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Chapter Ii

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The diagram below shows the organizational chart of the company.









Position Job Description Qualifications
● Delegating responsibilities ● Bachelor’s degree in
and supervising business business, management, or
operations. related field.
MANAGER ● Hiring, training, motivating, ● Excellent communication,
and coaching employees as interpersonal, leadership,
they provide attentive, coaching and conflict
efficient service to customers, resolution skills.
assessing employee ● Strong understanding of
performance and providing business, management,
helpful feedback and training financial, and leadership
opportunities. principles.
● Resolving conflicts or ● Ability to analyze processes
complaints from customers and information, identify
and employees. problems and trends, and
● Generating reports and develop effective solutions
presenting information to and strategies.
upper-level managers or other ● Commitment to providing
parties. exceptional service to
● Establishing and achieving customers and support to
business and profit staff members .
objectives. ● Time and project
● Monitoring store activity and management skills
ensuring it is properly ● More education or experience
provisioned and staffed. may be preferred or required.
● Other duties to ensure the
overall health and success of
the business

● Examining financial ● Proven work experience as a

statements and reporting. Finance Officer or similar
● Preparing and forecasting role.
FINANCIAL budgets. ● Solid knowledge of financial
DEPARTMENT ● Manage all cash flows into and accounting procedures.
and out of a company ● Experience using financial
● Keeping accurate records for softwares.
all daily transactions ● Excellent analytical and
● Manages invoicing numerical skills.
procedures to collect money ● Sharp time management
owed by clients/customers. skills.
● Liaise with other managers ● Proven experience as
to formulate objectives and production director
understand requirements ● Deep knowledge of
● Estimate costs and prepare production management
budgets ● Understanding of quality
● Organize workflow to meet standards and health & safety
specifications and deadlines regulations
PRODUCTION ● Monitor production to resolve ● Knowledge of performance
DEPARTMENT issues evaluation and budgeting
● Supervise and evaluate concepts
performance of production ● Experience in reporting on
personnel (quality inspectors, key production metrics
workers etc.) ● Proficient in MS Office and
● Determine the amount of ERP software
necessary resources ● Outstanding communication
(workforce, raw materials ability
etc.) ● Excellent organizational and
● Approve maintenance work, leaderships skills
purchasing of equipment etc. ● Attention to detail
● Ensure output meets quality ● Strong decision-making skills
standards and a results-driven approach
● Enforce health and safety ● BSc/Ba in business
precautions administration or relevant
● Report to upper management field is preferred

● Defining and managing your ● Bachelor's degree (or

brand. equivalent) in marketing,
● Conducting campaign business, or related field.
management for marketing ● Proficiency with online
MARKETING initiatives. marketing and social media
DEPARTMENT ● Producing marketing and strategy.
promotional materials. ● Proven success in designing
● Creating content providing interactive applications and
search engine optimization networking platforms.
for your website. ● Willingness to travel.
● Monitoring and managing ● Established contacts in the
social media. media.
● Overseeing outside vendors
and agencies.
● Conducting customer and
market research.
● Welcoming customers, ● High school diploma or
answering their questions, equivalent.
CASHIER helping them locate items, ● Customer service or cashier
and providing advice or experience.
● Ability to handle transactions
● Operating scanners, scales,
accurately and responsibly.
cash registers, and other
electronics. ● High level of energy with
strong customer service
● Balancing the cash register
and generating reports for
credit and debit sales. ● Basic math and computer
● Accepting payments,
ensuring all prices and ● Ability to stand, walk, lift
quantities are accurate and heavy items, and work with
proving a receipt to every other team members in a fast-
customer. paced environment to provide
excellent service.
● Processing refunds and
exchanges, resolving ● Attention to detail.
complaints. ● Helpful, courteous approach
● Bagging or wrapping to resolving complaints.
purchases to ensure safe
● Following all store
procedures regarding
coupons, gift cards, or the
purchase of specific items,
such as alcohol or cigarettes.
● Maintaining a clean

● Greet customers. ● Excellent customer service

● Answer customers' questions. ● Ability to remain calm with
● Locate items for customers. difficult customers.
● Monitor inventory. ● Prior experience in retail.
● Ability to work in a team.
● Ring up items for customers. ● Flexible work hours.
● Elevate feedback from
customers to management.

● Ensuring that all food is of ● Culinary school

excellent quality and served degree/diploma.
in a timely manner. ● Past experience as a working
● Planning the menu, keeping chef.
in mind budget, and ● Advanced knowledge of the
availability of seasonal culinary arts.
● Perfectionism in sanitation
● Overseeing all kitchen
and quality control.
● Portfolio of creative, unique
● Coordinating kitchen staff,
and assisting them as
required. ● Expert multitasking ability.
● Training staff to prepare and ● Great leadership and
cook all the menu items. interpersonal skills.
● Taking stock of ingredients ● Ability to run stocktaking and
and equipment, and placing place orders for resupply.
orders to replenish stock. ● Exemplary work ethic in a
● Enforcing safety and high-pressure environment.
sanitation standards in the ● Passion and pride for
kitchen. delighting people with food.
● Creating new recipes to keep
the menu fresh.
● Keeping up to date with
industry trends.
● Receiving feedback and
making improvements where
● Assisting the Cook in food ● Experience in kitchen
preparation activities, such as operations
ASSISTANT CHEF cleaning, cutting, chopping ● In-depth understanding of
and peeling food ingredients food health and safety
● Cleaning and sanitizing the regulations
food preparation areas based ● Exceptional time
on company and industry management and
hygiene codes and health and organisational skills
safety standards ● Excellent verbal
● Washing, disinfecting and communication skills
properly storing cooking and ● Exceptional physical stamina
kitchen utensils and and strength
equipment ● Ability to work as part of a
● Buying, weighing and storing team
ingredients and food supplies ● Thoroughness and attention
● Operating a variety of kitchen to detail
appliances and instruments
including cutters, knives,
mixers and ovens
● Managing inventory,
unloading supplies and
organizing the storeroom

● Work and communicate ● High school diploma with

effectively with co-workers relevant experience.
CREW and management. ● Further training may be
● Respond to questions, required.
concerns, and complaints ● Friendly, reliable, and
from customers, vendors, or punctual.
● Strong communication skills.
● Conduct administrative duties
and errands as required. ● Physically fit and able to
work on your feet for long
● Escalate any problems or
complaints to the relevant
supervisor or manager. ● Ability to work irregular
hours (day and night shifts).
● Prioritize important tasks and
manage your time effectively. ● Enjoy working with people.
● Man and operate equipment
relative to your role.
● Maintain professionalism and
a positive attitude



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