Mother Article
Mother Article
Mother Article
Journal of Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy 2019; 8: 64–71
© 2019 The Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy Research Paper
JAASP 2019; 8: 64–71
(Carlos et al., 2016). the population of Towerville using 95% Confidence level and
This study aimed to determine the knowledge, attitude and 8% margin of error. The sampling size were 153 residents.
practices on the use of antimicrobials among residents in In recruiting the respondents who participated in the study,
Towerville Phase 5, Barangay Minuyan, San Jose Del Monte, the researchers selected based on the accessibility of the
Bulacan. The research setting is an adopted community of respondents. This can cause bias, hence, the selection was
the Integrated Community Extension Services (ICES) of equally distributed in the different areas of the community in
Adamson University which reaches to marginalized order to reduce the bias.
communities to fulfill its mission to help the poor. The
study serves as basis to develop and implement healthcare 2.4. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
programs in this community. The participants of this study were people in the age
This study will help in the analysis of the prevention of group of 18 years old and above considering that they have
AMR by assessing the perception of the residents of the used antimicrobial at least once. The participants were
community of Towerville in terms of their knowledge, residing at Towerville Phase-5, Barangay Minuyan. Lastly,
attitude and practices on their use of antimicrobial agents. all respondents were willing to participate in this study.
This will serve as a reference and help the local leaders and
health care providers to educate the community on the 2.5. Reliability Test and Pre-Test
rational use of antimicrobials and create action plans to The researchers used Cronbach alpha analysis to
combat AMR, thus will be beneficial to the community. determine the reliability of the questionnaire. With a pilot
survey of 15 participants, the analysis measured the interval
2. Methodology consistency of the survey. The qualifications of respondents
who participated in the Pilot study was also similar to the
2.1. Research Design inclusion criteria of the respondents in the actual study. A
This descriptive study utilized a validated survey Cronbach’s Alpha of greater than 0.80 was considered ‘good’
questionnaire that was adapted from an unpublished local and supported the reliability of the instrument. The overall
study of Centro Escolar University– Manila entitled result that was generated was 0.8095. Pilot survey was
“Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on the Use of conducted to examine the feasibility of an approach that is
Antimicrobial of Teaching and Non-teaching personnel of intended for the entire sample size. Changes were applied for
Centro Escolar University– Manila” in order to gather the any probable problems of the questions or questions about
data regarding their use of antimicrobials. instrument.
Perlita M. Crucis et al.
JAASP 2019; 8: 64–71
Table 2. Knowledge on the Use of Antimicrobials of Residents in Towerville Phase 5, Barangay Minuyan, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan,
Perlita M. Crucis et al.
Table 3. Attitude on the Use of Antimicrobials of Residents in Towerville Phase 5, Barangay Minuyan, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan,
JAASP 2019; 8: 64–71
Table 4. Practices on the Use of Antimicrobials of Residents in Towerville Phase 5, Barangay Minuyan, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan,
Perlita M. Crucis et al.
Table 5. Relationship of the Respondents' Demographics and their Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices on the Use of Antimicrobials.
3.5. Relationship of the respondents’ demographics and be explained by Reasoned Action theory which states that a
knowledge, attitude, and practices towards antimicrobial person’s intention to a specific behavior is determined by the
use person’s belief that a given outcome will occur if he will
Based on Table 5, there is no significant relationship perform the behavior. In relation to this study, the practices
between the respondents’ demographics and their knowledge, of the community related to antibiotic use were dependent on
attitude and practices on the use of antimicrobials since the their knowledge in this aspect.
p-value is > α = 0.05 for it to be considered to have significant The results showed only 97% of the respondents had a
relationship. It shows that results revealed to be independent poor knowledge on antimicrobials. The high percentage of
regardless of the demographic profile of the respondents. the respondents failed to recognize the proper indication of
Several factors can be correlated as to why it shows no antimicrobials. In contrary to this, the respondents have
significant relationship. One of the factors was that the positive attitude on antimicrobials. They may lack awareness
respondents may have similar behavior since they belong to regarding the use of antimicrobials but showed positive
one community. People tend to adapt the habits of other beliefs on the course of treatment for antimicrobials.
individuals surrounding them. Moreover, the community of The results revealed that 64% of the respondents exhibited
Towerville is composed of relocated families from Metro a positive attitude towards the use of antimicrobials.
Manila that specify that the respondents may have similar Regardless of the positive attitude on antimicrobial use, the
way of living. result showed they have poor practice. They are hierarchical
in a sense that knowledge influences the development of
4. Discussion
attitude, and attitude influences the practice. However, there
The study shows that 64.71% of the respondents’ is a gap that shows struggle in some developing countries
exhibited poor practice on antibiotic use that results to since respondents shows positive attitude but have poor
information on the respondent’s behavior on what they know, practice. This can be explained that despite being mindful
which can be validated by weak correlation (r = 0.026) about the correct attitude, people weren’t able to apply it into
between knowledge and practice on the use of antibiotics of practice due to some factors like financial incapacity of the
the community as shown in this study. This weak correlation respondents. (Ibrahim et al., 2018).
between the two; poor knowledge results to poor practice can
JAASP 2019; 8: 64–71