(BS-IEMC) Program Specification
(BS-IEMC) Program Specification
(BS-IEMC) Program Specification
Program Specification
Awarding Institution De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde
Program Accreditation Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Government Recognition No. 013,
Series of 2015.
Name of Final Award Bachelor of Science in Interactive Entertainment and Multimedia Computing
major in Game Development and major in Game Art (BS-IEMC)
Description of the Program The Bachelor of Science in Interactive Entertainment and Multimedia
Computing Program is a discipline that covers that totality of the ideation,
the design, the art, the technical implementation, the manage and the business
of Interactive Software Projects geared towards entertainment, simulations
and solutions through the use of Video Game Technologies and Tools.
The Game Art Track focuses on the aesthetic (visual) aspect of Video Game
Creation. Focused heavily on the development of various visual assets used
in video games, through the use of industry grade tools to develop 2D Art,
Pixel Art, 3D Assets, Textures and Special FX that can be seen and experienced
through a Video Game.
• PO1. Apply game design concepts and mechanics through the use of art,
methods, and processes to create interactive applications.
Admission Requirements All students must pass the Benildean Entrance Exam (BEE). The information
regarding application, admission timetable, and application results may be
viewed at Benilde Admissions Center. Downloadable forms and school
brochures are available from this site.
CHED GE Mandated Courses 53
DLS-CSB Institutional Courses 19
Common Computing Courses 19.5
IEMC Common Core Courses 27
IEMC Professional Courses 27
GDD Professional Courses 24
Free Electives 9
Capstone Project 9
Practicum 9
Teaching and Learning DLS-CSB espouses and promotes learner-centered parameters. A balance
Strategy, Assessment of theory and practice is achieved through lecture courses combined with
laboratory courses/sessions and application sites such as the teaching hotel,
training restaurants and training travel agency unit.
Various assessment strategies are used such as class discussion, written and
oral examinations, return demonstration, journal submission, reflective essay,
assignment, seatwork, case study analysis, portfolio submission, final project
and individual/group report.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 5
Term 6
Term 8
Term 9
Term 10
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 5
Term 6
Term 8
Term 9
Term 10
1 Computer Fundamentals 1
2 Computer Fundamentals 2
3 Basic Programming 1
4 Basic Programming 2
5 Databases for Game Developers
6 Data Structures and Algorithms
1 Capstone Project 1
2 Capstone Project 1
3 Capstone Project 1
4 On-the-job Training
Programming Elective
1 Game Engine
2 Shader Effects in Unreal and Unity
Art Elective
1 Advance Concept Art
2 Human anatomy Digital Sculpting
3 Advanced Anatomy
4 Stylized Visual Effects
Design Elective
1 Game Design Synthesis