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Action Plan

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Action Plan: Engagement

Phase Objective Summary Timeline Proponent Resources and Detailed Strategy of the
Materials Plan
1. Pre-  To provide an This shall serve as an 8:00 AM Student Nurses  Handouts 1. Start with an
Engagement overview of the Orientation to the of Lyceum of  Interview introduction to the
Meeting assessment community Aparri Guide community and the
engagement project. purpose of the
process and the
Students Shall be engagement.
importance of Discussing the 2. Provide guidelines on
cultural significance of cultural sensitivity and
sensitivity. building trust and ethical considerations.
understanding 3. Discuss the importance
cultural nuances. of effective
They shall also be communication and
Assigning roles and rapport building.
responsibilities to 4. Assign roles and
student nurses. responsibilities,
ensuring each student
understands their
5. Distribute materials
and resources needed
for the engagement.
2. Choosing  To select a Students shall be 9:00 AM Student Nurses  N/A 1. Discuss and evaluate
Family family that walking door-to- of Lyceum of potential families
represents door at Sitio Sto. Aparri based on
Thomas to find and predetermined
diversity in the
choose whose criteria.
community. Family shall be 2. Encourage students to
 To consider assessed. consider diversity in
factors such as culture, health
willingness to conditions, and socio-
participate, economic status.
health 3. Ensure that selected
families are willing to
conditions, and
participate and
cultural understand the
diversity. purpose of the
 ducate Family assessment.
of the Healing
properties of
balsamifera) in
treating Renal

3. Establishing  To build trust This shall be an 9:00 AM Student Nurses  N/A 1. Begin the meeting
Rapport and establish a Introduction to the of Lyceum of with a formal
positive family. Aparri introduction and
relationship Building rapport
explanation of the
with the chosen through respectful
and open purpose of the
 To ensure that communication is assessment.
the family feels essential. 2. Use icebreaker
comfortable Thus, Establishing activities to create a
and valued trust and addressing comfortable
during the any concerns or atmosphere.
engagement. questions is a must.
3. Be attentive to the
family's concerns and
address any questions
or uncertainties.
4. Clearly communicate
the confidentiality of
the information

4. Interviewing  To collect A Structured 9:00 AM Student Nurses  Interview 1. Conduct structured

the Family relevant interviews with of Lyceum of guides interviews with each
information family members Aparri  Health family member,
about the shall be performed assessment covering health,
family's health, Student shall be tools lifestyle, and social
lifestyle, and Gathering  Consent determinants.
social information on forms 2. Use appropriate health
determinants. health conditions,  Recording assessment tools to
 To conduct a lifestyle, and social devices (if gather relevant
comprehensive determinants. permitted information.
health and with 3. Ensure the privacy and
assessment consent comfort of the family
while during the process.
respecting the 4. Document information
family's accurately and
privacy. ethically.
5. Leaving the  To conclude the The Students shall 10:00 AM Student Nurses  Summary 1. Share a summary of
Family engagement Summarizing key of Lyceum of document of the key findings with
process in a findings with the Aparri key findings the family, ensuring
respectful and family. clarity and addressing
appreciative They shall also be any questions.
manner. Expressing gratitude 2. Express gratitude for
 To provide for their their time and
feedback on participation. participation.
the assessment They must ensure 3. Provide contact
process and that the family feels information for follow-
express comfortable with up questions or
gratitude for the process concerns.
the family's conclusion. 4. Leave the family with
participation. informational
materials on
community resources
and support.
5. inate the whole
program by
establishing a
arrangement with the
family and converse
with them regarding
the proponent’s
6. Give the Grocery
package to the Family
Phase Objective Summary Timeline Proponent Resources and Detailed Strategy of the
Materials Plan
1. Social  To Interact Initiating a social Around Student Nurses  Paper Plates 6. Chopseuy shall be
Luncheon with family luncheon with the 1:00 PM of Lyceum of  Utensils cooked before going to
through a family, our aim is to Aparri, headed  Precooked family’s residence and
foster connection by Lovely Mae Food Roasted Chicken shall
simple meal
and understand the Quequegan (Chopseuy also be bought before
family dynamics and Roasted session.
better. Through Chicken) 7. Upon arrival at Family’s
casual conversations residence, Students
and shared meals, shall greet the family
we aspire to warmly.
establish rapport, 8. The dining area shall be
creating a warm and prepared by the
open environment students while the
for effective Team leader converses
collaboration and with Family, Explaining
support in our the program’s purpose
shared endeavors. 9. As soon as dining area is
prepared, all may begin
consuming food and
have a conversation
2. Planting of  To Educate In this phase of our The Student Nurses  Sambong 4. Select a healthy
Sambong Family of action plan, we focus Planting of of Lyceum of Sapling sambong plant with
the Healing on the strategic Sambong Aparri, headed  Gardening vigorous growth for
cultivation of shall be by Precious materials stem cutting.
Sambong (Blumea performed Gabriel such as a 5. Use clean and sharp
of Sambong balsamifera) in the around Purisima pruning shears to cut a
(Blumea family garden to 2:00 PM 6-8 inch segment from
balsamifera) promote its a mature, disease-free
in treating propagation and stem.
Renal contribute to renal 6. Remove the lower
disorders health awareness. leaves from the cutting,
Sambong is known leaving only a few at
for its medicinal the top.
properties that aid in 7. Dip the cut end in
preventing and rooting hormone to
alleviating renal enhance root
problems. development.
8. Plant the cutting in a
well-draining potting
mix or soil.
9. Water the cutting
thoroughly and place it
in a shaded area with
indirect sunlight.
10. Keep the soil
consistently moist but
not waterlogged.
11. Transplant the
rooted cutting to its
permanent location
once it develops a
healthy root system.

3. Sambong Tea To demonstrate Sambong is Around Student Nurses  Laptop 5. After demonstrating
Education how to make commonly taken as a 2:30 PM of Lyceum of  Video the planting and
Sambong tea thus the student Aparri, headed Presentation propagation of
Concoction nurses shall educate by Provie Anne
Sambong, the
through the family on how to Recolizado
multimedia make tea through an proponents of the
presentation interactive video program shall let the
family view a video
through a laptop

4. Health To Educate The proponents of Arround Student Nurses  Laptop 5. The Proponents shall
Education Family the project shall 2:45 PM of Lyceum of  PowerPoint begin teaching the
regarding educate family Aparri, headed Presentation family first by
Kidney Stones through a by Steven Kyle  Pamphlets introducing what
and Other PowerPoint Alameda Kidney Stones are
Health Matters Presentation and Palapuz and 6. The proponents shall
share their recent Lyka Umangay share their knowledge
experience with a about Kidney Stones by
patient who had a presenting their Case
case of Study
Ureterolithiasis. The 7. The Proponents shall
proponents shall also advise the family with
take this opportunity health matters
to advise Family of
Health matters
5. Token To give a The action involves Around Student Nurses  Grocery 7. Culminate the whole
Presentation manifestation expressing gratitude 3:15 PM of Lyceum of Package program by establishing
of Appreciation to the Family for Aparri, headed a comfortable
to the Family permitting the by Lysette arrangement with the
for allowing proponents to Pagarigan family and converse
the proponents provide education with them regarding
to educate and and health-teaching the proponent’s
lend health- services, experience
teaching acknowledging their 8. Give the Grocery
services to the support and package to the Family
Family collaboration in
promoting well-being
through giving
tokens which
includes a grocery

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