“Just because they have some land and money, more than
most knights, they seem to think they are noble! Bloody up-
pity knights are all they are.” – Sir Ernald Julor Baron of Ohe-
tis, talking about baronets in the company of Sir Ashenan Dunat
at the King’s court in Dyrisa whilst in drink.
Baronet’s and the baronetcies they maintain (which al- Baronets represent a tricky thing for their lieges. On the
most always include a well-fortified manor house) only exist one hand they’re more politically and militarily powerful
de facto, not de jure. That is, they're commonly referred to than their other followers, often with that power concentrat-
but not officially recognised, though that may change in the ed within one or two neighbouring hundreds. As such, they
next hundred years or so. must be handled with some care, even by the more powerful
magnates with more influence spread over greater distances
(where they don’t have other concerns to occupy them), in a
Baronet’s have existed in feudal societies for several
less concentrated manner.
hundred years, particularly on mainland Lythia. Although
it’s unclear when the title was first used, it’s believed to On the other hand, baronets are invariably wealthy and
originate from the Trierzon region C.200. Whilst not an of- well-equipped knights able to summon significant military
ficial title, the term “baronet” has been in common use on aid. They form a natural leadership cadre should the peer
Hârn since at least the Baronial Revolt of 599-603 in Kaldor have cause to raise their banners, acting as natural lieuten-
(the earliest documented use on the isle) and probably be- ants to their lieges, whose authority is rarely questioned by
fore, although records remain incomplete. lesser knights. This greatly simplifies the military structure
and mitigates a significant weakness of feudal musters, re-
ducing political jockeying for position (though it can be re-
Baronet's or 'little barons' are those rich knights, typically gardless of military skill). They are a potential source of
holding several manors, who can afford to knight all their wealth, either directly or more commonly by hosting their
children, not just the heirs. Another way of defining it would liege and his entourage for part of the year, greatly lessening
be those lords who can maintain or raise from their vassals a costs to his household.
squadron of knights and company of foot but not maintain a
Feudal overlords have traditionally managed these sub-
keep. This is often far higher than their feudal obligation and
jects in two complementary ways. One, they are given a
is typically a mix of men-at-arms and yeomen for the foot
great deal of latitude to follow their lieges interest in a re-
and medium horse for the knights, including fief holders,
gion, with great autonomy provided feudal obligations are
heirs, huntsmen and relatives. There might be a score of bar-
met. Two, they often marry into greater clans, generally
onets in Kaldor (which has more than any other Hârnic
through their daughters, at all levels, providing strong famil-
kingdom) though the number is not exact. Other feudal na-
ial bonds with their lords.
tions number about a dozen baronets each.
The powerful Clan Dulye are cousin to King Toron and Following recent wars, there are around a dozen baronets
are noted for providing several powerful Shek Pvar. The an- in Kanday. The greatest struggle they face beyond ongoing
cient Eilyn Dulye is a powerful gray mage who chairs the hostilities is a lack of manpower, as there is ample land for
enigmatic Council of Eleven. Her twin, Dyalne, another settling and several ruined manors that could be colonised.
powerful gray mage, was expelled from the council and de- Several of the knightly clans wish to claim these manors but
clared renegade. Her whereabouts are unknown but she is lack the numbers to do so. Similarly, the existing baronetcies
still sought. Gladryne Dulye, a Lyhavi Shek Pvar is another may be able to raise themselves to baronial status if only
councillor. they could find the manpower to settle some of these lands.
The elderly Brigyth Dulye resides in Cherafir and is one One of the greatest motivators of border raids for the Kandi-
of the wealthiest women on Hârn. Like many practical peo- ans is to raid not for livestock or glory, but for serfs or slaves
ple, Brigyth’s husband married into the clan to benefit from to work the land. The earls, king and Laranian church turn a
its powerful royal connections. Their son manages the estate blind eye to these moves, as it adds to the lands under their
at Geortir Manor, mostly through lack of interest of any of control, whilst the existing barons have their own concerns
the rest of the family. along the borders.
His eldest child, Alyce, is a paying student at Vil Abbey
and heir to the baronetcy with her sister Marie. Both are al-
ready powerful psionicists.
Klydres Bysidril, lord of Anerath Manor, is the greatest of
Rethemi baronets and has the strength to protect and grow
his holdings. He is also the Agrikan Primate of Hârn, chair of Emelrene like Melderyn is a long settled realm and holds
the Golothan Heptarchy and Senasharil of the Oder of many baronetcies. Like Melderyn many of these are the re-
Mamaka Master of Steel, clerical sponsors of the Warriors of sult of dynastic marriages and longstanding alliances. Unlike
Mameka fighting order. He is more powerful than any baron Melderyn, there has been no recent expansion and formation
and possibly any earl or even the king. Ambitious, he could of new baronies (from existing baronets) so there are more
well desire the few holdings to raise his clan to baronial sta- baronetcies extant. Again, the larger population and greater
tus and has the resources to fund his ambitions. size of the kingdom has encouraged the formation of more
baronetcies in this settled realm, though there is less scope to
advance beyond this, with a rough parity between new bar-
The exotic continent onetcies forming and old ones lapsing. All in all there are
around two score in the mysterious realm.
The exotic continent contains several feudal and quasi-
feudal (tributary) kingdoms, many of which contain baron- Palithane
etcies. Indeed, the term likely originated in Trierzon, which
to this day contains the largest concentration of these clans.
The kingdom of Palithane is turbulent and vigorous. Fol-
lowing its formation from the western marches of Trierzon it
Ivinia has rapidly improved its stability and wealth as the conquer-
ing Ivinians have moved from a tributary to feudal system of
None of the quasi-feudal Ivinian realms (Seldenabaal, government, helped by growing Laranianism amongst the
Menglana, Ibanvaal, Haarbaal or Rogna have any baronets, new ruling class. Many of the existing nobility lost their
as the great clans system discourages them (often forcefully) lands during the invasion and the great clans have only
and the successful who survive are either adopted into a slowly divided and awarded manors to their retainers, gen-
great clan, emigrate or found their own great clans. erally as separate manors. This is a process that is picking up
but is still recent in the kingdom. There has been some con-
solidation since, either through dynastic marriages, inher-
Chelemby itance or where increased resources are deemed necessary
for defence. As such, most baronetcies lie along the Trierzi
Chelemby with its mix of multiple smaller clans and border where additional lands have been carved from Trier-
great distrust of overly powerful clans has around a dozen zon, although some are in lands held by the Count of Atha-
Average Indexed
Liege Fief Acres LQ HD Holdings Holder Hundred Realm acres
Cherafir Geortir 8830 1.08 177 6 Dulye Alatar Melderyn 9509.4
Cherafir Kinar 6590 1.08 126 4 Kinar Tenir Melderyn 7119.5
Cherafir Nenna 7970 1.07 127 5 Nenn Ravin Melderyn 8527.4
Cherafir Zuen 6060 1.08 121 4 Zuenda Alatar Melderyn 6531.2
Chyrefal Lydi 9450 1 206 5 Torele Saviran Melderyn 9463.4
Glenoth Wyged 7670 1.02 155 5 Halwyn Narath Melderyn 7855.8
Gosus Gexel 6350 1.08 125 4 Gexel Alatar Melderyn 6843.9
Gosus Xerl 5940 1.06 123 4 Erdaen Elewesa Melderyn 6324.3
Karveth Bebic 6460 1.06 120 4 Inselda Firithel Melderyn 6863.4
Karveth Yal 6300 1.03 113 4 D'nagel Ferece Melderyn 6478.5
Average Indexed
Liege Fief Acres LQ HD Holdings Holder Hundred Realm acres
Ewen Mardy 7460 1.08 125 4 Gepander Tadlry Kanday 8056.8
Heroth Cetha 6070 1.07 101 3 Pymarin Ravin Kanday 6471.8
Heroth Dunat 9520 1.07 146 5 Cassaryn Tadlry Kanday 10190.4
Heroth Juleme 6130 1.06 101 3 Arwyn Narath Kanday 6479.6
Heroth Sullin 9810 1.07 169 6 Inkathyn Ravin Kanday 10482.9
Average Indexed
Liege Fief Acres LQ HD Holdings Holder Hundred Realm acres
Chatka Monrein 6020 1.03 127 3 Hyndar Delwen Rethem 6642.9
Omnis Aleton 5590 1.12 117 3 Vyngarth Ibral Rethem 6241.4
Omnis Arguth 5560 1.12 113 3 Delmenon Ibral Rethem 6236.8
Omnis Dabarqu 5820 1.09 122 3 Darbaqu Ibral Rethem 6339.8
Quiso Conayle 5420 1.11 114 3 Cuthdar Adanal Rethem 6063.7
Quiso Nessa 6160 1.11 129 3 Suvaent Adanal Rethem 6857.1
Shostim Vinarsa 12060 1.07 221 7 Bysidril Anerath Rethem 12900.4
Shostim Yediro 7370 1.07 142 4 Borganau Delwen Rethem 7949.6
Techen Thisyn 7780 1.08 151 4 Olandau Anerath Rethem 8403.9
Thiri Verl 5820 1.12 123 3 Delcavel Hesby Rethem 6527.3
Tormau Olday 8350 1.15 177 5 Lynnaeur Cethary Rethem 9585