Polymers 15 02668 v2
Polymers 15 02668 v2
Polymers 15 02668 v2
Exploring Fully Biobased Adhesives: Sustainable Kraft Lignin
and 5-HMF Adhesive for Particleboards
Liam Dorn , Arthur Thirion, Masoumeh Ghorbani, Luis M. Olaechea and Ingo Mayer *
Institute for Materials and Wood Technology, Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH),
CH-2500 Biel, Switzerland; dornl1@bfh.ch (L.D.); tia2@bfh.ch (A.T.); ohl1@bfh.ch (L.M.O.)
* Correspondence: ingo.mayer@bfh.ch
Abstract: Most adhesives used in the wood-based panel (WBP) industry are petroleum-based and
are associated with environmental impact and price fluctuations. Furthermore, most have potential
adverse health impacts, such as formaldehyde emissions. This has led to interest from the WBP
industry in developing adhesives with bio-based and/or non-hazardous components. This research
focuses on the replacement of phenol-formaldehyde resins by Kraft lignin for phenol substitution
and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) for formaldehyde substitution. Resin development and op-
timization was carried out regarding varying parameters such as molar ratio, temperature or pH.
The adhesive properties were analyzed using a rheometer, gel timer and a differential scanning
calorimeter (DSC). The bonding performances were evaluated using an Automated Bonding Eval-
uation System (ABES). Particleboards were produced using a hot press, and their internal bond
strength (IB) was evaluated according to SN EN 319. Hardening of the adhesive could be achieved
at low temperatures by increasing or decreasing the pH. The most promising results were obtained
at pH 13.7. The adhesive performances were improved by adding filler and extender (up to 28.6%
based on dry resin) and several boards were produced reaching P1 requirements. A particleboard
achieved a mean IB of 0.29 N/mm2 , almost reaching almost P2 requirements. However, adhesive
reactivity and strength must be improved for industrial use.
Citation: Dorn, L.; Thirion, A.; Keywords: bio-based adhesive; Kraft lignin; 5-HMF; wood-based panels; particleboards; wood-
Ghorbani, M.; Olaechea, L.M.; Mayer, based composites
I. Exploring Fully Biobased
Adhesives: Sustainable Kraft Lignin
and 5-HMF Adhesive for
Particleboards. Polymers 2023, 15,
1. Introduction
2668. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Globally in 2021, around 396 million m3 of wood-based panels (WBP) were pro-
duced [1]. In order of decreasing total global production volume, the main types are
Academic Editors: Oihana Gordobil, oriented strand boards, plywood, medium/high-density fiberboard, particleboards and
Stefan Beisl and René Herrera Díaz oriented strand boards [1]. WBP consists mainly of wood with 2–14% adhesive content
Received: 25 May 2023 (dry resin/dry wood mass) [2].
Revised: 9 June 2023 WBPs are mainly produced through hot pressing, where a mixture of wood, adhesive,
Accepted: 10 June 2023 and additives such as wax and emulsifiers are pressed at a specific pressing pressure of
Published: 13 June 2023 2 to 4 N/mm2 at temperatures spanning from 200 to 220 ◦ C [2,3]. The adhesives used
in the manufacturing of WBP include urea-formaldehyde (UF), phenol-formaldehyde
(PF), melamine-formaldehyde (MF), melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF), and resorcinol-
formaldehyde (RF), but also polyurethane adhesives based on MDI [4,5]. Among these ad-
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. hesives, formaldehyde-based adhesives (UF, PF, MF, MUF and RF) represent approximately
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
95% of the adhesives used for WBP, with UF being the most widely used, representing
This article is an open access article
85% of the total production volume worldwide [5]. Formaldehyde-based adhesives have
distributed under the terms and
drawbacks, as indoor formaldehyde emissions are associated with a range of adverse
conditions of the Creative Commons
impacts on human health, including throat, nose and eye irritation [6].
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
Moreover, formaldehyde is classified as a 1B carcinogenic, according to the European
Parliament and the European Council 605/2014 [7]. Therefore, strict indoor emissions
standards, including EN 13986 [8], have pushed the market to reduce the amount of
formaldehyde emitted by wood-based panels. These formaldehyde-based adhesives are
also produced using petroleum-based compounds associated with higher environmental
impacts than certain bio-based alternatives [9] and lead to dependence on crude oil supply
and its associated price volatility. Within this group of formaldehyde-based adhesives, there
are differing properties. UF is low cost, rapid curing and possesses good dry bond strength
but has low water resistance, restricting it to indoor use [10]. This means that UF resins
are modified via partial or full urea replacement for high-humidity applications of more
expensive compounds, such as melamine, phenol or resorcinol [11,12]. PF resins are the
preferred adhesives for producing exterior-grade panels and represent the second most con-
sumed type of wood adhesive after UF [13]. As an alternative to UF resins, polyurethanes
can also be used, as they possess higher dimensional stability and increased moisture resis-
tance compared to UF [12]. Usually, such polyurethanes are based on methylene diphenyl
diisocyanate (MDI) and display a better VOC profile [12] but they remain a hazard at the
production site and require a high level of health protection [14]. Moreover, it remains
petroleum-based and suffers from technical issues due to its propensity to generate sticky
build-up on the press surface and its slower curing time when compared to formaldehyde-
based resins [15]. The issues with the current adhesive systems described above have led
to much interest in the wood industry regarding substituting formaldehyde and other
fossil-derived components in WBP adhesives. In this body of work, we concentrate on
phenol and formaldehyde substitution in PF resins.
Lignin has excellent potential for phenol substitution due to its phenolic structure,
and low price [16]. Technical lignin refers to Lignin that is isolated from by-streams in
lignocellulosic refiners. These included Kraft, soda, organosolv and hydrolysis Lignin
and lignosulphonates [17]. These have different properties, including molecular weight,
polydispersity, homogeneity and the presence of certain functional groups [17]. Currently,
Kraft and lignosulfonate represent the largest by volume, making them the most interesting
for high-volume applications, such as in adhesives for wood-based panels. Especially,
Kraft lignin, with a high availability potential and further improvement in extraction
technology [18], is a suitable candidate to replace such large volume resin as PF resin,
with a worldwide production estimated at 5 mio tons/year. Kraft and lignosulfonate are
associated with high ash content compared to the other technical lignin, and both have
sulfur present. Kraft exhibits between 1 and 3% sulfur content in H-bonds compared to
3.5–8% in lignosulfonate [17]. Sulfur is associated with odor problems and can inhibit
catalysts [17]. Kraft lignin can be extracted from the black liquor of the Kraft pulping
processes; thus, the valorization of this by-product is currently of great interest to the pulp
and paper sector.
On a laboratory scale, 100% of phenol replacement could be achieved without a loss
of mechanical properties when compared to PF references [19]. On an industrial scale,
currently, only 50–80 wt% phenol substitution by Lignin could be achieved by BioBond
using UPM BioPiva Kraft lignin [20]. This limitation in substitution rate is partially due
to steric hindrance, reducing lignin reactivity with formaldehyde [21]. Lignin reaction
with formaldehyde is a two-step process. Firstly, there is activation by methyl-olation
at the C5 position of the guaiacol units in an alkaline medium (Figure 1A), followed by
a condensation reaction of the methylal groups previously formed [21]. In addition to
the potential of Lignin as phenol replacement, the non-toxic 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
(5-HMF) has potential as a formaldehyde replacement (Figure 1B). Moreover, 5-HMF can be
produced from biomass containing fructose or glucose. This is possible via the dehydration
of fructose under acidic conditions. For glucose, a previous isomerization into fructose
is required [22]. From a chemical point of view, 5-HMF has the advantage of bearing on
its furan ring, in addition to the aldehyde group, a hydroxy-methylene group that can
contribute to the hardening of the resin via the formation of methylene bridges.
Polymers 2023, 15, 2668 3 of 15
Figure 1. (A) Scheme of the electrophilic aromatic substitutions of coniferyl alcohol with formalde-
hyde. (B) Scheme of the proposed electrophilic aromatic substitutions of coniferyl alcohol with
5-HMF. This is based on information from literature [23]. The figure was drawn by one of this paper
authors and coniferyl alcohol is used here solely to depict the Guaiacol unit of lignin.
A phenol 5-HMF adhesive has been previously produced on a laboratory scale for
use in fiber-reinforced composites. This adhesive was synthesized by Zhang et al. using
sawdust bio-oil as phenol replacement and glucose for in situ 5-HMF formation, which
would replace formaldehyde [24]. However, full replacement of phenol by sawdust bio-oil
showed a decrease in the resulting molecular weights, indicating limitations in the poly-
condensation reaction. In this work, we aim to completely replace phenol, formaldehyde
or any other petroleum-based components.
20 bar for 10 s and pulled apart under tensile loading. Five repetitions were performed for
each pressing time at a defined temperature.
Table 1. Aliphatic and phenolic content of the lignin source 1 and source 2 using 13 C-NMR [25].
Figure 2. (A) Viscosity measured at room temperature (25 ◦ C) after 1 h, 1.5 h and 2 h of cooking at
90 ◦ C (B) Viscosity at room temperature of the adhesive with varying 5-HMF to lignin S1 molar ratio.
Table 2. Gel time at 100 ◦ C of the adhesive with varying 5-HMF/lignin S1 molar ratio.
5-HMF/Lignin S1
Gel Time (min) pH Solid Content
Molar Ratio
0.7 16 10.8 34.1
1 9 10.5 40.9
1.5 11 10.2 44.2
2 18 10.0 49.5
3 42 9.6 56.1
In addition to the initial characterization, a series of ABES tests were conducted to in-
vestigate the impact of 5-HMF/lignin S1 molar ratio on the resulting tensile shear strength.
The ABES results showed that the 5-HMF to lignin ratio had no impact on bond develop-
ment (Figure 3A). Moreover, the tensile shear strength was quite low. To optimize the resin
formulation in terms of performance, wheat flour was tested as potential extender, known in
the WBP industry for its low cost and biobased character [26]. Therefore, ABES testing was
performed after the addition of 10 wt% of wheat flour based on the solid content (Figure 3B).
As we can see in Figure 3B, the tensile shear strength increases significantly upon addition
of wheat flour. To conclude this ABES series, the lignin S1 was exchanged for S2 in the
preparation of the resin and ABES was measured under the same conditions. Interestingly,
we observed an improvement in the tensile shear strength when compared to 5-HMF/lignin
S1 (Figure 3C). On the other hand, neither 5-HMF/lignin S2 or 5-HMF/lignin S2 with
10 wt% of extender (Figure 3D) performed better than 5-HMF/lignin S1 with 10 wt% of
Finally, DSC measurements of the resins prepared using 1 and 2 molar ratios of
5-HMF/lignin S1 were performed and revealed a decrease in the curing temperature, when
increasing the molar ratio (Appendix C). Indeed, the maxima decreased slightly when
increasing the 5-HMF/lignin S1 molar ratio (i.e., from 183 to 178 ◦ C). This decrease is
similar independently of the source. Based on the results obtained so far, it was decided to
continue using lignin S1 solely.
Polymers 2023, 15, 2668 7 of 15
Figure 3. Adhesive strength development at 130 ◦ C of different adhesive formulations. (A) Different
5-HMF/lignin S1 molar ratio, (B) with and without wheat flour as extender, (C) source 1 and source
2, (D) Different supplier with filler.
Figure 4. Stacking of DSC chromatographs of a 5-HMF/lignin S1 resin in (A) acidic conditions using
p-toluene sulfonic acid to correct the pH and (B) under alkaline conditions using sodium hydroxide
to correct the pH. (C) Relationship between pH and curing temperature. (D) Tensile shear strength
after pressing a 130 ◦ C at pH 13.8 (blue curve) and pH 2.01 (red curve).
Further optimization was carried out on the adhesive under alkaline conditions
(pH 13.7) by means of ABES, and the relationship between bonding strength, resin, filler
and extender solid content were studied (Figure 5). Furthermore, calcium carbonate was
added to the formulation as a filler. It has been shown that this can improve important
chemical and physical characteristics in the wood-panel based industry, such as bending
strength, decrease of water absorption or thickness swelling [27]. For this series of ABES,
an experimentation space was defined where the total solid content was kept constant (i.e.,
either 45 or 60 wt%) but where the mass ratios between resin, extender and filler were
varied (Figure 5A). Considering the series with 45 wt% of solid content, similar, or even
slightly higher, tensile shear strength could be obtained after decreasing the amount of
resin content in favor of extender and filler (Figure 5B). This reduces applications cost as
less expensive 5-HMF/lignin S1 is used. The same trend could be observed in the series
with a total solid content 60 wt% (Figure 5C). On the other hand, after addition of extender
and filler in the 60 wt% series, the viscosity increased dramatically and this application,
while feasible in ABES, becomes intricate for particleboard production. In addition, even if
feasible in ABES, high viscosities could prevent absorption of the adhesive by the wood.
Because of this, additional ABES tests were conducted with a lower solid content (i.e.,
52.7 wt% of solid content) (Figure 5D). Interestingly, the tensile shear strengths displayed
was above the 45 and 60 series. Moreover, wood failure could already be observed in
some veneers after a pressing time of 30 s. This was never observed previously in our
experiments. This suggests that the bond strength becomes closer to the strength of the
veneer itself. Thus, it was chosen for initial particleboard production.
above the 45 and 60 series. Moreover, wood failure could already be observed in
veneers after a pressing time of 30 s. This was never observed previously in our e
Polymers 2023, 15, 2668 ments. This suggests that the bond strength becomes closer to the strength
9 of 15 of the v
itself. Thus, it was chosen for initial particleboard production.
Figure 5. Impact of different adhesive solid content and filler and extender amount (based on dry
resin) on adhesive strength
Figure development.
5. Impact (A) adhesive
of different The formulations testedand
solid content andfiller
impact on adhesive
extender amount (based
resin) on
strength development adhesive
with strength
a (B) total development.
solid content (A) The
of 45 wt%, (C) formulations testedofand
total solid content their and
60 wt% impact on ad
(D) differing total development with a (B) total solid content of 45 wt%, (C) total solid content of 60 wt
solid content.
(D) differing total solid content.
3.3. Particleboard Production and Testing
To trial the3.3. Particleboard
adhesive Productionproduction,
for particleboard and Testinga total of 21 combinations (Appendix B)
of parameters were tested, resulting in 14 self-standing
To trial the adhesive for particleboard boards. Their corresponding
production, a total of internal
21 combinations
bond (IB) is summarized
pendix B) in of Figure 6. From
parameters the tested,
were results, resulting
it was observed that the press boards.
in 14 self-standing factor Their
had the most significant influence,
sponding internal as no
bond self-standing
(IB) is summarized boardin could
From the when the
results, it was obs
press factor was below 30 s/mm. Moreover, the IB could be increased significantly
that the press factor had the most significant influence, as no self-standing board cou by
increasing the produced
press factor.whenForthe
instance, increasing
press factor the press
was below factorMoreover,
30 s/mm. from 30 (sample #12) be incr
the IB could
to 45 s/mm (sample #13) resulted in an increased IB from 0.05 to 0.27 N/mm 2 . A similar
significantly by increasing the press factor. For instance, increasing the press factor
trend was observed between
30 (sample #12)sample
to 45#15
16, where theresulted
#13) press factor was
in an increasedIBfrom
increased from 0.05 t
30 to 37.5 s/mm. N/mm2. A similar trend was observed between sample #15 andof16,
Interestingly, the highest IB recorded with a press factor 30where
s/mmthe press
was achieved when the pressing
was increased fromwas
30 performed
to 37.5 s/mm. the day after (i.e., the
Interestingly, sample #3) rather
highest than with a
IB recorded
immediately after spraying the resin onto the wood particles (i.e., sample #2).
factor of 30 s/mm was achieved when the pressing was performed the day after (i.e.To enhance
the heat transfer plewithin the boards
#3) rather during the pressing
than immediately process,
after spraying the different
resin ontoamounts
the woodof water
particles (i.e.
were sprayed on the hot plates before pressing (i.e., sample #17 and 18) and compared
ple #2). To enhance the heat transfer within the boards during the pressing pr
to a board (i.e., sample #16) when no water was sprayed. This water spraying on the
hot plates is performed to generate additional steam that should help with heat transfer.
Unfortunately, this factory trick did not work, as all samples displayed similar IB (i.e.,
between 0.2 and 0.25 N/mm2 ). So far, the best-performing boards (i.e., sample # 3 and
13) displayed IB sufficient for P1 classification according to SN EN 312. In an attempt to
help with heat transfer. Unfortunately, this factory trick did not work, as all samples dis-
played similar IB (i.e., between 0.2 and 0.25 N/mm2). So far, the best-performing boards
(i.e., sample # 3 and 13) displayed IB sufficient for P1 classification according to SN EN
Polymers In 15,
attempt to reach values related to P2 classification, two panels were 10 produced
of 15
with the same wood to a dry adhesive mass ratio of 10, but where the percentage of ex-
tender and filler wasreachincreased, keeping
values related the resintwo
to P2 classification, solid
panelscontent constant
were produced (i.e.,
with the samesample
wood #20
and 21). Interestingly,to aboard #20, mass
dry adhesive which ratiocontained lesstheadditives
of 10, but where (i.e.,
percentage of extender
extender and
and filler wasfiller)
increased, keeping the resin solid content constant (i.e., sample #20 and 21). Interestingly,
than #21 but more than #19, exhibited the highest IB and reached values close to the limit
board #20, which contained less additives (i.e., extender and filler) than #21 but more than
between P1 and P2 #19, (0.35 N/mm
exhibited the2)highest
IB and reached However,
values closefurther testing
to the limit betweenisP1required
and P2 to
(0.35 N/mm ) classification. However, further testing is required to ensure reproducibility
ensure reproducibility and define a significant 5% value.
and define a significant 5% value.
Figure 6. Boxplot of the IB results for all tested particleboards. P1, P2 and P3 refer to the 5% percentile
Figure 6. Boxplot of the IB results for all tested particleboards. P1, P2 and P3 refer to the 5% percen-
IB value given by SN EN 312 for the first three particleboard classes (P1–P3). The n refers to the
tile IB value given by SN ENof312
number for the
IB samples first
tested three
from particleboard
the produced board. Whiteclasses (P1–P3).toThe
circles correspond n refers to the
number of IB samples tested from the produced board. White circles correspond to outliers.
It was also noticed during board manufacturing that moisture content seemed to
affect the IB of the particle boards. To investigate this, a series of ABES was performed
It was also noticed during
varying board
the moisture manufacturing
content that moisture
and a negative correlation content
could be observed seemed
(Appendix D) to af-
between tensile shear strength and moisture content, but additional
fect the IB of the particle boards. To investigate this, a series of ABES was performed experiments should be var-
performed to clarify this. Water could act as a plasticizer lowering the IB, suggesting that
ying the moisture content and and
water resistance a negative
or degree ofcorrelation could
crosslinking still need tobe observed
be improved (Appendix
in this system in D)
between tensile shear strength and moisture content, but additional experiments should
order to be used under humid conditions.
be performed to clarify this. Water could act as a plasticizer lowering the IB, suggesting
4. Conclusions
that water resistance and or degree
A fully bio-basedofadhesive
crosslinking still
based Kraft need
lignin and to be improved
5-HMF in thisand
has been formulated system
evaluated and applied in the production of particleboards at a lab scale. The adhesive was
in order to be used under humid conditions.
developed via varying synthesis parameters, such as lignin types, pH, cooking time and
5-HMF to lignin ratio. The adhesive reactivity could be tuned by varying the pH, reaching
4. Conclusions the requirement for hot pressing particle boards production under alkaline conditions. To
A fully bio-based adhesive based Kraft lignin and 5-HMF has been formulated and
evaluated and applied in the production of particleboards at a lab scale. The adhesive was
developed via varying synthesis parameters, such as lignin types, pH, cooking time and
Polymers 2023, 15, 2668 11 of 15
5. Patents
The Patent P25109CH00—Adhesive formulation for wood panels, resulted from the
research described in this paper.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization & funding acquisition, I.M.; validation, L.M.O.; super-
vision & review, L.M.O.; investigation L.D. and M.G.; Writing—original draft preparation A.T.;
visualization L.D., A.T. and L.M.O.; Formal analysis M.G., L.D., L.M.O. and A.T. L.D. and A.T. con-
tributed equally to this paper as joint first authors. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was funded by Innosuisse—Schweizerische Agentur für Innovationsförderung
Project No. 32248.1 IP-EE.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study is available upon request from the
corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: The authors would also like to thank Christof Tschannen for his help in particle-
board’s manufacturing.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or
in the decision to publish the results.
Appendix A
Sample recipe for 1500 g of wet resin.
1. Place 92.9 g of NaOH (50% solid content) and 326.6 g of distilled water in a three-neck
round-bottom flask equipped with a condenser, thermometer and stirrer.
2. Heat the three-neck round bottom flask to 90 ◦ C.
3. Add portion-wise 279.0 g of Kraft lignin (93.64% solid content) to the solution in the
three-neck round bottom flask.
4. Leave the mixture to stir for 20 min in the three-neck round bottom flask at 90 ◦ C.
5. Prepare a 5-HMF solution by adding 223.9 g of solid 5-HMF to 577.6 g of an aqueous
5-HMF solution (25 wt%) and mix the 5-HMF solution thoroughly.
6. Add the 5-HMF solution under reflux conditions via a syringe pump with an injection
rate of 13.2 mL/min to the solution in the three-neck round bottom flask at 90 ◦ C.
7. Once the addition is complete, leave the mixture at 90 ◦ C for 60 min under stirring.
8. Cool the resin immediately via insertion into an ice bath.
The resin pH would then be varied via the addition of further NaOH.
Polymers 2023, 15, 2668 12 of 15
Appendix B
Adhesive’s Adhesive on
Dry Resin Extender Target Mat
Days Since Filler Content Total Solid Wood Water Spray Press Closing Press Factor Produced
Board ID Content Content Moisture
Blending (d) (wt%) Content Particles (g/m2 ) Time (s) (s/mm) Viable Board
(wt%) (wt%) Content (%)
(wt%) (wt%)
1 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 15 15 No
2 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 15 30 Yes
3 1 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 15 30 Yes
4 1 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 15 15 No
5 1 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 15 22.5 No
6 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 15 22.5 No
7 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 5 30 No
8 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 5 22.5 No
9 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 5 30 No
10 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 5 30 Yes
11 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 15 30 Yes
12 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 5 37.5 Yes
13 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 12 0 5 45 Yes
14 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 13 12 0 15 30 Yes
15 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 10 0 15 30 Yes
16 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 10 0 15 37.5 Yes
17 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 10 25 15 37.5 Yes
18 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 10 50 15 37.5 Yes
19 0 35 7 10.5 52.5 10 10 0 5 37.5 Yes
20 0 35 9 13.5 57.5 10 9.5 * 0 5 37.5 Yes
21 0 35 10 15 60 10 9.1 * 0 5 37.5 Yes
* mat moisture content as was measured.
35 7 10.5 52.5 10 10 0 15 37.5 Yes
35 7 10.5 52.5 10 10 25 15 37.5 Yes
35 7 10.5 52.5 10 10 50 15 37.5 Yes
35 7 10.5 52.5 10 10 0 5 37.5 Yes
35 9 15, 2668 13.5
Polymers 2023, 57.5 10 9.5 * 0 5 37.5 Yes 13 of 15
35 10 15 60 10 9.1 * 0 5 37.5 Yes
* mat moisture content as was measured.
Appendix C
Appendix C
13 of 15
Figure A1. DSC curves for 1:1
Figure 5-HMF/Kraft
A1. DSC lignin
curves for 1:1 S1 at a pH
5-HMF/Kraft of S1
lignin 10.5,
at a exothermic up. 13.3up.
pH of 10.5, exothermic mg13.3
of mg
a of a
40.9 wt% resin (dry mass 5.44resin
40.9 wt% mg).(dry mass 5.44 mg).
Figure A3. DSC curves for 1:1 5-HMF/Kraft lignin S2 at a pH of 10.4, exothermic up. 18.6 mg of a
Polymers 2023, 15, x Figure A3. DSC curves for 1:1 5-HMF/Kraft lignin S2 at a pH of 10.4, exothermic
14 of up.
15 18.6 mg of a
39.83 wt% resin (dry mass 7.4 mg).
39.83 wt% resin (dry mass 7.4 mg).
Figure A4. DSC curves for 2:1 5-HMF/Kraft lignin S2 at a pH of 10.0, exothermic up 10.5 mg of a
Figure A4. DSC curves for 2:1 5-HMF/Kraft lignin S2 at a pH of 10.0, exothermic up 10.5 mg of a
49.68 wt% resin (dry mass 5.21 mg).
49.68 wt% resin (dry mass 5.21 mg).
Appendix D
Appendix D
Figure A5. Impact of veneer moisture content on adhesive strength development at 100 °C with a
press time of (A) 120 s and (B) 180 s.
Figure A5. Impact of veneer moisture content on adhesive strength development at 100 ◦ C with a
press time of (A) 120 s and (B) 180 s.
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