App Server JSC
App Server JSC
App Server JSC
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To deploy objects from True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
multiple Galaxies to one
platform node, the
platform must be
deployed on a Microsoft
Advanced Server
operating system.
Which of the following Multiple right, wrong $Message:$Float:$Double 1 1
template objects are not Response
found in a default Galaxy
when it is created?
Which of the following is Multiple 0 DDESuiteLinkClient, 1 NetDDEClient 1 1
not a base Device Choice InTouchProxy, 2 NetDDEClient,
Integration object found in 3 OPCClient, 4 None of the
the IDE? above
The IDE does not check True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
for duplicate toolset
When editing attributes in True/False 0 True, 1 False True 1 1
the Object Editor, it is
possible to select multiple
attributes and enable the
History feature for all of
them at once.
LMX is the communication Multiple 0 Node-to-Node Network-to-Network 0 1
protocol used by Choice communication, 1 Galaxy-to- communication
Application Server for: Galaxy communication, 2
communication, 3 Object-to-
Object communication
The Derivation View True/False 0 True, 1 False True 1 1
presents object instances
and templates in terms of
their ancestry.
The IO scaling conversion Multiple right, wrong Linear:Square root 1 1
mode can be: Response
When editing attributes in Multiple right, wrong Enabling Features for the 1 1
the Object Editor, for Response selected attributes:Deleting the
which operations are selected attributes:Duplicating
multi-selection supported? the selected attributes
To verify who is logged Multiple right, wrong In the bottom-right corner 0 1
into the IDE, the user Response
name is displayed:
The IDE must run in the True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
same node as the Galaxy
Application objects cannot True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
be contained by other
application objects.
Creating an instance of an True/False 0 True, 1 False True 0 1
application object
automatically associates it
with the default
What is the minimum Multiple 0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4 1 1 1
number of scan groups Choice
you must specify before
the OPCClient object can
be deployed?
Changes to certain True/False 0 True, 1 False True 1 1
attributes (Writeable_UC,
can be made in the
configuration environment
and then later changed at
Which attribute reports an Multiple 0 ScanGroup.Active, 1 ScanGroup.ItemErrorCntAlarm 1 1
alarm if there are any Choice ScanGroup.ItemCnt, 2
DDESuiteLinkClient Item Reconnect, 3
errors present? ScanGroup.ItemErrorCntAlarm,
4 ScanGroup.ItemInAlarm
What special characters Multiple 0 _, $,, 1 5, (, ), 2 @, , &, 3 -, $, _, $, # 1 1
can you use when naming Choice
If user defaults are True/False 0 True, 1 False True 1 1
configured in the
Configure User
Information dialog box for
Platform and Area,
creating an instance of an
When setting the Units on True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
a Boolean attribute, it is
case sensitive.
An object with a an _____ Multiple 0 Deployed, undeployed, 1 Assigned, unassigned 0 1
status is performing Choice Checked in, checked out, 2 On
normally, while an object scan, off scan, 3 Active,
with a an ____ status is inactive, 4 Assigned,
considered idle and not unassigned
For the execution order of Multiple 0 In the order they were In alphabetical order in an 1 1
objects deployed to an Choice deployed to an engine; th, 1 As area, unless the user specifies
engine on a platform, the they were created during a different execution order
objects are executed: development time, th, 2 In during development time
alphabetical order in an area,
unless the use, 3 Randomly;
there is no guarantee that an
object i
Is it true that it is Multiple 0 False; the object lock does False; the object lock does not 0 1
considered a best practice Choice not apply during run, 1 True; it apply during runtime
to lock as much as will speed up deployment
possible on the object because it red, 2 False; there
template level? is no advantage in locking the
obje, 3 True; the more an
object is locked, the less the
Attributes from the Watch True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
Window in Object Viewer
can only be removed one
at a time.
When launching Object True/False 0 True, 1 False True 1 1
Viewer, the status bar for
Object Viewer always
shows who is currently
logged in to the IDE,
unless security is not
There is only one watch True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
list in Object Viewer. It is
not possible to group
different attributes in
different watch lists.
To provide alarms, areas Multiple 0 Should always, on scan, 1 Should always, on scan 1 1
_____ be deployed to Choice Should always, off scan, 2
their host AppEngines May, on scan, 3 May, off scan
An event is the True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
occurrence of an
abnormal condition.
When changing the alarm Multiple 0 Enable, the object-wide Disable, the object-wide alarm 1 1
mode of an object to: Choice alarm mode preva, 1 Disable, mode prevails over the alarm
the object-wide alarm mode mode of individual alarms
prev, 2 Silence, the object-wide
alarm mode prev
Which of the following is a Multiple right, wrong Report engine failure 1 1
valid alarm for a platform? Response alarm:Report excessive page
faults alarm:Report low
memory alarm
For Application Server Multiple right, wrong AppEngine:WinPlatform:Device 1 1
alarming to function, the Response Integration Object
area does not have to be
on scan if the automation
object of interest is
A shelved alarm cannot True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1 Correct
be historized.
Which of the following is Multiple right, wrong Platform scan time on 0 1
not a historizable attribute Response platform:Process count on
of a platform? platform
In a Galaxy, time Multiple 0 Process data obtained from Process data obtained from 1 1
propagation preserves the Choice source field devices , 1 History source field devices like a PLC
timestamp of: data retrieved for trending or an OI Server
purposes, 2 Configuration data
retrieved by uploading change,
3 Only the history data that has
gone into alarm
Which of the following Multiple right, wrong It allows users to provide an 0 1
statements are false Response authentication signature for
about the Can verify attributes configured with a
writes operational verified write security
permission? classification:It is required to
modify attributes with a
secured write security
classification:It requires that
the user first put the object off
In Object Viewer, one of Multiple 0 Security Controlled, 1 Writeable 1 1
the columns is for Choice Viewable, 2 Changeable, 3
Category. The Category Writeable
property determines if the
attribute is:
Is it true that security Multiple 0 a. True; there are no a. True; there are no 1 1
settings can be read from Choice restrictions viewing the s, 1 b. restrictions viewing the security
any node running the True; however, it can only be editor in read-only mode
IDE? opened from the, 2 c. True;
however, the user profile
should have c, 3 d. True;
however, no other user can be
connected, 4 e. True; however,
all objects in the Galaxy must,
5 True; only if b, c, and d
restrictions are combi, 6 True;
only if c, d, and e restrictions
are combi
Role names can have up True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
to 256 characters.
To back up or restore a Multiple 0 Platform Manager, 1 Log Galaxy Database Manager 1 1
Galaxy in the Operations Choice Viewer, 2 DAServer Manager,
Control Management 3 Galaxy Database Manager, 4
Console (OCMC), use None of the above
When exporting an object, True/False 0 True, 1 False True 1 1 Correct!
a .CSV file is created.
To transfer template Multiple 0 Use Galaxy backup, 1 Export Export as a .aaPKG file 1 1
objects from one Galaxy Choice as a .aaPKG file, 2 Cut and
to another using a Galaxy paste the object properties to
management function, Notepad, 3 Export as a .csv
you should: file, 4 None of the above
What is the utility that is Multiple 0 Platform Manager., 1 Log Log Viewer 0 1
used to select which Choice Viewer, 2 DAServer Manager,
product component log 3 Galaxy Database Manager, 4
messages are going to be LogFlag Editor
captured by the Logger?
The Galaxy Database Multiple 0 Requires access by a user Does all of the above 1 1
Manager: Choice with Administrator pri, 1 Is
automatically installed on any
Galaxy Repos, 2 Provides a
view of all Galaxies in your
Galaxy, 3 Allows you to restore
a Galaxy and change its na, 4
Does all of the above
The utility that records Multiple 0 Platform Manager, 1 The The Logger Service 1 1
software activities on a Choice Logger Service, 2 DAServer
computer is the: Manager, 3 Galaxy Database
Manager, 4 None of the above
When a user runs the IDE True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
from the Galaxy
Repository node, the
Galaxy is locked and
remote users get the
message Application is
being edited when
attempting to run the IDE.
Changes to the Advanced Multiple 0 Take effect immediately, 1 Need all deployed platforms to 1 1
Communications Choice Need all deployed platforms to be restarted
Management will: be restar, 2 Need all platforms
to be re-deployed
For redundant engines, a True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
dedicated LAN connection
is not required for primary
backup status checking.
For redundant engines, Multiple 0 Redundant servers maintain If the primary server is lost, the 0 1
which of the following Choice synchronized data thr, 1 backup server will take over
statements is not true? Configuration must be where the primary left off; the
indicated by checking the , 2 If switch is transparent to the
the primary server is lost, the clients
backup server, 3 Configuration
is done through a check box on
For redundancy to True/False 0 True, 1 False True 1 1
function properly,
platforms hosting
AppEngines must be
deployed to computers
running the same
operating system.
When you enable True/False 0 True, 1 False True 1 1
redundancy in the Primary
Engine, you must also
configure two platforms
for redundancy—one to
host the Primary
AppEngine and one to
To prevent conflicting True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
operational commands
with redundancy, failover
cannot be forced to occur.
In a DI object, for a scan Multiple 0 Attributes that are not An attribute is always in the 1 1
group configured with a Choice actively being r, 1 An attribute active scanning state, but
ActiveAll scanning mode: is always in the active sca, 2 when the last reference to the
An attribute is always in the attribute is unregistered
active sca (unadvised), the attribute is not
Which of the following is Multiple 0 It provides discovery for a It provides discovery for a 1 1
true for the Local Choice single, loca, 1 It includes the single, local node
Discovery Server? services in a single Gal, 2 It
includes the services across all
Gala, 3 It is not a discovery
When pairing Galaxies, Multiple right, wrong For OS security, Active 0 1
which of the following is Response Directory is supported:OS-
User-based security is
When pairing Galaxies, if Multiple 0 Galaxy A and Galaxy C are Galaxy A and Galaxy C will 1 1
Galaxy A is paired with Choice also paired, 1 Galaxy A and need to be paired manually
Galaxy B, and Galaxy B is Galaxy C will need to be paired
paired with Galaxy C, man, 2 This configuration is not
then: possible
When exporting a Multiple 0 Instance, 1 Template, 2 Template or graphic 1 1
protected object, it can be Choice Graphic, 3 Instance or graphic,
aan 4 Template or instance, 5
Template or graphic
Within the Multiple 0 2 Levels, 1 3 Levels, 2 4 The number of nesting levels 1 1
QuickScript.NET Choice Levels, 3 The number of possible depends on memory
environment, For Next nesting levels possible and resource availability
Loop may be nested depends on, 4 None of the
within how many levels? above; the QuickScript.NET
The Data Change script Multiple 0 Will be triggered when either Can be set to trigger 1 1
trigger type: Choice the value or quali, 1 Can be set only when the value changes
to trigger only when the value
change, 2 Can be set to trigger
on selected scans when eit
CreateObject creates an True/False 0 True, 1 False True 1 1
ActiveX (COM) object.
The ProgID of the object
is passed in as a string.
Precompiled functions True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
cannot be used in scripts.
QuickScript.NET now True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
supports the Variant data
Which of the following is Multiple 0 The node must be configured All of the above 1 1
not true about Choice as either the System, 1 the
Authentication Provider node uses Azure Active
Directory as the iden, 2 allows
Single Sign-On (SSO) for
System Platform , 3 All of the
With Historian Client Web, Multiple right, wrong Work with data using 1 1
you can do the following: Response dashboards:View and reuse
content:Present your data in a
chart:Save and share content
To IO bind (Auto Assign) Multiple right, wrong Click the Auto Assign button 0 1 Incorrect
an attribute, you must: Response next to the attribute
Which of the following Multiple right, wrong None of the above 1 1
objects are provided in the Response
plant model in a Galaxy
created with the Blank
Galaxy type?
To preserve runtime Multiple 0 Right-click an attribute in Right-click an attribute in 0 1
changes to attribute Choice Object Viewer and se, 1 Select Object Viewer and select
values when redeploying Configure Preserve Runtime Modify
Galaxy objects, you can: Changes from t, 2 Check the
Preserve Runtime Changes
option in the, 3 It is not
possible to preserve runtime
changes o
When adding associations Multiple right, wrong Scripts:Attributes 1 1
to the selected Object Response
Wizard Option, the
trimming checkbox is
checked by default for
which types of associ
An Object Wizard can be True/False 0 True, 1 False True 0 1
added to any template to
add a simplified user
interface for configuring a
derived template.
Assume that you are Multiple 0 Leave the default Click the Visible icon to set the 1 1
creating Object Wizards in Choice configuration, because the set, setting as visible
a template object and 1 Click the Visible icon to set
associating an attribute the setting as vis, 2 Change
with an Object Wizard the default value of the setting,
choice or option. To set a 3 Click the XRef column
setting as visible on the heading to sort the number
Settings pane, you can:
Sentinel System Monitor Multiple 0 1 variation – Basic, 1 2 3 variations – Basic, Limited, 1 1
is available in: Choice variations – Basic, Advance, 2 Full
3 variations – Basic, Limited,
Full, 3 4 variations – Basic,
Limited, Full, Advanced
Under what conditions Multiple 0 You deploy the Galaxy; this A DI Object instance named 1 1
does the Simulator OI Choice automatically activa, 1 A DI Simulator is derived from the
Server (OI.SIM.1) activate Object instance named $OPCClient and configured to
automatically? Simulator and configu, 2 A DI communicate to OI.SIM.1 is
Object instance named deployed
Simulator is derived , 3 A DI
Object instance named
Simulator is derived
On the Digital Exchange, Multiple right, wrong Solutions:Software:Hardware 0 1
you can get: Response
Assume you have two True/False 0 True, 1 False False 1 1
nodes and both are
enabled with encrypted
communication. One is
connected to one System
Management Server, and
the other is co...
What is not a valid Engine Multiple 0 A. No Engine, 1 B. Single A. No Engine 0 1
assignment for Flex Choice Engine, 2 C. Unlimited
Licensing in the IDE? Engines, 3 D. Perpetual
When used with Multiple 0 A. AppEngine objects, 1 B. A. AppEngine objects 0 1
Application Server, Flex Choice ViewEngine objects, 2 C.
licenses are configured for Platform objects, 3 D. Area
_____ objects
The ASB Service True/False 0 True, 1 False True 1 1
Repository includes a
System Management
Server. It is used for
establishing a trust
relationship between
How can you check for Multiple 0 A) Using the ASB PCS portal, C) All of the above 1 1
the ASB PCS version ? Choice 1 B) Using Programs and
Features in Control Panel, 2 C)
All of the above, 3 D) None of
the above
To troubleshoot the ASB Multiple 0 A) ASB PCS Portal, 1 B) ASB D) All of the above 1 1
PCS, where can you Choice PCS Help PDF file, 2 C) GCS
obtain more information Website, 3 D) All of the above
on resolving the issue ?
What function(s) does the Multiple 0 A) Check on Service Status, C) All of the above 1 1
interface in the Common Choice 1 B) Troubleshoot services, 2
Service Portal ArchestrA C) All of the above
Service Bus Portal offer ?
Is the ASB PCS required Yes/No 0 Yes, 1 No Yes 1 1
to be installed with
System Platform ?
How many options are Multiple 0 A) Connect to an existing D) All of the above 1 1
there to configure the Choice System Management Ser, 1 B)
System Management This machine is the System
Server ? Management Server, 2 C) No
System Management Server
configured, 3 D) All of the
Topic Name Topic description
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 78%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 86%
Benchmark 50%
Application Server\Application
Comparison %
Score 67%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 0%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 50%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 75%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 83%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 80%
Benchmark 50%
Application Server\Application
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Application Server\Application
Comparison %
Score 67%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Application Server\Application
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 0%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 0%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 67%
Benchmark 50%
Application Server\Application
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 0%
Benchmark 50%
Application Server\Application
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
CSP\WW Application
Server CSP\WW Application
Server 2020\App Server
Comparison %
Score 0%
Benchmark 50%
CSP\WW Application
Server CSP\WW Application
Server 2020\ASB-PCS-SMS
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Assessment total
Comparison %
Score 80%
Benchmark 50%
Number of results in comparison set: 490
Assessment total
Comparison % #
Participant 57% 64/113
Min score 0% 0/113
Avg score 59% 66.92/113
Max score 98% 111/113