pope says. He is
the church. It’s what the church says, not what the Bible says.
And the Pope and his words were so infallible and so much greater than the written Word that Catholics are not
supposed to read their Bible, and they took away the Bible from the people for a thousand years, and outlawed the Bible,
punishable by death if one scripture verse was found in your house. Isn’t that the same spirit? This spirit is saying, “never
mind what the message says, never mind what William Branham said, never mind what the Bible said, it’s what the Logos
says. Isn’t that a catholic spirit? Isn’t that a Pope spirit? Isn’t that a Vicar spirit? Isn’t that a beast speaking, from the pit of
hell? Without any shame, without any restraint, this heresy and the heretics that believe this, contradicts Brother Branham,
not only in these teachings, but many others that I cannot bring out. And one of the outstanding teachings is that if a woman
is divorced, and has a living husband, and he is unsaved, she could be remarried.
That is in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus, direct contradiction to the teachings of William Branham
and his message. It is in direct contradiction to Romans 7:3, which says: “So then if, while [her] husband liveth, she be
married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress.”
However, that is not our subject. Our subject is to shut the mouth of this heretic. Our job here, my brothers and
sisters, is to shut up the mouth of this Cretian prophet. Brother Paul said their mouths must be stopped, for they subvert
whole houses, they subvert Europe, they subvert Africa, they subvert India with their corruption, and their mouths must be
stopped. I am saying that the Old Testament order of Amos 3:7, where God used one man at a time, bringing forth a
revelation to an age still stands for today. And I will give you up-to-date proof right now. God himself knowing that that
system will continue from Genesis to Revelation, and be applicable for our day, written by Malachi in Malachi 4:5&6,
“Behold I send unto you Elijah the prophet”.
How are you going to answer this? How are you going to come out of this tangle if you were those Africans, and
Indians, and some Chinese where the message has gone on now into China? How are you going to answer these heretics? My
beloved, as much as you know this Message, you needed somebody with divine revelation to expose those heresies and bring
deliverance to you, if you were caught up in those heresies.
I am saying that the Old Testament order of Amos 3:7 where God uses one man at a time, bringing forth a revelation
to an age still stands for today. And I will give you up-to-date proof right now. God himself knowing that system would
continue from Genesis to Revelation and be applicable for our day, wrote by Malachi 4:5&6, “Behold I send unto you
Elijah the prophet!” ‘A P-R-O-P-H-E-T’ not ‘A-P-O-S-T-L-E-S’. Revelation 10:7 speaks of an individual to bring the
Message to the age. That is sufficient for you and me.
Behold I send unto you Elijah the prophet. Right there in our Bible it is prophesying that God will send an absolute
in the end time before He burns the earth, and that absolute for the end time, to bring forth a revelation to turn the heart of the
children back to the Pentecostal fathers, will be a prophet called Elijah the prophet. God knowing that system still exists and
is still applicable for the New Testament, prophesied by Malachi, four hundred years before Christ, and stated there, “Behold
the day cometh that shall burn as an oven," and in the fifth and sixth verse, “Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before
the coming of the great and the dreadful day of the Lord."
God knowing that that system of Amos 3:7 still holds good for today, even to the end time, He placed there,
Malachi 4:5&6. Then something is definitely wrong with your heresy, Mr. Heretic. And your heresy has become so anointed
of the devil that you shut your eyes to Malachi 4:5&6. Your heresy has taken you out to the deep end, so far that you fail to
come to the simplicity of the scripture that quotes “Behold I will send unto you Elijah the prophet."
If your system was right, where God uses groups of men, the scriptures had to read, “Behold I send unto you groups
of apostles, behold I send unto you twelve apostles with the twelve foundation stones.” But Malachi 4 is in direct
contradiction to your heresy, and your heresy is in direct contradiction to Malachi the prophet. Your heresy is in direct
contradiction to God and His system.
There were many prophets in the New Testament, and also those who were prophesied to come:
(Acts 13:1, Acts 11:27, Acts 15:10, 32, 1Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11, Luke11:49, Revelation11:3,
10, ). God does not change his mind about His Word. According to Amos 3:7, the Word of God comes
only to the prophet. The reason why the Word came to the Apostle Paul is because he was both apostle
and prophet.

Quote: W.M.B: He (Paul) was not only an apostle, he was a prophet. (Testimony of William
Branham 10/5/53).

Quote: In the Bible the prophets, the Word came to the prophets in the days of old. Now, the prophets were seers,
Divine seers. And at the change of the dispensations from law unto grace, did not change God sending still, prophets. For
in the New Testament we find prophecy went on just the same. And also prophets went on just the same. (Why Is It That So
Many Christians Find It So Hard To Live The Christian Life 57-0303A).

Your heresy is in direct contradiction to the entire Bible and to the Message of the hour because that is the way
William Branham explained Malachi 4:5&6, and he laid emphasis upon the fact throughout his Message, that Malachi 4:5&6
is not a group of man but a one man show.
In the days of William Branham, just before he came, there was a bunch of men that arose, and they were preaching
a doctrine that Elijah the Prophet is a group of men anointed by the spirit of Elijah. And Brother Branham exposed that as
heretical, satanic and of the devil. And we are not relying only upon what Brother Branham said, we are relying upon the
Bible. Behold I send unto you Elijah the prophet, not “the apostles” “the prophet”! And “HE” not them, “HE” shall turn the
hearts of the children back to the fathers. What are we going to do with that?
I defy this heresy, and the simplicity of the Word is going to destroy this heresy in a minute. My brothers and sisters,
Paul in the ninth chapter of the book of Acts was called as the light to the Gentiles. And if that is vague Mr. Heretic, let me
state here that Paul was the first messenger to the first church age, and it is recorded in Revelation 2:1, “Unto the angel of
the church of Ephesus write. These things saith He that holdeth the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of
the seven golden candlesticks.” Your heresy is saying that God uses a bunch of apostles to bring the Message to the early age.
The early age was the apostolic age, the early age was the Ephesian age. How many say Amen? [Congregation says,
“Amen!”] And I am proving by scriptures that the Message for that age was not directed to many apostles, it was directed to
the angel of the Church. And unto the apostles at Ephesus. Did it read that? [Congregation says, “No!] “Unto the Angel,” Is
that singular? Was it a singular Message? Was Paul called as a light to the Gentiles? Yes. It was a singular message. “And
unto the angel of the Church”.
That one scripture put together with Acts 9 has destroyed your heresy where it stated God uses a group to bring a
collective revelation progressively throughout the ages. That one scripture has defied and has broken up your heresy into
You are saying that in the apostolic age God used a bunch of apostles to bring forth the revelation for the age, which
was the Message of the age. I am proving by the scriptures, right in your Bible, and it’s not a man saying that, it’s Christ
himself saying that. It was given to one man, and the man was an angel messenger; the revelation was given to him.
I would further prove that Paul was the absolute. I will further prove that Brother Paul was that man with the
Message for that hour. It takes a blind man to read the Church Ages, where it states that Paul was the messenger for the
Ephesian Church Age and then come up with a heresy like that. You have to be twice dead, plucked up by the roots. You
have to be highly ambitious.
Galatians 1:1 <Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised
him from the dead.>
You heard the authority in that voice?
Galatians 1:6-12 <I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto
another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though
we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let
him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the
servant of Christ. But I certify you, brethren...> (This is a certified cheque.) <...That the gospel which was preached of me is
not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught [it], but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.>
I am proving to you that Brother Paul, his office, his ministry was the absolute for that age, that if anybody taught
a revelation contrary to the revelation that was given to Paul, the prophet messenger for that age, though an angel come down
from heaven and contradicted that message, he was accursed (Anathema and Maranatha,) which means that you were
accursed unto the day of the coming of Christ, if you changed the message of the messenger of that age. And any man that
tries to change the message of William Branham, making it say what it does not say, is anathema and maranatha.
So, I am asking, Mr. Heretic, where is your bunch of apostles? Where is your group of apostles that brought a
collective revelation? I am showing you that the revelation did not come collectively by a bunch of apostles, but it was
addressed to one man, and that man was very defiant about it, in so much that he said that no man could change that
revelation. Not even I nor Barnabas is able to change that revelation, because the revelation was given to me by Jesus Christ.
Why was the Message given to Paul by Jesus Christ? He was one of the stars in the hand of God. (Revelation 1:16).
Galatians 2:7-9 <But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as
[the gospel] of the circumcision [was] unto Peter; (For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the
circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:) And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be
pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we
should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.>

I Corinthians 3:10-11 <According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid
the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation
can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.>
Brother Paul said that he was the wise masterbuilder. Out of all those apostles, Brother Paul was the wise
masterbuilder. He said I have laid the foundation. The gospel of William Branham is a restoration of the gospel of Paul
the apostle, the first messenger to the church age, and all of the redeemed are resting on that. When Brother Branham was
caught up in the translation, he said, “I preach exactly what Paul preached”, and the whole of heaven said, “We are resting on
that.” He was the wise master builder.
To prove to you that there was an absolute, that there was a prophet Messenger, who was responsible for that age, to
bring the revelation for the age, completely, there were certain apostles that arose and challenged the authority of Brother
Paul. And then Brother Paul said, “I will glory.” He said, “Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they
apostles? So am I. And on down he went. And in II Corinthians 11: 13-14, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers,
transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
And, it is the same thing today, as when they challenged Brother Paul, so are these false apostles today, challenging the
authority of William Branham, changing the message of William Branham, changing the very standard of his message.
Anything that would challenge the authority of the vindicated messenger is a false apostle. And if Brother Branham was here
today, he would say, “Such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into angels of light." Is that right?
And it’s no marvel that Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, and his ministers into ministers of righteousness.
Now when that first messenger in that first age came up, did you have false apostles claiming to be the authority of
God? Claiming to be a bunch of men that God was using too? It’s the same spirit today.
The same spirit that arose under that messenger, claiming that they were a bunch of apostles bringing higher light
and higher revelation, adding to the message, and claiming to have deeper revelation than Brother Paul, is the same kind of
apostles we have today, and Brother Paul declared them to be false apostles and deceitful workers transforming themselves
into angels of light.
Now, I am going to destroy this heresy with the simplicity of the teachings of the church ages. Every message, for
two thousand years now, starting from the days of Brother Paul as the first messenger, right down to the age that we are
living in, every message to every age was directed to a singular messenger. I am asking this Mr. Heretic, that said God
changed his system and was using a new system a group of men. Why did Christ have only seven stars in His hand? Why
was He holding seven stars in his hand, and why did he bring the message to every age to one of those stars? That alone,
proves that the plan and program of God continued from the Old Testament, Amos 3:7, one man at a time. Yes! And it came
over from John the Baptist; that was one man for the dispensation. It changed over from John to Jesus; one man at a time. It
changed from Jesus to Paul, and it changed to Irenaeus, and it changed to Martin; it changed to Columba, it changed to
Luther, it changed to Wesley, and Branham is the Messenger for this age. Oh Yes! Seven stars in the right hand of God. The
first star was Paul, and the last star was William Branham, and that system continued to the day in which we live, Revelation
3:14 - “Unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans." Are we living in the Laodicean age? Then there was one messenger
for the age in which we are living.
This heretic might say that all these seven stars were apostles, because it does not speak of prophets, it says angel
messenger. I have news for you. When God spoke to this messenger to the Laodicean age, there was another scripture in the
Bible, to verify that messenger as Elijah the prophet, and that is Malachi 4, showing you that William Branham was an
apostle indeed, but he was also an Old Testament prophet and a New Testament prophet. And, if this would not stumble you,
William Branham was more than a prophet, for Jesus said of the forerunner, John the Baptist, that he was more than a
prophet. Therefore he was a special messenger, and he was the greatest prophet born from a woman. And if Jesus said that of
John the Baptist he would say even more about William Branham today, who came to forerun the second coming of Jesus
Christ. He was a special messenger.
I am proving that it came from John the Baptist, even unto Jesus. From Jesus unto Paul, and it came right down. You
say, what about the apostle Peter? I have news for you again. The ministry was divided with two headships, one to the
circumcision and the other to the uncircumcision (Galatians 2:4-10). Is that right? And God himself placed it in such a way,
and all the apostles recognized that the ministry of Paul was to the uncircumcision, which were to the Gentiles, and the
ministry of Peter was to the Jews, and they all recognized it. He said that’s the grace of God that was given to me, and the
grace of God that was given to Peter. All that it means is that these were two special ministers, apostles and prophets, and one
was to the Jews and one was to the Gentiles, but they had the exact same revelation. Revelation 3:14, Malachi 4:5&6,
Revelation 10:7 all speaks of an individual to bring the message of the age. That is sufficient for you and me.
The third part of this heresy: I will just brief you on it, see how diabolical. The third part of this heresy states that we can
add to the Message, we can add to the Bible because of this “new order,” of a “collective revelation,” and progressive
revelation, and since the days of William Branham, when he came to the earth as the first apostle, then there are other
apostles who are still bringing forth the revelation. Therefore, they could add to the Message and add to the Bible.
I defy this heresy; because the Bible says if you add to it, the plagues that are written in it shall be added to you,
and if you take from the Word of God then your part shall be taken out of the Book of Life. That is the scripture.
Now, to show you how diabolical this heresy is, whenever a man preaches a doctrine like that, brothers and sisters, he
leaves the church without a standard to judge who is right and who is wrong. Don’t you see it?
How many know that William Branham laid emphasis on the Word, from Genesis to Revelation, as being our
absolute, and anything contrary to that is the devil? Even because he looked to the Bible as the standard. Now, but this
heretic, by his heresy, has put a sword into the hearts of the believers that are deceived by him because he has taken away
the standard, which the standard is the Bible; the standard is the Message; the standard is the revelation by which any prophet
is judged, any revelation is judged, and any heresy is judged.
And when a man would come and say that revelations are still coming by gifted apostles, and could be added to the
message, he has taken away your standard to judge whether he is a false prophet or a true prophet, a false apostle or a
true apostle. He has taken away that standard.
I am saying that this heresy is a "heresy of heresies" cunning and diabolical, therefore we conclude that this heresy
came from the darkest abyss of hell, from the throne of Satan himself, by false anointed ones in the end time, to try to deceive
the very elect; but the elect is built upon the Word of God and she has an antenna down inside. She will only hear the voice
of God, and the voice of God is His Word and the message of the hour.
Have you ever seen such a diabolical and cunning heresy like this? My brothers and sisters, we detest this heresy.
Come on; let me hear your voices. [Congregation responds with shouts of Amen!]
We defy this heresy! This is the deed of the Nicolaitans. We hate this heresy and God hates this heresy. May God
send deliverance by this message to our brothers and sisters in Africa and in Europe and in the United States, and throughout
the world to set the captives free. May the Lord come soon!
There is going to be an outpouring of the Holy Ghost so that even if these messages don’t reach the people, there is going to
be an outpouring of the Holy Ghost very soon. Yes! And they are going to hear these same things in power and in
demonstration of the Holy Spirit. Paul speaks of the signs of an apostle. He said, but the sign of an apostle was wrought in me
by signs wonders and miracles, the very seal of my apostle-ship are ye in the Lord. And I am challenging these false apostles
that have arisen under the message; I am challenging them to show the sign of an apostle.
There is a way that an apostle is identified. There was a way that William Branham, who was an apostle, was
identified. All the claims that you could make as heretical apostles, yet the signs of the apostles are not working in you.
All that is working in you is intellectualism, and that takes you and ties you in with the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, and makes the serpent your brother, that deceived Eve by intellectualism on the message of the hour. Yes!
But the signs of the apostles must be shown in any apostle that will arise upon the face of the earth.
In conclusion, I believe that the world is getting ready to see a bunch of apostles, but that does not change the fact
that we had one Prophet Messenger to the seventh Church Age.
In this age, the world is getting ready to see a bunch of New Testament apostles, but not one of them will have
their own message. No! They are going to be based upon the message that William Branham brought.
And let me clarify the fact of twenty-six epistles being the evidence. Every apostle that wrote any epistle, Jude,
Peter, or any of the rest of them, had to be based upon the message that was given to Brother Paul. It had to dovetail with the
revelation and the message that was given to the messenger of the age called Brother Paul. And he summarized it in so many
words: “Though we or an angel come from heaven” in other words, I or any of the other apostles or an angel from heaven
come and speak any other revelation unto you, let him be accursed.
That makes the revelation of Brother Paul the absolute for the age, and all the Epistles that were written had to
dovetail with the message that Brother Paul was bringing. And likewise, any preacher that will preach or write any kind of a
book, no matter how many signs and wonders he may show, if it does not dovetail with the message of William Branham, it
is of the devil. That shows that the standard for the first age is the same for the last age and will continue to the end of time.
Our absolute is the Bible and the message of the hour, and we boldly state here that anything that contradicts the
message of William Branham is of the devil. It is heretical, and is a heresy from hell. And even when the seven thunders are
revealed it must dovetail with the rest of the scriptures.

Quote W.M.B.: And when anybody thinks that he has those seven thunders, if it don’t compare with the rest of the
Word, there’s something wrong. It’s got to come THUS SAITH THE LORD, for this is the Book; this is the revelation of
Jesus Christ in its entirety. (Seals pg. 284.1963).

It must dovetail with all the scriptures when it comes. It must never contradict the Bible, and got to dovetail with
all the scriptures.
Any Messenger, any preacher, any lay member that is anointed of God today and is speaking for God cannot
contradict the Message of William Branham. He must dovetail with the Message of William Branham. Any preaching, any
writings, any book that is written, must dovetail with the Message of William Branham, and if it does not, we know that it is
the devil.
Therefore, my brothers and sisters, all these prophetic revelations that contradict the message of William Branham
are of Satan, it is of the devil, and wherever you are throughout the world, have nothing to do with it. Flee for your lives,
because it contradicts the Message of the hour.
Go back to the simplicity of the Message. Go back to the Message of William Branham; go back to the church ages
and the seven seals book Yes! And stay in the Message of the hour.
I call you back to the Message of William Branham if you are caught by this heresy.

Heretical Article No. 16 & 381:“The seven thunders which were not revealed in 1963 by Brother Branham must
now be revealed by seven chosen men to give the Bride rapturing faith”.

Quote Richard Gan: “If the seven stars were seven anointed men of god, so will the seven thunders be… the Seven
Thunders represent Seven Men whom the Seven Spirits will identify with and work through just before the Rapture of the
True Church… The Seven Stars are Church Age Messengers. The Seven Thunders are not; they are just seven chosen End
time servants of God who are anointed to utter their voices in respect of the Seventh

E.O.D.H. Answer: Revelation 10:3-4 - "And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had
cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I
heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. "
The inventor of this heresy is an aggressive, heady, high-minded, unrepentant, self proclaimed apostle, and chief
heretic from Singapore, by the name of Richard Gan.
Apostle Richard Gan’s program of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders is Satanic, full of arrogance, hatred, malice and
total disrespect to the Prophet, his Message and Believers. He, together with other prominent faceless men, who assume the
office of apostles, advocate that there are seven men to reveal the Seven Thunders since there were seven voices of thunders.
His program has changed, altered and perverted almost every major doctrine of the Bible and Message of the
Prophet. He and his seven faceless men have totally disregarded established doctrines of the Prophet, proclaiming without
embarrassment that they have a right to stay with the Word and reject what the Prophet said, as he said to “stay with the
Word if he is wrong.”
As a result of this heresy, Apostle Gan from Singapore has produced many heresies which were exposed on E.O.D.H.
Books Nos. 2, 4 & 8. He has no defense against such expositions. He has no Scriptures or quotations to refute what we
are saying, but behaves as a sick and frightened little kitten and makes war against us by knowledge, reason, and
intellectual words, just the same as Satan did in the Garden of Eden. Satan is the only one who inspires any false prophet
and heretic, to pervert the Message under the disguise of making the Message understandable, bringing more revelation
to the Bride, and most of all, correcting the errors of the Message and Messenger. Thus, Mr. Gan is inspired of the
He irreverently and heretically interfered with the most sacred revelation of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders, and
God’s program for its’ revealing, in utter disregard to the warnings and pleadings of the Messenger.
His claims are that God has changed His program and order from Old Testament times, of bringing His revelations
by way of one prophet at a time, to a new order of a group of apostles, because a new covenant had been established. Hence,
the revelation and the interpretation of God’s Word for the Apostolic Age came to the Church collectively and progressively
over a period of time by several apostles, evident by the twenty-seven epistles written in the New Testament by the apostles.
This doctrine here is saying that seven men are to receive the seven thunders. That is plainly understood. Pages 34
and 35 give you that account. Also there are seven men without any faces and facial features. In one place in this book it is
plainly stated, without any apology and without any shame that the “seven men” are actually the seven thunders, so each man
is a thunder. The scriptural support that is given is taken from Zechariah 3:8-9
<For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the
graving thereof, saith the LORD of hosts...>
So this doctrine states that scripture is being fulfilled today after the Ministry of Brother Branham, and in Zechariah
3:8-9 the seven eyes upon one stone that is recorded are seven men, apostles, that will receive the seven thunders fulfilling
the trump of God to bring the dead from the grave.
We disagree. We do not believe that there is any scriptural foundation for this heresy. However, I believe that this
heresy is partly correct, and that is how all heresies come. All heresies are mixed with truth, it is based upon the message of
the hour, it is based upon the Bible, but then, in that heresy there is a death seed. It is like poison; sugar coated right around in
a big ball of sugar. You don’t taste the poison but you taste the sugar. Give a little child that ball of sugar, he eats the sugar
and it tastes very nice, and it is very palatable but then the poison gets down into the system and the child dies. That is a
heresy, like the serpent gave to Eve and he sugar coated it, and the Bible said, she looked upon the fruit and it was pleasant to
the eyes and one to be desired, and she took of the fruit and she did eat. So she took that little ball of sugar not knowing the
unbelief and the heresy that was wrapped up in the little ball of sugar. It tasted sweet in her mouth but later on it brought
We agree that the seven thunders were not revealed in 1963 by Brother Branham. That part of this heresy is very sweet.
The next part of this heresy says that it must be revealed to give the Bride rapturing faith. All that is correct; that is all
together sugar; we agree. We agree that the seven thunders were not revealed to Brother Branham in 1963. We also agree
that the seven thunders must be revealed for rapturing faith; there is no doubt about that. That is right through Brother
Branham’s message. The seals, almost anywhere you turn, say that rapturing faith is going to come by the seven
thunders. But we totally disagree with the conception that seven men are to receive the revelation of the seven thunders.
We totally disagree that these seven men themselves are the seven thunders, because it is unscriptural.
In attacking a heresy we attack the foundation. This heresy is built upon two scriptures Zechariah 3:8-9 and
chapter 4:9-10. These seven men fit themselves in Zechariah 3 and Zechariah 4 as their foundational scriptures to prove that
there were seven men to come after Branham to receive the revelation of the seven thunders. Attacking the foundation that
this heresy is standing upon, we are more than able to destroy it. So I challenge my hearers on tape and whoever will
probably read our literature; I challenge you to choose ye this day whom you want to believe. If you want to believe the
interpretation of Zechariah 3rd chapter and 4th chapter from the vindicated prophet called Malachi 4 William Branham, or you
want to believe some fly-by-night preacher that has arisen and tries to force-fit himself into the Word of God.
I could take the scripture and the message and prove that Chapter 4 of Zechariah is not speaking of seven men to
come, but that they have already come. They came and fulfilled their ministry and have gone on; and the last one is rocking
on his rocking chair.
My words are a little too weak, but there was a prophet of God sent today to interpret Scriptures, Malachi 4:5-6. He
was sent unto us today with the facts. He was Revelation 10:7: “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he
shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” All that was
recorded in the Bible, as far as the mysteries are concerned, was to be loosed by William Branham. We take his word above
every man’s word, and if he will interpret Zechariah 3 and Zechariah 4 in a different light we will take his word for it.
Revelation 3:1 <These things sayeth he that hath the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.>
Seven spirits are identified as seven eyes in Zechariah 4:10.

Quote W.M.B.: Putting our scriptural discoveries together, it is evident that the seven spirits of God referred to the
continuous ministry of the same Holy Spirit in the lives of seven men with whom God identified Himself very closely. They
are his eyes, they are his lamps. Who these men are can easily be seen because the next phrase calls them seven stars which
are already known to us as the seven messengers to the seven church ages. How beautiful this is. (Seven Church Ages -
pages 248-249)

Brother Branham opened up the Book of Revelation and was preaching on the Lamb. He said the Lamb had seven
eyes and He had seven horns. That is Revelation: 5. He opened up the Bible and said in Rev 3:1 that these were seven spirits
before God. Then in Revelation 5 he said there were seven lamps burning before the throne. He said all these sevens over
here, seven eyes, seven spirits of God and seven lamps are speaking of one thing. They are speaking of seven spirits before
Almighty God. These seven spirits are not seven individual spirits; it is the Spirit of the Holy Ghost working through seven
men throughout the seven church ages and it’s the seven stars which are the seven messengers to the seven church ages.
I believe a blind man should see that. I believe a blind man should understand that. Therefore I am saying that the
inventor of this heresy that was built upon Zechariah 4, his prop is knocked off by the major prophet called William
Branham. Whereas he is putting Zechariah the 3rd and 4th Chapter after William Branham, Brother Branham applied them to
the seven church age messengers.

Quote W.M.B.: 102-2 {236} Zechariah 3:8 and 9…upon one stone shall be seven eyes…Zechariah
4:10…Zerubbabel with those seven; these are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth. The
seven eyes mean seeing. Seeing means prophets, seers. This Lamb had seven horns, and on each horn had an eye: seven eyes.
What is it? Christ and His Bride. Seven Church Ages, out of there was seven prophets that went forth, seven seers, eyes. (The
Breach 63-0317E).

Brother Branham interpreting what Zechariah 3:8:9, and 4:10 mean, tied in the seven eyes of Revelation chapter 5,
with Zechariah the 3rd chapter and the 4th chapter, and said that they pertain to the seven messengers of the Seven Church
Ages. Therefore we have knocked off the next prop upon which this damnable heresy is resting. When you destroy the
foundation of any heresy, that heretic has to prove himself an unbeliever or a child of God. If he is a child of God, he repents.
And if he cannot repent after seeing the simplicity of the Scripture then he is a born devil to pervert the Word of God. And
what you need to do is to give him a second warning. And after you give him that second warning you fulfill the scripture in
Titus 3:10.
<A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject.... for he is condemned of himself. >
That is the scriptural order to deal with a heretic. You don’t go begging, and pushing and pulling a heretic day after
day, month after month, and year after year, asking him to repent. If you had Brother Paul here and he had to deal with a
heretic, Brother Paul would make plain the scripture once, and he would make the Scripture plain a second time. After that is
made plain and that man cannot see that, Brother Paul would know that the election is off, and he would reject him. That is
scriptural order.
And after the Word of God is made plain, and people sit and hear the exposition of such inventions of false doctrines
and interpretations on the Thunders and they cannot accept the simplicity and the plainness of the Message of William
Branham, something is definitely wrong with their desires. Jesus said, “This is the condemnation that light is come into the
world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19). And if you have a pastor that
allows you to commit adultery and live in fornication and be a thief, a vagabond and do unscriptural things and your deeds
are evil, you would love that kind of a preacher because he allows you to wallow in your sins, and Jesus said that would be
your condemnation.
And after the Word of God has come and explained Zechariah 3:9, Zechariah 4:10 by the mighty Elijah, the prophet
on Church Age, pg. 249, and on the Seals Book, page 102… Let’s say that you did not know how the Prophet interpreted
those Scriptures. Here you have a preacher showing you the Word of God. Something has to be wrong with a person to deny
the words of Malachi 4, William Branham, who was sent of God, inspired of God as a major prophet of the age, and to take
another man’s word. Something has to be wrong with his desire.
If you got tied up in my explanation, all that I am saying is, Brother Branham took Zechariah the 3 rd chapter and
Zechariah the 4th chapter and 10th verse and he applied them to the seven messengers of the Seven Church Ages. I defy this
heresy upon the basis of the words of the anointed Elijah that took Zechariah Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 and applied it to the
seven men in the Seven Church Ages, bringing the Seven Church Ages messages. Therefore this heresy has no foundation to
stand upon; I defy it as heretical, hell oriented and satanic and call the heretic to repentance, and also all that follow him to
repentance. I call all the congregations to repentance, and to turn loose of this heresy!
Observe that only two scriptures were given here to support this heresy that “There are seven men to reveal the
Seven Thunders.” No quotations were given, and that is simply because there are none. There is no quotation from any of
the eleven hundred tapes to prove that seven men are to receive the Revelation of the Seven Thunders, otherwise these
heretics would certainly make use of it.
The only way they could force fit themselves into the Word of God, is to bring up another interpretation of
Zechariah 3rd and 4th chapters. No quotations were given, absolutely none, because there is none. In eleven hundred tapes
there is none to prove that there are seven men to receive the revelation of the seven thunders, not even to indicate such a plan
of God for the opening of the Seventh Seal or Seven Thunders.
One heresy leads to another, and this heresy has its foundation upon other heresies. These men are saying that Amos
3:7 only applies to the Old Testament and it is not applied to the New Testament. Another heresy that this is resting upon is
that “in the New Testament, God has a different order in bringing revelation and that is by a bunch of apostles. Since he used
several apostles in the New Testament, the revelation and the message are still coming after the death of William Branham.
He was only one apostle but we got to have a bunch of apostles in the end time. Those apostles that are arising now could add
to the message, new revelations. You don’t have to find it in the Bible, you don't have to find it in Brother Branham’s
message because New Testament order is that one apostle gets a revelation, and another gets a revelation to form the picture.”
I defy these teachings. They are heretical, totally unscriptural and unfounded in the message of Malachi 4: 5-6. This
heresy is based upon those heresies which seek to destroy the foundation of the scriptures and message of Malachi 4. Amos
3:7 is the very foundation of the Bible and the very foundation of the message of William Branham. Anything that would try
to destroy the foundation of the Bible and the foundation of the message of William Branham is hell oriented, is satanic, and
should be recognized only as that.
In all the prophet’s teachings, the foundation for his message to the end time bride is Amos 3:7, Malachi 4:5,
Revelation 10:7 and Revelation 3:14, since God’s divine order is to bring revelation to the church by one Messenger for each
Age. All messages were addressed to the Angel/Messenger to the respective Ages. The message for each Age was addressed
only to one, not seven.
In all the written Word from Genesis to Revelation, God never used a group of men to bring a message to the
Church, neither did he ever use a group of men because he had seven or more revelations to the Age. I challenge any heretic
to prove differently. No where in the Bible did God ever use a group of men, and if God was bringing seven revelations or
more to a particular age, he did not need seven or eight men, because it was several revelations. No! The only way that an
heretic can force-fit seven men into the message for receiving the Revelation of the Seven Thunders is to pervert Amos 3:7
and Revelation 10:3.
Mathematically it’s right: seven voices, seven revelations, seven men, seven thunders. Mathematically, working it
out from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So they are saying seven voices equal seven revelations, seven
revelations equal seven men, and seven men equal seven thunders. But give it the Word test; give this heresy the Word test
by God’s mathematics of the Bible.
Revelation 10:1-4 plus Amos 3:7 equal one revelator. Let us hear God’s mathematics by God’s mathematics of
the Bible: Revelation 10:1-4 plus Amos 3:7 (God reveals His secrets to His Prophets) equal one revelator, Revelation 10:1.
You can’t find that in the colleges? No. They cannot understand these mathematics.
If you want to know if the answer is correct, and your little teacher cannot correct the lesson, you have to go to the
Principal of the age. Let me quote him here from Church Ages, Page 324.

Quote W.M.B.: 324-1 It was in the end-time period that the seven thunders of Jesus came forth.
Revelation 10:3-4…What was in those thunders no one knows. But we need to know. And it will take a
prophet to get the revelation, because God has no other way of bringing out His Scriptural revelations
except by a prophet. The Word always came by a prophet and always will. That this is the law of God
is evident by even a casual search of Scripture. (Laodicean Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.9).
I am saying that Revelation 10:1-4 plus Amos 3:7 equals one revelation and revelator, “Christ,” and it proves the
other sum wrong, of seven voices equals seven revelations, equals seven men, equals seven thunders, equals seven apostles
today. I say that sum is wrong. Put an ‘X’ on that sum, because the prophet corrected this sum. I am checking my lesson
with what the Prophet of God said in Church Ages page 324. When this goes out there and meets you, you do what you want.
I am just quoting the Prophet of God! And I tell you right here and I declare right now in this Assembly, to all that will hear
this tape and to all that will read our literature, that I am not that one! I make myself abundantly clear. I want you to bear me
witness. [Congregation says, “Amen!”] Anybody that hears this quotation, do what you want with it. I am not fitting myself
into that quotation; I am just stating truth. That is the order of God’s Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
Notice on this same page, Brother Vayle documented the expectations of Brother Branham to receive the Revelation
of the seven thunders, but at the Seals in 1963, Brother Branham concluded that it was not revealed. So, this idea of seven
prophets, seven apostles is condemned by Brother Branham from the Church Ages page 324, it cannot stand up in the
message and it cannot stand up in the Word.

Quote W.M.B.: He could’ve chosen the sun to preach the gospel, but God always deals with one individual who
will listen to Him Word by Word. (Seals page 184 & 298).

Quote: God uses man and man only. God doesn’t use machinery. God doesn’t use groups men. God doesn’t use
organizations. God uses individuals always. (Perfect Faith 63-0825E pg. 9).
Quote: God never did deal with a group nowhere in the scriptures. He deals with one individual because every
man is different from the other. He gets one man till he can get him perfectly in harmony, till he can become that word.
(Voice of the Sign 64-0313, par 40).

Quote: It can’t come to a group never did, one man, that’s what God promised. (Trying to Do God A Service, 65-
1127, par. 219).

Quote: Tell me when God ever used a group to lead. You won’t find it in the Bible. One man, the Word came to
Moses. Korah we all know that he got himself, and complained about God not being just to do a thing, like that to make one
man with the message. And remember, Jude speaks the same thing in the last day. (Why It Had To Be Shepherds, 64-1221,
par. 153).

Quote: You can’t go under a group of men. I defy anytime that it ever went, God ever did use a group of man. He
uses one man. Exactly. One man at a time, cause two men’s got two opinions. One man! Exactly right. Notice now, every
dispensation it’s been that way, all the way down through. (The End Time Evangelism 62-0603. page 27).

Quote: Each time he appeared on the earth at the end of an age, He always sent a man and anointed him with the
Holy Ghost, Christ … Now He can’t do it in a group. You can’t do it. It just never has been done. He never did use a group,
never did. He uses one single person. (The Identified Christ of all Ages. Louisville Series, 64-0401 Page 7).

Quote: 85 Now, God always uses a prophet, a man. If you use a bunch of men, you get different ideas (See?); each
man, two men. Never did He have two major prophets on the earth at one time. He takes one, so the other one can take its
place for another day, another message. He never has two; He has one at a time. (The Evening Messenger 63-0116).

That is sufficient to help us to understand that the prophet’s understanding was that right through the Bible, God
never did use a group of men. God always used an individual. This heresy is completely contrary to the entire program of
God. More light may come upon the message of the Age, but it cannot contradict the Revelation that was previously given by
God to His messenger. And that is simply proven.
The reformer, Martin Luther, came with justification, then Wesley came with a higher revelation, but he never
contradicted Martin Luther’s revelation. William Branham came and opened up all the mysteries of God and never
contradicted the revelation of justification and sanctification, neither did he contradict what happened at Azusa Street. So
more light could come to an unfinished message, but that man must not contradict the message in any way. This man has
contradicted the prophet. The invention of this heresy has blatantly contradicted the inspired interpretation of the Bible, the
very standard of the Bible, and the very system of the Bible according to Amos 3:7
This heresy has broken every type and shadow of the scriptures and blatantly contradicted the foundational
teachings of the Bible and message of Brother Branham. Therefore, it is of the Antichrist.
This heresy changed the divine interpretations of Zechariah 3:8:9 and 4:10 which the Holy Ghost declared by
Malachi 4:5-6. Therefore it is satanic, hell-oriented, and a damnable heresy to many souls. We call the perverters to
repentance; we call the elect to hear God’s voice, Malachi 4, and turn away from such heretics; seven of them calling
themselves Seven Thunders. If one dies, a Thunder dies. In any event all seven of them are spiritually dead. Thus their
Seven Thunders are dead and have no life in them. Flee for your life Lady Elect.
This slick, subtle, cunning and silver tongued perverter and impersonator, fully conscious that the New Ministry of
W.M.B./seven thunders/seventh seal and third pull, must be confirmed by manifestations of the third pull in creative acts of
power (Mark 11:23), has evaded, dodged and explained away the promised vindication of this super ministry by assuming
that he is manifesting the third pull temporarily.
Gan’s heresy of the thunders cannot hold up in God’s Word. His dogma is that seven men are to reveal the seven
thunders, and these men are the very thunders. Is he brighter than the messenger to invent such a heresy? Seven men are not
the seven thunders. The seven thunders hold the secret of the second coming of Christ, which the prophet of God said that it
will take a prophet, not seven men, to get the revelation (Ages page 324). Therefore his doctrine is erroneous, heretical,
satanic and totally contrary to the Word of God, the opening of the seals and the messenger’s message.
Seven thunders ministers will certainly agree with the exposition of this heresy of seven men for the Revelation of
the seven thunders. While we are grateful for their support, may I state that they are caught in the same net, since many of
them claim to be receiving the revelation of the seven thunders collectively and progressively since 1974, ten years after the
opening of the seals, when Brother Branham stated in 1963 that the seventh seal or thunders was not revealed (Seals, page
567-576). As certainly as these seven men have violated the laws of God to force fit themselves as revelators of the thunders,
those seven hundred and seventy-seven thunders ministers, plus, have done the same to their hurt and dishonour. Why
only after ten years? Somebody is acting super-spiritual. The answer to that question is a greater diabolical heresy than to say
seven men are to reveal the seven thunders. For they claim seven hundred and seventy seven, plus.
Efforts proved futile to reconcile this impersonator from the error of his ways. Such efforts, through letters, are
documented on Exposition of Damnable Heresies – Book 4. This slick, subtle, cunning and silver tongued perverter and
impersonator, fully conscious that the New Ministry of W.M.B./seven thunders/seventh seal and third pull must be confirmed
by manifestations of the third pull in creative acts of power (Mark 11:23), has evaded, dodged and explained away the
promised a-vindication of this super ministry by assuming that he is manifesting the third pull temporarily. Also, that he
don’t have to follow in line with the identification of the five acts of the third pull manifestations. The true identification of
this ministry promised to the Church of Jesus Christ, will further expose this cunning impersonator to be nothing less than a



Identification No.1: His revelation of the thunders cannot hold up in God’s Word. His dogma is that seven men
reveal the seven thunders, and these men are the very thunders. Is he brighter than the messenger to invent such a heresy?
Seven men are not the seven thunders. The seven thunders holds the secret of the second coming of Christ, which the prophet
of God said that it will take a prophet, not seven men, to get the revelation (Ages page 324). Therefore his doctrine is
erroneous, heretical, satanic and totally contrary to the Word of God, the opening of the seals and the messenger’s message.
Identification No.2: His claim is contrary to the teachings of the message which says that the next time the third
pull manifestations are used is at the boycott of the Church. He falsely claims that he is manifesting the third pull
temporarily. This was already done by Brother Branham. So he is out of time, out of place, and he is imitating the Prophet’s
Identification No.3: We are living in the age of the Capstone, and he claims that he is now laying the foundation.
He is living in the glare of another age, since the foundation was already laid again by the wise master builder, William
Identification No.4: His so-called false claims of third pull temporal manifestation does not fit the identification.
Identification No.5: He is based on intellectualism and the letter is destroying him and all who believe him. He is
subtle as the serpent and is no less than these dead organizations which believe that the days of miracles are past, for he by
his intellectualism is explaining away the power of God. He is in direct contradiction to St. John 14:12.
Identification No.6: He never started the rapturing faith, but did all in his power to cause people to depart from the
faith that was restored by Malachi 4:5-6, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and given a chance, he will
completely destroy the message and all that the prophet labored for.
Identification No.7: He claims to be manifesting the third pull, yet he lacks the revelation of the new Name. Such
powers are invested in the new Name.
Identification No.8: He is a million miles away from this identification, and is waiting for his folly to be made
manifest by the fullness of the power of the third pull.

gan’s opposition to e.o.d.h. defeated BY the woRd & Message


Richard Gan received our Exposition of Damnable Heresies book, which exposed his claims and heretical
doctrines in chapter seven in a very effective way. He came in direct conflict with it, rejected it and vehemently opposed and
defended himself as a chosen one. He however met with strong opposition from the Spirit, the Word and revelation of the
message of the hour. The Word prevailed, and this heretic and his heresies were defeated as he was further exposed and
challenged by a letter from E.O.D.H. which had previously exposed those heresies.
The following are the main points of opposition of “Apostle” Richard Gan from Singapore, by a letter published on
his internet website (http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8081), under the title “Lies of Dalton Bruce,” (which you
can refer to if you need more information) and in contrast, the further expositions that were meted out to him by letters.
He accused the preacher of twisting his words, and in so doing, make him a false teacher. He denied attacking the
prophethood of Brother Branham, and accused the minister of making Brother Branham his absolute, and of having no fear
of God when he places the prophet’s message on equal basis with the scriptures. He accused us of being Branhamites, of
holding the message too closely, and indicated that the minister who exposed his heresies was a Caucasian rascal from
Connecticut U.S.A., stating that he rebutted these lies, which he has on tape, and issued a challenge to the preacher and all
His letter was replied to, which he again responded to, failing to pick up the challenges to defend his claims by the
scriptures and the message, line upon line and precept upon precept. His defense was that, “Apparently the preacher does not
see his faults, seems to be emotionally upset, and that he don’t have to defend the opposition, stating that he had already
refuted these lies, which he has on tape.” He denied that he was Joshua, and said that, “He knows that the preacher wouldn’t
change his mind because he takes Brother Branham’s message as his absolute, that the message was only a wake up call but
cannot perfect the Bride, and that the preacher was twisting his (Apostle Gan) words.” As a result, we gave several
quotations, made reference to his website where readers can compare his claims, and know if the preacher is twisting his
words, or if this “apostle” is twisting Brother Branham’s words.
Note in his letters, the aggressive attitude of this ‘apostle,’ and his bitter, disrespectful, arrogant, unrepentant and
hateful spirit against “Branhamites,” as he so rudely termed the message believers, even as the Nicolaitan men who lacked
Christian decency and common everyday manners, which they displayed by their fruits. Compare his letters with a Christian
spirit manifested in the letters of reply from the preacher, where respect was shown to his office, calling him “brother,”
treating him with love, entreating him to turn from his error, and proving by the Word and the message, line upon line, that
he is wrong.
He did not have the decency to address this preacher as brother, but seemingly signed him off as an unbelieving
Branhamite, beyond hope. We are convinced that this man knows that he is in error and needs to repent for his heresies. But
he tries to retain his integrity before his ardent “apostles” and preachers in Africa and other places, especially in the
Philippines where they regard him as holding the Joshua ministry, evident by letters that they wrote to us, highly
commending “Expositions Books”, except for the questions on Articles 15 & 16 of Heresy Book 2, which brought this
“mighty apostle” and his heresies into full view of all message believers.
The following are copies of the letters to “apostle” Richard Gan:

7th November 2001
Dear Pastor and Apostle Richard, Gan.
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. My humble apologies to you, Brother, I did not mean to upset
your spirit, especially by the description you, documented of me by ‘prophetic discernment’ that, ‘I am from the U.S.A, CT.
and the white preachers are renegades and rascals as their forefathers.’ Please’ overlook the colour of my skin; I am not a
racist. My sincere intentions are to only expose heresies for the edification and deliverance of God’s children in bondage. I
try to identify the origin of a heresy by quoting the place or books of its origination, not desiring to identify preachers’ names
until it becomes necessary.
Seeing that you have identified yourself in defense of Articles 15, 16, Book 2, Exposition of Damnable Heresies
(Mamba Snake at the Jordan), I am left without an option other than to reply to your article on your website entitled, “Lies of
Dalton Bruce.” I purpose to do so with all respect to you as a misguided brother who stands in need of deliverance with all
that follow your teachings. I bear in mind that even heretics are God’s children but prove their election by being admonished
against their heresies once or twice (Titus 3:10-11).
I noticed, brother, that you have evaded expositions of your doctrines by labelling articles No. 15 &16 as “Lies” and by
requesting believers to read and compare both our writings as a challenge to my exposition. You psychologically
pinpointed two articles of which you pleaded not guilty, but have evaded the greater points of expositions.
Your challenge lacks sincerity by denial of your published doctrines and also by failure to disprove my exposition by the
Word of God and the Message of the hour. My refutations were in no uncertain terms stating your claims and exposing
them one by one in a Scriptural order. I expected from you as an ‘apostle’ to take up my challenge in a more constructive
manner, prove that your claims are justified in Scriptures and the Message of Malachi 4:5-6, but you hid your claims by
saying, “Lies of Dalton Bruce.” I feel, brother, that is very premature of an Apostle or that you are not certain of your
office claims and doctrines.
May I admonish you, please tell your followers the truth, that God never revealed those things to you but that
you fabricated them by your superior intellectual knowledge and a national superiority complex of your country
Singapore. Repent! Humble yourself! Save your soul and all who believe you and such heresies! Neither of us is anything
special as apostles, prophets, Logos in flesh, Christ, Son of man revealed, eighth messengers, Joshua etc. The placing of the
sons (adoption,) is yet to take place. If there were not doubts in your heart about your office claims and doctrines, you
would not have tried to cover them by saying "Lies of Dalton Bruce", but you would have published them plainly on the
Internet. Be honest, brother! If you are backing up upon your claims, why not humble yourself and back down from such
heresies all the way and save yourself and others? None can read your message “Speak the Word” and possibly not conclude
that you are guilty of cunningly attacking the prophet-hood of Brother Branham and likewise the prophet-hood of Jesus, by
saying they were prophets for the Old Testament but only apostles for the New Testament. Also that you stated, “More
revelation is progressively coming by apostles to be added to the Word and message,” in that you prove yourself guilty of
adding to the written Word which is evident by heretical teachings. Therefore, it’s abundantly clear from your literature that
you preach and establish doctrines that are contrary to the message as follows:


1. Amos 3:7 is limited to the Old Testament

2. There’s no real prophet for the New Testament; Brother Branham was an apostle but only called a prophet.
3. New Testament order is that God uses a group of apostles to collectively and progressively, bring the full revelation.
4. That you are an apostle in direct contact with the Logos.
5. That you are manifesting the third pull temporarily
6. 7 men are to reveal the seven thunders and each man is a thunder.
7. Indicated that the “tent” is spiritual and not literal.

Exposition Book 2, Articles 15, 16 simply state that there is no foundation for such blatant heresies. The only way
that you could try to force-fit yourself into the Word, is to discredit Amos 3:7, limiting it to the Old Testament and formulate
a new heretical order of a group of apostles which automatically brings you and your apostles into the picture of uttering
prophetic revelations. The articles further state that you have denied the very system and foundation of the Old Testament
and the New Testament, of God using one prophet at a time and not groups of men. This undeniable fact is evident by
Malachi 4:5, “Behold I send unto you Elijah the prophet.”
To establish your prophetic revelations and the Magnificent Seven, you have indicated that not all of the prophetic
revelations of Brother Branham are inspired of God and must not be taken as the absolute. You indicate that you, ‘are dealing
directly with the Logos, Christ with the Joshua Commission plus, to correct those errors and “uninspired” teachings.’ The
proof of such deeds of the Nicolaitans is your attempted destruction of Amos 3:7 upon which the Prophet built his entire
Ministry and message. Also in direct perversion of his teachings on Church Ages, page 324 and his interpretation of
Zechariah Chaps: 3 & 4; you fitted your doctrine of 7 men for 7 Thunders.
Those who recognize the prophetic revelations of Brother Branham as the infallible message of Christ, you have
branded as “Branhamites.” Are you not embarrassed, Brother? Are you not ashamed to help the harlot churches to persecute
the message believers? The spirit of antichrist formulated that title of reproach, “Branhamites”, to discredit Brother Branham,
his message and believers. I am sure that an apostle, like you, is not ignorant of this fact. Shame on you, brother! Repent!
Your purpose of joining the organizations to persecute believers for this idolatrous title, “Branhamites” is simply because
they don’t recognize your Joshua ministry which is based upon perverted teachings, some of which I mentioned earlier. Upon
this same basis, you branded articles No. 15, 16 Book 2 Exposition, as “Lies.” It is not, but it is the love of God to you and
sincere people that are bewitched by your satanic delusion and misconceptions of the Scriptures and infallible message of
William Branham to the intent that you all may repent.

If you have not changed the Word and message of Malachi 4 to accommodate your heresies, I hereby challenge you
to disprove my exposition of your heresies No. 15, 16, line up the Words and the teaching of Malachi 4 side by side in an
orderly manner. You cannot take up that challenge as it will further expose you as an unbeliever in the whole inspired
message of William Branham, which you only believe in part. Thus you evaded Exposition by saying “Lies of Dalton
Bruce”, “Branhamites”. I am sorry, Brother Gan, but I refuse to acknowledge you as Joshua, your heresies as the Seven
Thunders and the faceless Magnificent Seven as God’s group of apostles to lead the Bride into the Rapture. I would rather be
called a “Branhamite” than lose out on eternal Life.
I know that according to your prophetic revelations, I will be written of as a blasphemer, fulfilling Hebrews 6:4-6
and Hebrews 10:26, since I have rejected the only “truth” to take me in the Rapture. Brother, if you don’t repent of your
heresies and if you have not yet attained to the crowning heights of delusion of the False anointed ones (Matthew 24:24), I
predict that you would soon proclaim yourself to be the Logos, Christ veiled in flesh revealed as Son of Man, white eagle,
white horse rider and the second coming of Christ veiled in human flesh. May the Lord grant you repentance to the
acknowledgement of the truth is my prayer. Your Servant, Dalton Bruce.

10th December 2001
Christian greetings to you, Brother, Apostle and Prophet Richard Gan,
Thank you for your tapes which arrived recently. I listened to them attentively and must confess that I understand your
motives and objectives better by your declarations, that you studied only 100 messages / you don’t dovetail the message of
W.M.B but the Bible / you don’t preach from the tapes but from the Word / Those who stays with the tapes of W.M.B are
“Branhamites”/ Trinitarians should not be called “Heretics!”/ That you can add to the message since all the mysteries are not
revealed / quotations of W.M.B as answers to your questions you throw into the garbage / The gospel left U.S.A. and came
into Asia. / You were called by a dream to restore the twelve foundation stones as God’s apostle. / Don’t want Branhamites to
build with you / Many tumbled after opposing you. / 7 men are to receive the 7 thunders, they are the thunders and not really
I perceived by such declarations that you are called as the ‘chief apostle’ after W.M.B to lead the Bride and correct
all errors on his message. To oppose you and your revelation is to oppose Christ, the Word and the Logos, resulting in not
going in the rapture but to hell and the lake of fire.
I can also well understand the way you felt before your followers by heretical article 15, 16-Bk. 2. I am sorry that
you had to suffer such things. You further identified yourself with those heresies, while I concealed your name. But I am yet
interested in your deliverance with those who follow your heresies. A drowning man holds on to a straw.
On your tapes I heard fear, lack of confidence, and your labourings to win confidence, and to convince your
followers, that the word of exposition is wrong. Such things are not achieved by making wild accusations against me such as,
a white renegade, from Ct. U.S.A./ I am based upon the quotes of W.M.B and not the word. / I preach the 7 stars as the 7
thunders revealed. / I regard the message of W.M.B above the Bible.
Those things are not true Brother Gan. I perceive that you are so anxious to evade exposition before your followers
and hold up your image before them as the chosen apostle of God after W.M.B that you did not see the Word and message
supporting the books. Our writings evidently clarified these wild accusations that you nervously uttered. I forgive you,
brother. I can willingly excuse you, ‘Apostle Gan,’ seeing your knowledge is limited on the message of Malachi 4.
To hear 100 tapes on the message with your conception, motives and objectives, especially to discern and correct
the errors of the major Prophet W.M.B., is to formulate an interpretation on the Bible and message that damns the souls of
men to hell and the lake of fire. Turn from such diabolical, deceiving power, sir, save yourself and the souls of sincere
ministers and congregations who believe you. For your information I am based upon the Word first and second the message. /
The message is not the Bible. / The 7 Thunders was not revealed in 1963 (Seals Pg 567-576).
Concerning your questions, “What is the message? If W.M.B. revealed all the mysteries, what is the mark of Cain?
Where is Eden? What is the sin of Ham? What is New Jerusalem? And few others”, Brother Branham explained several of
them on tapes, but you may throw such quotations into the garbage, as you promised. Nevertheless, the mystery of God
promised to be revealed through the church age messenger were those declared by the Prophets (Revelation 10:7): visions,
dreams, prophecies, doctrines and parables which held the mystery of the revelation of Christ. The entire Bible was written to
reveal Christ the mystery of God. Therefore, where was Eden, the lost Atlantis, the outward mark of Cain, dinosaurs,
leviathan and the many facts and important information lost throughout history are not included. If you are the chief apostle
to finish the mysteries, please answer the mysterious questions God asked to job in chapters 38 to 41.
Your argument against heretical articles Nos. 15 & 16 of Exposition of Damnable Heresies Book 2, are weaker than
broth made from the shadow of a chicken that was half starved to death.
I tried to help you, as a brother, out of your errors, but you seem set in your ways, with your own interpretations and
message on the Bible: despising, changing and contradicting almost all the major doctrines of the Bible and the message
of Brother Branham. Yet, when you are exposed, you try to slide out of it by denying your own projections, which are clearly
understood from your cunning words and writings, which you so designed to escape from exposition by the Holy Spirit.
I must compliment you on your prophetic discernment of me as a “white renegade from Connecticut U.S.A.,” and
also for having my last letter on your internet. You are bolder than a lion, I must admit, with your nonsensical doctrines, and
is astoundingly shameless of perverting the message and the written Word of God.
I expect that you would be embarrassed to acknowledge your doctrines on the internet (stated here on this letter) which
are taken out of your books, many of them in direct quotations, since you are so evasive of your own teachings.
“Chief Apostle” Gan, though you have established many heresies, and God knows how many souls you have
damned, I believe that there is room at the cross for you. I admonish you to humble your heart, tell your followers that you
are wrong and that the message of Malachi 4 is right. Have mercy upon your soul and of all who follow you. Repent brother
or you will perish!
Titus 3:10-11 “A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is
subverted and sinneth, being condemned of himself.” Your Servant, Mr. Dalton Bruce, mountainspring_@hotmail.com

Apostle Gan stated in his third letter, that the preacher was angry, sarcastic, wrote foolishly, off the mark of the
Word, he don’t need help, he is not the chief apostle since there is no scripture for a chief apostle, and demanded scriptures
for it. He also demanded quotations for the mark of Cain, Eden and the sin of Ham.
We will leave such accusations concerning the above letters for the judgment of our readers to discern who is angry
and sarcastic. He opened all his letter without any Christian manners. Quote: “I have your letter.” The preacher replied as

15th December 2001
Dear Brother, Pastor, Apostle and Prophet Richard Gan,
Thank you for your E-mail letter dated 13th December 2001. I perceive
that you are outraged by a list of your own doctrines, which made up most of my letter dated 10th December 2001. It is with
great joy that I have received your remarks against your own doctrines, calling it foolishness. I did not see my letter on your
internet website. Are you trying to hide your doctrines? Indeed ‘Apostle Gan,’ you are seeing some light at the end of the
It is very sad to understand that a learned man like yourself don’t know where to find in your Bible, the words “chief
apostles”. I will refer you to the scriptures for your edification. Is there a higher apostle than Jesus Christ? (Hebrews 3:1).
Corinthians 12:11, "I am become a fool in glorying; ye have compelled me: for I ought to have been commended of you: for
in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles.” Maybe your arrogancy, anger and temper fit caused you to overlook it.
Such an attitude has disqualified you from the apostolic office which you so proudly claim.


Do you want quotations for the mark of Cain, Eden, Ham’s sin etc., to throw them in your garbage can as you
promised? Search the quotations of Brother Branham on the subject of the mark of the beast. If you could first answer my
questions on Job chapters 38-41, then will I give you the answers to
the other questions you are asking.
I said that Revelation 10:7 did not include such irrelevant mysteries of Leviathan, lost Atlantis, nor Richard Gan as
an apostle, and if you are called to reveal such mysteries, start with the above chapters that I mentioned. I perceive that you
are set in your ways, and you cannot convince the dumbest “Branhamite” that you are not perverting the message of Brother
Branham and the scriptures, and are working towards its total destruction and trying to exalt yourself above the stars of
Heaven. Be it known to you sir, that none of the apostles in the Bible ever contradicted each other upon doctrinal truths,
therefore you have proven yourself a false apostle and a deceitful worker (II Corinthians 11).
I don’t argue with a preacher who is so high and lofty and bent on preaching heresies. Thus, this will be my final
letter, and you will hear from me in another form, together with the public and followers of this message, because you have
refused the word of deliverance from your satanic bondage. Amen.
Mr. Dalton Bruce, Your Servant.

After Gan’s heresy, of seven eyes to reveal the Seven Thunders was evidently exposed in the above manner in
E.O.D.H. Book 2, Mr. Gan altered his doctrine and subsequently published on his website, as follows, more heresies. We will
examine, in details, his heresies and claims, in light of the Word of God and message of the hour.
Apostle Gan acts like a fish out of water, because of his convictions. But yet he tries to justify his heresies. Such can
be clearly seen on his website. He made a mess of trying to defend his numerous heresies, which appeared on E.O.D.H. Book
8. He employed science, reason and unintelligent arguments to uphold his interpretations. He has done so because he has no
scriptures and he disregards the quotations of the Prophet. His heresies are so fanatical that we just listed them to inform
Message Believers, without refuting all, because we were sure that they are knowledgeable enough to understand that they
were nonsensical, humorous and less convincing than the story of the cow jumping over the moon. Now on his website, he is
even more humorous than that story, as he tried to save his face, as well as his heresies. As a result of his defeated attempt,
we will again list his heresies, with some refutations, and quote a few of his humorous statements in defense, for the laughter
and relaxation of our readers.

Heretical Article No. 356:

Richard Gan: “When John first saw these Seven Spirits, they were before the Throne of God (Revelation1:4).
However, in their first assignment, they took the form of Seven Angels to the Seven Church Ages. They were the Seven Stars
in the right hand of the Son of Man. Each time the Seven Spirits took on a different task, they assumed a different identity
according to the role of the One (in Whose hand was the plummet of God) Whom they were working with.

In the Book of Revelation, the seven spirits assume a total of seven different roles. In their assignments, they have
been identified as:

i) Seven stars in the right hand of the High Priest and Judge Who walks in the midst of the seven golden
ii) Seven lamps burning on the candlestick,
iii) Seven seals on the backside of the sealed-book in the right hand of the Almighty,
iv) Seven horns and seven eyes on the Lamb,
v) Seven thunders with the mighty angel,
vi) Seven trumpets which will sound after the Rapture of the Bride as God’s Gospel returns to Israel, and
vii) Seven vials of God's Wrath.

Throughout the Seven Church Ages, the seven spirits ministered as the seven stars and the seven lamps (upon the
lampstand). Individually they represented, and ministered to, each of the seven men of God who were chosen to be the star-
messengers to the seven successive Church ages.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: I want to let Mr. Gan know that there is no hiding place from exposition by the Word of God.
The way out when your error and heresies are exposed is not to formulate a new heresy, but repentance.

There is not one scripture or one quotation of the Prophet to support such a damnable heresy. It is of the antichrist,
and proceeded from an unrepentant heart that cannot stand the correction of God’s Word. Let us see how the Messenger to
our Age interpreted those Scriptures. It will expose the spirit of Mr. Gan. He does not have the same Spirit as was upon
Brother Branham, but a spirit of error sent by Satan to pervert the Word of God.

Quote W.M.B.: 101-4(231) “Seven horns was the Seven Church Ages... Seven eyes are the seven messengers of the
Seven Church Ages: seven eyes, seven seers… Zechariah 3:8 and 9:… one stone shall be seven eyes… Zechariah 4:10--
4:10… Zerubbabel with whose--with those seven… Seeing means prophets, seers. This Lamb had seven horns, and on each
horn had an eye: seven eyes…What is it? Christ and His Bride. Seven Church Ages, out of there was seven prophets that
went forth. (The Breach 63-0317E).

Quote: 248-5 … seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth."… Now in Revelation
4:5 these same seven Spirits are called ‘lamps of fire burning’ before the Lord… Revelation 5:6 the seven Spirits are
identified as seven eyes. In Zechariah 4:10… Zerubbabel with those seven, they are the eyes of the Lord… Putting our
Scriptural discoveries together it is evident that the seven Spirits of God refer to the continuous ministry of the same Holy
Spirit in the lives of seven men with whom God identifies Himself very closely. They are His eyes, and they are His lamps.
Who these seven men are …the seven stars…known to us as the seven messengers to the seven ages. (Church Ages Book).

According to these quotations, the Prophet of God is plainly saying that the seven spirits, seven stars, seven lamps,
and the seven eyes of Zechariah 4:10 are all one and the same. Mr. Gan’s heresy makes them all the groups of 7 angels. Mr.
Gan is not saying what the Scripture and the Messenger said; therefore he is a false apostle and has an evil spirit upon him.
Galatians 1:8-9

Heretical Article No. 357:

Richard Gan: “In 1963, the Seven Spirits, in a constellation of Seven Angels, came to meet William Branham on a
mountain in Arizona, U.S.A. and told him to return East to his home in Indiana, where each of them would unfold to him the
revelation of the seven open seals. This REVELATION was then shown to the Church.”

E.O.D.H. Answer:

Quote W.M.B.: 125 Seven Spirits; not altogether meaning that God’s in seven Spirits, but seven manifestations of
the same Holy Spirit. (Revelation Chap. 4. Pt. 3. Throne Of Mercy And Judgment 61-0108).

Quote: 151 Spirits, meaning the seven manifestations of the Holy Spirit of The Seven Church Ages.” (Revelation
Chap. 4. Pt.3. Throne Of Mercy And Judgment 61-0108).

From the above quotations, the seven Spirits are not seven separate spirits, but seven manifestations of one Spirit.
This again is a terrible heresy that cannot be substantiated by the Word nor the Message of Malachi 4. It is obvious that Mr.
Gan is preaching his own doctrine, which is in direct contradiction and disregard to the messenger, his Message and the
scriptures. There is not one scripture or quotation to support that the seven angels that came to Brother Branham were the
seven Spirits of God.

Heretical Article No. 358:

Richard Gan: “Here in Revelation 10 we still find the same Seven Spirits with Jesus Christ as He takes the role of
the Mighty Angel of the Covenant descending from Heaven. As Christ changes His role, they too assume a different role.
They are now the 7 Thunders, each of them has a VOICE!
If the seven stars were seven anointed men of God, so will the seven thunders be. I can say without a shadow of
doubt that the Seven Thunders represent Seven Men whom the Seven Spirits will identify before the Rapture.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: After studying all the Scriptures Mr. Gan came up with a heresy that the seven spirits have
seven different roles. Brother Branham, after studying the very Scriptures, came up with a conclusion, given to him by the
Lord, that seven stars, seven spirits, seven lamps and seven eyes are one and the same, and that the seven thunders are
different, and holds the secret of the second coming of Christ. Therefore the spirit and revelation of Mr. Gan is antichrist.

Heretical Article No. 359:

Richard Gan: “Why did it become a “little scroll” in the hand of the Mighty Angel? The scroll did not in any way
shrink. We must realize that the Mighty Angel was a huge figure in the vision.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Such a foolish interpretation by one who claims to be an apostle. When the angel gave little
John the Book, it was still a little Book to John (Revelation 10: 9-10).

Heretical Article No. 360:

Richard Gan: “There are three phases in each of the Seven Seals the opening phase, the revealing phase, and the
fulfilling phase. It was certainly not opened in 1963. The Apostle John was the only earthly witness to that event, (probably in
96 AD.) If not opened at all, he would not have recorded those symbols. However, in 1963, God revealed the mysteries.”

E.O.D.H. Answer:

Quote W.M.B.: 45-4 John was caught up in the Spirit and transported into the Lord’s Day, which is yet to come.
The Bible speaks of the Day of the Lord which is to be in the future, and John is now seeing the things of that future day.
(Patmos Vision - Church Age Book Cpt.2).

To say that these are the three phases of the Seals, cannot be supported by the Scriptures nor the Message. Therefore
it is heresy. To say that the Seals were opened in A.D. 96 and then God revealed the contents of the opened seals to Brother
Branham in 1963 is spiritually dumb. The Seals Book was not opened back then, but was in symbol form, no more than
John was caught up into heaven, Mystery Babylon burnt or New Jerusalem descended. This expresses gross spiritual
ignorance on the part of Mr. Gan and proves that he is a false apostle (II Corinthians 11) and a deceitful worker.

Heretical Article No. 361:

Richard Gan: “Since it is recorded that Christ Jesus had opened all the Seven Seals, the Seventh Seal cannot be an
unopened Seal. The Apostle John had witnessed the opening of the Seventh Seal.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Anybody could have read that in the days of Martin Luther in Revelation 8:1 (when he
translated the Bible- “And when he had opened the seventh seal…”) and claimed the same thing, that the Seventh Seal was
opened in the days of Luther. So your scripture has no foundation. Brother Branham read this same scripture in Revelation
8:1 and concluded that it was not revealed. John was seeing things for a future day that was yet to come at that time. If the
Seals were opened back in A.D. 96, then there would be no need of God sending Malachi 4 today. You don’t know what you
are talking about Mr. Gan.

Heretical Article No. 362:

Richard Gan: “Many ministers and believers have a wrong concept of the Mercy Seat… Some even have the notion
that Jesus is literally sitting on a Throne called the 'Mercy Seat' from which He will get up the very moment He has broken
the Seventh Seal. The term 'Mercy Seat', in the Biblical sense, refers to the act, the place, and the accomplishment of the
atonement that is in Christ Jesus.”

E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: After [the Lamb] had been slain, It had raised again and was sitting on the Throne, way back in
behind the Throne like this interceding for all of those souls that would come. (Seals page 234)

Quote: 386-2(440) “Now, if there’s no altar of sacrifice in heaven, where is the sacrifice for sin laying then, the
Lamb? There has to be a place where that slain Lamb, bloody, is laying there, where the Blood is.”

(The Fifth Seal 63-0322).

The prophet of God declared emphatically, that there is an altar in heaven where the Lamb is laying behind the
throne. Who is this self- proclaimed apostle and perverter of the Message to say otherwise?

Heretical Article No. 363:

Richard Gan: “Remember, the Seventh Seal will end all things which include the redemption of the earth. Hence,
God’s mercy will be over only after the Millennial Reign of Christ when He will set fire to this earth to bring an end to all
things and to bring forth a New Heaven and a New Earth (II Pet.3:10-13).”

E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: E-25 Noah went in, and the door closed behind him. Noah did not close the door; God closed the
door. And so will He do it again when the last member of the Body of Christ... When that last member’s been added to that
Body, God will close the door between mercy and judgment. (Investments 62-1124B).

Quote:1032-Q-306 306. After the Bride is raptured will any of the foolish virgin be saved or will they all be lost?
No. See, everything will be finished for the Gentile church when the Bride is taken from the earth. The Spirit of God
leaves the earth: "He that’s filthy is filthy still; he that’s righteous is righteous still; he that’s holy is holy still." In other words
the sanctuary becomes smokey, where the Attorney stands to plead the case. Christ leaves the sanctuary; His day of
mediatorial is over… "Will the foolish virgin be saved." No. Whatever happens she--happens now. After that time she’s in
the state... Now, she will have to go through the tribulation period. (Questions And Answers 64-0823e).

The door of mercy is closed when the Blood leaves the mercy seat. Christ leaves the mercy seat for the rapture, so
mercy is over at that time. Every person that is to be saved and receive mercy, even the foolish virgins, must receive mercy
before that time. This is a heresy Mr. Gan; you need to visit the mental clinic again. You should have used your pills
faithfully. However, the cause of your illness is demon possession. I say this sincerely; not to be humorous.

Heretical Article No. 364:

Richard Gan: “By placing His feet on the sea and on the land, He signified that He had come to claim the earth
and all His possessions. Scripturally, the words “sea” and “land” connote “Gentiles” and “Jews” respectively. (See Isaiah
42:5-12; 23:2-11; 24:14.) Notice that He first placed His right foot upon the sea and then His left foot upon the land. (The
word “earth” in the K.J.V. version of the Bible is a mistranslation.)”

E.O.D.H. Answer: This is only an assumption. There is no scripture or quotation to support such nonsensical error.
If the sea and land represents Gentiles and Jews, seeing that He has not as yet gone to the Jews, that would mean that Christ
is only standing with one foot on the sea and the other suspended. No, it is spiritually dumb to the core. It proves that you
were not called by God to interpret the Scripture, Mr. Gan.

Heretical Article No. 365:

Richard Gan: “The phrase “as when a lion roareth” signifies that the Mighty Angel had proclaimed Himself as the
rightful king of the whole earth and had come to claim His rights over it. He had fought well and had paid the price for it.
[Note: Contrary to some views, this verse and the whole context of Revelation 10 do not in any way indicate that the Mighty
Angel descended as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.]”

E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: 207 The last one of them is Revelations 10, foot on land and on sea; time had run out; redemption
is over; now He comes in as the Lion. He was a Lamb then; now He comes in as Lion of the Tribe of Judah.(Revelation
Chapter 5 Part 2 61-0618).

It is evident that Mr. Gan is not saying what the Messenger said. He is therefore a false apostle that was sent of
Satan to pervert the Word of God in an effort to keep the Bride earthbound by his false thunders.

Heretical Article No. 366:

Richard Gan: “What is the “Mystery of God” in Revelation 10:7? The “Mystery of God” is… how God would
show His Mercy to the Gentiles. (Ephesians3:6). Hence, the “Mystery of God” is the period of time which God had allocated
for the grafting of the Gentiles into His Promised Word .”

E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: 31-2 The 4th mystery, of the New Testament church as One Body, composed of both Jews and
Gentiles: Ephesians 3:1-11, Romans 16:25, and also Ephesians 6:19, Colossians 4:3…. And the 11th mystery is mystery
Babylon, the prostitute: Revelation 17:5-7. That’s some of the mysteries that this angel is supposed to wind up, all the
mysteries of God. (Sirs Is This The Time 62-1230).”

The prophet of God declared that the mystery of the grafting of the Gentiles is only part of what the Seventh Angel
was to reveal. It is evident that Mr. Gan, does not understand the abc’s of the Scriptures nor the Message. Paul did not reveal
the mystery of Revelation 10: 7. That ministry belonged to the Seventh Angel, and Paul was the First Angel. The mystery of
God promised to be revealed through the Seventh Church Age Messenger were those declared by the Prophets
(Revelation10:7): visions, dreams, prophecies, doctrines and parables which held the mystery of the revelation of Christ. The
entire Bible was written to reveal Christ the mystery of God.

Heretical Article No. 367:

Richard Gan: “The voice of an archangel” – Ministry of the Ascension Gifts (Five-Fold Ministry), perfecting the
saints in the Word; and “with the trump of God” – Ministry of the Seven Thunders, transforming the saints for the

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan is claiming that the voice ministry is the five-fold ministry, and the trump is the
ministry of seven men, seven apostles, who are the seven thunders. No where can he show us where the messenger ever said
such. This is a heresy formulated by Lucifer himself. Mr. Gan has no regards for the Scriptures and the correct interpretation
of it given by the Prophet of God (a divine interpreter of the Word).

Heretical Article No. 368:

Richard Gan: “The Word-Groom and His Bride entered into the Spiritual Marriage. It took place approximately
during the period 1963 to 1965.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: This is a false and heretical assumption. The marriage has not yet taken place. When the
marriage takes place, that is oneness.

Quote W.M.B.: 213 God’s oneness by the Holy Spirit. Then if you say you got the Holy Spirit and it’s not in
agreement with the Word, then you’re not oneness with God. This is God’s oneness, when the spirit that you got agrees with
this Word, and manifests this Word and makes this Word power to act the same way It did there.
Let’s say it together. Oneness. [Congregation says, "Oneness"--Ed.] with God ["with God"] is to have ["is to
have"] God’s Spirit [God’s Spirit"] in you ["in you"] agreeing ["agreeing"] with the Word ["with the Word"] all the Word
["all the Word"] the whole Word ["the whole Word"] and to make It ["and to make It"] manifested ["manifested"] in power
["in power"].
There you are; that’s oneness with God. When that power works in me, works in you, we are one. Amen.
(Oneness 62-0211).

If the message followers had been united with the Bridegroom, the power that worked in Brother Branham would be
working in them, and the world would have been shaking under the greatest revival it had ever seen. They had almost forty
years to produce the goods and they are yet in a dead, powerless condition, full of heresies and not in agreement with the
Word, even as this false apostle, Mr. Gan.

Heretical Article No. 369:

Richard Gan: “Now, as long as the Friend of the Word-Groom was around, the Groom and the Bride could not
have any intimacy yet… Having finished his work as a Steward of the Word-Groom, the Seventh Angel-Messenger’s presence
was no longer necessary. (He then left the scene.) Then the Word-Groom and His Bride entered into the Spiritual Nuptial
Chamber of the Word of God. They have been in there since around 1966.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Rubbish! Rubbish! Rubbish! Mr. Gan! It is evident that since the messenger turned his back
(as Adam in the Garden of Eden) the serpent again moved to impregnate the Bride with all sorts of seeds of discrepancy.
(Vision of The Two Seed Sowers – False Anointed Ones). This false seven thunders program of Satan has found you in his
employ Mr. Gan. You are identified with the seed sower dressed in black, as you try to woo the Bride by such a damnable
heresy. God is a jealous God. Repent or perish!

Heretical Article No. 370:

Richard Gan: “Pity the man who looks for an outward revival. We need to return to the Absolute Word for an
inward revival of the spiritual man under the 5-Fold Ministry… When the saints are perfected in the Word, then shall come a
Bride body revival which shall be hid from the world before she is capped by her "theophany" and caught up to meet the
Lord in the air.”

E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: I believe that the church of the living God is moving into a sphere now that’s going to shake the
whole world... Oh, it’s going to come to pass pretty soon. I’m looking for it to happen in this meeting. I’m wanting it to
happen now, that, that anointing will strike the whole church of the living God, and she’ll rise to her feet like a mighty
marching army. The sick will be healed by a word; the blind will see; the deaf will hear; the dead will be raised up; and the
power of God will shake the world with the church of the living God. We’re in the process of it now. I believe it’s soon
coming to pass. I believe it will be just exactly that way. I believe it’s going to strike the church of God soon, and it’s going
to start a revival that’ll shake the world. I believe it. (Speak To This Mountain 59-1123)

Quote: 61-6 I pray that You’ll save every one, Lord. May there come forth a revival of the just and a great power
come among the church just before Its going. It’s not hard to pray that, because You promised it. And we’re looking, Lord,
for that third pull that we know that’ll do great things for us in our midst. (The Indictment 63-0707).

Brother Branham was looking for another outward revival. God, through the scripture and his prophet, promised us
an outward revival in this day, hour and age we are living in. We are expecting it; it shall come to pass, and no false anointed
one and lying apostle like Mr. Gan is going to take it away from us. It is a promise and will surely come to pass. What
foolishness is that Mr. Gan? The Bride is not capped by her theophany! But by the Seal of God, the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians
4:30) You talk like a mad man.


Prehistoric Man, sexual reproduction, Serpent & Serpent
Seed, Polygamy, Marriage & Divorce

Heretical Article No. 371: “There existed prehistoric man.”

Quote Richard Gan: “Perhaps the serpent was like prehistoric man, maybe better looking, who existed long before
modern man- the present Adamic race – was created some 6,000 years ago.” (The Original Sin page 14).

E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: E-63 I can’t believe scientists that women, when they was a ugly looking thing, and whatever they
was with men with hair out his nose like that and look a prehistoric animal. I believe that when God woke Adam up to look at
Eve, she was the most beautiful thing that eyes had ever looked at. (Life Story 50-0820A).
Quote: E-18 That’s the kind of a thought that a man without Christ can think of God’s creation. But a man that’s
ever borned again knows that God does nothing imperfect. He does all things well. (Reconciliation Through Fellowship

Quote: E-62 A picture there that some Grecian artist had painted of the creation…And there was Adam with hairs
out of his nose, way out like that, and looked like some kind of a prehistoric giant. No such a thing as that. Anybody
would do that has got a diluted mind, a perverted mind. They don’t know God. (Reconciliation Through Fellowship 56-

Quote: E-5 A Greek artist had painted the conception of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Eve looked like
some kind of a prehistoric animal…I couldn’t think the Holy Spirit ever producing something like that. (Perseverant 62-

Quote: 8-7 God was so satisfied, and He rested from all His works at the seventh day, and hallowed after He’d
been six thousand years in molding it. The great paradises of God, and the great dinosaurs, and no harm in them, they were
just as gentle as a little kitten.” (Satan’s Eden 65-0829).

God created man (Adam) in his image. There was no other man before him. (Gen. 1:26-27). There could not have
been any man like beast or dinosaurs roaming the earth before Adam and Bible creation in Genesis, because the earth was
without form and void. The Prophet stated in the above quotation that dinosaurs existed after the creation in Genesis. He did
not believe in any man like beast before Adam, neither does the Scripture support it. The perfection of God would not have
allowed Him to make such a creature. It takes a man without Christ and not born again to invent such a heresy. It appears
that Mr. Gan has more confidence in the words of unbelieving scientists than the Messenger that God sent upon the face of
the earth.

The list of heresies that follows are offsprings of his Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders program.

Heretical Article No. 372:

Richard Gan: “The church is built upon twelve foundations. (I Corinthians 3:11, Ephesians 2:20) I will not say
much on this topic.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: It is not that he will not say much on this topic; but he cannot say any more. He has run out of
heresies and perversions of the Scripture. The very Scriptures that he quoted defeated him. “Foundation of the apostles;” its
one foundation of many apostles. Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church.” For other foundation (singular) can
no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 3:11). Where did this false prophet get twelve foundations
from? He needs to go back to the kindergarten school. He cannot count.

I will add a little more humor here. He said I should take the Bible only and preach it. That exempts the Messenger
for each Age. That’s the plan he applied, which resulted in his foolishness. I preach both. The Word came to Malachi 4:5-6.
Science spoke of prehistoric man. He has no Word to fight. You can see where his foundation is laid; in science and
Mendel’s law. He said that, “I believe that Adam was to till the ground by his hand.” I only quoted the Scripture. He should
argue with God. Maybe Adam was to put both hands on his hips, according to Ganism. He forgot, or is too dumb to
understand that Adam had “Speak the Word” power to fulfill his commission of tilling the ground. Maybe he might steal this
revelation and put it on his website, with a little alteration.

He used a wonderful proverb that he can apply to himself: “Every prudent man dealeth with knowledge; but a fool
layeth open his folly.”(Proverb 13:16). This fits Gan so well, as we can see from the above exposition and those that will
follow. He said, “Dalton Bruce is a real Branhamite.” It’s better that being a Ganite, and being indoctrinated by Ganism, for
money. Preachers have him fooled, and pretend to believe him, for money, and he don’t have the discernment of it. His
agents tried to use our publication for money, while they claim to believe him. We caught and exposed many of them, until
they are now burning our Books.
Heretical Article No. 373:

Richard Gan: “We don’t even need the Branhamites to help us build for they are also our adversaries.” (The
Foundation and the Wall page 16).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Take note of his sarcastic, bitter and hateful expression about message believers. This man
sounds more like a Jesuit, than a brother mixed up in his head.

Heretical Article No. 374:

Richard Gan: “Adam was not created to be a tiller of the ground. A son of God is not created to toil; he is a child
of God. The Serpent-kind was created to be subjected to him to do the tilling.” (The Original Sin page 47).

E.O.D.H. Answer: God intended that Adam be a tiller of the ground, for the scripture said that, “There was not
a ‘man’ (not serpent) to till the ground”(Genesis 2:5).

Heretical Article No. 375:

Richard Gan: “Mendel’s Law states that “every individual is the sum total of the characteristics in its two
immediate progenitors”…Cain, the son of the Serpent, inherited a part of Eve’s nature, the nature of the Spirit of God which
was in Adam.” (The Original Sin page 27).

E.O.D.H. Answer: The Bible said in 1John 3:12 that Cain was of that wicked one. The Bible is not interpreted
by Mendel’s law, but by Amos 3:7, Malachi 4, Revelation 10:7, the prophet messenger that God sends for each age. Brother
Branham said: “If Cain was the son of Adam, who was a son of God, where did that evil come from?…He hated; he was a
murderer; he was jealous…Cain was the nature of his father…That nature could not come out of that pure seed. It had
to come out of this perverted stream.”(Hebrews part 1 29/11/53).

Heretical Article No. 376:

Richard Gan: “The two trees are two laws which govern the sexual reproductive organ which is found in the
middle part of the human body (the garden).” (The Original Sin page 61).

E.O.D.H. Answer: God made every natural tree in Eden to grow out of
the ground. These two trees, however, were spiritual. The tree of life was Christ, and the tree of death was the devil.

Quote: W.M.B: “There were TWO trees in the midst of the garden. The Tree of Life was Jesus. The other tree is
definitely Satan.” (Church Ages page 102).

Heretical Article No. 377:

Richard Gan: “It was the intention of God that they would bring forth “seeds after their kind” by physical union.
Sexual union was intended that the two shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:24)…procreation was His primary objective, not
sexual pleasure. Adam and Eve were supposed to come together in sexual union only in the due season of life to partake of
that Tree of Life, which would bring forth sons and daughters of God which God had desired…According to the divine plan
of God, Adam and his wife were expected to come together at the appointed time and season of life to eat of the Tree of life in
the midst of the garden. The effect of such partaking would bring forth sons and daughters of God with eternal life.” (The
Original Sin page 62, 29).

E.O.D.H. Answer: If sex was the right way, then why did Christ come by the virgin birth? Brother Branham said:
“Just like in the beginning, it was not God's perfect will for children to be born on the earth through sex. No sir. God
created man out of the dust of the earth. That was God's first and original will. But when sin came in, then He permitted
man to marry a wife legally and have children by her…But, you see, it never was His perfect will. (Does God Change His
Mind 18/4/65).

Heretical Article No. 378:

Richard Gan: “Brother Branham is not a prophet, he was only addressed as one. Quote: “Bro. William Branham
was not a prophet in the 5-fold ministry…He was a messenger but he was addressed as a “prophet” because the word
“prophet” was commonly associated with an outstanding and gifted servant of the Almighty God like the Old Testament
prophets.” (Speak The Word page 27).

E.O.D.H. Answer: Malachi 4:5&6 said: “Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet.” Brother
Branham said: “The seventh angel has to be a prophet for the Word of God to come to.” (The Breach

Heretical Article No. 382:

Richard Gan: “After the fall, Polygamy was introduced by Lamech (a serpent seed) and not by God or His
children, but God allowed it.”
E.O.D.H. Answer: We challenge Gan to produce one scripture or one quotation for this heresy. If he cannot, then
he is a presumptious heretic.

Heretical Article No. 383:

Richard Gan: “A covenant of polygamy was not introduced after the fall. The covenant that was made was that the
man would rule the woman (Genesis 3:16).”

E.O.D.H. Answer: We are again asking Mr. Gan for a Scripture to prove when the covenant of polygamy was
introduced, if not after the fall.
Quote W.M.B.: Now you see then, “after” the beginning, it was something else was introduced…Then when the
double covenant was made by man and woman through sex another covenant altogether; not the original covenant ( but
another covenant), now what’s introduced? Polygamy in all. Then after the beginning, Polygamy was introduced both in
man and beast after the beginning, the fall… Second covenant: one male, many females: one buck deer, a whole harem of
does (is that right?); one bull a whole herd of cattle, cows; one rooster, a yard full of hens (is that right?); one David, after
God’s own heart, with five hundred wives.” (Marriage and Divorce” – page 30)

Heretical Article No. 384:

Richard Gan: “The prophets of the Old Testament each had one wife.”
E.O.D.H. Answer: There is no scripture or quotation to verify this assumption. Jacob had several wives. David was
a prophet, and he had five hundred wives.
“Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his
sepulchre is with us unto this day. Therefore being a prophet). (Acts 2: 29-30).
This proves my point that Gan cannot count and needs to go back to the kindergarten school. God told the prophet
Ezekiel to marry two wives and he was a prophet.

Heretical Article No. 385:

Richard Gan: “A woman could remarry if her husband divorces her for sexual uncleanness (Deuteronomy 24:1-2),
but if she was illegally put away and remarries, she would be guilty of adultery.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: This is a horrible lie of the devil, with total disregard for the scripture: (Romans 7, I Corinthians
7). He is mixing up the Old Testament Law with the New Testament.

Heretical Article No. 386:

Richard Gan: “In Christ Jesus, there is no preference of the man over the woman, therefore, not only the man
could remarry.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan sounds like a Jesuit or Pentecostal preacher from the Bible school, who is trying to
justify that a woman can preach. This is the same Scripture that they use. Next on his agenda will be that a woman can
preach; not only remarry. Any elect of God, under this man’s ministry, should get out immediately, as it is leading to the
World Council of Churches.

Heretical Article No. 387:

Richard Gan: “If a woman’s unbelieving husband departs, she can remarry according to 1 Corinthians 7:15.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: I Corinthians 7:15 does not say that. It says that a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such
cases. It simply means that they are not compelled to abide with the unsaved partner, if they want to depart. Paul commanded
that the woman should remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. That’s the commandment of the Lord. How can
this heretic change God’s word from the very same chapter.
I Corinthians 7:10-11 <And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her
husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away
his wife.>

Heretical Article No. 388:

Richard Gan: “Mixed marriage is not a sin, nor is it unscriptural; it can be practiced amongst believers.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Such a heresy is totally contrary to the message. This doctrine was established in the message by
the prophet; who is Mr. Gan to change that truth. Again he has shown total disregard for the teachings of the prophet.

Quote W.M.B.: 1179-166 Now, I don't believe in mixing marriages. I believe that a white man should not marry
a colored girl, or a colored girl marry a white man, or a yellow marry a colored,... I believe the brown, black, white, and races
of people are like a flower garden of God, and I do not believe they should be crossed up. I believe that's the way God
made them, and I believe that's the way they should remain.
What... It fools me that I seen some real pretty colored girl, intelligent, nice looking kid, just as pretty as any woman
you'd want to see... What does she want to marry a white man and have mulatto children? What would an intelligent colored
girl want with such a thing as that?... I believe you should stay just what we are. (Questions & Answers 64-0830E).

Heretical Article No. 389:

Richard Gan: “God never ordained polygamy; Jesus did not sanction polygamy, neither did he condemn it, but
discouraged it. Paul never encouraged it.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan is reading his Bible upside down. Jesus re-established the marriage institution in
Genesis, one man to one woman, Adam and Eve. Jesus took them back to the beginning and specified, male and female
singular and said, ‘it was not so from the beginning,’ concerning polygamy. Paul never hinted that polygamy is alright for
Christians. Any man that advocates the doctrine of polygamy has a lustful demon and could be very well living in adultery. I
am still asking the question, why Mr. Gan removed the veil from his daughter’s face, when it’s the husband’s place to do it?
Matthew 19:4 <And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning
made them male and female.>

Heretical Article No. 390:

Richard Gan: “The serpent was a household servant to Adam. Adam was not created to till the ground. The serpent
was his servant, and he was to do the tilling. Adam was to do his tilling through his servant serpent because it was not God’s
intention that a son of God should work hard.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: There is absolutely no Scriptures nor quotations for such nonsense! This is based upon Gan’s
imagination. All that he can supply for this is science, reason and intellectualism. He doesn’t know more than the Prophet
William Branham, whom he greatly despises and is perverting his message.

Heretical Article No. 391:

Richard Gan: “The serpent and the seed of the serpent were tillers of the ground. Adam’s lineage was mainly

E.O.D.H. Answer: I challenge Gan to bring one Scripture to prove this heresy. He won’t pick up that challenge but
will run to the god of science to shelter under the idea of pre-historic man. Some people, especially preachers who seek
money, bread and fish, cater to him and pretend to believe his doctrine. They have him fooled. The same people are in
contact with us, trying to solicit money.

Heretical Article No. 392:

Richard Gan: “Noah’s wife was either a Cainite or a hybrid, therefore Noah had to go through the tribulation of
the flood because he was unequally yoked in marriage.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Again this is built upon Gan’s imagination or his insanity. He needs another medical
examination immediately! Where is the Scripture for that? Your assumption is mad.

Heretical Article No. 393:

Richard Gan: “Seth and Japheth possessed serpentine traits which they inherited genetically from their mother.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: I would rather believe that Gan fits this description more than the children of God in the Old
Testament, because they stayed with the Word of God but he twists and slides around the Scriptures and the Message to
justify his heresy.

Heretical Article No. 394:

Richard Gan: “The Tree of Life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were two laws that governed sexual
relationship, either for pleasure or reproduction.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Impossible! This is contrary to the Bible and the Message of Malachi 4:5&6. Gan is an outright,
shameless, unbeliever and possibly a Jesuit, to destroy all established doctrines of the Message through the Prophet. By this
doctrine, he is protecting his father and lineage. The two trees were two spirits. The tree of life was Christ and the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil was Satan. From this evil tree Gan is drawing his inspiration. Beware of him! All true children of
God will denounce the heresies of this mad scientist.

Heretical Article No. 395:

Richard Gan: “Genesis 4:26 means that men began to profanely call upon the Name of the Lord.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Profanely calling on the Lord fits Mr. Gan. He injected that word into the Bible. If this man has
no respect for the Bible, insomuch that he adds and takes away from it; would he have respect for Brother Branham and the
Message? Absolutely not! Such are the traits of the serpent.

Heretical Article No. 396:

Richard Gan: “All men today are traced back to Noah’s three sons for the inheritance of their satanic traits.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Again Mr. Gan is adding to the Word of God. He has no Scriptures, nor quotations to support
this heresy. There continued a righteous line from Genesis and an unrighteous. They both came over the flood. What
nonsense is Mr. Gan talking about? His mind is corrupt concerning the serpent seed doctrine. Satan hates the serpent seed
doctrine, because it exposes him. Any man that is used to pervert that teaching is covering up for Satan

Heretical Article No. 397:

Richard Gan: “No literal and physical serpent seed exist today, for all died in the flood.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: He speaks like a woman, who read the book of Enoch and wrote to me a few days ago. I will
answer Gan as I answered her. Who were Goliath and the sons of Anak? Before the flood there were giants in the land and
there were giants many years after the flood. Jesus found them in clergy cloth and said, “Ye serpents,” also “Ye generations
of serpents,” traced them back to their father Cain, and Mr. Gan can be traced back to the same progenitor, because he acts
like Cain in his religion: self opinionated and his perversion of the message of our Abel today.


Apostles, Mysteries Revealed,
Five-Fold Ministry

Heretical Article No. 398:

Richard Gan: “The early church did not judge the teachings of the other apostles by what Paul taught.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Galatians 1:8-9. Paul declared that his revelation came from God and all false prophets even
angels from Heaven, were to be accursed who tried to change that revelation. Also in the experience beyond the curtain of
time, Brother Branham said I preach exactly what Paul preached and all the redeemed shouted “We are resting on that!” Paul
preached the same revelation that Jesus and the other apostles preached. Brother Branham came to restore that foundation.
We are resting on that. Gan can rest on his twelve foundations, but the church is built upon one foundation. It’s the rock that
the gates of Hell cannot prevail against. (Matthew 16:13-16.

Heretical Article No. 399:

Richard Gan: “All the mysteries are not revealed by Brother Branham.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Well said Mr. Gan but I hope you know what you are talking about. Revelation 10:7 was to
reveal the mystery singular and all mysteries of the Bible make up that single mystery, which is Christ, because He is the
Word of God. If you are referring to all those dumb heresies above as additional mysteries, you are wrong and fanatical.
There is only one mystery that was not revealed and that was the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders. All other mysteries that were
not revealed by the prophet, do not concern us at this time. Enough was revealed to show-up heretics like you and prepare the
Bride against deception until rapturing faith comes by the Seven Thunders. Mr. Gan is trying to force-fit himself and his
heresies into the Message by saying all mysteries were not revealed by the prophet. Yes, all were revealed, that are written in
the Book and declared to God’s servants, the prophets.

Heretical Article No. 400:

Richard Gan: “Zechariah 14: 6-7 does not refer to the condition of the Laodicean Age, but William Branham used
it as a type. It applies to Christ’s third coming in His corporal body as the evening light.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: The prophet did no such thing. The evening light was for the end time Bride. It blends in with
the Laodicean Age that is neither cold nor hot. Zechariah 14 is speaking of a day not clear nor dark, that is evening time and
we are in the evening time of the Gospel. So your heresy is nonsensical and idiotic! I hope you have your head examined
very soon. You can see what your heresies are producing by looking at Mr. Togonon’s picture, burning the truth, Scriptures
and quotations. Look well at his facial expression and his attire and you will see your reflection, of arrogance, bitterness and
hate, against the prophet, his message and message believers. Both of you are capable of violence against those who expose

Heretical Article No. 401:

Richard Gan: “Culture, customs, and traditions of people are not necessarily against the Word of God.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: I can’t imagine that you can make such a dumb statement, with all your college education. You
have totally disregarded the culture, customs and traditions of the Bible. Mr. Gan, are you saying that after an American
accepts Christ, they can continue walking around naked and pattern after their custom of dressing in shorts, pants, high-
heeled shoes, and appear like that on the sports field? And primitive people can walk around in their loin cloths, wear nose
jewelry, and paint their bodies? What are you talking about? You sound like a crazy man. According to your doctrine, the
Hindus, Muslims and Buddist should continue with their religious and national customs. This is dumb! Dumb! Dumb! Will
you repent? Absolutely not! You are too proud and arrogant. Have you ever cried in your life?

Heretical Article No. 402:

Richard Gan: “Believers are adding to the Word by putting the books and tapes of Brother Branham side by side
with the Word.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Is this very strange to you Mr. Gan? You want everybody to be a heretic like yourself with total
disrespect to the Prophet and the Message, which you have denied and hate because it exposes you?
That is exactly where Brother Branham’s Message belongs; side by side with the Word of God. He was a divine
interpreter of the Word and preached exactly what Paul preached, but your heresies cannot go side by side, because it never
came from the Word of God. As long as a preacher does not add or take away from the Word of God, his message and
sermons can go side by side with the Bible, because they dovetail with the Bible. That is not adding to the Holy Scriptures,
but preaching the true interpretation of It, which comes by His messengers and not a heretic like you.

Heretical Article No. 403:

Richard Gan: “There were no prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers in the Upper Room.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Gan can only see as far as his nose. Such office gifts were in the bosoms of those men.
Some of them used it before for three and a half years. The Outpouring of the Holy Ghost set the Church in order. Who are
you to say that there were none of those office gifts? Jeremiah was ordained a prophet before he was even formed in his
Mother’s womb, so were those gifted men in the Upper Room. (Jeremiah 1:5). I believe Gan you will make a good clown and
you will make a lot of money in America. They highly appreciate a clown’s spirit, even like Jerry Lewis and others.

Heretical Article No. 404:

Richard Gan: “There were no pastors up to A.D. 46, only the other four office gifts.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Again, this question was answered above. Jesus was a pastor, one positionally placed with the
five office gifts, ordained before the foundation of the world. Peter acted out the role of a pastor in the Upper Room with
others. I guess you did not mean they came from Bible school with their credentials like you. Are you looking for a PHD ,
LLD or DUMB! All such are Satanic.

Heretical Article No. 405:

Richard Gan: “Paul was in the office of an Old Testament prophet before he was elevated to the office of an
apostle and a messenger.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Where do you get Bible for that, thou foolish man? Paul was a New Testament prophet messenger. How
can you dare isolate him only to the Old Testament? This is the same category into which you want to fit Brother Branham,
but they were both New Testament prophets, which served for both Old Testament and New Testament. (Amos 3:7,
Ephesians 4:11-15).


the word of truth

The following report is an example of the power of the revelation of Christ. The servant of God, Ronald Watson of
Karnataka India successfully defeated the heresies and agents of Mr. Richard Gan of Singapore.



Our books entitled, “Exposition of Damnable heresies” are in circulation in many parts of the world. In India our
main distributor is Pastor Ronald Watson. He is a great contender for the faith, (Jude 1:1) and representative of the message
of Malachi 4:5-6. He has won many battles against oppositions by heretics against the word of truth, which exposes heresies
in his country. The Lord having such heroes of the faith planted on their own soil, have made my labors, yoke and burden
very easy in spreading the Word of truth. Insomuch that battles for the faith have not yet demanded my presence. Heretics are
put down by our literatures and local servants of God. This brochure gives an account of a fierce battle between the agents of
Richard Gan of Singapore and the agent of Jesus Christ, Pastor Ronald Watson. The victory over Ganism and his agents were
so great that meetings which were planned by Gan and his agents had to be rescheduled or aborted. The following is an
account of such debate.
In Coonoor, Tamilnadu State, South India, there are three churches which believe the message of Malachi 4:5-6. The
Pastors of the three churches are 1. Pastor Nesa Kumar, 2. Pastor Lawrence, and 3. Pastor Zion Jebraj.
Pastor Nesa Kumar invited me for the meetings which were conducted by him and other ministers in his church of
like faith. Meetings were held by Pastor Ronald Watson and two warriors of the faith, (local servants of God) on 24th -26th of
October. They hate heresies like we hate them and as such preach against them.
About Pastor Lawrence; he is a follower and agent of Mr. R.L.S. Gan and has two other followers in the city of
Coimbatore where we earlier had meetings from the 3rd to 6th of this month. Two agents of Mr. Lawrence are: 1. Self
claiming Pastor Shadrack (27 years old) and his assistant Mr. James. These three agents of Gan are supported financially by
Gan himself. He looks after their house rents and other expenses. Another brother convinced of the truth and converted from
Hinduism a few years back, whose name is Jayaram was receiving Gan’s books, was one of the witnesses in the debate.
Mr. R.L.S. Gan sowed seeds of discrepancy through these agents in Coonoor, Coimbatore and Chennai (Madras).
They also have contact with other agents of Mr. Gan in Bombay and Delhi. These agents tried their level best to deceive
these humble pastors (Nesa Kumar and Zion Jebraj), but in the right time the Lord sent us to these pastors with the exposition
books 2,4 & 8, which speaks more about Ganism. Because of our visits and meetings in that area, these agents of Gan have
been disturbed a lot, and thought that they would be hindered from spreading the poisons of Ganism among these churches,
so they targeted me mainly this time, to confront me with their false claims of Mr. Gan.
These agents again invited Mr. Gan in the month of November to Coonoor and they planned to conduct meetings
there and in Madras, also ministers meetings are planned with Gan by these agents, all over India. Gan is much worried of his
defeat in these areas by the EXPOSITION OF DAMNABLE HERESIES BOOK 2, 4, 8 and the preaching against his
doctrines and isms by us.
I Watson, preached three messages: 1. Blindness of Laodicea in so-called message believers, 2. Born again
evidence. (Mr. Gan’s agents attended and they quietly taped the message.) 3. Identifications of the true ministry of God. In
the third message, I took most of the things from book 8. The Lord’s presence was there mightily. I tell you with fear and
reverence in the work of the Lord, that truly this meeting brought one of the greatest successes against the heresies of Gan.
Only his heresies are dominant in that area. I have not heard of any other heresies except these heresies of Mr. Gan. This
message, his agents also taped. After the meetings two Muslims were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by me
there. Both of them are husband and wife and they will be attending Pastor Nesa Kumar’s church.
After the meetings were over, agents of Gan approached me and asked me to have meetings with me regarding their
apostle’s exposition in book 8, so I had to stay one day more because of them. IT WAS THE WILL OF THE LORD and the
whole purpose of the meetings.
Now, I write in detail about the meeting and debate between four Agents of Gan and myself.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Because here we can’t get Brother Dalton Bruce, we are thinking of meeting you here
regarding the exposition of our Brother R.L.S. Gan in book 8. Since you have contact with Brother Bruce, we would ask you
and also one of the ministers about the exposition you know very well. We appreciate all your preaching and we also
appreciate Brother Dalton Bruce’s printing books like these. After we read Exposition books 1 to 9, we came to know many
heresies but we don’t like the way he exposed Gan in book 8; we agree with all the rest. Please answer our questions
regarding Brother Gan?

Ronald Watson’s response: In the name of the Lord and by the help of the Holy Spirit, I now answer your
questions, and I want you to leave the heresies of Gan, repent and get back to the true Word of God. This is what I need from
you brethren.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Where did Brother Gan say that he is an apostle or prophet, directly? Why did Brother
Bruce say in book 8 that Brother Gan claims an office of apostle?

Ronald Watson’s Answer: In book 8 Pastor Dalton Bruce quoted his (Gan’s) own quotation saying that he is an
apostle. Please read his claim in his message called, “The foundation and the wall.” page 37,49.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Yes. What is wrong in calling himself an apostle? Is there no office in the five-fold
ministry called an apostle?

Ronald Watson’s Answer: Yes Amen! I believe there is an office in the five-fold ministry, but that office is not
only reserved for Mr. Gan. The body of Christ consists of these offices but it is not operated by one man called Gan from
Singapore. There will arise many apostles, but not now, it is AFTER THE TRUE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT
CALLED ONE MORE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Outside of this all apostles are FALSE. {II Corinthians

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: You mean, now there are no apostles according to the message of Malachi 4: 5-6? You
said that you believe in a five-fold ministry, then how could you say that it is not now, and it is after the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit?

Ronald Watson’s Answer: I believe now there are apostles, but they are POWERLESS APOSTLES not yet set in
order, and are under the fiery training and tests of God like Brother Paul who spent three years in the deserts of Arabia before
his apostolic ministry, but your Gan is in a luxurious city, not in the desert. They are under training in deserts. They are
waiting for the power to come as on the day of Pentecost, “Until you be endued with the power from high,” amen, then the
true apostles’ ministry will start. I believe in the ORIGINAL pattern of God according to the message. The rest are all
powerless and it is useless.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: OK leave it. I also believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as you preached yesterday
and I do believe in the five-fold ministry. I appreciate you preaching about them, then why don’t we come close together, for
the unity of the bride today?

Ronald Watson’s Answer: There is no unity under heresies, therefore the word of God says, “Why there are
divisions among you, is because of heresies.” If you appreciate my preaching, leave those false self-claiming apostles and
wait for the true apostles’ ministry.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Brother Gan is saying today that most of the followers of Malachi 4:5-6 message are
making a mistake by quoting Branham’s message but not quoting from the word of God.

Ronald Watson’s Answer: What is the difference between the Word of God and the message of Malachi 4:5-6? Is
Malachi 4:5-6’s message different from the Word of God? Tell me?

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Hmmm; some are word of God but not all. Only where he says, “Thus Saith the Lord.”

Ronald Watson’s Answer: You mean to say where he says, “Thus Saith The Lord”, that only is the word of God
and the rest are not the word of God? Then leave all. Take only, “Thus Saith The Lord” as granted as the word of God. This
is the worst heresy I have ever seen among the so-called shameless believers of the message of Malachi 4:5-6. I don’t like to
identify you with the message of Malachi 4:5-6. But I believe his messages are recorded and printed in the books called
“Spoken Word Books” and everything in the books and on the tapes are the Word of God for me, and he is one of the greatest
prophets in the Bible. If his messages are not the word of God then other prophets’ messages in the Bible are also not the
word of God. I say, “Amen to every Word of the prophet W.M.B.” There is no use in discussing if you deny the prophet’s
words are the Word of God.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Do you believe that there will be a revelation comes to the five-fold ministry, and that
revelation will be more than what the Prophet W.M.B. received?
Ronald Watson’s Answer: There is only one revelation left for the church to receive and that is the SEVEN
THUNDERS revelation. That one thing is not revealed. That’s what the prophet of God said. And that revelation is only for
the church for Rapturing faith and it is not more than what the prophet had received. It cannot be called as less or more
revelation. Revelation can not be measured as less or more; Christ is always in full measure, amen. Because Prophet
W.M.B.’s time was not the time for the seven thunders revelation, it will be at the coming of the Lord.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: OK book 8, Ganism: “(1) He believes in prehistoric man, Quote: "Perhaps the serpent
was like prehistoric man, maybe better looking, who existed long before modern man- the present Adamic race - was created
some 6,000 years ago.’ (The original sin page 1-1)” What is there wrong in it?

Ronald Watson’s Answer: According to the answer by Pastor Bruce in book 8, it is absolutely right according to
the word of God. God created Adam in His own image. It is not necessary to illustrate about race, prehistoric etc., and years
as science counts.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Quote of Gan in book 8: “(2) "Adam was not created to be a tiller of the ground. A son
of God is not created to toil; he is a child of God. The Serpent-kind was created to be subjected to him to do the tilling.’ (The
original sin-page 47).”
Yes, it is; the Serpent kind was created to be subject under Adam, since Adam is like a King.

Ronald Watson’s Answer: If it was the serpent to till the ground then God would have commanded the serpent to
help Adam to till the ground. But in the Bible Adam was told to till the ground since there was no man to till. Don’t mix up
man with Serpent. Serpent was called a beast of the earth, it was not man. Maybe it is Mr. Gan’s intellectual invention
regarding the tilling.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Quote 3 of Gan in book 8: “(3) "Mendel's Law states that "every individual is the sum
total of the Characteristics in its two immediate progenitors"... Cain, the son of the Serpent, ';) inherited a part of Eve's
nature, the nature of the Spirit of God which was in Adam." (The original sin-page 27).”
Cain had to inherit the nature of Eve, then the nature of the Spirit of God. I justify this quote, because Cain was
also a worshipper.

Ronald Watson’s Answer: It is the biggest heresy. It’s one of the insanities mentioned in the message called:
“Knoweth it not”. If Cain inherited part of the nature of Eve then he had inherited Adam’s nature; that means he was part of
God. So Cain also must have acquired eternal life, then Cain was also partially a righteous man. Maybe Mr. Gan wants to
justify Cain that he also was partially a seed of God, because Mr. Gan himself likes to be identified already with Cain’s seed.
If it was so then the whole bunch of Cain’s seed would have been saved.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Quote 4 of Gan in book 8: “(4) "The two trees are two laws which govern the sexual
reproductive organ which is found in the middle part of the human body (the garden). " (The original sin-page 61).
Yes I agree with Brother Gan. It is the middle part of the human body where the Garden of Eden was.

Ronald Watson’s Answer: It is one of the worst madness I have ever heard from you kind of people. I think Mr.
Gan has lost his mind who writes all these. He writes all these for those people who are mad like himself. If it was the middle
part of the human body (the garden) then the Bridegroom and Bride will spend the Millennium upon the middle part of the
human body, because the Bride must go back to Eden (the garden). Finish my brother; you are too smart to tell about your
boss’s madness, who is spending much of his time in a mental hospital in Singapore, writing all those mad things to make
others like you mad.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: OK, you give me one chance; I will clarify your answers with Brother Gan when he
comes to India. I don’t say that I don’t agree with you, but I will meet you later to discuss more about other heresies. I really
appreciate you because I never met a brother like you. You are so humble and so accurate in preaching, but I want all of us
to come together.

Ronald Watson’s Answer: Let all the praises and glory go to the Lord. Don’t say I am accurate in preaching. Here
a greater than I, is standing. Without Him I am nothing. I don’t like to be praised, ok? I love you if you leave all nonsense,
come and repent and believe the Truth which was delivered through the Prophet W.M.B. Don’t agree with me but agree with
every Word of God. All of us cannot come together unless you give up your dirty heresies of the devil and repent for your
heresies. Still there is forgiveness.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: “(5) "It was the intention of God that they would bring forth "seeds after their kind" by
physical union. Sexual union was intended that the two shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:24)...procreation was His primary
objective, not sexual pleasure. Adam and Eve were supposed to come together in sexual union only in the due season of life
to partake of that Tree of Life, which would bring forth sons and daughters of God which God had desired...According to the
divine plan of God, Adam and his wife were expected to come together at the appointed time and season of life to eat of the
Tree of life in the midst of the garden. The effect of such partaking would bring forth Sons and daughters of God with eternal
life. “(The original sin-page 62,29).”
There is no wrong in quote 5 of Gan in Book 8. It is the will of the Lord that Adam and Eve should come together in
sexual union at the permitted time of the Lord.

Ronald Watson’s Answer: I don’t want to waste much of my time answering your boss’ Mr. Gan’s quotations.
They were already refuted by the quotations of the Prophet W.M.B. They were already refuted here below by the quotation
from, “Does God ever change His mind 18/4/65”, and my precious Pastor Dalton Bruce of Bethel, Trinidad has done a
wonderful work in refuting all the heresies of Satan. So I say, in the name of the Lord, that all here in book 8, page 47 to 52,
mentioned as the quotes of Mr. Gan, are Satan’s heresies and they were refuted by the quotations of the Bible and the
message of Malachi 4:5-6, and they are put in the book called, “Exposition of Damnable Heresies, 8 identifications - 7
Thunders Ministry VS Impersonators.” Come out of it and repent.

Agent of Gan: Shadrack: I would like to invite you for the ministers meetings in the month of November in
Coimbatore, Coonoor and also in Madras, when our Brother Gan comes to India. You must be present there; it is better to
talk face to face. Brother Gan and you will have to talk about his book entitled, “Prophetic Revelation”, and your book:
“Exposition of Damnable Heresies, 8 identifications of the 7 thunders ministry versus impersonators, Book 8.”

Ronald Watson’s Answer: There is no need of talking with Mr. Gan. All his heresies are refuted and Book 8 is my
ultimate to Mr. Gan and you agents. First of all, you are unfit for a pastor’s position and you are not qualified for a pastor’s
office. I don’t respect you as a Pastor of the church. It’s better you learn under a God-called man in the church, who is called
by the Lord to pastor the church of God. So, it is my humble request to you all, please give up Ganism, all of you with Mr.
Gan and repent and come back to the Truth.
Among them, two of the brethren, Brother James and Brother Jayaram, are convinced of the truth and they
indirectly promised to contact me through e-mail. Brother Jayaram had been one of the strong supporters of Shadrack, before
the truth was revealed to him. Shadrack is the main agent in South India for Mr. Gan. Jayaram has confessed to me that there
are many things that are not right in Ganism. He has proven himself a faithful and humble brother desiring eternal life more
than the wages of unrighteousness.
May this brochure serve to warn all message-believers about the poisonous venom of Gan and his agents, who seek
to destroy every established doctrine of the bible and message of Malachi 4:5&6. They advocate that all the teachings of
Brother Branham are not inspired, and take the liberty to interpret the scriptures, to attempt to prove such lies. Be it known to
all true believers that the messenger of each age alone was given the revelation for their specific age. God held them in his
hands and inspired them to speak the Word of truth by divine revelation! The revelation of Brother Paul became the standard
by which all apostles and preachers were to be judged.

Quote W.M.B.: Thou hast tried them that say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars." My, that is
a blunt statement. Here it is in Galatians 1:8, It was the apostles who brought the original Word to the people. That original
Word could not change, not even a dot or dash of it. Paul knew it was God Who had spoken to him so he said, "Even if I
come and try to give a second revelation, try to make one little change in what I gave originally, let me be accursed." You
see, Paul knew that first revelation was correct. God can't give a first revelation, then a second revelation. If He did, He
would be changing His mind… and speaking about those Ephesians… Those Ephesians knew that Word as Paul had taught
it. They were full of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of Paul's hands. They looked those false apostles in the eye and said,
"You are not saying what Paul said. You are, therefore, false." Oh, that sets my heart on fire. Get back to the Word!


This is the greatest defeat for Ganism in South India, they are more troubled by our work of “Exposition of the
Damnable heresies.” There are many requests from the ministers and believers for all exposition books. Following names and
addresses are agents of Richard Gan, others work under cover whose names do not appear here and have tried to solicit
money from me and others, as pretended believers of the truth. They have sold their birthright for a bowl of soup like Esau.
Gusto Gadama Lilongwe Malawi, James M. Veremu Seke- Chitunqwiza Zimbabwe, Moses A. Segite Nyaru Kenya,
George M. Matthew West Malaysia, Franco Togonon Bulihan Silang cavite Philippines, Osel B. Dumanon Mahogany
Butuan city Philippines, Ruben Lachica Capitol site Cebu city Philippines, Richard D’souza Sankli St. Byculla Bombay
M.S. India, Hubert D’souza Colony Borivli West Bombay India, S. Sunderaraj Puthukudy Nagercoil- Kanyakumari India,
Chandula Abeywickrema Dehiwala Sri Lanka, Peter Ochola Kampala Uganda.
This article was published in a tract in late 2004, based on this debate held in India, between a defender of the faith
and supporters of Gan. Their leader was thoroughly exposed and defeated, and their eyes were opened. Such exposition and
deliverance sparked angry responses in this deluded, heady and high-minded heretic, who, by nature, is very aggressive,
like his father Lucifer, and had this “apostle” scampering for defense and fabricated lies in the name of his scapegoat named
Shadrack, after months of his exposition.
Pastor, Fellow-labourer and Distributor , Ronald Watson


The following is a tract, sent out earlier, to warn Message Believers concerning the dangerous heretic Mr. Gan.



Date: 22-04-04
“For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ”. (II
Beware of Ganism, Mr. Richard Gan the false apostle and deceitful worker who plans to visit several African states:
Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Kenya and Uganda in the month of April 2004. Beware of his agents, as most of them seek after
money and not truth. They have wearied this publication with their begging for money. They pretend to believe the Message
and teachings of other ministers which are published. They have betrayed, sacrificed, and surrendered the souls of their
flocks to the Isms, Heresies and devilish doctrines of Gan, who has perverted most of the established teachings of Brother
Branham, Malachi 4:5-6 (W.M.B)
This man is so corrupt, that he has even changed the normal marriage practices. His daughter was wedded recently
and he has a picture on his website where he is unveiling the bride instead of the husband. We need to ask this Heretic what is
the meaning of unveiling his daughter? Is he sending a message to the world of another damnable heresy or indicating a
corrupt practice? We appeal to all faithful Believers of the Message to boldly resist this heretic and his agents in your region
and country.
He denies that Brother Branham was a prophet; proclaims that he is an apostle chosen to lay the foundation for the
Church; seven men are to reveal the seven thunders; mixed marriages are not unscriptural; a divorce woman can be re-
married and many other heresies which are contrary to the Word and message. However his aggressive attitude, with that of
his agents are sufficient to help the humble in heart to grasp that his works are of Satan and inspired from the pit of Hell!
Many without careful examination of his doctrines accepted him as a brother and preacher of the Message but later
denounced him and his heresies when they found out by his publication that he doesn’t believe W.M.B or his Message but
seeks to destroy it. Is he hired by the Jesuits is the question of Message Believers. Others say that he is insane and are trying
to verify if he is a mental patient in Singapore since rumors have it that way.
To convince, and snare innocent souls to his cult, he exports books; tapes etc and publish on his website, some old
letters of commendation written to him about his work by some who had not known the depths of his satanic ministry. He
refuses to pull down such letters, even after people denounced his cult, and commanded him to remove their letters. He is a
shameless hypocrite, deceitful worker trying to use every form of guile to convince and enslave innocent souls.
Exposition of Damnable Heresies dealt him many blows by listing his heresies in comparison with W.M.B.’s
doctrine on Books 2, and 8 etc. He is enraged like Lucifer and has entitled his own teachings quoted “Lies of Dalton Bruce”
since he has no defense against the Word and refuses to admit that his heresies are of the Devil and the Bottomless Pit.
The following are letters, of some who have denounced him. You can do likewise if you are trapped by this heretic
and his heresies! Is your letter advertised on his website without your knowledge and consent? Then you are identified with
his heresies. Beware of Gan’s cunning devices.



Mr. Gan, I write to protest and to kick against my name that has been appearing on your website as one of the great
supporters of your HERESIES. What is the madness with you? Please, for your own good, I don’t want to see my name on
your website again. You better pull it down immediately, for your own good, or else I will declare it to the whole world that
you are an ANTICHRIST and INSANE. I have studied and followed your teachings for some time, and have come to realize
that you are an ANTICHRIST, working for your father the DEVIL, and your teachings and the doctrines you propagate is
from the bottomless pit of HELL. Mr. Mad man, I would that you repent and pray for deliverance. Mr. Mad man, I vow to do
everything possible to break your stronghold on innocent souls who are already caged and deadly drunk with your poisonous
doctrines in this part of the world. YOUR WORST ENEMY of your heresies---CHUKS.
Reply Letter To Bethel:
Beloved brethren, I write in defense of your question, regarding my relationship with Gan and the appearance of my
name on his website as a great supporter of his devilish ministry.
To start with, I was very shocked and dismayed when Brother Gaitan informed me of such, which I never had
knowledge of. Brethren, the truth is this, and I will also want you to investigate the matter in which ever way you desire; I
never had any other dealing with Gan in time past, other than requesting for sermon books of the prophet (Brother Branham),
but he ended up sending me his sermons, I not knowing that he was the devil's anointed false preacher in this end time to
deceive many. Gan was able to deceive many of us then, because we saw him as an end time message believer. We never
knew he was preaching heresies and was infusing death to us through his teachings, and being that we were seriously thirsty,
hungry and destitute of the truth, we fell then so easily to his prey, out of ignorance and lack of knowledge of the message
we believe. I express my joy and gladness over the great deliverance the Lord did wrought in my life and in the lives of some
of our brethren in this part of the world through your wonderful bombshells (Exposition of Damnable Heresies), which really
checked us and made us to know that most of the people we are holding in high esteem in the faith, including Gan, were only
covering themselves with a cloak of Malachi 4, but inwardly, they are wolves in sheep clothing, working for their father, the
Please, I categorically declare to you and to the entire world that I stand for nothing less than the Message that was
restored back to us by the only Prophet of God to this generation (William Marrion Branham). I know no other Prophet,
neither am I a follower or a supporter of the bottomless pit ministry of Mr. Gan. I strongly stand in support of what the
Lord is doing through my precious brethren of like precious faith in Bethel, and I am ready to lay down my life in contending
for the faith and in defense of the Book (Exposition of Damnable Heresies). Please help me with a very large quantity of the
books. There are great demands for them. We can’t even boast of a copy on our library’s shelves. Thanks. Yours
faithful Brother, Chucks Abrahams.


Dear Brother Bruce, God bless you my brother. It is wonderful to read all the heretical teachings of this Brother
from Singapore. I have also read some of his books that contradict the prophet's message. I disagree with them. As if his
messages are all condemnable and destructive revelation. Yes, he claims to be one of the apostles but never respects the
Prophet of this age. Brother Branham said that he preached what Paul preached. If he is a true apostle, then he should preach
what the prophet preached.
I found some of his followers in the big city of Manila and also in the island of Mindanao. They are very arrogant.
They look at us as if we are not message believers. They also concluded that the message today is of no use. It’s futile. They
said that that was only seasonal and not food for all seasons. I was asking where we could find these seven men today. They
could not produce even one. How could we believe on his messages when in fact they look like fiction, immaterial and
groundless? Brother Branham said that if your revelation will not dovetail with the scripture, then forget it. But this man does
not like to forget his false teaching.
This is one of the reasons why I wanted to open a Radio program again so that we can tell the poor saints to refrain
from these people who are followers of this Brother. This is one sure way of proclaiming the truth to all the members of the
Bride. Please continue to uphold this urgent request about the Broadcast, my Brother. Thank you for your endeavors. This is
all, my Brother. God bless you and all the saints in your church. Yours in His service, L.V

This heretic Gan teaches that Brother Branham is not a prophet. Are his followers that blind that they cannot see and
understand the simplicity of the scripture, which says:
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and
smite the earth with a curse”. {Malachi 4:5-6}
The major Prophet Malachi 4:5-6 has spoken by the word of God, whom do you believe Gan the heretic, deceiver
and false apostle or God and His prophet? Choose the way of the Lord’s faithful pilgrims; be bold and defiant like those who
have denounced Ganism to save their souls and their congregations. Repent or perish!
Seemingly, this self appointed apostle has been convicted after such apostolic and radical exposure on our previous
publications. He reads our E.O.D.H. Books, and even stole some of the truths from pages 79 to 83 of E.O.D.H. Book 5,
using the very quotations, with a few alterations on the headings, which he published on his website, under the title: “A word
about the seven thunders – from the mouth of William Branham.”
If we are so wrong, then why is he stealing these revelations? On one hand he reads our Books and on the other, one
of his agents (Togonon from Philippines) burnt one of our Books and sent us a photo of it.

Franco Togonon, Gan’s Agent

Franco Togonon: ‘To Mr. Satan’s agent: Dalton Bruce. Your poisonous book shall all be burned like this one. You
shall go to hell ye, bastard!’


E.O.D.H: Reference to picture. This poor half naked man tried to hide his identity, but was identified as Franco
Togonon, from Cavite, Philippines. He is well known by our associate ministers for his aggression against E.O.D.H. He is a
faithful follower of the heretic Mr. Gan. He has written to this publication several times, begging for money, pretending to
believe the truth that we proclaim. He is capable of soliciting funds from any and every church and publication around the
world. He has fully manifested the spirit of Mr. Gan by burning our books. He is proud, arrogant and maybe violent when his
request for money is denied. May I suggest to this poor deluded soul to desist from burning the Word of God, as all our
books are fully supported by Scriptures and quotations of the Message. When he burns our writings, the Message and the
Scriptures are also burnt. If he fails to repent, he will one day be burnt in the Lake of Fire. I forgive him for destroying our
books and uttering such blasphemy against me. May he find mercy at the Cross of Christ. This gives an idea of how desperate
a poor soul can be in defending an antichrist and false prophet like Richard Gan.


Heretic Pastor James
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Near Canara Bank, Coonoor, Nilgiris District, TAMILNADU- INDIA.

All contentions and strifes of religions must have a sound foundation or their battles are in vain. They fight against
the wind. The Apostle Paul said, “We must strive lawfully”. Jude said, “Contend for the faith”. The faith was restored to the
church by Malachi 4:5-6. It was once delivered to the saints by the Lord Jesus and the church was built upon the rock of
revelation (Matthew 16). It is also built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets (Ephesians 2:20).
All who oppose our work, which aims to keep the purity of the message by our publishing arm (E.O.D.H.) are not
striving lawfully by the Word of God and the revelation of the message of the hour. Many contend for their own private
interpretation of the Word, while others contend for the heresies of heretics. Automatically, their church members fall under
that spirit of error and support a losing battle for heretics and heresies. This they ignorantly do, not perceiving the selfish
motive of their “beloved” shepherd. In most cases, he is after a meal ticket as a hired agent of a heretic, after popularity or
women. All may not fit the above description but are sincerely deceived, stirred-up by heretics to fight the truth. Those who
are after a meal ticket deny the Word and willfully close their eyes to the prophet’s teachings. Since they are so dishonest and
careless about the souls of the flock, they criticize E.O.D.H., because it exposes them, their heretic leaders and their heresies.
Here is a party who will manifest one of the above described categories. E.O.D.H will answer his contentions and
fusses in a scriptural manner. If he is after eternal life, he would respond positively, with repentance and reconciliation to the
purity of the message. If not, it will make the tree evil. Every sheep under his care should flee to safety in Christ. The answers
to his contentions and rejection of our answers will prove that he is not contending for the faith but for Ganism, the heretic
Gan, popularity and a meal ticket, which will automatically identify him as a heretic, creeping into houses “and lead captive
silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
(II Timothy 3:6-7).
Although Pastor James has declared open war on the message of the Bible and E.O.D.H., we endeavor to speak to
him in the interest of his soul and those under his care. This I have done in the same manner to his leader, Mr. Gan, before I
openly declared him as a heretic. I trust that pastor James will repent. It will prove his love for his flock!

Pastor James: “Where was E.O.D.H. before the prophet passed away, about forty years ago? E.O.D.H. is now
publishing the standards of holiness concerning: “A woman should not expose her belly from the Saree: Men should remove
mustache: Women should not wear “Churidhar”: How can this be instituted to the followers of Malachi 4:5-6, since the
prophet never spoke about those things so seriously?”

Question # 1: “Where was E.O.D.H. forty years ago?”

E.O.D.H. Answer: The ignorance expressed in asking the above question is embarrassing. Pastor James needs to
study the Word and message to show himself approved of God. May I try to edify you, friend. Exposition of Damnable
Heresies was right from Genesis and traveled until now. You can find E.O.D.H. in the Bible. E.O.D.H. was not introduced
within the forty years since the prophet’s departure, but since four thousand years ago, it was published by great prophets of
old: our Lord Jesus Christ, Peter, James, John, Paul and Jude. All published in a great way, from then, even until the time of
our prophet, Brother Branham. All of those prophets, including the prophet of our age, Brother Branham, called the names of
heretics, published them throughout the world, and most of them are recorded in Bible. So there is no surprise that E.O.D.H.
is also continuing in our days by God-called men.
All servants of God were commissioned of God to expose wrong and preach the truth, including exposition of
heretics (Matthew 23, II Peter 2, Jude 1 & II Timothy).

Question # 2: “Should a woman expose her belly?”

E.O.D.H. Answer:


Quote W.M.B.: 314 “Sister…would you wear these little old skirts and things that they wear today of this immoral
dress, with your body showing through it out there on the street? Did you know every man that looks upon you commits
adultery with you in his heart? And you present yourself like that. Do you know, women, you that wear makeup, there's only
one woman in the Bible that ever wore makeup? And God fed her to the dogs. (Modern events made clear by prophecy 65-

Brother Branham fully declared that a woman should not wear any garment where her underneath clothes is
imprinted or is showing. E.O.D.H. has declared the same: Book 6 page 43. This is not a new doctrine by a new book. It is the
I Timothy 2:9 <In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel…>
The eyes of lustful preachers fail to understand what modesty looks like. Their souls are corrupt. The prophet’s soul
was pure, thus he established holiness standards for women. Pastor James, your conscience alone should let you know that a
woman exposing her belly is sinful, sex-suggestive and immodest. Shame on you pastor!

Question # 3: “Should women wear Churidhar?”

E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: They know what God said about it here. See? Sure. God said so, so they want to do it anyhow. See,
they try to find an excuse. "Well, I think it's much better; it's--it's not... The wind don't blow..." But God said for a man to
dress different from a woman. If a woman put on a garment pertained to a man, it was abomination in His sight. So it's not
right. Yes. You shouldn't do it, no.
See? So therefore, it's wrong. But you see, they try to find an excuse that "the Lord told me to do this." I don't say
He didn't, but look, it ain't His perfect will. It's got to be His permissive will. You see what it'll do? It'll pollute the whole
bunch. It polluted all the camp. (Does God Ever Change His Mind 65-0418E).
Your statement is very popular in India, to make many excuses against the holiness message of Brother Branham.
Be it known to you, if you had not known it earlier, that our national garment for women is Saree with full stretched top or
blouse (Which fully covers the women’s bellies). Our older women were wearing the Saree’s with long sleeves and tops
which covers the belly. Belly exposure was introduced by Bollywood stars, so any woman under the message of Malachi 4:5-
6, wearing Saree with belly exposure, is following the styles of Bollywood actors and she is unfit to call herself a believer of
the message.

Quote W.M.B.: And then all the holiness in the Bible that's been preached and what you've been taught, you still,
you women strip yourselves and go half naked. You men do just as contrary. You set around, let your wife act like that, and
dress like that, and say nothing about it. Well, you puppet. How would you ever make a preacher? How would you make a
deacon? If you can't control your own house, what are you going to do in the house of God? That's the reason the house of
God's in the shape it's in today. We need men with brass knucks to preach the Gospel, to uncover sin and show where it's at,
not some little petty thing. We need an old fashion breaking up, tearing down, molding over. We need a old time Saint Paul's
revival and the Bible Holy Ghost back into the church again, instead of a bunch of little isms. (Door To The Heart 1958).

Quote: How could people... You mean to tell me, you women can walk out here at them little bitty straps around
you and call yourself living in a modern civilized world? When heathens is dressed that way and get right with Christ, try to
cover themselves up till they get some clothes on them. Looks like you're going back to heathens instead of coming to
civilization. Now, you know that's the truth. And just another little thing. I don't see it in this building, but lot of you women
that wears this here paint, and you know, and black stuff over your eyes and everything. You know where that come from?
That trait is heathen. That's exactly where it come from. They've had them great big bones in their ears for earrings, and take
mud and paint their faces and all over like that. It's a heathen trait. Then we permit it in our churches. "Sure, it's all right."

"Oh, it ain't what you do this way; it ain't what you do that way." No, I know it ain't. But you get right with Christ
one time, and you'll wash your face. That's exactly right. You'll put on clothes and act like a lady. And you'll throw that cigar
out of your mouth if you are a deacon or something in the church, and act like a Christian too. That's exactly right. (Stand
Still 1957).

Quote: I heard a woman the other day laughing at a girl--a bunch of half naked females with morals lower than a--
than a mother dog, laughing at an old woman with a long dress. Listen here, you little twisted-up female; she's got something
you know nothing about; she's got moral. You don't even know what the name is. You lost it in the cradle almost. You don't
even know right from wrong; she does. She's got something hid in her heart that you don't know nothing about. You lost it;
can never find it. Don't you call her old fashion, and so forth, like that. She knows something that you don't know nothing
about. She's got hid in her heart, treasure of decency. You don't know one word of it. Your mammy brought you up like that.
Your pastor permitted it; shows where he stands. I'm preaching about him right here now. See? See where you're at? The
churches. (Recognizing Your Day 1964).

Question # 4: “Should men remove their moustache?”

E.O.D.H.: 1Timothy 4:12 <Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in
conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.>
“Be thou an example.” This is a question of concern to many brothers. The beard was used as a badge of the dignity
of manhood. It was regarded as an object of oath. It was shaven or plucked out in mourning. It was neglected in permanent
affliction. It was an object of salutation. Dressing, trimming and anointing of the beard was done with much ceremony by
people of wealth. Removal of the beard was part of the ceremonial treatment of a leper. Of recent times, beards are kept by
highly educated people as a sign of their education, profession. It portrays a person’s motives and objectives standing in
society, communism and religious cults.
In 1Timothy 4:12, Paul exhorted Timothy to be an example to the believers. Our prophet messenger, Brother
William Branham was our example. He kept a clean face.
Quote W.M.B.: “Now, that doesn't mean that we have to grow a long beard, as the artist pictures Him having. And
neither does it mean that we grow long hair as the artist pictures Him having, or to wear robe as He wore; for we're living in
another day. We don't necessarily have to be that to reflect His physical image; but we must, in our souls, reflect His Spirit
image and His manner of life.” (Images of Christ 59-0525 P:18).

Quote: 15-3 “The people don't want to act any different than what the rest of the world acts. They don't want to get
on the street and to have their face washed, and men with clean countenance.” (Rejected King 60-0515M).

Quote: E-10 “I want to pass a compliment on a man that's in the building. He's conspicuous in one way… Brother
Ryan, I'm speaking of you… he wears a long beard, and a long hair, or hair to his shoulder.” (For Him Will I Accept 52-

The Prophet said to keep a clean countenance. We try to obey the prophet as close as possible. He was our
example. He left no hair on his face, except he was in the woods and could not shave. However, we are not fanatical on the
subject. There are youths that appreciate their hairs growing out, making them feel manly; so we don’t press them, until it
starts getting plentiful; but generally, men keep a clean countenance under this ministry, as Brother Branham got down on
many brothers who wore hair on their faces.

Quote W.M.B.: E-7 “And you know, there was an old man used to follow meeting. Many of you might've seen
him, a few of you maybe. He had a long beard. His name was Ryan, John Ryan... I used to get on him about wearing his
beard.” (Blind Bartimaeus 57-0127e).

E.O.D.H. book 13: page 246 declared what the prophet established. We have no message of our own. Mr. Gan was
not ordained to correct the message of Elijah the prophet. Denounce that heretic, Pastor James. Don’t let down the gospel on
the pulpit; allowing women’s bellies to be exposed, men with hair on their faces like Muslims, communists etc, women to
wear pants in public, and most unscripturally, to allow a man to minister, whose wife is not in the faith. Save your soul
friend, and those who you will account to God for.


Quote W.M.B.: E-31 “That's what's the matter, pastor. What's the matter, our people will go to hell is because you
let down the Gospel in the pulpit; that's exactly what it is. If you preach the Gospel, the power of God unto salvation, have
an old fashion altar call and have people cleaned up in their life, it would be different. It would be examples set forth in
Christianity. That's right. But we've let down the bar somewhere.” (Expectation 55-1001).

Question # 5: “Can’t a minister continue to minister under the message of W.M.B., even if his wife is NOT IN THE
FAITH? Brother Branham allowed this thing in his ministry. I can prove it by quotations of W.M.B.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: E.O.D.H. humbly challenges you to show one quotation where Brother Branham allowed a
minister to continue ministering, whose wife is not in the faith?
1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 gave a clear description of the qualification of a minister, that his wife should be in the
faith, his children should be in the faith and he should rule his house well. This is also for the deacons and the elders
Whoever ordained a disqualified man, whoever put him on the pulpit and started him off in a church, they need to be
corrected. We ought to follow the guidelines of the scripture concerning the qualifications of a minister before we ask him to
use the pulpit or ordain him. There are certain preachers who never started in a church. They came out of jail, were smoking
marijuana, cut off their Rasta hair and took up a Bible and started evangelizing. Such a man is not fit for the pulpit, and
whether he should step down or not, there isn’t any question about it. He doesn’t belong on the pulpit.
Ganism has twisted every major doctrine that was established by the prophet. Pastor James should examine his
doctrine by the Word and message.
According to 1 Timothy, a preacher’s wife must be in the faith and his children must be in the faith. If he is a
compromiser with his children, he is not fit to stand behind the pulpit. If his wife is unsaved and refuses to come to church,
he cannot be a preacher unless he separates. If he separates for the gospel’s sake then that is in a different category. He is
lined up with the apostles.

Question # 6: “Can’t sisters read the Bible in the churches under the message of W.M.B.? E.O.D.H. is bringing out
its own doctrine regarding sisters. On one occasion, Brother Branham asked a sister to read the Bible in church.”
E.O.D.H. Answer: A woman should keep silent in the church according to the Bible, and it is not E.O.D.H.’s own
doctrine. (1 Corinthians 14:34 & 1 Timothy 2:12). E.O.D.H. is upholding this doctrine.
The answer is: No! because it breaks the scripture over here. How could she be silent and be reading the Bible at the
same time? She could not do that as a policy or an establishment in the house of God.
Now, in certain meetings, Brother Branham while preaching, he was searching for certain scriptures and there was a
sister standing there, and he went on to tell her on a rare occasion to read, and she read, but that was not establishing a policy
in the House of God or amongst message believers. That does not mean that preachers could call “sister spiritual” to read the
Bible and she could come to the pulpit and read the Word. That is in a different category all entirely. Under certain conditions
the Prophet of God, William Branham, Elijah the prophet, allowed a certain sister to read. It is not our custom. And even
though a man of God does that on a rare occasion, then that is his responsibility towards God. But to establish that as a
doctrine and take what Brother Branham done in a certain place is out. There are several things that Brother Branham done
under his ministry that you and I cannot practice. We don’t follow what the man done, in such context, we follow what he
taught, and his words are that we should not tolerate these things in the House of God. You cannot use what Brother Branham
done. He knew how he done them and why he done them, and you cannot do them and establish them as policies in the
House of God, because you are breaking what Brother Paul said: “Let the women keep silent in the church; it is not permitted
for her to speak; if she would know anything let her ask her husband at home.” Should she read the Bible for the preacher?
No! The answer is no. I would not advise my brethren to practice that. I’m just talking about the right attitude, and as a result
of that we don’t practice such things in the house of God.

Question # 7: “All the message churches in India are reading SPOKEN WORD PUBLICATIONS. But many of the
followers of Malachi 4:5-6 are disturbed by E.O.D.H. because many DO’S and DON’T’S are there in those books. A
distributor of the book, Ronald Watson of Karanataka, India, is traveling with these books and disturbing to the people under
this message. What right has he got to do this kind of job? Let him do this kind of work in his church.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: All message believers should read the books. However, many are not available to those in India,
Africa and other countries. Ministers hide certain truths from the people and ministers. E.O.D.H. tells all that the prophet said
on a subject, and relates it to the Word. It exposes heresies.
Many are afraid of E.O.D.H. because they want to entertain sin in the church. Certain sins have already crept inside
and are working in many churches. Therefore, when they invite E.O.D.H. ministers in their churches to preach from their
pulpits, and many DO’S and DON’TS from the message are stressed upon, they do not like it, because the black dog inside of
them wants to be fed more than the white dog. Not many in India are disturbed by E.O.D.H., but only a few, because they are
much troubled that E.O.D.H. will expose their heresies and war against the message of Malachi 4:5-6. They are much
concerned about the distributor of the EODH in India, because their exposition will go all around India and to the rest of the
world. Try not to be like them, Pastor James. It is not our desire to expose anyone.
E.O.D.H. has no boundaries. E.O.D.H. distributors will go anywhere and to any church wherever God wants them,
by invitation of pastors. Their duty is to obey the Shepherd and bring deliverance to souls from the heretics. Deliverance is
taking place all over in the world. Many were set free from Ganism. You and your people can also be delivered.
We establish the DO’S and DON’TS of the Bible, and also those which the prophet emphasized. If you love the
Lord, you will keep His commandments. Mr. Gan has destroyed the ABCs of the Word and message. Come out of that
delusion, Pastor James, or you will be sorry.

Question # 8: “We do not need to read E.O.D.H. publications. The Bride can go in the Rapture just reading
SPOKEN WORD books, and we don’t need anybody like distributor Ronald Watson to teach us from E.O.D.H. books. Is this
book authorized and sanctioned by Brother Branham, as he sanctioned the writings of CHURCH AGES BOOK?”

E.O.D.H. Answer: “Pastor James, a man must strive lawfully or he will defeat his own argument. Be honest. Did
Brother Branahm authorize and sanction Mr. Gan’s books? According to your question, you are condemning Ganism when
you condemn E.O.D.H. In essence, you are saying that no books should be published since Brother Branham went home.
Pastor James, holy men spake and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. E.O.D.H. is based on the Word and
the inspired words of the prophet. It is not in contradiction of the message and Word, like Ganism. His books should be taken
off the market. Our ministers stay in the Word and inspiration of Malachi 4: 5-6, and should be in circulation.
E.O.D.H. has not made claims of having twelve foundation stones, like Ganism, seven men for the seven thunders,
and Gan as an apostle. No one has to read our books to go in the rapture, but must get the revelation of the message of
Brother Branham. We highlight the final outpouring of the Holy Ghost for rapture power. The prophet said, “You must have
the token or perish.”
Reading the Spoken Word Books cannot take a man in the rapture. You must have the capstone or token, or perish.
Many who read the Spoken Word Books, like those who read the Bible, will go through the tribulation. “The letter killeth but
the Spirit giveth life.” Are you reading Gan’s books? It will keep all earthbound.
Everybody doesn’t have a pastor who can prepare them for the rapture. All pastors are not God-sent pastors. As a
result, not all pastors will lead their congregations to the rapture. Some will lead them to the tribulation, while others will lead
them to the rapture. Some pastors are hirelings while others are true shepherds of the flock.
The qualification of a pastor to lead his flock to the rapture is that he must have the revelation to get a person born
again. If your pastor can preach the true Word that will get you born again, then you need not worry; but if he cannot, then
you need to find and sit under a true pastor who can do so.

Question # 9: “What right does E.O.D.H. editors have to publish the names of Gan’s agents and other ministers all
around the world? It is against the will of the Lord. So these E.O.D.H. books are full of condemnations.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: If you are saying that E.O.D.H. editors have no right to publish the names of heretic Gan’s
agents and other heretics in the world, then Paul, James, John, Jude, Peter were all wrong. They called the names of the
heretics and published them in their days. Even Brother Branham called many heretics names publicly and it was published
in the Spoken Word books. Then they all went against the will of the Lord.
E.O.D.H. is saying that they all were in the will of the Lord and they all condemned the heretics with their heresies.
If E.O.D.H. is full of condemnation, the Bible is also full of condemnation. The Bible, Spoken Word, and E.O.D.H. looks
like they are condemning, but they divide wrong from right and truth from error. Prove yourself a son of God by standing for
truth, Pastor James, because from the beginning, the Bible condemned the deeds of Satan and his servants.

Question # 10: “The prophet, Brother Branham had seen the preview of the Bride in a vision. He had seen them in
their national garments. So LUNGI & CHURIDHAR are South Indian dress, and according to the prophet, they are allowed
to be worn. The ministers meetings, India questions and answers, Trinidad 2006, report does not permit men to wear LUNGI,
when the prophet justified it. Few ministers of the E.O.D.H. are against the message of Prophet WMB.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: LUNGI is not the NATIONAL garment, for men IN India. Their national garment, as Brother
Branham saw the vision of three hundred thousand people receiving Christ in one of the Branham’s meeting in Calcutta. He
seen them in DHOTI. Lungi is exactly like long skirts: women’s garment, and those who wear it are breaking Deuteronomy
22:5. Our old men, according to the history of India, wore DHOTI, but not LUNGI. Lungi was introduced by the Buddhist
religion, which traveled through the Northern part of India and traveled down to the Southern part of India, and men replaced
the DHOTI with the LUNGI.
An unbeliever in the message of Malachi 4, Bishop Reckart, had to make fun of Gan for wearing a Lungi, asking
Gan if he was normal, stating that Gan was wearing a skirt and that he supported cross-dressing of men and women, and
branding him as a sissy, a closet transvestite or possible homosexual. He even showed in the Bible that the wearing of
breaches was for men only.
Leviticus 6:10 <And the priest shall put on his linen garment, and his linen breeches shall he put upon his flesh, and
take up the ashes which the fire hath consumed with the burnt offering on the altar, and he shall put them beside the altar.>
Also Leviticus 16:4, Exodus 28:42, 39:28 and Ezekiel 44:18.
Gan became a stumblingblock to many people, even in the message.
The Bible said, I Corinthians 8:13 <Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the
world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.>


I am Brother Joseph Nyangu, a preacher of righteousness and at present receiving instructions on how to expose
damnable heresies. I am contented to proclaim to everyone that I stand here in Zambia free from Ganism. I would like to alert
my precious brothers and sisters to check this man’s publications seriously with the bible and the message before they can put
across any disapproval from these writings.
Gan’s philosophy cannot just go by like that without any remark being passed by the one who was once entangled in
his heresies. He has perverted the message and tarnished the image of the prophet William Marrion Branham. I wrote to him
to denounce his heresies after making a comprehensive check throughout his teaching.
Allow me at this moment to give tribute to Exposition Of Damnable Heresies (E.O.D.H.) for stopping and silencing
the mouth of this self-proclaimed prophet/apostle. May God continue to bless E.O.D.H that more souls may be delivered
from the shackles of Ganism.
Richard Gan is a Singaporean Born Chinese International Heretic who claims to believe the prophet and the message and
has a book publication ministry where he stated in his writing that: -
 Prophetic Revelation was adopted and afterwards confirmed after seeing an article in the local newspaper.
 He is a prophet and an apostle doing the work of restoring the apostolic foundation
 The message of Brother Branham can never perfect the Bride.

Let’s begin from here:

Prophetic Revelation:

Quote Richard Gan: …So, in March 1974, ‘Prophetic Revelation’ was adopted as the new name of our present
ministry. A sign was given to me, several days later, as a confirmation of the right choice of the new name when an article
entitled “What is prophetic revelation?” appeared in the local newspaper. (Foundation and the wall page 47)

Richard Gan adopted prophetic revelation as a new name for his ministry in March 1974. After seeing an article in
the local newspaper entitled, “What is prophetic revelation?”, he claims that was a sign given to him confirming the name for
the present ministry. He is afraid to bring out what kind of sign was given to him, nevertheless we ask him to further explain
about the sign so that we can check it by the bible and the message because we are not interested in man made-up stories.
Gan is telling us that God confirmed to him about his Prophetic Revelation through the media, a local newspaper instead of
the bible. He saw an attractive headline in the local newspaper and that was a confirmation to him from God.
Brethren, the bible says, prove all things; hold fast to that which is good. Richard Gan did not endorse his claim by
any scripture and the message of the hour. So how are we going to believe such a one? There isn’t any scripture or quotation
from the prophet to back his claim?
Apostle Paul did not receive any revelation of the word of God from the media or any of the newspapers. He
preached his message by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Brother Branham said they copy and compare with the world; we
cannot be a success by doing anything the world does.

Quote WMB: But man wanted to be like, they compare, or to copy after, go like the world does, say the things that
they do, make a success the way they were a success. We cannot never be a success doing anything the world does. We can
only be a success as we follow after God’s statutes and His ways of doing thing. We can never be by patterning after the
world. If the cigarette company has met their greatest success by television, and the beer and the whiskey crowd has made
their great success through the contribution of television, That’s no sign that the church shall make its success by television.
The success of the church lies within the preaching of the Gospel, of the power of God, and the demonstration of the spirit.
(A Deceived Church by the World L -13).

The church cannot be a success by copying worldly knowledge (local newspaper and television). The success of the
church lies within the preaching of the Gospel. The success of the church lies in the power of God and demonstration of the
spirit. The church cannot copy from the media because the media is a technique of the enemy. The techniques of the church
lie in the revelation of the Holy Ghost to his prophets. You will never please God with worldly ambitions and knowledge,
because they are enmity to God.

Quote WMB: And there’s no need for any man to try to take his worldly knowledge and ever please God with it.
It’s an abomination in the sight of God. You will never please God with the worldly ambitions and knowledge, because it’s
enmity to God, says the Scripture. He cannot do it. (Deceived Church by the World L 16).

The prophet said it is an abomination in the sight of God for anyone to try to take worldly knowledge and please
God with it. God cannot use the local newspaper to give a message to his children. God has got his way of doing things and
that is through the scriptures. The scripture in the book of Matthew 5:14 says, “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set
on an hill cannot be hid.” The world must copy from the church and not vice versa. The world can never be the light of the
Apostle Paul in the book of Galatians 1:11 said,
“But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of
man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
Richard Gan’s Prophetic ministry did not originate from God. He received his confirmation from man; he was
taught by man from the local newspaper. And all these medias of local newspapers are techniques of the devil. Satan controls
these medias. Therefore Richard Gan’s prophetic revelation is from the devil, direct from the abyss.
Brethren, prophetic revelation is the mechanism of Satan, which the devil is using to kill the message. I call all
followers of Richard Gan to understand the simplicity of the scripture and the message and separate from this heretic and his
heresies. We have identified his ministry; it is a machinery of the devil. We therefore refute, defy and expose it.

“God has reaffirmed my prophetic teaching ministry”:

Quote Richard Gan: “God has reaffirmed my prophetic teaching ministry, and has called me, as an apostle, to the
work of 'restoring' the apostolic foundation. I knew I would have to travel when the time came for me to do so. I was still
working as a male nurse at that time. So, I just recorded the dream and the interpretations in my Bible and awaited the
fulfillments”. (Foundation and the wall. page 50).

Richard Gan claims that God reaffirmed his prophet-teaching ministry. This man in short calls himself a prophet.
He claims that God confirmed his prophet-teaching ministry to him, only that he is afraid to openly declare that office. The
word affirmed means confirmed or acknowledged. Reaffirmed means confirmed twice. Gan is telling the world that God
twice confirmed his prophetic office. Let us check his claim with the bible and the message.
Now to start with brethren there is no scriptural evidence to support such a claim. No one from among the apostles
of Jesus was ever called by a dream. The scripture rejects this man and his claim; he never saw Jesus Christ face to face. A
prophet does not go to sleep in order to be called. Joseph the husband of Mary could not say God reaffirmed my prophetic
teaching ministry after seeing an angel in a dream because he was not a prophet. Richard Gan claims that God told him that
he is a teacher of prophecy but regrettably, where in the New Testament and the message was a prophet called by a dream?

Quote W.M.B.: 50. Now, dreams are not an assurance. Every dream is not from God. Now, there’s many people
that has dreams, and they have all kinds of dreams. And you go to bed at night, and eat a big supper and go to bed, and you
might dream anything. You might have a fever, and you might have all kinds of nightmares, and so forth, that isn’t God. (We
have seen his Star and have come to worship him, Page 9).

Mr. Gan cannot teach anyone how to prophesy. He is miles away from it. And nowhere in the New Testament and
the Message, God ever appeared in a dream and said, I call, affirm and reaffirm your prophetic, apostolic and teaching
ministry. Brother Branham said a dream is a secondary way of God speaking to a just man that is if there is no prophet in the

Quote WMB: 88 Joseph, her husband, being a just man he pondered on the things… studied in the Scriptures. How
could these things be?” While he was studying, the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. He wasn’t a prophet. And
there wasn’t a prophet on the earth in those days, no one who could come to him with THUS SAITH THE LORD, so the
Lord took the secondarily way. That’s a dream; …there was no prophet in the land, so He took secondarily, the dream. A
sleep, and he sees the Angel. (We have Seen His Star And Have Come To Worship Him December 16, 1963).

Peter did not go to sleep to receive his calling as an apostle, Paul did not go to sleep to receive his calling as an
apostle. He heard Jesus speaking, “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” And he said, “Who are art thou, Lord?” Acts 9: 4-
5. If Gan alleges to be a prophet in the five-fold ministry I have news for him. No prophet was ever called by a dream
among the apostles. The apostles were called by a fire burning experience and by the Lord personally calling them. The
bible says in Romans 3:4; let every man be a liar and God be true always.
We challenge all the followers of Richard Gan to believe the scriptures and the prophet rather than a hypocrite who
claims to believe the prophet and at the same time contradicts him. The scripture states, “…Believe in the Lord your God so
shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. (II Chronicles 20:20). “Surely the Lord God will do nothing,
but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7). Richard Gan substituted God’s program with his
program. But unbelief will not hinder God’s program. Unbelief will kill the unbeliever.
A dream is a secondary way of God speaking when there isn’t a prophet in the land. Any dream and any
interpretation must be examined by the scriptures. He dreamed and recorded the interpretation in the bible. But that is far
away from being a prophet.

Quote W.M.B.: A prophet, or seer, doesn’t go to sleep, he sees the angel standing here.

Brethren, there is a lot of canal impersonations with Richard Gan. He cannot continue with the scriptures and the
message because he is not a genuine sent of God. But a true prophet sent by God will live on the word and will by no means
contradict the other prophets. This man inverts dreams. He never saw Jesus face to face. His claim is groundless and
unfounded from any of the prophet’s messages and God’s infallible word of truth. We have therefore proven false Gan’s
claim of God reaffirming his prophetic teaching ministry. His claim is satanic to mislead the children of God.

“God Has Called Me As An Apostle”:

Quote Richard Gan: “God has reaffirmed my prophetic teaching

ministry, and has called me, as an apostle, to the work of 'restoring' the apostolic foundation …” (Foundation and the wall.
page 50).
He claims that he was called as an apostle to the work of restoring the apostolic foundation. Gan claim that he is
an apostle and God confirmed that twice to him in a dream. Let us hear him again
Now brethren, it was a man from USA who handpicked Richard Gan and made him pompous.

Quote Richard Gan: In November 1980, a minister from California, U.S.A. …Visited Singapore. When he visited
Singapore, he ministered to our little church for three nights. On the third night, as he ministered, he began to discern the
people in the church. Then he turned around, to where I was sitting at the side, and pointed at me and said, “Brother Gan,
you have an apostolic ministry. The time is come for you to move.”(The Foundation and the wall page 50).

Let us prove if this handpicked apostle is from the bible. He claims to be restoring the apostolic foundation. Which
scripture is he fulfilling so that we might believe him? The prophet fulfilled Matthew 17:11:
“And Jesus answered and said unto them, “Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.”
The prophet is restored and Gan claims he is also restoring. How many restorers do we have in Matthew 17:11?
Apostle Paul, according to 1 Corinthians 3:10 said,
“According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and
another buildeth thereon. Let every man take heed how he buildeth thereon.”
Paul laid the foundation of the Gentile church being the first star to the Gentiles. Brother Branham later restored the
church to the already laid foundation according the words of Jesus Christ in Mathew 17:11, and the Elijah we know is none
other than Malachi 4:5-6. This means that Gan’s foundation is built on the sand because there is no other foundation any man
can lay apart from the one which was laid by Apostle Paul and restored by the Prophet William Branham. The word of God
was never lost. The church was lost. The prophet with his message takes us back to the word. The prophet and his message
restore the church to the word.
Which foundation is Richard Gan talking about? He wants to create himself an office. No Sir, the five fold must
perfect and edify the church. We have been built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. This took Malachi 4:5-
6, not to point like Gan suggests, but to turn our hearts, to restore, re-establish, and bring us back to the foundation of the
apostles and the prophets. Elijah and his message takes us back even to a place where we shall receive creative power. There
is no position for Richard Gan. If Gan is restoring a foundation that is a foundation for his church. As we heard that some
men ran away from his church.
Now dreams are not all accurate they can be inverted. No apostle was ever called by a dream. Paul was called by a
Pillar of Fire (Acts 9:1-4) and his ministry was reaffirmed by the Holy Ghost in Act 13:2;
“As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work
whereunto I have called them.”
The apostles were called by Jesus Christ Himself.
I wrote to Richard Gan reminding him that there can never be two restorers set on Matthew 17:11. He replied and

Quote Richard Gan: “If BB was the Restorer, as many called him, and that ALL THINGS WERE RESTORED, then
why are there all these broken foundation of the many believing churches? Why are there all these confusion about the
statements of BB?”

See, he forgets that he is carrying a container full of heresies confusing the believers and later he blows his own horn
and asks, “Why is there confusion in the message?” That is silly, isn’t it?

Quote Richard Gan: “Acts 5:15-16:2 Cor. 12:12. These texts do not conclusively prove that every one of the
apostles demonstrated the power of healing and healed every sick person brought before them. (Foundation and the wall
page 34).

In short Gan states that among the apostles, some were weak or powerless like him. He is a frustrated false apostle
and the above scriptures expose his madness.
Richard Gan is very bitter, full of arrogance and hatred, and has no scripture to back him up. He depends on
assumptions. He wants to hide behind some apostles whose miraculous signs and wonders were not recorded in the bible. We
do not believe in fictitious stories or fables. Brethren, let me quote what Acts 5:12 –16 says:
“And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people;”
(Apostles (plural). That was before Paul came in).
“…and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch. …14. And believers were the more added to the Lord,
multitudes both of men and women.) Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and
couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them. There came also a multitude out of
the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were
healed every one.”
They were healed every one; that is what the bible says. Gan contradicts the scripture by saying not everyone of
the apostles demonstrated the power of healing. Whom shall we believe, the bible or a false apostle? Gan’s speech of being
an apostle must not just come with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but with demonstration of the Spirit and of Power.
“And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but demonstration of the Spirit
and of Power.” (1 Corinthians 2:4).
Now brethren do you understand why we call Richard Gan a false apostle? For the bible says, “… thou hast tried
them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars.” Richard Gan has enticing words of man’s
wisdom but where power and demonstration of the Spirit is concerned, he has none, and even poorer if you take his teachings
to the bible. A genuine apostle called by God must have the true word confirmed with power and the demonstration of the
We believe that there will be a five-fold ministry who are currently in preparation, and they will base their teachings
on the bible and the revealed word that came by the messenger of this age. The five-fold will not come with their own
message different from the teachings of Paul, Peter and the prophet. If the five-fold has to preach they will preach what was
revealed by the prophets, for a prophet has the word of God. Anyone who claims to be an apostle must be based on the
scriptures and the message. Any apostle who comes without power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit is a false apostle.
And let me pronounce that any dreamer whose dream cannot be placed in the scriptures has an evil spirit. Any apostle who
cannot be placed in II Corinthians 12:12, is a reject.
“Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty
We need a genuine born again Apostle with an old fashion experience of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, fire-
burning, who met Jesus Christ face to face. Richard Gan can never qualify, we therefore defy, refute expose his teachings and
call them heresies.
Paul was not a weak and a pathetic apostle; Peter was not an immobilized apostle. Which apostle was ever called by
a dream, which apostle came by local newspapers, which apostle came powerless? But this weak, powerless, helpless
philosopher thinks he can explain the bible better than Elijah. He thinks he has the right to take away from Elijah’s message.
Richard Gan, you are digging your own grave by attacking the message of Elijah. You will have no one to stand for you on
that day. Repent or perish.
He wrote one time scaring me by saying that I had no fear for God’s servant. But who is God’s servant between him
and Elijah? Elijah was born with a pillar of light hovering over him. The man clothed in white walked out of the light and
said, “fear not, I am sent from the presence of Almighty God and above all he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. But this
Richard Gan, firstly he read from the Seven Church Age book and came out of the Assemblies. Second, he claimed he was
called by a dream to do the work of restoring the apostolic foundation. Third, his friend handpicked and told him that you are
an apostle. Fourth, he got a confirmation for the name of his ministry, “Prophetic revelation” after reading an article that
appeared in a local newspaper instead of the bible. Fifth, he turns against the message that made him to come out from the
denomination prison. Sixth, he tells us in his original sin message that the two trees in the Garden of Eden were two laws
governing the sexual reproductive organs which are in the midst of the garden of the human body. How can you respect
such a man who has no fear for misplacing and giving false interpretation to the scripture and the message of Elijah?
Thanks to Trinidad, India and the Philippines for alerting Zambia, and the rest of the countries about this
Singaporean born Chinese man sowing seeds of discrepancies.

“The Message Of William Branham Can Never Perfect The Bride”:

Quote Richard Gan: “God is using the Fivefold Ministry to perfect the Bride. The message of William Branham
can never perfect the Bride. His message was a “decree” for us to separate ourselves from man-made creeds and dogmas,
and to restore us to the Word. When we are in the Word, God will raise up the Walls around the City and perfect us within
the City while keeping out all the religious trash. Amen.” (Foundation and the Wall paragraph 5).

Richard Gan does not believe that the message of Revelation 10:7 perfects the Bride, but one wonders what message
then perfects the Bride because Malachi 4:5-6 preached what Paul and Peter preached. In the message, “Beyond the Curtain
of Time 1961.”

Quote W.M.B.: …I ask, "Does Paul and Peter have to stand this judgment also? "The answer was, "Yes. …
E-24 … I said, "I have preached what they preached. I did not divert from it to one side or the other. Where they
baptized in the Name of Jesus, I did too. Where they taught the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I did too. Whatever they taught, I
taught also.”

What messages will the five-fold preach which are contrary to what Paul, Peter and Brother Branham preached? To
say that the message of Brother Branham can never perfect the Bride, is to throw out what the prophet said in the message,
“Jehovah Jireh pt.3 03/08/60.”
Quote W.M.B.: “… I said, then if Paul makes it, I will too, because I preached the same thing he did, without
compromising on one word…”

Richard Gan contradicts the message. He cannot explain the message that perfects the Bride. He argues without
offering a solution. It means that he is a bluff; he has a bow without an arrow; he is a toothless lion.
Trying to refute that the message of William Branham can perfect the Bride is to disagree with the messages:
“Beyond the curtain of time”, “Jehovah Jireh part 3”, “Absolute” and the rest of the messages.
We are mature and we have confirmed that the prophet preached what Paul preached. He preached the baptism in
the Name of Jesus Christ. He preached the Baptism of the Holy Ghost; Holiness Standards. He never compromised and
diverted from it.
Gan was in the Assemblies of God. He came out by reading the message of the prophet messenger: “Seven Church
Ages”, and today he has turned around against the same message, which took him out of his denominational prison. He says
we must get back to the bible. How could we go back to the bible without following a star that takes us back to the bible?
God does not do anything without a sign. The shepherds faithfully followed the star and it led them to Jesus the word of God.
If he says the prophet died, I will tell him that the message is still alive. The message was the forerunner to the
second coming of the Lord. The Shout is still working even now making others free from Ganism.
Gan’s spirit is that of Korah who came out of Egypt in prison after hearing the message of the messenger and on the
way turned against Moses and his message. If God sent Korah and that group to hell; who is this Singaporean born Chinese
to stand the judgment coming ahead because his reaction to the message is absolutely the same as that of Korah. This is why
he awfully dislikes anyone quoting from the messages of the prophet.
When Abel by faith offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, Cain became envious and, no doubt,
Richard Gan is linked to Cain. After the prophet preached the more excellent message, Gan was told by his friend to go forth
with a bag of intellectualism and sowed his heresies. Even false apostles are ordained to fulfill their part of sowing seeds of
discrepancies. But a genuine apostle must come with the truth, confirmed by power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit.
I challenge Richard Gan to tell us the message that perfects the Bride apart from what Malachi 4:5-6 preached.


This self-proclaimed Singaporean false apostle has called the wise servants following the star, which leads them to
Christ, the Word, “Branhamites.” What would Richard Gan call those wise men in Matthew 2: 1-10 who came from the east
of Jerusalem, after Jesus had been born in Bethlehem of Judea, following the star until it led them to Christ the Word? What
name could have been given to those shepherds, if Richard Gan happened to live in their days? He would have called them
starites. At first we just picked up the word Branhamite without a serious consideration on what it meant and the negative
impact it had on the message, the messenger and the word of God. Richard Gan with his intellectual terms has brought
reproach to the message and the messenger. We are not Branhamites; there is no such a thing as Branhamites.
Richard Gan is not a believer. He is a denominational preacher. This is why he has joined the denominational world
in blaspheming the messenger. Had it been a denominational preacher calling the message believers “Branhamites”, we
would not mind. But for someone who claims to believe the same prophet messenger, calling other believers “Branhamites”,
it is really a shame and carnal minded. Rejecting the message is to reject the messenger because the message and the
messenger is one and the same thing.

Quote W.M.B.: 66 we find out that when a man comes, sent from God, ordained of God with the truth THUS
SAITH THE LORD, the message and the messenger are one and the same. Because he is sent to represent THUS SAITH
THE LORD, Word by Word, so he and his message is the same. (Spiritual Food In Due Season 65-0718e).

Gan has contradicted the message and given an incorrect term to all those that have believed the message of the
prophet Elijah. He is a descendant of Korah who thought he was smarter than Moses, but Korah with his intellectualism went
to hell and he never entered the Promised Land. He rejected the prophet and he perished. It is reject and perish. Repent or
Moses was a sign that led Israel and left them to Joshua (Jehovah God). The prophet and his message is another sign
in our age that leads us to Jesus Christ. All those who spoke perverse things against Moses died right in the wilderness. So
shall it be in this generation.
Since Richard Gan says the message of the prophet can never perfect the Bride, I would like to advise him, not to
pretend but to be man enough and send the Seven Church Age book and the rest of the messages of the prophet to us the
followers of Malachi 4:5-6.
Richard Gan, if you are an apostle coming with your own message of “perfection”, as you claim, surrender the
messages of the prophet. Thank you Lord Jesus for E.O.D.H.
Tribute goes to Brother Augustine Kabengele the additional information. Thanks to Choma Spoken Word Ministry
for the support and encouragement. Tribute to Brother Bruce and Ronald Watson, God bless you.
After this denouncement was sent out, denouncing Gan and his heresies; one of Gan’s supporters, Ambrose Omal,
replied. He had not so much as one scripture to defend the heresies that were denounced. He chose rather to utter senseless
railings against the author, saying that his statements is no different than Korah and Cain uttered, and that he should allow
God to defend His own Word and disapprove Gan, and that one day he will pay for criticizing servants of God. He called the
author, “Heretic number one”, and accused him of not having a humble spirit, lacking love and full of wrath and bitterness.
The author’s response to him was as follows:
Dear Mr. Ambrose,
Christian greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Your epistle is most welcome and I would
like to take the liberty to commend you about your most positive letter of guidance, warning of bitterness and hate to have
love and acceptance toward those that preach heresies and to let God fight for his Word. I would like to state that I am not
beyond corrections and they are always welcomed from even the least in the Kingdom of God. However, any correction must
be scriptural and message based, which I found wanting in your letter.
Mr. Omal got stumbled at the statement uttered in the attachment and he said I was not different from Korah and
Cain. The precious soul did not specify the statements that pained him in his heart. He just said, “I read your attachment with
pain in my heart”.
He uttered the ten points with personal feelings and selfish interest to drive away my attention from the issues that
were raised in the manuscript and all he could do was to pity Mr. Gan… these were the statements: -

 Richard Gan is a Singaporean Born Chinese International Permanent Heretic.

 Gan’s Prophetic revelation is from the devil and direct from the abyss.
 Brethren prophetic revelation is the mechanism of Satan, which the devil is using to kill the message.
 Separate from this heretic and his heresies.
 Rather than a hypocrite who claims to believe the prophet and at the same time contradicts him.
 Unbelief will kill the unbeliever.
 What he is claiming are the deceit of his heart.
 He is a frustrated false apostle and the above scriptures expose his madness
 Richard Gan is a false apostle

Now if my language has no sign of a message believer how much more was the language of Jesus, John, Apostle
Peter, Paul, Jude Titus and Brother Branham?...Jude 8,10,13
Mr. Ambrose, was Jude a message believer to be calling others dirty dreamers, brute beasts wandering stars
even likening them to Balaam?
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear
beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. … Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers,
how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Mat 23:27, 33.
Mr. Ambrose does this language disturb you? Do you still feel pain in your heart after reading these scriptures?
…Mr. Ambrose you must be one of a PETTICOAT PREACHER for you to utter such damnation. You want to tell
me that all these preachers who uttered strong statements were not quiet in spirit, humble, loving, and kind to one another?
They referred to the heretics as whited sepulchers, serpents, generation of vipers, unruly, vain talkers, deceivers, always
liars, evil beasts, slow bellies, being abominable, and disobedient, reprobate, filthy (dirty) dreamers and swine. Brother
Branham even called some of them who are like you Mr. Ambrose, a bunch of idiots. Brother Bruce called Richard Gan a
donkey. Are you telling me that all these preachers lacked a quiet spirit, humble, loving, and kind to one another?
...the statements of the above servants were more terrible than mine. Mr. Ambrose you are a dead hypocrite reading
your Bible upside down. You must be a big compromiser of the message your country has ever produced.
Mr. Ambrose is asking a question that why don’t I allow God to do His work? Mr. Ambrose, why didn’t Apostle
Paul allow God to do his work after he noticed the Galatians being moved from the truth to another gospel?
Why didn’t Jude allow God to do his work when he said, “Woe unto them! For they have gone in the way of
Cain…to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever”
Why didn’t Paul allow God to stop the mouth of some Jews who were unruly, vain talkers and deceivers like Mr.
Ambrose is claiming? Paul advised Titus to rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith not giving heed to
Jewish fables.
Now Mr. Ambrose, tell me who disapproved Simon the sorcerer, was it God or Peter? Maybe your Bible is far
away from you. Peter was the one who disapproved the sorcerer. I am proving false your love gospel Mr. Ambrose, which
says that I must wait for God to disapprove the Singaporean heretic, Richard Gan. God is in his Word; this is why Peter used
the Word to disapprove Mr. Sorcerer. He did not wait for thunderstorms and lightning to come and condemn the sorcerer.
Peter told the sorcerer to repent for his wickedness. The spirit and its anointing upon you are very much contrary to the Holy
Spirit that was upon Peter, Jude, Paul and Brother Branham. Mr. Ambrose I call you to Repentance for your lies.
Mr. Ambrose with his Love gospel speaks like a Chairman of WCC…
Mr. Ambrose you have missed the mark. You cannot fit your love gospel into the scriptures… WMB said the early
church made a great mistake by attending the Nicene Council in 325 AD. They compromised the Word of God and this is
what you are advising me to do.
We don’t need sympathizers of Heretics in the message of the hour that have planned to kill the message. Apostle
Paul said, for do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? “For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the
servant of Christ.” You want me to please you and your master Mr. Gan. I cannot do it. If you want to challenge me do it by
the Bible and the message and not with mixed feelings. Shalom, Brother Joseph Nyangu.


Heretical Articles Nos. 459-462


“Apostle” and Pastor Raymond Jackson, regarded as an elder, by message believers, and popularly known as
Junior Jackson, circulates a magazine entitled, “The Contender.” He gained great popularity by his dreams, high
commendation as a dreamer, and interpretations of few of his dreams by the Prophet. After the departure of the prophet he
interpreted his dreams that the Prophet, had already interpreted. (He was declared only a dreamer by the Prophet, not an
interpreter of dreams.) He had other dreams which he interpreted. Upon such assumptions of God speaking and instructing
him into an apostolic ministry, his seventh seal/seven thunders program was erroneously established. He believes like
Richard Gan that seven men are to reveal the seven thunders. Their heresies are similar in nature with certain exceptions. He
appointed himself “Joshua” that followed our Moses, the chief apostle to the gentiles, heading the five-fold ministry, and the
He used a new dream to further interpret a part of his dream, which the prophet never interpreted. Jackson’s
interpretation was that his horse represented the power of the Word, his authority to unveil the scriptures, and his apostolic
By casual examination of Jackson’s white horse rider dream: anyone can understand that the prophet never related
or interpreted the dream the way that Apostle Jackson is projecting it. The prophet saw his dream by a vision before he gave
the interpretation and never said what Jackson is now saying. The prophet is right and Junior is wrong. Two white horses
were in his dream, a large horse which the Prophet was riding, and a smaller horse which Jackson
was riding.
The prophet’s horse rode straight into the sun, but Jackson only tried out his horse, and returned to the earth. Later
he had another dream which he used to add more to his interpretation. In that dream the prophet gave him a preacher’s license
in the mail. He used that dream to interpret what the prophet was silent about. The prophet never told him the work he had to
do, whether good or evil. Why would the prophet not tell him, but rather told him to stay with the Word? This would be
clearly understood by the exposition of his heresies.
Another dream he interpreted, was one in which he quoted the prophet as saying that he wanted him to go and speak
for him. This the prophet repeated twice and Jackson bluntly refused, and told the prophet that he would only go if he could
preach “these”, referring to seven of his own messages. The prophet gave him the permission, as he did with church order.

Basis of apostle JacKson’s inteRpRetations

The foundation of Jackson’s 7th seal/7 thunders program is based upon 7 sermons of his dreams. He propagated his
program for many years and boasted, that none has ever challenged his revelations. E.O.D.H now takes up this challenge on
the basis of the written Word and message of the hour. His agent from Lagos, Nigeria is one: Amos Segun Omoboriowo,
who fully supports him in his errors and heresies. He is going upon the reputation of a man and not upon the Word of God, or
he would have a different testimony.
His ministry climbed up to the seventh seal/seven thunders, like all other impersonators on the field, but is built
upon his association with the prophet, and has more weight by using the prophet’s name. His program doesn’t fit the real
program of God, therefore it is not of God. Anything that is contrary to the program of God is antichrist. With all due respect
to this apostle, dreamer and elder, we must stand for truth. We must not exempt him from this work, though we had not
exposed him in time past because of lack of information. Brother Branham said that the thunders must be according to the


Heretical Article No. 459: “Church order is only for Branham Tabernacle and not other message assemblies.”
Quote Raymond Jackson: church order… They played the tape of it at the Tabernacle… but when I went home, I
said, Whenever we are at the Tabernacle, I will honor church order there. I will sit there quietly. But I cannot see it in the
scriptures. I realize he has a right to make an order to correct a disorder any way he sees fit to do so, but that is not for Faith
Assembly. The next Sunday…I… said, People…I have heard the church order… but I cannot and will not put it in here. If
God wants gifts to be operated, they will operate in the open, because that is the only way I can see it in the Bible.(The Body
of Christ Part 2).

E.O.D.H. Answer: This dreamer disagreed with the prophet on the teachings of church order, and those who
belonged to the Branham Tabernacle, who also disagreed, went down to fellowship at Junior’s church. He allowed people to
prophesy, speak in tongues and interpret in the open congregation, though the prophet forbid it, placing all such gifts into a
room, to be operated before service, and their messages to be read at the pulpit. Some people, who recognized that, came
against him and handled the matter in a wrong manner. The prophet corrected them from the pulpit.

Quote W.M.B.: 1022-124 Somebody made fun of somebody leaving the Tabernacle and went down to Brother
Junior Jackson's for a church. Said, "They went down amongst the 'dead birds.'" Aren't you ashamed to make a remark like
that? Ever who you are, if you're my kid here in Christ, I'm ashamed of you. Don't do a thing like that. Junior Jackson is my
…because when I set the church here in a certain order, when I come back, to see if I could get the manifestation of
the gifts, half of them pulled away from it.. If it cannot stand chastisement, then it's a bastard child."… And when the
chastisement come, what happened?...
Now, Brother Junior Jackson had a right to disagree with that. That's Brother Junior's troubles; that's up to him. But
Junior Jackson believes this Message the same as any of the rest of us does, just like I do… So don't say that about the
brethren. (Questions & Answers 64-0823E).

The prophet was gifted with wisdom to handle unscriptural ministers, in a manner to keep the peace, avoid
contentions and also keep an open door to get the message to the church. He never condemned them openly, but said enough
to let spiritual minded people understand that their teachings were wrong. With the same method, he took up for Jackson, but
wisely let the church know that the operation of those gifts was contrary to the Word, and the people who could not stand that
chastisement were bastard born and stated: “That’s Jackson’s trouble.”
Jackson capitalized on what the prophet said not understanding the wisdom of the prophet in rebuking him, and
concluded that church order is only for the tabernacle. Church order was not only for the Tabernacle, but was the setting in
order of spiritual gifts, for the control of gifts in the church, (1 Corinthians chaps. 12 & 14). If that was only for the
Tabernacle, then what Paul did was only for the Corinthian Church. It was not. That was Paul’s instructions that the prophet
of God broke down. Jackson or any other heretic who disregards
such instructions is bastard born.
His disagreement and disobedience to the prophet and church order started Jackson’s trouble. No one can ignore a
prophet and prosper with God. “…believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” (II Chronicles 20:20).
E.O.D.H boldly and valiantly takes up the challenge of the heretic Jackson and will now prove that his seventh
seal/seven thunders program is Satanic. We challenge the foundation of his heretical claim by the exposition of his seven
messages. Since both chief apostles are established on the same heresies, the answer to some of Jackson’s heresies will be
referred to the answers given to Gan’s heresies. We trust that after such exposition, that Elder Jackson will repent.

Heretical Article No. 460: “Jackson is the chief apostle of the five-fold ministry.”
E.O.D.H. Answer: Both apostles: Richard Gan and Junior Jackson built their ministries upon Dreams and
experiences. Gan’s dream revealed and placed him as having the first prize, as the chief apostle and likewise Jackson claims
to be the chief apostle. Two male rats are living in the same hole and will have wars. Both men preach the same heresies with
much variation, and are fighting over the first prize “chief apostleship”. The five-fold ministry is not yet positionally placed,
though it exists. This was evidently proven in E.O.D.H. book ten, pages 66-91….. The sons of God are not yet manifested.

Heretical Article No. 461: “Rev. 10:3 says that Seven Thunders uttered T-H-E-I-R V-O-I-C-E-S. Those seven
thunders will be the voices of 7 men; full of the Holy Ghost. They may live thousands of miles apart, but they will all hear
and speak the same.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: For a complete exposition of this heresy, see heretical article no. 355; pages 172-175 of
E.O.D.H. Book 12. However chief apostle Jackson struck an important note to expose both himself and Gan. Both men vary
on heresies and are fighting for the chief apostleship. They are both disqualified even for the last prize, because according to
Jackson’s doctrine, they must hear, see and speak the same, and they are not, therefore, it’s antichrist, full of pride and self
instead of the Holy Ghost. They are exposed by their own words, attitude and claims.

Heretical Article No. 462: “Jesus only became God after his experience on the banks of Jordan.”
E.O.D.H. Answer: He was born the Emmanuel. The Word is God. (See book 9: Heretical Article No. 87, question #
35; pages 89-90, for a full exposition of this heresy).

Heretical Articles Nos. 463-487




Heretical Article No. 463: “Back in this era, (before Genesis 1: 2) there was such a thing as prehistoric man.”
E.O.D.H. Answer: This heresy is established upon a vague quotation of the prophet.

Quote W.M.B.: 292-1{92} I believe every seed was laying right there from some other civilization or something,
and as soon as the water lifted off and the light struck it, up come the trees and everything. (The fourth Seal 63-0321).

There are no other teachings of Brother Branham nor scriptures to support this damnable heresy! It is based strictly
upon science. Note the similarity of doctrine on Gan’s heresy, which was exposed on this book. See heretical articles nos.
355-405 and 596-658; pages 12-138. Apostle Jackson is trying to make science fit the bible by breaking down the word:
“replenish”. He has no authority to reveal any mystery in the bible. He is a false apostle and deceitful worker (2 Corinthians
There was no prehistoric man created. This idea is inspired of Satan and science. This is not scriptural. None of the
prophets indicated it. Man’s first creation is recorded in Genesis 1: 26-28 and 2:7.

Heretical Article No. 464: “Those angels did begin to pervert and change the nature of the animals they were ruling
over… animals begin to kill and devour other animals… eventually there were blood spots all over the face of this globe…
this is exactly how the planet became void, as is found in Genesis 1:1.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: It’s amazing that the “chief apostle to the bride” is so dumb that he has overlooked the
connection of Genesis 1:1, which associated creation with the earth being void, and utter all the foolishness above about
how the earth became void. The word simply stated that God created the Heavens and the Earth and the earth was without
form and void. Void means empty, useless and worthless. It never became void by blood spots upon the globe. No where in
scripture nor the message, said that angels were ruling over the animals, perverted their natures and that they killed each
other. It seems both these chief apostles read some comic books before uttering such foolishness.

Heretical Article No. 465: “God had to judge those angels for what they did to the creation they were put in charge

E.O.D.H. Answer: Nonsense “chief”; this is unscriptural and not message based. Stop talking nonsense.
Revelation chapter 12 tells us plainly why the angels were judged and placed in chains of darkness awaiting their final
judgment. They were led astray by Lucifer who rebelled against God. No where in the word and message advocates this
heresy, that they were judged because of disturbing the animals.
<How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst
weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit
also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.> Isaiah 14: 12-16
<Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou
hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will
cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.> (Ezekiel 28: 14-17).

Heretical Article No. 466: “The animal kingdom God gave Adam was just a new bunch that God fashioned from a
mud hole somewhere. So God just resurrected them in whatever stature of size He wanted them to be…and that is what He
brought to Adam.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: It is written that “God made the beast of the earth after his kind.” And he also said, “Let us make
man in our image”. (Genesis 1: 26 & 27). Two chief apostles cannot read their bible. It’s astounding. They cannot
differentiate the word resurrection from creation, and utter Capital foolishness that “the animals were resurrected from a
mud hole. They existed before and were resurrected.” How can a heretic change the word of God from creation to
resurrection? It’s amazing.

Heretical Article No. 467: “What scientists call the modern man, (90,000yrs ago), that was the serpent that had
been resurrected, to be at the head of the animal kingdom given to Adam.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: There is no scripture nor message quotation to support this damnable heresy. Genesis: 1 never
suggested or indicted in any way about the resurrection of the serpent or any beast, but evidently spoke about the creation of
all animals, fish and fowls. We challenge both these warring apostles to quote one single scripture in support of this heresy.

Heretical Article No. 468: "And God said, Let us (He is speaking to His angelic beings) make man in our image,
after our likeness.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: For a full exposition of this heresy, we include here Question 48, pages 104-107 E.O.D.H. Book

Question # 48: “When God said let us create man, to whom was he referring to in Genesis?”

Answer: You see, organizations believe in a Trinity. As far as they are concerned, He was speaking to the other two
fellows. One man who wants to believe in the oneness, he said, “He was speaking to angels.” I said, “Then the angels are in
the image of man?” No! Man is not in the image of angels.
Now again, we have to come back to 1 Corinthians 12:3, “No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy
Ghost.” We are all familiar with these scriptures and these teachings for decades. We are right on the middle line concerning
the Godhead.
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon
the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”
(Genesis 1: 26-27).
Now, this confusion came in with the word “us”, that, if God is one who was He speaking to, and said, "let us make
man in our own image”? I have read the accounts of men and certain men said, “That's a simple question, He was speaking to
the angels, because the angels were already created ahead of man.” But I asked them the question, “Are the angels in the
image of God for God to tell the angels, “Let us make man in our image?” Now, the angels are not in the image of God,
but only man was created in the image of God, therefore, He was talking to somebody else. And this could go very deep
and sweet, but we would answer the question.
We have to face the fact that if God is one God, He was speaking to somebody because the English language has not
lost its meaning. “Let us make man in our image and our likeness.” Angels don't have the image of God, neither does
Lucifer. He had to be talking to somebody that has the image of God, like God Himself. And if we search from Genesis to
Revelation, there is only one that has the image of God. Not an angel, not a bird, not a mule, not a horse, so He could not
be talking about the animals He created. And my Bible is saying:
“In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Who is the image of the invisible
God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and
invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. (Colossians 1:14-17).
Amen! He is the centre of the universe and everything revolves around Him. Now, there is our answer, believe it or
not, He was talking to the image of God. God in the beginning was speaking to the image of God, and who is the image of
God? The image of God was none other than Christ, the Logos that was in the image of God, glory to God! He had to be
speaking to somebody that was in the image of God. The one that was in the image of God is Christ. “Who is the image of
the invisible God, the first born of every creature.”

Quote W.M.B.: E-64 “I can see this Logos go over and hang over this earth, brood over it...Now, we're in Genesis
1…and the Spirit of God moved upon the water… He said, "Let us (plural) make man (plural) in our own image." What was
He? There is a supernatural Being. There's the One that could not be seen. God the Father never was seen, never will be seen.
He's all nature. And there He is. And now, here's the Son, which is the Logos that went out of Him, made in His image, a
supernatural Being that went out in the beginning.” (Show Us The Father It'll Satisfy 53-0610).

Quote: E-55 “As He begin to move it in close to the sun, it begin to thaw out. Then God commissioned the Holy
Spirit. The first Person introduced is God: God, in the beginning was God, in Genesis. And then the next is introduced, is the
Holy Spirit or the Logos, which went out of God, yet it was all of God went out into a Person. And the Bible said, It begin to
brood over the earth.” (Impersonation Of Christianity 57-0120m).

Quote: 273-385 “In the first place, when God, the Logos that went out of God...Or, as I have went through it, the
Catholic call It, "the eternal sonship of God."... Which as I have said before, the word doesn't even make sense. See, there
cannot be an eternal son, because a son had to have a beginning. And so Jesus had a beginning; God had no beginning. See?
But the Son was the... Not eternal sonship, but the Son that was with the Father in the beginning was the Logos that went out
of God. And it was the Theophany of God that went out, the human form that didn't have eyes like you see: a better eye. It
didn't have ears like you hear, but a far more hearing. See? It was a Theophany, that all this rainbow condescended into a
Theophany. Moses saw It when It passed through the rock like that. He saw the back parts, said, "It looked like a man."
(Qa.Hebrews.Part.2 Cod 57-1002).

Before angels were created, before a particle of dust, before anything was created, there was a first born, and Brother
Branham called him the first born the Son of the Spirit. Not the son of Mary, ‘the son of the Spirit’, oh glory to God! This
first born over here is not the son of Mary. There was not a woman in heaven to give birth to this first born. Everything that
the woman brings forth dies and everything that the man (Christ Jesus) gives birth to lives. I will stop here to give the
explanation of the mighty Elijah the prophet, William Branham, concerning this scripture.
The Prophet of God said, on ‘Question and answers on Genesis’, “Here now we are looking over the banister of
eternity and we are going to paint a picture: The great Elohim that filled all time, all space and all eternity, the self existing
One, He dwelt alone, but He wanted fellowship. He had attributes in Him: attributes to be a Son, attributes to be a Father,
attributes to be a Savior, but nobody was lost. So, the great God wanted to express Himself”, and, He said, “the first thing
that went out of God, to my opinion, was a little light, and that little light was the Logos, and that Logos begin to form in the
shape of a man. It was not a man, but it was like a man, and that became the image of God. The first time that God took a
visible form was when the Logos evolved out of God. There was not a woman to give birth, but it evolved out of God and it
was called the Son of the Spirit.”
So now, that Son of the Spirit coming out of Almighty God, it evolved out of God and the Word was God.
<In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the
beginning with God.> (St. John 1:1-2).
That Word which went out of God was with God, but then the Eternal Spirit, who is God, inhabited what went out of
Him. So the Word became God. So now, the first expression was Christ; the Lord had it in His mind, and thoughts, but then
He expressed it through the Word and it became a human figure. So Logos means thought and Word expressed. When it went
out of God it formed itself into the shape of a human being and that became the image of the Almighty, without father,
without mother, without decent, without beginning and without ending.
So now, this evolved out of God not made nor created. This is God Himself in another form. That great expression
of Almighty God went out from God, yes sir, and it was with God; the only thing that was with God. He now jumps into that
image, so the Word was God. And in the dispensation of time, that same one who was God, the Word, the Logos, became
flesh and dwelt among us. He promised to do the same in the last day, oh glory to God! I love it. That is how plain the
scripture is. (Luke 17:30). [End of excerpt from E.O.D.H. Book 9.]

Elder Jackson is contradicting the Word and the prophet. The very scripture that he quoted about exposed this
heresy. “Image and likeness;” if God was speaking to the angels, it could not say such in singular form, but would say
“images and likenesses.” Angels are not in the image of God; only man (Genesis: 1: 26-27). The only one that was in the
image of God before man was created, was Christ the son of God’s Spirit (Colossians.1: 15), who is the image of the
invisible God.

Heretical Article No. 469: “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them,” talking about
the fact, that in the mind of God it is all finished. He designed everything trillions of years ago…created it in the spirit… God
formed man of the dust of the ground. That is the first physical thing He puts on earth.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: The above utterance of foolishness is embarrassing to read when a chief apostle who claims to
know more about the bible than the Prophet himself, cannot understand the physical creation of both animal and man, and
spiritualizes it. It’s dumb! And enough to defeat his heresy. He has contradicted the word of God and cannot show one
scripture or a message quotation for such a damnable heresy.
Man was not the first physical thing on the earth. He was made on the sixth day after the creation of all things. Six
days (6000 years), not billions of years.

Heretical Article No. 470: “Genesis 2:4 was not an initial beginning of creating. It was a recreating by redeeming it
back, to become an inhabited planet once again, to start this process of replenishing it.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: There is no bible, to support a re-creation in Genesis. This is strictly the imagination of heretics.
I am sure that Pastor Jackson never did believe such a heresy, after he first read the bible for many years, even because of the
simplicity of the scripture. The prophet never preached it, because he understood it in the simplicity that it is written. He
never preached such a heresy. Why should we believe it? This is totally unscriptural and unfounded in the message. It’s based
on science and “prehistoric man”.

Heretical Article No. 471: “Man lost the serpent in the very beginning in our Eden. The serpent would have been a
servant type creature. They were to do all the manual labor.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Both apostles Gan and Jackson have the same heresies on this subject. The serpent was never a
household servant to Adam and not resurrected to till the soil. Man was created to till the ground but not by scientific means
as these heretics think that it means, thus they gave the serpent Adam’s job. To prove this point, Adam continued to till the
ground after the fall, only that God cursed the earth, making it harder for Adam to eat bread (Genesis:3). Nowhere in
scripture did God change the occupation of Adam.


Heretical Article No. 472: “The New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 is called the Lamb's wife. If you literalize that
city and say it is a city made up of natural mineral substance, you will have to settle as fact that you believe in polygamy. It is
spiritually referred to as a city.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Elder Jackson, the city represents the Lamb’s wife. Anybody with a limited understanding of
reading can understand that revelation 21 fits the description of a literal city. The major prophet Malachi 4:5&6 used the
same scripture to preach future home of the bride and bridegroom. His understanding was that it is a literal city. Who are
you to say differently? Are you God, or greater than God who gave him that revelation? Since you are not God, we will
believe the prophet. Your nonsensical blind excuse to invent this heresy cannot stand the word test. Christ is not a
“Polygamist”. Whoever heard such unintelligent excuse? Don’t you understand as a chief apostle that the city was a type of
the bride of Christ? If you deny that, how would you explain the description of the city to fit the bride? She is not 1500 miles
square with street of Gold. You will have to invent another heresy. The city comes down while the bride is on the earth at the
end of the 1000 year rain. That shows that this doctrine is of the devil.

Quote W.M.B.: 50-4 Fifteen hundred miles square. What a City. But remember the sea is gone. And the breadth
and the height are the same. That would make it fifteen hundred miles this way, fifteen hundred miles that way, fifteen
hundred miles the length by the breadth by the height. Fifteen hundred miles (Think of it.) transparent gold. And the City had
a wall around it. (Future Home 64-0802).

Heretical Article No. 473: “The Garden of Eden was spiritual, and had nothing to do with how God planted trees,
flowers, etc. It was a little bit of the spirit world placed here with man in this natural world. That same setting is referred to as
a city.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Utter foolishness “chief”; you wear me out with your foolishness! I could not imagine that two
men could speak and believe such a heresy about the Garden of Eden and spiritualize it. This is a dumb doctrine, no wonder
why nobody ever challenged you on your heresies, because it’s a waste of time. But E.O.D.H. has taken up this challenge to
prove that you are not so bright after all, but is spiritually dumb calling yourself a chief apostle.

Heretical Article No. 474: “When God drove Adam and Eve from the garden.,God lifted His presence from them
and simply removed that heavenly setting from their midst and left them with those things that pertain only to earthly

E.O.D.H. Answer: This is gross unbelief and perversion of the written Word.
<Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.>
(Genesis 3:23).
They were sent out of the Garden. Not the garden left them, as you are saying, which you interpreted to be the glory
of God. You could never make your heresy fit the scripture above. Adam went out of the Garden to till the ground.


Heretical Article No. 475: “The original plan of reproduction was to be by sex.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: This is the same heresy propagated by “Apostle” Richard Gan, which was exposed and refuted
as Heretical Article No 376; page 190, E.O.D.H. Book 12.

Quote W.M.B.: 32-3 Now, the world is to be repopulated, not by the original creation of God like in the beginning,
but by sex desire… That's the reason Jesus had to come through the woman to bring it back to its original beginning again,
without sex desire. He's virgin born. But, hallelujah. there will come a time where it won't be no more sex, but God shall call
His children from the dust of the earth, back like they was in the original. Not through any woman, but through the molding
of the clay and the cosmic lights and the petroleum; He'll create again like He did Adam at the first time. (Marriage &
Divorce 65-0221M).

Heretical Article No. 476: “(God) said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception…To multiply
something, IS TO INCREASE IT... multiplied her number of periods when conception could take place.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Since Elder Jackson is based upon science to prove his heresies, he has employed it even in the
above. There is no scripture, nor quotation to prove this heresy. No where in scripture spoke of the woman’s periods being
increased. It simply said that her sorrows and conception will be multiplied. He is like a mathematician and has based his
doctrine on the knowledge of the evil tree, subtracting and multiplying. He should leave such words for Revelation 10:7 to
define. He is not greater than the prophet.

Quote W.M.B.: Multiply and replenish the earth" (after the flood). Notice, was to be fruitful, replenish the earth, as
Adam at the first... Now, can't you see what the serpent's seed is? What replenished the earth? You get it? (Future Home 64-
Heretical Article No. 477: “This act of conception is a sacred thing, designed by the Creator Himself; as the only
way for the redeemed planet to be repopulated.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: This is a horrible lie of the Devil. Sex was never God’s original plan to populate the earth. It’s
the devil’s plan. That is why people die; and the reason that Jesus had power to lay down his life and take it up again, he was
born by the spoken word and not sexual indulgence. That is why we must be born again, because the sex birth is a wrong
birth. (Marriage and Divorce 1965).


Heretical Article No. 478: “The woman of Revelation 12 is the nation of Israel in a panoramic view coming from
the Law Dispensation right on through to her Millennium glory.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: This is in opposition to the scriptures, the message and the prophet. This is a heresy from the pit
of Hell. The woman of Revelation 12 is not isolated to the nation of Israel. It includes the New Testament church.

Quote W.M.B.: E-17 In the 12th chapter of Revelations we would read where the woman appeared in the sky, and
she was in travail to give birth to a child, and the moon was under her feet, and the sun was at her head. Now, the... That
represented the law. The Church, of course was... The woman was the Church, and the moon under her feet represented the
law, and the sun at her head represented the dispensation of grace. (Law Having A Shadow 54-1203).

Heretical Article No. 479: “The two wings of a great eagle the woman was given, will be the message she receives
from the two prophets it is a geographical area of the world that God has prepared to take care of the Jews, during the 3½
years of great tribulation.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: If heretic Jackson was a true believer of this message, he would know that the prophet,
Revelation 10:7, was sent to breakdown the scriptures and not him. He would examine the message and find the same
quotation that I found, shut up and say only what the prophet said.

Quote W.M.B.: 156 This United States is rotten to the core. Yes, sir. I can prove to you the very time when... This
woman here, back in Revelations 12, when her man Child was caught up to set on God's throne, and when it did, the woman
fled into the wilderness where she was taken care of for a thousand two hundred and threescore days to exactly the date of
Plymouth Rock, exactly, where the church come over here for freedom of religion, and she established here. (Mark of the
Beast 54-0513).

Heretical Article No. 480: “God will spare the life of the 144,000, because when the tribulation is over they will
live and reign with Christ a thousand years in immortal bodies; but not in the same capacity as the bride Church.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: This is gross madness. Jackson needs a head examination. Gan already had a few in Singapore.
This is madness that I have never heard about nor seen. They are in opposition to the very 5 th seal, which declared that the
144,000 will be killed. The prophet confirmed the same on the seals book. Let Elder Jackson punch up the quotation.
<And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little
season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.> (Revelation


Heretical Article No. 481: “The first resurrection has three orders, or parts, to it… Christ risen from the dead, and
become the first fruits of them that slept… He ascended into heaven, and took all those others that had risen, with Him…
That was order number one … When He resurrects the Church, the Church is the second order of the first resurrection.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Elder Jackson is confused. He is mixing up two resurrections. There is a first resurrection for the
Old Testament saints (Matthew 27) and the first resurrection for the Bride church of Jesus Christ. They are not the same,
because the Old Testament saints are not a part of the bride, but subjects of the Kingdom of David.
Quote W.M.B.: 1045-233 The church, the lukewarm, the anything outside of the elected Bride will go through the
tribulation period. They will not raise in the first resurrection: "The rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years. (Questions
& Answers 64-0823E).


Heretical Article No. 482: “In the middle of Daniel’s 70th week, after the two prophets are dead, the 144,000 fulfill
their calling by preaching the everlasting gospel to all nations, for 3 ½ years, in fulfillment of the three angels’ messages of
Revelation 14.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: Jackson has his own doctrine on the bible. We believe the prophet. This is what he said:

Quote W.M.B.: E-41 (Revelation 14:6 to 12), Watch. The first angel, at the reformation, Luther preached the
Gospel. Second angel, Wesley, sanctification. The fornication, he straightened up of the church. But the third message, the
Pentecostal message should be, the true messenger warning them to escape the mark of the beast, saying, "Whosoever
receives the mark of the beast, the same will drink the wrath of God poured out without mixture into the cup of indignation,
be poured out upon the people. (Mark of the Beast 61-0217).


Heretical Article No. 483: “Matthew 19th chapter, this word regeneration used by Jesus, is applicable to an age of
time, thousand year reign and age of regeneration.”
E.O.D.H. Answer: This heresy is contrary to the scriptures and message of the prophet. Christ reigns for a thousand
years as the son of David, not son of man. Jesus told his apostles that they were following him in the regeneration. The
church is a chosen generation, by the new birth. (1 Peter 2:9). The theology of Jackson and Gan is dumb like a theologian.

Quote W.M.B.: 246 There's got to be a regeneration, a new birth, a born again. (Mark of the Beast 54-0513).

Heretical Article No. 484: “Matthew 24:27, this is not talking about the rapture. The rapture will have already
taken place before this time. This is the visible coming, as we see it in Revelation 19.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: The second coming of Jesus Christ is a visible coming. Elder Jackson is misplacing that
scripture which applies to the second coming of the Lord. The third coming is to the Jews as the son of David; not son of

Heretical Article No. 485: “As long as we are in this mortal flesh, we are not going to know that new name. Only
when we get our changed bodies.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: How contrary is this heresy to the teachings of the prophet, who said as follows?
Quote W.M.B.: 158-3 {283} He received a new Name… Notice, the mystery. He's coming, riding... There's got to
be something to change this Church, you know that… Notice. No man knowed but Himself. (The first seal 63-0318).

Heretical Article No. 486: “The seventh seal pertains to Jesus leaving the mercy seat, which He will have to do
before He comes visibly to earth.”

E.O.D.H. Answer: The above is also a heresy. The seventh seal/seven thunders must be revealed before Christ
leaves the mercy seat. It gives the bride rapturing faith and grace. To have such great grace, the blood must be upon the
mercy seat, until the last elected is called and sealed by the Holy Ghost. (Seals page 158).

Heretical Article No. 487: “The saints that will be slain in the great tribulation and all other righteous saints from
any other era, who were not taken up in the rapture, will be resurrected to enter the Millennium also. This constitutes part of
the first resurrection. Only the wicked will remain in the grave reserved for the final judgment at the second resurrection.”
E.O.D.H. Answer: This is contrary to the word and message. There is no resurrection of saints in the tribulation
period. The foolish virgins are resurrected after the thousand year reign. “Blessed is he that hath part in the first resurrection”.
(Revelation 20).

Quote W.M.B.: 75-102 Not just those who are good people, they certainly miss the first resurrection. The Bible
said, "And the rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years were finished." Is that right? That's those who had their
names written in the Lamb's Book of Life but refused the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Just the elect goes in that time. Just the
elect takes the millennium. (Questions and Answers # 154-0103M).

Many of this apostle’s heresies were not highlighted and refuted in this work, because of lack of space, and may
possibly be dealt with on our future publications. We will await Jackson’s defense, if he has one against the truth.
All heresies exposed are with the pure motives and objectives that all who are wrong on doctrine may repent to the
acknowledging of the truth. Amen!


We wish to sadly report that “chief apostle” Raymond Jackson died shortly after this exposition, without having the
opportunity to read it. The words below are an extract from his website, which was published by his home church.


On December 4, 2004, God extended a call to our precious pastor, brother, friend and star apostle to this
Laodicean age, Pastor Raymond M. Jackson, that none of us ever expected. He called him to come up a little higher and rest
for a while… to come on home and let the five fold ministry carry on for a little season. All of those who are called to this
office know what to stand for, because they have sat under the faithful teaching of this apostle for many years and loved and
respected him, as we everyone here in his home church do. All of us who loved and respected him, will greatly miss him, but
we will never allow Satan to sidetrack us with any kind of false hope: We will just press the battle with a little more
determination, remembering how he taught us to stick with the Word of God, no matter what comes down the road to
Yes we will miss him, but we would not call him back, even if we could. He has run his race and finished his course;
and we all want to be where he is. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:21) The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
you all. Amen.” [Ed. End of extract.]

E.O.D.H.: How much more deceive can people get. His death is evident proof that his teachings were wrong. If
his teachings were correct, that would leave us to understand that one of the seven thunders died, leaving six remaining
thunders. No, that would not hold up in the Word of God by any means. May his followers who still hold to his damnable
teachings and errors be awakened by this and turn from such errors.
The tribute displays gross ignorance of the claims of Mr. Jackson. It is dishonest of the writer to state that the
five-fold ministry must now carry on for a season. The chief fully established in his preaching: that he is that one to lead the


The following statements were made by one of Jackson’s agent from Lagos, Nigeria: “Apostle” Amos Segun
Omoboriowo, Pastor of Bible Faith Tabernacle (B.F.T.), who fully supports him in his errors and heresies and of whom
Jackson said had a great ministry. These quotations were taken from “Apostle” Omoboriowo’s website, from one of his
books entitled: “Raymond Jackson: When God lifts up a standard” and “He that is to come.”

Quote “Apostle” Amos Segun Omoboriowo: “…his ministry would be on ground till the rapture…… will take us
right through to the rapture… Wait and see!… This is one ministry you would have to contend with till the rapture. We shall
see. ” (He that is to come).
“…the prophet authoritatively told him, that the White horse he (Bro. Jackson) rode, represents the “Power of the
word” (ie. Authority to unveil Scriptures; unveil truth)… It therefore shows, the authority of leadership of the bride
universal, which was placed upon Bro. Branham, would be conferred upon Bro. Jackson, as it was also conferred on Joshua,
after the death of Moses, and as it was conferred on Elisha, after the death of Elijah of old, and as John the beloved bore the
mantle of leadership, after Paul passed away.
…Raymond Jackson is the man of the hour. The rallying ministry for today, following the death of the prophet… the
voice of God for today… He is the apostle of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles in this very day and hour… And even the early
apostles knew who was chief among them.
…Mal. 4:5, 6B Elijah’s ministry, produced Eph 4: 11-12 Apostolic ministry, placing Raymond Jackson as the chief


“apostle” JacKson
Heretical Articles 659-671


As promised, we will now expose additional heretical teachings of this self proclaimed apostle, that have come to
our knowledge and attention.

Heretical Article No. 659: “The Law said that a woman who was divorced for unfaithfulness could remarry.”

Quote Raymond Jackson: Deuteronomy… 24:1, “When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to
pass… he hath found some uncleanness in her: (IN OTHER WORDS,…HIS WIFE HAS BEEN UNFAITHFUL…) then let him
write her a bill of divorcement…Verse 2, says, “And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be another man’s
wife.”… The law says that this divorced woman may go and be another man’s wife. (Marriage and divorce).

E.O.D.H. Answer: The scripture quoted does not suggest in any way that the woman in question was divorced for
unfaithfulness. Apostle Jackson does not even know the difference between uncleanness and unfaithfulness. Uncleanness in
this scripture does not mean unclean living, no more than a leper crying, “Unclean” means that he was unfaithful to his
marriage partner, if he had one. Jackson is not brighter than the Lord and his prophet, Malachi 4. If such conditions of
remarriage for women existed in scriptures, the Lord would have referred his prophet to it when He gave him the revelation
of Marriage and Divorce. Instead, this is what he taught by the Spirit:


Quote W.M.B.: 37-1 See, she's got a living husband, so no man can marry her. Care what she does and who she is,
she's got a living husband. There's no grounds for her at all. But it's not for him: causes her, not him. Get it? You have to
make the Word run in continuity. See? Nothing saying he couldn't, but she can't. See? 'Causes her, not him. That's just
exactly what the Bible says. "Causes her..." It is not stated against him to remarry, but her. (Marriage and Divorce 65-

Romans 7:2-3 <For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but
if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.
So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her
husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man. >
Matthew 5: 32 <…and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.>

Heretical Article No. 660: “A believer is not to divorce his wife.”

Quote Raymond Jackson: Neither could that man who is a believer divorce his wife…A believer is not to take the
initiative in a divorce action. (Marriage and divorce).

E.O.D.H. Answer:

Quote W.M.B.: 39-1 The man can put away his wife and marry another, but not the woman put away her husband
and marry another. (Marriage and divorce 65-0221M).

Quote: 1014-86 You committed adultery against your husband…If your husband continues to want to live with you,
that's up to him. He don't have to do it now…if he doesn't forgive you, then that's his own business. He can put you away.
Exactly right. (Questions and answers 64-0823E).

<But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to
commit adultery…> (Matthew 5: 32)

Heretical Article No. 661: “The foolish virgins will wash their robes and make them white in the blood of the lamb
in the tribulation.”

Quote Raymond Jackson: … the foolish virgins, spoken of in Matthew 25:1-13, and seen over in the 7th chapter of
Revelation as that great multitude that had washed their robes, and made them white, in the blood of the Lamb. When? In the
great tribulation. Revelation 7:9-14.

E.O.D.H. Answer: The blood of the Lamb is removed from the mercy seat about the time of the rapture. Therefore,
no one can be washed by the blood in the great tribulation period. The prophet of God said that the foolish virgins are not
actually under the blood; therefore they go through the tribulation for their purging. Revelation 7: 9-14 is not speaking of the
great tribulation but great tribulation: troubles and trials.

Quote W.M.B.: 134-4 {120} ...the reason they die out, they go through the purging of trial of the tribulation;
because they’re not actually under the Blood. They claim they are, but they’re not. How can they go through a trial to
purify them when the bleach Blood of Jesus Christ takes every symptom of sin and stuff away from you. And you're already
dead, and your life is hid in Him through God and sealed in there by the Holy Ghost; what are you going to be judged for?
Where you going to get your purification? What do you have to be purified from when you're perfectly in Christ,
sinless?...But it's this sleeping bunch that them people can't make out. (The First seal 18/3/63)


Quote: 245 ... These are they which come up out of great tribulation,... (called "holy-roller," made fun of,
persecuted, laughed at)... come up out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of
the Lamb... (Watch!)... they are before the throne of God... (Where does the wife stay? Where does the queen stay? That's the
Bride, the Gentile Bride.)... and they serve him day and night in the temple:... (My wife serves me at the house day and night.
See? That's the Bride of Jesus; that's the Gentile Bride.) (The Seal Of God 54-0514).
See also: 174-154 Questions and Answers 54-0515 and Questions and Answers on Hebrews #1 57-0925.
<… we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.> (Acts 14:22).
This is not speaking of the great tribulation, but much tribulation.

Heretical Article No. 662: “Revelation Chapter 5 is Christ the mediator sitting on the mercy seat as a High Priest.”

Quote Raymond Jackson: Who did John see seated on the mercy seat throne holding in his right hand a closed
and sealed scroll, sealed with seven seals? He saw none other than Jesus portrayed in a High Priest role seated on the
throne, serving in his mediatorial intercessory work for the believers of the grace age. About the throne is seen a great halo
because remember the great eternal spirit who fills all space has taken Christ up and seated him on the right hand of
majesty, power and glory (Matt. 26:64) Therefore, as your eyes behold him seated there in the position of the Father (that is
on the right hand of power and glory). (The catching away).
E.O.D.H. Answer:

Quote W.M.B.: 105 But you notice in here, it was not mercy seat, for
there was lightnings, and thunder, and voices. There’s no lightning and thunders at mercy. That's judgment. (Revelation
Chapter 4 #3 – Throne of mercy and judgment).

Heretical Article No. 663: “Christ is a High Priest, with a girdle upon His paps in Revelation chapter one.”

Quote Raymond Jackson: In the first chapter you notice when Jesus got John's attention, John turned to see one
that was clothed in a white robe, and his hair was as white as snow, and his eyes were as flames of fire, his feet like burning
brass, and his voice as the sound of many waters, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle which is that emblem of the
high priest's position. This was for the sole purpose of declaring to John in pictorial form that Jesus who ascended on high is
none other than the high priest of our profession…and He remains to be the high priest for the duration of the grace age.
(Chronology of Revelation – Part 1).

E.O.D.H. Answer:

Quote W.M.B.: 167 And in the midst... (That’s the middle.)... of the golden candlesticks one like... the Son of man,
clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girded about the paps with a golden girdle.
Now, here’s more proof that this doctrine is right about being the Lord’s day. Did you notice Him? He was not a
priest during this time; neither was He a king; He was a Judge.
Notice, a priest, a high priest, when he went into the sanctuary or went in to minister, to service, he tied himself
around the waist. Tying his girdle around the waist, meant that he was serving: never tied it over his shoulder. But here He
comes out, walking out with the girdle tied around the top, with a sash over His shoulder, girded about the paps, the breast,
with a golden girdle, girded up high. What is it? An attorney, a judge. The judge with his sash over his shoulder, girded up
here, not down as a priest. See, that shows He wasn't in His priesthood now. John went all the way over into the Lord's day
and saw Him coming as the Judge. (Patmos Vision 60-1204E).

Quote: 171 ... a golden girdle was about the paps. That’s right, up around here, He was the Judge. (Patmos Vision

Quote: 39 And we find him in the Lord's day. And, when he seen the Lord, He had on a snow-white hair. And we
know that that represents a Judge.
Another thing, He was not Priest then, 'cause the priest was tied around the middle, means service. But He was tied
around the paps, up here, which meant that He was a Judge. Amen. And we see Him walking in the midst of the seven
golden candlesticks. (The Thyatirean Church Age 60-1208).

Heretical Article No. 664: “To be born again is to be baptized with the Holy Ghost.”

Quote Raymond Jackson: …to be born again is to be baptized with the Holy Ghost… (In Search Of The Evidence -
What Is It?).
… Remember the new birth is not one thing while the baptism of the Holy Ghost is something else… Christ knew
since they had not yet received the Holy Ghost they had not as yet been born again!...(Luke 22:32)…Beloved, if the new birth
or being converted or being saved was anywhere applicable unto any disciples before the day of Pentecost, then all Christ
ever said prior to Acts 1:4-8 had no real value! (The new birth).

E.O.D.H. Answer: The doctrine on this subject is opposite to the Word, the prophet and the message.

Quote W.M.B.: 37 And the new birth, as people talks that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is the new birth. Now,
that’s wrong. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is different from the new birth. The new birth is when you’re born again. But
the Holy Ghost is when power comes into that birth for service. That’s exact. See? The Holy Ghost is--baptized into the Holy
The new birth, you have the new birth by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. See? By having faith and accepting
Him as your Saviour, that’s birth (See?), because you’ve passed from death unto Life. Now, if you want to back that up, take
St. John 5:24, “He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life.” See, he’s got Life
because he believes. And that same group had to go to Pentecost to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Exact. (Countdown 62-

Quote: 129 I never thought there was a person believed that like me till this morning, I heard Charles Fuller as I was
going down. He believes too, that the new birth is not the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The new birth is being born. The Holy
Ghost is the baptism. See? Uh-huh. All right. (Why I'm Against Organized Religion 62-1111e).

Heretical Article No. 665: “You cannot be a manifested son of God without a changed body.”

Quote Raymond Jackson: “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestations of the sons of
God.”…Paul says this authority which the sons of God have been elevated unto will do! REDEEM THIS FALLEN
CREATION! To accomplish this scripture teaches you will have to have a glorified body, so beware of these teachings
concerning the manifestations of the sons of God and their work before they receive new bodies!… we wait patiently for the
second phase of ADOPTION, the adoption of the body to become manifested sons of God. (Manifested sons of God).
E.O.D.H. Answer: It is amazing that such a man can speak such blasphemies.
I John 3: 8 <…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.>
Jesus was a manifested son without a changed body. So too the apostles. They received the spirit of adoption
without their bodies being redeemed.
Romans 8: 15 <For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of
adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.>

Quote W.M.B.: E-71 What we need today is a coming together, and a prayer meeting, and to stay there until God
sends the adoption of the Holy Spirit, brings the Holy Ghost down and places in the Church apostles, prophets, teachers,
evangelists, pastors. That's what we need. (Hear ye Him 60-0712).

Heretical article No. 666: “The Nations and Israel will be judged to choose a people to live on earth in the

Quote Raymond Jackson: In the prophesy of Joel we find that God will gather all nations into the valley of
Jehoshaphat, and will judge them there… in which Christ, as King, after having come to earth will position himself, till the
millennial subjects have been judged and passed on into that day…when the Son of man shall sit upon the throne of his glory,
(meaning the millennial throne), you also who have followed me in the regeneration will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the
twelve tribes of Israel. You see: When Jesus sits upon his throne, the apostles will be sitting upon their thrones judging the
twelve tribes of Israel. In other words, what I am saying is they will have to be brought out of dispersion and judged with the
other nations, in selecting an element of people from each nation to live in the millennium. (Chronology of Revelation – Part

E.O.D.H. Answer: The twelve apostles sitting on twelve thrones judging Israel; the prophet of God applied that to
the new earth and New Jerusalem.

Quote W.M.B.: 477-44 …the Bible said that the kings of the earth bring their honor and glory (Revelations 22)…
into the city. That proves that there’ll be kings in the new earth, kings and rulers. Jesus told His disciples... you’ll set upon
twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel in that day.” See…it’s a earthly system that’s coming up that’ll be far
supreme to anything. In that they’ll be no sin, but yet they’ll have rulers and so forth in the cities, when everything will be
carried on in the way of Eternal Life. (Questions And Answers 59-1223).

Quote: 54-1 …a city fifteen hundred miles… And didn’t Jesus said, “You’ll set on twelve thrones, judging the
twelve tribes of Israel”?... The kings of the earth, entering into the City, comes before the apostolic judge, as Jesus promised.
(The Future Home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Earthly Bride 64-0802).

Heretical Article No. 667: “Church order was not in the early Church. They had order in the church and not church

Quote Raymond Jackson: That is why I never would put church order in my church. I could not see it in the early
…I am not challenging what Bro. Branham said…I will say, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the apostle Paul
never taught church order, but he did teach that there should be order in the church. He taught that the Holy Ghost was to
have the pre-eminence, and that the worshipers should conduct themselves in decency, godliness, and in adult like manner,
but there is a long way from a church order. (The apostle’s office, part 1).
…14th chapter of I Corinthians…Paul writing to them, explaining the gifts of the spirit, and the operation of such
gifts. He explains to them what proper conduct, and order in the church is to be like. You will notice that I said ORDER IN
THE CHURCH, and not CHURCH ORDER, there is a great difference. (The Apostle’s office, part 3).

E.O.D.H. Answer:
Quote W.M.B.: E-10 We have to have order. See? If you don't... Paul said set the Church in order. Isn't that right?
Order is of the Church, and so we're very thankful. (For Him I will accept 52-0718).

Quote: 202-333 Paul said, “When I come to the Pentecostal church over there,” said, “I’ll set it in order.” It’s got to
be in order; everything must be done orderly, just as the Spirit ordered. So he said, “Now, if come in, and all of you begin to
speak in tongues, and the unlearned comes in, he’ll say, ‘Well, aren’t you all mad?’, walked out.” (Questions and Answers
Heretical Article No. 668: “Church order drives the Spirit of God out of the church.”

Quote Raymond Jackson: Every carnal preacher that put church order in his assembly just because Brother
Branham did at the tabernacle, drove the spirit of God out. God will not be tied by your church order. There is nothing in
this message that has ever told anyone to stop manifesting the gifts of the spirit, that God placed in their lives…people say,
especially preachers, “I believe in the gifts of the spirit, but I want the real thing.” Let me tell you, I want the real also, but I
find that to be a feeble excuse to hide behind, while you try to justify your church order. You are completely out of the
scriptures. (The Apostle’s Office part 3).

E.O.D.H. Answer: The prophet of God said that when a church is in order there is perfect moving of the Spirit. But
when those gifts are not set in order, evil spirits can come in.


Quote W.M.B.: 255 I’ve often wanted to come into a church; I’ve longed to see it, I guess, where I could walk in
the back door, front door, wherever it was, look across an audience and see a perfect church all in order. Sin couldn’t stay
there; no, the Spirit would call it out. You see? It just couldn’t stay. Like Ananias and Sapphira, you just couldn’t do it.
There’d be no sin in that… group… See women, men setting there under the power of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God
moving perfectly, moving this…That’s the Church of the living God. How my old, poor old heart… how I’ve longed to stand
and see a church like that. (Paradox 61-1210).

Quote: E-3 I think Christianity is orderly. And Paul come to set the church in order and all things to be done decent
and in order. And I believe God honors it more when we keep it orderly and under the power of the Holy Spirit could be the
Leader of the church and of the people. (Sirs We Would See Jesus 54-0328).


Quote: E-61 Them things has to be every word true. If it doesn't that person goes to the altar and get that evil spirit
off of them. God don't lie. God tells the truth. See? Then you have the church in order.
… All them gifts goes in the church, but the people just get them and just go anyway with them. Like Paul said,
"People say you're crazy." …You've had the gifts but your pastor has failed to... It's failed to set that church in the right order.
That's right. That's what the church needs today. Let that church get in order and watch all the hell turn loose then.
…But what the Church needs tonight is know how to control these gifts. See? For evil spirits can come in and speak
just the same as good spirits can speak…Those was gifts of prophecy, everything is supposed to be correctly put in order.
(Led by the Spirit of God 56-0723).

Heretical Article No. 669: “Brother Branham said that love is not the evidence of the Holy Ghost, but believing the
Word. He was wrong.”

Quote Raymond Jackson: Another subject that I have heard Bro. Branham speak in more than one way on is the
evidence of the baptism of the Holy Ghost… that same little man said, “Now love isn’t it”…He said, “Now, you take the
Catholic priest, he shows such great love, there is no greater love than the Catholic people show to some other people, they
minister first aid, they build hospitals, and many things like that.” I thought to myself, “You are saying that, but that sure
isn’t the love of God.” Nevertheless, God let him say those things, and God will use every one of them in is sifting, and
fanning, process, here in the end of the age.

E.OD.H. Answer: This is another example of Mr. Jackson’s disagreement with the major prophet and the
messenger of the age. The prophet is right and Jackson is wrong.
The above statement and others that follow project that the prophet made opposing statements on certain doctrinal
teachings, but God will use them in His sifting and fanning process. This is a heresy. That is not God’s fanning process. God
would not be just to confuse helpless message believers by the mistakes of a prophet if He uses such to separate people from
the church body. Mr. Jackson is contradicting the Word and God’s ordained plan to accomplish that mission.
John the Baptist said, <Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the
garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. > (Matthew 3:12).
The ministry of Christ followed John’s. He separated the elect from the non-elect by hard sayings and parables. This
is unchangeable today. The non-elect are separated today from the elect by the deeper teachings of the prophet and his
message. Soon after the loosing of the seals the false anointed ones were made manifest.
<Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they
understand.> (Matthew 13:13).
<Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his
blood, ye have no life in you.
…Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?
… From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.> (John : 53-66).

Heretical Article No. 670: “There were no dinosaurs in the garden of Eden. They belonged to another era.”

Quote Raymond Jackson: I heard him [Ed. Brother Branham] preach

another message, leaving the impression that there were dinosaurs in our garden of Eden… I knew that he was merely
making a human statement… According to the word of God, as well as history, and geology, I say to you that there were no
dinosaurs in our garden of Eden with Adam and Eve… That all belonged to another era of time. (The apostle’s office, part

E.O.D.H. Answer: Mr. Jackson has no scriptural basis to utter such foolishness in contradiction to what the
vindicated prophet taught. Adam named the animals, but the Bible is silent on those names. How can any heretic say what
animals were in Eden or not? Mr. Gan needs to shut up now that Mr. Jackson is silenced.

Quote W.M.B.: 9-1 The great paradises of God, and the great dinosaurs, and whatevermore, crawling through it,
and the great animals, no harm in them, they were just as gentle as a little kitten…Oh, what a place--the great birds swinging
from tree to tree, and Adam could call them by name. (Satan’s Eden 65-0829).

Heretical Article No. 671: “The apostolic ministry of Jackson and others are to sift the message of Brother

Quote Raymond Jackson: Some have said that they believe in apostles, but the truth of it is that, they would never
allow an apostle’s office to touch this message if they could stop it… you need that ministry to sift this message and line it up
in digestible order.

E.O.D.H. Answer: The message of Malachi 4: 5 & 6 needs no sifting; just the same as Jesus’ or Paul’s message
didn’t need any sifting. Paul authorized message believers to let all be accursed who would try to sift out his message, even if
it is an angel that came from heaven. (Galatians 1: 8-9).
The heresies invented by both Mr. Jackson and Mr. Gan reveal that their sifters have many large holes. They have
replaced devilish doctrines in place of the Word message of Malachi 4: 5-8. True message believers do not want such hands
to handle the pure message that God sent by His prophet, because the so-called apostolic ministry of Jackson and others like
Gan have perverted the message of the hour in every form and fashion, handling the message deceitfully.
Neither of these two thunders apostles can see eye to eye on the Word and message, though many of their doctrines
are similar in nature. Contentions, separations, condemnations of the claims and some of the teachings of each other occurred
while Mr. Jackson was alive; that is after they were once associated and affiliated together.


“seVen thundeRs apostles”

Gan and Jackson met in the seventies and were associated together for some time. Gan preached on Jackson’s
pulpit. Jackson eventually declared that some of his teachings were true and some were error, and that Gan preached as
though he was right in everything and Jackson wrong in some things. He wrote Gan a letter of correction and told him that he
cannot come back to Jackson’s church. Gan refused to accept Jackson as the Chief apostle today and eventually denounced

Quote Raymond Jackson: Richard Gan, a good man…He has taken a lot of good things to the world, but he
preached everything as though he was right, and I just happened to be wrong on some things.
…Revealing error … I sent word to Richard Gan, months and months ago, when he wanted to come back to Faith
Assembly, that it would not be right for him to come. (The Contender – The Body of Christ part II).
…Therefore, no matter whether it is Richard Gan or anyone else around this world, I have seen the things they have
preached and put in print; and none of them present a clear picture. (The Contender - The Body of Christ part 3).

Quote Richard Gan: After Bro. Branham passed away there have been many false teachings going out…
…many around the world who believe that a certain minister in Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A. is God’s chief apostle
for today…This teaching that the Bride of Christ has a chief apostle to whom all other apostles and ministers in the 5-Fold
Ministry must subject themselves is a heresy.
…For a minister to make himself the NUMBER ONE APOSTLE over the whole world is baloney.
…For one to teach and make a servant of God "the chief apostle", he has been deceived by the Nicolaitane spirit.
(From Gan’s website).

Their separation and disunity continued unto the death of “Chief apostle” Jackson in December 2004.
We will now give an update on the disunities, contentions, wranglings and fightings amongst other seven thunders
apostles, who are supposed to prepare the Bride for the rapture. This further reveals how consecutive their thunders are. It has
placed the seven faceless heretics with their false seven thunders at the tower of Babel, where God confounded their
languages and have scattered them. This has destroyed their heresy of the unity of the Bride by seven men with the seven
Some of the top men in the seven men/seven thunders ministry besides Mr. Jackson and Mr. Gan, are: apostle
Strommen from Norway, James Allen and Bud Thompson, the Pastors of Jackson’s “Faith Assembly” in Jeffersonville,
Indiana, USA, and apostle Amos Segun Omoboriowo of Bible faith Tabernacle, Lagos, Nigeria, who claims vindication of a
ball of fire and photographs of the angel of the Lord accompanying his preaching.
Developments before and after the death of “Chief apostle” Jackson revealed differences of doctrines, disunities,
separations and fightings for the position of chief apostle. Jackson claimed that office while Gan said that God revealed to
him that he would hold the “First prize”, which he interpreted as being a top position in the ministry.
Omoboriowo and his church once followed Gan, but subsequently rejected Gan and his teachings and propagated
Mr. Jackson as the chief apostle. Apostle Jackson complemented Omoboriowo on the two books he wrote against Gan and
his teachings, and as a result wrote him a letter, giving him the name, “Amos.”
Richard Gan published on his website, in response to a letter, that there is no chief apostle.”
“Apostle” Strommen, from Norway, propagated his own teachings, was corrected by Chief apostle Jackson and
refused and retaliated against such correction. “Apostle” Omoboriowo proceeded also to correct this apostle, telling him that
he should heed the correction of the chief apostle, and that his actions will cause disunity amongst the Bride. He further
indicated that there would be a shuffling amongst these apostles, as God would remove and replace them as He sees fit. It did
not end there as more trouble continued to brew in the camps of these thunders apostles.
Approximately one year before the death Of Jackson, apostle Omoboriowo claimed that he got a revelation, while
Jackson was preaching, that Jackson was the great person to arise on the scene and increase, spoken of in the seals book by
Brother Branham. On November 2003, he preached a message, which he published in a book, entitled: “He that is to come”,
stating in no uncertain terms that that ministry, which includes the second coming of Christ, was fulfilled in Jackson. He
further stated that there are people following Mr. Jackson’s ministry who were prophesying of his death, for them to take
over. He boldly declared that Jackson would never die, but would be alive until the rapture, which he tried to support by
several dreams and visions. He said that his revelation was perfect and infallible, and the preaching was vindicated by
supernatural pictures of the angel of the Lord and a ball of light. This book fell into the hands of Jackson, which his associate
ministers said that he read in part. Up until the time of his death, approximately one year after such preaching, Jackson nor
his associate ministers corrected such teachings as error on the Word of God.

Quote “Apostle” Amos Omoboriowo: …it may be the hour now that this great person…only one man…can fulfill
this prophecy. It has to be and can only be… the Chief Apostle of the five fold ministry, one ordained to takeover from the
star messenger to this age. His name is Raymond Jackson…Brother Branham had to go, before the Chief Apostle, Raymond
Jackson, could rise on the scene.
… if John recognized and introduced Christ in his flesh, to warrant the application of John 3: 30, and Bro. Branham
quoted it, in application to the one that is to come after him, then it means… THE APOSTLE OF OUR
PROFESSION…Brother Branham introduced… Christ in his apostolic ministry, thereby forerunning Christ in his mystical
second coming…. IT IS CHRIST IN THE EPHESIAN MINISTRY…the live ministry of Christ on earth today, the principle
office of which is the Chief Apostle… IT IS CHRIST IN HIS APOSTLE!... Brother Branham introduced Christ in his mystical
earthly body ministry. Perfect! Yes sir! His name is Raymond Jackson!...”Greater than Solomon is here” today.
…I am aware there are people wishing Bro. Jackson were dead. I am aware there are those, supposedly following
his ministry, who have been prophesying his death, for them to take over. So they wish! Let me tell you now: The sent one;
He that is to come, is here till the rapture. This is one ministry you would have to contend with till the rapture
…Joshua as successor to Moses’ leadership, but he did not raise up a successor to Joshua? Why did God not do
that? It was because God’s mission was accomplished. (He that is to come).
The death of Mr. Jackson, one year later, brought the world crashing down on such heresy, false declaration,
dreams and prophecies. The result of this was that the ministers that succeeded Jackson at his home church, wrote apostle
Omoboriowo, informing him that they have only now read his book, found many errors in it, and asked that he write a public
letter of retraction. This they published publicly on their website, we imagine, to shield such exposure and embarrassment.
Omoboriowo stood in defense of his revelation and stated:
“Bro. Jackson…gave an open endorsement of my…book, when he introduced me before the world, on 24 th April,
2004…when he reffered to the book, and compared it to the writings of Dr. Luke…and…the writings of the Ante Nicene
Fathers. And if Bro. Jackson, as Chief Apostlee, didn’t have problems with the book, why should you, as bride saints? (“He
that is to come”: Truth in conflict – my defence.).

In addition, he declared himself as the chief apostle after the days of Mr. Jackson, fulfilling the ministry of John the
divine, and it was published on his website that Jackson did not have the complete revelation, and that he is now the standard
Details of all the above facts were published on Jackson’s home church’s website, Gan’s website and Omoboriowo’s
website (www.bftchurch.org) and their books. Such ministries can never prepare the Bride of Christ for the rapture.
Other heretical teachings of Jackson are:
 “Romans 7 is not speaking against remarriage. It was just a type.”
 “Paul taught that a believer is free to remarry if their unbelieving mate departs.”
 “The sons of God spoken of in the book of Job were angels.”
 “The angels assisted God in the process of creation.”
 “Noah was not a purebred seed.”
 “No purebred seed was destroyed in the flood.”
 “Animals were created spirit beings before put in flesh.”
 “The adoption spoken of in the Bible is a stranger being adopted into the family of God.”
 “Fornication means the act done for pleasure only.”
 “The Jews under the altar does not include those from past ages.”
 “All of the six million who were killed in the world war were not saved.”
 “The two prophets plague Israel with the first three trumpets.”
 “The Killing of Moses and Elias is the second woe.”
 “The Bride is to have her throne, not in Jerusalem with Christ, but out among the Gentile Nations.”
 “The Adoption places us in the family of God as new born babes.”

One of the thunders has died. The other thunders are disunified and fighting each other. These thunders apostles are
dividing the Bride rather than uniting her. May this awaken all who follow such ministries and heresy of seven men/seven
thunders, to what they are following and where it is leading them. May the eyes of God’s people be opened by the pure and
sincere efforts of E.O.D.H. to bring deliverance to God’s children who are caught up in such erroneous and satanic teachings.
<... The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not
willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance.> (II Peter 3: 9).
May they denounce all such false thunders and patiently wait for the real.

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