English 6
English 6
English 6
Silvina Enrico
Level 6
English 6 + page - Chapter 2: Willing helpers! 28
• Lesson 1
Teacher’s Book • Lesson 2
Table of contents 5 • Lesson 3
The book 9 • Lesson 4
• Description. 9 • Lesson 5
• Lesson 6
Course components 9 • Lesson 7
• Student’s Book 9 • Lesson 8
- Sections - Chapter 3: Rules and responsabilities! 44
- Icons 10 • Lesson 1
- Appendix: • Lesson 2
• Readers • Lesson 3
• Fast Finishers • Lesson 4
• Vocabulary Booster • Lesson 5
• Integrated Workbook • Lesson 6
• Wrap-ups • Lesson 7
• Cut-outs 10 • Lesson 8
- Web content: - Chapter 4: Busy days! 58
• Student’s book tracks. • Lesson 1
• E-book: Detective Zack: Danger in the Dinosaur Camp. • Lesson 2
• Lesson 3
Teacher’s book 11 • Lesson 4
• Values: Quotations 11 • Lesson 5
• Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) 12 • Lesson 6
• Teaching notes 13 • Lesson 7
- Chapter 1: My friends. • Lesson 8
• Lesson 1 - Chapter 5: An amazing trip! 74
• Lesson 2 • Lesson 1
• Lesson 3 • Lesson 2
• Lesson 4 • Lesson 3
• Lesson 5 • Lesson 4
• Lesson 6 • Lesson 5
• Lesson 7 • Lesson 6
• Lesson 8
• Lesson 7 • Lesson 6
• Lesson 8 • Lesson 7
- Chapter 6: Unique talents! 88 • Lesson 8
• Lesson 1
• Lesson 2 - Wrap-ups 147
• Lesson 3
• Lesson 4 Bibliography 149
• Lesson 5 Acknowledgements
• Lesson 6
• Lesson 7
• Lesson 8
- Chapter 7: A wonderful world! 103
• Lesson 1
• Lesson 2
• Lesson 3
• Lesson 4
• Lesson 5
• Lesson 6
• Lesson 7
• Lesson 8
- Chapter 8: A prosperous future! 118
• Lesson 1
• Lesson 2
• Lesson 3
• Lesson 4
• Lesson 5
• Lesson 6
• Lesson 7
• Lesson 8
- Chapter 9:The big day! 132
• Lesson 1
• Lesson 2
• Lesson 3
• Lesson 4
• Lesson 5
Chapter 1: My friends Pages: 8-17
Functions: Saying who someone Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: Cardinal Numbers: 1-100. Listening: Listening for names, personality adjectives.
is. Describing personality. Wh questions: Where…from?/ What Personality adjectives: organized, kind, messy, Listening to a song.
Recycling: Greetings. Saying is she like? shy, neat, funny, brave, serious, mean, outgoing. Speaking: Understanding & responding to personal
hello!/ Good bye! Introducing Defining relative clauses: She is the Recycling: Greetings, farewells. questions. Asking & answering about likes and dislikes.
people. Talking about likes and girl who likes swimming. Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, and her. Reading: Reading a blog.
dislikes. Recycling: Verb: be (am-is-are) School subjects. Writing: Writing a personal blog.
Talking about routines and what How are you? What´s your name? School supplies. Close to Jesus: Joseph the dreamer.
someone is doing. Connectors: and / but. Action verbs. MTK: (CLIL) Social Studies: How to develop a good
Reviewing numbers, colours, Present Simple: Likes and dislikes. Clothes. personality and become a better friend!
clothes, days of the week. Routines. Present Continuous. Project: Positive qualities to develop at school!
Saying where we are from. Present Simple vs. Present Values: Developing a good personality.
Chapter 4: Busy days! Pages: 38-47
Functions: Talking about past Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: Regular verbs: learn, listen to, Listening: Listening for specific information.
events. Saying what someone Simple Past: All forms. (Regular verbs) stay, study, travel, visit, want,watch. Listening to a song.
did. Correcting information about I studied. I didn’t study. Recycling: Household chores. Days of the Speaking: Retelling a story. Describing what someone did.
the past. Asking and answering Yes/ No questions, and short answers. week. Reading: Reading a chat.
about past situations. Writing Wh questions. Writing: Writing about what happened.
about extraordinary situations in Recycling: Use of and. Close to Jesus: The parable of the talents.
the past. MTK: (CLIL) Literature: A funny day!
Recycling: Talking about the Project: Another funny story. Values: Being aware of the
chores someone did. importance of doing one’s best.
Chapter 7: A wonderful world! Pages: 68-77
Functions: Naming animals. Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: Animals: Wild animals: Bull - elephant- Listening: Listening for specific information.
Understanding riddles. Comparative adjectives: Short and long adjectives. chimpanzee – gorilla - crocodile – giraffe –hippo Listening to a song.
Comparing animals. Talking Irregular adjectives. The monkey is smaller than the – koala –leopard - lion – lizard - monkey – mouse Speaking: Talking about animals.
about obligations and gorilla. The shark is more dangerous than the lion. - -ostrich – penguin - platypus - polar bear - snake - Comparing animals. Talking about obligations and
prohibitions. Superlative adjectives: Short and long adjectives. tiger - tortoise - wolf. Sea Animals: clown fish -sea prohibitions.
Recycling: Asking for Irregular adjectives. The whale is the biggest animal. The horse – shark - swordfish – whale. Farm animals: Reading: Understanding an article about animals in
information. Retelling past jungle is the most exotic place. horse – pig. Pets: cat. Insects: ant – fly - grasshopper danger of extinction.
events. Modal verb: Must: Obligation. I must respect the rules. – worm. Writing: Writing about a species in danger of extinction.
Mustn’t: Prohibition. You mustn´t touch the animals. Close to Jesus: Noah’s Ark!
Recycling: Action verbs. MTK: (CLIL) Natural Science: Protecting nature of the
Recycling: Use of: “and” and “but”. world.
Present Simple: Verb be. Project: Ways of protecting natural resources and animals.
Values: Protecting the nature!
Chapter 9: The big day! Pages: 88-97
Functions: Talking about future Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: Food and drinks: apple, lemon, lettuce, Listening: Listening and completing.
actions. Talking about food and Countable and uncountable nouns. orange, tomato, strawberry, lemonade, milk, Listening to a song.
quantities. Asking and answering Quantifiers: some, any, a lot of, a little, a few, much, milkshake, soda, ice cream, sandwich, cheese, pizza, Speaking: Talking about future events and possibilities.
about food. Describing meals. many: I don’t have much cheese. She didn’t bring many hot dogs, bread, tomato sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, Reading: Understanding a chat.
Expressing what will happen if… apples. tea, chocolate, flour, sugar. Writing: Mind map completion. Writing about a party
Recycling: Simple Past: What did Use of How much…? And How many…? Container and quantifiers for food: a packet of a organization.
she bring to the party? First conditional: If it’s sunny, we will go to the beach. carton of, a bottle of, a cup of, a bowl of, a glass of, a Close to Jesus: Adam and a delicious diet!
Recycling: Future “Will”: All forms. I’ll bring apple juice bar of. MTK: (CLIL) Physical Education: A healthy mind and
and some bread. She won’t bring any oranges. What will Recycling: The weather: Hot, warm, cool, cold, sunny, body.
they bring to the party? cloudy, rainy, stormy, snowy, windy. Project: Different ways to develop a healthy mind and
Simple Past: We brought some cheese, but we didn’t body.
bring much bread. Values: Having a healthy mind and body!
The book Sections:
Description: Unit overview:
English 6+ belongs to a three-level course and it is part of the “+” series. It is Here the topic, the target language, vocabulary and
contextualized in the integration of faith with teaching and learning. “English 6+” has values are presented in context through a dialogue. The
target language is practised by means of a story, a catchy
been especially thought for 10 and 11 years-old. It has been written taking into account
song and through different activity types, involving
the proposals included in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages reading, listening, thinking and observation skills.
(CEFR). “English 6+” is at Level A1 according to the different levels of performance and
competence defined in the CEFR. English 4+, English 5+ and English 6+ provide motivating + Tools:
and comprehensive preparation for the Cambridge Young Learners Starters Test and Here students can practise the vocabulary and the
English 5+ and English 6+provide supplementary practise for the Cambridge Young new structures in engaging and challenging activities in
which students will have the opportunity to develop their
learners Movers Test.
language and thinking skills. Furthermore students can
The target language is presented in context and practised through different activity practise and develop reading and writing skills.
types which include the four language skills as well as thinking and cognitive skills. The
activities have been designed to cater for students’ different learning styles and multiple Close to Jesus:
intelligences. Each chapter deals with core subjects to activate students’ previous Here students can read and listen to stories from the
knowledge and with a different Christian and social value to help students become Bible. They can learn more about Jesus and His love as well
as to develop social and Christian values. The language is
individuals of principle. The student’s book tracks can be found at the Student’s book
also presented in context and there are different activities
Website: aceseducación.com. as well as the E-book called “Detective Zack: Danger at to check your understanding of the story.
Dinosaur Camp“
More to know:
Course components Here students will have the opportunity to learn English
English 6+ consists of a Student’s Book, Website content- Student’s book audio tracks incorporating concepts from other subjects; such as, P.E.
,natural science, art, technology, social studies ,geography,
& the E-book called “Detective Zack: Danger at Dinosaur Camp- and an on-line Teacher’s
history, Bible. Students will learn specific vocabulary
Book. and they will have the chance to activate their previous
knowledge of the world.
Student’s Book
This 195-page full-colour consists of nine chapters. Each chapter is ten pages in length, How much I learnt:
with each page providing sufficient material for one lesson. Lessons include a variety Here students can review, recycle, and integrate the
of interesting and motivating activities. The series’ strong cast of characters appears target language introduced in previous lessons and they
can carry out a self-assessment to see how much they
throughout the book and their adventures appear in the Reader.
The chapters are divided into different sections.
Icons Appendix:
There is an appendix included in the book. Here you will find:
Students can find what you will learn.
The Reader: It consists of nine chapters. Each chapter emphasizes the value that has
Students can find ways to pray and verses from the Bible. been dealt with in the chapter of the Student’s book. There is a reading page and a reading
comprehension page.
Students can practise the target language through different activity types.
Fast Finishers: Here you will find word games for those students who tend to finish the
Students can use the language in a communicative way. activities before others.
Students can practise and develop listening skills Vocabulary Booster: Here you will have the opportunity to boost students’ vocabulary.
The vocabulary booster consists of nine chapters with one or two vocabulary sets each. It
Students can find structure reminders. also includes activities to practise vocabulary and dictionary skills as well as observation
skills. There is one dialogue for vocabulary substitution. It can be used at home or in class.
Students can play language games Integrated Workbook: Here you will find extra practice. It is divided into 9 chapters. Each
chapter is four pages in length.
Students can find the value that is dealt with in each unit.
Integrated Workbook: Here you will find extra practice. It is divided into 9 chapters.
Students can find the reference to boost vocabulary. Each chapter is four pages in length.
Students can find the reference to do activities in the Workbook or in the notebook. Wrap-ups: “Wrap-ups” provides supplementary practice for the Cambridge Learners
Starters and Movers Tests. The activities are motivating and challenging for use in class or
Students can practise and develop reading skills. at home and will help students familiarize with task types as well as will enable students
to get ready for the tests. The students’ CDROM includes the tracks for listening practice.
Students can find the reference to the cut-outs.
Web Content:
Students can research about interesting facts. It refers exclusively to “ACES Educación” digital content or its related websites. It may
be accompanied by a brief description and a link or a QR code to easily access content
Students can practise and develop writing skills. from the pages.
You will find here the Student´s book Tracks and the E-book called “Detective Zack:
Students can find a self-assessment grid to see how much you learnt. Danger at Dinosaur Camp.”
Students can find the verse from the Bible that is related to the topic of the chapter. • The Student’s book tracks: This link will offer you all of the listening material you will
need for the student’s book, including all of the songs and stories from the Bible.
• The E-book: : “Detective Zack: Danger at Dinosaur Camp” has been adapted accordingly The integration of learning, faith and practice.
to the students’ level in the target language. It corresponds to level A1.
Characteristics: “True education means more than a preparation for the life that now is. It has to do
• “Detective Zack: Danger at Dinosaur Camp” has been translated into Spanish and with the whole being, and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the
it is called “Detective Zack: Peligro en el Campamento de Dinosaurios” which is part of harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers. It prepares
the suggested books for students to read in their native language. It is advisable that the students for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the
you, the English teacher, and the class teacher agree on the time of the year to have world to come” (Ellen G. White, Education, p.13).
students read the book in English as well as in Spanish. It is recommended that this
e-bookshould be read after chapter 4 -Student´s book- which starts dealing with the “The purpose of Seventh-day Adventist education is to strive toward this ideal by
use of the Simple Past. developing the whole person, and to nurture a redemptive relationship between each
• “Detective Zack” is not only an e-book but also an audio book. Students can read student and the divine. To this end, the home, church, and school must work cooperatively
while listening to the story. to provide an environment where students may choose to enter into a relationship with
• The e-book contains highlighted words which are either key words or new the Redeemer of the world.” (Stepanske, 1992)
vocabulary items. Students can click on the words and it can appear either a picture to
illustrate the meaning of the word or a simple definition of it. “Religiously designed curricular maps and learning resource materials are impressive--
• The e-book also includes a printable worksheet to test or assess students’ even indispensable--but in the end, integration happens through the efforts of the teacher.
comprehension skills. He or she is the critical catalyst. When the teacher walks into the classroom and closes
the door, he or she is the curriculum because the learning is mediated largely through
his or her frame of reference and worldview. The teacher becomes the grand interpreter,
the “meaning-maker.” Information is inert until someone gives it human and spiritual
meaning. That’s why it is critical that the teacher’s life and views be thoroughly Christian.”
(Akers, George. (1993). Nurturing faith in the Christian school. The Journal of Adventist
Teacher’s book: Education, 56(2), 4-8. p.6)
It provides teaching notes for each lesson, which include the scripts for all the listening
Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) How English 6 + applies this approach:
General Concepts: On each chapter it can be found the section: More to know – The cross-curricular section.
• It is the learning of English as a foreign language incorporating concepts from There are varied integrated subjects introducing different themes which are totally
other subjects like Natural Science, Social Science, Math, Geography, History, Bible, related to the chapters. The target language, recycled language, grammar points and new
into the curriculum. vocabulary are presented in the readings. Furthermore, the book presents post-reading
• It focuses on reading skills and the learning of language in real contexts. tasks to take advantage of the learning content. Also, there are some suggested projects
• It is based on interesting topics which motivate students to acquire the language to work deeply into the use of this approach in a meaningful and practical way for the
in a more natural way. students.
• It highlights fluency as a very important aspect in the process of developing
communicative skills for different purposes. Teaching notes: The teaching notes provide step-by-step guidance for each page-
• It puts emphasis on meaning rather on grammar structures. lesson. Lesson objectives are clearly described. Each lesson starts with a Warming up and
finishes with an Ending lesson activity. Activities from the Workbook and the Vocabulary
Advantages: Booster are integrated with the student´s book activities to provide a balance range of
• It increases the learners’ cultural knowledge and interest in other ways of lives appropriate activities. Activities from the Fast Finishers and The reader are also suggested
preparing them for internalization. when appropriate.
• It improves communicative competence.
• It prepares students for further studies or working life opportunities.
• It raises students’ motivation and positive attitude toward the subject.
Chapter 1: Special Days! Social and Christian value:
The importance of…
Chapter 1: My friends! • Developing a good personality.
Functions: Saying who Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: Cardinal Numbers: Listening: Listening for names,
someone is. Describing Wh questions: Where… 1-100. personality adjectives. Listening Multiple intelligences developed during this lesson:
personality. from?/ What is she like? Personality adjectives: to a song.
Recycling: Greetings. Defining relative clauses: organized, kind, messy, shy, Speaking: Understanding & • Verbal/linguistic. • Interpersonal.
Saying hello!/ Good She is the girl who likes neat, funny, brave, serious, responding to personal questions. • Visual/ Spatial. • Intrapersonal.
bye! Introducing people. swimming. mean, outgoing. Asking & answering about likes
Talking about likes and Recycling: Verb: be Recycling: Greetings, farewells. and dislikes.Reading: Reading • Musical/ Rhythmic.
dislikes. (am-is-are) Possessive adjectives: my, your, a blog. • Logical/ Mathematic.
Talking about routines How are you? What´s your his, and her. Writing: Writing a personal blog.
and what someone is name? School subjects. Close to Jesus: Joseph the
Reviewing numbers,
Connectors: and / but.
Present Simple: Likes and
School supplies.
Action verbs.
MTK: (CLIL) Social Studies: How
Lesson 1: Presentation of the chapter. PP 8-17
colours, clothes, days of dislikes. Routines. Clothes. to develop a good personality and
the week. Present Continuous. become a better friend!
Saying where we are Present Simple vs. Present Project: Positive qualities to
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
from. Continuous. develop at school! • Greet and say “Hello!/ Good bye!”
Values: Developing a good
personality. • Introduce people.
• Talk about likes and dislikes.
Aims: • Recycling: Verb: be (am-is-are): How are you? • Talk about routines and what someone is doing.
At the end of this chapter students will be What’s your name? • Recall numbers, colours, clothes, days of the week.
able to: • Connectors: and / but. • Ask and answer personal questions.
• Greet and say “Hello!/ Good bye!” • Present Simple: Likes and dislikes. Routines.
• Say who someone is.
• Introduce people. • Present Continuous.
• Talk about likes and dislikes. • Recognize some personality adjectives.
• Present Simple vs. Present Continuous.
• Talk about routines and what someone is • Numbers: 1 - 100. • Sing a song to recall and memorize some personality adjectives.
doing. • Personality adjectives: organized- kind – messy • Develop social and Christian values.
• Recall numbers, colours, clothes, days of the – shy – neat – funny – brave – serious – mean -
week. outgoing. Target language:
• Ask and answer personal questions. • Cardinal numbers: 1-100.
• Wh…questions: Where…from?/ What is she like?.
• Say who someone is. • Recycling: Greetings: Farewells:
• Describe personality. • Defining relative clauses: She is the girl who likes swimming.
• Possessive adjectives: my, your, his and her.
• Develop social and Christian values. • School subjects. • Present Simple vs. Present Continuous.
• School supplies. • Numbers: 1 - 100.
Target language: • Action verbs. • Personality adjectives: organized- kind – messy – shy – neat – funny – brave – serious
• Wh…questions: Where…from?/What is she • Clothes. – mean - outgoing.
like? • Cardinal numbers: 1-100.
• Defining relative clauses: She is the girl who
likes swimming.
Recycled language: Chapter 1: Track 2: Page 8: My Friends
• Verb: be (am-is-are):How are you? What’s your name?. Activity 1: Listen and read
• Connectors: and / but. Cindy´s mum: Here we are! The first day at school after the long holidays!
• Present Simple: Likes and dislikes. Routines. Paul: Hello, Penny! Hello, Cindy! How are you?
• Present Continuous. Cindy: Fine! Thank you!
• Greetings: Farewells. Cindy: Look Paul! That´s our new English teacher, Miss Brains.
• Possessive adjectives: my, your, his and her. Paul: Who is she?
• School subjects. Cindy: the woman who is wearing a blue jacket and a grey skirt. She´s talking to Sophie’s dad.
• School supplies. Paul: What´s she like? Is she serious?
• Action verbs. Cindy: No, she isn’t. She’s kind and outgoing!
• Clothes. Miss. Brains: Hello, kids! I’m Miss Brains. Welcome back!
Kids: Hello, Miss Brains.
Warming up: Miss Brains: Kids! I need some information. Sophie, where do you live?
Greet your students (SS) and introduce yourself. Ask them to form groups of four and Sophie: I live in a flat at 12 Main Street.
allow them to greet each other. Then ask different SS to introduce one member of their
group. Then ask SS if there is a new student in the class. If so, ask him or her to come to Activity 2:
the front and have the rest of the class ask him/ her personal questions. Read and answer. P. 9
Then write the phrase “My friend” on the board. Ask different SS to mention their best Ask SS to open their books at page 9. Point to activity 2 and read the questions.
friends. Explain to them that friends are very important in our lives and we should be kind Encourage SS to answer the question according to what they remember about the story.
and nice to them. Then, tell that when we are nice we develop a good personality. Then let SS read the dialogue again to check.
Activity 1: Answers:
Listen and read. P. 8 a. Where are the kids? They are at school.
Ask your SS to open their books at page 8. Read the tittle of the chapter and ask SS b. What’s Miss Brains wearing? She’s is wearing a blue jacket and a grey skirt.
what they think the chapter is about. Write the Bible verse: “...being confident of this, c. Who’s she talking to? She’s talking to Sophie’s dad.
that he who began a good work in you will carry it on completion” (Philippians 1:6) on d. What’s she like? She’s kind and outgoing.
the board and explain to SS that we should develop good values and Jesus will help us to
develop a good personality. Have your SS look at the comic. Then ask the SS to mention Activity 3:
the characters they are familiar with. Point to Cindy and ask: “Who is she?” Elicit answers. Find ten words from the comic in the word search. Then complete the sentences. P. 9
Then ask: “Where is she?”, “Is she alone?”, “Who is she with?” Point to the teacher and Ask SS to concentrate on the word search and encourage them to find ten words that are
ask: Who is she?” Some SS may come with the answer that she is the teacher. Have your mentioned in the dialogue. Once they find the words, check as a whole class. Then have SS
SS listen to the dialogue and encourage them to concentrate on the name of the teacher. read the sentences on the right and encourage your SS to complete each sentence using
Once they listen, ask SS what the name of the teacher is and encourage SS to answer. the words found in the word search.
Have SS listen to the dialogue again and allow them to read the comic. It will be
convenient to let SS read the comic aloud.
Answers: I’ve got a lot of friends.
School – English – teacher – skirt – serious – a. The kids are at school . They are all smart and brave.
outgoing – grey – dad – flat - twelve b. Miss Brains is the new English teacher. But my best friend is a boy.
c. She is wearing a grey skirt.
What is he like?
d. She isn’t serious. She’s outgoing.
e. She’s talking to Sophie’s dad. He is funny and organized.
f. Sophie lives in a flat at twelve Main St.
Lesson 2: Tools! P. 10
Activity 4: Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Solve and write the numbers. P. 9 • Describe what someone is wearing.
Create a context for this activity. Tell SS that Miss Brains needs to know where her • Say what someone is doing.
students live and ask your class to solve in order to find out the address numbers. • Say who someone is.
Model to your SS how to read mathematical operations; read the first one: “Twenty • Describe personality.
minus nine equals eleven, thirty two plus sixteen equals forty eight, …” • Develop social and Christian values.
Have SS solve and write the numbers on each door.
Target language:
Ending the lesson! • Wh…questions: Who are they?/ What is she like?.
• Defining relative clauses: The girl who is reading is Cindy.
Activity 5: • Recycling: Verb: be (am-is-are): They are funny.
Listen and complete the song. P. 9 • Recycling: Verb: have got: She’s got blonde hair.
Before asking your SS to listen and complete the song, write the personality adjectives • Connectors: and.
on the board and encourage SS to deduce the meaning of each one. Mime the meaning of • Present Continuous.
some of them or provide examples that illustrate their meaning. • Personality adjectives: organized- kind – messy – shy – neat – funny – brave – serious
Have SS listen to the song, and then encourage SS to complete the blanks according to – mean - outgoing.
what they remember. Have SS listen to the song again and check. Once SS complete the
song, encourage them to sing along. Recycled language:
• Verb: be (am-is-are): I’m from…
Chapter 1 Track 3: Page 9 Activity 5: Listen and complete the song. • Verb: have got…
My Friends • Present Continuous.
I’ve got a lot of friends. • Clothes, facial features.
They are all nice and kind. • Action verbs.
But my best friend is a girl.
What is she like? Who are they and what are they like?
She is neat and shy. Warming up:
Write different actions on pieces of paper; for example, play the piano, write, read, play
soccer, etc. Ask some volunteers to come to the front and encourage them to pick up a Chapter 1: Track 4. Page 10. Activity 2: Label the pictures. Then listen and check.
piece of paper and mine the action that is written on it. Have all the SS in the front miming Cindy: Well, what is Sophie like? Well she´s a neat girl. She’s always in a clean condition.
at the same time. Then ask the rest of the class, for instance, “Who is playing the piano?” Paul: What are Tom and Tim like? They are very funny.
Elicit answers and write the answer on the board, for example; Pamela is the girl who is Sophie: What’s Cindy like? She’s outgoing and friendly. She’s my best friend.
playing the piano. Continue doing so with the rest. Paul: James? What’s James like? He’s very brave. Look at this photo!
Cindy: Becky is very kind and compassionate.
Activity 1: Cindy: Paul is really nice, but he’s a bit shy.
Look, read, and write the names. P. 10
Have SS open their books at page 10. Point to the picture and encourage SS to mention Grammar box:
the characters in the picture. Then focus students’ attention on what each character is Focus students’ attention on the questions written in the grammar box or write them
doing, ask questions such as, “What’s Cindy doing?” and elicit answers. Then have SS read down on the board. Explain to your SS that this type of question is asked to find information
the sentences and look at the picture in order to write the correct character’s name. about personality. This is the opportunity to remind SS the type of question that is asked
Check as a whole class. to find out about physical description: What do you look like?”
Activity 2:
Label the pictures, then listen and check. P. 10
Focus students’ attention on activity 2. Have SS look at the first picture and encourage
SS to say who is in the picture. Then write the question “What is she like?” on the board.
Explain to SS that this type of question is asked when we want to know about someone’s
personality. If SS are not familiar with the meaning of each adjective, explain the meaning of
them or go to the Vocabulary booster. You may also want your SS to classify the adjectives
into positive, negative or neutral. Then, point to the first picture again and encourage SS
to choose an adjective from the box in order to say what Sophie is like. Continue doing so
with the rest of the pictures. Explain to SS that they may need more than one adjective to
describe the characters.
Once they finish, asks to listen to the track and check.
Boost your vocabulary c. Tim and Tom are the boys who likes running.
Ask your SS to open their books at page 127. Point to the different pictures d. Sophie is the girl who likes drawing.
and then ask SS to repeat the words after you. Remember that this section is e. Paul and Frederic are the boys who are playing soccer.
to increase vocabulary and improve spelling. After you practise vocabulary,
you may want your SS to reinforce the vocabulary taught. Have them carry
out the activities suggested to check your students’ progress. Ask SS to write Workbook!
on their notebooks “personality adjectives” written horizontally. Tell them to Activity 1: Read the email. Then, correct the statements below. P. 138
complete with adjectives from the vocabulary booster. Ask SS to open their books at page 138. Point to the first activity and focus
their attention on the type of text they are going to read. Ask SS: “What type
Activity 1: Read. Then, unscramble the words to complete the chat. P. 127 of text is this?” Elicit answers. Then ask SS different kinds of questions to get
Ask SS to look at the chat, and focus their attention on the adjectives. Ask information from the email; for example, “Who writes the email? “ “Who is the
them to unscramble the words to complete the blanks. mail to?” Once they get some information, encourage them to read the mail and
Answers: Special, Smart, Organized, Brave, Funny, Kind, Nice, Unique. to correct the sentences below.
Activity 2: Look at the adjectives and describe your classmates. P. 127 a. Sophie’s aunt is the person who works in a shoe store.
Encourage your SS to write sentences using some of the adjectives learnt Sophie’s uncle is the person who works in a shoe store.
to describe some of their classmates’ personality. You may write one example b. Michael is the person who does the cleaning at home.
on the board and say some examples orally. Emilia is the person who does the cleaning at home.
Answers will vary. c. Michael’s children are the kids who are neat and tidy.
Michael’s wife is the person who is neat and tidy.
Dialogue: d. Emilia is the person who doesn’t like cleaning at home.
Once SS have been acquainted with the new vocabulary, encourage them Emilia is the person who likes cleaning at home.
to role play the dialogue suggested and to replace the adjectives for those
that best describe their friends’ personality. Activity 2: Complete the crossword with personality adjectives. P. 138
Have SS read the clues in order to complete the crossword.
Fast finishers: Across
Activity 1: Look at the picture and find someone who. P. 118 1. He is a FRIENDLY person because he likes having friends.
Ask SS to look at the picture and find the girl/boy who is doing different activities. 2. Liz, please clean your room and do your homework. Don’t be LAZY
Encourage them to pay attention to the use of “who”. For example: Cindy is the girl who 3. My sister doesn’t talk a lot. She is quiet and SHY
likes swimming. Down
Answers: 1. Carlos is always nice to others. He is a very KIND person
a. Becky is the girl who is reading. 2. I am not tired because my son helped me clean the flat. He is a HELPFUL boy.
b. Cindy is the girl who likes swimming.
Lesson 3: Tools! P. 11 Warming up:
Bring to the class posters of different activities your SS may be interested in doing or
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to: writing the activities on the board. For example, “Texting friends”. Ask “Who likes texting
• Talk about likes and dislikes. friends?”. Elicit answers, continue doing so until you have reviewed the vocabulary needed
• Ask and answer about likes and dislikes. for this lesson.
them to ask and answer questions in order to fill in the table. You may want to practise the • Present Continuous.
use of the third person singular; you can encourage SS to report their findings to the class. • Possessive adjectives: my, your, his and her.
• Action verbs.
• Clothes.
Activity 4: Complete the sentences with ideas from the box. P. 139 Busy life!
Review personality adjectives. Write some of them on the board and ask
SS what activities these kind of people may like or dislike. Write some of Warming up:
students’ ideas on the board. Then have SS open their books at page 139. Ask SS what they usually do in the morning. Write down their answers. Then ask SS what
Point to activity 4 and explain any vocabulary SS may not be familiar with. they are doing now. Write their answers down. It’s not necessary at this point to explain
Have SS complete the sentences using the ideas from the box. the differences between the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.
Answers may vary. Activity 1:
Read the story and look at the pictures. Then complete the sentences about the story.
Activity 5: Complete the e-mail about your best friend. P. 139- You can use 1, 2 or 3 words. P, 12
Focus students’ attention on activity 5. Explain to your SS that this is an Ask SS to open their books at page 12. Point to the name of this lesson: A busy life!” and
individual activity. Tell them that they should write an email describing their explain to SS the meaning of it. Then have SS look at the first picture and ask who she is. Tell
best friend. SS that Cindy has a busy life but she is very organized. Focus students’ attention on the first
Answers may vary. picture and ask SS “What does Cindy do?” SS may come up with the answer “She swims.”
Then point to the second picture and ask “Is Cindy swimming now?”, Where is she?” What is
she doing?” Elicit answers and write them on the board. Then have SS read the paragraphs
Lesson 4: Tools! P. 92 and encourage them to complete the sentences using just one, two or three words. This type
of activities trains your SS for international exams.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
• Talk about routines and what someone is doing at the moment. Answers:
• Develop social and Christian values. First paragraph:
a. Cindy’s cat is very good at climbing trees.
Target language: b. There are three bedrooms in Cindy’s flat.
• Present Simple vs. Present Continuous. c. Cindy loves reading books.
• Adverbs of frequency. d. She usually goes to the reading club.
• Expressions of time: now, at the moment, right now. Numbers: 1 - 100 e. From Monday to Friday, she gets up very early.
f. She often goes swimming in the afternoon.
Recycled language:
• Present Simple: Routines.
Second paragraph: Answers:
a. Cindy and her family are having a picnic in the park. My dad plays tennis every day.
b. Cindy’s dad is playing soccer. I am doing my homework.
c. Her mum is making some sandwiches. Lucy is working now.
d. Cindy is reading a book about wild animals.
f. Sophie is shy but friendly.
g. Cindy is organized and neat.
write the time and complete the sentences according to what they think h. James learns that some jokes can hurt feelings.
their relatives are doing at the moment. i. Miss Brains explains the importance of respecting their classmates’ opinions.
Answers may vary.
Value: Emphasize the value of this chapter.
Activity 9: Read and answer the questions. P. 140
Encourage SS to read the text about James. Then have them work in pairs Activity 2: Write a paragraph introducing a new student to your class. P. 101
in order to answer the questions. Ask SS to complete the new student’s profile. If necessary have SS ask questions to
Answers: those who are new comers. Then, encourage SS to complete the description using the
a. What is James like? He’s helpful and kind. information in the new student’s profile that they have filled in before.
b. What is his friend like? She’s organized. Answers may vary.
c. What is he doing right now? He’s doing volunteer work. He’s in a shelter
and he’s working in its kitchen. Activity 3: Ask your classmates what they are like, and write their names. You can write
d. Does he go to the shelter every day? No, he doesn’t. more than one name next to each personality adjective.
e. What is Amy doing at the moment? She’s cleaning the windows. Have SS work in groups of four to carry out this speaking activity. SS should ask each
f. Where does she volunteer every Monday? She does volunteer work in other what they are like and write the names next to personality adjective each SS has
an animal shelter. chosen. Then they can change groups to continue filling in their survey.
Answers will vary.
Lesson 5: Tools! P. 13
• Say who someone is. Answers:
• Recognize some personality adjectives. a. Paragraph 3 is about Rachel’s flat.
• Sing a song to recall and memorize some personality adjectives. b. Paragraphs 1 and 4 are about Miss Brains.
• Develop social and Christian values. c. Paragraph 2 is about Miss Brains’s family.
• Present Simple vs. Present Continuous. d. Paragraph 5 is about Miss Brains’s likes.
• Numbers: 1 - 100.
• Personality adjectives: organized- kind – messy – shy – neat – funny – brave – serious Activity 3:
– mean - outgoing. Read and correct the information. P. 13
Have SS skin the text and ask them to read and correct the sentences.
Recycled language: Answers:
• Verb: be (am-is-are). a. Miss Brains lives in a flat.
• Connectors: and / but. b. She is a friendly and outgoing person.
• Present Simple: Likes and dislikes. Routines. c. She is from Australia.
• Present Continuous. d. She has two siblings.
• Greetings. e. She likes fruit and vegetables.
• Possessive adjectives: my, your, his and her.
• School subjects. Ending the lesson
• Action verbs. Writing Activity: Complete the Spider Map with your own information; use it to write
• Clothes. your blog in your notebook.
This will be the pre-writing activity. Have SS complete the mind map with their own
This is me! information.
Warming up: Then encourage your SS to use the information in the mind map to write a blog about
Write “Miss Brains” on the board and ask SS what they remember about her. Write their themselves. Check SS drafts while they are writing.
answers and ideas on the board.
Lesson 6: Close to Jesus! PP. 14 & 15
Activity 1:
Read Miss Brains’s blog. P. 13 Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Tell SS to open their books at page 13. Point to the blog and ask SS what type of text this • Be acquainted with a story from the Bible.
is. Focus students’ attention on the pictures and ask them what they think the blog will • Develop values; such as developing a pleasant personality.
be about. Elicit answers. Have SS read the blog and check if their guessing were correct. • Be aware that Jesus is happy when we develop good habits and a nice personality.
Recycled language: Joseph: Please brothers, don’t sell me.
• Present Simple: affirmative and negative and interrogative forms. Narrator: Joseph becomes a slave. But he is organized and kind. One day, he helps
• Numbers, colours, clothes and days of the week. Pharaoh understand a dream.
Joseph: Your dream means that there isn’t going to be food for seven years!
Joseph the dreamer. Genesis 30-45 Pharaoh: You are very responsible, prosperous and honest Joseph. You’re going to be
Remember that this is the special time to introduce students (SS) to the pleasure of in charge of all the land of Egypt.
reading and to help them be acquainted with the stories from the Bible. Narrator: After 10 years, people from all countries arrive in Egypt to buy grain. Joseph’s
brothers bow to him, like in Joseph’s dreams, and ask for food.
Warming up Brothers: Please, we need food, we are hungry!
Pre-listening stage: Narrator: Joseph’s brothers ask him for forgiveness.
At this stage it is very important to arouse interest and to provide basic vocabulary to Brothers: Oh, Joseph, forgive us, please. We were so mean!
facilitate students’ comprehension. Joseph: Don’t worry. I love you and I am happy to see that you’re better people now!
Let SS open their books at page 14. Ask them to look at the pictures. You may ask some Brothers: You are very kind!
questions: “Do you know who this boy is?”, “Who do you think the old man is?”, “What is Narrator: Jesus is going to come again very soon!
happening?”, “Who are the other men?”, etc. Write all the ideas on the board.
Let SS participate telling what they know about the story or help them predict it. Post-listening stage:
Activity: Teach and explain the verse. It is a good opportunity to help SS memorize simple portions
Listen and read. P.14 from the Bible. Explain that Jesus is happy when we develop good habits and a nice
While-listening stage personality.
Ask SS to open their books at page 14. Have SS look at the pictures. Then say “Listen to Verse: “...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to
the story and find out “. Ask SS to point to the pictures to follow the story while listening. completion” (Philippians 1:6).
Have SS analyse if their predictions were right. Encourage SS to study the verse at home and ask them to repeat it the following class.
Chapter 1: Track 5: Page:14. Close to Jesus. Listen and Read: Joseph the dreamer. Activity 1:
In Philippians 1:6 we read: “...being confident of this, that he who began a good work Complete the personality adjectives. P. 15
in you will carry it on to completion” . Tell your SS that they have to read the story again and find eleven adjectives that describe
Narrator: Joseph lives with his father and his eleven brothers in Canaan. Jacob loves personality. Check the words with the whole class and ask them to try to figure out the
Joseph so much. hidden word by forming it with the coloured letters above:
Jacob: Joseph, you are special and important to me. This colourful robe is for you! Have SS remember that they should develop a pleasant personality.
Joseph: thank you father
Narrator: Joseph’s brothers are jealous and they dislike him. Answers:
Joseph: Brothers I had two dreams. In both, you bowed down to me! • Important
Narrator: His brothers hate Joseph and they decide to sell him to some people who are • Honest
going to Egypt. • Generous
• Special Answers:
• Jealous a. Jacob gives a robe to Joseph because… He is special.
• Mean b. Joseph’s brothers sell him because…they’re jealous.
• Organized c. After the Pharaoh’s dream Joseph…becomes an important person in Egypt.
• Responsible d. Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt to…get some food.
• Kind e. When Joseph sees his family again, He is…happy.
• Better
• Happy Activity 5:
Match. P. 15
Activity 2: This activity has been designed to personalize the task. Write the personality adjectives
Tick the positive personality adjectives. P. 15 SS have learnt during the chapter. Have them cross out those which have a negative
Let SS read the adjectives. Have them classify the adjectives into positive and negative. If connotation. Make SS realize that those adjectives refer to different kind of personality. Let
it’s necessary, explain their meanings. Check with the whole class. them think which attitude or characteristics they think it is important to develop a pleasant
Answers: personality. Then tell SS to think which of the characteristics mentioned they think they need
Happy, organized, responsible, kind, special and generous. to develop. Let SS work on their own and encourage them to choose those characteristics
they need to develop to have a good personality. Check individually.
Activity 3: Answers may vary.
Put the events in the correct order. P. 15
You may ask your SS to read the story again and then, encourage SS to order the sentences Ending the lesson!
according to the story. Call out some SS to read the sentences in the right order.
Answers: Value:
All the family is happy together. __8_ Reinforce the concept of the christian value: develop a pleasant personality.
Joseph lives in Egypt. ___1___ Prayer:
Jacob gives a robe to Joseph. _2____ Encourage a volunteer to pray aloud or you can divide the class in pairs and and ask
Joseph has two dreams. ___3___ them to pray together.
Joseph’s brothers sell him. _4__
Joseph’s brothers travel to Egypt. __6___
Joseph’s brothers ask for food. __7__
Joseph helps the Pharaoh. _5__ Dear Lord, Thank you for this day.
Help me develop a pleasant personality!
Activity 4: In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Choose the correct information. P. 15
Ask SS read the sentences and have them choose the best option to finish each sentence.
Check with the whole class.
Lesson 7: More to know P. 16 Activity 2:
Complete the words. Then read the tips again and tick. P. 16
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will have: Explain to SS that they should complete the words which are related to personality
• Learnt new vocabulary related to personality. adjectives. They can check as a whole class. Then have SS decide if they are positive, neutral
• Be acquainted with different characteristics needed to develop a good personality. or negative adjectives. If you want, you can have your SS decide which characteristics are
important to develop a good personality and be a better person.
SS will be able to: Answers:
• Develop a good personality; such as being a good listener, accepting weak points, etc. This person is proud. This person is kind.
• Be aware that Jesus is happy when we develop a nice personality. This person is helpful. This person is bossy.
This person is funny. This person is jealous.
Target language: This person is mean. This person is respectful.
• Present simple. This person is shy. This person is brave.
• Personality adjectives.
How to develop a good personality and become a better person! 1) Identify different ways to develop a pleasant personality at school.
2) Practise the new vocabulary.
Warming up: 3) Develop creativity through art skills.
You may bring pictures of people with different expressions to the class, for example;
people laughing, smiling, tired or angry, good listeners, etc. You may ask SS to classify the Warming up:
Write on the board: Develop a good personality at school. Elicit ideas from the SS. You
pictures and the adjectives into positive and negative characteristics. Then have SS think
may write some ideas first. For example, help the youngest children, tidy the class, etc.
about the meaning of the word personality. Elicit ideas. Tell SS to open their books at page Activities:
16. 1) Divide the class into groups of four.
2) Hand out a poster for each group.
Activity 1: 3) Ask SS to write the title: “How to develop a good personality at school”.
Read. P. 16 4) Ask them to draw or glue pictures related to the topic.
5) Encourage SS to write down the ideas they have chosen.
Have your SS open their books at page 16. Read the definition of the word personality. Tell
6) SS share the information with their classmates. Agree on the date the exposition
SS to check if their guessing were correct. Explain they are going to read about some tips to will take place.
develop a good personality.
Ending the lesson!
Pray with the SS and ask God for his help to choose good ways to develop a pleasant Lesson 8: How much I learnt! P. 77
Objective: At the end of this lesson students will have:
• Reviewed, practised and reinforced all the language seen in this chapter.
Activity 10: Read and answer the quiz. P. 141 Target language:
Let SS read the quiz. Check if they understand all the words. Give some • Wh…questions: Where…from?/ What is she like?.
minutes to work with the quiz. Let them work individually, then, they • Defining relative clauses: She is the girl who likes swimming.
check with a classmate. • Present simple vs. Present continuous.
Answers: The answers will vary. • Numbers: 1 - 100.
• Personality adjectives: organized- kind – messy – shy – neat – funny – brave – serious
Activity 11: Match the situations with the correct attitude. P. 141 – mean - outgoing.
Ask SS to read each situation. Then have SS choose the adjective that • Cardinal numbers: 1-100.
best describe the attitude that each situation illustrates. Ask different
volunteers to read the situations and the attitude chosen. Warming up!
Answers: Review the vocabulary. Use a simple activity or a game to review numbers, personality
• Your friend is very sad because his dog is sick. Be supportive. adjectives, and clothes. It can be a memory game.
• Your friend talks all the time and you are tired. Be a good listener.
• You don’t have much idea of the world news. Read more. Activity 1:
• You don’t like when people say that you are wrong. Accept your weak Solve to find out Paul, Cindy and Tom’s house numbers. Then match them to their
points. house. P.17
• You are always late for class and sometimes you forget to do your Encourage SS to solve the mathematic operations in order to find out each character’
homework. Be responsible. address number. Once they solve each of them, have SS match with the correct door.
Activity 12: Complete Sophie’s description about Cindy. Use the words in • 198
the box. P. 141 • 161
Tell SS to complete Cindy’s description. Check if they understand the • 269
meaning of the words in the box. Then, explain to SS that they should
look at each picture in order to figure out Cindy’s personality, and likes. Activity 2:
Check the description orally. Complete the quotes with the correct adjectives from the box. P. 17
Answers: Have SS read the quotes and then the personality adjectives in the box. Once they
Cindy, listener, reads, organized, kind, unique. are familiar with the meaning of each word, have SS complete the quotes with the most
appropriate personality adjective.
Answers: Ask SS to think about whether they enjoyed the chapter and how well they think they
I like my “You can’t My sister´s I don`t like the Emma doesn’t did on it.
English be afraid. Be room is circus show. like meeting Tell SS to read each language item in the chart and encourage them to ask themselves
teacher. She is brave, I am always neat. The clowns new people. if they can do what it says in each row. Then ask them to tick the correct column according
nice and kind, with you.” Everything is in aren’t funny. I She is a very to how well they think they learnt and worked.
she smiles a the right place. don’t laugh at shy person. Congratulate all your SS for their progress.
lot. She is very their jokes.
Activity 3:
Look and write what they are wearing. P. 17
Focus students’ attention on the picture. Then have SS read and complete the sentences
with the word that best describes what they are wearing.
a. The girl who is texting is wearing a shirt and pants.
b. The boy who is talking to the old lady is wearing an orange t-shirt, shorts and trainers.
c. The woman who is reading a book is wearing a hat, a pink dress and trainers .
Activity 4:
Read, look and complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verb. P. 17
Tell SS to look at the picture and ask them what the different characters are doing.
Then, have SS read the paragraphs and ask them what the characters generally do. Finally
encourage SS to complete the blanks using the verbs given in the correct tense.
Witty (have) is having her meal now. Cindy always (prepare) prepares cookies and milk
for Witty’s dinner.
Cindy (read) is reading a book at the moment. She (love) loves reading. Her mum (cook)
is cooking. She usually (cook) cooks at 7.
Social and Christian value:
Chapter 2: Willing helpers! The importance of…
• Being aware that Jesus wants us to help.
Chapter 2: Willing helpers!
Functions: Talking about Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: Household chores: Listening: Listening for names,
household chores. Simple Present: All forms Wash the dishes, tidy up the personality adjectives. Listening Multiple intelligences developed during this lesson:
Asking and answering Wh questions: How often…? room, fold the clothes, make the to a song.
questions about daily Time clauses: Before and bed, lay the table, put away the Speaking: Understanding & • Verbal/linguistic. • Interpersonal.
activities. Asking and after. dishes, do the ironing, do the responding to personal questions. • Visual/ Spatial. • Intrapersonal.
answering about the shopping, take out the rubbish, Asking & answering about likes
frequency of certain Recycling: Present Simple: feed the dog. and dislikes. • Musical/ Rhythmic.
actions. Talking about Routines. Frequency adverbs: Always, Reading: Reading a blog. • Logical/ Mathematic.
what happens before usually, often, sometimes, Writing: Writing a personal blog.
or after another action. hardly ever, never. Close to Jesus: Joseph the
Asking polite requests.
Recycling: Talking about
Expressions of frequency: Once/
twice/ three times a day/ week/
MTK: (CLIL) Social Studies: How
Lesson 1: Presentation of the chapter. PP 18-19
routines. Reviewing month/ year. to develop a good personality and
every day activities. Recycling: Action verbs. Ordinal become a better friend!
Project: Positive qualities to
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
develop at school! • Read a comic applying the English intonation patters.
Values: Developing a good
personality. • Read for specific information.
• Talk about household chores.
• Ask polite requests.
Aims: Target language: • Name household chores.
At the end of this chapter students will be • Simple Present: All forms. • Develop social and Christian values.
able to: • Wh…questions: How often…? • Understand the meaning of “Being a willing helper”.
Talk about household chores. • Time clauses: Before and after.
• Answer questions about daily habits.
Ask and answer questions about daily activities.
Ask and answer about the frequency of certain Household chores: Wash the dishes – tidy up the
actions. room – fold the clothes – make the bed – lay the Target language:
Talk about what happens before or after table – put away the dishes – do the ironing –do • Present simple: All forms.
another action. the shopping – take out the rubbish – feed the dog. • Household chores: Wash the dishes – tidy up the room – fold the clothes – make the
Ask polite requests. Frequency adverbs: Always- usually – often – bed – lay the table – put away the dishes – do the ironing –do the shopping – take out the
Talk about routines. sometimes –hardly ever - never..
rubbish – feed the dog.
• Name every day activities. Expressions of frequency: Once/ twice/ three
• Develop social and Christian values. times a day/ week/ month/ year. Polite requests: Can you…?
• Sing a song. Action verbs.
Recycled language:
• Present simple.
Warming up:
You may bring to the class different pictures that illustrate household chores to introduce Activity 2:
the new vocabulary. Then, write on the board “Helper” and brainstorm some ideas about Choose the correct definition. P. 19
how your students (SS) help at home. Write the following incomplete clause on the board: “A willing helper is a person...” Then
have your SS open their books at page 19 and ask a volunteer to read the different options
Activity 1: to complete the sentence. Then ask SS which the correct answer should be according to
Listen and read. P. 18 what they have read in the dialogue.
Ask SS to open their books at page 18 and focus students’ attention on the name of the
chapter. Ask SS to pay detail attention to the dialogue in order to figure out the meaning Answers:
of “Willing helpers”. A willing helper is a person... …who is always ready to help.
Then tell SS to look at the pictures and ask them to name the different characters. After
that, ask different questions before they listen and read the dialogue, for example, you Activity 3:
may ask “Are the kids at school?, “Where do you think they are?”, “What do you think Read the comic again and match. P. 19
they are doing?”. Have SS listen to the dialogue and check if their guessing was correct. Have SS look at the activity and encourage them to form the sentences according to
Then have SS listen again while they read. Should you want to practise pronunciation and what they remember from the dialogue. Do this activity orally first. Then ask SS to work in
intonation, have different volunteers to read the dialogue aloud. pairs and explain that they should read the dialogue again to do the matching.
Chapter 2: Track 6: Page 18. Willing Helpers! a. James washes the dishes.
Activity 1: Listen and read. b. Cindy lays the table.
Cindy: Ok Let´s start doing homework!!! c. Sophie puts away the dishes.
Paul: First question: Are you a willing helper? d. Paul folds the clothes.
Sophie: Well, I always help at home! What about you boys? e. Tim makes the beds.
Tom: Well, I am sometimes lazy, but I try to do my best. f. Tom tidies up the room.
Tim: I usually make the beds and Tom tidies up our bedroom.
James: I sometimes wash the dishes to help my mum after lunch. Activity 4:
James: What about you, Cindy? You have a busy life!!! Look at each situation and complete the dialogues with phrases in the box. There is
Cindy: After I wake up early, I pray. Then, I lay the table for breakfast time. an extra one. P. 19
Paul: Before I go to sleep, I fold my clothes. Focus students’ attention on the pictures and ask what the people in the pictures
Sophie: After my mum washes the dishes, I put the dishes away. are doing. Then ask a volunteer to read the phrases in the box and check if all the SS
Tom: It’s very important to help at home! understand the vocabulary. Then have SS complete the mini dialogues but warn them that
Cindy: In many houses parents and children share household chores! there is an extra phrase.
Paul: I think we can answer the first question.. Check as a whole class and emphasize that it is important to help but it is also important
Sophie: You´re right. We´re helpers! to ask for a favor politely.
Tim: It’s nice to help!
Answers: Household chores!
Tidy up the room, put away the dishes, fold the clothes, make the bed. Warming up:
Bring to the class pictures of the household chores taught the previous class and
Ending the lesson! have students (SS) play a memory game. If you do not have pictures, write the phrase
Work with your classmate and role-play the mini dialogues. “Household chores” on the board and ask SS to do a crossword using the letters given.
Have SS act out the mini dialogues for them to practise polite requests.
Activity 1:
Should you want to continue practising polite requests, you can write different verb Label the pictures. Then listen and check. P. 20
phrases related to classroom activities, such as, cleaning the board, handing out Ask SS to open their books at page 20. Focus students’ attention on the pictures. Point
notebooks, etc. Have SS work in pairs and then ask some volunteers to role play different to the different pictures and elicit answers. If SS do not know how to say that action, say
situations in front of the class. Practise the polite requests. it aloud and ask your SS to repeat after you. Then tell SS to label the pictures using the
phrases in the box. Once they finish, let SS listen to the track to check.
Recycled language:
• Present simple.
• Household chores.
Boost your vocabulary Activity 2:
Have SS open their books at the Vocabulary booster section and review Listen and complete the song. P. 20
household chores. You may read the different household chores and ask your Ask SS to work in pairs. Have SS read the song. Focus their attention on the incomplete
SS to point to the correct picture. phrases and encourage them to predict the word that best completes each blank.
Dialogue: Then ask SS to listen to the song and check. Allow SS to listen again. Then encourage
Read the dialogue and explain any unknown word. Then have different pairs SS to sing along. Remember that songs are a helpful tool that helps SS memorize new
read the dialogue at loud. Encourage SS to replace the highlighted words by vocabulary.
any other household chore. After that let SS role play their mini dialogues in
front of the class. Answers: See the script of the track.
Activity 1: Complete with the missing words. P. 128 Chapter 2: Track 8: Page 20. Activity 2: Listen and complete the song.
Ask SS to try to figure out the missing letters to complete the household What I do every day!
chores given. I get up
Answers: And I pray
a. feed the dog I always try to do my best.
b. do the vacuuming
c. do the laundry. I help at home every day
d. mop the floor I take out the rubbish
e. do the ironing And make my bed!
f. take out the rubbish
g. make the beds I do the shopping
h. fold the clothes After school
i. milk the cow And I also tidy up my room.
j. lay the table
Activity 2: Tick the things you do at home. P. 128 I fold my clothes
Encourage your SS to think about the household chores they do at home. And I go to bed
Ask them to read the sentences given and tick those activities they actually I thank Jesus for my day.
do at home. Then let them share with their classmates.
Activity 3:
Answers may vary. Reorder the letters to make sentences. P. 20
Ask SS to look at activity 3. Explain to them that each sentence is in the correct order,
but they should unscramble the words in order to read the sentence and discover what the
characters do to help at home.
Answers: 1. Cindy’s father asks if they are ready.
a. Cindy washes the dishes. 2. Cindy’s mother has to fold the clothes.
b. Tim and Tom make the beds. 3. Cindy helps her mother to fold the clothes.
c. Becky puts away the dishes. 4. Cindy and her family arrive at grandpa’s farm.
d. James tidies up his room. 5. Cindy’s grandpa explains the chores they do on the farm.
e. Sophie and Cindy lay the table. 6. Cindy realizes that everybody helps on the farm.
f. Paul does the shopping.
Activity 2: Read and tick the chores they do. P. 103
Activity 4: Ask SS to scan the comic in order to complete the table.
Go to the cut-out section and do the speaking activity. P. 20 Answers:
Ask SS to open their books at page 181. Have SS cut out the table. Tell SS to read the a. Cindy´s grandpa milks the cows.
questions and answer them according to what they do at home. Then have SS work in pairs b. Cindy’s granny makes breakfast.
to ask and answer to each other in order to complete the column about their classmate. c. Cindy’s aunt feeds the chicken.
Make sure SS use the target language while they are carrying out this activity. d. Sarah feeds the sheep.
Ending the lesson! Activity 3: Look at the other chores Cindy’s family do on the farm, and write sentences.
P. 103
Value: Be a willing helper! Have SS look at the table. Encourage them to write sentences about each character
Explain that it is important to help others and that Jesus wants us to be helpful because using the information provided in the chart.
in that way we serve people as he taught us when he lived here on earth. Answer: Cindy’s grandpa takes out the rubbish on the farm, etc.
Be a willing helper! PP. 102 & 103
To develop the concept deeply, ask your SS to open their books at pages 102 and 103
at the reader section. Then encourage them to read the comic. Once they finish ask
comprehension questions like: Where is Cindy and her family? Where do they want to go?
Point to the picture and ask your SS where Cindy is now and who she is talking with. Once
you check comprehension, ask your SS to do the activities in groups. Give them enough
time to accomplish the activities. Finally ask volunteers to read their answers to check as
a whole class.
Activity 1: Read the comic again and put the sentences in order. P. 103
Have SS read the comic again and tell them to number the sentences in chronological
Workbook! Lesson 3: Tools! P. 21
Activity 1: Read the clues. Then complete the crossword. P. 142
Have SS read the clues in order to figure out the word to complete the Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
crossword. • Talk about household chores.
Answers: • Describe and talk about the frequency of certain actions.
Across • Talk about routines.
1. Tim and Tom tidy up their room every day. • Name every day activities.
2. Sophie takes out the rubbish. • Develop social and Christian values.
3. James washes the dishes on Mondays.
4. Paul lays the table at home. Target language:
5. James’s mother does the shopping. • Simple Present: All forms.
Household chores: Wash the dishes – tidy up the room – fold the clothes – make the
Down bed – lay the table – put away the dishes – do the ironing –do the shopping – take out the
1. The cat is hungry, Cindy. Please feed Witty. rubbish – feed the dog.
1. Cindy puts away the dishes at home. Frequency adverbs: Always- usually – often – sometimes –hardly ever - never..
2. Tim and Tom also fold their clothes. Expressions of frequency: Once/ twice/ three times a day/ week/ month/ year.
3. Sophie makes her bed. Action verbs.
Activity 2: Write “I” next to the household chores you do at home. P. 142 Recycled language:
Tell SS to read each household chore and draw the letter “I” next to those • Simple Present: All forms.
they do at home. • Household chores: Wash the dishes – tidy up the room – fold the clothes – make the
Answers will vary. bed – lay the table – put away the dishes – do the ironing –do the shopping – take out the
rubbish – feed the dog.
Activity 3: Who does each chore? Read and write sentences. P- 142
Have SS look at the table and the pictures. Explain to SS that they have to Could you do it?
look at the table to find out who does the action illustrated in the picture. Warming up:
Write the different household chores students (SS) have learnt during the development
Answers: of the chapter and write the frequency adverbs to be taught. It should be appropriate to
illustrate the meaning of each adverb if SS are not familiar with it. Then ask SS how often
Kate takes out the rubbish. Rose folds the clothes.
they do each of the household chores to help at home. Ask different volunteers and write
Camille feeds the dog. Ellen makes the beds.
down the sentences on the board.
Activity 1: Chapter 2: Track 9: Page 21. Activity 3: Listen and match. Then tick the best option.
Look and answer the questions. P. 21 Tom and Tim’s mother: Tim and Tom help at home every day. They’re good helpers. Let’s
Have SS look at the table and encourage them to understand the table and help them see what they do.
decode the frequency of each action by using the clues on the right. Tell SS to focus their Tom: Well Tim and I like helping at home. We make our beds every day.
attention on “James” and ask SS what James does to help at home. Elicit answers. Then Tim: We also like going shopping with our dad. We do the shopping twice a week, on
ask, for example, “How often does James feed the dog?” and write the question and Mondays and Thursdays, I think…
answer on the board. Then have SS work in pairs. Tell them to read each sentence, look at Tom: Tim and I don’t like taking out the rubbish. But we take out the rubbish once a
the table and write the adverb of frequency in the correct blank. week; generally on Sundays.
Tim: We also help our mum in the kitchen. We wash the dishes three times a week, on
Answers: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s great fun.
Cindy never takes out the rubbish. Tom: And we love our dog, Randolf. We walk the dog five times a week, on Mondays,
James often folds the clothes. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Randolf is very happy.
Cindy and Sophie sometimes do the ironing. Then write the first sentence and the three options on the board and ask SS which of
Paul often takes out the rubbish. the options given have the same meaning as the sentence provided. Elicit answers and
James and Sophie always feed the dog. explain any unknown word or expression. Then have SS read the rest of the sentences in
Paul hardly ever does the ironing. the activity and encourage SS to choose the option that is similar in meaning.
Activity 2: Answers:
Write true sentences about you. Then say. P. 21 a. Tim and Tom make the beds every day.
Write the incomplete sentences on the board. Then complete the sentences using They always make the beds.
your own ideas or according to your own routine. Then encourage your SS to complete b. They do the shopping twice a week.
the sentences according to what they always, often, sometimes and never do. Then ask They sometimes do the shopping.
different volunteers to read what they have written. c. They take out the rubbish once a week.
Answers will vary. They hardly ever take out the rubbish.
d. They wash the dishes three times a week.
Activity 3: They often wash the dishes.
Listen and match. Then tick the best option. P. 21 e. They tidy up their room five times a week.
Provide the context. Tell SS that Tom and Tim’s mum is saying that her kids are really They usually tidy up their room.
helpful. Let SS look at the pictures and the expressions in the boxes. Explain any unknown
expression. Then have SS listen to what Tom and Tim do to help at home and encourage Grammar box:
SS to match the expression with the picture. The grammar box introduces the expressions of frequency and provides examples of the
position of these expressions in the sentence. You may copy the same examples provided
Answers: See answers on the script of the track. in the grammar box on the board and write some sentences using adverbs of frequency.
Focus students’ attention on the position of adverbs of frequency and expressions of Activity 2: Write your own routine. P. 119
frequency in the sentence. Tell SS to think about some activities they do at home, for example, tidy the room, wash
the dishes, take out the rubbish, etc. Explain that they have to use this information to write
Activity 4: their routine. This may be corrected individually.
Do the cut- outs and play. P. 21 Answers will vary.
Have SS go to the cut-out section at page 181 and ask them to cut the cards. Tell them
that they are going to play a game and explain the rules. Workbook!
Rules: Activity 4: Use the information to write sentences using the frequency
SS play in groups of four. adverbs and the correct form of the verb. P. 143
SS do the cut-outs, each colour represents a sentence or a question. Tell SS that they are expected to write sentences based on the code and the
SS make sentences or questions using the cut-outs. prompts given. Point to the table and focus students’ attention on code and
The first one in the group who finishes making all the sentences and questions says ask how often… Then have SS use the prompts to write the whole sentence.
“finish”. Answers:
If the sentences and questions are correct, he/ she is the winner. Rose Mary never irons the clothes.
Otherwise the player who has more correct sentences and questions becomes the Mark and Sam always wash the dishes.
winner. Ann sometimes feeds the dog.
Denis usually lays the table.
Fast Finishers: Chris and Jim often put away the dishes.
Activity 1: Read about Brianna and Stacy’s routine. Then underline the household
chores they do. P. 119 Activity 5: Tick according to how often you and your family do the chores
Ask SS to read about these twin sisters and underline the household chores they do. at home. Then write sentences. P. 143
Then tell them to answer the questions basing their answers on the information in the text. Have SS look at the table and let them complete the table according to
They can check in pairs. what they and their family do to help at home.
Answers: Answers may vary.
Household chores they do: tidy up the room, make the beds, lay the table, wash the
dishes, put away the dishes, take out the rubbish, feed the cat and birds. Activity 6: Interview a friend to complete the table. Then report to the
class. P. 143
• Read again and answer the questions. Have SS work in pairs. Encourage them to ask and answer questions
Answers: in order to get information to complete the table. Make sure that SS use
a. Do they help at home? Yes, they do. the target language while they are carrying out the speaking activity. Then
b. How often do they tidy their room up? Every morning. encourage SS to report their findings to the rest of the class. This activity
c. Who puts away the dishes? Stacy. provides extra practice for the use of the third person singular.
d. What does Brianna do after school? After school, she washes the dishes. Answers may vary.
e. Do they practise any sports? Yes, they do.
Activity 1:
Lesson 4: Tools! P. 22 Read. Then put the sentences in chronological order. P. 22
Ask SS to open their books at page 22. Point to each character and ask SS to name them.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Then encourage SS to read Cindy’s bubble and the sentences below. Tell SS to number the
• Talk about household chores. actions in chronological order. Check with the whole class. Then let SS read Paul’s bubble
• Ask and answer questions about daily activities. and number the sentences below chronologically.
• Talk about what happens before or after another action.
• Talk about routines. Answers:
• Name every day activities.
• Develop social and Christian values. 1. Cindy prays. 2. Paul studies the Bible.
2. Cindy goes to school. 1. Paul has lunch.
Target language:
• Present simple: All forms.
• Wh…questions.
• Time clauses: Before and after. Activity 2:
Listen and choose. P. 22
Recycled language: Point to the first question and read it aloud. Then point to the different pictures and ask
• Present simple: All forms. SS to name the different actions. Read the other questions and explain to your SS that
• Wh…questions. they are expected to listen to the track and choose the picture that answers the questions.
• Household chores: Wash the dishes – tidy up the room – fold the clothes – make the Once SS listen to the track, read each question aloud and elicit answers.Answers:
bed – lay the table – put away the dishes – do the ironing –do the shopping – take out the Answers on the script.
rubbish – feed the dog.
• Action verbs. Chapter 2: Track 10.Page 22. Activity 2: Listen and choose.
Narrator: a:
Before or after? Sophie: I always have breakfast very early. But before I have breakfast I study the Bible.
It´s nice to learn about Jesus every day.
Warming up: Narrator: b:
Write different classroom activities on the board. Then write, for example, “Before we sit Tom: Tim and I like playing football a lot. We can play football with our friends.
down, we say “Hello” and pray.” Then ask your students (SS) what happens first. Write Tim: But we play football after we do our homework.
the actions in chronological order. After that write, for example, “After you finish your Narrator: C:
homework, the teacher checks the students’ work. And then ask “What happens first?” James: What do I do before lunch? Well I don’t lay the table. But I always pray before I
Elicit answers and write them in chronological order. Once SS grasp the meaning of both have lunch. I want to thank Jesus for the food we have.
prepositions ask them to open their books.
Activity 3: Activity 8: Match the text messages to the correct pictures. There are extra
Complete the sentences about you, your family and friends. P. 22 pictures. P. 144
Make sure SS understand the meaning of “before” and “after”. Then have SS read the Tell SS to read the text messages careful and match each of them with the
incomplete sentences and encourage them to complete the first sentence according to the picture that best illustrates the message and the sequence of the activities.
activities they do before or after. Then ask them to complete the rest of the sentences but
in this opportunity they should provide information about their family and friends.
Answers will vary. Lesson 5: Tools! P. 23
Ending the lesson! Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will have:
• Identified and used the vocabulary taught.
Activity 4: • Inferred the meaning of words through the context.
Ask your classmates. P. 22 • Read for specific information in order to choose the best option, answer questions and
Write different questions on the board, for example, “What do you do after you arrive complete a chart.
home?” Elicit answers. Ask • Generated ideas for writing by reading.
SS to work in pairs in order to ask and answer the questions the teacher has written on • Written a brief blog about their chores at home.
the board. • Become aware of the importance of being willing to help.
Answers will vary.
Target language:
• Simple Present: All forms.
Workbook! • Wh…questions.
Activity 7: Look at the pictures of the film “Willing helpers.” Then, choose • Time clauses: Before and after.
the best option. P. 144 • Household chores: Wash the dishes – tidy up the room – fold the clothes – make the
Ask SS to open their books at page 144. Point to the pictures of the film bed – lay the table – put away the dishes – do the ironing –do the shopping – take out the
“Willing helpers” and encourage SS to mention what Tom and Tim do every rubbish – feed the dog – water the plants – milk the cows.
day to help at home. • Frequency adverbs: Always- usually – often – sometimes –hardly ever - never.
Then have SS read the sentences below and emphasize that they should • Expressions of frequency: Once/ twice/ three times a day/ week/ month/ year.
choose the option that best describe the actions that are illustrated in a • Action verbs.
chronological order.
Answers: Recycled language:
a. Tim and Tom wash the dishes before they clean their room. • Simple Present: All forms.
b. They make their bed after they fold their clothes. • Wh…questions.
c. They lay the table before they clean their room. • Household chores: Wash the dishes – tidy up the room – fold the clothes – make the
d. They wash the dishes after they lay the table. bed – lay the table – put away the dishes – do the ironing –do the shopping – take out the
e. Tim and Tom wash the dishes before they clean the room. rubbish – feed the dog.
f. They read the Bible before they do all their household chores. • Action verbs.
Differences and similarities! Sophie’s chores: She makes her bed. She lays the table before lunch, she washes the
Warming up: dishes, and puts them away, she folds the clothes, takes out the rubbish and tidies her
Start the lesson by asking your students (SS) what they do to help at home. Write some room.
of the answers on the board. Then ask them if they have ever been to the country and Emiliano and Sophie’s chores: They lay the table, tidy their room.
encourage your SS to mention some of the activities that people who live in the country
do. Write the country or farm activities on the board. Activity 4:
Read again and answer the questions. P. 23
Activity 1: Have SS work in pairs. Encourage them to read the chat again and seek for specific
Read. P. 23 information so that they can answer the questions.
Ask SS to open their books at page 23. Point to the chat and ask SS what type of text Answers:
this is. Then provide the context. Tell SS that Sophie is chatting with a friend who lives on a. What time does Emiliano get up? He gets up at 6.
a farm. Ask SS to name some of the household chores people who live on a farm may do. b. When does he milk the cows? He milks the cows before he goes to school.
Write their ideas on the board. Then have SS read the chat or read it aloud while your SS c. What does Sophie do to help at noon? She makes her bed. She lays the table before
read it silently. Then check if your SS predict some of the chores that are mentioned and lunch, she washes the dishes, and puts them away, she folds the clothes, takes out the
ask some comprehension questions such as, “What’s Sophie’s friend’s name?” “Where rubbish and tidies her room.
does he live?”, etc. Elicit answers. d. How often does Emiliano plant crops? Twice a month.
Man: help me
The Parable of the Good Samaritan. Luke 10: 25-37 Narrator: A Samaritan, who is walking for the same road, sees the man and decides to
Remember that this is the special time to introduce students (SS) to the pleasure of help him.
reading and to help them be acquainted with the stories from the Bible. Man: Please, help me!
Samaritan: Let me help you!
Warming up Narrator: The Samaritan takes this man to an inn and takes care of him.
Pre-listening stage: Man: Thank you for being willing to help me!
At this stage it is very important to arouse interest and to provide basic vocabulary to Samaritan: Don’t worry! I am happy to help!
facilitate students’ comprehension.
Show a picture of children hurt,it could be a child on the floor because he fell down, or Post-listening stage:
a child with a hand hurt. Ask them what they can do to help these children. Elicit answers. Verse:
Ask SS if they know a story from the Bible that is about an injured man and a good Teach and explain the verse. It is a good opportunity to help SS memorize simple portions
helpful man that decides to help him. from the Bible. Explain that Jesus is happy when we are willing helpers, when we want to
Let SS participate telling what they know about the story or predicting about it. help others.
Verse: “Rejoice always” 1 Thessalonians 5:16.
Activity: Encourage SS to study the verse at home and ask them to repeat it the following class.
Listen and read. P. 24
While-listening stage Activity 1:
Ask SS to open their books at page 24. Have SS look at the pictures. Then say “Listen and Match the words with the pictures. P. 25
read the story “. Ask SS to point to the pictures to follow the story while listening. Tell your SS to work with vocabulary. If they don’t remember the meaning of the words, let
Have SS analyse if their predictions were right. them read the story again. .
Chapter 2: Track:11 Page:24Close to Jesus: Listen and Read. The Parable of the Good • Priest-picture 2
Samaritan! Luke 10:25-37. • Thieves- picture 1
In 1 Thessalonians 5:16 we read: “Rejoice always” • Road- picture 5
Narrator: A man is going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when some robbers attack him. • Inn- picture 3
Robbers: Give me your things! • To take care – picture 4
Man: Please, stop! Don’t hurt me!
Narrator: After a few minutes, the thieves take everything with them, clothes, food, Activity 2:
money and leave him almost dead. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Then, put the events in the
Man: Ouch correct order. P. 25
Narrator: A priest is going down the same road. He sees and looks at the man and goes Let SS read the story again and complete the sentences. Encourage them to pay attention
on his way. to write the verbs in the correct form and tense. Then, tell them to order the story from 1-7.
Man: Please help. I’m hurt. Check with the whole class.
Narrator: Then a Levite passes next to him and goes on his way, too.
Answers: Tell them to read the 3 options and choose the best one that describes the meaning of the
• 6 -A Samaritan sees the man. verse. Check orally.
• 2 -Some robbers hit and hurt the man. Answers:
• 4 -A priest passes next to him. Rejoice always: Feel or show you are happy all the time.
• 5 -A Levite sees the man and continues walking.
• 3 -The robbers take everything from the man. Ending the lesson!
• 1 -A man walks from Jerusalem to Jericho.
• 7-The Samaritan takes care of the man. Value: Reinforce the concept of the christian value :being a willing helper.
Prayer: Encourage a volunteer to pray aloud or you can divide the class in pairs and and
Activity 3: ask them to pray together.
Choose the best answer. P. 25
This activity could be done orally with the whole class. You can read the questions and they
should provide the correct answer. Dear Lord,
Help me be a willing helper and
Answers: Please let me help others with joy.
a. What happens before the priest sees an injured man on the side of the road? Some In Jesus’ name, Amen.
robbers attack the man.
b. Who sees the man immediately after the priest ignores him? A Levite.
c. What does the Samaritan do before he takes the man to an inn? He takes care of the Lesson 7: More to know P. 16
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will have:
Activity 4: • Learnt new vocabulary related to volunteer work.
Read the story again and answer. P. 25 • Learn different places where we can help.
You may ask your SS to read the story again and then, ask them to answer the questions. SS will be able to:
Call out some SS to write the answers on the board. • Learn about volunteer work.
Answers: • Be aware that Jesus is happy when we help others.
a. Where do the robbers hit the man? On the side of the road.
b. What do the robbers take from the man? Everything: clothes, food, money. Target language:
c. Who passes next to the man? Mention them. A priest, a Levite and a Samaritan. • Vocabulary related to households.
d. Who helps the man? A Samaritan.
e. Where does the Samaritan take the man? To an inn. Recycled language:
• Present simple tense.
Activity 5:
Read and choose the best answer. P. 25
Write the Bible verse on the BB “Rejoice always”. Encourage SS to think about the verse.
Vonlunter Work! Mini project: P. 16
Tell SS to think about what they can do to help others. Let them decide if they are
Warming up: going to help at school, in a hospital or in a nursing home. Encourage them to carry out
the activity and remind them to take pictures. Once they finish the activity, encourage
You may bring pictures of people/children helping others like visiting sick people, cleaning
SS to glue the photos on a wallpaper and share the experience with the whole class.
the house, cooking, etc. or you may bring a short video about kids helping. Ask SS what the Aims:
topic is about, what they see in the pictures/video. Elicit answers. Tell SS to open their book 1) Identify different ways to help.
at page 26. 2) Develop creativity through art skills.
Workbook Lesson 8: How much I learnt! P. 27
Activity 9: Complete. Then match the texts to the pictures. P. 145
Tell SS to complete the paragraphs in each box with the correct form of Objective: At the end of this lesson students will have:
the verb, and then tell them that they should match the text with the • Reviewed, practised and reinforced all the language seen in this chapter.
corresponding pictures. Check individually.
Target language:
Answers: • Simple Present: all forms.
a. make, tidy, lays washes. • Wh…questions.
b. take, feeds, does, takes, tidy, clean. • Time clauses: Before and after.
c. feed, milk, do, fold. • Household chores: Wash the dishes – tidy up the room – fold the clothes – make the
bed – lay the table – put away the dishes – do the ironing –do the shopping – take out the
Activity 10: Go to the Cut-out section and Play: Snap.P. 145 rubbish – feed the dog.
Tell SS that they are going to play a game. Ask them to go to the cut-out • Frequency adverbs: Always- usually – often – sometimes –hardly ever - never.
section at page 195 and cut the cards. Explain that every single SS should • Expressions of frequency: Once/ twice/ three times a day/ week/ month/ year.
cut out the cards to play in groups. Once all the cards are cut out, explain • Action verbs.
the rules of the game.
Recycled language:
Rules • Simple Present: all forms.
• [Form a group of 2, 3, or 4]. Cut out the cards, shuffle them, and deal • Wh…questions.
them out to the players equally. Players do not look at their cards. Each • Household chores: Wash the dishes – tidy up the room – fold the clothes – make the
player keeps them in a face-down pile in front of them. bed – lay the table – put away the dishes – do the ironing –do the shopping – take out the
• All the players turn over the top card of their pile at the same time. If rubbish – feed the dog.
at any moment there are some matching cards (for example, two “Tidy • Action verbs.
the room”) the players race to shout “Tidy the room.” The first one to say
“Tidy the room”-or the action illustrated on the card- takes all the face-up Follow up!
cards, and adds them to the bottom of his/her face-down pile. Warming up!
• The player who has more cards wins the game.
Activity 1:
Tell SS if they want to play the game at home with their family, they should Unscramble the words and write them in the boxes. P 27
take copies of the cards to have plenty of them to play snap. This activity can be done as a warming up since it has been designed to review vocabulary.
Let them know that this game is for them to practise vocabulary and have Have SS open their books at page 27, focus their attention on the phrases. Explain to
fun. your SS that they are expected to unscramble the words in order to fill in the boxes.
Answers: Ask SS to think about whether they enjoyed the chapter and how well they think they
a. Wash the dishes. did on it. Tell SS to read each language item in the chart and encourage them to ask
b. Tidy up the room. themselves if they can do what it says in each row. Then ask them to tick the correct
c. Fold the clothes. column according to how well they think they learnt and worked.
d. Lay the table. Congratulate all your SS for their progress.
e. Do the ironing.
f. Put away the dishes.
g. Do the shopping.
h. Take out the rubbish.
Activity 2:
Look at Cindy’s school project and answer the question. P. 27.
Provide the context. Tell SS that Miss Brains has asked her SS to show on a graph how
often they do their daily household chores. Have SS look at the pictures and encourage
them to decode the frequency of Cindy’s activities. Then have SS read and answer the
a. How often does Cindy make her bed? She always makes her bed.
b. Does she clean her room after or before she feeds Witty? She cleans her room before
she feeds Witty.
c. How often does Cindy iron her clothes? She often irons her clothes.
d. How often does she take out the rubbish? She sometimes takes out the rubbish.
e. Does she always study the Bible after she feeds Witty? Yes, she does.
Activity 3:
Read and answer the questions.P. 27.
Have SS read the questions and tell them to answer the questions according to their own
Answers will vary.
Social and Christian value:
Chapter 3: Rules and responsabilities! The importance of…
• Obeying rules and being responsible.
Chapter 3: Rules and responsabilities!
Functions: Talking about Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: School rules: be on Listening: Listening for specific
rules and obligations. Simple Present: All forms. time/ punctual, wear a uniform, information. Listening to a song. Multiple intelligences developed during this lesson:
Saying and writing about Use of have/ has to to express walk in, keep the school clean, Speaking: Describing obligation.
what we have to do. obligation. be friendly, do your homework, Asking and answering about • Verbal/linguistic. • Interpersonal.
Talking about lack of Use of don’t/ doesn’t have to play safe. Classroom rules: Raise obligations. • Visual/ Spatial. • Intrapersonal.
necessity. Answering to express lack of necessity. your hand, wait to speak, be Reading: Reading a chat.
questions about Imperatives. polite, sit down, pay attention. Writing: Completing an interview. • Musical/ Rhythmic.
safety rules. Following Recycling: Use of before Jobs and responsibilities. Writing a blog about someone’s • Logical/ Mathematic.
instructions. and after. Traffic signs. job.
Recycling: Talking about Recycling: Ordinal numbers. Close to Jesus: The boy who
chores to help at home. Household chores. becomes king.
MTK: (CLIL) Social Studies:
Lesson 1: Presentation of the chapter. PP 28-29
Safety in the city.
Project: Street Safety Rules.
Values: Obeying rules and being
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
responsible. • Talk about rules and obligations.
• Say and write about what we have to do.
• Talk about lack of necessity.
• Answer questions about safety rules.
Aims: • School rules: be on time/ punctual, wear a • Follow instructions.
At the end of this chapter students will be uniform, walk in, keep the school clean, be friendly, • Talk about chores to help at home.
able to: do your homework, play safe. Classroom rules: • Develop social and Christian values.
• Talk about rules and obligations. Raise your hand, wait to speak, be polite, sit down,
• Say and write about what we have to do. pay attention.
• Talk about lack of necessity. • Jobs and responsibilities. Target language:
• Answer questions about safety rules. • Traffic signs. • Simple Present: all forms.
• Follow instructions. • Ordinal numbers. Household chores. • Use of “have/ has to” to express obligation.
• Talk about chores to help at home. • School rules: be on time/ punctual, wear a uniform, walk in, keep the school clean, be
• Develop social and Christian values. Recycling: friendly, do your homework, play safe. Classroom rules: Raise your hand, wait to speak, be
• Simple Present: all forms. polite, sit down, pay attention.
Target language: • Use of before and after. • Household chores.
• Simple Present: All forms. • Ordinal numbers. Household chores.
• Use of have/ has to, to express obligation. Recycled language:
• Use of don’t/ doesn’t have to, to express lack
• Simple Present: all forms.
of necessity.
• Imperatives. • Household chores.
• Use of before and after.
Warming up: Activity 2:
Start the lesson by brainstorming some of the school’s rules and students’ responsibilities Read the comic again and correct the sentences. P. 29
at school. At this level most students (SS) are familiar with these expressions. Write Encourage SS to read the sentences and ask them what is wrong. Have them read the
students’ ideas on the board. Then have SS open their books at page 28. Point to the dialogue again and correct the sentences providing the right information.
name of the chapter “Rules and responsibilities” on the board and ask SS what they think
the chapter will be about. Elicit answers. Answers:
Read and write the Biblical verse on the board: “Work together as a team” (Philippians a. Paul can go out after he tidies up his room.
1:27). Emphasize the importance of working together as a group to fulfil the rules and our b. Paul has to help at home.
responsibilities. Tell SS to learn the verse by heart for the following class. c. There are rules at Paul’s home.
d. Paul’s mum has to cook and clean at home.
Activity 1: e. Paul’s mum has to be punctual at work.
Listen and read. P. 28 f. Rules are good.
Have SS look at the pictures and ask your SS to name the characters. Then ask some
questions such as, “Where is a Paul?” “Who is the woman?” “What do you think they are Activity 3:
talking about?” Elicit answers. Do the crossword and complete the rules at Paul’s school. P. 29
Ask SS to listen to the dialogue. After that, ask them to check if their predictions were Tell students to read the clues in order to do the crossword. Focus their attention that in
correct. the sentences the first letter of the missing words is given. Once the SS finish, check as a
whole class.
Chapter 3: Track: 12 Page 28: Rules and responsibilities. Answers:
Activity 1: Listen and read. a. Students have to respect teachers.
Paul: Mum, can I go out, please? b. Students have to wear a uniform.
Paul’s mum: Sorry, but you have to do your homework first! c. Students have to be punctual.
Paul: Ok. Can I go out after I do my homework? d. Students have to do homework.
Paul’s mum: Well, before you go out, you have to tidy up your room! e. Students have to study hard.
Paul: But mum, I want to play outside!
Paul’s mum: Well, dear… there are rules at home! You know that! Everybody helps!!! I Activity 4:
have to cook and clean. Read the comic and complete. P. 29
Paul: There are rules here, there are rules at school. There are rules everywhere! Remember SS that Paul and his mum are talking about rules and obligations. Have your
Paul´s mum: You’re right. Rules are good for us and we have to respect them. SS read the comic again so that they can complete the speech bubbles according to the
Paul’s mum: What do you have to do at school? responsibilities each of them has, one at work and the other at school.
Paul: Well, I have to be on time, I have to respect the teachers, I have to wear a uniform, Answers:
I have to do homework and study hard… Paul’s mum: I have to cook and clean. I have to be on time, and wear a uniform!
Paul’s mum: Well, I have rules at work, too! I have to be on time and wear a uniform! Paul: I have to be on time, I have to respect teachers, I have to wear a uniform, I have to
Paul: Well but you don’t have to do homework!!! do homework, and study hard…
Ending the lesson! There are rules here….
When you are on the street
Activity 5: Rules are very strict.
Guess the missing words in the song. Then listen, check and sing along. You have to respect the traffic lights,
Tell your SS that they are going to learn a new song about rules and responsibilities. Pay attention to the street signs.
Explain that the song is not complete. Have them read the song and encourage them to Be responsible, be nice
predict the missing words. Have them work in pairs or small groups. Once they figure out There´s no other way to be outside!!
some of the missing words, let them listen to the song to check. As soon as the song is There are rules here…
complete ask your SS to sing along.
Answers: Lesson 2: Tools! P. 30
Chapter 3: Track: 13 Page:29 Activity 5: Complete the song. Then listen, check and Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
sing along. • Talk about rules and obligations.
Rules Here Rules There • Say and write about what we have to do.
There are rules here. • Talk about who is responsible for each activity at school.
There are rules there. • Develop social and Christian values.
There are rules everywhere.
Rules are good, Target language:
Being responsible • Simple Present: all forms.
And obedient is cool. • Use of “have/ has to” to express obligation.
• School rules: be on time/ punctual, wear a uniform, walk in, keep the school clean, be
When you´re at school, friendly, do your homework, play safe. Classroom rules: raise your hand, wait to speak, be
Follow the rules. polite, sit down, pay attention.
Raise your hand • Jobs and responsibilities.
before you speak.
Be polite Recycled language:
and say “please!” • Simple Present: All forms.
There are rules here….
When you’re at home, Rules to obey!
Help your parents do the chores. Warming up:
Make your bed Write the phrase “Rules at school” on the board and ask students (SS) to mention the
And tidy up your room. different rules that they are expected to obey at school. Write their answers on the board.
You have to obey Focus their attention mainly on the rules they have to obey not on what they mustn’t do.
Your parents’ rules. Provide some examples on the board, such as “We have to be on time/ be punctual.”
Then have your SS open their books at page 30 and ask a volunteer to read the title Vocabulary Booster! P. 129
“Rules to obey” and encourage them to figure out what the lesson will be about. Elicit Encourage SS to expand their vocabulary by using their vocabulary booster. It
answers. is convenient to have SS do the activities in this section so that they can use the
new words to express their responsibilities and obligations at school.
Activity 1: Have students open their books at page 129. Read each word from the
Read the rules. Then match the rules with the pictograms. P. 30 vocabulary set and make sure your SS understand the meaning of each one.
Point to the board that appears in the student’s book, and read the rules aloud while Take a few minutes to practise pronunciation. Ask SS to repeat the words after
your SS follow the reading. Explain any unknown vocabulary or expressions. Once SS are you. You can also practise spelling by asking your SS to close their books and
familiar with the vocabulary, tell them that they are expected to match the rules with the write the words that you say.
pictograms. Dialogue:
Answers: Have SS practise the dialogue in pairs. Then encourage them to replace the
highlighted phrases for those they would like to practise. This is a useful way to
5 1 3 have SS practise the new vocabulary in real situations.
Activity 1: Unscramble and match. P. 129
6 4 2
Ask SS to unscramble the words to figure out the rules. Then ask SS to match
the rules with the pictures.
a. don’t be late.
b. be punctual.
c. don’t be rude.
d. don’t eat in class.
e. don’t throw papers.
f. wear a uniform.
Activity 2: Read and complete the obligations. Use have/has to or don’t/
doesn’t have to. P. 129
Tell SS to use the structures provided to complete the sentences. Emphasize
the use of “have to” to express obligation and the use of “don’t have to” to
express lack of necessity.
a. I have to be polite. b. I have to wear a uniform. c. We have to play safe. d. My
English teacher doesn’t have to do my homework.
Activity 3: Write the rules at your school. P. 129
Ask SS to work in pairs in order to think about the different rules they have to
obey at school. After that, ask them to write them down.
Answers will vary.
Activity 2: Ending the lesson!
Complete the rules. P. 30 Activity 4:
Focus your students’ attention on the picture. Have SS mention the different places at Match. P. 30
school, such as the playground, the library, the theater, etc. Then ask your SS what rules Read and write the different jobs that appear on the left. Then encourage your SS to
they have to obey in each place. Elicit answers and write them on the board. match the person with his/ her responsibilities.
Then ask SS to work in pairs to complete the sentences.
Answers: a. The head teacher has to be responsible for the school.
a. In the library students have to be quiet. b. The teacher has to teach and mark homework.
b. In the classroom they have to raise their hand and wait to speak. c. The playground monitor has to control the discipline during breaks.
c. In the theatre they have to sit down. d. The English teacher has to teach and speak in English.
d. In the gymnasium they have to play safely. e. The librarian has to keep the books in order.
Activity 3:
Ask and answer about the rules at your school. Then write five rules in your notebook. Workbook!
P. 30 Activity 1: Look at the pictograms and complete the spider charts. P. 146
Have SS work in pairs in order to carry out the speaking activity. Then explain that they Point to the two spiders charts and explain to SS that they are expected to
should ask and answer questions like the example in the book to find out or remember write rules at school and rules in the classroom. Ask them to have a look at the
their rules at school. Once SS finish the speaking, activity invite some volunteer to the pictograms in order to write the rule next to each one.
front to role play their dialogues. Answers:
Write some of the rules SS come up with on the board and encourage SS to write them
in their notebooks and those each pair practised. Rules at school: Rules in the classroom:
Answers may vary. We have to … We have to…
• Be on time. • Raise our hand before we speak.
Grammar box: Copy the examples provided on the board. Emphasize the use • Wear a uniform. • Study.
of “Have to” to express obligation. If it is necessary explain the use of “have • Be nice and friendly. • Pay attention.
to” in the third person singular. It will be important to have SS practise the • Keep the school clean. • Be nice and polite.
pronunciation of “Have to” / /hӕftə/ and“has to” /hӕstə/. • Do homework. • Be seated.
• Walk in.
Value: Be responsible and follow the rules.
Read the value that is aimed to be taught and explain to your SS that importance of Activity 2: Read and write who has to do the following tasks at school. P. 146
obeying rules and that we are responsible when we follow them. Have SS read the incomplete sentences and encourage SS fill in the blanks
using the words in the box.
Answers may vary.
Lesson 3: Tools! P. 31 explain any unknown vocabulary. Then ask SS to read the riddles and encourage them to
guess what job is and what riddle it refers to.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Make your SS aware that there more jobs than riddles.
• Talk about rules and obligations.
• Say and write about what we have to do. Answers:
• Talk about lack of necessity. • Doctors: They have to write prescriptions but they don’t have to give injections.
• Answer questions about safety rules. • A photographer: He has to take pictures, but he doesn’t have to develop the photos.
• Follow instructions. • A chef: He has to cook delicious food, but he doesn’t have to wash the dishes.
• Talk about chores to help at home. • An architect: She has to design buildings, but she doesn’t have to build the buildings.
• Develop social and Christian values. • Teachers: They have to explain different topics, but they don’t have to do homework.
Target language: Grammar box: Copy the examples provided on the board. Explain to your SS the
• Simple Present: all forms. differences in uses of “Have to” and “Don’t have to” Emphasize the idea that “not have
• Use of have/ has to, to express obligation. to” is used to express lack of necessity.
• Use of don’t/ doesn’t have to, to express lack of necessity.
• Jobs and responsibilities. Activity 2:
Listen and find out the job. P. 31
Recycled language: Explain to SS that they are going to listen to a woman describing her job. Tell them that
• Simple Present: all forms. they are expected to guess what the woman does. Before asking SS to listen to the track,
• Use of have/ has to, to express obligation. point to the different pictures that appear in the table and elicit the activities illustrated
Obligation or not necessary? Answers: See script.
Warming up:
Discuss with your students (SS) certain rules at school. For example you can ask them if Chapter 3: Track: 14 Page: 31 Activity 2: Listen and find out the job.
it is obligatory to wear a uniform. If they say yes, write “Students have to wear a uniform.” Hello I’m Maria. Do you want to know what I do? Well here there are some tips to help
Then ask if it is obligatory to wear black trainers. If SS say that they can wear trainers of you. I work at the zoo! I work a lot, but I love it. I work in the mornings from nine to twelve
any colour, write “Students don’t have to wear black trainers.” Explain to SS that it is not and in the afternoons from two to half past five. Do I have a lot of responsibilities? Yes,
necessary to wear black trainers, but they can wear black trainers if they want. Continue of course. I have to look after the animals, but I don’t have to feed the animals. I have to
discussing about certain rules. give the animals some injections when they get sick. Another tip, I have to wear a uniform.
I enjoy my job a lot. I have to be with the animals all the time, but I don’t have to interact
Activity 1: with people. When you come to the zoo generally you don’t talk to me or you don´t see
Read the riddles and write the correct job. There are more jobs than riddles. P. 31 me.
Have SS open their books at page 31 and tell them that they are going to learn about Do you know what I do at the zoo? Well I´m the vet. Yes, yes! You are right.
certain jobs and what each job involves. Tell SS to read the different jobs in the box and
Activity 3: Activity 4: Read and choose the best option to complete the mini dialogues.
Do the cut-outs and play “Adults’ responsibilities!” P. 31 Have SS read the mini dialogues. Then encourage them to choose the best
Tell SS that they are going to play a game. Ask them to go to the cut-out section at page option to complete the dialogues.
183, and have them cut the board game. Then explain the rules. Answers:
be polite, sit down, pay attention. Miss Brains: Question b: Do we have to protect wilderness, Paul?
• Jobs and responsibilities. Paul: Yes, we do.
• Camp safety rules. Miss Brains: Question c: Do we have to purify water before drinking it, Tom?
Tom: Yes, we do.
Recycled language: Miss Brains: Question d: Do we have to keep all the food in a cooler box, Sophie?
• Simple Present: all forms. Sophie: No, we don´t.
• Use of have/ has to, to express obligation. Miss Brains: Question e: Do we have to check expiration dates on any medications, Tim?
• Use of don’t/ doesn’t have to, to express lack of necessity. Tim: Yes, we do.
• Use of before and after. Miss Brains: Question f: Do we have to cook only using a camping stove, James?
James: No we don´t.
Miss Brains: Question g: Do we have to put the fire out before leaving the camp, Cindy?
Safety rules! Cindy: Yes, we do. And we have to make sure that we have put the fire out.
Warming up: Miss Brains: Question h: Do we have to boil water if there’s running water, Paul?
Brainstorm some ideas about what is needed when one goes camping. Elicit answers Paul: No, we don’t. Miss Brains: Question i: Do we have to have a “First Aid Kit”?
and write the ideas on the board. Cindy: Me, miss Brains. Yes, we do.
Miss Brains: Last question, question j: Do we have to use special detergent for washing
Activity 1: dishes?
Read and tick the correct answer. P. 32 Kids: No, we don’t, Miss Brains.
Provide the context for this activity. Explain to your students (SS) that Paul and Cindy have Miss Brains: Well done! Now we can go camping!
to do some homework. Have SS read the comic and ask what the homework is about. SS
may say that they have to do homework about camp safety.
Then point to the Pathfinders online web site and encourage SS to read about “Camp
Safety!” Once they finish reading, tell SS to work in pairs in order to help Paul and Cindy
answer the questionnaire.
Target language:
Workbook! • Simple Present: all forms.
Activity 5: Answer the questions. P. 148 • Use of have/ has to, to express obligation.
Have SS read and answer the questions according to their responsibilities • Use of don’t/ doesn’t have to, to express lack of necessity.
at home. • Imperatives.
Answers will vary. • Use of before and after.
• School rules: be on time/ punctual, wear a uniform, walk in, keep the school clean, be
Activity 6: Unscramble Miss Brains’s rules. Then answer the questions. P. friendly, do your homework, play safe. Classroom rules: Raise your hand, wait to speak, be
148 polite, sit down, pay attention.
Tell SS that Miss Brains and her students are going to have an open class. • Jobs and responsibilities.
Have your SS put the words in order to find out Miss Brains’s rules.
Answers: Recycling:
a. You have to practise the welcome song before the open class. • Simple Present: all forms.
b. You have to arrive on time and wear your uniform. • Use of have/ has to, to express obligation.
c. You don’t have to bring your notebooks. We´re not going to use them. • Use of don’t/ doesn’t have to, to express lack of necessity.
d. We have to pray before the open class and do our best. • Use of before and after.
• Ordinal numbers. Household chores.
• Do they have to practise the welcome song before the open class? Yes,
they do. Sport talk!
• Do they have to be punctual? Yes, they do. Warming up:
• Do they have to bring their notebooks? No, they don’t. Ask students (SS) if they like sports. Write some sports on the board. Then encourage
• Do they have to pray before the open class? Yes, they do. SS to comment on the responsibilities that sportsmen and women have. Elicit answers and
write them on the board.
Activity 1:
Read and complete Lucas’s interview with the questions in the boxes. P. 33
Lesson 5: Tools! P. 33 Ask SS to open their books at page 33. Point to the picture and tell SS that an important
footballer is being interviewed. Then point to the dialogue and ask SS to complete the
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will have: interview using the ideas in the boxes.
• Used the vocabulary taught.
• Read for specific information. Answers:
• Generated ideas for writing by reading. A: Hello! This is “Sport tune”. Today a great soccer player is visiting us, Lucas Valdivia !
• Written a blog describing someone’s job. Hello, Lucas! Do you have to practise every day?
B: Hi! Well, I don’t have to practise every day. But I have to be strong and healthy.
A: Do you have to get up early?
B: Yes, of course. I get up at 5 o’clock on week days. I have to practise on Mondays, to write the answers in their notebooks. Then help SS organize the information they have
Tuesdays and Thursdays. to write a blog about the person they have interviewed.
A: What do you have to do before a match? Answers may vary.
B: I have to go to bed early. I need to rest well.
A: What do you have to eat? Lesson 6: Close to Jesus! PP. 34 & 35
B: I have to eat nutritious food, and I have to drink at least 8 glasses of water.
A: Thank you, Lucas, for your visit! Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
B: You’re welcome! • Be acquainted with a story from the Bible.
• Develop values; such as obeying the rules and being responsible.
Activity 2: • Be aware that Jesus is happy when we are responsible and obey rules.
Read the dialogue again and tick. P. 33
Have SS skim the text in order to find specific information to carry out this activity. Target language:
• Simple present: all forms.
Answers: • Use of have/ has to, to express obligation.
• Use of don’t/ doesn’t have to, to express lack of necessity.
Right Wrong
Lucas has to practice four times a week x
Recycled language:
He has to get up early in the morning on week days. x
He doesn’t have to rest well before a game. x
• Present Simple: affirmative and negative forms, third person singular.
Lucas has to eat chips and drink soda. x
• Modal verb: Can- Can’t.
• There is, there are.
Activity: Activity 1:
Listen and read. P. 34 Read again and correct the sentences. P. 35
While-listening stage Tell your SS that they should read the sentences carefully and correct them according to
Ask SS to open their books at page 34. Have SS look at the pictures. Then say: “Listen to the story. Check with the whole class.
the story and read.” Ask SS to point to the pictures to follow the story while listening. Answers:
Have SS analyse if their predictions were right. a. He lives with his parents. He lives with the priest Jehoiada.
b. Jehoiada becomes King. Joash becomes King.
Chapter 3:Track16 Page 34. Close to Jesus. Listen and read: The boy who becomes c. Joash becomes king at the age of ten. Joash becomes king at the age of seven.
King: 2 Kings 11-12 d. Joash doesn’t have to help Jehoiada. Joash has to help Jehoiada.
In Philippians 1:27 we read: “Work together as a team” e. Jehoiada says to Joash: “You have to repair the house”. Joash says: “We have to repair
Narrator: Joash is a baby and his parents are dead. His grandmother wants to kill Joash. His the house”.
aunt takes care of Joash and takes him to the temple.
The aunt: Don’t worry, I have to hide you in the temple. You are safe now! Activity 2:
Narrator: At the temple, the priest Jehoiada takes care of Joash and teaches him the Bible. Use the codes to answer the questions. P. 35
Jehoiada : I am Jehoiada. Let me tell you some stories from the Bible. Tell SS to use the codes provided to figure out the answer of the questions. They can check
Joash: Yes, please. the activity with one of his/her classmates.
Narrator: Joash grows up and he has to do some chores at the temple.
Jehoiada :You have to tidy your room and help me clean the temple. Answers:
Joash: yes, sir. a. Where does Joash live? In the temple.
Jehoiada: But, you have to remember to read the Bible every day. b. How old is Joash when he becomes king? Seven.
Narrator: At the age of seven Joash becomes King! c. Who protects Joash? The priest.
Jehoiada: You are a king now. You have some responsibilities and don’t forget to obey d. Joash’s first work as a king is to: fix the temple.
God’s rules.
Narrator: The next day, Joash decides to go for a walk and goes to the Temple of God. Activity 3:
Joash: The Temple is in bad condition. We have to collect money. We have to repair and Choose. 35
paint the Temple of our God. Ask SS if they remember the difference between “have to” and “has to”. You may write
Narrator: Joash and the people work together to repair the Temple. some sentences on the board for them to remember. Tell them that they have to choose the
Joash: Now, this is your Temple Lord. We can worship you properly. best option to complete each sentence. Check as a whole class.
Activity 1: Read the comic again and put the sentences in order. P. 105
Activity 4: Have SS read the sentences and encourage them to put them in order according to what
Choose A or B. P. 35 they remember from the story. Then have SS skim the text so that they can check if they
Tell SS that they have two answers for each question. They have to choose the correct one. have remembered the events in the order they take place in the story.
Check with the whole class.
Answers: Answers:
1. What happens immediately after Joash’s parents die? a. His aunt takes care of him. 1. Tim and Tom go to a fun fair.
2. What happens before Joash becomes king? a. Joash has to help Jehoiada. 2. They buy the tickets for the “Fun Fair.”
3. What happens after he becomes king? a. Joash wants to repair the temple. 3. The Box-Office Ticket seller gives them a piece of paper with the rules written on it.
4. They want to ride the Ferry Wheel.
Activity 5: 5. They want to ride the Roller Coaster.
Tick. What are your responsibilities at church? P. 35 6. They obey the rules.
Brainstorm some chores that SS can do at church. Provide a few minutes for them to think.
Then, tell them to tick what are their responsibilities. Activity 2: Read and answer the questions. P. 105
Answers may vary. Let SS work in pairs. Encourage them to answer the questions about the comic. If they
don’t remember the story well, tell them to scan and skim the text in order to find the
Ending the lesson! information to answer the questions correctly.
Value: Reinforce the concept of the christian value: obey the rules. Be responsible. a. They are at the fun fair.
Prayer: Encourage a volunteer to pray aloud with the whole class or you can divide the b. The Box-Office Ticket seller gives them a piece of paper with the rules written on it.
class in pairs and ask them to pray together. c. No, they don’t.
d. Yes, they do.
e. No, they can’t.
Dear Lord, f. Yes, they do.
Thank you for the rules
that help us be better people. Activity 3: Complete the chart. P. 105
Help us obey the rules and be responsible. Tell SS to work in small groups. Encourage them to write three rules they have to obey at
In Jesus’ name, Amen. home and three different ways of being responsible.
Answers will vary.
Rules and Responsibilities! PP. 104 & 105
Ask SS to read. Encourage SS to read the dialogue in pairs. Check the meaning of
unknown words.
Lesson 7: More to know P. 36 Activity 1:
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will have: Go to the cut-out section. Cut the rules and label the pictures.P. 36
• Express in the target language knowledge borrowed from street safety rules. Have your SS open their books at page 36. Read the activity and tell them to go to the cut
• Learn new vocabulary related to street safety. out section at page 185 to cut the rules for each picture. Then, point to the different pictures
• Follow instructions in a safety street. and encourage SS to label and say the rule that correspond to that picture. This activity could
• Develop values; such as being responsible and obeying rules. be checked by calling out some SS to read the texts aloud. Check pronunciation.
• Be aware that Jesus is happy when we are responsible.
You have to stop at the edge of the road before you cross a street.
Target language: You have to cross at the corner or zebra crossing.
• Simple Present: all forms. You have to wait for the signals to cross at traffic lights.
• Use of “have/ has to” to express obligation. You have to look and listen to cars to the left, then to the right, and then to the left again.
• Imperatives.
• Use of before and after.
• Jobs and responsibilities. Activity 2:
• Traffic signs: zebra crossing, traffic lights, stop, etc. Complete with the words in the box. P. 36
Tell SS to read the sentences and look at the pictures in order to choose the best word in
the box to fill in the blanks. Check with the whole class.
Recycled language:
• Simple Present: all forms. Answers:
• Use of before and after. • Bike/helmet
• Use of have/ has to, to express obligation. • Sign
• Right
Social Studies • Stop
Safety in the city! • Light/green
Warming up: • Yellow
Bring a picture or a poster or draw a big street on the board. You may present to your
students (SS) different situations for them to decide if they are right or wrong in order to
arouse consciousness about the importance of obeying traffic signs and rules. For example Activity 3:
you may show a man crossing the street when the light is red or crossing in the middle of Match the signs to the meaning. P. 36
the street. You may invent some dialogues, for example: ups, it’s very late, I can’t wait for Tell SS that they should match the sign with the correct meaning. Check if they understand
the green light. I need to cross now. Or I don’t want to wear a helmet, it’s not comfortable. all the words. This activity can be done orally first.
Let SS say what they think about these situations. Take this opportunity to present the new
vocabulary: traffic lights, zebra crossing, sign, stop, etc. Answers are provided in the book.
Activity 4: Ending the lesson!
Have SS look at each street sign and encourage them to write the rules using the correct Encourage some SS to read aloud the rules they wrote about the pictures.
Answers: Workbook!
• You have to stop Activity 7: Look at the signs. Then follow the instructions and complete
• You have to wait P. 149
• You have to turn left
• You have to turn right Ask SS to get in pairs and read the instructions. Check orally if they
understand all the instructions.
Then, tell them that they have to follow each instruction to get to a specific
place. You may work with them at first to check understanding. Then check
Mini project: P. 36 with the whole class.
Find out about more Street Safety Rules. Answers: church, cinema, library.
1) Identify safety rules. Fast Finishers:
2) Practise the new vocabulary about street safety rules. Activity 1: Read and match. P. 120
3) Develop creativity. Ask SS to match the pictures with the corresponding names. Ask some volunteers to
read in order to check.
Warming up: Answers:
Ask SS to form groups, tell them to choose a place, like a park, a school, • Picture 1: Go ahead
etc. Once they have chosen the place, encourage them to think which • Picture 2: Turn right
rules should be bear in mind to be safe in that place. Give some time to • Picture 3: Go past the...
brainstorm different rules. You may help them by writing some. • Picture 4: Cross the road
• Picture 5: Turn left
Activities: • Picture 6: Go through the...
1) Ask SS to find, cut and glue pictures related to the rules they have
chosen. Activity 2: Read and Complete. P. 120
2) Have SS glue the pictures on an A4 piece of paper and let them write Tell SS to look at the map and find the different places. You may ask some comprehension
down the rules below the picture. questions like: Where is the swimming pool? Where is the park? After they understand the
3) Have SS share the information with their classmates. Agree on the vocabulary, tell them to help the characters find the different places. Explain that they
date the expositions will take place. have to start where it says “start”. Check with the whole class.
Answers may vary.
Lesson 8: How much I learnt! P. 37 Activity 2:
Look at the word spider and write sentences with “have to” or “Don’t have to”. P. 37
Objective: At the end of this lesson students will have: Have SS read the ideas suggested in the word spider about each job. Then check if your
• Reviewed, practised and reinforced all the language seen in this chapter. SS understand the vocabulary. Write the example given on the board and then encourage
your SS to make another sentence using some of the ideas in the word spider. Once
Target language: you practised this as a whole class, let them work individually to carry out the activity.
• Simple Present: all forms. Emphasize and check the use of have to, to express obligation, and the use of (not) have
• Use of have/ has to, to express obligation. to, to express lack of necessity.
• Imperatives.
• Use of before and after. Suggested answers:
• Jobs and responsibilities. Architects have to design buildings and organize different types of places but they don’t
• Traffic signs: zebra crossing, traffic lights, stop, etc. have to clean the buildings or build the buildings.
Photographers have to take pictures and capture images, but they don’t have to develop
Recycled language: the pictures or sell the pictures.
• Simple Present: all forms.
• Use of before and after. Activity 3:
• Use of have/ has to, to express obligation. Complete the dialogue about camp safety. P. 37
Have SS read and complete the blanks using the ideas in the boxes.
Social and Christian value:
Chapter 4: Busy Days! The importance of…
• Being aware of the importance of doing one’s best.
Chapter 4: Busy Days!
Functions: Talking about Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: Regular verbs: Listening: Listening for specific
past events. Saying what Simple Past: All forms. learn, listen to, stay, study, information.
someone did. Correcting (Regular verbs) travel, visit, want,watch. Listening to a song.
Multiple intelligences developed during this lesson:
information about I studied. I didn’t study. Recycling: Household chores. Speaking: Retelling a story. • Verbal/linguistic. • Interpersonal.
the past. Asking and Yes/ No questions, and short Days of the week. Describing what someone did.
• Visual/ Spatial. • Intrapersonal.
answering about past answers. Reading: Reading a chat.
situations. Writing about Wh questions. Writing: Writing about what • Musical/ Rhythmic.
extraordinary situations Recycling: Use of and. happened. • Logical/ Mathematic.
in the past. Close to Jesus: The parable of
Recycling: Talking about the talents.
the chores someone did. MTK: (CLIL) Literature: A funny Lesson 1: Presentation of the chapter. PP 38& 39
Project: Another funny story.
Values: Being aware of the Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
importance of doing one’s best. • Talk about past events.
• Say what someone did.
• Retell events in chronological order.
• Talk about the chores someone did.
Aims: Target language: • Develop social and Christian values.
At the end of this chapter students will be • Simple Past: All forms. (Regular verbs)
able to: • I studied. I didn’t study. Target language:
• Talk about past events. • Yes/ No questions, and short answers.
• Simple Past: all forms. (Regular verbs).
• Say what someone did. • Wh questions.
• Correct information about the past. • Use of and. • I studied. I didn’t study.
• Ask and answer about past situations. • Regular verbs: learn; listen to, stay, study, • Yes/ No questions, and short answers.
• Write about extraordinary situations in the travel, visit, want, watch. • Wh questions.
past. • Household chores. Days of the week • Use of and.
• Talk about the chores someone did. • Regular verbs: learn, listen to, stay, study, travel, visit, want, watch.
• Develop social and Christian values.
• Household chores. Days of the week.
•Sing a topic related song.
Recycled language:
• Use of and.
• Action verbs: learn, listen to, stay, study, travel, visit, want, watch.
• Household chores.
• Days of the week
Warming up:
Ask students (SS) questions about past activities, for example, “What did you do Mr. Sporty: Well, Tom didn’t play two weeks ago. And we didn’t play last month because
yesterday?” “What did you do last week?” Help SS understand the meaning of past time you needed to study for your tests.
expressions and elicit answers. Write the answers on the board. SS who have already used Tom: We need to practise!!
English 5+ are familiar with the Past Simple Tense. Then write some examples on the board Mr. Sporty: You’re right.
and avoid using irregular verbs. Sophie: Sorry, we didn´t play well, Mr.Sporty.
Ask SS to open their books at page 38. Ask them what the title of the chapter is and write Mr. Sporty: Don’t worry, kids! You did your best. That’s important!!!!
it on the board-“Busy Days”- and help SS grasp the meaning.
Focus students’ attention on the Biblical verse: “Do your best, let Jesus do the rest” Activity 2:
(Colossians 3:23).Emphasize the idea that we must try to do our best, and Jesus will help Answer the questions. P. 39
us to accomplish the rest. But it is our responsibility to work hard. Read the questions aloud and ask SS to answer the questions according to what they
remember from the story. Then have SS read the story again in order to check their answers.
Activity 1:
Listen and read. P. 38 Answers:
Have SS look at the pictures and ask some comprehension questions, such as, “Who can a. Paul.
you see in the pictures?” “Where are they?”Encourage SS to grasp the main idea of the b. Cindy.
comic just by the use of the pictures. c. Paul.
Then set the comprehension question for the listening activity, you may ask “What d. Tom.
happened?” Let SS listen to the dialogue. Then repeat the question and check. Before e. The students.
they listen to dialogue again, ask different comprehension questions for SS to focus on
specific information. You may ask, “What happened to Paul?” Why didn’t Cindy play well? Activity 3:
etc. Let SS listen again and check. Put the events in chronological order. P. 39
Write the sentences on the board and explain any unknown vocabulary. It’s important
Chapter 4: Track: 17 page: 38 Busy Days: Activity 1: Listen and read. that you focus students’ attention on the meaning of time expressions. Once SS are
Paul: Did you play yesterday? familiar with the target language, have them skim the text in order to put the events in
James: Yes, we did. But we didn’t play well. chronological order.
Cindy: Hello!
Paul: Hello, Cindy, Did you play yesterday? Answers:
Cindy: Yes, I did. But not well- I didn’t practise last week. 1. Paul didn’t come to the game yesterday.
James: Why? 2. James didn’t play two weeks ago.
Cindy: I wasn´t here. I visited my uncle in the country. 3. Cindy didn’t practise last week.
Mr. Sporty: Hello, kids! 4. The students studied for their tests last month.
Kids: Hello, Mr. Sporty!
Mr. Sporty: Paul. What happened? You didn’t come to the game yesterday.
Paul: Sorry! I was sick and I stayed in bed.
Activity 4: Last week I travelled by train.
Follow the ball and find out what happened to Tom. Then write your answer. P. 39 We had to play a difficult game.
Tell SS that something happened to Tom. Explain that they should follow the ball in Yesterday I stayed in bed.
order to find out what happened to him. I really needed a break.
Chapter 4: Track: 18 page: 39 Busy Days: Activity 5: Listen and complete the song. Target language:
• Simple Past: Affirmative form. (Regular verbs)I studied.
Busy days, busy weeks! • Use of and.
• Regular verbs: learn, listen to, stay, study, travel, visit, want, watch.
Some days are busy! • Household chores. Days of the week.
Some weeks too!
What can you do? Recycled language:
Do your best and stay cool! • Use of and.
• Action verbs: learn, listen to, stay, study, travel, visit, want, watch.
Last month I studied hard, • Household chores.
I wanted to pass all my exams. • Days of the week.
I was exhausted two weeks ago,
I helped a lot at home.
Some days…
Busy week! James helped his parents a lot last week. First he prayed and studied the Bible every day.
Warming up: On Monday he changed the sheets of his bed. On Tuesday he tidied up his bedroom. On
Write the days of the week on the board. Ask students (SS) what they did on Sunday, on Wednesday he washed the dishes. On Thursday he washed his father’s car. And on Friday
Monday and so on. Encourage different SS to answer your questions. he mopped the kitchen floor.
Activity 1:
Listen and match. There’s an extra word. P. 40 Boost your vocabulary! P. 130
Have SS open their books at page 40, write the title on the board –“Busy week!”- and Have students open their books at page 130. Go through the vocabulary
help SS understand the meaning. set. Read each word from the vocabulary. Make sure your SS understand the
Provide the context for the activity. Tell SS that Cindy’s granny was sick last week and meaning. Take a few minutes to practise pronunciation especially emphasize
Cindy helped her at home. Ask “What did she do on Monday?” Explain to your SS that they the pronunciation of the –ed morpheme. Ask SS to repeat the words after you.
should listen to the track and match the pictures to the day Cindy carried out the action. You can also practise spelling by asking your SS to close their books and write
Warm them that there´s an extra word. the words that you say or you may practise the alphabet by saying the letters
of a verb and asking your SS to write and discover the word.
Answers: See script. Dialogue p. 130:
You may ask two volunteers to come to the front and act out the dialogue.
Chapter 4: Track: 19 page: 40 Activity 1: Listen and match. Then, ask SS to join in pairs and practise the dialogue again. Let them know
Cindy: Last week my granny was sick and she really needed some help. I visited her and that the highlighted words can be replaced by others. Check pronunciation.
helped her every day. On Sunday my family and I visited her. On Monday I washed the
dishes. On Tuesday I baked some cookies. Of course my mum helped me. On Wednesday Activity 1: : Read and complete with the correct verbs. Then match. P. 130
I tidied up my granny’s bedroom. On Thursday I changed her sheets. On Friday I mopped Ask SS to complete the sentences according to the pictures and check them
the floor. And on Saturday I studied the Bible with my granny. It was a busy week but I was with the whole class participation.
happy because I helped her. I did my best. Answers:
a. Tom painted a nice picture some minutes ago.
Grammar box: Explain to students that they are talking about the past and teach them b. I washed my face, I was asleep.
how to form the past of regular verbs. You may want to write the example provided to help c. My family and I prayed together. We thanked God for the day.
them understand the spelling rules. It will be convenient to teach SS the pronunciation d. I mopped the floor yesterday.
of the –ed morpheme: /d/, /t/ or /id/ e. I planted a tree and some flowers last week.
f. She brushed her teeth two minutes ago.
Activity 2:
Write the verbs in the box in the past simple. P. 40
Have SS read the paragraph and encourage SS to complete the blanks using the verbs
given in the box. Emphasize that the verbs should be in the past tense. Focus their attention
on the importance of the spelling of each verb in the past.
Activity 3: Answers:
Do the cut-outs and play: Sentence chains. P. 40
Tell SS that they are going to play a game. Ask them to go to the cut out section at page
Arrive Arrived Smile Smiled
185. Have SS cut out the cards. Then explain the rules of the game.
Cry Cried Start Started
Mop Mopped Study Studied
Paint Painted Tidy up Tidied up
Tell SS to form groups of three students.
Repeat Repeated Trust Trusted
Ask them to cut out the cards and then put the cards face down.
Rest Rested Use Used
Explain to your SS that a student A takes a card, looks at the picture, and says what that Reply Replied Visit Visited
character did last week. Student B takes another card and repeats the sentence student
A said, and adds what the character in his/ her card did. Student C should repeat what
student A and B said and add what the character in his /her picture did, and so on. Tell your Activity 2: Find and complete the spaces only with the verbs. P. 121
SS that when one of the members of the group doesn’t remember a sentence, should say Tell SS to look at the shadow pictures and find out the verbs that they represent. Correct
“Help” and another member of the group can remind his/ her the sentence. Encourage SS orally.
to try and make the “chain” as long as you can.
Answers will vary. Answers:
Brushed, Studied, planted, walked
Ending the lesson! Activity 3: Put the verbs into the past and complete. P. 121
Ask SS to form the past of the verbs in the box and then have SS complete the sentences.
Activity 4: Emphasize that they are expected to complete each sentence with the correct verb in the
Use the verbs and write a story: “What happened last week?”. P. 40 past.
Tell SS that they should make up and write a story using the verbs given. Emphasize that
the story should start as shown and explain that they should write about what happened Answers:
last week. You may ask SS to work in group and have them write the story collaboratively a. Yesterday, my sister worked in her office all day. And she was tired.
or you may write the verbs on the verb and write a story as a whole class in order to model b. I called my friend three times last night. We talked a lot on the phone.
the task. Then you may encourage SS to write their own stories. c. My family traveled to Mexico. They visited beautiful places.
Answers will vary. d. My mother helped me with my homework.
e. Last Saturday, my friends and I visited some sick children. We played board games and
prayed with them.
Fast Finishers!
Activity 1: Complete. P. 121
Ask SS to complete the verb table with the present or past form of the verbs given.
Target language:
Workbook! • Simple Past: affirmative and negative forms. (Regular verbs) I studied. I didn’t study.
Activity 1: Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. P. 150 • Yes/ No questions, and short answers.
Ask SS to open their books at page 150 and encourage them to complete the • Use of “and” and “but”.
blanks using the correct verbs. • Regular verbs: learn, listen to, stay, study, travel, visit, want, watch.
Answers: • Household chores.
a. She listened to music last weekend.
b. They watched TV last night. Recycled language:
c. My father was on a trip. He arrived home yesterday. • Simple past: affirmative form. Use of “and” and “but”.
d. She walked in the park last weekend. • Action verbs: learn, listen to, stay, study, travel, visit, want, watch.
e. She visited her grandparents last week. • Household chores.
f. She looked at some photos yesterday afternoon. • Days of the week
Activity 2: Choose eight verbs. Then write what Cindy, Paul, and Sophie did I didn’t do it. Did you…?
yesterday. P. 150 Warming up:
Have SS choose different verbs to write about what the characters did the Write different household chores on the board. Then choose two of them, say and write
previous day. Remind SS that they should write the verbs in the correct tense. down if you did or didn’t do the household chosen. Then point to different household
Answers will vary. chores and encourage your students (SS) to say if they did it or didn’t do it. Take advantage
of this activity to introduce the use of the Simple Past in the negative form. Remember
Activity 3: Read and answer the question. P. 150 that some of your SS may be familiar with the structure because they used English 5+ the
Ask SS to interact with one of the characters. Tell them that they should previous year.
answer Cindy’s question providing their own information about what they,
their mum and dad did. Activity 1:
Answers will vary. Look, read and write their names. P. 41
Have SS look at the table and point to each picture and encourage them to name it. Then
ask SS to read the sentences and look at the table again in order to find out who did or
Lesson 3: Tools! P. 41 didn’t do the activities mentioned.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Answers:
• Say what someone did or didn’t do. a. Cindy.
• Correct information about the past. b. Sophie.
• Ask and answer about past situations. c. Miss Brains.
• Talk about the chores someone did.
Activity 2: Activity 4: Look and write what happened to James and Sophie last month.
Spot the differences. Then complete the sentences about what Tom and Tim did or Write a sentence for each picture. P. 151
didn’t do. P. 41 Have SS look at the pictures. Point to James and ask what he did. Elicit
Ask SS to look at Tom’s bedroom. Encourage them to mention what Tom did. Then tell answers and write them on the board. Then point to Sophie and ask your SS
them to focus their attention on Tim’s bedroom and have SS mentioned what Tim did. Then what Sophie did. Elicit answers but do not write the sentences on the board.
let your SS work in pairs and have them spot the differences. Once they have spotted the Once the SS carry out the activity orally, encourage them to write what James
differences, ask them to complete the sentences using the Simple past affirmative and and Sophie did in their books.
negative form. If you consider it necessary, copy and complete some of the sentences on Answers:
the board and emphasize the use of the auxiliary “did” in the negative form. James watched TV. He visited the museum. He tidied up his room last month.
Answers: Sophie cooked. She prayed. She folded the clothes last month.
a. Tom tidied up his room.
b. Tom and Tim studied the Bible. Activity 5: Read and answer. P.151
c. Tom painted the picture. Have SS read the paragraph about Cindy. Then ask SS to answer the
d. Tom played chess. He didn’t play tennis. questions about what Cindy did.
e. Tim studied geography. He didn´t study history. Answers:
a. Did Cindy pray early Iast Monday morning? Yes, she did.
Grammar box: Copy the examples on the board and focus students’ attention on the b. Did she go to church last Monday? No, she didn’t.
structure. Emphasize the use of the auxiliary verb “DID” in the negative form. c. Did she help her mother at home? Yes, she did.
d. Did Cindy watch TV before going to school last Monday? No, she didn´t.
Ending the lesson! e. Did the reporter mention who “The Spelling Bee Champion” was? Yes,
• Look at the pictures again and answer the questions. he did.
Target language: Answers:
• Simple Past: all forms. (Regular verbs) I studied. I didn’t study. a. He played for the national team.
• Wh questions. b. He played in three “World Championship.”
• Regular verbs.
Activity 3:
Recycled language: Look at the pictures. Unscramble the questions about the astronaut, and then answer
• Simple Past. them.
• Action verbs. Have SS unscramble the questions. Once they finish, check to see if the questions are
correct. Then ask SS to look at the pictures and have them answer the questions.
Activity 1:
Look, read and match the questions with the answers. P. 42 Workbook!
Have SS open their books at page 42. Point to the picture and ask SS what happened Activity 6: Look at the pictures, and answer the questions. P 152
during Miss Brains’s lesson. Elicit some answers. Then have SS read the paragraph and Ask SS to open their book at 152. Focus students’ attention on the pictures
repeat the question. Then write the answer on the board - Two important people visited Miss and tell to your SS to look at James’s photographs about his last summer
Brains’s class. holidays. Point to the different pictures and ask SS what Paul did. Elicit
Have SS read the questions and match them with the correct answer. answers. Then have SS work in pairs in order to answer the questions.
Answers: Answers:
a. Who did Miss Brains invite? A basketball player and an astronaut. a. How did James travel? He travelled by car.
b. When did they arrive at school? They arrived at school on Friday. b. Where did he stay? He stayed in a tent.
c. What time did they visit Miss Brains’s class? They visited the class at 10 o’clock. c. What did his mother prepare for lunch? She prepared some sandwiches
d. What did the students do? They asked a lot of questions. and fruits.
d. What did James and his family do? They climbed a mountain.
Grammar box: Copy the example provided in the grammar box on the board. If you e. When did James play the guitar? He played the guitar in the evening.
consider necessary explain the structure of WH questions. f. Who did James look at the stars with? He looked at the stars with his father.
Activity 2:
Have SS read the notes and then encourage them to write full answers.
• Yes/ No questions, and short answers.
Activity 7: Unscramble the questions about your last holidays. Then answer • Wh questions.
them. P. 152 • Use of and.
Have SS put the words in order to form questions. Once they finish, check to • Regular verbs.
see if the questions are correct. Then encourage SS to answer the questions • Household chores.
about their last holidays. • Days of the week.
Activity 3: b. He travelled to different countries.
Choose the best option. P. 43 c. Because he practiced a lot, and did his best.
Ask SS to read the sentences and decide which is the best option to finish each sentence. d. She is happy because her uncle did his best for his team.
Have some volunteers read the answers aloud.
Activity 2: Read the comic again, and put the sentences in order. P. 107
Answers: Have SS skim the comic in order to put the sentences in chronological order.
a. Camille didn’t play well because… she didn’t practise a lot because she had a busy
week. Answers:
b. Camille decided to… stop chatting and start practising the violin. 1. Cindy’s uncle and Cindy are at an ice-cream parlor.
2. They realized that mark didn’t visit Cindy and her family for three years.
Writing activity: 3. Cindy wants to know what happened in her uncle’s life.
• Louis failed his test. Look at the pictures and write what happened. Then answer. P. 43 4. Cindy’s uncle shows her some trophies and photos.
5. Cindy feels happy because her uncle did his best.
Have SS look at the activities Louis did. Ask them to write what happened each day. After
that, give some time for SS to write a paragraph based on the pictures. Finally, let them Activity 3: Look at the pictures and write what Cindy’s uncle did. P. 107
answer the question: Did Louis do his best to pass the test? Encourage SS to look at the pictures to write about the different activities Cindy’s uncle
Answer: no, he didn’t. did.
Answers will vary.
Ending the lesson!
Once SS finish writing, ask some volunteers to read it out loud.
Activity 1: Read and choose the best option. P. 107 Target language:
Have SS read the questions and the answers provided. Then encourage them to choose • Simple past: affirmative and negative forms (regular verbs) I studied. I didn’t study.
the option that best answers the question. If necessary, tell SS to scan the comic to decide • Yes/ No questions, and short answers.
which the most suitable answer is. • Wh questions.
Answers: • Use of and.
a. Three years ago. • Regular verbs.
Recycled language: Servants: Yes, sir
• Simple past: all forms. (regular verbs) I studied. I didn’t study. Narrator: The man explained something very important to the servants.
• Yes/ No questions, and short answers. The man: I decided to go on a long trip. I trust you and I give you five talents.
• Wh questions. I give you two talents.
• Use of and. And I give you one talent.
• Regular verbs. Narrator: The man started his trip and two of the servants put the talents to work.
1 servant: I received five talents, I used them and now I have five more
2 servant: I received two talents, I used them and I gained two more.
The Parable of the talents! – Mathew 25: 14-30 Narrator: And the last servant…
Remember that this is the special time to introduce students (SS) to the pleasure of 3 servant: I received one talent and buried it in the ground to keep the money safe.
reading and to help them be acquainted with the stories from the Bible. Narrator: After a nice long trip, the master arrived and wanted to know what his servants
did with his money.
Warming up 1 servant: You trusted me with five talents and I gained five more!
Pre-listening stage: 2 servant: You trusted me with two talents and I gained two more!
At this stage it is very important to arouse interest and to provide basic vocabulary to 3 servant: And I decided to bury it to keep it safe. Here is your talent back.
facilitate students’ comprehension. Man: You lazy servant! You didn’t use the money and you didn’t collect more.
Set a situation for SS to think about. You may use pictures or just tell the situation. For Narrator: The master smiled and replied to the first two servants.
example: Imagine that you received a price, a lot of money. What do you do? Give time for Man: Great job, good and faithful servants! You are trustworthy; you are in charge of lots
SS answers, or you may give options. of things now because you did your best with the talents you received.
Ask SS, do you know a similar story from the Bible? Have SS open their books at page
44. Ask them to look at the pictures. Check if their ideas were right. Post-listening stage:
Let SS participate telling what they know about the story or predicting about it. Verse:
Teach and explain the verse. It is a good opportunity to help SS memorize simple portions
Activity: from the Bible. Explain that Jesus is happy when we do our best to help others.
Listen and read. P. 44 Verse: “Do your best. Let Jesus do the rest.” Colossians 3:23
While-listening stage Encourage SS to study the verse at home and ask them to repeat it the following class.
Ask SS to open their books at page 44. Have SS look at the pictures. Then say “Listen to
the story and read” Ask SS to point to the pictures to follow the story while listening. Activity 1:
Write T (true) or F (false). P. 45
Chapter 4: Track 20. Page: 44 Close to Jesus: Listen and read: The Parable of the Ask SS to read the sentences and decide if they are true or false. Ask some volunteers to
talents! Mathew 25: 14-30 say the answers aloud and check the activity with the whole class.
In Colossians 3:23 we read: “Do your best. Let Jesus do the rest”
Narrator: A master decided to go on a long long trip, so he called his servants and asked Answers:
them to take care of his house, his stuff and his money. a. The master decided to go to town. F
Man: Servants, come. I need to tell you something important. b. The man decided to give some talents to his servants. T
c. The first servant received ten talents. F
d. The third servant buried the talent. T Activity 4:
e. The master arrived and asked for the talents. T Read again and answer the questions. P. 45
f. All the servants gained more talents. F Have SS work in pairs. Provide a few minutes for SS to answer the questions. Then, elicit
g. The master trusted all his servants. T the answers from the groups.
Activity 2: a. What did the master start? He started a trip.
Unscramble the words, read and complete. P. 45 b. What did the master decide to give to each servant? He decided to give talents.
Let SS deal with vocabulary first and encourage them to unscramble the words. Then ask c. Did all the servants receive the same amount of talents? No, they didn’t.
them to use those words to complete the sentences. Call out some SS to read each sentence d. How many talents did the first servant gain? He gained five more.
aloud. e. How many talents did the last servant gain? None.
Answers: f. Did the first two servants do their best with the talents? Yes, they did.
a. The men who received talents. SERVANTS
b. What the master decided to give to his servants. TALENTS Activity 5:
c. The master started a long... TRIP Tick the best answer. P. 45
d. One servant… the talent. BURIED You might guide this activity with the whole class participation. Call out some SS to say
e. The place where the last servant buried the talent. GROUND what they think the message of the story is. Give them some minutes to read and think about
it. Then encourage them to tick the best answer.
Activity 3: Answer: We have different gifts and we have to do our best with them.
Put the events in order. P. 45
Ask SS if they remember the difference between “have to” and “has to”. You may write Ending the lesson!
You may ask your SS to read the sentences and put them in the right order according to what
they remember from the story or if you consider necessary, encourage SS to read the story Value: Reinforce the concept of the Christian value: do your best!
again. Check with the whole class. Prayer: Encourage a volunteer to pray aloud with the whole class or you can divide the
Answers: class in pairs and ask SS to pray together.
• 6 -The master returned home.
• 2 -The servants received some talents.
• 4 -Two servants put the talents to work. Dear Lord,
• 5 -The other servant buried the talent. Thank you for giving me talents.
• 3 -The master departed on a trip. Help me do my best with them.
• 9 -Two servants gained more talents. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
• 8 -The master was sad.
• 7 -One servant didn’t get more talents.
• 10- The master was happy.
• 1 -The master decided to give some talents to his servants.
Lesson 7: More to know P. 46 Activity 3:
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will have: Answer the questions. P. 46
• Express in the target language knowledge related to routines in the past. Have SS read the questions and answer them. Encourage SS to skim the text in order
• Learn new vocabulary related to past routines. to find the specific information that is required to answer the questions. Then check the
answers as a whole class.
Target language: Answers:
• Simple past: all forms (regular verbs). a. Who had a funny day? Sam
• Vocabulary related to routines. b. Did he listen to the alarm clock? No, he didn’t.
c. Did he have breakfast? No, he didn’t.
Recycled language: d. What time did he arrive at work? At ten past ten.
• Simple Past. e. How did he go to work? He walked.
• Household chores. f. What day was yesterday? It was Sunday.
• Days of the week. g. What did he do after he returned home? He had a shower and rested.
Funny Day! Mini project: P. 46
Warming up: Think about other funny stories using the pictures from the cut-out section. Then share
You may bring pictures of different activities you did the previous day. (They have to be it with your classmates.
similar to the ones presented in the story.) Display the pictures on the board and make up a
funny story based on the pictures. For example, “Yesterday I got up at 6 o’clock and I walked 1. Develop writing skills.
to school (picture of a person walking to school) but when I arrived at school, it was closed 2. Encourage SS to make up a story based on visual aids.
(pictures of a school which is closed),” etc. 3. Practise the new vocabulary through a writing activity.
Have SS tell you what was funny about your day. Elicit answers. 4. Develop creativity.
Warming up:
Ask SS to look at the board. Tell them to rearrange the pictures you have displayed
Activity 1: to introduce the lesson and encourage SS to make up with a different story. It would
Read. P. 46 be convenient to carry out this warming up activity as a whole class and promote
Have your SS open their books at page 46. Encourage them to read Sam’s funny day and collaborative writing. Write students’ ideas on the board and help them organize the
ask your SS what happened to Sam. Elicit answers. You may want to set other comprehension ideas to create a funny story.
questions for SS to focus their attention on the reading. Activities:
1. Ask SS to go to the cut-out section at page 185.
2. Ask SS to cut the pictures.
Activity 2: 3. Encourage SS to invent a funny story using the picture.
Read again and put the pictures in order according to what he did. P. 46 4. Let them write the story as a draft. Once you check, let them write their story in their
Focus students’ attention on the pictures and have them put them in the order that they notebooks.
take place in the reading. 5. Encourage SS to share the story with their classmates.
Answers: 3 6 1 9 87 2 5 4
Ending the lesson! • Use of and.
Encourage some SS to read aloud the rules they wrote about the pictures. • Regular verbs.
• Household chores.
• Days of the week.
Activity 8: Look at the pictures and complete the story using the verbs in Recycled language:
the box in the correct form. P. 153 • Simple Present: all forms.
• Use of before and after.
Have SS read the story and tell them to complete it using the verbs in the • Use of have/ has to, to express obligation.
box in the correct form. Emphasize that they should pay attention to the
pictures in order to choose the correct verb from the box.
Check with the class. Follow up!
Extended activity: to reinforce pronunciation you might ask your SS to
read the paragraphs aloud. Activity 1:
Answers: Read and complete the paragraph. P. 47
My mum had a difficult day yesterday. When we arrived home after school, Ask students (SS) to open their books at page 47. Tell them to work on their own. Have
my mum was totally asleep in the car. What happened? Why was she so tired? SS look at the pictures and read the verbs below each picture to practise pronunciation of
Let me tell you: First, she tidied up the bedrooms. Second, she cleaned the the past morpheme. Then tell SS to read the paragraph and encourage them to complete
bathroom. Then she cooked a delicious meal and prepared a delicious cake. it using the verbs given.
In the afternoon, she washed the dishes. Later on she mopped the kitchen Check each student’s work.
floor. Next she folded the clothes.
She walked the dog and finally she washed the car. Her day was really Answers:
busy. Poor mum. It was a busy day last Sunday. First, I cleaned my room and mopped the floor. Then my
mother and I visited my grandmother. There, we played tennis with my cousins, and we also
watched a documentary. Then we cooked dinner, but we didn’t eat at my grandmother’s
Lesson 8: How much I learnt! P. 47 house because it was late. After we visited my granny, we returned home and I studied for
my English test. A busy Sunday!
Objective: At the end of this lesson students will have:
• Reviewed, practised and reinforced all the language seen in this chapter. Activity 2:
Unscramble the sentences of the dialogue. Then act it out. P. 47
Target language: Provide the context. Tell SS that Sophie and Cindy are having a conversation about
• Simple Past: All forms. (Regular verbs)I studied. I didn’t study. school project. Have SS put the words in order to form either statements or questions.
• Yes/ No questions, and short answers. When SS finish unscrambling the sentences, you should check the dialogue to make sure
• Wh questions. it is correct. Then have SS practise and act out the dialogue.
Sophie: Hi Cindy! Did your group plant trees for the “Nature Care” project last week?
Cindy: No, we didn’t. We repaired the school fences.
Sophie: Oh! That’s great. Did Paul’s group mop the floor?
Cindy: No! I think Paul’s group planted a tree. Anyway, what counts is that we tried.
Activity 3:
Correct the mistakes. P. 47
Before SS carry out this activity, you should write a sentence in the past which has a
grammar mistake; for example, “I didn’t played tennis yesterday.” Then ask SS what is
wrong. Focus students’ attention on the verb phrase. Elicit the correct answer and correct
the sentence: “I didn’t play tennis yesterday”. Then ask SS to focus their attention on
activity 3. Tell them that the sentences have a mistake. Ask your SS to find what is wrong
in each sentence and have them correct the sentences. Check as a whole class, but make
sure to write the correct sentences on the board.
a. We didn’t study geography last week, we studied math.
b. She didn’t played tennis last month, she studied for the exam.
Social and Christian value:
Chapter 5: An amazing trip! The importance of…
• Being aware that Jesus protects us wherever we are.
Chapter 5: An amazing trip!
Functions: Talking about Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: Archeological Listening: Listening for specific
past events. Naming Wh questions: Where…?/ items: mummies, pyramids, information.
archeological items. What …? paintings, ancient books, Listening to a song.elp improve
Multiple intelligences developed during this lesson:
Correcting information Simple Past: Irregular verbs: Irregular verbs: buy, eat, find, your school • Verbal/linguistic. • Interpersonal.
about the past. Asking I went to Egypt. I didn’t go to get, go, have, ride, see, take, Speaking: Talking about past
• Visual/ Spatial. • Intrapersonal.
and answering about Peru. Did you eat cake? teach. events.
past situations. Recycling: Time expressions: Yesterday, Reading: Understanding • Musical/ Rhythmic.
Writing about a person’s Simple Past: verb to be (was, last week/ month/ year. A/two notes. Reading and filling in a • Logical/ Mathematic.
last year activities. were). day(s) /week(s) / month(s)/ blog. Writing: Writing about
Recycling: Asking for Simple Past: Regular verbs. year(s) ago. Recycling: Regular someone’s last year activities.
information. verbs. Wh-question words. Close to Jesus: Paul’s second Lesson 1: Presentation of the chapter. PP 48& 49
missionary journey!
MTK: (CLIL) Science: A discovery
or an invention? Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Project: An invention you can • Talk about past events.
create to help improve your
school be a better one. Values:
• Name archeological items.
Being aware that Jesus protects • Retell what someone did.
us wherever we are.
• Develop social and Christian values such as the importance of being aware that Jesus
protects us wherever we are.
• Sing a topic related song.
Aims: Target language:
At the end of this chapter students will be • Simple past: Irregular verbs, all forms: I went to Target language:
able to: Egypt. I didn’t go to Peru. Did you eat cake? • Simple past: Irregular verbs, affirmative form: I went to Egypt.
• Talk about past events. • Wh…questions: Where…?/ What …?.
• Archeological items: mummies – pyramids – paintings - ancient books.
• Name archeological items. • Simple past: verb: be (was-were).
• Correct information about the past. • Archeological items: mummies – pyramids – • Irregular verbs: buy – eat – find- get - go – have - ride - see – take – teach.
• Ask and answer about past situations. paintings - ancient books. • Time expressions: Yesterday – last … (week/ month/ year) A/ two…day(s) /week(s) /
• Write about a person’s last year activities. • Irregular verbs: buy – eat – find- get - go – have month(s)/ year(s) ago.
• Ask for information about how they feel. - ride - see – take – teach.
• Develop social and Christian values such as • Time expressions: Yesterday – last … (week/ Recycled language:
the importance of being aware that Jesus protects month/ year) A/ two…day(s) /week(s) / month(s)/
• Simple past: regular verbs.
us wherever we are. year(s) ago.
• Sing a topic related song.
Recycled language:
• Simple past: regular verbs.
• Wh… question words.
Warming up: Paul: Archeologists found mummies in South America, too.
Display photos of your last holidays on the board and start retelling to your students (SS) Cindy: Did you eat any traditional food?
what you did during the holidays. If it is possible, tell them about a frightening experience Mr. Antique: Yes, I ate “Aish”. It’s the Egyptian bread.
you went through during your holidays, but emphasize the concept that you were not Paul: What else did you do?
afraid because you know that Jesus always protects us wherever we are. Mr. Antique: Let me think
Ask SS to open their books at page 48. Read and write the title of the chapter on the
board and encourage SS to tell you what the story or comic will be about. Elicit answers. Activity 2:
Then copy the biblical verse on the board: “Fear not, for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10) Read the dialogue again and complete the paragraph about Mr. Antique’s trip. P. 49
andnd explain the meaning of it. Tell your SS that during the development of the chapter Have SS read the incomplete paragraph about Mr. Antique’s deeds. Then ask them to
you will deal with this concept. Pray. skim the comic in order to complete the paragraph using the correct words in the box.
Activity 1: Mr. Antique is an archeologist. He went to Egypt last month. First, he saw thePyramids.
Listen and read. P. 48 Second, he got into one. It was cold and dark inside the pyramid. He saw some Egyptian
Have SS look at the pictures and encourage them to predict what the story is about. paintings and sculptures. Later on, he saw some mummies. Finally, he ate Aish, the
Elicit answers. Then set some comprehension questions before SS read and listen to the Egyptian typical bread.
comic. Ask them, for example, “Who can you see in the pictures?” Where are they?” “Who
is the old man?” “What places did he visit?”. Let SS listen to the comic and then repeat the Activity 3:
questions and check. Have SS listen to the dialogue again and have them read it aloud to Listen and number what else Mr. Antique did. P. 49
practise pronunciation and intonation. Have SS look at the pictures. Read the sentences and explain any unknown word. Then
let SS listen to Mr. Antique telling what he did and encourage SS to number the pictures
Chapter5: Track: 21 Page 48 Amazing trip. Activity 1: Listen and read. in the right order.
Miss Brains: Kids, this is Mr. Antique. He’s an archeologist. He examines ancient sites Answers: See script.
and objects to learn about the past.
Mr. Antique: Hello kids!
Kids: Hello, Mr. Antique.
Paul: Where did you go, Mr. Antique?
Mr. Antique: I went to Egypt. Egypt is in Africa. 1 I took pictures of the Pyramids. 5 I saw crocodiles in the Nile River. 6 I read an ancient book.
Cindy: And what did you see there?
Mr. Antique: I saw the Pyramids and I got into one. It was dark and cold. Then I saw some
paintings and sculptures.
Sophie: Wow!!! Were you afraid?
Mr. Antique: No, I wasn’t. I know that Jesus takes care of me wherever I am. But I was 3 I ate typical food with local 2 I found an old sculpture. 4 I rode a camel.
really curious.
James: What else did you find?
Mr. Antique: well, I found some mummies.
Chapter 5: Track: 22. Page: 49. Activity: 3 Listen and number what else Mr. Antique Lesson 2: Tools! P. 50
Cindy: Well Mr. Antique, tell us what else you did. Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Mr. Antique: First, I took some pictures of the pyramids. They are really big. Second, • Talk about past events.
I found another Egyptian sculpture. It was not very big, but it was very old. Then, I ate • Use irregular verbs in the past.
some typical food with local people. After that, I rode a camel. It was fantastic. Next, I saw • Write about a person’s last year activities.
crocodiles in the Nile river. They were very hungry, but I wasn’t afraid because I know that
Jesus protects me. Finally, I read an ancient book to get relaxed. It was tiring but amazing. Target language:
• Simple past: Irregular verbs, affirmative form: I went to Egypt.
Ending the lesson! • Irregular verbs: buy – eat – find- get - go – have - ride - see – take – teach.
• Time expressions: Yesterday – last … (week/ month/ year) A/ two…day(s) /week(s) /
Activity 4: month(s)/ year(s) ago.
Listen and complete the song. Then, sing along. P. 49
Have SS read the song and encourage them to complete the song using the words in Recycled language:
the box. Then have SS listen to the song in order to complete the missing words. Then • Simple past: regular verbs.
have SS sing along. Remember that songs are powerful tools to encourage SS to learn and
remember new vocabulary as well as pronunciation. My holidays!
Answers: See the script. Warming up:
Ask SS the previous class to bring some photos of their last holidays. Display them
Chapter 5: Track: 23. Page: 49. Activity: 4 Listen and complete the song. Then sing on the board and encourage students (SS) to say what they did. Supply any vocabulary
along. required. Or you may bring pictures that illustrate the irregular verbs to be taught and use
Jesus is by my side them to make up story about someone’s holidays.
Activity 2:
Boost your vocabulary! P. 130 Look and complete the sentences. P. 50
Have students open their books at page 131. Go through the vocabulary Focus students’ attention on the table. Elicit the activities the characters carried out.
set. Read each word from the vocabulary. Make sure your SS understand the Then have SS read the sentences and ask them to look at the table again in order to find
meaning. Take a few minutes to practise pronunciation. Ask SS to repeat the the necessary information to complete the sentences correctly.
words after you. You can also practise spelling by asking your SS to close their Answers:
books and write the words that you say, or you may practise the alphabet by a. James went to the USA last year. He saw the Statue of Liberty. He ate hamburgers. He
saying the letters of a verb and asking your SS to write and discover the word. bought a cell phone.
b. Cindy went to Japan last July. She saw Mount Fuji. She ate sushi. She bought chopsticks.
Dialogue: Read the dialogue. Then act it out. P. 131 c. Paul went to Mexico last month. He saw Chichen Itza. He ate some tacos. He bought
You may ask two volunteers to come to the front and act out the dialogue. a guitar.
Then, ask SS to join in pairs and practise the dialogue again. Let them know d. Sophie went to Australia during her holidays. She saw a kangaroo. She ate fish and
that the highlighted words can be replaced by others. Check pronunciation. chips. She bought a boomerang.
Fast Finishers!
Activity 1: Find the past of the following verbs. P. 122 Workbook!
Ask SS to find the past of the verbs given in the word search. Activity 1: Complete the crossword with the past form of the verbs given.
P. 154
Answers: Have SS look at the pictures and elicit the verbs they represent. Then
•be x 2: was/were encourage SS to complete the crossword with the correct past form of the
•buy/bought verbs illustrated. Check with the whole class.
•do/did Answers:
•drive/drove Across: saw – bought - went
•eat/ate Down: rode – took - ate
•go/went • Use the verbs in the past to complete the sentences. They are not in order.
•get/got Then encourage SS to complete the sentences using the verbs from the
•have/had crossword.
•make/made Answers:
•meet/met a. I had a Bible class yesterday. I went to church in the afternoon.
•read/read b. Look at this picture! It is my mother and her horse. When she was young,
•ride/rode she rode her horse in many tournaments.
•see/saw c. What a beautiful car! Thanks! It is new. My dad bought it last week!
•take/took d. I traveled to Uruguay last year. I saw a building called “Casa Pueblo.” I loved it!
•take off/took off e. I took a taxi yesterday because I missed the bus.
• wake up/ woke up f. I want to go to the restaurant “Aurora” again. I ate delicious typical food
Activity 2: Game: A busy week! Use the phrases to tell what you did last week. P. 122
Tell SS that they are going to play a game. Ask them to get in pairs. Check if they Activity 2: Read the article. Then complete the timeline. P. 154
understand the rules: Make a PAST sentence with the words in the space. For example: ‘I Have SS read the article about a child swimmer. Explain any unknown word.
went to school.’ Then encourage SS to complete the timeline.
Explain that they have to use 2 coins: Heads, heads: move 1 space. Tails, tails: move 2
spaces. Heads, tails: move 3. The first one to get to the finish space wins. 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2015
He was He started He won He had an He entered He traveled to
born. swimming. his first accident. a world the United States
competition. competition to participate
and won the in the “Youth
gold medal. World Swimming
Lesson 3: Tools! P. 51 • Read the comic again and complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.
Have SS read the comic again in order to complete the sentences correctly using the verb
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to: phrases in the box.
• Talked about past events. Answers:
• Corrected information about the past. a. Josephine Cochrane didn’t invent the modern electric refrigerator.
• Wrote about what someone did in the past. b. Florence Parpart invented the modern electric refrigerator.
c. Florence Parpart didn’t invent the dishwasher.
Target language: d. Josephine Cochrane invented the dishwasher.
• Simple past: Irregular verbs, affirmative and negative forms: I went to Egypt. I didn’t
go to Peru. Ending the lesson!
• Irregular verbs: buy – eat – find- get - go – have - ride - see – take – teach.
• Time expressions: Yesterday – last … (week/ month/ year) A/ two…day(s) /week(s) / Activity 2:
month(s)/ year(s) ago. Look, choose and complete the sentences. P. 51
Have SS look at the pictures and encourage them to complete the sentences using the
Recycled language: correct form of the verbs given.
• Simple past: regular verbs. Answers:
• Simple past: Irregular verbs, affirmative form. a. Cindy didn’t a eat sandwich. She ate some pizza.
• Use of “didn’t”. b. James didn’t go to the library. He went to the supermarket.
c. Sophie didn’t buy a guitar. She bought a recorder.
It didn’t happen like that! d. Paul didn’t ride a bike. He rode a horse.
Warming up:
Write some sentences about what you did on the board; for example, “I went to the
supermarket.” “I bought some fruit,” etc. Then read the sentences aloud and ask students Activity 3: Look at the table. Then correct the sentences below. P. 155
(SS) “What about you?” Elicit answers. If SS say “no”, write the negative statement on the Focus students’ attention on the table. Help them understand the information
board. SS are already familiar with the negative form of the Simple Past so this warming provided. Then encourage SS to read the sentences and look at the table again
up should not cause so much difficulty. in order to correct the sentences.
Activity 1: a. Sophie didn’t go to the park. She went to the church.
Read the comic. P. 51 b. Cindy chatted with her friends. She didn’t chat with her uncle.
Have SS open their books at page 51. Point to the comic and provide the context. Explain c. Paul didn’t watch TV. He had a birthday party at the weekend.
to SS that the characters had to search for some information. Ask SS to read the comic and d. Sophie didn’t buy a present for her dad. She bought a present for her
encourage them to say what they searched about. mum.
Answers: e. Paul didn’t go to the Pathfinder Club at the weekend.
They searched about inventions and discoveries.
Activity 4: Work in groups and discuss who did or didn’t do these activities Activity 1:
yesterday. Then write sentences. P. 155 Listen and tick the correct answer. P. 52
Have SS work in groups. Then ask them to look at the pictures and discuss Ask your students (SS) to open their books at page 52 and focus their attention on the
who did or didn’t do the activities illustrated the previous day. Once they find questions. Read the questions aloud and ask SS to look at the pictures and to mention the
out about the activities, let them write the sentences. If you want you can write different options they have. Then have SS listen to the track and ask SS to tick the correct
an example on the board to show SS what they are expected to do. picture. Check by asking the question and elicit the answer.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Chapter 5: Track: 24. Page: 52 Activity 1: Listen and tick the correct answer.
• Talk about past events. Paul: Hi Cindy How are you?
• Ask and answer about past situations. Cindy: Well… to be sincere, I’m a bit tired.
Paul: Why…?
Target language: Cindy: Well, today was a kind of busy day. In the morning, I studied the Bible.
• Simple past: Irregular verbs, all forms: I went to Egypt. I didn’t go to Peru. Did you eat Paul: Well, but you cannot be tired for that. You always study your Bible. What else did
cake? you do?
• Wh…questions: Where…?/ What …? Cindy: Well, after lunch I did some homework and….
• Irregular verbs: buy – eat – find- get - go – have - ride - see – take – teach. Paul: Did you go to the library?
• Time expressions: Yesterday – last … (week/ month/ year) A/ two…day(s) /week(s) / Cindy: No I didn’t go to the library.
month(s)/ year(s) ago. Paul: Oh I see…. you went swimming, you always go swimming in the afternoon.
Cindy: No, I didn´t go swimming. I didn’t have time. I went to the park to collect some
Recycled language: flowers and leaves for the biology project.
• Simple past: regular verbs. Paul: I see! And what else did you do?
• Simple past: Irregular verbs, affirmative and negative form. Cindy: Well, I wanted to prepare some pancakes, but there weren’t any eggs at home, so
• Wh… question words. I asked my mother to go to the supermarket.
Paul: When did you go to the supermarket?
What did you do yesterday? Cindy: It was not in the afternoon because I was in the park. Oh I know …. An hour ago
Warming up: Paul: You went to the supermarket in the evening!!!!
Write the question “What did you do yesterday?” on the board and elicit answers. Write Cindy: Well, now you see!!! That’s why I’m tired!!!
some of your students’ answers on the board. Kids: hahaha
Activity 2: Activity 6: Unscramble the questions and answers. Then match. P. 156
Complete the table. Then ask and answer. P. 52 Have SS read the Cindy and Sophie’s speech bubbles and ask SS what the
Have SS complete the table according to what they did. Then have SS work in pairs to carry problem is. Elicit answers. If necessary, emphasize that the characters have
out the speaking activity. Encourage them to interview their classmate to fill in the table. If problems with their mobiles and they cannot read their messages. Encourage
you have time, you may want your SS to report their findings. them to unscramble the text messages. Once they finish, you should check if
Answers will vary. the questions and sentences are correct. Then have SS match questions and
Ending the lesson! Answers:
Where did you go last Friday? I went to my uncle’s house.
Activity 3: When did you meet James at the doctor’s? I met James at the doctor’s last
Unscramble the questions to complete the dialogue. P. 52 Monday.
Have SS put the words in order to form questions. Then have two volunteers to read the What did you do last Sunday? I rode a horse at my grandpa’s farm.
dialogue out loud to check.
Activity 7: Read and put the conversation in order. Then act it out. P. 156
Answers: Have SS read the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.
• Paul: What did you do last Sunday? Answers:
• Paul: When did you go to the club? 1. Hi, Tim! What did you do last weekend? You didn’t go to the Pathfinder’s
• Paul: Who did you play with? Club.
• Paul: Where did you go in the afternoon? 2. Sophie, I didn’t go to the Pathfinder’s Club because I had a family meeting.
3. Really! Who did you meet there?
Workbook! 4. I met my grandparents, my uncle, my aunt, and my cousins. It was great.
Activity 5: Look at the pictures. Then complete the questions about Paul, 5. Oh, I am so happy for you Tim!
Cindy, and Sophie using the words in the box, and answer the questions. P.
156 Activity 7: Unscramble the questions about your last holidays. Then answer
Ask SS to look at the pictures and to read the questions in order to complete them. P. 152
them with the correct question word from the box. Once they finish, you Have SS put the words in order to form questions. Once they finish, check to
should check to see if the questions are correct. Then have SS look at the see if the questions are correct. Then encourage SS to answer the questions
pictures again so that they can write the answers. about their last holidays.
Answers: Answers:
a. Where did Paul, Cindy and Sophie meet? At the museum. a. Where did you stay during your last holiday?
b. When did they meet? On April 2nd. b. How did you travel?
c. Who did they see? Mr. Antique. c. Who did you travel with?
d. What did they have for lunch? Sandwiches and orange juice. d. What did you do?
e. How many days did you stay on holiday?
Lesson 5: Tools! P. 53 Activity 2:
Tick the true statements. P. 53
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will have: Have students read the blog again and tick the correct information.
• Read and completed a report.
• Read for specific information. Answers:
• Completed a blog. True statements:
Francis Antique is thankful to God because He guides him.
Target language: He worked in the laboratory during two months, and they discovered important
• Simple past: Irregular verbs, all forms: I went to Egypt. I didn’t go to Peru. Did you eat contributions.
• Wh…questions: Where…?/ What …?. Activity 3:
• Irregular verbs: buy – eat – find- get - go – have - ride - see – take – teach. Read the blog again and put the events in order. P.53
• Time expressions: Yesterday – last … (week/ month/ year) A/ two…day(s) /week(s) / Explain to SS that they have to read the blog again and put the events in the correct
month(s)/ year(s) ago. order they happened. They can work in pairs. Check the activity as soon as they finish.
Recycling: Answers:
• Simple past: regular verbs. Start and conduct an excavation.
• Simple past: Irregular verbsaffirmative and negative form. Find items.
• Wh… question words. Clean and preserve the items in the lab.
Work in the lab.
My year! Finish the project.
Warming up:
Ask students (SS) if they know what the work of an archaeologist is. You may set up a • Use the information to report what Mr. Antique did. P. 53
similar story as the one presented through Mr. Antique. Bring a picture of an archaeologist Tell SS to use the information from the previous activity to report what Mr. Antique did.
and explain the different activities he/she does.
Ending the lesson!
Activity 1: Once SS finish writing their reports, ask some volunteers to read it aloud.
Read and complete Mr. Antique’s blog. Use his notes on the right.P. 53
Have SS open their books at page 53. Encourage them to read the blog and complete Reader: Busy days! PP. 108 & 109
using the information provided in Mr. Antique’s notes. Then check the answers as a whole Change the layout of the class and invite your SS to sit next to you. Read the comic out
class. Write the verbs in the correct form on the board. loud and ask SS to listen to the reader. Encourage SS to read the dialogues in pairs. Check
the meaning of unknown words.
Answers: Activity 1: Read and correct the sentences. Check your answer with a partner. P. 109
Started, conducted, recorded, took, found, cleaned, preserved, worked, finished, Have SS scan the text and then encourage them to read and correct the sentences which
started, taught. are wrong.
Answers: Target language:
a. Sophie travelled by car to Bolivia. • Simple past: Irregular verbs, all forms: I went to Egypt. I didn’t go to Peru. Did you eat
b. They visited their family/aunt in Bolivia. cake?
c. They took pictures during their trip. • Wh…questions: Where…?/ What …?.
d. They swam in a river. • Irregular verbs: buy – eat – find- get - go – have - ride - see – take – teach.
• Time expressions: Yesterday – last … (week/ month/ year) A/ two…day(s) /week(s) /
Activity 2: Unscramble the questions, and answer them. P. 109 month(s)/ year(s) ago.
Have SS put the words in order to make questions. Then have SS skim the text to answer
the questions correctly. Recycled language:
Answers: • Simple past: regular verbs.
a. Where did Sophie go? She went to Bolivia. • Simple past: Irregular verbs, affirmative and negative form.
b. Who did she visit? She visited her aunt. • Wh… question words.
c. How did Sophie and her parents travel? They traveled by car.
d. Did she feel afraid? No, she didn’t.
e. Did she ask God for his protection? Yes, she did. Paul’s second missionary journey- Acts 17
Remember that this is the special time to introduce students (SS) to the pleasure of
Activity 3: Complete the mind map. P. 109 reading and to help them be acquainted with the stories from the Bible.
Ask SS to read and complete the mind map accordingly.
Answers will vary. Warming up
Pre-listening stage:
Activity 4: Complete the questions. Then ask a friend and fill in the dialogue. P. 109 At this stage it is very important to arouse interest and to provide basic vocabulary to
Tell SS that they are expected to complete the questions. Once they finish, you should facilitate students’ comprehension.
check to make sure the questions are correct before they carry out the second part of the Have SS open their books at page 54. Ask them to point to the pictures. You may ask
activity. some comprehension questions: “Do you know who this man is?”, “What is he doing?”,
Then have SS work in pairs in order to ask and answer questions. “What is happening?”, “Does the man visit only one city?”, “What is the answer of the
Answers will vary. people to his message?”, etc. Write all the ideas on the board.
Let SS participate telling what they know about the story or predicting about it.
Chapter 5: Track 25 Page: 54. Close to Jesus. Listen and read: Paul’s second missionary Activity 1:
journey! Acts 17 Tick the different places where Paul was. P. 55
In Isaiah 41:10 we read: “… fear not, for I am with you…” Tell your SS that they have to read again and tick the places where Paul was. Ask some
Narrator: Paul and his team decided to start the second missionary trip because they volunteers to say the places aloud and check with the whole class.
wanted to share some good news!
Paul: I’m going to Thessalonica to share some good news! Answers: Berea, Thessalonica and Athens.
Team: Which is the good news?
Paul: Jesus died on the cross for our sins! Activity 2:
Narrator: In the synagogues he teaches Jews and Gentiles. Match the questions with the correct answers. P. 55
Paul: Jesus is the Promised Messiah who suffered and died and rose from the grave. Ask SS to read the questions: “How did people respond in each place?” Tell them to
Jews/people: We don’t believe you! choose the correct answer for each place. Encourage them to skim the story if necessary.
Narrator: After some weeks, they went to Berea to share the good news! Check orally.
Paul: Jesus is our savior and He died on the cross for you!
Bereans: Amen Answers:
Narrator: Bereans were more willing to listen about Jesus. Thessalonica? They didn’t accept the message.
Narrator: Some believers were not happy. Berea? They listened to Paul and studied the Bible.
People: You can’t preach anymore! Athens? Some accepted the Good News.
Narrator: They got Paul on a boat and sent him to Athens.
Paul: I’m not going to give up; Jesus is helping me to keep serving him. Activity 3:
Narrator: Athens was a city full of idols. But, he went to the synagogue and shared the Complete with vowels and find the GOOD NEWS. P. 55
Good News. He went to the market place day after day and shared the Good News. Ask SS to complete the blanks using only vowels. Check with the whole class.
Paul: Jesus is the creator of all things. One day, Jesus will come back and you will need to
repent. Answers: Jesus died on the cross for our sins!
Paul: Please, Jesus, give me wisdom to speak to these people.
Narrator: When Paul preached, people reacted differently to the message. Some were Activity 4:
grateful and some rejected the message. But Jesus encouraged him to continue sharing the Put the events in the correct order. P. 55
Good News. Encourage SS to read the sentences. Then ask them what happens first. Have them put the
Paul: Thank you Jesus for protecting me. rest of the sentences in the order the events happen in the story. Call out some SS to read the
sentences in the right order.
Post-listening stage:
Verse: Answers:
Teach and explain the verse. It is a good opportunity to help SS memorize simple portions • 4 -Paul and his team traveled to Berea.
from the Bible. • 3 -They went to the synagogues to teach the Jews.
Verse: “…Fear not, for I am with you.” Isaiah 41:10. • 1 -Paul and his team started the second trip.
Encourage SS to study the verse at home and ask them to repeat it the following class. • 2 -They went to Thessalonica.
• 5 -Paul traveled on a boat.
• 6 -He arrived in a city full of idols. Lesson 7: More to know P. 56
• 7 -Paul taught that Jesus was the Creator of everything. Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will have:
• Expressed in the target language knowledge borrowed from Science.
Activity 5: • Learnt new vocabulary related to inventions and discoveries.
Correct the sentences. P. 55
Ask SS to read the sentences and correct those that are not correct. Ask volunteers to Target language:
share their answers with the class. • Simple past: Irregular verbs, all forms: I went to Egypt. I didn’t go to Peru. Did you eat
Answers: • Wh…questions: Where…?/ What …?.
a. Paul didn’t want to start the trip. He wanted to start the trip. • Irregular verbs: buy – eat – find- get - go – have - ride - see – take – teach.
b. All the people believed Paul. All the people didn’t believe Paul. • Time expressions: Yesterday – last … (week/ month/ year) A/ two…day(s) /week(s) /
c. The Bereans got Paul and put him in a car. The Bereans got Paul and put him on a boat. month(s)/ year(s) ago.
d. Paul taught in parks. Paul taught in synagogues and market place.
e. Paul visited Thessalonica, Berea, and Jerusalem. Paul visited Thessalonica, Berea, and Recycled language:
Athens. • Simple past: regular verbs.
• Simple past: Irregular verbs, affirmative and negative form.
Activity 6: • Wh… question words.
Finish the sentences. P. 55
Tell SS to complete the sentences according to what they remember from the story. Science
A discovery or an invention?
Answers: Warming up:
a. The good news is that...Jesus died on the cross for our sins. You may bring pictures of penicillin, x-ray, the telephone and light bulbs.
b. In the synagogues Paul teaches to... Jews and Gentiles. Encourage students (SS) to brainstorm ideas about these pictures. Write down all the
c. People from Berea tell Paul that he can’t... preach anymore. ideas on the board.
d. Some people are grateful with ... the message.
e. Paul says: “Thank you, Jesus, for...”protecting me. Activity 1:
Read. P. 56
Ending the lesson! Have your SS open their books at page 56. Ask them to read the definition of inventions and
discoveries. Make sure they understand the differences between these two meanings. Then
Value: Reinforce the concept of the christian Dear Lord, ask SS to classify the pictures displayed on the board between inventions and discoveries.
value: Jesus protects me wherever I go. Thank you for protecting me
Prayer: Encourage a volunteer to pray aloud wherever I go. Activity 2:
with the whole class, or you can divide the class In Jesus’ name, Amen. Complete the chart with the information from the article. P. 56
in pairs and and ask them to pray together. You may ask SS to work in pairs. Ask them to skim the article in order to complete the table
with the information required. After they answer the questions, call out some pairs to provide Ending the lesson!
the answers. Check with the whole class. Pray with the SS and ask God for his help to have a better school.
Activity 8: Match. P. 157
The penicillin X-Rays The telephone The light bulb Ask SS to read the four discoveries or inventions and match them with the
Who? Alexander Fleming Wilhelm Roentgen Alexander Graham Thomas Edison corresponding definition. Check with the class.
When? 1928 1985 1876 1879
• Penicillin…It helps you get better.
What for? helps sick people To look through communicate To illuminate
get better some substances • Light bulb…It gives you light in dark rooms.
such as bones and • Telephone…It helps you communicate over long distances.
• X-Ray…It helps doctors see broken bones.
Mini project: P. 46 Activity 9: Read about some past facts, and complete the text with the
Think about an invention you can create to help improve your school. verbs in bracket. P. 157
Let SS work individually. Tell SS that they are going to read about Charles
Aims: Babbage. Ask them to complete the information with the verbs in bracket.
1) Identify different ways to improve the school. Remind them that the verbs should be in the past. To check the activity you
2) Practise the new vocabulary related to inventions and discoveries. may call out some SS to say the answers.
3) Develop creativity through art skills.
Warming up: • Lived, went, completed, invented, used, investigated, created.
Write some ideas for them to choose on the board.
Activity 10: Look, read, and classify. P.157
Activities: Ask SS to look at the pictures and classify them if they are inventions or
1. Ask SS to choose one of your ideas or to come up with another one. discoveries. Check orally.
2. Ask SS to write a title. Answers:
3. Tell them to draw or glue pictures related to the topic. • The X rays: invention.
4. Encourage SS to write down some advantages that this invention could • The airplane: invention.
have. • The movie camera: invention.
5. SS should share the information with their classmates. Agree on the date • The dinosaur: discovery.
the exposition will take place.
Lesson 8: How much I learnt! P. 57 Tim didn’t clean his room yesterday. He washed the car.
Tom didn’t play soccer last week. He played volleyball.
Objective: At the end of this lesson students will have: Sophie and Cindy didn’t have sandwiches. They had ice-cream.
• Reviewed, practised and reinforced all the language seen in this chapter.
Activity 3:
Target language: Read and answer the questions. P. 57
• Simple past: Irregular verbs, all forms: I went to Egypt. I didn’t go to Peru. Did you eat Have SS read the questions and encourage them to answer them providing their own
cake? information.
• Wh…questions: Where…? / What …?.
• Irregular verbs: buy – eat – find- get - go – have - ride - see – take – teach. Ending the lesson!
• Time expressions: Yesterday – last … (week/ month/ year) A/ two…day(s) /week(s) / Self-assessment!
month(s)/ year(s) ago. Quickly review chapter 5 with the class, reminding SS of the work they have done over
the chapter.
Follow up! Ask SS to think about whether they enjoyed the chapter and how well they think they did
Warming up: on it. Tell SS to read each language item in the chart and encourage them to ask themselves
Review the irregular verbs. Play a memory game. Divide the class into two groups. if they can do what it says in each row. Then ask them to tick the correct column according
Display the memory game on the board. Ask students (SS) to turn over a card and try to to how well they think they learnt and worked.
find the past of that verb. SS take turns in doing so. The group which has more pairs of Congratulate all your SS for their progress.
verbs wins.
Activity 1:
Complete the dialogue with the verbs in the box. Then act it out. P. 57
Have SS read and complete the dialogue using the verbs in the box.
got – arrived – bought – went – was - had
Activity 2:
Look at the pictures and rewrite the sentences with the correct information. P. 57
Have SS read the sentences and then ask them to look at the pictures and ask “What is
wrong?” Once they realize what is wrong, encourage them to correct the sentences.
Paul didn’t study English yesterday. He studied music.
Cindy didn’t go to the pool on Sunday. She went to the Pathfinder club.
Target language:
Chapter 6: Unique talents! • Modal verb: “Could.” Past ability. I could swim. I couldn’t play the piano. Could you run when you were
five? Yes, I could/ No, I couldn’t. What could you do when you were three?
• Time clauses: When I was a child, I could…
Chapter 6: Unique talents!
• Use of: One/ Both/ Some/ Most/ All of them could swim.
Functions: Talking Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: Action verbs: climb, Listening: Listening for specific
about abilities in the Modal verb: “Could.” Past dive, play, ride a bike/horse, activities. • Modal verb: “Can.” I couldn’t swim last year, but I can swim now.
past. Naming sport ability. skate, ski, surf, swim. Listening to a song. • Use of: “and,” and “but”.
equipment. Expressing I could swim. I couldn’t play Extreme sports: climbing, Speaking: Talking about what • Action verbs: climb, dive, play, ride a bike/horse, skate, ski, surf, swim.
when someone could the piano. Could you run parachute jumping, skating, one could/ couldn’t do in the
do different things. when you were five? Yes, I skiing, surfing. past. Expressing what one could/ • Extreme sports: climbing, parachute jumping, skating, skiing, surfing.
Expressing what could/ No, I couldn’t. What Musical Instruments: piano, couldn’t do in the past, but can/ • Musical instruments: piano, guitar, violin, flute.
someone could/couldn’t could you do when you were guitar, violin, flute. can’t do now.
do then, but he/she three? Recycling: Regular and Reading: Understanding a chat
can/can’t do now.
Correcting information
Time clauses: When I was a
child, I could…
irregular verbs. about some geniuses.
Writing: Writing a simple
Recycled language:
about what someone Use of: One/ Both/ Some/ biography about an inventor. • Simple past: verb to be (was, were).
could/ couldn’t do. Most/ All of them could Close to Jesus: Jesus’ Miracles! •Simple past: regular & irregular verbs.
Asking and answering swim. MTK: (CLIL) History: What could
about past and present Modal verb: “Can.” people do 100 years ago?
abilities. I couldn’t swim last year, but I Project: What could your parents
Reading about some can swim now. do when they were your age? Social and Christian value:
geniuses. Use of: “and,” and “but”. Values: Developing your talents. The importance of…
Writing a simple Recycling: Simple Past: verb
biography about an to be (was, were) • Developing one’s talents.
inventor. Simple Past: Regular verbs.
Recycling: Asking for
information. Retelling
past events.
Multiple intelligences developed during this lesson:
• Verbal/linguistic. • Interpersonal.
• Visual/ Spatial. • Intrapersonal.
Aims: • Musical/ Rhythmic.
At the end of this chapter students will be able to: • Logical/ Mathematic.
• Talk about abilities in the past.
• Name sport equipment.
• Express when someone could do different things.
Lesson 1: Presentation of the chapter. PP 58& 59
• Express what someone could/couldn’t do then, but he/she can/can’t do now.
• Correct information about what someone could/ couldn’t do. Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will have:
• Ask and answer about past and present abilities. • Read a comic.
• Read about some geniuses. • Sang a song related to skills and talents.
• Write a simple biography about an inventor.
• Ask for information.
And SS will be able to:
• Retell past events.
• Develop social and Christian values such as the importance of developing your talents. • Name some sports and special swimming equipment.
• Sing a topic related song.
Target language: Tom: I found it near the diving school.
• Modal verb: “Could.” Past ability. I could swim. I couldn’t play the piano. Could you run Cindy: Wow! It´s really old
when you were five? Yes, I could/ No, I couldn’t. What could you do when you were three? Cindy: When did you find it?
• Action verbs. Tom: I found it yesterday when I went diving with Tim.
• Extreme sports. Cindy: Wow! Can you dive?
Tom: Yes, we can.
Recycled language: Tim: But we couldn’t dive when we were nine.
• Simple Past: verb to be (was, were). Cindy: And what can you do with a dive watch?
• Simple Past: Regular & irregular verbs. Tom: You can wear a dive watch when you are diving to know the time spent underwater.
Cindy: Look! I can read a name on it.
Warming up: Tom: Let me see…I know who this person is!!!
Display pictures of different sports and ask students (SS) if they can play the sport Tim: Who is it?
illustrated. Elicit answers.
Explain to SS that all of us have talents and skills and we can develop them even more. Activity 2:
Write the Biblical verse on the board- “There are different kinds of gifts, but they are all Read the comic again and correct the wrong information. P. 59
from the Have SS read the sentences in activity 2 and skim the dialogue to check and correct what
same Spirit. There are different ways to serve, but we serve the same Lord” (1 Corinthians is wrong in each sentence.
12:4-5). Explain to SS the meaning of the verse and encourage them to read it aloud and
repeat it. Answers:
a. Tom and Tim went diving with some friends.
Activity 1: b. Tim found an old diving watch.
Listen and read. P. 58 c. He found the watch near the diving school.
Have SS open their books at page 58. Point to the title of the chapter and write it d. Tom and Tim couldn’t dive when they were nine.
on the board. Then point to the different pictures and ask some questions to facilitate
understanding. You may ask “Who can you see in the pictures?”, “Are they at school?”, Activity 3:
“Where do you think they are?”. Elicit answers. Then set a comprehension question for SS Decode the message to find out whose dive watch it is. P. 59
to listen for a specific purpose. Ask: “What did Tom find?” Let SS listen to the dialogue and Ask SS to break the code in order to figure out who the watch belongs to.
then repeat the question to check comprehension. You may ask SS further questions to This type of activity helps SS develop their logical intelligence and observation skills.
focus their attention on the listening. Answers: : Tom found his granny dive watch/ She could dive when she was young.
Chapter 6: Track 26.Page 58. Unique talents. Activity 1: Listen and read. Activity 4:
Tom: Look, guys what I found! Find the equipment Tom & Tim need to dive in the word search. Then, complete the
Paul: It´s an old watch, Tom! definitions. P. 59
Tim: But it´s not an ordinary watch. It´s a dive watch.
Cindy: Where did you find it, Tom?
Have SS focus their attention on the word search in order to find the vocabulary given. Target language:
Then encourage SS to complete the definitions using those words. • Modal verb: “Could.” Past ability. I could swim. I couldn’t play the piano. Could you run
Answers: when you were five? Yes, I could/ No, I couldn’t. What could you do when you were three?
Definitions: • Time clauses: When I was a child, I could…
a. Mask. • Extreme sports: climbing, parachute jumping, skating, skiing, surfing.
b. Fins.
c. Snorkel – tanks. Recycled language:
d. Wet suit. • Simple past: verb to be (was, were).
Becky: Is he from England? the paragraph using the information from the table.
Sophie: No, he is from Peru. But he can speak English. Answers will vary.
Cindy: Well, but he couldn’t speak English when he was three.
Girls: Hahaha
Sophie: Well! Our friends are very talented. Thank God for the talents we have!!!
Boost your vocabulary! P. 132
Activity 2: Ask your SS to open their books at page 132. Point to the different pictures
Tom’s granny was very sporty. Look at her lifetime and say what she could do. P. 60 and then ask SS to repeat the words after you. Remember that this section is
Point to the different sports, name them and ask SS to repeat after you. Make sure SS to increase vocabulary and improve spelling. After you practise vocabulary, you
understand the new vocabulary. If necessary write the new vocabulary on the board so can do an activity to check your students´ progress.
that it can be able for SS to do the speaking activity. Point to the first activity about what
Tom’s granny could do when she was young, model and write the sentence. “She could Dialogue:
ride a bike when she was six”. Encourage different volunteers to participate. Ask SS to work in pair in order to practise the dialogue. After that, invite them
Grammar box: Copy the examples provided in the grammar box and explain the use of to act it out. Check their pronunciation. Remind SS that the words in bold can
“could” to express ability in the past. be replaced for other skill, talent or activity from the vocabulary set.
• Now look at her lifetime again, read the sentences, and choose the correct option. Activity 1: Look at the pictures and complete. P. 132
Once SS are acquainted with the new vocabulary and structure, have them read the Encourage your SS to look at the pictures in order to complete the description.
sentences. Explain that they should look at Tom’s granny lifetime to see what she could do Do this activity with the whole class participation.
and then, they should choose the correct option. Answers: swim, surf, dive, do a parachute jump , ski.
a. She could ride a bike when she was 6. Activity 2: Read, draw and write. What could you do when you were younger?
b. She couldn’t dive when she was 10. P. 132
c. She couldn’t do a parachute jump when she was 14. Ask SS to think about activities they could do in the past. Ask them to draw
d. She could surf when she was 16. and write to complete the paragraph.
e. She couldn’t ski when she was 18. Answers may vary.
Activity 3:
Go to the cut-out section. Cut and complete the table. P. 60
Have SS go to page 187 and cut the table. Ask them to look at the different
activities and have them draw a tick or a cross according to what they could or
couldn’t do at the different ages. Have them glue the table in their notebooks
and encourage them to say aloud what they could do when they were younger.
Use the information in the table to write true sentences about you.
Once SS complete the table about their abilities, encourage them to complete
Target language:
Workbook! • Modal verb: “Could.” Past ability. I could swim. I couldn’t play the piano. Could you run
Activity 1: Match the pictures with their meaning. P. 158 when you were five? Yes, I could/ No, I couldn’t. What could you do when you were three?
Point to the different pictures and encourage SS to name the equipment. Then • Time clauses: When I was a child, I could…
have SS read the definition of each of them so that they can match the definitions • Use of: One/ Both/ Some/ Most/ All of them could swim.
or meanings with the correct pictures.
Answers: Recycled language:
d- c - b - a • Simple past: verb to be (was, were).
• Simple ast: Regular & irregular verbs.
Activity 2: Answer the questionnaire. P. 158
Have SS read the questionnaire and encourage them to answer according to Could you do it?
what they could or couldn’t do at certain ages. Warming up:
Answers will vary. Display some pictures of different sports on the board and ask students (SS) if they
could or couldn’t do it when they were younger. Elicit answers and write some of them on
Activity 3: Unscramble the questions. Then interview a friend about what the board.
they could do. P. 158
Have SS put the words in order to form questions. Once they finish, you should Activity 1:
check with the whole class. Then ask SS to work in pairs in order to ask and Look at the photos and answer the questions. P. 61
answer the questions. Ask SS to open their books at page 61. Point to the pictures and tell SS to look at them
Answers: in order to answer the questions. Before asking your SS to answer the questions, you may
a. Could you read when you were five years old? want to focus their attention on the grammar box.
b. Could you speak English when you were ten?
c. Could you bake cookies when you were eight years old? Answers:
a. Yes, she could.
b. No, she couldn’t.
Lesson 3: Tools! P. 61 c. Yes, they could.
d. Yes, they could.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to: e. Yes, he could.
• Talk about abilities in the past.
• Name sports. Grammar box: Write the examples provided in the grammar box on the table. Emphasize
• Ask and answer about past and present abilities. the structure of the questions and focus their attention on the short answers.
• Ask for information.
• Retell past events. • Now look at the pictures again and match.
It would be convenient to copy the activity on the board in order to introduce de use of:
One/ Both/ Some/ Most/ All of them could swim. Once SS understand the new vocabulary, • Read the mind map again and write the correct name to complete the
have them look at the pictures in order to match the two halves correctly. sentences.
Let SS complete the sentences.
Answers: Answers:
a. One of the girls could swim. a. Miss Brains and Mr. Sporty.
b. Both twins could dive. b. Mr. Sporty.
c. Some of the girls could do karate. c. Tom and Tim.
d. One of the boys could paint. d. James.
e. Most of the kids could play musical instruments. e. Paul.
f. All of the kids could sing in the choir at church.
Activity 5: Remember last year activities, and tick the correct option in the
Activity 2: chart. P. 159
Interview four classmates and complete the table. P. 61 Have SS work in small groups in order to carry out the activity. Have them read
Have SS work in groups of four to carry out the speaking activity. Then encourage them and answer the questions according to what they could or couldn’t do last year.
to ask and answer questions in order to complete the table. Answer will vary.
Recycled language: Sophie: And what else did you like doing? Tell us!!!
• Simple past: verb to be (was, were). Miss Brains: Well when I lived in Australia I could climb, but you know I can climb here
• Simple past: regular & irregular verbs. too!
• Modal verb: “Could.” Past ability. Paul: And what else could you do in Australia?
• Time clauses: When I was a child, I could… Miss Brains: Well when I lived in Australia I could dive the Great Barrier Reef. I remember
that I could see beautiful fish there.
I couldn’t … but I can now! Cindy: It seems that you could do a lot of things there…
Warming up: Miss Brains: Yes, you’re right. I could do a parachute jump, but I can do a parachute jump
Tell students (SS) some activities that you couldn’t do when you were young, but you here! It’s dangerous and you need to be cautious! But you know when I lived in Australia I
can do now. Write some of the sentences on the board for SS to get familiar with the couldn’t speak Spanish and now I can.
structure and the meaning of “can” and “could”. Then ask SS what they can do now that Kids: Hahaha!
they couldn’t do when they were younger.
Activity 2:
Activity 1: Look at the pictures and complete the sentences using the words in the box. P. 62
Listen to Miss Brains and tick. P. 62 Before you have SS carry out the activity, explain the differences between “can” and
Provide the context. Tell SS that Miss Brains and her students are talking about what she “could” to express ability in the present and past.
could do in Australia that she can’t do where she is now. Have SS look at the table and Then have SS look at the pictures in order to complete the sentences using the correct
explain any unknown word. Then let SS listen to the track in order to complete the table with words from the box.
the correct information. Answers:
Answers: See script. a. could
b. can
Chapter 6: Track 29, page 62, activity 1: Listen to Miss Brains and tick. c. could
James: So Miss Brains, do you miss Australia? d. can
Miss Brains: Well of course James, but I like it here very much. What I really miss are e. couldn’t
some activities I enjoyed doing, some activities that I can’t do here. f. can
James: For example? What could you do in Australia that you cannot do here?
Miss Brains: Well… let me think… When I lived in Australia, I could see and visit Sydney Activity 3:
Opera House. It’s a big building and it’s considered a World Heritage Center. I can listen to Read the email and choose the best option. P. 62
concerts here but I could not listen to concerts in Sydney Opera House, haha. Ask SS to read the mail from Sophie to Cindy. Then encourage your SS to choose the
Cindy: What else did you enjoy doing in Australia? most appropriate option to complete the mail.
Miss Brains: Well when I lived in Australia I enjoyed seeing wild animals.
Cindy: But you can see wild animals here too. Answers:
Miss Brains: Well you’re right Cindy, but when I lived in Australia I could see kangaroos Couldn’t – could – couldn’t – can – can’t – can – can.
and koalas. They’re very beautiful. Jesus has created amazing animals.
Reader! P. 110 & 111
Ending the lesson! To develop the concept of the value deeply, ask your SS to open their books at the reader
section page 110.
Reinforce the concept of the christian value: developing your talents and thank Jesus for Warming up:
your gifts. Write “Unique Talents” on the board and ask your SS what special talents they have.
Explain to SS that Jesus gives us different talents and we should work hard in order to Elicit answers.
develop them. And we must be thankful to God for the talents or gifts we have. Ask your SS to read the reader at page 110 in silence, give them time to enjoy the reading.
When they finish reading, ask them comprehension questions.
Fast Finishers!
Activity 1: Complete the sentences. Use can/can’t, or could/couldn’t. P. 123 Activity 1: Read, and answer the question. P 111
If it is necessary, remind SS the difference between can and could. Ask SS to look at the Ask SS to read the questions. Then, encourage SS to skim the comic in order to find the
pictures in order to complete the sentences with can/can’t or could/couldn’t. Check as a answers of the questions.
whole class. Answers:
a. At Paul’s house.
Answers: b. It’s about telling first graders what they couldn’t do when they were six but they can
a. Bob CAN swim now, but he COULDN’T when he was 2 years old. do now.
b. Steve’s sister COULDN’T surf when she was younger, but she CAN . c. She couldn’t read or write.
c. It was sunny last week and we COULDN’T go swimming, but today we CAN . It’s raining. d. No, they aren’t.
d. Kevin CAN play the piano, but he CAN’T play the violin. e. They can dive.
e. Frogs CAN jump, but they CAN’T fly. f. Practise a lot to develop your talents.
f. Tom COULDN’T ride a bike when he was a baby, but he COULD when he was 5 years old.
Activity 2: Complete the crossword. P. 123 Activity 2: Look and help Paul, Sophie, Cindy, Tim and Tom write more ideas for their
Ask them to get in pairs and complete the crossword. project. P. 111
Answers: Have SS look at the pictures to figure out what the characters couldn’t do, but they can
2 ride a horse 1 ride a bike a. Cindy couldn’t swim, but she can now.
6 play the piano 3 catch the ball b. Sophie couldn’t bake, but she can now.
8 paint 4 skate c. Tim couldn’t play basketball, but he can now.
9 run 5 climb d. Tom couldn’t ride a horse, but he can now.
7 throw the ball
Activity 3: Think and complete the chart. P. 111
Have SS think about what they couldn’t do when they were little kids and encourage
them to write three sentences. Then tell them to write three things they can do now. If you Lesson 5: Tools! P. 53
want, you can provide an example.
Answers will vary. Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will have:
• Expanded their vocabulary.
• Deduced the meaning of words through the context.
Workbook: • Learnt about some geniuses.
Activity 6: Look, choose the best option, and match the texts with the pictures. • Produced personal writing.
P. 160 • Adapted writing to specific purposes like a biography
Ask SS to open their books at page 160. Have SS look at the pictures and read
the text in order to choose the most appropriate option. Target language:
Answers: • Modal verb: “Could.” Past ability. I could swim. I couldn’t play the piano. Could you run
a. Couldn’t – can. when you were five? Yes, I could/ No, I couldn’t. What could you do when you were three?
b. Could – can’t. • Time clauses: When I was a child, I could…
c. Couldn’t – can. • Use of: One/ Both/ Some/ Most/ All of them could swim.
d. Could. • Modal verb: “Can.” I couldn’t swim last year, but I can swim now.
• Use of: “and,” and “but”.
Activity 7: Write T (true) or F (false) according to what you could or couldn’t • Action verbs: climb, dive, play, ride a bike/horse, skate, ski, surf, swim.
do. P. 160 • Musical Instruments: piano, guitar, violin, flute.
Ask SS to read the sentences and write true or false according to their abilities
in the past. Recycling:
Answers will vary. • Simple past: verb to be (was, were).
• Simple past: regular & irregular verbs.
Activity 8: Write sentences about things you couldn’t do in the past but you • Modal verb: “Could.” Past ability. I could swim. I couldn’t play the piano. Could you run
can do now. P. 160 when you were five? Yes, I could/ No, I couldn’t. What could you do when you were three?
Have SS think and write down what they couldn’t do when they were younger • Time clauses: When I was a child, I could…
but they can do now. Then have SS write the sentences in their books. • Use of: One/ Both/ Some/ Most/ All of them could swim.
Answers will vary. • Modal verb: “Can.” I couldn’t swim last year, but I can swim now.
• Use of: “and,” and “but”.
• Action verbs: climb, dive, play, ride a bike/horse, skate, ski, surf, swim.
• Musical Instruments: piano, guitar, violin, flute.
you can prepare some pieces of paper with more information about the geniuses and tell Answer:
SS to classify the information. a. Beethoven could play the piano when he was a child.
b. Mozart could play the violin.
Activity 1: c. Einstein couldn’t speak well when he was 3.
Read. P. 63 d. Beethoven couldn’t hear when he died.
Ask your SS to open their books at page 63 encourage SS to read the chat. Set some
comprehension questions after the first reading, and encourage SS to scan the text in Writing: Read Bell’s fact file. Then write a blog about him in your notebook.P. 63
order to provide the answers. Have SS read Bell’s fact file. Once they have read it, encourage them to use the
information to write a blog about him. You can start writing the blog on the board and then
Activity 2: ask SS to continue writing the blog in their notebooks.
Read the chat and complete. P. 63
Have your SS read the chat again in order to complete the sentences. Ending the lesson!
Once SS finish writing their blog, ask some volunteers to read it aloud.
a. All of them…could play the piano.
b. Both of them...were musicians. Lesson 6: Close to Jesus! PP. 64 & 65
c. One of them …received the Nobel Prize.
d. One of them…couldn’t hear when he was old. Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
e. All of them…were genius children. • Be acquainted with a story from the Bible.
• Develop values; such as developing your talents and thanking Jesus for our gifts.
Activity 3: • Be aware that Jesus is happy when we develop our talents.
Answer. P. 63
Ask your SS to read the chat again and answer the questions. They may work in pairs. Target language:
• Modal verb: “Could.” Past ability. I could swim. I couldn’t play the piano. Could you run
Answers: when you were five? Yes, I could/ No, I couldn’t. What could you do when you were three?
Who… • Time clauses: When I was a child, I could…
a. …received the Nobel Prize? Einstein. • Use of: One/ Both/ Some/ Most/ All of them could swim.
b. … gave his public performance before he was 8? Beethoven. • Modal verb: “Can.” I couldn’t swim last year, but I can swim now.
c. …couldn’t speak well at the age of 3? Einstein. • Use of: “and,” and “but”.
d. … could compose little pieces when he was 5? Mozart.
Recycled language:
Activity 4: • Simple past: verb to be (was, were).
Read and complete. Use could/couldn’t. P. 63 • Simple past: regular & irregular verbs.
Ask your SS to read the sentences and complete with could or couldn’t according to the • Modal verb: “Could.” Past ability. I could swim. I couldn’t play the piano. Could you run
chat. when you were five? Yes, I could/ No, I couldn’t. What could you do when you were three?
• Time clauses: When I was a child, I could… Story 2
• Use of: One/ Both/ Some/ Most/ All of them could swim. Narrator: Jesus is preaching to a great amount of people in Galilee.
• Modal verb: “Can.” I couldn’t swim last year, but I can swim now. Disciple: Jesus the night is coming and the people are hungry!
• Use of: “and,” and “but”. Jesus: Give them food!
Jesus’ Miracles! - Luke 5:3-10; Mark 2: 1-12, 6:35-44, 8:22-26. Narrator: A little boy gives Jesus his 5 pieces of bread and 2 fish. Jesus thanks God and
Remember that this is the special time to introduce students (SS) to the pleasure of distributes the food.
reading and to help them be acquainted with the stories from the Bible. Jesus: Thanks to you we could feed all these people!
Warming up Story 3
Pre-listening stage: Narrator: Jesus is in Capernaum. He is preaching in a house full of people inside and
At this stage it is very important to arouse interest and to provide basic vocabulary to outside. Some men want to enter the house with a paralyzed man. They can’t find a way, so
facilitate students’ comprehension. they go to the roof and lower the man on his mat.
You may open your Biblie and show SS the different miracles Jesus did while He lived on Jesus: What are you doing? You have faith and I forgive your sins.
the Earth, just the ones that are mentioned in the Close to Jesus section. Narrator: The paralyzed man looks at Jesus and listens to what he says.
Jesus: I tell you to get up, take your mat and go home.
Activity: Paralyzed man: Thank you Jesus, I couldn’t walk and now I can!
Listen and read. P. 64
While-listening stage
Ask SS to open their books at page 64. Have SS look at the pictures. Then say “Listen to Post-listening stage:
the story “. Ask SS to point to the pictures to follow the story while listening.
Activity 1:
Chapter 6: Track 30, page 64: Close to Jesus: Listen and read: Jesus’ Miracles! Luke Match the stories with the miracles. P. 65
5:3-10; Mark 2: 1-12, 6:35-44, 8:22-26. Tell your SS that they should read the sentences carefully and choose the right miracle for
In 1 Corinthians 12:4-5 we read: “There are different kinds of gifts, but they are all from the each story. Ask some volunteers to say the answers aloud and check with the whole class.
same Spirit. There are different ways to serve, but we serve the same Lord”. Answers:
c. A man could walk.
Story 1 b. People could eat.
Narrator: Jesus is sitting on a boat, talking to people on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. a. They could get fish.
Jesus: Simon, you can go into deep water and throw your nests!
Simon: Jesus, we did it and we couldn’t get any fish. But we can try again. Activity 2:
Narrator: They do what Jesus says and they catch such a large number of fish that the nets Complete with a phrase in the box. P. 65
start to break. Ask SS to complete the sentences with a phrase from the box. They can work in pairs.
Simon and others: Help, help the nets are full of fish! Then, ask some pairs to say the answers aloud.
Answers: Activity 5:
a. Jesus gave food to a lot of people in Galilee. Read the Bible verse and complete. Then, choose the meaning. P. 65
b. The paralyzed man entered the house through the roof. Ask SS to complete the Bible verse with the missing words. Encourage them to read the
c. The boy had 5 pieces of bread and 2 fish. verse on the opposite page if necessary. Then have SS choose the meaning of the verse.
d. Jesus preached on a boat by the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Check with the whole class.
e. People carried the man on a mat. Answers:
f. Simon and his friends could catch a lot of fish. “There are different kinds of gifts, but they are all from the same Spirit. There are different
ways to serve, but we serve the same Lord” (1 Corinthians 12:4-5).
Activity 3: It doesn’t matter the gift we have if we use it to serve God.
Complete the sentences. Use could or couldn’t. P. 65
Let SS read the sentences and complete using could or couldn’t. Have SS read the comic Ending the lesson!
again to see if they have completed the sentences correctly. Then, check individually.
Answers: Verse:
a. The paralyzed man couldn’t enter through the door. Teach and explain the verse. It is a good opportunity to help SS memorize simple portions
b. Thanks to the boy’s generosity and Jesus’ miracle, the people in Galilee could eat. from the Bible. Explain that Jesus is happy when we develop our talents.
c. Before Jesus got in their boat, the disciples couldn’t get any fish.
Verse: “There are different kinds of gifts, but they are all from the same Spirit. There are
Activity 4: different ways to serve, but we serve the same Lord.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-5)
Read the three Bible stories again and complete. P. 65 Encourage SS to study the verse at home and ask them to repeat it the following class.
They may work in pairs. Ask SS to read the three stories again. Explain that they are
expected to complete the stories’ summaries with the words in the box. Ask some pairs to Value:
share the information. Then check with the whole class. Reinforce the concept of the christian value: developing your talents. Thank Jesus for your
Answers: gifts.
Encourage a volunteer to pray aloud with the Dear Lord,
whole class or you can divide the class in pairs Thank you for your amazing
and ask them to pray together. miracles
that teach us a lot about you .
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Answers: Plane, cell phone, computer, skates, car, bike.
Lesson 7: More to know! P. 66
Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Activity 2:
• Integrate the language of the chapter with social studies. Look at the picture again and answer the following questions. P. 66
• Learn new vocabulary related to old times. Ask SS to work in pairs. This exercise could be done orally. Let SS look at the picture
• Develop values; such as developing talents. again and answer the questions. Check with the whole class.
• Be aware that Jesus is happy when we develop our talents.
Target language: What could people do 100 years ago?
• Modal verb: “Could.” Past ability. I could swim. I couldn’t play the piano. Could you run a. Could people use computers at home? No, they couldn’t.
when you were five? Yes, I could/ No, I couldn’t. What could you do when you were three? b. Could people listen to music? Yes, they could.
• Time clauses: When I was a child, I could… c. Could people drive cars? Yes, they could.
• Modal verb: “Can.” I couldn’t swim last year, but I can swim now. d. Could people fly in planes? No, they couldn’t.
• Use of: “and,” and “but”. e. Could people use mobile phones? No, they couldn’t.
Mini project: P. 66 Workbook:
Find out what your parents could/couldn’t do when they were your age. Activity 9: Look at this classroom about 100 years ago and find odd things to
complete the acrostic. P. 161
Aims: Ask SS to pay attention to the pictures. Elicit which the odd things are. Once SS
1) Learn about what your parents could do when they were young. spot the odd things, have them complete the acrostic. Help with spelling if it is
2) Practise the new vocabulary in content in a real life context through necessary. Check with the class.
a communicative activity; describing what your parents could/couldn’t do Answers: bags, air conditioning, head phones, television, computer, CD player.
when they were young.
3) Develop creativity through art skills. • Look at the picture again. Write sentences about what they could or couldn’t
do 100 years ago.
Warming up: After SS complete the acrostic, tell them to use those words to write sentences
Ask some volunteers to raise their hands and say what they believe their about what students could or couldn’t 100 years ago.
parents could/couldn’t do when they were their age. Answers may vary.
Activities: Activity 10: Share your work with a classmate and talk about what is odd in
1) Set some questions for SS to ask their parents at home. For example: the picture. P. 161
Could you watch TV? Could you use a mobile phone? etc. Let SS work individually. Ask SS to write a dialogue about the picture. You may
2) Ask SS to ask those questions to their parents and prepare a poster. call some SS to read it to their classmates.
3) Encourage SS to formulate sentences using their own words describing Answers will vary.
each answer. SS can ask the teacher about difficult words and pronunciation
Follow up: Quickly review chapter 6 with the class, reminding SS of the work they have done over
the chapter.
Activity 1: Ask SS to think about whether they enjoyed the chapter and how well they think they did
Write about students’ life 100 years ago. P. 67 on it. Tell SS to read each language item in the chart and encourage them to ask themselves
Have students (SS) read the ideas on the left and encourage your SS to write sentences if they can do what it says in each row. Then ask them to tick the correct column according
about what students could or couldn’t do 100 years ago. to how well they think they learnt and worked.
Answers may vary. Congratulate all your SS for their progress.
Activity 2:
Read the fact file. Then match. P. 67
Have SS read the information in the fact file. Once they are familiar with the information,
ask them to read the two halves of the sentences and encourage them to match the halves
• She could play the piano when she was six.
• She couldn’t speak French when she was five.
• She can swim very well but she couldn’t when she was four.
Activity 3:
Choose the correct option. P. 67
Have SS read and choose the most suitable option to complete the paragraph.
Couldn’t – could – can – can – couldn’t – can – can – couldn’t – could
Activity 4:
Look at the table. Then complete using the phrases in the box. P. 67
Have SS look at the table. Help them understand the information if necessary. Then ask
SS to read the sentences. Encourage them to look at the table in order to complete the
sentences correctly using the words in the box.
All of them – Two of them – One of them
• Superlative adjectives: Short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The whale is the Once SS listen to the track, it should be convenient to repeat the question and encourage
biggest animal. The jungle is the most exotic place. SS to answer it. If SS do not grasp the meaning of “Animal Sanctuary”, explain to them
• Modal verb: Must: Obligation. I must respect the rules. Mustn’t: Prohibition. You what type of place is.
mustn´t touch the animals.
• Use of: “and” and “but”. Chapter 7: Track31, page: 68. A wonderful world. Activity 1: Listen and Read
• Animals: Wild animals: Bull - elephant- chimpanzee – gorilla - crocodile – giraffe –hippo Cindy: I´m very excited to see the animals.
– koala –leopard - lion – lizard - monkey – mouse - -ostrich – penguin - platypus - polar Sophie: Me too. I want to see crocodiles, gorillas, tigers and the platypus!
bear - snake - tiger - tortoise - wolf. Sea Animals: clown fish -sea horse – shark - swordfish Miss Brains: Pay attention. This is not a zoo, it’s a Sanctuary.
– whale. Farm animals: horse – pig. Pets: cat. Insects: ant – fly - grasshopper – worm. James: Why?
Miss Brains: The animals that you can see here can’t live in the wild.
Recycled language: Cindy: Do you mean that they can only survive in places like this?
• Action verbs. Miss Brains: Yes. Some animals are in danger of becoming extinct, and we must protect
• Simple present: verb be. them.
Miss Brains: Ok kids, remember you must respect and obey the “Safety Signs.”
Warming up: Paul: Look at those snakes! They are really long.
Display some pictures of “animals” on the board. Try to choose those animals that are Tom: Wow, but look the green snake is longer than the brown snake.
mentioned in the chapter. Point to each picture and elicit what animal is. If students (SS) Sophie: Look at that baby Polar bear! It´s the cutest animal in the world.
don’t know the word, teach it. Point to each picture again and encourage SS to name Cindy: Yes, but you mustn’t lean on fences! Protect the animals and protect yourself!
the animal. Then remove the first picture, but point to the place where the picture was
and encourage SS to name the animal. Then continue pointing to the rest of the pictures. Activity 2:
Remove from the board the second picture, and repeat what you did when you removed Answer the questions. P. 69
the first one. Continue doing so until there are no pictures on the board. This technique is Read the questions aloud and make sure SS understand them. Then have SS read the
called “Vanishing picture” and it helps SS learn new vocabulary. comic again in order to find the specific information to answer the questions.
Activity 1: Answers:
Listen and read. P. 68 a. They are in the “Animal Sanctuary”.
Have SS open their books at page 68. Copy the title of the chapter on the board- “A b. It’s a place where people can see animals that can’t live in the wild.
Wonderful World”- and ask SS what they think the chapter will be about. Elicit answers. c. They are looking at some snakes.
Then copy the biblical verse on the board: “Long ago, you made the world. You made d. She likes the baby polar bear.
the sky
with your own hands” (Psalm 102:25). Explain the meaning. Emphasize that God created Activity 3:
everything with his own hands so that is why we must protect nature. Find 7 more animals in the word search. Then label the pictures. P. 69
Then ask SS to look at the comic and encourage them to mention who they can see in the Point to the different animals, name them and ask SS to repeat after you. Then encourage
pictures. Then set one comprehension question. Ask “Where are the characters?.” Have SS to find the animals in the word search. Once they finish, check and write the name of
SS listen to the dialogue in order to answer your question. the animals on the board to check spelling. Then have SS use the words they have found
in the word search to label the pictures. Lesson 2: Tools! P. 70
Extended activity: If you want, you may ask your SS to find two more animals which are Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
not illustrated- elephant and giraffe-. • Name animals.
• Understand riddles.
Answers: • Compare animals.
Platypus – monkey – gorilla – polar bear – snake – wolf – ostrich – crocodile.
Target language:
Ending the lesson! • Comparative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The monkey is
smaller than the gorilla. The shark is more dangerous than the lion.
Activity 4: • Use of: “and” and “but”.
Complete the song. Then listen and check. P. 69 • Animals: Wild animals: bull - elephant- chimpanzee – gorilla - crocodile – giraffe –hippo
Have SS read the song and encourage them to complete the song using the correct – koala –leopard - lion – lizard - monkey – mouse - -ostrich – penguin - platypus - polar
words in the box. Let SS listen to the song either to complete the missing words or check. bear - snake - tiger - tortoise - wolf. Sea animals: clown fish -sea horse – shark - swordfish
Answers: See script. – whale. Farm animals: horse – pig. Pets: cat. Insects: ant – fly - grasshopper – worm.
• Action verbs.
Chapter 7: Track 32, page: 69, activity: 4. Complete the song. Then listen and check
Recycling language:
All in this together • Simple present: verb be.
A gorilla is bigger than me, We’re together in this world Which is bigger?
but the whale is the biggest of all We must protect it very well Warming up:
When I help to protect them Jesus created this place to live in. Play an animal memory game to review the vocabulary taught.
I feel great, strong and tall. Especially designed for the animals,
you and me. Activity 1:
Chorus Read and complete the riddles. P. 70
Have students (SS) open their books at page 70. Point to the shadow pictures and
I swim faster than a sea horse We’re different in many ways. encourage them to name the animals. Then have SS read the riddles and guess what
But the dolphin swims faster than me. The animals are different as well. animal each riddle refers to.
It doesn’t matter if we ‘re in the desert or There’s one more thing to say.
the sea “Protect the world” this amazing place. It lives in the desert. It lives in the rainforest.
We all have the right to live in peace. It’s smaller than a crocodile. It’s funnier than a gorilla.
Chorus It’s green and fast. It hops from tree to tree.
Chorus It’s a lizard. There’s no doubt it’s a monkey.
It lives in the Polar lands. It lives in the grasslands.
It’s not bigger than a seal. It eats a lot of meat. Workbook!
But it’s not a fish. It’s more dangerous than a hyena. Activity 1: Unscramble the words. Then, look and match. P. 162
It’s a penguin. It’s the lion king. Have SS open their books at page 162. Point to the pictures and elicit answers.
Then have SS unscramble the words and match them to the corresponding
Grammar box: Copy the example in the box on the board and if it is necessary explain Answers:
the use of comparatives. Remember that if your SS used English 5+, they are already a. Elephant 7 f. Monkey 8
familiar with the comparative form of the adjectives. b. Ostrich 5 g. Polar bear 9
c. Tiger 10 h. Wolf 1
d. Giraffe 2 i. Gorilla 4
Boost your vocabulary! P. 133 e. Crocodile 3
Ask your SS to open their books at page 133. Point to the different pictures
and then ask SS to repeat the words after you. Remember that this section is Activity 2: Look, and answer the quiz. P. 162
to increase vocabulary and improve spelling. After you practise vocabulary, you Have SS read the quiz and explain any unknown words. Ask SS to read about
can do an activity to check your students’ progress. certain facts about animals and have them decide whether the sentences are
true or false.
Dialogue. P. 133
Ask SS to work in pair in order to practise the dialogue. After that, invite them Answers:
to act it out. Check their pronunciation. Remind SS that the words in bold can a. T
be replaced and they can use instead other animals. b. T
c. T
Activity 1: Complete and match the animals with their habitats. P. 133 d. T
Ask SS to complete the animal names and then match them with the place e. F
where they live. f. F
Polar bear: polar lands. Activity 3: Cross out the odd one. P. 162
Shark: sea. Have SS read the groups of adjectives and help them spot the one that
Monkey: rainforest. doesn’t belong to the group. Make them notice that the relationship between
Ant: rainforest. two of the adjectives of each group is that one is the opposite of the other.
Grasshopper: rainforest. Answers:
a. Bigger
b. Heavier
c. Taller
Lesson 3: Tools! P. 71 Ask SS to open their books at page 71. Point to the animal quiz and explain any unknown
word. Then have SS read the questions, look at the pictures and choose the answer that
Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will have: they consider is the correct one. Ask different volunteers to read the questions and others
• Named animals. to provide the answer they think it is correct. Discuss with the whole class. After the
• Compared animals. discussion, have SS listen to the track to check if they were right.
• Described animals by giving clues. Answers: See script.
Target language: Chapter 7: Track 33, Page 71, activity: 1. In pairs, solve the animal quiz. Then listen
• Comparative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The monkey is and check.
smaller than the gorilla. The shark is more dangerous than the lion. Narrator A: Welcome to How much you know about animals?
• Superlative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The whale is the Narrator B: Let´s see. What animal is the biggest? The elephant? The bull? Or the blue
biggest animal. The jungle is the most exotic place. whale? Well the elephant is bigger than the bull but the biggest animal in the world is the
• Animals: Wild animals: bull - elephant- chimpanzee – gorilla - crocodile – giraffe –hippo whale. The whale lives in the deep oceans.
– koala –leopard - lion – lizard - monkey – mouse - -ostrich – penguin - platypus - polar Narrator A: Next question: What animal is the most dangerous? A hippo? A shark? Or a
bear - snake - tiger - tortoise - wolf. Sea animals: clown fish -sea horse – shark - swordfish Lion? Well …
– whale. Farm animals: horse – pig. Pets: cat. Insects: ant – fly - grasshopper – worm. Narrator B: The answer is … The hippo. Believe it or not, this animal is the most dangerous.
• Action verbs. So it´s not so cute. Be careful and be alert.
Narrator B: Now what fish is the slowest? The sword fish? The clown fish? Or the sea
Recycled language: horse? Well the clown fish is slower than the sword fish, but the slowest fish is the sea
• Comparative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The monkey is horse. It seems that it doesn’t move.
smaller than the gorilla. The shark is more dangerous than the lion. Narrator A: The next question is…: Pay attention and think. What bug is the most hard-
• Animals: Wild animals: bull - elephant- chimpanzee – gorilla - crocodile – giraffe –hippo working? The grasshopper? The fly? Or the ant?
– koala –leopard - lion – lizard - monkey – mouse - -ostrich – penguin - platypus - polar Narrator B: There is no doubt about it, the most hard-working bug or insect is the …..…
bear - snake - tiger - tortoise - wolf. Sea animals: clown fish -sea horse – shark - swordfish Ant, of course!
– whale. Farm animals: horse – pig. Pets: cat. Insects: ant – fly - grasshopper – worm. Narrator A: Well this is all for now. Bye.
What animal is the biggest? Grammar box: Write the examples in the grammar box on the board and explain the
Warming up: use of superlative adjectives as well as the spelling rules.
Display pictures of three different animals on the board. Encourage students (SS) to
describe them. Elicit answers. SS may come up with: “They are big, one is tall and the Activity 2:
other is small.” Then write questions such as; “Which is the biggest?” “Which one is the Look at the pictures and write sentences. P. 71
most dangerous?” Elicit answers and write them on the board. Have SS look at the first three pictures, the monkey, the chimpanzee and the gorilla and
write the adjectives they are expected to use to compare the animals. Then point to the
Activity 1: chimpanzee and say: The chimpanzee is bigger than the monkey”. Then point to the gorilla
In pairs, solve the animal quiz. Then listen and check. P. 71 and say: “But the gorilla is the biggest”. Encourage SS to work in pairs and have them
compare the animals using the adjective given in the comparative and superlative form.
Activity 5: Read and guess. P 163
Answers: Have SS read the texts and explain any unknown word. Then have SS read
a. The chimpanzee is bigger than the monkey, but the gorilla is the biggest. the texts and match them with the correct pictures.
b. The pig is faster than the tortoise, but the horse is the fastest.
c. The lizard is longer than the sword, but the snake is the longest. Answers:
d. The cat is more dangerous than the mouse, but the tiger is the most dangerous. c a
d b
Activity 3:
Do the speaking-and-writing activity. Choose an animal and give clues to your partner.
P. 71
Ask a volunteer to come to the front. Have the student choose an animal and ask him/ Fast Finishers!
her to tell you what animal he /she has chosen. Make sure the rest of the class does Activity 1: Do the funny quiz. Match. P. 124
not hear what the animal is. Then start describing the animal by giving some clues, for Tell SS that they are going to solve a quiz about animals to see how much they know
example, “It’s the tallest animal in the world”, and encourage the rest of the class to guess these living creatures. Emphasize that it is a funny quiz. Let SS try to do the quiz alone or
the animal. Once you have modeled the activity with the whole class participation, have in pairs. If they find it difficult, help them or explain any unknown words. Check as a whole
SS to work in small groups or in pairs. Encourage SS to write the clues in their notebooks. class.
Answers will vary.
a. the starfish
Workbook! b. seals
Activity 4: Answer. P. 163 c. the outside
Have SS read the questionnaire and explain any unknown word. The d. hip-hop
encourage SS to read the questions and choose the correct answer. e. They’ve got poisonality
Answers: f. a watchdog
a. The snake: Especially the Black Mamba, just two small drops of its venom g. Any dog can jump higher than a tree. Trees don’t jump.
can cause human death within about four hours. h. drop it a line
b. The wolf: It can run 75 kmph while the giraffe can run 48 kmph. i. jungle bells
c. The elephant: The largest living land animal is the African elephant which j. a mouse
can weigh up to 6,350kg and a length of 10.6 m from trunk to tail with a shoulder
height of 4.2m. Activity 2: Write. Use the following comparatives or superlatives to invent a joke P. 124
d. The snake. Ask them to get in pairs and use the adjectives given to invent a funny joke about an
e. The giraffe.- The average weight of a Gorilla is 150 kg, and for a Giraffe the animal they choose.
average is 1400 kg, Answers will vary
Lesson 4: Tools! P. 72 Ask SS to open their books at page 72. Point to the picture and ask SS to tell you what
Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will be able to: place it is. Elicit answers. Then encourage SS to say what they can see and what they can
• Name animals. do or cannot do in a zoo. Write some of their ideas on the board.
• Talk about obligations and prohibitions. Ask SS to open their books at page 189 to cut the pictures. Have them read the rules to
• Develop social and Christian values such as the importance of protecting nature. glue the pictures in the correct place.
Target language:
• Modal verb: Must: Obligation. I must respect the rules. Mustn’t: Prohibition. You Don’t lean on fences. Keep the area clean.
mustn´t touch the animals. Be aware. Supervise children.
• Use of: “and” and “but”.
Don’t tap the glass window. Don’t feed the animals.
• Animals: Wild animals: bull - elephant- chimpanzee – gorilla - crocodile – giraffe –hippo
– koala –leopard - lion – lizard - monkey – mouse - -ostrich – penguin - platypus - polar
bear - snake - tiger - tortoise - wolf. Sea animals: clown fish -sea horse – shark - swordfish Grammar box: Copy the examples of the grammar box on the board. Explain to SS the
– whale. Farm animals: horse – pig. Pets: cat. Insects: ant – fly - grasshopper – worm. use of the modal verb “must” to express obligation and the use of “mustn’t” to express
• Imperatives. prohibition.
• Action verbs.
Activity 2:
Recycled language: Look at the funny situations and complete the rules. Use “must” or “mustn’t”. P. 72
• Animals: Wild animals: bull - elephant- chimpanzee – gorilla - crocodile – giraffe –hippo Point to the different pictures and ask SS what the problem is. Elicit answers. For example,
– koala –leopard - lion – lizard - monkey – mouse - -ostrich – penguin - platypus - polar the area isn’t clean. Encourage them to use must and mustn’t to complete the rules.
bear - snake - tiger - tortoise - wolf. Sea animals: clown fish -sea horse – shark - swordfish Answers:
– whale. Farm animals: horse – pig. Pets: cat. Insects: ant – fly - grasshopper – worm. a. Must
• Action verbs. b. Mustn’t
c. Mustn’t
Rules everywhere! d. Mustn’t
Warming up:
Display pictures of different safety signs on the board. Try to choose those that students Activity 3:
(SS) can see in a zoo. Point to the first one and write on the board what the sign means. Cut the board game. Play The Animal Sanctuary Game. P. 72
You can use imperatives or you can use this warming up activity to introduce the use of Tell SS that they are going to play a game. Have them open their books at page 189 to cut
“must” and “mustn’t”. For example, you may write: “Don’t feed the animals.” Or “You the board game. Then explain the rules.
mustn’t feed the animals.”
Activity 1: • Ask SS to play the game in pairs.
Look, read, cut and glue the signs in the correct place. P 72 • Be sure SS have a coin, and two counters.
• Tell SS to take turns to spin the coin. Value: Protect nature.
• Explain to SS that they should move one space if the coin lands “heads” and two Read the value out loud. Make SS think about the importance of protecting nature. Tell
spaces if the coin lands “tails.” them that we must protect the environment and the animals because they are part of
• Tell them to read and answer the question on the space, or follow the instruction. God’s creation. Finish the class with a prayer.
If they answer the question (to his/her partner’s satisfaction) they move forward three
spaces (but do not answer another question). If they can’t answer the question, they Reader: A wonderful world! PP. 112-113
should stay where they are. Ask SS to sit around you and read the comic aloud. Then encourage SS to read the
• Explain that the student who gets to the end of the board first wins. dialogue in pairs on page 112. Check the meaning of unknown words.
Activity 1: Read, and choose the best answer. There can be more than one correct
answer. P. 113
Workbook: Have SS skim the dialogue in order to choose the most suitable option to answer the
Activity 6: Unscramble and write the rules. P. 164 questions.
Have SS look at the pictures. Then encourage them to put the words in order to Answers:
figure out the rule. Then have SS write the rule using “must” or “mustn´t”. If you a. They are returning home after visiting the “Animal’s Sanctuary.”
find it necessary, point to the first picture and write the rule. b. He understands it when Paul gives him an explanation.
c. They mustn’t tap the glass window because they can bother the animals.
Answers: d. It is important to keep the area clean because it’s a way to respect the animals’
a. Don’t feed the animals. You mustn’t feed the animals. habitats.
b. Keep the area clean. You must keep the area clean. e. Everybody.
c. Don’t lean on fences. You mustn’t lean on fences.
d. Don’t tap on the glass window. You mustn’t tap the glass window. Activity 2: Draw and write down more “Safety Rules”. P. 113
Have SS think about more rules, the rules can be related to the topic of protecting nature.
Activity 7: Complete the dialogue with must or mustn’t. P. 164 Hold a class discussion and write some ideas on the board. Then ask SS to draw and
Tell SS that Miss Brains is reviewing the rules at the Animal Sanctuary. Have SS write the rules correctly. Check individually.
read the dialogue in order to complete the rules with “must” or “mustn’t”. Answers will vary.
must – mustn’t – mustn’t – must. Lesson 5: Tools! P. 73
Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will have:
Activity 8: What do you think? Complete with must or mustn’t. P. 164 • Read and understood a class poster.
Have SS read and complete some more rules. Then check • Reviewed language items from the chapter.
• Written a simple paragraph about species in danger of extinction.
Answers: And will be able to:
must – mustn’t – mustn’t –must – mustn’t. • Develop social and Christian values such as the importance of protecting the nature,
the animals and their habitats.
Target language: Activity 2:
• Comparative adjectives: Short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The monkey is Read the poster again and write T (true) or F (false). P. 73
smaller than the gorilla. The shark is more dangerous than the lion. Explain to SS that they have to read the sentences and say if the sentences are true or
• Superlative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The whale is the false.
biggest animal. The jungle is the most exotic place. Answers:
• Modal verb: Must: Obligation. I must respect the rules. Mustn’t: prohibition. You a. T …A species is in danger of extinction when there aren’t a lot of these animals on the
mustn´t touch the animals. planet.
• Use of: “and” and “but”. b. F …The Amazonian Manatee is in danger of extinction because people hunt them for
• Animals: Wild animals their fur.
• Action verbs. c. T…The chinchilla can be possibly extinct because its habitat is in danger.
d. T…It is illegal to hunt these animals.
Recycled language:
• Comparative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The monkey is Activity 3:
smaller than the gorilla. The shark is more dangerous than the lion. Compare the two animals in danger of extinction. Use some adjectives in the box. P. 73
• Superlative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The whale is the Ask SS to look at the two animals and compare them using the adjectives given.
biggest animal. The jungle is the most exotic place. Answers may vary.
• Modal verb: Must: Obligation. I must respect the rules. Mustn’t: Prohibition. You
mustn´t touch the animals. Activity 4:
• Use of: “and” and “but”. Complete the chart. P.73
• Animals: wild animals Ask SS to get in pairs and think about the rules to protect these animals. Tell them to
• Action verbs. complete the chart using must or mustn’t. Check orally.
Answers will vary.
must take care of them! • Look at the mind map and write about these species. P. 73
Warming up: Ask SS to pay attention to the mind map. SS can work in pairs or groups. Have them
Write the following phrase on the board: “animals in danger of extinction”. Encourage write about these species.
SS to tell you what they think about this phrase. Allow them enough time so that they can
come up with different ideas. Ending the lesson!
Once SS finish writing their poems, ask some volunteers to read it aloud.
Activity 1:
Read the class poster. P. 73
Tell SS to open their books at page 73. Point to the poster and tell them they are going to
read about animals in danger of extinction. Encourage SS to read it in silence. Make sure
they understand all the difficult words. ,
Lesson 6: Close to Jesus! PP. 74 & 75 Noah’s Ark! Genesis 5:32-10.
Remember that this is the special time to introduce students (SS) to the pleasure of
Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will be able to: reading and to help them be acquainted with the stories from the Bible.
• Be acquainted with a story from the Bible.
• Develop values; such as protecting the nature. Warming up:
• Be aware that Jesus is happy when we protect the nature. Pre-listening stage:
At this stage it is very important to arouse interest and to provide basic vocabulary to
Target language: facilitate students’ comprehension.
• Comparative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The monkey is You may show them pictures or part of pictures of animals for SS to guess which animal
smaller than the gorilla. The shark is more dangerous than the lion. it is. Then you may ask some questions such as “What story in the Bible mention different
• Superlative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The whale is the type animals?”, “What else can you mention from the story?”. Let SS participate telling
biggest animal. The jungle is the most exotic place. what they know about the story or predicting about it.
• Modal verb: Must: Obligation. I must respect the rules. Mustn’t: Prohibition. You
mustn´t touch the animals. Activity:
• Use of: “and” and “but”. Listen and read. P.74
• Animals: wild animals. While-listening stage
• Action verbs. Ask SS to open their books at page 74. Have SS look at the pictures. Then say “Listen to
the story and find out”. Ask SS to point to the pictures to follow the story while listening
Recycled language: to it.
• Present simple. Have SS analyse if their predictions were right.
• Use of “and” and “but”.
• Simple past. Chapter 7: Track: 34, page: 74. Close to Jesus. Listen and read: Noah’s Ark! Genesis
• Comparative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The monkey is 5:32-10.
smaller than the gorilla. The shark is more dangerous than the lion. In Psalm 102:25 we read: “Long ago, you made the world. You made the sky with your
• Superlative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The whale is the own hands.”
biggest animal. The jungle is the most exotic place. Narrator: God saw that the earth was corrupt, so He told Noah that He decided to put an
• Modal verb: Must: Obligation. I must respect the rules. Mustn’t: Prohibition. You end to violence.
mustn´t touch the animals. God: Noah, You must build a big boat. It has to be the biggest ark! I am going to destroy
• Use of: “and” and “but”. the earth with a big flood! Tell people to repent from their sins.
• Animals: wild animals. Noah: Yes, my Lord!
• Action verbs. Narrator: Noah told the people what God said.
Noah: My dearest people, you must repent because it is going to be a big flood. Please
you mustn’t sin anymore!
People: Hahaha
People: You are crazy! d. It rained for FORTY days.
Narrator: Now, that Noah built the ark, God said: You must bring into the ark two of all e. The dove BROUGHT a leaf.
living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. f. The family thanked God with AN ALTAR.
Son: Wow, look. The giraffes are taller than the hippos. And the turtles are slower than
the rabbits. Activity 2:
Noah: Yes, and the elephants are the fattest. Put the events in order. P. 75
Narrator: Noah did everything God commanded. You may ask SS to read the sentences and number them in the order the events take
Noah: God said that it is going to rain for forty days and forty nights. We are safe here. place in the story. Check with the whole class.
Narrator: After the rain, Noah opened a window and sent a dove to check if the earth Answers:
was dry. 1 God told Noah to build an ark.
Noah: Look 4 Noah and his family were inside the ark.
Noah: The dove has a leaf… 5 It started to rain.
Narrator: Noah and his family came out of the ark and built an altar to thank God for his 2 Noah and his family built a big boat.
protection. 3 All the animals walked into the ark.
Noah: Thank you Jesus. This was the biggest flood and you protected us. 6 Noah sent a dove.
Narrator: God put a rainbow in the clouds to show that he mustn’t destroy the earth with 7 Noah and his family built an altar.
water again. 8 God put a rainbow in the sky.
Answers: Lesson 7: More to know! P. 76
a. bitrab: rabbit 2 Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
b. fefgiar: giraffe 6 • Express in the target language knowledge borrowed from natural science.
c. ionl: lion 7 • Learn new vocabulary related to nature.
d. dirb: bird 4 • Develop values; such as protecting nature.
e. evod: dove 1 • Be aware that Jesus is happy when we protect nature.
f. naske: snake 5
g. epelntha: elephant 3 Target language:
• Vocabulary related to natural science.
Activity 5:
Circle the best answer. P. 75 Recycled language:
Let SS work in pairs. Explain that they have to read the questions and choose the most • Present simple tense.
suitable answer.
Answers: Natural Science
a. Forty days. Protecting the Nature of the world!
b. Because people were evil. Warming up:
c. Because He promised not to destroy the earth with You may prepare a power point or bring pictures related to animals and/or their habitats.
water again. Talk about what is going on with these things. For example, the animals are in danger or
the water is contaminated, etc.
Ending the lesson! Ask SS to give ideas about how to protect nature. Write down all the ideas on the board.
Reinforce the concept of the Christian value: protecting nature. Activity 1:
Read the web page. Then complete the picture using the highlighted words. P. 76
Encourage a volunteer to pray aloud with the whole class or you can divide the class in Have your SS open their books at page 76. Focus your students’ attention on the web
pairs and and ask them to pray together. page. Explain any difficult word. Ask SS to complete the picture using the highlighted
words. Check as a whole class.
Dear Lord,
thank you for this story
that helps us understand that you love
protecting nature and the animals.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Answers: Ending the lesson!
Pray with the SS and ask God to help your SS protect nature.
Activity 9: Read. Then complete using must or mustn’t. P. 165
Ask SS to complete the tips with must or mustn’t. Explain any difficult or
Loss of habitats unknown word.
Deforestation Answers:
* What you eat is not always good for animals. You MUSTN’T feed the Zoo
Water contamination
* It’s wrong to throw trash on the floor. You MUST throw rubbish into the
Activity 2: classroom bins.
Complete with must or mustn’t. P. 76 * It’s cruel to hurt animals. You MUST be nice to animals.
You may ask SS to work in pairs. Let SS read the web page again and complete the * It’s not correct to burn or cut down trees. You MUSTN’T burn or cut down
sentences using must or mustn’t. Check with the whole class. trees.
Answers: * Don’t waste water! Remember, you MUST close the tap after use.
a. In order to protect animals, you MUST take care of their habitats. * It can be dangerous to touch wild animals. You MUSTN’T touch lions.
b. You MUSTN’T throw trash into the water. * You MUST turn off the light if you are not in the room.
c. You MUSTN’T cut the trees to get oxygen. * Use recycled paper when you draw at school. You MUST reduce paper waste.
d. You MUST protect trees, so you can get clean air.
• Classify the previous tips.
Then, let SS work in pairs and classify the tips into home, school or zoo. Check
Mini project: P. 76 with the class.
Think about ways of protecting water, animals or forests. Answers:
1) Identify how to protect nature. HOME ZOO SCHOOL
2) Practise the new vocabulary content in a real life context through an art activity. Don’t waste What you eat is not always good for It’s wrong to throw trash
3) Develop creativity through art skills. water! animals. You MUSTN’T feed the Zoo on the floor. You MUST
Warming up: Remember, you animal. throw rubbish into the
You may ask SS to brainstorm some ideas and write them down. MUST close the It’s cruel to hurt animals. You MUST be classroom bins.
Activities: tap after use. nice to animals. Use recycled paper when
1) Look for some pictures related to protecting nature. It’s not correct to burn or cut down you draw at school. You
2) Glue the pictures on wallpaper. trees. You MUSTN’T burn or cut down MUST reduce paper
trees. waste.
3) Write some tips related to the topic they have decided to write about.
It can be dangerous to touch wild
4) Share the information with their classmates. Agree on the date the expositions will animals. You MUSTN’T touch lions.
take place.
Activity 10: Activity 1:
Complete with the correct form of the adjective. P. 165 Read the animals-fact files and compare them. P. 77
Let SS work individually. Ask SS to complete the sentences using the correct form of the Have SS read the animal fact files. Then encourage SS to use that information to write
adjective. To check the activity you may call out some SS to read them. sentences comparing animals.
Answers: Answers may vary.
a. The best
b. More important Activity 2:
c. More interesting Read and choose the best option. P. 77
d. The worst Have SS read the mini text and ask them to choose the most suitable option to complete it.
e. More expensive Answers:
a. Bigger – biggest.
Lesson 8: How much I learnt! P. 77 b. More dangerous – the most dangerous.
Objective: at the end of this lesson, students will have: c. Slower – the slowest.
• Reviewed, practised and reinforced all the language seen in this chapter.
Activity 3:
Target language: Complete the table. P. 77
• Comparative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The monkey is Have SS complete the table with the correct form of the adjectives. Focus students’
smaller than the gorilla. The shark is more dangerous than the lion. attention on the spelling rules.
• Superlative adjectives: short and long adjectives. Irregular adjectives. The whale is the Answers:
biggest animal. The jungle is the most exotic place. Adjective Hot Pretty Beautiful Good Comfortable
• Modal verb: Must: Obligation. I must respect the rules. Mustn’t: Prohibition. You Comparative Hotter Prettier More beautiful Better More comfortable
mustn´t touch the animals.
The hottest The prettiest The most The best The most
• Use of: “and” and “but”. Superlative
beautiful comfortable
• Animals: wild animals.
• Action verbs. Activity 4:
Unscramble the rules at the animal sanctuary. Then match the rules with the signs. P. 77
Follow up! Have SS unscramble the rules in order to match them with the correct picture.
Warming up: Answers:
First practise and review the vocabulary taught throughout the chapter. Write each a. You mustn’t feed the animals.
vocabulary word on an index card. Place yarns on the cards so they can be worn around b. Parents must supervise their children.
the neck. Place one card “necklace” on a student with the card hanging down the back. c. You must keep the area clean.
The student should not see the card he/she is wearing. Then give students that are not d. You mustn’t sit on fences.
with the “necklace” some clue words to guess the word given. It’s a very funny activity to
practice vocabulary related to animals. Ending the lesson!
Quickly review chapter 7 with the class, reminding SS of the work they have done over
the chapter.
Ask SS to think about whether they enjoyed the chapter and how well they think they did
on it. Tell SS to read each language item in the chart and encourage them to ask themselves
if they can do what it says in each row. Then ask them to tick the correct column according
to how well they think they learnt and worked.
Congratulate all your SS for their progress.
• Present simple.
Chapter 8: A prosperous future! • Jobs: astronaut, astronomer, archaeologist, captain, chef, cook, dentist, doctor, engineer, fireman,
musician, nurse, reporter, teacher, vet, volunteer.
• Future time expressions: tomorrow, next week/ month/ year, soon, this evening, in three months’
Chapter 8: A prosperous future!
Functions: Talking about Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: Jobs: Astronaut, Listening: Listening for specific
future actions. Asking Future “Will”: All forms. I’ll astronomer, archeologist, activities. • The weather: hot, warm, cool, cold, sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy, snowy, windy.
and answering about study medicine. She won’t captain, chef, cook, dentist, Listening to a song. • Action verbs.
the future. Talking about be a doctor. Will they go to doctor, engineer, fireman, Speaking: Talking about future
jobs and responsibilities. Africa?. Short answers. musician, nurse, reporter, events. Describing what one will
Understanding poems. Wh … questions: What will teacher, vet, volunteer. do in the future.
Explaining when certain you do in three years’ time? Future time expressions: Reading: Understanding a
events will take place. Recycling: Wh words. tomorrow, next week/ month/ weather forecast.
Reporting a class survey. Time clauses: When I grow year, soon, this evening, in three Writing: Writing a blog about the Social and Christian value:
Describing a weather up, I’ll be a teacher. Present months’ time. weather.
forecast. Writing about Simple. The weather: Hot, warm, cool, Close to Jesus: The three faithful
The importance of…
future inventions. cold, sunny, cloudy, rainy, men! • Building a better future!
Recycling: Simple stormy, snowy, windy. MTK: (CLIL) Technology: Weird
present. Recycling: Action verbs. future inventions.Project:
Description of a crazy invention.
Value: Building a better future!
Multiple intelligences developed during this lesson:
• Present Simple. Sarah: Hello, kids! I’m Sarah. I’m a nurse!
• Jobs: astronaut, astronomer, archaeologist, captain, chef, cook, dentist, doctor, Roger: Hi! I’m Roger and I’m a pilot now!
engineer, fireman, musician, nurse, reporter, teacher, vet, volunteer. Cindy: What will you do?
• Future time expressions: tomorrow, next week/ month/ year, soon, this evening, in Sarah: Well, I’ll be a full time volunteer for five years.
three months’ time. Roger: I’ll work as a volunteer, too.
• Action verbs. Paul: Sarah, where will you work?
Sarah: I’ll work as a nurse in Africa.
Recycled language: Sophie: Will you go to Africa soon?
• Wh words. Sarah: No, I won’t. I think I’ll go in two months’ time.
• Time clauses: When I grow up, I’ll be a teacher. Tom: What about you Roger? Where will you work?
• Present Simple. Roger: I’ll work in Africa, too. But I’ll be there next week.
• Action verbs. James: What will you do there?
Sarah: Well I’ll…
Warming up:
Write the phrase “A prosperous future” on the board and form a word web, write jobs, Activity 2:
places, etc. And ask students (SS) questions related to their future or what they think they Read again and write T (true), F (false) or DS (It doesn’t say). P. 79
will do when they grow up, for example; “What will you do when you grow?”, “Where will Have SS skim the text in order to decide if the sentences are true, false or that it doesn’t
you work?”, etc. Elicit answers and write some on the board. say.
Ask SS to open their books at page 78, focus students’ attention on the title of the Answers:
chapter and in the biblical verse: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, a. T.
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah b. F.
29:11). Explain the meaning of it and tell SS that Jesus wants for us the best. c. T.
d. F.
e. It doesn’t say.
Activity 1: f. T.
Listen and read. P. 78
Have SS read the title again and encourage them to predict what the comic will be Activity 3:
about. Then point to the pictures and ask SS who they can see. Elicit answers. Point to the What will they do in Africa? Listen and write “S” for Sarah and “R” for Roger. P. 79
pilot and the nurse and set the comprehension question: “Who are they?” Have SS listen Have SS look at the pictures, point to each of them and encourage SS to name the
to the dialogue in order to answer the question. activity. For example, help ill children; deliver medicine or food, etc.
After they listen, repeat the question and elicit answers. Then ask some more questions Explain to SS that they are going to listen to Sarah and Roger talking about their future
for SS to listen for specific purposes. activities in Africa. Ask SS to write S or R according to what they listen to.
Answers: See script.
Chapter 8: Track: 35, page:78, activity 1. A prosperous Future. Listen and read. Chapter 8: Track: 36, page: 79, activity 3: What will they do in Africa? Listen and
Miss Brains: Kids, pay attention. Today two graduates are visiting us. write “S” for Sarah and “R” for Roger.
Sarah: Well, I don’t know exactly what I will do, but perhaps I will help children. Especially What will I be when I grow up? Chorus
Who knows who can answer that? When I grow up, what will I be?
ill kids or injured kids, you know… when children have an accident and they need first aids.
I’ll be an astronomer, I’ll study the stars. There are so many choices that sound fun to me
I will also help floating doctors. I will sail boats to isolated areas and I will assist doctors.
Or I’ll be a musician and I´ll play the guitar. I don’t know exactly what I want to be
I will help and take care of old people. I will help them get dressed when they are in the But I want to build a great future
hospital. And of course, I will tell people about Jesus and his love. Chorus for you and me.
Paul: That’s amazing. When I grow up, what will I be?
Cindy: And what about you Roger? What will you do there? There are so many choices What will I be when I grow up?
that sound fun to me. Who knows, who can answer that?
Roger: I will deliver medical supplies; I mean medicines, like pills, bandages, and food
I don’t know exactly what I want to be. I’ll be a doctor, I’ll help those who are ill.
to isolated areas, areas that are not near hospitals, for example. I will also transport ill
But I want to build a great future Or I’ll be a volunteer
people who don´t live near a hospital and are in an emergency. And I will study the Bible for you and me. and I’ll help people in need.
with people there. I want to tell everybody about Jesus and his love.
What will I be when I grow up? Chorus
Ending the lesson! Who knows, who can answer that? When I grow up, what will I be?
I’ll be an archeologist and I’ll dig big holes. There are so many choices that sound fun to me
Or I’ll be a captain and I’ll sail my boat. I don’t know exactly what I want to be.
Activity 4: But I want to build a great future
Complete the song. Then listen and check. P. 79 for you and me.
Have SS read the song and encourage them to complete it using the words in the box.
Explain to SS that they should read what each job involves in order to choose the correct • What’s the message of the song?
job to fill in the blanks. Then have SS listen to the song to check. Read the song again and analyze the meaning of it. Then answer the question.
Answers: See script. Answer: The importance of building a good future.
After that sing along.
Chapter 8, track: 37, page: 79, activity 4: Complete the song. Then listen and check.
Lesson 2: Tools! P. 80
What will I be? Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Talk about future actions.
What will I be when I grow up? What will I be when I grow up?
Who knows, who can answer that? Who knows, who can answer that?
• Ask and answer about the future.
I’ll be an astronaut, I’ll travel through space I’ll be a pilot and I’ll fly round the world • Talk about jobs and responsibilities.
Or I’ll be a chef and I’ll make delicious cakes. Or I’ll be a teacher and I’ll help children learn. • Understand poems.
• Explain when certain events will take place.
Chorus Chorus • Develop Christian and social values such as building a better future!
When I grow up, what will I be? When I grow up, what will I be?
There are so many choices that sound fun to me There are so many choices that sound fun to me
I don’t know exactly what I want to be I don’t know exactly what I want to be
Target language:
But I want to build a great future But I want to build a great future • Future “Will”: All forms. I’ll study medicine. She won’t be a doctor. Will they go to
for you and me. for you and me. Africa? Short answers.
• Time clauses: When I grow up, I’ll be a teacher.
• Present Simple. may carry out the first part of the activity as a whole class.
• Jobs: astronaut, astronomer, archaeologist, captain, chef, cook, dentist, doctor, Answers:
engineer, fireman, musician, nurse, reporter, teacher, vet, volunteer. She will go to the university. She will be a doctor. She will work in a hospital.
• Action verbs. They will study hard. They will be engineers. They will design robots.
Activity 2:
Go to the cut-out section. Place the pictures in the correct order. Then write sentences.
P. 80
Tell SS that they are going to find out about Sophie, Tom and Tim’s dreams for their
future. Have SS open their books at page 191 and ask them to cut out the pictures. Then
explain to SS that they should read the incomplete sentences in order to decide where
they glue the pictures. Then tell SS to complete the sentences. If you find it necessary, you
9. Accountants.
Workbook! 10. Carpenter.
Activity 1: Read Cindy’s journal. Then answer the questions. P. 166 11. Singers.
Have SS read Cindy’s journal. Then encourage them to read the questions and
answer them correctly. Activity 2:
Answers: Unscramble. Then match. There’s an extra sentence. P. 125
1. She will study to be a doctor. Ask them to get in pairs and write the sentences in the correct order. You can call some
2. She will work at the local hospital. SS to write the correct sentences on the board. Then have SS match the sentences with
3. She will help ill people and she will heal them. the pictures.
4. She will live near her parents.
5. Yes, she will. Answers:
6. Jesus. a. will /Tom /be /an /grows up/when /he /engineer. Tom will be an engineer when he
grows up.
Activity 2: Ask and complete the table. P. 166 b. Lisa/ a /nurse. /won’t/ be/ be/ a /doctor. /She /will. Lisa won’t be a nurse. She will
Have SS read the question and tell them to work in groups of four. Have SS ask be a doctor.
and answer each other questions in order to fill in the table. c. will/ sister/ My/ teach. My sister will teach.
Extended activity: You may want your SS to report their findings to the class. d. brother/ My/ traveling/ by/ plane/ loves. He/ a/ pilot/will/ be. My brother will be a
Answers will vary. pilot. He loves travelling by plane.
e. likes/ My friend, Brian/ books./ writing/ will /be /He/ a writer. My friend, Brian will be
a writer. He likes writing books.
Fast Finishers!
Activity 1: Read and solve the crossword. P. 125
Tell SS to read the definitions and figure out the profession they describe. Then, ask
them to complete the crossword with the correct job and find the hidden word. They can Lesson 3: Tools! P. 81
check in pairs. Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Answers: • Talk about future actions.
1. Pilot. • Ask and answer about the future.
2. Farmers. • Talk about jobs and responsibilities.
3. Doctor. • Understand poems.
4. Fireman. • Explain when certain events will take place.
5. Driver. • Report a class survey.
6. Secretary. • Write about future inventions.
7. Nurses. • Develop Christian and social values such as building a better future!
8. Housewife.
Target language: Answers: See script.
• Future “Will”: All forms. I’ll study medicine. She won’t be a doctor. Will they go to Chapter 8, Track: 38, page: 81, activity 1: Paul and Cindy are talking about their
Africa? Short answers. future. Complete the dialogue. Listen and check.
• Wh … questions: What will you do in three years’ time? Paul: Will you go to a university?
• Wh words. Cindy: Yes, I will. I’ll go to the university because I want to be a reporter.
• Jobs: astronaut, astronomer, archaeologist, captain, chef, cook, dentist, doctor, Paul: Where will you work?
engineer, fireman, musician, nurse, reporter, teacher, vet, volunteer. Cindy: I’ll work for a newspaper.
• Action verbs. Paul: What will you do in your job?
Cindy: I´ll interview different people, I’ll do research and I’ll write articles.
Recycled language: Paul: It sounds interesting, Cindy!
• Future “Will”: All forms. I’ll study medicine. She won’t be a doctor. Will they go to Cindy: What will you do?
Africa? Short answers. Paul: I’ll be a vet.
• Wh words. Cindy: Why will you be a vet?
• Jobs: astronaut, astronomer, archaeologist, captain, chef, cook, dentist, doctor, Paul: Because I like animals a lot. I want to help them. But I won’t live here.
engineer, fireman, musician, nurse, reporter, teacher, vet, volunteer. Cindy: Where will you live?
• Action verbs. Paul: I’ll live in the country. I like farm animals more than pets.
doing?”, “Are they reading?”, “What are they reading?” Provide the context; explain to SS • Before the Pathfinders start their activities, they pray and study the Bible. T
that the characters are practicing because they will go to the Camporee. Then give SS time • The unit “Lions” is ready for the Camporee; they won’t study or practise anymore. F
to enjoy the reading. When they finish reading, ask them comprehension questions. • The kids will answer questions about the Bible. T
• They will read another book of the year. F
Activity 1: Read the comic again, and choose the best option. P. 115 • They will practise and pray a lot to give a good performance. T
Ask SS to read the questions. Then have SS skim the comic again in order to choose the • They know that Jesus guides our lives. T
most suitable option to answer the questions.
a. Tim, Tom, and Paul arrive at the Pathfinder club. Workbook:
b. They pray and study the Bible. Activity 3: Complete each dialogue. Use the sentences below. P. 167
c. The kids and the Director talk about the Camporee. Have SS read the mini dialogues and ask them to complete each of them using
the sentences below.
Activity 2: Use the numbers 1 to 5 to show the order in which these events happen in Answers:
the story. P. 115 1. J – e
Have SS read the comic again in order to put the sentences in the order the activities 2. D – l
take place. 3. B – f
Answers: 4. C – i
5. K – g
2. The kids pray and study the Bible. 6. H – a
3. The kids practise swimming.
1. The Director greets the kids. Activity 4: Write questions. P. 167
4. The kids answer questions related to the book they are reading. Have SS read and complete the dialogue with the most suitable question.
5. They talk about the Camporee. Suggested answers:
a. What will you when you grow up?
Activity 3: b. What will you do?
Read and tick. P. 115 c. Where will you work?
Have SS read the sentences in the chart and let them decide if the sentences are true or
false. If they find any difficult doing the activity, encourage them to read the comic again in
order to choose the correct alternative.
Lesson 4: Tools! P. 82
Answers: Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will have:
• The Pathfinders are in the park. F • Talk about future actions.
• The Director and the kids have a meeting. T • Explain when certain events will take place.
• They will speak about the Camporee. T • Develop Christian and social values such as building a better future!
Target language: c. 4
• Future “Will”: All forms. I’ll study medicine. She won’t be a doctor. Will they go to d. 3
Africa? Short answers. e. 2
• Future time expressions: tomorrow, next week/ month/ year, soon, this evening, in f. 7
three months’ time. g. 6
• Action verbs.
Activity 2:
Recycled language: Look at Miss Brains’s diary. Use the time expressions in the box to complete the
• Future “Will”: all forms. I’ll study medicine. She won’t be a doctor. Will they go to sentences. P. 82
Africa? Short answers. Have SS look at Miss Brains’s diary. Ask them to read the different activities she will carry
• Jobs: astronaut, astronomer, archaeologist, captain, chef, cook, dentist, doctor, out. You may want to ask questions for SS to answer about her activities; for example,
engineer, fireman, musician, nurse, reporter, teacher, vet, volunteer. “What will she do on Thursday morning? And so on. Elicit answers.
• Action verbs. Then have SS read the sentences and ask them to complete using the expressions in
the box.
Next week! Answers:
Warming up: a. Five minutes’ time.
On the board draw a diary and fill in it. Write some activities you will do. Then say for b. In the afternoon.
example, I will mark the tests on Monday. I’ll have a lesson at 2 o’clock. I’ll go to the c. This evening.
supermarket in the afternoon. Take advantage of this activity to review prepositions of d. Tomorrow.
time: in, on, at. e. Saturday.
Activity 1: • Look at Miss Brains’s diary. Complete the sentences with “will” or “won’t” and “on”,
Read the comic. Then answer. P. 82 “in”, “at”.
Ask SS to read the comic and then encourage them to answer the questions. If SS find Then have SS read the sentences and look at her diary again in order to fill the blanks
any difficulty, copy the questions on the board and answer them as a whole class. using “will” or “won’t” and the correct preposition of time.
Answers: Answers:
Today is Sunday. a. will – at d. won’t – on
Tomorrow will be Monday. b. won’t- in e. will - on
c. will – in
• Today is Sunday, 10th November, at 6 o’ clock. Match a-h with 1 -8.
Focus students’ attention on the suggested date in order to solve the activity. Ask SS to Activity 3:
match a-h with 1-8. Complete the diary and tell your partner what you “will” or “won’t” do next week. P. 82
Answers: Have SS open their books at page 191. Have them cut out and fill in the diary. Then
a. 1 encourage SS to tell the class what they will do.
b. 5 Answers will vary.
• Jobs.
Workbook: • Future time expressions: tomorrow, next week/ month/ year, soon, this evening, in
Activity 5: Look at the holiday brochure. Complete the sentences with the three months’ time.
words in the box. P. 168 • The weather: Hot, warm, cool, cold, sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy, snowy, windy.
Have SS read the holiday brochure and the sentences which are incomplete.
Encourage them to scan the holiday brochure to complete the sentences using Recycled language:
the words in the box. • Future “Will”: all forms. I’ll study medicine. She won’t be a doctor. Will they go to
Answers: Africa? Short answers.
next month – next Tuesday – visit – next day – play • Wh … questions: What will you do in three years’ time?
• Wh words.
Activity 6: Look at Tim and Tom’s schedule. Then choose the best option. P. • Jobs.
168 • Future time expressions: tomorrow, next week/ month/ year, soon, this evening, in
Have SS read Tom and Tim’ diaries. Then ask them to read the paragraphs and three months’ time.
encourage SS to choose the correct option.
Tom will go to school on Monday. He will hand in his homework to the teacher The Weather girl!
at 11 a.m. Tim will take a math test in the morning. Tom will go swimming in the Warming up:
afternoon, but Tim won’t. He will go to piano classes. Tom will study the Bible on Write the word meteorologist on the blackboard. Ask students (SS) if they know what
Monday, and Tim will read before he goes to sleep. These are the activities Tom activities this person does. Elicit answers.
and Tim will do next Monday.
Activity 1:
Read the blog. P. 83
Lesson 5: Tools! P. 83 Ask SS to open their books at page 83. Point to Sky Storm blog and then ask SS to read
Objectives: at the end of this lesson students will have: it in silence, give them enough time to read it.
• Applied strategies to comprehend words and ideas from the context.
• Increased understanding and recalled what has been read including facts and the • Answer the questions about Sky Storm. P. 83
importance of the main idea. Read the first question aloud and elicit the answer. Then have SS work in pairs in order
• Used writing and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating. to read the blog again to find the most appropriate answer for each question.
• Learnt to analyze pictograms, and described the weather forecast.
Target language: a. What’s Sky Storm’s job? She is a meteorologist.
• Future “Will”: all forms. I’ll study medicine. She won’t be a doctor. Will they go to b. What does she do? She explains how the atmosphere affects the earth and life on the
Africa? Short answers. planet.
• Wh … questions: What will you do in three years’ time? c. What do meteorologists do? They tell people what the weather will be like.
• Wh words.
• Look at the weather forecast and complete the sentences using “will” or “won’t”. P. 83
Ask SS to look at the weather forecast. Explain to SS that they should look at the Lesson 6: Close to Jesus! PP. 84 & 85
pictograms in order to complete the weather forecast report. Point to each pictogram and Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
ask SS what each of the pictogram means. Then have SS read the incomplete weather • Be acquainted with a story from the Bible.
forecast report and ask “Will it be stormy on Saturday? Tell them to look at the pictogram • Develop values; such as build a better future.
and elicit answers. “No, it won’t.”Then tell SS to complete the first blank. If you find it • Thanks Jesus for his protection.
necessary, complete the first weather report as a whole class. Then let SS do the rest alone
using will or won’t to complete the sentences. Tell your SS to read the answers aloud. Target language:
• Future will: all forms.
On Saturday: Recycled language:
It won’t be stormy, but it will be rainy. • Present simple: affirmative and negative forms.
Temperatures will be around 12°. • Simple past.
It won’t be too cold, but it will be cool.
Take an umbrella and a coat with you when you The three faithful men- Daniel 3
go out. Remember that this is the special time to introduce students (SS) to the pleasure of
reading and to help them be acquainted with the stories from the Bible.
On Sunday:
It won’t be cloudy. It will be sunny. Warming up!
The temperatures won’t be very high, but it will Pre-listening stage:
be hot. At this stage it is very important to arouse interest and to provide basic vocabulary to
It’ll be a nice day to go to the park. facilitate students’ comprehension.
Write on the board the words: statue, bow down, king, fiery furnace, etc. Check for
Writing: Write the weather forecast. P. 83 understanding.
After that, ask: “What story in the Bible is about these words?”. Let SS participate telling
Ask your SS to work in pairs. Ask them to write a similar weather forecast using the what they know about the story or predicting about it.
information given. Have them pay detailed attention to the pictograms.
Answers may vary. Activity:
Listen and read. P. 84
Ending the lesson! While-listening stage:
Once SS finish writing their blogs, ask some volunteers to read them aloud. Ask SS to open their books at page 84. Have SS look at the pictures. Then say “Listen to
the story and find out “. Ask SS to point to the pictures to follow the story while listening.
Have SS analyse if their predictions were right.
Chapter 8, track: 39, page: 84. Close to Jesus. Listen and read: The three faithful from the Bible. Explain that Jesus is happy when we thank Him for his protection.
men! Daniel 3 “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not
In Jeremiah 29:11 we read: “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Encourage SS to study the verse at home and ask them to repeat it the following class.
Narrator: One day the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, decided to build a huge gold
image. Activity 1:
King: You will build a statue made of gold! Complete and match. P. 85
Worker: Yes, my lord. Tell your SS that they have to complete the words. Explain that all those words appear
Narrator: Then, the King gave an order. in the story. Tell them to scan the story in order to identify the words and complete them
King: People, when you hear the music, you must bow down and worship the statue. It’s correctly. Then, have SS match the words with the correct pictures. Ask some volunteers
my order. to say the answers aloud and check with the whole class.
King: Whoever does not obey my order will be immediately thrown into a fiery furnace. Answers:
Narrator: When people heard the sound, they stopped doing their tasks and they bowed a. F I E R Y F U R N A C E 2
down, except for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego…. b. B O W D O W N 4
3 friends: We won’t bow down to this statue. We are God’s men. c. S T A T U E 1
Narrator: The King became furious when he heard that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego d. K I N G 5
didn’t bow down to the image. e. G O I D 3
King: Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, that you won’t bow down and worship
the statue I made? Activity 2:
3 friends: We won’t worship your image. We worship God! God will save us if you throw Put the summary of the story in order. P. 85
us into the furnace Have SS read and number the sentences in chronological order. If they have any doubt,
Narrator: Nebuchadnezzar was very angry, so he put them into the fiery furnace that was encourage them to read the story again.
hotter than before. Answer:
King: Look! There are 4 men now! 2 The king ordered the people to bow down to the statue.
Soldier: they are not hurt. 1 Nebuchadnezzar, the king, ordered to build a big image made of gold.
Narrator: The King was shocked; he called them to come out! 3 Three friends—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—decided not to worship the
King: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, followers of the Real Lord, come out! Come image.
here! Your God is the true God, He protected you. 6 God protected the three friends when they were in the furnace.
Narrator: The king realizes that they worship the real God and that, with people like 5 The king ordered to throw the three friends into the furnace.
them, he will build a better future. 7 The king understood that the three friends’
God was the Real Lord.
Post-listening stage: 4 The king got angry with the three friends
Verse: because they didn’t worship the image.
Teach and explain the verse. It is a good opportunity to help SS memorize simple portions
Ending the lesson!
Activity 3:
Correct the sentences replacing the highlighted words. P. 85 Value:
Ask SS to read the story again and correct the sentences. Tell them that they have to Reinforce the concept of the christian value: build a better future.
replace the highlighted words with the correct information. Check as a whole class.
Answers: Prayer:
a. Nebuchadnezzar was the King of Babylon. Encourage a volunteer to pray aloud with the whole class or you can divide the class in
b. Nebuchadnezzar pairs and ask them to pray together.
commanded to build a statue.
c. The three friends didn’t bow down.
d. The fiery furnace was hotter than before. Dear Lord,
e. There were four men inside the fiery furnace. thank you for these men that
f. The king realized it was better to serve God. teach us that, in order to do a better future,
we always have to worship You!
Activity 4: In Jesus’ name, amen.
Answer the questions. P. 85
You may write the questions on the board and explain any difficult word. You can ask
SS to work in pairs in order to answer the questions. Then, ask some pairs to read the
answers. Lesson 7: More to know! P. 86
Answers: Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will have:
a. He commanded to bow down to the statue. • Expressed in the target language knowledge borrowed from technology.
b. They bowed down. • Learnt new vocabulary related to technology and inventions.
c. No, they didn’t. • Developed values; such as building a better future.
d. He put them into the fiery furnace.
e. Four. Target language:
f. No, they didn’t. • Future will.
Activity 1: Ending the lesson!
Read. P. 86 Pray with the SS and thank God for his protection. Workbook:
Have your SS open their books at page 86. Focus your students’ attention on the texts.
Read the text aloud. Ask SS to say if there is any word they don’t know. Explain that these Activity 7:
are weird inventions. After SS read, tell them to invent a name for each invention and rank Read. Then correct the sentences. P. 169
those inventions from 1 to 5 according to which they consider more useful and important. Have SS read the chat. Explain any difficult or unknown word. Then, let SS work in pairs
Ask them to get in pairs and share their names. and correct the sentences. Check with the class.
Activity 2: a. Sophie is writing a letter. Sophie is doing her homework.
Complete using information from the text.P. 86 b. The kids will write about past inventions. The kids will write about futuristic inventions.
You may ask SS to go on working in pairs. Let SS read the texts again and complete the c. Cindy won’t help Sophie. Cindy will help Sophie.
sentences with the correct invention. Check as a whole class. d. Cindy will write about time machines. Cindy will write about invisibility.
Answers: e. People won’t like becoming invisible. People will like becoming invisible.
a. robots f. Cindy will write about hiccups. Sophie will write about hiccups.
b. flying cars g. People will have a pill to take hiccups away. People will have sweets to take hiccups
c. future away.
d. smart phone h. The kids’ inventions won’t be useful. The kids’ inventions will be useful.
e. device
Activity 8:
Answer. P. 169
Mini project: P. 76 Let SS work individually. Ask SS to answer the questions according to their opinion.
Think about other weird/crazy invention. Answers will vary.
1). Learn more about future technology.
2). Practise the new vocabulary content in a real life context through a communicative Lesson8: How much I learnt! P. 87
activity: simple past tense and future will. Objective: at the end of this lesson, students will have:
• Reviewed, practised and reinforced all the language items seen in this chapter.
Warming up:
Write some ideas for SS to choose. Target language:
• Future “Will”: all forms. I’ll study medicine. She won’t be a doctor. Will they go to
1) Choose the invention. Africa? Short answers.
2) Think what they can use the invention for or in which ways it will benefit mankind. • Wh … questions: What will you do in three years’ time?
3) Write down a summary with the most important information. • Wh words.
4) Check grammar and pronunciation in advance. • Time clauses: When I grow up, I’ll be a teacher.
5) Share your invention with your classmates. • Present simple.
• Jobs: astronaut, astronomer, archaeologist, captain, chef, cook, dentist, doctor, • In three weeks’ time
engineer, fireman, musician, nurse, reporter, teacher, vet, volunteer. • Next Tuesday
• Future time expressions: tomorrow, next week/ month/ year, soon, this evening, in
three months’ time. Ending the lesson!
• The weather: hot, warm, cool, cold, sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy, snowy, windy. Self-assessment!
• Action verbs. Quickly review chapter 8 with the class, reminding SS the work they have done over the
Follow up! Ask SS to think about whether they enjoyed the chapter and how well they think they did
on it. Tell SS to read each language item in the chart and encourage them to ask themselves
Activity 1: if they can do what it says in each row. Then ask them to tick the correct column according
Read and guess what they will do in the future. P. 87 to how well they think they learnt and worked.
Have SS read the description of each job and encourage SS to guess what job each Congratulate all your SS for their progress.
character is referring to.
• Becky: chef
• James: doctor
• Sophie: firefighter
Activity 2:
Unscramble the sentences to answer the questions. P. 87
Have SS put the words in order to make sentences. Then use the sentences to answer
the questions on the right.
a. Frederic will be an astronomer.
b. He will work in a science center.
c. He will study the stars.
Activity 3:
Look at the school schedule and complete using the expressions in the box. P. 87
Ask SS to look at the calendar and ask them what they will do in September. Then have
SS read the sentences and encourage them to complete the blanks using the correct
words in the box.
• Next week
• Tomorrow
• Simple past: We brought some cheese, but we didn’t bring much bread.
Chapter 9: The big Day! • Food and drinks: apple, lemon, lettuce, orange, tomato, strawberry, lemonade, milk, milkshake, soda,
ice cream, sandwich, cheese, pizza, hot dogs, bread, tomato sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, tea, chocolate,
flour, sugar.
Chapter 9: The big Day!
• Container and quantifiers for food: a packet of, a carton of, a bottle of, a cup of, a bowl of, a glass of,
Functions: Talking Grammar & structures: Vocabulary: Food and drinks: Listening: Listening and
about future actions. Countable and uncountable apple, lemon, lettuce, orange, completing. a bar of.
Talking about food nouns. tomato, strawberry, lemonade, Listening to a song. • The weather: hot, warm, cool, cold, sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy, snowy, windy.
and quantities. Asking Quantifiers: some, any, a lot milk, milkshake, soda, ice Speaking: Talking about future
and answering about of, a little, a few, much, many: cream, sandwich, cheese, pizza, events and possibilities.
food. Describing meals. I don’t have much cheese. hot dogs, bread, tomato sauce, Reading: Understanding a chat. Social and Christian value:
Expressing what will She didn’t bring many apples. mayonnaise, mustard, tea, Writing: Mind map completion.
The importance of…
happen if… Use of How much…? And chocolate, flour, sugar. Writing about a party
Recycling: Simple Past: How many…? Container and quantifiers for organization. • Having a healthy mind and body!
What did she bring to First conditional: If it’s sunny, food: a packet of a carton of, a Close to Jesus: Adam and a
the party? we will go to the beach. bottle of, a cup of, a bowl of, a delicious diet!
Recycling: Future “Will”: All glass of, a bar of. MTK: (CLIL) Physical Education:
forms. I’ll bring apple juice Recycling: The weather: Hot, A healthy mind and body.
and some bread. She won’t warm, cool, cold, sunny, cloudy, Project: Different ways to develop Multiple intelligences developed during this lesson:
bring any oranges. What will rainy, stormy, snowy, windy. a healthy mind and body.
they bring to the party? Values: Having a healthy mind
Simple Past: We brought and body! • Verbal/linguistic. • Logical/ Mathematic.
some cheese, but we didn’t • Visual/ Spatial. • Interpersonal.
bring much bread.
• Musical/ Rhythmic. • Intrapersonal.
At the end of this chapter students will be able to: Lesson 1: Presentation of the chapter. PP. 88 & 89
• Talk about future actions. Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
• Talk about food and quantities.
• Talk about future actions.
• Ask and answer about food.
• Describe meals. • Talk about food and quantities.
• Express what will happen if… • Ask and answer about food.
• Listen for specific information. • Describe meals.
• Sing a song. • Express what will happen if…
• Develop values such as the importance of having a healthy mind and body! • Listen for specific information.
• Sing a song.
Target language: • Develop values such as the importance of having a healthy mind and body!
• Countable and uncountable nouns.
• Quantifiers: some, any, a lot of, a little, a few, much, many: I don’t have much cheese. She didn’t bring Target language:
many apples.
• Future “Will”: all forms. I’ll bring apple juice and some bread. She won’t bring any
• Use of How much…? How many…?
• First conditional: If it’s sunny, we will go to the beach. oranges. What will they bring to the party?
• Future “Will”: all forms. I’ll bring apple juice and some bread. She won’t bring any oranges. What will • Food and drinks: apple, lemon, lettuce, orange, tomato, strawberry, lemonade, milk,
they bring to the party?
milkshake, soda, ice cream, sandwich, cheese, pizza, hot dogs, bread, tomato sauce, Paul: Will we have a party?
mayonnaise, mustard, tea, chocolate, flour, sugar. Miss Brains: Yes, we will.
Sophie: Can we bring a cake?
Recycled language: Miss Brains: If you bring the ingredients, we will make the cake here.
• Future “Will”: all forms. I’ll bring apple juice and some bread. She won’t bring any Tom: I can bring a bottle of milk and some chocolate.
oranges. What will they bring to the party? Tim: And I’ll bring some juice. I won’t bring any soda. It´s not healthy.
Miss brains: You’re right we will have plenty of delicious and healthy food and drinks.
Warming up: Cindy: Our motto will be “Have a healthy body and mind.”
Write on the board “Special days” and ask students (SS) what days are special, for
example, birthdays, Christmas, end of the year parties. Elicit answers and write them on Activity 2:
the board. Read the story again and answer the questions. P. 89
Then, ask SS what they do during these celebrations and what type of food they eat. Have SS scan the story in order to answer who does each action.
Elicit answers. Answers:
Then have students (SS) open their books at page 88, read and write the title of the a. Miss Brains.
chapter on the board and ask SS what they think “The big day” means. b. Cindy.
Then read and write the biblical verse: “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever c. Paul.
you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Explain to SS that we must take d. Sophie.
care of our body because it is temple of the Holy Spirit. We must pay attention to what we e. Tom.
eat and drink and also about what we do, read and see. f. Tim.
Activity 1: Activity 3:
Listen and read. P. 88 Look at the pictures and find them in the word search. Then complete the recipes. P. 89
Have SS open their book at page 88. Let them read the title of the chapter and ask Ask SS to look at the pictures and encourage them to find them in the Word search. Then
what they think “The Big day” is. Then encourage SS to look at the pictures and ask what have SS read the incomplete recipes for the suggested menu for the party and let SS fill in
the characters will celebrate. Elicit answers. Let SS listen to the dialogue. Then check if the blanks using the words from the word search. Explain to SS that the first letter of each
their predictions were right. Have SS listen and read the dialogue again, but set some word is given.
comprehension questions before they are allowed to listen again.
Chapter 9, track: 40, page: 88. The big day! Activity 1: Listen and read. a. You make this with bread and you can put cheese, tomatoes and l in it. It’s a sandwich.
Miss Brains: Ok kids, I have some good news for you! b. This is a drink. You make this with water, lemons and sugar. It’s lemonade.
James: What is it, Miss? c. You need a pizza base, tomato sauce, cheese and olives to make it. It’s a pizza.
Sophie: Tell us, please! d. It’s a sweet drink. You need milk and ice–cream and you can add strawberries to make
Miss Brains: You’re very curious! Why don’t you guess? it. It’s a milkshake.
Cindy: Ok give us some clues!
Miss Brains: You will bring some food and we’ll have a lot of fun! Ending the lesson!
Activity 4:
Complete the song. Then, listen and check. P. 89 Lesson 2: Tools! P. 90
Tell SS to read the song. Then, ask what they think the song is about. Elicit answers. Have Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will have:
SS read the song again and encourage them to complete it. Tell SS to read each stanza and • Recognized some food and drinks.
encourage them to complete the song. Then have SS listen to the song to complete the • Identified the use of “some”, “any”, “a-an”.
missing words or to check. Once the song is completed and checked, sing along. • Listened for specific information.
Answers: See script. • Completed paragraphs.
Chapter 9, track: 41, page: 89, activity 4: Complete the song. Then listen and check. Target language:
Healthy mind and body! • Countable and uncountable nouns.
• Quantifiers: some, any.
• Future “Will”: all forms. I’ll bring apple juice and some bread. She won’t bring any
Chorus oranges. What will they bring to the party?
Have a healthy mind and body, you know, Socializing is also important • Food and drinks: apple, lemon, lettuce, orange, tomato, strawberry, lemonade, milk,
There are so many reasons to do so. To have a healthy mind. milkshake, soda, ice cream, sandwich, cheese, pizza, hot dogs, bread, tomato sauce,
It’s not only about what you eat. Spend time with your family and pals. mayonnaise, mustard, tea, chocolate, flour, sugar.
It’s also about what you do and see. It’s good to have some fun!
Remember it’s important to feel good, Recycled language:
Be smart when you have to choose. Chorus • Future “Will”: all forms. I’ll bring apple juice and some bread. She won’t bring any
Read a lot every day oranges. What will they bring to the party?
Fresh vegetables and juicy fruit That keeps your mind awake. • Food and drinks: lemon, lettuce, orange, tomato, strawberry, lemonade, milk,
Make you feel really good. Don’t go to bed so late. milkshake, soda, ice cream, sandwich, cheese, pizza, bread, tomato sauce, mayonnaise,
Nourishing food is what you need Your mind and body need to rest. chocolate.
To feel strong from head to toe.
Chorus Organizing the party!
It’s important to say “No.” Warming up:
Sport exercises your body. When something is wrong. Start the class asking your students (SS) if they remember what the characters are going
Sport makes you grow. Don´t forget to pray every day. to celebrate. Elicit answers. Then ask your SS what the characters are going to eat and
Sport keeps your body healthy, Jesus will help you in every way. drink.
and your muscles and bones strong.
Chorus Chorus Activity 1:
Listen and complete the note. P. 90
Have SS open their books at page 90 and focus your students’ attention on the note.
Provide the context. Explain to your SS that Miss Brains is going to dictate a note her
students’ parents. Ask SS to read the note and tell them to listen to the track to see if what
they remember about the party is correct. Check after that. Boost your vocabulary! P. 135
Then have SS listen to the track again and encourage them to fill in the blanks. Once SS Ask your SS to open their books at page 135. Point to the different pictures
complete the note, check with the whole class. and then ask SS to repeat the words after you. Remember that this section is
Answers: See script. to increase vocabulary and improve spelling. After you practise vocabulary, you
can do an activity to check your students´ progress.
Chapter 9, track: 42, page: 90, activity 1: Listen and complete the note.
Miss Brains: OK kids, open your notebooks. I’m dictating you a note to your parents Dialogue: P. 135
about our party. Ask SS to work in pair in order to practise the dialogue. After that, invite them
Dear parents, we are organizing a party. The party will be next Thursday. to act it out. Check their pronunciation. Remind SS that the words in bold can
Paul: Where will the party be? be replaced and they can use instead other meals.
Miss Brains: We don’t know yet, Paul, it depends on the weather. There are different Activity 1: Complete. P. 135
options. Let me finish dictating the note. We will eat healthy food. We will make sandwiches Have SS look at the pictures and encourage them to describe what they see.
and pizzas. We will have apple juice and lemonade. And for desert we will have milkshakes Then ask SS to fill in the sentences according to what they see in the pictures.
and a cake. How many people will be at the party? There will be approximately twenty-four
kids… Answers:
Cindy: Sorry Miss Brains, How many kids? For breakfast, I will have
Miss Brains: twenty-four approximately and five grown-ups! yoghurt, CEREALS , and
James: Who? some FRUIT.
Miss Brains: Well, the head teacher, Mr. Sporty, the science teacher, the geography
teacher and, of course me. Regards, Miss Brains. For lunch, I will have a big
salad with lettuce, TOMATOES,
And for dinner,
I will have PIZZA.
Ending the lesson!
Activity 2: Workbook:
Look and read. Then complete with the words in the box. Activity 1: Read the text and answer the questions. P. 170
Copy the first speech bubble on the board as well as the words in the box. Have SS read Point to the invitation and ask SS what type of text it is. Elicit answers. Have
the bubble and encourage them to complete it with the words given. If SS used English 5+ SS read the invitation and ask what type of invitation it is. Elicit answers. Then
the previous year, they are already familiar with the use of some, any, a-an. If you consider encourage SS to read the questions and to scan the invitation again in order to
it appropriate, remind SS the use of some, any and a-an. It is also important that you find the necessary information to answer the questions. Ask SS to answer the
explain to your SS that some nouns can be considered countable and uncountable, for questions in full to reinforce the use of Future will and prepositions of time.
example, pizza and ice cream. Tell them that we say “a pizza” when we refer to the whole You may want to have your SS work in pairs or individually to practise reading
pizza and that it is said “some pizza” when we refer to a slide. The same happens with the comprehension for specific purposes.
noun “ice cream”. It is said “an ice cream” when we refer to a cone of ice cream and “some Answers:
ice cream” when we refer to the ingredient. Then ask SS to read the other speech bubbles a. It will be on Sunday 7th.
and encourage them to complete each of them. Check with the whole class. b. It’ll be at 1 p.m.
c. It’ll be at the park.
Answers: d. They’ll eat sandwiches and veggie burgers.
e. They’ll drink apple juice and mineral water.
I’ll bring some bread. I’ll bring a pizza. I’ll bring a pear, an orange f. Cindy.
and some strawberries.
I won’t bring any sodas, but I’ll bring some cheese. I’ll bring some ice-cream. Activity 2: Read and choose the best option. Then match the sentences with
I’ll bring some orange juice. the pictures. P. 170
Have SS read each sentence in order to choose the most suitable option.
Then check. Once the sentences have been checked, encourage SS to match the
sentences with their corresponding pictures.
a. She will bring an orange and a peach. Third picture.
b. She will bring some cheese but she won’t bring any ice cream. First picture.
c. She will bring some water but she won’t bring any sodas. Second picture.
d. She will bring some pizza. Fifth picture.
e. She will bring some cookies. Forth picture.
Lesson 3: Tools! P. 91 Activity 1:
Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Circle five differences. Then complete the sentences using the words in the box. P. 91
Aims: at the end of this chapter, students will be able to: Provide the context. Explain to your SS that the characters have brought different
• Identify food and drinks. ingredients to prepare some sandwiches and some fruit juice. Tell them that the girls have
• Talk about food and quantities. brought some ingredients-the picture on the left- and the boys some others –the picture
• Recognize countable and uncountable nouns. on the right-. Focus your students’ attention on the pictures and have SS spot what the
• Identify containers and quantifiers. girls brought and what the boys brought. The aim of this activity is to let SS identify that
• Ask and answer about food. there are a lot of ingredients on one table while there are a few on the other. Have SS spot
• Describe meals. the differences and write the sentences on the board; for example, the girl brought a lot
• Develop values such as the importance of having a healthy mind and body. of bread. The boys brought a little bread. Write some other examples on the board. Then
introduce the use of the quantifiers.
Target language:
• Countable and uncountable nouns. Grammar box: Copy the examples provided in the box on the board and explain the use
• Quantifiers: some, any, a lot of, a little, a few, much, many: I don’t have much cheese. of each of them. Emphasize that some quantifiers are used with countable nouns while
She didn’t bring many apples. others are used with uncountable nouns.
• Use of “How much…?” and “How many…?”
• Simple past: all forms.
• Food and drinks: apple, lemon, lettuce, orange, tomato, strawberry, lemonade, milk, What did the students bring to prepare lunch for the party?
milkshake, soda, ice cream, sandwich, cheese, pizza, hot dogs, bread, tomato sauce, Once SS have grasped the use of the different quantifiers, encourage them to look at the
mayonnaise, mustard, tea, chocolate, flour, sugar. pictures again in order to complete the paragraphs with the correct words from the box.
• Containers and quantifiers for food: a packet of, a carton of, a bottle of, a cup of, a
bowl of, a glass of, a bar of. Answers:
The girls brought a lot of bread, but they didn’t bring much cheese. They brought a few
Recycled language: tomatoes and a little mayonnaise for the sandwiches. They brought a lot of apples but they
• Simple past: all forms. didn’t bring many oranges to prepare the juice.
• Food and drinks: apple, lemon, lettuce, orange, tomato, strawberry, lemonade, milk, The boys didn’t bring much bread, but they brought a lot of cheese, a lot of tomatoes
milkshake, soda, ice cream, sandwich, cheese, pizza, hot dogs, bread, tomato sauce, and a lot of mustard. They didn’t bring many apples, but they brought a lot of oranges to
mayonnaise, mustard, tea, chocolate, flour, sugar. prepare fresh juice.
Answers: Answers:
a. How much cheese did the girls bring? A little.
b. How many apples did the boys bring? Four. Proteins Fruit Vegetables Grains Dairy
c. How many tomatoes did the girls bring? Three. meat apple carrot almonds butter
d. How much bread did the girls bring? A lot! eggs bananas corn soy cheese
chicken tomato broccoli bean milk
Ending the lesson! fish orange eggplant rice yoghurt
pear bread cream
Activity 2:
Look at the pictures. Then choose the best option to complete the telephone
conversation. P. 91 Activity 2: Which of these foods do you eat every day? Mention them. P. 126
Before you ask your SS to carry out this activity, it should be convenient that you display Ask SS to choose the food they have in their diet. Ask them to write them in the spaces
some flash cards related to containers and specify amounts or units; for example, a packet provided.
of, a carton of, a bottle of, a cup of, a bowl of, a glass of, a bar of. Answers will vary.
Once SS are familiar with the meaning of each of them, ask them to open their books
at page 91. Have SS look at the pictures and provide the context. Explain to SS that Miss
Brains and her students want to prepare a cake for “The Big Day”, but they don’t have all
the ingredients needed. Tell them that Cindy and Sophie have gone to the supermarket to
buy some ingredients for the cake but they are not very sure what they need to buy, so they
phone Miss Brains to be sure. Have SS read the conversation first. Then encourage your Workbook:
SS to choose the best option to complete the conversation. Ask for volunteers to read the Activity 3: Look and choose. P. 171
dialogue in order to check. Have SS open their books at page 171. Point to the picture and explain to your
SS that Tim, Paul, Cindy, Sophie and James will work as volunteers. They will clean
Answers: their neighborhood. Ask them to look at the picture and describe it choosing the
a glass – a bottle – a packet – a bowl – a bar of – a cup of. correct word to complete the paragraph.
There was a street party in the neighborhood last Sunday. The neighborhood
Fast Finishers! isn’t clean. The streets are really dirty. There is a lot of litter. There are a lot of
Activity 1: Read and circle. P. 126 plastic bottles and a lot of leaves. There isn’t much paper. They are happy because
Tell SS to look at the different pictures and classify them according to the colour code. they only found a few plastic bags. They will pick up a few plastic plates. They will
Colour code: purple for proteins, red for fruits, green for vegetables, orange for grains, work hard but they will be happy when they finish cleaning!
blue for dairy. They can check in pairs.
• Simple present.
Activity 4: Complete the mini dialogues with the best option. P. 171 • The weather: hot, warm, cool, cold, sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy, snowy, windy.
Have SS read the mini dialogues and ask them to complete each of them using
one of the two options provided on the right of each dialogue. What will we do?
Warming up:
Answers: Write the phrase “The weather” on the board and form a word spider as shown below.
A: What do you want to drink? Then ask SS what they like doing if it’s sunny, rainy and cloudy. Write some activities on
B: I will have a cup of tea. the word spider.
Activity 1:
Look and match. P. 92
Lesson 4: Tools! P. 92 Provide the context. Explain to your SS that Miss Brains and her students have organized
Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will be able to: different activities for “The Big Day” depending on the weather. Point to the first group of
• Talk about future actions. pictograms and ask: “What will the weather be like? Elicit answers –It’ll be sunny and hot.
• Express what will happen if… Then ask: “What will Miss Brains and the kids do if it is sunny and hot?” Elicit answers
–They will go to the beach.
Target language: Encourage SS to read the two halves of the sentences according to the pictures.
• First conditional: If it’s sunny, we will go to the beach. Once SS understand how to solve the activity, let them work on their own.
• Future “Will”: all forms. I’ll bring apple juice and some bread. She won’t bring any
oranges. What will they bring to the party? Answers:
• The weather: hot, warm, cool, cold, sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy, snowy, windy. a. If it is sunny and hot, we will go to the beach.
b. If it is rainy and cool, we will stay at the school gym.
Recycled language: c. If it is cloudy and warm, we will go to the country.
• Future “Will”: all forms. I’ll bring apple juice and some bread. She won’t bring any d. If it is sunny and cold, we will go to the park.
oranges. What will they bring to the party?
Grammar box: Copy the examples provided in the box on the board and explain to your
SS the use and structure of the First Conditional. Workbook:
Activity 5: Look at the weather forecast, and complete the sentences. P. 172
Activity 2: Tell SS that Paul’s family is planning their holidays. Have SS look at the
Go to the cut-out section and complete the table. Then ask. P. 92 weather forecast to complete the sentences.
Ask SS to open their books at page 193. Have them cut out the table. Ask SS to fill in the Answers:
table according to what they will do depending on the weather. Once they complete the a. sunny and hot.
table, have them work in pairs to do speaking activity. Encourage them to ask and answer b. cloudy and cool.
following the example provided. c. snowy and cold.
Answers will vary. d. rainy and warm.
e. foggy and cold.
Ending the lesson!
Activity 6: Write the correct letter in each speech bubble. P. 172
Activity 3: Have SS look at the pictures in order to match them with the corresponding
Unscramble the words and find out what the students will do. P. 92 sentence.
Tell SS that they need to unscramble the sentences in order to find out the activities that Answers:
Miss Brains’ students will do depending on the place they go. Have SS use the prompts a. 1 d. 4
to form first conditional sentences. Ask different volunteers to write the sentences on the b. 2 e. 5
board. c. 3 f. 6
a. The students go to the beach, they will swim.
b. It they go to the country, they will climb a hill. Lesson 5: Tools! P. 93
c. If they go to the park, they will ride their bikes. Objectives: at the end of this lesson students will have:
d. If they stay at the school gym, they will do karaoke. • Built vocabulary by reading.
• Read about possibilities in the future.
• Increased understanding and recalled what is read including facts and importance of
the main ideas.
• Used writing and reading to express future plans.
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Write about their celebration party and future plans.
Target language:
• Future form: will.
• First conditional sentences.
• The weather.
Recycled language: Writing: Plan and write. P. 93
• “Wh” questions. Have SS work in groups. Ask them to plan their celebration party. Encourage them to
• Future form: will. organize the information and their ideas by completing the mind map. Then, encourage
• First conditional sentences. your SS to write about it using the information in the mind map they have filled in. Have
• The weather. them write their drafts in their notebook.
them to think about all the things this garden had. Ask them to come to the front and everything he needed.
write or stick pictures of the things the garden had when it was created. In advance you God: Remember Adam, if you eat well and drink a lot of water, you will have a healthy
can prepare pictures of fruit, vegetables, trees, Adam, Eve, a river, telephone, bibles, ark, mind and body!
boats, etc. The idea is that they could identify which things were in the garden and which
ones not. Verse:
Teach and explain the verse. It is a good opportunity to help SS memorize simple
Activity: portions from the Bible. Explain that Jesus wants us to look after of our body because it is
Listen and read. P. 94 the Temple of the holy Spirit.
While-listening stage Verse: “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of
Ask SS to open their books at page 94. Have SS look at the pictures. Then say “Listen to God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31.
the story “. Ask SS to point to each scene to follow the story while listening. Encourage SS to study the verse at home and ask them to repeat it the following class.
Chapter 9, track: 43, page: 94. Close to Jesus. Listen and read: Adam and a delicious Activity 1:
diet! Genesis 2. Unscramble. Then match. P. 95
In 1 Corinthians 10:31 we read: “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, Tell your SS that they should order the words and then match them with the corresponding
do all to the glory of God.” pictures. Ask some volunteers to say the answers aloud and check with the whole class.
Narrator: God made a beautiful garden for Adam to live in. The garden, called Eden, was Answers:
full of wonderful things. a. iesrrech: cherries
God: Adam, I made all these flowers, trees, and animals. You have to take care of them. b. palpe: apple
Adam: Thank you Jesus for these amazing things. c. seprga: grapes
Narrator: Then, Jesus showed Adam the different kinds of fruit He made. d. teraw: water
God: You also have a lot of fruit, like cherries, apples, bananas, oranges, pears, e. londams: almonds
pineapples and grapes. If you eat them, they will give you more energy. f. appeineapl: pineapple
Adam: Delicious
Narrator: God told Adam to eat nutritious food. Activity 2:
God: You should eat some nuts, almonds and seeds. Read the story again and complete. P. 95
Narrator: Then, Jesus explained the importance of eating healthy food. Let SS read the story again and fill in the mind map about Adam’s diet. Draw the same
Adam: And, why should I eat all these things? mind map on the board and ask some volunteers to come to the front to complete it.
God: Well, this will make you very strong! Answers:
Narrator: And the importance of drinking water.
God: And, of course, you should drink a lot of water. FRUIT SEEDS DRINKS
Adam: water? cherries, apples, nuts, almonds Water
God: Yes, water will make your body clean. bananas, oranges, pears,
pineapples, and grapes
Narrator: Jesus made everything perfect for us; he thought of every detail. Adam had
Activity 3: Answer:
Write T (true) or F (false). P. 95 “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
It means….We glorify God with our healthy choices.
Ask SS to skim the story and read the sentences in order to decide if they are true or
false. Ask some volunteers to say the answers aloud and check with the whole class. Ending the lesson!
a. God created a garden for himself. F Value:
b. Adam didn’t want to live in the garden. F Reinforce the concept of the christian value: Have a healthy body and mind.
c. God showed Adam the fruit and seeds He created. T
d. God explained the importance of having a nutritious diet. T Prayer:
e. It is not necessary to drink a lot of water. F Encourage a volunteer to pray Dear Lord, thank you because you made
f. If we have a healthy diet, we will have a healthy mind and body. T aloud with the whole class or you healthy food for our body and mind!
can divide the class in pairs and In Jesus’ name, amen.
Activity 4: and ask them to pray together.
Complete the sentences. P. 95
You may ask SS to read the sentences. Ask them to complete with the words in the box.
Check with the whole class. Lesson 7: More to know!
Answers: P. 96
a. Jesus created a garden called Eden. Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will have:
b. If you keep your body healthy, you will have a healthy mind. • Expressed in the target language knowledge borrowed from physical education.
c. Jesus said to Adam: “If you drink water, it will make your body clean.” • Learned new vocabulary related to physical education.
d. Jesus said to Adam: “If you eat fruit and nuts, you will be healthy.” • Become aware of the importance of developing a healthy body and mind.
e. Adam thought that the fruit was delicious.
f. Jesus made flowers, trees, and animals. Target language:
• First Conditional.
Activity 5:
Answer. P. 95 Recycled language:
Have SS read the question: “Which of the food mentioned in the story do you include • Present simple tense.
in your diet?” Then encourage them to answer the question according to their own diet. • Future will.
Answers will vary.
Physical Education
Activity 6: Healthy body and mind!
Read and tick the best option. P. 95 Warming up:
Have SS read the Biblical verse again and encourage SS to choose the option that best
explain its meaning.
You may invite a nutritionist, a PE teacher, a friend, a pastor and a doctor to the class e. If you play, sing, and walk with others… You will develop values such as friendship.
for SS to grasp the importance of their jobs. After you introduce your guests to the class f. If you spend time with others… You will develop feelings of hope and gratitude.
and mention what they do, you may ask your SS if they know what these professionals g. If you have milk, yogurt, and cheese… Your bones will be strong.
do. Then you may ask these professionals some questions about their jobs. Try to focus
the questions on the information you need your SS to be familiar with. For example, to Activity 3:
the nutritionist: “How important are vegetables and fruit for our body? Is it necessary to Complete the key phrases. P. 96
drink milk?” To the PE teacher: “How important are sports for our body and mind?” To the Tell SS that they should complete some tips taken from the text above.
doctor: “How can we exercise our brain?” If you find it difficult to invite these people to
your class, you may bring pictures that illustrate the jobs mentioned and encourage SS to Answers:
answer the questions that you could ask if you invite the professionals. a. eat healthy.
b. have joy.
Activity 1: c. develop optimism.
Read. Then write the headings in the correct place. P. 96 d. breathe deeply.
Have your SS open their books at page 96. Focus your students’ attention on the texts. e. do sports.
Ask them to read each of them and decide which of the headings is the most suitable for
each paragraph.
Answers: Mini project: P. 96
Search about other things you can do to develop your body and mind in a healthy way.
A balanced diet Aims:
Physical activity
1). Describe other things you can do to develop a healthy body and mind.
Spirituality 2). Practise the new vocabulary content in a real life context through a communicative
Exercising the brain activity.
Socializing 3). Develop creativity through art skills.
Warming up:
In advance search on the Internet some safe sites to provide SS the addresses to look
Activity 2: This time you can write down on the board the following addresses where they can
Match. P. 96 find information about healthy living. If you consider appropriate, use this information
Ask SS to work in pairs. Let SS read the texts for a few minutes. After that, have SS to provide SS some tips since the vocabulary can be difficult for SS to understand.
match the two halves of the sentences. Check with the whole class. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anca-dumitru/health-tips_b_3792302.html
Answers: https://www.pritikin.com/home-the-basics/about-pritikin/how-pritikin-works/16-
a. If you do puzzle… You will improve your short term memory.
b. If you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables… Your digestive system will work better.
c. If you do sport regularly… You will have a healthy mind and body. You may ask SS to work at home and bring pictures and information the following
d. If you pray… You will live longer and will be happy. class.
Reader: PP. 116 & 117
Activity: Ask SS to listen to you while you read the comic. Check the meaning of unknown words.
1) Have SS search on the Internet on safe sites like the ones provided and have them Activity 1: Read the comic again. Then match the questions and answers. P. 117
choose the most important information. Have SS scan the story and then encourage them to match each question with the most
2) In advance, ask SS to bring pictures and information about how to develop a healthy suitable answer.
body and mind.
3) Hand out a piece of construction paper to each student.
4) Ask SS to glue the pictures on the paper. a. 5
5) Encourage SS to write short descriptions. SS can ask the teacher any difficult words b. 6
and pronunciation tips. c. 1
6) Ask SS to decorate the poster as they wish. d. 2
7) Have SS learn the information by heart. e. 7
8) SS should share the information with their classmates. Agree on the date the
f. 3
expositions will take place.
g. 4
Activity 2: Match the colours. Then write the sentences about how to keep a healthy
Ending the lesson! mind and body. P. 117
Pray with the SS and ask God to help us respect and appreciate our bodies and minds to Have SS do the puzzles. Encourage them to look at the shapes and the colours in order
develop a healthy diet. to do each puzzle correctly.
• If you drink 8 glasses of water per day, you will reduce heart disease by 50%.
Workbook: • If you practise sports, you will have a healthy body.
Activity 7: Read. Then complete the sentences. P. 173 • If you don’t watch a lot of TV or play video games, you will have more time to read.
Ask SS to get in pairs and read the characteristics of each sport. If you have
time, let them discuss what they thing about each of them. Then, ask them to
complete the sentences. Check as a whole class.
Answers: Lesson 8: How much I learnt! P. 97
a. If you practise a sport, you will create friendships.
b. If you play football, you will improve muscles, and increases bones strength. Objectives: at the end of this lesson, students will have:
c. If you play volleyball, you will improve your aerobic ability. • Reviewed, practised and reinforced all the language seen in this chapter.
d. If you go skating, you will improve legs and arms and strengthen the heart. Target language:
e. If you do gymnastics, you will increase self-confidence, discipline, courage, • Simple Past.
cognitive skills, strength and power. • Future will.
f. If you run, you will increase lung capacity. • First conditional.
• Food and drinks.
Follow up! Ending the lesson!
Warming up: Self-assessment!
Play the “Hang man” game in order to review the vocabulary related to food and drinks. Quickly review chapter 9 with the class, reminding SS of the work they have done over
the chapter.
Activity 1: Ask SS to think about whether they enjoyed the chapter and how well they think they did
Look and correct the sentences. P. 97 on it. Tell SS to read each language item in the chart and encourage them to ask themselves
To review, have SS look at the picture and ask what each character brought to the party. if they can do what it says in each row. Then ask them to tick the correct column according
Once you have reviewed the vocabulary, copy the first sentence on the board and ask SS to how well they think they learnt and worked.
to decide if it is correct or not. If it is not correct, encourage SS to correct the sentence. Congratulate all your SS for their progress.
Explain to SS that they should write some sentence in the negative form when needed,
and then provide the correct version to make the sentence correct according to the picture.
a. Paul didn’t bring any water. He brought an ice-cream carton.
b. Tom brought some water, but he didn’t bring any sodas.
c. Sophie brought some cheese.
d. Cindy didn’t bring any bread. She brought some pizza.
e. James didn’t bring any cake. He brought some bread.
Activity 2:
Colour the square about your own diet. Then describe your eating habits. P. 97
Have SS read the box and colour them according to the code given. Then encourage
them to describe their diet.
Answers will vary.
Activity 3:
Follow the arrows and complete the sentences. P. 97
Have SS follow the arrows in order to see what Cindy wants and what her mother’s
conditions are. Then have SS write full first conditional sentences to express Cindy’s
wishes and her mother’s conditions.
a. If Cindy finishes her homework, she will visit her Granny.
b. If it stops raining, Cindy will go to the park.
c. If Cindy finishes her lunch, she will have an ice cream.
d. If Cindy cleans her bedroom, she will play outside.
e. If she studies a lot and gets good marks on the exam, she will get a new pair of shoes.
Answers: See script.
“Wrap-ups” provides supplementary practise for the Cambridge Learners Starters and
Movers Tests. The activities are motivating and challenging to use in class or at home and Wrap-ups: track: 44, page 175, activity: 2. Listen and write.
they will help students familiarize with task types as well as to get ready for the tests. Miss Brains: Ok children, please pay attention. I’m going to dictate you a note. Listen and
The Web content includes the tracks for listening practice. write. Visit to the museum. You have to be at school.
James: What time do we have to be at school, Miss Brains?
Activity 1: Miss Brains: We have to be here at half past four. The museum opens at five o’clock. You
Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There are extra also have to bring $2 (dollars) to get the ticket for the museum. Don’t forget. You have to
words. P. 174. bring $2 (dollars) for the ticket.
Have SS look at the pictures. Read the words aloud and ask SS to repeat after you. Cindy: Miss, do we have to wear a uniform?
Then encourage SS to read the definitions below and copy the correct word next to the Miss Brains: Yes, Cindy. You have to wear the gym uniform. And you have to bring a
definition. notebook and a pencil to take some notes. Remember: notebook and pencil. And you
Aim: SS read short definitions and match to words. don’t have to bring your cell phones. You can’t take photos at the museum. So it’s not
Answers: necessary to bring the phones.
a. Mask. Paul: Do we have to bring something to eat?
b. Whale. Miss Brains: Thank you, Paul. Yes you have to bring a sandwich, but you don’t have to
c. Dishes. bring drinks. The teachers are going to buy some orange juice and we don’t want to have
d. Uniform. any problems with spilled liquids.
e. Mobile phone. Becky: Ok, Miss Brains, so we don’t have to bring drinks.
f. Gorilla. Miss Brains: let’s check. We have to meet here at school. We have to be here at half
g. Sandwich. past four and you have to bring $2 (dollars) to buy the ticket for the museum. You have to
h. Milk. bring a notebook and a pencil. You have to wear the gym uniform and you have to bring a
sandwich or a snack. You don’t have to bring your cell phones and you don’t have to bring
Activity 2: any drinks. Is it Ok?
Listen and write. P. 175 Children: Yes, Miss Brains!!!
If you prefer to help your SS first, you can point to the note and read the information
required. However, this step should be skipped since these activities are to train and Activity 3:
assess if SS are ready for the tests or to know how well they have done during the school Read the dialogues and choose the best option. P. 175
year. Explain to SS that they should read each dialogue and then choose the best response.
Ask SS to read the note carefully, paying attention to the information required. Let SS Skills: reading a dialogue and choosing the correct answer.
listen to the track once. After that, ask SS to listen again and encourage them to complete Answers:
the blanks. Then listen and check. Dialogue 1: b - c – a.
Skills: Listening for specific information. Dialogue 2: a – c –b.
Activity 4: Activity 6:
Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Then write the correct word on the lines. Listen and tick. P. 177
P. 176 Explain to SS that they are going to listen to the dialogue between Cindy and her grandpa.
Have SS look at the pictures and ask SS to read the gapped text. Then have SS complete Tell them to read the question and tick the best option according to what they hear.
the story by selecting the correct words and copying them in the corresponding gaps. Skills: Listening for places, food and drinks, dates and specific information (past tense).
Skills: Reading a story. Completing text. Answers: See script.
1. Flat. Wrap-ups: track: 45, page 177, activity: 6. Listen and tick.
2. School. Narrator: Where did Cindy see the film?
3. Seven Cindy: I saw a very good film yesterday.
4. Breakfast. Grandpa: Did your dad take you to the cinema?
5. Bible. Cindy: No, it was a DVD.
6. Grandparents Grandpa: Ahh… Did you see it at home?
7. Train. Cindy: No, I saw it at school.
8. Ducks. Grandpa: What was the film about?
9. Spaghetti. Cindy: The film was about a monkey and its family. They didn’t have any home. Some
10. Cake. people cut the trees in the forest and they didn’t have a place to live.
Narrator: Where did the monkeys in the film go?
Activity 5: Grandpa: Did they go to live with other animals in the zoo?
Choose the right words and write them on the lines to complete the text. P. 176 Cindy: No they didn’t do that. But they had to find a new home.
Ask SS to read the gapped text and the three option multiple choice. Then have SS Grandpa: Where did they go?
complete it by selecting the correct words and copying them in the corresponding gaps. Cindy: They went to a big farm.
Skills: reading and understanding a text, copying words. Grandpa: What did you do after you watched the film?
Answers: Cindy: We had lunch together.
1. A Narrator: Where did the students have lunch?
2. C Grandpa: Did you have lunch in the school yard?
3. B Cindy: No, grandpa.
4. C Grandpa: Did you have lunch in a restaurant?
5. A Cindy: No, grandpa!!! (she says in a gente tone) We had a picnic in the park. We ate
6. C delicious food!
7. A Grandpa: and healthy I hope!
8. C Cindy: Of course, grandpa. We always have healthy food to have a healthy body!
9. B Narrator: What did they have for lunch?
10. C Grandpa: Did you have pizza?
Cindy: No, we had cheese and tomato sandwiches. English 6+ BIBLIOGRAPHY
Grandpa: Did you have ice cream? • Akers, George. (1993). Nurturing faith in the Christian school. The Journal of Adventist
Cindy: No, but we had some strawberries bananas and oranges. Education, 56(2), 4-8. p.6)
Grandpa: It sounds really healthy! .Amstrong, T. Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCA, 1994.
Cindy: Then we had a great time together! • Brewster, J., Ellis, G. & Girard, D. The Primary English Teacher’s Guide. Penguin English
Narrator: What did they do after lunch? Guides, 2007.
Grandpa: Did you eat some cake after lunch? • Cambridge Young Learners English Tests Handbook for Teachers. University of
Cindy: No, we didn’t. But we played! And we played a lot! Cambridge. ESOL Examinations
Grandpa: Did you play board games? • Cameron, L. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Cindy: Hmmm no exactly! We played ball games, haha. Press, 2008.
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• Gadner, H. Frames of mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic
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• Grainger, Kirste. Get Ready for… Movers. Oxford University press. 2013
Press, 2008. • http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/education/ed_mi_tips.html
• Maggioly, G. “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”. English Teaching Forum2, 34 (1996).
• Mainar, B. Desarrollo Intelectual y Aprendizaje. Zaragoza, 1985. Acknowledgement
.Marco Comun Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas: Aprendizaje, Enseñanza, It is impossible to list the many professional friends, colleagues and members of our
Evaluación. Madrid: COEDITAN y grupo ANAYA, S.A., 2002. families who have encouraged, supported, and advised us during the progress of this
• Maza Calviño, Martha Adriana. TLATEMOANI Revista Academica de InvestigacionNº9 book. Without them this book could never have been written. I am deeply grateful.
Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Departamento Universitario de Inglés. We would like to thank
.Mehisto, Peeter; Marsh David; Frigols, Maria Jesús. Uncovering CLIL. China: Macmillan, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for his
2008.. • guidance,
• Pitluk, L. Educar en el jardín maternal. Buenos Aires: Novedades Educativas, 2007. • love,
• Pitluk, L. La planificación didáctica en el jardín de infantes. Rosario: Homo Sapiens, • inspiration,
2005. • motivation,
• Read, Carol. 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom.MacmillanEducation, 2007. • and passion.
• SanchezIniesta. (1995) La construcción de aprendizajes en el aula. Buenos Aires:
Magisterio, 1995.
.Scott, Wendy; Ytreberg, Lisbeth.Teaching English to Children.England: Longman Group This Publishing Company, ACES, for
Limited, 1994. • believing in education,
Shin, Joan Kang ; Crandall, JoAnn. Teaching young Learners English- From Theory to • giving us the challange to write this book.
Practice. HEINLE CENGAGE Learning; NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING. 2014 • publishing the book.
.Souza, Carmen de; Reis, Raquel R. Elegidos por Jesús. Educación Religiosa. Enseñanza
para 4° Primaria. Argentina. ACES. Silvina Enrico: -I would like to thank
• White, E. Fundamentals of Christian Education. Biblioteca Electrónica. ACES.
. Wright, Andrew.Storytelling with Children.Oxford. Oxford University Press, 1995. The co-authors, Nidia Durán Burgoa and Yanela Ziegler, for their
• Wright, A., Betteridge, D. and Buckby, M. Games for Language Learning (2nd Ed.). • patience,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984. • responsibility
Websites: • and creativity
• AydanErsoz. “Why use games in teaching English: Six Games for the EFL/ESL
Classroom”. The Internet TESL Journal VI, 6 (June 2000). URL: http://www.teflgames.com/ The artists and designers for being so creative.
• Uberman, Agnieszka. “The Use of Games For Vocabulary Presentation and Revision”. All the team that made this dream possible.
Forum 36, 1 (January-March 1998): 20. http://www.nea.org/grants/13841.htm
• British Council BBC- http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/articles/content-language- The teaching commission.
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_multiple_intelligences The Adventist schools where we teach.
All the teachers, colleagues, and students from whom we have learnt a lot.
All the teachers and kids that will use this book in the future.
There are special people in my personal life who have made this possible. Pablo Luque,
my loving husband. Martín and Camila, my dearest children. Ricaardo and Heve, my
parents; thank you for your support and patience.