Social Media First Term Examination
Social Media First Term Examination
Social Media First Term Examination
B/ Text Exploration:
1. Find in the text words closest in meaning to
a. glamourous §2= ……………………. b. selfish §2= …………………….
c. revelation §3= ……………………
2. Divide the following words into roots and affixes as shown in the example:
uncomfortable- followers- miscommunication- exceptional- unwanted
Prefix Root Suffix
Example un comfort able
…………. …………. ………….
……… ……….. ………..
……… ……… ………..
…….. ……….. ……….
3. Combine the following pairs sentences using the conjunctions between brackets;
(in order to)- (either...or)- (neither... nor)- (both....and)
a-I don't email my friends. I don't send them letters.
b-In Algeria, we can read newspapers in Arabic. We can read them in French.
c-We use the Internet.We want to search for different information.
d- Amine is on a social media detox so does Ahmed.
4. Ask questions on the underlined words
1. computers emit radiation or electromagnetic fields.
2. I worked in the most famous company in New York.
5. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s”
Influencers- lives- topics – resources
/S/ /Z/ /IZ/
“No matter how hard or how impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal.”
--Monkey D Luffy