KINOVEA - Inter-Rater and Intra-Rater Reliability of Kinovea Software For Measurement of Shoulder Range of Motion
KINOVEA - Inter-Rater and Intra-Rater Reliability of Kinovea Software For Measurement of Shoulder Range of Motion
KINOVEA - Inter-Rater and Intra-Rater Reliability of Kinovea Software For Measurement of Shoulder Range of Motion
goniometry, movement, photography, reliability, upper limb
Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy 21:80–87
© 2016 Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy
© 2016 Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow DOI: 10.4103/1110-6611.196778
Reliability of Open-source software Abd Elrahim et al. 81
joint. This is not easy in some situations, such as a flexion, abduction, and ERs and IRs were evaluated
shoulder internal rotation (IR) and external rotation with the patient in supine position by three raters.
(ER) at 90° of abduction in which the reference arm Intrarater reliability was examined by a single rater
does not refer to a bony landmark [12]. within the same day.
Participants were informed about the purpose and movements. Once positioned, the participant was asked
procedures of the study before their written consent to rotate the arm back into ER to their available end-range
was obtained. Randomization was carried out by asking without any discomfort. The participant was instructed
the participants to draw a folded paper that was labeled not to lift the lower back during this measurement.
with the tested movement from a box.
IR-AROM: IR-AROM was measured following the
Participants were asked to wear light clothing to allow same procedure used for ER, except that the parti-
for better identification of the bony landmarks and cipant was instructed to internally rotate the arm while
to avoid motion restrictions. Before recording any maintaining the 90° abducted position.
measurement, the tested movements were practiced
three times to familiarize the participants with the Instruments
procedure and the motions being measured. Images of each participant were captured using a digital
camera (Nikon Coolpix S3200, effective pixels 16 MB;
Before photographing the motion, a pen marker was Nikon Corp., Tokyo, Japan) to capture the sagittal and
used to draw cross marks on preselected anatomical the frontal plane profile of the dominant shoulder. The
landmarks on the tested dominant upper limb camera was placed 1.5 m away from the participants on
(acromion process, coracoid, olecranon process, and a tripod at a height of 80 cm. To maintain the same
the lateral epicondyle, midthoracic line, and midshaft distance between the camera and the participants; the
of the humerus). Using these marks, we quantified the tripod was placed on taped markers on the floor. All
following four movements that each participant images were imported into a laptop and analyzed
performed at a maximum (end-range) joint movement using Kinovea software, which is a free, open-source
at each participant’s own pace: software created for movement analysis (Kinovea,
Flexion-AROM: a cross mark was placed on the lateral
aspect of the center of the humeral head approximately Raters were told to view each image only once so that
below the acromion process (fulcrum). One cross mark they would not change their assessment. Each rater
was placed along the midshaft of the humerus aligned took two measurements of every participant, and each
with the greater tuberosity and lateral epicondyle of the rater repeated the assessment 1 week later. On the
humerus; one additional cross mark was placed along the second day of the analysis, the order of appearance of
midline of the thorax [29]. Flexion-AROM was assessed the images on the computer screen was randomized by
with the participant in supine position on a standard an assistant to minimize any learning or order effects.
plinth. The arm was actively elevated in a strict sagittal All raters were blinded to the results of each other
plane with the thumb pointed up toward the ceiling. and to their own consecutive repeated results. The
intratester reliability phase of the study was conducted
Abduction-AROM: a cross mark was placed on the by one single rater (rater C) by measuring joint ROM of
coracoid process (fulcrum). One cross mark was placed the same participants twice within the same day (with a
along the shaft of the humerus, and an additional cross period of 3 h in between).
mark was placed along the midline of the thorax [29].
Abduction-AROM was measured with the participant Data analysis
in the supine position, as in flexion-AROM. The arm All movements were converted into angles using the
was actively elevated in the strict coronal plane with the virtual goniometer of the software.
thumb pointed up toward the ceiling. This allowed for
the required ER necessary to avoid impingement of the Flexion-AROM
greater tuberosity on the acromion process. To measure shoulder flexion angle, a line was drawn
from the fulcrum point to bisect the midthorax line
ER-AROM: a cross mark was placed at the olecranon (stationary arm). Another line was drawn bisecting the
process (fulcrum), and another cross mark was placed at point demarking the midshaft of the humerus (movable
the ulnar styloid process [29]. ER-AROM was tested arm). The angle of the intersection of the two lines was
with the participant in supine position. The tested arm measured in degrees (Fig. 1).
was supported on the table at 90° abduction, the elbow
was flexed to 90°, and the wrist was neutral. A towel roll Abduction-AROM
was placed under the humerus to ensure neutral horizontal To measure shoulder abduction angle, a line was drawn
positioning and to approximate the plane of the scapula, from the fulcrum point bisecting the point of the
and a weighted bag was used to prevent unwanted scapular midthorax line (stationary arm), and another line
Reliability of Open-source software Abd Elrahim et al. 83
bisected the point demarking the shaft of the humerus values were between 1.7° (ER) and 2.1° (abduction
(movable arm). The angle of the intersection of the two and IR) (Table 3). Overall, measurements taken
lines was measured in degrees (Fig. 2). in flexion and ER showed the potentially lowest
and highest meaningful reliability properties,
ER-AROM respectively.
The ER angle was formed by a line drawn from the
Figure 1
fulcrum point through the shaft of the ulna (movable
arm) and a line perpendicular to the plinth (stationary
arm) (Fig. 3).
The same procedure was used to measure the ER of the
shoulder (Fig. 4).
Statistical analysis
Descriptive data analyses were calculated as well as
the relative reliabilities and 95% CIs were expressed
as the ICC3,1 and inter-rater correlation coefficients
(ICC2,2). All statistical analyses were carried out using Analysis of shoulder flexion.
the statistical package (SPSS for Windows, version 20;
SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). The reference Figure 2
ranking values for the ICC in the present study were
those described by Johnson and Gross [30]: small
reliability, 0.25; low reliability, 0.26–0.49; moderate
reliability, 0.50–0.69; high reliability, 0.70–0.89; and
very high reliability more than 0.90. Absolute reliability
was expressed as a standard error of measurement
(SEM). Further, the minimal detectable change
(MDC), which represents the magnitude of change
necessary to exceed the measurement error of two
repeated measurements at a specified CI, was
calculated for the 95% CI (MDC95).
active shoulder mobility measurements using a digital compared with smartphones, as it has SEMs less
inclinometer and goniometer. Intrarater analysis than 2°.
suggested excellent reliability for all measurements
with both instruments with ICC values ranging from As expected, intrarater reliability values were higher
0.94 to 0.98. In the aforementioned study, the SEM than inter-rater values, which had less variability when
was 2°, whereas in the current study the SEM was the same rater was used. In addition, the values of the
less than 1°, and the MDC95 was lower to 2°, SEM and the MDC95 for intrarater reliability were
indicating superior reliability of the Kinovea smaller than that for inter-rater reliability, which is in
software. accordance with less measurement variation that is
typical when the same rater is used. It is worth
In comparison with more advanced measurement tools, mentioning that measurement variation of any
Kinovea software showed higher intratester reliability measurements or measurement tools, in general, is
compared with smartphone applications. Mitchell et al. more likely to be detected than no variation because
[33] examined the reliability of inclinometry-based the nature of reality is such that measurements are
and photo-based smartphone applications in the rarely perfectly reliable. This is due to multifactorial
measurement of active shoulder ER as compared sources to variation existing within the total
with standard goniometry (SG). Intrarater reliability measurement system [35].
using novice raters ranged from ICC values of 0.79 to
0.81 for the two applications and 0.82 with an SG Measurement variations found in the present study
value. Inter-rater reliability (novice/expert) for the two could be attributed to the following factors. First, there
applications ranged from ICC values of 0.92 to 0.94 is the human factor; the inter-rater variation could be
with an SG value at 0.91. Both applications were found higher than the intrarater variation because the analyses
to be reliable and comparable to SG. A photo-based were made by three different raters with different
application potentially offers a superior method of personal characteristics and years of experience.
measurement, as visualizing the landmarks may be Second, there is the time factor, as the variability
simplified in this format. In addition, it provides a within same day measurements could be due to the
record of measurement that is in agreement with the fact that the measurements were taken on two different
advantages of Kinovea software. occasions. Although these potential sources of error
existed, Kinovea software shows excellent reliability
Furthermore, in a study by Werner et al. [34] the and is believed to be a valuable clinical tool.
average ICC for the SG was 0.69; the average ICC
for the smartphone clinometer was 0.80. These values Kinovea software for shoulder ROM presents several
are lower than the values recorded by Kinovea in the advantages over currently used methods, including
current study. In addition, abduction had the lowest visual estimation, classic double-armed goniometer,
ICC values across examiners, and ER at 0° and 90° had digital inclinometry, and high-speed cinematography.
the highest ICC values, which are in agreement with The free, open-access software is widely available
the current findings. In the aforementioned study, to users, giving it a distinct advantage over other
SEM calculations for each measurement modality digital inclinometers and more complex measurement
were used to determine absolute reliability. The tools.
average clinometer had the lowest (best) SEM at
3.6°. In general, ER and IR measurements had the Strengths of the present study are highlighted as
highest SEMs, whereas abduction and forward flexion follows. First, the three raters were trained with
typically had the lowest SEMs. Their findings Kinovea software before the study, which could have
highlighted that Kinovea yields better reliability enhanced consistency in the measurement process.
86 Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy, Vol. 21 No. 2, July-December 2016
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