A Simple Way To Upload Facebook Ads Manager Data To Google Analytics
A Simple Way To Upload Facebook Ads Manager Data To Google Analytics
A Simple Way To Upload Facebook Ads Manager Data To Google Analytics
Erwanda Liao
Okay, enough with the prolog. I will show you how to export data
from Facebook Ads Manager and upload it to Google Analytics, so
we can see impression, click (link click), and cost of ads run through
Facebook Ads Manager on Google Analytics and tie them with
sessions, users, and goal completions. By doing it, you can make an
integrated dashboard to analyse the performance of each channel.
Google Analytics
1. Sign in, select the property.
6. Type the name of Data Set and select the views that make use of
the data in the Data Set.
8. Click Done.
9. Back to Data Set list, and click Data Set you just created.
11. We need to download the template we can use to upload the data.
You can see below the format of data you need to follow.
2. Select the match date, metrics, and data you would like to upload
to Data Set of Google Analytics. Based on format I selected before,
we will need to have campaign, ad set, ads with impression, link
click, cost (amount spent).
3. Save the template format as csv. We will upload it to Data Set later
Google Analytics
1. Go to Data Set we just created.
2. Click UPLOAD FILE button, click Choose file button, then select
the file to be uploaded.
Uploading Succeed