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Activity 3.4

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Activity 3.

4 Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development

Individuals, when confronted by situations where they need to make moral

decisions, exercise their own ability to use moral reasoning. Lawrence Kohlberg was
interested in studying the development of moral reasoning. He based his theory on the
findings of Piaget in studying cognitive development. Our ability to choose right from
wrong is teid with our ability to understand and reason logically.
Read the moral dilemma below.

Ryan 17, has been saving up money to buy a ticket for this concert of rock
band. His parents have discouraged him from going as the concert will surely be
with a rowdy crowd. The band is notorious for having out-of-control audience who
somehow manages to get drunk and stoned during the concert. Ryan agreed not
to watch anymore. But a day before the concert, Nic, 15 year-old brother of Ryan,
saw a corner of what appeared to be a concert ticket showing in the pocket of
Ryan’s bag. Nic examined it and confirmed it was indeed a ticket. Looking at
Ryan’s bag, Nic also found an extra shirt and 2 sticks of marijuana. So he figured
Ryan will go to the concert after all. That night, Ryan told his parents that he was
spending tomorrow night at a classmate’s house for a school requirement. Then
later that evening, he told Nic of his plan to go to the concert. Nic didn’t say
anything, but he found it difficult to sleep that night. Thinking whether to tell their
parents or not.


1. If you were Nic, what would you do?

2. Why would you choose to do that? What were the things you considered in deciding
what to do?

According to Kohlberg, moral development occurs in the following stages.

Level Stage Description

1 Punishment/Obedience

One is motivated by fear of punishment. He will act in order o

avoid punishment

Level 2 Mutual benefit

One is motivated to act by the benefit that one may obtain

later. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.

3 Social Approval

One is motivated by what others expect in behavior-- good

boy, good girl. The person acts because he/she will appear
to others. He/she gives importance on what people will think
or say.


4 Law and Order

One is motivated to act in order to uphold law and order. The

person will follow the law because it is the law.
5 Social Contract
Laws that are wrong can be changed. One will act based on
social justice and the common good.

6 Universal Principles

This is associated with the development of one’s conscience.

Having a set standards that drives one to possess moral
responsibility to make societal changes regardless of
consequences to oneself. Examples of persons are Mother
Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr.

 In what level of moral development did your response to the dilemma fall? Reflect
about what this indicates about your moral reasoning in this moral dilemma.

1. Below are some implications of Kohlberg’s theory. Think of more specific learning
activities to respond to these implications for the learners you plan to teach.

Grade or Year level: _____________________________

Implications Specific Learning Activities

For Learning:

 Most schools label students in stages 1 and


For Teaching:

 Teachers should offer more opportunities

for debate about issues so students can
hear a variety of perspectives.

2. Explain why moral education must be a part of the school curriculum even until
tertiary level. What do you you think are the possible challenges that the school might
face once moral education is given emphasis in the curriculum?

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