LFC Demand Resp
LFC Demand Resp
LFC Demand Resp
To cite this article: Kamlesh Bharti, Vijay P. Singh & S. P. Singh (2020): Impact of Intelligent
Demand Response for Load Frequency Control in Smart Grid Perspective, IETE Journal of
Research, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2019.1709570
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Impact of Intelligent Demand Response for Load Frequency Control in Smart Grid
Kamlesh Bharti1 , Vijay P. Singh 2 and S. P. Singh3
1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Rajkiya Engineering College, Kannuaj, Kannuaj, Uttar Pradesh, India; 2 Department of Electrical
Engineering, Rajkiya Engineering College, Sonbhadra, Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh, India; 3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Rajkiya
Engineering College, Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Due to the advent of modern power technology in a wide area monitoring system (WAMS), demand Communication delay;
response (DR) will play a vital role in the development of future power grid. A number of studies in Demand response; LMI-LQR
the literature have presented several advantages and applications of DR with economical and soci- controller; Load frequency
etal benefits of a power system. However, very few studies have presented the impact of intelligent control; Padé approximation
DR, especially in load frequency control (LFC) with renewable resource (RR) in Smart grid (SG) per-
spective. The participation of DR control loop and supplementary control (SC) loop for different load
variations is presented for the system under study. In this paper, an effort has been made to present
the impact of intelligent DR control loop with communication delay in a single area thermal power
system integrated with a wind power generation system. Furthermore, this paper introduces a linear
matrix inequality with linear quadratic regulator (LMI-LQR) controller as a coordinator between DR
loop and SC loop to minimize the frequency deviation caused by communication delays. The results
of this study validate the feasibility of the proposed control, as well as the capability of the DR loop
for the operation of LFC in SG perspective.
© 2020 IETE
the past. A number of control strategies using PI control • The effectiveness of a hybrid system including DR
[16], H-infinity loop shaping with GA and PSO control and proposed controller, in the presence of high wind
[26], and H-infinity based linear matrix inequality (LMI) power variations, random load changes, and commu-
[18] are reported in the hybrid DG system. Recently, the nication delays are evaluated and compared with other
application of DR control loop in load frequency con- methods available in the literature.
trol (LFC) was presented for a single area thermal power
system in [27]. However, the above presented studies The application of DR control loop for a power system
have subsequent limitations. Furthermore, the authors integrated with wind power generation is not reported
of [28] have presented robust LFC using dynamic DR in the literature. So, in this paper, an attempt is made
with communication delay in the deregulated power sys- to modify the power system configuration by incorpo-
tem. Recently, the authors of [29] have presented energy rating DR control loop in a single area power system
management for smart building using a dynamic demand integrated with wind power generation for minimization
response. The authors of [30] have discussed the practical of frequency profile.
pricing method of DR in SG. Furthermore, the authors
of [31] have presented demand side management with The rest of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, LFC-
micro-grid. DR with RR model for power system is discussed with
communication delay. The system is numerically evalu-
It is mentioned in the literature that there are many ated in Section 3. Then, a controller design is presented
constraints and limitations in using DR to a real power in Section 4. Simulation results and discussion are given
system. The exact modeling of DR in simulation perspec- in Section 5 and, finally, the conclusion is presented in
tive depends on what basis constraints are selected. For Section 6.
DR modeling, several works have been presented for cus-
tomer welfare, economic constraints, etc. The limitation
of existing work in this area is as follows. Effectiveness 2. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION OF POWER
and efficacy of DR control loop are not presented in SYSTEM WITH DR
[5,7,11–14]. Furthermore, automatic generation control The proposed configuration of power system for LFC-
(AGC) is not considered in the studies with DR con- DR with wind power generation is presented, and how
trol loop [5,11–13]. Since most of the DR programs are DR algorithm contributes in the system frequency con-
contract based and voluntary, the active participation of trol with communication delay is given in Figure 1. From
DR for frequency deviation may vary with time. There- Figure 1, it is reflected that power is generated by thermal
fore, the effect of communication delay with DR control power plant and wind power system. The power system
loop in a power system on the system performance is not parameters are given in [27].
reported in [5,7] and [12–14]. Performance of DR con-
trol loop in a power system integrated with RRs is not The balance between power and frequency can be
investigated in [5,8–10,12–13,27]. achieved by applying suitable control strategy, which is
Pr,SS = αPL ,
PDR,SS = (1 − α)PL , (12)
3.2 Contribution Mechanism for Proposed System 3.3 Sensitivity Analysis of Feedback System for
In this approach, a DR algorithm is proposed for fre- LFC-DR-RR Model
quency control of system in SG environment. Firstly, In this section, robustness of a system is verified by sen-
the following the load disturbance, frequency devia- sitivity analysis of the proposed LFC-DR-RR model w.r.t.
tion/control signal changes. Based on the sign of fre- the open loop system without DR. In order to check the
quency changes, the amount of controllable load should dynamic behavior of model, it is necessary to evaluate
be connected or disconnected. For example, when fre- the sensitivity analysis of the closed loop system w.r.t. the
quency is positive and negative, the controllable load coefficient α. Furthermore, in order to split the required
should be added or removed from the system so that control action into two parts, a power system structure as
frequency remains constant at a nominal value. shown in Figure 1 should be modified by incorporating
integral action for both SC loop and DR control loop as
It is mentioned in the literature that DR program can shown in Figure 2.
be voluntary and contract based. So, to apply the impact
of this limitation, the sharing of regulation services 0 < Now, the closed loop transfer function with DR and RR
α < 1 in Equation (11) is considered in this study so relating to system frequency deviation to step change in
that α determines how much load can participate in DR load can be calculated as follows:
algorithm during load disturbance.
fD (s)
TDRclosed (s) =
It should be noted that during reconnecting or discon- PL (s) DRclosed
necting the controllable loads for DR algorithm, it causes K
− 1+sT
Furthermore, during disconnecting or reconnecting the Equation (13) represents the closed loop transfer func-
controllable loads, some amount of delay is incurred. In tion when supplementary and DR control loop exist. If
this study, an assumption is made which is very close to there is non-availability of DR control loop, i.e. α = 1,
reality that at any instance of time step change in load is then only SCs exist. The closed loop transfer function
applied to system. of the conventional power system with no DR is given
in Equation (14)
fD (s)
Tscclosed (s) =
PL (s) Sclosed
− 1+sT
= 1 K 1 . (14)
+ × (1+sTg )(1+sTt)
1+ R s × 1+sT
+Pw (s) p
subject to
(A − BK)T P + P(A − BK) + Q + K T RK < 0, (24)
where P ∈ > 0 is a Lyapunov matrix.
We can frame an LMI for the cost function (23), using the
output y as given in [30]
Figure 4: Sensitivity analysis of the closed loop system w.r.t. α for Q 0 x
the LFC-DR-RR model y= 1/2 , (25)
0 R u
Substituting (24) into (22) with u = −Kx
have contribution in restoration of the system frequency
to a nominal value. But for the case if DR is associ- E yT y = E y yT = E[xT Qx + uT Ru]
ated with time delay, during that period, generators try 1/2
Q T 1/2 T 1/2 T
to compensate the power imbalance via increasing their = tr E[xx ][(Q )] − K (R ) .
−R1/2 K
generations. Afterward, when participation of DR as a SC
tries to balance all parts of loads and generation, the addi-
tional generation produced during time delay may cause The LMI-LQR representation [30] of cost function (26)
effective amount of frequency overshoot/undershoot and was subjected to following constraints (27-29):
impose instability to overall system performance.
J = min [tr(QY + X) − tr(N + T N T )], (27)
(,Z, X)
In this study, linear matrix inequality (LMI)–linear
quadratic regulator (LQR), called LMI-LQR [33], is X − (R1/2 )Z−1 (−1 R1/2 ) > 0
used to make a system more efficient against over-
X̂ R1/2
shoot/undershoot and adjust the generators according to = > 0, (28)
T R1/2 Z
regulation provided by DR. So, controller used in this
study is not used for only control action for SC control,
⎡ ⎤
but also for making communication between generation (AZ + ZT AT − B − T BT T ZT
side and load demand. ⎣ −R−1 0 ⎦ < 0.
Z 0 −Q−1
The performance index of system is solved for LMI con-
straints, and matrix equations are simultaneously solved.
For the linear time invariant model for the proposed
power system Equation (2), choose a suitable control law For minimization of frequency deviation at steady-state
u = −ky. condition, the power system state should be modified by
including integrator and hence the design will also be
Therefore, a closed loop system robust against any change in system parameters. Further-
more, for the LQR method, it is necessary to define the
ẋ = (A − BKC)x + d, (22) states and control weighting matrices Q and R
where A is the system matrix, B is the input distribution x1 = f , x2 = Pt , x3 = Pg , x4 = Pw and
matrix, is the disturbance distribution matrix, C is the
control output distribution matrix, x is the state vector, x5 . . . x8 , x9 = f dt.
u is the control vector, and d is the disturbance vector
consisting of load change and change in wind power. The Q = diag((1 01×7 1)), R = [1].
state and other variables of the proposed power system
are considered as follows: The procedure adopted to study the performance of pro-
T T posed DR control loop with communication delay using
u = u1 u2 , d = PL PWTG , y = [f ]T . proposed algorithm is illustrated in Figure 5.
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