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Research Methodology - Prof. Satya Deo - LU

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Introduction to Research Methodology

Prof. Satya Deo
Department of Mathematics
University of Allahabad
Prayagraj-211002, India
Email: satyadeo@allduniv.ac.in

Research methodology
➢ A systematic way to solve the research problems.
➢ Science of understanding how research is done.
➢ Study various steps adopted by researchers.
➢The process used to collect information and data for
the purpose of making decisions.
➢The methodology may include publications, research,
interviews, surveys and other research techniques, and
could include both present and past information.
➢ When we talk of research methodology, then we
do not only talk of the research methods but
also consider the logic behind the methods used
in the context of our research study and explain
why a particular method is being used.
➢ Research methodology details a researcher’s
approach to the research to ensure reliable, valid
results that address their aims and objectives.
About the research
Motivation of research
The motivation behind research may have following reasons:
⚫Interested to face the challenges in solving the unsolved problems.
⚫To get intellectual joy of doing some creative work.
⚫Desire to be service towards society.
⚫Curiosity about new phenomenon or thing.s.
⚫Concerned about social thinking.
⚫Desire to get a research degree along with its consequential
benefits, etc.
Process of research
⚫ Initial idea or Concept.
⚫ Background investigation and review.
⚫ Refinement of idea.
⚫ CoreWork:
⚫Investigation and Development.
⚫Prototype (if applicable).
⚫ Evaluation.
⚫ Identification of FutureWork.
⚫ Report, Presentation and Publication.
Features of Research: Basic and Applied
Kinds of Research Work

• Descriptive • Empirical
• Analytical • One-time research / longitudinal
• Applied • Field-setting research/laboratory/simulation
• Fundamental • Clinical / laboratory
• Quantitative • Historical
• Qualitative • Conclusion oriented
• Conceptual • Decision oriented
Descriptions on the kinds of Research
⚫Descriptive Research: It includes surveys and fact findings,
enquiries of different kinds, description of state of affairs as it
exists at present, social science and business research. It has
no control over variables and it can only report what has
happened or what is happening.
⚫Analytical Research: The researcher has to use or analyze
facts or information already available, analyze these to make
critical evaluation of the matter.
⚫Applied Research: The applied research aims to finding a
solution of the applicable problems.
• Fundamental Research: Fundamental (Pure) Research
concerns about the generalization and formulation of basics facts.
Gaining knowledge from the existing theory and then to make
generalization of results.
• Quantitative Research: Quantitative Research is based on the
measurements of quantity or amount and expressed in terms of
• Qualitative Research: Qualitative Research is related with
quality or kind. Concerned with qualitative phenomenon,
motivation research, to discover underlying motives and seek
• Conceptual Research: Conceptual Research is
related to abstract ideas / theory, to develop new
concepts/re-interpret of existing ones and it is
verified by empirical research.
• Empirical Research: It is the data-based research,
relies on experience/ observation alone, verified by
observation/experiment, works to get enough facts to
prove/disprove hypothesis and evidence gathered by
questionnaire. This is most powerful support possible
for a given hypothesis.
Criteria of a good research

• Purpose should be clearly defined • Appropriate statistical test of significance

• Common concepts to be used • Reliable outcome measures
• Explain procedure clearly - for • Justify conclusions with data
continuity • Limitation of data
• Results should be as objective as • Experienced researcher
• Systematic
• Report with frankness
• Logical
• Acknowledge, procedural flaws
• Limitations of the study
What is the difference between a
thesis and a project?

Thesis Project
A thesis is a traditional research A project is a curriculum-based such as
study. You will choose a lesson plans, activities with
research topic, write hypotheses technology, review materials, or
or research questionnaire, interactive media for use in the 6-12
choose a method to gather mathematics classrooms. The
data, analyze the data, interpret materials should be unique, creative,
the results, draw conclusions or from a new perspective. The project
and determine the implications should address a concern or problem
of the study. in the subject.
Proposal Defense
➢ Your defense is an open meeting where you will present your proposal to your
committee and other interested stakeholders (faculty, graduate students, family
members, etc). You will create and deliver the power point presentation (ppt) of
the proposal (Synopsis, Project or Thesis) and explain it, followed by questions
from the audience.

➢ At the end of your presentation, you and any visitors will be asked to step out
while the committee deliberates. Eventually, the committee will either approved
your proposal or give some suggestions for its modifications.
What is meant by a Hypothesis?

A hypothesis is an educated guess.

It is an attempt to explain the nature of the relationship

between the variables identified in the problem.

It is an attempt to suggest a possible answer to the problem

based on available facts or information that the researcher
already knows.
• Gives direction to a study.

• Gives evidence that some background reading in the area has

been carried out.

• Hypotheses written after a review of the literature has been

done and a problem has been selected for study.

Stages of the research process
• Formulating and clarifying a topic
• Reviewing the literature
• Designing the research
• Collecting the data
• Analysing the data
• Writing up of the dissertation/paper/report etc.
Scientific Method of Research
The characteristics of the scientific method may have
following characteristics elements:
• Empirical approach
• Observations
• Questions
• Hypotheses
• Experiments
• Analyses
• Conclusions
• Replication- Repeatingsame work to re-check results.
▶ Researches in Mathematics is primarily concerned with the
tools, methods and approaches that facilitate practice or the
study of practice.
▶ Pedagogy of Mathematics has developed into an extensive
field of study, with its own concepts, theories, methods, national
and international organizations, conferences and literature
Working Rules to do Mathematics
1. A mathematical text has to be readable. Do not use to many symbols and write
complete sentences.
2. All formulas has to be a part of a sentence and never start a sentence with a formula.
3. If a formula ends a sentencs, add a dot after the formula.
4. A definition or symbol should be explained first time when it is introduced.
5. It takes practice to become able to write mathematical text. Inserting formulas in
ordinary text usually causes problems.
6. Mathematical texts are usually very compact and require concentration and time to
7. It is important to think about how a formula or name is pronounced. The formula
should be readable, from left to right, no mater how complicated.
Mathematics in Day to Day Life
❖Mathematics is all around us, it is everywhere in
the daily walk of the life.
❖Not only does Mathematics underline every process
and pattern that occurs in the world around us, but
also, a good understanding of it will help
enormously in our every day life.
❖Being sharp in the mental arithmetic, can save your
money from cheating when you go to market!
About Mathematics…
▪ Mathematics has no generally accepted definition.
▪ Mathematics is a science of discovery.
▪ Mathematics gives an easy and early opportunity to make independent
▪ Mathematics is a tool subject.
▪ The language for communication of mathematical ideas is largely in terms of
symbols and words, therefore, it is very difficult to understand.
▪ Mathematics is perceived as being boring.
▪ Mathematics has nothing to do with real life problems (perception).
It has many applications in science & engineering and play an important role in career building.
Mathematics in
• Discount Commercial/Banking Usage
• Post Offices and Insurances
• Foreign Exchange
• Stock and Share
• Arithmetic ( Profit and Loss, Percentage, Ratio and
Proportion, Time problem)
• Transactions in banking, interest calculations, etc.
• Stocks and Bonds

All these are nothing but Mathematics!!

What is the Literature Review?
Literature Review is a database of the research works that has been published
by scholars and researchers.

Why we need to do and write Literature Review?

• To acquire and demonstrate knowledge in a particular area.
• To convey what knowledge and ideas have been established on a
specified topic.
• To justify the reason for research work.
• Allows to establish theoretical framework and methodologicalfocus.
Composition of a Literature Review?
A literature review should compose the following:
✓Be organized around and related to the research
question you are developing.
✓Synthesize results into a summary of what is and
what is not known.
✓Identify research gaps or areas of controversy in
the literature.
✓Formulate questions that need further research work.
Aims of Literature Review
The researcher should make the review as rigorous and extensive as
possible. The review should help researcher:
• Limit the problem area: The problem should be small enough and
sufficiently specific for adequate treatment and competent analysis.
• Define the problem: ‘Definition' means researcher knows exactly what
he is looking for, so that data when collected and analyzed actually
relates back to the problem.
• Avoid unnecessary repetition: Do not assume that because most of
the existing research adopts one method that it is the only method or the
correct method. Do not use the approach if you have reservations
about its application to the problem.
• Search for new approaches: Be alert to research
approaches which may have been overlooked. Be prepared
to adopt a different viewpoint, particularly in areas where
research sparse.

• Recommend suitable methods: Methodology should be

appropriate to the research problem. Compile a checklist in
which you reference ideas on research design, instrumentation,
sampling and data collection and analysis from various
How to avoid plagiarism?
• Do not look at the original while you are preparing a document.

• Think about what you read. Then try to document it in your

own words.
• Avoid a thesaurus-like, sentence by sentence re-statement of
the original . What did the author assert? What was his or her
evidence? How does that compare and contrast to what other
researchers have found?
• Plagiarism checker software's are: URKUND, Turnitin,
iThenticate, etc.
⚫Data is sometimes not available or accessing data is very difficult.
⚫In few cases, difficulty to understand context of a phenomenon, difficulty
to analyze and don’t fit neatly in standard categories.
⚫Data may not be robust enough to explain complex issues.
⚫Findings usually cannot be generalized to the study or observational
⚫ In some cases, shortage of manpower and finance is also a major issue,
when researchers projects are not financially granted by some
⚫In few cases, the data collection is so rigorous and time consuming.
Problems encountered by researchers in India
• Lack of scientific training in methodology of research.
• Insufficient interactions.
• Need for generating the confidence that the information/data
obtained from a source will not be misused.
• Research studies overlapping one another are undertaken quite
often for want of adequate information.
• Timely and adequate secretarial assistance, including
computerial assistance.
• Library management and functioning is not satisfactory
level at many places.
• Difficulty of timely availability of published data.
Thank you

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