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“Just because they have some land and money, more than
most knights, they seem to think they are noble! Bloody up-
pity knights are all they are.” – Sir Ernald Julor Baron of Ohe-
tis, talking about baronets in the company of Sir Ashenan Dunat
at the King’s court in Dyrisa whilst in drink.

Baronet’s and the baronetcies they maintain (which al- Baronets represent a tricky thing for their lieges. On the
most always include a well-fortified manor house) only exist one hand they’re more politically and militarily powerful
de facto, not de jure. That is, they're commonly referred to than their other followers, often with that power concentrat-
but not officially recognised, though that may change in the ed within one or two neighbouring hundreds. As such, they
next hundred years or so. must be handled with some care, even by the more powerful
magnates with more influence spread over greater distances
(where they don’t have other concerns to occupy them), in a
Baronet’s have existed in feudal societies for several
less concentrated manner.
hundred years, particularly on mainland Lythia. Although
it’s unclear when the title was first used, it’s believed to On the other hand, baronets are invariably wealthy and
originate from the Trierzon region C.200. Whilst not an of- well-equipped knights able to summon significant military
ficial title, the term “baronet” has been in common use on aid. They form a natural leadership cadre should the peer
Hârn since at least the Baronial Revolt of 599-603 in Kaldor have cause to raise their banners, acting as natural lieuten-
(the earliest documented use on the isle) and probably be- ants to their lieges, whose authority is rarely questioned by
fore, although records remain incomplete. lesser knights. This greatly simplifies the military structure
and mitigates a significant weakness of feudal musters, re-
ducing political jockeying for position (though it can be re-
Baronet's or 'little barons' are those rich knights, typically gardless of military skill). They are a potential source of
holding several manors, who can afford to knight all their wealth, either directly or more commonly by hosting their
children, not just the heirs. Another way of defining it would liege and his entourage for part of the year, greatly lessening
be those lords who can maintain or raise from their vassals a costs to his household.
squadron of knights and company of foot but not maintain a
Feudal overlords have traditionally managed these sub-
keep. This is often far higher than their feudal obligation and
jects in two complementary ways. One, they are given a
is typically a mix of men-at-arms and yeomen for the foot
great deal of latitude to follow their lieges interest in a re-
and medium horse for the knights, including fief holders,
gion, with great autonomy provided feudal obligations are
heirs, huntsmen and relatives. There might be a score of bar-
met. Two, they often marry into greater clans, generally
onets in Kaldor (which has more than any other Hârnic
through their daughters, at all levels, providing strong famil-
kingdom) though the number is not exact. Other feudal na-
ial bonds with their lords.
tions number about a dozen baronets each.

Politically and socially, baronets tend to be heavily in-

vested in local politics at the hundred and shire level where
they wield significant power since their holdings tend to be
concentrated. More than one sheriff has regretted crossing
one of these “little barons”. They are less involved with na-

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (http://www.columbiagames.com/)

© 2017, Michael Mann.
This work, created by Michael Mann is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal
use by Michael Mann and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without
permission of Michael Mann. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a
challenge to the status of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact
tional politics, though there are exceptions, as capitals tend support them. They are often younger holdings than more
to be more distant from their powerbases and more true traditional baronetcies and tend to hold additional titles, of-
magnates are active. They don’t tend to form political or so- fices, influence and power than other baronets. Should lines
cial blocks with other baronets, rather following their lieges of succession not be clear, they frequently form competing
or their own interests. factions for the throne. The losers of these contests are usual-
ly forfeit their lives as well as their lands.

Whilst younger male offspring of baronets can expect to

be knighted and often are (or are exchanged as squires with The Kobarney’s of Fethael Hundred form the local oppo-
other households, with much the same results), they aren’t sition to the powerful Baron of Getha, who is also Sheriff of
always employed afterwards. Some find places in the reti- Nephshire. The Kobarneys have significant holdings near
nues of their lieges or by joining a church or fighting order. Getha and work to increase their own power, which he
Others end up managing the family fiefs as bailiffs or retain- views as a threat. Though the baron has enormous influence
ers. Most, however, are sent into the world with a good with the local church, where his half-brother serves as Re-
sword, a stout steed and best wishes. They often find em- blena of the Lady of Paladins sword chapter, the Kobarneys
ployment as mercenaries, in standing armies, or even as ad- descend from two minor (unofficial) Laranian saints, gaining
venturers! They are a good source of fighting men should the them great latitude. They also use their relationship to their
family ever need to recall them, though they often have any liege, the Baron of Uldien and his liege, the Earl of Balim
needed troops to hand serving on their lands where they can (himself a rival of Getha), to provide themselves political
be mustered more swiftly. More successful members can cover for their activities.
look forward to returning to their ancestral halls to serve in
some capacity, perhaps as bailiffs or stewards. Daughters
Some of the hundred bailiffs have become heritable posi-
often serve as ladies-in-waiting in various households before
tions in Kaldor; this is not found elsewhere on Hârn. These
being married off for political advantage. Those females who
occupy a more nebulous position as baronets. On the one
do become knights often do so directly through the family in
hand, they are clearly wealthy and powerful enough to
question, the church or a fighting order. They are rarely ex-
maintain the trappings of a baronet. Indeed, as Bailiff of the
changed as squires and generally show uncommon determi-
Hundred, they hold more local power than is typical, even
nation to pursue this path.
for a baronet. On the other hand, they could be dismissed
from their position, at least in theory, with the loss of those
manors that would make them baronets, even if this is un-
The settled east likely. They can prove a significant headache for the local
sheriff. For most practical purposes they can be considered
The settled east of Hârn contains a number of baronet- the same as other baronets, though they will have additional
cies, partly due to the age of the kingdoms and partly the sources of income, are likely to employ more professional
result of a number of dynastic marriages and political staff, such as litigants and scribes and have more men-at-
manoeuvring. Tables showing the baronetcies in each king- arms present at their primary seat.
dom are below.

Sir Dormer Rathval is a typical baronet. He inherited six

Kaldor years ago from his father, Obit, who died in a Pagaelin am-
bush whilst travelling to Thay. He holds Dantry Manor in
There are more baronets in Kaldor than any other king- Chyle Hundred, Balimshire, from Shebra. It is a rich and
dom on Hârn and they include some of the largest estates on long-settled fief of almost 2’000 acres and Sir Rathval main-
the island. Many are the result of dynastic intrigues. Most tains a lavish household. A keen hunter, Sir Dormer main-
baronets maintain townhouses in Tashal and sometimes oth- tains his nephew, Sir Obiit, as a knight-retainer and hunts-
er population centres as well. They are some of the wealthi- man. His own twin adult sons (Dexter and Sinistral) were
est and most powerful families in the land and could be cru- recently knighted after squiring in the sheriff’s household.
cial in determining the next monarch. Two of the contenders The twins are close and expressed a desire to serve with the
for the throne, Maldan Harabor and Conwan Elendsa, could army of the Oselmarch to avenge their grandfather, a request
be considered baronets in their own right. They make up a Sir Dormer is uneasy about.
significant number of the sheriffs in the kingdom. Sir Dormer also maintains a priest and herald, distant
cousins, together with five household squires. For defence,
he keeps four light footmen as men-at-arms and four yeo-
Royal baronets, such as Maldan and Conwan, often have
men, two as light footmen and two as shortbowmen. Most of
their holdings origins either as minor (but favoured) mem-
his craftsmen-retainers keep apprentices or journeymen and
bers of the Royal family (such as Conwan) or as bastards
include a scrivener and physician. Around a third of his
(such as Maldan) granted lands from the Royal domain to
many servants live in the village whilst others reside in his

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (http://www.columbiagames.com/)

© 2017, Michael Mann.
This work, created by Michael Mann is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal
use by Michael Mann and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without
permission of Michael Mann. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a
challenge to the status of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact.
manor. Together with his very comfortable household, this Gladryne Dulye, another powerful mage rounds out this
costs Sir Dormer in excess of £800 a year. Fortunately, he is long-lived but small family. Most of their bailiff-held manors
aided in managing this by his uncle Sir Auric, who acts as are managed by knight retainers and non-family members.
steward and knows exactly how much is due to the estate to
the last penny.
Three small but wealthy manors are directly subject to
Dandtry. Epelam and Feldhesel are held in fee simple and
There are no baronetcies in the quasi-feudal tributary
Jeptyrel is managed by a bailiff, Sir Tyrell, who is Sir Dor-
kingdom of Orbaal since many Jarin lords lost their holdings
mer’s eldest son and heir and whose wife Lady Dyrisa, is
and none of the new landholders have yet amassed enough
expecting their fourth child any day now. Jeptyrel itself has a
power and prestige to be considered baronets. The kingdom
subordinate manor, Rydecy. These four manors owe four
is young and vigorous (if internally divided) and may well
knights and sixteen mixed foot; but could raise double that
develop baronetcies in the near future if any of several ambi-
at need.
tious clans can muster the resources to become such.
The family maintains two townhouses, one in Tashal’s
wealthy Haldana district and the other in Kiban. Sir Dormer
prefers to spend his time on his estates; but his relatives of- Azadmere
ten visit the properties, which are both managed by cousins.
The Khuzan kingdom of Azadmere contains no baronet-
Chybisa cies. Within the Jarin Barony of Habe, holdings that were
once baronetcies have since divided into separate fiefs with
the inheritance of younger children; in this stable kingdom.
There are no baronetcies in Chybisa, where equivalent The “Lost Baronies”, such as Axxon, may offer scope for the
landholders are titled barons, the kingdom being too small to ambitious to found new baronetcies in time if they could be
support an intermediate class between manor lords and bar- redeemed from hostile Gargun.
ons. Several former baronets from Kaldor held land in Chy-
bisa before they were evicted following the restoration. Some
of them would like their lands back. The turbulent west
Melderyn The turbulent west contains two Hârnic feudal states,
Kanday and Rethem. Both contain a number of baronetcies.
Melderyn has fewer baronetcies than Kaldor, though the With the unsettled nature of the west, particularly along
holdings tend to be older as several previous baronets were their shared border, both kingdoms main requirement of a
raised to the status of barons during the last great expansion baronet is that they have the strength available to hold mul-
of Melderyn following the Shires Edict. Few new baronets tiple manors.
have developed since, with existing baronets eying the pos-
sibilities offered by further expansion on the mainland.

The powerful Clan Dulye are cousin to King Toron and Following recent wars, there are around a dozen baronets
are noted for providing several powerful Shek Pvar. The an- in Kanday. The greatest struggle they face beyond ongoing
cient Eilyn Dulye is a powerful gray mage who chairs the hostilities is a lack of manpower, as there is ample land for
enigmatic Council of Eleven. Her twin, Dyalne, another settling and several ruined manors that could be colonised.
powerful gray mage, was expelled from the council and de- Several of the knightly clans wish to claim these manors but
clared renegade. Her whereabouts are unknown but she is lack the numbers to do so. Similarly, the existing baronetcies
still sought. Gladryne Dulye, a Lyhavi Shek Pvar is another may be able to raise themselves to baronial status if only
councillor. they could find the manpower to settle some of these lands.
The elderly Brigyth Dulye resides in Cherafir and is one One of the greatest motivators of border raids for the Kandi-
of the wealthiest women on Hârn. Like many practical peo- ans is to raid not for livestock or glory, but for serfs or slaves
ple, Brigyth’s husband married into the clan to benefit from to work the land. The earls, king and Laranian church turn a
its powerful royal connections. Their son manages the estate blind eye to these moves, as it adds to the lands under their
at Geortir Manor, mostly through lack of interest of any of control, whilst the existing barons have their own concerns
the rest of the family. along the borders.
His eldest child, Alyce, is a paying student at Vil Abbey
and heir to the baronetcy with her sister Marie. Both are al-
ready powerful psionicists.

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (http://www.columbiagames.com/)

© 2017, Michael Mann.
This work, created by Michael Mann is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal
use by Michael Mann and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without
permission of Michael Mann. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a
challenge to the status of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact
Rethem baronets. When these have gotten overly powerful in the
past, other members of the Tia-Nalari have combined to pre-
Raised on blood and ash, the nobility of Rethem includes vent the formation of overly powerful baronies. Even the
several baronetcies, with similar numbers to hated Kanday. royal clan of Aemon are merely first among equals and don’t
Raiding across the border for plunder and sport, their great- hold any baronies. This may change soon, as three clans all
est impediment to becoming barons in their own right are vie to achieve baronial status. Since their opposition comes
their neighbours. With sufficient strength, a clan could from the lesser clans and not each other, they may cooperate
command more manors and perhaps seize or construct a to achieve dominance.
keep, with the help or blessing (or sufficient bribes) of one of Power in Chelemby is measured not just in land held, but
the greater clans or the Agrikan church. Of course, this in ships sailed and wealth amassed. All Cheler baronets hold
means guarding against ones neighbours in turn as well as great mercantile wealth and operate concessions from the
rivals from over the border. king to manage their own bonding houses, a lucrative status
symbol in Chelemby. Great trading alliances (and rivalries)
and networks bind the noble Cheler together, each led by a
The Agrikan orders take varying views on the develop-
powerful House.
ment of baronets. Some view their growing strength born
through conflict as an Agrikan virtue and asset for coming The royal clan of Aemon holds the most power with sev-
wars. Others view them as a threat to their own secular in- en manors; there are calls from some, bitterly opposed by
fluence and power. Each orders policy on the matter is de- others in the Nalstrad, to allow them to amass more power
termined by its leaders and can change as those leaders are to better protect the kingdom. Time will tell if they achieve
replaced or change their minds in reaction to internal or ex- these aims. They may be aided or opposed by clans Paserin
ternal politics. As such, Rethemi baronets must be politically and Wesen, both strong supporters of the crown who har-
astute and ever-vigilant. bour their own baronial ambitions.

Klydres Bysidril, lord of Anerath Manor, is the greatest of
Rethemi baronets and has the strength to protect and grow
his holdings. He is also the Agrikan Primate of Hârn, chair of Emelrene like Melderyn is a long settled realm and holds
the Golothan Heptarchy and Senasharil of the Oder of many baronetcies. Like Melderyn many of these are the re-
Mamaka Master of Steel, clerical sponsors of the Warriors of sult of dynastic marriages and longstanding alliances. Unlike
Mameka fighting order. He is more powerful than any baron Melderyn, there has been no recent expansion and formation
and possibly any earl or even the king. Ambitious, he could of new baronies (from existing baronets) so there are more
well desire the few holdings to raise his clan to baronial sta- baronetcies extant. Again, the larger population and greater
tus and has the resources to fund his ambitions. size of the kingdom has encouraged the formation of more
baronetcies in this settled realm, though there is less scope to
advance beyond this, with a rough parity between new bar-
The exotic continent onetcies forming and old ones lapsing. All in all there are
around two score in the mysterious realm.
The exotic continent contains several feudal and quasi-
feudal (tributary) kingdoms, many of which contain baron- Palithane
etcies. Indeed, the term likely originated in Trierzon, which
to this day contains the largest concentration of these clans.
The kingdom of Palithane is turbulent and vigorous. Fol-
lowing its formation from the western marches of Trierzon it
Ivinia has rapidly improved its stability and wealth as the conquer-
ing Ivinians have moved from a tributary to feudal system of
None of the quasi-feudal Ivinian realms (Seldenabaal, government, helped by growing Laranianism amongst the
Menglana, Ibanvaal, Haarbaal or Rogna have any baronets, new ruling class. Many of the existing nobility lost their
as the great clans system discourages them (often forcefully) lands during the invasion and the great clans have only
and the successful who survive are either adopted into a slowly divided and awarded manors to their retainers, gen-
great clan, emigrate or found their own great clans. erally as separate manors. This is a process that is picking up
but is still recent in the kingdom. There has been some con-
solidation since, either through dynastic marriages, inher-
Chelemby itance or where increased resources are deemed necessary
for defence. As such, most baronetcies lie along the Trierzi
Chelemby with its mix of multiple smaller clans and border where additional lands have been carved from Trier-
great distrust of overly powerful clans has around a dozen zon, although some are in lands held by the Count of Atha-

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (http://www.columbiagames.com/)

© 2017, Michael Mann.
This work, created by Michael Mann is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal
use by Michael Mann and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without
permission of Michael Mann. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a
challenge to the status of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact.
mas, whose followers retained their lands. There are only a has its cluster of baronets (together with Ilbra) facing the
score or so of baronetcies in this young realm, though the contested borders of the Shorkyni counties of Falimae and
tendency is for greater consolidation. Ilona where they have their own concerns.
Ilaska and Hedames have a number of baronets with
Shorkyne land on both sides of their common border. These almost
always owe fealty to the powerful count of Hedames, a mat-
ter of growing concern for the count of Ilaska.
The Shorka have several score baronets, particularly
along their contested border with Trierzon in the royal do- The Tobran families of Anfaldon, Nadamia and
main where their additional strength is thought necessary to Melesuma lost much land to the Knights of Avarkiel. As
defend the porous border. They form an integral part of the such, there are relatively few baronets in these counties, but
leadership cadre of the feudal levy, where they naturally much resentment from the surviving Esuar who would be so
form the core of intermediate officers, some of whom have were it not for the militant church. This adds further eco-
risen to high rank in the Royal Army, with the skills honed nomic stress to an already unstable situation, where talk of
in their home fiefs. rebellion grows daily.

The Dukedom of Ensel also has a relatively high propor-

tion of baronets from some of the oldest noble clans in the
kingdom. Their holdings frequently cross county bounda-
ries, though they invariably remain within the duchy. They
are some of the prime movers of the push by Ensel into
Lankor and Hurisea where they hope to gain the strength to
join Parliament as new Barons.


The Trierzi hold the largest, most populous feudal realm

in Lythia. As such, they have the greatest numbers of baron-
ets. It is likely where the term originated, though it remains
unofficial. It is likely to remain so until recognition by either
the king or church of Larani. Naturally, there is a movement
among baronets to get their status officially recognised.
In Trierzon, many baronets hold manors or esuaren
across county and ducal boundaries. Holdings are often con-
tiguous though this is not always the case. They tend to owe
their allegiance based on where their primary seat is; owing
fealty to a baron or more usually directly to a count where
they form an important part of their courts.
There are many baronets near the contested borders of
Palithane, Shorkyne and Beronium in the Azeryan Empire
where their military strength is desired.
Those on the border of Palithane have lost several man-
ors over the last century as that land aggressively expands
their borders, though they retain their claims to the land and
often mount and defend from border raids. If Trierzon re-
trenches, it is likely they will be at the forefront of the effort.
Those who only held one or two manors on the border have
often lost their lives as well as their lands where these have
been seized, leaving their claims in the hands of distaff
members of their clans; members who have often married
into minor branches of the clans of baronets. Should these
baronets be able to press their claims, they would become
relatively powerful and concentrated. No doubt, this would
be welcomed by their lieges in Palama, Senedalo and Agelos
with the continuing threat of Palithanian assault. Stahlfore

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (http://www.columbiagames.com/)

© 2017, Michael Mann.
This work, created by Michael Mann is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal
use by Michael Mann and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without
permission of Michael Mann. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a
challenge to the status of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact
Average Indexed
Liege Fief Acres LQ HD Holdings Holder Hundred Realm acres
Esenor Mutane 6550 1.15 109 3 Dracayne Cholas Kaldor 7539.5
Hutop Cantwee 7750 1.07 144 5 Jopler Daynora Kaldor 8292
Kiban Hetheron 7320 1.08 107 5 Karondal Allence Kaldor 7941.4
Kiban Koun 7940 1.12 148 4 Ruskart Miona Kaldor 8918.6
Kiban Labarn 10120 1.18 178 5 Labarn Wosendel Kaldor 11915.7
Kolorn Visern 5770 1.19 102 4 Raquecht Habimas Kaldor 6891.8
Minarsas Zutlin 10500 1.21 179 6 Valador Tuselion Kaldor 12658.4
Olokond B/H 7380 1.16 111 7 Nevan Myaman Kaldor 8547.1
Olokond Tentru 7550 1.13 116 6 Harabor Myaman Kaldor 8494.6
Qualdris Ridian 5810 1.05 121 4 Eldaran Siloryne Kaldor 6100.5
Querina Etoss 8160 1.11 151 4 Elendsa Cholas Kaldor 9068.9
Querina Krettel 12990 1.2 228 7 Delwarne Endrunel Kaldor 15571.5
Shebra Dantry 6530 1.09 125 5 Rathval Chyle Kaldor 7117.7
Shebra B/H 12250 1.14 212 6 Lorzane Marindas Kaldor 13925.7
Sirendel Eliten 7990 1.09 134 7 Larquste Taniran Kaldor 8742.5
Ternua Galven 5820 1.16 99 3 Pulgarty Bredan Kaldor 6741.9
Uldien Hyzevel 5650 1.12 91 4 Kobarney Fethael Kaldor 6323.3

Average Indexed
Liege Fief Acres LQ HD Holdings Holder Hundred Realm acres
Cherafir Geortir 8830 1.08 177 6 Dulye Alatar Melderyn 9509.4
Cherafir Kinar 6590 1.08 126 4 Kinar Tenir Melderyn 7119.5
Cherafir Nenna 7970 1.07 127 5 Nenn Ravin Melderyn 8527.4
Cherafir Zuen 6060 1.08 121 4 Zuenda Alatar Melderyn 6531.2
Chyrefal Lydi 9450 1 206 5 Torele Saviran Melderyn 9463.4
Glenoth Wyged 7670 1.02 155 5 Halwyn Narath Melderyn 7855.8
Gosus Gexel 6350 1.08 125 4 Gexel Alatar Melderyn 6843.9
Gosus Xerl 5940 1.06 123 4 Erdaen Elewesa Melderyn 6324.3
Karveth Bebic 6460 1.06 120 4 Inselda Firithel Melderyn 6863.4
Karveth Yal 6300 1.03 113 4 D'nagel Ferece Melderyn 6478.5

Average Indexed
Liege Fief Acres LQ HD Holdings Holder Hundred Realm acres
Ewen Mardy 7460 1.08 125 4 Gepander Tadlry Kanday 8056.8
Heroth Cetha 6070 1.07 101 3 Pymarin Ravin Kanday 6471.8
Heroth Dunat 9520 1.07 146 5 Cassaryn Tadlry Kanday 10190.4
Heroth Juleme 6130 1.06 101 3 Arwyn Narath Kanday 6479.6
Heroth Sullin 9810 1.07 169 6 Inkathyn Ravin Kanday 10482.9

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (http://www.columbiagames.com/)

© 2017, Michael Mann.
This work, created by Michael Mann is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal
use by Michael Mann and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without
permission of Michael Mann. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a
challenge to the status of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact.
Average Indexed
Liege Fief Acres LQ HD Holdings Holder Hundred Realm acres
Imiden Ganord 7240 1.07 118 4 Korades Urmore Kanday 7727
Kedis Aleura 7190 0.98 106 4 Mankele Aleur Kanday 7034.8
Sarkum Jeseda 6820 0.92 104 4 Jesedasyn Homarty Kanday 6293.6
Selvos Lyb 7460 1.01 128 4 Branaka Kedisa Kanday 7544.1
Selvos Shernada 7510 1.1 133 4 Pordaen Urmore Kanday 8278.9
Selvos Ulben 6030 1.09 101 3 Akendyn Urmore Kanday 6593.4

Average Indexed
Liege Fief Acres LQ HD Holdings Holder Hundred Realm acres
Chatka Monrein 6020 1.03 127 3 Hyndar Delwen Rethem 6642.9
Omnis Aleton 5590 1.12 117 3 Vyngarth Ibral Rethem 6241.4
Omnis Arguth 5560 1.12 113 3 Delmenon Ibral Rethem 6236.8
Omnis Dabarqu 5820 1.09 122 3 Darbaqu Ibral Rethem 6339.8
Quiso Conayle 5420 1.11 114 3 Cuthdar Adanal Rethem 6063.7
Quiso Nessa 6160 1.11 129 3 Suvaent Adanal Rethem 6857.1
Shostim Vinarsa 12060 1.07 221 7 Bysidril Anerath Rethem 12900.4
Shostim Yediro 7370 1.07 142 4 Borganau Delwen Rethem 7949.6
Techen Thisyn 7780 1.08 151 4 Olandau Anerath Rethem 8403.9
Thiri Verl 5820 1.12 123 3 Delcavel Hesby Rethem 6527.3
Tormau Olday 8350 1.15 177 5 Lynnaeur Cethary Rethem 9585

Liege Holdings Holder District Realm Ships Alliance

Chelemby 7 Aemon Chelemby Chelemby 6 Aemon
Chelemby 3 Armorian Chelemby Chelemby 2 Armorian
Chelemby 3 Ethiasen Evanekin Chelemby 3 Ethiasen
Chelemby 3 Hasketh Chelemby Chelemby 4 Hasketh
Chelemby 3 Hlanendes Chelemby Chelemby 0 Aemon
Chelemby 3 Jaagensen Chelemby Chelemby 1 Independent
Chelemby 3 Jaren Chelemby Chelemby 3 Jaren
Chelemby 5 Paserin Evanekin Chelemby 3 Paserin
Chelemby 3 Silkan Chelemby Chelemby 5 Silkan
Chelemby 3 Tarkenby Koladis Chelemby 3 Aemon
Chelemby 6 Wesen Chelemby Chelemby 4 Wesen

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (http://www.columbiagames.com/)

© 2017, Michael Mann.
This work, created by Michael Mann is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal
use by Michael Mann and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without
permission of Michael Mann. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a
challenge to the status of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact
Plot hooks er themselves in charge of any such group, re-
gardless of their experience.
• With the looming succession crisis in Kaldor, • The lord’s steward has reported inconsisten-
the lord has decided to bond a talented weapon- cies in the accounting presented by one his sub-
crafter to his chief manor. He requires one from ordinates, a cousin who manages his Tashal
the guild and needs trusted individuals to pro- properties. These include several tenements and
cure such for him. They’ll need to assess the properties that he rents out. The subordinate has
quality and skills of any new smith. With tur- been reliable in the past and the lord wants to
moil approaching, several other lords have had know what is going on. Discreet and tactful in-
similar ideas and competition for talented dividuals are required.
smiths is fierce. • A young man has arrived; claiming to be a
• The lord’s youngest sons have expressed a de- bastard brother of the lord, to whom he bears a
sire to avenge their grandfather, who died strong resemblance. The lord needs to verify
fighting the Pagaelin. The lord remains uneasy these claims before he decides what to do or
and is recruiting a suitable force to protect his whether to support this putative clansman.
offspring. They are headstrong and will consid-

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (http://www.columbiagames.com/)

© 2017, Michael Mann.
This work, created by Michael Mann is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal
use by Michael Mann and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without
permission of Michael Mann. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a
challenge to the status of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact.

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