Ias 16 - Tangible Assets
Ias 16 - Tangible Assets
Ias 16 - Tangible Assets
EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS (new should be measured at FV of old which will become new’s cost)
- If the new asset is measured at FV, the FV of the asset given up is used to measure the cost of the asset received unless the FV
of the asset received is more clearly evident.
- If the new asset is not measured at FV, its cost is measured at the CA of the asset given in exchange for it.
- FV of old is preferred to use for calculating cost of asset acquired
No commercial substance if
- entity’s future cash flows are not expected to change as a result of this exchange.
- FV or neither asset is known
Cash received / (paid) 1.1 (2.1) - -
Asset given up
Orig. Cost 10.3 12.4 14.5 14.5
BV 6.4 7.3 3.4 3.4
Est. FV 8.5 6.6 4.6 4.6
Asset Received
Est. FV 7.1 9 4.1 N/A
BOTH known New (8.5-1.1) 7.4 New (6.6+2.1) 8.9 New (4.6+0) 4.6 New (4.6+0) 4.6
Bank 1.1 Loss 0.5 Old 3.4 Old 3.4
Old FV +- CASH Old 6.4 Old 7.3 Gain (bf) 1.2 Gain (bf) 1.2
Gain (bf) 2.1 Bank 2.1
NEW unknown New (8.5-1.1) 7.4 New (6.6+2.1) 8.9 New (4.6+0) 4.6 New (4.6+0) 4.6
OLD Known Bank 1.1 Loss 0.5 Old 3.4 Old 3.4
Old 6.4 Old 7.3 Gain (bf) 1.2 Gain (bf) 1.2
OLD FV+-CASH+ Gain (bf) 2.1 Bank 2.1
BOTH unknown New (6.4-1.1) 5.3 New (7.3+2.1) 9.4 New (3.4+0) 3.4 New (3.4+0) 4.6
No G/L arises Bank 1.1 Old 7.3 Old 3.4 Old 3.4
OLD CA+-CASH Old 6.4 Bank 2.1
- Depreciate over new estimated useful life and new residual value at the reporting date.
- New UL of the asset is also used to amortize the Impairment loss and Revaluation Surplus for calculating balances.
(CA @ rev date – New RV) / (Total hours life – hours used before change) * (hours used this year)
New Est. UL OR Remaining UL .
Date of acquisition 1/1/15 1/7/15
Cost 500 360
RV 60 0
UL 10 12
Revaluation on 31 December 2016 FV 526 FV 280
RV 78 0
UL no change UL 15
Revaluation on 31 December 2018 FV 310 FV 275
RV 64 0
UL no change UL 10
P/ 18 Asset 41
RS 84 P/L 35.1
Asset 102 RS 5.9
a) Measurement bases used (cost or revaluation model)
b) Depreciation methods used
c) Useful lives or Depreciation rates used
d) Gross CA and the accumulated depreciation at the beginning and at the end of the period
e) Reconciliation between the opening and closing values for gross CA and accumulated depreciation, showing:
- additions during the year
- disposals during the year
- depreciation charge for the year
- increase or decrease in asset resulting from revaluation and impairment losses