BCR Compiler
BCR Compiler
BCR Compiler
1. Unseen Passage 1
2. Note Making 22
3. Communication 31
5. Idioms 56
6. Precis Writing 60
9. Circular Writing 82
JULY 2021
Question 7 (a)
The employee turnover rate in an Organisation refers to the proportion of employees who leave the
Organization during a certain time period. Almost every Organisation is facing the acute problem of
high employee attrition. To every Organization, high employee turnover is undesirable and can have a
significant adverse impact. A high employee turnover rate results in an unfavourable effect on the
morale of the remaining employees. Existing employees may face additional stress, resulting in lower
productivity. In addition lower productivity of the existing employees due to a decline in morale,
additional productivity is lost as existing employees must guide new incumbent how to adapt to the
organizational culture and the new position.
To address the problem, it should be compared to the average within the industry. It should not be
compared across industries, as the turnover rate differs significantly in various industries. It is in the
best interest of the Organization to reduce it as it is detrimental to the Organization When an
employee leaves the Organization, the Organization incurs costs to find a replacement, recruitment
costs, advertising costs, administration costs, background check costs, and interviewing costs. In
addition, there are costs of lost productivity. when the employee is attending a training program.
Second important aspect is Organizations with a high employee turnover rate may suffer from an
unfavourable public image. For example, working in the call centre is seen as undesirable due to its
turnover rates.
To overcome such problem, Organizations have to hire right manpower for the right position. Second
important aspect is to have competitive pay structure matching with the industry. However, providing
employees with a higher salary is not enough. It is important to understand the benefits that
employees wants and to take that into consideration when determining an employee's pay structure.
Employees need to be acknowledged and given praise when due. Another important aspect is career
path; Employees want to progress in their careers. A career path should be provided to employees to
give them a sense of direction and what they can attain if they stay with the Organization. Last but not
the least way to offer flexibility, a flexible work schedule is highly desirable. In fact, studies have
shown that a flexible work arrangement has a positive impact on employee retention. Allowing
employees to choose their work time and providing a flexible work schedule gives them the ability to
balance their work and personal life and, hence, improves employee satisfaction.
(i) What do you understand by employee attrition rate?
(ii) Explain the ways to reduce high employee attrition?
(iii) What is the importance of employee turnover in an Organisation?
(iv) How, does employee turnover rate affect brand image of an Organisation?
(i) The proportion of employees who leave the organization during a certain period is called
employee attrition rate in an organization.
(ii) Various measures can be taken to prevent high attrition. Some of them are:
1. Hiring appropriately skilled people for different profiles.
2. Paying them salaries with benefits as per industry norms/benchmarked with the
3. Acknowledging and appreciating their work.
4. Providing career growth opportunities by promoting them periodically.
5. Offering flexible timings/schedules to enable them to maintain work-life balance.
(iii) Employee turnover rate is important as it directly impacts the business of an organization by
affecting the morale of the employees and their productivity. It also affects public image of the
organization and can escalate the cost of hiring, in case the employee turnover is high.
(iv) Employee turnover rate affects brand image of an Organization. Today is the world of social
media; anything good or bad spreads very fast. Organizations with a high employee turnover
rate may suffer from an unfavourable public image. New employees would be hesitant to join
such Organizations where the employee turnover rate is high.
Question 7 (a)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below:
Success of any organization depends on offering quality products at competitive prices. All over the
world, it is being realized that quality control be ensured through inspection and test alone. Every
department and individual has a contribution to make in the achievement of quality. Quality product
at competitive prices is the most significant factor in determining the long - run success of any
organization. High quality of products can give a competitive edge to an organization. On the other
hand, good quality generates satisfied customers who reward the organization with continued
patronage and favourable word of mouth advertising.
Growth in consumer quality awareness has put a greater strain on businesses. Consumer demand
and dynamic technological changes have opened up new and highly competitive markets. The quality
of goods and services can no longer be taken for granted.
The rapid growth of the service sector has also introduced new perceptions of quality management.
Institutions, such as the Government, banks and hospitals do not produce tangible goods. The
interaction between employees and customers is much more critical in such organizations. As a result,
the skills, attitudes and training of service personnel affect the quality of the services delivered.
Information processing represents a large component of the work done by service organizations and
poses special quality considerations. Errors in computer billing, or airline and hotel reservations are
the results of poor quality control of computer software and data input systems.
In View of globalization of markets, Governments have begun to realize that quality is essential to
international trade and the national economy. Therefore, public purchasing authorities have been
instructed to buy goods that conform to the quality standards.
(i) In what manner good quality products give rewards to organizations? (1 Mark)
(ii) Most significant factor, which determines the long run success of an organization? (1 Mark)
(iii) Quality of goods and services cannot be compromised by organizations, give reasons. (1 Mark)
(iv) Write the summary of the above passage. (2 Mark)
(i) Good quality products can give reward to organization in following ways:
It gives long-term success to any organization.
It can give competitive edge i.e., higher profit and increased market share.
It leads to satisfied customers thus playing a significant role in increasing the customer base.
(ii) Providing quality products at competitive prices is the most significant factor that determines
the success of the organization in the long run.
(iii) Increased awareness amongst customers regarding quality has led organizations to constantly
improve the quality of products and services by adopting new technologies, which satisfies the
customer’s demands to remain competitive. Thus, businesses cannot ignore this aspect, if they
intend to sustain longer in the market.
(iv) Organizations across the world whether in the manufacturing or service sectors pin their
success on offering quality products and services at competitive prices. This is the mantra for
long-term sustainable growth of any business. With growing consumer awareness about
quality, markets have become highly competitive and more and more businesses embracing
new technologies. In critical service sectors viz. healthcare, government and many online
data/information processing services, quality relies on skilled and trained workforce.
International trade and economy can grow only if stringent quality standards are maintained.
Question 7 (a)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below:
Being the daughter of a physics professor, Marie who was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, was
greatly influenced by the wonders of Science and technology. Since an early age, she displayed a blithe
personality. Her fascination for learning prompted her to continue with her studies even after school.
She become disgruntled, however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed for
women. Determined to complete higher education, she defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the
Sorbonne, a French university, where she completed her doctorate in physics.
Marie met Pierre Curie at the Sorbonne along with some of the other greatest scientists of her day.
Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many productive years working together in the
physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered radium, Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn
wagon in 1906. For Marie it was an horrible misfortune and heartbreaking event. Despondently she
recalled their close relationship and the joyt hat they had shared in scientific research. The fact that
she had two young daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress.
Curie's feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her husband as a
physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a professorship at the world-
famous university. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in physics for isolating radium. Although
Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became
disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science
and to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.
(i) What did Marie did not like about the Warsaw University? (1 Mark)
(ii) What was first step that Marie took towards her becoming a scientist? (1 Mark)
(iii) How did Marie deal with the desolation caused by her husband’s death? (1 Mark)
(i) Marie did not like the fact that University in Warsaw was closed for women.
(ii) Marie left Poland in 1891 and joined Sorbonne University, France, where she completed her
doctorate in Physics.
(iii) She got over her desolation when she became the first woman to join as a professor of Physics
at the world renowned University of Sorbonne, France.
(iv) Summary:
Marie, daughter of a physics professor was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. Disappointed at
not being allowed to join University in Warsaw, she left Poland in 1891 to enter the University
of Sorbonne, France and completed her doctorate in Physics.
In 1895, Marie married Pierre Curie a great scientist at Sorbonne. Having spent many years
together in research, shortly after they discovered Radium, Pierre Curie was killed in 1906.
She got over her desolation when she became the first woman to join as a professor of Physics
at the world-renowned University of Sorbonne. In 1911, she received the Nobel Prize in
Physics for isolating Radium. Being overexposed to radium, she developed a fatal illness. She
dedicated herself to the cause of science.
MAY, 2019
Question 7 (a)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below:
Coral reefs are one of the most fragile, biologically complex, and diverse marine ecosystems on Earth.
This ecosystem is one of the fascinating paradoxes of the biosphere. Found along the sea coasts they
are formed in various shapes and sizes. They constitute as one of the beautiful creations of nature.
Symbiotic cells of algae known as zooxanthellae carry out photosynthesis using the metabolic wastes
of the coral thereby producing food for themselves; for their corals, hosts, and even for other
members of the reef community. This symbiotic process allows organisms in the reef community to
use sparse nutrient resources efficiently.
Unfortunately for coral reefs, however, a variety of human activities are causing worldwide
degradation of shallow marine habitats by adding nutrients to the water. Agriculture, slash- and-
burn·1 and clearing, sewage disposal and' manufacturing that create waste by-products all increase
nutrient loads in these waters. Typical symptoms of reef decline are destabilized herbivore
populations and an increasing abundance of algae and filter-feeding animals.
Declines in reef communities are consistent with observations that nutrient input is increasing in
direct proportion to growing human populations, thereby threatening reef communities sensitive to
subtle changes in nutrient input to their waters.
(ii) How does Algae carry out the process of photosynthesis? (1 Mark)
(i) Indicators of reef decay include destabilized herbivore populations and an increasing
abundance of algae and filter-feeding animals.
(ii) Algae carry out the process of photosynthesis by using the metabolic wastes of the coral
thereby producing food for themselves, for their corals, hosts, and even for other members of
the reef community.
(iii) Man is responsible for decay of reef because activities such as agriculture, slash- and- burn
land clearing, sewage disposal and manufacturing that create waste by- products all increase
nutrient loads in these waters that cause degradation of reef.
(iv) Summary of the above passage-
Coral reefs are one of the most fragile and complex, marine ecosystem on Earth. Cells of algae
known as zooxanthellae carry out photosynthesis using the metabolic wastes of the coral
thereby producing food for themselves, for their corals, and for other members of the reef
community. Man on other hand is destroying the coral reefs by carrying out agriculture, slash-
and- burn land clearing etc. Thus the reef communities are in decline.
Question 2
Why selling operation is more complicated than that of the most expensive motor car?
(a) The true success in selling is an appreciation of human motives and reactions
(b) Selling involves the inter-play of human motives and reactions rather than of mechanical
(c) One can learn driving a car without knowing what goes on under the bonnet.
(d) We can study the nature of the operations in selling process.
Question 3
The link that is common to all kinds of merchandise and all kinds of services is
(a) The chain of processes
(b) Sale
(c) The producer and consumer
(d) Manufacturing process
Question 4
A hungry tailor and a thread-bare baker could obviously ‘do business’ because
(a) They want ‘money’ in exchange.
(b) Their units can be equated.
(c) Each of the two parties has something that the other wants d. They are just performing their
Question 5
Which is the most suitable one-line central idea of the passage?
(a) Business between a tailor and a baker.
(b) Process by which goods and services of all kinds are placed at the disposal of the final consumer.
(c) Selling as a link which is common to all types of merchandise and all kinds of services
(d) Concept of business in modern world.
2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Raising funds for elections has been a unique feature of Indian politics from the very beginning and it
will not be wrong to say that it is one of the most dominant motive forces behind political corruption.
A strange heal scandal came to light in January 1996, which was then the chief vehicle exclusively for
politicians to raise election funds for their parties and themselves via illegal foreign exchange
transactions. This raised huge public attention on both corruption and its linkage with our great
democratic festival of elections. The explosion of the corrupt fund-raising incidents in connection with
arms deals by Tehelka.com in March 2001 was the next mind-blowing eye-opener for all. The
notorious incidents highlighted the requirement for reform of party and election finance, including the
possible option of state funding of elections. To have a clear blotless democracy the need of Political
finance reform is a must as elections are the foundation. What will happen to our great building of
democratic India if its foundation stones have been sunk in the waters of corruption before using?
There are a lot of working systems managing political, including election, finance around the world.
The funds are needed for various operations of Political parties: election campaigns, inter-election
maintenance of their organizations and political activities, and support of research and information
infrastructure for the parties.
Election campaigns are always the primary visible activity requiring funds. Unfortunately, this has
made political parties (of the right and centre) unduly dependent on big business houses and wealthy
individuals. On the other hand Parties of the left became dependent on the collective contributions of
workers, often channelled through affiliated trade unions. Such interests, typically, seek rents as a
quid pro quo for political donations.
Question 1
According to the passage what is/are the reason(s) for warranting a discussion on political finance
1. Increasing costs attached to political campaigns.
2. The polity’s concern for equal opportunity for political participation.
3. Instances of corruption.
4. Political parties’ excessive dependence on big business and wealthy individuals.
(a) 2 and 4
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 2, 4 and 3
Question 2
What according to the passage is the difference between parties of the left and right in the
dependence on funds for election campaign?
(a) Political parties of the left depend on the collective wealth of the unions whereas those of the right
depend on big business and wealthy individuals
(b) Political parties of the right depend on large business organizations and affluent individuals
whereas those of the left depend on the collective contribution of workers.
(c) Political parties of the right depend on large MNCs and corporate houses whereas those of the left
depend on contributions from the common man.
(d) Political parties of the right depend on their networks of influential individuals whereas those of
the left depend on contributions from the trade unions.
Question 3
Political funds are used for which of the following purpose (s)?
1. To influence the electorate.
2. To ensure inter-election maintenance of the political organization and political activities.
3. To allow for sustenance of research infrastructure for the political parties.
4. To introduce an understanding of political issues amongst the electorate.
(a) Both 1 and 4
(b) Only 2, 3 and 4
(c) Both 3 and 4
(d) Both 2 and 3
Question 4
What is the primary purpose of the passage?
(a) Discuss the need for reform of political finance.
(b) Discuss the methodology to ensure political finance reform.
(c) Discuss the ways and means to bring about stability of democracy.
(d) Discuss the need for reducing widespread cynicism about parties and politicians
Question 5
According to the passage, democracies worldwide focus on which main characteristics of political
finance reform?
Answer 1
MAY 2021
1. Read the following passages and answer the questions at the end of each passage.
Passage 1
The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) or Mangalyaan, is a space probe launched by the Indian Space
Research Organization on November 5, 2013.
Mangalyaan was India's first interplanetary mission. The indigenously-built space probe has been in
the Martian orbit since September 24, 2014. The mission made India the first Asian country, and the
fourth in the world after Roscosmos, NASA, and the European Space Agency, to get to the planet. China
referred to India’s successful Mangalyaan as the "Pride of Asia".
India's Mangalyaan mission is aimed at studying Martian atmosphere. Its objective is to explore
Martian surface features, mineralogy, morphology and atmosphere using indigenous scientific
instruments. A crucial objective of MOM was to develop technologies required in planning, designing,
management and operations of an interplanetary mission.
MOM was launched aboard PSLV C-25 (an XL version of the PSLV). It carried 850 kg of fuel and 5
science payloads including a Mars Color Camera (MCC) which it has been using to study the Martian
surface and atmosphere since entering the orbit successfully. The spacecraft is tracked by the Indian
Deep Space Network (IDSN), located near Bengaluru and complemented
by NASA-JPL's Deep Space Network. ISRO spent $75 million to launch the mission, making it the least-
expensive Mars mission to date.
On September 24, 2018, MOM completed four years in its orbit around Mars, although the designed
mission life was only six months. ISRO now plans to develop and launch a follow- up mission called
Mars Orbiter Mission 2 (MOM-2 or Mangalyaan-2) in 2024.
Question 1
Select a suitable synonym for the word ‘indigenously’:
(a) Well built
(b) Built natively
(c) Built for the first time
(d) Forcibly built
Question 2
How much more time did MOM space probe spend as compared to the actual designed mission life?
(a) 4 years
(b) 6 months
(c) 3 years 6 months
(d) 2. 5 years
Question 3
‘Pivotal means the same as which word used in the passage ____________
Question 4
Study of minerals is known as _______________ (as given in the text)
Question 5
Which of the following is/are true according to the passage?
A. The Mangalyan carried 850 kilo calorie of fuel.
B. India became the first Asian country to reach Mars
C. The space craft has been in the Martian orbit since 5th November, 2013
D. MOM was one of the least expensive missions to Mars till date.
(a) Only A
(b) Both A and B
(c) Both B and D
(d) All of the above
Passage 2
Bitcoin has grabbed headlines over the past year for its massive spike in value and the ensuing rush to
regulate it, followed by a nasty crash. However, the real story is the degree to which Bitcoin
democratizes global financial systems.
While Bitcoin may often be referred to as anonymous money, its block chain is also perfectly
transparent and may be inspected by anybody at will. That apparent contradiction makes it a
revolutionary way for people around the world to realize greater financial freedom: Bitcoin does to
money what the internet did to information by providing indiscriminate access to a decentralized
financial system.
Bitcoin is not just a crypto currency, but also a new financial system comprised of many components.
It was invented in 2008 by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto and released shortly after to the public.
Most importantly, Bitcoin is not controlled or owned by any individual, corporation, or government. It
extensively uses cryptography and relies on a peer-to-peer network. The Bitcoin protocol lays out the
rules of this financial system, including how many Bitcoins can exist, and how they are created and
transferred between participants. This protocol is incredibly difficult to change, as any change
requires overwhelming consensus from its participants.
While Bitcoin had existed for some time, one of the first spikes had been largely attributed to the
economic crisis in Cyprus. Crypto-currency suddenly offered a more appealing way of housing money
with promise of constant access. But while the extent of that relationship was debated, it was just the
spark that lit the fuse.
The irony doesn't escape us here, but it's still an important point to make. The limited number of
Bitcoins means that inflation just doesn't happen. So intrigue leads to demand, and the only way is up.
Question 1
Bitcoin extensively uses:
(a) Overwhelming consensus
(b) Cryptography
(c) Control by an individual
(d) None of these
Question 2
State one ironical fact mentioned about bitcoin in the passage.
Question 3
The phrase ‘indiscriminate access’ can mean:
(a) A thoughtful control
(b) Controlled by all
(c) Secret control
(d) Aimless control
Question 4
Choose an appropriate synonyms for the word ‘overwhelming’ as used in the passage:
(a) Astounding
(b) Reality
(c) Unknown
(d) Reactive
Question 5
Why are Bitcoin protocols difficult to change?
(a) There are no protocols at all
(b) Bitcoin currency is limited
(c) Change is the only constant
(d) All participants need to give their consensus
Passage 3
Sportsmanship can be conceptualized as an enduring and relatively stable characteristic or
disposition such that individuals differ in the way they are generally expected to behave in sports
situations. In general, sportsmanship refers to virtues such as fairness, self-control, courage, and
persistence, and has been associated with interpersonal concepts of treating others and being treated
fairly, maintaining self-control if dealing with others, and respect for both authority and opponents.
Sportsmanship is also looked at as being the way one reacts to a sport/game/player.
The four elements of sportsmanship are often shown being good form, the will to win, equity and
fairness. All four elements are critical and a balance must be found among all four for true
sportsmanship to be illustrated. These elements may also cause conflict, as a person may desire to win
more than play in equity and fairness and thus resulting in a clash within the aspects of
sportsmanship. This will cause problems as the person believes they are being a good sportsman, but
they are defeating the purpose of this idea as they are ignoring two key components of being
sportsman like. When athletes become too self-centred, the idea of sportsmanship is dismissed.
Today's sporting culture, in particular the base of elite sport, places great importance on the idea of
competition and winning and thus sportsmanship takes a back seat as a result. In most, if not all
sports, sportsmen at the elite level make the standards on sportsmanship and no matter whether they
like it or not, they are seen as leaders and role models in society.
Question 1
Sportsmanship take a back seat in the current sports culture because:
(a) Leaders have become superstars
(b) There is more emphasis on winning
(c) It requires self- control and fairness
(d) Both a and b
Question 2
Sportsmanship refers to virtues such as:
(a) Ignorance
(b) Fairness
(c) Persistence
(d) Both b and c
Question 3
Select an antonym for the word self centred
(a) Giving
(b) Narcissist
(c) Ideal
(d) Selfish
Question 4
What is the Main idea of the passage:
(a) Sportsmanship is a challenge, which not everyone can take
(b) Sportsmanship is not just about playing but about being a team player and disciplined
(c) Sportsman become super stars and forget their duties
(d) Life without sports is dull and mundane
Question 5
‘Sportsmanship is also looked at as being the way one reacts to a sport/game/player’.
What does the author mean by saying this?
(a) To play a sport is not an easy task
(b) One needs to learn the game and play it as well
(c) Do not disrespect any sport or player
(d) The attitude towards the game and the players makes you a sportsman
1. b 1. b 1. b
2. c 2. It is called anonymous 2. d
3. Crucial money but its blockchain is 3. a
transparent to all
4. Mineralogy. 4. b
3. d
5. c 5. d
4. a
5. d
Question 2
What according to the passage is ‘like touching a snake and getting poison in return’
(a) Accepting gifts
(b) Accepting orders
(c) Accepting God’s way of doing things
(d) Accepting gifts offered with some hidden purpose
Question 3
Which line in the passage shows that the boy and his family belong to an era where basic facilities
were not available
(a) He was studying in ration kerosene lamps as there was no electricity
(b) He was studying loudly
(c) His father used to wear Dhotis
(d) The family used to receive costly gifts
Question 4
Select the option that can be a suitable title for the passage
(a) The Divine Gift
(b) The gift of Gab
(c) Accept gifts in good spirit
(d) Never take gifts
Question 5
What is the main theme of the passage?
(a) A lesson learnt by the author as a boy, by his father
(b) We should study loudly for better understanding
(c) Accepting gifts is fun
(d) Fathers always love their children
Passage 2
In Super bazaars in Delhi, the prospective buyer expects to find the price of an article displayed or to
be told definitely what the price is. He assumes that this is the lowest price that will be accepted and if
he thinks the price excessive or beyond his means, he shrugs his shoulders and walks away,
dissatisfied or disappointed. He does not attempt to bargain unless he is usually brazen faced or thick
skinned-for his efforts would be met by an incredulous stare or by a cold and possibly rude reply.
Even, if his features showed mild annoyance or surprise he would expect to be told that if the price
was unacceptable, he could try elsewhere- a course offering slight chances of success. The manager in
a Super bazaar does not make the goods himself: he is supplied by manufacturers or wholesale
dealers on terms that allow little variation from shop to shop; and for most articles in regular demand
there is a ‘market price’ over which the seller has little control.
There are many other towns where the shopkeeper himself may be and often is importer and
producer, wholesale dealer and retailer. There is no standard ‘market price’ for the merchandise
which he has to offer. He cannot know how keen the demand is, how abundant the supply or what his
goods will fetch except by the offers made to him by prospective customers. He can assess the fair
market value of what he has to sell only by actual experiment. Therefore, he begins by demanding an
exorbitant price immensely above that for which he will eventually sell; and the bargain is not
concluded until he and his customer have spent much time on eloquent gestures and arguments. The
shop keeper gradually reduces his original price until he and his customer arrive at a compromise
agreeable to them both. The price thus agreed on , may or may not represent the intrinsic worth of the
article sold but does reflect its market value in relation to the existing condition of supply and
Question 1
Find the word from the passage that means ‘inflated’ -
(a) Abundant
(b) Exorbitant
(c) Intrinsic
(d) Unacceptable
Question 2
What does the phrase ‘incredulous stare’ mean?
(a) Insulting words
(b) Feeling of jealousy
(c) Praising comments
(d) Unbelievable look
Question 3
Which of the following is true according to the passage?
(a) The manager of the Super bazaar makes the goods, with his team members.
(b) The manager is supplied the goods by the manufacturers.
(c) The manager is supplied the goods by the wholesale dealers.
(d) Both b and c
Question 4
The final price at which a product is sold depends on -
(a) The raw material
(b) The existing condition of supply and demand
(c) The abundance of the wholesalers
(d) None of the above
Question 5
What does the buyer do in case he finds the price of a product higher?
(a) He shrugs his shoulders and leaves.
(b) He insults the shopkeeper.
(c) He tries to buy two products.
(d) He respects the shopkeeper and gets ready to purchase at the earlier quoted price.
Passage 1 Passage 2
1. c 1. b
2. d 2. d
3. a 3. d
4. c 4. b
5. a 5. a
Read the following comprehension passages and answer the following questions.
In the present era of globalisation and liberalisation, the world has become an economic village. The
globalization of the business world, the attendant structure and the regulations, which support it, as
well as the development of e-commerce make it imperative to have a single globally accepted financial
reporting system. Several multi-national companies are establishing their businesses in various
countries with emerging economic and vice versa. The entities in emerging economies are
increasingly accessing the global markets to fulfill their capital needs by getting their securities listed
on the stock exchanges outside the country. Capital markets are, thus, becoming integrated consistent
with this world- wide trend. More and more Indian companies are being listed on overseas stock
exchanges. The use of different accounting frame works indifferent countries, which requires in
consistent treatment and presentation of the same underlying economic transactions, creates
confusion for users of financial statements. This confusion leads to inefficiency in capital markets
across the world. Therefore, increasing complexity of business transactions and globalization of
capital markets call for a single set of high-quality accounting standards.
High standards of financial reporting under pin the trust investors place in financial and non-financial
information. Thus, the case for a single set of globally accepted accounting standards has prompted
many countries to pursue either adoption or convergence of national accounting standards with IFRS.
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRC) are considered a “principles-based” set of
standards. In fact, they establish broad rules rather than dictating specific treatments. Every major
nation is moving toward adopting them to some extent. Large number of authorities requires public
companies to sue IFRS for stock-exchange listing purposes, and in addition, banks, insurance
companies and stock exchanges may use them for their statutorily required reports. So ever the next
few years, thousands of companies will adopt the international financial reportings and ards while
preparing their financial statements.
Question 1
What trends are forcing capital markets across the world for integration?
Which creates confusion for users in financial statements?
(a) Different accounting frame work
(b) Different capital market framework
(c) Globalisation and business regulations
(d) Development of e-commerce
Question 2
Which is not considered as a ‘principle-based set of standards for preparation of financial reporting?
(a) Indian Accounting Standards
(b) International Accounting Standards
(c) International Financial Reporting Standards
(d) International Economic Standards
Question 3
Which standards are taken as basis for preparing financial statements?
(a) International Economic Standards
(b) International Financial Reporting Standards
(c) Standard Stock Exchange
(d) Business structures and regulations standards
Question 4
Why there is need for single set of global financial reporting standards?
Passage 2
In today’s IT-driven society, the success of an enterprise is heavily influence by business intelligence.
Corporate giants are becoming more dependent on business intelligence (BI) software to increase the
amount of knowledge they can apply in real time and reduce the cost of managing their business
processes. As globalisation and ICT(Information and Communication Technology) become more
intertwined, the volume of data transfers among enterprises is exponentially growing. In this
perspective we can define the BI is essentially timely, accurate, high-value, and actionable business
insights, and the work processes and technologies used to obtain them. It comprised of information
that contains patterns, relationships, and trends about customers, suppliers, business partners and
In simple words BI refers to the process of collecting and refining information from many sources,
analyzing and presenting the information in useful ways so that users can make better business
BI has been made possible because of advances in a number of technologies, such as computing
power, data storage, computation a analytics, reporting and networking. IT provides an approach for
solving business problems with a frame work for man aging tactical and strategic operations
performance. From the perspective of decision-making, BI uses data about yesterday and today to
facilitate making better decisions about tomorrow. This is done through various means such as
selecting the right criteria to judge success, locating and transforming the appropriate data to draw
conclusions, or arranging information in a manner that best provides insights into the future thus
making enterprises to work smarter.
BI enables managers to see things with more clarity and empowers them to peek into the possible
Question 1
To sustain in the business world for decision making and selecting the criteria of succeed, corporate
giants are more depended on
(a) IT-driven society
(b) Business Intelligence software
(c) Strategic Operation Performance
(d) Reporting and Networking
Question 2
The write uses the term BI to define–
(a) Increasing the amount to knowledge in business world
(b) Empowers business for future perspective
(c) Particularly arranging information in business manner
(d) Appropriate work processes and technology-based business
Question 3
What are the basic requirements of BI?
Question 4
What is the process of BI?
Question 5
BI is used for _______________
Passage 1 Passage 2
MTP- MAY 2021 (SERIES 1)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
People love music for much the same reason they’re drawn to, drugs, gambling and delicious food,
according to new research. When you listen to tunes that move you, the study found, your brain
releases dopamine, a chemical involved in both motivation and addiction.
Even just anticipating the sounds of a composition like Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” or Phish’s “You Enjoy
Myself’ can get the feel-good chemical flowing, found the study, which was the first to make a concrete
link between dopamine release and musical pleasure.
The findings offer a biological explanation for why music has been such a major part of major
emotional events in cultures around the world since the beginning of human history. Through music,
the study also offers new insights into how the human pleasure system works.
‘You’re following these tunes and anticipating what’s going to come next and whether it’s going to
confirm or surprise you, and all of these little cognitive nuances are what’s giving you this amazing
pleasure,” said Valorie Salimpoor, a neuroscientist at McGill University in Montreal. “The
reinforcement or reward happens almost entirely because of dopamine.” “This basically explains why
music has been around for so long,” she added. “The intense pleasure we get from it is actually
biologically reinforcing in the brain, and now here’s proof for it.”
In a previous study, Salimpoor and colleagues linked music-induced pleasure with a surge in intense
emotional arousal, including changes in heart rate, pulse, breathing rate and other measurements.
Along with these physical changes, people often report feelings of shivers or chills. When that happens
during a listening experience, Salimpoor’s group and others have found evidence that blood flows to
regions in the brain involved in dopamine release.
To solidify the dopamine link, the researchers recruited eight music-lovers, who brought to the lab
samples of music that gave them chills of pleasure. Most picks were classical, with some jazz, rock and
popular music mixed in, including Led Zeppelin and Dave Matthews Band. The most popular selection
was Barbar’s Adagio for Strings.
After 15 minutes of listening, scientists injected participants with a radioactive substance that binds to
dopamine receptors. With a machine called a PET scanner, the scientists were then able to see if that
substance simply circulated through listeners’ blood, which would indicate that they had already
released a lot of dopamine, and that the dopamine was tying up all available receptors. If most of their
dopamine receptors were free, on the other hand, the radioactive substance would bind to them.
The technique showed, definitively for the first time, that people’s brains released large amounts of
dopamine when they listened to music that gave them chills, the researchers reported in the journal
Nature Neuroscience. When the same people listened to less moving music the next day, their
dopamine receptors remained wide open.
Once the researchers knew for sure that dopamine was behind the pleasure of music, they put
participants in an MRI machine and played the moving music for them again. In this part of the
experiment, the scanners showed that the brain pumped out dopamine both during the phase of
musical anticipation and at the moment when chills hit in full force. The two surges happened in
different areas of the brain.
“It is amazing that we can release dopamine in anticipation of something abstract, complex and not
concrete,”Salimpoor said. “This is the first study to show that dopamine can be released in response to
an aesthetic stimulus.”
Question 1
The aim of the study is to explain:
(a) how brain releases dopamine.
(b) why music is an integral part of emotional events in all cultures.
(c) how human pleasure system works.
(d) both (b) and (c).
Question 2
If the radio active substance circulated through the listener’s blood it would show:
(a) the listeners were music lovers.
(b) PET scan is crucial in such studies.
(c) dopamine had been released during listening to music.
(d) all radioactive substances can detect dopamine.
Question 3
Why is dopamine referred to as the ‘feel-good’ chemical?
Question 4
Why was the PET scanner used?
Question 5
On whom was the study reported in the journal Nature Neuroscience conducted?
(1*5 = 5 Marks)
1. d
2. c
3. Dopamine gives one the feeling of pleasure and happiness.
4. PET scanner enabled the scientists to see if a radioactive substance simply circulated listeners’
5. The experiment was conducted on eight music-lovers, who reported that listening to their
favourite music gave them chills of pleasure.
(a) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
That large animals require luxuriant vegetation has been a general assumption which has passed from
one work to another, but I do not hesitate to say that it is completely false and that it has vitiated the
reasoning of geologists on some points of great interest in the ancient history of the world. The
prejudice has probably been derived from India, and the Indian islands, where troops of elephants,
noble forests, and impenetrable jungles are associated together in every one’s mind. If, however, we
refer to any work of travels through the southern parts of Africa, we shall find allusions in almost
every page either to the desert character of the country or to the numbers of large animals inhabiting
it. The same thing is rendered evident by the many engravings which have been published in various
parts of the interior.
Dr Andrew Smith, who has lately succeeded in passing the Tropic of Capricorn, informs me that taking
into consideration the whole of the southern part of Africa, there can be no doubt of its being a sterile
country. On the southern coasts, there are some fine forests, but with these exceptions, the traveller
may pass for days together through open plains, covered by poor and scanty vegetation. Now, if we
look to the animals inhabiting these wide plains, we shall find their numbers extraordinarily great,
and their bulk immense.
It may be supposed that although the species are numerous, the individuals of each kind are few. By
the kindness of Dr Smith, I am enabled to show that the case is very different. He informs me that in
one day’s march with the bullock-wagons, he saw, without wandering to any great distance on either
side, between one-hundred and one-hundred and fifty rhinoceroses—the same day he saw several
herds of giraffes, amounting together to nearly a hundred.
At the distance of a little more than one hour’s march from their place of encampment on the previous
night, his party actually killed eight hippopotamuses at one spot and saw many more. In this same
river, there were likewise crocodiles. Of course, it was a case quite extraordinary to see so many great
animals crowded together, but it evidently proves that they must exist in great numbers. Dr Smith
describes that the country passed through that day as ‘being thinly covered with grass, and bushes
about four feet high, and still more thinly with mimosa trees’.
Besides these large animals, anyone the least acquainted with the natural history of the Cape has read
of the herds of antelopes, which can be compared only with the flocks of migratory birds. The
numbers indeed of the lion, panther, and hyena, and the multitude of birds of prey, plainly speak of
the abundance of the smaller quadrupeds. One evening, seven lions were counted at the same time
prowling round Dr Smith’s encampment. .As this, an able naturalist remarked to me, each day the
carnage in Southern Africa must indeed be terrific! I confess that it is truly surprising how such a
number of animals can find support in a country producing so little food.
The larger quadrupeds no doubt roam over wide tracts in search of it; and their food chiefly consists
of underwood, which probably contains many nutrients in a small bulk. Dr. Smith also informs me that
the vegetation has a rapid growth; no sooner is a part consumed, than its place is supplied by a fresh
stock. There can be no doubt, however, that our ideas respecting the apparent amount of food
necessary for the support of large quadrupeds are much exaggerated. The belief that where large
quadrupeds exist, the vegetation must necessarily be luxuriant is more remarkable because the
converse is far from true.
Mr. Burchell observed to me that when entering Brazil, nothing struck him more forcibly than the
splendour of the South American vegetation contrasted with that of South Africa, together with the
absence of all large quadrupeds. In his travels, he has suggested that the comparison of the respective
weights (if there were sufficient data) of an equal number of the largest herbivorous quadrupeds of
each country would be extremely curious. If we take on the one side, the elephants, hippopotamus,
giraffe, bos caffer, elan, five species of rhinoceros; and on the American side, two tapirs, the guanaco,
three deer, the vicuna, peccari, capybara (after which we must choose from the monkeys to complete
the number), and then place these two groups alongside each other; it is not easy to conceive ranks
more disproportionate in size.
After the above facts, we are compelled to conclude, against the anterior probability that among the
Mammalia there exists no close relation between the bulk of the species, and the quantity of the
vegetation in the countries which they inhabit.
(i) What is the primary concern of the author?
(v) Why are the flocks of migratory birds mentioned in the passage?
(a) To describe an aspect of the fauna of South Africa
(b) To illustrate a possible source of food for large carnivores
(c) To contrast with the habits of the antelope
(d) To suggest the size of antelope herds
(1 x 5 =5 Marks)
(i) Author’s primary concern is to discuss the relationship between the size of mammals and the
nature of vegetation in their habitats.
(ii) The prejudice that large animals require luxuriant vegetation has vitiated the reasoning of
(iii) Dr Smith refers to Africa as a sterile country. Here, the traveller may pass for days together
through open plains, covered by a poor and scanty vegetation.
(iv) b
(v) c
JULY 2021
Question7 (b)
Read the passage:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is making a difference as to how legal work is done, but it isn't the threat it
is made out to be. AI is making impressive progress and shaking up things all over the world today.
The assumption that advancements in technology and artificial intelligence will render any profession
defunct is just that, an assumption and a false one. The only purpose this assumption serves is
creating mass panic and hostility towards embracing technology that is meant to make our lives
Introducing AI to this profession will primarily be for the purpose of automating mundane, tedious
tasks that require negligible human intelligence. The kind of artificial intelligence that is employed by
industries in the current scene, when extended to the law will enable quicker services at a lower price.
AI is meant to automate a number of tasks that take up precious working hours lawyers could be
devoted to tasks that require discerning, empathy, and trust- qualities that cannot be replicated by
even the most sophisticated form. of AI. The legal profession is one of the oldest professions in the
world. Thriving over 1000 years; trust, judgment, and diligence are the pillars of this profession. The
most important pillar is the relationship of trust· between a lawyer and clients, which can only be
achieved through human connection and interaction.
While artificial intelligence can be useful in a number of ways in legal field like translation of
documents in other languages, mining of data pertaining to cases for analyses helping decision
making; scanning and. organizing documents pertaining to a case, it cannot perform higher- 'level
tasks such as sharp' decision making, relationship-building with valuable clients and writing legal
briefs, advising clients, and appearing in court. These are over and above the realm of
(i) Make Notes, using Headings, subheadings and abbreviations wherever necessary.
(ii) Write Summary by giving a suitable title.
Question 7 (b)
Read the Passage:
Whether one runs a large business, or is starting out with a new venture, or works as a corporate
professional, chances are that at some point, one would be required to make a business presentation.
Whether you are selling a product to a client, sharing your vision with your employees, or looking for
new investors for your business, your presentation will always matter.
Making a good business presentation can be intimidating - you want to capture as much information
as possible to answer any prospective questions from your audience, yet you want to keep your
audience constantly engaged and interested. So, what makes a good presentation?
It is important to connect with your audience with a story. And no, it doesn't mean your presentation
needs to be the most exciting work of fiction. Take your audience on a journey. When trying to
convince potential investors, make them see the success you are striving for and what it will do for
you and for them. To win over your employees with your new staff policy, take them through the
journey of why you are introducing a new policy and how does it benefit them. Tell personal stories,
give analogies and cite examples. Get your audience emotionally involved and you will be more likely
to get them to side with you.
You want to keep your audience engaged at all times. Do not overwhelm them with a lot of
information. Settle on three to five key messages that you want them to absorb and stick with them.
You do not want to include everything. Instead, choose out powerful points that you want to make. It
is important to keep your presentation as straightforward and concise as possible.
At the same time, you need to know your content extremely well. While you keep your presentation
short and to the point, it is no excuse for you to not have more detailed information regarding the
subject of your presentation. It is likely you would need to answer questions from your audience at
the end of the presentation. You must review all pertinent information and key facts and figures
before your presentation. Not only will it help you answer questions later, but it will also give you
more confidence during your presentation, so you refer to your notes less and connect with your
audience more.
In the end, a business presentation is about selling ideas. Do your researches well, describe your ideas
crisply, weave them into an interesting story and you are more likely to succeed.
(i) Make notes, using headings, sub - headings and abbreviations whenever necessary.
(ii) Write Summary.
Question 7 (b)
Read the Passage:
People do not always do the things we want them to do. No matter' how reasonable or minimal our
expectations may be, there are times when we are let down. Naturally, we feel upset and hurt when
our expectations are not met. We dread confrontations because they are unpleasant and can damage
Yet not confronting a person does not solve the problem because unresolved issues also affect
relationships in an adverse way. Actually, the real problem lies in our style of confrontation, not in the
Typically, we use character-based confrontations. They help in venting our ange4rand hurt, but that is
the only thing they do. They lead to angry show downs and bring all discussions to a grinding halt. It is
important to remember that self- image is the most important possession of all human beings.
It is the way we view and regard ourselves in our own eyes and in the eyes of others. As self-conscious
beings, we are actually aware of our· image and constantly work towards protecting it from any
We also seek approval from others about our own self-image. We feel distraught if we sense that
there. is even a slight threat to our self image, because our character is the essence of our lives. To
ensure a rational dialogue over dashed expectations, we need to deploy issued based confrontations.
They involve an explanation of which actions have bothered us, in what manner and what changes we
would like from the other person. (2 Marks)
(i) Make Notes, using Headings, Subheadings and abbreviations whenever necessary. (3 Marks)
(ii) Write summary
Question 7 (b)
Read the passage:
In most sectors of the economy, it is the seller who attempts to attract' a potential buyer with various
inducements of price, quality arid utility and it is the buyer who makes the decision. Where
circumstances permit the buyer no choice because there is effectively only one seller and the product
is relatively essential, government usually asserts monopoly and places the industry under price and
other regulations. Neither of these conditions prevails in most of the health-care industry;
In the health-care industry, the doctor-patient relationship is the mirror image of the ordinary
relationship between producer and consumer. Once an individual his chosen to see a physician and
even then, there may be real choice-it is the physician who usually makes all significant purchasing
decisions whether the patient sho1:1ld. Return "next Wednesday;" whether X-rays are needed,
whether drugs should be prescribed, etc. It is a rare and sophisticated patie11: who will challenge
such professional decisions or raise in advance questions about price, especially when the ailment is
regarded as serious.
This is particularly significant m relation to hospital care. The physician must certify the need for
hospitalization, determine what procedures will be performed and announce when the patient may be
discharged. The patient may be consulted about some of these decisions; but in the main it is the
doctor’s judgment that are final. Little wonder then that in the eyes of the hospital it is the physician
who is the real "consumer." As a consequence, the medical staff represents the "power centre" in
hospital policy and decision-making, not the administration;
Although usually there are in this situation four identifiable participants the physician, the hospital,
the patient, and the payer the physician makes the essential decisions for all of them. The hospital
becomes a extension of the physician; the payer generally meets most of the bonafide, a bill generated
by the physician/hospital; and for the most part the patient plans a passive role. In routine or minor
illnesses, or just plain worries, the patient's options are, of course, much greater with respect to use
and price. In illnesses that are of some significance, however, such choices tend to evaporate or away:
DISAPPEAR "my despair evaporated J. F. Wharton", and it is for these illnesses that the bulk of the
health- care dollar, is spent. We estimate that about 75-80 percent of health-care expenditures are
determined by physicians, not patients; For this reason, economy measures directed at patients or the
general publics are relatively ineffective. (2 Marks)
(i) Make Notes, using Headings, Sub headings and abbreviations whenever necessary. (3 Marks)
(ii) Write Summary,
2. The myth of modern man does not do away with the truth that man always remains essentially the
same with regard to his moral obligation, his need of redemption and the true sources of
happiness. Man, as such, always lacks of some positive good. He always lacks of something
required for an adequate adjustment and efficiency. Man is complex and needs many things.
Psychologists speak of different basic needs. Freud said that man wants most of all to be loved.
Adler, that he wants most of all to be significant. Jang, that he wants security. A need is the lack of
some good. If we consider it in the philosophical sense, good is something that fits to one’s nature,
either because it is necessary – something which completes or perfects a person. The need may be
physiological, psychological, social or religious. The satisfaction of material needs is more of an
economic and political problem than the psychological. While it is not always in our power and
ability to satisfy the former, much depends upon our efficiency, maturity and inner growth to
satisfy, possess and enjoy the latter- psychological, social and religious needs.
Man for the development of his personality needs adequate food, adequate housing, adequate rest
and recreation, economic autonomy and security and physical health. These are basic necessities
without which we can hardly say that man lives a human life and their satisfaction is a matter of
daily concern to each of us. Failure to satisfy some of the material needs may affect our health –
bodily and mental, even result in death. Of course, the solution to many of these problems depends
also on man’s mental moral and spiritual outlook.
Many people are unaware of the emotions that might be responsible for their inefficiency. They
frequently have emotions of a wrong variety because the basic psychological needs are neglected.
Psychological needs are many and diverse. Generally they are numbered up to 13, but they can be
reduced to six basic needs.
Perhaps they are more important than material needs for the proper adjustment and efficiency of
a person. Failure to satisfy any of these needs may disturb mental health and affect efficiency both
at home and at work.
Man is an animal both social and cooperating. He does not live and play alone. He needs the family,
the group and society. He depends on his fellowmen if he is to survive. Cooperation enables him to
become a specialist and to do his work well. In this specialisation he finds a sense of
accomplishment and fulfilment. Man’s efficiency depends on his relationship with his fellowman,
on his communion with another person, which leads him to experience him as another self, and
therefore makes him willing to protect him, perfect him, develop him and make him become
(i) Make notes, using headings, sub- headings and using abbreviations wherever necessary.
(ii) Write summary
RTP- MAY, 2021
Read the following passages and Prepare notes with appropriate abbreviations wherever necessary.
Write summary
There is nothing more frustrating than when you sit down at your table to study with the most sincere
of intentions and instead of being able to finish the task at hand, you find your thoughts wandering.
However, there are certain techniques that you can use to enhance your concentration. “Your
concentration level depends on a number of factors,” says Samuel Ghosh, a social counsellor. “In order
to develop your concentration span, it is necessary to examine various 2 facets of your physical and
internal environment,” she adds.
To begin with one should attempt to create the physical environment that is conducive to focussed
thought. Whether it is the radio, TV or your noisy neighbours, identify the factors that make it difficult
for you to focus. For instance, if you live in a very noisy neighbourhood, you could try to plan your
study hours in an ear by library.
She disagrees with the notion that people can concentrate or study in an environment with
distractions like a loud television, blaring music etc. “If you are distracted when you are attempting to
focus, your attention and retention powers do not work at optimum levels,” cautions Ghosh.
“Not more than two of your senses should be activated at the same time,” she adds. What that means
is that music that sets your feet tapping is not the ideal accompaniment to your books.
Also do not place your study table or desk in front of a window. “While there is no cure for a mind that
wants to wander, one should try and provide as littles timulus as possible. Looking out of a window
when you are trying to concentrate will in variably send your mind on a tangent,” says Ghosh.
The second important thing, she says, is to establish goals for oneself instead of setting a general
target and then trying to accomplish what you can in a haphazard fashion. It is very important to
decide what you have to finish in a given span of time. The human mind recognizes fixed goals and
targets and appreciates schedules more than random thoughts.
Once your thoughts and goals are in line, a focussed system will follow.
She recommends that you divide your schedule into study and recreation hours. When you study,
choose a mix of subjects that you enjoy and dislike and save the former for the last so that you have
something to look forward to. For instance, if you enjoy verbal skill tests more than mathematical
problems, then finish Maths first. Not only will you find yourself working harder, you will have a sense
of achievement when you windup.
Try not to sit for more than 40 minutes at a stretch. Take a very short break to make a cup of tea or
listen to a song and sit down again. Under no circumstances, should one sit for more than one and a
half hours. Short breaks build your concentration and refresh your mind. However, be careful not to
over do there laxation. It may have undesired effects.
More than anything else, do not get disheartened. Concentration is merely a matter of disciplining the
mind. It comes with practice and patience and does not take very long to become a habit for life.
Research has shown that the human mind can process words at the rate of about 500 per minute,
whereas a speaker speaks at the rate of about 150 words a minute. The difference between the two at
350 is quite large.
So a speaker must make every effort to retain the attention of the audience and the listener should
also be careful not to let his mind wander. Good communication calls for good listening skills. A good
speaker must necessarily be a good listener.
Listening starts with hearing but goes beyond. Hearing, in other words is necessary but is not a
sufficient condition for listening. Listening involve she a ring with attention. Listening is a process that
calls for concentration. While, listening, one should also be observant. In other words, listening has to
do with the ears, as well as with the eyes and the mind. Listening is to be understood as the total
process that involves hearing with attention, being observant and making interpretations. Good
communication is essentially an interactive process. It calls for participation and involvement. It is
quite often a dialogue rather than a monologue. It is necessary to be interested and also show or make
it abundantly clear that one is interested in knowing what the other person has to say.
Good listening is an art that can be cultivated. It relates to skills that can be developed. A good listener
knows the art of getting much more than what the speaker is trying to convey. He knows how to
prompt, persuade but not to cutoff or interrupt what the other person has to say. At times the speaker
may or may not be coherent, articulate and well organised in his thoughts and expressions. He may
have it in his mind and yet he may fail to marshal the right words while communicating his thought.
Nevertheless, a good listener puts him at ease, helps him articulate and facilitates him to get across the
message that he wants to convey. For listening to be effective, it is also necessary that barriers to
listening are removed. Such barriers can be both physical and psychological. Physical barriers
generally relate to hindrances to proper hearing where as psychological barriers are more
fundamental and relate to the interpretation and evaluation of the speaker and the message.
The Great Wall of China was built to link existing fortifications into a united defence system and better
keep invading Mongol tribes out of China. It is the largest man-made monument ever to have been
built and it is said that it is the only one visible from space. Many thousands of people must have given
their lives to build this huge construction.
The Great Wall of China is a series of towers made of stone, brick, earth, wood and other materials,
generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China to protect the
Chinese states and empires against the raids and invasions of the various nomadic groups of the
Eurasian Steppe. Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century BCE; these, later joined
together and made bigger and stronger, are now collectively referred to as the Great Wall. Especially
famous is the wall built (220-206 BCE) by Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. Little of that wall
remains. Since then, the Great Wall has on and off been rebuilt, maintained and enhanced; the
majority of the existing wall is from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).
Other purposes of the Great Wall have included border controls, allowing the imposition of duties on
goods transported along the Silk Road, regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of
immigration and emigration. Further more, the defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were
enhanced by the construction of watch towers, troop barracks, garrison stations, signalling
capabilities through the means of smoke or fire and the fact that the path of the Great Wall also served
as a transportation corridor.
The Great Wall stretches from Dandong in the east to Lop Lake in the west, along an arc that roughly
delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia. A comprehensive archaeological survey, using
advanced technologies, has concluded that the Ming walls measure 8,850 km. This is made up of 6,259
km sections of actual wall, 359 km of trenches and 2,232 km of natural defensive barriers such as hills
and rivers. Another archaeological survey found that the entire wall with all of its branches measures
out to be 21,196 km.
King Zheng of Qin conquered the last of his opponents and unified China as the First Emperor of the
Qin dynasty (“Qin Shi Huang”) in 221 BCE. Intending to impose centralized rule and prevent the
resurgence of feudal lords, he ordered the destruction of some sections of the walls, however, he
ordered a building of new walls to connect the remaining fortifications along the empire’s northern
frontier. Transporting a large number of materials required for construction was difficult, so builders
always tried to use local resources. Stones from the mountains were used over mountain ranges,
while earth was used for construction in the plains. The Great Wall concept was revived under the
Ming dynasty in the 14th century, to gain a clear upper hand over the Mongolian tribes.
For the following passages 1 and 2:
Prepare notes with headings, sub-headings and abbreviations/contractions whereever necessary.
Write a summary.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM), commonly referred to as diabetes, is a group of metabolic disorders in which
there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. There are three main types of diabetes
mellitus. Type – 1 Diabetes — the body does not produce enough Insulin. Approximately 10% of all
diabetes cases are type 1. Type 2 Diabetes - begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which cells
fail to respond to Insulin properly. As the disease progresses a lack of Insulin may also develop.
Approximately 90% of all cases of diabetes world wide are of this type. Gestational Diabetes— this
occurs when pregnant women without a previous history of diabetes develop high blood sugar levels.
Sometimes a person finds that he has been going to the bathroom to urinate more often. When there
is too much glucose(sugar)in your blood one will urinate more often. If a person's Insulin is in
effective, or not there at all, his kidneys cannot filter the glucose back into blood. The kidneys will take
water from his blood in order to dilute the glucose, which in turn fills up your bladder.
If you are urinating more than usual, you will need to replace that lost liquid. You will be drinking
more than usual. As the Insulin in your blood is not working properly, or is not there at all, and your
cells are not getting their energy, your body may react by trying to find more energy— food. You will
become hungry. This in turn will result in weight gain.
Unusual weight loss is found in some cases of type-1 diabetes. As your body is not making Insulin it
will seek out another energy source (the cells aren’t getting glucose). Muscle tissue will be broken
down for energy. If your Insulin is not working properly or not there at all, glucose will not be
entering into your cells and providing them with energy. This will make you feel tired and listless.
Blurred vision can be caused due to tissue being pulled from your eye lenses. This affects your eyes’
ability to focus. With proper treatment, this can be treated. There are severe cases where blindness or
pro longed vision problems can occur.
People do not always do the things we want them to do. No matter how reasonable or minimal our
expectations may be, there are times when we are let down. Naturally, we feel upset and hurt when
our expectations are not met. We dread confrontations because they are unpleasant and can damage
Yet not confronting a person does not solve the problem because unresolved issues also affect
relationships in an adverse way. Actually, the real problem lies in our style of confrontation, not in the
Typically, we use character-based confrontations. They help in venting our anger and hurt, but that is
the only thing they do. They lead to angry show downs and bring all discussions to a grinding halt. It is
important to remember that self-image is the most important possession of all human beings.
It is the way we view and regard ourselves in our own eyes and in the eyes of others. As self –
conscious beings, we are actually aware of our image and constantly work towards protecting it from
any damage.
We also seek approval from others about our own self-image. We feel distraught if we sense that there
is even a slight threat to our self-image, because our character is the essence of our lives. To ensure a
rational dialogue over dashed expectations, we need to deploy issued based confrontations. They
involve an explanation of which actions have both eredus, in what manner and what changes we
would like from the other person.
RTP- MAY, 2020
Read the following passage/news story and make proper notes following the guide lines of Note
making. (Source: internet/news paper article)
Money is the centre of every economic transaction and plays a significant role in all economies. It
refers to assets which are commonly used and accepted as a means of payments or a same diumor
exchange or of transferring purchasing power. For policy purposes, money may be defined as the set
of liquid financial assets, the variation in the stock of which will have impact on aggregate economic
activity. Money has generalised purchasing power and is generally acceptable in settlement of all
transactions and in discharge of other kinds of business obligations including future payments.
Anything that would act a same dium of exchange is not necessarily money. For example, a bill of
exchange may also be a medium of exchange, but it is not money since it is not generally accepted as a
means of payment. Money is totally liquid asset as it can be used directly, instantly, conveniently and
without any costs or restrictions to make payments. At the fundamental level, money provides us with
a convenient means to access goods and services.
As we know, money performs many functions in an economy. As such as, money is a convenient
medium of exchange or it is an instrument that facilitates easy exchange of goods and services. Money,
though not having any inherent power to directly satisfy human wants, by acting a same dium of
exchange, it commands purchasing power and its possession enables us to purchase goods and
services to satisfy our wants. It is an explicitly defined unit of value or unit of account because money
is a ‘common measure of value’ or ‘common dominator of value’ or money functions as a numeraire.
We know, Rupee is the unit of account in India in which the entire money is dominated.
The monetary unit is the unit of measurement in terms of which the value of all goods and services is
measured and expressed. Money serves as a unit of standard of deferred of payment i.e., money
facilitates recording of deferred promises to pay. Money is the unit in terms of which future payments
are contracted or stated. However, variations in the purchasing power of money due to inflation or
deflation, reduce the efficacy of money in this function.
So, we can say, money also functions as a permanent store of value. There are many other assets
government bonds, despite of other securities, land, houses, etc. which also store value. Despite
having the advantages of potential income yield and appreciation in value overtime, these other assets
are subject to limitations such as storage costs, lack of liquidity and possibility of depreciation in
value. The effectiveness of an asset as a store of value depends on the degree and certainty with
which the asset maintains its value over time. Hence, in order to serve as a permanent store of value in
the economy, the purchasing power or the value of money should either remain stable or should
monotonically rise overtime.
JULY 2021
Physical barriers are a result of our surroundings. Discuss.
Physical barriers are caused due to obstructions/factors in the immediate environment or
surroundings, often leading to problems in transmission of message. These factors are noise, technical
disturbances, outdated equipment, distant locations, office doors, separate areas for people, large
office spaces, old technologies and lack of appropriate infrastructure.
Question 2
Distinguish between General English and Business English.
Focus and Attention is an important characteristic of effective communication. Explain.
The approach of General English leans more on the basic, conversational, day-to-day use of words that
are colloquial in nature usually used in informal settings. Whereas Business English is specifically
used in formal settings like work places or offices for business communication. It entails the usage of
specific vocabulary, tonality and language constructs that are complex in nature.
Everyday work environment has multiple activities going on simultaneously that disturb our focus
and attention. The ringing of a phone, an incoming email, or a number of tasks that require immediate
attention. Apart from routine work, anxiety related to work, emotional distress etc. can also cause
distractions. These are detrimental to the communication process with an individual or a group of
people. Due to these distractions/disturbances, important points or subtle cues are either ignored or
completely missed. In order to interpret the message correctly, being focused and attentive is
important for effective communication.
Question 3
Write essentials of oral communication.
Essentials of oral communication are:
(a) Pronunciation when wrong or unclear can lead to lack of clarity and miscommunication.
(b) Listening & conversation: The tonality, accent and diction convey the emotion, urgency and
seriousness of the communication.
(c) Spoken grammar: Using the grammar correctly while speaking helps in correct interpretation of
the message.
(d) Vocabulary: Colloquial words should be used; difficult words should be avoided unless the listener
is proficient in the language.
Question 4
Define the term communication. When the communication is supposed to be effective?
Communication is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions
through speech, signal, writing, or behaviour. In communication process, a sender (encoder) encodes
a message and then using a medium/channel sends it to the receiver (decoder) who decodes the
message and after processing in formation sends back appropriate feedback/reply using a
The communication is supposed to be complete or effective only when the listener responds
relevantly and appropriately.
Question 8 (a)
Emotional barriers affect communication, discuss. (2 Marks)
One of the chief barriers to open and free communications is the emotional barrier. Anger, fear of
criticism or ridicule, mistrust of person, suspicion of intentions, jealousy, anxiety and many more
feelings and sentiments we carry within us, affect our communication ability and quality. A person
who is upset and disturbed cannot pass on or receive information appropriately and objectively.
His/her emotions will colour his perception and assessment of the communication.
Question 9 (a)
(i) Define circuit and star network under network in communication. (2 Marks)
(ii) Discuss the term "physical non-verbal communication" In communication. (2 Marks)
Circuit Network:
When two persons communicate with each other sending messages and feedbacks, they form a
communication circuit. Therefore, it is known as circuit network. The two people interacting can be
colleagues placed at the same hierarchical level in the organization.
Star Network:
The star network communication has multiple channels of communication open between all
members. This network propagates group communication and is essential where teamwork is
involved. The members communicate and is essential where teamwork is involved. The members
communicate and exchange information with each other freely, and without hindrance or hesitation.
Star Network
Physical Non-verbal Communication
An individual’s body language that is, facial expressions, stances, gestures, touches, and other physical
signals constitute this type of communication. For example, leaning forward may mean friendliness,
acceptance and interest, while crossing arms can be interpreted a santagonisticor defensive posture.
Research estimates that physical, non-verbal communication accounts for 55 percent of all
communication. Smiles, frowns, pursing of lips, clenching of hands etc. transmite motions which are
not expressed through verbal communication.
Question 10 (a)
How do organizational structure barriers affect communication? (2 Marks)
Communication problems occur when the systems, structures and processes in the organization are
not clear or have gaps in them. If the chain of command is unclear, a person may not know whom to
contact for a particular issue. Inappropriate information transmission systems, lack of supervision,
and unclear role and responsibility demarcations lead to confusion and inefficiency.
Question 11 (a)
What do you mean by diagonal communication? (2 Marks)
Cross-functional communication between employees at different levels of the organizational
hierarchy is described as diagonal communication. Diagonal communication is increasingly common
in larger organizations. It reduces the chances of distortion or misinterpretation by encouraging direct
communication between the relevant parties. For example, a junior engineer reports directly to the
General Manager regarding the progress on the project.
Question 8 (a)
Discuss the process of communication.
The process of communication entails :
1. The purpose or reason for the communication.
2. The framing of the content of the message
3. The medium used for conveying the message. (For example, internet, written text, speech,
pictures, gestures and so on).
4. Transmitting the formulated message.
5. Messages are often misinterpreted due to external disturbances such as noise created by humans,
traffic and natural forces. These factors can result in miscommunication.
6. Receiving the message.
7. Deciphering and making sense of the message. decode
8. Interpreting and figuring out what the receiver thinks is the real message.
Barrier Encoding
Channel Message
Question 9 (a)
Discuss the term "Virtual Communication" in communication. (2 Marks)
What do you mean by an "Attitude Barrier"? (2 Marks)
Visual communication through visual aids such as signs, typography, drawing, graphic design,
illustration, color and other electronic resources usually reinforces written communication.
Sometimes, it may replace written communication altogether. Visual communication is powerful
medium. It is the reason that the print and audio-visual media makes effective use of visuals to convey
their message. Visuals like graphs, pie charts and other diagrammatic presentations convey clearly
and concisely a great deal of information. They are an essential part of official presentations these
Attitude barriers refer to personal attitudes of employees that can affect communication within the
organization. A proactive, motivated worker will facilitate the communication process, whereas a
dissatisfied, disgruntled, shy, introvert or lazy employee can delay, hesitate in taking the initiative, or
refuse to communicate. Good management, periodic training and regular interaction with staff
members can address attitude problems.
Question 10 (a)
Explain how emotional awareness and control helps in communication? (2 Marks)
Emotions play a major role in our interactions with other people. They are a powerful force that affect
our perception of reality regardless of how hard we try to be unbiased. In fact, intense emotions can
undermine a person’s capacity for rational decision-making, even when the individual is aware of the
need to make careful decisions. Emotional awareness is a necessary element of good communication.
While interacting with another person or a group, it is important to understand the emotions you and
he/ she/ they are bringing to the discussion.
Managing your own and others emotions and communicating keeping in mind the emotional state of
others helps in smooth interaction avoiding conflict resulting in successful completion of the
communication process.
Question 11 (a)
Define the areas where chain network of communication is found in an organization. (2 Marks)
Communication pattern that follows the chain of command from the senior to the junior is called the
chain network. Communication starts at the top, like from a CEO, and works its way down to the
different levels of employees. The supervisor/ manager/ CEO gives commands or instructions to those
working under him/her in the organization.
B, C, D and E, F, G are the subordinates to A in the organizational hierarchy and receive commands
from ‘A’ as shown in the diagram. The chain network often takes up time, and communication may not
be clear.
MAY, 2019
Question 8 (a)
Define Vertical & Chain Network under network in communication? (2 Marks)
Vertical and Chain Network
Vertical network: The vertical network is a formal network. It is usually between a higher ranking
employee and a subordinate. This is a two-way communication in which immediate feedback is
Chain Network: The communication pattern that follows the chain of command from the senior to
junior is called the chain network. Communication starts at the top, like from a CEO, and works its way
down to the different levels of employees.
Question 9 (a)
Discuss the "Gender Barrier" in communication. (2 Marks)
What do you mean by Informal Communication? (2 Marks)
Gender barriers may be defined as the communication gap created due to the different ways of
inherent mindsets of men and women as given by nature. Men talk in linier, logical and
compartmentalized manner whereas the women use both logic and emotion, and are more verbose. T
his may be cause of communication problem in an office where both men and women work side by
side . Men can be held guilty of providing insufficient information, while women may be blamed for
providing too much detail.
Informal communication is the casual, friendly and unofficial. It is spontaneous conversation and
exchange of information between two or more persons without conforming to the prescribed official
rules, processes, systems, formalities, and chain of command. Informal communication is between
family, friends, neighbors, members of community and other social relations that are based on
common interests, tastes and dispositions. Information can flow from any source in any direction.
Question 10 (a)
"The listener has to be objective, practical and control his emotions" Explain with reference to
importance of listening in communication? (2 Marks)
A good listener does not only listen to the spoken words, but observes carefully the non - verbal cues
to understand the complete message. He absorbs the given information, processes it, understands its
context and meaning and forms an accurate, reasoned, intelligent response. The listener has to be
objective, practical and in control of his emotions. Often the understanding of a listener is coloured by
his own emotions judgements, opinions, and reactions to what is being said.
Question 11 (a)
Define the importance of Para language Hi Non Verbal Communication.
Paralanguage may be defined as the way a person says something. It reveals more than the actual
words used, the intent of the message. The voice quality, intonation, pitch, stress, emotion, tone and
style of speaking, communicants’ approval, interest or the lack of it are depicted through
paralanguage. Research estimates that tone of the voice accounts for 38 percent of all
Question 2
How do cultural barriers affect communication? Discuss.
Cultural differences between people from various countries, regions tribes and, religions, where
words and symbols may be interpreted differently can result in communication barriers and
Multinational companies offer special courses and documents to familiarize their staff with the culture
of the country where they are based for work.
Question 3
Briefly explain different types of non-verbal communication.
Nonverbal Communication: Nonverbal communication is the process of communicating by sending
and receiving wordless messages. These messages can aid verbal communication, convey thoughts
and feelings contrary to the spoken words or express ideas and emotions on their own.
Physical nonverbal communication: An individual’s body language that is, facial expressions,
stance, gestures, tone of voice, touch, and other physical signals constitute this type of
communication. For example, leaning forward may mean friendliness, acceptance and interest,
while crossing arms can be interpreted as antagonistic or defensive posture.
Paralanguage: The way you say something, more than the actual words used, reveal the intent of
the message, The voice quality, intonation, pitch, stress, emotion, tone, and style of speaking,
communicates approval, interest or the lack of it.
Question 1
How do technology barriers affect communication? Explain.
In the present world, communication modes are primarily technology driven. The communication
technology is being constantly upgraded or new formats emerge ever so frequently. Anyone who is
not abreast with these struggles to communicate effectively via the medium.
An individual is swamped with huge amount of information every day in the form of emails, texts and
social updates. Multitasking is the norm these days. The information overload and trying to
accomplish too many things together can result in gaps in communication and miscommunications.
Question 2
Describe the term "paralanguage', a mode of communication.
Paralanguage refers to the way you say something rather than the actual words used, the voice
quality, intonation, pitch, stress, emotion and style of speaking communicates approval, interest or
lack of it. Research estimates that tone accounts for 38 percent of communication.
Question 3
Non-verbal is also one of the Broad Categories of Communication? Explain.
Nonverbal Communication: Nonverbal communication is the process of communicating by sending
and receiving wordless messages. These messages can aid verbal communication, convey thoughts
and feelings contrary to the spoken words or express ideas and emotions on their own. Some of the
functions of nonverbal communication in humans are to complement and illustrate, to reinforce and
emphasize, to replace and substitute, to control and regulate, and to contradict the denoted message.
Physical nonverbal communication: An individual’s body language that is, facial expressions, stance,
gestures, tone of voice, touch, and other physical signals constitute this type of communication. For
example, leaning forward may mean friendliness, acceptance and interest, while crossing arms can be
interpreted as antagonistic or defensive posture.
Research estimates that physical, non-verbal communication accounts for 55 percent of all
communication. Smiles, frowns, pursing of lips, clenching of hands etc. transmit emotions which are
not expressed through verbal communication.
Paralanguage: The way you say something, more than the actual words used, reveal the intent of the
message. The voice quality, intonation, pitch, stress, emotion, tone, and style of speaking,
communicates approval, interest or the lack of it. Research estimates that tone of the voice accounts
for 38 percent of all communications.
Aesthetic communication: Art forms such as dancing, painting, sculptor, music are also means of
communication. They distinctly convey the ideas and thoughts of the artist.
Appearance: Appearance is usually the first thing noticed about a person. A well dressed and groomed
person is presumed to be organised and methodical, whereas a sloppy or shabby person fails to make
a favourable impression. Therefore, dressing appropriately in all formal interactions is emphasized.
The dress code in office is generally formal. It constitutes of formal suits, trousers with plain white or
light coloured shirts and leather shoes. Bright colours, jeans, T - shirts, especially with slogans and
other informal wear are frowned upon. For women formal two- piece trouser or skirt sets or formal
ethnic wear like sarees, is permissible.
Symbols such as religious, status, or ego-building symbols.
RTP - MAY, 2020
Question 1
What are the language barriers in communication?
As we know, lacking language knowledge can create impediment in communication. Language varies
individual to individual, place to place, region to region, and country wise. Same words may have
different meaning in other language. Even jargon, unfamiliar expressions, and ambiguous words
create hurdles in communication. This is fact that no two people speak or write alike. Some people use
well-formed words while some of them is used ill-formed words.
Question 2
How non-verbal communication is impactful in communication?
Non-verbal communication is more impact in communication. Meanwhile, the primary function of
language is communication, but we can communicate without language. Some of the functions of
nonverbal communication in humans are to complement and illustrate, to reinforce and emphasize, to
replace and substitute, to control and regulate, and to contradict the denoted message. These are the
following non-verbal cues:
Physical: It includes facial expressions, stance, gestures, tone, distance in communication, time
dimension, haptics etc. For example, leaning forward may mean friendliness, acceptance and interest,
while crossing arms can be interpreted as antagonistic or defensive posture.
Smiles, frowns, pursing of lips, clenching of hands etc. transmit emotions which are not expressed
through verbal communication.
Paralanguage: It contains the how of the sender’s voice or the way he/she speaks. In other words, The
way we say something, more than the actual words use, reveal the intent of the message, the voice
quality, volume, intonation, pitch, stress (e.g., primary stress ˈ, secondary stress ˌ, long stress ː, half
long ˑ , extra short) tone (e.g., extra high §“, high , mid , low , extra low , down step ↓, up step↑) and
way of speaking, communicates approval, interest or lack of it. It changes the meaning of words.
For example-
Stress on d- Production become Noun Stress on p- ˈProduction become Verb
Aesthetic: Art forms such as dancing, paintings, sculptors, music are also means of communication. It
conveys the ideas and thoughts of the artist.
Appearance: It is usually the first thing noticed about the person. A well dressed and groomed person
is presumed to be organised and methodical, whereas a sloppy or shabby person fails to make a
favourable impression.
Hence, through non-verbal communication, we send and responds to thousands of messages daily in
personal and work lives.
MTP – MAY 2021(SERIES 1)
Question 2
(a) What do you understand by completeness in communication? (1 Mark)
A complete communication conveys all facts and information required by the recipient. It keeps in
mind the receiver’s intellect and attitude and conveys the message accordingly. A complete
communication helps in building the company’s reputation, aids in better decision making as all
relevant and required information is available with the receiver.
Question 3
(a) Define paralanguage. (1 Mark)
Paralanguage: The way you say something, more than the actual words used, reveal the intent of the
message, The voice quality, intonation, pitch, stress, emotion, tone, and style of speaking,
communicates approval, interest or the lack of it.
Question 4
(a) Differentiate between vertical and circuit network in communication. (2 Marks)
Vertical Network:
The vertical network is a formal network. It is usually between a higher ranking employee and a
subordinate. In this two-way communication, immediate feedback is possible.
Circuit Network:
When two persons communicate with each other sending messages and feedbacks, they form a
communication circuit. Therefore it is known as circuit network.
The two people interacting can be colleagues placed at the same hierarchical level in the organisation.
Question 5
(a) Briefly explain emotional, attitude and perception barriers in communication. How can these be
overcome? (2 Marks)
Emotional barriers: Your emotions sometimes affect your communication. Negative such as anger, fear
of criticism or ridicule, mistrust, suspicion, jealousy, anxiety play with our minds and affect our
communication ability and quality. If we are upset and disturbed, we cannot pass on or receive
information appropriately and objectively. Once we overcome our emotions, we can communicate
Attitude barriers: Our attitudes can affect communication, especially in a formal setup. If we are
proactive and self-motivated, we will communicate promptly owning complete responsibility of the
repercussions. Whereas, if we are dissatisfied, disgruntled, shy, introvert or lazy in our approach, we
will delay, hesitate in taking the initiative, or refuse to communicate. Correcting our attitude can
certainly improve our communication.
Perception Barriers: Each one of us perceives the world differently and this causes problems in
communicating. The same communication is interpreted differently once our perception about others
changes. We can avoid miscommunications and misunderstandings by changing our perception.
Question 3
(a) Name the essential aspects of oral communication. (1 Mark)
Oral Communication refers to communication through the spoken word, either face-to-face,
telephonically, via voice chat, video conferencing or any other medium. Formal medium like lectures,
conferences, seminars, meetings and informal conversations, friendly gossips etc. are part of oral
Major aspects of oral communication are: Pronunciation
(a) Listening &conversation
(b) Spoken grammar
(c) Vocabulary
Question 4
(a) What are cultural barriers in communication? How do they impact communication? (2 Marks)
Cultural barriers: Understanding cultural aspects of communication refers to having knowledge of
different cultures in order to communicate effectively with cross culture people.
Understanding various cultures in this era of globalisation is an absolute necessity as most
professionals work in a diverse work environment with their team mates come from different
countries, cultures and ethnicities. Owing to this, certain gestures, words and symbols may be
interpreted differently resulting in communication barriers and miscommunications. Sensitizing
employees about cross-cultural acceptance creates cohesive teams that ultimately helps organizations
to achieve their objectives/targets.
Question 5
(a) What are networks in communication? Briefly explain the star network. (2 Marks)
A communication network refers to the method and pattern used by members of an organisation to
pass on information to other employees in the organisation. Network helps managers create various
types of communication flow according to requirement of the task at hand.
The star network communication has multiple channels of communication open between all
members. This network propagates group communication and is essential where team work is
involved. The members communicate and exchange information with each other freely, and without
hindrance or hesitation. It can be adopted in an organization where all entities are at par with respect
to decision making. A start-up can be a good example where star network of communication is
essentially seen.
JULY 2021
Question 8(b)
(i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: ADHERE
(a) separate
(b) split
(c) humility
(d) fasten
(ii) Select a suitable antonym for the word given under : CANDID
(a) deceptive
(b) frank
(c) sincere'
(d) subordinate
(iii) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word. FIASCO
(a) Shock
(b) Win
(c) Leaming
(d) Failure
(i) Fasten
(ii) Deceptive
(iii) Failure
Question 8 (b)
(i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word:
1. Attractive
2. Normal
3. Disgusting
4. Confused (1 Mark)
(i) (3) Disgusting
(ii) (1) Frustrate
Question 9 (b)
(i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the
1. Sharp
2. Painful
3. Delighted
4. Homesick (1 Mark)
(ii) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word:
1. Reduce
2. Save
3. Minimise
4. Accumulate (1 Mark)
(i) (4) Homesick
(ii) (2) Save
Question 11 (b)
(iv) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
1. Flatter
2. Praise
3. Pray
4. Request (1 Mark)
(2) Praise
Question 8 (b)
(i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word :
1. Plentiful
2. Sufficient
3. Enough
4. Many
(ii) Select a suitable antonym for the word given under:
1. Elaborate
2. Summarize
3. Angry
4. Happy
(i) (1) Plentiful
(ii) (1) Elaborate
Question 9 (b)
(i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word:
1. Related
2. Important
3. Pertinent
4. Common
(ii) Choose the word which best. expresses the meaning of the given word:
1. Not fast
2. Not Finding
3. Not Embarrassed
4. Not Angry
(i) (3) Pertinent
(ii) (3) Not Embarrassed
Question 11 (b)
(iv) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
1. Dramatic
2. To Fetch
3. Many
4. Confusion
(3) Many
MAY, 2019
Question 8 (b)
(i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word :
1. Straight
2. Tapering
3. Twisted
4. Circle
(ii) Select a suitable antonym for the word given under:
1. Injury
2. Ease
3. Accident
4. Horrifying
(i) Crooked=Twisted
(ii) Predicament = Ease
Question 9 (b)
(i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word:
1. Cautious
2. Clear
3. Careless
4. Fearless
(ii) Humongous
1. Minute
2. Huge
3. Hungry
4. Hassel
(i) Reckless = Careless
(ii) Humongous = Huge
Question 11 (b)
(iv) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
1. Enthrall
2. Gruesome
3. Scary
4. Harmony
(iv) Enthrall
1. Select a suitable synonym that best expresses the meaning of the words
1. Acumen
(a) Abundance
(b) Bitterness
(c) Deficit
(d) Quickness of insight
2. Nascent
(a) Initial
(b) Unpleasant
(c) Latest
(d) Crude
3. Interim
(a) Temporary
(b) Internal
(c) Timely
(d) Interval
4. Perspicacious
(a) Bad
(b) Clear
(c) Hazy
(d) Shrewd
5. Incensed
(a) Affected
(b) Incited
(c) Encouraged
(d) Inspired
2. Select a suitable antonym that best expresses the opposite meaning of the words
1. Anomalous
(a) Usual
(b) Connected
(c) Vicious
(d) Capacious
2. Preposterous
(a) Apologetic
(b) Credible
(c) Conceited
(d) Complacent
3. Puissance
(a) Repudiation
(b) Impotence
(c) Approbation
(d) Ignorance
4. Deleterious
(a) Inclusive
(b) Impulsive
(c) Pathetic
(d) Salubrious
5. Jocose
(a) Diseased
(b) Playful
(c) Dull
(d) Humorous
1. d 2.a 3.a 4.d 5. b
Ans. 2
1. a 2.b 3.b 4.d 5. c
2. Renounce
(a) Relinquish
(b) withdraw
(c) forgive
(d) punish
3. Altruism
(a) Misery
(b) indifference
(c) veracity
(d) generosity
4. Cryptic
(a) Spurious
(b) obscure
(c) imposing
(d) superficial
5. Aggrandize
(a) Enhance
(b) develop
(c) captivate
(d) flaunt
2. In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
meaning of the given word.
1. Approbate
(a) Ingratitude
(b) condemn
(c) dissatisfaction
(d) master
2. Sapient
(a) Hunched
(b) strong
(c) simple
(d) simian
3. Impecunious
(a) Wealthy
(b) cautious
(c) hungry
(d) tardy
4. Dissuade
(a) Encourage
(b) intrigue
(c) trigger
(d) tarnish
5. Squander
(a) Waste
(b) liberate
(c) economize
(d) presume
1. In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the
best-meaning of the given word.
1. Valour
(a) Nervousness
(b) Cowardice
(c) Fearlessness
(d) Energetic
2. Enigmatic
(a) Respectable
(b) Mysterious
(c) Widespread
(d) Clever
3. Inconclusive
(a) Conclusive
(b) Indecisive
(c) Conclusion
(d) Decision
4. Consternation
(a) Alert
(b) Celebration
(c) Attraction
(d) Dismay
5. Ignominy
(a) Attraction
(b) Enmity
(c) Assistance
(d) Disgrace
2. In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
meaning of the given word.
1. Heckle
(a) Embarrass
(b) Highlight
(c) Cheer
(d) Harass
2. Adamant
(a) Glittering
(b) Unique
(c) Unwilling
(d) Flexible
3. Lackadaisical
(a) Enthusiastic
(b) Slothful
(c) Enervated
(d) apathetic
4. Obscene
(a) Indecent
(b) Derogatory
(c) Offensive
(d) Complimentary
5. Obdurate
(a) Empathetic
(b) Inconsiderate
(c) Heedless
(d) Virulent
RTP - MAY 2020
A. Select the suitable synonym for the given words.
1. Indispensable
(a) Decisive
(b) Crunchy
(c) Responsible
(d) Momentary
2. Hypocrisy
(a) Signifier
(b) Cant
(c) Sauna
(d) Gunky
3. Trudge
(a) Skip
(b) Expel
(c) Review
(d) Slog
4. Conservatism
(a) Behaviourism
(b) Cognitivism
(c) Toryism
(d) Innateness
5. Besmirch
(a) Tolley
(b) Sully
(c) Honour
(d) Enhance
2. Harmony
(a) Hilarious
(b) Imbroglio
(c) Complexity
(d) Separation
3. Vague
(a) Disgrace
(b) Distribution
(c) Cogent
(d) Credit
4. Shoddy
(a) Careful
(b) Poor quality
(c) Former
(d) Stimulus
5. Pliant
(a) Ditch
(b) Biddable
(c) Docile
(d) Inflexible
A. Select the suitable synonym for the given words.
1- (a)
2- (b)
3- (d)
4- (c)
5- (b)
B. Select the suitable antonym for the given words.
1- (c)
2- (b)
3- (c)
4- (a)
5- (d)
MTP – MAY 2021(SERIES 1)
2. (B) (i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning
(a) to twist
(b) to sweat
(c) to inflict
(d) to grasp
3(b) (i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
(a) dispute
(b) altar
(c) refuge
(d) omen
4(b) (i) Select the suitable antonym for the given word:
(a) dirty
(b) careless
(c) decent
(d) inflexible
(i) c
MTP – MAY 2021(SERIES 2)
(i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word (1 Mark)
(a) postpone
(b) accept
(c) bargain
(d) reject
(ii) Select a suitable antonym for the word given below. (1 Mark)
(a) Abdicate
(b) relinquish
(c) deny
(d) possess
(i) c
(ii) b
3(b) (i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
(a) Hindrance
(b) kindness
(c) malevolence
(d) cruelty
4(b) (i) Select the suitable antonym for the given word:
(a) Antipathy
(b) Calm
(c) Desire
(d) Dearth
(i) a
Question 11 (b)
Select the correct meaning of Idioms/Phrases given below:
(i) To be a mastermind
1. To be a pioneer
2. To be an entrepreneur
3. To be an amateur
4. To be a villain (1 Marks)
Question 11 (b)
Select the correct meaning of Idioms/Phrases given below:
(i) Takes Two to Tango
1. Two people are required for dancing
2. Two people are required for creating mischief.
3. Two people required to clean floor.
4. Two people required to help others. (1 Mark)
MAY 2019
Question 11 (b)
Select the correct meaning of idioms/phrases given below:
(i) Cry over spilled milk
1. Drain milk
2. Complain about something that cannot be rectified
3. Get into altercation with someone
4. Misbehave with someone (1 Mark)
3. Lions share
(a) look angrily
(b) major part
(c) lions food
(d) heart of the pray
4. To cry wolf
(a) To refer to
(b) To emphasize
(c) To have no result
(d) To give false alarm
5. A turn coat
(a) One who changes one's opinion or party
(b) A wet coat
(c) A poor man
(d) Man of principal
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. d 5. a
2. Due his bad habit of borrowing money from others, he will be in the mire one day.
(a) to be punished
(b) To be imprisoned
(c) To be insulted
(d) to be in trouble.
4. He had to go through the motion of starting with this new project as he was least interested to take
up it.
(a) To complete quickly.
(b) To do a work without enthusiasm
(c) To do without any interest.
(d) To work at a slow speed.
5. A fair weather friend always tries to fish in troubled waters of his friends and benefactors.
(a) To borrow money
(b) To steal belongings of
(c) To get benefit in bad situation.
(d) To extend a helping hand.
1. a 2. d 3. b 4. b 5. c
JULY 2021
Write a precis and give an appropriate title to the passage given below :
Naval architects-never claim that a ship is unsinkable, but the sinking of the passenger- and- car ferry
Estonia in the Baltic surely should have never happened. It was well designed and carefully
maintained. It carried the proper number of lifeboats. It had been thoroughly inspected on the day of
the voyage. Yet, hours later, the Estonia rolled over and sank in the cold, stormy night. It went down so
quickly that most of those on board, caught in the dark, flooding cabins had no chance to save
themselves: Of those who managed to scramble overboard, only 139 survived. The rest died of
hypothermia before the rescuers could pluck them from the cold sea. The final death toll amounted to
912 Souls. However, there were an unpleasant number of questions about why Estonia sank and why
so many survivors were men in the prime of life, while most of the dead were woman, children and
the elderly.
Sinking of Estonia/ The Deadly Voyage
The passenger-and-car ferry Estonia sank in the Baltic. Despite being well designed, carrying enough
lifeboats and being duly inspected on the fateful day of the voyage, it went down quickly in the cold
and stormy night. Only 139 people largely men in the prime of their life survived, while 912 people
majority being women, children and the elderly died of hypothermia.
Question 8 (c)
Write a precis and give appropriate title to the passage given below:
Gratitude implies thankfulness or an appreciation of benefits conferred together with a desire, when
practicable, to return those benefits. It should be distinguished from thanks, which is too often a
matter of words and not accompanied by a feeling of thankfulness or by those actions which indicate a
grateful mind. The grateful man feels joy at the kindness of his benefactor and cultivates a respect that
is akin to love.
In almost all the relations of ordinary life the feelings of gratitude should be aroused. The child owes
thanks to his parents for food, clothes, education and tender care; the scholar to his teachers for the
training of his intelligence; personal friends to one another for mutual services.
The frequent use of the phrase, "Thank you," though often not more than a polite convention,
nevertheless shows the universal belief in the necessity for cultivating a grateful attitude towards
those who do something for us, however small that service be. As Citizens, there are few who have no
cause to be grateful. Great generals who have given devoted service gratuitously, statesmen, poets and
philosophers, all those who have stood for right, justice and freedom of thought, have conferred
inestimable benefits upon their countrymen.
When deeds are impossible, the expression of thanks is the best that can be done. The inscriptions on
the tombs and monuments erected by a nation to its great men are an expression of thanks in words.
As for deeds, an old story will serve as an excellent illustration. An old man was found planting fruit
trees by a friend who came to him and said, "Why do you plant trees, the fruit of which I enjoy. I now
plant trees that those who come after may enjoy fruit." '
In conclusion, no good man wishes to give pain, especially to those who have done him good. The
ungrateful man hurts the feelings of his benefactor and cannot, therefore, be a good man. (5 Marks)
Title: Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude means being genuinely thankful or showing heartfelt appreciation for those who have
helped you in need and readiness to reciprocate the kindness. Conventionally, ‘Thank You’ is used
frequently to show politeness. Yet a grateful attitude should be cultivated towards those who do even
a small service for us. There are many army Generals, statesmen, poets and philosophers who have
selflessly contributed their services. As a token of gratitude, monuments and inscriptions are erected
to commemorate their service. Practically, one can plant trees so that the later generations can enjoy
the benefits. A conscientious individual would always wish well for everyone without any
NOTE: Precis should be one third of the given text.
Question 8 (c)
Write a precis and give appropriate title to the passage given below:
DNA degrades quickly· after an: animal dies, so researchers once believed it impossible to find ancient
genetic material. The search for primeval vestiges of DNA took off in the late 1980s after the.
development of a technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which copies minute quantities
of DNA. Armed with PCR, scientists could look for tiny fragments of DNA that might have weathered
the millennia unharmed.
In recent years, researchers have isolated DNA from 20-million-year-old magnolia leaves and
extracted DNA from a 135-million-year-old weevil found in amber. Recently, a team extracts DNA
from bone dating back millions of years for the first time. In the frenzied hunt for ancient DNA,
microbiologist Scott R. Woodward may have bagged the biggest quarry. Drawing on lessons learned
while growing up among the fossil-rich rocks of eastern Utah, Woodward and his team became the
first people to find genetic material belonging to a dinosaur.
Woodward, whose grandfather was a coal miner, knew that mines in the area often contained
dinosaur traces. After six months of looking Woodward pulled two bone fragments from a Cretaceous
silt stone layer directly a top a coal seam. Impeded by an unstable mine roof) Woodward's team could
not recover any more bone samples.
The siltstone apparently inhibited fossilization and preserved much of the original cell structure in the
bone. Researchers isolated strands of DNA from both fragments and used-PCR to copy a segment that
codes for a protein called cytochrome b. Once they had made many copies, they ·could determine the
DNA sequence.
Throughout their work, the biologists took precautions to avoid contaminating the samples with
modern DNA or ancient material found within the coal. According to Woodward, circumstantial
evidence indicates that the bone fragments belong to one or two species of dinosaurs. Dinosaur tracks
are abundant in this 'coal formation, and the bones visible in the mine were larger than those of a
crocodile the biggest non-dinosaur known in these rocks. (5 Marks)
Pr cis’
Exploring ancient DNA: Innovations and Findings
Contrary to their earlier belief, in the late 1980s, scientists/researchers could search for remnants of
DNA that existed in the primitive era/times after the development of the PCR technique (Polymerase
Chain Reaction) that could copy minute quantities of DNA.
More recently, researchers have isolated DNA from 20-million-year-old magnolia leaves and
successfully extracted DNA from a 135-million-year-old weevil found in amber.
Microbiologist Scoot
R. Woodward with his team were the first to find genetic material belonging to a dinosaur. He pulled
two bone fragments from a Cretaceous siltstone layer from the top of a coal seam from which
researchers isolated strands of DNA and used PCR to copy a segment that codes for a
protein called Cytochrome b. DNA sequence was determined from the copies. Due care was taken to
avoid contamination of samples with modern DNA. Evidence indicated that the samples found
belonged to one or two dinosaur species.
MAY 2019
Question 8 (c)
Write a précis and give appropriate title to the passage given below:
India has witnessed great expansion of educational opportunities since the attainment of
independence. However, the disabled children have not yet benefited in any substantial manner from
the growth in educational facilities.
Education of handicapped children, ultimately become more dependent and non productive. It is
therefore believed that scarce national resources should not be wasted on them. Further, it has been
our misconceived notion that the education of handicapped children requires highly specialized
people and as such, it must essentially be very costly. Maybe, precisely for these wrong notions we
have not been able to involve clinical and educational specialization programmers of training and
education exclusively 'meant 'for handicapped children. It is encouraging to note that the new
National Policy on Education has recommended the placement of such children in Regular schools so
as to provide them integrated education along with normal students. The integrated education will
take care of the different needs of various categories arid types of disabled children. The objective is
to place the disabled children in ordinary schools for imparting education in the help of special
teachers, aids and other resources. For fulfilling this objective an array, of the necessary infrastructure
by way of training of teachers, provision of equipment and book etc. are some of the basic pre-
requisition. Hopefully, the parents and their handicapped children will be greatly relieved when the
latter are transferred to regular schools. (5 Marks)
Pr cis
Education for handicapped children
Education opportunities for handicapped children are sparse as compared to the normal children.
Expenditure on their education is treated as a wastage and rather non- productive. The view that
education for handicapped requires higher costs and specialized people has led to discouragement
towards development of measures towards the same. The National Education Policy recommends
integrating the education for handicapped with the normal children with the help of specialized
teachers and other aids. Training of teachers and necessary infrastructure shall help the handicapped
children and shall relieve their parents regarding worries about their education.
Write pr cis and give appropriate titles for the passages given below.
Retailers are generally inclined to saying that the only thing that matters most is the location. No
doubt it is a traditional view that real estate plays a vital role and good location does give a good
launch. While more and more talented people today have taken on the reins to deliver growth across
organisations, a key enabler has been the real estate space that we have at our disposal.
It is a fact that our organization does not own most of the real estate spaces that we operate on. We
have a clear, strong and vibrant model of establishing shopping malls based on renting them out from
developers and real estate owners on long-term contracts. While during the initial years of our
business, there were hardly any shopping malls in the country, the scenario is clearly quite different
today. It is a fact that a lot of business organizations and critics were not convinced about the latent
potential of modern retail in the country even till a few years back.
But we were optimistic, well planned and super energetic and were ready to place a bet on the future
based on our direct experience of the growing consumerism in the country. Anyhow we booked a
substantial amount of retail space.
Rising real estate costs, especially in the metros, seem to be the single biggest impediment to the
growth of this sector now. On the one hand, consumers have a lower disposable income to spend on
shopping, since a large chunk of their income goes into servicing mortgages and home loans. On the
other hand, high real estate prices increase cost should be less than five percent of the total sales of a
store in order to provide maximum benefit to customers. At the current rates, it can be as high as
fifteen to twenty percent.
Fortunately, we do not pay such high rents because we secured our spaces much before other
retailers joined in and before the prices shot through the roof. This foresight is now helping us deliver
more value at a reasonable cost to our customers.
Though our study in the field we were convinced that a retailer doesn’t need to choose the most posh
part of a city in order to be a successful. We are in the opinion to look at the future potential of a
locality rather than the current profile. When it comes to choosing the right location we mostly bank
on a lot of soft data and general observations. We visit neighbouring markets attempt to understand
the kind of products that are accessible at the nearest shops, speak to individuals in that particular
zone and try to perceive their shopping pattern. It has come to our experience that often extremely
unconventional tools have proved to be the best way to judge the potential of a particular city or
locality, rather the catchment analyses or consultant reports.
India has progressed in leaps and bound in the nineties. The country has not only attempted sustained
efforts to improve equity but attained the second highest rate of economic development globally also.
There are numerous indications of uplifting trends in the deepening of Democratic roots along with a
win-win situation on social fronts. Social transition has moved further along with leaders from the
lower castes now occupying the highest political offices in several provinces. In harmony with the
strong-stream of growth, Indian companies have materialized as ambitious multinationals with major
acquisitions abroad and ready to take on bigger challenges. The world, having recognized these
accomplishments, has apparently decided that despite some ostensible weaknesses in public
governance – headstrong poverty, low levels of human development indicators and mounting left-
wing extremism – India deserves to have a place at the global high table.
The beginning of India’s appearance as a global leader can be traced back to the BRICS report by
Goldman Sachs. His reports simply projected that the Indian economy will be the third largest in the
world by 2050 as per its prevailing GDP growth rates. Higher rates of growth sustained over the
present decade, despite internal political upheavals, external shocks and global crisis, have further
reinforce India’s claim to be included in any new architecture of global governance. This was reflected
by India’s inclusion initially as member of the O-5 group that along with the G-8 made up the HAP
process, which
Answer 1
Strategies in retail
In retail sector, space and location are important. A good location lends a good launch. Real estate
spaces should be rented on long-term contracts from owners and developers rather than owned by
retailers for the establishment of shopping malls. Author’s team could manage to get spaces for his
stores at comfortable prices. His malls could deliver more value to the customers, who generally
allocate a very small part of their income for shopping. This could only happen as they focused on
future potential of a locality rather than the current posh area of a city. The strategy to study the
market and perceive shopping pattern in an area through extremely unconventional methods paved a
clear path for their success.
Answer 2
India: A growing Power
India has raised its status in almost all facets in the nineties. It has exhibited growth on not only
economic front globally but has strengthened its democratic roots also. The world has recognized its
harmony on social grounds as well as its empowering status in the field of international business.
Being the third largest economy in the world India has all the ingredients of a world leader. Report by
Goldman Sachs clearly states India’s role in G-20 and the visit by the heads of states of all five
permanent members of the UN Security Council are clear indicators of its emerging as a new global
leader. The strong support of President Obama and President Sarkozy have clearly justified India’s
claim to be treated as a great global player.
Every year it seems like there’s another disastrous wild fire in the American West. In 2018, nearly 9
million acres were burned in the US alone. Uncontrolled fires often started accidentally by people,
rampage and decimate forests. For most people, forest fire is synonymous with disaster. But there are
some kinds of forest fires that actually benefit the environment. A controlled burn is a wild fire that
people set intentionally for a specific purpose. Well-thought out and well- managed controlled burns
can be incredibly beneficial for forest management — in part because they can help stop an out-of-
control wild fire. The technique is called back-burning, and it involves setting a controlled fire in the
path of the approaching wild fire. All the flammable material is burnt up and extinguished. When the
wild fire approaches, there’s no more fuel left for it to keep going, and it dies out. Controlled burns are
also used to prevent forest fires. Even before human involvement, natural, low- intensity wild fires
occurred every few years to burn up fuel, plant debris, and dead trees, making way for young, healthy
trees and vegetation to thrive. That new growth in turn supports forest wildlife. Forest managers are
now replicating this natural strategy when appropriate, starting manageable, slow-burning fires to
make room for new life that will help keep the forest healthy in the long term.
Buddhism is a major global religion with a complex history and system of beliefs. Historians estimate
that the founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama, lived from around 566 to 480 B.C. The son of an
Indian warrior-king, Gautama led an extravagant life through early adulthood, reveling in the
privileges of his social caste.
After encountering an old man, an ill man, a corpse and an ascetic, Gautama was convinced that
suffering lay at the end of all existence. He renounced his princely title and became a monk, depriving
himself of worldly possessions in the hope of comprehending the truth of the world around him. The
culmination of his search came while meditating beneath a tree, where he finally understood how to
be free from suffering, and ultimately, to achieve salvation.
The Four Noble Truths comprise the essence of Buddha's teachings, though they leave much left
unexplained. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of
suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering. More simply put, suffering exists;
it has a cause; it has an end; and it has a cause to bring about its end. The notion of suffering is not
intended to convey a negative world view, but rather, a pragmatic perspective that deals with the
world as it is, and attempts to rectify it. The concept of pleasure is not denied, but acknowledged as
fleeting. Pursuit of pleasure can only continue what is ultimately an unquenchable thirst. The same
logic belies an understanding of happiness. In the end, only aging, sickness, and death are certain and
Title: Humans
The Social Beings Human beings are social animals with actions and desires that are connected to
society. In almost all matters of life, like clothes, food, knowledge and beliefs, humans have been
dependent on the society, past or present. A lonely man would be as good as a beast with no social life
and no learning. Every aspect of man’s existence can be owed to the society and surrounding she lives
Title: Preventing Wild Fires
Uncontrolled wild forest fires have been common in the American west. It leads to massive
destruction of forest life and has many after effects. Intentional burning called back burning is a new
technique developed to control and prevent the spread of natural wild fires. Forest managers are
trying to use the technique to remove old plant and animal debris and give way to new and healthy
Title: Buddhism
Siddharth Gautama, popularly known as Gautam Buddha was the founder of the Buddhist religion.
Although the son of a warrior prince, he left his princely luxuries in search of ‘the truth’ and finally
received ‘enlightenment’ under a tree. The four noble truths are the main principles of Buddhism.
They preach about suffering, the cause of suffering, the end of suffering and the path that leads to the
end of suffering. Pleasure and happiness continue to be an unquenchable thirst where as aging,
sickness and death are realities of life.
Digital marketing is the very innovative and novel concept in the 21st century. Through this form of
media, products and services are promoted with the use of data base-driven online distribution
channel stor each consumers in an appropriate, significant, individual, and lucrative manner.
The term digital marketing does not have any specific definition or meaning but it can be well
explained with the examples such as emails, online advertisements, pay per clicks, wireless text
messages, instant messages, RSS, blogging, fax, video streams, podcasting, broadcast, etc. All these
comprise digital marketing.
A part from its inclusive list, there are few traditional forms of marketing which are not included in
the term of digital marketing. They are TV, radio, print and bill board as they are not the instant or
quick form so f marketing. It means with these forms of marketing head vertiser could not get the
immediate response from the end consumers. The traditional forms of marketing could not give the
accurate number of responders. Perhaps, there is a little improvement achieved with the devices such
as TiVo which records the statistics like website but, still the desirable result has not been gained.
Never the less, this became possible with the introduction of digital marketing.
Digital marketing has become so powerful a network of advertising, that with the introduction of
“Double click” strategy of Google for internet, the world has become very close linking each and every
place conveniently. With the help of digital marketing, campaigns for promoting any product through
internet has become very cost- effective and convenient.
Respect Humanity: It serves you! (Title)
Our life is a part of the humanity, dependent on other human beings for various basic needs like food,
clothing and shelter etc. Language that makes humans different on animals is also a gift from other
humans which leads us to being wise and knowledgeable. A lonely man would be like a beast with no
social activities and feelings. Let us respect humanity and other existence of fellow beings.
Digital Marketing: The new trend(Title)
We hear a lot about online wallets, e-mails, blogs, and podcasts: these are few platforms that
constitute Digital Marketing. This new technology enables immediate response from the consumers
and is seen to yield better consumer satisfaction results, as opposed to the traditional means of
marketing that included TV, radio. etc. Moreover, digital marketing has brought the world closer just
at the click of a mouse / button.
RTP- MAY, 2020
(1) Read the following passages and write a précis for the same.
A mere 14 per cent of the 58.3 million business in operations in India when the Sixth Economic Census
was carried out in 2013-14 were owned by women, across formal and informal sectors in both rural
and urban India. This is not a flattering statistic. A sizable number of the 8.05 million women-owned
business - over 83 per cent - did not have any hired workers; the corresponding number for male-
owned business was about 70 per cent. Also, on average, women- run businesses are smaller than
those run by men. However, there are many shining examples of women entrepreneurs who have not
only set up successful ventures but have also carved out a niche for themselves. Kiran Mazumdar
Shaw is one such women entrepreneur. There are also some who gave up very successful corporate
careers to turn entrepreneurs such as Falguni Nayar, a well-regarded investment banker who set up
an e-commerce venture as she was turning 50 years of age. There are also the likes of Ritu Dalmia,
who broke out of conservative industrialist families, to venture into the world of gourmet food and
fine dining with a chain of restaurants. Each of them is trailblazer and an inspiration for others. More
recently, the start-up boom in India has seen many young, professionally qualified women taking the
plunge. Self-help groups and non-profit focusing on skill development in rural areas have helped
women entrepreneurs bloom. Setting up a business is not easy in India. It is even tougher for a
woman. A would-be woman entrepreneur has to overcome socio-cultural biases, which requires her
to prioritize home and family above all else and sacrifice her own aspirations. Access to finance is that
much more difficult, whether from formal banking channels or from venture capitalists. Managing a
male workforce entrenched in a patriarchal society poses its own challenges. Many men are not
supportive of women’s’ ambitions and even attempt to break their confidence. Another problem
unique to women is their failure to network with business associates as easily as men. Policy
interventions have tended to be sporadic, superficial or poorly thought through, like the Centre’s
failed experiment with a women-only bank.
However, these issues are addressable. Mentoring of women entrepreneurs by specialist in various
fields can encourage women who are tentative about taking that first step. Networking platforms for
women entrepreneurs can provide some support. Most of all, socio-cultural changes need to be
engineered to encourage women to setup business ventures.
(Source: Business Line)
Précis Writing-2
Several spiritual philosophies contain the notion of an inner ‘third eye’, related to the pinealgland, to
which is attributed significance in mystical awakening or enlightenment, higher states of
consciousness and extrasensory perception (ESP). Mention of this is found historically in ancient
Central and East Asia and also in contemporary meta physical theories relating to yoga. A neurologist
in Jaipur claims to have found new evidence throwing light on interactions between a physical brain
and a non-physical consciousness which leave an impact on human thought, emotion and behaviour.
These psychic phenomena are linked with the ‘third eye’, he says. Dr. Ashok Panagariya, recipient of
the prestigious B.C. Roy Award, says that the studies on the two functional units of brain and
consciousness and new understanding of psychic phenomena may lead human kind to the ability to
induce ESP at will. Pinealgland studies hold a great futuristic link between human and super human
Pinealgland, being the only singular structure in the brain and having a strategic position between the
two halves, is believed to connect between intellect and the body. This ‘third eye ‘could be activated to
spiritual world frequencies, enabling a person to have the sense of all knowing, godlike euphoria and
oneness all around him, says Dr.Panagariya. Once tuned into proper frequencies with the help of
meditation, yoga or various esoteric and occult methods, pinealgland can also enable a person to
travel in to other dimensions, popularly known as astral travel, cosmological projection or remote
viewing. Dr. Panagariya, formerly the Principal of Sawai Man Singh Government Medical College in
Jaipur, has pointed out that the recent developments in parapsychology and neuroscience have
revealed new clues about the way ESP and other psychic abilities are processed by the brain. “Science
is providing some answers about the structure or physiology of brain which makes para psychological
reception possible.”
“The most astounding discovery of all is that the brain produces a parapsychology enhancing neuro
transmitter,” says Dr. Panagariya while referring to a class of substances known as beta – carbolines
which are secreted from the pinealgland. He says this neuro chemical is only produced at night and
breaks down into melatonin, another substance which has been associated with psychic experiences.
Dr. Panagariya, presently a member of the Rajasthan State Planning Board, has in his study referred to
another recent discovery of interest to psychic researchers proving that the human brain contains
magnetite (ferrousoxide), which renders the brain sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic fields.
“It has long been known that birds and other animals use magnetite in their brains to aid in
navigation. Magnetite is especially concentrated in the pineal gland and the temporal lobes,” says Dr.
Panagariya, offering scientific explanation to the spiritual, mystical and paranormal experiences.
(Source: The Hindu)
Answer 1
Women in entrepreneurship
According to the sixth Economic Census 2013-14, only 14% of the businesses in India
are owned by women and are smaller as compared to men owned businesses. Out of these, 83% do
not have any hired work force. However, many women entrepreneurs have carved niche for
themselves these are Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Falguni Nayar and Ritu Dalmia. Self help groups and
NGOs have helped women entrepreneurs in the rural sector. Still due to socio-cultural biases, it is
onerous for married women in India to be an entrepreneur. Managing a male work force and
accessing financial support are even bigger challenges. Policy interventions, mentoring women
entrepreneurs by specialists can encourage women who intend to foray into entrpreneurship and
specialized networking platforms for women can provide the much-needed support.
Answer 2
The ‘thirdeye’ connection
The notion of the third eye or heightened consciousness, Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), or
enlightenment is attributed to pinealgland. It is located between the two halves of the brain and
connects the intellect and the body. According to Dr. Panagariya a neurologist based in Jaipur, this
third eye can be activated to spiritual world frequencies with the help of Yoga and meditation to
enable a person experience astral travel, remote viewing and cosmological projection. He said that the
pinealgland contains magnetite and secretes Beta Carbolines that breaks down into melatonin which
are associated with spiritual, psychic and para normal experiences.
RTP - MAY 2021(SERIES 1)
(c) Write a pr cis and give appropriate title to the passage given below.
When Martin Luther King, Jr. was in high school, he won an oratorical contest sponsored by the Negro
Elks. He and a beloved teacher were returning home in triumph, riding on a bus, when some white
passengers got on. The white bus driver ordered King and his teacher to give up their seats, and
cursed them. King wanted to stay seated, but his teacher urged him to obey the law. They had to stand
in the aisle for the 90 miles back to Atlanta.
"That night will never leave my memory," King told an interviewer, decades later. "It was the angriest
I have ever been in my life." And King is an example of someone who showed a kind of genius for
turning that emotion into positive action. "My father was extremely angry from that incident. So much
so that he expressed it later on by saying that he came very dangerously close, at that particular time,
to hating all white people," says Bernice King, who now runs The King Center in Atlanta.
As he grew older, and went to college and theological school, Martin Luther King, Jr. realized that non-
violent resistance offered a way to channel anger into positive forms of protest. "If you internalize
anger, and you don't find a channel, it can destroy you," she says. "That's why when Daddy reiterated,
'Hate is too great a burden to bear,' he knew it was corrosive and erosive."
Though King became an icon of non-violence and peace, he also inwardly wrestled with anger and, at
times, would snap at those he loved. Looking at how King dealt with anger reveals its dual nature—
how it can be a motivating force for change, while also containing the potential for destruction.
Precis: Title Martin Luther King Junior: Icon of non-violence
Martin Luther King Junior recalled an incident during an interview decades later, how he and his
teacher were forced to vacate the seats and were cursed by the driver of the bus when a few white
passengers had boarded. He confessed that he had never been angrier in his life. During his college
days he channeled his emotion into non-violence as positive means of expressing his dissidence
against the discrimination from the white community. He realized that hatred is destructive .While he
grappled with his anger, he found a way to contain it and went on to become an icon of non-violence.
Write a pr cis and give appropriate title to the passage given below.
There is an enemy beneath our feet - an enemy more deadly for his complete impartiality. He
recognizes no national boundaries, no political parties. Everyone in the world is threatened by him.
The enemy is the earth itself. When an earthquake strikes, the world trembles. The power of a quake
is greater than anything man himself can produce.
But today scientists are directing a great deal of their effort into finding some way of combating
earthquakes, and it is possible that at some time in the near future mankind will have discovered a
means of protecting itself from earthquakes. An earthquake strikes without warning. When it does, its
power is immense. If it strikes a modern city, the damage it causes is as great as if it has struck a
primitive village. Gas mains burst, explosions are caused and fires are started. Underground railways
are wrecked. Buildings collapse, bridges fall, dams burst, gaping crevices appear in busy streets. If the
quake strikes at sea, huge tidal waves sweep inland. If it strikes in mountain regions, avalanches roar
down into the valley. Consider the terrifying statistics from the past 1755: Lisbon, capital of Portugal -
the city destroyed entirely and 450 killed. 1970: Peru: 50,000 killed.
In 1968 an earthquake struck Alaska. As this is a relatively under populated part, only a few people
were killed. But it is likely that this was one of the most powerful quakes ever to have hit the world.
Geologists estimate that during the tremors, the whole of the state moved over 80 feet farther west
into the Pacific Ocean. Imagine the power of something that can move an entire subcontinent! This is
the problem that the scientists face. They are dealing with forces so immense that man cannot hope to
resist them. All that can be done is to try to pinpoint just where the earthquake will strike and work
from there. At least some precautionary measures can then be taken to save lives and some of the
Pr cis
Earthquake - The Great Destroyer
Earthquake is the mankind's deadly enemy. Earthquake strikes all without a distinction of nationality
or political affiliation. The power of a quake is greater than that of any man-made weapon of
destruction. An earthquake strikes mankind without a warning. A modern city when struck is reduced
-to a nibble. A quake strikes plains, seas and mountains causing all round destruction. The quake
struck Lisbon in 1755 killing 450; Peru in 1970 killing 50,000; Alaska in 1968 moving it 80 feet into
the Pacific Ocean. Scientists are trying to find out means to combat earthquakes, to predict the origin
of the quake so that precaution can be taken to save man and property from destruction.
JULY 2021
Question 9(b)
(i) Change the following sentence to indirect speech :
“He said to me, "It would be nice if I could see you again."
Question 9 (b)
(iii) Change the following sentence into indirect speech: He said to him, "Please wait here till I
return." (1 Marks)
He requested him to wait there till he returned.
Question 10 (b)
(iii) Change the following sentence to indirect speech.
Father said to his son, "Work hard for success in life". (1 Marks)
Father advised/said to/told his son to work hard for success in life.
Question 9 (b)
(iii) Change the following sentence into indirect speech:
He said, "Will you all come for the meeting?" (1 Mark)
He asked if everyone would come for the meeting.
Question 10 (b)
(iii) Change the following sentence to indirect speech.
He said, "My Mother is writing letters". (1 Mark)
He told that his mother was writing letters
MAY, 2019
Question 9 (b)
(iii) Change the following sentence into indirect speech:
She said, “ I am watching a ‘television show’. (1 Mark)
She said that she was watching a television show.
Question 10 (b)
(iii) Change the following sentence to indirect speech.
She said "My Father came yesterday". (1 Mark)
She said that her father had come the day before.
Question 4
Change the following sentences into direct speech.
(a) His father says that honesty is the best policy.
(b) He inquired whether his name was Khalid.
(c) Raj said he was teaching English online.
(d) The father warned his son that he should be beware of him.
Answer 3
1. Rahul asked me if I had seen the cricket match on TV the previous night.
2. James told his mother that he was leaving for New York the next day.
3. I asked him why he didn’t work hard.
4. He exclaimed that it was a hot day.
5. The priest urged them to be quiet and to listen to his words.
Answer 4
(a) His father says, “Honesty is the best policy.”
(b) He asked him, ‘Is your name Khalid?
(c) Raj said, ‘I am teaching English online.’
(d) The father warned his son, ‘Beware of me.’
4. She said, ‘Alas! I am undone.’
5. ‘Where do you live? Asked the administrator.
1. The principal said that we could go.
2. Ravi said that the lion had died in the garden.
3. Mentor told me that I was a good player.
4. She exclaimed sadly that she was undone.
5. The administrator required where I lived.
Question 3
Question 4
(b)(iii)Change the following sentence into Indirect speech.
The young knight asked, “Which way did the princess go?”
The young knight enquired which way the princess had gone.
Question 5
(b)(iii) Change the following sentence into Indirect speech.
“I don’t know the way. Do you?” She asked.
She said that she didn’t know the way and asked me if I did.
RTP - MAY 2021(SERIES 2)
Question 2
(b)(iv)Change the following sentences to indirect speech.
Seema said, “It’s time. I must go now.”
Seema said that it was time and she had to go then.
Question 3
(b)(iv) Change the following sentence to indirect speech.
Reena said, “Alas! These are difficult times.”
Reena sighed with sorrow that those were difficult times.
Question 4
(b)(iii) Change the following sentence to indirect speech.
He said that he would deposit the cheque the following day.
He said, “I will deposit the cheque tomorrow.”
Question 5
(b)(iii) Change the following sentence into Indirect speech.
He said to me, “Is she ready or shall I wait?”
He asked me whether you were ready or he should wait.
JULY 2021
(a) Change the sentence from Active to Passive Voice.
Bring the culprit.
(b) Change the sentence from Passive to Active Voice.
Three cleanliness campaigns will be launched by the authorities in the park
(c) Change the sentence from Active to Passive Voice.
Did they like paintings in the exhibition ?
(d) Change the sentence from Passive to Active Voice.
Food from roadside vendor should not be eaten during Covid pandemic as a safety precaution.
(e) Change the sentence into Active Voice.
Who were not liked by you at the party ?
(a) Let the culprit be brought / brought in.
(b) The authorities will launch three cleanliness campaigns in the park.
(c) Were the paintings in the exhibition liked by them?
(d) As a safety precaution during Covid pandemic, we should not eat food from roadside vendor. / We
should not eat food from the roadside vendor as a safety precaution during Covid pandemic.
(e) Whom/who did you not like at the party?
Question 10 (b)
(i) Change the sentence from Active to Passive Voice.
Rama was making a kite. (1 Marks)
(ii) Change the sentence from Passive to Active Voice.
The lion was shot by the hunter. (1 Marks)
(i) A kite was being made by Rama.
(ii) The hunter shot the lion.
Question 11 (b)
(iii) Change the sentence into Active
Voice Twenty runs were scored by him. (1 Marks)
He scored twenty runs.
Question 10 (b)
(i) Change the sentence from Active to Passive Voice.
The audience loudly cheered the Prime Minister's speech. (1 Mark)
Question 11 (b)
(iii) Change the sentence into Active Voice
They will be given a ticket for over speeding by the police inspector. (1 Mark)
The police inspector will give them a ticket for over speeding.
MAY 2019
Question 10 (b)
(i) Change the sentence from Active to Passive Voice.
The teacher always answers the students' questions. (1 Mark)
Question 11 (b)
(iii) Change the sentence into Active Voice:
The Grand Canyon is visited by thousands of tourists every year. (1 Mark)
Thousands of tourists visit the Grand Canyon every year.
1. Change the following sentences into passive voice.
1. Did she do her duty?
2. The tiger was chasing the deer.
3. She has learned her lessons.
4. Have you finished the report?
5. The police have caught the thief.
Answer 2
(a) Radhika has written an article.
(b) She was watching me.
(c) I had paid fifty thousand.
(d) Did she recognise you?
RTP - MAY 2020
(A) Change the following sentences into passive voice.
1. Ram loves Sita.
2. They will finish the work in a fortnight.
3. Why did your friend write such a message?
4. Who taught you Commerce?
5. The examiner will give you instructions.
1. Sita is loved by Ram.
2. The work will be finished by them in a fortnight.
3. Why was such a message written by your friend?
4. By whom were you taught Commerce?
5. Instructions will be given to you by the examiner.
Question 3
(b)(iii) Change the following sentences into passive voice: She spoke to the official on duty.
The official on duty was spoken to by her
Question 4
(b)(ii) Rewrite the following sentence in passive voice: A child could not have done this mischief.
This mischief could not have been done by a child.
Question 3
(b)(iii) Change the following sentences into passive voice: One should not give unsolicited advice.
Unsolicited advice should not be given.
Question 4
Let face-down; stretch your arms in front.
(b) (ii) Rewrite the following sentence in passive voice: Lie
Let face be down; let arms be stretched out.
Question 9 (c)
Draft a circular to warn the employees of Packing Department not to participate in strike. (5 Marks)
It has been reported that a section of employees working in the Packing Department of the Company
are proposing to go on strike on xx-xx-xxxx (date) to fulfil some unusual demands. It is hereby made
known to all concerned employees that the proposed strike is illegal and unlawful and employees
whosoever participate in such a strike shall be subjected to disciplinary action as per the company’s
service rules and other applicable laws.
Sd/- XYZ
Manager, HR
JULY 2021
Question 9(c)
Draft a Newspaper Report on the "Government's decision to open multiplexes after almost a year" to
be published in a national newspaper.
Newspaper Report:
The state government has allowed single-screen theatres and multiplexes to open at 50% occupancy
provided that they follow and strictly adhere to Covid Safety protocols. After almost a year of dry run,
the cinema theatres get ready for bustling activity in and around the premises. Cinema Operators who
have been out of business for a year, welcomed the decision. Even small businesses in the vicinity
heaved a sigh of relief.
Mr. XYZ, President of the Cinema Operators and Exhibitors Association, congratulated the
government. He further remarked, “We have suffered huge losses due to lack of business, we were
eagerly awaiting the decision.” He assured that all the safety protocols with regard to Covid would be
strictly followed.
Discussing about the preparedness of theatres he informed, “We have already directed the cinema
owners to get their staff vaccinated and most of them already have their staff inoculated at least with
the first dose. Theatres, canteen facility and public conveniences will be between shows. Thermal
screening and sanitizing to be available at all entry and exit gates.”
The cinema owners/operators are optimistic about part recovery of their losses banking on big film
releases lined up in the next two months. Avid cinema buffs are equally excited to see their favourite
stars on the big screen after a long hiatus . They are also seeking relaxation in night curfew so that late
night shows can be allowed. The popular multiplex chain in the city ABC has even offered 5-10 %
discount for the audience who have been inoculated with both the doses. However, with the third
wave of Covid-19 still looming, how long will the euphoria last, time will only tell.
Source: State Government Official Gazette
Question 9 (c)
Draft Newspaper Report on "Flood Situation grim in southern, western states" to be published in a
National newspaper.
(5 Marks)
Flood situation grim in Western, Southern Indian states: With heavy downpours, up to 330 mm, the
flood situation continues to worsen particularly in the western and southern states of Maharashtra,
Gujarat, Karnataka and Kerala. Over 500 people have died in landslide, deluge related incidents,
thousands have gone missing, as many as 40 lakh people have been displaced and over 8lakh people
have been moved to relief camps in these states. Almost half a metre of rain fell in Vadodara alone in
the last 24 hours, disrupting railways and air routes. Major rivers viz. Krishna and Tungabhadra are
flowing at record high levels creating severe to extreme flood situation in the states. Red alert has
been issued in most of these areas. The recent floods have damaged crops over 10 lakh hectares of
land in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala making survival even more difficult.
According to the meteorological department, the situation is likely to improve in the days to come
with meager or intermittent rains.
Union Home Minister has carried out an aerial survey of the worst affected areas and the Prime
Minister has declared immediate monetary relief to these states. Campaigns are being carried out to
appeal to masses in other states to contribute to the mass relief operations.
Several NGOs and non profit agencies have join hands with the army in carrying out immediate relief
operations in worst hit areas. Their volunteers are propagating the message through social media to
collect clothes, food and funds for those stranded after deluge. To contribute to the Prime Minister’s
Disaster Relief Fund you may directly transfer funds through
MAY 2019
Question 9 (c)
Draft Newspaper Report on "Six Lane highway connecting two states inaugurated" to be published in
a national newspaper.
(5 Marks)
The honourable Chief Minister of the Uttar Pradesh Mr. XY inaugurated the all new six lane highway
between the States of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh on 01st Feb, 2019. The six lane highway
ranging 65 kilometers has been completed by Highway Authority of India at a record period of 24
months. The Highway will connect Anpara (U.P.) with Satna (M.P.).
The chief Minister in his inaugural speech said “the need that was being felt for the several years for a
highway that shall connect the bordering areas of the two biggest States of India. I personal thank the
local people who have given their land for construction of the highway”.
The Highway has been constructed with an approved width of 43.6 Meters with speed limit
indicators; caution indicators at every 6 Kilometers of the route. Energy saving LED lights have been
put up at both sides of the Lanes so that perfect visibility of the road can be ensured at nights. The Toll
Plaza has been set-up at 35 kilometers from Anapara near Shakti Nagar (U.P.)
The Six Lane Highway shall encourage the journey of the local people by road, thus reducing the traffic
load on railways. The communication of commercial traffic shall be facilitated which will significantly
reduce the time required earlier for the above purpose.
Source: PTI
1. An NGO, ‘Healthy India’ organized a health check-up camp in a slum at Mumbai. You visited the
camp. Write a report in 250-300 words covering advertisement, arrangements etc.
2. You are an active member of ‘Love Animals Save Animals’ Club which works for the welfare of
animals by preventing cruelty to them. Recently, you visited Indian Animal Care Home. You were
pleasantly surprised to see the good treatment given to animals. Write a report in 250- 300 words
on your visit.
Answer 1
1. Organizing under the guidance of
2. Collaboration with hospital
3. Advertisement through banners, posters etc.,
4. Registration for
o Free full body checkup
o Free pathological test
o General health checkup
o A voluntary blood donation camp o Eye check-up stall
o Skin Care stall
o Kids Care
o Blood Pressure & sugar checkup
5. Team of physicians, dentists, gynecologists
6. Free consultation for:
o Chronic back pain
o Osteoporosis in females
o Malnutrition and deficiencies in children
o Inoculation derive for infants
7. Free medicine
8. Wellness programmes (special stall)
9. Simple Exercises & yoga
Answer 2
Visit to Animal Care Home Answer hints:
1. Importance of Animal Care
2. Magnanimity of human heart
3. A natural feeling of contentment
4. Abandoned pets are well taken care of
5. A wonderful shelter
6. Treatment provided to injured animal so Well-equipped medical room
o Veterinary surgeon
7. Given for adoption
8. Clean enclosures
9. Helpline for animal ambulance
10. How to donate
o Process of donation
o Tax exemption, if any
RTP – MAY 2021
1. You are the branch manager of a bank XYZ. Write a report showing the decline in the number of
new customers and new accounts. Give reasons.
2. As a member of the finance team of a Pharma company, you have been asked to compile a report
justifying the downfall in the turnover/sales target in the last quarter for certain drugs/medicines.
There port needs to be submitted to higher authorities with details, data and figures.
3. As the Manager, Sales and Marketing of a multi cuisine restaurant chain, compile a report
discussing ways of attracting customers, after the covid-19 and the lockdown.
Answer 1
Objective of there port
Research study
Observation and Reasons
Steps that can be taken to increase the client base Mention the date, location and name of the
bank branch. A small data comparing the last year’s new customers versus this years’.
Mention the designation of the under signed.
Answer 2
Name of the organization(Pharmacy company)
Title of there port (mention the quarter/year)
Financial results (Quarterly basis)
Expected reasons for down fall in sales
o High Attrition due to pandemic
o Low penetration
o Emerging new markets
o Inducting more people in the Sales team
o Competitive Pricing
o Introducing generic medicines/drugs
o Home Delivery of medicines
Answer 3
Name and address of the multi cuisine restaurant
New attractions for customers (Practical measures adopted)
o New Menu complete with immunity boosting dishes
o Free Welcome drink(Kadha)
o Change set-up to ensure social distancing
o Discounts offered at weekends/happy hours during week-days
o Discount coupons for regular customers
o Live music
o Home Delivery
1. As the School Co-curricular activities in-charge, your Principal has advised you to prepare a report
on how to start online classes for activities besides academics. Discuss the plans, proposal and
benefits. (200-300words)
2. Your CA firm held a webinar on ‘Communication Skills: Need of the hour’. As the Head of
Communication division, prepare are port.
1. Formal Report
The Principal,
XYZ School,
New Delhi
From: In-charge, co-curricular activities Date:Sept14,20XX
Subject: Online classes for co-curricular activities(Specific grade if any)
Need for online classes for co-curricular activities
Subjects that can be included
Time duration
Teacher assigned
Benefits to the students
How to have audience engagement
Note: Write a brief summary of the complete report. Not more than 5-6lines. It gives an overall view of
the report highlighting the main points proposed.
2. Report
Webinar held on ‘Communication Skills’
Welcome address by Head HR describing:
o Need for the webinar
o Agenda of the webinar
Presentation by CA. X on Role of Communication(may include a comment)
Presentation by CA. Y on Impact on CAs due to changing work environment (Work From Home)
Presentation by Participant-2 on Current scenario and digitalisation
Presentation by Participant-3 on Diversity in workforce affecting Communication(Barriers)
Vote of Thanks by Senior Manager HR inviting feedback and suggestions from all participants
MTP – MAY 2021(SERIES 1)
Write a report in 250-300 words on your visit to an Old Age Home
Facilities for the elderly
Sacious rooms single and twin sharing
Lush green lawns
Attendants provided for the needy
Recreational facilities
Special yoga classes
Monthly health check-ups, vaccination for Covid done
Picnic trips
Complete Covid care including quarantine facility and medication
Interaction with staff and occupants
Dedicated staff
Homely environment
Get love, care and affection
Share experiences
Playing cricket with the elderly
Joy of living life to the fullest
JULY 2021
Question 10( c)
Write an article of about 250 words on the topic 'Covid' Certificate must for attending Parliamentary
Covid Negative Certificate must for attending Parliamentary Session
By Mr./Ms. BNM
Covid -19 has adversely affected institutions, industries and businesses across the board from schools
to colleges/universities, from recreation to travel and hospitality, from manufacturing to services. The
business of the parliament is no exception. It is all the more important rather critical to keep the
Parliament running as issues of paramount significance ranging from economy to public welfare to
national security are discussed, debated and decided. Moreover, each day of the Parliament costs the
exchequer a huge amount.
In order to prevent the disruption of Parliamentary sessions, certain safety protocols have been
stipulated keeping in mind the health condition of the Members, Visitors and the Press covering the
All Members/attendees will need to have a COVID-19 negative certificate vide notification xx/xx/xxxx
to enter the premises in the current and subsequent sessions till further change in notification. The
test needs to be done 72 hours before the commencement of the session. Those Members/attendees
who have been unable to undertake the test will be required to do so on the day they arrive at the
Parliament’s reception. They will be allowed to enter only if their Rapid antigen test comes out
negative. In case staff or family of a member tests positive, the member will have to self- quarantine
for 14 days. The members will have to wear masks at all times, even during discussions/debates and
maintain social distancing. Members/attendees should avoid going out of the Parliament during the
course of a day’s proceedings unless necessary. Parliamentary papers will be circulated digitally; hard
copies have been discontinued. Members have been requested to avoid calling visitors unless
necessary. The Parliament canteen would offer only packed meals, tea and coffee during the course of
the session.
Question 10 (c)
Write an article of about 250 words on the topic. "The Pleasures of reading". (5 Marks)
The Pleasures of Reading
Ever since humankind invented the printed word, reading has been a learning exercise for some,
pastime for many others. Undoubtedly, reading whets our quest for knowledge, our imagination and
evokes a spectrum of emotions, thus offering instant gratification and pleasure.
Few can deny the joy of reading the daily newspaper while enjoying a cup of tea in the mornings, an
ultimate start to a great day. It’s a daily ritual we would not like to miss for anything. Who doesn’t get
glued to the highpoint or climax of a novel. It transcends us into a surreal world, away from the harsh
realities where we slip into our favorite character etched out straight from the novel and become a
part of the narrative, going through the whole gamut of emotions from respect to affection, pain to joy,
despair to hope, failure to success and fulfillment. It induces heightened feelings of fear, suspense and
adventure raising the adrenaline rush. The sheer delight of reading a piece of poetry laden with
eloquence, rhythm and soul stirring emotions makes us feel high. While reading informative articles,
journals and technical books develop our intellectual capability by enriching our knowledge and
enhancing our analytical skills and critical thinking, creative and descriptive pieces enhance our
vocabulary, expression and creative writing skills. On the lighter note, reading satire and comic pieces
tickle our ribs and relieves stress.
Reading makes us aware of our emotional self and sensitizes us to appreciate feelings of others. It
enlightens our mind and soul and makes us a better human being. We must inculcate the habit of
reading everyday.
Question 10 (c)
Write an article of about 250 words on the topic. " The Importance of water conservation". (5 Marks)
Article: The Importance of Water Conservation
By (Writer’s name)
Water is one of the three basic resources for the survival of human kind besides air and food. More
than 90 percent of human body is composed of water. Though water is abundantly available on our
planet, with 2/3rd of earth covered by water, still fresh, clean water is a limited resource. Rivers,
freshwater lakes, waterfalls, natural springs, ground water and rain are the natural resources of fresh
With indiscriminate rise in human population worldwide, the pressure on these natural resources has
increased manifold. In many developing countries, due to incessant industrialization leading to
exponential rise in migration to big cities/townships, contamination of ground water and rivers has
not only led to scarcity of pure drinking water but also emerged as a serious health hazard.
Over reliance on ground water and rivers for construction/infrastructure development projects in
urban areas and little or no awareness about water conservation has led to fast depletion of these
natural resources. It is about time we realized the importance of clean water as water tables are fast
declining, rivers and lakes are drying or being polluted/contaminated especially in thickly populated
urban areas such as New Delhi, Hyderabad and Bangalore. According to a study these urban areas will
have little or no ground water left that will lead to a drought like situation in a few years time.
As progressive citizens, we must take immediate measures to not only restrict our water consumption
but also devise innovative conservation methods to provide sustainable sources of clean drinking
water. While Rain water harvesting and reducing water consumption are effective methods of water
conservation in urban areas, construction of small dams to provide huge water reservoirs holds the
key to effective water conservation in rural areas.
MAY 2019
Question 10 (c)
Write an article of about 250 words on the topic ''The Fearless Indian Army": (5 Marks)
The Fearless Indian Army
The Indian army is undoubtedly one of the finest armies in the world. Since prehistoric to modern
times the Indian soldiers are one of bravest, fighting both for homeland as well as for ensuing peace
even on foreign lands such as peace keeping force in Sri Lanka.
Our soldiers never surrendered before enemies. Their motto has always been ‘do or die’. During Indo-
china war of October – November, 1962 and later on in the Indo-Pak war of September 1965,
one Indian Soldier killed many soldiers of enemy armies on various fronts. During the World war II
the Indian soldiers proved their mettle on the foreign land of Europe’ Africa and the Korea on various
The Indian army has proved their superiority whenever the neighboring country Pakistan challenged
us. The Kargil war In 1999 was triggered by the spring and summer incursion of Pakistan backed
armed forces into territory on the Indian side of the LOC around Kargil in State of Jammu & Kashmir.
The Indian forces were prepared for a major high altitude offensive against Pakistani posts along the
border in the Kashmir region. India had to move five infantry divisions, five independent brigades
and44 battalions of paramilitary troops to Kashmir. The total Indian army troop strength in the region
reached to 7,30,000. The build-up included the deployment of around 60 frontline aircraft. The Indian
army campaign to repel the intrusion left 524 Indian soldiers dead and 1,363 wounded, as per the
data released by then Indian defence minister Shri George Fernandez on December 01, 1999.
o melting of the polar glaciers
o swallowed forests
o famines, floods, landslides, soil erosions
o polluted cities
o Affore station
o Vertical gardening
o Awareness about green spaces o Recycle waste
o Reuse articles
o Shifting to renewal energy
Problems of Youth
1. Causes
o Over ambitions parents
o Pressure of society
o Bullying taunting & teasing by fellow students
o Peer pressure
o Ragging
o Cyber bullying
o Substance Abuse
o Cut throat competition
o Forced career choices
2. Effects
o Succumb to very high amount of pressure
o Mental Health deteriorates
o Commit suicide
o Commit crimes
3. Solutions
o Inculcating Habit of Good reading
o Developing empathy
o Being informed about the child’s academic progress o Soft skills and personality development
o Developing hobbies
o Active engagement in outdoor games
o Becoming friends to your children
o Lending a patient ear
o Have meals together
o Spending quality time
o Consulting a professional Counselor
RTP – MAY 2021
India is standing at the threshold of joining the developed nations but that is not possible till we
achieve complete literacy in the country.
Illiteracy is still a major blot on India, after more than sixty years of its achieving independence.
To an extent it exemplifies India’s failure to reach out to its masses.
Students can play an important role in achieving this goal of removing illiteracy.
Students should been couraged to carry the lamp of knowledge by organising events such as, ‘Each
One, Teach One’.
The government should also render full support to students in terms of infrastructure in their
contribution to the Indian Literacy Campaign.
Students can also play a vital role in the programme of Adult Literacy.
If all our students get to get her and try to work towards achieving literacy among the masses.
RTP – MAY 2020
2. Hints:
Only human beings possess language.
Non-human has various degrees of the communication system.
Language is a biological gift to human beings.
Animals may have few words or a limited range of domains.
Human language is creative and unpredictable.
Human being has a phonological and grammatical system.
A human being can create and understand new utterances.
A human being can refer to the past.
A human being can teach or learn a language.
Some non-human species have a system of sounds.
Chimpanzees are able to learn human sign language.
MAY 2019
Question 11 (c)
Write a Formal E Mail: 'Mail is written by the Manager to the employees about the changed dress code
for Republic day function including time and venue of function. (4 Marks)
To: Mr.A; Mr.B; Mr.C................
Subject: Dress code for Republic Day Function as on 26th January, 2019
Dear sir/madam, Greetings of the day.
As you all be aware that the Republic day is round the corner. Your company is organsing a flag
hoisting followed by cultural program and traditional get together of all the rank and file of the
organization including the executive heads.
The ceremony shall be held at 9.00 A M. sharp at the ground in front of company’s gate . The company
has decided a mandatory dress code for the occasion for all participants as-For Men- White Kurta-
For Women- Saree preferably of white colour. Dress code is mandatory.
Hope that all our esteemed employees and executives will grace the function by their benign presence
at the time and venue in the prescribed dress code.
Question 11 (c)
MR. ABC is an IT manager in Quick Software Solutions Private Limited. Write a mail on behalf of
Mr.ABC to Mr. MNJ, dealer of HP Laptops seeking quotation for 100 new laptops of model HP - 610.
The laptops are required for new branch of Quick Software Solutions Private Limited. (4 Marks)
To mnj@qwe.co.in
Subject: Quotation for 100 new HP-60 laptops
Dear Mr. MNJ
Greetings! We at Quick Software Solutions Private Limited require the aforementioned laptops for our
new branch at Noida, UP. The machines must have the latest malware for virus protection and anti-
glare screens. Kindly send detailed quotation including:
Warranty Insurance e
Yearly Maintenance
After sales service charges
Looking forward to an earliest response.
Regards, ABC
IT Manager,
Quick Software Solutions
1. Write a mail to one of the customer of your company’s product ‘Tummy Trimmer’ to write a
review about the product.
2. Write a mail to prospective clients, introducing your organization and informing about the
products/services offered by your company.
Answer 1
Dear Ms.
I am glad to receive your encouraging mail regarding our product “Tummy Trimmer”. Thanks for
expressing your satisfaction.
I am in the process of putting together a list of testimonials about our product “Tummy Trimmer”
from satisfied customers like you.
You are requested to take a few minutes to submit your comments/suggestions as part of Product
Review at the link: XXXXXXXX by 5 PM tomorrow.
You may also send a brief video using the product that will be featured in our commercial TV
campaign for the product.
Answer 2
Dear Sir,
Greetings from QWE Teleservices Pvt. Ltd.!
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our organization that provides a host of
connectivity solutions with collaboration with Tata Tele Business Services – India’s largest optic fibre
network service provider.
Kindly drop a call at our customer care helpline xxxxxxxxxx or the undersigned, should you require
any guidance/services for your esteemed organization.
Regard s,
Sales Dept
QWE Teleservices (Mob) xxxxxxxxxx
RTP – MAY 2021
1. Write an email to your colleague from IT Department inviting them for the meeting regarding the
discussion of current problems with the computer systems. You are ABC, from the Legal team.
Draft the email including the details of meeting.
2. You are representative, Marketing at XXX Solutions that provides Corporate training. Write a mail
to prospective client explaining the services.
Answer 1
Dear XYZ,
We are holding a meeting on the current problems with the computer systems with our vendor and I
would appreciate it if you could come. Having an expert like yourself there from the IT department is
important because of the problems we have had with the loss of customer data.
The meeting will take place next Thursday at 2pm in meeting Conference Room 3 on the2ndfloorinthe
Main Building.
If there is anything you would like to discuss in the meeting, send it to me by email and I will include it
in the meeting’s agenda.
Regards, ABC
Legal Team
Answer 2
Dear XXXi,
Subject: Corporate Training
To introduce ourselves, XXX Solutions is a Corporate Training Organization which offers IT and Non IT
Domain Training's and support customers around the world in IT Training (from Low-end to High-
end Training's comprising
Microsoft Technologies- Advanced Excel, MS Office Suite, Share Point, Exchange Server, Biz Talk,
Certification Programs- ITIL Certification, PMP, Certified Scrum Master
BI Tools-Power BI, Tableau, SAS, R Programming
Cloud Computing, Big Data & Hadoop, Devops
Trending Technology-Machine Learning, Deep Learning, RPA, IoT
Soft Skill Management Programs which including 41 various sub programs
We are very keen to be associated with you as a trusted vendor and provide quality services to your
employees. For discussion/meeting, please contact the undersigned.
Best Regards,
Senior Executive, Marketing XXX Solutions
1. Write a formal email to apply for a job position as web content editor.
2. Write a reply back in a formal email to an inquiry about your product.
Answer 1
To: Editorinchief@eyzmail.com
Subject: Web Content Editor Position
Dear Sir/Madam,
With reference to your job ad in xxx, I would like to submit my application for the position of Web
Content Editor in your company.
I graduated in Communication Sciences from the University of xxx in xxxx. I have more than 5 years of
experience as a Content Specialist with a leading agency. I will be glad to introduce myself in an
interview that will allow you to better evaluate my possible recruitment.
Kindly find enclosed a copy of my résumé. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully, ABC
Answer 2
To: dc@ghf.com
Subject: New product Catalogue
Dear Ms. DC,
Greetings! In response to your request, we have recently sent you our latest catalogue2020-21. We
have added various products/services that will surely evince your interest. Our local agent will
contact you soon to arrange a formal presentation/meeting to discuss how our products/ services can
benefit your company.
For further information, contact the under signed.
Yours sincerely,
Value Hints:
(a) Subject: Regarding Congratulating on Your Promotion
(b) Greetings
(c) Opening paragraph on congratulations
(d) Appreciate for promotion
(e) Appreciate for dedication and hard work
(f) Motivation for new challenges
(g) Closing with demanding party and polite words
Value Hints:
Subject: Regarding the Providing Infrastructure Maintenance
Remind that you had sent the contract on x date and no reply has been received till date.
Mention date of meeting and discussion of details of contract
Ask if any further details/ clarifications required from your side.
Seek meeting to discuss any issues that have come up.
In case, all is well you would appreciate it if the contract is signed and mailed to you.
MTP – MAY 2021(SERIES 1)
You are Senior Manager HR, Draft a mail to employees of your department, inviting them for a
meeting to discuss about the new recruitments to be done in various departments of the company.
Dear Colleagues,
Subject: Meeting on fresh recruitments
Greetings! As you know that we need to hire fresh recruits in various departments as notified by the
respective Head of Departments.
To discuss the modalities as well as macro and micro level details, we shall meet in the Meeting Room
No. 3 on the first floor at 2 PM today.
Best Regards,
Senior Manager, HR QWE Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
You have been appointed as the Account Manager of a client at JKL Ltd. Draft a mail to introduce
yourself to the client.
Mail: Sir,
Warm greetings from JKL!
I would like to introduce myself as your new Account Manager for the services you have opted with us
at JKL.
Since Ms. X is not associated with us anymore, I shall be your first point of contact at JKL for your
account. My paramount concern is how JKL and I can serve you better. I shall be happy to assist you
You may call me at xxxxxxxxxx or send a mail at support@jkl.co.in You can also connect with our
customer service helpline at xxxxxxxxxx.
JULY 2021
Question 11 (c)
Write a letter to your landlord requesting him to reduce rent in the light of 'Covid 19' pandemic.
Vasant Vihar Enclave
Gurugram, Harayana-xxxxxx Dated: 30.06.2021
To Mr. ABC
House No. 21/3, Ram Nagar Colony, New
Delhi xxxxxx
Question 11 (c)
Write a letter to a bank requesting them to stop payment of a cheque which has been reported lost.
(4 Marks)
ABC Private Limited, Nariman Point, Mumbai November 13, 2019
XYZ Bank
106 Millenum Tower Prashant Lok Mumbai-02
Subject: Request to Stop Payment of the Cheque No. xxxxxx
On behalf of ABC Pvt Ltd, I request you to stop payment of the cheque number xxxxxx issued against
our company Bank Account Number 123-456-789 maintained by your branch. This cheque was issued
to our vendor PQR Ltd amounting to ` 3 Lakh dated XX/XX/XXXX and has been misplaced as reported
by their accounts department. We will issue a new cheque after your response.
Thanks for your
cooperation. Regards, ASD
Senior Manager, Accounts
1. Write a letter as a reply to an inquiry about ‘Flora’ Silk Sarees of your manufacturing unit. Give
details about price and other important information regarding your products.
2. You are purchase manager of a company. You had ordered a 100 units of a product from a
company in Mumbai. While checking, the consignment was found to be poor in quality. Write a
complaint letter to the Sales Manager to replace the order.
Answer 1
Production Manager 27th July
20XXABC Silk Sarees,
Surat, Gujrat
Mr. Vikram Kumar Purchase Officer
Saree Bazar, New Delhi
Subject: Regarding your inquiry about ‘Flora’ Silk Sarees Dear Sir
We thank you for your inquiry of 19th July, 20XX for assorted ‘Flora’ Silk Sarees. We appreciate the
interest that you have shown in our products. You might, perhaps be aware of that ours is an
established silk manufacturing unit with over fifty years of reputation. Recently we have introduced
three new varieties of Silk Sarees namely ‘Flora’, ‘Radha’ and ‘Ramayana’ in rainbow colours and
attractive designs.
Since we earnestly desire to secure larger orders, we have quoted very low prices on attractive terms.
No shipping charges will be levied on orders amounting to Rs. 30,000 or more. As there are
indications of rise in silk prices, we shall be unable to repeat these prices and terms after our present
stock is exhausted. We recommend you to place your order before 20th
August 20XX. Your order will receive our prompt attention.
Yours faithfully,
Production Manager Encl: Catalogue.
Answer 2
VJ Dealers Date: Feb. 7,20XX
21, Station Road New Delhi – 22
The Sales
Manager, SDF Traders,
15, Industrial Road Ramnagar,
Subject: Complaint for Order No. XXXX dispatched on 3rd Feb. 20xx
Mr. BNM,
With reference to the subject, Order No. XXXX for 100 units of product id xxxxx was placed dated 22th
Jan 20xx. The consignment received on 3rd Feb, 20xx has been found to be of poor quality and much
higher in price as compared to the previously supplied units.
You are hereby requested to replace the order within 5 working days, failing which the order will be
summarily cancelled.
Yours Faithfully,
Answer 1
From Address
Date in full
To Address
Subject: Office equipment delayed.
Dear Sir
I have ordered some new PC’S and Monitors. Unfortunately, the Monitors will arrive in the second
week of March. I apologise for the delay caused by the lockdown. I shall follow up with the vendor for
an early delivery.
Shyam Purchase officer (Name and Signature)
Answer 2
From Address
Date in full
To Address
Subject: With reference to your invitation.
Dear Mr. Shyam,
I am pleased to accept your invitation. Kindly provide the details about the duration of the talk and the
participants Since I shall be travelling from Chandigarh, I request you to arrange for my
accommodation for a day.
Thank you for your invitation. I look forward to meeting you.
Answer 3
From Address
Date in full
To Address
Subject: Details of the conference on April 1st.
Dear Sir,
I on behalf of my team at XXX Ltd. would like to book the conference hall from April 1 to 3, 2021 at
your club. Please provide the complete booking details during the aforesaid time. The programme
schedule is appended here with.
There will be 15 participants and 5 support staff. We would require tea and snacks during the pre and
post lunch sessions and lunch to be served each day. Besides, I would like to book 10 single rooms for
our outstation participants from March 31 till April 4, 2021with bathroom accommodation. You are
also requested to arrange for a projector and a white screen. Please send the complete estimate by
March 10, 2021. Other details can be finalized later.
Pre-lunch session: 10AM till 1PM
Lunch:1 till 2PM
Post Lunch session: 2 PM till 5 PM
Please let me know the cost of the weekend. I look forward to your earliest response.
Yours faithfully,
XXX Ltd.
Contact Number: xxxxxxxxx
You are the manager of Old World Tower and you received order of letter head and business cards
from ABC Stationary King. The order was completed on time and the quality of paper used was not
upto the mark. Write a formal letter complaining about the same.
Answer 1
Old World Tower 16 Ring Road October30,20xx
The Manager ABC
Stationary King
35 Patel Street Delhi−18
Dear Sir/ Madam
Sub: Complaint against Order No.S/24-201S-1150.
This is with reference to the Order No. S/24-201S-1147 place on xx/xx/20xx comprising two items
viz. letterheads and business cards sizes mentioned in the order details.
We were assured of receiving the order latest by xx/xx/20xx. Firstly, the order was received much
past the promised delivery date. Also, the quality of the paper and design selected for business cards
does not match with the selected sample.
Kindly ensure that the order is replaced latest by xx/xx/20xx, failing which payment will be stopped
and the order will be cancelled. I sincerely request you to look into the matter and do the needful as
soon as possible.
Thanking you!
Yours truly
XYZ General Manager
RTP – MAY 2020
Write a letter from XYZ Group for enquiry about the catering services.
Write a letter of promotion for opening new branch of the XYZ Bank.
Answer 1
A-78, AH-Block Tagore Garden NewDelhi-27 11 December, 20XX
Proprietor Jashn Catering
60, Karole Bagh New Delhi-05
Dear Mr.Sunil
Subject: Regarding Enquiry about Catering Services
With reference to your advertisement in the Times of India, dated November 26, 20XX, we wish to
enquire about your catering services. Our company is celebrating its golden jubilee in the month of
January 2020. In this regard, we are looking for somebody who would cater for our celebrating dinner.
We are expecting around 600 guests and employees during the event. It will be a formal meet and we
will need full catering services that includes several courses, desserts, ten waiters and five helpers.
Kindly provide us the details of the following:
Whether you provide for waiter sand hosts
Offers and discounts available
The menu options and charges
If there are any additional charges levied for linens, center piece, etc. Kindly provide the complete
details with rates by Oct 15 XXXX.
Thanks & Regards!
Mr. Vivek Goyal
Administration XYX Ltd
XYZ Bank
Sector- 19 Nerul Navi Mumbai-06 10 December, 20XX
You are ABC, Senior Manager Administration of BNM Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Draft a complaint letter to GHJ
Printers regarding delay in delivery of visiting cards ordered 2 weeks ago. (3 Marks)
The Sales Manager
GHJ Printers
A-12, Netaji Nagar New Delhi- 1100xx Apr 3, 20XX
Dear Sir,
Subject: Complaint for delay in delivery of Order No. XX/XX/XXXXXX
With reference to the subject, I would like to bring to your notice that the order was placed on
March15, 20XX, at the behest of Director HR. It was committed that the delivery of visiting cards will
be made in a weeks’ time. As on date, it has already been more than two weeks and the order has not
been delivered yet.
The senior management is facing a lot of inconvenience during meetings with clients. You are hereby
directed to deliver the order in the next two days positively else the order will be summarily
Senior Manager (Administration)
BNM Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
To Date: xx/xx/xxxx
The Manager (Sales and Marketing)
BKL Enterprises,
Subject: Placing an order
You are requested to deliver the order in the next 4 days at our head office.
You may deliver the bill along with the articles specifying your bank details for direct bank transfer
through NEFT. Your payment shall be made within 24 hours from the date of delivery.
Manager (Administration)
ASD International
1. Prepare a Cover Letter and detailed resume for a candidate applying for the post of Article
Assistant in a CA Firm.
2. There is an urgent job opportunity in An Established Chartered Accountancy (CA) Firm for the job
of qualified / competent Chartered Accountant. Prepare a Cover Letter and detailed resume for a
candidate applying for the post.
Answer 1
Manager (HR)
ABC Consultants B-19/444,
Raj Vihar New Delhi 1100xxx Dated: 24th July 20XX
Subject: Application for the post of Article Assistant Dear Sir,
Greetings! I am writing to express my interest in the above position in your esteemed firm.
I have just passed CA Intermediate Group-1 Exams in February 20XX. I would like to learn vital
aspects of the profession. Having a keen interest in international trade laws and taxation , I am an avid
reader of international accounting journals and remain abreast with the developments in accounting
I look forward to the opportunity for a personal interaction. Please find my resume attached herewith
for your perusal. I assure you that I shall work with utmost commitment to your firm.
Address: XXX
Name: XYZ
I seek to join a firm where I can learn various aspects of profession and use my skills and knowledge
of MS Excel, MIS, Tally, and Taxation with GST.
I wish to contribute towards organizational goal through my technical skills, hard work and initiative.
Qualification: CA Intermediate Group 1Year of Passing: Feb 2021
University/Board: Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi
Qualification: CA Foundation Year of Passing: Feb 2020
University/Board: Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi
1. Qualification: Bachelor of
Commerce Year of Passing:
University/Board: C.C.S University, Meerut
§ Represented school as a part of the student delegation from the NCR region for the Event
MS- Office, Tally, Advance Excel, Payroll, MIS
Good Communication Skills, Analytical Skills and Decision Making
Father’s Name : Mr. V.P.
Singh Date of birth : 17th
June, 19xx Gender :
Language Known : English, Hindi
DATE: 24th July 20XX
Manager (HR)
28, Jawahar Park New Delhi 1100xxx
Dated: 24th July 20XX
Subject: Application for the post of Chartered Accountant Dear Sir,
Greetings! I am writing to express my interest in the above position in your esteemed firm. I have the
requisite education and skills mentioned for the position. Kindly find my detailed resume for your
I did my articleship with M&M consultants, highly reputed firm having large client base ranging from
small, medium to large scale organizations. Owing to rich experience in diverse areas such as
accounts, auditing, taxation and compliance, I gained a lot of knowledge that would come handy in my
professional journey ahead. I would much appreciate the opportunity to contribute to your ongoing
growth and continued success.
I look forward to present myself for a personal interaction as per your convenience. I assure you that I
shall work with utmost commitment to your firm.
Name: XYZ
Address: A-29, Radha Krishna Garden New Delhi, 1100xx
Email Id: xxx@gmail.com
Mobil No.- +91xxxxxxxxxx
I seek to join a firm where I can learn various aspects of profession and use my skills and knowledge
of MS Excel, MIS, Tally, and Taxation with GST.
I wish to contribute towards organizational goal through my technical skills, hard work and initiative.
1. Qualification: CA
Final Year of Passing:
Jan 2021
University/Board: Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi
2. Qualification: CA
Foundation Year of
Passing: XX 2016
University/Board: Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi
3. Qualification: Bachelor of Commerce
Year of Passing: XX 2019
University/Board: Delhi University
4. Qualification: Intermediate
Year of Passing: XX 2016
University/Board: CBSE Score/Marks: 78%
5. Qualification: High School
Year of Passing: 2014
University/Board: CBSE Score/Marks: 80%
As an Article Assistant in M&M Consultants
Responsibilities: Efficiently worked as Audit Assistant, and worked as an effective team member for
handling the Statutory Audits & Tax Audit assignments
§ Represented school as a part of the student delegation from the NCR region for the Event
§ As Captain of the school cricket team. State-level cricket player. § Won First prize in Inter-school
Quiz Competition
MS- Office, Tally, Advance Excel, Payroll, MIS
Good Communication Skills, Analytical Skills and Decision Making Skills
Father’s name : Mr. XXXX
Date of birth : xxx,19 xx
Gender : Female
Language Known : English, Hindi
DATE: 24th August 20XX
RTP – MAY 2021
Have been an outstanding student throughout my student career. Won the All-India School business
quiz and won a cash award of Rs.25,000
Exceptionally good at debating and oratory. Excellent communication and comprehension skills.
Personal Details:
DOB– June21, 2002
Languages known Hindi, Tamil, English and Marathi
Permanent Address 822, Adithya flats RA Puram, Chennai-28.
I solemnly declare that all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date 26th Feb2021. Keshav Ram
Place Chennai
2. Abhinav
Mail: Abhinav@gmail.com
Birthday February 21, 2018.
Career objective
Seeking an Accounts Officer’s post in a progressive organisation to hone my accounting skills and
technical abilities.
Technical skills
Accounting Standards
GST Standards
Personal Skills
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Highly organised and efficient
Ability to work in dependently and as part of a team
M.Com 2018 XYZ University 69%
B.Com 2016 XYZ University 72 %
Two years of experience from2018-2020 as Accounts Officer at BBB Electronics Retail Chain
Taxation(GST), Auditing and Accounts
References can be provided upon request.
I solemnly declare that all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date 26-2-21
Place Chennai Abhinav
123, Aditi Apartments
T. Nagar, Hyderabad
Email : ananya12@ict.com
Objective: To be part of a reputed organisation for industrial training where I can enrich my soft skills
and hone my technical skills in auditing, accounts and taxation.
Articleship Training :
Completed 1.5 years at ABC Pvt. Ltd. Firm top tax consulting firm in Hyderabad
Stood fist in Accounts in class XII with 99% Won first prize in inter school debating competition in
class XII Part of the School Cricket team
Exceptionally good at debating and oratory.
Excellent communication and comprehension skills.
Personal Details:
DOB– Nov 12, 2000
Languages known Hindi, Telugu, English
Declaration :
I solemnly declare that all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date 26th Feb 2021. Ananya
Place Hyderabad
1. Mr. Mohit Agarwal, a resident of Meerut, have recently come across an advertisement, for a job
vacancy in a leading TV Channel for the post of journalist, in The Times of India. Draft a Résumé
alongwith a cover letter in response to the advertisement.
2. You have recently qualified CA Intermediate and willing to join practical training. Draft a
résumé, highlighting your education, technical skills and achievements.
Answer 1
Cover Letter
To Date: Sep10,20XX
Manager (HR) ABC TV FGH Media Pvt Ltd
Mandi House New Delhi.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject: Application for the post of Journalist Greetings for the day!
I am writing this letter to express my interest in the position of Journalist as advertised in the SDF
national daily, Careers section dated, Sep 1, 2020.
I fulfill all the educational and professional requirements as specified in the advert. I am a post
graduate in Media Studies from ASD University and interned at renowned media houses (print and
TV). I have two years of relevant experience. Currently, I am heading the regional news section at
XYZT Vat their Meerut office.
My detailed résumé is appended herewith for your perusal. Looking forward for a positive response.
Best Regards,
Mohit Agarwal
36, Civil Lines, Meerut, U.P.
Mohit Agarwal
36, Civil Lines Meerut, U.P.
To be associated with an organisation that offers tremendous opportunities for growth and autonomy,
providing a challenging environment to harness my creatives treak, innovative ideas and utilise my
experience as a media correspondent to the maximum.
One year of experience as a staff correspondent in CVB TV.
Two years of experience as Head Regional News XYZ TV
Proven skills in content planning, selection and presentation.
Excellent Reporting skills in English and Hindi.
2016–PRESENT Head Regional News XYZ TV Meerut
Planning and deployment of staff correspondents
Sponsorship Planning from corporate and medias houses
Staffs election and Training
Media Planning for regional corporate houses
2015– 2016 Staff Correspondent CVB TV
Capturing Events
Conceptualising stories
Presenter for “Khufia” section of Daily News
2014, Masters in Mass Comm, ASD University, New Delhi 2012, English(Hons), ASD University, New
2014, 2 months at World Journalists Association (Articles Section)2013, 4 months at CNNTV in News
production and planning
Well versed with Media Software Meticulous Planning and Execution skills with an eye for detail
Date of Birth 15 June,1992
Marital Status Unmarried
Languages Known English, Hindi
I solemnly declare that all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Answer 2
Address NewDelhi-110044
Email ID: youreail@gmail.com
Mobile No.-+91-XXXXXXXXXX
I seek to join a firm where I can learn various aspects of profession and use my skills and knowledge
of MS Excel, MIS, Tally, and Taxation with GST.
I wish to contribute towards organisational goal through my technical skills, hard work and creativity.
Qualification University/Board Year of Passing Score/Marks
B.Com DU Pursuing
CA Intermediate ICAI 2018-19 67%
CA Foundation ICAI 2017 75%
XII CBSE 2016-17 90%
X CBSE 2014-15 93%
MS-Office, Tally, Advance Excel, Payroll, MIS Good analytical and decision making skills
As captain of the school cricket team won 3 consecutive zonal inter-school championship matches
Stood first in school in Maths Olympiad
Stood second at the state level ‘Sudoku’ championship
Personal Details
Father’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Declaration I solemnly declare that all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
RTP – MAY 2020
1. Your Company is launching a new product in the next year. Prepare the minutes of the meeting
for the same. Members in the meeting; Head of the Sales and Marketing, Product head, and
concerned Team Member.
2. As an employee of an academic institute, prepare the agenda of an upcoming partner’s visit in
tabular format.
A-12 F-Block,
C-16/A, Sector- 04 Juinagar NaviMumbai-400705
prashantkr.@gmail.com 09 December, 20XX
S.R. Pvt Ltd. Andheri East Mumbai-400069
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Subject: Application for the Post of Trainee Finance
This is with reference to your advertisement in ‘Hindustan Times’ dated 06 December, 20XX, for the
post of Trainee Finance in your organization. I wish to apply for the same.
I am conscientious, punctual and open to learning. I have just completed CA Intermediate from ICAI. I
am looking for positions as Trainee (Finance/Tax/Audit) for articleship. If given the opportunity, I am
open to learning and prepared to work hard to enrich my knowledge.
I am enclosing my résumé herewith for your reference. I shall be available for an interview through
online or face to face on any day of your convenience.
I look forward to a positive response!
Your Sincerely,
Prashant Kumar
1. Résumé
A-12 F-Block,
C-16/A, Sector-04 Juinagar
Navi Mumbai-400705
Hard working, punctual, strong team player
Confident working with computers and technology
Educational Qualifications:
Professional Skills:
Finance, Taxation, Auditing
Personal Details:
Father’s Name: XYZ
Mother’s Name: XYX
Gender: Male
Nationality: XYZ
Marital Status: Single/Married
Tripti Sharma CA.SanjayMishra
Assistant Professor XYZ Associates,
ABC College of Commerce
XYZ University
Email:xyz@gmail.com Email:******@gmail.com
Declaration: I solemnly declare that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and
Date: XX December, 20XX
Answer 2
F-26 E, Sector-11 Kavi Nagar Ghaziabad-02
Email:shikhakr.@gmail.com 16 December,2019
Natural Gas Transmission Company(GAIL)
New Delhi -01
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Subject: Application for the Post of Industrial Trainee (Articles)
This is with reference to your advertisement on the website in career column for the post of Article
Trainee at GAIL. I have just completed second year of my articleship from ABC associates, are puted
firm and completed CA Intermediate in November 2017 in the first attempt.
I am keen to learn, focused and target oriented.
I will be ready available for a personal interaction anytime as per your convenience. I look forward to
a positive reply.
Your Sincerely,
Shikha Kumari
1. Curriculum Vitae
Shikha Kumari XYZ Company Ghazia
bad-06 Phone:+91- XXXXXXXXXX
Sincere, honest, punctual and devoted professional with a zest of learning. Seeking a position that
provides substantial learning opportunities and exhorts me to take up challenges/initiatives and
learn from them there by creating and adding value to the team as well as the organization
Educational Qualifications:
Completed 2 years of articleship from XYZ company in December 2019.
Completed CA Intermediate in Nov 2017.
10+2, from CBCE, New Delhi, 2012, with higher 1st Division.
10th from CBCE, New Delhi, 2010,with higher 1st Division.
Got prize for standing first in National Quiz at XW Orgin 2015.
Language Known:
English, Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi,(Comm.)
Declaration: I solemnly declare that all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Greetings for the day! I am writing this letter to express my interest in the position of Articled
Assistant in your firm.
I have qualified CA Intermediate Group-1 in January 2021. Right now, I am looking for an opportunity
in a prestigious firm like yours so that I can learn different aspects of the profession and make a
worthy contribution.
I am ready to present myself for a personal interaction as per your convenience. I assure you that I
shall work with utmost allegiance to your firm.
My detailed resume is enclosed herewith for your perusal. Looking forward to a positive response.
Best Regards, XXX
C-12, S. Enclave, New Delhi- 1100xx
Resume Name: XXX
Address: C-12, S. Enclave, New Delhi-1100xx
Email id: XXX@gmail.com
Mobile No.- +91 XXXXXXXX
I seek to join a firm where I can learn various aspects of profession and use my skills and knowledge
of MS Excel, MIS, Tally, and Taxation with GST.
I wish to contribute towards organizational goal through my technical skills, hard work and initiative.
B.Com DU Pursuing
MS-Office, Tally, Advance Excel, Payroll, MIS Good analytical and decision making skills
As captain of the school cricket team won 2 consecutive zonal inter- school championship trophy
Part of the team that won the third prize at the national inter-school quiz contest organized by
Ministry of Education and HR in 2019
Personal Details
Father’s Name:
Date of Birth:
I solemnly declare that all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: XXX, Signature
1. The Marketing Head of ABC Co – Northern Region, a car manufacturing company, plans to conduct
a Monthly Sales Meeting. Set an agenda for the meeting (introducing new starters; health & safety
update; product revision update; Sales results & forecasts; New product launch; upcoming
2. An organization ABC Co., had a quarterly sales meeting of Zone A, B, C & D. The senior
management along with managers from all zones, Manager Sales & Marketing, Production
Manager, Senior Manager Accounts and Tech-range Chief Engineer discussed various issues like
health & safety update, product revision update, sales results & forecasts; Prepare minutes of the
meeting with participants in discussion.
Answer 1
(Meeting Title) Monthly Sales Meeting – ABC Co – Northern Region
(Venue, Time, Date)
Conference Room,
ABC Co., New Delhi
Participants: Ms. HT, MD, Mr. RK, Managing Director, Mr. PL, Production Manager, Mr. A K, Sales
&Marketing Manager, Mr. AS (North Zone) and Ms. DS (West Zone), Zonal Heads, Marketing
Mr. RK, Managing Director briefly introduced the agenda of the meeting i.e., update on health & safety
issues, product revision, sales results & forecasts; new product launch, major accounts initiatives; new
company car scheme, awards and incentive.
Mr. A K, Sales & Marketing Manager presented details about Sales in the previous quarter & gave
targets to the Zonal Heads to be circulated to the Sales and Marketing Departments.
10:05 am Discussion on effect on sales Name of the Sr. Sales Manager, 25mins
figures participants
1. You are the CEO of a pharmaceutical company. In light of the Corona virus pandemic, your
company has witnessed a high demand of Paracetamol drugs. However, the company
infrastructure and employee strength does not allow you to cater to the demand. Prepare the
minutes of the meeting, discussing this concern. Members involved in the meeting are, CEO,
Product Head, Pharmacy experts, Business Lead, Head of sales.
2. You are a senior personnel of a food chain which has suffered severe losses due to the lockdown
imposed in the country as a result of the virus pandemic. Discuss the future plans regards to
uplifting the business. Include Director, Sales and Marketing, Retail head, Supply Chain Head,
Procurement Personnel and other senior members. Details to be tabulated.
Minutes of Meeting
Participants attendance: CEO, Head of Sales and Marketing, the Product Head, Business lead,
Pharmacy experts
Date:7th August, 2020
Meeting started at 11:00 am.
Mr. S S, Head of Sales and Marketing informed the agenda of the meeting i.e., in capability in meeting
business demands
Mr. RV, Product Head expressed concern over the matter; discussed ways of increasing production.
Mr. AP, Business lead gave a detailed analysis of the figures observed in the last six months and also
suggested few changes in business strategies
Pharmacy lead and team: Proposed ways of a ligning with the increased production. Patent laws also
Mr. AB, CEO Gave a vote of thanks and appreciated the views and suggestions of members present.
All the participants agreed to the concern and comeback with a detailed report.
ATR to be submitted by 20th Aug, 2020 to the Head of Sales and Marketing and CEO.
1) Minutes in tabular form
9:00 am New trends discussed Name of the participants Supply Head chain 30 mins
10:00 am Suggestions made for Name of the participants Procurement Head 20mins
better procurement
Answer 2
Acknowledgements: The Communication Division is extremely thankful to all people who extended
their help and provided valuable inputs in preparing this report. A special thanks to our Mr. A, Ms. B
and Ms.C for their knowledge sharing
Contents: List the topics in bullet for min serial order.
In augural address by Head HR describing
Need for the webinar
Agenda of the webinar
Role of communication
Impact on CA’s
Current scenario and digitalisation
Summary: Write a brief summary of the complete report. Not more than 5-6 lines. It gives an overall
view of the report. Include graphs/illustrations if needed.
Answer 2
Tabular Agenda
12:00 Noon Need to the Director, Registrar Prof. X, Subject Expert 20 Minutes
Course/scope Senior Faculty
Minutes of the Meeting
Participants in attendance: Senior Manager Accounts, IT head, IT Executive, Senior Executives
(supervisors) Manager Client Relations
Mr. ST, Senior Manager Accounts informed the agenda of the meeting i.e. making arrangements to
facilitate work from home and preparing a roster for others to attend office thrice a week.
Mr. RR, Mr. SD and Mr. MP Senior Executives presented details of their subordinate staff including
their address and mode of transport (own or public)
Mr. ST asked Mr. RR, Mr. SD and Mr. MP to
Prepare a roster for staff residing within 5 km radius from the office
Circulate the same amongst staff members
Plan a regular reporting system through mails and Whats App Groups about critical tasks
Regular virtual meetings with the staff on Blue jeans/ Zoom
Send a mail asking their staff to request for Laptops and plug-in internet devices OR They may
carry their desktops home with prior approval from the IT section.
Contact Mr. DR IT Executive, to assist them to remotely access their office desktop from their
laptops from home in case of any exigency.
Mr. ST asked Mr. RV IT Head to procure at least 20 laptops with internet plug-ins to be given to the
staff. Mr. RV to report to Mr. ST in 3 days.
Mr. ST asked Mr. TR Manager Client Relations, to prepare a list of deliverables to various clients and to
share complete details regarding outstanding payment to be received.
Participants in attendance: Managing Director, Senior Manager Sales and Marketing, Manager
Customer Care, Manager HR
Mr. SM, Senior Manager Sales and Marketing proposed that advertising strategy should be focused on
social media platforms such as Youtube, Face book, Instagram etc. He suggested
small videos to be uploaded featuring actual users using the products in real time as a
demonstration of the product. These users can be families of employees.
small videos to be uploaded with the users endorsing the products, specifically discussing the
quality parameters and ease of usage.
Product review and feedback including product rating to be sought in writing from the users.
Mr. MN, Manager Customer Care proposed that a toll-free customer care helpline be initiated to
render information about the products, their usage and grievance redressal. He further suggested to
outsource the service to a call centre.
Mr. FA, Manager HR expressed his concerns over monitoring and supervision of the outsourcing
Mr. CM directed Mr. MN and Mr. FA to jointly prepare a concept paper on outsourcing, discussing its
pros and cons and complete work details.
ATR to be submitted by Mr. SM, Mr. MN and Mr. FA in the next 10 days latest by April xx,20xx.Group to
again meet virtually on May x, 20xx at same time.
RTP NOV 2022
Chapter-1 Communication
1. Explain any two characteristics of nonverbal communication.
2. Briefly describe the process of communication.
1. The two characteristics of nonverbal communication are:
(i) Physical nonverbal communication which includes an individual’s facial expressions,
gestures, stances and other physical signals.
(ii) Paralanguage refers to voice quality, intonation, pitch, stress, tone and style of speaking.
Answers 1
(a) A noted gangster stole the new blue car.
(b) The Parliament passed a bill this year.
(c) Mr. Sharma is teaching Accounts.
(d) The little kids stole the cookies
(e) Hydrocarbons cause a type of air pollution
Answers 2
(a) A house is being built by Jack
(b) The window was broken by a burglar.
(c) The plants were being watered by me.
(d) An essay was written by the teacher on the blackboard.
(e) A new show will be telecasted by Star channel soon.
Answers 3
(a) Radha said, ‘Wait for me here until I return’.
(b) John said, ‘German is easy to learn’.
(c) The speaker said, ‘Be quiet and listen to me’.
(d) The helper said, ‘Call the ambulance’.
(e) The Guru said to the student, ‘Shoot the arrow’.
Chapter-3 Vocabulary
(a) Appeal
(b) Protest
(c) Revolt
(d) Believe
(a) Rework
(b) Ghostly
(c) Intelligent
(d) Pleasure
(a) Heartless
(b) Concerned
(c) Primary
(d) Very old
(ii) To take things easily
(iii) Start accepting faults
(iv) Start performing better
Answers 1
1. c 2 a 3 d 4 a
Answers 2
(a) (ii) (b) (iv) (c) (iv) (d) (ii) (e) (iii) (f) (i) (g) (iv)
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions at the end of each passage.
Passage 1
A stout old lady was walking with her basket down the middle of a street in Petrograd to the great
perplexity of the traffic and with no small peril to herself. It was pointed out to her that the pavement
was the place for pedestrians, but she replied: ‘I’m going to walk where I like. We’ve got liberty now.’
It did not occur to the dear old lady that if liberty entitled the pedestrian to walk down the middle of
the road, then the end of such liberty would be universal chaos. Everybody would be getting in
everybody else’s way and nobody would get anywhere. Individual liberty would have become social
There is a danger of the world getting liberty-drunk these days like the old lady with the basket, and it
is just as well to remind ourselves of what the rule of the road means. It means that in order that the
liberties of all may be preserved, the liberties of everybody must be curtailed. When the policeman, at
Piccadilly Circus steps into the middle of the road and puts out his hand, he is the symbol not of
tyranny but of liberty. You may not think so. You may, being in a hurry, and seeing your car pulled up
by this insolence of office, feel that your liberty has been outraged. How dare this fellow interfere with
your free use of the public highway? Then if you are a reasonable person, you will reflect that if he did
not interfere with you, he would interfere with no one, and the result would be that Piccadilly Circus
would be a maelstrom that you would never cross at all. You have submitted to a curtailment of
private liberty in order that you may enjoy a social order which makes your liberty a reality.
Liberty is not a personal affair only but a social contract. It is an accommodation of interests. In
matters which do not touch anybody else’s liberty, of course, I may be as free as I like. If I choose to go
down the road in a dressing-gown, who shall stop me? You have the liberty to laugh at me, but I have
the liberty to be indifferent to you. And if I have a fancy for dyeing my hair, or wearing an overcoat
and sandals, or going to bed late or getting up early, I shall follow my fancy and ask no man’s
1. In the phrase ‘symbol not of tyranny but liberty’, what does the word tyranny mean?
(para 2)
2. What is the narrator trying to preach by means of this passage? State in two sentences.
3. What reason did the lady give for her walking in the middle of the road?
4. Select the suitable synonym for the word ‘perplexity’ as used in the passage:
(a)Morality (b) Pleasure (c) Confusion (d) Horror
5. According to the author, what is liberty?
Passage 2
The sage of science, Einstein, was sitting in a depressive and pensive mood one evening. His eyes were
brimming with tears. The pain was evident on his face. He peeped out of the window of his room. The
sun had set a few minutes back. The sky was filled with a reddish glow. At this sunset, he felt that it
was humanity that had sunk into devilish darkness and the reddish glow in the sky was the blood of
humanity spilling all over the sky from earth. With tired steps, he walked back to his chair and settled
down. It was the 9th of August 1945. Three days back, he had felt the same agony as if someone had
torn him apart. He was deeply hurt and depressed when he heard on the radio that America had
dropped an atom bomb on the Japanese city, Hiroshima. Today, within three days another bomb was
dropped on another city, Nagasaki and lakhs of people had been killed.
He had heard that the blast released so much energy that it had paled all past destructions in
comparison and death had played out a pitiable dance of destruction. The flames that broke out of the
bomb were burning, melting and exploding buildings. Scared of the heat of the bomb, people had
jumped into lakes and rivers, but the water was boiling, and the people too were burnt and killed. The
animals in the water were already boiled to death. Animals, trees, herbs, fragrant flowering plants
were all turned into ashes. The atomic energy destruction had just not stopped there. It had entered
the atmosphere there and had spread radiation that would affect people for generations to come and
would also ring about destructive irreversible biological changes in animals and plants. As the news of
the atomic attack reached Einstein, and he became aware of the glaring horror of the abuse of atomic
energy, his distress and restlessness knew no bounds. He could not control himself and picked up his
violin to turn his mind on to other things. While playing the violin, he tried to dissolve his distress in
its sad notes but couldn’t. He was burning on the embers of destruction; his heart was filled with an
ocean of agony and tears just continued streaming uncontrollably out of his eyes. Night had fallen. His
daughter came up and asked him to eat something as he had not taken anything for the last four days.
His voice was restrained, and he said, “I don’t feel like eating.”
He could not sleep that night. Lying down, he was thinking how he had drawn the attention of the then
American President Roosevelt towards the destructive powers of an atomic bomb. He had thought
that this would be used to scare Hitler and put an end to the barbarism that Hitler was up to. However,
Roosevelt kept him in the dark and made false promises. Eventually, he had abused Einstein’s
equation of E=MC2 that resulted in destructive experiments. His actions had made science and
scientists as murderers.
Einstein kept on thinking for a long time. Eventually, he slipped into sleep. When he woke up at dawn,
there was a new dawn in him too. The atomic threat had transformed his heart.
1. Why was Einstein upset on 9th August, 1945?
2. What did Einstein do to distract himself when the news of the atomic attack reached him?
3. Select a suitable antonym for the word ‘barbarism’ as used in the passage?
Chaos (b) Mundane (c) Brutality (d) Gentleness
4. Why were animals in water boiled to death after the nuclear bomb attack?
5. Why was Einstein sitting in a depressive and pensive mood?
6. What could be the long terms effects of the nuclear attack?
Passage 3
The first survey in Japan on ‘gaming disorder’ found that 18.3% of young people aged between 10 and
29 play video games for an average of three or more hours a day. Those who spend extended and long
hours playing these games are more likely to become addicted, which can interfere with their lives
and negatively affect their health.
Among those surveyed 85% (92.6% male and 77.4% female) had played video games within the
past 12 months. A survey question that allowed multiple answers found that the most popular gaming
format, used by 80% of those surveyed was the smart phone, followed by home video game consoles
at 48 % approximately and hand held game consoles at
33.5 approximately. About 97.6% persons responded that they played games at homes. It gives them a
comfort zone and makes them feel easy and relaxed.
Around 40% of those playing six or more hours of video games a day also reported that they continue
despite physical problems like backaches, sore eyes, and headaches or mental stress, even sleep
disorders or depression. About half of the pre-school kids and elementary students have already
begun to play online games. Adult should set a good example by demonstrating proper self-control
1. What problems can happen when you play video games for more extended hours?
2. Select a suitable antonym for the word ‘relaxed’
(a)Rigorous (b)Comfortable (c)Simple (d)Volcanic
3. On a general, who is more likely to get addicted to video games?
4. What is the order of preference (according to the survey) for playing video games. Mention the
devices in order of usage (highest usage mentioned first)
5. Give the passage a suitable title.
Passage 1
1. The word tyranny means a harsh rule or brutality.
2. The narrator is trying to preach the fact that liberty should be exercised to the extent that it
doesn’t harm anyone else. No citizen should take undue advantage of liberty and do whatever he
wishes to.
3. The lady said that they had liberty, so she could walk anywhere, even in the middle of the road.
4. C. Confusion
5. Liberty according to the author is not a personal affair only but a social contract. It is an
accommodation of interests. One must exercise it within guaranteed limits and not misuse it.
Passage 2
1. Einstein was upset on 9th august because today within three another bomb was dropped at
2. He picked up his violin to turn his mind on to other things.
3. d. Gentleness
4. The water was boiling due to the heat of bomb. As a result animals were boiled to death in water.
5. Einstein was sitting in a pensive mood because two nuclear bomb attacks had taken place. He was
very well aware of the harmful consequences that had happened and would happen in the future
that would badly effect life.
The attack had spread radiation that would affect people for generations to come and would also
ring about destructive irreversible biological changes in animals and plants.
Passage 3
1. Extended hours of play can lead to backaches, sore eyes, and headaches or mental stress, even
sleep disorders or depression
2. A. Rigorous
3. Those who spend extended and long hours playing these games are more likely to become
addicted to video games.
4. Devices used by 80% of those surveyed was the smart phone, followed by home video game
consoles at 48 % approximately and hand held game consoles at 33.5 approximately.
5. Video games: Fun or addiction -- The choice is yours!!
We have but one method of acquiring knowledge. From the lowest man to the highest yogi, all
have to use the same method, and that method, is called concentration. The chemist who works in
his laboratory concentrates all the powers of his mind, brings them into one focus and throws
them on the elements, and the elements stand analysed, and thus his knowledge comes. The
astronomer also concentrates the powers of his mind and brings them into one focus and then
throws them on to objects through his telescope and stars and systems roll forward and give up
their secrets to him. So it is in every case—with the professor in his chair, the students and his
books—with every man who is working to know.
The more this power of concentration is, the more is the knowledge acquired, because this is the
one and the only method of acquiring it. Even the lowest shoeblack, if he pays more concentration,
will polish shoes better, the cook with his concentration will focus all his attention on the work in
hand and will cook a better meal. In making money or in worshipping God, or in doing anything,
the stronger the power of concentration, the better will be that work done.
Even though concentration is the key to acquiring knowledge—Concentration itself is not easy to
attain. It is a skill that can be developed only through a lot of patience and practice. He who
masters it is real ‘yogi’. To control our senses and to gather all our awareness into one focus is by
no means an easy task. Life itself is complex and there are invariably several issues vying for our
attention which makes it even more difficult to focus on only one thing. Even if we try to
concentrate fully on the work in hand, our subconscious mind is scattered in varied directions and
soon drags our conscious mind along, without even our realizing it. It therefore requires a lot of
discipline, will power and self-control to focus or concentrate.
However, the effort is worth it and pays rich dividends in the form of accomplishment of our goals.
This is the one call, the one knock which opens the gate of nature, and lets out floods of light.
1.2 The chmst does analysis
3.2 To master it, one needs to gthr awrnss and ctrl senses.
3.3 With the no. of distrcns in life, the abv is nt an easy tsk
3.4 The sub conscious mind gets divtrd and we dnt even realize.
3.5 One needs to hv displn, will pwr and self ctrl to focus on conc.
Key words
Acqrng: acquiring
Knldg: knowledge
Chmst: chemist
Elmnts: elements
Astrmr: astronomer
Telscps: telescope
Systm: system
Profns: professions
Conc: concentration
Pwr: power
Whthr: whether
Polshng: polishing
Ckng: cooking
Wrshpng: worshipping
Cn: can
Devlpd: developed
Thru: through
Prac: practice
Gthr: gather
Awrnss: awareness
Ctrl: control
No: number
Distrcn: distractions
Abv: above
Nt: not
Divtrd: Diverted
Dnt: don’t
Hv: have
Displn: discipline
Pwr: power
Ctrl: control
One way of gaining knowledge is to have concentration. Whether it is a yogi, an astronomer, a shoe
polisher, a cook, a professor or a student- with concentration he can perform better. The sub
conscious mind gets swayed away without our knowledge; the distractions can be controlled through
practice and patience. One who does that becomes a ‘yogi’ and attains success and achieves his goals.
Write a précis and give an appropriate title to the passages given below.
1. Falling down or failing is one of the most agonizing, embarrassing, and scariest human
experiences. But it is also one of the most educational, empowering, and essential parts of living a
successful and fulfilling life. Did you know that perseverance (grit) is one of the seven qualities
that have been described as the keys to personal success and betterment in society? The other six
are curiosity, gratitude, optimism, self-control, social intelligence, and zest. Thomas Edison is a
model for grit for trying 1,000 plus times to invent the light bulb. If you are reading this with the
lights on in your room, you know well he succeeded. When asked why he kept going despite his
hundreds of failures, he merely stated that what he had been were not failures. They were
hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb. This statement not only revealed his grit but also his
optimism for looking at the bright side.
Grit can be learned to help you become more successful. One of the techniques that helps is
mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing
awareness of his or her experience without judgement. This practice has been used to quiet the
noise of their fears and doubts. Through this simple practice of mindfulness, individuals have the
ability to stop the self-sabotaging downward spiral of hopelessness, despair, and frustration.
2. Artificial intelligence helps us manage highly complex systems such as global shipping networks.
For example, the system at the heart of the Port Botany container terminal in Sydney manages the
movement of thousands of shipping containers in and out of the port, controlling a fleet of
automated, driverless straddle-carriers in a completely human-free zone. Similarly, in the mining
industry, optimisation engines are increasingly being used to plan and coordinate the movement
of a resource, such as iron ore, from initial transport on huge driverless mine trucks, to the freight
trains that take the ore to port.
AI’s are at work wherever you look, in industries from finance to transportation, monitoring the
share market for suspicious trading activity or assisting with ground and air traffic control. They
even help to keep spam out of your inbox. And this is just the beginning for artificial intelligence.
As the technology advances, so too does the number of applications.
So what's the problem? Rather than worrying about a future AI takeover, the real risk is that we
can put too much trust in the smart systems we are building. Recall that machine learning works
by training software to spot patterns in data. Once trained, it is then put to work analysing fresh,
unseen data. But when the computer spits out an answer, we are typically unable to see how it got
3. As India is an agricultural country, the most important crops of India are rice, wheat and
sugarcane. Significantly, these crops are the most water consuming crops. Rice, a major crop
export, consumes about 3500 litres of water for a kilogram of grain produced. Punjab which is the
third largest producer of rice in India is completely dependent on groundwater for the production
of its rice and consumes two to three times more water than Bihar and West Bengal to produce a
kilogram of rice.
Sugarcane is another water guzzling crop in India, which is a very popular crop among farmers in
Maharashtra because they are assured of marketing by sugar mills. The primary source of water
for growing sugarcane is groundwater, whereas state like Bihar which are more suitable for the
production of sugarcane produce only 4% of India’s sugar cane output.
Thus, measures need to be taken to ensure that crop production patterns within the country and
across states are aligned to regional water availability. Emphasis should be placed on the adoption
of water- better technologies, latest management systems, awareness amongst farmers, and
advisory services to improve water consumption in agriculture.
Precis Writing
Failing is not about feeling embarrassed or facing agony. It is a learning in itself that increases one’s
perseverance and is a key to personal success. The other keys are curiosity, gratitude, optimism, self-
control, social intelligence and zest. Thomas Edison described his unsuccessful attempts as ways of
not creating a light bulb; thus showing his optimism. Being aware of your experience brings
mindfulness which as a result brings grit. Being mindful avoids a person’s downfall and helps
overcome helplessness, despair and frustration.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a subject that is being used in various fields like global shipping and
mining. A good example is the Port Botany container terminal in Sydney where AI helps to manage
movement of ships, and runs driverless carriers. In mining, optimization engines help in
transportation of the iron ore end to end on driverless mine trucks. With the advancement of
technology, AI is part of monitoring the share market and assisting with air traffic. The risk of AI
taking over and our over dependence is a cause of concern. However, machine learning works when
we feed the system, with a software and let it operate on its own!
In the agrarian India, wheat, rice and sugarcane are the most important crops and co incidentally all
three of them have a heavy water dependency.
Rice, which is an export crop needs about 3500 litres of water per kilogram of the rain and states like
Punjab, with their dependency on groundwater consume way more water than Bihar and West
Bengal, also big producers of the grain. Sugarcane also depends on groundwater for its water needs. A
crop famous amongst the farmers of Maharashtra for its sugar value, gives a very low output in Bihar
of about 4%. Suitable measures if taken at the right time with emphasis on good technology,
management systems, awareness amongst farmers and proper advice would enable the country for
better production and efficient usage of water resources.
1. Write an article on the following topics in not more than 200 -250 words.
(a) Should Physical Education be a compulsory subject for students till grade 12?
(b) Importance of reading a newspaper every day.
Answer 1
(a) Hints : Exercise is the key- to physical health and mental peace (title)
(i) A sound mind resides in a healthy body.
(ii) Mental and physical health go hand in hand; to be physically fit, the mind should be stable
and sound; also a stable mind shows energy and active strength.
(iii) Physical Education can help a child distress, especially after times of the pandemic.
(iv) In the present scenario, for the ongoing health issues and disorders in the students,
physical exercise and activity can act as a saviour.
(v) Considering the need of hour, Physical Education can be made compulsory. Life these days
in view of the pandemic has become a little dull and in the comfort zone. Children should
indulge in outdoor activities more than sit at home and play video/phone games. It has
been observed that children are becoming more obese and developing other health issues
due to lack of physical exercise.
Answer 1
Answer 2
Subject: Expenditure to be made towards miscellaneous items purchased for the society.
Acknowledgements: I am deeply grateful to all my team members who helped me in formulating this
detailed report. The expenditure and other related details have been recorded with precision.
Stating the need to buy new equipment
List of items to be purchased, listed category wise
Current budget versus last financial year’s budget
Summary: With the pandemic having caused havoc in the last two years, many society works have
been pending. Things seem to be improving now, so we plan to upgrade the society garden, club
house, install security cameras and place swings for children. To boost sports and other outdoor
activities, we decided to allow our players to reap maximum benefit from the new equipment to be
purchased and hence make a mark for them selves. All these suggestions have been stated keeping in
the mind the welfare of the residents and their families.
Can be continued with a few tables mentioned (list of items to be purchased, cost of each time).
The RWA shall ensure that all residents benefit from the changes made in the society. We hope to
receive the funds well in time to start the needful task.
Chapter-10 Formal letters and Official Communication
1. You manage the supply of raw material for a local restaurant serving vegetarian food. Write a
letter for placing the order of grocery items needed in the next one month. Address the letter to
M/S Khurana and Sons Grocery Pvt ltd. Prepare a list of at least 5 items.
2. You are Arun/Anita. Write a letter to the Fastnet Private Ltd, the local internet service provider in
your locality complaining about the slow bandwidth and poor signal strength in your internet
Answer 1
M/s Khuarana and Sons Grocery Pvt. Ltd. Khari Baoli, Central Delhi
As discussed over telephone, we would like to place an order for the following grocery items for our
vegetarian restaurant in Dwarka.
Salt 5 kg
Turmeric 5 kg
Red chilli 2 kg
Coriander powder 4 kg
Rice 20 kg
Chick peas 5 kg
Kindly ensure that the items are fresh and of best quality when packed. We would appreciate if the
above items are packed in separate bags and as per the required quantity. It is a request to deliver
these grocery items latest by 5th September, 2022. Bills for the same shall be cleared at the time of
delivery. Please offer a suitable discount on the purchase.
Yours Sincerely,
Arjun Bhatt
Answer 2
Subject- Filing complaint for a defect in poor bandwidth and low signal strength in the internet (wifi)
connection) Portfolio no. 123/EPN/202021
Dear Sir,
I hereby write to complain regarding the poor internet connection and low signal strength in the Wifi
provided. The portfolio number is 123/EPN/20201, dated 20th June, 2021
The wires were laid on 20th June, 2021 and there seemed to be no problem initially. However, with
one season of heavy rain, the internet connection has got disturbed. The band width is very low and
the internet keeps going off multiple times in a day. As I am working from home, this kind of a lag is
causing me lot of trouble.
I request you to look into this matter without any delay and send a technician to check the wires and
any other connection source. I have enclosed a copy of the bill for your reference. Looking forward to
your early response.
Thanking you!
Answer 1
We request all our employees to use the company’s new mobile application for logging in their entry
and exit details. These details should be sent weekly to the concerned authorities in the HR
department. For the ease and benefit of our employees, we have shared the link to download the
application directly.
This is a mandatory process and we request all our employees to kindly follow the guidelines and do
the needful. Defaulters will face unpleasant consequences.
For any help regarding the matter, a help desk counter has been set up at the reception area for the
next two days. You can also write to helpdesk.attendanceentry@email.com for clarifications.
Mr. ABC,
Director, HR
Global Technologies
Answer 2
Dear parents,
This is to inform you that we are witnessing a dwindling number in the attendance of students for
offline/physical classes. With the pandemic effect having reduced, we would like students to attend
the classes regularly and diligently. Classroom teaching not only ensures academic skills but also
helps in co scholastic grooming.
We request you to encourage your ward to attend all classes and take maximum benefit from them.
Kindly note that leave shall be granted in case of a genuine reason only when approved’
signed/authorized by parents.
Answer 1
Cover Letter:
KJ- 120, 2nd Floor, Rajouri Garden, Delhi, 26th July, 2020
The Principal,
New Delhi.
It gives me immense pleasure to share my resume with you for position of Senior Librarian at your
esteemed organization/school.
I hold a Master's degree in Library Sciences and have more than six years of experience in this work.
My strong interest of working has motivated me to apply for your organization. I have a versatile
experience of working with an International school and a branch of one of the top schools of Delhi
NCR. I have a widespread knowledge of foreign author books also, which can be helpful in
recommending good study material to senior students.
Feroz/Fatima Sheikh
ABC, XYZ Colony, New Delhi- 110018 | +91- 11111 1111 l fatima@yahoo.com feroz@yahoo.com
Educational Qualification
Answer 2
Sameer Sagar
We are sorry to inform you that you have not been shortlisted for the post of Accountant at Team
toppers Pvt Ltd.
We appreciate your efforts and credentials, however there are some concerns in your CV which do not
make you the best candidate. With the competition being neck to neck, we suggest, you work on
advanced accounting skills that would help you stand a better chance next time.
Chapter-13 Meetings
1. Write ‘Minutes of the Meeting’ for a meeting conducted to discuss the issue of an extended work
from home and the need to call back employees to work.
2. Write the ‘Minutes of the Meeting’ for a meeting organized to discuss the need to
refurbish/renovate the office space to create a better working environment. Mention few specific
things to be changed/ added.
Answer 1
Participants in the meeting: Mr. XY, Vice-President; Mr. A, HR Manager; Mr. B. HR employee; Mr. C,
Business Development Manager
Mr. XY intervenes and mentions how important is for the employees to return to work.
Mr. A and Mr. B together presented a presentation on the statistics of productivity and late attendance
of employees while working from home.
Mr. XY gave his valuable inputs on how he wants everything should be.
Mr. C gives his opinion on how business can get effected if the work from home option gets prolonged.
Answer 2
Participants in the meeting: Mr. B, Vice-President; Mr. A, Mr. C, Sales Manager and their Associates
Mr. C explains about the agenda of the meeting, and he talks about how people are facing issues in the
old set up.
The associates have brainstormed few ideas about how the new look of the office space can bring in
better productivity and encourage the employees too.
Mr. B listens to everyone carefully and shares his thoughts about changing specific
areas/infrastructure in the office.
Mr. C agrees and informs that he will discuss with design team and share the appropriate designs with
everyone soon.
The meeting concluded with few ideas that everyone is ready to explore and implement.
RTP MAY 2022
Chapter-1 Communication
1. Explain any two characteristics of effective communication.
2. Write a short note on Cultural barriers in effective communication.
1. The two characteristics of effective communication are as follows-
(a) Coherence: Coherence in writing and speech refers to the logical bridge between words,
sentences, and paragraphs. The key to coherence is sequentially organised and logically
presented information, which is easily understood.
(b) Completeness: A complete communication coveys all facts and information required by the
recipient. It keeps in mind the receiver’s intellect and attitude and conveys the message
2. Cultural barriers: Cultural barriers refer to obstacles one faces with respect to diversity in culture.
These arise from language, religion, community, ethnicity etc. Due to cultural differences, words,
signs, symbols may be interpreted in a different way and may lead to miscommunication.
Within an organization also, cultural ideologies can be different across verticals and divisions
which might lead to a wrong message being conveyed. Moreover, gestures, protocols within family
groups and friends also might be mistaken.
(a) Spiritual
(b) Royal
(c) Practical
(d) Theoretical
(a) Colourful
(b) Funny
(c) Hidden
(d) Charming
(a) unreliable
(b) trustworthiness
(c) principles
(d) capacity
1. d 2. c 3. d 4. b
Answer 2
1. iv 2. i 3. i 4. iii
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
The Indian youth is accused of being impatient, indisciplined, disrespectful to the elders and
irresponsible towards society and authority. It was felt that to curb these tendencie s the youth
required to be motivated in nation-building activities and made responsive to the social concerns.
For this purpose, National Service Scheme (NSS) was introduced in 1969. Its main aim was to
involve the students of the colleges and +2 level on voluntary and selective basis in programmes
of social services and developmental activities. Gradually it was adopted by all the states and union
territories. Today it covers more than 5000 colleges all over the country. Under this scheme, rural
and slum reconstruction, repair of roads, school buildings, ponds, tanks, plantation of trees,
environment protection, health and family planning and education of adults and women are
undertaken. The NSS students aid local authorities in implementing various relief and
rehabilitation schemes. In the times of natural calamities like famines, floods, droughts, epidemics
and earthquakes volunteers helped by NSS students play a very positive and constructive role. It
instills in them the spirit of social service and the sense of responsibility.
The tribal youth are given vocational training under a special scheme to enable them to become
self-employed. Then, there are youth hostels set up all over the country to provide cheap
accommodation to the youth to inspire them into undertaking educational tours and excursions to
visit the cultural and historic sites to revisit our glorious past. 446 Nehru Yuvak Kendras strewn
around the country provide vocational training to non-student rural youth and improve their
personality. ‘Bharat Scouts and Guides’ and ‘All India Boy Scouts Association’ are teaching Indian
youth the importance of loyalty and goodwill for others under International scouting and guiding
1. What is Indian youth accused of?
2. What scheme was introduced to involve students in social service and developmental activities?
3. What works are undertaken under the NSS?
4. For what purpose are youth hostels with cheap accommodation are set up?
5. What is the tone of the author? A) Callous B) Informative C) Derogatory D) Ironic
6. What is being done for the tribal youth of the country?
2. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
In the year of 1945, United Nations Organization (UNO) came into being as the successor of League of
Nations. It began with fifty nations as its members but now it has 193 member nations accounting for
almost all the countries of entire earth except Switzerland. The nations are the members of the UN
General Assembly, the world body’s chief deliberate organ. All the other wings are answerable to it
through annual and special periodical reports submitted for its consideration. The General Assembly,
discusses the reports and gives its approvals, elects General Secretary and the judges of the
International Court of Justice, admits new members to the Assembly, and also elects the non-
permanent members of various councils. There are Economic and Social Council, The Trusteeship
Council besides the International Court, General Assembly and the Security Council. The General
Secretary is the Chief Administrative Office of the world body who heads the UN Secretariat. He
presides over the General Assembly meetings and those of other organs of U.N.
In addition to the above main organs, the UNO has several other specialized agencies like ILO
(International Labour Organization), UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization), UNCTAD (United Nations Council for Trade And Development), WHO (World Health
Organization), etc. These agencies help the parent body in working out agreements on various-
related matters to them and in achieving different objectives and goals. WHO, for example, plans steps
to achieve the highest possible level of good health of the entire human population of the Earth.
1. How many members the General Assembly of UNO has at present?
2. Which country is not the member of the UNO?
3. How are other wings answerable to General Assembly?
4. What is the function of General Secretary?
5. State the plan of WHO.
6. List three functions/responsibilities of the General Assembly.
Answer 1
1. The Indian youth are blamed for impatience, indiscipline, disrespectful to the elders and
irresponsible towards society and authorities.
2. National Service Scheme (NSS) was introduced to involve students in social service and
development activities.
3. Under this scheme, reconstruction in rural and slum areas, repair of roads, school buildings, tanks,
village ponds, tree plantation, environment protection, health and family planning, adult education
and rendering help during natural calamities are undertaken.
4. Youth hostels are set up to provide cheap accommodation and to encourage students to set out on
educational tours and visit the places of historic or cultural importance.
5. (B) Informative
6. The tribal youth are given vocational training under a special scheme to enable them to become
Answer 2
1. The General Assembly of UNO has 193 members at present.
2. Switzerland is not the member of the UNO.
3. All other wings area answerable to General assembly through annual and special periodical
reports submitted for its consideration.
4. The General Secretary is the Chief Administrative Office of the world body who heads the UN
5. WHO plans steps to achieve the highest possible level of good health of the entire human
population of the Earth.
6. Functions of General Assembly:
(a) discusses the reports and gives its approvals,
(b) elects General Secretary and the judges of the International court of Justice,
(c) admits new members to the Assembly, and also elects the non-permanent members of various
1. Read the following passage carefully. (i) Make notes, using headings, sub-headings and using
abbreviations wherever necessary. (ii) Give a suitable title (ii) Write summary.
Good decoration reflects the personality of the people who live in the home. It should, first of all,
be distinctive, just as each person is distinctive. A home should have unity not only within each
room but also throughout the house. Rooms should, to some degree, harmonize with each other.
The colour and styling of each room, particularly, should fit into the colour and styling of the
rooms which run out of it.
Attractive home furnishings set the stage for pleasant living. If they are an expression of yourself,
you will have a feeling of satisfaction every time you enter your home, and friends will share your
However, furnishings and surroundings expressive of just the right note of restfulness, gay
informality, or elegant simplicity are not often assembled by accident. Even enthusiasm alone is
not enough. For most home decorators, it takes poring over plans, trying colour schemes, finding
ingenious ways to make the best of what you have, and shopping around to search out just the
right purchases at prices you can afford to pay. But there is keen pleasure in striving for the
perfect result, and great satisfaction in achieving it.
A successful house and successful rooms will depend upon the proper relationship of each element
in it to the others and to the whole. Therefore, in selecting each piece it is well to consider the
background, the usage, the draperies, the floor covering, the upholstering materials, the woods,
shapes, colour scheme, and the “feeling” you prefer for the room.
Work and plan to enjoy your house. Limit the expenditures of time, effort and money to the extent
of your abilities, so that just running the house doesn’t dominate your life. Elegance and delicate
things may be a drain you can afford only in a limited way. If you can’t afford outside help, select a
house and furnishings that require less care. Plan your activities so that tumult and upset are
limited to a few rooms—an activity room or a bedroom, or a comer of the dining room.
You’ll get more pleasure out of a house if you have a hobby connected with it—collecting glass or
antiques, gardening or indoor flower growing ceramics, art, cooking, decorating, flower
arrangements, etc. And you’ll get more satisfaction and a great deal of help from studying
household activities.
You can select a pleasing combination of colours from a wallpaper, a fabric, an oriental mg, a
flower or scene, or even a picture in a magazine. If you don’t already have the furniture or mgs, it is
a good idea to make up a colour scheme in this way. Let one colour predominate. Limit a colour
scheme to two or three colours, with white or grey tones.
Answer 1
1. Decorating One’s Home Notes:
2. Elements of decoration
4. Choice of Colours
Key Words:
Furnigh’gs: furnishings
Expt.: expect
Sh’d: should
Bet.; between
The maintenance of the house reflects the personality of the people who live in it. So, the
distinctive decoration is as important as one attire in good clothes. A unity in the home can
only be seen if the rooms in the house have a degree of harmony, colour and styling. Furniture
is a working strategy for the pleasant living. If there is an expression of oneself then one will
have a mental satisfaction every time one enters one’s home. To attain such satisfaction, one
need to pore over plants, try colour schemes, window shopping to search the best thing for
one’s home.
Write a précis and give an appropriate title to the passage given below.
1. Home is for the young, who knows nothing of the world and who would be forlorn and sad, if
thrown upon it. It is a providential, shelter of the weak and inexperienced, who must l earn yet to
cope with the temptations which lies outside of it. It is the place of training of those who are not
only ignorant, but have not yet learnt how to learn, and who must be taught by careful individual
trail, how to set about profiting by the lessons of teacher. And it is the school of elementary
studies—not of advances, for such studies alone can make master minds. Moreover, it is the shrine
of our best affections, the bosom of our fondest recollections, at spell upon us after life, a stay for
world weary mind and soul; wherever we are, till the end comes. Such are attributes or offices of
home, and like to these, in one or other sense or measure, are the attributes and offices of a college
in a university.
2. When we survey our lives and efforts, we soon observe that almost the whole of our actions and
desires are bound up with the existence of other human beings. We notice that whole nature
resembles that of the social animals. We eat food that others have produced, wear clothes that
others have made, live in houses that others have built. The greater part of our knowledge and
beliefs has been passed on to us by other people though the medium of a language which others
have created. Without language and mental capacities, we would have been poor indeed
comparable to higher animals. We have, therefore, to admit that we owe our principal knowledge
over the least to the fact of living in human society. The individual if left alone from birth would
remain primitive and beast like in his thoughts and feelings to a degree that we can hardly
imagine. The individual is what he is and has the significance that he has, not much in virtue of the
individuality, but rather as a member of a great human community, which directs his material and
spiritual existence from the cradle to grave.
Answer 1
Home shelters the young who are weak and unexperienced and unable to face the temptations in life.
It is a centre of their elementary education and a nursery of sweet affections and pleasant memories.
Its magic lasts forever. A weary mind turns to it for res t. Such is the function of a home and in some
measure of the university.
Answer 2
Being social animals, human beings have their actions and desires bound up with society. In matter of
food, clothes, knowledge and belief they are interdependent. They use language created by others.
Without language their mental power would not grow. They are superior to beast because they live in
human society. An individual life left alone from birth would grow utterly beast like. So human society
and not individuality guides man's material and spiritual existence.
Chapter-8 Article Writing
1. Write an article on the following topics in not more than 200 -250 words.
(a) Should board exams be online in India?
(b) Impact of election campaigns on public
Answer 1
Hints: a.
Give appropriate title
Difference between offline and online exams
Pros and cons of offline as well as online exams
Online exams can be blessings for some students
o Less travelling
o Cost effective
Technical issues faced by students while online exams
o Availability of internet
o Availability of mobiles, laptops and computers
Offline exams can be comfortable for everyone
Offline exams are traditional method of examination
Conclude with a vision – offline or online?
What are election campaigns?
Importance of campaigning and how it is part of the process.
Campaigns are strategized for more vote banks.
o Thought process and team involved while planning
o Strategies are constructed after a research and data analysis
o Implementation of campaigns – efforts and vision
o Involvement of media while campaigning
Influence of campaigns on public
o Focus is vote
o Promised are made
o Vision of development is talked about
o Impact is on masses
o Attitude/Belief/thoughts moulded
Chapter-9 Report Writing
1. Write a report on the following topics.
(a) A newspaper report about a demolition drive by the city municipal corporation against illegal
(b) You are the Finance head of a sports academy. Write a formal report stating details of
expenditure made in the last financial year towards purchase of sports equipment.
Answer 1
Hints: a.
Newspaper report writing format (Timeline, name of reporter) Heading to the news brief.
Why is the demolition drive happening?
Who has started it? What is the agenda? What are the consequences?
What is the public reaction?
Formal report format
To, From Date, Subject
Table of contents
Discuss the details
Answer 2
b) Formal Report
To: The Director, finance From: Secretary , finance Date: 9th March, 2022
Subject: Expenditure made towards sports equipment in the last financial year
Acknowledgements: I am deeply grateful to all my team members who helped me in formulating this
detailed report. The expenditure and other related details have been recorded with precision.
2. Need to buy new equipment
3. List of items purchased with cost
4. List of old items discarded
5. Current budget versus amount spent
6. Conclusion
Summary: With the advancement in sports and technology, we decided to allow our players to benefit
from the new equipment bought and hence make a mark for themselves. This would not only bring a
good name to our sports organization, but also make our country proud. In the light of this, few sports
equipment have been purchased to keep our players abreast with new modern versions and enable
them hone their skills.
Can be continued with a few tables mentioned and then the conclusion.
Chapter-10 Formal letters and Official Communication
1. Lalit/Lalita Dubey manage the supply of books in the school library. Write a letter for placing the
order for the books to the Vikas Publishing House Ltd. Prepare a list of at least 5 books.
2. Write a letter to the customer service manager of Ganesh Electronics Pvt. Ltd. complaining about a
defect in the music system purchased from the store. Sign yourself as Gauri/Gaurav.
Answer 1
Army Public School Sector 12, AK Puram New Delhi- 110022 21 February 2021
Vikas Publishing House Ltd. Darya Ganj, Central Delhi New Delhi- 110002
Dear Sir,
As discussed over telephone, OR As per our telecon we would like to place an order for the following
books for our school library.
Kindly ensure that the books are of the latest edition and in proper state. It is a request to deliver
these books latest by 5th April, 2022. Bills for the same shall be cleared at the time of delivery. Please
offer a suitable discount on the purchase.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Lalit/Lalita Dubey
Library Manager
Answer 2
H.No.78 Block-A
11 February, 2022
Subject- Filing complaint for a defect in purchase no. MS-845/07/2020 Dear Sir,
I hereby write to complain regarding the defect in the music system with respect to bill no. MS-
845/07/2020 purchased on 11 January 2021 from your store.
The music system worked properly for one month, but there seems to be some trouble for the last
three days. The sound breaks whilst the songs are being played and the system hangs multiple times.
Coupled with this, the songs stop playing abruptly and require the system to be restarted. Since the
music system is still in the warranty period of six months, I wish to get it replaced at the earliest.
I request you to look into this matter without any delay and provide a new working music system of
the same brand. I have enclosed a copy of the bill of purchase for your reference. Looking forward to
your early response.
Thanking you
Yours truly,
New Delhi.
1. On behalf of your CA firm, write a formal mail to all your clients requesting them to provide all the
necessary information, needed for filling of IT returns. State that details should be sent well in
time, before the last date i.e. 31st July, 2021. Sign yourself as partner of the firm.
Answer 1
Dear employees,
This is with respect to the filing of IT returns for which we request you to submit your details well in
time. The last date for submission is 31st July, 2021. For the ease and benefit of our employees, we
have made this announcement well in advance.
This is a mandatory process and we request our employees to kindly follow the guidelines and do the
needful. Defaulters will face unpleasant consequences.
For any help regarding the matter, a help desk counter has been set up at the Reception area. You can
also write to helpdesk@itfilingxyz.com for clarifications.
Mr. ABC,
Cover Letter:
Janakpuri, Delhi
25 February 2022
The Principal
Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi
Dear Ma'am/Sir,
It gives me immense pleasure to share my resume with you for position of PRT/TGT English at your
esteemed organization/school.
I hold a Master's degree in English and have more than three years of experience in teaching. My
strong interest of working has motivated me to apply for your organization. I have a versatile
experience of working with an International school and a branch of one of the top schools of Delhi
NCR. I have not only taken care of academics, but I have efficiently taken care of co-curricular
activities as well, along with my definite job roles.
Yours sincerely,
Radhika Jaiswal
ABC, XYZ Colony, New Delhi- 110048 | +91- 11111 1111 l radhika@gmail.com,
To impart meaningful knowledge through teaching, with a focus to prioritize student’s individualistic
needs and work for the larger cause of improving the society and social conditions.
Educational Qualification
Masters of Arts (English) 2013 Ambedkar University, Delhi Ambedkar University, Delhi
Professional Experience
XYZ School, PRT/TGT English April’15 - March’17
Experience of teaching Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6 as per CIE curriculum
Certified to teach according to Cambridge International Examinations curriculum
Attended workshop, Cambridge Secondary 1 organized by Cambridge University
Press for teacher’s development
Experience in formulating lesson plans according to CIE curriculum
Designing and implementation of creative worksheets and class engaging activities
Experience of training students for various competitions (Debate, poetry recitation & role plays)
Had an experience of directing a successful play for School’s Annual Day
Social Work
Volunteer for the Non-Profit Organization, Deepalaya December 2013 - March 2014
Project: Education on Wheels
Job Role: Helping children with their education; majorly working over their language skills
Volunteer for the Non-Profit Organization, Magic Bus October 2012 - November 2012
Volunteered for their event, Maidan Summit 2012 (Ranchi)
Job role: To invite founders/top officials of other NGOs across India
Volunteer for the Non-Profit Organization, Teach India October 2009 - March 2011
Job Role: Helped children of slum area with their education
Answer 2
Shivan Sethi,
Subject: Offer for appointment for the post of Associate in XYZ Pvt Ltd. Dear Shivan,
As discussed, we are happy to offer you the position of an ‘Associate’ at the Delhi office of
Your annual retainership fee will be INR 2,40,000 /- per annum. You might be entitled to a bonus
which shall be discretionary and calculated based on the evaluation of your performance post
completion of one year with the Firm.
All payments are subject to tax deduction, if applicable. For the first 3 months of the joining date, you
will be on probation.
We would request you to kindly send across your acknowledgment towards the offer and date of
joining at the earliest.
We’ll get back to you with the joining formalities and other requirements subsequently. Feel free to
get in touch with us for any clarifications or query.
I take this opportunity to welcome you and to wish you a long and rewarding association with ABC
Kind regards,
Sagar Gupta
Head – HR
Chapter-13 Meetings
1. Write ‘Minutes of the Meeting’ for a meeting conducted to discuss the launch of a toothpaste.
2. Write the ‘Minutes of the Meeting’ for a meeting organized to discuss the problems faced by the
Washing Machine in the market that requires change now.
Answer 1
Participants in the meeting: Mr. XY, Vice-President; Mr. A, Marketing Manager; Mr. B.
Mr. XY intervenes and mentions how important is the product for the company.
Mr. A and Mr. B together presented a presentation on the USPs of the product.
Mr. B gave the ideas of marketing and how the launch should be.
Mr. XY gave his valuable inputs on how he wants everything should be.
Mr. C gives his prediction of sales figures and tells about some achievable goals.
The launch date is not decided yet and the next meeting was schedule for next week.
Answer 2
Participants in the meeting: Mr. B, Vice-President; Mr. A, Mr. C, Sales Manager and their Associates
Mr. C explains about the agenda of the meeting, and he talks about how people are facing issues using
their product.
The associates have brainstormed few ideas about how the product can be changed according to the
market requirements.
Mr. B listens to everyone carefully and shares his thoughts about changing the packaging too.
Mr. C agrees and informs that he will discuss with design team and share the appropriate designs with
everyone soon.
The meeting concluded with few ideas that everyone is ready to explore and implement.
MTP 2022
The Question paper comprises of 5 questions of 10 Marks each. Question 1 is compulsory. Out of 2 to 5,
attempt any three.
Question 1
(a) Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:
Motivations for ruralism in the under developed countries are understandably different from
those in developed countries. There, it is a sheer physical necessity for the very act of man’s
survival. In the Third World countries, which are predominantly rural, the only lever that can life
human life above its present subhuman level, is rural development. Rural life for such countries
has been stagnating for countries on end. Nothing worthwhile has been done to ameliorate the
conditions of the rural population which is only slightly different from that of their quadruped
counterparts. Ignorance, ill health and poverty have become synonyms of rural life in the
undeveloped and underdeveloped countries. Probably, we need to work on these reasons and help
these countries grow up their economy.
But the worst tragedy is that the concerned human populations have taken this state of affairs for
granted, as something unalterable, something for which there is no remedy. Every ray of hope has
gone out of their lives. There seems to be no motivation. In such countries, rural development is
the inevitable condition of any material or nonmaterial advancement. Also the enlightened
sections of all such countries have been taking ever growing interest in the question of rural
development. This was also part of the legacy of their freedom struggle. In countries like India, it is
well known that attempts at rural development were an inseparable part of the Independence
movement. Leaders like Gandhiji realised quite well that real India lived in her stagnating villages.
Cities, which were mostly the products of Western colonialism, were just artificial showpieces.
Even there, it was like two worlds. The posh areas, where the affluent few, mostly the products
and custodians of imperial interest lived, were little islands engulfed by the vast majority of
1. What according to the author is the worst tragedy? (1 Mark)
2. How do you know that rural development was part of India’s freedom struggle? (1 Mark)
3. Choose a suitable synonym for the word ameliorate as used in the 5th line, para 1. (1 Mark)
(a) Worsen
(b) Improve
(c) Distance
(d) Make fun of
4. What have become the common synonyms of rural life in the undeveloped and
underdeveloped countries? (1 Mark)
5. ‘The posh areas, where the affluent few,’ what does the word ‘affluent’ refer to? Explain in one
line. (1 Mark)
(b) Read the following passage
Nearly 41% of the Indian population is employed in agriculture while its contribution to the GDP is
around 18% . This means that more people are engaged in agriculture and hence the per capita
income decreases. In economic terms, it is known as disguised unemployment where too many
people are filling too few jobs. To address this, we need to shift the excess people from agriculture
to other economic activities. This will translate to job creation that will not be restricted only to
large metros but will also make the rural economy self-sufficient and resilient.
Focus on handicrafts, food-processing, MSME and skill development is required. MSME can be the
backbone as well as a stepping stone towards further industrialisation. Paintings, hand-made
soaps, wooden toys, and bamboo products are in huge demand both domestically and
internationally as people shun toxic materials. As for the price, large scale manufacturing and
supply chain management can help reduce the cost.
Migrant labour from eastern India forms the majority of industrial and agricultural labour. As a
result, brain and labour drain in the source regions is affecting development. Reverse migration of
labour will help regenerate agriculture in eastern India. This will require institutional as well as
technological intervention. As landholdings are small, using technology in farming is not
remunerative for small and marginal farmers. The Government should promote cooperative
farming and consolidate landholdings.
(i) Make notes, sub headings, abbreviations, wherever necessary giving a suitable title.
(3 Marks)
(ii) Write a summary (2 Marks)
Question 2
(a) Define effective Communication. List at least 4 characteristics of effective communication.
(2 Marks)
(i) Choose the suitable synonym for the given word: (1 Mark)
1. Rude
2. Wise
3. Strong
4. Careless
(ii) Choose the most suitable antonym for the given word: (1 Mark)
1. Hostile
2. Regretful
3. Capable
4. Delicate
The lawyer said to the accused, ‘You should speak the truth’. (1 Mark)
(c) Write a Précis and also give an appropriate title for the passage given below. (5 marks)
Speech is a great blessing but it can also be a great curse for while it helps us to make our
intentions and desires known to our fellows, it can also, if we use it carelessly, make our attitude
completely misunderstood. A slip of the tongue, the use of an unusual word, or of an ambiguous
word, and so on, may create an enemy where we had hoped to win a friend.
Again, different classes of people use different vocabularies, and the ordinary speech of an
educated man may strike an uneducated listener as pompous. Unwittingly, we may use a word
which bears a different meaning to our listener from what it does to men of our own class. Thus,
speech is not a gift to use lightly without thought, but one which demands careful handling. Only a
fool will express alike to all kinds and conditions of men.
Question 3
(a) What are the barriers in communication? (2 Marks)
(i) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word. (1 Mark)
1. Relevance
2. Special
3. Disaster
4. Award
(ii) Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word (1 Mark)
1. Condemn
2. Improve
3. Mix
4. Rescue
Mother said to Raju, ‘Would you come to the shop with me?’ (1 Mark)
(c) You are a student of Vidyamandir Public School. You School hosted a literary festival where other
schools of the city also participated. Events included debates, storytelling, essay writing etc. Draft a
report stating the details of the events to be published in the School Literary magazine .
(5 Marks)
Question 4
(a) Discuss Formal Communication and its types. (2 Marks)
(i) Change the following sentence into indirect speech (3 Marks)
Rashmi said, ‘These grapes look sweet’
(c) As the Head of the Human Resource (Amit/Amita Khurana) at Surya Private limited, draft a
circular informing all HR personnel of your organization to attend a meeting late evening to
discuss the visit of Managing Director in the company and give necessary suggestions to plan his
You are Raghav/Rashmi, Senior Manager, Aztec Technologies. Write a formal e-mail to Mr. Ajay
Khanna informing him about his selection for ‘Associate Consultant’.
(5 Marks)
Question 5
(a) Explain the term ‘chain of command’ in communication. (2 Marks)
(b) Select the correct meaning of idioms/phrases given below:
(i) Comparing oranges to apples (1 Mark)
1. Disliking everything
2. Comparing two different things that cannot be compared
3. To give incorrect answers
4. Inability to work
(iv) Choose the word that best expresses the meaning of the given word: (1 Mark)
1. Allow
2. Withdraw
3. Strike back
4. Remove
(c) You are Krishna/Kaveri, sales Head of New Zone Machinery, Hyderabad. You wish to thank Agro
Associates, Vijaywada for giving you a bulk order for agriculture machinery. Write a formal letter
dated 13th April 2022, addressed to Manager, Accounts department. Include a list of items to be
delivered. (Trolley pump, Seed drill, Mini sprayer, Trailer sprayer) (4 Marks)