Pattern of Stroke in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects Versus Non Diabetic Subjects
Pattern of Stroke in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects Versus Non Diabetic Subjects
Pattern of Stroke in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects Versus Non Diabetic Subjects
Background: Diabetes mellitus is a well-recognized risk factor for ischaemic stroke. Stroke in diabetic patients is different from stroke in non-diabetics from several perspectives. There is no local study on this topic. This is the first study from Pakistan, in which pattern of stroke in diabetics have been described and compared with non-diabetics. The object of this study was to compare pattern of stroke in diabetic subjects with non-diabetics. Methods: This is a prospective comparative cross sectional study, carried out at Liaquat national hospital, Karachi, neurology department from October to March 2006. Fifty patients were enrolled in diabetic group and 50 in non-diabetic. Clinical features, risk factors and stroke patterns were identified. Results: Mean age was 59.5 (11.82) in diabetics and 60.4 (14.8) in non diabetics. There was slight preponderance of male patients in non diabetic group. Out of 50 diabetic patients, 44 (88.0%) had ischaemic stroke and 6 (12.0%) had intracerebral haemorrhage. In non-diabetics, 29 (58.0%) had ischaemic stroke while 21 (42.0%) had intracerebral haemorrhage. On further analysis of ischaemic stroke, cortical infarcts (CI) was found in 22, sub cortical infarcts (SCI) in 14, brainstem in 5 and cerebellar in 2 diabetic patients. CI was also the commonest subtype of ischaemic stroke in nondiabetics. Conclusion: Patterns of stroke in diabetics are different from non-diabetics. Ischaemic stroke is more prevalent than hemorrhagic stroke in diabetics. Sub cortical infarcts are more common in diabetics than non diabetics (p=0.04). Keywords: Stroke, diabetes mellitus, stroke pattern.
DM is a modifiable risk factor for a first ischaemic stroke.1 In people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, there is a 2 to 5 fold increased risk for stroke compared with those without diabetes.2 Modifiable risk factors for stroke include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, cigarette smoking, cardiac disease, drug abuse, heavy alcohol consumption, and AIDS.3 Presence of diabetes mellitus and ischaemic heart disease predict ischaemic stroke in a patient with hypertension.4 Risk factors for stroke in diabetic patients include elevated blood pressure, smoking, age, male sex, atrial fibrillation and hyperglycemia.5 In recently published observation of 5017 patients with different types of ischaemic stroke, the prevalence of diabetes was significantly higher in subjects with small vessel cerebrovascular accidents (35.5%) compared to patients with large vessel atherosclerosis (29.0%) or cardio-embolic (28.1%), while it was less common in subjects with other combined etiologies of stroke (9.4%).6 The significance of diabetes as a risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke could differ depending on ethnicity. In the Honolulu Heart Program, diabetes was not associated with an increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke in Japanese-American men, while in the Framingham study; there was a 4.5-fold excess risk of this type of stroke in white men with diabetes. 7 In a population based study from Finland, diabetes was a risk factor for cerebral infarction (RR-3.26) and unclassified stroke (RR-5.76), while there was no
association between diabetes and sub arachnoidal and intracerebral hemorrhage.8 In one recently published study 9, diabetic individuals were older than non-diabetics. Intracerebral haemorrhage was less frequent in diabetic patients who have had a stroke. SCI were more frequent in diabetics, whereas complete middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory infarcts were less frequent. The association of diabetes mellitus with lacunar infarcts (LI) or SCI suggests small vessel disease (SVD) as the underlying pathophysiology. In one study,10 lacunar strokes was the most common subtype of stroke in our population, which was considered to be due to high burden of inadequately treated hypertension and diabetes. As diabetic angiopathy is presumed to differ from atherosclerotic angiopathy, strokes experienced by diabetic versus non-diabetic individuals may also differ. However, data on stroke type, topography, and outcome in diabetic persons conflict.11 Diabetes is an independent risk factor of death from stroke. Tuomilehto et al12 calculated that 16% of all stroke mortality in men and 33% in women could be directly attributed to diabetes. However, one local study could not show much difference in the outcome in the diabetics versus non diabetics.13 One large14 prospective European multicentre study calculated that stroke in diabetic patients was different from stroke in non-diabetics from several perspectives. In diabetic patients, the frequency of intracerebral haemorrhage was lower,
the rate of lacunes was higher, recovery of handicap by Rankin scale score was worse and mortality was not increased. Though there is extensive data on diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease, there is not enough data on pattern of stroke in type 2 diabetics.15 As there is a paucity of local data on this topic, this study is therefore planned to identify patterns of stroke in our population with diabetes mellitus.
classified into ischaemic or hemorrhagic type according to CT scan or MRI brain. Ischaemic stroke was further typified into four categories. 1. Cortical Infarcts [CI] (infarcts in the territory of the middle cerebral artery [MCA]; anterior cerebral artery [ACA], or posterior cerebral artery [PCA]). 2. Subcortical infarcts [SCI] 3. Cerebellum 4. Brainstem Further investigations as carotid ultrasound Doppler and/or echocardiography were done where needed. Findings were entered on proforma. Data was analysed by SPSS version 10.0. Relevant descriptive statistics, frequency and percentage were computed for hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, ischaemic heart disease, CVA and TIA. Mean and standard deviation were computed for age. Chi-square test was used to check proportion between diabetics and non diabetics for qualitative variables with 0.05 level of significance.
Fifty patients were included in diabetic group and 50 in non-diabetic group. Mean age was 59.5 (11.82) in diabetic group and 60.4(14.8) in non-diabetic group. Demographic characteristics are presented in Table-1. Table-1: Demographic characteristic
Demographic characteristics Age Males Hypertension Ischaemic heart disease Dyslipidemia CVA TIA Current or previous smokers Non Diabetics diabetics (n=50) (n=50) 59.5 (11.82) 60.4 (14.80) 28 (56%) 34 (68.0%) 46 (92.0%) 43.0 (86.0%) 16 (32.0%) 6 (12.0%) 9 (18.0%) 1 (2.0%) 20 (40.0%) 14 (28.0%) 5 (10.0%) 9 (18.0%) 3 (6.0%) 16 (32.0%) p value 1.000 0.493 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.89 0.5 0.28
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) was checked in 47 diabetic and 45 non-diabetic subjects. Highdensity lipoprotein (HDL) was checked in 46 diabetic and 45 non-diabetics. In non-diabetics, individuals who had hemorrhagic stroke were found to have high HDL as compared to those who had ischaemic stroke, i.e., 63.3230.02 versus 44.6210.90. CT scan was done in 39 diabetic and 42 nondiabetic subjects. MRI was done in 13 diabetic and 8 non-diabetic patients. Forty-four (88.0%) diabetics as compared to 29 (58.0%) non-diabetics were found to have ischaemic stroke. Frequency of hemorrhagic stroke was high, i.e., 21 (42.0%) in non-diabetics as compared to 6 (12.0%) in diabetics. Ischaemic strokes were significantly more common in diabetics
(p=0.001). Frequency of hemorrhagic stroke in diabetics was significantly low (p= 0.002) (Table-2). CI was the commonest subtype of ischaemic stroke in both groups. However, SCI were more common in diabetics as compared to non-diabetics (p=0.04). Subtypes of ischaemic stroke in both groups are described in Table-2. Table-2: Types and subtypes of stroke
Type of stroke Ischaemic stroke CI SCI Brain stem Cerebellum Un identified Haemorrhagic stroke Basal ganglia Thalamic Lobar Brain stem Diabetics 44 (88%) 22 14 5 2 1 6 (12.0%) 4 1 1 -Non diabetics 29 (58.0%) 19 6 2 1 1 21 (42.0%) 12 6 2 1 p value 0.001 0.5 0.04 0.93 0.65 0.99 0.002 0.16 0.26 0.94 0.79
Etiologic factors of ischaemic stroke are explained in Figure-1. Large vessel disease was more common than small vessel disease in both groups. Similar results were described in one more study.9 However, small vessel disease was more common in diabetics as compared to non diabetics. Frequency of significant extra cranial carotid artery disease (i.e., stenosis >70%) was 8% in diabetics and 10% in non-diabetics.
10.0% 4.54%
Our study did not show significance age difference between 2 groups. This contrasts with another study9 in which diabetic individuals were on average 5.3
years older than non-diabetics. However, similar findings were observed in other studies as well.14,16 Frequency of other risk factors for stroke as hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, hyperlipidemia were also similar. While other studies9,17 have found that diabetic patients are more likely to have hypertension, myocardial infarction, and high cholesterol than their non diabetic counterparts suggesting that diabetics have high cerebrovascular and cardiovascular risk. Ischaemic stroke was more prevalent in diabetics as compared to non-diabetics and haemorrhagic stroke was significantly less prevalent in diabetics. In one more study,9 diabetic individuals had a lower relative prevalence of intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH: 6.4 versus 9.7%; p=0.011). Also, low frequency of intracerebral haemorrhage in diabetics is well known.16 This may be explained by the fact that severity of fibrinoid necrosis of small cerebral arteriole walls, which is usually associated with ICH, is less pronounced in patients with diabetes and arterial hypertension compared to those with hypertension alone.18 However, Stegmayr and Asplund19 found a two time higher incidence of ICH in diabetic subjects compared to non diabetic subjects. Previous history of TIA was less frequent in diabetics. One study20 also showed low incidence of TIA in diabetics. A lower incidence of TIA, taken together with the high prevalence of major stroke, could be explained by a worse tolerance of the same insult to cerebral circulation in diabetic patients, leading to the development of full blown cerebral damage, whereas in non diabetic subjects, the cerebrovascular disturbance of the same extent would not lead to permanent morphologically recognized cerebral infarction.21 The sub-types and topography of ischaemic stroke are presumed to differ between diabetic and non diabetic individuals according to the type of angiopathy induced by diabetes mellitus. Lacunar (small, less than 15 mm in diameter infarction, cyst like, frequently multiple) is the typical type of stroke in diabetic subjects.22 Lacunar infarcts (LI) are typically found in the distribution of deep perforating arteries.23 Our study found significant differences in subtypes of ischaemic stroke in diabetics and nondiabetics. CI was the commonest subtype in both groups and SCI were more frequent in diabetics than non-diabetics. As far as the aetiology of ischaemic stroke is concerned, large artery disease was more common than small vessel disease in diabetic group. Similar result was described in one more study.9 Higher frequency of large artery disease can be the result of an increased incidence of large vessel intracranial vascular disease in diabetics,24 as significant extracranial carotid stenosis was found in
only 8% of diabetic patients in our study. Frequency of extracranial carotid artery stenosis is almost same in both groups showing that diabetes does not seem to put the patients at increased risk of extracranial carotid artery stenosis.
There is no significant age difference between diabetics and non-diabetics with stroke. Patterns of stroke are different in diabetics as compared to nondiabetics as SCI is more common in diabetics. Furthermore, diabetes mellitus has been found a risk factor for ischaemic stroke and not for hemorrhagic stroke (p=0.002).
Contribution from Dr. Feroza Saleem, Dr. Khurram Siddiqui and Dr. Syed Kamran Ahmed is gratefully acknowledged.
13. 14.
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