Adam2002 04 06 2022
Adam2002 04 06 2022
Adam2002 04 06 2022
Invited Paper
Abstract—The development and current status of microwave to improve their performance. Over the last 50 years, many
ferrite technology is reviewed in this paper. An introduction to the devices have been developed across the microwave spectrum
physics and fundamentals of key ferrite devices is provided, fol- for a wide range of power levels and are now commercially
lowed by a historical account of the development of ferrimagnetic
spinel and garnet (YIG) materials. Key ferrite components, i.e., cir- available. However, many challenges remain to be addressed if
culators and isolators, phase shifters, tunable filters, and nonlinear this body of knowledge is to be extended to meet demands for
devices are also discussed separately. miniaturization, broader relative bandwidths, higher operating
Index Terms—Ferrite circulators, ferrite isolators, ferrite mate- frequencies, and reduced costs.
rials, ferrite phase shifters, YIG filters, YIG limiters. The study of ferrite devices has advanced our knowledge
of microwave circuit theory. Hogan [12] realized the first
microwave gyrator. Using classical group theory and the scat-
tering matrix theory developed in the 1940s, Carlin [14], [15]
emphasizing various contexts followed as the evolution pro- By the 1970s, many of the important advances in bulk ce-
gressed [2], [61]–[65]. This brief summary focuses on the ramic ferrites had taken place. However, for high-power wave-
ferrite materials work that has directly enabled advances in guide phase shifters, two problems remained. As with the Ni
microwave device technology over the past 50 years. spinels, the hysteresis loops of the garnets were too stress sen-
In the 1950s, the spinel families underwent intensive develop- sitive for latching operation, and the MgMn ferrites were too
ment. Prominent among these compounds were nickel (Ni) fer- temperature sensitive for high power. Temme’s group at the MIT
rite with zinc and aluminum magnetic dilutants and magnesium Lincoln Laboratory (LL) found workable solutions through col-
(Mg) ferrite with aluminum dilutant. The dielectric-loss proper- laborations with industry: Trans-Tech reduced the stress sensi-
ties of the Ni group were superior to the Mg group, but hysteresis tivity in the garnets by Mn substitutions [83], and Ampex imple-
loops lacked the squareness desired for latching devices because mented bismuth oxide as a sintering aid to densify the tempera-
of magnetoelastic effects. The dielectric loss in Mg ferrite was ture-stable lithium (Li) spinel ferrite system [84]. Another pro-
reduced by Van Uitert at BTL [66] through the suppression of gram with Trans-Tech produced low-cost ferrite toroids for the
electron hopping by adding manganese (Mn) [67], thereby in- waveguide phase shifters of the Aegis and Patriot radars [85].
spiring the creation of the useful MgMn family. The hysteresis During the decade, advances in the physics of ferrite proper-
loop problem of Ni ferrite was solved later by Mn additions, but ties continued despite a declining demand for microwave mag-
for reasons related to magnetostriction [68]. netic technology. Dionne at the MIT LL extended the multiple
In Grenoble, France, in 1956, Bertaut and his colleagues syn- sublattice theory of ferrimagnetism to include magnetic dilu-
thesized the rare-earth iron garnets and analyzed their magnetic tion by correcting for spin-canting effects, and computer pro-
characteristics [69]. These findings were quickly replicated and grams were created to predict the thermomagnetic characteris-
refined by Geller and Gilleo at BTL [70], and then expanded tics of a wide range of rare-earth garnet [86] and the lithium
to form a base of crystallographic and magnetic data for most spinel compositions [87]. The theory guided the development of
of the known garnet compounds, the most important of which new compounds, e.g., the calcium–vanadium–indium (CaVIn)
was yttrium–iron garnet (YIG). By the end of the decade, both low-linewidth ceramic garnets studied initially at Philips [88]
the spinel and garnet systems were becoming available to mi- and Raytheon [89], and also aided in the design of epitaxial
crowave device engineers. garnet films for “bubble” memories and isolators for fiber-op-
During the 1950s and 1960s, when military needs for tical systems.
high-power phased-array radar with ferrite phase shifters were By the 1980s, conventional ferrites used in microwave
receiving great attention, magnetic loss caused by nonlinear devices had reached maturity. Garnets with their superior
spin-wave generation above an RF power threshold presented a dielectric properties had found favor between and band;
challenging problem. Theoretical analyses of the phenomenon spinels with their higher magnetization capability could also
by Suhl at BTL [71] and Schloemann at the Raytheon Research find application up to -band. Although the microwave
Division [72] enabled device designers to avoid catastrophic losses of the hexaferrites have been too high for most practical
losses by informed selection of the ferrite composition and op- devices, efficient 35-GHz self-biased circulators employing
erating conditions. Raising of the peak power thresholds could oriented M-type barium–strontium ferrite were demonstrated
be accomplished by increasing average power losses through at the MIT LL [90].
small concentrations of fast-relaxing ions. The broadening of During this decade, semiconductor transmit/receive (T/R)
ferrimagnetic resonance lines of polycrystals caused by mag- modules were replacing the waveguide ferrite phase shifters
netocrystalline anisotropy [73] and nonmagnetic inclusions, as the basic element for electronically steerable phased-array
e.g., porosity [74], was also examined. Patton at Raytheon [28] radars. As ferrite applications began to reach into the mil-
and Vrehen at Philips [75] applied these concepts to define the limeter-wave bands where ferrites still had an advantage
“effective” linewidth of polycrystals for off-resonance condi- in power handling, the emphasis in bulk ferrites shifted to
tions. The limits of intrinsic linewidths of single-crystal garnet high-magnetization Ni and Li spinel diluted with zinc. In the
were investigated at BTL [76]. Rado at the Naval Research standard microwave bands, microstrip and stripline circulators
Laboratory investigated microwave propagation in partially for integration with the T/R modules were emphasized. Film
magnetized ferrites [77], and Green and Sandy at Raytheon deposition of ferrites grew in importance as miniaturization,
later reported extensive characterizations of their microwave hybrid structures, and monolithic circuits were added to the
magnetic properties [26], [27]. ferrite lexicon.
Important advances in basic magnetic theory and properties Efforts in these directions continued through the 1990s, but
relevant to ferrites were also achieved during these early years. seemed to result in more challenges identified than problems
The ferrimagnetic resonance relations for anisotropic single solved. As a partner in a Defense Advanced Research Projects
crystals were derived at BTL [78], the anisotropy of YIG as a Agency (DARPA)-sponsored industrial consortium, Westing-
function of temperature was measured at Harvard University house deposited microwave-quality polycrystalline ferrite on
[79], and comprehensive theoretical analyses of the anisotropy semiconductor substrates [91]. The main problems are thermal
from multiple magnetic sublattices were carried out at Osaka expansion mismatches between film and substrate and the
[80] and Harvard universities [81]. These contributions influ- need for post-deposition annealing to crystallize amorphous
enced the development single-crystal garnet spheres at BTL phases. The use of -axis oriented -type hexaferrites for
[82] needed for magnetically tunable filters that were based on millimeter-wave self-biased circulators has been hindered for
the narrow resonance lines. similar reasons, but also because of the higher microwave loss
[92] that may be fundamental to the electronic structure of order to control the voltage standing-wave ratio (VSWR) seen
the metal ions in the ferrite. Most recently, however, a team at by the high-power amplifier at the output of the transmitter, and
Northeastern University reported the epitaxial deposition of also to control undesirable reflections from the receive antenna
hexaferrite thick films for phase-shifter applications [93]. array. In this case, isolators rather than circulators are required.
At the MIT LL, ferrite requirements have been defined for These isolators can be made by connecting a matched load to
cryogenic microstrip devices that exploit the low-conduction one of the ports of a circulator, but under some conditions, a
loss of superconductor circuits [94]. Los Alamos National Lab- “dedicated” isolator design may be preferable, as further dis-
oratory has reported deposition of epitaxial high-temperature cussed below.
superconductor films on ceramic garnet substrates using ion- The literature on microwave circulators and isolators is too
beam-assisted deposition (IBAD) [95]. Among the materials is- extensive to be reviewed in detail in this short summary. For de-
sues remains the quest for single-crystal and epitaxial ferrite that tails, see the books devoted to this subject [1], [96]–[98], an ex-
meet microwave device requirements. cellent annotated bibliography [99], recent review papers [100],
As this new century begins, the world of nanotechnology [101], and the other cited references.
appears to offer little room for the micrometer dimensions of
ferrite crystallites. Nonetheless, microwaves and the nonrecip- B. Principles of Operation, Circulators
rocal propagation property of magnetized ferrite seem funda-
All circulators have at least three ports. The three-port cir-
mentally linked for eternity. For the foreseeable future, it ap-
culator is the most frequently used type of circulator. The dis-
pears that the goals of ferrite materials development will remain,
cussion in this paper, therefore, focuses on three-port circula-
i.e., crystal perfection; chemical purity, homogeneity, and de-
tors and, in particular, on “symmetric” three-port circulators (in
sign accuracy; the continued development of low-cost film de-
which all three ports are equivalent). Other types of circulators
position processes for compatible precision interfacing with dis-
are mentioned only briefly. The scattering matrix theory [102],
similar materials; and the reduction of microwave loss.
[103] provides a convenient and general method of character-
izing all circulators.
Detailed design theories for circulators have been developed
III. CIRCULATORS AND ISOLATORS primarily for rectangular waveguide, stripline, microstrip line,
and image guide. Here, we focus on circulators in stripline or
A. Purpose and Function
microstrip line because these devices are used most often in
In microwave systems that use a single antenna aperture for practice. Bosma’s seminal work [36] established, for the first
both sending and receiving, the function of circulators is pri- time, how a Green’s function derived from Maxwell’s equations
marily to facilitate the routing of outgoing and incoming signals could be used to predict circulator performance. The theory is
to the transmitter or receiver as appropriate. This is illustrated in based on the assumption of “magnetic-wall” boundary condi-
Fig. 6, which shows a schematic diagram of a phased-array an- tions at the edge of the metallization that defines the stripline or
tenna module using a switchable circulator in addition to an or- microstrip circulator. The magnetic-wall boundary conditions
dinary (nonswitchable) circulator. The module also contains two are very plausible for thin ferrite substrates (thickness junc-
T/R switches. Their function can also be satisfied by two fur- tion disc radius), but are by no means rigorously valid, as em-
ther circulators, but switches are generally preferred in these lo- phasized by Latrach et al. [104]. If these boundary conditions
cations because of cost and size considerations. Circulators and are valid, the electromagnetic field in the circulator junction
isolators are made possible by the nonreciprocal character of the can be shown to consist of an -field normal to the plane of
microwave behavior of ferrites (and certain other materials). the device ( -direction) and an -field in the plane of the de-
In microwave systems that use separate antenna apertures for vice ( - and -components). Bosma derived a Green’s function
sending and receiving, nonreciprocal devices are required in , which relates the -field at any point in the
In the edge-mode isolator geometry, radiation loss due to In nonreciprocal devices based on ferrite films of relatively
excitation of quasi-static interface waves occurs at the side modest thickness, the ohmic loss due to the finite conductivity
faces of the ferrite substrate, where the ferrite/dielectric inter- of the metal layers of the device become a significant or even
face is parallel to the bias field direction. A straightforward dominating part of the total loss. Neidert and Philips [120], and
analysis [109]–[111] shows that these interfaces will support How et al. [121]–[123] have described detailed analyses and
propagating quasi-static waves in the frequency range below supporting experimental data concerning this effect.
. Since the unexplained loss evident in Fig. 7 occurs The size of stripline, microstrip, and waveguide circulators
at frequencies less than , it appears that radiation loss alone is generally comparable to the electromagnetic wavelength,
cannot provide an adequate explanation. One must also take and they are analyzed using field theory. By contrast, so-called
account of the fact that the measurements were made under lumped-element circulators can be very small compared to the
conditions in which the bias field is strongly inhomogeneous. electromagnetic wavelength, and they are analyzed using a
In conventional bias magnets, the external magnetic field can circuit theory approach. Building on earlier work [124], [125],
be made very homogeneous, but the internal magnetic field in Miura et al. [126] have recently described an improved method
the ferrite substrates is necessarily inhomogeneous, especially of optimizing circulators based on the lumped-element design.
near the edges of the ferrite substrates. This is due to the de- Dionne et al. [127] have investigated the integration of
magnetizing field, which is approximately equal to the satura- superconductive materials with ferrites in microwave devices
tion magnetization in the interior of the ferrite substrate (for and have demonstrated the feasibility of a switchable circulator
thin substrates), but only one-half as large near the perimeter. based on this technology. The circulator most suitable for this
For optimal performance, the external magnetic field has to be application is the “ring network circulator,” which is based on
adjusted to a value at which the internal field in the interior is the same principles as the meander-line phase shifters discussed
small, but positive to avoid low-field loss. The bias field near in Section IV [128], [129].
the substrate perimeter is then characterized by . Although ferrites are most frequently used nonreciprocal ma-
Hence, the onset frequency for low-frequency radiation loss is terial for circulators, other materials can also satisfy this func-
approximately equal to in this case. With tion. Davis et al. [130], [131] have demonstrated the feasibility
careful design of the bias magnet, the internal magnetic field of circulators at millimeter-wavelengths, based on Y-junctions,
can be made substantially homogeneous (by placing high-per- where the junction area is filled with a semiconductor material
meability pole pieces close to the ferrite substrate). The onset that is exposed to a magnetic bias field. Other types of semi-
frequency for low-frequency radiation loss is then reduced to conductor circulators are based on the transistor effect and do
. not require a magnetic bias field. Tanaka et al. [132] originally
proposed this type of circulator, and Ayasli [133] has further de-
E. Recent Developments veloped it. Carchon and Nauwelaers [134] have calculated the
theoretical power and noise limitations of such circulators.
The Faraday effect (see Section I) is a fundamental prop-
erty of ferrite materials that are magnetized parallel to the di-
rection of propagation. This effect can be used to achieve cir- IV. FERRITE PHASE SHIFTERS
culator action in a quasi-optical geometry, which is especially Ferrite phase shifters generally take advantage of the ability
useful for millimeter-wave applications. By combining a ferrite to control the permeability of a waveguiding medium to vary
disc with suitable polarization filters, a four-port circulator has the phase velocity of a microwave signal passing through it. In
been demonstrated to have very low insertion loss and superior most cases, the change in permeability changes the phase ve-
power-handling capability [113]–[116]. locity and, therefore, the insertion phase. In a few cases, such
Circulators and isolators usually require a bias magnet to as in the rotary field phase shifter, the orientation of the internal
operate satisfactorily. However, some materials of the -type magnetization controls the phase shift.
hexaferrite family mentioned in Section II can be used without
a bias magnet because these materials behave like permanent
A. Classification
magnets themselves [117].
The integration of ferrite devices with integrated circuits Ferrite phase shifters can be classified in several different
based on semiconductor technology poses very challenging ways as follows.
problems because the deposition of ferrite films generally • Reciprocal versus nonreciprocal: The phase shift in a re-
requires much higher temperatures than can be tolerated by ciprocal phase shifter is the same for signals propagating
semiconductor substrates. Adam et al. [118] have described a in either direction. It is different in the two directions in
process by which ferrite circulators can be integrated monolith- nonreciprocal types.
ically with monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) • Driven versus latching: Driven phase shifters require con-
on GaAs substrates. In an alternative approach, single-crystal tinuous control current. Latched types have a closed mag-
films of YIG, deposited on GGG substrates, can be bonded to netic path and require only a momentary pulse of current
silicon at 195 C [119]. The GGG substrate is subsequently to store a phase command.
removed and a patterned metal circuit is generated at the YIG • Analog versus digital: Analog types allow the insertion
surface, resulting in an integrated circulator at -band with a phase to be continuously varied by an external control cur-
1-GHz bandwidth. rent. Digital types generally comprise cascaded discrete
B. Phase-Shifter Types
Reggia and Spencer [135] described one of the first practical Fig. 10. Dual-mode phase shifter (from [142]). (a) Basic concept of dual-mode
ferrite phase shifters. It consists of a longitudinally magnetized phaser. (b) Dual-mode phaser configuration.
ferrite rod in a waveguide. It is reciprocal, and the magnetizing
solenoid, as shown in Fig. 8, must be driven continuously [136]. wave through a longitudinally magnetized ferrite rod. Fixed per-
A latching version was described later [137]. manent magnets applied to the ferrite sections at the ends of
Clavin investigated slabs mounted against the sidewalls of the device form nonreciprocal quarter-wave plates that convert
rectangular waveguide [138]. Another approach, using trans- a linearly polarized input wave to a circularly polarized wave.
versely magnetized ferrites, evolved into the twin-slab design. Phase shift is controlled by varying the current through a sole-
When the two slabs were joined by a magnetic path forming a noid coil on the central phase-shifting section. This phase shift
closed toroid, as shown in Fig. 9, this device became latchable is inherently nonreciprocal, but since the end polarizers reverse
[139], [140]. Here, a magnetizing current was passed through a the sense of circular polarization for the two propagation direc-
wire running down the center of the toroid. Early designs used tions, the overall device is reciprocal.
discrete phase shift sections in 180 /90 /45 increments. Later The rotary field phase shifter in Fig. 11 has a similar appear-
devices used incremental adjustments of the remanent magne- ance to the dual mode, but operates on a very different prin-
tization to produce different amounts of phase shift in a single ciple [143]. Again, nonreciprocal polarizers convert linear po-
device. Much greater phase shift is achieved by placing high di- larized RF into circular polarized waves. The phase-shifting sec-
electric-constant material between the slabs. A properly chosen tion of ferrite is magnetized transversely by currents in a set of
dielectric slab draws the RF fields into the region around the two motor-like windings. The coil currents are adjusted to maintain
slabs. The twin toroid design has a dielectric slab between a pair in the ferrite a saturated region that can be rotated around the rod
of single toroids to serve the same purpose [141]. Two magne- axis. This provides the electrical analog of the mechanically ro-
tizing wires are needed to thread the two toroids, but they avoid tatable phase shifting section in a Fox phase shifter [144]. The
coupling to the strong RF fields in the center of the device. insertion phase varies at twice the rotation angle of the saturated
The dual-mode phase shifter, shown in Fig. 10, follows a region, giving twice as much phase shift per unit length as the
somewhat different path [142]. The main phase-shifting sec- dual-mode type. The phase shift is in principle only a function
tion is circular, and the RF propagates as a circularly polarized of the rotation angle of the internal magnetic field. In addition,
Fig. 12. TEM phase shifters. Machined ceramic (left-hand side) (from [145]), and LTCC (right-hand side), as described by Stitzer [57].
the ferrite is always saturated, resulting in more uniform inser- The higher insertion loss inherent in TEM devices has been
tion loss over all phase angles. significantly reduced by combining superconducting transmis-
Various TEM phase shifters have been described. Simon et al. sion lines with the meander-line approach [148], illustrated in
[145] described a ferrite-filled stripline device in which the dc Fig. 13.
magnetization was switched between a state transverse to the
C. Applications
RF magnetic field and a longitudinal state (see Fig. 12). Indi-
vidual phase bits were used. A more recent version [57] used The main use of ferrite phase shifters is in phased-array an-
low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) techniques to mini- tenna systems. The direction of a beam radiated by an array of
mize air gaps between the ferrite and the conductors, and in- elements in a linear array can be steered by inserting a different
tegrated the coil windings with the structure. Continuous varia- phase shift in each radiator’s feed. A phase control range of only
tion of the phase shift was achieved by incremental rotation of 360 is required, but that full 360 range is required regardless
the internal remanent magnetization between the two extreme of the scan angle.
orientations. The choice of phase shifter type is dictated by the following.
A meander line can be used to enhance the phase shift by • Frequency: TEM devices are better suited to lower fre-
generating a circularly polarized RF magnetic field around quencies. Waveguides containing simple ferrite shapes
the center conductor [146]. Other workers have investigated such as rods are easier to fabricate with the high precision
ferrite-filled TEM lines with continuously driven coils [147]. needed for the small sizes required at higher frequencies.
Fig. 16. Frequency response of an FSL, and input and output power spectra, from multiple weak and strong signals, showing the frequency selectivity inherent
in YIG limiters.
Oscillators tunable over 33–50 GHz have been demonstrated loaded in this situation. An ordinary diode limiter placed in front
[153]. -type hexagonal ferrites have a large anisotropy field of a wide-band receiver to limit the high-level signals, will at-
of kOe, and have been applied to tunable filters tenuate all signals by the same amount. A frequency-selective
operating at 60 GHz and above [154], where a 50% reduction limiter (FSL) is defined as one that can attenuate strong signals
in magnet power was achieved. without attenuating other weaker signals present simultaneously
The negative permeability shown by ferrite materials at (Fig. 16).
frequencies higher than the fmr frequency enables wave Most microwave FSLs utilize the frequency-selective nature
propagation in structures with arbitrary small cross section of a magnetized ferrite. Above a critical RF magnetic-field level,
over limited frequency ranges. These are referred to as MSWs the spin precession angle can increase no further, and coupling
since the electric-field contribution is negligibly small. Initial to higher order spin waves begins to grow exponentially. Energy
theoretical and experimental studies of MSW propagation is efficiently coupled to spin waves at approximately one-half
in single-crystal YIG have been published [155], [156]. The the signal frequency and then into lattice vibrations (heat) in the
theory was extended to planar epitaxial YIG films spaced ferrite. This mechanism has been analyzed [164] and character-
from conducting ground planes in [157] and analysis of MSW ized for the following three different modes.
transduction into YIG films was presented in [112]. Further 1) “Premature decline” refers to the apparent drop in perme-
experimental and theoretical developments are reviewed in ability when the precession angle saturates.
several papers and books [158]–[160]. An example of a simple 2) A “subsidiary resonance” can be induced, which produces
MSW device is shown in Fig. 15. Significant interest in MSW an additional absorption band away from the normal fmr.
propagation in epitaxial YIG films arose because of the po- 3) A “coincidence limiter” is one in which the fmr coincides
tential for analog signal processing at microwave frequencies with the subsidiary resonance.
similar to that performed by surface acoustic wave (SAW) The limiting threshold is generally highest in the subsidiary res-
devices at lower frequencies [161]. However, although the onance type and is lowest in the coincidence type. An early re-
feasibility of many devices were demonstrated [162], none view of ferrite power limiters has been given in [165].
achieved the performance improvements necessary to replace The threshold power ranges from tenths of milliwatts for YIG
incumbent SAW, YIG sphere, and rapidly developing digital spheres in coincidence limiters [166] to tens of watts for poly-
approaches. crystalline ferrite in subsidiary resonance devices [167]. In any
The potential for narrow-band tunable filters with very low mode, the critical field strength is proportional to the spinwave
loss has led to studies of high-temperature superconducting fil- linewidth of the ferrite. YIG has the narrowest known
ters tuned by ferrites [163]. However, reductions in the ferrite linewidth, on the order of 0.2 Oe for single crystals. The effec-
loss at cryogenic temperatures are required for demonstration tive value of for polycrystalline ceramic ferrites is typi-
of practical devices. cally in the tens of oersteds. These are used in high-power re-
ceiver protectors [168] to prevent burnout.
VI. NONLINEAR MAGNETIC MICROWAVE DEVICES Ferrite FSLs have been realized in a variety of transmis-
EW systems are required to work in a high-signal density en- sion-line structures. Threshold power usually has to be traded
vironment and receivers and signal processors are easily over- off for bandwidth [169]. Nonresonant stripline formed directly
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[48] Y. Ayasli, “Analysis of wide-band circulators by integral equations Rev., vol. 73, pp. 155–161, 1948.
technique,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-28, pp. [79] G. P. Rodrigue, H. Meyer, and R. V. Jones, “Resonance measurements
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[49] T. Mayoshi and S. Miyauchi, “The design of planar circulators for [80] K. Yosida and M. Tachiki, “On the origin of the magnetic anisotropy of
wide-band operation,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. ferrites,” Prog. Theor. Phys., vol. 17, pp. 331–358, 1957.
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[50] J. Helszajn, “Contour integration formulation of complex admittance of anisotropy,” Phys. Rev., vol. 108, pp. 1152–1157, 1957.
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pt. H, vol. 132, no. 7, pp. 255–260, 1985. yttrium–gallium garnets,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 31, pp. 51S–53S, 1960.
[51] G. Miacchiarella et al., “A method for investigating a class of inhomoge- [83] G. F. Dionne, “Elimination of stress effects on remanence ratios of cubic
neous stripline circulators,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. magnetic materials,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. MAG-7, pp. 715–717,
45, pp. 294–297, Feb. 1997. Sept. 1971.
[52] J. Helszajn, “Fabrication of very weakly and weakly magnetised mi- [84] P. D. Baba, G. M. Argentina, W. E. Courtney, G. F. Dionne, and D.
crostrip circulators,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 46, pp. H. Temme, “Fabrication and properties of microwave lithium ferrites,”
439–449, May 1998. IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. MAG-8, pp. 83–94, Mar. 1972.
[53] L. E. Davis and D. B. Sillars, “Millimetric nonreciprocal coupled-slot [85] R. L. Huntt, R. G. West, and A. C. Blankenship, “Development of low
finline components,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. cost ferrite parts for phasers and microwave integrated circuits,” Amer.
MTT-34, pp. 804–808, July 1986. Ceram. Soc. Bull., vol. 51, p. 652, 1972.
[54] J. Mazur and M. Mrozowski, “On the mode coupling in longitudinally [86] G. F. Dionne, “Molecular-field coefficients of substituted yttrium iron
magnetised waveguiding structures,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory garnets,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 41, pp. 4874–4881, 1970.
Tech., vol. 37, pp. 159–164, Jan. 1989. [87] , “Molecular-field coefficients of Ti - and Zn -substituted
[55] C. S. Teoh and L. E. Davis, “Normal mode analysis of ferrite-coupled lithium ferrites,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 45, pp. 3621–3626, 1974.
lines using microstrips or slotlines,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory [88] G. Winkler and P. Hansen, “Calcium–vanadium–indium substituted
Tech., vol. 43, pp. 2991–2998, Dec. 1995. yttrium–iron garnets with very low linewidths of ferrimagnetic reso-
[56] K. Xie and L. E. Davis, “Nonreciprocity and the optimum operation of nance,” Mater. Res. Bull., vol. 4, pp. 825–838, 1969.
ferrite coupled lines,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 48, pp. [89] H. J. Van Hook and F. Euler, “Anisotropy linebroadening in polycrys-
562–573, Apr. 2000. talline V-In substituted YIG,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 40, pp. 4001–4005,
[57] S. N. Stitzer, “Modeling a stripline ferrite phase shifter,” in IEEE MTT-S 1969.
Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., vol. 2, 1997, pp. 1117–1120. [90] J. A. Weiss, N. G. Watson, and G. F. Dionne, “New uniaxial-ferrite
[58] B. M. Dillon and A. A. P. Gibson, “Microwave and thermal analysis of millimeter-wave junction circulators,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave
a high power ferrite phase shifter,” IEEE Trans. Magn., to be published. Symp. Dig., 1989, pp. 145–148.
[59] J. L. Snoek, New Developments in Ferromagnetic [91] H. Buhay, J. D. Adam, M. R. Daniel, N. J. Doyle, M. C. Driver, G.
Materials. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 1947. W. Eldridge, M. H. Hanes, R. L. Messham, and M. M. Sopira, “Thick
[60] E. W. Gorter, “Saturation magnetization and crystal chemistry of ferri- yttrium–iron–garnet (YIG) films produced by pulsed laser deposition
magnetic oxides,” Philips Res. Rep., vol. 9, pp. 295–365, 1954. (PLD) for integration applications,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 31, pp.
[61] G. F. Dionne, “A review of ferrites for microwave applications,” Proc. 3832–3834, Nov. 1995.
IEEE, vol. 63, pp. 777–789, May 1975. [92] J. R. Truedson, K. D. McKinstry, R. Karim, and C. E. Patton, “Effec-
[62] C. E. Patton, “Microwave Resonance and Relaxation,” in Magnetic Ox- tive linewidth due to conductivity losses in barium ferrite,” IEEE Trans.
ides. New York: Wiley, 1975, ch. 10. Magn., vol. 28, pp. 3309–3311, Sept. 1992.
[93] S. Oliver, S. D. Yoon, I. Kozulin, P. Shi, X. Zuo, and C. Vittoria, “Sub- [122] H. How et al., “Theory and experiment of thin-film junction circulator,”
stituted barium hexaferrite films for planar integrated phaseshifters,” in IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 46, pp. 1645–1653, Nov.
Proc. Mater. Res. Symp., vol. 603, 2000, pp. 101–105. 1998.
[94] G. F. Dionne, “Properties of ferrites at low temperatures,” J. Appl. Phys., [123] H. How, C. Vittoria, and R. Schmit, “Losses in multiport stripline/mi-
vol. 81, pp. 5064–5069, 1997. crostrip circulators,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 46, pp.
[95] Q. X. Jia, A. T. Findikoglu, P. Arendt, S. R. Foltyn, J. M. Roper, J. R. 543–545, May 1998.
Groves, J. Y. Coulter, Y. Q. Li, and G. F. Dionne, “Superconducting [124] Y. Konishi, “Lumped element Y circulator,” IEEE Trans. Microwave
YBa Cu O thin films on polycrystalline ferrite for magnetically Theory Tech., vol. MTT-13, pp. 852–864, Nov. 1965.
tunable microwave components,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 72, pp. [125] Y. Konishi and N. Noshino, “Design of a new broadband isolator,” IEEE
1763–1765, 1998. Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-19, pp. 260–269, Mar. 1971.
[96] W. H. von Aulock and C. E. Fay, Linear Ferrite Devices for Microwave [126] T. Miura, M. Kobayashi, and Y. Konishi, “Optimization of a lumped el-
Applications. New York: Academic, 1968. ement circulator based on eigenvalue evaluation and structural improve-
[97] J. Helzajn, Nonreciprocal Microwave Junctions and Circulators. New ment,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 44, pp. 2648–2654,
York: Wiley, 1975. 1996.
[98] D. K. Linkhart, Microwave Circulator Design: Artech House Inc., 1989. [127] G. F. Dionne, D. E. Oates, D. H. Temme, and J. A. Weiss, “Ferrite-super-
[99] R. H. Knerr, “An annotated bibliography of microwave circulators conductor devices for advanced microwave applications,” IEEE Trans.
and isolators: 1968–1975,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 44, pp. 1361–1368, 1996.
MTT-23, pp. 818–825, Oct. 1975. [128] J. A. Weiss and G. F. Dionne, “Performance capabilities of the ring net-
[100] E. F. Schloemann, “Circulators for microwave and millimeter-wave in- work circulator for integrated circuits,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave
tegrated circuits,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 76, pp. 188–200, Feb. 1988. Symp. Dig., 1995, pp. 725–728.
[101] , “Miniature circulators,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 25, pp. [129] J. A. Weiss, G. F. Dionne, and D. H. Temme, “The ring network cir-
3236–3241, Sept. 1989. culator for integrated circuits: Theory and experiments,” IEEE Trans.
[102] G. L. Matthaei, L. Young, and E. M. T. Jones, Microwave Filters, Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 43, pp. 2742–2747, Dec. 1995.
Impedance Matching Networks, and Coupling Structures. New York: [130] L. E. Davis and R. Sloan, “Predicted performance of semiconductor
McGraw-Hill, 1964. junction circulators with losses,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.,
[103] K. C. Gupta, R. Garg, and R. Chadha, Computer-Aided Design of Mi- vol. 41, pp. 2243–2247, Dec. 1993.
crowave Circuits. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1981. [131] C. K. Yong, R. Sloan, and L. E. Davis, “A Ka -band indium–antimonide
[104] M. T. Latrach, T. Monediere, and F. Jecko, “A new design of cylindrical junction circulator,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 49, pp.
closed triplate ferrite resonators compared with magnetic wall approxi- 1101–1106, June 2001.
mation,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 26, pp. 2856–2862, Sept. 1990. [132] S. Tanaka, N. Shimomura, and K. Ohtake, “Active circulators—The
[105] Y. S. Wu and F. Rosenbaum, “Wideband operation of microstrip circula- realization of circulators using transistors,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 53, pp.
tors,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-22, pp. 849–856, 260–267, Mar. 1965.
Oct. 1974. [133] Y. Ayasli, “Field effect transistor circulator,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol.
[106] E. Schloemann and R. E. Blight, “Broadband stripline circulators based 25, pp. 3242–3247, May 1989.
on YIG and Li-ferrite single crystals,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory [134] G. Carchon and B. Nauwelaers, “Power and noise limitations of active
Tech., vol. MTT-34, pp. 1394–1400, Dec. 1986. circulators,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 48, pp. 316–319,
[107] D. Polder and J. Smit, “Resonance phenomena in ferrites,” Rev. Mod. Feb. 2000.
Phys., vol. 25, pp. 89–90, 1953. [135] F. Reggia and E. G. Spencer, “A new technique in ferrite phase shifting
[108] E. Schloemann, “Theory of low-field loss in partially magnetized fer- for beam steering in microwave antennas,” Proc. IRE, vol. 45, pp.
rites,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 28, pp. 3300–3302, Sept. 1992. 1510–1517, Nov. 1957.
[109] , “Advances in ferrite microwave materials and devices,” J. Magn. K
[136] F. Reggia, “ -band reciprocal ferrite phase modulator,” IEEE Trans.
Magn. Mater., vol. 209, pp. 15–20, Feb. 2000. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-9, pp. 269–270, May 1961.
[110] , “Future trends in ferrite microwave devices and technology’,” pre- [137] F. Reggia and T. Mak, “Reciprocal latching phase modulator for mi-
sented at the IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Workshop, Boston, crowave frequencies,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. MAG-2, pp. 269–273,
MA, June 12, 2000. Sept. 1966.
[111] , “Low-frequency radiation loss. A major reason for bandwidth lim- [138] A. Clavin, “Reciprocal ferrite phase shifters in rectangular waveguide,”
itations of ferrite microwave devices,” in 8th Int. Ferrites Conf., Kyoto, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-6, p. 334, July 1958.
Japan, Sept. 2000, Paper 20BaI5. [139] M. A. Treuhaft and L. M. Silber, “Use of microwave ferrite toroids to
[112] A. K. Ganguly and D. C. Webb, “Microstrip excitation of magnetostatic eliminate external magnets and reduce switching power,” Proc. IRE, vol.
surface waves: Theory and experiment,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory 46, p. 1538, 1958.
Tech., vol. MTT-23, pp. 998–1006, Dec. 1975. [140] L. R. Whicker and R. R. Jones, “A current controlled latching ferrite
[113] G. F. Dionne, J. A. Weiss, G. A. Allen, and W. D. Fitzgerald, “Qua- shifter,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-14, pp. 45–46,
sioptical ferrite rotator for millimeter waves,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Mi- Jan. 1966.
crowave Symp. Dig., 1988, pp. 127–130. [141] W. J. Ince and E. Stern, “Nonreciprocal remanence phase shifters in
[114] G. F. Dionne, J. A. Weiss, and G. A. Allen, “Nonreciprocal magneto-op- rectangular waveguide,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol.
tics for millimeter waves,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 24, pp. 2817–2819, MTT-15, pp. 87–95, Feb. 1967.
Nov. 1988. [142] L. R. Whicker and C. R. Boyd, Jr., “A reciprocal phaser for use mil-
[115] B. Lax, J. A. Weiss, N. W. Harris, and G. F. Dionne, “Quasi-optic ferrite limeter wavelengths,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., 1971,
reflection circulator,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 41, pp. pp. 102–103.
2190–2197, Dec. 1993. [143] C. R. Boyd and G. Klein, “A precision analog duplexing phase shifter,”
[116] N. W. Harris, J. A. Weiss, B. Lax, and G. F. Dionne, “The quasi-optical in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., 1972, pp. 248–250.
ferrite reflection circulator: Microwave performance and applications,” [144] A. G. Fox, “An adjustable wave-guide phase changer,” Proc. IRE, pp.
in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., 1994, pp. 105–108. 1489–1498, Dec. 1947.
[117] J. A. Weiss, N. G. Watson, and G. F. Dionne, “New uniaxial-ferrite [145] J. W. Simon, W. K. Alverson, and J. E. Pippin, “A reciprocal TEM
millimeter-wave junction circulators,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave latching ferrite phase shifter,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp.
Symp. Dig., 1989, pp. 145–148. Dig., 1966, pp. 241–247.
[118] J. D. Adam et al., “Monolithic integration of an -band circulator with [146] R. R. Jones, “A slow wave digital ferrite strip line phase shifter,” IEEE
GaAs MMIC’s,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., vol. 1, Or- Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-14, pp. 684–688, Dec. 1966.
lando, FL, May 14–19, 1995, pp. 97–98. [147] T. Nelson, R. A. Moore, E. Wantuch, D. Buck, R. Huber, and R. Lee,
[119] S. A. Oliver, P. M. Zavracky, N. E. McGruer, and R. Schmidt, “A mono- X
“Small analog stripline -band ferrite phase shifter,” IEEE Trans. Mi-
lithic single-crystal yttrium iron garnet/silicon -band circulator,” IEEE crowave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-18, pp. 45–46, Jan. 1970.
Microwave Guided Wave Lett., vol. 7, pp. 239–241, Aug. 1997. [148] G. F. Dionne, D. E. Oates, and D. H. Temme, “Low-loss microwave
[120] R. E. Neidert and P. M. Philips, “Losses in Y-junction stripline and mi- ferrite phase shifters with superconducting circuits,” in IEEE MTT-S Int.
crostrip circulators,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 41, pp. Microwave Symp. Dig., vol. I, 1994, pp. 101–103.
1081–1086, June/July 1993. [149] P. S. Carter, “Magnetically-tunable microwave filters using
[121] H. How et al., “Theoretical modeling of microstrip thin-film circula- single-crystal yttrium–iron–garnet resonators,” IRE Trans. Mi-
tors,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 33, pp. 3433–3435, Sept. 1997. crowave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-9, pp. 252–260, 1961.
[150] G. L. Matthei, “Magnetically tunable band-stop filters,” IEEE Trans. J. Douglas Adam (M’77–SM’89–F’91) received
Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-13, pp. 203– 212, 1965. the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the
[151] J. Helszajn, YIG Resonators and Filters. New York: Wiley, 1985. University of Strathclyde, Strathclyde, Scotland, the
[152] M. R. Daniel and J. D. Adam, “Magnetostatic wave notch filter,” in IEEE M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., 1992, pp. 1401–1402. from the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland.
[153] D. P. Zensius, M. Draher, and N. K. Osbrink, “Device and construc- Since joining the Northrop Grumman Corporation
tion refinements yield first 33 to 50 GHz FET YTO,” Microwave J., pp. in 1977, he has developed novel signal-processing
153–159, June 1986. devices based on microwave interactions with
[154] D. Nicholson, “Ferrite tuned millimeter wave bandpass filters with high epitaxial YIG films, including MSW channelizers,
off resonance isolation,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., FSLs, and monolithically integrated circulators on
1988, pp. 867–870. semiconductor substrates. He has had management
[155] R. W. Damon and J. R. Eschbach, “Magnetostatic modes of a ferromag- responsibility for research and development of miniature filters, MEMS
netic slab,” J. Phys. Chem. Solids, vol. 19, pp. 308–320, 1961. devices, miniature time standards, ceramic packaging, and crystal growth. He
[156] R. W. Damon and H. van de Vaart, “Propagation of magnetostatic waves is currently Manager, Advanced Materials and Electronic Device Research,
at microwave frequencies in a normally magnetized disk,” J. Appl. Phys., Northrop Grumman Corporation. He has authored or co-authored over 70
vol. 36, pp. 3453–3459, 1965. publication. He holds 16 patents.
[157] W. L. Bongianni, “Magnetostatic propagation in a dielectric layered
structure,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 43, pp. 2541–2548, 1972.
[158] “Magnetostatic waves and applications to signal processing,” Circuits,
Syst., Signal Processing (Special Issue), vol. 4, pp. 3–363, 1985. Lionel E. Davis (SM’64–LF’95) received the B.Sc.
[159] M. S. Sodha and N. C. Srinistava, Microwave Propagation in Ferrimag- (eng) degree from the University of Nottingham, Not-
netics. New York: Plenum, 1981. tingham, U.K., and the Ph.D. and D.Sc. (eng) degrees
[160] D. D. Stancil, Theory of Magnetostatic Waves. Berlin, Germany: from University College London, London, U.K.
Springer-Verlag, 1993. From 1959 to 1964, he was with Mullard Research
[161] J. D. Adam and J. H. Collins, “Microwave magnetostatic delay devices Laboratories, Redhill, U.K. From 1964 to 1972, he
based on epitaxial yttrium iron garnet,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 64, pp. was a faculty member in the Electrical Engineering
794–800, May 1976. Department, Rice University, Houston, TX. From
[162] J. D. Adam, M. R. Daniel, P. R. Emtage, and S. H. Talisa, “Magneto- 1972 to 1987, he was with Paisley College, Paisley,
static waves,” in Physics of Thin Films, Thin Films for Advanced Elec- Scotland, where he was Professor and Head of
tronic Devices, M. H. Francombe and J. L. Vossen, Eds. New York: the Department of Electrical and Electronic En-
Academic, 1991, vol. 15, pp. 2–141. gineering. In 1987, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and
[163] D. E. Oates and G. F. Dionne, “Tunable superconductors resonators Electronics, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
using ferrite substrates,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., (UMIST), Manchester, U.K., where he is currently Professor of communication
1997, pp. 303–306. engineering and Head of the Microwave Engineering Group. He has been
[164] H. Suhl, “The nonlinear behavior of ferrites at high microwave signal a Visiting Professor at University College London and the University of
levels,” Proc. IRE, vol. 44, pp. 1270–1284, 1965. California at San Diego, and has been a consultant for several companies. He
[165] G. S. Ubele, “Characteristics of ferrite microwave limiters,” IRE Trans. has carried out research on passive components, high-T superconductors,
Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-7, pp. 18–23, Jan. 1959. dielectric-resonator antennas, chiral materials, and liquid crystal films. His cur-
[166] K. L. Kotezebue, “Frequency selective limiting in YIG filters,” J. Appl. rent research interests are in gyrotropic media and nonreciprocal components
Phys., vol. 33, p. 747, 1962. for microwave, millimeter-wave, and optical wavelengths.
[167] W. F. Krupke, T. A. Hartwick, and M. T. Weiss, “Solid-state -band Dr. Davis is a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), U.K.,
power limiter,” IRE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-9, pp. and of the Institute of Physics. He is a member of the IEEE Microwave Theory
472–480, Nov. 1961. and Techniques Society (IEEE MTT-S) International Microwave Symposium
[168] J. L. Carter and J. W. McGowan, “ -band ferrite-varactor limiter,” (IMS) Technical Programme Committee and co-chairman of the IEEE MTT-S
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-17, pp. 231–232, Committee on Microwave Ferrites. Until recently, he was a member of the Ad-
Apr. 1969. ministrative Committee of the UKRI MTT/AP/ED/LEOS chapter, and he ini-
[169] S. N. Stitzer, P. E. Carter, Jr., and H. Goldie, “A high power -band tiated the Houston chapter of the IEEE MTT-S. He served on the Council, the
frequency selective passive YIG limter,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Microwave Theory and Devices Committee, and the Accreditation Committee
Symp. Dig., vol. 77, 1977, pp. 528–531. of the IEE and is member of the Peer Review College of the U.K. Engineering
[170] J. D. Adam and S. N. Stitzer, “Frequency selective limiters for high and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
dynamic range microwave receivers,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory
Tech., vol. 41, pp. 2227–2231, Dec. 1993.
[171] J. D. Adam, S. N. Stitzer, and R. M. Young, “UHF frequency selective
limiters,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., vol. 01, 2001, pp. Gerald F. Dionne (SM’71–F’94) received the
1174–1175. B.Sc. degree in physics from the University of
[172] S. N. Stitzer, H. Goldie, J. D. Adam, and P. R. Emtage, “Magnetostatic Montreal (Loyola College), Montreal, QC, Canada,
surface wave signal-to-noise enhancer,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave the B.Eng. degree in engineering physics from
Symp. Dig., 1980, pp. 238–240. McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, the M.S.
[173] T. Kuki and T. Nomoto, “A reflection type of MSW signal-to-noise en- degree in physics from Carnegie-Mellon University,
hancer in the 400 MHz band,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Pittsburgh, PA, and the Ph.D. degree in physics from
Dig., vol. 95, 1995, pp. 111–114. McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
[174] S. N. Stitzer, “Spike leakage and suppression in frequency selec- He served as a member of the physics faculty at
tive limiters,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., 2000, pp. McGill University, was also involved with semicon-
901–904. ductor device development with both IBM and the
[175] Y. Murakami, “Status of ferrite technology in Japan,” in IEEE Sylvania Division of GTE (now Verizon), and investigated electron emission
MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., vol. 1, Atlanta, GA, 1993, pp. and cesium vapor ionization for thermionic energy at Pratt and Whitney Air-
207–210. craft. Since 1966, he has carried out research at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory,
[176] L. E. Davis, “Status of ferrite technology in Europe,” in IEEE Lexington, MA. His numerous publications include original contributions in
MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., vol. 1, Atlanta, GA, 1993, pp. fields of magnetism theory and the properties of ferrimagnetic materials for
199–202. microwave, millimeter-wave, and magnetooptical applications, the physics of
[177] L. R. Whicker, Ferrite Control Components. Norwood, MA: Artech electron emission, and the development and application of millimeter- and sub-
House, 1974, vol. 2, Ferrite Phasers and Ferrite MIC Components. millimeter-wave radiometry. From his studies of the role of large polarons in
[178] B. D. H. Tellegen, “The synthesis of passive resistance-less four poles high-T superconductivity, he has constructed an effective model for giant mag-
that may violate the reciprocity relation,” Philips Res. Rep., vol. 3, p. netoresistance effects in magnetic oxides. He holds patents on microwave fer-
321, 1948. rite, magnetostrictive, and superconductor devices.
[179] L. Young, “Systems of units in electricity and magnetism,” IEEE Mi- Dr. Dionne is a member of the American Physical Society and the Society of
crowave Mag., Mar. 2001. Sigma Xi.