Guneet Kaur
Guneet Kaur
Guneet Kaur
GREET 2023
As placement cell members, we play an important role in helping students build a strong foundation
for their professional careers ahead. We thrive to bridge the gap between students and recruiters,
easing the procedure of recruitment for the companies and at the same time guiding the students
and ensuring the best for them. In addition to bringing a varied list of recruiters to the campus, we
also organize talks, study abroad seminars, and skill enhancement workshops for the collective
student body.
Rajat arora is a leading An entrepreneur who loves to teach Shradha Khapra is the founder
commerce content creator in about finance and career growth. He
of 'Apna College' YouTube
India with more than a million started at the age of 19 and built an
channel. She uses her channel
subscribers. Having edtech company - FinLadder. Since
then he has taught over 20,000+ to post educational content.
specialisation in the field of
commerce and grooming students. He also makes content on Shradha launched her YouTube
careers. He is also a career this niche on various platforms. His channel after quitting a high-
counsellor, a personality goal is to help people become paying job at software giant
financially aware and at the same
development coach and Microsoft. She has millions of
time inculcate confidence in them to
mentor to lakhs of students followers on Instagram.
take things in their own hands.
across India.
Meet and greet event foster a sense
When an event on such a big scale of community and belonging
would be organized in an college among students. When students
then it would enhance the college feel connected to their college, they
reputation. It will help in building a
are more likely to have a positive
brand value of the college. Word-
experience, which can contribute to
of-mouth recommendations from
higher retention rates. It will also
satisfied students can attract more
help students to connect with
prospective students and improve
the college's image. students from other college.
Campus Culture
Meet and greet events can Creating a vibrant and welcoming
incorporate educational elements, campus culture through events like
such as guest speakers or panel meet and greet can positively
discussions, providing students with impact the overall atmosphere on
campus, making it a more
additional learning experiences
enjoyable place for everyone.
outside the classroom.
As we are inviting students from all over Delhi University, so we can expect a
high surge of students enrolling for the event. We would charge a minimal
entry fee of Rs.60 from students and we would end the enrollment process 1
hour before the event.
Sanskaar Kulshreshtha
Vice President
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