Medical Surgical Nursing
Medical Surgical Nursing
Medical Surgical Nursing
Contact Hours/Week :
We, the Notre Dame of Jolo college community, guided by the values of faith, hope, and love; and sharing the
charism of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, aspire to serve the people from all walks of life, especially the
poor in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. We envision ourselves to be catalyst of change, lovers of peace, and living
witnesses of God’s love.
Our common endeavor is: To provide education that is global, excellent, and truly responsive to the needs of
the community today, and in the next millennium. To mold citizens to be socially and ecologically
responsible, peace-loving, and community-oriented; to evolve dynamic programs for research, human
resource development, and community involvement; we strive to achieve this vision through democratic and
collaborative process.
Institutional Attributes:
As an Oblate Institution we produce graduates who are:
1. RESPECTFUL of diversity to build harmonious relationship with one another.
2. SERVICE ORIENTED geared toward addressing the needs of the changing time for development of
one’s economy.
3. ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY to contribute ideas and efforts for environmental protection, conservation
and rehabilitation.
4. ACCOUNTABLE in the generation of sound decision to solve problems and address challenges.
5. COLLABORATIVE LEADRESHIP AND GOVERNANCE in engaging diverse communities to adapt to
changes in the 21st century.
Program Outcomes
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences, and humanities in the practice of
2. Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families, population group and community
utilizing nursing process.
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally appropriate language.
6. Document to include reporting up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively.
7. Work effectively in collaboration inter, intra-and-multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care using a systems
9. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in
general, and nursing and health developments in particular.
10. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino.
11. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.
12. Adapt nursing core values in the practice of the profession.
Course Outcomes
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice
of nursing.
2. Utilize the nursing process in developing plans of care for an individual with simple health
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-base practice in the delivery of nursing care.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles related to
nutrition and diet therapy.
5. Communicate effectively using therapeutic and culturally sensitive language in the nurse-
patient/family interactions.
6. Document client care accurately and comprehensively.
7. Collaborate effectively with a group/team.
8. Apply beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of health care.
9. Engage in lifelong learning to keep current with national and global trends in health and nursing
10. Advocate for responsible citizenship and pride as a Filipino nurse.
11. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.
12. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession.
Description: This course deals with concepts, principles, theories and techniques on Perioperative Nursing.
Hence, Operating Room is a special branch of nursing that is concerned with perioperative client care,
encompassing the three phases of the surgical experience – preoperative preparation, intraoperative
judgement and management, and postoperative care. The learners are expected to utilize the nursing
process and the basic nursing skills as primary tool in health promotion, disease prevention, restoration,
maintenance, and rehabilitation. Blended learning shall be utilized as teaching delivery mode. To develop
cognition and skills and facilitate learning, graphic organizers, video clips, jpeg images, case analyses and
writing to learn worksheets will be used. Formative and summative assessment will also be employed.
Intended Learning Outcome: Given a sample client for surgery the student will engage in the concept of
perioperative nursing by:
Concepts Notes
Author: Pamela Pagunsanan - VillaCarlos
In modern society, surgery has become a common method of treating disease and promoting health.
In the last few decades, the complexities of surgery have increase greatly, and the entire organ
system can be transplanted to replace non- functioning body parts. All surgical procedure can be
great and permanent or brief and temporary.
The goal of perioperative nursing practice is to assist clients and their families and significant others
to achieve a level of wellness equal to or greater than that which they had before the procedure.
(AORN). Therefore, client care during the perioperative phase demands knowledge of and skill in
perioperative care and also requires an in-depth understanding of related disease process that have
brought the client to seek treatment. To provide quality care, perioperative nursing incorporates
application of the nursing process and allows for multiple nursing roles.
a branch of medicine that encompasses Preoperative, Intraoperative, Postoperative care of
patients. The discipline is both an art and science.
Treatment of disease, injury, etc. by manual and operative means (Webster, 1978).
The three phases of surgery are together referred to PERIOPERATIVE period.
Perioperative Nursing
Is a term to describe the nursing care provided in the total surgical experience of the patient.
Corresponds to the period in which anesthesia is administered, the operation is done and
the client is transferred into the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU).
Refers to the clients stay in up to his/her discharge from the PACU to follow up home clinic
Surgical Conscience
Awareness that develops from a knowledge base of the importance of adherence to principles of
aseptic and sterile techniques.
Surgical Procedure
Invasive incision into the body tissues or a minimally invasive entrance into a body cavity for either
therapeutic or diagnostic purposes during which protective reflexes or self – care abilities are
potentially compromised.
Reconstructive Partial or complete restoration; bringing Plastic surgery of the face following a
back original appearance and function severe burn
Constructive Repairing damage tissue/congenitally Plastic surgery of a congenital cleft
defective organ palate
Transplant Replacement of malfunction organ Kidney transplant
Palliative Relieves symptoms but does not cure the Bypass surgery, colostomy,
underlying diseases debridement of necrotic tissue,
resection of nerve roots.
GERIATRIC PRIORITY - Older clients have less physiologic reserve (the ability of an organ to return to
normal after a disturbance in its equilibrium) than younger clients.
Potential for injury is greater in aged. Consider using doses for therapeutic
Diminished blood flow. effect.
Diminished percentage of body fluids. Anticipate problems from chronic disorder
Diminished sensory function. such as anemia, obesity, DM,
Decrease in kidney function and change in liver hypoproteinemia.
function. Adjust nutritional intake to conform to
Decrease thirst response. higher protein and vitamin needs.
Poor nutrition and chronic disease (hypertension, older patients, such as sleeping and eating.
DM, cachexia)
Medication such as morphine and barbiturates in
the usual dosage may cause confusion,
disorientation, and respiratory depression.
Risk for infection Encourage weight reduction if permits.
Impaired cardiac function Anticipate postoperative obesity- related
Increase potential for post-operative complication.
pneumonia and other pulmonary Be alert for respiratory complications.
complications because greatly obese patient Adequately splint abdominal incision
tends to hypo ventilate (slow, shallow when moving or coughing.
breathing) Be aware that some drugs should be dose
Increase difficulty involved in technical aspects according to ideal body weight versus
of performing surgery; wound dehiscence is actual weight to prevent overdose.
greater. Never attempt to move an impaired client
Has altered response to many drugs and without assistance or without using
anesthetics proper body mechanics.
Decrease for likelihood of early ambulation. Avoid IM injections in morbidity obese
Obtain dietary consultation early in
patient’s post-operative course.
Preoperative malnutrition greatly impairs wound Attempt to improve the nutritional status
healing. before and after surgery through enteral
Increase the risk of wound infection and shock. or parenteral feedings.
Recommend repair of dental carries and
proper mouth hygiene to prevent
respiratory tract infection.
Many surgical procedures may be Maintain diligence in nursing
complicated in the presence of assessment.
cardiovascular compromise. The client Avoid fluid overload.
may experience dysrhythmias, shock, or Prevent prolonged immobilization.
cardiac arrest during surgery. Note evidence of hypoxia and initiate
Encourage change of position.
of Malnutrition. The client may also have an lessen the chance of vomiting and aspiration.
increase tolerance to anesthetics. Anticipate the acute withdrawal syndrome
(Delirium tremens). Within 72 hours of the
last alcoholic drinks.
Chronic pulmonary illness may contribute to Client with chronic pulmonary problems
hypoventilation, leading to pneumonia and should be treated preoperatively to reduce
atelectasis. Surgery may need to be postponed the risk of atelectasis and pneumonia and
if the client has upper respiratory tract infection prevent respiratory depression and narcotics.
because it increases the likelihood of a more
serious illness. E.g. Pneumonia.
Learning Episode:
The students shall have self- reading, work on critical thinking checkpoint and graphic organizers and
reflective journaling. Instructed to follow time lines in the submission of their written outputs and
answers. The students can contact at the cell phone number, messenger and email provided for
clarification and further understanding of the concepts and instruction.
Assessment of Learning:
Graphic organizers and answering the quiz.
1. Identifying the nursing interventions done in preparing to the client before surgery.
2. Comprehend the importance of preoperative preparation of surgical patient including the securing of
inform consent.
3. Identifying the nursing interventions done in preparing the client on the day of surgery.
4. Listing down the nursing interventions done Preoperative.
Concept notes:
Is the process (not just a mere) of informing the patient about the surgical procedure and obtaining
consent from him or her.
Is a legal requirement.
Hospital has a standard operative permit approve by the hospital legal department.
1. To ensure that the patient understand the nature of the treatment, including potential
2. To indicate that the patient decision was made without pressure.
3. To protect the patient against an unauthorized procedure, and to ensure that the procedure is
performed on the correct body part.
4. To protect the surgeon and the hospital against legal action by the patient who claims that the
unauthorized procedure was performed.
6. Minor may need a parent or legal guardian to sign the consent form.
7. Older client may need a parent or legal guardian to sign the consent form, alcohol or other chemical
substances – the spouse or responsible relative of legal age may sign when the urgency of the
procedure does not allow time for the patient to remain mental competence.
8. Mentally incompetent – a legal guardian who may be either an individual or an agency should sign.
9. The NURSE may WITNESS the patients signing of the consent from.
10. If the patient is unable to write, an “X” to indicate his sign is acceptable if there is a signed witness to
his mark
b. Previous Surgery
c. Smoking
d. Alcohol and other mind-altering substances
Review the physician’s prescriptions regarding NPO before surgery.
Withhold solid foods and liquids as prescribed to avoid aspiration; usually for 6 t 8 hours before
general anesthesia and for approximately 3 hours before surgery with local anesthesia.
Insert an IV line and administer IV fluids, if prescribed; IV catheter should be large enough to
administer blood products if they required.
Administer parenteral nutrition (PN) as prescribed; usually PN is prescribed for clients who are
malnourished, have protein or metabolic deficiencies from underlying disease, or cannot ingest food.
Preparation of bowel is imperative for intestinal surgery because bacteria can invade and can cause
if the client is to have intestinal or abdominal surgery, then an enema, laxative, or both may
prescribed the day or night before surgery.
the client should void immediately before surgery.
insert a Foley catheter, if prescribed; Foley catheters should be emptied immediately before surgery,
and the nurse should document the amount and characteristics of urine.
Surgical site
Shave prep equipment: Dry sponge, Portable clippers, razor
Removal of hair from the operative site is not necessary for surgical procedures.
Ideal methods to remove unwanted are either by depilatory or by clipping the hair using disposable
Either of these methods eliminates the possibility of cutting or scratching the skin caused by shaving,
which may create an opening for microbial contamination of the surgical wound.
clean the surgical site with a mild antiseptic or antibacterial soap the night before surgery, as
shave the operative site, as prescribed; shaving may be done in the operating room
removal of hair (using A.O.R.N’s recommendations) should be performed not more than 2 hours
prior to surgical procedure.
Never shave the face, eyebrows, or eye lashes unless specifically ordered by the surgeon.
Hygiene/Shaving- decrease the risk for wound infection.
Bath /shower all patients for elective surgery. Bath the patient preoperatively within 12 hours prior
to OR.
Client’s nails should be trimmed and free of polish, surgical cap.
Shaving is done preferably at the OR before the surgery. Shaving increases the infection rate to
5.56% from 0.6% where shaving was not done
RAZOR- gross cut, ELECTRIC CLIP- tend to nip the skin, DIPILATORY AGENT- showed no visible injury
Moving Purposes
a. Purposes- to maintain blood circulation, to stimulate respiratory functions, to decrease stasis of gas
in the intestine, to facilitate early ambulation
A. Legs exercise
B. Deep breathing exercise
C. Coughing exercise
Deep Breathing and Coughing Exercise
a. Instruct the client that sitting position gives the best lung expansion for coughing and deep
breathing exercises
b. Instruct the client to breathe deeply three times a day, inhaling through the nostrils and exhaling
slowly through pursed lips
c. Instruct the client the client that the third breath should be held for 3 second; then the client should
cough deeply three times
d. The client should perform exercise every 1 to 2 hours
Incentive Spirometry
a. Instruct the client to assume sitting position or upright position
b. Instruct the client to place the mouth tightly around the mouth piece
c. Instruct the client to inhale slowly to raise and maintain the flow rate indicator, usually between the
600 and 900 marks on the device
d. Instruct the client to hold the breath for 5 seconds and then to exhale through purse lips
e. Instruct the client to repeat this process 10 times every hour
b. During deep breathing exercise and coughing, the client presses gently against the incisional area to
splint or support it
Learning episode
The students shall have self-readiness. Engage in virtual discussions by inquiries, ideas and updates
through synchronous and asynchronous session. Work and formulate their graphic organizers
together with their group on think pair share and work on writing to learn work sheet.
Assessment of Learning:
Graphic organizer
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Given a sample client for surgery the student will engage in the concept of INTRAOPERATIVE nursing
by Inferring the nursing interventions done in the client on the day of surgery by:
1. Applying knowledge of the types of anesthesia and the basic actions and uses of anesthetic
agents and medications.
2. Identifying common drugs in surgery.
3. Demonstrating knowledge and skills on drug handling in a sterile environment.
4. Applying the best standard of practice in the operating room.
5. Comparing and contrast aseptic technique and sterile technique
6. Demonstrating the roles and function of the member of the surgical team.
Author: Pamela Pagunsanan - VillaCarlos
The period of surgery
It includes procedure to create and maintain safe therapeutic environment for the client and
health care personnel
Overall goal: Safety of the patient
2. When the client arrives in the Operating Room nurse will verify the identification bracelet with the client’s
verbal response and will review the client’s chart.
3. The client chart will be checked for completeness and reviewed for informed consent forms, history and
physical examination and allergic reaction information.
5.The IV line maybe initiated at this time (or in the preoperative area), if prescribed
A state of narcotics, analgesia, relaxation, and loss of reflex
A physician (anesthesiologist), or certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) administer the
anesthesia in the OR.
When wear off? When all (3) System are no longer affected.
Patient is made UNCONSCIOUS
Anatomical site is anesthetized by infiltration or topical application of various anesthetic
A peripheral nerve block may produce by injecting an agent about nerve’ (s) supplying
sensation to the operative site, or a block may be placed at a central level.
Local anesthesia and topical anesthesia are established by employing anesthetic agent
immediately about the area to be treated.
May be supplemented by varying degrees of general anesthesia or sedation.
3. Deep sedation (the patient is not easily aroused but maintain respiration)
4. Anesthesia in which the patient requires assisted ventilation
Antibiotics Antihypertensive
Antibiotics potentiate the action of Antihypertensive medications can interact
anesthetic agents with anesthetic agents and cause
bradycardia, hypotension, and impaired
Anticholinergics Corticosteroids
Medications with anticholinergics effects Can cause adrenal atrophy and reduce the
increase the potential for confusion ability of the body to withstand stress
Anticoagulant Diuretics
Alter normal clotting factors and increase Diuretics potentiate electrolyte
risk for hemorrhaging imbalances after surgery
ASPIRIN (acetylsalicylic acid) and non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are
commonly used medications that can alter
clotting mechanism
These medications should be discontinued
at least 48 hours before surgery or as
specified by the surgeons.
Antidepressant Insulin
May lower the blood pressure during The need for insulin after surgery in a
anesthesia diabetic may be reduced because the client’s
nutritional intake is decreased, or the need
for insulin may be increased because of the
stress response and intravenous
administrations of glucose solutions
Reduce cardiac contractility and impair cardiac conduction during anesthesia
Anesthesia, involves the administration of potentially lethal drugs and gases in various methods.
Oftentimes, depress the CNS.
It induces the state of partial or total loss of sensation, to permit the performance of surgery or other
painful procedures.
This condition is also concerned with controlling motor, sensory, mental, and reflex functions.
A physician (Anesthesiologist), or Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) administered the
anesthesia in the operating room.
Using an anesthesia preoperative evaluation form, the anesthesia provider does the following (prior
to patient’s arrival in the operating room).
o identifies the patient and discusses the patient medical, surgical, anesthesia, and
drug/medication history.
o Review’s the patient laboratory work and diagnostic studies and the history and physical
examinations report made by the surgeon.
o Performs a pertinent physical examination of the patient.
o Asks the patient if he/she had a previous surgery and if he/she has an unusual response to
anesthesia or any familial history of unusual responses to anesthesia.
o Explains a “plan of anesthesia”. Including risks, benefits and alternatives to the particular
anesthesia modality (if any alternative methods are permissible). To the patient.
o Gives the patient an opportunity to ask relevant questions about alternative methods of
o Follows through with the agreed plan for anesthesia.
o Verifies the site and side of the procedure with the patient and with the chart, as well as
position of the table that the patient will assume for the administration of the anesthesia.
This type of anesthesia uses a combination of drugs in an amount sufficient to effects HYPNOSIS,
ANALGESIA, and MUSCULAR RELAXATION to an optimum degree and to keep undesirable effects to a
minimum. This is often referred to as NEUROLEPTANESTHESIA.
When the anesthetic takes the form of an inhalant or introduced through IV push, it breaks the
association of pathways in the CEREBRAL CORTEX. This will lead to a more or less a complete lack of
sensory perception and motor functions.
When an adequate amount of anesthetic drugs circulates in the brain, the client slowly
1. Induction stage- the client begins to feel drowsy, dizzy, and amnesic and eventually loses the
2. Excitement stage- the client initially feels excited and has irregular breathing; he/she show
movements of the extremities and then feels relaxed, with slight hypnosis afterwards.
3. Operative Stage- the client experience regular respiration, contraction of the pupils, loss of reflex,
muscle relaxation, loss of auditory sensation, and depression of vital functions.
4. Danger stage- the client’s vital signs are too depressed; he/she exhibits no breathing and has a weak
or absent pulse or heartbeat.
Endotracheal administration- this method will lead into the following complications:
c. Dysrhythmias
e. Tracheal collapse.
Anticipate the sized of the mask to be used.
Prepare the anesthesia machine
Connect the client to the monitoring machines to keep the track of the vital functions of
the client.
Ensure that the client has an empty stomach and was placed on NPO at least 6-8 hours
prior to the induction of anesthesia.
Place the client in a supine position and give emotional support to the client.
-Apply pressure on the CRICOID CARTILAGE- the complete ring around the inferior wall of the larynx
below the thyroid cartilage prominence to obstruct the esophagus and immobilize the trachea.
-SELLICK MANEUVER- It prevents the regurgitation and aspiration of stomach contents. Compression
must begin with the client awake or before induction drugs are injected. It must continue until the
ETT cuff is inflated and when the anesthesia provider decides that it safe to release pressure.
Methods of administration
1. Accomplished by combine intravenous administration and inhalation of drugs.
Nursing Responsibilities:
Prepare the following instrument: face mask, needle with syringe, and anesthesia machine.
Connect the client to the monitoring machines to keep his/her vital signs under closed watch.
The nurse should be very sensitive to complaint of pain by the client so that the anesthesiologist can
adjust the dosage of the anesthetic drugs.
The nurse should be constantly aware of the client’s vulnerability to auditory stimuli, including
conversation and room noise.
The anesthetic drug is applied directly to the SKIN, MUCOUS MENBRANE, to a serous surface, or into
an open wound.
The onset of this type of medication occurs within a minutes.
The duration of anesthesia is from 20 to 30 minutes.
Nursing Responsibility
Ensure that the client has an empty stomach and was placed on NPO at least 6 to 8 hours prior to
the induction of anesthesia.
Connect the client to the monitoring machines.
Prepare the needed topical drugs, sterile gloves, and other equipment’s needed.
Identify all medications the client has recently received or currently taking.
Ask the client about known or suspected previous drugs reactions
Give emotional support.
The drugs is injected INTRACUTANEOUSLY & SUBCUTANEOUSLY into the tissue at and around the
incision site to block peripheral sensory nerve stimuli at their origin.
Nursing Responsibilities
NPO at least 6-8 hours
Prepare the needle with syringe, anesthesia (e.g., lidocaine), CB with anti-septic solutions and gloves.
Observe the client, including his/her facial expressions. Note his/her response to conversation and
state of alertness.
Monitors the patient v/s and symptoms such a skin color and temp and presence of nausea and
Is the injection of anesthetic drugs into and around a nerve or a group of nerves in the involved area.
It interrupts the conduction of sensory, motor, and or sympathetic transmission along o selected
NPO at least 6-8 hours
Check the client vital signs
Prepare the needle with the syringe; double cuff tourniquet, Esmarch bandage, IV catheter and
pressure source.
Prepare the anesthetic drugs. Lidocaine, bupivacaine, cotton balls with solution, sterile gloves.
Ask the client suspected previous drug reaction.
Monitor client vital signs
Achieved by injecting local anesthetic into the surrounding of Dura matter, by way of lumbar
Prepare the spinal tray during the induction which include the following:
1. Transient or permanent neurologic complication from cord trauma and loss of spinal fluid with
decreased intracranial pressure syndrome – example includes
a. Spinal headache
b. Auditory and ocular disturbances
2. Ruptured nucleus pulposus
3. True spinal headache caused by persistent cerebrospinal fluid leak through the needle hole in the
4. Respiratory paralysis (“total spinal”) – through to be a result of medullary hypoperfusion caused by
sympathetic block
5. Hypotension – this is brought about by the circulatory depressant effect and stasis of blood because
of interference with the venous return from motor paralysis and anterior dilatation in the lower
extremities. A sudden change in the body position may be followed by a sudden drop in the blood
pressure. However, a slight head – down position may increase venous return to the heart.
All conduction anesthetic agent, when administer in greater than recommended dosage or if
accidentally given IV (or by idiosyncratic reaction), may cause EXTREME AGITATION, CONVULSION,
Resuscitative equipment and drugs must be immediately available whenever these agents are
The dosages of agents listed in this table are approximate, modified by the patients weight, height,
duration of the procedure (with incremental dosage), and cardiac arrhythmias.
Vasoconstrictors such as ephedrine and epinephrine can be added to an anesthetics agent to prolong
the effect of the block. A diffusing agents such as hyaluronidase may be added to local anesthetics to
hasten the onset of the anesthetics effects.
This table list only several of the most commonly used anesthetics agents in the dosages used
primarily for adult patients.
Mechanism of action- inhibition of protein synthesis, activity on the cell membrane, alteration of the
nucleic acid metabolism.
Spectrum of activity- gram positive or negative
Similarity in chemical structure: Penicillin’s; cephalosporins; aminoglycosides; sulfonamides.
Source- living organism; chemical synthesis.
Selection is based on the organism’s sensitivity, patient variations, and the relative toxicity of the proposed
EXAMPLES: include but not limited to:
Penicillin’s (e.g., ampicillin)
Cephalosporins (e.g., Cefazolin [ancef]
Aminoglycosides (e.g., neomycin sulfate; gentamycin sulfate [geramycin]
Sulfonamides (e.g., gantrisin)
Others (e.g., bacitracin, chloromycetin, vancomycin, tetracycline)
Category: Anticoagulants
General Description: anticoagulant are given to prolong the time it takes the blood to clot by preventing the
conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. In addition they are used to prevent the occurrences of clot enlargement or
fragmentation (thromboembolism).
EXAMPLES: Heparin (generic, Liquaemin Sodium)
Administration method: I.V. (Administered by the Anesthesiologist) or in irrigation solution (Heparinized
saline solution)
Nursing consideration for surgery:
1. It is clinically safer and far more accurate to measure the dose in units than in milligrams.
2. IV heparin must be administered via infusion pump.
3. Heparin should be administered in an isotonic sodium chloride solution (I.V.), not a sodium chloride
irrigation solution.
4. Heparin is available in units/ml
Category: Hemostatic Agents
General Description: hemostatic agents reduce capillary bleeding and arrest blood flow, thereby assisting in
blood clotting during surgery.
absorbable gelatin sponge (e.g., Gelfoam)
microfibrillar collagen (e.g., Aventine)
oxidized cellulose (e.g., surgical; oxycel)
topical thrombin
systemic hemostatic/ Amicar
Administration method: placed topically on the bleeding surface to absorb blood and reduce bleeding;
sprayed directly on area.
3. Gel foam does not have to be removed; however, the oxidized cellulose should be removed after
hemostasis has been accomplished.
4. Aventine is applied directly to the bleeding area in dry-powdered form, but will adhere to wet gloves,
instruments, or tissue surfaces. Handle with smooth, dry forceps.
Category: Oxytocics
Normally found in the posterior pituitary gland and stimulate smooth muscle of the uterus
during childbirth, thereby forcing the uterus to contract and thus decrease bleeding after
cesarean section.
EXAMPLES: Oxytocin (Pitocin) Methergine
Administration Method: added to IV (by anesthesiologist)
Nursing Considerations for surgery:
1. Store at temperature below 25 degree Celsius (77 F); avoid freezing.
2. Oxytocics has an anti-diuretic effect; monitor intake and out-put.
3. They are usually administered after delivery of the placenta.
4. Use cautiously in patients with history of cervical or uterine surgery and primigravida women over 35
years of age.
5. Rotate the bottle gently to distribute the drug in solution.
6. IV methergine is used for emergencies only.
Administration method: direct instillation into duct or organ via tube or special catheter
Category: Dyes
General Description: solutions used to stain or mark specific surface or area. Most solutions for skin marking
have been replaced by “sterile marking pens”; however, dyes can also be used to color solutions or to test
the patency of specific organs.
EXAMPLES: Methylene blue, indigo carmine
Administration methods:
Added to solution
Administered directly into structure
Used as a topical marker on skin
Nursing consideration:
1. No adverse effects have been reported
2. May be diluted per surgeons preference
Category: Diuretics
General descriptions: reduce the body total volume of water and salt by increasing their urinary excretion.
EXAMPLES: furosemide (Lasix), mannitol (Osmitrol)
Nursing consideration:
1. Lasix should be given over 1 to minutes
2. Monitor serum potassium levels. Make note of patients on digitalis.
3. Mannitol solution often crystallizes, especially at low temperatures. Therefore, store it in a solution
warming cabinet.
4. Do not used solution with undissolved crystals
Category: Central Nervous System Agents
General description: CNS agents are those that affect the body’s response to stimuli, coordination of activity,
and level of consciousness. This category includes agents such as analgesics, tranquilizer, anticonvulsants,
and anesthetic agents.
All these agent can alter the patients perception of pain or well-being, and must be used with
extreme caution since unfavorable interactions and /or reactions are often encountered.
Fentanyl and fentanyl derivatives (sublimaze) alfenta; sufenta
Morphine sulfate
(Demerol) meperidine
(dilaudid) hydromorphone
NOTE: in high doses, narcotic analgesics can be further classified as anesthetic agents, and are administered
by the anesthesiologist and or/or C.R.N.A., not the perioperative nurse.
2. TRANQUILIZER- reduce anxiety without inducting sleep. Most tranquilizer have muscle relaxant and
anti-convulsive properties, and closely resembles sedative hypnotics in pharmacologic properties.
Valium (Diazepam)
Midazolam (verse)
Droperidol (Inspane)
Administration: IV
Nursing consideration for surgery:
1. Know the institutional policies for administration protocols before administering these agents.
2. During local procedure, document all patient response every 15 minutes or more often as needed.
3. Keep antagonist agents available when administering these agents.
Category: Emergency protocol Drugs
General Description: this category includes:
2. Blood and blood components, to restore blood volume ( examples include fresh frozen plasma,
washed packed cell, whole blood, cryoprecipitate, and factor VIII.)
3. Intravenous solution with or without electrolytes. (examples include D5W, D5LR, and lactate ringers).
What is standard?
Desired and achievable level of performance against which we can measure actual performance.
Aseptic Technique
Set of specific practices and procedures performed under carefully controlled conditions with the
goal of minimizing contamination by pathogens.
Is a group of procedures that prevent the contamination of microorganisms through the knowledge
and principles of contain and control.
Purpose of aseptic technique: The absence of pathogenic organism in the clinical setting
Sterile Technique
Comprises methods by which contamination of an item is prevented by maintaining the sterility of
the item/area involved in the procedure.
Different in implementation, yet linked in their concepts of preventing contamination, these
principles have a vital role in protecting the patient from unwarranted post-operative infection.
9. When pouring fluids, only the lip and inner cap of the pouring container is considered sterile. The
pouring container should not touch the receiving container, and splashing should be avoided.
10. Edges of sterile areas or fields (generally the outer inch) are not considered sterile.
11. When in doubt about sterility, discard the potentially contaminated item and begin again.
12. A safe space or margin of safety is maintained between sterile and nonsterile objects and areas.
13. Tears in barriers are considered breaks in sterility.
14. There should be no talking, laughing, coughing, or sneezing across a sterile field.
15. Personnel with colds should avoid working while ill or apply a double mask.
The surgical team is divided into two smaller teams with different role and functions:
1. The STERILE TEAM, composed of:
Second assistant, if needed
Scrub nurse
Others- student nurse, surgical intern, nurse trainee
THE STERILE TEAM- Is so called because their members stay in the sterile field. The sterile field is a specially
prepared area of the OR, often occupying the area immediately surrounding the operating table, where the
client is drapes. Before member of the sterile team enter the sterile field, they perform the sterile surgical
scrub surgical scrub of their hands and arms and don sterile gowns and sterile gloves. They observe the
aseptic technique to establish and maintain a sterile field. They ensure all items needed for the surgical
procedure are sterile and handled accordingly.
NON STERILE TEAM- assumes the responsibility of maintaining the sterility and observing the aseptic
technique during the surgical procedure. They handle the supplies and equipment that are considered sterile,
following the principles of the aseptic technique, non - sterile team supplies, carry out direct client care, and
handle situations that may arise during the preoperative care period.
The surgical team may also include biomedical technician, nursing auxiliary, and other healthcare
practitioners who may be needed to set up and operate specialized equipment’s’ or monitoring devices
during the surgical procedure.
Performs skin preparation.
Places the client on the position decided by the surgeons.
Helps maintain visibility of the surgical site, control bleeding, close wounds, and apply dressings.
Handles tissue and instruments.
Documents the operating techniques used during the surgery
Before the operation
Can ask for the following: name of the surgeon, contemplated operations, signed consent,
compliance to NPO, and the removal of the prosthesis, jewelries, nail polish, and lipsticks.
Any inconsistency should be correct or validated. Check the following documents that are necessary
for the operation: clearance for surgery, BT forms, and diagnostic result.
Validates the surgeon for the preference of the sutures, and surgical instrument/supplie
Accounts for all sponges, sharps, and instrument before and after the procedure.
Checks and labels the drugs and syringes that will be used in the operation.
Before the Operation
Accompanies the client when he/she transferred to the OR.
Identifies and report any potential danger in the environment or stressful situation involving the
Keep personal items of the client such as religious article, hearing aid, eye glasses, dentures,
jewelries, and the like if the client is alone; otherwise, endorses these items to the relatives.
Ensures that OR lights and negatosope are functioning.
Records all the sponges, sharps, and instruments to be used during the operation.
Ensure the safety and comfort of the client on the way to and from OR:
Checks for the effectiveness and safety of the equipment’s, e. g., monitoring equipment’s and
electrocautery machine.
Ensure that the OR table is locked.
Applies necessary straps/restrains on the client and places him/her in a comfortable position.
Provide roll or pads necessary to avoid pressure on the client.
Checks if the stretcher to be used is functioning well.
Assist the anesthesiologist in inducting anesthesia.
Prepares the equipment’s needed for skin preparation.
Performs SKIN PREPARATION if the policy of the institution requires it.
Directs all activity of all learners, e.g., orientees and students, in the OR.
Checks for the safety and standard compliance regarding the instruments and equipment’s to be
used during the surgery.
Learning Episode:
The students shall have self-readiness. Engage in virtual discussions by inquiries, ideas and updates
through synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Work and formulate their graphic organizers on
writing to learn work sheet, compare and contrast, clinical medication work sheet and evaluation
Assessment of Learning:
Graphic organizer
2. Applying the knowledge in the care of the post-operative patient throughout the post-operative
3. Describing the major Postoperative complications its symptoms, prevention, and treatment.
Postoperative Phase
Assess for movement of extremities
Review of positioning orders
Activity o Moves 4 extremities voluntarily or on command 2
o Moves 2 extremities voluntarily or on command 1
o Unable to move any extremities 0
Respiration o Able to deep breath and cough freely 2
o Dyspnea or limited breathing 1
o Apnea 0
Circulation o Blood pressure 20% of pre – anesthetic level 2
o Blood pressure = 20 – 40% of pre – anesthetic level 1
Pneumonia: an inflammation of the alveoli cause by an infectious process that may develop 3 – 5
days postoperatively as a result of infection, aspiration, or immobility
Atelectasis: a collapsed or airless state of the lung that may be result of airway obstruction caused by
accumulated secretions or failure of the client to deep breath or ambulate about after surgery; a
post-operative complication that usually occurs 1 – 2 days after surgery
a. Asses for factors that may increase the risk of pneumonia and atelectasis
b. Assess for Dyspnea and increased respiratory rate
c. Assess for crackles over involved lung area
d. Assess for elevated temperature
e. Assess for productive cough and chest pain
1. Assess lung and breath sounds
2. Reposition the client every 1 to 2 hours
3. Encourage the client to deep breathe, cough and use the incentive Spirometer
4. Provide chest physiotherapy and postural drainage, as prescribed
5. Encourage fluid intake and early ambulation
a. Caused by inhalation of food, gastric content, water, or blood in the tracheobronchial system.
b. Anesthetics and narcotics depress the central nervous system, causing inhibition of gag or cough
c. Nasogastric tube insertion renders both upper and lower esophageal sphincter partially
d. Usually, evidence of atelectasis occurs within 2 minutes of aspiration. Other symptoms include
tachypnea, dyspnea, cough, wheezing, bronchospasm, rhonchi, crackles, hypoxia, and frothy sputum.
Hypoxemia an inadequate concentration of oxygen in arterial blood; in the post-operative client,
hypoxemia can be due to swallow breathing from the effects of anesthesia or medications
a. Restlessness
b. Diaphoresis
c. Dyspnea
d. Tachycardia
e. Hypertension
f. Cyanosis
1. Monitor for signs of hypoxemia
2. Notify the physician
3. Monitor lung sounds and pulse oximeter
4. Administer oxygen as prescribed
5. Encourage deep breathing and coughing and use of the incentive Spirometer
6. Turn and reposition the client frequently; encourage ambulation
An embolus blocking the pulmonary artery and disrupting blood flow to one or more lobes of the
a. Sudden Dyspnea
b. Sudden sharp chest pain or upper abdominal pain
c. Cyanosis
d. Tachycardia
e. A drop in BP
1. Notify the physician immediately because pulmonary embolism may be life- threatening and
requires emergency action
2. Monitor vital signs
3. Administer oxygen and medications as prescribed
Is a copious escape of blood from the blood vessels.
Clinical manifestations
1. Apprehension; restlessness; thirst, cold, moist, pale skin; and pallor
2. Pulse increase, respirations become rapid and deep (“air hunger”), temperatures drops
3. With progression of hemorrhage
a. Decrease cardiac output and narrowed pulse pressure
b. Rapidly decreasing blood pressure, as well as hematocrit and hemoglobin
c. Patient grow weaker until DEATH occur
Nursing interventions:
a. Inspect the wound as a possible site of bleeding. Apply pressure dressing over external bleeding site.
b. Increase IV fluid infusion rate and administer blood if necessary and as soon as possible.
NURSING PRIORITY: the client should be monitored closely for signs of increase bleeding tendencies after
transfusions. Numerous, rapid blood transfusion may induce coagulopathy and prolonged bleeding time.
c. Ligation of bleeders by the surgeon as necessary
Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of a vein, often accompanied by clot formation
Veins in legs are affected most commonly
a. Vein inflammation
b. Aching or cramping pain
c. Vein feels hard and cord like and is tender to touch
d. Elevated temperature
1. Monitor legs for swelling, inflammation, pain, tenderness, venous distention, and cyanosis; notify the
physician if any of these signs are present
2. Elevate the extremity 30 degrees without allowing any pressure on the popliteal area
3. Encourage the use of antiembolism as prescribed; remove stocking twice a day to wash and inspect the
4. Use an intermittent pulsatile compression device as prescribed
5. Perform passage range of motion exercises every 2 hours if the client is confined to bed rest
6. Encourage early ambulation, as prescribed
7. Do not allow the client to dangle the legs
8. Instruct the client not to sit in one position for an extended period of time
9. Administer anticoagulants such as Heparin sodium or warfarin (coumadin) as prescribed
Urinary retention is an involuntary accumulation of urine in the bladder as a result of loss of
muscle tone
It is caused by the effects of anesthetics or opioids analgesics and appears 6-8 hours after
a. Inability to void
b. Restlessness and diaphoresis
c. Lower abdominal pain
d. Distended bladder
e. Hypertension
f. On percussion, bladder sounds like a drum
1. Monitor for voiding
2. Assess for a distended bladder
3. Encourage ambulation when prescribed
4. Encourage fluid intake unless contraindicated
5. Assist the client to void by helping to stand
6. Provide privacy
7. Pour warm water over the perineum or allow the client to hear running water to promote voiding
8. Contact the physician and catheterize the client as prescribed after all non-invasive technique have been
Constipation is an abnormal infrequent passage of stool
When a client resumes a solid diet postoperatively, failure to pass stool within 48 hours may
indicate constipation
a. Absence of bowel movements
b. Abdominal distention
c. Anorexia, headache, and nausea
1. Assess bowel sounds
2. Encourage fluid intake up to 300 ml/day unless contraindicated
3. Encourage early ambulation
4. Encourage consumption of fiber foods unless contraindicated
5. Provide privacy and adequate time for bowel elimination
6. Administer stool softeners and laxative as prescribed
Paralytic ileus is failure of appropriate forward movement of bowel contents
The condition may occur as a result of anesthetic medications or of manipulation of the bowel
during the surgical procedure
a. Vomiting post-operatively
b. Abdominal distention
c. Absence of bowel sounds, bowel movements, and flatus
1. Monitor intake and out put
2. Maintain NPO status until bowel sounds return
3. Maintain patency of NGT if in place
4. Encourage early ambulation
5. Administer IV fluids or PN, as prescribed
6. Administer medications as prescribed to increase gastrointestinal motility and secretions
7. If ileus occurs, it is treated first non-surgically with bowel decompression by insertion of NGT
attached o intermittent or constant suction
Wound infection may be caused by poor aseptic technique or a contaminated wound before
surgical exploration; existing client conditions such as diabetes mellitus or Immunocompromised
may place the client at risk
Infection usually occurs 3 – 6 days after surgery
Purulent material may exit from the drains or separated wound edges
a. Fever and chills
b. Warm, tender, painful, and inflamed incision site
c. Edematous skin at the incision and tight skin sutures
d. Elevated WBC count
1. Monitor temperature
2. Monitor incision site for approximation of suture line, edema, or bleeding, and signs of infection
(REEDA: redness, erythema, ecchymosis, drainage, approximation of the wound edges) notify the
physician if signs of wound infection is present
3. Maintain patency of drains, and assess drainage amount, color, and consistency
4. Maintain asepsis and change the dressing as prescribe
5. Administer antibiotics as prescribed
1. Place the client in a low-fowlers position with the knees bent to prevent abdominal tension on an
abdominal suture line
2. Cover the wound with a sterile normal saline dressing
Learning Episode:
At the end of the topic the student shall have self-readiness. Engage in virtual discussions by
inquires, ideas and updates through synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Work and formulate
their graphic organizer on writing to learn work sheet and quiz.
Assessment of Learning:
Graphic organizer
Long quiz
Learning Module 2
Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of the learning log the students shall be able to
Define and describe the definitions of each adult disorders
Understand the concept and its pathophysiologic basis on client with infectious, inflammatory and
cellular aberrations, acute and chronic.
Classify assessment parameters appropriate for determining the characteristics and severity of the
major symptoms of disease.
Compare and contrast the diagnostic examination of different infectious, inflammatory and cellular
aberrations acute and chronic disorders.
Identify and select appropriate medications and treatments for clients with disorders.
Inferring the nursing interventions on the different disorders under inflammatory and cellular
aberrations disorders.
Concept notes
Respiratory System
In order to differentiate between the normal and abnormal assessment findings, an understanding of
respiratory function and the significance and the significance of abnormal diagnostic test result is
The respiratory system is composed of the upper and lower respiratory tracts.
4. Larynx
a. Located above the trachea, just below the pharynx at the root of the tongue; commonly
called the voice box
b. Contains two pairs of vocal cords, the false and true cords
c. The opening between the true vocal cords is the glottis.
d. The glottis plays an important role in coughing, which is the most fundamental defense
mechanism of the lungs.
5. Epiglottis
a. Leaf-shaped elastic structure attached along one end to the top of the larynx
b. Prevents food from entering the tracheobronchial tree by closing over the glottis during
2.Mainstem bronchi
3. Bronchioles
Branch from the secondary bronchi and subdivide into the small terminal and respiratory bronchioles
The bronchioles contain no cartilage and depend on the elastic recoil of the lung for patency.
The terminal bronchioles contain no cilia and do not participate in gas exchange.
Acinus (plural acini) is a term used to indicate all structures distal to the terminal bronchiole.
Alveolar ducts branch from the respiratory bronchioles.
Alveolar sacs, which arise from the ducts, contain clusters of alveoli, which are the basic units of gas
Type II alveolar cells in the walls of the alveoli secrete surfactant, a phospholipid protein that reduces
the surface tension in the alveoli; without surfactant, the alveoli would collapse.
5. Lungs
Health history focuses on the physical and functional problems and the effects of the patient.
Major signs and symptoms of respiratory disease are:
Dyspnea (subjective feeling of difficult labored breathing).
Cough (a reflex that protects the lungs from the accumulation of secretions or inhalation
of foreign bodies).
Sputum production (it is the reaction of the lungs to any constant recurring irritants).
Chest pain or discomfort
Wheezing (high – pitched, musical sound heard mainly on expiration [ASTHMA] or
inspiration [BRONCHITIS]).
Hemoptysis (expectoration of blood from the respiratory tract).
Clubbing of Fingers:
- It is a sign of lung disease that is found in the patient with chronic hypoxic conditions.
Cyanosis :
- A bluish discoloration of the skin, a very late indicator of hypoxia.
- Appears when there is at least 5g/dl of unoxygenated hemoglobin.
Chest configuration:
- Normally, the ratio of the anteroposterior diameter to the lateral diameter is 1:2.
Determine whether an analgesic that may depress the respiratory function is being administered.
Consult with the physician regarding holding bronchodilators before testing.
Instruct the client to void before the procedure and to wear loose clothing.
Remove dentures.
Instruct the client to refrain from smoking or eating a heavy meal for 4 to 6 hours before the test.
Client may resume normal diet and any bronchodilators and respiratory treatments that were held
before the procedure.
Measurement of the dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide in the arterial blood helps indicate the
acid-base state and how well oxygen is being carried to the body.
Pre procedure
Post procedure
Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive test that registers the oxygen saturation of the client’s hemoglobin.
The capillary oxygen saturation (SaO2) is recorded as a percentage.
The normal value is 96% to 100%.
After a hypoxic client uses up the readily available oxygen (measured as the arterial oxygen pressure,
PaO2, on ABG testing), the reserve oxygen, that oxygen attached to the hemoglobin (SaO 2), is drawn
on to provide oxygen to the tissues.
A pulse oximeter reading can alert the nurse to hypoxemia before clinical signs occur.
A sensor is placed on the client’s finger, toe, nose, ear lobe, or forehead to measure oxy- gen
saturation, which then is displayed on a monitor.
Maintain the transducer at heart level.
Do not select an extremity with an impediment to blood flow.
A pulse oximetry reading lower than 91% necessitate physician notification; if the reading is lower
than 85%, oxygenation to body tissues is compromised, and a reading lower than 70% is life-
Sputum is obtained for analysis to identify pathogenic organism and to determine whether
malignant cells are present.
EXPECTORATION, is the usual method for collecting sputum specimen.
Pulmonary angiography
An invasive fluoroscopic procedure in which a catheter is inserted through the antecubital or femoral
vein into the pulmonary artery or one of its branches
Involves an injection of iodine or radiopaque contrast material
Post- procedure
Chest X – Ray
This may reveal an extensive pathologic process in the lungs in the absence of symptoms.
Computed Tomography
Lungs are scanned in successive layers by a narrow beam x – rays. Images produced provide a cross
section view of the chest.
Direct visual examination of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi with a fiberoptic bronchoscope
Pre procedure
Post procedure
Removal of fluid or air from the pleural space via a transthoracic aspiration
Pre procedure
Obtain informed consent.
Obtain vital signs.
Prepare the client for ultrasound or chest radiograph, if prescribed, before procedure.
Assess results of coagulation studies.
Note that the client is positioned sitting upright, with the arms and shoulders sup- ported by a table
at the bedside during the procedure (Fig. 58-1).
If the client cannot sit up, the client is placed lying in bed toward the unaffected side, with the head
of the bed elevated.
Instruct the client not to cough, breathe deeply, or move during the procedure.
Post procedure
May be performed to obtain lung tissue for examination to identify the nature of the lesion.
For the identification of pathogenic organism.
Adequate fluid intake, rest, warm salt water gargles.
Risk Factors:
Male gender
Postmenopausal status
Advanced age
Witnessed apneic episodes
Weight loss
Avoidance of alcohol
CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure)
CPAP is used to prevent airway collapse
BiPAP makes breathing easier and results in a lower average airway pressure.
Surgical procedure also may be performed to correct OAS (Simple Tonsillectomy may be effective).
Refers to the closure or collapse of the alveoli.
May be acute or chronic.
Increasing dyspnea
Sputum production
Decreased breath sounds and crackles are heard over the affected area.
TACHYPNEA, DYSPNEA, and MILD to MODERATE HYPOXEMIA are hallmarks of the severity of
Frequent turning
Early mobilization
Voluntary deep breathing (at least every 2 hours)
Use of incentive spirometry
Secretion management technique
Goal is to improve ventilation and remove secretion.
PEEP (Positive End – Expiratory Pressure), a simple mask and one way valve system that provides
varying amounts of expiratory resistance.
Chest physical therapy (chest percussion and postural drainage)
Nebulizer treatment with bronchodilator
Respiratory diseases are rampant today because it is easier spread in crowded areas. it is one of the
most common respiratory problems and it affects all stages of life.
Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung parenchyma caused by various microorganisms, including
bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, and viruses.
The edema associated with inflammation stiffens the lungs, decreases lung compliances and vital
capacity, and causes hypoxemia.
Pneumonitis is a more general term that describes the inflammatory process in the lung tissue that
may predispose and place the patient at risk for microbial invasion.
5. Persons over 65 years old have a high mortality rate, even with antimicrobial therapy.
2. Location—Bronchopneumonia involves distal airways and alveoli; lobular pneumonia, part of a lobe;
and lobar pneumonia, an entire lobe.
3. Classification
needs are responsible for HAP hosts may be caused by and S. aureus.
hospitalization include Enterobacter the organisms also
include streptococc species, Escherichia observe in HAP and CAP.
us pneumoniae, H. coli, influenza, Klebsiel
influenza, Legionell la
a, species, Proteus, Serra
and Pseudomonas tia marcescens, S.
aeruginosa. aureus, and S.
Clinical manifestation
Pneumonia varies in its signs and symptoms depending on its type but it is not impossible to
diagnose a specific pneumonia through its clinical manifestations.
Sudden onset; shaking chill; rapidly rising fever of 39.5 ℃ to 40 ℃ (101 ℉ to 105 ℉ ¿
Cough productive of purulent sputum
Pleuritic chest pain aggravated by respiration/coughing
Dyspnea, tachypnea accompanied by respiratory grunting, nasal flaring, use of accessory muscles of
respiration, fatigue
Rapid, bounding pulse
Diagnostic evaluation
1. Chest x-ray. Identifies structural distribution (e.g., lobar, bronchial); may also reveal multiple
abscesses/infiltrates, empyema (staphylococcus); scattered or localized infiltration (bacterial); or
diffuse/extensive nodular infiltrates (more often viral). In mycoplasmal pneumonia, chest x-ray may
be clear.
Chest x – ray may also show the presence/extent of pulmonary disease
2. Gram ‘s stain, culture, and sensitivity studies of the sputum may indicate offending organism.
3. Blood culture to detect bacteremia (bloodstream invasion) occurring with bacterial organism.
4. Immunologic test for detecting microbial antigens in serum, sputum, and urine.
Nursing interventions
These nursing interventions, if implemented appropriately, would result in the achievement of the
goals of the management of pneumonia.
Fluids with electrolytes. This may help provide fluid, calories, and electrolytes.
Nutrition-enriched beverages. Nutritionally enhanced drinks and shakes can also help restore proper
nutrition. Provide a high caloric, high protein diet with small, frequent meals.
Instruct patient and family about the cause of pneumonia, management of symptoms, signs, and
symptoms, and the need for follow-up.
Instruct patient about the factors that may have contributed to the development of the disease.
Teach client using proper hand – washing techniques, disposing respiratory secretions properly,
and receiving vaccines as appropriate will assist in preventing the spread of infection.
Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is a chronic respiratory disease common among crowded and poorly ventilated
An acute or chronic infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, tuberculosis is
characterized by pulmonary infiltrates, formation of granulomas with caseation, fibrosis, and
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that primarily affects the lung parenchyma.
The primary infectious agent, M. tuberculosis, is an acid-fast aerobic rod that grows slowly and is
sensitive to heat and ultraviolet light.
Because M. tuberculosis is an aerobic bacterium, it primarily affects the pulmonary system,
especially the upper lobes where the oxygen content is highest, but it also affect other areas of
the body, such as the brain, intestines, peritoneum, kidney, joints, and liver.
TB has an insidious onset, and many clients are not aware of symptoms until the disease is well
Improper noncompliant use of treatment programs may cause the development of mutations in
Tuberculosis is a highly infectious, airborne disease.
Inhalation. Tuberculosis begins when a susceptible person inhales mycobacteria and becomes
Transmission. The bacteria are transmitted through the airways to the alveoli, and are also
transported via lymph system and bloodstream to other parts of the body.
Defense. The body’s immune system responds by initiating an inflammatory reaction and
phagocytes engulf many of the bacteria, and TB-specific lymphocytes lyse the bacilli and normal
Protection. Granulomas new tissue masses of live and dead bacilli, ate surrounded by
macrophages, which form a protective wall.
Ghon’s tubercle. They are then transformed to a fibrous tissue mass, the central portion of which
is called a Ghon tubercle.
Scarring. The bacteria and macrophages turns into a cheesy mass that may become calcified and
form a collagenous scar.
Dormancy. At this point, the bacteria become dormant, and there is no further progression of
active disease.
Activation. After initial exposure and infection, active disease may develop because of a
compromised or inadequate immune system response.
Data from the history, physical examination, TB test, chest x-ray, and microbiologic studies are used to
classify TB into one of five classes.
Clinical manifestation
After an incubation period of 4 to 8 weeks, TB is usually asymptomatic in primary infection.
Nonspecific symptoms, Nonspecific symptoms may be produced such as fatigue, weakness,
anorexia, weight loss, night sweats, and low-grade fever, with fever and night sweats as the
typical hallmarks of tuberculosis.
Cough, The patient may experience cough with mucopurulent sputum.
Hemoptysis, Occasional hemoptysis or blood on the saliva is common in TB patients.
Chest pains, The patient may also complain of chest pain as a part of discomfort.
Weight loss
Low grade fever
Night sweats
Diagnostic evaluation
Sputum smear and culture – detection of acid fast bacilli (AFB) in stained smears is the first
bacteriologic clue of TB. Obtain first in the morning on three consecutive days.
Sputum culture – a positive culture for M. tuberculosis confirms a diagnosis of TB.
Chest x – ray may also show the presence/extent of pulmonary disease
Tuberculin skin test (PPD or Montoux test)
o A positive montoux reaction does not mean that active disease is present but indicates
previous exposure to TB of the presence of inactive disease once the test result is positive, it
will be positive in any future test.
o Purified Protein Derivative containing 5 tuberculin units is administered ID in the forearm
o An area of induration measuring of 10 mm in diameter, 48-72 hours after injection. Indicate
that the individual has been exposed to TB
o For individuals with HIV virus infection or who are immunosuppressed, a reaction of 5 mm
or more is considered positive
o Once an individual’s skin test is positive, a chest x ray is necessary to rule out TB
Medical management
First line treatment. First-line agents for the treatment of tuberculosis are
1. isoniazid (INH)
2. rifampin (RIF)
3. ethambutol (EMB)
4. pyrazinamide
Active TB. For most adults with active TB, the recommended dosing includes the administration
of all four drugs daily for 2 months, followed by 4 months of INH and RIF.
Latent TB. Latent TB is usually treated daily for 9 months.
Treatment guidelines. Recommended treatment guidelines for newly diagnosed cases of
pulmonary TB have two parts: an initial treatment phase and a continuation phase.
Initial phase. The initial phase consists of a multiple-medication regimen of INH, rifampin,
pyrazinamide, and ethambutol and lasts for 8 weeks.
Continuation phase. The continuation phase of treatment include INH and rifampin or INH and
rifapentine, and lasts for an additional 4 or 7 months.
Prophylactic isoniazid. Prophylactic INH treatment involves taking daily doses for 6 to 12 months.
DOT. Directly observed therapy may be selected, wherein an assigned caregiver directly observes
the administration of the drug.
Isoniazid (INH). INH is a bactericidal agent that is used as prophylaxis for neuritis, and has side
effects of peripheral neuritis, hepatic enzyme elevation, hepatitis, and hypersensitivity.
Rifampin (Rifadin). Rifampin is a bactericidal agent that turns the urine and other body
secretions into orange or red, and has common side effects of hepatitis, febrile reaction,
purpura, nausea, and vomiting.
Pyrazinamide. Pyrazinamide is a bactericidal agent which increases the uric acid in the blood and
has common side effects of hyperuricemia, hepatotoxicity, skin rash, arthralgias, and GI distress.
Ethambutol (Myambutol). Ethambutol is a bacteriostatic agent that should be used with caution
with renal disease, and has common side effects of optic neuritis and skin rash.
Nursing intervention
Nursing interventions for the patient include:
Promoting airway clearance. The nurse instructs the patient about correct positioning to
facilitate drainage and to increase fluid intake to promote systemic hydration.
Adherence to the treatment regimen. The nurse should teach the patient that TB is a
communicable disease and taking medications is the most effective means of preventing
Promoting activity and adequate nutrition. The nurse plans a progressive activity schedule that
focuses on increasing activity tolerance and muscle strength and a nutritional plan that allows for
small, frequent meals.
Preventing spreading of tuberculosis infection. The nurse carefully instructs the patient about
important hygienic measures including mouth care, covering the mouth and nose when coughing
and sneezing, proper disposal of tissues, and handwashing.
Acid-fast bacillus isolation. Initiate AFB isolation immediately, including the use of a private
room with negative pressure in relation to surrounding areas and a minimum of six air changes
per hour.
Disposal. Place a covered trash can nearby or tape a lined bag to the side of the bed to dispose of
used tissues.
instruct the client about the need for instruct the client and the family member
adequate nutrition and well balance diet to about through hand washing
promote wound healing and to prevent inform the client that the sputum culture is
recurrent of infection needed every 2 to 4 weeks once
instruct the client to increase the intake of medication therapy is initiated
food rich in vitamin C, iron, and protein Inform the client that when the result of 3
Instruct the client to cover the mouth and sputum cultures are negative, the client is
nose when coughing, or sneezing and to no longer considered infectious and usually
put used tissue into plastic bags can return to former employment
Instruct the client regarding the
importance of compliance with treatment,
follow up care, sputum cultures as
Also known as the seasonal flu; highly contagious acute viral respiratory infection.
Maybe cause by several viruses
Yearly vaccination is recommended to prevent the disease, especially for those who are older than
50 years of age, individuals with chronic illness or who are immunocompromised, those living in
institutions, and health care personnel providing direct care to clients (the vaccination is
contraindicated in individuals with egg allergies).
Affects birds; does not usually affects humans; however, human cases have been reported in some
An H5N1 vaccine has been developed for use if a pandemic virus were emerge.
Reported symptoms are similar to those that are associated with influenza.
Prevention measures include thoroughly cooking poultry products, avoiding contact with animals,
frequent and proper handwashing, and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that have become
contaminated with secretions.
A strain of flu that consists of genetic materials from swine, avian, and human influenza viruses.
In 2009 H1N1 was spreading fast around the world, so the World Health Organization called it a
pandemic. Since then, people have continued to get sick from swine flu, but not as many.
Mode of transmission
o The same way as the seasonal flu. When people who have it cough or sneeze, they spray tiny
drops of the virus into the air. If you come in contact with these drops, touch a surface (like
a doorknob or sink) where the drops landed, or touch something an infected person has
recently touched, you can catch H1N1 swine flu.
Cough Headache
Fever Chills
Sore throat Fatigue
Stuffy or runny nose Vomiting and diarrhea commonly occur
Body aches
Like the regular flu, swine flu can lead to more serious problems including pneumonia,
a lung infection, and other breathing problems. And it can make an illness
like diabetes or asthma worse. If you have symptoms like shortness of breath, severe vomiting, pain
in your belly or sides, dizziness, or confusion, call your doctor right away.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends annual flu vaccination for everyone age
6 months or older. Flu vaccines for 2018-19 protect against the viruses that cause swine flu and one
or two other viruses that are expected to be the most common during flu season.
The vaccine is available as an injection or a nasal spray. The nasal spray is approved for use in healthy
people 2 through 49 years of age who are not pregnant. The nasal spray isn't recommended for
some groups, such as pregnant women, children between 2 and 4 years old with asthma or
wheezing, and people who have compromised immune systems.
These measures also help prevent flu and limit its spread:
o Stay home if you're sick. If you have the flu, you can give it to others. Stay home for at least 24 hours
after your fever is gone.
o Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. Use soap and water, or if they're unavailable, use an
alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
o Contain your coughs and sneezes. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. Wear a face
mask if you have one. To avoid contaminating your hands, cough or sneeze into a tissue or the inner
crook of your elbow.
o Avoid contact. Stay away from crowds if possible. And if you're at high risk of complications from the
flu — for example, you're younger than 5 or you're 65 or older, you're pregnant, or you have a chronic
medical condition such as asthma — consider avoiding swine barns at seasonal fairs and elsewhere.
Is a rare but deadly virus that causes fever, body aches, and diarrhea, and sometimes bleeding inside and
outside the body.
As the virus spreads through the body, it damages the immune system and organs. Ultimately, it causes
levels of blood-clotting cells to drop. This leads to severe, uncontrollable bleeding.
The disease was known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever but is now referred to as Ebola virus.
It kills up to 90% of people who are infected.
Mode of transmission
EVD is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids or exposure via
contaminated needles. It is not transmitted through water, air, or food.
Diagnostic test
Diagnosis is difficult because early symptoms are nonspecific. If EVD is suspected, laboratory testing
includes ELISA, IgM ELISA, PCR, virus isolation, and IgM and IgG antibodies (used later in the course
of EVD).
Treatment of EVD involves supportive therapy related to maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance,
oxygenation, blood pressure support, and treating complications.
EVD patients should be isolated in a private room with standard, contact, and droplet precautions in
The CDC has specific recommendations related to infection prevention and control, including the use
of the following personal protective equipment (PPE):
o Double gloves
o Waterproof boot covers that go to at least mid-calf or waterproof leg covers
o Single use fluid resistant or imperable gown that extends to at least mid-calf or coverall
without intergraded hood.
o Respirators, including either N95 respirators or powered air purifying respirator (PAPR)
o Single-use, full-face shield that is disposable
o Surgical hoods to ensure complete coverage of the head and neck
o Apron that is waterproof and covers the torso to the level of the mid-calf should be used if
Ebola patients have vomiting or diarrhea
Visitors should be restricted. Exceptions may be considered on an individual basis, and then visitors
should be trained and a logbook kept of all who enter the room.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) identified as the cause of an outbreak first discovered at a local
seafood /wild animal market in Wuhan, China. The COVID-19 has been declared by the World Health
Organization (WHO) as a pandemic where it is reported that around 5,000,000 people are affected in more
than 200 countries around the world.
Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus called severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that can cause symptoms from common cold to
more severe disease such as pneumonia and eventually it may lead to death especially those in
vulnerable groups such as the elderly, the very young, and people with an underlying chronic health
COVID-19 is a betacoronavirus, like MERS and SARS, all of which have their origins in bats.
The sequences from US patients are similar to the one that China initially posted, suggesting a
likely single, recent emergence of this virus from an animal reservoir.
When person-to-person spread has occurred with MERS and SARS, it is thought to have
happened mainly via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person sneezes, similar to
how influenza and other respiratory pathogens spread.
Most coronaviruses infect animals, but not people; in the future, one or more of these other
coronaviruses could potentially evolve and spread to humans, as has happened in the past.
Many of the patients have direct or indirect contact with the Wuhan Huanan Seafood Wholesale
Market that is believed to be the original place of the outbreak of COVID-19.
Due to the possibility of transmission from animal to human, CoVs in livestock and other animals
including bats and wild animals sold on the market should be constantly monitored.
In addition, more and more evidence indicates the new virus COVID-19 is spread via the route of
human-to-human transmission because there are infections of people who did not visit Wuhan
but had close contact with family members who had visited Wuhan and got infected.
Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes on their surface.
There are four main sub-groupings of coronaviruses, known as alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.
Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s.
The seven coronaviruses that can infect people are 229E (alpha coronavirus), NL63 (alpha
coronavirus, OC43 (beta coronavirus), and HKU1 (beta coronavirus).
Other human coronaviruses are MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and COVID-19.
Chinese health authorities have confirmed more than 40 infections with a novel coronavirus as
the cause of the outbreak.
Reportedly, most patients had epidemiological links to a large seafood and animal market; the
market was closed on January 1, 2020.
Globally, there are 5,030,914 confirmed cases and 326,182 deaths confirmed as of May 21, 2020.
The United States has the highest number of coronavirus cases in the world with more than 1.5
million cases (New York City being the most affected).
Most countries have declared nationwide lockdowns and have restricted travel.
International conveyance cases identified on the Diamond Princess cruise ship currently in
Japanese territorial waters have reached 712.
Clinical manifestation
For confirmed COVID-19 infections, reported illnesses have ranged from people being mildly sick to people
being severely ill and dying; these symptoms may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 after exposure
based on what has been seen previously as the incubation period of MERS viruses.
Dry cough
Shortness of breath
Other symptoms may include:
Sore throat
Runny nose
Difficulty of breathing (in severe cases)
At this time, diagnostic testing for COVID-19 can be conducted only at CDC
To increase the likelihood of detecting infection, CDC recommends collection of three specimen
types: lower respiratory, upper respiratory, and serum specimens for testing.
CDC has deployed multidisciplinary teams to Washington, Illinois, California, and Arizona to assist
health departments with clinical management, contact tracing, and communications.
CDC has developed a real-time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test
that can diagnose COVID-19 in respiratory serum samples from clinical specimens.
Currently, testing for this virus must take place at CDC, but in the coming days and weeks, CDC
will share these tests with domestic and international partners.
CDC uploaded the entire genome of the virus from all five reported cases in the United States to
CDC is also growing the virus in cell culture, which is necessary for further studies, including for
additional genetic characterization.
Medical management
The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this coronavirus.
Hand hygiene. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; if water and soap
are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Keep hands off your face. Avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Maintain social distancing. Avoid close contact with people at least 3 feet (1 meter) who are sick,
and stay at home when you are sick.
Proper cough and sneeze etiquette. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the
tissue in the trash.
Supportive care. People infected with COVID-19 should receive supportive care to help relieve
Severe cases. For severe cases, treatment should include care to support vital organ functions.
Health worker rights include that employers and managers in health facilities:
Assume overall responsibility to ensure that all necessary preventive and protective measures
are taken to minimize occupational safety and health risks.
Provide information, instruction, and training on occupational safety and health, including;
o Refresher training on infection prevention and control (IPC)
o Use, putting on, taking off and disposal of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Provide adequate IPC and PPE supplies (masks, gloves, goggles, gowns, hand sanitizer, soap and
water, cleaning supplies) in sufficient quantity to healthcare or other staff caring for suspected or
confirmed COVID-19 patients, such that workers do not incur expenses for occupational safety
and health requirements.
Familiarize personnel with technical updates on COVID-19 and provide appropriate tools to
assess, triage, test and treat patients and to share infection prevention and control information
with patients and the public.
As needed, provide appropriate security measures for personal safety.
Provide a blame-free environment for workers to report on incidents, such as exposures
to blood or bodily fluids from the respiratory system or to cases of violence, and to adopt
measures for immediate followup, including support to victims.
Advise workers on self-assessment, symptom reporting and staying home when ill.
Maintain appropriate working hours with breaks.
Consult with health workers on occupational safety and health aspects of their work and notify
the labor inspectorate of cases of occupational diseases.
Not be required to return to a work situation where there is continuing or serious danger to life
or health, until the employer has taken any necessary remedial action.
Allow workers to exercise the right to remove themselves from a work situation that they have
reasonable justification to believe presents an imminent and serious danger to their life or
health. When a health worker exercises this right, they shall be protected from any undue
Honor the right to compensation, rehabilitation, and curative services if infected with COVID-19
following exposure in the workplace. This would be considered occupational exposure and
resulting illness would be considered an occupational disease.
Provide access to mental health and counseling resources.
Enable co-operation between management and workers and/or their representatives.
Follow established occupational safety and health procedures, avoid exposing others to health
and safety risks and participate in employer-provided occupational safety and health training.
Use provided protocols to assess, triage and treat patients.
Treat patients with respect, compassion, and dignity.
Maintain patient confidentiality.
Swiftly follow established public health reporting procedures of suspected and confirmed cases.
Provide or reinforce accurate infection prevention and control and public health information,
including to concerned people who have neither symptoms nor risk.
Put on, use, take off and dispose of personal protective equipment properly.
Self-monitor for signs of illness and self-isolate or report the illness to managers, if it occurs.
Advise management if they are experiencing signs of undue stress or mental health challenges
that require support interventions.
Report to their immediate supervisor any situation which they have reasonable justification to
believe presents an imminent and serious danger to life or health.
Pharmacologic agent
There is no specific antiviral medication yet is recommended for COVID-19 infection, and no current
vaccine to prevent it.
Nursing management
Nursing management for patients with COVID-19 infection include the following:
Travel history. Health care providers should obtain a detailed travel history for patients being
evaluated with fever and acute respiratory illness.
Physical examination. Patients who have fever, cough, and shortness of breath and who has
traveled to Wuhan, China recently must be placed under isolation immediately.
Nursing diagnosis
Based on the assessment data, the major nursing diagnosis for a patient with COVID-19 are:
The following are the major nursing care planning goals for COVID-19:
Nursing interventions
Listed below are the nursing interventions for a patient diagnosed with COVID-19:
Monitor vital signs. Monitor the patient’s temperature; the infection usually begins with a high
temperature; monitor the respiratory rate of the patient as shortness of breath is another
common symptom.
Monitor O2 saturation. Monitor the patient’s O2 saturation because respiratory compromise
results in hypoxia.
Maintain respiratory isolation. Keep tissues at the patient’s bedside; dispose secretions
properly; instruct the patient to cover mouth when coughing or sneezing; use masks, and advise
those entering the room to wear masks as well; place respiratory stickers on chart, linens, and so
Enforce strict hand hygiene. Teach the patient and folks to wash hands after coughing to reduce
or prevent the transmission of the virus.
Manage hyperthermia. Use appropriate therapy for elevated temperature to maintain
normothermia and reduce metabolic needs.
Educate the patient and folks. Provide information on disease transmission, diagnostic testing,
disease process, complications, and protection from the virus.
Nursing goals are met as evidenced by:
Individual findings, including factors affecting, interactions, nature of social exchanges, specifics
of individual behavior.
Cultural and religious beliefs, and expectations.
Plan of care.
Teaching plan.
Responses to interventions, teaching, and actions performed.
Attainment or progress toward the desired outcome.
Through first reported in Saudi Arabia, it was later identified that the first known cases of MERS
occurred in Jordan in April 2012.
Most MERS patients developed severe respiratory illness with symptoms of fever, cough, and
shortness of breath.
A large MERS outbreak occurred in the Republic of South Korea linked to a traveler from the
Arabian Peninsula in 2015.
Travel-associated cases have been identified in Algeria, Austria, China, Egypt, France, Germany,
Greece, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey,
United Kingdom (UK), and United States (US).
CDC has published guidance for health departments and healthcare infection-control programs
for investigating potential cases of MERS and preventing its spread.
Interestingly, lymphopenia has been noted in most patients infected with MERS-CoV, as was
noted in SARS infections.
This is due to cytokine-induced immune cell sequestration and release and induction of
monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) and interferon-gamma-inducible protein-10 (IP-10),
which suppresses the proliferation of human myeloid progenitor cells.
Coronaviruses are the largest of all RNA viruses, with positive-sense single-stranded RNA genomes of
26-32 kb.
In May 2014, CDC confirmed two unlinked imported cases of MERS in the United States—one to
Indiana, the other to Florida; both cases were among healthcare providers who lived and worked
in Saudi Arabia; both traveled to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia, where scientists believe they were
Since 2012, 2,374 laboratory-confirmed cases of infection with MERS-CoV have been reported to
the World Health Organization (WHO), including at least 823 related deaths.
Twenty-seven countries have reported MERS cases.
On the Arabian Peninsula, countries include Bahrain, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Yemen.
Other countries reporting travel-associated MERS include Algeria, Austria, China, Egypt, France,
Germany, Greece, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Tunisia,
Turkey, United Kingdom (UK), and the United States.
The vast majority of these cases have so far occurred in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The largest MERS outbreak outside of Saudi Arabia occurred in 2015 in the Republic of Korea; the
outbreak involved 186 confirmed cases and caused 36 deaths.
The outbreak sparked quarantine of more than 5,000 individuals and the closure of 2,000 schools
before ending.
Clinical manifestation
Physical examination findings associated with MERS-CoV infection are similar to those presenting with
any flu-like symptoms, including the following:
Rhinorrhea, mostly clear
Pulmonary findings, including hypoxemia, rhonchi, and rales (some patients may have a normal
Hypotension may occur with severe illness, reflecting systemic inflammatory response syndrome
Most state laboratories are approved to test for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
using CDC’s rRT-PCR assay.
rRT-PCR assay. FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) on June 5, 2013, to authorize
use of CDC’s 2012 real-time reverse transcription–PCR assay to test for MERS-CoV in clinical
respiratory, serum, and stool specimens.
Serology. Serologic testing for MERS-CoV is available as a research/surveillance test from the
CDC; it is not considered a diagnostic test but may offer valuable epidemiologic data; it must be
ordered in consultation and with approval of CDC via the EOC.
Laboratory studies. Laboratory findings at presentation may include leukopenia, lymphopenia,
thrombocytopenia, and elevated lactate dehydrogenase levels; these are most likely with
increasing severity of illness.
Imaging studies. Chest imaging findings are abnormal in more than 80% of MERS cases; ground-
glass opacity (GGO) is found in over 60% of chest radiographs, with about 20% incidence of
consolidation; some infiltrates may be nodular.
Medical management
Management of the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection is
supportive; this includes hydration, antipyretic, analgesics, respiratory support, and antibiotics if needed for
bacterial superinfection.
Consultations. Upon suspicion of MERS, the patient should be placed in an airborne infection
isolation room (AIIR) with a minimum of 12 air exchanges per hour, and personnel protection
equipment (PEP) appropriate for contact and airborne precautions (gown, gloves, goggles, and N-
95 respirator mask or powered air purifier respirator [PAPR]) should be used.
Medical care. Medical care is supportive and depends on the severity of illness.
Prevention. No MERS-CoV vaccine is commercially available; prevention of infection in areas
where MERS-CoV is being actively transmitted requires avoidance of potentially infectious
secretions and careful attention to hand and respiratory hygiene.
No medications have been approved for the treatment of coronavirus infections. Clinical trials are needed to
establish any benefit from ribavirin and/or interferon alfa
Nursing management
Nursing care for a patient with MERS-CoV include the following:
Nursing Assessment
Physical exam. Clinical manifestation is indistinguishable from other common respiratory viruses and
may range from no symptoms to rapidly progressive multiorgan failure and death.
Nursing Diagnosis
Based on the assessment data, the major nursing diagnosis for a patient with MERS-CoV include the
The major nursing care plan goals for a patient with MERS-CoV are:
Nursing Interventions
Nursing interventions for the patient with MERS-CoV include the following:
Monitor vital signs. Monitor the patient’s temperature; the infection usually begins with a high
temperature; monitor the respiratory rate of the patient as shortness of breath is another
common symptom.
Educate the patient and folks. Include the patient and folks in creating the teaching plan,
beginning with establishing objectives and goals for learning at the beginning of the session;
provide clear, thorough, and understandable explanations and demonstrations; and give
information with the use of media.
Reduce increase in temperature. Adjust and monitor environmental factors like room
temperature and bed linens as indicated; encourage ample fluid intake by mouth; eliminate
excess clothing and covers, and give antipyretic medications as prescribed.
Ensure patent airway. Teach the patient the proper ways of coughing and breathing. (e.g., take a
deep breath, hold for 2 seconds, and cough two or three times in succession); position the
patient upright if tolerated, and encourage patient to increase fluid intake to 3 liters per day
within the limits of cardiac reserve and renal function.
Reduce anxiety. Use presence, touch (with permission), verbalization, and demeanor to remind
patients that they are not alone and to encourage expression or clarification of needs, concerns,
unknowns, and questions; accept patient’s defenses; do not dare, argue, or debate; converse
using a simple language and brief statements; and allow the patient to talk about anxious
feelings and examine anxiety-provoking situations if they are identifiable.
Nursing evaluation of goals for a patient with MERS-COV are met as evidenced by:
Documentation Guidelines
Individual findings, including factors affecting, interactions, nature of social exchanges, specifics
of individual behavior.
Plan of care.
Teaching plan.
Responses to interventions, teaching, and actions performed.
Attainment or progress toward the desired outcome.
Airway obstruction
Restrictive lung disease
Central nervous system disorder, such as head trauma or stroke
Drug overdose
Anesthesia and surgical procedures
ARF occurs when O2 and CO2 exchange in normal lungs fails to full fill the oxygen needs of the body,
causing alveolar hypoventilation. Effects include hypoxia (partial pressure of arterial oxygen [PaO 2] <
80mmHg) with or without hypercapnia (partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide [PacO 2 ] > 45
Anxiety, confusion and restlessness
Decreased or absent breath sounds
Adventitious breath sounds such as crackles and wheezing
Diagnostic Test
Arterial blood gas studies
Chest radiograph
Nursing management
Correct the underlying cause
Restore and maintain patent airway by suctioning or performing endotracheal intubation as ordered.
Administer oxygen therapy to maintain adequate alveolar ventilation.
Decreased breath sounds
Identify and treat the cause of the acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Administer oxygen as prescribed.
Place the client in a Fowler’s position.
Restrict fluid intake as prescribed.
Provide respiratory treatments as prescribed.
Administer diuretics, anticoagulants, or corticosteroids as prescribed.
Prepare the client for intubation and mechanical ventilation using PEEP.
Occurs when a thrombus forms (most com-monly in a deep vein), detaches, travels to the right side
of the heart, and then lodges in a branch of the pulmonary artery.
Clients prone to pulmonary embolism are those at risk for deep vein thrombosis, including those
with prolonged immobilization, surgery, obesity, pregnancy, congestive heart failure, advanced age,
or a history of thromboembolism.
Fat emboli can occur as a complication following fracture of a long bone and can cause pulmonary
Treatment is aimed at prevention through risk factor recognition and elimination.
Assessment Findings
Accumulation of atmospheric air in the pleural space, which results in a rise in intrathoracic pressure
and reduced vital capacity .
The goal of treatment is to evacuate the air or blood from the pleural space.
Pleural cavity can be decompressed by needle aspiration (THORACENTESIS) or by chest tube
Chest wall is opened surgically (Thoracotomy) if more than 150 ml of blood is aspirated initially if the
chest tube output continues at greater than 200ml/h.
Patient with a possible TENSION PNEUMOTHORAX should immediately be given in a high
concentration of supplemental oxygen.
Also known as chronic obstructive lung disease and chronic airflow limitation
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a disease state characterized by airflow obstruction caused
by emphysema or chronic bronchitis.
Progressive airflow limitation occurs, associated with an abnormal inflammatory response of the
lungs that is not completely reversible.
Risk Factors
Exposure to tobacco smoke
Occupational exposure (dust, chemicals)
Ambient air pollution
Genetic abnormalities
Characterized by three primary symptoms
1. Chronic cough
2. Sputum production
3. Dyspnea on exertion
Cough may be intermittent and may unproductive
Dyspnea may be severe, and persistent
Chronic hyperinflation leads to “barrel chest” thorax configuration
Respiratory insufficiency and failure
Chronic atelectasis
Pulmonary arterial hypertension
Smoking cessation
Monitor vital signs.
Administer a low concentration of oxygen (1 to 2 L/min) as prescribed; the stimulus to breathe
is a low arterial PO2 instead of an increased PCO2.
Monitor pulse oximetry.
Provide respiratory treatments and CPT.
Instruct the client in diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing techniques and pursed-lip breathing
Record the color, amount, and consistency of sputum.
Suction fluids from the client’s lungs, if necessary, to clear the airway and prevent infection.
Monitor weight.
Encourage small frequent meals to maintain nutrition and prevent dyspnea.
Provide a high-calorie, high-protein diet with supplements.
Encourage fluid intake up to 3000 mL/day to keep secretions thin, unless contraindicated.
Place the client in a Fowler’s position and leaning forward to aid in breathing.
Allow activity as tolerated.
Administer bronchodilators as prescribed, and instruct the client in the use of oral and inhalant
Administer corticosteroids as prescribed for exacerbations.
Administer mucolytics as prescribed to thin secretions.
Administer antibiotics for infection if prescribed.
Chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways that causes varying degrees of obstruction in the
Asthma is marked by airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness to a variety of stimuli or triggers.
Asthma causes recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing
associated with airflow obstruction that may resolve spontaneously; it is often reversible with
Asthma severity is classified based on the clinical features before treatment.
Status asthmaticus is a severe life-threatening asthma episode that is refractory to treatment and
may result in pneumothorax, acute cor pulmonale, or respiratory arrest.
Three most common symptoms:
2. dyspnea
3. wheezing
Asthma attack often occurs at night or early in the morning
Generalized chest tightness
Expiration requires effort and prolonged
Centra; cyanosis (late sign)
1. Quick – relief medications:
a. Short acting beta2-adrenergic agonists (Albuterol), for relief of acute symptoms and prevention of exercise
– induced asthma.
b. Anticholinergics (Ipratropium bromide), reduce intrinsic vagal tone of the airway.
V: Learning Episode: The students shall have self- reading, work on critical thinking checkpoint
and graphic organizers and reflective journaling. Instructed to follow time lines in the
submission of their written outputs and answers. The students can contact at the cell phone
number, messenger and email provided for clarification and further understanding of the
concepts and instruction.
VI. Assessment of Learning: Please refer to Module 2.1 for graphic organizers and answering the
Clinical Manifestations
1. Paresthesia’s and, possibly, dysthesias.
2. Acute onset of symmetric progressive muscle weakness; most often beginning in the legs and
ascending to involve the trunk, upper extremities, and facial muscles. Paralysis may develop.
3. Difficulty with swallowing, speech, and chewing due to cranial nerve involvement.
4. Decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes, position and vibratory perception.
5. Autonomic dysfunction (increased heart rate and postural hypotension).
6. Decreased vital capacity, depth of respirations, and breath sounds.
7. Occasionally spasm and fasciculations of muscles.
Diagnostic Evaluation
1. History and neurologic exam. Progressive weakness, decreased sensation, decreased deep tendon
2. Lumbar puncture for CSF examination—reveals low blood cell count, high protein.
3. Electrophysiologic studies—nerve conduction velocity shows decreased conduction velocity of
peripheral nerves.
1. Plasmapheresis produces temporary reduction of circulating antibodies to reduce the severity and
duration of the GBS episode.
2. High-dose immunoglobulin therapy is used to reduce the severity of the episode.
3. ECG monitoring and treatment of cardiac dysrhythmias. 4. Analgesics and muscle relaxants as
5. Intubation and mechanical ventilation if respiratory paralysis develops.
1. Respiratory failure
2. Cardiac dysrhythmias
3. Complications of immobility and paralysis
4. Anxiety and depression
Nursing Assessment
1. Assess pain level due to muscle spasms and dysthesias.
2. Assess cardiac function including orthostatic BPs.
3. Assess respiratory status closely to determine hypoventilation due to weakness.
4.Performcranialnerveassessment,especiallyninthcranial nerve for gag reflex.
5. Assess motor strength.
Nursing Diagnoses
Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to weakness/paralysis of respiratory muscles
Impaired Physical Mobility related to paralysis
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements, related to cranial nerve dysfunction
Impaired Verbal Communication related to intubation, cranial nerve dysfunction
Chronic Pain related to disease pathology
Anxiety related to communication difficulties and deteriorating physical condition
Nursing Interventions
Maintaining Respiration
1. Monitor respiratory status through vital capacity measurements, rate and depth of
respirations, breath sounds.
2. Monitor level of weakness as it ascends toward respiratory muscles.
3. Watch for breathlessness while talking, a sign of respiratory fatigue.
4. Maintain calm environment, and position the patient with head of bed elevated to provide
for maximum chest excursion.
5. As much as possible, avoid opioids and sedatives that may depress respirations.
6. Monitor the patient for signs of impending respiratory failure; heart rate above 120 or
below 70 beats/minute; respiratory rate above 30 breaths/minute; prepare to intubate.
Avoiding Complications of Immobility
1. Position the patient correctly, and provide ROM exercises.
2. Encourage physical and occupational therapy exercises to regain strength during the
rehabilitative period.
3. Assess for complications, such as contractures, pressure ulcers, edema of lower extremities,
and constipation.
4. Provide assistive devices, as needed, such as cane or wheelchair, for patient to take home.
5. Recommend referral to rehabilitation services or physical therapy for evaluation and
Promoting Adequate Nutrition
1. Auscultate for bowel sounds; hold enteral feedings if bowel sounds are absent to prevent
gastric distention.
2. Assess chewing and swallowing ability by testing CN V, IX and X; if function is inadequate,
provide alternate feeding.
3. During rehabilitation period, encourage a well-balanced, nutritious diet in small, frequent
feedings with vitamin supplement if indicated.
4. Recommend referral to dietitian for evaluation and proper diet therapy.
Maintaining Communication
1. Develop a communication system with the patient who cannot speak.
2. Have frequent contact with the patient, and provide explanation and reassurance,
remembering that the patient is fully conscious.
3. Provide some type of patient call system. Because standard call lights cannot be
activated by the severely weak patient, provide adaptive call light and/or some type of
constant monitoring and surveillance to meet patient’s needs.
4. Recommend referral to speech therapy for evaluation and treatment.
5. Refer to counselor, social workers, or psychologist to develop/enhance coping skills and
regain sense of control.
Relieving Pain
1. Administer analgesics as required; monitor for adverse reactions, such as hypotension,
nausea and vomiting, and respiratory depression.
2. Provide adjunct pain management therapies, such as therapeutic touch, massage,
diversion, guided imagery.
3. Provide explanations to relieve anxiety, which augments pain.
4. Turn the patient frequently to relieve painful pressure areas.
Reducing Anxiety
1. Get to know the patient, and build a trusting relation- ship.
2. Discuss fears and concerns while verbal communication is possible.
3. Reassure the patient that recovery is probable.
4. Use relaxation techniques such as listening to soft music.
5. Provide choices in care, and give the patient a sense of control.
6. Enlist the support of significant others.
Community and Home Care Considerations
Be aware that GBS is a significant cause of new long-term disability for at least 1,000 people per year
in the United States, necessitating long-term rehabilitation and com- munity reintegration. Outcome
can range from mild paresthesias to death. The chance of recovery is significantly affected by age,
antecedent gastroenteritis, disability, electrophysiologic signs of axonal degeneration, latency to
nadir, and duration of active disease.
Given the young age at which GBS sometimes occurs, the patient and family must be treated as an
integral unit, assessing family communication, knowledge, adjustment, and use of support systems.
Include in caregiver training strategies the need for exercise, positioning, and activity to prevent
secondary com- plications, such as contractures, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), hypercalcemia, and
pressure ulcers.
Patient Education and Health Maintenance
1. Advise the patient and family that acute phase lasts 1 to 4 weeks, then the patient stabilizes and
rehabilitation can begin; however, convalescence may be lengthy, from 3 months to 2 years.
2. Instruct the patient in breathing exercises or use of incentive spirometer to reestablish normal
3. Teach the patient to wear good supportive and protective shoes while out of bed to prevent injuries
due to weakness and paresthesia.
4. Instruct the patient to check feet routinely for injuries because trauma may go unnoticed due to
sensory changes.
5. Reinforce maintenance of normal weight; additional weight will further stress the motor abilities.
6. Encourage the use of scheduled rest periods to avoid over-fatigue.
7. Refer the patient/family for more information and support to such agencies as The Guillain-Barré
Syndrome Foundation International,
Evaluation: Expected Outcomes
Normal respiratory rate and rhythm, shallow, unlabored
Performs assistive ROM exercises every 2 hours; no pressure ulcers or edema present
Gag reflex present, eating small meals without aspiration
Uses short phrases and head nodding to communicate effectively
Verbalizes decreased pain
Verbalizes reduced anxiety
Learning Module 3
Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of the learning log the students shall be able to
The term sexually transmitted disease (STD) is used to refer to a condition passed from one person to
another through sexual contact. You can contract an STD by having unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral
sex with someone who has the STD.
An STD may also be called a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or venereal disease (VD).
That doesn’t mean sex is the only way STDs are transmitted. Depending on the specific STD,
infections may also be transmitted through sharing needles and breastfeeding.
Chlamydial infection is a common STD that occurs in both men and women, particularly in
adolescent and young adults.
Women are asymptomatic or present with cervicitis; men are frequently asymptomatic but may
preset with urethritis.
Chlamydial infection in women is the result of sexual intercourse, with infection entering the vagina,
infecting the cervix, and possibly spreading up through the endometrium and fallopian tubes.
C. tracomatis is the most common sexually transmitted pathogen.
Clinical manifestations
May be asymptomatic or have vaginal discharge – may be clear mucoid to creamy discharge.
May have dysuria and mild pelvic discomfort
Cervix maybe covered by thick mucopurulent discharge and be tender, erythematous, edematous,
and friable
Diagnostic test
Medical management
Current or most recent sexual partners should be tested and treated despite test result.
Nursing interventions
Advise abstinence from sexual intercourse until treatment has been completed and follow – up
culture result is negative.
Ensure that partner is treated at the same time; recent partner should receive treatment despite lack
of symptoms and negative chlamydia test result
Report case to local public health department (chlamydia is a reportable infectious disease in most of
the US)
Ensure that patient begin treatment and will have access to prescription and transportation for
follow – up
Explain mode of transmission, complication, and the risk for other STD
Gonnorhea is a common STD that affects men and women, causing cervicitis in women and urethritis
in men.
In women it can be easily ascend to the uterus and fallopian tubes if untreated
Clinical manifestations
Diagnostic Evaluation
Uncomplicated gonococcal infection of the cervix, ure- thra (in men), or rectum (in men or women)
can be treated with a single-dose antibiotic, such as:
a. Cefixime (Suprax) 400 mg orally.
b. Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) 125 mg I.M.
Ceftriaxone is recommended for pharyngeal and conjunctival infections.
Disseminated infections require I.V. or I.M. therapy, such as:
a. Ceftriaxone 1 g I.M. or I.V. every 24 hours.
b. Cefotaxime (Claforan) 1 g I.V. every 8 hours.
c. Ceftizoxime(Cefizox)1gI.V.every8hours.
d. Spectinomycin 2 g I.M. every 12 hours. Note: Not available in the United States.
For I.V. or I.M. therapy, patient is switched to oral therapy 24 to 48 hours after improvement.
In all cases of suspected gonorrhea, concomitant treatment of chlamydia is recommended with
appropriate second antibiotic agent. Only if a reliable chlamydia test with negative result is obtained
would therapy be given just for gonorrhea.
D R U G A L E R T Fluoroquinolone therapy is no longer recommended for treatment of gonorrhea in the
United States due to resistance.
1. PID, ectopic pregnancy, and infertility.
2. Disseminated infection.
3. Ophthalmia neonatorum and sepsis (rare) caused by infant born through infected birth canal.
Nursing Assessment
1. Question patient on history of STDs, STD protection, sexual activity, usual women’s health care
2. Obtain history of symptoms in patient and partner— incubation period is usually 3 to 7 days in men,
but symptoms are typically overlooked in women.
3. Assess for ability to change lifestyle practices that may have led to STD.
Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for Infection related to sexual activity
Nursing Interventions
Stopping Transmission of STD
1. Administer antibiotics, as prescribed, explaining adverse effects to patient.
2. Make sure that patient can obtain prescription medication at discharge.
3. Monitor for relief of pain, discharge, and other symptoms.
4. Explain importance of sexual abstinence until symptoms are totally resolved and until therapy is
complete in patient and partner.
5. Report to public health department and tell patient that information will be obtained to ensure
testing of sexual contacts.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infectious (STI) disease caused by the bacterium Treponema
This bacterium causes infection when it gets into broken skin or mucus membranes, usually of the
genitals. Syphilis is most often transmitted through sexual contact, although it also can be
transmitted in other ways.
Syphilis occurs worldwide, most commonly in urban areas. The number of cases is rising fastest in
men who have sex with men (MSM). Young adults ages 20 to 35 are the highest-risk population.
Because people may be unaware that they are infected with syphilis, many states require tests for
syphilis before marriage. All pregnant women who receive prenatal care should be screened for
syphilis to prevent the infection from passing to their newborn (congenital syphilis).
1.Primary syphilis
The primary stage of syphilis occurs about three to four weeks after a person contracts the bacteria.
It begins with a small, round sore called a chancre. A chancre is painless, but it’s highly infectious.
This sore may appear wherever the bacteria entered the body, such as on or inside the mouth,
genitals, or rectum.
On average, the sore shows up around three weeks after infection, but it can take between 10 and
90 days to appear. The sore remains for anywhere between two to six weeks.
Syphilis is transmitted by direct contact with a sore. This usually occurs during sexual activity,
including oral sex.
2. Secondary syphilis
Skin rashes and a sore throat may develop during the second stage of syphilis. The rash won’t itch
and is usually found on the palms and soles, but it may occur anywhere on the body. Some people
don’t notice the rash before it goes away.
swollen lymph nodes weight loss
fatigue hair loss
fever aching joints
These symptoms will go away whether or not treatment is received. However, without treatment, a
person still has syphilis. Secondary syphilis is often mistaken for another condition.
3.Latent syphilis
The third stage of syphilis is the latent, or hidden, stage. The primary and secondary symptoms
disappear, and there won’t be any noticeable symptoms at this stage. However, the bacteria remain
in the body. This stage could last for years before progressing to tertiary syphilis.
4.Tertiary syphilis
The last stage of infection is tertiary syphilis. According to the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention, approximately 15 to 30 percent of people who don’t receive treatment
for syphilis will enter this stage. Tertiary syphilis can occur years or decades after the initial infection.
Tertiary syphilis can be life-threatening. Some other potential outcomes of tertiary syphilis include:
mental illness
memory loss
destruction of soft tissue and bone
neurological disorders, such as stroke or meningitis
heart disease
neurosyphilis, which is an infection of the brain or spinal cord
Diagnostic test
The health care provider will perform a physical exam and ask about the symptoms. Tests that may be done
Examination of fluid from sore (rarely done)
Echocardiogram, aortic angiogram, and cardiac catheterization to look at the major blood vessels
and the heart
Spinal tap and examination of spinal fluid
Blood tests to screen for syphilis bacteria (RPR, VDRL, or TRUST) If the RPR, VDRL, or TRUST tests are
positive, one of the following tests will be needed to confirm the diagnosis:
o FTA-ABS (fluorescent treponemal antibody test)
Medical management
Primary and secondary syphilis are easy to treat with a penicillin injection. Penicillin is one of the
most widely used antibiotics and is usually effective in treating syphilis. People who are allergic to
penicillin will likely be treated with a different antibiotic, such as:
o Doxycycline
o Azithromycin
o Ceftriaxone
If the patient is having neurosyphilis, advice to get daily doses of penicillin intravenously. This will
often require a brief hospital stay. Unfortunately, the damage caused by late syphilis can’t be
reversed. The bacteria can be killed, but treatment will most likely focus on easing pain and
During treatment, make sure to avoid sexual contact until all sores on the body are healed and the
doctor tells the patient it’s safe to resume sex. If sexually active, advise the partner should be
treated as well. Don’t resume sexual activity until you and your partner have completed treatment.
How to prevent syphilis The best way to prevent syphilis is to practice safe sex. Use condoms during any type
of sexual contact. In addition, it may be helpful to:
o Use a dental dam (a square piece of latex) or condoms during oral sex.
o Avoid sharing sex toys.
o Get screened for STIs and talk to your partners about their results.
o Syphilis can also be transmitted through shared needles. Avoid sharing needles if using
injected drugs.
Pubic lice are tiny wingless insects that infect the pubic hair area and lay eggs there. These lice can
also be found in armpit hair, eyebrows, moustache, beard, around the anus, and eyelashes.
Pubic lice are most commonly spread during sexual activity. In very rare cases, pubic lice can spread
through contact with objects such as toilet seats, sheets, blankets, or bathing suits (that you may try
on at a store).
Animals cannot spread lice to humans.
Other types of lice include:
o Body lice
o Head lice
Clinical manifestations
Pubic lice cause itching in the area covered by pubic hair. Itching often gets worse at night. The
itching may start soon after getting infected with lice, or it may not start for up to 2 to 4 weeks after
Other symptoms can include:
o Local skin reactions to the bites that causes skin to turn red or bluish-gray
o Sores in the genital area due to bites and scratching
Diagnostic test
Medical management
Pubic lice are often treated with medicines that contain a substance called permethrin. To use this medicine:
Thoroughly work the medicine into your pubic hair and surrounding area. Leave it on for at least 5 to 10
minutes, or as directed by your provider.
Rinse well.
Comb your pubic hair with a fine-toothed comb to remove eggs (nits). Applying vinegar to pubic hair before
combing may help loosen the nits.
In case of eyelash infestation, applying soft paraffin three times daily for 1 to 2 weeks may help.
Most people need only one treatment. If a second treatment is needed, it should be done 4 days to 1 week
Over-the-counter medicines to treat lice include Rid, Nix, LiceMD, among others. Malathione lotion is another
Sexual partners should be treated at the same time.
While you are treating pubic lice:
Avoid sexual or intimate contact with people you who have pubic lice until they have been treated.
Bathe or shower often and keep your bedding clean. Avoid trying on bathing suits while you are
shopping. If you must try on swimwear, be sure to wear your underwear. This may prevent you from
getting or spreading pubic lice.
HPV maybe asymptomatic but frequently causes Condyloma Acuminatum or Genital warts.
Clinical manifestations
Single or multiple soft, fleshy painless growth of the vulva, vagina, cervix, urethra, or anal area.
Maybe subclinical infection and still contagious
Occasional vaginal bleeding, discharge, odor, and dyspareunia
Medical management
External lesions may be treated by patient with multiple application of topical preparation.
o Podofilox (Condylox) – applied with cotton swab or finger to visible warts twice a day for 3
days, then no treatment for 4 days; maybe repeated for up to 4 cycles of therapy.
o Imiquimod (Aldara) – applied by finger three times a week for up to 16 weeks; may be
washed off 6 to 10 hours after application.
o neither agent should be used during pregnancy.
Noncervical lesions may be treated by health care provider with topical preparations, such as
podyphillin, trichloacetic acid, or 5 – flouracil.
Cryotherapy, electrocautery, laser treatment, or local excision of large or cervical lesions.
Highly, recurrent in first 3 months may require retreatment.
May cause neonatal laryngeal papillomatosis if infant born through infected birth canal.
Obstruction of anal canal, vagina by enlarging lesions.
Scarring and pigment changes if treatment not employed properly.
Nursing interventions
Improving body image
o Explain to the patient that the goal of the therapy is to remove the visible lesions; however,
HPV will not be cure or eliminated
o Encourage patient to comply with treatment schedule and inspect areas for resolution of
lesions or redevelopment of new lesions.
o Advise patient of high recurrence rate; 3 months follow up visit is advisable; if lesions
redevelop, patient should follow up for retreatment.
o Advice the patient to use condom to prevent transmission, although their use
does not guarantee protection from HPV. Condom use will protect against other STDs.
o Encourage female patient to follow up regularly for PAP smears because HPV has been
associated with cervical neoplasia.
o Advise patient of risk of neonate during delivery; patient should receive close prenatal care
if pregnant.
Herpes genitalis is a viral infection that causes lesions of the cervix, vagina, and external genitalia.
Clinical manifestation
Lesions occur 2 to 10 days after initial exposure, sometimes with fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy
and headache for primary infection.
Lesions are preceded by sensation of tingling; proceed from vehicles of erythematous, edematous
base to painful ulcers that crust and heal without scars.
Internal lesions may cause watery discharge, dyspareunia.
Recurrent lesions may be stimulated by fever, stress, illness, local trauma, menses, and sunburn.
Occasionally infection maybe asymptomatic.
Diagnostic test
Medical management
Antivirals, such as Acyclovir (Zovirox), Famiclovir (famvir), and Valacyclovir (Valtrex) suppress virus
and decrease length, severity, and shedding of infection.
o Topical treatment (acyclovir) is the least effective.
o Oral therapy maybe episodic, whenever the first signs of a recurrence are recognized, or
continuous to suppress recurrent infection.
o Intravenous administration (acyclovir) may be necessary for severe infection of for
immunocompromised patient.
o Oral therapy given intermittently as soon as occurrence is identified, or continuously in the
oral form to suppress recurrences in severe and frequent infections.
Pain medication – ranges from acetaminophen and non – steroidal anti – inflammatory drugs to oral
Local comfort measures, such as lidocaine gel, sitz baths, and compresses.
Immunization is under investigation for high risk people (those who have multiple partners or have a
partner with herpes genitalis). Recent phase II clinical trials of an investigational three stage vaccine
proved ineffective.
Neonatal infection if infant born through infected canal
Nursing interventions
Relieving pain
o Demonstrate and encourage the use of warm sitz bath to increased blood supply to the
areas and facilitate healing.
o Instruct the patient to keep the area clean and dry. Pat dry with a clean towels or use blower
dryer. Wear loose cotton undergarments and loose clothing.
o Encourage bed rest if case is severe.
o Administer pain medication as prescribe.
o Encourage patient to avoid in a warm sitz if urination is painful.
o Insert indwelling catheter if urination is extremely painful or if retention occurs.
o Encourage fluid intake.
o Reiterate that when patient is feeling better physically, her feelings about herself will
o Discuss effect of stress on future outbreaks. Assist patient to identify stressor in her life and
to cope with stress. Review stress reduction methods, such as relaxation, breathing and
o Encourage patient to discuss her feelings with family and significant others.
Restoring satisfying sexual function
o Teach patient to avoid intercourse from first sign of active outbreak to resolution of lesions
(at least 2 weeks with primary infection, approximately 1week with recurrent infections).
o Teach patient that shedding of virus through genital secretion is possible even during
asymptomatic period, so partner must be notified.
o Inform patient that she and or her partner should use condom for intercourse, but condoms
may not be fully protective.
o Explore possibility of noncoital aspects of sexual relationship.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is define as the most severe form of a continuum
illness of associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. It cause a slow
degeneration of the immune system with the development of opportunistic infections and
malignancies. HIV disease implies the entire course of HIV infection, from asymptomatic infection
and early symptoms of AIDS.
Clinical manifestations
1.Primary manifestations
Persistent cough with or without sputum production, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever.
From Pneumocytis carinii pneumonia (most common), bacterial pneumonia, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Histoplasma,
Kaposi’s sarcoma, Cryptococcus, Legionella, and other pathogens.
2. Gastrointestinal manifestations
Diarrhea, weight loss, anorexia, abdominal cramping, rectal urgency (tenesmus).
From enteric pathogens including Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Entamoeba histolyca, CMV,
M. avium complex, herpes simplex, Strongyloides, Giardia, Cryptoporidium, Isopora belli, Chlamydia,
and others.
3.Oral manifestations
Appearance of oral lesions, white plaques on oral mucosa, and angular cheilitis from Candida
Albicans of mouth and esophagus.
Vesicles with ulceration from herpes simplex virus.
White, thickened lesions on lateral margins of tongue from history of leukoplakia.
Kaposi’s sarcoma (aggressive tumor involving skin, lymph nodes, GIT, and lungs).
Non – Hodgkin lymphoma and lymphomas.
Cervical carcinoma.
Diagnostic test
History of risk factors/high – risk behavior.
Positive blood test for HIV
o Enzyme – linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) – serologic test for detecting antibody to
o Western blot test – used to confirm a positive result of ELISA
o Once infected with HIV, it can take the body 3 – 6 months to develop enough antibody to
HIV for the test result to be positive, resulting in a false negative – test if evaluated early.
o Occasionally a sample that test reactivity by ELISA may give an intermediate result by
Western blot. The cause of an indeterminate result may be early HIV seroconversion of error
during interpretations of the test. The test should be repeated every 2 – 3 months of the
Western blot become positive or there Is no longer suspicion on HIV disease.
o There are three FDA-approved rapid HIV test available. They are blood test that can show
result in about 10 minutes. A negative result is definitely negative, but a positive result must
be confirmed positive by the ELISA.
o Orasure is an FDA – approved HIV test that uses saliva rather than blood. The results are
available in about 3 days.
o Calypte HIV – 1 urine EIA is FDA – approved HIV test that uses urine. A positive result must
be confirm positive by ELISA.
Medical management
Specific treatment
1. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) consist of medication that belongs to three different classifications
because they acts to prevent HIV replication at three different points along the replication process.
The standard for ART is to make a minimum of three different drugs that come from at least two
different drugs classifications.
2. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) refers to any medication regimen that can expected to
decrease the viral load to non – detectable.
3. Classes of antiretroviral drugs:
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) such as zidovudine (AZT), didanosine
(ddI), stavudine (d4T)
1. Provide respiratory support.
2. Administer oxygen and respiratory treatments as prescribed.
3. Provide psychosocial support as needed.
4. Maintain fluid and electrolytes balance.
5. Monitor for signs of infections
6. Prevent the spread of infections.
7. Initiate standard and other precautions as necessary.
8. Provide comfort as necessary.
9. Provide meticulous skin care.
10. Provide adequate nutritional support as prescribe.
V: Learning Episode: The students shall have self- reading, work on critical thinking checkpoint
and graphic organizers and reflective journaling. Instructed to follow time lines in the
submission of their written outputs and answers. The students can contact at the cell phone
number, messenger and email provided for clarification and further understanding of the
concepts and instruction.
VI. Assessment of Learning: Please refer to Module 2.1 for graphic organizers and answering the
Learning Module 4
NCM 212: Gastrointestinal Disorders
Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of the learning log the students shall be able to
Identifying the major organs and structures of the gastro intestinal system.
Discussing the important information to ascertain about gastrointestinal health.
Describing common diagnostic test performed on client gastrointestinal disorders.
Explaining the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Describing the features of appendicitis and peritonitis.
Describing the features of Peptic ulcer disease and Vit B12 deficiency.
Discussing the nursing management on gastrointestinal disorders.
Comparing and contrasting acute and chronic pancreatitis.
Comparing and contrasting cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis.
Discussing the nursing management and interventions of pancreatic disorders.
Authors: Linda Anne Silvestri
Sandra M. Nettina
Contains the lips, cheeks, palate, tongue, teeth, salivary glands, muscles, and maxillary bones
Saliva contains the enzyme amylase (ptyalin), which aids in digestion.
Collapsible muscular tube about 10 inches long
Carries food from the pharynx to the stomach
The stomach
Contains the cardia, fundus, the body, and the pylorus
Mucous glands are located in the mucosa and prevent autodigestion by providing an alkaline
protective covering.
The lower esophageal (cardiac) sphincter prevents reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus.
The pyloric sphincter regulates the rate of stomach emptying into the small intestine.
Hydrochloric acid kills microorganisms, breaks food into small particles, and provides a chemical
environment that facilitates gastric enzyme activation.
Pepsin is the chief coenzyme of gastric juice, which converts proteins into proteases and peptones.
Colon: Includes the ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colons and rectum
The ileocecal valve prevents contents of the large intestine from entering the ileum.
The anal sphincters control the anal canal.
Peritoneum: Lines the abdominal cavity and forms the mesentery that supports the intestines and blood
The largest gland in the body, weighing 3 to 4 pounds
Contains Kupffer’s cells, which remove bacteria in the portal venous blood
Removes excess glucose and amino acids from the portal blood
Synthesizes glucose, amino acids, and fats
Aids in the digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins
Stores and filters blood (200 to 400 mL of blood stored)
Stores vitamins A, D, and B and iron
The liver secretes bile to emulsify fats (500 to 1000 mL of bile/day).
Hepatic ducts
Deliver bile to the gallbladder via the cystic duct and to the duodenum via the common bile duct.
The common bile duct opens into the duodenum, with the pancreatic duct at the ampulla of Vater.
The sphincter prevents the reflux of intestinal contents into the common bile duct and pancreatic
Stores and concentrates bile and contracts to force bile into the duodenum during the digestion of
The cystic duct joins the hepatic duct to form the common bile duct.
The sphincter of Oddi is located at the entrance to the duodenum.
The presence of fatty materials in the duodenum stimulates the liberation of cholecystokinin, which
causes contraction of the gallbladder and relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi.
Exocrine gland
a. Secretes sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the acidity of the stomach contents that enter the
b. Pancreatic juices contain enzymes for digesting carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Endocrine gland
a. Secretes glucagon to raise blood glucose levels and secretes somatostatin to exert a hypoglycemic
b. The islets of Langerhans secrete insulin.
c. Insulin is secreted into the bloodstream and is important for carbohydrate metabolism.
Examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract under fluoroscopy after the client
Pre procedure:
Post procedure
A fluoroscopic and radiographic examination of the large intestine is performed after rectal
instillation of barium sulfate.
The study may be done with or without air.
Pre procedure
Post procedure
Instruct the client to increase oral fluid intake to help pass the barium.
Administer a mild laxative as prescribed to facilitate emptying of the barium.
Monitor stools for the passage of barium.
Notify the physician if a bowel movement does not occur within 2 days.
Gastric Analysis
Requires the passage of the NGT into the stomach to aspirate gastric contents for the analysis of
acidity (pH), appearance, and volume; the entire gastric contents are aspirated, and then specimens
are collected every 15 minutes for 1 hour.
Histamine or pentagastrin may be administered subcutaneously to stimulate gastric secretions; these
medications may produce a flushed feeling.
Esophageal reflux of gastric acid may be diagnosed by ambulatory pH monitoring; a probe is placed
just above the lower esophageal sphincter and connected to an external recording device. It provides
a computer analysis and graphic display of results.
Pre procedure
Fasting for 8 to 12 hours is required before the test.
Use of tobacco and chewing gum are avoided for 6 hours before the test.
Medications that stimulate gastric secretions are withheld for 24 to 48 hours.
Post procedure
Client may resume normal activities.
Refrigerate gastric samples if not tested within 4 hours.
Client is positioned on the left side to facilitate saliva drainage and to provide easy access of the
Airway patency is monitored during the test and pulse oximetry is used to monitor oxy- gen
saturation; emergency equipment should be readily available.
Post procedure
Client must be NPO until the gag reflex returns (1 to 2 hours).
Monitor for signs of perforation (pain, bleeding, unusual difficulty swallowing, elevated
Maintain bed rest for these dated client until alert.
Lozenges, saline gargles, or oral analgesics can relieve a minor sore throat (not given to the client
until the gag reflex returns).
Anoscopy requires the use of a rigid scope to examine the anal canal; the client is placed in the knee-
chest or left lateral position.
Proctoscopy and sigmoidoscopy require the use of a flexible scope to examine the rectum and
sigmoid colon; the client is placed on the left side with the right leg bent and placed anteriorly.
Biopsies and polypectomies can be performed.
Pre procedure
Post procedure
Stool specimens
Testing of stool specimens includes inspecting the specimen for consistency and color and testing for
occult blood.
Tests for fecal urobilinogen, fat, nitrogen, parasites, pathogens, food substances, and other sub-
stances may be performed; these tests require that the specimen be sent to the laboratory.
Random specimens are sent promptly to the laboratory.
Quantitative 24- to 72-hour collections must be kept refrigerated until they are taken to the
Some specimens require that a certain diet be followed or that certain medications be with- held;
check agency guidelines regarding specific procedures.
The urea breath test detects the presence of Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that cause peptic
ulcer disease.
The client consumes a capsule of carbon-labeled urea and provides a breath sample 10 to 20
minutes later.
Certain medications may need to be avoided before testing; these may include antibiotics or
bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) for 1 month before the test; sucralfate (Carafate) and
omeprazole (Prilosec) for 1 week before the test; and cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Pepcid),
ranitidine (Zantac), or nizatidine (Axid) for 24 hours before breath testing.
H. pylori can also be detected by assessing serum antibody levels.
Liver biopsy
A needle is inserted through the abdominal wall to the liver to obtain a tissue sample for biopsy and
microscopic examination.
Pre procedure
Assess results of coagulation tests (prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, plate- let count).
Administer a sedative as prescribed.
Note that the client is placed in the supine or left lateral position during the procedure to expose the
right side of the upper abdomen.
Post procedure
Authors: Linda Anne Silvestri
Sandra M. Nettina
The two major types of inflammatory bowel disease are ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn disease (CD).
ULCERATIVE COLITIS (UC): A chronic condition of unknown cause usually starting in the rectum and
distal portions of the colon and possibly spreading upward to involve the sigmoid and descending
colon or the entire colon. It is usually intermittent (acute exacerbation with long remissions), but
some individuals (30%–40%) have continuous symptoms. Cure is effected only by total removal of
colon and rectum/rectal mucosa.
It is also an inflammatory disease of bowel that results in poor absorption of nutrients.
This condition causes long-lasting inflammation and sores (ulcers) in the innermost lining of your
large intestine (colon) and rectum.
Both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease usually involve severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue
and weight loss.
3. most common in young adulthood and middle life, peak incidence at 20 – 40 years of age.
4. incidence greatest in Caucasians of Jewish descent.
Risk factors
Age. Most people who develop IBD are diagnosed before they're 30 years old. But some people don't
develop the disease until their 50s or 60s.
Race or ethnicity. Although whites have the highest risk of the disease, it can occur in any race. If
you're of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, your risk is even higher.
Family history. You're at higher risk if you have a close relative — such as a parent, sibling or child —
with the disease.
Cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoking is the most important controllable risk factor for developing
Crohn's disease. Although smoking may provide some protection against ulcerative colitis, the overall
health benefits of not smoking make it important to try to quit.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. These include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others),
naproxen sodium (Aleve), diclofenac sodium (Voltaren) and others. These medications may increase
the risk of developing IBD or worsen disease in people who have IBD.
Where you live. If you live in an industrialized country, you're more likely to develop IBD. Therefore, it
may be that environmental factors, including a diet high in fat or refined foods, play a role. People
living in northern climates also seem to be at greater risk.
Clinical manifestations
Diagnosis is based on a combination of laboratory, radiologic, endoscopic, and histologic findings.
Laboratory Tests
2. Stool examination – to rule out enteral pathogens; fecal analysis positive for blood during
active disease.
3. Complete blood count - hemoglobin and hematocrit may be low due to bleeding; WBC may
4. Increased prothrombin time possible.
5. Elevated ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
6. Decrease serum level of potassium, magnesium, and albumin may be present.
1. Barium enema – to assess extent of disease and detect psuedopolyps, carcinoma, and strictures, may
show haustral markings, narrow, lead – pipe appearance; superficial ulceration.
Drug therapy
1. 5 – aminosalicylic acid – sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) – main stay drug for acute and maintenance
therapy, dose related side effects include vomiting, anorexia, headache, skin discoloration,
dyspepsia, and lowered sperm count.
2. Oral salicylates, such as mesalamine (Pentasa), olsalazine (Dipentum) – appear to be as effective as
sulfasalazine and are used when patients are allergic to sulfa.
o Nephrotoxicity can occur with mesalamine; diarrhea; with olsalazine.
3. Mesalamine enema available for proctosigmoiditis; suppository for proctitis.
4. Corticosteroids – primary agent used in the management of inflammatory disease. Should be treated
concomitantly with 5 – aminosalicylic acid preparations to benefit from their potential steroid
sparring effects. Corticosteroids must be prepared slowly over 6 – 8 weeks period;
b. The end of the terminal ilium forms the stoma, which is located in the right lower quadrant.
2. Kock ileostomy (continent ileostomy)
a. The Kock ileostomy is an intraabdominal pouch that stores the feces and is constructed from
the terminal ilium.
b. The pouch is connected to the stoma with a nipple like valve constructed from a portion of
the ileum. The stoma is flush with the skin.
c. A catheter is used to empty the pouch, and a small dressing or adhesive bandage of worn
over the stoma between emptying’s.
3. Ileoanal reservoir
a. Creation of an ileoanal reservoir is a two stage procedure that involves the excision of the
rectal mucosa, an abdominal colectomy, construction of a reservoir to the anal canal, and a
temporary loop ileostomy.
b. The ileostomy is closed 3 – 4 month after the capacity of the reservoir is increase and has
had time to heal.
4. Ileoanal anastomosis
a. Does not require and ileostomy
b. A 12 – to 15 cm rectal stump is left after the colon is removed, and the small intestine is
inserted into this rectal sleeve anastomosed.
c. Ileorectostomy requires a large, compliant rectum.
5. Preoperative colostomy and ileostomy interventions.
a. Consult with enterostomal therapist to assist in identifying optimal placement of the
b. Reinforce instructions to eat a low – fiber diet for 1 – 2 days before surgery as prescribed.
c. Administer intestinal antiseptic and antibiotics of prescribed to cleanse the bowel and to
decrease the bacterial content of the colon.
d. Administer laxative and enemas as prescribe.
6. Postoperative colostomy interventions.
a. Place petrolatum gauze over the stoma as prescribe to keep moist, followed by a dry, sterile
dressing if a pouch (external) system is not in place.
b. Place a pouch system on the stoma as soon as possible.
c. Monitor the stoma for size, unusual bleeding, or necrotic tissue.
Colostomy Irrigation
Description: irrigation is performed by instilling 500 – 1000 ml of Luke warm tap water through
the stoma and allowing the water and stool drain into a collection of bag.
o If ambulatory, position the client sitting on the toilet
o If on bed rest, position the client on his or her side
o Hang the irrigation bag so that the bottom of the bag is level of the client shoulder or
slightly higher.
o Insert the irrigation tube carefully without force.
o Clamp the tubing if cramping occurs; release the tubing as cramping subside.
o Avoid frequent irrigations, which can lead to loss of fluid and electrolytes.
o Perform irrigation at about the same time each day.
o Perform irrigation preferably 1 hour after a meal.
o To enhance effectiveness of the irrigation, massage the abdomen gently.
o. Reinforce instruction that normal activities may be resumed when approved by the health
care provider.
7. Post-operative ileostomy interventions.
Note that normal stool is liquid.
Monitor for dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
1. 1.Acute phase: Maintain NPO status and assist to administer fluids and electrolytes intravenously or
via parenteral nutrition as prescribed.
2. Restrict the client activity to reduce intestinal activity.
3. Monitor bowel sounds and for abdominal tenderness and cramping.
4. monitor stool, noting color, consistency, and the presence or absence of blood.
5. monitor for bowel preparation, peritonitis, and hemorrhage.
6. Following the acute phase, the diet progresses from clear liquid to low – fiber diet; usually a low fiber
is tolerated.
7. Reinforce instruction about diet; usually a low fiber, high – protein diet with vitamins and iron
supplements is prescribe.
8. Reinforce instruction to avoid gas – forming foods, milk products, and food such as whole- wheat
grains, nuts, raw fruits and vegetable, pepper, alcohol, and caffeine containing products.
9. Reinforce instruction to avoid smoking.
10. Administer medication as prescribed, which may include a combination of medications such as
salicylate compounds, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and antidiarrheal.
Can be found in portions of the alimentary tract from the mouth to the anus but is most commonly
found in the small intestine (terminal ileum). It is a slowly progressive chronic disease of unknown
cause with intermittent acute episodes and no known cure.
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease that can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, but
most often affects the terminal ileum and lead to thickening and scarring, a narrowed lumen, fistulas,
ulceration, and abscesses. It is characterized by remissions and exacerbations.
3.The rectum is usually speared from disease, and “skip lesions: are discontinuous areas of diseased bowel.
4.Transluminal inflammation Is a characteristic finding of this disease as well as granulomas.
5. Involvement of the upper GI (mouth, esophagus stomach, and duodenum) is rare and if present, there is
usually disease elsewhere.
6.May occur at any age, but occurs mostly in those between 15 and 35 years of age.
9.Recurrence tend to fall the same pattern for each individual patient and may provide an approach to
These are characterized by exacerbations and remissions maybe abrupt or insidious.
Complete Blood Count may show mild leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, anemia.
Elevated ESR.
Stool analysis may reveal leukocytes but no enteric pathogens.
Upper GI and SB follow through barium studies may show the classics “string signs” at the terminal
Colonoscopy. This exam allows your doctor to view your entire colon using a thin, flexible, lighted
tube with an attached camera. During the procedure, your doctor can also take small samples of
tissue (biopsy) for laboratory analysis. Sometimes a tissue sample can help confirm a diagnosis.
Care is similar to the client with ulcerative colitis; however, surgery is avoided for as long as possible
because recurrence of the disease process in the same region is likely to occur.
Is inflammation of the vermiform appendix caused by an obstruction of the intestinal lumen from
infection, stricture, fecal mass, foreign body, or tumor.
The appendix is a small, finger-like appendage attached to the cecum just below the ileocecal valve.
Because the appendix empties into the colon inefficiently and its lumen is small, it is prone to
becoming obstructed and is vulnerable to infection (appendicitis).
Obstruction. The appendix becomes inflamed and edematous as a result of becoming kinked or
occluded by a fecalith, tumor, or foreign body.
Inflammation. The inflammatory process increases intraluminal pressure, initiating a
progressively severe, generalized, or periumbilical pain.
Pain. The pain becomes localized to the right lower quadrant of the abdomen within a few
Abdominal pain (initially generalized but within a few hours becomes localized in the right lower
abdomen [McBurney point]; worsens on gentle percussion and when the patient coughs)
Vomiting (one or two episodes)
Low-grade fever
Walking bent over to reduce right lower quadrant pain
Sleeping or lying supine, keeping right knee bent up to decrease pain
Normal bowel sounds
Rebound tenderness and spasm of abdominal muscles common (pain in the right lower quadrant
from palpating the lower left quadrant)
Abdominal tenderness completely absent, if appendix positioned retrocecally or in the pelvis;
instead, flank tenderness revealed by rectal or pelvic examination
Abdominal rigidity and tenderness that worsen as condition progresses; sudden cessation of
abdominal pain signaling perforation or infarction
Immediate surgery is typically indicated if appendicitis is diagnosed.
Appendectomy. Appendectomy or the surgical removal of the appendix is performed as soon as it is
possible to decrease the risk of perforation.
Laparotomy and laparoscopy. Both of these procedures are safe and effective in the treatment of
appendicitis with perforation.
Preoperative interventions
Maintain NPO status.
Assist to administer fluids intravenously to prevent dehydration.
Monitor signs of ruptured appendix and peritonitis.
Position the client right side – lying position or low semi – fowlers position to promote comfort.
Monitor bowel sounds
Apply ice pack to the abdomen for 20 – 30 minutes every hours as prescribed.
Assist to administer antibiotics as prescribed.
Postoperative interventions
Monitor temperature for signs of infection.
Monitor incision for sign of infection such as redness, swelling, and pain.
Maintain NPO status until bowel function has returned.
Advance diet gradually as tolerated and as prescribe, when the bowel sound has returned.
If ruptured of the appendix has occurred, expect a drain to be inserted, or the incision may be left
open to heal from the inside out.
Position the client to the right side – lying position or to semi-fowlers position, with legs flexed, to
facilitate drainage.
Change the dressing as prescribed and record the type and amount of drainage.
Perform wound irrigation if prescribe.
Maintain nasogastric suction and patency of the NGT if present.
Assist to administer antibiotics and analgesics as prescribe.
Peritonitis is a generalized or localized inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane lining the
abdominal cavity and covering visceral organs.
Persons with nephrosis or cirrhosis; the offending organism is most often Echerichia coli.
May occur in young females; introduced through uterine tubes or blood due to pathogenic bacteria
such as streptococci, pneumococci, or gonococci.
Secondary peritonitis – contamination of peritoneal cavity by GI fluid and microorganism
Complications of appendicitis, diverticulitis, peptic ulcer disease, biliary tract disease, colon
inflammation, volvulus, strangulated obstruction, perforation and abdominal cancer.
May occur after abdominal trauma; gunshot wound, stab wound, or blunt trauma from motor
vehicle accident.
May occur postoperative complications.
o May occur after intraoperative intestinal spillage
o Compromised patient are vulnerable (those with DM, malignancy, malnutrition, or steroids).
May result from continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.
Pain. At first, there is diffuse pain, which tends to become constant, localized, and more intense over
the site of the pathologic process.
Tenderness. The affected area of the abdomen becomes extremely tender and distended, the
muscles become rigid, and movement could aggravate it further.
Nausea and vomiting often occur; peristalsis diminished; anorexia is present.
Altered vital signs. A temperature of 37.8C to 38.3C can be expected along with an increased pulse
Shallow respirations may result from abdominal distention and upward displacement of the
diaphragm. Note: with generalized peritonitis, large volumes of fluids may be lost into abdominal
cavity (can account for losses to 5 L/day).
WBC to show leukocytosis (leukopenia if severe).
Urinalysis may indicate urinary tract problems as primary source.
Peritoneal aspiration (paracentesis) to demonstrate blood, pus, bile, bacteria (Gram’s stain),
Abdominal X – rays may show free air in peritoneal cavity, gas, and fluid collection in small and large
intestine, generalized bowel dilatation, intestinal wall edema.
CT scan of the abdomen may reveal abscess formation, intrabdominal mass, and ascites.
Treatment of inflammatory conditions preoperatively and postoperatively with antibiotics therapy
may prevent peritonitis. Broad spectrum antibiotics therapy to cover aerobic and anaerobic
organism is initial treatment, followed by specific antibiotic therapy after cultured and sensitivity
Bed rest, NPO status, respiratory support if needed.
IV fluids and TPN
Analgesics and antiemetics for nausea and vomiting.
NG intubation to decompress the bowel.
Operative procedure to close the perforation, remove infection source (ie, inflamed organ, necrotic
tissue)drain abscess, and lavage peritoneal cavity.
Abdominal paracentesis may be done to remove accumulating fluid.
Blood transfusion, if appropriate.
Oral feedings after return of bowel sounds and passage of gas and/ or feces.
Burning, aching, or gnawing pain in the upper epigastrium occurring 30 minutes to 1 hour after meals
(rarely at night);
Unrelieved by eating
Epigastric tenderness
Monitor vital signs and for signs of bleeding.
Administer small, frequent bland feedings during the active phase.
Administer H2-receptor antagonists or proton pump inhibitors as prescribed to decrease the
secretion of gastric acid.
Administer antacids as prescribed to neutralize gastric secretions.
Administer anticholinergics as prescribed to reduce gastric motility.
Administer mucosal barrier protectants as prescribed 1 hour before each meal.
Administer prostaglandins as prescribed for their protective and antisecretory actions.
Client education
Avoid consuming alcohol and substances that contain caffeine or chocolate.
Avoid smoking.
Avoid aspirin or NSAIDs.
Obtain adequate rest and reduce stress.
Interventions during active bleeding
Monitor vital signs closely.
Assess for signs of dehydration, hypovolemic shock, sepsis, and respiratory insufficiency.
Maintain NPO status and administer IV fluid replacement as prescribed; monitor intake and output.
Monitor hemoglobin and hematocrit.
Administer blood transfusions as prescribed.
Prepare to assist with administering medications as prescribed to induce vasoconstriction and reduce
Surgical interventions
Total gastrectomy: Removal of the stomach with attachment of the esophagus to the jejunum or
duodenum; also called esophago- jejunostomy or esophagoduodenostomy
Vagotomy: Surgical division of the vagus nerve to eliminate the vagal impulses that stimulate
hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach
Gastric resection: Removal of the lower half of the stomach and usually includes a vagotomy; also
called antrectomy
Billroth I: Partial gastrectomy, with the remaining segment anastomosed to the duodenum; also
called gastroduodenostomy (Fig. 56-1)
Billroth II: Partial gastrectomy, with the remaining segment anastomosed to the jeju- num; also
called gastrojejunostomy (Fig. 56-2) f. Pyloroplasty: Enlargement of the pylorus to prevent or
decrease pyloric obstruction, thereby enhancing gastric emptying.
Postoperative interventions
Duodenal ulcers
A duodenal ulcer is a break in the mucosa of the duodenum.
Risk factors and causes include infection with H. pylori; alcohol intake; smoking; stress; caffeine; the
use of aspirin, corticosteroids, and NSAIDs.
Complications include bleeding, perforation, gastric outlet obstruction, and intractable disease.
Burning, gnawing pain in the right epigastrium occurring 2 – 3 hours after meal, possibly causing the
client to awaken at night;
Relieved by eating
Pyrosis (Heartburn), nausea and vomiting
GI bleeding, a slow oozing manifested by melena or a sudden, rapid loss of large amounts of blood
through hematemesis.
Monitor vital signs.
Instruct the client about a bland diet, with small frequent meals.
Provide for adequate rest.
Encourage the cessation of smoking.
Instruct the client to avoid alcohol intake, caffeine, the use of aspirin, corticosteroids, and NSAIDs.
Administer medications to treat H. pylori and antacids to neutralize acid secretions as prescribed.
Administer H2-receptor antagonists or proton pump inhibitors as prescribed to block the secretion of
Surgical interventions: Surgery is performed only if the ulcer is unresponsive to medications or if
hemorrhage, obstruction, or perforation occurs.
Vitamin B12 deficiency results from an inadequate intake of vitamin B12 or a lack of absorption of
ingested vitamin B12 from the intestinal tract. 2. Pernicious anemia results from a deficiency of
intrinsic factor, necessary for intestinal absorption of vitamin B12; gastric disease or surgery can
result in a lack of intrinsic factor.
Severe pallor
Weight loss
smooth, beefy red tongue
Slight jaundice
Paresthesias of the hands and feet
Disturbances with gait and balance
Increase dietary intake of foods rich in vitamin B12 if the anemia is the result of a dietary deficiency.
Administer vitamin B12 injections as prescribed weekly initially and then monthly for maintenance
(lifelong) if the anemia is the result of a deficiency of intrinsic factor or disease or surgery of the
The pancreas secretes pancreatic enzymes including amylase and lipase, through the pancreatic duct
when stimulated by cholecystokinin and secretin to aid in digestion of carbohydrates and fat in the
small intestine. The pancreas also secretes hormones, such as insulin and glucagon, that help to
regulate and maintain normal serum glucose.
Pancreatitis, which is the inflammation of the pancreas, can be acute or chronic in nature. It may be
caused by edema, necrosis or hemorrhage. In men, this disease is commonly associated to
alcoholism, peptic ulcer or trauma; in women, it’s associated to biliary tract disease. Prognosis is
usually good when pancreatitis follows biliary tract disease, but poor when the factor is alcoholism.
Mortality rate may go as high as 60% when the disease is associated from necrosis and hemorrhage.
(Schilling McCann, 2009).
Acute pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, ranging from mild edema to extensive
hemorrhage, resulting from various insults to the pancreas. It is defined by a discrete episode of
abdominal pain and serum enzymes elevations. The structure and function of the pancreas usually
return to normal after an acute attack. Chronic pancreatitis occurs when there is persistent cellular
damage to the pancreas.
1. Excessive alcohol consumption is the most common cause in the United States.
2. Also commonly caused by biliary tract disease, such as cholelithiasis, acute and chronic
3. Less common causes are bacterial or viral infection, blunt abdominal trauma, peptic ulcer
disease, ischemic vascular disease, hyperlipidemia, hypercalcemia; the use of
corticosteroids, thiazide diuretics, and oral contraceptives; surgery on or near the pancreas
or after instrumentation of the pancreatic duct by ERCP; tumors of the pancreas or ampulla;
and a low incidence of hereditary pancreatitis.
4. Mortality is high (10%) because of shock, anoxia, hypotension, or multiple organ
5. Attacks may resolve with complete recovery, may recur without permanent damage, or may
progress to chronic pancreatitis.
6. Autodigestion of all or part of the pancreas is involved, but the exact mechanism is not
completely understood.
Abdominal pain, usually constant, mid epigastric or periumbilical, radiating to the back or flank.
Patient assumes a fetal position or leans forward while sitting (known as “proning”) to relieve
pressure of the inflamed pancreas on celiac plexus nerves. Pain can be mild to incapacitating.
Nausea and vomiting.
Involuntary abdominal guarding, epigastric tenderness to deep palpation, and reduced or absent
bowel sounds.
Dry mucous membranes; hypotension; cold, clammy skin; cyanosis; and tachycardia, which may
reflect mild to moderate dehydration from vomiting or capillary leak syndrome (third space loss).
Shock may be the presenting manifestation in severe episodes, with respiratory distress and acute
renal failure.
Purplish discoloration of the flanks (Turner’s sign) or of the periumbilical area (Cullen’s sign) occurs in
hemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas.
Serum amylase, lipase, glucose, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, AST, ALT,
potassium, and cholesterol may be elevated.
Serum albumin, calcium, sodium, magnesium and, possibly, potassium may be low due to
dehydration, vomiting, and the binding of calcium in areas of fat necrosis.
Abdominal X-ray to detect an ileus or isolated loop of small bowel overlying pancreas. Pancreatic
calcifications or gallstones may suggest an alcohol or biliary etiology.
CT scan is the most definitive study for determining pancreatic changes.
Chest X-ray for detection of pulmonary complications. Pleural effusions are common, especially on
the left, but may be bilateral.
Depending on severity of episode, management focuses on alleviation of symptoms and support of patient to
prevent complications.
1. Restoration of circulating blood volume with I.V. crystal- loid or colloid solutions or blood products.
2. Maintenance of adequate oxygenation reduced by pain, anxiety, acidosis, abdominal pressure, or
pleural effusions.
3. Pain control to alleviate pain and anxiety, which increases pancreatic secretions.
4. Rest of the GI tract.
a. Withhold oral feedings to decrease pancreatic secretions.
b. NG intubation and suction to relieve gastric stasis, distention, and ileus, if needed.
5. Maintenance of alkaline gastric pH with H 2-receptor antagonists and antacids to suppress acid drive
of pancreatic secretions and to prevent stress ulcer complications of acute illness.
6. Nutrition provided or treatment of malnutrition with parenteral feedings as needed.
7. Pharmacotherapy.
a. Electrolyte replacements as needed.
b. Sodium bicarbonate to reverse metabolic acidosis.
c. Insulin to treat hyperglycemia.
d. Antibiotic therapy for documented infection or sepsis.
8. Surgical intervention if complications occur.
a. Incision and drainage of infection and pseudocysts.
b. Debridement or pancreatectomy to remove necrotic pancreatic tissue.
c. Cholecystectomy for gallstone pancreatitis.
1. Pancreatic ascites, abscess, or pseudocyst.
2. Pulmonary infiltrates, pleural effusion, acute respiratory distress syndrome.
3. Hemorrhage with hypovolemic shock.
4. Acute renal failure.
5. Sepsis and multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome.
GERONTOLOGIC ALERT The incidence of severe, systemic complications of pancreatitis increases with age.
Assess for any changes in mental status in an older person with pancreatitis as an indicator of an underlying
complication. Acute pancreatitis in an older person without other precipitating factors may indicate an
underlying pancreatic tumor obstructing the pancreatic duct.
Controlling Pain
1. Administer opioid analgesics, as ordered, to control pain. 2. Assist patient to a comfortable position.
3. Maintain NPO status to decrease pancreatic enzyme secretion.
4. Maintain patency of NG suction to remove gastric secretions and to relieve abdominal distention, if
5. Provide frequent oral hygiene and care.
6. Administer antacids or H2-receptor antagonists as prescribed.
7. Report increase in severity of pain, which may indicate hemorrhage of the pancreas, rupture of a
pseudocyst, or inadequate dosage of the analgesic.
Chronic pancreatitis is defined as the persistence of pancreatic cellular damage after acute
inflammation and decreased pancreatic endocrine and exocrine function.
Pain is usually located in the epigastrium or left upper quadrant, frequently radiating to the back;
similar to that observed in acute pancreatitis, but more constant and occurring at unpredictable
intervals. As the disease progresses, recurring attacks of pain will be more severe, more frequent,
and of longer duration.
Weight loss, nausea, vomiting, anorexia.
Malabsorption and steatorrhea occur late in the course of the disease.
Diabetes mellitus.
Serum amylase and lipase may be normal to low because of decreased pancreatic exocrine function.
Fecal fat analysis determines need for pancreatic enzyme replacement.
Bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase may be elevated if biliary obstruction occurs.
Secretin and cholecystokinin stimulatory test results are abnormal.
Plain abdominal X-ray to determine diffuse calcification of the pancreas.
CT scan identifies pancreatic structural changes, such as calcifications, masses, ductal irregularities,
enlargement, and pseudocysts.
ERCP defines ductal anatomy and localizes complications, such as pancreatic pseudocysts and ductal
1. Pain management.
2. Correction of nutritional deficiencies.
3. Pancreatic enzyme replacement.
4. Treatment of diabetes mellitus.
5. Endoscopic placement of pancreatic stent allowing free flow of pancreatic juices through distorted and
irregular/narrowed pancreatic duct.
6. Surgical interventions to reduce pain, restore drainage of pancreatic secretions, correct structural
abnormalities, and manage complications.
a. Pancreaticojejunostomy—side-to-side anastomosis of pancreatic duct to jejunum to drain
pancreatic secretions into jejunum.
b. Revision of sphincter of ampulla of Vaterbyasphincteroplasty, in which the sphincter is sewn
open to allow free flow of pancreatic juices.
c. Drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst into nearby structures or by external drain.
d.Resection of part of pancreas (Whipple procedure, distal pancreatectomy) or removal of entire
pancreas (total pancreatectomy).
e. Autotransplantation of islet cells.
1. Pancreatic pseudocyst.
2. Pancreatic ascites and pleural effusions.
3. GI hemorrhage.
4. Biliary tract obstruction.
5. Pancreatic fistula.
Controlling Pain
1. Assess and record the character, location, frequency, and duration of pain.
2. Determine precipitating and alleviating factors of the patient’s pain.
3. Explore the effect of pain on patient’s lifestyle and eating habits.
4. Administer or teach self-administration of analgesics (opioids), as ordered, to control pain.
a. Use nonpharmacologic methods to promote relaxation, such as distraction, imagery, and progressive
muscle relaxation.
b. Assess response to pain-control measures, and refer to chronic pain management clinic, if indicated.
D R U G A L E R T : Warn the patient that dangerous hypoglycemic reaction may result from use of insulin
while drinking alcohol and skipping meals.
3. Assist patient to prepare for surgery by encouraging abstinence of alcohol and intake of nutritional and
vitamin supplements.
4. Encourage patient to enlist help of support network and strengthen appropriate coping mechanisms.
5. After surgery, provide meticulous care to prevent infection, promote wound healing, and prevent routine
complications of surgery .
b. May be enteric coated. Do not crush or chew tablets; powder may be obtained if swallowing
tablets is difficult.
c. Take with antacid or take H2-receptor antagonist as directed to prevent pancreatic enzyme
from being destroyed by gastric acid secretions.
3. Advise patient to monitor number and characteristics of stools; report increased stools or food intolerance.
4. Diabetic teaching with follow-up to monitor progression of condition, if applicable.
5. Stress that no treatment will be effective if alcohol consumption is continued.
1. Stones occur when cholesterol supersaturates the bile in the gallbladder and precipitates out of the bile.
The cholesterol-saturated bile predisposes to the formation of gallstones and acts as an irritant, producing
inflammatory changes in the gallbladder.
a. Cholesterol stones are the most common type of gall- stones found in the United States.
b. Four times more women than men develop cholesterol stones.
c. Women are usually older than age 40, multiparous, and obese.
d. Stone formation increases in users of contraceptives, estrogens, and cholesterol-lowering
drugs, which are known to increase biliary cholesterol saturation.
e. Bile acid malabsorption, genetic predisposition, and rapid weight loss are also risk factors for
cholesterol gallstones.
1. Acute cholecystitis, an acute inflammation of the gallbladder, is most commonly caused by gallstone
a. Secondary bacterial infection may occur and progress to empyema (purulent effusion of the
2. Acalculous cholecystitis is acute gallbladder inflammation without obstruction by gallstones.
a. Occurs after major surgical procedures, severe trauma, or burns.
3. Chronic cholecystitis occurs when the gallbladder becomes thickened, rigid, and fibrotic and
functions poorly. Results from repeated attacks of cholecystitis, calculi, or chronic irritation.
1. Small gallstones can pass from the gallbladder into the common bile duct and proceed to the
duodenum. More commonly they remain in the common bile duct and can cause obstruction,
resulting in jaundice and pruritus.
2. Common bile duct stones are frequently associated with infected bile and can lead to cholangitis
(inflammation/ infection in the biliary system).
3. A typical clinical picture includes biliary pain in the upper abdomen, jaundice, chills and fever, mild
hepatomegaly, abdominal tenderness and, occasionally, rebound tenderness.
3. Acute cholecystitis causes biliary colic pain that persists more than 4 hours and increases with
movement, including respirations.
a. Also causes nausea and vomiting, low-grade fever, and jaundice (with stones or
inflammation in the common bile duct).
b. Right upper quadrant guarding and Murphy’s sign (inability to take a deep inspiration when
examiner’s fingers are pressed below the hepatic margin) are present.
4. Chronic cholecystitis causes heartburn, flatulence, and indigestion. Repeated attacks of symptoms
may occur resembling acute cholecystitis.
Oral cholecystography, ultrasonography, and HIDA scan may show stones or inflammation.
ERCP or PTC to visualize location of stones and extent of obstruction.
Elevated conjugated bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase because of obstruction.
Supportive management may include I.V. fluids, NG suction, pain management, and antibiotics (with
a positive culture).
A cholecystostomy tube may be placed percutaneously into the gallbladder to decompress the organ
in preparation for future surgery. This may be placed by interventional radiology.
Surgical management:
a. Cholecystectomy, open or laparoscopic
b. Intraoperative cholangiography and choledochoscopy for common bile duct exploration.
c. Placement of a T-tube in the common bile duct to decompress the biliary tree and allow access
into the biliary tree postoperatively.
Oral therapy with chenodeoxycholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid (Actigall), or a combination of both to
decrease the size of existing cholesterol stones or to dissolve small ones.
a. Indicated for patients at high risk for surgery because of co-morbid conditions.
b. Major adverse effects include diarrhea, abnormal liver function tests, increases in serum
Direct contact therapy by which a local cholelitholytic agent is infused by a catheter directly into the
gallbladder or through a percutaneous transhepatic biliary catheter.
a. Indicated for a symptomatic, high-risk patient whose gallbladder can be visualized by a
radiographic study.
b. Adverse effects include pain from the catheter, nausea, transient elevations of liver function tests
and white blood cell (WBC) count.
After cholecystectomy, intracorporeal lithotripsy may be used to fragment retained stones in the
common bile duct by pulsed laser, or hydraulic lithotripsy applied through an endoscope directly to
the stones. The stone fragments are removed by irrigation or aspiration. Retained stones may also
be removed by basket retrieval through the endoscopic or percutaneous transhepatic biliary
1. Cholangitis.
2. Necrosis, empyema, or perforation of the gallbladder.
3. Biliary fistula through the duodenum.
4. Gallstone ileus.
5. Adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder.
Relieving Pain
1. Assess pain location, severity, and characteristics.
2. Administer medications or monitor PCA to control pain.
3. Assist in attaining position of comfort.
After studying, the students shall have self-readiness. Engage in virtual discussions by inquires, ideas and
updates through synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Work and formulate their graphic organizers
with their group on concept mapping, writing to learn work sheet and evaluation exam.
Learning Module 5
Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of the learning log the students shall be able to
Defining the primary functions of the kidney and other structures in the urinary system
Listing tests performed for the diagnosis of urologic and renal system diseases.
Identifying laboratory tests performed to diagnose urologic and renal system diseases
Differentiate pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis.
Give examples of conditions that predispose to renal calculi.
Identify methods for eliminating small renal calculi and larger stones.
Differentiate acute and chronic renal failure.
Explain pathophysiologic problems associated with chronic renal failure.
Describe sources of organs for kidney transplantation.
Identify nursing methods for managing pruritus.
Explain the purposes and methods of dialysis.
Discuss nursing assessments performed when caring for clients undergoing dialysis.
Kidney anatomy
Each person has two kidneys; one is attached to the left abdominal wall at the level of the last
thoracic and first three lumbar vertebrae and the other is on the right.
The kidneys are enclosed in the renal capsule.
The renal cortex is the outer layer of the renal capsule, which contains blood-filtering mechanisms
The renal medulla is the inner region, which contains the renal pyramids and renal tubules. Together
the renal cortex, pyramids, and medulla constitute the parenchyma, or functional unit of the kidneys.
from the pelvis of the kidneys through the ureters and empties into the bladder.
Nephrons, the functional units of the kidney.
The urine formed in the Nephrons flows into the renal pelvis and then into the ureters, which are
long fibromuscular tubes that connect each kidney to the bladder.
The urinary bladder is a muscular hallow sac located just behind the pubic bone. Capacity of the
adult bladder is 400 – 500 ml.
The urethra arises from the base of the bladder, in the male, it passes through the penis; in the
female, it opens just anterior to the vagina.
Functions of kidneys
Urine production
As fluid flows through the tubules, water, electrolytes, and solutes are reabsorbed and other solutes
such as creatinine, hydrogen ions, and potassium are secreted.
Water and solutes that are not reabsorbed become urine.
The process of selective reabsorption determines the amount of water and solutes to be secreted.
Hematuria is common in patients with urinary tract stone disease and may also be seen in renal
tuberculosis, polycystic disease of kidneys, acute pyelonephritis, thrombosis and embolism involving
renal artery or vein, and trauma to the kidneys or urinary tract.
Indicates serious renal dysfunction requiring immediate medical intervention.
Burning sensation seen in wide variety of inflammatory and infectious urinary tract conditions.
2. Frequency—voiding occurs more frequently than usual when compared with patient’s usual pattern or
with a generally accepted norm of once every 3 to 6 hours.
Determine if habits governing fluid intake have been altered it is essential to know normal voiding
pattern to evaluate frequency.
Increasing frequency can result from a variety of conditions, such as infection and diseases of urinary
tract, metabolic disease, hypertension, medications (diuretics).
Due to inflammatory conditions of the bladder ,prostate, or urethra; acute or chronic bacterial
infections; neuro- genic voiding dysfunctions; chronic prostatitis or bladder outlet obstruction in
men; overactive bladder; and urogenital atrophy in postmenopausal women.
Causes include urologic conditions affecting bladder function, poor bladder emptying, bladder outlet
obstruction, or overactive bladder.
Metabolic causes include decreased renal concentrating ability or heart failure, hyperglycemia, and
the increased urine production at rest that occurs with aging.
5. Strangury—slow and painful urination; only small amounts of urine voided. Wrenching sensation at end of
urination produced by spasmodic muscular contraction of the urethra and bladder.
1. Weak stream—decreased force of stream when compared to usual stream of urine when voiding.
3.Terminal dribbling—prolonged dribbling or urine from the meatus after urination is complete. May be
caused by bladder outlet obstruction.
4. Incomplete emptying—feeling that the bladder is still full even after urination. Indicates either urinary
retention, overactive bladder, or a condition that prevents the bladder from emptying well; may lead to
Involuntary Voiding
1. Genitourinary (GU) pain not always present in renal dis- ease, but is generally seen in the more
acute conditions of the urinary tract.
2. Kidney pain—may be felt as a dull ache in costovertebral angle; or may be a sharp, colicky pain felt in
the flank area that radiates to the groin or testicle. Due to distention of the renal capsule; severity
related to how quickly it develops.
3. Ureteral pain—felt in the back and/or abdomen can radiate to groin, urethra, penis, scrotum, or
4. Bladder pain (lower abdominal pain or pain over supra pubic area)—may be due to bladder infection
overdistended bladder, or bladder spasms.
5. Urethral pain—from irritation of bladder neck, from foreign body in canal, or from urethritis due to
infection or trauma; pain increases when voiding.
6. Pain in scrotal area—due to inflammatory swelling of epididymis or testicle, torsion of the testicle,
or scrotal infection.
7. Testicular pain—due to injury, mumps, orchitis, torsion of spermatic cord, testes, or testes appendix.
8. Perineal or rectal discomfort—due to acute or chronic prostatitis, prostatic abscess, or trauma.
9. Back and leg pain—may be due to cancer of prostate with metastases to bone.
10. Pain in glans penis—usually from prostatitis; penile shaft pain results from urethral problems; may
also be referred pain from ureteral calculus.
A test that measures the amount of creatinine in the serum. Creatinine is an end product of protein
and muscle metabolism.
A serum test that measures the amount of nitrogenous urea, a byproduct of protein metabolism in
the liver.
BUN levels indicate the extent of renal clearance of urea nitrogenous waste products.
An elevation does not always mean that renal disease is present.
Some factors that can elevate the BUN level include dehydration, poor renal perfusion, intake of a
high-protein diet, infection, stress, corticosteroid use, gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, and factors that
cause muscle breakdown.
When the BUN and serum creatinine levels increase at the same rate, the ratio of the BUN to
creatinine remains constant; elevated serum creatinine and BUN levels suggest renal dysfunction.
A urine test for evaluation of the renal system and renal disease
A urine test that measures the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine
Specific gravity can be measured by a multiple- test dipstick method (most common method),
refractometer (an instrument used in the laboratory setting), or urinometer (least accurate method).
Factors that interfere with an accurate reading include radiopaque contrast agents, glucose, and
Cold specimens may produce a false high reading.
Normal value is 1.016 to 1.022 (may vary depending on the laboratory).
An increase in specific gravity (more concentrated urine) occurs with insufficient fluid intake,
decreased renal perfusion, or increased ADH.
A decrease in specific gravity (less concentrated urine) occurs with increased fluid intake or diabetes
insipidus; it may also indicate renal disease or the kidneys inability to concentrate urine.
A urine test that identifies the presence of microorganisms (culture) and determines the specific
antibiotics to treat the existing microorganism (sensitivity) appropriately
Clean the perineal area and urinary meatus with a bacteriostatic solution.
Collect the midstream sample in a sterile container.
Send the collected specimen to the laboratory immediately.
Identify any sources of potential contaminants during the collection of the specimen, such as the
hands, skin, clothing, hair, or vaginal or rectal secretions.
Urine from the client who drank a very large amount of fluids may be too dilute to pro- vide a
positive culture.
The creatinine clearance test evaluate show well the kidneys remove creatinine from the blood.
The test includes obtaining a blood sample and timed urine specimens.
Blood is drawn when the urine specimen collection is complete.
The urine specimen for the creatinine clearance is usually collected for 24 hours, but shorter periods
such as 8 or 12 hours could be prescribed.
The creatinine clearance test provides the best estimate of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and
the normal GFR is 125 mL/min.
A 24-hour urine collection sample is tested to diagnose gout and kidney disease.
The test is a 24-hour urine collection to diagnose pheochromocytoma, a tumor of the adrenal gland.
The test determines catecholamine levels in the urine.
An x-ray of the urinary system and adjacent structures to detect urinary calculi.
Bladder ultrasonography is a noninvasive method for measuring the volume of urine in the bladder.
Bladder ultrasonography may be performed for evaluating urinary frequency, inability to urinate, or
amount of residual urine (the amount of urine remaining in the bladder after voiding).
These imaging methods provide cross-sectional views of the kidney and urinary tract.
Intravenous pyelography
An x-ray procedure in which an intravenous injection of a radiopaque dye is used to visualize and
identify abnormalities in the renal system.
Renal angiography
An injection of a radiopaque dye through a catheter inserted into the femoral artery to examine the
renal blood vessels and renal arterial supply
Instruct the client to maintain a supine position with the leg straight (the head of the bed should not
be elevated greater than 20 degrees for 8 hours, or as prescribed).
d. Assess the temperature, color, movement, and sensation (CMS) of the toes of the involved
extremity with each vital sign check.
e. Inspect the catheter insertion site for bleeding or swelling with each vital sign check.
The dye used in a renal angiography may be nephrotoxic; therefore encourage increased fluids
unless contraindicated and monitor urinary output
Renal scanning
An intravenous (IV) injection of a radioisotope for visual imaging of renal blood flow, glomerular
filtration, tubular function, and excretion
Renal biopsy
Insertion of a needle into the kidney to obtain a sample of tissue for examination; usually done
Position the client prone with a pillow under the abdomen and shoulders.
Monitor vital signs, especially for hypotension and tachycardia, which could indicate bleeding.
Provide pressure to the biopsy site for 30 minutes. Monitor the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels
for decreases, which could indicate bleeding.
Place the client in the supine position and on bed rest for 8 hours as prescribed.
Check the biopsy site and under the client for bleeding.
Encourage fluid intake of 1500 to 2000 mL as prescribed.
Observe the urine for gross and microscopic bleeding.
Instruct the client to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity for 2 weeks.
Instruct the client to notify the physician if either a temperature greater than 100 F or hematuria
occurs after the first 24 hours Post procedure.
A UTI is caused by the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the urinary tract with or without
signs and symptoms. Lower UTIs may predominate at the bladder (cystitis) or urethra (urethritis).
Bacteriuria refers to the presence of bacteria in the urine (103 bacteria/mL of urine or greater
generally indicates infection).
In asymptomatic bacteriuria, organisms are found in urine, but patient has no symptoms.
Relapse—recurrent infection with an organism that has been isolated during a prior infection
Women are more susceptible to developing acute cystitis because of shorter length of urethra;
anatomical proximity to vagina, periurethral glands, and rectum (fecal contamination); and the
mechanical effect of coitus.
Women with recurrent UTIs typically have gram- negative organisms at the vaginal introitus; there
may be some defect of the mucosa of the urethra, vagina, or external genitalia of these patients
that allows enteric organisms to invade the bladder.
Poor voiding habits may result in incomplete bladder emptying, increasing the risk of recurrent
Acute infection in women most commonly arises from organisms of the patient’s own intestinal
flora (Escherichia coli)
2. Although E. coli causes 86% of UTIs, other pathogens, such as Klebsiella species, Proteus species, and
Staphylococcus saprophyticus, may also cause these infections.
3. In men, obstructive abnormalities (strictures, prostatic hyperplasia) are the most frequent cause.
4. UTI is a considerable source of nosocomial infection and sepsis in older adults.
5. Upper urinary tract disease may occasionally cause recur- rent bladder infection.
Clinical Manifestations
GERONTOLOGIC ALERT The only sign of UTI in the elderly patient may be mental status changes.
Diagnostic Evaluation
1. Urine dip stick may react positively for blood ,white blood cells (WBCs), and nitrates indicating
2. Urine microscopy shows RBCs and many WBCs per field without epithelial cells.
NURSING ALERT Urinalysis showing many epithelial cells is likely contaminated by vaginal secretions
in women and is therefore inaccurate in indicating infection. Urine culture may be reported as
contaminated as well. Obtaining a clean-catch, midstream specimen is essential for accurate results,
and catheterization may be necessary in some patients.
3. Urine culture is used to detect presence of bacteria and for antimicrobial sensitivity testing.
4. Patients with indwelling catheters may have asymptomatic bacterial colonization of the urine
without UTI.
5. In these patients, UTI is diagnosed and treated only when symptoms are present.
1. Pyelonephritis
2. Hematogenous spread resulting in sepsis
Relieving Pain
4. Encourage plenty of fluids to promote urinary output and to flush out bacteria from urinary tract.
6. Patients with persistent bacteria may require long-term antimicrobial therapy to prevent colonization of
peri- urethral area and recurrence of UTI.
Take antibiotic at bedtime after emptying bladder to ensure adequate concentration of drug
overnight because low rates of urine flow and infrequent bladder emptying predispose to
multiplication of bacteria.
Use self-monitoring tests (dipsticks) at home to monitor for UTI.
1. Advise women with simple, uncomplicated cystitis that they do not require follow-up as long as symptoms
are completely resolved with antibiotic therapy. Men usually need follow-up cultures and possibly additional
testing if more than one episode of infection.
2. Instruct patient to void frequently (every 2 to 3 hours) and to empty bladder completely because this
enhances bacterial clearance, reduces urine stasis, and prevents reinfection. Infrequent voiding distends the
bladder wall, leading to hypoxia of bladder mucosa, which is then more susceptible to bacterial invasion.
3. Instruct patients who have had UTIs during pregnancy to have follow-up studies.
4. Female patients with uncomplicated but recurrent cystitis may self-administer a 2- or 3-day course of
antibiotics when symptoms begin if prescribed.
5. Cranberry juice or capsules may help to prevent cystitis by altering the bladder mucosa so that the bacteria
can- not attach. Acidophilus and cranberry capsules are avail- able in health food and vitamin stores.
Interstitial cystitis (also called painful bladder syndrome) is a syndrome of chronic, cystitis-like
symptoms in the absence of bacterial infection.
One plausible theory is a neurogenic origin, in which an initial peripheral inflammatory response
later activates the sacral nerves to continue to respond without evidence of continued inflammation.
Mast cell involvement in the inflammatory response also seems a plausible etiology, with many
patients having a concomitant history of allergies.
2. The bladder is normally lined with a gel-like substance composed of glycosaminoglycans (heparin,
hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin) that acts as an impermeable barrier to irritating solutes such as
3. Disruption to the bladder epithelium leads to irritant seepage, which produces the symptoms.
4. The bladder wall is chronically inflamed with no evidence of bacterial infection.
5. Occurs far more frequently in women than in men.
Clinical Manifestations
Intermittent flares of urgency and frequency that resolve spontaneously may occur early.
Urgency may be extreme and frequency (as many as 16 times per day) and nocturia increase with
duration of symptoms.
Bladder pain may be continuous, may increase during voiding, or may present as diffuse perineal,
vaginal, supra- pubic, or lower back pain.
Symptoms are exacerbated by sexual intercourse and at the time of menstruation.
Symptoms may be present for 5 to 7 years before diagnosis is made.
Diagnostic Evaluation
1. Tender bladder base during pelvic examination, assessed by palpation of the anterior vaginal wall.
2. Cystoscopy under anesthesia with bladder biopsies and bladder distention; presence of bleeding or
ulcerations on bladder distention is characteristic of some cases of interstitial cystitis.
3. Urodynamic tests commonly reveal a small bladder capacity with early sensation of urgency and, in some
cases, poor detrusor function with incomplete bladder emptying.
4. In potassium sensitivity testing, symptoms are produced when potassium is placed in bladder; however,
the use of this test is controversial as inflammation also produces a positive test.
5. Diagnosis is usually made by ruling out other potential causes of symptoms, including radiation or chemical
cystitis, gynecologic or urologic malignancies, STD, and urolithiasis.
DRUG ALERT Pentosan polysulfate (Elmiron) has anticoagulant properties; therefore, it should not be used by
patients taking other anticoagulant drugs or in conditions associated with increased risk for bleeding.
Surgical intervention may be performed in extreme cases, although its success is limited. Procedures
include implantation of a sacral neuromodulation device, removal of bladder epithelial lesions, and
cystectomy with urinary diversion.
Nursing Assessment
1. Assess voiding patterns including frequency, nocturia, urgency (a voiding diary is helpful). Determine
if symp- toms increase in relation to certain foods, menstrual cycle, or sexual intercourse.
2. Assess level of pain using a scale of 1 to 10; determine if pain increases during or after voiding and if
bladder spasms occur. Some practitioners may use a symptom questionnaire such as the O’Leary-
Sant Interstitial Cystitis Symptom and Problem Indices or the Pelvic Pain and Urgency/Frequency
3. Perform abdominal examination and assist with pelvic examination, if indicated, to rule out
gynecologic causes and to identify location of pain on palpation.
4. Assess impact on relationships and quality of life.
Nursing Interventions
Controlling Pain
1. Administer pharmacologic agents, as ordered, to relieve pain and other symptoms. Counsel
patient on adverse effects, such as drowsiness, with antihistamines and tri- cyclic
2. Instruct patient in comfort and preventive measures, such as application of heating pad,
avoidance of bladder irritants (caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, and acidic or spicy foods), and
avoidance of known allergens.
3. If prescribed, teach patient self-catheterization and the self-administration of intravesical
1. Encourage patient to use a voiding diary as well as a dietary record to make associations
between intake of certain foods or fluids and increase in symptoms.
2. Set up bladder retraining program to increase bladder capacity and reduce symptoms
o Have patient start with every 10- to 15-minute voiding intervals during the day.
o Instruct patient to gradually (every week or two) increase intervals by 15 minutes.
oThe ultimate goal (over a period of about 3 months) should be voiding intervals of 3 1⁄2
hours during the day.
o Teach Kegel exercises to help strengthen supporting muscles. Warm baths and perineal
massage may help with relaxation before exercises.
o Make a referral for biofeedback training, if needed, to enhance Kegel exercises.
3. Advise patient to restrict fluids only when necessary due to impending limited access to
toilet facilities; normal fluid intake should be encouraged otherwise.
4. Assess patient’s response to pharmacologic therapy.
Strengthening Coping
1. Inquire about patient’s ability to work and carry on roles as spouse, parent, etc. based on
frequency and discomfort.
2. 2. Explore with patient positive coping strategies for self and family in dealing with chronic
3. 3. Encourage counseling as needed.
Refer for additional information and support to agencies such as Interstitial Cystitis Association,
Nephrolithiasis refers to renal stone disease; urolithiasis refers to the presence of stones in the
urinary system. Stones, or calculi, are formed in the urinary tract from the kidney to bladder by the
crystallization of substances excreted in the urine.
1. Most stones (75%) are composed mainly of calcium oxalate crystals; the rest are composed of
calcium phosphate salts, uric acid, struvite (magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate), or the amino
acid cystine.
2. Causes and predisposing factors:
Clinical Manifestations
o Renal stones produce an increase in hydrostatic pressure and distention of the renal pelvis and
proximal ureter causing renal colic. Pain relief is immediate after stone passage.
o Ureteral stones produce symptoms due to obstruction as they pass down the ureter (ureteral colic).
o Bladder stones may be asymptomatic or produce symptoms similar to cystitis.
2.Obstruction—stones blocking the flow of urine will pro- duce symptoms of colic, chills, and fever.
3.GI symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort—due to renointestinal reflexes
and shared nerve supply (celiac ganglion) between the ureters and intestine.
Figure 37: Areas where calculi may obstruct the urinary system. The ensuring clinical manifestations depends
on the site of manifestation. Stone that have broken loose may obstruct the flow of urine, cause severe
pain, and injure the kidney.
Diagnostic Evaluation
General Principles
1. If it is a small stone (¿ 5 mm) and able to treat as outpatient, 80% to 90% of patients will pass stone
spontaneously with hydration, pain control, and reassurance.
2. Patient may be hospitalized for intractable pain, persistent vomiting, high-grade fever, obstruction
with infection, bilateral ureteral calculi, and solitary kidney with obstruction.
1. Noninvasive technique and treatment of choice for radiopaque stones less than 2 cm in diameter
and greater than 4 mm and located in the kidney or ureter above the iliac crest. For stones below the
iliac crest, ureteroscopy may be performed.
2. High-energy shock waves are directed at the kidney stone, disintegrating it into minute particles that
pass in the urine. (A shock wave is a large, condensed wave of energy produced by high-speed
3. Patient is placed on specially designed table and immersed in a water bath or placed on an
adjustable stretcher positioned over a cushion of water.
o In water bath model, shock waves travel through water surrounding the patient.
o In cushion model, a layer of gel lies between the stretcher and water; shock waves move
through the cushion and gel.
4. Position of the kidney stone is located by fluoroscopy, and the shock waves are targeted directly at
the stone. The shock waves do not affect soft tissue.
5. Eliminates need for surgery in majority of patients and can be repeated for recurrent stones with no
apparent risk to kidney structure or function. Long term side effects may include increased risk of
hypertension or diabetes.
6. Complications include pain, urinary infection, and perirenal hematoma (bleeding around kidney).
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
For stones in renal collecting system or upper portion of ureter and larger than 2.5 cm in diameter.
1. Under fluoroscopic or ultrasound guidance, a needle is advanced into collecting system; guide wire is
advanced into renal pelvis or ureter.
2. Tract is dilated with mechanical dilators or high-pressure balloon dilator until nephroscope can be inserted
up against stone.
3. Stones can be broken apart with hydraulic shock waves or a laser beam administered by way of
nephroscope; fragments are removed using forceps, graspers, or basket.
4. May be combined with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy.
5. Complications include hemorrhage, infection, and extravasation of urine.
Figure 38: (A) Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for renal calculi dissolution. (B) a percutaneous
nephrostomy tract permits access to the collecting system of the kidney for removal of renal calculi under
direct vision via a nephroscope.
1. A multiholed nephrostomy tube(catheter)is placed in kidney; offers a pathway for introduction of solvent
(depending on chemical composition of stone) to be infused into stone. A second catheter may be used for
2. Used for struvite, uric acid, and cystine stones.
3. May be used to shrink large stones before other retrieval methods or to irrigate debris after lithotripsy
4. Irrigating solution introduced at a continuous rate that patient can tolerate without flank pain or elevation
of intrarenal pressure above 25 cm H2O (most I.V. infusion pumps can be adapted for use and set to alarm
should pressure exceed this level).
5. Patient receives antimicrobial agents before, during, and after procedure to maintain sterile urine.
6. Complications include infection (renal and perirenal abscesses, pyelonephritis, septic shock) and
thrombophlebitis and pulmonary embolism (associated with immobilization).
1. Used for distal ureteral calculi; may be used for midureteral calculi.
4. A stent may be inserted and left in place after surgery to maintain patency of ureter.
Indicated for only 1% to 2% of all stones, rarely performed, most likely to be done percutaneously or
laparoscopically if indicated.
1. Pyelolithotomy – removal of stones from kidney pelvis
2. Coagulation pyelolithotomy – intraoperative injection of certain coagulation factors in the renal
pelvis, producing a coagulum that entraps the stones and expedites their removal.
3. Nephrolithotomy – incision into kidney or removal of stone
4. Nephrectomy – removal of kidney; indicated when kidney is extensively and irreparably damaged
and is no longer a functioning organ; partial nephrectomy sometimes done.
5. Ureterolithotomy – removal of stone in ureter
6. Cystolithotomy – removal of stone from bladder
Nursing Interventions
Controlling pain
1. 1.Give prescribe NSAID or opioids analgesic (usually IV or IM) until cause of pain can be removed.
2. Encourage patient to assume position that brings some relief.
3. Reassess pain using pain scale
4. Administer antiemetics (IM or rectal suppositories) as indicated for nausea.
1. Administer fluids orally or I.V. (if vomiting) to reduce concentration of urinary crystalloids and ensure
adequate urine output.
NURSING ALERT Avoid overhydration, which may result in increased distention at stone location,
causing an increase in pain and associated symptoms.
2. Monitor total urine output and patterns of voiding. Report oliguria or anuria.
3. Strain all urine through strainer or gauze to harvest the stone; uric acid stones may crumble. Crush
clots, and inspect sides of urinal/bedpan for clinging stones or fragments.
4. For outpatient treatment, patient may use a coffee filter to strain urine.
5. Help patient to walk, if possible, because ambulation may help move the stone through the urinary
Controlling Infection
1. Administer parenteral or oral antibiotics, as prescribed during treatment, and monitor for adverse
2. Assess urine for color, cloudiness, and odor.
3. Obtain vital signs, and monitor for fever and symptoms of impending sepsis (tachycardia,
Instruct on diet—avoid excesses of calcium and phosphorus; maintain a low-sodium diet (sodium
restriction decreases amount of calcium absorbed in intestine). (Note: Patient should not decrease
calcium intake; rather, should maintain regular intake.)
Teach purpose of drug therapy—thiazide diuretics to reduce urine calcium excretion, allopurinol
therapy to reduce uric acid concentration.
a. Teach signs and symptoms of urinary infection (in patients with neurologic or spinal cord disease, teach
use of dipsticks to evaluate urine for nitrites and leukocytes); encourage patient to report infection
immediately; must be treated vigorously.
b. Try to avoid prolonged periods of recumbency—slows renal drainage and alters calcium metabolism.
4. For patients with cystine stones (occur in cystinuria, a hereditary disorder of amino acid transport).
a. Teach patient to alkalinize urine by taking sodium bicarbonate tablets (Soda Mint) to increase cystine
solubility; instruct patient how to test urine pH with a pH indicator.
b. Teach patient about drug therapy with D-penicil- lamine (Depen)—to lower cystine concentration, or
dissolution by direct irrigation with thiol derivatives.
Explain need for consistently increased fluid intake (24-hour urinary output greater than 2 L)—lowers
the concentration of substances involved in stone formation.
o Drink enough fluids to achieve a urinary volume of 2,000 to 3,000 mL or more every
24 hours.
o Drink larger amounts during periods of strenuous exercise and in hot humid
weather, due to perspiration.
Encourage a diet low in sugar and animal proteins— refined carbohydrates appear to lead to
hypercalciuria and urolithiasis; animal proteins increase urine excretion of calcium, uric acid, and
Increase consumption of fiber—inhibits calcium and oxalate absorption.
Save any stone passed for analysis. (Only patients with more than one episode of urolithiasis are
advised to have a metabolic evaluation.)
Can discontinue urine straining once stone is passed.
Prerenal: Outside the kidney; caused by intravascular volume depletion, dehydration, decreased
cardiac output, decreased peripheral vascular resistance, decreased renovascular blood flow, and
prerenal infection or obstruction.
Intrarenal: Within the parenchyma of the kidney; caused by tubular necrosis, prolonged pre renal
ischemia, intrarenal infection or obstruction, and nephrotoxicity (Box 62-3).
Postrenal: Between the kidney and urethral meatus, such as bladder neck obstruction, bladder
cancer, calculi, and postrenal infection .
Administer medications as prescribed, such as diuretics (furosemide [Lasix]), to increase renal blood
flow and diuresis.
Diuretic phase
The signs and symptoms of acute renal failure are primarily caused by the retention of nitrogenous
wastes, the retention of fluids, and the inability of the kidneys to regulate electrolytes.
Assessment: Assess objective and subjective data noted in the phases of ARF (see Box 62-4).
Monitor vital signs, especially for signs of hypertension, tachycardia, tachypnea, and an irregular
heart rate.
Monitor urine and intake and output (hourly in ARF) and urine color and characteristics.
Monitor daily weight (same scale, same clothes, same time of the day), noting that an increase of 1⁄2
to 1 lb/day indicates fluid retention.
Monitor for changes in the BUN, serum creatinine, and serum electrolyte levels.
Monitor for acidosis (may be treated with sodium bicarbonate).
Monitor urinalysis for protein level, hematuria,
casts, and specific gravity.
Monitor for altered level of consciousness caused by uremia.
Monitor for signs of infection because the client may not exhibit an elevated temperature or an
increased white blood cell count.
Monitor the lungs for wheezes and rhonchi and monitor for edema, which can indicate fluid
Administer a prescribed diet, which is usually a low- to moderate-protein (to decrease the workload
on the kidneys) and high-carbohydrate diet.
Restrict potassium and sodium intake as pre- scribed based on the electrolyte level.
Administer medications as prescribed; be alert to the mechanism for metabolism and excretion of
all prescribed medications.
Be alert to nephrotoxic medications, which may be prescribed (see Box 62-3).
Be alert to the health care provider’s adjustment of medication dosages for renal failure.
Prepare the client for dialysis if prescribed; continuous renal replacement therapy may be used in
ARF to treat fluid volume overload or rapidly developing azotemia and metabolic acidosis.
Provide emotional support by allowing opportunities for the client to express concerns and fears
and by encouraging family interactions.
Promote consistency in caregivers.
Also refer to the section in this chapter on special problems in renal failure and interventions.
CRF is a slow, progressive, irreversible loss in kidney function, with a GFR less than or equal to 60
mL/min for 3 months or longer.
It occurs in stages and results in uremia or end- stage renal disease.
Hypervolemia can occur because of the kidneys’ inability to excrete sodium and water; hypovolemia
can occur because of the kidneys’ inability to conserve sodium and water.
Chronic renal failure affects all major body systems and requires dialysis or kidney transplantation to
maintain life.
Primary causes
Anemia results from the decreased secretion of erythropoietin by damaged nephrons result- ing in
decreased production of red blood cells.
Monitor for decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.
Administer epoetin alfa (Epogen, Procrit) or darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp), hematopoietics, as
prescribed to promote maturity of the red blood cells.
Administer folic acid (vitamin B9) as prescribed.
Administer iron orally as prescribed, but not at the same time as phosphate binders.
Administer stool softeners as prescribed because of the constipating effects of iron.
Note that oral iron is not well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract in CRF and causes nau- sea and
vomiting; parenteral iron (iron sucrose [Venofer] or sodium ferric gluconate complex [Ferrlecit]) may
be used if iron defi- ciencies persist despite folic acid or oral iron administration.
Administer blood transfusions if prescribed; blood transfusions are prescribed only when necessary
(acute blood loss, symptomatic anemia) because they decrease the stimulus to produce red blood
cells; note that certain clients’ religious beliefs (e.g., Jehovah’s Witness) may refuse blood and blood
Blood transfusions also cause the development of antibodies against human tissues, which can
make matching for organ trans- plantation difficult.
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Urea is broken down by the intestinal bacteria to ammonia; ammonia irritates the gastrointestinal
mucosa, causing ulceration and bleeding.
Monitor for decreasing hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.
Monitor stools for occult blood.
Instruct the client to use a soft toothbrush.
Avoid the administration of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) because it is excreted by the kidneys; if
administered, aspirin toxicity can occur and prolong the bleeding time.
Monitor vital signs for hypertension or hypotension and the apical heart rate; an irregular heart rate
could indicate dysrhythmias.
Monitor the serum potassium level; an elevated serum potassium level can cause tall, peaked T
waves, flat P waves, a widened QRS complex, and a prolonged PR interval; decreased cardiac output;
heart blocks; fibrillation; or asystole (Fig. 62-1).
Provide a low-potassium diet, avoiding foods high in potassium (see Chapter 9 for a listing of foods
that are high in potassium).
Results from decreased renal excretion of magnesium.
Monitor for cardiac manifestations such as bradycardia, peripheral vasodilation, and hypotension.
Monitor central nervous system (CNS) manifestations of decreased nerve impulse transmission, such
as drowsiness or lethargy.
d. Monitor neuromuscular manifestations, such as reduced or absent deep tendon reflexes or weak
or absent voluntary skeletal muscle contractions.
Administer loop diuretics as prescribed, such as furosemide (Lasix).
Administer calcium as prescribed for resulting cardiac problems.
Avoid medications that contain magnesium, such as antacids, laxatives, or enemas. h. During severe
elevations, avoid foods that increase magnesium levels (see Chapter 9 for a listing of foods that are
high in magnesium).
As the phosphorus level rises, the calcium level drops; this leads to the stimulation of parathyroid
hormone, causing bone demineralization. b. Treatment is aimed at lowering the serum phosphorus
Administer phosphate binders such as calcium carbonate (TUMS), calcium acetate (PhosLo), or
sevelamer (Renagel) as prescribed with meals to lower serum phosphate levels.
Avoid the use of aluminum hydroxide preparations to bind phosphates because they are associated
with dementia and osteomalacia.
Administer stool softeners and laxatives as prescribed because phosphate binders are constipating.
Teach the client about the need to limit the intake of foods high in phosphorus (see Chapter 9 for a
listing of foods that are high in phosphorus).
Caused by failure of the kidneys to maintain BP homeostasis
Monitor vital signs for elevated blood pressure. c. Maintain fluid and sodium restrictions as
Administer diuretics and antihypertensives as prescribed.
Administer propranolol (Inderal), a b- blocker, as prescribed; propranolol decreases renin release
(renin causes vasoconstriction and subsequent hypertension).
Monitor for hypertension and notify the health care provider for sustained elevations.
Monitor for signs of CHF and pulmonary edema, such as restlessness, heightened anxiety,
tachycardia, dyspnea, basilar lung crackles, and blood-tinged sputum; notify the physician
immediately if signs occur.
Maintain fluid restriction.
Avoid the administration of large amounts of IV fluids.
Administer diuretics such as furosemide (Lasix) as prescribed.
Teach the client to maintain a low-sodium diet.
Teach the client to avoid antacids, cold
remedies, or other products containing sodium bicarbonate.
Results from the high phosphorus level and the inability of the diseased kidney to acti- vate vitamin
The absence of vitamin D causes poor calcium absorption from the intestinal tract.
Monitor the serum calcium level.
Administer calcium supplements as prescribed.
Administer activated vitamin D as prescribed.
See for a listing of foods that are high in calcium.
The client is at risk for infection caused by a suppressed immune system, dialysis access site, and
possible malnutrition.
Monitor for signs of infection.
Avoid urinary catheters when possible; if used, provide catheter care.
Provide strict asepsis during urinary catheter insertion and other invasive procedures. Instruct the
client to avoid fatigue, which decreases body resistance.
Instruct the client to avoid persons with infections.
Administer antibiotics as prescribed, monitoring for nephrotoxic effects.
Metabolic acidosis
The kidneys are unable to excrete hydrogen ions or manufacture bicarbonate, resulting in acidosis.
Administer alkalizers such as sodium bicarbonate as prescribed.
Note that clients with CRF adjust to low bicarbonate levels and as a result do not become acutely ill.
Muscle cramps
Occur from electrolyte imbalances and the effects of uremia on peripheral nerves
Monitor serum electrolyte levels
. Administer electrolyte replacements and medications to control muscle cramps as prescribed.
d. Administer heat and massage as prescribed.
Neurological changes
The buildup of active particles and fluids causes changes in the brain cells and leads to confusion and
impairment in decision- making ability.
Peripheral neuropathy results from the effects of uremia on peripheral nerves.
Monitor the level of consciousness and for confusion.
Monitor for restless leg syndrome, which is also common during dialysis treatments.
Teach the client to examine areas of decreased sensation for signs of injury.
Ocular irritation
Calcium deposits in the conjunctivae cause burning and watering of the eyes.
Administer medications to control the calcium and phosphate levels as prescribed.
Administer lubricating eye drops.
Protect the client from injury.
Provide a safe and hazard-free environment.
Use side rails as needed.
To rid the body of excess wastes, urate crystals are excreted through the skin, causing pruritus.
The deposit of urate crystals (uremic frost) occurs in advanced stages of renal failure.
Monitor for skin breakdown, rash, and uremic frost.
Provide meticulous skin care and oral hygiene.
Avoid the use of soaps.
Administer antihistamines and antipruritics as prescribed to relieve itching.
Teach the client to keep the nails trimmed to prevent local infection from scratching.
Psychosocial problems
Listen to the client’s concerns to determine how the client is handling the situation.
Allow the client time to mourn the loss of kidney function.
With client permission, include the family members in discussions of the client’s concerns.
Provide education about treatment options and support their decision.
Offer information about support groups.
Provide end-of-life care for the client with end-stage renal disease.
Functions of hemodialysis
Principles of hemodialysis
The pore size of the membrane allows small particles to pass through, such as urea, creatinine, uric
acid, and water molecules.
Proteins, bacteria, and some blood cells are too large to pass through the membrane.
The client’s blood flows into the dialyzer; the movement of substances occurs from the blood to the
dialysate by the principles of osmosis, diffusion, and ultrafiltration.
Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to one of lower
Osmosis is the movement of fluids across a semipermeable membrane from an area of lower
concentration of particles to an area of higher concentration of particles.
Ultrafiltration is the movement of fluid across a semipermeable membrane as a result of an
artificially created pressure gradient.
Dialysate bath
Monitor vital signs before, during, and after dialysis; the client’s temperature may elevate because of
slight warming of the blood from the dialysis machine (notify the physician about excessive
temperature elevations because this could indicate sepsis; obtain samples for blood culture as
prescribed for excessive temperature elevations).
Monitor laboratory values before, during, and after dialysis.
Assess the client for fluid overload before dialy- sis and fluid volume deficit following dialysis.
Weigh the client before and after dialysis to determine fluid loss.
Assess the patency of the blood access device before, during, and after dialysis.
Monitor for bleeding; heparin is added to the dialysis bath to prevent clots from forming in the
dialyzer or the blood tubing.
Monitor for hypovolemia and shock during dialysis, which can occur from blood loss or excess fluid
and electrolyte removal.
Provide adequate nutrition; the client may eat before or during dialysis.
Identify the client’s reactions to the treatment and support coping mechanisms; encourage
independence and involvement in care.
Withhold antihypertensives and other medications that can affect the blood pressure or result in
hypotension until after the hemodialysis treatment. Also withhold medications that could be
removed by dialysis, such as water-soluble vitamins, certain anti- biotics, and digoxin (Lanoxin).
Assess insertion site for hematoma, bleeding, catheter dislodgement, and infection.
These catheters should only be used for dialysis treatments.
Maintain an occlusive dressing over the catheter insertion site.
The client with a femoral vein catheter should not sit up more than 45 degrees or lean forward,
because the catheter may kink and occlude.
The external arteriovenous shunt can be used immediately following its creation.
No venipuncture is necessary for dialysis.
Signs of clotting
A permanent access of choice for the client with CRF requiring dialysis
The fistula is created surgically by anastomosis of a large artery and large vein in the arm.
The flow of arterial blood into the venous system causes the vein to become engorged (matured or
Maturity takes about 4 to 6 weeks, depending
exercises such as ball squeezing, which help the fistula mature.
The fistula is required to be mature before it can be used because the engorged vein is punctured
with a large-bore needle for the dialysis procedure.
Subclavian or femoral catheters, peritoneal dialysis, or an external arteriovenous shunt can be used
for dialysis while the fistula is maturing or developing.
Because the fistula is internal, the risk of clotting and bleeding is low.
The fistula can be used indefinitely.
Fistulas have a decreased incidence of infection because it is internal and is not exposed.
Once healing has occurred, no external dressing is required.
The fistula allows freedom of movement.
The fistula cannot be used immediately after insertion so planning ahead for an alternate access for
dialysis is important.
Needle insertions through the skin and tis- sues to the fistula are required for dialysis.
Infiltration of the needles during dialysis can occur and cause hematomas.
An aneurysm can form in the fistula.
Congestive heart failure can occur from the increased blood flow in the venous system.
Arterial steal syndrome can develop in a client with an internal arteriovenous fistula. In this
complication, too much blood is diverted to the vein, and arterial perfusion to the hand is
The internal graft may be used for chronic dialysis clients who do not have adequate blood vessels
for the creation of a fistula.
An artificial graft made of Gore-Tex or a bovine (cow) carotid artery is used to create an artificial vein
for blood flow.
The procedure involves the anastomosis of an artery to a vein using an artificial graft.
The graft can be used 2 weeks after insertion. e. Complications of the graft include clotting,
aneurysms, and infection.
Because the graft is internal, the risk of clotting and bleeding is low
The graft can be used indefinitely.
The graft has a decreased incidence of infection. Once healing has occurred, no external dressing is
The graft allow freedom of movement.
Teach the client that the extremity should not be used for monitoring blood pressure, drawing
blood, placing IV lines, or administering injections.
Teach the client with an arteriovenous fistula hand-flexing exercises such as ball squeezing (if
prescribed) to promote graft maturity.
Note the temperature and capillary refill of the extremity.
Palpate pulses below the fistula or graft, and monitor for hand swelling as an indication of ischemia.
Monitor for clotting.
a. Complaints of tingling or discomfort in the extremity.
b. Inability to palpate a thrill or auscultate a bruit over the fistula or graft.
Monitor for arterial steal syndrome.
Monitor for infection.
Monitor lung and heart sounds for signs of CHF.
Notify the physician immediately if signs of clotting, infection, or arterial steal syndrome occur.
To ensure patency, palpate for a thrill or auscultate for a bruit over the fistula or graft. Notify the
physician if a thrill or bruit is absent.
Air embolus
Disequilibrium syndrome
A rapid change in the composition of the extracellular fluid occurs during hemodialysis. b. Solutes are
removed from the blood faster than from the cerebrospinal fluid and brain; fluid is pulled into the
brain, causing cerebral edema. c. Occurs more frequently in a new client during the initial onset of
Nausea and vomiting
Restlessness and agitation
Muscle cramps
Slow or stop the dialysis.
Notify the physician if signs of disequilbrium syndrome occur.
Reduce environmental stimuli.
Prepare to administer intravenous hypertonic saline solution, albumin, or mannitol (Osmitrol) if
Prepare to dialyze the client for a shorter
period of time at reduced flow rates to prevent its occurrence.
Dialysis encephalopathy
An aluminum toxicity from dialysate water sources containing aluminum; also can occur from
ingestion of aluminum-containing antacids (phosphate binders). This is not a com- mon occurrence.
The most desirable source of kidneys for trans- plantation is living related donors who closely match
the client.
Donors are screened for ABO blood group, tis- sue-specific antigen, human leukocyte antigen
suitability, mixed lymphocyte culture index (histocompatibility); donors are also screened for the
presence of any communicable diseases and undergo a complete medical evaluation as well as a
nephrology consultation.
The donor must be in excellent health, with two properly functioning kidneys.
The emotional well-being of the donor is determined.
Complete understanding of the donation process and outcome by the donor is necessary.
Cadaver donors
Cold ischemic time is the time elapsed between the cessation of blood flow to the kidney and the
time required for anastomosis of the kidney in the recipient.
The maximum transplantation time is up to 72 hours.
Preoperative interventions
Verify histocompatibility tests of donor, which will be done by organ bank personnel.
Administer immunosuppressive medications to the recipient for 2 days before the transplantation, as
Maintain strict aseptic technique for the recipient.
Verify that hemodialysis of the recipient was completed 24 hours before transplantation.
Ensure that the recipient is free of any infections.
Assess renal function studies.
Encourage discussion of feelings of the donor and the recipient.
Provide psychological support to the live donor or cadaver donor family and the recipient.
Urine output usually begins immediately if the donor was a living donor; it may be delayed for a few
days or more with a cadaver kidney.
Hemodialysis may be performed until adequate kidney function is established.
Monitor vital signs, central venous pressure (CVP), and pulse oximetry for signs of complications.
Monitor urine output hourly; immediately report a urine output less than 100 mL/hr.
Monitor IV fluids closely; for the first 12 to 24 hours, IV fluid replacement is based on hourly urine
Administer prescribed diuretics and osmotic agents.
Monitor daily weight to evaluate fluid status.
Monitor daily laboratory results to evaluate renal function, including hematocrit, BUN, and serum
creatinine levels, and monitor urine for blood and specific gravity.
Position the client in a semi-Fowler’s position to promote gas exchange, turning from the back to the
nonoperative side.
Monitor Foley catheter patency; the Foley catheter remains in the bladder for 3 to 5 days to allow
for anastomosis healing.
Note that urine is pink and bloody initially but gradually returns to normal within several weeks or
Notify the physician if gross hematuria and clots are noted in the urine.
Monitor the three-way bladder irrigation, if present, for clots; irrigate only if a physician’s
prescription is present.
Remove the Foley catheter as soon as possible to prevent infection.
Maintain aseptic technique and monitor for infection; infection is the primary cause of death in the
first year post-transplant.
Maintain strict aseptic technique with wound care.
Monitor for bowel sounds and for the passage of flatus; initiate a specific diet and oral fluids as pre-
scribed when flatus and bowel sounds return (usually, fluids, sodium, and potassium are restricted if
the client is oliguric).
Maintain good oral hygiene, monitoring for stomatitis and bacterial and fungal infections.
Encourage coughing and deep-breathing exercises.
Administer medications as prescribed, which may include antifungal medications, anti- biotics,
immunosuppressive agents, and corticosteroids.
The client is usually ambulated after 24 hours. 22. Assess for organ rejection by monitoring of
laboratory values closely.
Promote live donor and recipient relationship.
Monitor both the donor and recipient for depression.
Provide the recipient with instructions following the kidney transplantation (Box 62-11).
Assist the recipient to cope with the body image disturbances that occur from long-term use of
Advise the recipient of available support groups.
Graft rejection
Hyperacute rejection
Acute rejection
Most common type; occurs most frequently within 6 weeks postoperatively, but can occur any time
Interventions: Potentially reversible with increased immunosuppression and if treated early;
administer high doses of corticosteroids, or monoclonal antibodies if corticosteroids are ineffective.
Calculi are stones that can form anywhere in the urinary tract; however, the most frequent site is the
Problems resulting from calculi are pain, obstruction, tissue trauma, secondary hemorrhage, and
The stone can be located through radiography of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder; intravenous
pyelography; CT scanning; and renal ultrasonography.
A stone analysis will be done after passage to determine the type of stone and assist in determining
Urolithiasis refers to the formation of urinary calculi; these form in the ureters.
Nephrolithiasis refers to the formation of kidney calculi; these form in the renal parenchyma.
When a calculus occludes the ureter and blocks the flow of urine, the ureter dilates, producing
hydroureter (see Fig. 62-5).
If the obstruction is not removed, urinary stasis results in infection, impairment of renal function on
the side of the blockage, hydronephrosis (see Fig. 62-5), and irreversible kidney damage.
Renal colic, which originates in the lumbar region and radiates around the side and down to the
testicles in men and to the bladder in women
Ureteral colic, which radiates toward the gentalia and thighs
Sharp, severe pain of sudden onset
Dull, aching pain in the kidney
Nausea and vomiting, pallor, and diaphoresis calculi; these form in the ureters. during acute pain
Urinary frequency, with alternating retention
Signs of a urinary tract infection
Low-grade fever
High numbers of red blood cells, white blood cells, and bacteria noted in the urinalysis report
Gross hematuria
Stone composition
A special diet, such as an alkaline-ash or acid-ash diet, may be prescribed, depending on the
physician’s preference.
Alkaline-Ash Diet
Acid-Ash Diet
- Diet decreases the pH of the urine. Diet makes the urine more acidic.
- Foods to Include Bread, cereal, whole grains, Cheese, eggs
Corn and legumes Cranberries, prunes, plums, tomatoes Meat, fish, oysters, poultry
Struvite stones
Caused by excess dietary purine or from gout b. Tend to form in acidic urine
Dietary prescription to reduce urinary purine content may include alkaline-ash foods and decreased
intake of high-purine foods such as organ meats, gravies, red wines, and sardines.
Allopurinol may be prescribed to lower uric acid levels.
Cystine stones
No incision is made.
One or two ureteral catheters are inserted past the stone; the stone may be manipulated and
dislodged by the procedure and the catheters may guide the stones mechanically downward as they
are removed.
The catheters are left in place for 24 hours to drain the urine trapped proximal to the stone and to
dilate the ureter.
A continuous chemical irrigation may be pre- scribed to dissolve the stone.
A noninvasive mechanical procedure for breaking up stones located in the kidney or upper ure- ter
so that they can pass spontaneously or be removed by other methods
No incision is made and no drains are placed; a stent may be placed to facilitate passing stone
Fluoroscopy is used to visualize the stone and ultrasonic waves are delivered to the area of the stone
to disintegrate it.
The stones are passed in the urine within a few days.
Pre procedure:
Maintain the client on an NPO status for 8 hours before the procedure.
Post procedure
Monitor vital signs, especially for hypo- tension and tachycardia, which could indicate bleeding.
Monitor intake and output.
Monitor for bleeding.
Monitor for pain and signs of urinary obstruction.
Instruct the client that if a ureteral stent is placed to help the stone pass, it is usually removed in 1 to
2 weeks.
Instruct the client to increase fluid intake to flush out the stone fragments.
Inform the client that ambulation is important
Acute or chronic inflammation of the epididymis that occurs as a result of a UTI, STI, prostatitis, or
long-term use of a bladder catheter .
The infective organism travels upward through the urethra and ejaculatory duct and along the vas
deferens to the epididymis.
Scrotal pain
Groin pain
Swelling in the scrotum and groin
Pus and bacteria in the urine
Fever and chills
Abscess development
Obtain a urine specimen for urine culture and sensitivity before administering antibiotics.
Administer antibiotics intravenously as pre- scribed, usually until the client has been afebrile for 3 to
5 days.
Administer oral antibiotics as prescribed after the 3- to 5-day afebrile period.
Inflammation of the urethra commonly associated with a sexually transmitted disease; may occur
with cystitis.
In men, urethritis most often is caused by gonorrhea or chlamydial infection.
In women, urethritis most often is caused by feminine hygiene sprays, perfumed toilet paper or
sanitary napkins, spermicidal jelly, UTI, or changes in the vaginal mucosal lining.
An inflammation of the ureter commonly associated with bacterial or viral infections and
Frequent urination
Clear to mucopurulent penile discharge in males
Treatment includes identifying and treating the underlying cause and providing symptomatic relief.
Administer metronidazole (Flagyl) or clotrimazole (Mycelex) as prescribed for treating Trichomonas
Administer nystatin (Mycostatin) or fluconazole (Diflucan) as prescribed for treating yeast infections.
Doxycycline (Vibramycin) or azithromycin (Zithromax) may be prescribed for treating chlamydial
An inflammation of the renal pelvis and the parenchyma commonly caused by bacterial invasion
Acute pyelonephritis often occurs after bacterial contamination of the urethra or following an
invasive procedure of the urinary tract.
Chronic pyelonephritis most commonly occurs following chronic urinary flow obstruction with reflux.
Escherichia coli is the most common causative bacterial organism.
Acute pyelonephritis
Chronic pyelonephritis
Monitor weight.
Encourage adequate rest.
Instruct the client in a high-calorie, low-protein diet. 7. Provide warm, moist compresses to the flank
area to help relieve pain.
Encourage the client to take warm baths for pain relief.
Administer analgesics, antipyretics, antibiotics, urinary antiseptics, and antiemetics as prescribed.
Monitor for signs of renal failure.
Encourage follow-up urine culture.
At the end of the topic the student shall have self-readiness. Engage in virtual discussions by
inquiries, ideas and updates through synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Work and formulate
their graphic organizer with their group on concept map, working to learn work sheet, and quiz.
VI. Assessment of Learning: Please refer to Module 2.1 for graphic organizers and answering the quiz.
Learning Module 6
NCM 212: Reproductive System (Male and Female)
Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of the learning log the students shall be able to
Giving four examples of structural disorders that affects the male reproductive system.
Explain the technique and purpose of performing testicular self-examination.
Explain how prostatic hyperplasia compromises urinary elimination and the system it
Discuss the nursing care management for client with BPH.
Explain the pathophysiology and etiology of pelvic inflammatory disorders and the
nursing management of interventions important to include in their care.
BPH is enlargement of the prostate that constricts the urethra, causing urinary symptoms. One of
four men who reach age 80 will require treatment for BPH.
1. The process of aging and the presence of circulating androgens are required for the development of
2. The prostatic tissue forms nodules as enlargement occurs.
3. The normally thin and fibrous outer capsule of the prostate becomes spongy and thick as
enlargement progresses.
4. The prostatic urethra becomes compressed and narrowed, requiring the bladder musculature to
work harder to empty urine.
5. Effects of prolonged obstruction cause trabeculation (formation of cords) of the bladder wall,
decreasing its elasticity.
Clinical Manifestations
1. In early or gradual prostatic enlargement, there may be no symptoms because the bladder musculature
can initially compensate for increased urethral resistance.
2. Obstructive symptoms—hesitancy, diminution in size and force of urinary stream, terminal dribbling,
sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder, urinary retention.
Diagnostic Evaluation
1. American Urologic Association Symptom Index score greater than 7 (uses rating of questions about the
obstructive and irritative symptoms): 0 to 7, mild; 8 to 19, moderate; 20 to 35, severe
2. Rectal examination—smooth, firm, symmetric or asymmetric enlargement of the prostate
3. Urinalysis—to rule out hematuria and infection
4. Serum creatinine and BUN—to evaluate renal function 5. Serum PSA—to rule out cancer, but may also be
elevated in BPH
Urodynamics—measures peak urine flow rate, voiding time and volume, and status of the bladder’s
ability to effectively contract
Measurement of post-void residual urine; by ultra- sound or catheterization
Cystourethroscopy—to inspect urethra and bladder and evaluate prostatic size
Uroflow—demonstrates voiding pattern
1. Patients with mild symptoms (in the absence of significant bladder or renal impairment) are
followed annually; BPH does not necessarily worsen in all men.
2. Pharmacologic management.
a. Alpha-adrenergic blockers, such as doxazosin (Car- dura), tamsulosin (Flomax), terazosin (Hytrin),
and alfuzosin (Uroxatral)—relax smooth muscle of blad- der base and prostate to facilitate voiding.
DRUG ALERT Although prescribed for their effect on prostatic smooth muscle, alpha-adrenergic
blockers (except for tamsulosin and alfuzosin) also have an antihypertensive effect. Dosage is usually
titrated up from an initial small dose. It is commonly recommended that the first dose, or all once-
per-day doses, be taken at bedtime.
DRUG ALERT Finasteride present in semen may have deleterious effects on the fetus of pregnant
1. Acute urinary retention, involuntary bladder contractions, bladder diverticula, and cystolithiasis
2. Vesicoureteral reflux, hydroureter, hydronephrosis
3. Gross hematuria, UTI
Nursing Assessment
1. Obtain history of voiding symptoms, including onset, frequency of day and nighttime urination,
presence of urgency, dysuria, sensation of incomplete bladder emptying, and decreased force of
stream. Determine impact on quality of life.
2. Perform rectal (palpate size, shape, and consistency) and abdominal examination to detect
distended bladder, degree of prostatic enlargement.
3. Perform simple urodynamic measures—uroflowmetry and measurement of post-void residual, if
Nursing Interventions
3. Administer medications, as ordered, and monitor for and teach patient about adverse effects.
1. Alpha-adrenergic blockers—hypotension, orthostatic hypotension, syncope (especially after
first dose), impotence, blurred vision, rebound hypertension if discontinued abruptly.
2. Finasteride and dutasteride—hepatic dysfunction, impotence, interference with PSA testing,
presence in semen with potential adverse effect on fetus of pregnant woman.
4. Assess for and teach patient to report hematuria, signs of infection.
2. Advise patients with BPH to avoid certain drugs that may impair voiding , particularly OTC cold medicines
containing sympathomimetics such as phenyl- propanolamine.
3. Advise patient that irritative voiding symptoms do not immediately resolve after relief of obstruction;
symptoms diminish over time.
4. Tell patient postoperatively to avoid sexual intercourse, straining at stool, heavy lifting, and long periods of
sit- ting for 6 to 8 weeks after surgery, until prostatic fossa is healed.
5. Advise follow-up visits after treatment because urethral stricture may occur and regrowth of prostate is
possible after TURP.
Advise patients that saw palmetto has shown some efficacy in reducing symptoms of BPH in a
number of clinical trials.
The active ingredient in commercial preparations is lipidosterolic extract of Serenoa repens, and the
dosage is 160 mg twice per day.
It should be taken with breakfast and an evening meal to minimize GI adverse effects.
Although it appears safe and there are no known drug interactions, tell patients they must discuss
use of saw palmetto with their health care providers.
PID is an infection that may involve the cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
Clinical Manifestations
NURSING ALERT Localized right- or left-lower quadrant tenderness with guarding, rebound, or palpable
mass signifies tubo ovarian abscess with peritoneal inflammation. Immediate evaluation and surgical
intervention are necessary to prevent rupture and widespread peritonitis.
2. Parenteral therapy can be switched to oral therapy 24 hours after improvement is shown (reduced
fever, decreased pain, resolution of nausea and vomiting).
a. Doxycycline100mgorallytwiceperdayfor14days.
b. Metronidazole 500 mg orally twice per day for 14 days may be added.
NURSING ALERT If patient with PID is to be treated at home, stress the importance of follow-up,
usually in 48 hours to deter- mine if oral antibiotic treatment is effective. Advise patient to report
worsening of symptoms immediately.
3. Inpatient treatment required if uncertain diagnosis; abscess; pregnancy; severe infection with
nausea, vomiting, and high fever; cannot take oral fluids; prepubertal or immunodeficient patient; or
more aggressive antibiotics required to preserve fertility.
4. Surgical treatment or interventional drain placement may be necessary to drain abscess or later to
treat adhesions or tubal damage.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, multisystem autoimmune disease. Discoid lupus
may also occur with pre- dominant skin lesions.
1. The T-lymphocyte system is affected for unknown rea- sons, and the failure of its regulatory
system may result in an inability to slow or to halt the production of inappropriate
2. B lymphocyte–stimulating factors are produced and this too may lead to production of
3. Autoantibodies may combine with other elements of the immune system to activate
immune complexes. These immune complexes and other immune system constituents
combine to form complement, which is deposited in organs, causing inflammation and
tissue necrosis.
4. More women, particularly in childbearing years, are affected than men.
Clinical Manifestations
Butterfly-shaped rash of the malar region of the face, characterized by erythema and edema.
Discoid lesions are scarring, ring-shaped, involving the shoulders, arms, and upper back.
Discoid lesions may also result in erythematous, scaly plaques on the face, scalp, external ear, and
neck, resulting in alopecia.
Generally bilateral and symmetric, involving the hands, wrists, and other joints.
Can resemble RA and may be mistaken for it, especially early in the course of the disease.
Unlike RA, the arthritis is nonerosive; that is, no joint destruction is seen on X-ray. May (occasionally)
be erosive, representing some overlap with RA.
Tendon involvement is common and may lead to deformities or tendon rupture.
Oral ulcers, Acute or subacute abdominal pain, Pancreatitis, Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis,
Bowel infarction.
Renal: occurs in 50% of patients, with as many as 15% of patients developing renal failure.
a. Nephritis.
iv. Membranous nephritis—may persist for years without serious renal function decline. May pre-
sent as nephrotic syndrome.
v. Sclerosing nephritis—increase in the amount of matrix material in the glomeruli.
b. Renal thrombosis—rare.
a. Neuropsychiatric disorders.
i. Depression.
ii. Psychosis.
b. Transient ischemic attacks, stroke.
c. Epilepsy.
d. Migraine headache.
e. Myelopathy.
f. Guillain- Barré syndrome.
g. Chorea and other movement disorders.
a. Hemolytic anemia.
b. Leukopenia.
c. Thrombocytopenia.
a. Hypertension.
b. Raynaud’s phenomenon.
a. Fever.
b. Weight loss.
C. Fatigue.
Diagnostic Evaluation
1. CBC—leukopenia, anemia (may be hemolytic), thrombocytopenia.
2. ANA—positive in more than 90% of patients with SLE; predominant pattern is homogeneous.
3. Anti-dsDNA—97% specific for lupus.
4. ESR—generally elevated.
5.Complement levels—generally decreased when disease is active.
6.Urinalysis—hematuria, proteinuria, and active sediment (RBC casts).
7. 24-hour urine for protein and creatinine clearance.
8.Chest X-ray may show changes.
9.X-ray of hands and wrists—non-destructive arthritis.
10.Computed tomography (CT) scan or MRI.
Other Management
1.Close follow-up for evaluation of cardiac, neurologic, renal, and other body systems.
Referral to specialists for systemic manifestations.
Renal failure.
Permanent neurologic impairment.
Death caused by disease process.
Nursing Interventions
Reducing Pain
Administer and teach self-administration of medications to reduce disease activity and of additional
analgesics as ordered.
Suggest the use of hot or cold applications, relaxation techniques, and nonstrenuous exercise to
enhance pain relief.
Monitor for adverse reactions to corticosteroids
Reducing Fatigue
Advise patient that fatigue level will fluctuate with dis- ease activity.
Encourage patient to modify schedule to include several rest periods during the day; pace activity
and exercise according to body’s tolerance; use energy-conservation techniques in daily activities.
Teach relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and imagery to
reduce emotional stress that causes fatigue.
Stress that close follow-up is essential, even in times of remission, to detect early progression of
organ involvement and to alter drug therapy.
Advise on the use of special cosmetics to cover skin lesions.
Advise about reproduction.
o Avoid pregnancy during time of severe disease activity.
o Immunomodulators may have teratogenic effects.
o Use of some drugs for treatment of SLE can result in sterility.
Stress that any complementary or alternative therapies should be discussed with the health care
For additional information and support, refer to agencies, such as the Lupus Foundation,, or the American Occupational Therapy Association,
At the end of the topic the student shall have self-readiness. Engage in virtual discussions by
inquiries, ideas and updates through synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Work and formulate
their graphic organizer with their group on concept map, working to learn work sheet, and quiz.
VI. Assessment of Learning: Please refer to Module 2.1 for graphic organizers and answering the quiz.
Learning Module 7
I. Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of the learning log the students shall be able to
Understand the concept and its pathophysiologic basis on client with alterations in
cellular aberrations acute and chronic.
Use the nursing process as a framework for care of client with cellular aberrations.
Describe the cellular aberrations disorders, their manifestations and indicated nursing
Identify the nurses roles in the prevention of cancer and in health education
Formulate plan of care for the client with early stage and advanced cancer
Identifying and select appropriate medications and treatments for client with cellular
aberration disorders.
Value the nurse’s role in providing quality, comprehensive, individualized, ethical and
humane care of clients with cancer.
IV.Concept Notes
Authors: Linda Anne Silvestri
Sandra M. Nettina
Cancer was recognized in ancient times by skilled observers who gave it the name “CANCER”
(Latin, Cancri, CRAB) because it stretches out in many directions like the legs of the crab.
Cancer occurs in all strata of our society. It afflicts all people of all ages, in all socio- economic
and cultural backgrounds and both sexes. It is much - dreaded disease. it poses tremendous
physiologic, psychosocial, cognitive, spiritual and economic impact to the afflicted individuals
and their significant others.
Cancer may spell death to some and mutilation to others. The legends surrounding cancer
(malignant disease) often focusing on incurability, help foster feelings of hopelessness and
powerlessness. Nurses too, may have the same negative attitudes that exist in the society.
Therefore, it is imperative for nurses to examine their own feelings and try to work them
through, both by increasing their knowledge of the disease and its treatment and by discussing
feeling openly with members of the health team. These will enable help clients and their
Nurses are involved in all phases of the cancer experience: Prevention, detection, diagnosis,
treatment, rehabilitation, survivorship and palliative and terminal care. Cancer nursing skills are
vital in all health care settings because clients are in the home, office, clinic, acute care setting,
rehabilitation setting and hospice.
Is a neoplastic disorder that can involve all body organs with manifestations that vary
according to the body system affected and type of tumor cells.
Cells lose their normal growth – controlling mechanism, and the growth of cell is
Cancer produces serious health problems such as impaired immune and hematopoietic
(blood – producing) function, altered gastrointestinal tract structure and function,
motor and sensory deficits, and decreased respiratory functions.
Cure is considered to be achieved when the client exhibits no evidence of disease,
reference points of 5 and 10 years survival rates are used. After cure the client would
have the same expected life span as age-and sex-matched persons without cancer.
Cancer cell move from their original location to other sites
Routes of Metastasis
a) Local seeding – distribution of shed cancer cells occurs in the local area of the
primary tumor.
b) Bloodborne metastasis – tumor cell enter the blood, which is the most common
cause of cancer spread.
c) Lymphatic spread – primary sites rich in lymphatic are more susceptible to early
metastatic spread.
Hyperplasia- involves an increase in the number of cells in a tissue, it may be a
normal or an abnormal cellular response.
Hypertrophy-increase size of a tissue or organ brought about enlargement of its cell
rather than cell multiplication
Atrophy- a wasting away of normally developed organ or tissue due to degeneration
of cells
Dysplasia- refers to change in size, shape, or arrangement of normal cell into bizarre
cells; it may precede an irreversible neoplastic change.
Anaplasia- involves a change in DNA cell structure and in their orientation to one
another, characterized by loss of differentiated, irregularly shaped cells usually are
Neoplasia- the formation of abnormal cell
Metastasis- the metastatic process may be divided into three stages:
a) Invasion – neoplastic cells from primary tumor invade into surrounding tissue with
penetration of blood or lymph; this occurs because cells are not encapsulated.
Cancer Classification
SOLID TUMORS: associated with the organs from which they develop, such as
breast cancer or lung cancer
HEMATOLOGICAL CANCERS: originate from blood cell – forming tissues, such as
leukemia’s, lymphomas, and multiple myeloma.
Cellular transformation and derangement theory
Conceptualizes that normal cells may be transformed into cancer cells due to
exposure to some etiologic agents.
AGE –older individual are prone to cancer because they have been exposed to
carcinogens longer. In addition, they have developed alterations in immune system.
SEX- Male: Lung cancer, Prostate, and colorectal cancer Female: Lung cancer, Breast,
colorectal cancer.
URBAN Vs. RURAL residence- cancer is more common among urban dweller than rural
residents are. This is probably due to greater exposure to carcinogens, more stressful
lifestyle and greater consumption of preservative- cured foods among urban dweller.
OCCUPATION- e.g. there is a greater risk of exposure to carcinogen among chemical
factory workers, farmers, radiology department personnel.
HEREDITY- 85-95percentage - environmental 10-15% Genetics
STRESS- depression, grief, anger, aggression, despair, or life stresses decreases
immunocompetence because of affectation of hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
Immunodeficiency may spur the growth and development of the cancer cell.
PRECANCEROUS LESIONS- pigmented moles, burn scars, senile keratosis, leukoplakia,
benign polyps or adenoma of the stomach and colon or stomach, fibrocystic disease of
the breast, may undergo transformation into cancerous lesions and tumors.
a.) PRIMARY PREVENTION activities are aimed at intervention before pathologic change has
begun. These can help to reduce cancer risk through alteration of lifestyle behavior to eliminate
or reduce exposure carcinogen.
1. Adopting a more healthy diet
2. Limiting exposure to sun and other sources of ultraviolet radiation
3. Modifying sexual practices
4. Avoiding cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking
5. Decreasing exposure to environmental and occupational carcinogens
2. Biopsy
Biopsy is a definitive means of diagnosing cancer and provides histological proof of
Biopsy involves the surgical incision of a small piece of tissue for microscopic
Needle biopsy is done by aspiration of tumor cells with needle and syringe
Excisional biopsy is done by removing the entire tumor. It is done when the tumor is
Incisional or subtotal biopsy is done by taking only a part of the tumor. This is done
when the tumor is large.
Tissue examination
The procedure is usually perform in an outpatient surgical setting
Prepare the client for the diagnostic procedure, and provide post procedure instructions
Obtain an inform consent
Tx- primary tumor is unable to be assessed.
To- no evidence of primary tumor
Tis- carcinoma in situ
T1, T2, T3, T4- increasing size and tumor or local extend of primary tumor
N- Presence or absence or regional lymph node involvement
Nx- regional lymphnode are unable to assessed
No- no regional lymph node involvement
N1, N2, N3- increasing involvement of regional lymph nodes
M- absence or presence or distance metastasis
Mx- unable to be assessed
Mo- absence of distant metastasis
M1- presence of distant metastasis
Treatment modalities for cancer – the choice of treatment modality depends on the
type of tumor, the extent of the disease, and the client co- morbid condition,
performance status, and wishes.
Surgery is indicated to diagnosed, stage, and treat cancer.
1. Diagnostic Surgery- this is done by cytologic specimen collection and biopsy
2. Preventive Surgery- this involve removal of precancerous lesions or benign tumor, e.g.,
patient with familial polyposis and ulcerative colitis undergo subtotal colectomies to prevent
colon cancer.
3. Curative Surgery- this involve removal of an entire tumor and surrounding lymphnodes.
Cancer that are localized to the organ of origin and regional lymph nodes are potentially
curable by surgery.
4. Reconstructive Surgery- this is done for improvement of the appearance and function of the
organs affected. This is also an attempt to improve the client’s quality of life.
5. Palliative Surgery- this is done for relief of distressing sign and symptoms or retardation of
metastasis. This is an attempt to improve quality of life.
Examples of palliative surgery are as follows:
a. reduce pain by interrupting nerve pathways or implanting pain control pumps.
b. relieve airway obstruction.
c. relieve obstructions in the GI and GU tracts.
d. relieve pressure in the brain and the spinal cord.
e. prevent hemorrhage.
f. remove infected and ulcerating tumors, and drain abscess.
Causes of pain
1. Bone destruction
2. Obstruction of an organ
3. Compression of peripheral nerve
4. Infiltration, distention of tissue
5. Inflammation, necrosis
6. Psychological factor, such as fear or anxiety
Assess the client’s pain; pain is what the client describes or says that it is.
Collaborate with other member of the health care team to develop a pain management
Administer oral preparation if possible and if they provide adequate relief pain; the
transdermal route may also be prescribed.
Mild or moderate pain may be treated with salicylates, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and
Non-Steroidal Anti- inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs); drug anticoagulants, oral
hypoglycemic, and antihypertensive.
Severe pain is treated with opioids, such as codeine sulfate, morphine sulfate,
methadone, and hydromorphone hydrochloride (dilaudid). Neuropathic pain is treated
with a variety of anticonvulsants and antidepressants, as well as opioids
2.) Internal Radiation Therapy- this is administered within or near the tumor or into the
systemic circulation.
The two major types of internal RT are as follows:
a. Sealed Source (Bracytherapy). The radioisotope is placed within or near the tumor. The
radioactive material is enclosed in a sealed container.
- Sealed source is used for both intracavity and interstitial therapy.
-INTRACAVITY RT is used to treat cancer of the uterus and cervix. The radioisotope is placed in
the body, generally for 24 to 72 hours (cesium 137 or radium 226)
-INTERSTITIAL THERAPY the radioisotopes is placed in the needles, beads, seeds, ribbon, or
catheters, which are then implanted directly into the tumor (iridium 192, iodine 125, cesium
137, gold 198, or radium 222)
In sealed source of internal radiation, the radioisotope cannot circulate through the client’s
body nor can it contaminate the clients urine, sweat, blood, or vomitus. Therefore, the client’s
body is not radioactive.
b. Unsealed Source. The radioisotopes may be administered intravenously, orally or by
instillation directly into the body cavity.
- in unsealed sources of internal radiation , the radioisotopes circulates through the clients
body. Therefore the clients urine , sweat, blood, and vomitus contain the radioactive isotpe.
-examples of unsealed source of RT are iodine 131 given orally for grave’s disease and tyroid
cancer; altrontium chloride 89 is administered intravenously for relief of painful bony
3. Hemorrhage
Platelets are vulnerable to radiation
Nursing intervention:
Monitor platelet count
Avoid physical trauma or use of Aspirin
Teach signs of hemorrhage to report (e.g., gum bleeding, nose bleeding, black stools)
Use direct pressure over injection sites until bleeding stops
4. Fatigue
Result of high metabolic demands for tissue repair and toxic waste removal
5. Stomatitis and Xerostomia (Dry mouth)
Ulceration of oral mucosa membranes occur
Nursing intervention
The term chemotherapy is used to describe cancer-killing drugs. Chemotherapy may be used to:
Depending on the type of cancer and where it is found, chemotherapy may be given in a
number of different ways, including:
Into an artery
When chemotherapy is given over a longer period of time, a thin catheter can be placed into a
large vein near the heart. This is called a central line. The catheter is placed during a minor
Recent surgery
Impaired renal and hepatic function
Recent radiation therapy
Bone marrow depression
2. Integumentary
Pruritus’, urticaria, and systemic signs
Provide good skin care
Stomatitis (oral mucositis)
Provide mouth care
Avoid hot and spicy food
Reassure that this is temporary
Encourage to wear hat, wigs, head scarf
Skin pigmentation
Inform that this is temporary
Nail changes
Reassure that nails may grow normally after chemotherapy
3. Hematopoietic system
Provide frequent rest
o Protect from infection
o Avoid people with infection
o Report fever, chills, diaphoresis, heat, pain, erythema, or exudates on any - body
o Avoid rectal or vaginal procedure
o Avoid fresh foods, raw meat, fish, vegetable, fresh flower, potted plants
o Change IV sites every other day
4. Thrombocytopenia
Protect from trauma
Avoid ASA
6. Reproductive system
Premature menopause or amenorrhea
Reassure that menstruation resumes after chemotherapy
vesicant chemotherapeutic agent can cause or form a blister and tissue
destruction. e.g., Adriamycin, Oncovin.
Irritant drugs can produce venous pain at the site and along the vein.
Pain, erythema, swelling and lack of blood return indicate an extravasation
Nursing intervention:
Stop the drug administration
Leave the needle in lace, and attempt to aspirate any residual drugs from the
tubing, needle, and site.
Administer an antidote, as prescribe
Apply warm or cold compress as indicated
Document the appearance of the site before and after chemotherapy
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and is the second leading cause of
death from cancer in women in the United States.
1.Most breast cancer begins in the lining of the milk ducts, sometimes in the lobule. Eventually
it grows through the wall of the duct and into the fatty tissue.
Present knowledge does not indicate that carcinogens play an important role in
the development of breast cancer.
4. Several models exist that attempt to predict the short- term or lifetime risk of
breast cancer for women with identifiable factors associated with the disease.
These include the Breast Cancer Pro Statistical Model, the Claus Statistical
Model, and the Gail Risk Model (
1. The American Cancer Society estimates that 178,480 (1,700 male) new cases of breast cancer
will be diagnosed in 2007 in the United States, with approximately 40,910 deaths. Breast cancer
incidence rates appear to be decreasing primarily in white women and in younger women.
2. Thereareexpectedtobe62,030casesofDCISin2007.
Survival Rates
– Localized: 97%.
– Regional: 78.7%.
– Distant: 23.3%.
In the general population, the relative survival rate is lower among Black women than
White women.
2. Lymph node status is the most important prognostic indicator of disease-free survival.
3. Age, staging (tumor size, lymph node status, and distant metastasis), nuclear grade,
histologic differentiation, and treatment are important prognostic factors for survival.
4. Mortality is declining 1% to 2% in the United States. This may be related to:
a. Change in life style such as diet
b. Early diagnosis—increased use of screening mammography
c. Improved treatment.
NURSING ALERT Black women are more likely than White women to be diagnosed with large
tumors and distant stage dis- ease. Learn about the demographics of your patient population.
Risk Factors
A woman’s lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is 12.5% based on a lifespan of 80 years.
2. Probable—nulliparity, first child after age 30, late menopause, early menarche, benign
proliferative breast disease, diagnosis of atypical ductal hyperplasia on biopsy, long-
term use of estrogen replacement therapy that increases with duration of use.
4. Results of breast cancer prevention trials have shown a reduction in incidence of breast
cancer in high-risk women treated with tamoxifen or raloxifene. Aromatase inhibitors
are under investigation for use in prevention.
GERONTOLOGIC ALERT Age is the greatest single risk factor for the development of cancer.
Cancer warning signals may be unheeded in older women, so thorough history-taking and
physical examination is essential.
Clinical Manifestations
A firm lump or thickening in breast, usually painless; 50% located in upper outer
quadrant of breast. Enlargement of axillary or supraclavicular lymph nodes may indicate
Nipple discharge—spontaneous, may be bloody, clear, or serous.
Breast asymmetry—a change in the size or shape of the breast or abnormal contours. As
woman changes positions, compare one breast to other.
Nipple retraction or scaliness, especially in Paget’s disease. (see figure 5)
Late signs—pain, ulceration, edema, orange-peel skin (peau d’orange) from
interference of lymphatic drainage. (see figure 5)
Inflammatory breast cancer may present with erythema.
Many small invasive breast cancers as well as noninvasive breast cancer (DCIS) do not
present with a palpable mass, but are found on mammography.
NURSING ALERT Pain is not usually an early warning sign of breast cancer.
Figure 43 (A) Signs of cancer of the breast. (B) Distribution of carcinomas in different areas of
Diagnostic Evaluation
Low-dose X-ray of breast used to screen for breast abnormalities or may be used when a
lump is found on physical examination. Can detect patients with clustered micro-
Compression of the breast is used to reduce the amount of radiation absorbed by the
breast tissue and separate over- lapping tissue.
Two views are taken routinely: craniocaudal and medio- lateral; other views are done as
Best performed at a facility that is accredited by the American College of Radiology. The
machines and staff at these facilities have met specific criteria. Computer- aided
detection has been developed to aid radiologists in detecting abnormalities. See Table
23-1 for mammography categories.
Mammography is not routinely done if a woman is pregnant.
The breasts of young women tend to be extremely dense and are poorly suited to
False-negative results occur even in the best facilities; figure may reach 10%.
Both screen film and digital mammography use X-rays to obtain images. With digital
mammography, a film image is replaced with an electronic image similar to digital
photography. For younger women under age 50, women with radiographically dense
breasts, and premenopausal and perimenopausal women, digital mammography is
more accurate than film mammography. For all other women, there is no significant
advantage to using digital mammography.
Produces images from the combination of a magnetic field, radio waves, and computer
Used in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients for presurgical planning. May help in
determining extent of disease, multifocality, and unsuspected disease in the
contralateral breast.
Useful in high-risk women, those with dense breasts, and in those with silicone implants.
Because MRI is less accessible and more expensive than mammography, it is not useful
for generalized screening. There may be increased false-positive results. MRI-guided
biopsy is not widely available.
Fine-Needle Aspiration
Uses a thin needle and syringe to collect tissue or to drain lump after using a local
anesthetic. If it is a cyst, removing the fluid will collapse it; no other treatment may be
needed. Ultrasound may be used to locate a nonpalpable cyst.
Normal cyst fluid appears straw-colored or greenish. Fluid should be sent for cytology if
it appears suspicious (clear or bloody); otherwise, it is discarded.
This office procedure uses local anesthetic with results usually within 24 hours.
It has limited sensitivity, possibly because of insufficient acquisition of cytologic
Needle Biopsy
Office procedure uses local anesthetic and removes a small piece of breast tissue using a
needle with a special cutting edge.
For palpable lesions with a high suspicion of malignancy. May provide a tissue diagnosis
quickly—usually approximately 24 hours—without doing an excisional biopsy to plan
definitive surgery.
Excisional Biopsy
Surgical removal of a palpable or nonpalpable lesion. A frozen section may be done for
immediate tissue diagnosis.
Excisional biopsy or lumpectomy entails entire removal of a mass; incisional biopsy
entails partial removal of a mass.
This outpatient procedure may be performed under local or general anesthesia.
Curvilinear incision is usually made directly over the mass, which is excised en bloc
including a 1-cm grossly free margin of tissue.
Based on type and stage of breast cancer, receptors, and menopausal status. For
women with localized breast cancer, information from clinical trials indicates that
treatment with a breast-preserving procedure has similar survival rates as does
modified radical mastectomy. Surgery for DCIS may involve only a lumpectomy, but
mastectomy may be necessary for extensive disease.
Radiation Therapy
7. Adverse effects include mild fatigue, sore throat, dry cough, nausea, anorexia; later, skin
will look and feel sun- burned. Eventually, the breast becomes firmer. Complications
include increased arm edema, decreased arm mobility, pneumonitis, and brachial nerve
damage. See page 153 for care of patient undergoing radiation therapy.
8. The FDA has approved a device called Mammo Site that delivers partial breast
irradiation through a balloon temporarily surgically implanted in the breast. Treatment
is twice per day for 5 days. Long-term follow-up studies are needed. Partial breast
irradiation should be performed only as part of a prospective trial.
1. Major use is in adjuvant treatment postoperatively; usually begins 4 weeks after surgery
(stressful for patient who just finished major surgery).
2. Treatments are given every 3 to 4 weeks for 6 to 9 months. Because the drugs differ in
their mechanisms of action, combinations of agents are used to treat cancer.
3. Main drugs used for breast cancer include cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), methotrexate
(Mexate), 5-fluo- rouracil (5-FU), doxorubicin (Adriamycin), and pacli- taxel (Taxol). For
advanced cancer, docetaxel (Taxotere), vinorelbine (Navelbine), capecitabine (Xeloda),
mitox- antrone (Novantrone), and fluorouracil by continuous infusion and oral forms of
fluorouracil are used.
4. Indications for chemotherapy include:
a. Large tumors, positive lymph nodes, premenopausal women, and poor prognostic
factors. Currently, adjuvant chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy is recommended
for all patients with invasive breast cancers 1 cm wide or larger.
b. Bevacizumab (Avastin)—binds to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and blocks tumor
blood vessel growth. Used in advanced breast cancer.
6. Adverse effects include bone marrow suppression, cardiotoxicity, nausea and vomiting,
alopecia, weight gain or loss, fatigue, stomatitis, anxiety, depression, and pre- mature
7. Chemotherapy may also be used as primary treatment in inflammatory breast cancer and
occasionally in large tumors; otherwise, preoperative chemotherapy remains investigational.
Endocrine Therapy
1. Selective estrogen receptor modulators, such as tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and raloxifene (Evista),
bind estrogen receptors, thereby blocking effects of estrogen.
3. Hormones may be used in advanced disease. Remissions may last months to several
years. Agents commonly used include:
D R U G A L E R T Traditionally, breast cancer survivors have not been considered candidates for
estrogen. However, debates and studies continue to be conducted regarding the safety of
estrogen in this population.
Removal of ovaries.
1. Metastasis—most common sites: lymph nodes, lung, bone, liver, and brain.
2. Signs and symptoms of metastasis may include bone pain, neurologic changes, weight loss,
anemia, cough, shortness of breath, pleuritic pain, and vague chest discomfort.
Nursing Assessment
1.Assess general health status and underlying chronic illnesses that may have an impact on
patient’s response to treatment.
2. Identify what the patient and family need to know regarding breast cancer and its treatment,
and take measures to decrease their impact. Base education on patient and family needs.
Nursing Diagnoses
Anxiety related to diagnosis of cancer
Deficient Knowledge related to disease process and treatment options
Ineffective Coping by patient or family related to diagnosis, prognosis, financial stress, or
inadequate support
Nursing Interventions
Reducing Anxiety
Strengthening Coping
1. Encourage patient to continue close follow-up and to report any new symptoms. Most
women will be seen every 3 months for the first 2 years, every 6 months for the next 3
years, and once per year after 5 years.
2. Stress importance of continued yearly mammogram.
3. Inform patient that yearly laboratory work, bone scan, and chest X-ray may be
performed when clinically indicated.
4. Suggest to patient that psychological intervention may be necessary for anxiety,
depression, or sexual problems.
Clinical Manifestations
Early disease is usually asymptomatic although patient may notice watery, vaginal
Initial symptoms include postcoital bleeding, irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting
between periods or after menopause, and malodorous discharge.
As disease progresses, bleeding becomes more constant and is accompanied by pain
that radiates to buttocks and legs as well as urinary and rectal symptoms that may be
due to invasion of these organs.
Weight loss, anemia, edema of lower extremities, and fever signal advanced disease.
Diagnostic Evaluation
Staging is done clinically rather than surgically as with other cancers. Based on physical
findings on abdominal and pelvic examination.
Supplemental imaging can include chest X-ray, I.V. pyelography (IVP), urography,
colposcopy, cystoscopy, proctosigmoidoscopy, computed tomography (CT) scan with I.V.
contrast, and barium studies of the lower colon and rectum.
Microinvasive Stage
Surgical conization—large excision of cervical tissue, may be done under local or general
Invasive cervical cancer—extent is staged and treated with hysterectomy, radiotherapy,
or chemotherapy.
Other Management
o Intracavitary (localized for earlier stage) or external (more generalized dosage to
pelvis for stages IIB through IVB).
o Cisplatin, a radiation sensitizer, is used to improve survival.
Chemotherapy—cisplatin may be used in combination with radiation for locally
advanced disease or for metastatic disease in which recurrence is common. Other
agents that may be used include doxorubicin (Adriamycin), ifosfamide (Ifex), carboplatin
(Paraplatin), and topotecan (Hycamtin).
o Simple hysterectomy or a radical trachelectomy (removal of cervix) may be
performed for stage IA.
o Radical hysterectomy and bilateral lymph node resections for stage IB and IIA.
Radiation and chemotherapy may also be considered for these stages after
Pelvic exenteration for advanced cases if the patient is a candidate. Usually done for
patients with isolated central recurrence.
o Removal of the vagina, uterus, uterine tubes, ovaries, bladder, rectum, and
supporting structures and the creation of an ileal conduit and fecal stoma.
o Performed for pelvic recurrence after radiation or chemotherapy.
1. Spread to bladder and rectum; metastasis to lungs, mediastinum, bones, and liver.
2. Complications of intracavitary radiotherapy include cystitis, proctitis, vaginal stenosis,
uterine perforation.
3. Complications of external radiation include bone marrow depression, bowel
obstruction, fistula.
Nursing Assessment
Nursing Diagnoses
Nursing Interventions
Relieving Anxiety
Clinical Manifestations
Diagnostic Evaluation
Staging for endometrial cancer is based on surgical aspects versus clinical staging.
o Emphasis is placed on histologic grade, depth of myometrial invasion, and
cervical involvement.
o These parameters assist in prediction of lymph node involvement and help
determine need for lymph node dissection.
Spread throughout the pelvis; metastasis to lungs, liver, bone, and brain
Nursing Assessment
Nursing Diagnoses
Nursing Interventions
Relieving Fear
Support patient through the diagnostic process and rein- force information given by
health care provider about treatment options.
Prepare patient for radiation therapy, if indicated.
Prepare patient for hysterectomy, if indicated.
Provide complete and concise explanations for all care you provide; emphasize the
positive aspects of patient’s recovery.
Relieving Pain
Procedural Considerations
An applicator (tandems and ovoid’s are most common) is positioned in the endocervical
canal and vagina in the operating room with the patient under anesthesia. (High- dose
remote brachytherapy is also used. This is an outpatient procedure and the treatment
takes just minutes. The radioactive source is removed between treatments.)
After recovery from anesthesia, X-rays are taken to check correct placement.
Radiologist inserts radioactive material (radium or cesium) into applicator, which
remains in place 24 to 72 hours. Therapy is individualized according to the stage of
disease and patient’s response to and tolerance of radiation.
External radiation over pelvis may be supplemented to eliminate cancer spread via
lymphatic system.
Nursing Interventions
Patient Preparation
Patients require a thorough medical evaluation before treatment to evaluate risks and
precautions related to pre-existing medical problems or special needs.
An enema is given to evacuate the rectal vault before patient is transferred to the
operating room for application.
An indwelling catheter is placed in the operating room.
Encourage patient to bring diversional activities because she will remain on bed rest
during radiation treatment.
Instruct patient on radiation safety measures:
o Neither patient nor her secretions are radioactive, but the applicator is.
Maintain patient on strict bed rest on her back with head of bed elevated 15 to 30
degrees. Patient may be log rolled three or four times per day. Use convoluted foam
Have patient bathe upper body. Perineal care and linen changes are done by the nursing
Maintain patient on a low-residue diet to prevent bowel movements, which could
dislodge the apparatus. Encourage patient to eat several small portions rather than few
large servings. Medication to induce constipation is given.
Inspect indwelling catheter frequently to ensure proper drainage. A distended bladder
may cause severe radiation burns.
Encourage fluids to prevent bladder infection.
Observe for signs and symptoms of radiation sickness nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea,
abdominal cramping.
Check applicator position every 8 hours, and monitor amount of bleeding and drainage
(a small amount is normal).
Check patient frequently to minimize anxiety, but minimize time spent at bedside to
reduce radiation exposure.
Mild sedatives or pain medication may be given for patient comfort.
NURSING ALERT Long-handled forceps and a lead-lined container are left in the room after
loading, in the event the radioactive sources are dislodged. Maintain cardinal rules of time,
distance, shielding when caring for the patient.
NURSING ALERT Rules and regulations regarding radiation safety are strictly enforced to
protect patients and health care workers.
Ovarian cancer is a gynecologic malignancy with high mortality because of advanced
disease by time of diagnosis. It is the leading cause of morbidity of gynecologic cancers.
Peak incidence is in fifth decade. One out of 70 women will develop ovarian cancer.
Cause is unknown but about 10% of cases are associated with family history of breast,
endometrial, colon, or ovarian cancer.
High-fat diet; smoking; alcohol use; environmental pollutants; and personal history of
breast, colon, or endometrial cancer are also risk factors.
There is also higher incidence in nulliparous women or women with low parity.
Incidence is inversely proportional to amount of time ovulation is suppressed.
Epithelial cell tumors constitute 90%; germ and stromal cell tumors, 10%.
Clinical Manifestations
No early manifestations.
First manifestations—(vague) abdominal discomfort, indigestion, flatulence, anorexia,
pelvic pressure, weight gain or loss, pelvic mass, ovarian enlargement.
Late manifestations—abdominal pain, ascites, pleural effusion, intestinal obstruction.
Diagnostic Evaluation
Hormonal therapy with tamoxifen (Tamofen), an anti- estrogen agent, may be used.
Progestins may be used dependent on estrogen receptor/progesterone receptor status.
Second-look laparotomy may be done after adjunct therapies to take multiple biopsies
and determine effective- ness of therapy. Practice is controversial because it does not
affect survival.
Immunotherapy is being investigated in clinical trials as stand-alone treatment or in
conjunction with other modalities.
Nursing Assessment
Nursing Diagnoses
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements related to nausea and vomiting
from chemotherapy
Disturbed Body Image related to hair loss from chemotherapy
Acute Pain related to surgery
Nursing Interventions
Strengthening Coping
Provide emotional support through diagnostic process; allow patient to express feelings,
and encourage positive coping mechanisms.
Administer anxiolytic and analgesic medications, as pre- scribed, and teach patient and
caregivers the potential adverse effects.
Refer patient to cancer support group locally or the American Cancer Society,, or the National Cancer Institute,
Prepare patient for body image changes with chemotherapy (ie, hair loss).
Encourage patient to prepare ahead of time with turbans, wigs, hats.
Encourage patient to enhance appearance with makeup, clothing, jewelry as she is used
to doing.
Stress the positive effects of patient’s treatment plan.
Relieving Pain
Prepare patient for surgery as indicated; explain the extent of incision, I.V., catheter,
packing, and drain tubes expected (see page 849 for a discussion of hysterectomy).
Postoperatively, administer analgesics, as needed, and explain to patient she may be
Reposition frequently and encourage early ambulation to promote comfort and prevent
adverse effects.
Female relatives of patient should notify their physicians; biannual pelvic examinations
may be necessary.
For women who have not had breast or ovarian cancer, hormonal contraceptives may
decrease the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer. Multiparity is also protective.
Openly discusses prognosis, asks appropriate questions, makes plans for short-term
Maintains weight
Verbalizes satisfaction in appearance with wig
Verbalizes good control over pain
NURSING ALERT Annual rectal examination and PSA blood testing are recommended for all
men over age 50 by the American Cancer Society. Men who are at high risk for prostate cancer
(blacks or men with a strong family history of prostate cancer) should begin these annual tests
at age 40.
Clinical Manifestations
Diagnostic Evaluation
Digital rectal examination—prostate can be felt through the wall of the rectum; hard
nodule may be felt.
Transrectal ultrasound-guided needle biopsy (through anterior rectal wall or through
perineum) for histologic study of biopsied tissue, includes Gleason tumor grade if
carcinoma is present.
Transrectal ultrasonography—sonar probe placed in rectum.
PSA—serologic marker of prostate cancer.
o Suspicion of prostate cancer if it measures between 4.0 and 10 ng/mL; however,
prostate cancer may also occur at levels under 4.0.
o Most PSA measurements over 10 ng/mL indicate prostate cancer.
o A free PSA level can be used to help stratify the risk of an elevated PSA.
o PSA velocity: PSA increases of 0.75 ng in 1 year could indicate prostate cancer.
Staging evaluation—skeletal X-rays, CT scan, MRI, bone scan, analysis of pelvic lymph
nodes provide accurate staging information.
Newer imaging study called the Prostascint scan uses an I.V. infusion of monoclonal
antibody to prostate-specific membrane antigen.
o Immediate and delayed images at 48 and 72 hours may identify soft tissue and
bone metastasis for staging.
o Radiation is excreted through urine and feces and body fluids but is very low and
not a risk to others.
o Patient is monitored for signs of allergic reactions following test.
Research is being conducted on numerous genetic and chromosomal abnormalities.
Overexpression of the AMACR gene was found in 90% of prostate cancer patients.
Testing for this gene could result in identifying prostate cancer at an earlier stage.
Conservative Measures
Surgical Interventions
External beam radiation or intensity modulated radio- therapy (IMRT) focused on the
prostate—to deliver maximum radiation dose to tumor and minimal dose to
surrounding tissues.
Brachytherapy—interstitial implantation of radioactive substances into prostate, which
delivers doses of radiation directly to tumor while sparing uninvolved tissue.
Used to treat stages T1, T2, and T3, especially if patient is not a good surgical candidate.
Both forms of radiation are used in some patients; external beam followed by
Complications include radiation cystitis (urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia), urethral
injury (stricture), radiation enteritis (diarrhea, anorexia, nausea), radiation proctitis
(diarrhea, rectal bleeding), impotence, skin reaction, and fatigue.
Bone metastasis—vertebral collapse and spinal cord com- pression, pathologic fractures
Complications of treatment
Nursing Assessment
Obtain history of current symptoms; assess for family his- tory of prostate cancer.
Palpate lymph nodes, especially in supraclavicular and inguinal regions (may be first sign
of metastatic spread); assess for flank pain and distended bladder.
Assess co-morbidities, nutritional status, and coping before treatment.
Nursing Diagnoses
Nursing Interventions
Reducing Anxiety
Help patient assess the impact of the disease and treatment options on quality of life.
Give repeated explanations of diagnostic tests and treatment options; help patient gain
some feeling of control over disease and decisions.
Help patient and family set achievable goals.
Convey a sense of caring and reassurance in your physical care.
Although patient may be ill while experiencing the effects of therapy, he may wonder
about sexual function. Give him the opportunity to communicate his concerns and
sexual needs.
Let patient know that decreased libido is expected after hormonal manipulation therapy
and impotence may result from some surgical procedures and radiation.
Expect patient’s behavior to reflect depression, anxiety, anger, and regression.
Encourage expression of feelings and communication with partner.
Suggest such options as sexual counseling, learning other methods of sexual expression
and consideration of implant, pharmacologic agents, and other options for treatment of
erectile dysfunction.
DRUG ALERT Yohimbine is an herbal preparation sold OTC as an aphrodisiac and treatment for
male erectile dysfunction. Caution patients that it is considered an unsafe herb by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture due to its many drug and food interactions and adverse effects,
including hypertension, tachycardia, and tremor.
Controlling Pain
Teach patient importance of follow-up for check of PSA levels (every 3 months to 1 year)
and evaluation for dis- ease progression through periodic bone scan or CT scan.
Teach I.M. or subcutaneous administration of hormonal agents as indicated.
If bone metastasis has occurred, encourage safety measures around the home to
prevent pathologic fractures, such as removal of throw rugs, using handrail on stairs,
using night-lights.
Advise reporting symptoms of worsening urethral obstruction, such as increased
frequency, urgency, hesitancy, and urinary retention.
Advise patient to monitor for signs of metastasis, such as fatigue, weight loss, weakness,
pain, and bowel and bladder dysfunction.
For additional information and support, refer to agencies, such as US TOO International
Inc.,; Man to Man, a program of the American Cancer Society,; and American Foundation for Urologic Disease, 800-242-2383.
Predisposing Factors
NURSING ALERT Suspect lung cancer in patients who belong to a susceptible, high-risk group
and who have repeated unresolved respiratory infections.
Clinical Manifestations
Usually occur late and are related to size and location of tumor, extent of spread, and
involvement of other structures.
1. Cough, especially a new type or changing cough, results from bronchial irritation
2. Dyspnea, wheezing (suggests partial bronchial obstruction)
3. Chest pain (poorly localized and aching)
4. Excessive sputum production, repeated upper respiratory infections
5. Hemoptysis
6. Malaise, fever, weight loss, fatigue, anorexia
7. Paraneoplastic syndrome—metabolic or neurologic disturbances related to the
secretion of substances by the neoplasm
8. Symptoms of metastasis—bone pain; abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting from
liver involvement; pancytopenia from bone marrow involvement; headache from CNS
9. Usual sites of metastasis—lymph nodes, bones, liver
Diagnostic Evaluation
CT scan of upper chest and abdomen and whole body positron-emission tomography
(PET) scan are indicated in most candidates for surgical resection.
Cytologic examination of sputum/chest fluids for malignant cells.
Fiber-optic bronchoscopy for observation of location and extent of tumor; for biopsy.
PET scan—sensitive in detecting small nodules and metastatic lesions.
Lymph node biopsy; mediastinoscopy to establish lym- phatic spread; to plan treatment.
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs)—to determine if patient will have adequate pulmonary
reserve to with- stand surgical procedure.
Laboratory testing, including complete blood count, metabolic panel, calcium level, liver
function tests.
Treatment depends on the cell type, stage of disease, and the physiologic status of the
patient. It includes a multi- disciplinary approach that may be used separately or in
combination, including:
o Surgical resection.
o Radiation therapy.
o Chemotherapy.
o Immunotherapy.
Nursing Assessment
Determine onset and duration of coughing, sputum production, and the degree of
dyspnea. Auscultate breath sounds. Observe symmetry of chest during respirations.
Take anthropometric measurements: weigh patient, review laboratory biochemical
tests, and conduct appraisal of 24-hour food intake.
Ask about pain, including location, intensity, and factors influencing pain.
Monitor vital signs including oximetry.
Nursing Diagnoses
Nursing Interventions
Give prescribed treatment for productive cough (expec- torant, antimicrobial agent) and
mobilize patient, as to erated, to potentially control thickened or retained secre- tions
and subsequent dyspnea.
Augment the patient’s ability to cough effectively.
o Splint chest manually with hands.
o Instruct patient to inspire fully and cough two to three times in one exhalation.
o Provide humidifier/vaporizer to provide moisture to loosen secretions.
Support patient undergoing removal of pleural fluid (by thoracentesis or tube
thoracostomy) and instillation of sclerosing agent to obliterate pleural space and
prevent fluid recurrence.
Administer oxygen by way of nasal cannula as prescribed.
Encourage energy conservation through pacing of activities, sitting for tasks.
Allow patient to sleep in a reclining chair or with head of bed elevated if severely
Recognize the anxiety associated with dyspnea; teach relaxation techniques.
Controlling Pain
Minimizing Anxiety
Realize that shock, disbelief, denial, anger, and depression are all normal reactions to
the diagnosis of lung cancer.
Try to have the patient express concerns; share these concerns with health
professionals. Link patient and family with cancer support groups.
Encourage the patient to communicate feelings to significant people in his life.
Expect some feelings of anxiety and depression to recur during illness.
Encourage the patient to keep active and remain in the mainstream. Continue with
usual activities (work, recreation, sexual) as much as possible.
Antidepressants may be used to treat depression.
Teach patient to use NSAID or other prescribed medication, as necessary, for pain
without being overly concerned about addiction.
Help the patient realize that not every ache and pain is caused by lung cancer; some
patients do not experience pain.
Tell the patient that radiation therapy may be used for pain control if tumor has spread
to bone.
Advise the patient to report new or persistent pain; it may be due to some other cause
such as arthritis.
Suggest talking to a social worker about financial assistance or other services that may
be needed.
For additional information, contact the American Cancer Society, 1-800-ACS-2345,; National Comprehensive Cancer Network,; Oncology
Nurses Association,
Possible referral to mental health professional.
8. Support patient and family to make decisions regarding long-term care, possibly
pulmonary rehabilitation.
Colorectal cancer refers to malignancies of the colon and rectum. This type is the second
most common visceral cancer in the United States. Colorectal tumors are nearly all
adenocarcinomas. Lymphoma, carcinoid, melanoma, and sarcomas account for only 5%
of colorectal lesions.
Age: risk increases sharply after age 40 with 90% of cases occurring in people over age
50. Previous history of resected colorectal cancer.
Family history of colorectal cancer is present in 25% of people with colon cancer.
Polyposis syndromes:
o Adenomatous polyps carry malignant potential (especially if multiple or greater
than 1 cm in size) and are routinely removed during colonoscopy. People with
polyps need periodic colonoscopic surveillance.
o Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP; also a variant called Gardner’s syndrome)
is an inherited condition characterized by multiple adenomatous polyps of the
colon, in which cancer will inevitably develop in all affected individuals. As soon
as a diagnosis is confirmed, surgery is recommended. The procedure entails
removal of the colon/rectum with ileal reservoir-anal anastomosis or
proctocolectomy with permanent ileostomy or continent pouch. FAP accounts
for less than 1% of colon cancer.
o Turcot syndrome—an inherited condition characterized by adenomatous polyps
and the coexistence of a central nervous system malignant tumor, such as
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)— hereditary condition with a
markedly increased risk of developing colorectal cancer as well as other cancers, such as
endometrial, ovarian, renal, pancreatic, gastric, and small intestinal. There are few or no
adenomatous polyps, and the bowel may undergo rapid change from normal tissue to
polyp to cancer. Tends to develop at an average of age 44, and 70% arise most
commonly in the right colon. Accounts for about 3% to 6% of all colorectal cancers. A
thorough family history is essential for assessment of suspected HNPCC.
Chronic ulcerative colitis—increasing risk after 10- year history.
Incidence is higher in industrialized countries and lower in underdeveloped countries.
Reason unclear but may be related to diet. The Western diet, which is high in refined
grains, processed and red meats, high- fat dairy products, desserts, and fried foods, has
been shown to increase risk of colorectal cancer.
Immunodeficiency disease.
Colorectal lesions occur most frequently in the rectum and sigmoid areas; however, it
appears there is a trend toward increasing frequency of right-sided lesions.
Most adenocarcinomas are ulcerative in appearance. A left-sided lesion tends to be
annular and scarlike; a right- sided lesion tends to be a cauliflower-like mass that
protrudes into the bowel lumen.
A lesion starts in the mucosal layers of the colonic wall and eventually penetrates the
wall and invades surrounding structures and organs (bladder, prostate, ureters, vagina).
Cancer spreads by direct invasion, lymphatic spread, and through the bloodstream. The
liver and lungs are the most common metastatic sites.
Clinical Manifestations
Diagnostic Evaluation
Fecal occult blood test (FOBT)—often reveals evidence of carcinoma when the patient is
otherwise asymptomatic.
Barium enema—useful in detecting smaller tumors.
Colonoscopy with biopsy—diagnostic procedure of choice after strong suspicious clinical
history or abnormal barium enema. CT colonography, also known as virtual
colonoscopy, may be used for screening.
Pelvic MRI and endorectal ultrasonography—provide information about cancer
penetration and pararectal lymph nodes.
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)—70% of patients have elevated CEA levels. The CEA
level monitors possible recurrence or metastasis.
CT scan of abdomen, liver, lungs, and brain—may reveal metastatic disease.
Blood Replacement
Administration of whole blood or packed red blood cells if severe anemia exists.
Surgical Resection
Treatment of choice for those with resectable lesions. Regional lymph node dissection
determines staging and guides decisions regarding adjuvant therapy. Surgical options
Radiation Therapy
May be used for residual disease, recurrence of disease, unresectable tumors, and
metastatic disease.
Drug combinations may include 5-fluorouracil plus lev- amisole or 5-fluorouracil plus
leucovorin (Wellcovorin). A new drug, irinotecan (Camptosar), is being used in protocols
for advanced colorectal cancer.
Hemorrhage 3. Anemia
Nursing Assessment
Interview patient regarding dietary habits and family and medical history to identify risk
Question the patient regarding symptomatology of colorectal cancer, changes in bowel
habits, rectal bleeding, tarry stools, abdominal discomfort, weight loss, weakness, and
Palpate abdomen for tenderness (usually not tender), presence of mass.
Test stool for occult blood.
Nursing Diagnoses
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements related to malignancy effects and
weight loss
Constipation and/or Diarrhea related to change in bowel lumen
Chronic Pain related to malignancy, inflammation, and possible intestinal obstruction
Fatigue related to anemia, radiation, chemotherapy, and metastatic disease
Fear related to diagnosis, prognosis, potential for complications
Nursing Interventions
Meet the patient’s nutritional needs by serving a high- calorie, low-residue diet for
several days before surgery, if condition permits.
Observe and record fluid losses, such as may be sustained by vomiting and diarrhea.
Maintain hydration through I.V. therapy, and record urine output. Metabolic tissue
needs are increased, and more fluids are needed to eliminate waste products.
Serve smaller meals spaced throughout the day to maintain adequate calorie and
protein intake if not NPO.
Encourage the patient to participate in meal planning to promote compliance.
Adjust diet before and after treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation. Serve clear
liquids, bland diet, or NPO, as prescribed.
Instruct the patient to take prescribed antiemetic, as needed, especially if receiving
For constipation, use laxatives or enemas, as needed, and encourage exercise and
adequate fluid/fiber intake to promote bowel motility. For diarrhea, encourage
adequate fluid intake to prevent fluid volume deficit and electrolyte imbalance.
For diarrhea related to radiation or chemotherapy, administer antidiarrheal medications
and discuss foods that may slow transit time of bowel, such as bananas, rice, peanut
butter, and pasta.
NURSING ALERT Antidiarrheal medications and foods to control diarrhea are contraindicated
for the patient with an obstructing lesion. Use these measures only postoperatively after lesion
resection for control of diarrhea related to cancer therapy.
Relieving Pain
Institute an individualized activity plan after assessing the patient’s activity level and
tolerance, noting shortness of breath or tachycardia.
Allow for frequent rest periods to regain energy.
Administer blood products or recombinant human erythropoietin, as ordered, if fatigue
is related to severe anemia.
Minimizing Fear
Encourage the patient and family to express feelings and fears together and separately.
Acknowledge that it is normal to have negative feelings toward cancer, surgery,
colostomy, and treatment options.
Provide information and answer questions regarding dis- ease process, treatment
modalities, and complications. Offer diverse educational materials, such as brochures
and videotapes.
Refer for counseling, if desired.
Beginning at age 50, men and women should follow one of the following American
Cancer Society guidelines for early detection of colon cancer.
o FOBT every year
o Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years.
o Colonoscopy every 10 years.
o Double-contrast barium enema every 5 to 10 years. e. Stool DNA test, interval
People with positive FOBTs usually undergo colonoscopy with removal of polyps, if
Genetic testing can confirm a hereditary diagnosis such as FAP or HNPCC.
Exhibits weight gain and improves nutritional status by adequate dietary intake
Has regular soft bowel movements. Minimal pain, controlled with analgesics or other
techniques Able to perform ADLs with adequate amounts of energy; no shortness of
breath on exertion Sleeping well; able to discuss feelings and fears related to surgery,
prognosis, and treatment options
Clinical Manifestations
3. Later complaints because of chronic failure of the liver and obstruction of portal circulation.
Diagnostic Evaluation
Nursing Assessment
Figure 14: Assessing for ascites. (A) to percuss for shifting dullness, each flank is percussed with
patient in a supine position. If fluid is present, dullness is noted at each flank. The most medial
limits of the dullness should be marked as indicated in a. patient should be shifted to the side.
(B) note what happens to the area of dullness if fluid is present; the area of dullness begins at b.
(C) to detect the presence of fluid wave, the examiner places one hand alongside each flank. A
second person then places a hand, while the other hand remain in place to detect any signs of
fluid impulse. The assistant hand should dampen any wave impulses traveling through the
abdominal wall, unless fluid is present.
Nursing Diagnoses
Nursing Interventions
Note and record degree of jaundice of skin and sclerae and scratches on the body.
Encourage frequent skin care, bathing without soap, and massage with emollient
Advise patient to keep finger nails short.
Observe stools and emesis for color, consistency, and amount; test each one for occult
Be alert for symptoms of anxiety, epigastric fullness, weakness, and restlessness, which
may indicate GI bleeding.
Observe for external bleeding: ecchymosis, leaking needlestick sites, epistaxis,
petechiae, and bleeding gums.
Keep patient quiet and limit activity if signs of bleeding are exhibited.
Administer vitamin K (AquaMEPHYTON) as prescribed.
Stay in constant attendance during episodes of bleeding.
Institute and teach measures to prevent trauma:
o Maintain safe environment. b. Gentle blowing of nose.
o Use of soft toothbrush.
Encourage intake of foods with high vitamin C content.
Use small-gauge needles for injections, and maintain pressure over site until bleeding
Malignant tumor of the stomach.
Clinical Manifestations
Early Manifestations
Typically, patient presents with same symptoms as gastric ulcer; later, on evaluation,
the lesion is found to be malignant.
Progressive loss of appetite
Noticeable change in, or appearance of GI symptoms— gastric fullness (early
satiety), dyspepsia lasting longer than 4 weeks
Blood (usually occult) in the stools
May indicate pyloric obstruction or cardiac-orifice obstruction.
Later Manifestations
Pain, usually induced by eating and relieved by vomiting
Weight loss, loss of strength, anemia, metastasis (usually to liver), hemorrhage,
Abdominal or epigastric mass
Diagnostic Evaluation
History—weight loss and fatigue over several months
Upper GI radiography and endoscopy—afford visualization and provide means
for obtaining tissue samples for histologic and cytologic review
Imaging, such as bone or liver scan—may determine extent of disease
The only successful treatment of gastric cancer is surgical removal. Gastric
resection is surgical removal of part of the stomach.
If tumor has spread beyond the area that can be excised surgically, cure is not
o Palliative surgery, such as subtotal gastrectomy with or without
gastroenterostomy, may be performed to maintain continuity of the GI
o Surgery may be combined with chemotherapy to provide palliation and
prolong life.
If surgery is performed, possible risk of hemorrhage or infection
Dumping syndrome following gastrectomy 3. Metastasis and death
Nursing Assessment
Assess for anorexia, weight loss, GI symptoms (gastric fullness, dyspepsia,
Evaluate for pain, noting characteristics/location.
Check stool for occult blood.
Monitor CBC to assess for anemia.
Nursing Diagnoses
Pain related to disease process or surgery
Risk for Injury, shock and other complications related to surgery and impaired
gastric tissue function
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements related to malignancy and
Nursing Interventions
Institute NG suction, if ordered, to remove fluids and gas in the stomach and
prevent painful distention.
Administer parenteral antibiotics, as ordered, to prevent infection.
Administer analgesics, as ordered.
Emphasize the importance of coping with stressful situations. Provide information about
support groups.
Review nutritional requirements with the patient.
Stress the importance of I.M. vitamin B12 supplements after gastrectomy to prevent
surgically induced pernicious anemia.
Encourage follow-up visits with the health care provider.
Recommend annual blood studies and medical checkups for any evidence of pernicious
anemia or other problems.
Instruct on measures to prevent dumping syndrome.
Clinical Manifestations
Painless nodule
Sensitivity to cold and mental apathy (hypothyroidism, if tumor has destroyed the
Sensitivity to heat
Overactivity (hyperthyroidism, if excess thyroid hormone production)
Ear pain
Vocal stridor
Disfiguring thyroid mass
Hard nodule and enlargement
Diagnostic Evaluation
A thyroid scan with 99mTc will detect a “cold” nodule with little uptake.
FNA biopsy.
Surgical exploration.
Nursing Assessment
Explore patient’s feelings and concerns regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and
Nursing Diagnosis
Nursing Interventions
Allaying Anxiety
Provide all explanations in a simple, concise manner and repeat important information,
as necessary, because anxiety may interfere with patient’s processing of information.
Stress the positive aspects of treatment, high cure rate as outlined by health care
Encourage support by significant other, clergy, social worker, nursing staff, as available.
Leukemias are malignant disorders of the blood and bone marrow that result in an
accumulation of dysfunctional, immature cells that are caused by loss of regulation of
cell division. They are classified as acute or chronic based on the development rate of
symptoms, and further classified by thepre dominant cell type.
Acute leukemias affect immature cells and are characterized by rapid progression of
symptoms. When lymphocytes are the predominant malignant cell, the disorder is
acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL); when monocytes or granulocytes are predominant, it
is acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), sometimes called acute nonlymphocytic
leukemia. Biphenotypic leukemia is an acute leukemia with both lymphocytic and
myelogenous cell characteristics.
Childhood ALL is usually cured with chemotherapy alone (≥75%), whereas only 30% to
40% of adults with ALL are cured.
AML is a disease of older people, with a median age at diagnosis of 67. Even in the
young-old (patients who are younger than age 60), AML is difficult to treat, with a
median survival of 5 to 6 months, despite intensive therapy.
Clinical Manifestations
Common symptoms include pallor, fatigue, weakness, fever, weight loss, abnormal
bleeding and bruising, lymphadenopathy (in ALL), and recurrent infections (in ALL).
Other presenting symptoms may include bone and joint pain, headache, splenomegaly,
hepatomegaly, neurologic dysfunction.
Diagnostic Evaluation
CBC and blood smear—peripheral WBC count varies widely from 1,000 to 100,000/mm 3
and may include significant numbers of abnormal immature (blast) cells; anemia may be
profound; platelet count may be abnormal and coagulopathies may exist.
Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy—cells also studied for chromosomal abnormalities
(cytogenetics) and immuno- logic markers to classify type of leukemia further.
Lymph node biopsy—to detect spread.
Lumbar puncture and examination of cerebrospinal fluid for leukemic cells (especially in
DRUG ALERT Allopurinol is commonly used as part of a regimen to prevent tumor lysis
syndrome. In rare cases, it causes severe, even lethal, skin reactions (toxic epidermolysis
syndrome). Allopurinol should be discontinued for any patient who develops a new skin rash.
Nursing Assessment
Nursing Diagnoses
Nursing Interventions
Preventing Infection
Especially monitor for pneumonia, pharyngitis, esophagi- tis, perianal cellulitis, urinary
tract infection, and cellulitis, which are common in leukemia and which carry sig-
nificant morbidity and mortality.
Monitor for fever, flushed appearance, chills, tachycardia; appearance of white patches
in mouth; redness, swelling, heat or pain of eyes, ears, throat, skin, joints, abdomen,
rec- tal and perineal areas; cough, changes in sputum; skin rash.
Check results of granulocyte counts. Concentrations less than 500/mm 3 put the patient
at serious risk for infection. Administer granulocyte-stimulating and erythropoiesis-
stimulating agents as ordered [eg, epoetin alfa (Procrit) or darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp)].
Avoid invasive procedures and trauma to skin or mucous membrane to prevent entry of
Use the following rectal precautions to prevent infection:
o Avoid diarrhea and constipation, which can irritate the rectal mucosa.
o Avoid use of rectal thermometers.
o Keep perianal area clean.
Care for patient in private room with strict hand-washing practice. Patients with
prolonged neutropenia may bene- fit from high efficiency particulate air filtration.
Encourage and assist patient with personal hygiene, bathing, and oral care.
Teach avoidance of constipation with increased fluid and fiber, and good perianal care.
Teach bleeding precautions (see Patient Education Guidelines).
Encourage regular dental visits to detect and treat dental infections and disease.
Provide patient and family with information about resources in the community, such as
the Leukemia Society of America and the American Cancer Society .
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) (ie, involving more mature cells than acute
leukemia) is characterized by proliferation of myeloid cell lines, including granulocytes,
monocytes, platelets, and, occasionally, RBCs.
Specific etiology unknown, associated with exposure to ionizing radiation and family
history of leukemia. Results from malignant transformation of pluripotent
hematopoietic stem cell.
First cancer associated with chromosomal abnormality (the Philadelphia [Ph]
chromosome), present in more than 90% of patients.
Accounts for 25% of adult leukemias and less than 5% of childhood leukemias.
Generally, presents between ages 25 and 60 with peak incidence in the mid-40s.
With progression of illness, enters terminal phase, resembling an acute leukemia that
consists of accelerated phase or blast crisis.
Clinical Manifestations
Diagnostic Evaluation
CBC and blood smear: large numbers of granulocytes (usually more than 100,000/mm 3),
platelets may be decreased.
Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy: hypercellular, usually demonstrates Philadelphia
(Ph1) chromosome.
Treatment guidelines for the management of CML are provided by the NCCN (
Chronic Phase
The introduction of imatinib mesylate (Gleevec) in 2001 changed treatment options for
patients with CML, providing a highly effective oral treatment for newly diagnosed
patients as well as for patients in chronic or accelerated phases. A protein-tyrosine
kinase inhibitor, it works by inhibiting proliferation of abnormal cells and inducing cell
death (apoptosis) in abnormal cells. Adverse effects include edema, diarrhea, muscle
cramps, muscle and bone pain, rash, and, rarely, hepatotoxicity and myelosuppression.
Second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors approved for use in patients who develop
resistance to imatinib mesylate included asatinib (Sprycel) andnilotinib (Tasigna).
For patients who do not respond to tyrosine kinase inhibitors, combinations of
cytarabine (ARA-C) and alpha interferon may be used. Adverse effects (most commonly
fatigue and fever) may be severe.
Other options include allogeneic (related or unrelated donor) BMT.
Palliative treatment—controlling symptoms—includes chemotherapy with such agents
as busulfan (Myleran) or hydroxycarbamide (formerly known as hydroxyurea);
irradiation; splenectomy.
Infection, bleeding, organ damage.
Untreated, CML is a terminal disease with unpredictable survival, on average 3 years.
Nursing Assessment
Obtain health history, focusing on fatigue, weight loss, night sweats, activity
Assess for signs of bleeding and infection.
Evaluate for splenomegaly, hepatomegaly.
Assess for weight gain and edema in patients taking tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
Nursing Diagnosis
Nursing Interventions
For patient with CML in blast crisis, see Nursing Care Plan 26-1, pages 984 to 986.
Allaying Fear
1. Teach patient to take medications as prescribed and monitor for adverse effects.
2. Teach patient method of subcutaneous injection for self- administration of alpha interferon,
and teach strategies for managing such adverse effects as fatigue and fevers.
3. Provide patient and family with information about resources in the community, such as the
Leukemia and Lymphoma
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (ie, involving more mature cells than acute
leukemia) is characterized by proliferation of morphologically normal but functionally
inert lym- phocytes. Classified according to cell origin, it includes B cell (accounts for
95% of cases), T cell, lymphosarcoma, and prolymphocytic leukemia. The differential
diagnosis includes hairy cell leukemia and Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia.
Specific etiology unknown. Tends to cluster in families, much more common in Western
hemisphere. Male hormones may play role.
Most common adult leukemia in United States and Europe. Disease of later years (90%
over age 50); 1.5 times more common in men than in women.
Clinical Manifestations
Diagnostic Evaluation
CBC and blood smear: large numbers of lymphocytes (10,000 to 150,000/mm 3); may
also be anemia, thrombo- cytopenia, hypogammaglobulinemia.
Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy: lymphocytic infiltration of bone marrow.
Lymphnodes biopsy to detects spread.
o Patient with newly diagnosed and indolent CLL is gene ally observed and
followed closely until symptoms develop. Treatment is individualized; NCCN
guidelines suggest clinical trial or various chemotherapy and mono- clonal
antibody combinations (
o Lymphocyte proliferation can be suppressed with chlorambucil (Leukeran),
cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), and prednisone (Orasone).
o The purine analogue fludarabine (Fludara) has significant activity in CLL alone or
in combination with rituximab (Rituxan) and/or cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan).
o Monoclonal antibodies, such as alemtuzumab (Campath) and rituximab
(Rituxan), may be used.
o Hairy cell leukemia, a distinctive type of B-cell leukemia with hairlike projections
of cytoplasm from lymphocytes, may be successfully treated with cladribine
(Leustatin), pentostatin (Nipent), or alpha interferon.
o Splenic irradiation or splenectomy for painful splenomegaly or platelet
sequestration, hemolytic anemia.
o Irradiation of painful enlarged lymphnodes.
o Allogeneic bone marrow transplant is also used to treat CLL.
Supportive Care
Nursing Assessment
Obtain health history, focusing on history of infections, fatigue, bruising and bleeding,
swollen lymph nodes.
Assess for signs of anemia, bleeding, or infection.
Evaluate for splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy.
Nursing Diagnoses
Nursing Interventions
Reducing Pain
Assess patient frequently for pain and administer or teach patient to administer
analgesics on regular schedule, as prescribed; monitor for adverse effects.
Teach patient the use of nonpharmacologic methods, such as music, relaxation
breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, distraction, and imagery to help manage pain.
Encourage frequent rest periods alternating with ambulation and light activity as
Assist patient with hygiene and physical care as necessary.
Encourage balanced diet or nutritional supplements as tolerated.
Teach patient to use energy-conservation techniques while performing activities of daily
living, such as sitting while bathing, minimizing trips up and down stairs, using shoulder
bag or push cart to carry articles.
After studying, the students shall have self-readiness. Engage in virtual discussions by
inquires, ideas and updates through synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Work and
formulate their graphic organizers with their group on concept mapping, writing to learn
work sheet and evaluation exam.
V. References
1. Nettina, S. (2006). The Lippincott manual of nursing practice (9th Ed.). Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States of America, Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott Williams &
2. Silvestri, L. (2016). Saunders comprehensive review for the NCLEX – PN examination. (6th
Ed.). Newport, Rhode Island. W.B. Saunders Company
3. Nu-Vision, Inc., (1992). Lippincott’s Review Series : Medical adequate skills, knowledge and
attitude in the care of sick patient with Surgical Nursing. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United
States of medical, surgical problems during young adulthood up to old age
America, J.B. Lippincott Company.