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9/11/01 Attack on America
Part 2
9/11 Commission Report Cover-Up
Author David Ray Griffin
“The New Pearl Harbor”


Monday, December 27, 2004

9/11 Commission Report
Omissions & Distortions

Dennis Bernstein of FLASHPOINTS radio

& David Ray Griffin (12/27/04)
David Ray Griffin, author & Theologian
The New Pearl Harbor

Full Report:
6 Hijackers Still Alive.

Z elikow.gif
9/11 Commission Members

Thomas H. Kean Lee H.

Chair Hamilton Richard Ben-
Vice Chair Veniste
9/11 Commission Members

Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick

Commissioner Slade Gorton Bob Kerrey
Commissioner Commissioner

Timothy J.
John F. Lehman Roemer James R. Thompson
Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner
Philip D. Zelikow
Executive Director of 9/11 Commission

Philip D. Zelikow is Executive Director of the

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States >>>
Philip D. Zelikow
Kristen Breitweiser, a 9/11 widow, insists
Zelikow has a "clear conflict of interest."
And she suspects he is in touch with
Bush's political adviser, Rove, which she
says would explain why the White House
granted him, along with just one other
commission official, the greatest access to
the intelligence briefing Bush got a month
before the 9/11 suicide hijackings.

Philip D. Zelikow

Is Fix in at 9/11 Commission?

Even under oath, Rice can dodge tough
questions by claiming her answers would
jeopardize national security or the war on
Zelikow has personal, professional and
political reasons not to see the
commission hold Rice and other Bush
officials accountable for pre-9/11 failings >
Philip D. Zelikow

#1. He and Rice worked closely together in

the first Bush White House as aides to
former National Security Adviser Brent
#2. A few years after leaving the White
House, Zelikow and Rice wrote a book
together >>
Philip Zelikow: Once Condi Rice's Former Aide,
Now Director of the 9-11 Commission


More: http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/09-05-04/discussion.cgi.8.html
Condoleezza Rice

Rice defends White House on 9/11

Condi made a joke of her oath
….and got away with it.
Hijackers Still Alive.

Osama bin Laden

Mohammed Atta
not a Devout Muslim

Mohammed Atta and Co. went to a bar in

Florida three days before the attack—and got
Witnesses confirm that Atta and several of the
other hijackers piled into a bar called Shuck
'Ems in Opa-Locka and put away about six
mixed drinks apiece. At the end of the night,
Atta complained about the bill, even
threatening not to pay. "They were pretty
wasted," the bartender recalled.
Hani Hanjour, aerobatic jet pilot?

Hani Hanjour

Alleged flight 77 (Pentagon) pilot Hani Hanjour had a

history of great difficulties in his efforts to learn to fly. As
late as Aug. 2001, he was unable to demonstrate
enough piloting skills to rent a Cessna 172.
Hani Hanjour & Flight 77

However, air traffic controller Danielle

O'Brien, who tracked the radar signal from
Flight 77, stated that it was flown like a
fighter jet.

CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in

Two months before September 11 Osama bin

Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment
for a kidney disease at the American hospital,
where he was visited by the local CIA agent,
according to the French newspaper Le Figaro.
TIA now verifies flight of Saudis
The government has long denied that two
days after the 9/11 attacks, the three were
allowed to fly.

St. Peterburg Times:

Sept. 13, 2001:
Two days after the Sept. 11 attacks with most of
the nation's air traffic still grounded, a small jet
landed at Tampa International Airport, picked up
three young Saudi men and left.
(4pm on Sept. 13, 2001 in complete violation of
the shut down. Unless there was White House

The men, one of them thought to be a member

of the Saudi royal family, were accompanied by
a former FBI agent and a former Tampa police
officer on the flight to Lexington, Ky. >>
Sept. 13, 2001:

• The Saudis then took

another flight out of the
country. The two ex-
officers returned to TIA a
few hours later on the
same plane.

The bin Ladens’ Great Escape

How the U.S. helped Osama's family leave

the country after 9/11….
FBI spokesman, is adamant. "We were
given full access to the individuals on that
plane," he says, "and we were satisfied
that we did not believe any of those
individuals had anything to do with the
9/11 plots." >>>

The bin Ladens’ Great Escape

A year after 9/11, should U.S law

enforcement ever need them,
investigators will know where they are —
in Saudi Arabia, out of reach.
Full story:
FBI and military intelligence officials in
Washington say they were prevented for
political reasons from carrying out full
investigations into members of the Bin Laden
family in the US before the terrorist attacks of
September 11.

Ties between the Bush and Bin Laden

The Bush and Bin Laden families have

had relations for over 20 years.
+The GW Bush - Osama Bin Laden
James R. Bath, friend and neighbor of
George W. Bush, was used as a cash
funnel from Osama bin Laden's rich father,
Sheikh bin Laden, to set George W. Bush
up in business, according to reputable
sources from the Wall Street Journal and
the New York Times.

Bin Laden’s Brother-in-law Had Close Ties
to Bush
Saudi Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz, an
Osama bin Laden benefactor, has
laundered money into tax-exempt U.S.
entities for years as a foreign financier of

Bush Financier & Osama Bin Laden’s

Brother In Law
Saudi Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz
Mahfouz is also linked by marriage to
terrorist Osama bin Laden, as
Mahfouz’s sister is married to the Al
Qaeda leader .
Does George W. Bush Have Something To Hide?

Mahfouz’s past also includes business dealings

with George W. Bush, having invested $50,000
in the younger Bush’s first company, Arbusto
Energy, through his U.S. representative James
R. Bath, an aircraft broker and friend of Mr.
Bush from their days together in the Texas Air
National Guard. (Wall Street Journal)

Bush – Laden Connection

Most of Bath's investments....were really

fronts for Mahfouz and other Saudis
connected with the Bank of Credit and
Commerce (BCCI). >>>
Mahfouz paid the elder Bush’s family friends
$200 million at the bottom of the real estate
crash, when commercial office space couldn't
be given away.
billionaire Rafik Hariri,
also over-paid Florida
Senator Bill Nelson
$2 million more than
the assessed value to
buy his McLean,
Virginia home in 1989 …….
illustrating the
penetration of Saudi
financial corruption in
Congress. Florida Sen. Bill Nelson

The world’s most wanted, has business
connections to George Bush.

Khalid bin Mahfouz and other Saudis have
been financially linked to terrorist Osama
bin Laden has been verified by U.S.
Intelligence; but that notwithstanding, the
seriousness of current events compels an
additional awareness and understanding
of the bin Laden benefactor’s strangely
extensive financial associations with
Houston, Texas entities – and powerful
public persons.

The former president, the father of President
Bush, worked for the bin Laden family business
in Saudi Arabia through the Carlyle Group,
meeting with them at least twice.

The Carlyle Group –
The ex-presidents' club
Guess who? The offices of the Carlyle
Group are on Pennsylvania
Avenue in Washington DC,
midway between the White
House and the Capitol
George H. W. Bush
building, and within a stone's
Former US President
and Vice President
throw of the headquarters of
Former Director the FBI and numerous
of the CIA
government departments. >>
Senior Advisor
Carlyle Empire

The biggest private investor in the

world, deeply entrenched in the
weapons' sector, is a discreet group
that cultivates dealings with influential
men, including Bush father and son.
The Carlyle Group

Get the picture?

Bin Laden Family Has Intricate Ties
With Washington
Saudi Clan Has Had Access To Influential
Republicans –Wall Street Journal September 28-29 2001, p.4

Through this investment and its ties to

Saudi royalty, the bin Laden family has
become acquainted with some of the
biggest names in the Republican Party

FBI Translator Sibel Edmonds

Sibel Edmonds is a former FBI

translator. She blew the whistle on the
cover-up of intelligence that names
some of the culprits who orchestrated
the 9/11 attacks. >>
Sibel Edmonds (Cont’d)
These culprits are protected by the Justice
Department, the State Department, the
FBI, the White House and the Senate
Judiciary Committee. They are foreign
nationals and Americans. Ms. Edmonds is
under two gag orders that forbid her to
testify in court or mention the names of the
people or the countries involved.

Sibel Edmonds (Cont’d)
Ms. Edmonds' unimpeachable testimony to
the Senate Judiciary Committee almost
three years ago, she named countries and
people who had contributed to the attacks
of 9/11. …..
That is treason by those who committed
the acts, and it is misprision of treason by
those who know of their guilt but remain

Sibel Edmonds (Cont’d)

White House Had Intel On Possible

Airplane Attack Pre-9/11
Democracy Now:
Download Show mp3
Sibel Edmonds

She says the FBI had information that an

attack using airplanes was being planned
before Sept. 11 and calls Condoleezza
Rice's claim the White House had no
specific information on a domestic threat
or one involving planes "an outrageous
Sibel Edmonds
According to the Commission Chairman,
they have seen "every single document"
and have interviewed "every single
relevant witness and authority."

There was only one footnote of Sibel

Edmonds 3 hour testimony
9/11 Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds breaks
John Ashcroft's gag order against her

In revealing here for the first time the names and

details related to her allegations, Sibel is bravely
violating a gag order placed on her directly by
US Attorney General John Ashcroft. Please help
to educate the public of the travesty of the 9/11
commission report by spreading this news far
and wide. Together, we can make a difference!
See : Open Letter To Thomas Kean – Chairman Of The 9/11
Commission - From FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds

Sibel Edmonds
Sibel Edmonds is an amazingly
courageous former FBI translator. She lost
her job at the FBI for insisting
that extremely important information on
the 9/11 attacks she came across in her
work be correctly interpreted and passed
on to the appropriate high-level officials.

Sibel Edmonds
“…After the terrorist attacks of September 11 we,
the translators at the FBI's largest and most
important translation unit, were told to slow
down, even stop, translation of critical
information related to terrorist activities so that
the FBI could present the United States
Congress with a record of 'extensive backlog of
untranslated documents', and justify its request
for budget and staff increases…”

Sibel Edmonds

“Melek Can Dickerson, a Turkish Translator, was hired by the

FBI after September 11, and was placed in charge of
translating the most sensitive information related to terrorists
and criminals under the Bureau's investigation. Melek Can
Dickerson had on going relationships with two individuals
who were FBI's targets of investigation. For months Melek
Can Dickerson blocked all-important information related to
these semi-legit organizations and the individuals she and her
husband associated with. She stamped hundreds, if not
thousands, of documents related to these targets as ' Not
Pertinent.'. >>>>
Sibel Edmonds
Melek Can Dickerson attempted to prevent others
from translating these documents important to the
FBI's investigations and our fight against terrorism.
Melek Can Dickerson, with the assistance of her
direct supervisor, Mike Feghali, took hundreds of
pages of top-secret sensitive intelligence documents
outside the FBI to unknown recipients. Melek Can
Dickerson, with the assistance of her direct
supervisor, forged signatures on top-secret documents
related to certain 9/11 detainees
Building 7 (also
known as WTC 7)
was a 47-story
skyscraper that stood
on the block
immediately north of
the block that
contained the rest of
the World Trade
Center complex.

Building # 7
Building 7 was not hit by any aircraft, and
was not significantly damaged by the
violent destruction of either of the Twin
Towers. Small fires were observed in a
few different parts of the building prior to
its "collapse."

Building 7 was not hit
by any aircraft, and
was not significantly
damaged by the
violent destruction of
either of the Twin
Towers. Small fires
were observed prior
to its "collapse."

In under seven seconds Building 7 was

transformed from a skyscraper to a tidy
rubble pile.

Building # 7

According to the government, small fires

leveled this building, but fires have never
before or since destroyed a

Building # 7
The team who investigated the collapse
were not allowed access to the crime
scene. By the time they published their
inconclusive report, the evidence had
been destroyed.
Why did the government rapidly recycle
the steel from the largest and most
mysterious engineering failure in world
history, and why has the media remained
e-mail letter from Kevin Ryan to Frank
Gayle, Nov. 11:
“…un-fireproofed steel will not melt until reaching
red-hot temperatures of nearly 3000F (2). Why
Dr. Brown would imply that 2000F would melt
the high-grade steel used in those buildings
makes no sense at all….”
Kevin Ryan
Site Manager
Environmental Health Laboratories
MORE: http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20041112144051451
WTC-7, which collapsed on the afternoon of
9/11, looks like a classic controlled
demolition, almost uncannily smooth.




…looks a lot

Lee Robertson, the tower's structural

engineer, addressed the problem of
terrorism in the plans for the building,
claiming he “designed it for a (Boeing) 707
to hit it.”


" As he left the building, (Ronald

DiFrancesco) saw a fireball rolling toward

“..a hot, solid, black wave of heat threw me

down the block…It literally picked me up
off my feet, and I wound up about a block
away. "

Official: Battalion 3 to dispatch, we've just had

another explosion.
Official: Battalion 3 to dispatch, we've had
additional explosion.
Dispatcher: Received battalion command.
Additional explosion .
Dispatcher: Battalion 5, be advised we're trying
to contact Battalion 3 at this moment to report
north tower just collapsed.

Firefighter’s Transmission

"We have numerous people covered in dust

because of the secondary explosion..."

NBC Reporter Pat Dawson on the
morning of 9-11:

...The Chief of Safety of the Fire Department

of New York told me that...er...he thinks
that there were actually devices that
were planted in the building.

NY Firemen
• Fireman1: Floor by floor it started popping
Fireman2: It was almost like they had
Fireman1: Yeah, detonators…
• Fireman2: …planted to take down the
building. boom-boom-boom-boom-
Fireman1: All the way down. I was
watching it and running..

explosions these firemen describe
A massive explosion, witnessed by millions of television
viewers on CNN, evidently devastated World Trade Center
6, the eight-story U.S. Customs building, although no
national newspaper, other than American Free Press, has
written a word about it.

WTC 6. (cont’d)

Before the smoke had cleared from

around the stricken South Tower, a
mysterious explosion shot 550 feet into
the air above the U.S. Customs House at
WTC 6.

The towers fell in roughly 10 seconds, that
is, that they fell at about the same rate that
an object falls through air.

The fact that the towers fell this quickly

(essentially at the rate of free-fall) is
conclusive evidence that they were
deliberately demolished.

OF 911
• denied the motion of nine family members of
persons who died on 9/11 for leave to
intervene as petitioners (Family Members),
(2) directed disclosure of the oral histories albeit
redacted to delete the employees' personal
expressions of feelings, opinions and
Flight 77 & The Pentagon

the engines are nearest the

ground ……………………>>
would expect had a plane
doing around 550 miles per
hour to tear up the lawn? >>
Flight 77 & The Pentagon (cont’d)

Flight 77 Pilot?

"I'm still to this day amazed that he could

have flown into the Pentagon," the former
employee said. "He could not fly at all."

757 is too large
to be
responsible of
the damage
seen on the
front if we
assume that
the plane didn't
break into
pieces before
hitting the

400 – 600 MPH (hole too small – where is the rest of the 757?)
Flight 93
Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld told
troops in Iraq that the
Sept. 11 flight over
Pennsylvania was
“shot down,”
Fallujah, Dec. 24, 2004.


At least six eyewitnesses saw the

mysterious aircraft on the morning of
September 11 last year. But the US
authorities deny it ever existed.
Why did other witnesses see smoke and
flames trailing from Flight 93 as it fell from
the sky, indicating a possible explosion

Flight 93
Susan Mcelwain, 51, who lives two miles
from the site, knows what she saw - the
white plane rocketed directly over her
head…. It was white with no markings but
it was definitely military… "It had two rear
engines, a big fin on the back like a spoiler
on the back of a car and with two upright
fins at the side.
Flight 93

Lee Purbaugh, 32, was the only

person to see the last seconds
of Flight 93 as it came down
on former strip-mining land at
precisely 10.06am - and he
also saw the white jet…..

Tom Spinelli, 28, was working at T-1A JAYHAWK, military

India Lake Marina, a mile and version of the Beech 400A
a half away. "I saw the white
plane," he said.

Flight 93
The US Government insists the plane
exploded on impact yet a one-ton section
of the engine was found over a mile away
and other light debris was found scattered
over eight miles away

Flight 93
Passenger Edward Felt made an
emergency call from the plane. He spoke
of an explosion and seeing some white
smoke. The superviser who took the call
has been gagged by the FBI

Flight 93
Sources claim the last thing heard on the
cockpit voice recorder is the sound of wind
- suggesting the plane had been holed

Flight 93
Looking at all the details so far - nothing
really adds up neatly for me, except that
Flight 93 had a midair crisis that
caused debris to fall before it crashed.
We are not being told what happened -
and the Government knows exactly what

Senator Dayton: NORAD Lied About 9/11
“…..They lied to the American
people, they lied to Congress and
they lied to your 9/11 Commission
to create a false impression of
competence, communication,
coordination and protection of the
American people….”

Dayton: FAA, NORAD hid 9/11
“…NORAD officials and FAA officials have
been able to hide their critical failures that
left this country defenseless during two of
the worst hours in our history,"

“... betrayed their public trust by not telling

us the truth."
9/11 Facts Checklist
What would you have done if you were
president on 9/11? The president's
reaction (or lack of action) is incredible,
unbelievable and beyond any type of
rational explanation. Unless...

Many more questons:: http://pages.infinit.net/fmgoyeau/911c04a.html

Was There a 9/11 Stand Down?
Federal law MANDATES that the Air
Force must dispatch a plane to investigate
why a certain craft has strayed from its
predestined route.
These interceptors are only allowed to
shoot an airliner from the sky under orders
from the President, but that doesn’t negate
that they are still required to investigate
the situation in a timely manner. >>>
Was There a 9/11 Stand Down?
Washington, D.C. has the most restricted
air space in the country, yet from 9:03
a.m., when the second tower was hit, to
9:47 a.m. when the Pentagon came under
attack … when the Air Force KNEW that a
jet was headed toward the Capitol, no
planes were dispatched to intercept it.>

9/11 Stand Down?

Why wasn’t something done to avert this

catastrophe, and why isn’t the mainstream
media asking some very hard questions
regarding this deliberately ordered

9-11, the four flights in question were
uncharacteristically empty.
American Airlines 11 – filled to only 39% of capacity
American Airlines 77 – filled to only 27% of capacity
United Airlines 175 – filled to only 26% of capacity
United Airlines 93 – filled to only 16% of capacity

These routes were extremely popular ones, most

of them filled to 100% capacity during weekdays.
In fact, oftentimes, fliers were asked if they
wanted to give up their seats to another traveler.

Another pertinent question revolves
around the pilots
why didn’t they simply perform a “rollover”
to incapacitate or disable the hijackers?
The “barrel roll” is an easily-performed
procedure for veteran pilots, especially
when one considers the backgrounds of
the four men who manned these flights.

the pilots (cont’d)
John Ogonowski – Vietnam Air Force fighter

Leroy Homer – Former Air Force pilot

Victor Saracini – Former fighter pilot

Chic Burlingame – Naval Academy graduate

who flew F-4’s in Vietnam

Fighters Were 8 Minutes Away From WTC
The Associated Press
Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2001; 9:18 a.m. EDT
Fighter jets were only eight minutes away from
one of the hijacked airliners when it crashed into
the World Trade Center, the North American
Aerospace Defense Command said in newly
released data.
Two other military jets were 12 minutes away
when an airliner hit the Pentagon, according to
NORAD's official timeline, released Tuesday.

Fighters Were 8 Minutes Away From WTC

President Bush had

not authorized military
pilots to shoot down
any civilian planes
until after the crash at
the Pentagon
Fighters Were 8 Minutes Away From WTC

The Air National Guard maintains seven

alert sites with 14 fully armed fighters
and pilots on call around the clock.

33 USAF Bases Were Within Range
On 911
7 Air Stations Were On Full Alert Covering The
Continental United States

28 More Air Stations Were In Range Of The 4

Hijacked Airliners On 911

There is an Air Defense Intercept Zone just

off shore for the entire Atlantic Coast. This
zone is constantly being patrolled.
Some Discrepancies
Flight 93 a Boeing 757-222 with a maximum capacity of
200 passengers and 11,489 gallons of fuel with 44
people aboard bound for San Francisco sits on the
ground for 41 minutes before taking off. There are
supposed to be 44 victims on board, yet when you add
up the official death manifest list that was published on
CNN.com, there are only 33 victims.
United Airlines Flight 175 capacity of 181 passengers
and 23,980 gallons of fuel There are supposed to be 65
victims on board the official death manifest list that was
published on CNN.com, there are only 56 victims.

Some Discrepancies
American Airlines Flight 77 maximum capacity of 200
passengers and 11,489 gallons of fuel There are
supposed to be 64 victims on board, yet when you add
up the official death manifest list that was published on
CNN.com, there are only 56 victims.
Why was the Pentagon hit on the so-called "peaceful"
west side, which was mostly under construction as
opposed to the command center east side of the
8:13:31 am – so for 26 minutes and 29 seconds
nothing has been done.
Thirty-eight minutes went by before
anyone bothers to order fighters to
scramble to protect Washington D.C.? No
way. This is the big time Smoking Gun
Stand Down.

NORAD says that when United Airlines
Flight 175 impacts the WTC at 9:02:54,
the two F-15's from Otis are still 71
miles away.

This means their average flight speed

was only 23.9% of their top speed in
trying to intercept United Airlines Flight
Is This An F-15 At The Scene
Of The WTC South Tower Crash?

Here is a very interesting video of what looks like a possible F-15

streaking by the WTC just as United Airlines Flight 175 impacts the
South Tower of the WTC. Why isn’t anyone talking about this
video? http://www.mycountryrightorwrong.net/F-15.htm
Is This An F-15 At The Scene…

This is a very interesting video of what looks like a

possible F-15 streaking by the WTC just as United
Airlines Flight 175 impacts the South Tower of the
WTC. Why isn’t anyone talking about this video?

Who Made The AA 'Put'
Options The Days Prior To 911?
The morning of 9/11, US Bonds moved in 3 to 4 minutes
by 1.5 points back and forth three times or $1,500 per
contract in seconds three times in less than 4 minutes….
Someone holding 1000 contracts would have
reaped five million dollars using one million….
What one group was holding tens of thousands
of short positions going into 911 that reaped
about 250 billion dollars in the blink of an eye?
Begins with a G and ends with a T (Gov’t).
Osama bin Laden did not have the means to
demolish the buildings from within.
• Fires have never
leveled steel high-
rise buildings.
• The collapses were
not seriously
• The physical
evidence was

The news anchors emphatically stated that the
towers collapsed, and fell down. None suggested
they blew up or exploded.
• Fires have never leveled
high-rise steel buildings.
• The collapses were not
seriously investigated.
• The evidence was
• The official explanations are
• The evidence indicates
• Demolition is provable.

Only Demolition and Severe Earthquakes
Have Leveled Skyscrapers

No steel-frame high-
rise has ever
collapsed due to fire.

The evidence of
the 3 largest
structural failures
in history -- the
structural steel --
was removed and
recycled as quickly
as possible.

The fires were not hot enough to
cause column failures.

The Towers Had Robust Self-Supporting
Core Structures
• 47 box columns a
yard wide, steel 4"
thick at base
• Abundantly cross-
• Capable of
supporting the
entire weight of
• Anchored directly
to bedrock
• Did not depend on
floor diaphragms for
• Thick dust clouds spewed from
towers in all directions, at around
50 feet/second.
• Solid objects were thrown ahead
of the dust -- a feature of
explosive demolition.
• The steel was thoroughly
cleansed of its spray-on
• Some pieces of the perimeter
wall were thrown laterally 500
• Energetic ejections of dust
occurred below the rapidly
descending demolition wave in
each tower.
The Towers Collapsed with Dead-
Centered Symmetry
Each Tower Disappeared into a Volcano-
like Cloud of Dust

New York Daily News

photographer David Handschuh
I got down to the end of the
block and turned the corner
when a wave-- a hot, solid,
black wave of heat threw me
down the block. It literally
picked me up off my feet and I
wound up about a block away.

The towers turned to dust

The Towers' Concrete Was Pulverized in
….dense clouds of
pulverized concrete
dust being ejected
from the towers within
the first seconds of the

Conclusion: The Twin Towers Were
Deliberately Demolished

• The demolitions must have been set up

before the attack.
• It was an inside job -- not the work of
Osama bin Laden.

Bush knew
• Meacher sparks fury over claims on
September 11 and Iraq war
September 6, 2003
• "...the war on terrorism is a smokescreen
and that the US knew in advance about
the September 11 attack on New York but,
for strategic reasons, chose not to act on
the warnings."
Bush knew
• September 3, 2003
• "CBS reporter David Martin revealed that weeks
before the attacks, the CIA had warned Bush
personally of Osama Bin Laden’s intent to use
hijacked planes as missiles. That followed the
damaging exposure by The Associated Press’s
John Solomon of a pre-9/11 FBI memo from an
officer in Phoenix warning of suspicious Middle
Eastern men training at flight schools—a
warning that went unheeded."
U.S. Clamps Secrecy on Warnings Before 9/11
August 7, 2003
"The committee managed, 'inadvertently,' it says, to get
some contents of a key briefing Bush received in August
2001. It included 'FBI judgments about patterns of
activity consistent with preparations for hijackings or
other types of attacks; as well as information acquired in
May 2001 that indicated a group of Bin Ladin (sic)
supporters was planning attacks in the United States
with explosives.'"

Bush's 9-11 Secrets
July 31, 2003

"The U.S. government had received

repeated warnings of impending attacks—
and attacks using planes directed at New
York and Washington—for several years.
The government never told us about what
it knew was coming."

9/11 report, Rice remarks in conflict; Investigators say
Bush got specific data on threats
July 29, 2003

"...the briefing given to the president a

month before the suicide hijackings
included recent intelligence that al-Qaida
was planning to send operatives to the
United States to carry out an attack using
high explosives."

Bin Laden's 'Freedom Fighters' Funded,
Trained, Armed by CIA

If Osama bin Laden is responsible for the

tragic terrorist acts of Sept. 11, it's worth
remembering who helped train and arm
him in the first place.

Osama bin Laden was recruited by the
CIA to fight the Soviet occupation troops
in Afghanistan. The budding guerrilla
leader was trained and supplied by
American taxpayers' dollars.

American Patriot Friends Network
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Part One Attack on America

Have a nice day!

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