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LA 2e Corebook Core Rulebook 2nd Edition 26

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It is December of the year 1231 AUC, and although the typi- About two years ago, an ancestral cult suddenly took hold among
cal war season ended two months ago, the characters are on a the populations of Germania Magna. Its dictates are based on
mission in the heart of Germania Magna, 100 miles from the the worship of Tiwaz, the ancient primitive deity of the Teutons,
Imperial border, led by Aetius Marcellus Pertinax, a Rhaetian, who subsequently evolved into the three deities Wodan, Thor,
Magister of the cursus diplomaticus. and Tyr (which in the Interpretatio Romana are respectively Mer-
cury-of-Ting, Hercules-of-Ting, and Mars-of-Ting). Followers of
Just three weeks earlier, the Custodes had been at the Divitia this religion attribute their origins to Tiwaz and see themselves as
castra in Colonia Agrippina, a main colony on the natural River part of a single community. This has created a climate favorable
Rhine border of Germania, where they had been urgently sum- to inter-tribal cooperation, allowing the development of peaceful
moned to support an operation under way. During their first relations among many tribes that were once bitter rivals.
meeting, Aetius Marcellus had arrived dressed in full Germanic
attire, from his clothes - trousers, shirt, and fur coat - to his Several Roman spies have received news of these events, and
braided wire jewelry and the style of his beard and hair. the Magister Aetius Marcellus Pertinax, a leading expert in Ger-
manic populations within the Cohors Arcana, spent a good part
“In your eyes I see a hint of surprise, but I suggest, for your own of the last year, having infiltrated Germania Magna, looking for
good, that you become accustomed to this type of clothing. You your- more detailed information about the cult and its followers.
selves will have to wear it in the days to come. I, on my part, have
often worn these garments, especially in the past year, most of which
I have spent outside the Imperial borders, in Germanic lands. There
I found the worrying signs of a cult, whose extremism in worship-
ping their god of war is inciting barbarians to join forces and chal-
lenge the power of Rome. 9
The information in my possession indicates that many tribal lead-
ers intend to participate in a great ritual that will be celebrated LIMITS TO EQUIPMENT
on the day of the winter solstice. My intention is to penetrate deep
into barbarian territory, surprise the acolytes during the ritual, and
capture or eliminate the tribal leaders, halting their intentions and The need to go unnoticed in hostile territory has driv-
impeding their reorganization. To do so, I need a contubernium of en Aetius Marcellus to equip his team with only typical
the Cohors Arcana — yourselves — to help me with the necessary Germanic equipment. Their clothes are typically bar-
field investigations, as well as an armed escort. barian, suitable for the harsh winter season, and the
Custodes can carry armor limited strictly to Corium
Members of the escort may be recruited from the Germanic legion- Lorica, Lorica Squamata, Lorica Hamata, Parma, Cli-
aries of this castra, but it would be impossible to pass all of you off as peus, Angon, Arcus, Axe, Cudgel, Scramasax, Kurzsax
locals. To justify your foreign appearance to those we meet along our (equivalent to a Pugio), Securicula, Securis and Spatha.
journey, I shall pretend to be a Marcomannic slave trader traveling
from the south with goods to sell — yourselves — accompanied by w The players must therefore swap the majori-
several escorts. To avoid needing to sell you along the way, I will ty of their characters’ equipment in order to
state that I am trying to keep you for the Angles farthest from the adapt to the limitations (see the section of the
border, where exotic goods can be sold at the best price.” rulebook, Equipment, on page 40).


In any case, unbeknownst to Pertinax, a number of Germani and level of expertise (Scene 1). After identifying a trail that leads
serving in the Roman army have betrayed him, unveiling his toward the location of the ritual, the characters continue their
mission and identity to their cross-border contacts. The leaders long and tiresome journey, exacerbated by the harsh weather con-
of the Tiwaz cult therefore feed Pertinax false information, con- ditions (Scene 2), until finally reaching the Glade of Chains.
vincing him of the possibility of delivering a fatal blow to the
anti-Roman movement. The Germani plan is to lure Pertinax Part 2 — In the den of thieves
and his men to the most sacred location of the cult itself - the The ritual turns out to be a trap, to the detriment of the charac-
Glade of Chains in the sacred forest of Tyr - and attack them ters: a large group of Germani attack the Custodes, forcing them
en masse to consecrate the alter of Tiwaz with an abundance of to fight their way through and escape into the forest (Scene 3).
Roman blood. As expected by the Germani, Pertinax has or- The Custodes, pursued by the barbarians, must hurry to shake
ganized an expedition and is delving deep into enemy territory, them off. Along the road, they avoid a patrol by the skin of their
unaware of the fact that he has been betrayed and is walking teeth and can overhear their conversations (Scene 4).
headlong into a trap.
Part 3 - The long road home
w Adventure Value: 8 EP. Having failed the mission, the surviving Custodes and legionaries
find themselves once more isolated in the thick of a territory oc-
cupied by hostile tribes, whence they must begin the dangerous
journey home. Along the way, they come across a village, where
SYNOPSIS they ask for information and supplies (Scene 5). They receive a
visit from a supernatural Elf (Scene 6) and are welcomed by an old
shepherd that lives in the ruins of an ancient Roman watch tower
The adventure is composed of three parts, each divided into one (Scene 7). Finally, the Custodes manage to reach the limes, wel-
or more scenes providing a linear route to the conclusion: comed by the garrison of one of the border castra (Scene 8). Their
relief is short-lived when they are attacked by a group of assassins
Part 1 - Beyond enemy lines as they make their way to the city (Scene 9). A quick investigation
During their march beyond the Imperial borders, the Custodes on the bodies of the fallen reveals that the aggressors are Roman
have the opportunity to chat with soldiers and assess their mood traitors, yet another worrying revelation that must be reported.



Two weeks have passed since the Custodes left the comforting THE PEOPLES OF
safety of Imperial reign to delve into Germani territory, led by GERMANIA MAGNA
the Magister Aetius Marcellus Pertinax. Together with members
of the Cohors Arcana, ten legionaries are on the move, five The text of the adventure makes explicit reference to
from the province of Germania, constituting Pertinax’s armed different tribes (Semnones, Marcomanni, Franks, etc.);
escort, and five from various provinces of the Empire - Italia, the Romans refer to these tribes collectively as Germa-
Armenia, Thracia, Iberia, and Aegyptus - which together with ni, using this name to indicate all populaces settled
the Custodes will pose as slaves. in central Europe, from modern Denmark to Roma-
nia, known as Germania Magna. Although Germanic
Pertinax is the mediator of all encounters with the locals: his tribes each have their own distinct identity, manifested
knowledge of the language and customs allows the group to through regional and cultural variations, for the pur-
set up camp near the villages and exchange food, drink, and poses of the game mechanics all Germani will share the
firewood. It is important to stop and speak with the tribes, not same language and religion.
only so that Pertinax can gather information about the location
of the ritual, but also to prevent travelers from succumbing to The names used in the text reflect the distribution of
the terrible Germanic winter. the populations in the age of the Antonines (3rd centu-
ry AD), and the Germani appear to be very fragmented:
in fact, the tribes have not yet been grouped into ethnic
federations, which historically occurred from the 3rd
century onwards. This is because the ethnic federations

9 were a result of the migration of the Germanic peo-

ples, made possible by the permeability of the limes
following the crisis experienced by the Roman Empire.
In Lex Arcana, where the borders are drawn along the
SLAVE TRADERS boundaries of maximum expansion, the Germani are
not free to either raid or expand into Roman territory:
The need to disguise themselves as a convoy of slaves the arrival of other tribes from the north reignites local
and regularly stop to ask for information forces the conflicts due to the territory having exceeded its capac-
group to take a slow march, full of stopovers. The com- ity, thus impeding unification. The adventure attrib-
fortable pace, weather-suitable clothing, and constant utes the diffusion of the Tiwaz cult to the creation of
assistance provided by the Germani allows the Cus- a broader national identity and ethnic federations that
todes to proceed without any consequences owing to will subsequently pose a risk to the Empire.
the harsh local climate.

returns to the tent after his sentry duties; his skin has turned
white from the cold, his beard, moustache, and eyebrows are
frosted and his words are condensed in icy puffs of breath.
“Any sign of the Chasuarii?” asks one of the soldiers in the tent.
Tonight, the Custodes have set up camp a short distance from “No, Leti, they’re all asleep,” answered the young sentinel that
a village of the Chasuarii. Icy, biting gusts of wind whip against just walked in. “And anyhow, I’m beginning to wonder whether we
the leather tent, penetrating the inside where it is terribly cold, really need to fear these barbarians. I become more and more doubt-
despite the numerous blankets and men. It is difficult to sleep ful with each league traveled beyond the border: we have crossed
and the Custodes are still half-awake when one of the sentinels villages not all that different to the one where I was born, the people


who live there speak a language similar to my own and worship my nearest barbarian tribes have placed their minds at ease, preferring
same gods. We are more like them than we are the Italics.” to trade with us rather than try and break down our defenses.”

“They are Germani like us, they dream of the same things: a dig- III Degree of Success
nified life, a good wife, honor in battle, riches, and land. But don’t “True,” sparked up Leti, with a hint of regret in his voice. “The
think for one second, Wulfgar, that this makes us friends: it is the era of excessive Roman power is long gone. In the past, the legionar-
limes that makes us different, because the lands they dream of con- ies carried the eagle and wolf from one part of the known world to
quering are ours, the enemies they dream of defeating are us, and the other, thus creating a better world also for themselves and their
with each league traveled beyond the border, the greater the risk of families. Today, they pay us next to nothing to train with wooden
ending up with an axe through our skulls!” puppets, and without expansion wars there is no looting, no gold,
no slaves, no new lands, no farms to cultivate after the honesta
The soldier’s daring response wakes up all the Custodes and missio (honorable discharge at the end of one’s military career).”
other men in the tent. The Custodes can chat with the legionar-
ies, but to convince them to open up and speak freely, they need
topass a roll of Auctoritas or De Societate with DT 6. Based on
their Degree of Success, the Custodes obtain the following in- ON THE RIGHT TRACK
formation (each Degree of Success includes the previous ones):
As the winter solstice approaches, Aetius Marcellus becomes in-
I Degree of Success creasingly restless, fearing he won’t find the location of the ritual
“To be honest, I don’t mind it here,” says Berich, a thirty some- in time. One day, during a stopover in a village of the Dulgub-
thing legionary. “It’s true that we’re running a great risk, but the nii, a reborn Marcellus reports that he thinks he has discovered
pay we’ve been promised has no comparison with the pittance we the approximate location of the ritual. One of the elders told
get for defending the limes. And anyhow, with Pertinax we have him that in the heart of a forest to the east, beyond the river
nothing to fear, see how far he’s taken us? One-hundred miles out- known as the Weser, lies a glade where the barbarians meet to
side the Empire and nobody with even the slightest suspicion! That worship their gods: nobody can enter unless chained, nor is it
Rhaetian is familiar with these people and knows how to deal with possible to leave without making a human sacrifice.
them.” A Sensibilitas roll with DT 6 reveals that despite their
positive attitude, Berich and the other soldiers are actually quite To find out more, the Custodes can make a De Magia roll with
tense and afraid. DT 9. Based on their Degree of Success, the Custodes obtain the
following information(every Degree includes the previous ones):
II Degree of Success
“Let’s hope it keeps up that way,” adds a soldier from the back of I Degree of Success
the tent, “because I have no desire to find out whether or not our The Custos remembers something about these places, known as
training is up to the task. If you think about it, none of us have ever Glades of Chains, where the faithful chain themselves as a sign
really had to fight: the border has stood still for centuries and the of their submission.

II Degree of Success
Even the historian Cornelius Tacitus, in his ethnographic trea-
tise “De origine et situ Germanorum”, makes reference to a similar
9 place among the Semnones: “On an agreed day, the representatives
of all peoples sharing the same blood meet in a forest, consecrated for
centuries by rituals and fear, and there, having killed a man in the
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE name of the community, a horrendous barbaric ritual begins. Their
OF ALL THIS? reverent subjugation before that sacred forest is also expressed in
other ways: nobody can enter unless bound by chains, thus attesting
The information provided by the legionaries is not rel- to their dependence on the power of the god. Should anybody fall,
evant to the Custodes’ mission (finding the ritual and they cannot rise to their feet either on their own or with anybody’s
neutralizing the tribe leaders), but provides an insight help, but rather must crawl along the ground.”
into the lives of legionaries, their problems and uncer-
tainties, and the nostalgia they feel toward the Empire III Degree of Success
of times gone by. Being aware of the rampant discon- These religious locations, however, have been long forgotten
tent among soldiers allows the Custodes to better un- along with the rituals celebrated there. They were in fact the
derstand how some of them may feel betrayed by Rome expression of ancient times, from well before Mercury-of-Ting
and even go so far as to become traitors themselves. – who the Germani call Wodan - became the most powerful of
their gods.


Aetius Marcellus must return to the village to spend the night era. I’d hate to think we’re getting ourselves into something we’re not
insofar as a welcomed guest of the local inn, but he urges his prepared for...”
men to pack their bags: they will all leave together the following
morning to reach the sacred forest and find the glade before the “You’re not hiding anything from us, right?” asks Sahura, turn-
tribe meets! ing directly toward the Custodes. “We’re not Praetorians and we
know you have your secrets, but if you don’t tell us how it is, we risk
being unprepared for the battle and being taken by surprise.”
“That’s right, there’s really only a dozen or so of us,” says Wulfgar,
On the last night, before leaving the land of the Dulgubnii, “how are we supposed to fight? Are you expecting a stout resistance?
while the Custodes and legionaries are busy collecting their What should we expect?”
weapons and bags for the next day’s march, the conversation
sparks up again under the tent, when Leti asks: “Has anybody A Sensibilitas roll with DT 6 will reveal that the soldiers are
understood exactly what we’re supposed to be preparing for? Because quite concerned. As time passes, their growing sense of uncer-
I don’t remember hearing anything about the number of enemies tainty is making itself heard, fueling growing tensions, which
we’ll be up against except for a vague ‘find the tribal leaders and are now brought to light. Judging from their conversations,
imprison them, or eliminate them if they pose resistance’.” the main problem seems to be their fear of the unknown, the
uncertainty regarding what awaits them. It is quite likely that
“Hmmm, that’s true... Are we sure Pertinax knows what he’s do- the legionaries simply need to have an idea of what they’re up
ing?” asks Sahura, the Egyptian. “Because he seems really good at against, and the Custodes could easily reassure them by telling
negotiating with people, but I’m starting to suspect he has no idea them something to placate their fears.
what we’re getting ourselves into.”
If the Custodes reassure the legionaries (by revealing their ex-
“You’re joking, right? You still have doubts about him?” pectations regarding the encounter and encouraging them to
trust the quality of the military training they have received) and
“Well, Berich, the Egyptian may have a point. At the end of the day pass a De Societate or Auctoritas roll with DT 6, the soldiers
we’re here with the Cohors Arcana and we know these guys are used will be more motivated (they are considered reassured when the
to fighting the living dead of Aegyptus, Babylonian demons, etcet- deciding moment arrives, see further ahead).

During this phase, the Custodes may Performing a Precognition ritual re- of some embittered by a grimace of
turn to divinatory magic to try and quires a De Magia roll with DT 12. If hatred, others fixed in an expression
find the location of the ritual or fore- the roll is successful, based on the De- of surprise and fear.
see the outcome of the attack. Per- gree of Success, the Custodes obtain the
forming a Clairvoyance ritual requires following information (each Degree of III Degree of Success
a De Magia roll with DT 9. If the roll Success includes the previous ones): A gigantic half-man, half-bear warri-
is successful, the Custodes receive a or fights among the stones. With its
vision of the snow-covered megaliths I Degree of Success mighty claws it sweeps away a group
and the sacrificial altar at the center The snow is stained red with blood. of Romans, grabbing Aetius Marcel-
of the circle. The vision of the loca- Legionaries and Custodes are fighting lus and lifting him off the ground.
tion includes elements useful for the in the middle of a circle of tall mega- The Magister thrashes around, trying
purposes of orientation in the forest: liths, cropping out from the snow like desperately to strike the head of his
each Degree of Success yielded in the teeth from gums. aggressor, but the monster rips off his
De Magia roll to perform the ritual face with a single bite, throwing his
adds one success to those accumulated II Degree of Success lifeless body onto the sacrificial altar.
during the exploration. Repeating the On the ground, Roman and barbar-
ritual does not add new information. ian corpses lie side by side, the faces


SCENE 2: THE WINTER such danger. Once the ritual has been stopped and the tribal leaders
have been interrogated, it is of utmost importance that at least one
of us returns alive to report on what we found. Should I die during
When they leave the village of the Dulgubnii, the Custodes only the mission, go to Augusta Treverorum and report to Maera Di-
have 6 days to find the location of the ritual, exploring the great odora, a good friend of mine and Magister of the cursus auguralis.”
forest beyond the River Weser.

w The search for the Glade of Chains follows the Ex- WAITING FOR THE MOMENT
plore an area rules (see the section of the rulebook,
Special prolonged actions on page 116). The DT of If the Custodes find the Glade of Chains before the winter sol-
the De Natura roll is 9, given that the place is not easy stice, Aetius Marcellus gives orders to set up stable camp at a
to find, and for each day of exploration the Custodes certain distance (see the dedicated paragraph in the section of
can make only one roll, given the limited daylight the rulebook, Special prolonged actions), to wait for the ritual
hours available to them. Each Degree of Success be- more comfortably, in warmth and safety. The DT for De Bello
yond the first yielded in the rolls is counted normally or De Natura rolls is 9; thanks to the help of the legionaries,
as an additional success. To find and reach the glade, the total number of successes required to perform the action is
the Custodes must obtain a total of 12 successes (the reduced from 6 to 3.
area is vast and the territory is arduous).
Having set up a stable camp, the Custodes can now rest in a com-
Only the Custodes make the exploration rolls, while the legion- fortable place, useful in freeing themselves from the Debilitated
aries act as their armed escort, following them closely, ready to condition and to heal a number of wounds (see page 127).
intervene in the event of danger.

If the Custodes accumulate the successes they need in less than ONE LAST TRY
6 days, the group can set up stable camp and rest suitably be-
fore the solstice - see Waiting for the moment. Otherwise, the To reach the site of the ritual in time, the group must proceed at
Custodes and legionaries will be forced to advance at a Forced a Forced March (see page 123). Each Custos makes a single De
March during the night - see The winter solstice. Corpore roll with DT 6 (if the group obtained at least 10 successes
during the exploration) or 9 (if they obtained less than 10 success-
During the exploration, the Custodes travel off the beaten track es). If a Custos fails the roll, they suffer the Debilitated condition; if
and can no longer rely on the possibility of finding villages in they were already Debilitated, they suffer 1d3 damage.
which to trade supplies or ask to stay in heated, comfortable huts.
The harsh weather conditions of the Germanic winter mean the For the purposes of this adventure, Aetius Marcellus and the le-
Custodes risk succumbing to fatigue and frostbite (see the rules gionaries are considered not to suffer the negative repercussions
for unfavorable weather conditions on page 123). Moreover, of the forced march.
as they charge toward the sacred locations of the Germani, the
Custodes enter territories consecrated to hostile deities and it be-
comes more and more difficult to perceive the presence of the THE WINTER SOLSTICE
Roman gods. At the end of each day of exploration, the Custodes
must pass a Ratio roll with DT 6 or lose 1 point of Pietas (see The sun has long since set, and the Custodes are waiting in
Losing and recovering Pietas starting from page 78). the dark; it is the winter solstice, the longest night, the night
of the ritual. A faraway chant, carried by the wind catches the
Custodes’ attention.
If the characters have accumulated the 12 successes needed dur-
On the third day of exploration, while the legionaries are dis- ing the exploration phase, they are no doubt in the vicinity and
mantling their temporary camp after a night of rest, Aetius can reach the Glade of Chains without any problems. If, on the
Marcellus gathers together the Custodes. His face is tense, his other hand, they haven’t obtained the 12 successes, they will be
eyes hollow; it seems he hasn’t slept for days. forced to proceed at a Forced March during the night to reach
the site of the ritual in time (see the box One last try).
“Every morning I wake with a sense of emptiness, a weight on my
heart that makes even the waking hours heavy,” begins the Magis- In both cases, in the end, the Custodes reach the edge of the
ter with a ponderous tone. “It is an omen of death that comes not Glade of Chains and have no difficulty spotting the lights
from premonitory dreams, nor from signs of the gods, but from the through the trunks and snow. They cautiously approach to spy
knowledge that nobody has ever come this close to the heart of a cult, on the ritual.
and that if we should all perish, Rome would be left powerless before



In reality, the Glade of Chains is enveloped by the magic power
SCENE 3: of Enchantment (see page 141), used to draw Pertinax and his
men to the center of the glade in order that they can be killed
THE GLADE OF CHAINS and sacrificed by Tiwaz’s followers. The effect of the Enchant-
ment is manifested as a loss of self-control and a magical illu-
sion that gives the characters a reason to act rashly and recklessly,
The characters cautiously approach the source of the chant. displaying a scene that corresponds to the expectations of those
The forest soon opens up to a clearing having a diameter of looking on. If, during the course of the adventure, the players
about 100 feet, completely covered by a thin layer of snow. Sev- have expressed their expectations in relation to this encounter
eral monolithic shapes rise up from the center, some low and and what they believe or fear they will find, the Demiurge can
wide, others tall and soaring, organized in a complex structure weave the fears of the players into the vision described above and
consisting of two circles, one inner and one outer (see attached modify it to their liking. If, for example, the players have made
map). A fine haze envelops the circle, cloaking the scene with a associations with books and films and expected to find a Celtic
supernatural aura. druid with a sickle and headdress with deer horns, the Demiurge
should use this description instead of the one provided above.

While the characters are preparing to act, the chant suddenly grows
THE ILLUSION with paroxysmal intensification, the priest prepares to slaughter the
sacrifice, and the young woman screams with terror upon seeing the
Chained to the top of the tallest rock is a young woman with long approaching knife.
blonde hair that falls softly on her shoulders and arms, left bare
by the thin white dress she’s wearing. In front of her stands a man w The Custodes must make a Ratio roll with DT 9 to
leading the chant. He is richly dressed, with white and red trousers oppose the magic power of the Enchantment.
and shirt and a thick fur coat; he is holding a long knife in one
hand, with the other tied behind his back. The man is surrounded Custodes that fail the roll are overcome by uncontrollable war-
by a circle of men kneeling in the snow with their hands either tied like ardor: they bounce out of the trees and enter the glade,
to each other or around their necks; their eyes are all fixed on the wielding their weapons, ready to take on the priest and save the
young girl and their voices are united in song. The scene is lit up young girl.
by a number of women, young and old, dancing slowly around the
kneeling faithful, with a lantern in one hand and the other tied Custodes that succeed in the roll keep a cool head and are able
behind their backs. to autonomously decide how to react (they may even decide to

The Glade of Chains is a place that has forever been consecrated to Tiwaz thanks to countless human sacrifices. According
to the cult’s priests, it is not possible to enter the glade unless chained as an act of submission to divine will (hence the name,
Glade of Chains).

If a Custos enters the glade they must immediately make a Ratio roll with DT 6. Those who succeed will not suffer the
consequences. Those who fail the roll immediately lose 1d3 Pietas and suffer the Cursed condition (see the dedicated para-
graph in the rulebook, on page 80). The conditions disappear as soon as the Cursed Custodes leave the glade and return
to the woods.


voluntarily enter the glade). They see all those inside the glade, THE AMBUSH
except the priest, begin to fade and then suddenly vanish; but
above all, they notice something that those inside the glade are The moment one or more individuals enter the stone circle, the
unable to see because of the magic: an enormous creature stand- trap set by the Germani is triggered. Dozens of fighters hiding
ing at the center of the stone circle, a terrifying cross between in the forest launch themselves against the Custodes and legion-
a man and a bear, a Berserkir of superhuman proportions ready aries along the edges of the glade (they don’t want to fight in
to unleash its fury. the glade, insofar as according to their religion, one must be
chained to enter), shouting their thirst for blood to the skies.
Each Custos that resisted the spell can immediately make a De Inside the glade, the giant Berserkir prepares to strike as the
Societate or Auctoritas roll with DT 9 to stop the other char- priest disappears into the forest.
acters or legionaries from throwing themselves into the glade:
each Degree of Success yielded in this roll allows the Custos to w A dual battle begins: against the Germani fighters at
hold back one person of choice (another Custos, Pertinax, or a the edge of the glade and against the Berserkir in bear
legionary). form inside the glade.

If the Custodes are unable to break the spell, Aetius Marcellus and The Demiurge can refer to the following two paragraphs, The
a certain number of legionaries fall under the effect of the spell and battle in the glade and The battle in the forest, to manage the situ-
launch themselves into the glade under the horrified eyes of the ation. The paragraphs describe what happens, tempus after tem-
other legionaries. They may well be joined by other Custodes that pus; the Demiurge should therefore proceed in a parallel manner,
failed the roll and were not stopped by their comrades. resolving tempus 1 in both battles, then tempus 2, and so on.
The Custodes have limited options (they are unlikely to win the
w The number of legionaries that throw themselves into battle) and sooner or later will have to order a Tactical withdrawal,
the glade is equal to 3, or 2 if they had been previously which will give rise to a Pursuit (see the dedicated paragraphs).
reassured (see the paragraph On the right track).


Tempus 2. As in tempus 1; the DT for the Ratio roll is reduced

Tempus 3. As in tempus 1; the DT for the Ratio roll is reduced
Legionaries and Custodes inside the glade in a state of Enchant- to 3.
ment don’t realize what’s happening at first and continue to be Tempus 4 and following. As in tempus 3. If any NPC are still
obsessed by the illusory scene of the ritual. They wander around alive in the glade, at the end of the tempus they are freed from
the stone circle trying to strike the images conjured up in their the state of Enchantment and can react normally (see the sec-
minds by the priest’s spell, without even being able to see the tion further ahead, Tactical withdrawal).
enormous creature preparing to attack them.

At the end of each tempus of combat, spellbound Custodes can

nonetheless make a new Ratio roll to cancel the effects of the THE BATTLE IN THE FOREST
magic. The Custodes are also no longer subject to Enchantment
the moment they are attacked by the Berserkir. Any Custodes Legionaries and Custodes found at the edge of the glade are
that voluntarily entered the glade to help their comrades, de- struck by haphazard waves of Germani fighters in increasing
spite having rolled a successful first Ratio, can see and engage numbers, coming from the east. There is no time, and this is
the Berserkir, but cannot influence the perceptions of their not the place, to fire initial volleys before close combat begins.
spellbound comrades. An efficient defense line is hastily organized, but the situation
appears desperate from the outset.
Tempus 1. If not engaged in combat by one or more characters
(PC or NPC) not in a state of Enchantment, the Berserkir at- Tempus 1. The Custodes must confront (1:1) Germani War-
tacks a disoriented victim (see the box The Berserkir of the glade). riors (see the box The Germani) to help the legionaries maintain
At the end of the tempus, the Custodes can make a Ratio roll the line of defense. Wounded or killed Germani fighters are re-
with DT 9 to free themselves from the state of Enchantment. placed by others in the next tempus.

Selected by way of a ritualistic battle among the strongest fighters of all Germanic tribes and subsequently consecrated to
Tiwaz, this champion is a frightening sight. Almost ten feet tall, it has legs, a torso, human arms, but the head of a bear.
From its waist up, its torso is covered by increasingly thicker hair until becoming actual fur at shoulder height. Its hands are
prehensile, but end in strong and stout grayish claws.

The statistics of the Berserkir in human form should be used (see page 167), applying the following changes: the DV of the
creature is equal to 12 (instead of 10); it does not fight with weapons, but using claws (Damage 12); its Fate Roll magical
power only has effect within the Glade of Chains; it does not have the Metamorphosis magic power.

During the battle, characters (players or non-players) that have been freed from the state of Enchantment can freely choose
whether to engage the Berserkir.

If the Berserkir is not engaged in combat, it hurls itself against a spellbound legionary, slaughtering him. If there are no
legionaries, it attacks Aetius Marcellus with the same lethal consequences. If Aetius Marcellus isn’t there, it attacks a Custos
(who is Surprised in the first tempus of combat, and who then automatically frees themself from the state of Enchantment
and can fight normally in the following tempora).

If there is no one in the glade, but at least one Roman has been killed in the glade, the Berserkir remains in the glade to
consecrate the sacrificial stones with the blood of the slain; otherwise, in the next tempus the Berserkir joins the Battle in the
forest, replacing one of the Germani engaged in hand-to-hand battle.


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