Business 2014
Business 2014
Business 2014
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[ 0 reason why Working Capital is needed ? 12. 'Management is considered an Art or Science or both .Explain.
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14. Explainfive external sources ofrecruitinent. 5 Explain the functions offinance manager ofa company.
15. '^Determination ofCapita] Structure ofa Company is influenced by a number offactors". 20. Explain different elements ofmarketing mix. 6
Explain at leastfive such factors. 5
"Money spent in advertisement is a waste". Do you agree with this statement? Give rea
sons for your answer.
Explainy?ve factors affecting requirement of Working Capital.
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Answer any one from the following Units:
16. Write fl/?x/?veliinctions of Marketing. 5 Unit XII(Consumer Protection): Question No.21
Unit XIII(Entrepreneurship Development)Elective :Question No.22
t^XII(5ft^^5^)-^ : 21
Distinguish between Selling and Marketing. XIII : 22
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21. Explain the importance ofconsumer protection from the point ofview ofconsumer.
]7. ^ Delegation of authority is necessary in all types oforganisation". Explain the statement.
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