Real-Time Investigations and Simulation On The Impact of Lighting Ambience On Circadian Stimulus
Real-Time Investigations and Simulation On The Impact of Lighting Ambience On Circadian Stimulus
Real-Time Investigations and Simulation On The Impact of Lighting Ambience On Circadian Stimulus
Received: 16 March 2022 / Accepted: 24 November 2022 / Published online: 9 December 2022
© The Author(s) 2022
Indoor lighting, incorporated with visual and circadian needs, is the upcoming goal of lighting designers. In tropical and
subtropical regions, where more daylight is available, daylight harvesting is a prime source of ambient lighting indoors. This
paper aims to study various cases of lighting ambience to investigate the circadian lighting capability in terms of the circadian
stimulus (CS) of the system under consideration. The instances considered are simulation studies in an open office plan and
real-time experimentations in a test workbench and a faculty cabin. Daylight integration was undertaken through controlled
venetian blinds, tunable sources and a commercially available human-centric lighting system. The result and analysis show
the influence of spectrally tunable light sources on CS rather than fixed light sources. Due to the varying CCT of tunable
LED luminaire, circadian stimulation for an occupant can be easily incorporated without crossing the limits of vertical and
horizontal illuminance, which may lead to visual discomfort. The findings from this study reveal that daylight–artificial
light integration scheme with controlled shading and spectrally tunable source provides the optimal solution for glare-free,
energy-effective and circadian entrainment, i.e. human-centric lighting (HCL). With the help of simulations, pre-evaluation
will aid the lighting engineers in making a better choice among the various lighting-controlled schemes to implement HCL
in indoor office spaces.
Keywords Circadian effectiveness · Vertical illuminance · Human-centric lighting · DIALUX EVO · Building performance
simulation · Visual comfort
6704 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:6703–6716
tones, neutral white is about 4000 K, and the higher values minimum of CS.0.3 is recommended for circadian entrain-
of 5000 K and above are the coolest CCTs. Optimizing inte- ment at least for two continuous hours during the daytime.
rior light availability requires the controlled availability of The average CS can be calculated by Eq. (1). Circadian light
illuminance and CCT [16, 17]. Manual control or a closed- (CLA) is the spectrally weighted irradiance to the human
loop control scheme can control an interior daylit space. circadian system.
Climate-based artificial light–daylight integrated models are
⎛ ⎞
widely used to augment the overall comfort of occupants
[18–20]. In the author’s previous works, the models were C S = 0.7 ∗ ⎝1 − ⎠ (1)
C L A 1.1026
designed only to achieve visual comfort, thermal comfort 1+ 355.7
and energy optimization. These automated building controls
lack the circadian entrainment of occupants. Optimizing cir- CS represents the effectiveness of CLA or the amount of
cadian stimulation without compromising overall comfort nocturnal melatonin suppression after an hour of exposure to
and energy saving is the major challenge of current research. light. The potential of circadian light is defined as a minimum
However, the arrival of tunable LED luminaires and the incor- of 0.3 CS at the occupant’s eye level during daytime for at
poration of artificial intelligence leads to the possibilities of a least two hours.
closed-loop control scheme for providing circadian enhance- From the above literature, the light level reaches our eyes,
ment, commonly called ’‘human-centric lighting’ systems and its CCT speaks a lot about the distribution of CS, which
[21, 22]. Artificial intelligence applications are widely dis- helps assess the circadian influence based on Ev and CCT. A
tributed in various engineering fields [23, 24]. A detailed higher level of vertical eye illuminance always contributes to
description of this is beyond the scope of this article. higher CS, which is suitable for the deliverance of circadian
Many standards, regulations and recommended actions lighting. However, this can also lead to glare sensations for
are put forward in the world lighting community to enhance the occupants in the interior space. Without controlled light-
the non-visual activities of the occupants. Based on the spec- ing, focusing only on the non-visual aspects is obsolete. Due
tral power distribution and the α-opic illuminance, lighting to the growing awareness of circadian lighting, dimmable and
researchers initiated the quantification of non-visual effects CCT tunable sources are also important. Here the variation
[25–27]. Based on the α-opic illuminance, the spectral sen- in the spectrum at different CCTs is meant to mimic the day-
sitivity functions of five known photopigments in the eye light spectrum across the day to reduce the interruptions by
and the incident light on the cornea, a particular quantity light on the circadian clock. Despite the predominant effects
is evaluated for each photopigment. A 32-year-old standard of colour-tunable sources, people sometimes prefer uniform
observer is considered as the reference. Later utilizing the illuminance with static light that exhibits constant white light.
spectral sensitivity functions, the national standards com- People’s light perception varies with the appearance of the
mittee ‘Deutsches Institut für Normung’ (DIN) established ambience.
melanopic factor of luminous radiation amel and melanopic CS mainly changes due to the variations in Ev. By fol-
daylight equivalent illuminance Evmel , D65 [28, 29]. These lowing the changes in Ev , the CS can be well predicted.
metrics represent the effect of light on a single photopigment The vertical eye illuminance (Ev ), or the light level reaching
called melanopsin. But the circadian system’s sensitivity the human eye, varies with changes in building geometries
also depends on the signals from other photoreceptors, i.e. like room depth, ceiling and wall reflectance factors, window
cones and rods. The ‘International WELL Building Institute’ size, shading elements, light sources, whether daylight and
(IWBI) put forward melanopic ratio (Rmel) and equiva- electric light and other external conditions like sky types, sea-
lent melanopic lux (EML) [30–32], which are based on the sonal variations, etc. Also, as the distance from the windows
melanopsin sensitivity function. However, the metrics men- changes in only daylit spaces, Ev and CCT vary. Unless the
tioned above do not integrate the neuroanatomy of the retina interior space does not have uniform lighting or a controlled
and the signal transfer in the brain. The Lighting Research daylight–artificial light climate-responsive system, there will
Institute (LRC) developed a new metric called circadian be variations in the above photometric quantities at different
stimulus (CS), which incorporates complex neuroanatomy, locations.
neurophysiology and the circadian system’s characteristics Consequently, in those scenarios, the CS also changes.
[33]. Besides hormonal suppression, other visual effects like Hence, we need to know about the variations in the lighting
brightness, clarity, scene preference and colour preference metrics mentioned earlier to incorporate human-centric light-
can be enhanced by considering the neurophysiology. More- ing design properly. Also, here we are considering an office
over, recommendations regarding CS for academic and office having a proper layout, with varying venetian blinds and tun-
purposes have been defined and applied in various field stud- able and dimmable luminaires. We have not undertaken any
ies [9, 10, 34, 35]. CS varies from 0 to a saturation of 0.7. A constructional variations for analysing the circadian effect
on occupants. Since the sky conditions vary continuously, it
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:6703–6716 6705
Fig. 1 Layout of the entire floor plan a and the layout of the open office space b
6706 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:6703–6716
the lights with 10% off and finally switching it off. The light
is switched on immediately when the person enters the room
and turns off after a delay of 5min.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:6703–6716 6707
6708 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:6703–6716
Fig. 5 (Left) Uniformity in work plane illuminance with blinds and (right) without blinds
Relative power
1598 K 2325 K 3646 K 5136 KJ
Fig. 6 View of the room with Blinds closed and slat angle open Fig. 7 Tunable luminaire spectra at various CCT measured with inte-
grating sphere
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:6703–6716 6709
Figure 11 shows the variation in CS and Ev with an the minimum CS. So these seating positions and the loca-
increase in room depth. As the distance from windows tions beyond this distance required auxiliary light sources to
increases, the CS level reduces due to a reduction in Ev ’s at enhance the CS.
those locations. Occupants 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 faced the north Compared to an occupant sitting nearer to the west win-
window. Those positions were observed to have an adequate dow and facing the north window, the reduction in CS at the
level of CS to promote circadian entrainment. Occupants 7, centre is almost 50%. This percentage reduction will increase
8, 9 and 10 received light from the west- and north-facing as the seating moves towards the farthest point from the win-
windows. These locations were also found to be satisfactory dows. Table 2 indicates the impact of tunable sources on
for meeting circadian criteria. The occupant from 5.484 m CCT variation and energy optimization. Fixing a single CCT
from the west and 3.298 m from the north (position 10) has throughout the day requires more luminaires to meet the uni-
formity and standards in Eh . Previously the observed Ev for
each occupant was higher compared to this case. Daylight
6710 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:6703–6716
10.00 AM
10.30 AM
11.00 AM
11.30 AM
12.00 AM
12.30 AM
2.30 PM
5.00 PM
1.00 PM
1.30 PM
2.00 PM
3.00 PM
3.30 PM
4.00 PM
4.30 PM
5.30 PM
6.00 PM
8.30 AM
9.00 AM
9.30 AM
incorporation provides more Ev , which helps to increase the 3.3 Real-Time Experimentation in a Test Workbench
CS level. Figure 12 indicates the Ev at each occupant with-
out the intervention of daylight and the light distribution in In this section, experimentation was done in the test work-
the open space. For higher CCT, 5136 K, CS was greater bench with the dimmable and non-tunable lamps and the
than 0.3. In all other CCT variations, CS was lesser than the venetian blinds. Here, three weeks of readings during office
required level. The highest CS was found at occupants 8 and timings, 10 am to 5 pm, were considered under clear sky
3, similar to the previous simulation. conditions. The eye level/vertical illuminance (Ev), horizon-
However, for higher CCT, 5136 K and 3646 K, whenever tal work plane illuminance (Eh), CCT and spectrum of the
Ev is nearly 400 lx, CS was greater than 0.3. It shows a strong light falling at the eye were measured in all orientations. As
correlation between Ev variations rather than CCT devia- per IESNA standards, a sufficient horizontal illuminance of
tions. Designing lighting space only with tunable sources 300–500 lx is required in office spaces. The occupant sits
increases the number of light fixtures compared to the former on all four sides of the work plane for the same experimen-
(with daylight). Integration of daylight with tunable sources tal setup. The illuminance, CCT and spectrum was measured
reduces the number of luminaires and minimizes the energy with a CL-500A spectrophotometer. The circadian metric CS
consumption (KWh/m2 ) compared to the simulation with was evaluated using the excel-based LRC toolbox [38]. The
static sources, providing the required CS. horizontal work plane was considered at the height of 0.8 m
from the floor level, and vertical illuminance was measured
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:6703–6716 6711
Fig. 11 Variation in CS and Ev with room depth. N indicates the distance from the north window, and W indicates the distance from the west
at the eye level height of 1.2 m (Fig. 13). Here, the investiga- DL-2, DAL-3 and DALIS-4. Different colour shading shows
tions were done with different lighting scenarios, which were the occupant’s seating position (sitting in the south, west,
previously done by the same authors [39]. The other cases are north or east) looking towards the monitor (Fig. 14). Here,
as follows: only daylight (DL), i.e. blinds open; only artifi- the west side occupant receives the highest CS in all lighting
cial light (AL), i.e. blinds closed; daylight and artificial light schemes because the occupant is facing towards the opened
(DAL), i.e. not controlled, blinds open; and finally, daylight east-oriented window.
and artificial light integrated system (DALIS), controlled. Consequently, more light reaches the eye. However, this
The east-oriented window was set in the controlling condi- position is not preferred to be occupied in a workspace due
tion in this experimentation; the occupant’s facing direction to glare, especially in the afternoon. The north side pro-
was changed to determine the relevance of the test room’s vides minimum CS for circadian entrainment compared with
seating/observer position. The suitability of different light- other seating positions. The DAL scheme gives the highest
ing schemes in the test room was also evaluated based on Ev , Ev and, consequently, the high CS among all the lighting
Ev /Eh , CS and CCT. Ev /Eh gives the vertical and horizontal schemes. Nevertheless, the Ev /Eh was 37.5% lesser than the
illuminance ratio and compares vertical and horizontal light DL scheme. Hence, it indicates the presence of more Eh in
under various lighting conditions. The data were recorded on the DAL scheme. Compared to the DL scheme, there was a
the same day at the exact time. As mentioned in the previous 50% increase in Eh in DAL due to artificial light. In DAL
section, each case of lighting scheme is as follows. AL-1, mode, higher Ev may lead to discomfort glare conditions. In
6712 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:6703–6716
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 12 Light distribution (left) and estimated CS with LRC toolbox at each occupant position (right)
the DALIS mode, except the east side, all other sides were 3.4 Real-Time Readings from a Faculty Cabin
suitable for working with minor settings dimming for a mini- with a Commercially available Human-Centric
mum value of CS as 0.3. Under these lighting conditions, the Lighting System (HCL)
Ev /Eh ratio was almost similar to the DL scheme, but Ev was
25% lesser than the latter. Hence, in terms of CS and glare, The readings were taken from 8 am to 5 pm from the cabin
daylight and electrical light’s integrated scheme is closer to room. We measured the vertical and horizontal illuminance,
ideal workspace conditions than other schemes. CCT and spectrum using spectrophotometer (CL-500A), and
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:6703–6716 6713
around 11.30 am, and the lowest CCT was about 2826 K
around 3 pm. The CS maintained at noon, which was 0.36,
was large, and 0.28 of CS is also recorded, the smallest value.
The system responds to occupancy, and Ev and CS’s pat-
tern looks similar, indicating the correlation between both
variables. Also, the CCT variation for all days observed is
the same. It suggests that the system is not responding to
actual climate, only tracking the reference curve. Visual com-
fort, thermal comfort and energy savings via effective use of
daylight and circadian entrainment are possible with climate-
responsive controlled daylight and controlled spectrum.
4 Conclusions
Fig. 13 Floor plan of the measurement setup [39]
A few inferences are made using simulations and experimen-
tation to establish a ’good’ lighting environment in daylight
CS values were estimated using LRC Tool. Measurements indoor work areas. This lighting design helps to have no detri-
were taken at the centre point of the work plane. Figure 15 mental effects on human health and comfort and fewer energy
gave the pattern of variation of horizontal illuminance at expenditures. Our inferences and suggestions are as follows:
the centre point of the work plane, vertical illuminance of
the occupant facing east, CCT and estimated CS of com-
mercially available human-centric lighting placed in the test • Preoccupancy and post-occupancy evaluations of daylight
room. Analysis was carried out for different points. Eh, Ev in work areas are necessary to obtain the tenants’ cir-
and CCT are increasing up to 1 pm and then reducing and after cadian effectiveness and visual comfort. Preoccupancy
4 pm, again increasing. As in this case, using four luminaires, evaluation using simulation helps find suitable shading
uniformity was perfect. The CCT maintained was around elements, electrical light sources, seating positions and
3000 K-5000 K. The highest CCT was around 5031 K at viewing directions.
6714 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:6703–6716
Fig. 15 Analysis of commercially available human-centric lighting. a Horizontal illuminance (top left); b CCT pattern (top right); c vertical
illuminance at the eye level (bottom left); d estimated CS (bottom right)
• Uncontrolled daylight and higher Ev cause glare sensation at higher CCTs (shorter wavelength content), nearly or
and non-uniformity; manual/automated shading elements greater than 400 lx as Ev is required, this will be very high
reduce visual discomfort and regulate sunlight. A comput- in the case of lower CCTs.
erized system is required to control the shading equipment • During uncontrolled lighting conditions, the vertical eye
based on climatic conditions. illuminance is more than the controlled scheme, leading to
• The integration of venetian blinds for shading does not visual discomfort, where a light source with fixed CCT is
limit the CS in the interior for the circadian entrainment used, providing a uniform colour appearance throughout
of occupants. Incorporating blinds avoids glare and also the day.
provides thermal comfort. An additional light source with • Observation with the commercial HCL system shows that
higher CCT as a supplementary source or tunable with the tunable LED luminaires provide a varying colour
high CCT may give the required CS with less value of Ev. appearance in the ambience, from cool white to warm
• The study shows that the impact of a varying light source white, by maintaining the average illuminance of around
on circadian entrainment is more compared to a fixed light 500 lx without compromising circadian stimulation.
source. A tunable LED luminaire that provides spectrally
varying dimmable light output can eliminate the need for
higher Ev in lower CCT. In lower CCT, the warmness of Sustainable development in buildings incorporated with
light will be more, which is unsuitable during the day- healthy indoor spaces is a multi-objective problem for devel-
time. As per the simulation, to have circadian effectiveness opers and designers. Simulation at the earlier stages of
building design is necessary to evaluate and estimate the
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