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Fellowship Phase Undertakings

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Fellowship Phase Undertakings

Meet Patron..............................................................3
Gain New Distinctive Feature or Speciality................3
Heal Corruption.........................................................3
Raise Standard of Living............................................3
Raise Standing...........................................................3
Open New Sanctuary.................................................4
Receive Title..............................................................4
Go See a Lore-master................................................4
There and Back Again (Year’s End Only)....................5
Visit the Treasury of your Folk...................................5
Write a Song..............................................................5
Write a Letter............................................................6
Confer with Gandalf..................................................7
Tend to Holding.........................................................7
Search for Answers....................................................7
Drumming up Support...............................................7
Confer with Saruman................................................8
Go See a Lore-master (Saruman)...............................8
Offer Counsel at the Royal Court...............................8
Receive Title (Barding Thegn)....................................8
Receive Title (Burgess)..............................................8
Taming the Steed of the Moon..................................9
Collect Marsh Herbs..................................................9
Go to the Market-Pool...............................................9
Study the Stonework of Beinharn...........................10
Take Apprenticeship with a Dwarven Smith............10
Stay at the Missing Scale.........................................10
Join the King’s Hunt.................................................10
Pay Homage to the Ravens of Ravenhill (Bardings and Dwarves Only) 10
Gather Firewood in the Elfwood.............................11
Return to the Carrock (Beornings only)...................11
Opening the Old Ford as a Sanctuary......................11
Guard the Old Ford..................................................11
Befriend the Beasts.................................................11
Hunting Grim Hawks................................................12
Visit the Market at Trader’s Isle...............................12
Opening Bree as a Sanctuary...................................12
Guard Bree and the Shire (Rangers of the North only)13
Chance-meeting in the Inn......................................13
Learn the Paths of the Chetwood............................13
Receive Title (Regular at The Pony).........................13
Elves of Mirkwood....................................................13
Opening the Halls of the Elvenking as a Sanctuary..13
Visit the Sentinel Oak..............................................13
Feast in the Great Clearing......................................14
Study with the Lampmaker (Elves only)..................14
Study the Stonework of Beinharn...........................14
Take Apprenticeship with a Dwarven Smith............14
Study with a Master Craftsman...............................14
Dwarven-smithing (Year’s End only)........................15
Commission a Smith of Anvil Way...........................16
Search the Deep Tunnels.........................................16
Help Compile the Erebor Index (Dwarves Only)......17
Opening the Eyrie as a Sanctuary............................17
Open Fangorn as a Sanctuary..................................17
Study with the Ents.................................................18
The Roots of the World...........................................18
The Song of the Forest............................................18
Weeding in Fangorn................................................18
Guarding Osgiliath...................................................18
Open Isengard as a Sanctuary.................................19
Meet Patron (Saruman)...........................................19
Receive Title (Emissary of Saruman)........................19
Open Rivendell as a Sanctuary................................19
Receive Title (Friend of Elrond)...............................19
Researching Lore in the House of Elrond.................19
Receive Title (Esquire of Rohan)..............................20
Sparring with the King’s Guard................................20
Honour the Kings of Old (Riders of Rohan only)......20
Gain Favour in the Golden Hall................................21
Go Riding with the Horse-herds..............................21
Go Hunting in the Everholt......................................21
Climb the White Mountains....................................22
Enter the Hornburg (Rohirrim Only).......................22
Gaze upon the Glittering Caves...............................22
Guard the Crossings................................................22
The Hills of Seeing and Hearing...............................23
Patrol the Wild........................................................23
Receive Title (War-leader).......................................23
Confer with Radagast the Brown.............................24
Receive Title (Hero of the Woodmen).....................24
Compete on the Field of Heroes (Woodmen Only). 24
Visit the Kingstone..................................................24
Go Hunting with the Woodmen..............................24
Enter Wuduseld.......................................................25
The Benefits of Patronage............................................26
Types of Patronage....................................................26
Direct Assistance.....................................................26
Exceptional Resources.............................................26
Magical Boons.........................................................26
Notable Patrons........................................................27
Bard the Bowman, King of Dale...............................27
Beorn the Skinchanger............................................27
Dáin Ironfoot, King under the Mountain.................27
Gandalf the Grey.....................................................28
Lord Elrond of Rivendell..........................................28
Radagast the Brown................................................28
Saruman the White.................................................28
The Lord of the Eagles.............................................28
Thengel King, Lord of Rohan....................................28
Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm..................28
Skinbark as a Patron................................................29
General success, 4 points on a great success, and 6 points on an
Meet Patron extraordinary success (Permanent Shadow points gained
"I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I when suffering from a bout of madness can never be
am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone." healed -- see page 226).
A patron is a usually renowned or powerful personality, Characters spending their Fellowship phase in a
who may from time to time offer a company a purpose to sanctuary are entitled to two rolls, while heroes who
go adventuring, often providing support and counsel. returned home are allowed a single roll instead.
Companions may choose to meet a patron when they are Companions belonging to different cultures resort to
spending the Fellowship phase in the location where the different methods to get rid of corruption: Dwarves
individual is to be found, if the patron is available for a usually turn to the forge to burn their frustration smiting
meeting. the red iron on the anvil, Hobbits dedicate themselves to
A company may have several patrons at the same time, if a beloved activity, like gardening, painting or writing a
its members are able to satisfy the requirements to diary, and Elves and Men generally create, play or recite
ensure their allegiance (very often, these characters ask poems and songs.
something in return for their friendship).
Raise Standard of Living
Gain New Distinctive Feature or Speciality The riches he had brought back from his travels had now
Indeed, within a week they were quite recovered, fitted become a local legend…
out in fine cloth of their proper colours, with beards Having several chests filled with gold under the bed
combed and trimmed, and proud steps. makes it far easier for an adventurer to go around with a
A player who has played his adventurer for a long time pouch filled with coins. Players spending their Fellowship
might eventually grow tired of the set of Traits belonging phase at home may reduce their heroes’ Treasure rating
to his hero, and feel the need for a change. During a to raise their Standard of Living as far as out-of-pocket
Fellowship phase, a player may replace an old Distinctive expenses and the acquisition of equipment are
Feature or Speciality with a new one. concerned.
Players looking for a change should exercise some It costs 1 Treasure to spend one month at a Prosperous
common sense when they choose the new Trait, and the Standard of Living, and 2 Treasure to spend it at a Rich
old one being replaced, to avoid completely reinventing one. At the end of the month, the character must spend
their characters. Note that changing a Speciality does not the amount again or revert to his previous Standard of
mean that the character has forgotten his prior talent — Living.
but that it does not represent one of his peculiar Players may invest as much Treasure as they like to
qualities as it perhaps once did, as he put that feature maintain their characters at a higher Standard of Living
aside to focus on other pursuits. for longer periods of time.
The new Trait may be chosen from any list of Distinctive
Features or Specialities, or even invented by the player Raise Standing
(who in this case needs the approval of the Loremaster). His gold and silver was largely spent in presents, both
useful and extravagant...
Heal Corruption The more adventurous members of most cultures
Merely to be there was a cure for weariness, fear, and indulge in the tradition of gift-giving or public spending,
sadness. as a demonstration of their worth, affluence and loyalty
Heroes feel the burden of the Shadow weigh heavily to their culture, and as a mean of acquiring influence
upon their shoulders long after their adventures are over. among their own folk.
Their minds remain bent on dark thoughts, and visions Players spend Treasure points to raise their Standing
haunt them in their dreams, if not even during their rating, using the costs indicated in the table below.
waking hours. But those who chose to fight the Players can also buy multiple ranks, as long as they pay
encroaching darkness have a way to oppose the taint of the cost of every new level individually.
corruption: Heroes reduce their current Shadow rating Raise Standing:
attempting a Craft or a Song roll with TN 14. On a Standing to attain Treasure points
successful roll, they reduce their score by 2 points on a 1 12
2 24 land either in
3 36 the Northern
4 48 Dalelands or
5 60 in the Upper
6 72 or Nether
Open New Sanctuary Beornings Thane Old Ford A farmstead
"Hidden somewhere ahead of us is the fair valley of anywhere
Rivendell, where Elrond lives in the Last Homely House." inside the
land of the
In the course of their exploration of Wilderland, the
company of adventurers will sooner or later find new
Dwarves The Dwarves, very secretive about
places they might consider suitable for resting during a of the everything that concerns their native
Fellowship phase. If, during an Adventuring phase the Lonely customs, do not grant titles to
company has entered a location and has established Mountain adventurers not belonging to their
friendly relations with its denizens, they can make it a culture. Thus, a character may not
sanctuary, securing permission to enter it regularly to choose the Receive Title undertaking for
spend a Fellowship phase there. the Dwarven Culture.
To turn a suitable location into a sanctuary, all Elves of Elf-friend Mirkwood A
companions must spend the phase there and choose Mirkwood comfortable
Open New Sanctuary as their current undertaking. The room at
collective undertaking cements their relations with the Thranduil’s
important personalities of the place. Halls.
Hobbits of Hobbits do not like nor welcome
the Shire adventurers. Should they ever be forced
Receive Title
by circumstances to actually recognise
"I name you Elf-friend; and may the stars shine upon the
the valour of a non-Hobbit companion
end of your road!" they might bestow upon him the
An adventurer’s travels may take him far from home, and honourary title of ‘Bounder’, and tolerate
the deeds he accomplishes might be for a folk other than him to dwell in a house in Bree, or at
his own. But a hero will always be recognised as such, least east of the river, in a house of
even in a foreign land. wood, brick, or stone.
A character who has performed appropriately valiant Men of Burgess Lake-town A house
deeds during the Adventuring phase within the territory the Lake owned by the
or realm of another Culture may — with the Loremaster’s town council.
permission — choose the Receive Title undertaking. In Woodmen Hero of Among the A guest-
game terms, Receive Title means generally two things: the Woodmen house in
• The Standing rating of the adventurer now measures Woodmen Woodmen-
also his repute among another people. The hero may town, a
cottage in
now affect the narration of a Year’s End Fellowship phase
Rhosgobel or
as if he belonged to that Culture. Additionally, when a
a tree-house
companion spends a Fellowship phase within the home in Woodland
settlement of that Culture, his score is not reduced, as if Hall
he returned home (see Standing Upkeep on page 193).
• The companion is granted a tract of land or a house to Go See a Lore-master
dwell upon. The size and features of the land or house "These are not of troll-make. They are old swords, very
are proportionate to the character’s Standard of Living. old swords of the High Elves of the West, my kin. They
A character may receive a title from several different were made in Gondolin for the Goblin-wars."
Cultures. When a hero explores a forgotten hoard and discovers a
Culture Title Settlement Granted… strange ring, a magical blade or a coat of mail, he is
Bardings Thegn Dale A tract of unlikely to know much about it. A character spending a
Fellowship phase in Rivendell (or in another place where • Fine item (1 Quality): Gain 1 Standing, up to Standing 3.
a Lore-master dwells) may choose this undertaking to • Superior item (2 Qualities): Gain 1 Standing, up to
learn what there is to be learnt about the item, its origins Standing 5.
and history, and possibly its name and the identity of its • Item of worth (3 Qualities): Gain 1 Standing, up to
maker. Standing 6.
Additionally, the Lore-master is able to unveil some Furthermore, the moment when a hero decides to leave
specific features of the item. In the case of a Wondrous behind a weapon that served him faithfully is an
Artefact, its Blessings are revealed (see page 93). In the important one. The replacement of his war gear with a
case of a Famous Weapon or Armour, the companion Famous weapon or Armour defines his new identity: to
gets to discover any Banes and the nature of the next his folk, the companion becomes the bearer of the
hidden Quality of the item (but that Quality will still need enchanted item, and the object itself becomes a ‘cultural
to be activated to be used, see page 97). treasure’.
It is not possible to bring the same item to the attention When a companion brings back an item possessing one
of the same Lore-master more than once. or more Qualities or Cultural rewards, he may activate an
equal number of Qualities on a magical piece of war gear
There and Back Again (Year’s End Only) (see page 97).
One autumn evening some years afterwards Bilbo was A companion who bestowed several Rewards to different
sitting in his study writing his memoirs – he thought of pieces of war gear may visit the treasury more than once
calling them "There and Back Again, a Hobbit’s Holiday". (in separate Fellowship phases).
If a hero returns home for a Year’s End Fellowship phase
and thus spends the entire cold season without going on Write a Song
adventures, he may choose this undertaking to dedicate "That is a song," he said, "in the mode that is called ann-
himself fully to his family and folk. thennath among the Elves…"
Spending time in front of a cozy hearth, while enjoying The folks of Middle-earth compose songs to remember
an everyday life confirms a hero that his efforts are not things that are fair, and to celebrate life. A companion
spent in vain: the companion recovers a number of Hope may choose this undertaking during a Fellowship phase
points equal to one third of his starting Hope score to compose a song.
(rounding fractions down). To compose a song, a hero needs to make a Song roll.
But staying close to one’s family and friends bitterly The basic difficulty for the roll is severe (TN 18), or hard
reminds an adventurer of what he is going to lose should (TN 16) if the composer is writing his song while in
he fall in his struggle against the Shadow: the companion Rivendell, or possesses the Minstrelsy Trait.
gains 1 permanent Shadow point. The difficulty of the Song roll may be further lowered or
Friend of Elrond raised by choosing one of the modifiers listed below –
A character who is a Friend of Elrond and is staying in note that the Traditional and Thematic modifiers are
Rivendell is allowed to choose the There and Back Again cumulative. If the roll is successful, the quality of the roll
undertaking as if he returned home. determines the difficulty of execution of the song when it
is employed by the companions. If the roll failed, the
composer has struggled to find the right words or
Visit the Treasury of your Folk melody and will have to try again at another time.
… his coat of marvellous mail, the gift of the Dwarves • The song’s difficulty of execution is TN 16 on a success,
from the Dragon-hoard, he lent to a museum, to the TN 14 on a great success or TN 12 on an extraordinary
Michel Delving Mathom-house in fact. success.
When a hero finds a magical weapon or suit of armour, Add each new song to a company’s list of songs. Such a
he will probably add it to his equipment, replacing his list is used to keep track of which compositions are
previous favourite blade or coat of mail. When this available to the companions to sing during an
happens, the companion may return home for a Adventuring phase (see Singing Songs opposite). Each
Fellowship phase and leave an item of unusual worth in song entry in the list must indicate the song’s difficulty
the safe-keeping of his folk. (TN), and whether a composition is Thematic, Traditional,
Trading back an item gains a hero a raise in Standing: or Elvish.
Traditional (-2 TN to compose) must be marked off whether it has been used
The words, subject or tune of the new song are based off successfully or not.
an ancient melody or theme that is familiar to the
members of a particular folk. Write a Letter
Other folks struggle to appreciate it, and thus find it "Frodo read the letter to himself, and then passed it to
harder to sing it: companions not sharing the culture of Pippin and Sam."
the songwriter see the difficulty to perform the Song roll Outside the Shire, or Gondor in the far South, few folks in
raised by one level (+2). Middle-earth can say they have a well-organised system
Thematic (-2 TN to compose) of letter-carriers or messengers. However, places like The
The song celebrates a particular activity, and can be Prancing Pony see their fair share of traffic, and sooner or
employed only under very specific circumstances: the later there’ll be someone heading the right way who can
song cannot be sung to effectiveness, unless such be trusted to bring a letter.
conditions apply. Examples of thematic compositions When spending a Fellowship phase in a well-frequented
include: walking-songs (a supper-song, a bed-song, a sanctuary, companions may choose this undertaking and
rain-song), bath-songs, drinking-songs, songs of write a letter. There are several types of letters, serving
lamentation, songs of victory, forging-songs, mining- different purposes, but they all require a Courtesy roll to
songs, etc. be written, and a Feat die roll on the Letter delivery table
Elvish (+2 TN to compose) opposite.
The companion creates a song using or imitating an Elven Letter Delivery Roll
mode of composition. The result is a tune or rhyme that The following modifiers can affect the Feat die roll (C and
is particularly uplifting to anyone who hears it. A results are unaffected):
An Elvish song may be employed twice during each • -2 to the roll if the recipient lives far away, somewhere
Adventuring phase (where other songs may be used only perilous or hard to reach: (-4 if both far away and
once, see Singing Songs below). Note that an Elvish song perilous)
cannot be either Traditional nor Thematic. • +2 to the roll if you spend 1 Treasure to arrange for the
Singing Songs • +3 to the roll if sending a letter from an Elven sanctuary
"It is a fair tale, though it is sad, as are all the tales of • If you’re sending a letter from an Eagles’ Eyre do not
Middle-earth, and yet it may lift up your hearts." He was roll and apply the effects described for aGA result.
silent for some time, and then he began not to speak but Letter Delivery Table
to chant softly… C The letter is stolen by the Enemy. Depending on the
During an Adventuring phase, the companions may contents of the letter, this might raise the company’s Eye
choose to sing a song to reinforce their mutual bond of Awareness (see the Rivendell supplement, page 111),
friendship and inspire themselves to pursue their goals create more complications later in the adventure, or put
with renewed strength of purpose. the recipient of the letter in danger.
First, the companions choose a song to sing among those 1-2 Lost! The letter has been lost, stolen or otherwise,
on their song list. Then, all companions may make a Song and was never received; or, the letter arrives too late,
roll. either at some point AFTER the company has reached a
• If a hero succeeds in his roll, he is Inspired until the end destination, or even after his inheritance has been
of the session: an Inspired companion may ‘spend’ his disposed of (in the case of a Letter of Farewell). In any
inspiration to add 2 Success dice to any one roll. case, ignore the effects of the letter.
• If the number of successes rolled by the companions as 3-4 The letter arrived later than expected, there were
a whole matches or exceeds the number of heroes in the problems with the delivery, or in some way might have
group (a great success counts as 2, and an extraordinary raised suspicion on the recipient. Downgrade the level of
success counts for 3), the company gains a temporary success of the Courtesy roll.
Fellowship point, usable only during the current session. 5-10 The letter arrived safely. Apply the effects of the
Each song may be employed by the company once for letter as described.
each Adventuring phase (twice if it is an Elvish song):
mark a song off the list once it has been spent. A song
A The letter arrived in time, and the recipient was very
impressed by the gesture: raise the quality of the Confer with Gandalf
Courtesy result by one level. When companions spend a Fellowship phase in a
location where Gandalf can be met, they may go and
Types of Letter swap stories with the Wandering Wizard. A companion
Choose one of the following types of letter (all describe who has spent a Fellowship phase talking with
the effects of a letter that arrived in time at destination): Mithrandir may gain his next Lore or Travel level (player’s
• I write to notify you of our impending arrival... (Letter choice) at half the cost in Advancement points.
of Introduction): If a hero arrives at the home of Alternatively, they learn less, but have more fun and pick
someone to whom they have written, increase the up one of Gandalf’s bad habits, acquiring the Smoking
Tolerance for the encounter based on the writing Trait.
companion’s Courtesy roll: increase the rating by +1 on a
success, by +2 on a great success, and +3 on an Tend to Holding
extraordinary success. Only one letter of introduction A character may spend a Year’s End Fellowship phase
may be sent to a particular recipient. tending to his holding by choosing this undertaking. If he
For example, if Trotter writes a letter to Elrond before does so, he may roll the Feat die twice and choose the
setting off for Rivendell and gets an extraordinary best result when determining the conditions of his
success, then Elrond’s Tolerance increases by +3 for the property. If the hero possesses an appropriate Speciality,
encounter. he additionally gains an Advancement point.
• I write in search of aid... (Letter of Supplication):
Instead of increasing the Tolerance of an upcoming Search for Answers
Encounter, a letter of this type increases the aid or If the companions are spending a Fellowship phase at a
rewards obtained if the encounter is successful, based on location with an appropriate source of learning, be it a
the quality of the roll. collection of scrolls of lore and song, a treasury of books
For example, if a successful Encounter would normally and tablets, or a wise man or council of elders, they may
result in the company being allowed to enter into the choose this undertaking and research an obscure topic.
Halls of the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains, sending such When a companion chooses this undertaking, he first
a letter in advance might mean the Dwarves hold a feast specifies the subject he is researching; then, he makes a
to welcome the travellers, or have ponies and supplies Lore test, followed by a roll on the table below. This
waiting for them to speed their journey onwards. second roll is modified by +1 if the hero possesses an
• I write to ask you to meet us at... (Letter of applicable Lore Speciality, +2 if the Lore roll was a great
Appointment): A letter of this type arranges a meeting success, +4 if the Lore roll was an extraordinary success.
with a patron or other ally at a specified location. A great A. Treat this as 8-9, A Mystery Revealed , or roll again.
or extraordinary success ensures the recipient will be 1-3 Nothing Useful! :You have spent days and nights
there in person if they can; a normal success means the pouring over dusty books and crumbling parchments.
recipient might sent their own messenger or agent 4-5. Useful information: The Loremaster must provide
instead. one useful element of information about your
For example, the company could ask their patron Beorn researched subject.
to meet them at the eastern end of High Pass instead of 6-7. Precious information: The Loremaster must provide
at Beorn’s house, as they intend to go south along the two useful elements of information about the researched
vales instead of pressing on to the river. subject.
• I may not return... (Letter of Farewell): If a hero 8-9. A Mystery Revealed: You have uncovered something
perishes in the Adventuring phase, then increase the substantial - the Loremaster must provide two useful
experience bonus from Heroic Heritage by +1 (+2 on a elements of information and you gain 1 Experience point.
great success, +3 on an extraordinary success), as long as 10. Great Secrets: You have discovered everything that
the recipient of the letter becomes the replacement was possible to discover about the subject in the place
playe-hero. (See the rules for Retirement and Heroic you have been making your research, and you also
Heritage on page 282 of The One Ring Roleplaying recover 1 point of Hope and gain 1 Experience point.
C. Forbidden Knowledge: Your curiosity has had the best Should the companion refuse to sell the ring, Saruman
of you, and pushed you to crave for secrets that were will not insist, but will hold a grudge and refuse to
best left uncovered - gain 1 Shadow point. examine any other objects brought to him by that
companion in the future (the companion will not be
Drumming up Support allowed to choose this undertaking).
Companions may return home to call in favours and meet
with influential people, with the goal of gaining
popularity among their neighbours and raise their
Standing rating for a limited time (usually, in occasion of
a specific event). Barding
Buying support like this lets companions raise their Offer Counsel at the Royal Court
Standing rating at a sixth of the normal Treasure point King Bard is not a man who chooses to rule by his will
cost (see the Adventurer’s Guide, page 173). For alone. He regularly seeks the wisdom of worldly folks
example, a companion could raise his Standing rating from both within his borders and beyond. Though this
from 3 to 4 at the cost of eight Treasure (instead of 48). practice is regarded with deep suspicion by some of the
The temporary Standing raise is lost at the end of the more conservative among Dale’s old noble lines, Bard
following Year’s End Fellowship phase. pays them little mind, for he knows the strength of his
realm is bound with cooperation between the Free Folk
Confer with Saruman of Wilderland.
When companions are spending a Fellowship phase in a A hero spending the Fellowship phase in Dale may
location where he can be met, they may go and listen to choose this undertaking to spend time at the Royal
the words of Saruman the White, great among the Wise Palace and share their insight with his court. This
of Middle-earth. undertaking may only be selected by Barding characters
A companion who has spent a Fellowship phase or heroes with the title of Thegn with a Standing or
conferring with Saruman may gain his next Lore level at Wisdom of 3, or any character with a Wisdom of 4 or
half the cost in Advancement points. higher.
Alternatively, if the company does not have a warden, By spending the Fellowship phase sitting in council with
Saruman may educate one hero in the dark ways of the the King and his advisors, the hero earns the admiration
Enemy: the character gains the Shadow-lore Trait - at the of the people of Dale. Their Courtesy skill is considered to
cost of a permanent Shadow point. be favoured for the next year and their Standing in Dale
counts as being 1 point higher.
Go See a Lore-master (Saruman)
In a game using the rules for Magical Treasure (see Receive Title (Barding Thegn)
Rivendell, page 85) a character spending a Fellowship King Bard has invited the companion to enter his service
phase in Isengard may choose the Go See a Lore-master as a thegn, as a recognition for his deeds. To accept the
undertaking to learn what there is to be learnt about a title, the adventurer must spend the Fellowship phase in
magical item, its origins and history. Dale and choose the Receive Title undertaking.
The undertaking works as described on page 21 of the If the hero is not a Barding, his Standing rating now also
Rivendell supplement, unless it is a Wondrous Artefact in measures his repute among that folk. The hero may now
the form of a ring. In that case, Saruman will first unveil affect the narration of a Year’s End Fellowship phase as if
its secrets, but will then offer the companion to buy the he belonged to the Barding culture. Additionally, when a
ring from him, as he is very interested in such artefacts, companion spends a Fellowship phase in Dale, his score
be they great or small. is not reduced, as if he returned home (see Standing
Should the companion comply, Saruman will pay an Upkeep on p. 169 of the Adventurer’s Guide ).
amount determined using the Treasure Rating table The companion is granted a tract of land to dwell upon,
found on page 92 of Rivendell: one roll if the ring either in the Northern Dalelands, or in the Upper or
possesses a single Blessing, or two rolls for a ring with Nether Marches. The size and features of the land grant
two Blessings or a Greater Blessing. can be determined using the rules for holdings found at
page 8.
• If the hero is in the Vales of Anduin, the Steed is never
Receive Title (Burgess) far away. The rider may call the Steed to him, no matter
Lake-town is a crossroads of opportunities for those who where he is. (The Steed still has to travel to the rider, but
seek adventure; every year, warriors and wanderers of all it knows that it is needed).
sorts cross the bridge to enter the city. If the deeds of an
adventurer have clearly benefitted Lake-town or the Collect Marsh Herbs
interests of its council, the Loremaster may announce ...everywhere there was a wealth of sweet-smelling
that the Master of Esgaroth summons him to the Town- herbs and shrubs.
hall to award him the title of Burgess. Herbs and curative plants may be found along the Forest
To accept the title, the adventurer must spend the River banks, where many ponds and pools signal the slow
Fellowship phase in Esgaroth and choose the Receive encroachment of the marshes. Companions may wander
Title undertaking. This title invests the hero with the countryside in search of such useful plants. But the
honorary citizenship. It is not transferable, and may be undertaking is not devoid of risks...
revoked at any time, should the recipient act in a way When spending a Fellowship phase in Lake-town, choose
considered contrary to the interests of the town council, this undertaking to make a roll on the table below. A
or should otherwise prove unworthy to bear it. In game hero possessing the Herb-lore Trait must roll too, but
terms, being a Burgess means basically two things: considers any result different from an C as if it was a A.
• The Standing rating of the adventurer now measures The properties of the different herbs are found on pages
also his repute in the city of Esgaroth. The hero may now 21 and 22.
affect the narration of a Year’s end Fellowship phase as if A Collect a herb of any type except Red Water-lily, or roll
he belonged to the Men of the Lake culture. Additionally, again.
when a companion spends a Fellowship phase in Lake- 1 Nothing useful!
town, his score is not reduced, as if he returned home 2-3 Reedmace
(see Standing Upkeep on p.169 of the Adventurer’s 4-5 Kingcup
Guide). 6-7 Hagweed
• The hero can dwell in a house owned by the town 8-9 White Water-lily
council (generally in the residential district). The 10 Red Water-lily
characteristics of the house are proportionate to the C You may roll again or stop searching. If you roll another
character’s Standard of living. EYE on the next roll, gain one Shadow point as you stray
too deep into an unsavoury area of Mirkwood or the
Taming the Steed of the Moon Long Marshes.
Catching the Steed of the Moon is a matter for an
adventure. Taming it, though, takes a whole Fellowship Go to the Market-Pool
Phase. To tame the steed, the companion must have a Men spoke of the (...) wealth over and to spare with
total of at least 12 skill ranks among Athletics , Awe , which to buy rich things from the South...
Inspire and Hunting . If a companion does not have the While most of the expenses that characters can face are
required total, he may attempt to add to his total by dealt with using a hero’s Standard of Living, there are
making a Valour or Wisdom roll, adding one point with a some things that only Treasure can buy. Companions
normal success, two points on a great success, and three spending time in Lake-town can take advantage of the
points on an extraordinary success. If the character’s largest market to be found in the North, and spend some
total now matches or exceeds 12, he has tamed the of their accumulated wealth to gain some useful items.
horse this year. When heroes choose this undertaking, they can spend 2
Once the horse is tamed, then the hero may ride the Treasure and select one of the options shown below to
Steed of the Moon: acquire an item that gives them a bonus of +1 to all rolls
• When on a journey, the Travel skill of the rider is made using the corresponding skill. Each option can be
increased by 2, and is always considered as Favoured. taken up to two times, for a total bonus of +2
• When the rider is travelling alone, the Steed allows him (representing an upgrade of the original item, or a new,
to cover 80 miles per day (instead of 40). additional item of the same type).
For example, Lifstan visits the market to buy himself a the beauty of Beinharn gains a hero two bonus Success
lyre. He spends 2 Treasure, and gains a bonus to Song dice during any encounter with Dwarves.
equal to +1. In a later Fellowship phase, he returns to the
same luthier to have his lyre newly strung with silver Take Apprenticeship with a Dwarven Smith
cords, and sees his bonus raised to +2. "Fathers would beg us to take their sons as apprentices,
These numerical bonuses are applied until the hero and pay us handsomely…"
enjoying them acquires a new level in the modifed skill. The Dwarven smiths of Anvil Way are not idle in the
When this happens, the companion loses the associated winter months. They warm their hearts along with their
bonuses, but is again entitled to spend Treasure to gain hands at the forge, dedicated to crafting new and
them back. wondrous treasures. Many Bardings seek apprenticeship
When Lifstan finally raises his Song ♦ to Song ♦♦, he with these master smiths, hoping to learn but a fragment
loses the bonus associated with his silver-strung lyre as of their skill. Such an education does not come cheaply.
his proficiency now overshadows the quality of his gear. A character with a Craft skill of at least 2 (for the Dwarves
He will soon pay a visit to his preferred luthier in Lake- will not suffer a completely inept student) who spends
town... the Fellowship phase in Dale or Erebor may seek an
When spending a Fellowship phase in Lake-town, choose apprenticeship with a Dwarven smith. The would-be
this undertaking and spend 2 Treasure to gain a bonus to apprentice must then make a Courtesy test against TN 16
one of the following: to convince a Dwarven smith to take them on. On any
• Find a goldsmith to have precious stones set into your level of success, the character must pay the equivalent of
sword’s hilt, or gold wrought into a chain, torque, ring, or 5 points of Treasure. On a failure, they have to pay 10
other piece of jewellery. Gain a bonus to Awe. points of Treasure. On an C they enrage the smith, who
• Visit an ironmonger or a woodwright to buy fine tools swiftly spreads the word to his fellows of the character’s
appropriate to your favourite trade. Gain a bonus to flaws, and there is no apprenticeship to be had for any
Craft. price.
• Buy a musical instrument of superior make, be it a In return for a small fortune and a Fellowship phase
fiddle, a flute, a drum or a viol, or visit a master luthier to spent working ceaselessly at a forge under a gruff
build you a new harp or lyre. Gain a bonus to Song. taskmaster, the character can apply the lessons they
• Learn how to prepare salves and healing herbs and learn to excel at the smith’s arts. From now on, Craft is
acquire the necessary materials from a hospital healer. considered to be a favoured skill for the purposes of
Gain a bonus to Healing. improving it with Advancement points only. If Craft was
• Buy robust rope, walking staves, comfortable sleeping already a favoured skill, the character acquires either the
cots and a regular supply of cram from a baker (biscuits Smithcraft or the Stone-craft speciality.
the Lake-men prepare for long journeys). Gain a bonus to
Travel. Stay at the Missing Scale
• Visit the shop of a tailor or shoemaker to have a rich Mere steps away from the flow of the Market Square, all
dress or a pair of quality shoes made. Gain a bonus to manner of folk find their way to seats at the Missing
Courtesy. Scale. It is a tavern where local news from one street
• Search the market to find a rare book or old map, or over is exchanged for tales from distant lands; where a
parchment, quills and ink for you to write. Gain a bonus soiled farmer from the north can rub elbows with a
to Lore. Dwarven miner from the Iron Hills, a wealthy merchant
• See a master hunter to get all you need for your prince from Dorwinion or a Beorning trader from west of
hunting exploits. Gain a bonus to Hunting. Mirkwood.
A companion spending a Fellowship phase in Dale may
Study the Stonework of Beinharn choose this undertaking to gain the benefits of the
Companions who spend a Fellowship phase in Erebor or Folklore speciality during the next Adventuring phase. If a
Dale can set out to examine the marvellous stonework of character already has the Folk-lore speciality, then they
Beinharn. This might otherwise be a cold, cheerless may gain two benefits out of a single trait invocation (e.g.
endeavour were it not for the beauty of the carvings. For they could automatically succeed at a roll and gain an
the length of the next the Adventuring phase, describing Advancement point.)
Firewood gathered from the Elfwood — a region of
Join the King’s Hunt Mirkwood that is mostly free from Shadow-taint — burns
Before he became known as the Dragon-slayer, King Bard warmly and merrily, raising spirits and warding off the
was known simply as the Bowman; from those days he bite of winter. When dried, it catches fire easily even in
still has a deep love of the hunt. To relax from the the worst conditions.
stresses of his kingly duties, he occasionally journeys A character spending a Fellowship phase at Beorn’s
with a company of other skilled hunters into the House or someplace nearby may choose this undertaking
Dalelands in search of game. It is a high honour to be and gain the benefits of the Firemaking speciality for the
invited to join the King on one of his excursions. duration of the following Adventuring phase. If the
A character spending the Fellowship phase in Dale may character already has Firemaking , then he may gain two
choose this undertaking to join King Bard on his jaunts. benefits out of a single Trait invocation (for example, he
The hero gains a deeper understanding of the wilds could automatically succeed at a roll and gain an
surrounding Dale and may roll an additional Feat die on Advancement point).
his Travel rolls, keeping the highest, whenever they take
the role of Huntsman during a journey that takes them Return to the Carrock (Beornings only)
through the Northern Dalelands or the Upper Marches. The Carrock is an important place to the Beornings, and
making a pilgrimage to it renews their strength and
Pay Homage to the Ravens of Ravenhill (Bardings bravery for the coming year. Returning to the Carrock lets
and Dwarves Only) a Beorning undertake to Heal Corruption using Travel
"I knew many among the ravens of the rocks when I was instead of Craft or Song . This task can only be chosen by
a dwarf- lad." a Beorning if he has chosen to spend his Fellowship
The ravens of the Lonely Mountain are a breed apart phase at home, or if the company repaired to Beorn’s
from normal birds of Middle-earth. Of great intelligence House.
and longevity, the ravens have long held strong ties with
the Dwarves, serving as messengers, spies and scouts. Opening the Old Ford as a Sanctuary
These great birds know much that happens throughout A dozen Beorning farmsteads, including Gelvira’s Hall of
the North, if their trust can be gained. the Crossing (see p. 39), are scattered within twenty
Dwarven and Barding heroes spending a Fellowship miles of the ford, mainly to the north of the Road. This
phase in Erebor or Dale may choose this undertaking and community is used to the passing of wanderers and
spend some time with the birds of Ravenhill. By showing traders, and thus welcomes adventurers with more
due deference to the magnificent birds there, they may warmth than the average Beorning settlement.
gain the friendship of a raven, or, if they are Dwarves Companions wishing to stay at the Old Ford regularly
already possessing the Ravens of the Mountains virtue, may choose to make the location a sanctuary. To do so,
they may reinforce their existing bond. all companions must spend a first Fellowship phase there
Choosing this undertaking gains a hero the opportunity and choose the Open New Sanctuary undertaking (see p.
to summon a raven as per the Ravens of the Mountain 173 of the Loremaster’s Guide).
virtue (see The One Ring Roleplaying Game, page 108)
during the following Adventuring phase, and profit from Guard the Old Ford
one of the possible benefits offered by it. The Old Ford is the crossroads of Wilderland. A great
Dwarves already possessing the Ravens of the Mountains many travellers pass through here every year, even in
virtue may ask their raven friend to join the company for these dangerous and fearful times. Companions spending
the length of the following Adventuring phase. The a Fellowship phase at the ford may help the Beornings in
presence of the raven friend adds 1 to the Fellowship keeping the passage of the River safe, and maybe pick up
rating of the company. Additionally, when the Dwarf gossip and news, make new friends, or possibly even get
companion is fighting, the raven may be sent to harass a few coins from crossing tolls. (Continues in the
one foe, making it Weary for the length of the battle. following page.)

Befriend the Beasts

Gather Firewood in the Elfwood
Sometimes, trusted friends of Beorn are allowed to bring Fellowship phase in Mountain Hall can go visit the
one of these magical animals with them on some éafolc’s market. When heroes choose this undertaking,
important quest. A character that spends a Fellowship they spend 1 Treasure to make a roll on the table below.
phase at Beorn’s house may learn the ways of the A hero possessing the Folk-lore Trait or who is an Éafolc-
wondrous animals and gain one of the following benefits: friend (see page 44) must roll too, but considers any
• Befriend a Pony: One of Beorn’s ponies agrees to result different from an C as if it was a A.
accompany the character on his travels in the next A Choose an item of any type except Mab’s Liquor , or
Adventuring phase. This wondrous pony lets the hero roll roll again.
the Feat die twice when making Travel and Awareness 1 Nothing useful! You bought something that either
rolls, and will follow the adventurer even into dark places broke very soon, or proved completely ineffective. Better
underground. luck next time!
• Befriend a Hound: For the next Adventuring phase, 2-3 Food and Drinks. You spent your money drinking and
when the companion is making a roll using Awe , Explore playing games with the éafolc: the next time you visit
or Hunting, he may roll the Feat die twice and keep the their market, you will roll on the table twice and pick a
best result. result.
• The Speech of Beasts: The character learns to speak 4-5 Southern Wine. You bought yourself three bottles of
the secret tongue of one sort of animal — choose from southern wine. You may open one during a future
Horses, Dogs, Bears, Wolves, Birds or Burrowing Beasts. encounter to raise its Tolerance rating by +2. Raise it by
Interpreting the speech of beasts requires a Riddle or +4 if the people you meet are Elves or Men from the
Song test. South.
6-7 Good bargain. You found furs and wares that you
Hunting Grim Hawks may sell at three times their cost at the market of Lake-
Grim Hawks stand nearly eight feet tall on their spindly town: you may invest up to 5 Treasure, and receive three
legs. Their features are a mottled grey-brown colour, and times that amount the next time you go to Esgaroth.
they are nearly always mangy and diseased. They cannot 8-9 River-charm. You bought a lucky amulet of the
fly long distances, but stalk through the muddy waters éafolc. For the length of the following Adventuring
and banks of the Great River like monstrous storks. Their phase, if you are inside the Vales of Anduin you may
flesh is not good to eat, but if their numbers grow too spend 1 Hope to roll again if you get an C Feat die result.
large, they become dangerous to all denizens of the Vales 10 Mab’s Liquor. For your money you got a leathern flask
of Anduin, but especially to the River-folk. containing three sips of an amber liquid, concocted by
Companions spending their Fellowship phase at Mab the Spinner. Sipping from the flask restores a
Mountain Hall or nearby may contribute to the well- number of Endurance points equal to the drinker’s
being of the Great River Vales by choosing this Wisdom or Valour score (the highest) plus the roll of a
undertaking to go hunting with the River-folk. On a Success die.
successful roll of Hunting , a character is recognised as an C You have been tricked by the River-folk! You got
Éafolc-friend and may employ the Trait to gain favour something for your gold, but at a higher price: spend
from the Riverfolk at any time. The Trait may be invoked another point of Treasure and roll again (if you don’t
during an encounter with any member of the éafolc, for have any Treasure left, you cannot roll again and have
example to be granted passage on a boat across the river received a worthless trinket).
or along it.
But the benevolence of the River-folk is a fleeting thing: if Bree
a year passes, or the Trait is used often in the same Opening Bree as a Sanctuary
Adventuring phase (more than twice), the gratitude of Not every town or village is necessarily a potential
the éafolc must be earned again, for example by sanctuary. To qualify as such, there must be something in
returning to hunt the Grim Hawks. a place that makes it a bulwark against the Shadow, some
protection above and beyond the rest of Middle-earth. In
Visit the Market at Trader’s Isle some cases, the protection is obvious and material: Dale
The markets of the River-folk are a supply of curiosities has its walls and armies, Esgaroth is guarded by the Long
from the length of the Anduin. Companions spending a Lake. In other cases, the sanctuary has a powerful
guardian whom the Enemy dares not assail, at least not Fellowship phase in the Bree-land or in the surrounding
yet. Beorn’s house has Beorn, for example. area lasting at least one entire season may choose this
Other sanctuaries are hidden, or blessed with some undertaking and make a roll of Hunting or Battle. On a
supernatural power. Rivendell or Lórien are triple-girdled success, the companion gains 1 Experience point and
against the Enemy: by secrecy, by the Elven-lords who recovers 1 point of Hope (2 points of Hope on a great
dwell there, and by the power of the masters of those success and 3 on an extraordinary success). During the
places. Bree… has a hedge and a ditch and a few men following Adventuring phase, all encounters with the
with cudgels. They may be valorous, but they cannot people of the protected area involving the Ranger
hope to defend against the sort of foes that haunt the companion see their Tolerance reduced by 1.
North. If it were not for the protection of the Rangers,
Bree would be destroyed. Chance-meeting in the Inn
Therefore, in order to be able to open Bree as a There are queer folk about … and there have been even
sanctuary, the company must be aware of the Rangers’ stranger travellers through Bree lately. At some point
watch on the town and be willing to aid in it. during the Fellowship phase or the following Adventuring
Furthermore, the company must also have the blessing phase, the hero has a chance meeting in Bree with some
or patronage of one of the important people in Bree- stranger who will play a significant role in their future
land. Bree’s attitude to adventurers and heroes is a fate. (The Loremaster may roll on the special guest
practical and sensible one. Adventurers are dangerous, column of the Common-room Guests Table on page 29 if
unpredictable people, and do not make good neighbours. they do not already have a Loremaster character in
However, adventurers are sometimes wealthy (ill-gotten mind.)
gains, no doubt, but silver looted from a tomb or Troll- In effect, this undertaking is a request to the Loremaster
hole jingles just the same as any other coin), and to give that player an interesting and unexpected
sometimes able to solve problems others cannot, usually encounter.
with violence. Bree welcomes adventurers who are going Chance-meetings are not always beneficial or pleasant;
to move on in a few days, not those who intend to stay Thorin Oakenshield may have met Gandalf the Grey in
for a whole Fellowship phase. Bree, but he might equally have met some agent of the
This suspicion can be overcome if the Innkeeper or the Enemy who might have tempted him with Thrór’s Ring,
Reeve or some other leader such as the Forester of and planned to trick the Dwarves into the service of
Archet vouches for the company. In order to open Bree Mordor.
as a sanctuary a company of heroes must have Learn the Paths of the Chetwood
accomplished the following: A companion who spends a Fellowship phase living in
• Found about the watch of the Rangers, and earned Archet and exploring the woods around the village gains
their trust. an additional Success die in all Explore and Hunting rolls
• Gained the trust of at least one important Bree made in the Chetwood or the Old Forest for the length of
personality (Innkeeper, Reeve, Forester). the following Adventuring phase.
• Have become regulars at the Prancing Pony (see page
37), having spent enough to appear decent enough Receive Title (Regular at The Pony)
individuals in the eyes of the Bree-folk. A companion who has gained the trust of the Innkeeper
Guard Bree and the Shire (Rangers of the North during an Adventuring phase may - with the Loremaster’s
only) permission – choose this undertaking and find their place
"…foes that would freeze his heart, or lay his little town among the regular guests of The Prancing Pony.
in ruin, if he were not guarded ceaselessly. Yet we would This undertaking grants lesser benefits in comparison to
not have it otherwise." those bestowed upon a hero by other, more formal,
The Rangers of the North have made their duty to titles, but is still useful to a wandering hero:
protect the simple folk from the threats that lie outside • The Standing rating of the adventurer now measures
their borders, keeping the Shadow at bay since the fall of also his repute in the Bree-land, and the hero may affect
the North Kingdom. They act in secret, keeping their the narration of a Year’s End Fellowship phase spent
wards free from care and fear, getting nothing but scorn there. Additionally, their standing score is not reduced, as
in return for their deeds. A Ranger companion spending a if they returned home. Finally, a regular guest is given a
good room at a floor of their choice, and access to a and spend an Experience point to learn one of the
private parlour at all times. secrets known by Ormal.
• Blazing Elf-lights: You may now cause your Elf-lights to
Elves of Mirkwood blaze with a magical flare of great intensity, almost as
Opening the Halls of the Elvenking as a Sanctuary bright as the sun. This blaze quickly dies out, but while it
Companions who have entered the palace of King burns, it is as though night turns to day: creatures who
Thranduil for the first time during an Adventuring phase are harmed by the sun suffer accordingly (monsters with
may spend a Fellowship phase as guests of the Silvan Hate Sunlight suffer the loss of 1 point of Hate, and those
Elves. If they wish to return, all companions must choose with Denizen of the Dark lose the associated advantage
the Open New Sanctuary undertaking (see p. 173 of the for 3 rounds).
Loremaster’s Guide ). But not everyone is welcome here: • Lamp of the Far Traveler: You learn the art of making
all Dwarves and any heroes with three or more Shadow crystal lamps that hold your magical light. You may start
points will be questioned by the Elvenking’s guards every an Adventuring phase lighting such a lamp with your
time they want to enter the halls and must pass a Riddle magic at no cost. This lamp works like a continuous Elf-
test: a failure results in the companion being turned lights spell, but its glow can be shut out if needed. You
away at the doors. (True-hearted heroes may be granted can snuff the lamp out to dazzle foes, or to put someone
an automatic success). into an Enchanted Sleep, as per the normal Wood-elf
Magic rules. The lamp then can be lit up again without
paying a point of Hope.
• The Light of the Stars: Ormal teaches you how to
Visit the Sentinel Oak bestow the blessing of Elbereth upon your magic. By
The Sentinel Oak is prince of the eastern half of spending a point of Hope, you may cause the light in your
Mirkwood. In summer and autumn, it wears a crown of Lamp to burn with the pure light of the stars. This light
golden leaves; in winter and spring, a mantle of frost that flares for a limited time (a number of rounds equal to
glitters like diamonds cloaks the tree. The other trees of your Wisdom rating) but, while it burns, creatures of the
the forest obey and honour the Sentinel Oak, even most Enemy cannot engage you in close combat unless they
of those under the Shadow. A character spending a spend 3 Hate Points. Once the Light of the Stars goes out,
Fellowship phase as a guest of the Elvenking may visit the your Lamp can be lit up again at the cost of one point of
Sentinel Oak and receive its blessing: for the length of Hope.
the following Adventuring phase all Travel rolls made in
the Woodland Realm, Mountains of Mirkwood and Heart Erebor
of Mirkwood are reduced by one level (TN -2). Study the Stonework of Beinharn
Companions who spend a Fellowship phase in Erebor or
Feast in the Great Clearing Dale can set out to examine the marvellous stonework of
When companions are spending a Fellowship phase at Beinharn. This might otherwise be a cold, cheerless
Thranduil’s Halls, they may go and feast in the Great endeavour were it not for the beauty of the carvings. For
Clearing and gain the benefits of the Merry distinctive the length of the next the Adventuring phase, describing
feature for the duration of the following Adventuring the beauty of Beinharn gains a hero two bonus Success
phase. If the character already is Merry , then he may dice during any encounter with Dwarves.
gain two benefits from a single Trait invocation (for
example, he could automatically succeed at a roll and Take Apprenticeship with a Dwarven Smith
gain an Advancement point). "Fathers would beg us to take their sons as apprentices,
and pay us handsomely…"
Study with the Lampmaker (Elves only) The Dwarven smiths of Anvil Way are not idle in the
When companions are spending a Fellowship phase at winter months. They warm their hearts along with their
Thranduil’s Halls, they may go and study under Ormal’s hands at the forge, dedicated to crafting new and
tutelage. An Elf who knows all the spells associated with wondrous treasures. Many Bardings seek apprenticeship
the Wood-Elf Magic Virtue may choose this undertaking with these master smiths, hoping to learn but a fragment
of their skill. Such an education does not come cheaply.
A character with a Craft skill of at least 2 (for the Dwarves • The base difficulty of a Craft test is TN 20, unless the
will not suffer a completely inept student) who spends smith is using one or more great materials (see below).
the Fellowship phase in Dale or Erebor may seek an Gain 1 Craftsmanship point on a successful roll, 2 points
apprenticeship with a Dwarven smith. The would-be on a great success, and 3 points on an extraordinary
apprentice must then make a Courtesy test against TN 16 result.
to convince a Dwarven smith to take them on. On any • Spending Experience, the smith gains 1 Craftsmanship
level of success, the character must pay the equivalent of point for each 3 Experience points he chooses to spend.
5 points of Treasure. On a failure, they have to pay 10 • Finally, the smith may acquire Craftsmanship points by
points of Treasure. On an C they enrage the smith, who gaining permanent Shadow, at the cost of 1 point of
swiftly spreads the word to his fellows of the character’s permanent Shadow for each Craftsmanship point gained.
flaws, and there is no apprenticeship to be had for any At the end of each Fellowship phase, take note of how
price. many Craftsmanship points have been accumulated so
In return for a small fortune and a Fellowship phase far, to resume the work in a later Fellowship phase (the
spent working ceaselessly at a forge under a gruff companion will have to choose the Dwarven-smithing
taskmaster, the character can apply the lessons they undertaking again).
learn to excel at the smith’s arts. From now on, Craft is Trying to infuse a piece of war gear with an Enchanted
considered to be a favoured skill for the purposes of Quality is not only a lengthy process, but also an
improving it with Advancement points only. If Craft was endeavour wrought with peril.
already a favoured skill, the character acquires either the • The first time that the smith chooses to gain
Smithcraft or the Stone-craft speciality. permanent Shadow for Craftsmanship points, the hero
becomes driven, and will think of little else but finishing
the task. From that moment on, the companion must
Study with a Master Craftsman always choose Dwarven-smithing at Year’s End; should
"...in metal-work we cannot rival our fathers, many of the Loremaster allow for two undertakings that phase,
whose secrets are lost. […] Only in mining and building one of them must be Dwarven-smithing (see also The
have we surpassed the old days." One Ring Roleplaying, page 197). Finally, failing a
The skill of the Dwarven smiths of Erebor may not match smithing Craft roll gains a driven hero another Shadow
that of those who worked the forges before the Dragon point (not a permanent point though).
came, but the quality of their metal-work is still without But there are advantages in being driven:
rival in a world of twilight. Moreover, the finesse attained • A driven smith sees the difficulty of all smithing Craft
by the masons of the Lonely Mountains has no peer. To rolls reduced by a level (TN -2, to a minimum of TN 12).
study under the tutelage of a master artisan of Erebor is The following list includes precious ores and tools that
a privilege, and their experience is a wealth not to be may greatly help a master smith in accomplishing their
squandered. great work. Each item available lowers the difficulty by 2
A companion who has spent a Fellowship phase studying to a minimum of TN 14.
under a master craftsman of Erebor may gain his next A hero choosing the Dwarven-smithing undertaking may
Craft level at half the cost in Advancement points. forfeit the opportunity to roll Craft or spend Experience
to accumulate Craftsmanship points to gather one great
Dwarven-smithing (Year’s End only) material from the list below instead. No roll is required,
A Dwarf hero possessing a Craft skill of 4 or more can but each item may only be chosen once, reducing the
return home for a Year’s End Fellowship phase and spend difficulty of Craft rolls to a minimum of TN 14 – unless
the cold season in his forge to attempt a great work. To the smith is driven.
succeed, the Dwarven-smith must accumulate 9 • Unwrought Moria-silver (Mithril).
Craftsmanship points. • A set of ancient smithing tools from Eregion.
To gain Craftsmanship points during a Fellowship phase, • Fireheart gems from the lost Fireheart Mine in the Grey
the smith may make a Craft roll, spend Experience points Mountains (see page 63).
or gain permanent Shadow points, or a combination of Alternatively, the Loremaster may allow the hero to
the three. come by the required materials while adventuring.
But my armour is made of Mithril! The following Fellowship phase, Svior must choose the
Loremasters may note that while a Dwarven-smith can Dwarven-smithing undertaking again. The difficulty for
forge a suit of armour using Mithril as a great material, his Craft roll is now TN 14 (-2 for being driven). The roll
they cannot give it the Mithril Armour Quality as that produces a A on the Feat die, and on the Success dice: 4,
Enchanted Quality has a prerequisite. This is intentional. 3, 3, 1, an ordinary success. However, the A allows him
Mithril armour of old had nearimpossibly fine chain links to increase the axe’s Damage from 5 to 6 (but Svior
the likes of which cannot be forged in the Third Age. Alas ceases to be driven). Unfortunately, Svior doesn’t have
for the withering of the any Experience points to spare at this point, and he
world. doesn’t wish to increase his Shadow, so he adds 1 from
Moreover, the first time a A is rolled during a smithing his success for a total of 6 Craftsmanship points so far.
Craft roll, the smith is no longer considered driven, but Determined to finish his great work, Svior spends 15
may modify one of the item’s numerical properties by 1. Advancement points on his Favoured Crafting skill, raising
For example, a sword might have its damage increased to it to 5.
6 or its Edge lowered to 9. On Svior’s fourth Dwarven-smithing undertaking, his
When the Dwarven smith finally accumulates their ninth Craft roll produces a 7 on the Feat die and on the Success
Craftsmanship point, the masterwork is complete. The dice: 6*, 5, 3, 2, 1. A great success! With 2 Craftsmanship
smith chooses one of the following Enchanted Qualities points to add to his total of 6, Svior is short of 1 point!
to add to the newly-forged artefact (and he won’t be able Will he spend Experience, or gain another point of
to choose the Dwarven-smithing undertaking ever again): permanent Shadow to finish what he started? Or will he
Ancient Close Fitting, Ancient Cunning Make, Piercing, wait another Fellowship phase?
Cleaving, Crushing, Flame of Hope, Gleam of Terror,
Runescored Armour, Runes of Victory, Superior Fell, Commission a Smith of Anvil Way
Superior Keen, Superior Reinforced. A hero with gold to spare can contract the services of a
A hero may later augment a Dwarven masterwork by master smith of Anvil Way, to customise a weapon or suit
adding Qualities when gaining new Valour levels, using of armour. At the cost of 10 Treasure, companions
the normal rules (up to a maximum of 3 Qualities, choosing this undertaking and who just earned a Valour
including the Enchanted Quality). level may choose the Quality described below as their
new Reward.
Extended Example of Dwarven-smithing The hero may try to lower the required fee by making a
Svior the Stout sets out to make a mighty axe that Persuade roll (no special discounts for Dwarves). On a
honours his ancestors. Svior is a master craftsman, with a success, the hero finds a smith who will do the work for 8
Craft skill of 4 (favoured, as for all Dwarves), so he has Treasure, a great success secures the work for 6 Treasure,
the expertise to succeed. and on an extraordinary success, for a mere 4 Treasure.
Svior found some unwrought mithril while adventuring in On a failure, the hero spends the phase searching, but
Wilderland, but to be sure he spends the first smithing there is no smith to be had at his price.
Fellowship phase gathering a set of ancient tools from Throughout the Fellowship phase, the smith calls upon
Eregion. On the following Fellowship phase he chooses the hero to come and test the grip on the sword, watches
the Dwarf-smithing undertaking again and enters the while they hack a target to pieces or has the hero try on
forge. The Target Number for the Craft test is 16 (base of their mail shirt, making adjustments and taking notes as
TN 20, -4 for two types of great materials). he has the hero leap about his workshop. At the start of
His Craft test yields a 10 on the Feat die and on the the following Adventuring phase, the smith presents the
Success dice: 6*, 5, 4, 2. A great success, resulting in 2 hero with a gleaming piece of Dwarven forge-work
Craftsmanship points. Svior additionally spends 6 specifically modified to fit them.
Experience points, and chooses to gain 1 permanent Made in Anvil Way (armour or weapon, unique)
Shadow point, so that his undertaking results in a total of The improved balance, customised grip of a
5 Craftsmanship points – more than halfway through. But customforged weapon lets a hero roll again one Success
now Svior is driven, and bent on finishing his great work die on each attack.
with all his strenght... A Dwarven custom-forged suit of mail armour allows a
hero to roll again one Success die on each Protection
test. This upgrade may be applied only once, to any one Additionally, you were able to gather information about
weapon or armour type. the origin of the threat. It is up to the Loremaster to
decide the details, but you may use the information as
Search the Deep Tunnels you wish. You might keep it to yourself to investigate the
They climbed long stairs, and turned and went down matter with your fellow companions, or propose that
wide echoing ways, and turned again and climbed yet King Dáin let you lead an expedition in the next
more stairs... Adventuring phase.
At night, when the hold grows quiet, the deepest tunnels • Failure and C: Underground Accident! You and some of
of the Lonely Mountain wake to the sound of scratching the guards fell victim to a cave-in or similar accident, and
and digging. Goblins – or other fell creatures – search the Dwarves put the blame on you. It could have been
constantly for a way into the deeps. The guards of Erebor accidental, but it might have been provoked by those
are ever-vigilant for danger, but the King is always looking foes you were supposed to find and that might have
for volunteers who will help him secure the foundations found you first. You remained trapped for days and had
of his realm against intruders. to be rescued: You gain a Success die roll worth of
Assisting the Dwarves of Erebor in searching the deep Shadow points and may not choose this same
tunnels is hard and perilous work, as the adventurers undertaking the next time you spend the Fellowship
must spend days and nights in total darkness, many miles phase in Erebor.
underground among the deep roots of the Mountain.
To assist the guards of Dáin, companions spending the Help Compile the Erebor Index (Dwarves Only)
Fellowship phase in Erebor must make a Search test and …on all sides stretching away across the unseen floors,
consult the table below. A hero may gain a Success die if lay countless piles of precious things, gold wrought and
he possesses an applicable trait (like Tunnelling or Quick unwrought, gems and jewels, and silver red-stained in
of Hearing, for example). the ruddy light.
•• Failure: Not a gleam of light. You spent many hours The Chamber of Records of the Lonely Mountain used to
crawling in the dark, trying to locate that elusive sound of have an index of all the treasure guarded in its vaults and
scratching that you have been hearing every time you halls, but that record was lost when the old keeper of the
stopped to rest. Unfortunately, your searching has Chamber of Mazarbul was caught by Smaug while he was
availed to nothing, and you return to the surface empty- trying to bring out a number of tomes from a secret
handed and frustrated: gain 1 point of Shadow. passage. King Dáin has ordered a new index to be
•• Success: A Little Help. Your efforts have been of help compiled, a task of monumental import. For this reason,
and the guards of Erebor are grateful. Gain 1 ancient Munin is welcoming scholars willing to aid him in
Advancement point in the Perception skill group. identifying all the treasure currently stored in Erebor.
•• Great Success: Down in the Deep Places. You Even with their help, it will take him years to complete
searched tirelessly for weeks and with your help the the assignment.
guards of Erebor secured many of the lower passages. A Dwarven companion with a Lore rating of at least 3
Gain an Advancement point in the Perception skill group who is spending a Fellowship phase in Erebor may
and 1 Experience point. choose this undertaking. Assisting Munin in his toilsome
•• Extraordinary Success: Echoes in the Dark. You proved task allows the companion to pore for hours on end over
fundamental in locating the source of an extensive dusty books and crumbling parchment, all concerning
delving by Goblins or other underground creatures. The lost precious items and fabled wondrous artefacts: For
ruthless guards solve the problem by provoking a cave-in the length of the following Adventuring phase, should
and congratulate you for a job well done. Gain 1 the hero find treasure, it would be considered as a hoard
Advancement point in the Perception skill group, 1 with an additional * (see Rivendell, page 85).
Experience point, and a gift from the grateful chief of the For example, a Dwarf companion spends the Fellowship
guards. The gift is worth Treasure points equal to the roll phase helping Munin to compile the Erebor Index. In the
of one Success die. following Adventuring phase, the Dwarf and his company
• A and at least one B: Eradicate the Problem. Same as find a cave filled with old gold, a trove worth Treasure 50.
a great success (gain 1 Advancement point in the Due to his studies, the Dwarf considers the cache of gold
Perception skill group and 1 Experience point).
to be worth Treasure 50* instead (allowing him a Magical from interwoven bushes, and living treehouses are all
Treasure roll). possible.

Eyrie Study with the Ents

Opening the Eyrie as a Sanctuary Companions who impress the Ents for their compassion
During an Adventuring phase, companions may gain or their love for learning can prompt the shepherds of
permission to spend a first Fellowship phase as guests of the trees to take one of them as a pupil. Learning even a
the Eyrie. If they wish to return, they will have to make it portion of the lore of the Ents is not a task to be
a sanctuary. To do so, all companions must choose the undertaken lightly, for it takes several Fellowship phases
Open New Sanctuary undertaking (see p. 173 of the to complete a single ‘course of study’ among the long-
Loremaster’s Guide). lived, and long-winded, Onodrim.
While normally this procedure is automatically A companion who spends the Fellowship phase in
successful, for the company to be able to re-enter the Fangorn Forest and chooses this undertaking can either
Eyrie in the future all heroes must pass a test of Courtes learn some of their lore, or how to listen to the Song of
y. If all companions succeed, the Eyrie is now a sanctuary, the Forest.
and companions may return. If one or more companions
failed, the heroes will have to again receive permission to The Roots of the World
reenter the Eyrie during an Adventuring phase. The Ents have spent many centuries studying their forest,
Spending the Fellowship Phase at the Eyrie while still learning much of the world beyond it and
Companions spending a Fellowship phase as guests of though they claim there is always more to know, the
the Eagles may find the available activities somewhat knowledge they already have is vast. A character that
limited by the peculiarity of the place. But the unusual studies with the Ents for two entire Fellowship phases in
atmosphere of the Eyrie and the company of the noble a row can choose to acquire either the Beast-lore or the
birds make it a place of contemplation and relaxation: Herb-lore speciality.
companions choosing the Heal Corruption undertaking A hero that would instead learn many of the tales of old
are not required to roll but automatically reduce their can spend three entire Fellowship phases to take the Old
Shadow score by three points instead. Lore speciality. It is permissible to take several ‘courses’.
Thus, a hero who wishes to learn all the Ents’ have to
teach one of the Free Folk would have to spend seven
Fangorn Fellowship phases – and a number of years – doing so.
Open Fangorn as a Sanctuary
If a company has entered Fangorn during an Adventuring The Song of the Forest
phase and sufficiently impressed the Ents, the heroes Heroes that have spent time among the Ents eventually
may gain permission to spend a first Fellowship phase discover that they perceive far more of the world about
there. If they wish to return, they must all choose the them than other folk. The Ents attribute this to learning
Open New Sanctuary undertaking and thus be accepted how to “read the wind” and “listen to the world”. A
as regular guests by the Ents, albeit in a slightly more character can spend two entire Fellowship phases in a
limited capacity than other such sanctuaries. row learning to hear and understand what the forest has
Upon opening Fangorn as a sanctuary, the whole of the to tell them.
forest does not suddenly become a peaceful place for the A hero that learns to understand the Song of the Forest
company; rather, they will spend their resting season reduces the difficulty of all Awareness tests made in
with one or two of the Ents they’ve become friends with natural areas (TN -2). Furthermore, they can never be
in or near their Ent-homes. While such domiciles are not successfully ambushed or surprised in the Wild, save in
built to accommodate Free Folk guests, the time the the most barren or blighted of lands.
company spends taking on Fangorn as a sanctuary is
understood to include making a place for themselves in Weeding in Fangorn
the wood with the assistance of the Ents. Such dwellings A hero who spends the Fellowship phase in Fangorn and
can be remarkable indeed; snug hollows carved from who has the trust of the Ents may volunteer to assist
seemingly impenetrable rock faces, buildings shaped them in ‘weeding’ as an undertaking. While not a
particularly restful way to spend a season, the hearts of all choose the Open New Sanctuary undertaking.
some heroes burn with a cold fire towards Orcs, a Companions spending a Fellowship phase in Isengard but
passion that the Onodrim share. who are not emissaries of Saruman are lodged in the
A hero who spent a Fellowship phase ‘weeding’ in private rooms set in the south western section of the
Fangorn adds a bonus of +3 to the total Endurance loss ring-wall. Their doors are locked at night.
inflicted on Orcs and their kind in close combat. The In the later years of the canonical chronology (see The
bonus lasts for the length of the following Adventuring Tale of Years, page 95, and Entering Isengard, page 99)
phase. Saruman grows more suspicious and might reconsider his
policy concerning guests. The Loremaster must decide
Gondor how to feature this change of attitude in his own
Guarding Osgiliath campaign, but it it highly unlikely that companions who
You join the watches of Osgiliath. They observe the have not opened Isengard as a sanctuary prior to the
crumbling city and undertake scouting missions into the year 2990 should be allowed to do so after that date.
overgrown lands of Ithilien. Make an Awareness or
Explore or Hunting Test TN14 Meet Patron (Saruman)
Fail with C - Ill-luck: You are hit by a tumbling rock from Any company that has met Saruman must take him as a
the ruins. You lose 1d6 endurance (you do not start your patron and will be inclined to listen to what he has to say.
next adventure fully recovered) and gain 1 point of He asks little of his ‘followers’ save that they report
Shadow. strange events, unusual rumours and the doings of
Fail - Frustrating watch: You spent many hours piercing Gandalf the Grey…
the dark, trying to locate that elusive sound of During a Fellowship phase spent in Isengard, a
movement you are hearing from time to time. companion may choose this undertaking to deliver
Unfortunately, your watch has availed to nothing and you information to the White Wizard and gain 1 Experience
end it clueless and frustrated: gain 1 point of Shadow. point in return.
Success - Safe for the moment: Nothing escapes your It is up to the Loremaster to determine if the tidings
attentive guard. It may be boring due to the lack of delivered are deemed important by the White Wizard or
events, but that also means a moment of safety and not (anything concerning Gandalf is important, for
peace. Gain 1 Advancement point. example), and especially to what use Saruman will put
Great Success - A foiled espionage: You are able to locate that information.
a Snaga Tracker (Goblin) sneaking around the ruins
gathering information. Your attack ends his hopeless life. Receive Title (Emissary of Saruman)
Gain 1 Advancement point and 1 Experience Point. A hero who Saruman has deemed useful, either because
Extraordinary Success - A mystery revealed: During your of his actions or the information he has brought before
watch you are not only able to drive away some goblins, the White Wizard, may – with the Loremaster’s
you also stumble upon a hidden vault that has been permission – choose this undertaking to secure his
exposed from the tooth of time. Gain 1 Advancement connection with Isengard. The companion receives all the
point, 1 Experience Point and a d6 worth of treasure. normal benefits connected to the Receive Title
A and at least one B - A hideout nearby: You are able to undertaking described on page 199 of The One Ring
discover a goblin-hideout nearby and destroy it with your Roleplaying Game, here briefly summarised:
comrades. Gain 1 Advancement point and 1 Experience The Standing rating of the adventurer now measures also
Point. Additionally you gain either the Shadow-lore or his repute in Isengard, and the hero may now affect the
Enemy-lore (orcs) trait for the duration of the next narration of a Year’s End Fellowship phase spent there.
adventure. Additionally, his Standing score is not reduced, as if he
returned home (see Standing Upkeep in The One Ring
Roleplaying Game, page 193).
Isengard An Emissary of Saruman is granted a private room within
Open Isengard as a Sanctuary
the ring-wall of Isengard, or one of the lower chambers
If a company has entered Isengard during an Adventuring
found in the lower levels of Orthanc. Regardless of the
phase, the heroes may gain permission to spend a first
level of trust that an emissary might think he enjoys in
Fellowship phase there. If they wish to return, they must
the eyes of Saruman, they are rarely allowed to wander once, but on your next roll consider a GA as if it was an
about Isengard without a doorwarden accompanying C.
them (unless they wear a Ring of the White Hand, see • Normal Success: Useful information. The Loremaster
page 112). must provide one useful element of information about
your researched subject.
Rivendale • Great Success: Precious information. The Loremaster
must provide two useful elements of information about
Open Rivendell as a Sanctuary
If a company has entered Rivendell during an your researched subject.
Adventuring phase, the heroes may gain permission to • Extraordinary Success: A Mystery Revealed. You have
spend a first Fellowship phase there. If they wish to uncovered something substantial. The Loremaster must
return, they must all choose the Open New Sanctuary provide two useful elements of information and you gain
undertaking and thus be accepted as regular guests by 1 Experience point.
Elrond. • Gandalf and at least one B: Great Secrets. You might
Companions who have opened Rivendell as a sanctuary have discovered everything that was possible to discover
find their way there with a simple Travel roll, regardless about the subject in the place you have been making
of the composition of the company (see Finding your research, and you also recover 1 point of Hope and
Rivendell, on page 7). gain 1 Experience point.
• Failure and C: Wasted Time. There is no evil in the Last
Homely House, but a curious mind runs a different risk:
Receive Title (Friend of Elrond)
A hero who has caught the eye of Master Elrond because you have fallen prey of the enchantment of Rivendell,
of his actions, or even potential capabilities, may – with and have spent many days and evenings listening to the
the Loremaster’s permission – choose this undertaking Elves telling their tales of the distant past, listening to
and secure his connection with the Last Homely House. their fair music, and sometimes sleeping in a corner in
The companion receives all the normal benefits the Hall of Fire! Unfortunately, you completely forgot
connected to the Receive Title undertaking described on about the topic you were researching…
page 199 of The One Ring, here briefly summarised: The
Standing rating of the adventurer now measures also his Rohan
repute in the House of Elrond, and the hero may now Receive Title (Esquire of Rohan)
affect the narration of a Year’s End Fellowship phase A hero whose deeds have come to the attention of
spent there. Additionally, his Standing score is not Thengel King or one of the marshals of the Riddermark
reduced, as if he returned home (see Standing Upkeep in may – with the Loremaster’s permission – choose this
The One Ring, page 193). A Friend of Elrond is granted undertaking to secure his connection with the Rohirrim.
permanently a room on the upper floor of the Last The companion receives all the normal benefits
Homely House, and a special place at his table. connected to the Receive Title undertaking described on
page 199 of The One Ring Roleplaying Game , here briefly
Researching Lore in the House of Elrond summarised:
…they pondered the storied and figured maps and books The Standing rating of the adventurer now measures also
of lore that were in the house of Elrond. his repute amongst the Rohirrim, and the hero may now
If a companion is spending the Fellowship phase in affect the narration of a Year’s End Fellowship phase
Rivendell, he may profit from the wealth of lore it guards. spent amongst them. Additionally his Standing score is
When a hero chooses this undertaking, he first specifies not reduced, as if he returned home (see Standing
the subject he is researching (a place, an individual, a Upkeep in The One Ring Roleplaying Game , page 193).
historical event); then, he makes a Lore test and consults An Esquire of Rohan is granted an alcove to sleep in
the table below. A hero may gain a bonus Success die if within the hall of Meduseld, or a house or farm within
he possesses an applicable Speciality, and another die if one of the settlements of the Riddermark.
Elrond is a patron of the company.
• Failure: Nothing Useful! You have spent days and nights Sparring with the King’s Guard
pouring over dusty books and crumbling parchments. If The men of the King’s Guard are the household Riders of
this was your first attempt, you may repeat the Lore test the Lord of the Mark. When they are not attending to
their duties, the Riders of the King’s Guard often fight greatest hall. A Song roll is required: If the roll succeeds,
friendly bouts with spear and sword, sometimes on the companion has earned the favour of one Rohan
horseback and sometimes on foot. They are glad to Loremaster character with a status comparable to having
challenge warriors from within or outside their ranks, to a Standing rating of 3 or 4 (a captain, a counsellor, even a
put their skill to the test. marshal), a great success earns the favour of an
A companion spending the Fellowship phase in Edoras individual of Standing 5 (a chieftain or lord), while an
may choose this undertaking and join them in their extraordinary result is worth the favour of a character up
training. The companion must make a roll using the skill to Standing 6 (perhaps even the King?). During the next
with the lowest rating among his Athletics, Sword or Adventuring phase the companion may ‘spend’ the
Spear skills (TN 18). If the roll succeeds, the companion earned favour to gain an advantage in any way he sees
has proven himself worthy of the admiration of the King’s applicable to the current circumstances, as if he had
Riders. During the next Adventuring phase the invoked a trait (see The One Ring Roleplaying Game ,
companion adds +1 to the Tolerance of any encounter page 93). If the Song roll fails, the companion has
with the Rohirrim (+2 on a great success, or +3 on an embarrassed someone of note: during the next
extraordinary result). Adventuring phase, the companion can count on trouble
If the skill roll fails, the companion has taken a beating with this individual or his kin (if this results in blood being
and loses a point of Hope but he has learned a painful spilled, the companion is in for a feud).
lesson and gains an Experience point.
Go Riding with the Horse-herds
A companion spending a Fellowship phase in Helm’s
Deep, Edoras or Aldburg may go riding on the plains to
Honour the Kings of Old (Riders of Rohan only) help the horse-herds of Rohan protect their studs and
Riders of the Riddermark visiting the courts of their king mares in Westemnet or beyond the Entwash, in
often go walking among the great mounds where their Eastemnet. When a companion chooses this undertaking,
kings sleep, singing songs mourning the dead or he makes a roll of Athletics and consults the table below.
celebrating their deeds. Rider companions spending a A hero may gain a bonus Success die if he possesses an
Fellowship phase in Edoras may visit the Barrowfield applicable speciality (Beast-lore or Horsemanship, for
during their stay there and undertake to Heal Corruption example).
(see The One Ring Roleplaying Game , page 198). If they • Failure: Ill-luck . The undertaking results in continuous
choose to roll Song, they reduce their Shadow rating by 3 strain and several accidents that leave you hurt and
points on a success, 6 on a great success, and 9 points on frustrated. You gain nothing useful from the experience.
an extraordinary result. But if the roll fails producing an • Success: A Job Well Done .You do your part to keep the
C, the companion’s voice fails him and the hero is horse-herd safe. Gain 1 Advancement point in the
convinced he has displeased the sleeping kings and to Movement skill group.
have brought bad luck upon himself: for the length of the • Great Success: Horse-tamer. Your efforts saved the life
next Adventuring phase the companion gains one point of several animals, or you even added to the size of the
of Shadow each time he spends a point of Hope. herd by taming some wild horses. Gain an Advancement
point in the Movement skill group and gain 1 Experience
Gain Favour in the Golden Hall point.
...the words of the song brought a light to the eyes of the • Extraordinary Success: Heroic Deed. During a dramatic
folk of the Mark... accident (an attack by Orcs? A sudden storm?) you
Many minstrels play and sing in the Golden Hall, to heroically saved both horses and herders. Gain an
entertain the King and his court, to welcome guests from Advancement point in the Movement skill group, 1
faraway lands, or to celebrate the deeds of the sons of Experience point, and a gift from the grateful chief of the
Eorl before the assembled lords and chiefs who live in horse-herders, a ring or golden clasp. The gift is worth
Edoras or dwell nearby. Treasure points equal to the roll of one Success die.
Companions spending a Fellowship phase in Edoras may •A and at least one B: Unexpected Tidings. Same as the
attempt to curry the favour of the Rohirrim by making entry for a great success (gain an Advancement point in
songs about their deeds and singing their praise in their the Movement skill group and 1 Experience point).
Additionally, around the campfire or in an unexpected invocation (see The One Ring Roleplaying Game , page
encounter you heard news of some interesting 92).
opportunity in Dunland (if in the Westemnet) or • Failure and C: The Lost Hunt. You are diverted by the
Rhovanion (if in the Eastemnet). It is up to the distant sounding of a mournful hunting-horn: the horn of
Loremaster to decide the details, but you may suggest the Lost Hunt. It exerts a mighty pull and draws you
what it may be about. If interested, you may investigate heedless into the dark woods. The Loremaster must
the rumour in the next Adventuring phase before word choose the result: either you gain 1 point of Shadow
of it spreads. after wandering in pursuit of fell spirits, or you are
• Failure and C: Trouble on the Plains! Your poor attacked alone by the Great Boar of Everholt (See page
handling results in trouble with the herd; maybe several 126 for its stats)!
horses die or are stolen, or part of the herd strayed into
the wrong territory and sparked an argument with other Climb the White Mountains
herders. You gain nothing useful from the experience, Not all slopes and summits of the White Mountains are
and if you are a Rider of Rohan, reduce your Standing as forbidding as the Thrihyrne peaks. Even if winter
rating by 1 point for the duration of the next Adventuring becomes impossibly snowy in any year’s end, a
phase. companion spending a mid-year Fellowship phase in
Helm’s Deep, Edoras or Aldburg might be tempted to
Go Hunting in the Everholt climb the slopes in search of rare game or rarer flowers.
Companions spending a Fellowship phase in Aldburg or The queenblossom – a double star of long woolly white
Edoras and wishing to put their skill as huntsmen to the petals around golden florets – is especially valued for
test may go hunting in the Everholt. When a companion medicine and as a token of dedication, and is found only
chooses this undertaking he first makes a Hunting test high on the mountainsides. Big mountain-goats in the
(TN 18) and consults the table below. A hero may gain a unsteady heights are prized for their sweeping horns; the
bonus Success die if he possesses an applicable Speciality smaller ones on the lower slopes for the supple leather
(Beast-lore or Horsemanship for example). of their hides.
• Failure: Troublesome Whispers. Your ability as a hunter When a companion chooses this undertaking, he makes a
has been defeated! Soft voices and strange sounds roll of Athletics and consults the table below. A hero may
carried by the wind have made it impossible for you to gain a bonus Success die if he possesses an applicable
discern the tracks of your quarry. You return to Edoras speciality (Mountaineer for example).
empty-handed. If you were spending your Fellowship • Failure: Lost in the Mountains! You have spent your
phase in Aldburg, then your failure attracts the attention time losing your way in the mountains and finding it
of Gálmód, who makes your deed an example to all those again. You gain nothing useful, but at least you enjoyed a
young Riders who are all too eager to impress their peers wonderful sight! If you are a Rider of Rohan your fellow
with what he calls "empty demonstrations of skill"… Rohirrim find your deed a tale worth retelling: reduce
• Success: Good Hunt. You slay a boar, or an equally your Standing rating by 1 point for the duration of the
prized quarry. Gain an Advancement point in the Survival next Adventuring phase.
skill group. • Success: Firgengát. You return with enough mountain-
• Great or Extraordinary Success: Princely Gift. The goat hide to gain a number of points of Treasure equal to
beast you fell was so huge that your host suggests you your Hunting skill rating.
send its tusks to the King as a gift. Gain 1 Experience • Great Success: Stánbucca. The majestic horn of the
point, or a Standing level if you are a Rider of Rohan. stone-goat may be carved for blowing or for drinking, or
• A and at least one B: Grand Feast. The fruit of the sold to gain a number of points of Treasure equal to
hunt was so plentiful that it allows for a great feast! You twice your Hunting skill rating.
gain the benefits corresponding to the previous entry, • Extraordinary Success: Idesbléd. You collect enough
and the Bold trait (if you use the feast to boast of your queenblossom to allow you to recover Endurance twice
exploits) or the Generous trait (if you use the feast to as quickly as usual until fully healed once. You may
feed as many people as possible) for the duration of the instead use your reserve in conjunction with a Healing
following Adventuring phase. If you already have that roll to cure yourself of poisoning or from a disease.
trait, you can gain two benefits from a single trait
• A and at least one B: Púkel-stone. You have found a trade between Wilderland and the southern lands, help
strangely shaped stone, the size of your closed fist. You horse-herds in trouble or encounter dangerous outlaws.
have discovered that keeping the stone with you seems If a character chooses to guard the crossings, roll a Feat
to make you acutely aware to the presence of Orcs! die and consult the table below:
(Consider your Awareness skill to be favoured when A Chance meeting : You encounter a potential patron of
dealing with Orcs and their kind; if the skill is already note, such as Thengel King touring his kingdom, or
favoured, then the stone does not help you.) Saruman or Gandalf on a journey to or from Wilderland.
• Failure and C: Frostbite! You pushed yourself too hard You gain three bonus Success dice to spend during any
for too long, or you climbed too high, suffering grievously one encounter with that notable figure, and may later
from the cold grip of the mountain; for the length of the undertake to gain them as a Patron.
next Adventuring phase your maximum Endurance is 1 Nothing useful!
reduced by the roll of a Success die. 2-4 Fruitful activity: Gain 1 Advancement point in the
Perception skill group.
Enter the Hornburg (Rohirrim Only) 5-6 Very fruitful activity: Gain 1 Advancement point each
Many among the Eorlingas, especially those that have in the Perception and Movement skill groups.
taken on a difficult task, find strength in the grim tale of 7-9 Valuable practice: Gain 1 Experience point.
Helm. Before setting off on what is likely to be a 10 News from afar: You hear all sorts of news and gossip.
dangerous or even fatal quest, they visit the ancient You gain 2 bonus Success dice to use in any one
fortress of the Helmingas, to behold with their own eyes Encounter in the coming Adventuring phase.
the abode of the Hammerhand, the fiercest lord of the C Ill-tidings: The crossings are attacked by outlaws, Orcs
Mark that ever was. They pace the cracked stones of the or some other menace. You are hurt while helping to
Deeping-wall, see the Hornrock rise in the shadows of repel the threat. You begin the next Adventuring phase
the mountains, and when they feel their spirit is attuned suffering from the loss of 6 points of Endurance.
to the place, they climb to the top of the Hornburg to
sound their own horn and hear it echo across the cliffs of The Hills of Seeing and Hearing
the Deep. For the length of the Adventuring phase To most wanderers Amon Hen and Amon Lhaw are still
following such a pilgrimage, a Rider of Rohan hero with and silent ruins, relics of powers long forgotten. But
the Fey Mood cultural blessing triggers his battle-fury should a player-hero visit the twin hills during a
normally, but gains a point of Shadow only on the roll of Fellowship phase spent in Edoras or Aldburg,
an C. undistracted by companions and the demands of
adventures and errands, he might see or hear more.
Gaze upon the Glittering Caves The visitor must choose which seat to study for a time,
A companion who is spending a Fellowship phase in the Hill of Seeing or the Hill of Hearing, and then make
Helm’s Deep and who has heard the rumours talking of an Insight roll. If the hero is a Dúnadan, a Barding with
the "true jewels" lying hidden beneath the earth in the Woeful Foresight virtue, a High Elf of Rivendell, or a
Aglarond may wish to journey there to witness the Wood-elf with the Elvish Dreams virtue he rolls an
Glittering Caves. The great beauty of the caves is such additional Success die.
that hearts are raised and sorrows vanquished by gazing If the roll fails or simply succeeds, nothing is learned and
at the stars that shine within the earth. When a hero no special insights experienced.
sees Aglarond for the first time, he gains 1 point of Hope If it succeeds with a great or extraordinary result, the
or reduces his Shadow score by 2 points (player’s choice). companion witnesses some important event occurring in
a faraway place or hears important words uttered
Guard the Crossings somewhere at a great distance. The hero making the roll
Riders of Rohan patrol the western shores of the may choose roughly where to look or listen before
Undeeps from time to time, watching for signs of bandits determining the result, naming a city or region but
or Orcs marauding from the North. A companion cannot specify anything more precise than that. The
spending a Fellowship phase in Edoras or Aldburg may details of the witnessed event are up to the Loremaster.
join them and meet travellers attempting to resume a Rolling a A conveys a clearer vision, and leaves the
player-hero’s spirit uplifted, at peace if the vision was
good or firm of resolve if it was painful; the companion and the horn is today an heirloom of his family, the
gains a point of Hope. Rolling an C however attracts the House of the Stewards of Gondor).
attention of dark powers in distant shadows. If servants The Great War-horn of the Hunter may be blown once
of Shadow are actively seeking the companions, they during a combat encounter by a companion in Open
gain a sudden instinct where to seek. If you are using the stance, in place of the Rally Comrades combat task. The
Eye of Mordor rules to track the Enemy’s awareness of companion foregoes his chance to make an attack but
the company, add 3 to the Eye Awareness score, or 4 if does not need to make a skill roll: all fighting companions
the roll resulted in a vision. recover a number of Endurance points equal to the
It is worth noting that the Hill of Seeing allows a rallying character’s Heart rating plus his Valour rating.
momentary vision of an event as it happens, but does
not convey any sound. The Hill of Hearing allows the hero Confer with Radagast the Brown
to hear the speech of a person taking an important When a companion spends a Fellowship phase in
decision, or perhaps even thoughts that are so fully Rhosgobel (or another location where he may be met),
formed as to be nearly spoken aloud. they may go and spend time with the Wizard, Radagast
Woodsmen the Brown, who knows a great deal about the Wild.
Patrol the Wild A companion who has spent a Fellowship phase talking
The Woodmen of Western Mirkwood always welcome with Radagast may gain his next Lore or Explore level
those who would join them as they spend long weeks (player’s choice) at half the cost in Advancement points.
patrolling the borders of their settled lands, hunting Alternatively, they may instead spend time helping
down trespassing Orcs and beasts, and generally "beating Radagast in his garden, acquiring either the Beastlore or
the bounds" as the Hobbits put it. Herb-lore traits.
A companion spending a Fellowship phase in Woodland
Hall, Woodmen-town or Rhosgobel may choose this Receive Title (Hero of the Woodmen)
undertaking and gain the benefits of the Mirkwood-lore The companion is invited by the Council of Elders to
speciality for the duration of the following Adventuring become a member of the folk of the Woodmen, as a
phase. If the character already has Mirkwood-lore , then recognition for his deeds. To accept the title, the
he may gain two benefits out of a single Trait invocation adventurer must spend the Fellowship phase in any
(for example, he could automatically succeed at a roll Woodman settlement of the Western Eaves and choose
and gain an Advancement point). the Receive Title undertaking.
The Standing rating of the adventurer now measures also
Receive Title (War-leader) his repute among the Woodmen. The hero may now
As war-leader, a companion is required to command the affect the narration of a Year’s End Fellowship phase as if
Woodmen in battle and has the respect of the Elders of he belonged to the Woodmen culture. Additionally, when
the Houses of the Woodmen. He is not a king, but he is a a companion spends a Fellowship phase among the
general and a champion in times of strife. The title of Woodmen, his score is not reduced, as if he returned
warleader can be revoked by a council of Elders at any home (see Standing Upkeep at p. 169 of the Adventurer’s
time, should the companion prove to be unworthy of the Guide ).
charge, as in the case of a humiliating defeat on the field The hero can freely dwell in a guest-house in
of battle. Woodmentown, or in a cottage in Rhosgobel, or maybe
• The Standing rating of the adventurer is increased by 2 even in a tree-house in Woodland Hall (or in a house in
and his Standard of Living is now considered to be Black Tarn Hall or Sunstead). The comfort of the lodging
Prosperous . Both modifications last as long as the hero should be proportionate to the character’s Standard of
holds the title of war-leader. Living.
Additionally, the companion becomes the bearer of the
Great War-horn of the Hunter , a treasure of the Compete on the Field of Heroes (Woodmen Only)
Woodmen Houses of Mirkwood. Fashioned of old from Woodmen companions spending a Fellowship phase in
the horn of one of the great kine of Araw by a Gondorian any one of the Woodmen settlements of Mirkwood may
hero by the name of Vorondil, it was given to a prince of complete on the Field of Heroes to gain renown in front
Rhovanion as a gift (Vorondil wore its mate on a baldric, of their peers.
When a hero chooses this undertaking, he attempts to 2-3 Nuts and Berries: The character fails to catch
gain the opportunity to raise his Standing rating at a anything worthy of telling, but collects plenty of food for
modified cost. To do so, he must select and roll one of the Woodmen. If you are a Woodman, raise your
the following skills: Athlet ics , Hunt ing , Bows or Axes . Standing rating by 1 point for the duration of the next
On a success, the cost of increasing Standing is reduced Adventuring Phase.
by 3, a great success reduces it by 6, and an 4-5 Good Hunt: Gain an Advancement point in the
extraordinary success by 12. Survival skill group.
6-7 Great Hunt: Gain one Advancement point each in the
Visit the Kingstone Movement and Survival skill groups.
Touching the Kingstone is said to bring good fortune. 8-9 A Mighty Boar: You brought home a fat forest boar,
Companions spending a Fellowship phase in Rhosgobel and everyone feasts! Gain 1 Experience point.
can travel to this ancient site. When heroes choose this 10 A Stag: You brought down one of the fabled stags of
undertaking for the first time, they recover up to three Mirkwood. Recover 1 point of Hope and gain 1
points of Hope. They will recover one point on any Experience point.
subsequent visits in future Fellowship Phases. Ca Mirkwood Dark: You wander into a dangerous
region of the forest, and gain 1 Shadow point.
Go Hunting with the Woodmen
Few creatures in the forest of Mirkwood are good to eat, Enter Wuduseld
The carvings of the Great Hall of Wuduseld are a sight to
but some are surprisingly tasty. Companions spending a
behold. They are a magnificent testimony of the long
Fellowship phase in Woodland Hall, Woodmen-town or
history of the Woodmen and their wandering across
Rhosgobel may hunt with the Woodmen in Mirkwood.
Wilderland. Many tales are depicted in astonishing detail
When a companion chooses this undertaking, he first
on the walls of the hall, along each pillar, rafter and
makes a Hunt ing test, followed by a roll on the table
below. This second roll is modified by +1 if the hero
A companion spending a Fellowship phase at Woodland
possesses the Beast-lore speciality, +2 if the Hunt ing roll
Hall may choose this undertaking and gain the benefits of
was a great success, +4 if the Hunting roll was an
the Old-lore speciality for the duration of the following
extraordinary success.
Adventuring phase. If the character already has Old-lore ,
A Choose any one result except A Stag , or roll again.
then he may gain two benefits from a single Trait
1 Nothing Useful! If you are a Woodman, reduce your
invocation (for example, he could automatically succeed
Standing rating by 1 point for the duration of the next
at a roll and gain an Advancement point).
Adventuring Phase.
The Benefits of Patronage
A potential patron might expect the companions to prove This patron has the ability to access information that the
themselves before they accept them into their service, company would be hard pressed to discover on their
because there is more to their relationship than just a own. Dark secrets, old lore or news from far away are all
‘friendly association’ between them. The actions a useful to any company. Several patrons acquire their
company takes will directly reflect upon the patron that news from their influence with birds, giving them the
they serve and, as such, the patron wants to ensure that latest tidings on swift wings. Elves seem to hear news “as
the heroes are trustworthy before sending them forth to quick as water flows, or quicker” – though whether this
work their will. While the company may indeed become news passes between swiftly wandering companies or
friends with a patron, they also have a formal the murmurs of the land, who can say? Saruman the
relationship with them that implies a greater level of White knows much that is thought hidden, for he
support than that offered to mere hired hands. (secretly) has access to a palantír. Once every
Patrons frequently have access to both practical and Adventuring phase, the players may invoke their patron’s
unusual resources that they can potentially offer to a source of information, and have the Loremaster reveal to
company that is associated with them. them one item of information normally outside their
The following types of Patronage broadly represent the ability to obtain. The invocation must naturally be
different categories of assistance that a given patron can compatible with the means of communication available
offer to a company associated with them. Some of the to the patron.
benefits are automatically granted to a company working
for such a patron. Others must be arranged for through Reward
an encounter with the patron, using the Meet Patron The patron is a personality of great affluence and can
Fellowship phase undertaking (see The One Ring honour the companions with gifts from their personal
Roleplaying Game, page 197). treasury or armoury. Heroes who gain a new Valour level
may receive their Reward from such a patron: when this
Types of Patronage is the case, the Loremaster should work closely with the
Direct Assistance player to customise the Reward received, to suit the
This patron has, in their service, soldiers, allies, or other characteristics of the patron giving it. Alternatively, all
martial resources that can be brought to bear. Some members of the company rewarded by a patron can be
individually powerful patrons may be able to personally considered to effectively enjoy a Prosperous Standard of
assist the company or be willing to use their abilities on Living for a year. (Individual company members who were
behalf of the company. Loremasters should be wary that already Rich remain so.)
overuse of this type of Patronage does not result in the
patron always coming to the company’s rescue. If a Magical Boons
company needs to be constantly rescued, they probably The affairs of Wizards and other powerful beings may be
aren’t worth a patron’s time. subtle, but the benefits for knowing them can be great.
(Note that the company could be the direct assistance But magic is not dispensed lightly, as wondrous objects
that the patron sends out to help others allied with or powerful spells are as likely to help heroes as to
them.) worsen their plight, attracting unnecessary attention to
them (see for example the rules for The Eye of Mordor, in
Exceptional Resources Rivendell, page 111). The capability of each patron to
This patron has access to unusual assets beyond that bestow magical boons upon a company is discussed
which gold can readily buy and can make them available under each individual description below.
to the company as needed. The exceptional resources
each patron can grant to a company are discussed under Standing
each individual description below. Patrons with a wide influence in the world lend
companies associated with them some of their prestige.
Information All companies associated with such a patron effectively
have a Standing one level higher (this bonus will never
raise Standing above 5, however) when dealing with
individuals from the culture most associated with the Resources
patron. Heroes working for such a patron are widely and This details the types of aid a patron may provide the
openly known to represent them and their actions will be company if successfully approached during a Meet
assisted and evaluated, accordingly. A company with such Patron undertaking.
an influential patron can call upon them to lend their Note that these are only suggestions, and the Loremaster
direct support to influence powerful individuals with any should feel free to alter them to better fit their own
culture that respects their patron. In such a case the campaign.
patron’s good word will likely open doors that even a For example, Radagast is thought of as a reclusive and
high personal level of Standing cannot typically budge, or somewhat otherworldly character, and his Resources
at the least, increase the Tolerance in encounters with entry reflects this (Information, Magical Boons, Sigil). A
such individuals. Companies that are leery of being ‘in Loremaster may wish to emphasise that the Brown
the spotlight’ as well as those involved in more covert Wizard is a grand sponsor of the Woodmen and deeply
activities can choose not to profit from the benefits of involved in their affairs. In their campaign, Radagast
this type of Patronage. Should they claim it once, though, might therefore provide access to Information, Magical
they cannot waive it again without actively disguising Boons, and Standing instead.
their identities or permanently disassociating themselves
from the patron. Bard the Bowman, King of Dale
Requirements: Valour 3 or Standing 1 (Barding, Man of
Sigil the Lake, or Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain)
Some patrons prefer that their agents work subtlety and Resources: Direct Assistance, Reward, Standing
conceal their allegiances unless revealing them is The Dragonslayer has both competent troops and loyal
absolutely necessary. Such patrons frequently use a rune, people. While he has considerable, and growing,
or other sign, that can be immediately recognized as resources, much of his wealth is spoken for, wrapped up
their personal ‘signature’ by their followers and some in projects expanding Dale and his kingdom. Both Dale
enemies. Companies that have been granted the use of and Lake-town are becoming trade hubs, bringing all
their patron’s sigil can display it at need to declare their sorts of unusual folk into Bard’s kingdom, folk that may
allegiance and help draw assistance from their patron’s need an eye kept on their activities.
allies – or cow their enemies. An individual that reveals Missions for King Bard generally involve gathering
their patron’s sigil to a Loremaster character who is allied information or escorting valuables beyond his realm
to the same patron can expect immediate support. In (both objects and people). While the Bowman’s position
game terms, a hero gains a bonus Success die usable is fairly secure, there are voices in Dale that point out his
during an episode spent interacting with the allied lack of “truly royal” blood, leading to opportunities for
character. political intrigue as well.

Notable Patrons Beorn the Skinchanger

The following is a list that describes a number of the Requirements: Valour 3 or Standing 1 (Beorning
most powerful individuals living at the end of the Third orWoodman)
Age that may act as patrons for a company of Resources: Direct Assistance, Magical Boons, Standing
adventurers. Each description contains a number of Beorn as a patron is discussed in The One Ring
entries, useful for the Loremaster to determine what Roleplaying Game, page 274. Beorn’s Magical Boons are
type of support they may offer to the heroes, and what many, the most famous being his honeycakes.
they might ask in return.
Dáin Ironfoot, King under the Mountain
Requirements: Valour 3 or Standing 1 (Barding or Dwarf)
Resources: Information, Reward, Standing
Each entry lists the requirements for their patronage. At
The ravens of the Lonely Mountain bring all sorts of
least one member of the company must meet these
interesting news to the ears of King Dáin. The King under
requirements.. A number of patrons may have more
the Mountain often has need of hands to roam far
unusual or subtle requirements too.
beyond the Lonely Mountain, sometimes to ensure that Requirements: See below
bargains are being kept, at other times to look for lost Resources: Information, Magical Boons, Standing, Sigil
treasures of old. While he is most inclined to trust his From ancient bits of knowledge, to the deepest secrets of
own folk, he is all too aware of his own people’s insular the Enemy, the master of Isengard is mighty in lore.
nature and does his best to choose agents who can reach Saruman has the ear of many powerful individuals, giving
out to people from other cultures. While a Rich Dwarven him a great deal of sway in certain matters. Missions for
character has little need of material rewards, having the the White Wizard often probe into dark matters, hidden
ear of the King is priceless. secrets, and old tombs. Saruman actively seeks out
companies that might prove useful to him in the future,
Gandalf the Grey often whether they know it or not. Any company who
Requirements: Wisdom 3 or Standing 1 (Hobbit of the meets Saruman during the Adventuring phase must take
Shire, Ranger of the North or Elf) him as a patron in the following Fellowship phase.
Resources: Direct Assistance, Magical Boons, Sigil
The Grey Pilgrim roams at will across the face of the The Lord of the Eagles
north, down south, and then back again. There is no Requirements: Valour 4 or Standing 3 (Elves)
knowing what a mission for Mithrandir might involve, Resources: Direct Assistance, Exceptional Resources,
though it is fairly likely to be both exciting and dangerous Information
as it will, almost invariably, be directed at somehow Few companies can impress the Lord of the Eagles
thwarting the Shadow. enough to gain his patronage, but if they show great
courage and tenacity in standing against the Shadow, he
Lord Elrond of Rivendell may find a use for them… All birds pay homage to the
Requirements: Valour or Wisdom 3, or Standing 1 Lord of the Eagles and he hears much that occurs far
(Ranger of the North or Elf of Rivendell) from his lofty eerie in the Misty Mountains. His
Resources: Information, Exceptional Resources, Magical Exceptional Resources are his eagles, who, if the need is
Boons great, can take heroes very far, very fast.
Elrond Half-elven has seen three ages of the world,
accumulating both wisdom and pain. Missions for Elrond Thengel King, Lord of Rohan
typically involve ending threats, seeking out hidden Requirements: Valour 3 or Standing 1 (Riders of Rohan)
information, or occasionally recovering lost Elven or Standing 3 (Any land)
artefacts. Resources: Direct Assistance, Reward, Standing
He often sends his agents forth to safeguard other folk The King of Rohan is beloved by his people, but he
without their knowledge. Elrond is aware of much that worries for their future, for he can see much darkness
goes on in the wide world and his trusted agents are ahead. Missions for Thengel King involve scouting out the
often given the wondrous Elven cordial called miruvor. doings of Orcs, reclaiming lost pieces of the history of the
(See Rivendell, page 17.) Eorlingas and acting as ambassadors for Rohan. Thengel’s
favoured agents are frequently rewarded with one of the
Radagast the Brown magnificent steeds of the Rohirrim.
Requirements: Wisdom 3 or Standing 1(Beorning or
Woodman) Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm
Resources: Information, Magical Boons, Sigil Requirements: Wisdom 3 or Standing 1 (Elves of
Radagast as a patron is discussed in The One Ring Mirkwood, Barding or Men of the Lake)
Roleplaying Game, page 274 . His friendship with the Resources: Information, Magical Boons, Sigil
birds of Mirkwood ensures that the Brown Wizard Despite his seclusion, Thranduil knows much of what
frequently knows news from afar before anyone else happens in Mirkwood, even far beyond borders of the
even has a whisper of it. He doesn’t like to get involved in Woodland Realm. The King of the Wood Elves is well
politics, so despite the Woodmen’s deep respect for him, versed in unusual lore and knows much that is hidden.
he avoids unduly influencing their ways. Missions undertaken for Thranduil will often help to keep
the Woodland Realm secure in some fashion, or will
Saruman the White leave the forest far behind to punish those who think
they can outrun the King’s justice simply because they’ve locale. Others are more dangerous by far. The following
fled the shadows of Mirkwood. are a sample of the sorts of missions an Ent may ask a
company to perform.
Skinbark as a Patron
While the Onodrim seldom trouble with those outside Weeding
their forest, Skinbark hears and sees much from his The company is tasked to track down and eliminate a
mountain home and he has decided to do something band of Orcs, one that hides where the Ent patron
about the encroaching darkness. While he would be very cannot follow. The heroes can either manage this on
careful about how he phrased it in conversation, what their own, or trick the Orcs into following them into an
Skinbark truly needs are individuals capable of Ent and Huorn
accomplishing tasks that are so dangerous that he would ambush. The company may soon discover that the Orcs
not dare to entrust them to any Ent. He would certainly have found quite a few hidden ways through Fangorn:
find it deeply sad and highly regrettable if a hero of the unmarked paths that go readily unnoticed by the Ents
Free Folk he sent forth died in the attempt, but there are and secret tunnels to disguise their movements. Their
too few of his own people left for him to afford to risk trails all seem to lead back to the mountains and to the
their lives… south…
Missions for Skinbark will usually involve investigating
what Saruman is up to and spying on the doing of Orcs Distant Retrieval
(see also Adventuring in Fangorn, page 82). The company is sent far from Fangorn to bring back
something their Ent patron remembers from long ago.
Hasty Tasks for Hasty Folk – Ent Patrons Such a quest could send them roaming far to the north or
The Ents know a great deal about the world beyond their to the distant west of Eriador and it is unlikely the area
borders, but they are limited in what they can do with where they are sent looks anything like the Ent
their knowledge, for they are unwilling to leave Fangorn, remembers. Their mission may involve something as
even briefly. Their charges within the forest require their simple as bringing back a live tree or as complex as
regular care and the less of the Shadow’s attention they seeking out a legendary Elven arborist in Rivendell or the
draw, the better, or so they tell themselves. But Grey Havens and asking her to accompany them back to
occasionally an Ent recognises the higher necessity and Fangorn.
feels the need to act… or find someone to act for them.
There are Ents within Fangorn willing to approach the Information for an Entmoot
right sort of company to form an alliance with those who The company is charged with finding out all they can
can act as their hands, occasionally within, but most about a subject related to a decision made at the last
often without, the forest. Skinbark is the best example Entmoot. To put it another way, their patron wants the
(see Skinbark as a Patron, page 77), but there may be characters’ help in advancing his agenda, whatever it
other Ents whose growing restlessness might push them may be. The heroes may or may not know about the
to extreme measures. Any such Ent would have to be ‘political’ side of things, only that they’ve been given
very certain of the heroes’ loyalties before they would what seems like a straightforward task.
ever consider such an association, but there are ways to Landscaping
expedite this. While it normally takes an Ent quite a few The patron wishes the company to alter the landscape in
years to make their mind up about someone, all of them an area where the Ents cannot readily go. For example,
trust both Gandalf and Radagast without question; a the heroes are asked to go to follow a spring to its
recommendation from either Wizard would go a long headwaters, high in the Misty Mountains, discover
way towards earning the Ents’ trust and respect. Actions, whence it flows and then remove any obstructions that
as always, speak louder than words as well. A group that might have altered its original course. Such chores are
has already assisted the forest or a given Ent through seldom as straightforward as they seem they should be,
their actions may be considered for a more long term especially since the company will likely have to travel into
arrangement as well. harrowing places to see it done.
So what do the Ents require? A few tasks are as simple as
taking a few seeds and planting them in some distant Seek for the Entwives
This is more of an ongoing charge than a specific task.
The Ents have tried on and off for a very long time to find
their lost mates; they certainly don’t think any
companies will “get lucky” and find them. Rather, this is
an injunction to heroes working for the Ents to always
keep their ears open for rumours or news concerning
“leafy women” or any other odd thing that sounds like it
could be connected to the missing Entwives. If any
heroes were ever to find real news of the Entwives
whereabouts, it would certainly be cause for an Entmoot
at the very least. (if the players have played through The
Watch on the Heath adventure contained in Tales from
Wilderland they may have encountered Witherfinger, a
creature any Ent would love to know more about...).

Into the Darkness

The Ent patron asks the company to go where no Ent
dares to go: into the heart of Nan Mordeleb (see page
81). Perhaps a rot is spreading amidst the trees and the
Ents suspect its source is in Nan Mordeleb. Maybe some
creature within the hollow dales has figured out a way
past the sentinel trees and must be stopped. Whatever
the cause, the patron would send only the hardiest of
companies to see the task done.

We Fight for the Trees

So what does a company that works for the Ents get out
of the arrangement? The shepherds of trees have access
to information from a great many unusual sources and
often seem to be aware of events that they shouldn’t
possibly be able to know about. Their memory is long
indeed, stretching back to the very beginning of the
world, and they know the location of many hidden
places, along with other powerful secrets that the world
has forgotten.
A company with an Ent patron will also be offered a place
at the Ent’s table, and to partake with their drink… (see
Ent-draughts on page 66)

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