(John Piper) The Innkeeper (BookFi)
(John Piper) The Innkeeper (BookFi)
(John Piper) The Innkeeper (BookFi)
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The Innkeeper.40273.int.qxd 9/21/07 3:44 PM Page 2
A Wo r d f r o m
To Rollin ❇
And All Who Ever L ost S o quickly do we pass over the Christmas words, “Herod . . .
slew all the male children . . . two years old and under.” But the
A Child
poet lingers, weeping, raging, looking at the dark spot, in hope
that any prick of light might become a portal for the sun. And
what he sees he strains with words to show—pressing us against
the perforation in the wall of pain.
The Innkeeper
Copyright ©1998 by John Piper
Why this struggle? Why does the poet bind his heart with
Published by Crossway Books
A division of Good News Publishers
such a severe discipline of form? Why strain to give shape to
1300 Crescent Street
Wheaton, Ilinois 60187
suffering? Because Reality has contours. God is who He is, not
All rights reser ved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic,
what we wish or try to make Him be. His Son, Jesus Christ, is
mechanical, photocopy, recording or other wise, without the prior permission
of the publisher, except as provided by USA copyright law.
the great granite Fact. His hard sacrifice makes it evident that our
Illustrations by John Lawrence
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Jake’s wife would have been fifty-eight
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H e paused with one small lass to draw Without a thought that this would stump
A camel in the dirt, then said, The rabbi guild and be reviled,
“What’s this?” The girl bent down her head She said, “God did.” And Jesus smiled.
To study what the Lord had made. “Good eyes, my child. And would that all
She smiled, “A camel, sir!” and laid Jerusalem within that wall
Her finger on the bulging back Of yonder stone could see the signs
Where merchants bind their leather pack. Of peace!” He left the lass with lines
And who do you believe it was And slowly went to find the place
Who made this camel with his hump?” Where he was born.
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F olks said the inn
A place to stay near Zion’s gate.
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And when the place was full, to some, The shepherds knew he loved the dog.
Especially the poorest, they would say, “There’s nothing in the Decalogue,”
“We’re sorry there’s no room, but stay He used to joke, “that says a man
Now, if you like, out back. There’s lots Can’t love a dog!”
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T he children ran
It called. So Jesus took the track
That led around the inn.
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Man leaned back in his chair and told Of his right arm. “We’re in a slump
The dog to never mind. “Ain’t had Right now. Got lots of time to think
No one to tend the door, my lad, And talk. Come sit and have a drink.
For thirty years. I’m sorry for From Jacob’s well!” he laughed. “You own
The inconvenience to your sore The inn?” the Lord inquired. “On loan,
Feet. The road to Jerusalem You’d better say. God owns the inn.”
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A t that the Lord knew they were kin,
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W hy do you ask?” “I have a debt For thirty years alone, you see?
To pay, and I must see how much. Old Jacob, poor old Jacob, runs
Why do you say that it was such It with one arm, a dog . . . no sons.
A grim and awful year?” He raised But I had sons . . . once. Joseph was
The stump of his right arm. “So dazed, My firstborn. He was small because
Young man, I didn’t know I’d lost His mother was so sick. When he
My arm. Do you know what it cost Turned three, the Lord was good to me
For me to house the Son of God?” And Rachel, and our baby Ben
The old man took his cedar rod Was born, the very fortnight when
And swept it ’round the place: “Empty. The blessed family arrived.
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A nd Rachel’s gracious heart contrived
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B ut in one year the slaughter squad
Him say good-bye to Ben or me
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A lifted spear smash through his spine ‘Kill every child who’s two or less.
And chest. He stumbled to the sign Spare not for aught, nor make excess.
That welcomed strangers to the place, Let this one be the oldest here,
And looked with panic at my face, And if you count your own life dear,
Young man, you ever lost a son?” No weapons in my house, but Lord,
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The son of my right hand. . . .So brave, And never come to help?” They sat
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am the boy In two weeks they will crucify
You gave my parents room to give Will rise in three days from the dead,
Me life, and then God let me live, And place my foot upon the head
And took your wife. Ask me not why Of him who has the power of death,
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A nd I will raise with life and breath
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front & back cover added by REVELATION