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Obstacle Avoiding Robot

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Obstacle Avoiding Robot

Project Synopsis submitted to

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University Bhilai (India)

In partial fulfillment for award of the degree of

Computer Science and Engineering


Neha Patil
Yashika Badole
Rohit Kumar

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Neetesh Nema

Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Session 2023
Obstacle Avoiding Robot

An Obstacle Avoidance Robot is an intelligent robot, which can automatically sense and
overcome obstacles on its path. It contains a Arduino to process the data, and Ultrasonic
sensors to detect the obstacles on its path.
Obstacle avoidance is one of the most important aspects of mobile robotics. Without it, robot
movement would be very restrictive and fragile. This project also presents a dynamic steering
algorithm that ensures that the robot doesn't have to stop in front of an obstacle which allows
the robot to navigate smoothly in an unknown environment, avoiding collisions.
Almost all navigation robot demands some sort of obstacle detection, hence obstacle
avoidance strategy is of most importance. Obstacle Avoidance Robot has a vast field of
They can be used as services robots, for the purpose of household work and so many other
indoor applications. Equally, they have great importance in scientific exploration and
emergency rescue, there may be places that are dangerous for humans or even impossible for
humans to reach directly, then we should use robots to help us.
In those challenging environments, the robots need to gather information about their
surroundings to avoid obstacles. Nowadays, even in ordinary environments, people require that
robots to detect and avoid obstacles. For example, an industrial robot in a factory is expected
to avoid workers so that it won’t hurt them.
2.Project Methodology
To achieve the objective of detecting obstacles in an environment the following has to be
a) Obstacle Sensing Unit: consists primarily of the ultrasonic sensor using HR-SC04
b) Angle Scanning Unit: consists of the servomotor with a hanger connected to the sensor.
It is a rotary motor that provides linear and angular positioning of the sensor.
For the robot to perform task using the real time system the following are required:
a) Comparator Unit: operates by comparing the sensor voltage with a reference voltage where
the output voltage is sent to the microcontroller which is the decision making device for the
b) Signal Processing Unit: is made of the microcontroller that is pre-installed with a function
software which aids with the decision making of the robot. Using the PIC16F84A
microcontroller equipped with a flash memory for quick signal response and 68byte RAM of
user storage space.
c) Motor Drive Unit: from the signal sent from the microcontroller the motor drivers act out the
decisions made, to turn left or right, to go slow or fast.
d) And lastly a Power Supply Unit is needed to power the whole system with 9v power supply.
To achieve optimal performance from the robot and distinct quality in contrast to other obstacle
avoidance robot’s known.
Our project work has been done by so many other people across the world using different ways
and approaches to develop an autonomous robotic car. We were able to distinct our own robotic
car from the previous work done by the other researcher by designing an autonomous robotic
car with a free wheel in front of it, that controls the other two wheels behind it.The robot has
the ability to move in a straight part by scanning both left and right and choose the direction
that is free for its to move and if both sides are blocked its reverse back and stop for another
scan for a free space.
Fig Circuit Diagram
3.Problem Statement
In the past, the rate of accidents on a typical road has increased as many year passes by and it
is still rising. The major cause of these accident cases is as a result of lack of awareness of
obstacles(bumps), whether it is a coming vehicle or a pedestrian or even a domestic animal on
the road and in some cases brake failure.
The study is an attempt towards developing a robotic car that would be able to detect and avoid
obstacle(bumps) in the robot’s path using a sensor to achieve the target point in an optimized
manner. With the use of an obstacle avoidance technology in the car, it will automatically alert
the driver (or even the car itself) of the obstacle ahead with a possible means of avoiding the
obstacle depending on the advancement of the technology, thus, effectively reducing the rate
of mortality on the road.
When the robot gets to an environment that it is not use to, it will stop scan through it
environment, thereby processed it to recognize any obstacle. With the use of state of art of
necessary equipment, the robot can avoid obstacle and finds a secured path thereby causing
reduction in accidents and non-avoidance of obstacles.
Once the robotic car performs a task, it will store the task which will then make it perform
better when another task is given which would be based on the updated percept (a combination
on the current percept with the information that exist in it knowledge base with an internal
This project developed an obstacle avoiding robot to detect and avoid obstacles in its path. The
robot is built on the Arduino platform for data processing and its software counterpart helped
to communicate with the robot to send parameters for guiding movement. For obstacle

three ultrasonic distance sensors were used that provided a wider field of detection. The robot
is fully autonomous and after the initial loading of the code, it requires no user intervention
during its operation. When placed in unknown environment with obstacles, it moved while
avoiding all obstacles with considerable accuracy. In order to optimize the movement of the
robot, we have many considerations for improvement. However, most of these ideas will cost
more money and time as well. In future cameras can be used to detect the obstacle however, it
is better to get CCD or industrial use ones to get clear and fast pictures. Even the ones we
mentioned in the camera holder part will be better because of the special software.

• https://youtu.be/wHjmwelL95c?si=xnXLIx6CAfBpfHSB
• https://www.ijert.org/obstacle-avoidance-robot-using-arduino
• https://www.projectreserve.com/2020/01/obstacle-avoidance-robotic-car.html
• https://www.the-diy-life.com/arduino-based-obstacle-avoiding-robot-car/

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