Pre-Intermediate - Unit 3 Test
Pre-Intermediate - Unit 3 Test
Pre-Intermediate - Unit 3 Test
across the road. What 12 did she (she / do) 4 How can you go under the busy road?
there? a subway
2 There are only a few seats left, so hurry! 7 What’s the thing to remember people who died
a a few b some c no in the war?
3 Have you got some biscuits? a monument
a much b any c some
4 I don’t have many money on me. /7
a much b some c many 6 Match the two parts of the sentences.
5 There’s no need to clean up. 1 I booked a on time.
a a few b no c many 2 The plane landed b through security.
6 Peter’s been to a lot of different countries. 3 We got c the queue.
a a lot b a bit c a few 4 She joined d my flight online.
7 There weren’t many good films on last week. 5 We went e stuck in traffic.
a some b much c many /5
8 We were only having a bit of fun. 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
a plenty of b much c a bit of words in the box.
3 Choose the correct forms to complete the dialogue. charge hire cycle cancel tip park
A: How 1 did you get / were you getting back home from
the theatre last night? 1 Our flight was canceled because of the bad
B: Oh, we 2 took / were taking a taxi. weather.
A: I guess there are 3no / any buses at that time of night. 2 The airline charge us more money because we
Was the traffic bad? had a lot of luggage.
B: No, we didn’t have 4 any / some problems with 3 We left a tip for the waiters in the
the traffic. restaurant.
A: There aren’t 5 much / many taxis in town on a Sunday 4 Karen hire a car when she was on holiday so
evening. How did you get one? she could drive around.
B: Well, you’re wrong there! There were 6 a bit of / plenty 5 It’s impossible to park your car in the centre.
of taxis near the theatre. I think the taxi drivers knew It’s too crowded.
what time the play ended! 6 I only use my bike on roads which have a cycle
/6 lane.
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