Presentation, Etiology, and Outcome of Brain Infections in An Indonesian Hospital
Presentation, Etiology, and Outcome of Brain Infections in An Indonesian Hospital
Presentation, Etiology, and Outcome of Brain Infections in An Indonesian Hospital
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Darma Imran, MD, Riwanti Estiasari, MD, PhD, Kartika Maharani, MD, Sucipto, MD, Delly Chipta
Lestari, MD, Reyhan Eddy Yunus, MD, MSc, Evy Yunihastuti, MD, PhD, Teguh Haryono Karyadi, MD,
Diana Oei, MD, Ina S. Timan, MD, PhD, Dewi Wulandari, MD, MSc, Retno Wahyuningsih, MD, PhD,
Robiatul Adawiyah, MD, PhD, Agnes Kurniawan, MD, PhD, Rahmad Mulyadi, MD, Anis Karuniawati,
MD, PhD, Ungke Anton Jaya, MBiomed, Dodi Safari, PhD, Arjan van Laarhoven, MD, PhD, Bachti
Alisjahbana, MD, PhD, Sofiati Dian, MD, Lidya Chaidir, MSi, PhD, Ahmad Rizal Ganiem, MD, PhD,
Diatri Nari Lastri, MD, Khin Saw Aye Myint, MD, PhD, and Reinout van Crevel, MD, PhD
Little detailed knowledge is available regarding the etiology and outcome of CNS infection,
particularly in HIV-infected individuals, in low-resource settings.
From January 2015 to April 2016, we prospectively included all adults with suspected CNS
infection in a referral hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia. Systematic screening included HIV
testing, CSF examination, and neuroimaging.
A total of 274 patients with suspected CNS infection (median age 26 years) presented after a
median of 14 days with headache (77%), fever (78%), seizures (27%), or loss of
consciousness (71%). HIV coinfection was common (54%), mostly newly diagnosed (30%)
and advanced (median CD4 cell count 30/µL). Diagnosis was established in 167 participants
(65%), including definite tuberculous meningitis (TBM) (n = 44), probable TBM (n = 48),
cerebral toxoplasmosis (n = 48), cryptococcal meningitis (n = 14), herpes simplex
virus/varicella-zoster virus/cytomegalovirus encephalitis (n = 10), cerebral lymphoma (n =
1), neurosyphilis (n = 1), and mucormycosis (n = 1). In-hospital mortality was 32%; 6-
month mortality was 57%. The remaining survivors had either moderate or severe disability
(36%) according to Glasgow Outcome Scale.
In this setting, patients with CNS infections present late with severe disease and often
associated with advanced HIV infection. Tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis are
common. High mortality and long-term morbidity underline the need for service
improvements and further study.
CNS infections cause considerable morbidity and mortality,1 especially in low and middle
income countries, where HIV infection remains more prevalent, putting people at higher risk
for CNS infections. Establishing a diagnosis may be more challenging in low-resource
settings, as lumbar punctures are not always done, access to advanced molecular diagnosis
and neuroimaging is often limited, and specific drugs or IV formulations may not be
These challenges are especially relevant in Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in
the world. As Indonesia has the second fastest growing HIV epidemic in Asia,2 the burden of
CNS infections is also likely to expand. Previous studies have focused on selected infections,
especially tuberculous meningitis (TBM),3,4 cryptococcal meningitis, and cerebral
toxoplasmosis,5,6 but the relative distribution and patterns of different pathogens, and their
clinical presentation and outcome, remain unknown. We therefore performed a prospective
cohort study in the largest referral hospital in Indonesia, to examine the etiology, clinical
characteristics, treatment, and outcome of CNS infections in adults, in HIV-infected and
uninfected patients. The findings will help to improve diagnostic algorithms and clinical
management of patients with suspected CNS infections in Indonesia and comparable settings
Setting, patient population, and study design
Approval from the ethics committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, has
been received for this study (764/UN2.F1/ETIK/2014) and written informed consent for
bioarchiving of samples was obtained from all patients (or guardians of patients)
participating in the study.
As per routine clinical care, patients with clinically suspected CNS infections in this hospital
usually receive a CT scan of the brain with IV contrast. With patient consent, a large volume
(10 mL) of CSF is collected by lumbar puncture, unless there is circulatory shock, severe
thrombocytopenia, or brain herniation. Standard CSF measurements comprised microscopic
and biochemical analysis, plus microbiological tests selected on a case-by-case basis. Routine
blood examination consists of complete blood count and leukocyte differentiation, random
blood glucose, sodium, creatinine, and liver enzymes. Neurosurgical interventions (e.g.,
ventricular drainage) are not routinely available for patients with CNS infections. All patients
with suspected CNS infections are routinely tested for HIV, using a provider-initiated testing
and counseling approach, in line with national and hospital policies. CD4 cell counts are
routinely performed for all HIV-infected persons, and antiretroviral treatment (ART) is
provided free of charge to all symptomatic patients or those with CD4 cell counts below 350
cells/μL in accordance with national guidelines.
For this cohort, patient data were captured using an electronic data capture system
(REDCap).7 All patients and their relatives were questioned to assess signs and symptoms,
medical history, medication use, possible risk factors, and sociodemographic characteristics.
Physical examination included Glasgow Coma Scale and neurologic examination performed
by a certified neurologist. CSF was used for first-line microbiological examinations; CSF and
serum were archived for second-line diagnostics (as described in detail below).
Brain CT scans were performed using a dual-source 128-slice Siemens (Erlangen, Germany)
SOMATOM Definition Flash CT scan. The images were scored by a single experienced
radiologist for the presence of meningeal enhancement, infarction, hydrocephalus, abscess,
tuberculoma, herniation, and encephalitis. Meningeal enhancement was defined as
enhancement of the pia mater that could extend into the subarachnoid spaces, particularly the
cerebral sulci and cisterns. Infarction was defined as a hypodense lesion with or without
contrast enhancement within a certain vascular territory. Hydrocephalus was defined as
enlargement of the ventricles particularly with stretching and upward displacement of the
corpus callosum, widening of third ventricular recesses, and decreased mammillopontine
distance. Abscess was defined as space-occupying lesion with smooth inner and outer margin
capsular ring contrast enhancement. Tuberculoma was defined as solitary or multiple
isohyperdense lesion with ring enhancement or an area of nodular or irregular
nonhomogenous enhancement. Herniation was defined as shifting of cerebral tissue from its
normal location into an adjacent space as a result of mass effect. Encephalitis was defined as
hypodense lesion with focal brain edema. In addition to the CT scan, chest radiographs were
examined and abnormalities were classified as miliary, infiltrative, cavitary, or other signs
suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Routine CSF measurements included leukocyte counts, protein, glucose, and microscopic
examination using Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining, Gram staining, and India ink. For this study,
specifically for tuberculosis diagnosis, 5–10 mL CSF was centrifuged at 3,000 g for 15
minutes, and 100 μL sediment was used for ZN staining, 100 μL for culture (BD MGIT 960
Mycobacteria Culture System), and 200 μL for nucleic acid amplification test (Xpert
MTB/RIF). The supernatant was then stored at −80°C. For individual patients, physicians
requested CSF PCR for herpes simplex virus, varicella-zoster virus, culture and microscopy
for fungal infections, and cytology for diagnosis of primary CNS lymphoma.
Secondary, batch-wise testing was done on archived CSF and blood samples for those
patients for whom no diagnosis was made on primary testing. Batch-wise testing for HIV-
negative patients include tests for arboviral infections (using flavivirus reverse transcriptase
[RT]–PCR and sequencing, dengue RT-PCR,8 alphavirus RT-PCR and sequencing,9 anti-JE
immunoglobulin M [IgM] ELISA, anti-dengue IgM ELISA,10 and virus culture), enteroviral
infection using PCR,11 herpesvirus encephalitis using herpes simplex virus–1 PCR,12 and
NMDA encephalitis using CSF anti-NMDAR antibodies. Meanwhile, batch-wise testing for
HIV-infected patients included neurosyphilis assays, cerebral toxoplasmosis,
cytomegalovirus encephalitis, and cryptococcal meningitis.
Initial diagnoses to guide empiric treatment were made by the treating physician. Final
diagnoses were made by consensus using predefined criteria based on primary and secondary
analyses (table 1).
Table 1
Treatment was at the discretion of treating physicians. Decisions regarding empiric treatment
for suspected tuberculosis, bacterial meningitis, cerebral toxoplasmosis, and herpes
encephalitis were based on clinical judgement, routine CSF testing, and CT scan, without
available microbiological results. Drug regimens and doses were in agreement with
prevailing guidelines. As per routine care, suspected TBM in this hospital is treated
empirically with a combination of rifampicin (600 mg), isoniazid (300 mg), ethambutol (750
mg), and pyrazinamide (1,500 mg). Patients with reduced level of consciousness receive their
drugs by nasogastric tube. All TBM patients are given adjunctive dexamethasone for 6–8
weeks in a tapering dose. Suspected bacterial meningitis is treated with ceftriaxone IV 2–4
g/d for 10–14 days with administration of IV dexamethasone 20 mg/d for 4 days. Clinically
suspected herpes encephalitis is treated with IV acyclovir 10 mg/kg/d for 7–14 days.
Suspected cerebral toxoplasmosis is treated with pyrimethamine 50–75 mg and clindamycin
2,400 mg daily for 2–4 weeks. Confirmed cryptococcal meningitis is treated with IV
amphotericin B (0.7–1 mg/kg bodyweight) combined with oral fluconazole at a starting dose
of 800 mg/d for 2 weeks; flucytosine is not available in Indonesia. For cytomegalovirus
encephalitis, some patients received IV ganciclovir 5 mg/kg/d every 12 hours for 2 weeks.
In accordance with national guidelines, ART in this hospital consists of once daily efavirenz
600 mg, tenofovir 300 mg, and lamivudine 300 mg, and lopinavir/ritonavir plus optimized
nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor backbone as second-line therapy. For patients with
newly diagnosed HIV infection, ART is generally started 2–8 weeks after start of treatment
of CNS infections (earlier in TBM and toxoplasma encephalitis, later in cryptococcal
To avoid transfer bias in monitoring survival after hospital discharge, patients were followed
using medical records of routine outpatient clinic visits and phone calls or home visits for
those not attending to scheduled visits. The Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) was used to
evaluate neurologic outcomes. GOS is a scale for functional outcome that rates patient into
one of 5 categories: dead, vegetative state, severe disability, moderate disability, or good
Data analysis and statistics
Baseline patient characteristics were expressed using proportion (%), median, and
interquartile range (IQR). Comparisons between groups were done using χ2 and parametric
or nonparametric tests as appropriate. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to illustrate survival
according to HIV status and baseline clinical measures. Continuous measures were divided
into 3 groups with cutoffs allowed to deviate slightly from exact tertiles to improve
interpretability of results. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses were done to
identify clinical, laboratory, or radiologic predictors of 1- and 6-month mortality. Analyses
were stratified according to HIV status. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS
17 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL).
Participants with missing data were omitted from the statistical analysis. Participants with
loss to follow-up were censored from the analysis.
Data availability
Any data not published within the article will be shared by request from the corresponding
Clinical presentation
During the study period, a total of 340 patients presented with suspected CNS infection.
Sixty-six patients were excluded from analysis because of alternative diagnoses (n = 56), like
sepsis, brain tumor, stroke, epilepsy, and primary headache, or incomplete data (n = 10;
figure 1). Of the 274 patients who were included in further analysis, 249 were admitted via
the emergency department (91%), either as self-referrals (61%) or from other hospitals
(30%), and 25 (9%) were included as inpatients in the medical or pulmonary ward. Patients
presented after a median of 14 days (IQR 7–30) of neurologic symptoms, with severe disease
manifestations including seizures (27%), motor abnormalities (42%), cranial nerve palsy
(39%), and altered mental status (70%).
Figure 1
HIV infection was present in 147 (54%) patients, including 83 who were unaware of their
HIV status prior to their current hospitalization. Among those with a previously diagnosed
HIV infection, 32 (50%) had a history of ART use and 27 patients (42%) were on
cotrimoxazole Pneumocystis pneumonia prophylaxis. The median CD4 cell count was 29/μL
(range 0–611/μL) among patients with previously diagnosed and 30/μL (range 3–694/μL)
among those with newly diagnosed HIV infection. Compared to those without HIV, HIV-
infected patients were more often male, and more often presented with motor abnormalities,
but less frequently with loss of consciousness (table 2).
Table 2
Lumbar punctures were done in 182 patients (67%), more often in HIV-negative (80%)
compared to HIV-positive (54%) patients (figure 1). No lumbar puncture was performed in
92 patients, mainly because of a doctor's decision (n = 68), most often because of the
presence of mass lesions or brain herniation. Thirteen patients refused lumbar puncture,
while for 11 patients no reason could be verified for the fact that no lumbar puncture was
done. CSF examination mostly showed mild pleiocytosis, with a predominance of
mononuclear cells, elevated protein, and low glucose (table 2). CT scan, performed in 223
patients (81%), showed abnormalities in 181 (81%), with meningeal enhancement and
encephalitis as the most common findings. Mass lesions, brain herniation, and
encephalitis/cerebritis were more common among HIV-infected patients, while
hydrocephalus was more common in HIV-noninfected patients. Based on clinical
presentation, CSF, and CT scan findings, 47 (17%) patients presented with a clinical picture
resembling encephalitis (with seizures and behavioral changes), and 133 patients (49%) with
meningitis (with meningismus and typical CSF and CT findings), while for the remainder
this distinction could not be made.
Microbiological examination and disease etiology
A definite diagnosis was made in 81 patients (30%), including TBM (n = 44), cerebral
toxoplasmosis (n = 10), cryptococcal meningitis (n = 14), neurosyphilis (n = 1),
mucormycosis (n = 1), cerebral lymphoma (n = 1), and viral encephalitis (n = 10). Definite
TBM was diagnosed based on positive Xpert MTB/RIF (n = 34) or ZN microscopy (n = 7)
or Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture (n = 34). Definite viral encephalitis included 2 cases
caused by herpes simplex virus, 2 by varicella-zoster virus, and 6 by cytomegalovirus.
Based on neuroradiology and clinical findings, an additional 94 patients were diagnosed with
probable TBM (n = 51), brain abscess (n = 8), or probable cerebral toxoplasmosis (n = 35).
Based on routine CSF findings and response to treatment, 2 patients were diagnosed with
probable bacterial meningitis.
No diagnosis could be made in 53 of 127 HIV-uninfected patients (42%) and 42 of 147 HIV-
infected patients (29%) with suspected CNS infection. The relative proportion of different
diagnoses (including definite diagnoses and probable TBM and toxoplasmosis) according to
HIV status is shown in figure 2, A and B, and table 3. None of 42 HIV-negative patients with
clinically suspected acute encephalitis tested positive for arboviruses or enteroviral infection.
Figure 2
Relative proportion of different diagnoses (including definite diagnoses and probable tuberculous
meningitis and toxoplasmosis) according to HIV status
Table 3
Follow-up was complete during hospitalization, and only 4 cases (3%) were lost during 6
months follow-up. Based on final consensus diagnoses (table 1), patients with TBM (95%)
and cryptococcal meningitis (100%) mostly had received appropriate empirical treatment.
For patients with a final diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis, 88% had been treated
empirically with pyrimethamine–clindamycin. Only 2 of 10 cases with definite viral
encephalitis as consensus diagnosis had received empiric antiviral treatment. Patients for
whom no final diagnosis could be made (28% of all HIV-infected and 42% of all HIV-
uninfected patients) were mostly treated for presumptive tuberculosis (46%), bacterial
meningitis (42%), cerebral toxoplasmosis (13%), or viral encephalitis (12%).
Mortality was high: 6 patients (4 HIV-infected and 2 HIV-noninfected) died before any
antimicrobial treatment was given. Out of 274 patients, 88 (32%) died during hospitalization,
and another 68 (25%) from discharge until 6 months follow-up, resulting in a cumulative
mortality of 57% at 6 months. Mortality was strongly associated with HIV infection; 37% of
those with HIV and 26% of those without HIV infection died during hospitalization, and 67%
of those with HIV and 45% without HIV had died after 6 months follow-up (p < 0.01,
figure 3). Compared to patients with previously diagnosed HIV infection, those with newly
diagnosed HIV had a similar CD4 cell count (median 29/μL vs 30/μL), but a higher mortality
(log-rank test 0.03).
Figure 3
Table 4
We conducted a prospective cohort study of patients with suspected CNS infections in a large
tertiary referral center in Jakarta, Indonesia. A number of important conclusions could be
drawn. First, patients with CNS infections in this setting present late, commonly with loss of
consciousness, motor abnormalities, or other severe clinical manifestations. Second, HIV
infection was very common, and very advanced, also among those who had previously been
diagnosed with HIV. Third, the most common diagnosis overall was TBM, and among HIV-
infected patients it was cerebral toxoplasmosis. In spite of an extensive diagnostic workup, a
definite diagnosis could only be made in a minority of patients, Finally, one-third of patients
died during hospitalization and almost 60% had died at 6 months, with higher mortality
among HIV-infected patients and those with neurologic complications.
Like in many low-resource settings, late presentation and lack of diagnosis lead to poor
outcome of CNS infections in Indonesia. Although this study was conducted in the top
referral hospital for Indonesia, two-thirds of patients were self-referred, often after
considerable delay, with reduced consciousness and with severe neurologic complications.
This suggests that patients or doctors in this setting may not appreciate the significance of
certain signs and symptoms, or face barriers to timely access to referral. We are planning
further studies, including interviews with health practitioners as well as patients and their
family, to help design appropriate interventions to reduce late presentation and diagnosis. In
addition, routine diagnostic testing for CNS infections in Indonesia is very limited, especially
in general or district hospitals. A recent survey among 288 Indonesian neurologists showed
that lumbar puncture is often not performed even if CNS infection is suspected, and that
standard microbiological testing for CSF is either not available or not covered by public
health insurance (Imran, unpublished data, July 27, 2017). Patients may refuse lumbar
puncture, as studied in other settings,13 or doctors may fear complications of a procedure that
is infrequently done.
Previous studies in Indonesia have focused on specific CNS infections, like TBM,14 cerebral
toxoplasmosis,5 or cryptococcal meningitis,15 but to our knowledge, only one recent study
has examined the etiology of CNS infections, and none has used an extensive and systematic
clinical, radiologic, and laboratory workup like ours.6 In the present study, large-volume CSF
samples were subjected to a more extensive diagnostic workup, including different diagnostic
tests for M tuberculosis and several panels for viruses. Nonetheless, no diagnosis could be
made in 35% of cases of suspected CNS infection. Other causes may have to be considered
including leptospirosis or rickettsial disease, or possibly noninfectious inflammatory
disorders such as immune-mediated encephalitis.16,–20 An epidemiologic study of
encephalitis in England showed that 42% of cases were caused by the infectious agents, 21%
caused by autoimmune condition, and 37% of unknown condition.16 The England study
underlines the importance of autoimmune condition as one of the possible causes of
encephalitis. However, due to the limitations of the resources, we were only able to perform
anti-NMDAR tests in 41 participants, in which we could confirm 2 cases of anti-NMDAR
encephalitis. MRI, which is not standard for CNS infections in Indonesia, and novel
diagnostic platforms like next-generation sequencing, may help improve diagnosis. However,
cohorts of suspected CNS infections from other settings have shown that diagnosis of CNS
infections, especially in patients with suspected encephalitis, can be very challenging.16
HIV infection proved to be a major factor in our cohort, in terms of both the etiology and
outcome of CNS infections. Indonesia has the second fastest growing HIV epidemic in Asia.2
Although the overall HIV prevalence in Indonesia is low at 0.5%, much higher infection rates
are found among specific risk groups, including injecting drug users, men who have sex with
men, and sex workers. Out of an estimated 691,000 HIV-infected individuals, only 26% have
been diagnosed, and only 9% are currently treated with ART.2 There are barriers to HIV
testing in Indonesia; our recent survey among neurologists showed that for many it was not
included in their routine workup of patients with suspected CNS infections (Imran,
unpublished data). Our data also showed that although HIV infection often had been
diagnosed before, many patients had not yet initiated ART. This underlines the challenges in
uptake, retention, and monitoring of ART in Indonesia. HIV viral load is not routinely
measured and not covered by government health insurance in Indonesia. The very low CD4
cell counts and the frequent occurrence of toxoplasmosis among ART-experienced patients
suggest that many were not adhering to their cotrimoxazole prophylaxis and that many had
either stopped taking ART or developed viral resistance. As such, this cohort exemplifies the
many challenges in timely diagnosis and adequate treatment of HIV in Indonesia.
As a result of the late and severe presentation and the high proportion of advanced HIV
coinfection, outcome was poor. One-third of patients died during hospitalization, and another
25% during 6 months follow-up. A range of different interventions may collectively help
improve outcome of CNS infections in low-resource settings, including implementation of
state-of-the-art rapid diagnostics, algorithms for rational and timely (empiric) treatment,
optimized supportive medical care, intensified antimicrobial treatment (as was shown to be
effective for TBM in a clinical trial in Indonesia),3,21 optimal neuroimaging and ventricular
drainage and drainage of abscesses if indicated, and possibly the advent of more effective
host strategies. However, earlier recognition, diagnosis, and referral of patients with CNS
infections, and improved diagnosis and treatment of HIV as a main risk factor, are likely to
improve outcomes or prevent the development of CNS infections.
As this study was performed in the top referral government hospital, caution should be taken
when extrapolating the findings to other hospitals and settings in Indonesia. Nonetheless, this
cohort study is the largest and most comprehensive study on CNS infections undertaken in
Indonesia, providing important data for epidemiology, clinical practice, and further research
to improve diagnosis and treatment of CNS infections in Indonesia.
The authors thank Dr. C. Heriawan Sudjono, PhD, director of Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital;
Dr. Ratna Sitompul, PhD, dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia; and Dr. Budi
Wiweko, PhD, vice dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, for their support of
the study.
Author contributions
Study funding
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