1. Introduction
2. Basic function of cells
3. Blood
4. Circulatory system
5. Respiratory system
6. Digestive system
7. Energy metabolism and body temperature
8. Urinary system
9. Endocrine system
10. Nervous system
11. Sensory organ
Nutritive function
Transport function
Clot formation
Protective function
The function of blood
Regulation of osmosis
Homeostatic function
Maintenance of body
Storage function
Function of Blood
The basic composition of blood
The basic composition of blood
• Constituents of plasma protein
The basic composition of blood
300 mmol/L
300 mOsm/Kg H2O
770 kPa
Characteristics of blood
• pH of plasma
– The pH of plasma is maintained within a narrow range of
– Buffers system in blood (consist of mixtures of a weak acid
or base and its salt) can minimize the changes in pH.
• Erythrocytes
– The morphology & number of erythrocytes
– The physiological features of erythrocytes
– The functions of erythrocytes
– The erythropoiesis and its regulation
– The life span and destruction of erythrocytes
• Hemoglobin
male:120~160 g/L
female:110-150 g/L
• RBC count
female : 3.8~4.6 X 1012 /L
male: 4.5~5.5 X 1012 /L
neonate: 6 X 1012 /L
• The number of red cells you have varies according to sex and
age. Women have lower levels than men and newborn babies
often will have more than adults.
• Persons living at high altitudes have greater numbers of RBCs.
• each of the four polypeptide chains of a hemoglobin molecule
has one heme group, which contains an iron ion (Fe2)
hyperosmotic hyposmotic
solutions solutions
The erythropoiesis
• Before birth, hemopoiesis first occurs in the yolk sac
of an embryo and later in the liver, spleen, thymus,
and lymph nodes of a fetus.
• Red bone marrow (bones) becomes the primary site of
hemopoiesis in the last 3 months before birth, and
continues as the source of blood cells after birth and
throughout life.
• In adults, therefore, haemopoietic (red) bone marrow is
confined to the axial skeleton (skull, vertebrae, sternum,
ribs, sacrum and pelvis) and the proximal ends of long
bones (humerus, femur and tibia).
Pronormoblast Early normoblast Late normoblast
/proerythroblast /Orthochromatic normoblast
Stem cells
reticuloendothelial system
(extravascular hemolysis)
(intravascular hemolysis)
RBC Life Cycle
Physiology of blood cells
• Leukocytes
– The number & classification of leukocytes
– The physiological features & functions of leukocytes
– The production & regulation of leukocytes
• In the blood, they exist in two equal populations:
– The circulating pool comprises 50% cells which are
circulating in the blood at any instant
– The marginal pool is constituted by the rest of 50% of cells
which remain marginated or sidelined, i.e. sticking to the
endothelial cells of closed capillaries, venules, small
veins and sinusoids.
• engulfment and destruction of bacteria and dead cells by
bactericidal agents such as lysosomal hydrolases, defensins,
strong oxidants (the superoxide anion/O2-), hydrogen
peroxide/H2O2, and the hypochlorite anion/OCl-
• Eosinophils are not very motile and thus have a very mild
phagocytic activity
• They play an important role in the defence mechanism of
body especially in parasitic infections. Eosinophils attach to
the worm and secrete substances that kill it.
• The eosinophils increase in number in allergic conditions like
bronchial asthma and hay fever.
• They are capable of detoxifying inflammation inducing
substances (released by mast cells and basophils) like
histamine—eg. Release histaminase (combat the effects of
histamine) or inhibit mast cell degranulation.
• similar structurally and functionally to mast cells
• Basophils release histamine, leukotriene and serotonin (5HT).
These substances, in turn, cause local vascular and tissue
reactions (contract bronchial smooth muscle and increase small
blood vessel permeability) that cause many allergic
• Basophils also release eosinophil chemotactic factor that causes
eosinophils to migrate toward the inflamed allergic tissue.
Eosinophils then phagocytose and destroy antigen–antibody
complexes and prevent spread of local inflammatory process.
• Basophils release heparin in the blood which prevents clotting of
the blood and activates the enzyme lipoprotein lipase which
removes fat particles from the blood after a fatty meal.
• On their arrival at the site of infection , monocytes enlarge
and differentiate into macrophages
• Their main function is phagocytosis (most powerful) -engulf
bacterial and large particles such as red blood cells
• They also play a role in antigen presentation
• Tissue macrophage can live for months or even years
• Based on their developmental background, life span and
functions, the small lymphocytes have been broadly classified
into three subtypes :
1. B lymphocytes which are processed in the bone marrow and
concerned with the humoral immunity
2. T lymphocytes which are processed in the thymus and
concerned with cellular immunity
3. Natural killer cells are lymphocyte-like cells that non-
specifically kill any cell that is coated with immunoglobulin
• T lymphocytes do not produce circulating antibodies; instead,
they directly destroy their specific target cells by releasing
chemicals that punch holes in the victim cell, a process called
cell-mediated immunity. The target cells of T cells include body
cells invaded by viruses and cancer cells.
• The derivatives of B lymphocytes, the plasma cells produce
antibodies, which circulate in the blood. An antibody binds with
and marks for destruction (by phagocytosis or other means) the
specific kinds of foreign matter, such as bacteria, that induced
production of the antibody.
Hematopoiesis regulation
1. Colony Stimulating factor
2. Interleukin
n months/ 6-8h 6h >100 d 3~4d
n year
Physiology of blood cells
• Platelets
– The number of platelets
– The physiological features of platelets
– The functions of platelets
– The production & regulation of platelets
– The life span & destruction of platelets
• resting state
• activated state
• Critical values:
– <50 109/L :severe thrombocytopenia →
– >1000 109/L:severe thrombocytosis →
thrombosis (clotting in an undamaged blood vessel)
5-HT, Vascular
TXA2 constriction
1. Vasoconstriction:At a site of injury, platelet activation and clot
formation result in the release of the vasoconstrictors. Platelets
release the vasoconstrictors serotonin and thromboxane A2; the
clotting protein thrombin stimulates endothelial cells to secrete
the highly potent vasoconstrictor endothelin-1.
2. Formation of temporary haemostatic plug: Platelet plug
formation occurs at the site of damage in capillaries, arterioles,
and venules. Plug formation is called primary hemostasis.
3. Formation of the definitive haemostatic clot: Clot formation
occurs in which a fibrin mesh forms together with platelets and
other trapped blood cells. Clot formation is called secondary
4. The formation of a stable blood clot is followed by the orderly
breakdown of the clot (fibrinolysis) as wound healing proceeds.
Blood coagulation
• When the blood looses its fluidity and gets converted into a jelly-like
mass which is called clot. This phenomenon is called coagulation or
clotting of blood.
• The process of blood coagulation consists of a complex cascade of
– Formation of prothrombin activator
• Extrinsic pathway
• Intrinsic pathway
– Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
– Conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin
Blood coagulation
• Coagulation factor
Blood coagulation
• Coagulation factor
Blood coagulation
• Coagulation factor
• Majority of coagulation
factors are precursors
of proteolytic enzymes
known as zymogens
that circulate in an
inactive form.
Blood coagulation
• Coagulation cascade
(intrinsic coagulation pathway)
(extrinsic coagulation pathway)
(common coagulation pathway)
Formation of
prothrombin activator
protein C system
• protein-C is a naturally occurring anticoagulant which
inactivates factors V and VIII and also inactivates an inhibitor
of tissue plasminogen activator increasing the formation of
plasmin which acts as fibrinolytic system
• Protein S serves as cofactor for activated protein C.
• protein-C is activated by thrombin
Anticoagulant system
• Heparin:
– Facilitates the action of antithrombin III
– Reduced platelet aggregation
– induces synthesis and secretion of tissue factor pathway inhibitor
(TFPI) from endothelial cells
– Enhance induction of endothelial plasminogen activators
Fibrinolysis and fibrinolysis inhibitors
• Fibrinolysis is the plasmin-mediated enzymatic breakdown of
• Plasmin is a protease formed from its precursor,
plasminogen. It lyses fibrin and fibrinogen into fragments
knowns as fibrin degradation products (FDP)
• Fibrinolysis is regulated by activator (plasminogen activators )
and inhibitors (antiplasmin or prevent the activation of
Fibrinolysis and fibrinolysis inhibitors
(endothelial cell) Kallikrein
(plasminogen activators, PAs)
(urokinase) (Prourokinase)
(tissue plasminogen activators)
XIIa、Xa、Kallikrein 、 (α2-macroglobulin)
Fibrin degradation
product, FDP
• Blood group and blood transfusion
– Blood group and agglutination of red blood cell
– Blood group of Red blood cell
– Blood transfusion
Blood group and agglutination of red blood cell
There are at least 24 blood groups and more than 100 antigens
that can be detected on the surface of red blood cells.
• ABO blood group system
• Rh blood group system
• Kell, MNSS, P…
Blood group of Red blood cell
• The major crossmatch involves testing the
patient’s serum with donor cells to
determine whether the patient has an
antibody which may cause a hemolytic
transfusion reaction or decreased cell
survival of donor cells. This is the most
important cross-match.
• The minor crossmatch involves testing the
patients cells with donor plasma to
determine whether there is an antibody in
the donor’s plasma directed against an
antigen on the patient’s cells.
Blood transfusion