Vrts112 Final
Vrts112 Final
Vrts112 Final
• Make certain that you understand a concept. It is very difficult - Thinking positively results in less stress and gives positive
to recall what is fuzzy. Read and then reread before class, ask effects.
questions and try to explain the concept to someone else 6) Rely on your first impressions (Gilron & Gutchess, 2011)
during your review session. - The answer which comes to mind first is often correct.
• Use chunking. There are limits to how much we can recall, but - A deciding factor in our choice, judgements and
these limits expand when the material is meaningfully trustworthiness.
organized (e.g. What are the three key concepts of the chapter 7) Analyze your performance in every test
and how are ideas grouped under these key ideas?). Cluster - Test measures the strongest and weakest areas of your
ideas around a heading or category. One item may serve as a ability to understand
cue to another during the exam. - Test helps you shape up your academic advancement.
• Be selective – condense and summarize. This helps to make 8) Pay attention on how words, prefixes, phrases and
the time requirements more manageable. Remember: statements are used
memorization is secondary to comprehension. - Review your grammar usage and vocabulary.
• Mnemonic devices can serve as organizers for new - Remember, a word or group of words have multiple
information, either classic acronyms such as Every Good Boy meanings. Scrutinize carefully how each was used.
Does Fine to represent the lines on the musical staff EGBDF,
Test Taking: Strategies for Coping
or individualized ones that you design for yourself.
- Too little anxiety (apathy) or too much anxiety (panic) are
• Create a peg on which to hang the information you want to both problematic. A moderate level of anxiety gives energy
remember. It might be a rhyme, an unusual image or maybe a and improves concentration.
sequence The Night Before
• Eliminate distractions - Establish good study habits. Cramming increases the
• Check your concentration as you go – generally toward the likelihood of panic. Concentrate on what you do know and try
end of every other page, but more often if the reading is dense to think of likely questions to be asked.
in terms of facts, definitions, equations, etc. Test yourself on - Get a good night's sleep.
identifying the main idea and restate it in your own words. - Make sure you know the time of the exam, where it is being
• Use all of your senses, e.g. draw on the board, trace it over and held, and how to get there.
over, look for unique visual patterns, talk it out to somebody, - Keep the importance of the exam in perspective. Talk to
or rehearse it in the mirror. yourself: "It's only an exam." "I can do it." "Stay cool."
• Erase to remember. Write out what you need to recall for an On Exam Day
exam completely in pencil. Progressively erase words as you - Eat a moderate breakfast or lunch. Avoid drinks or drugs with
commit them to memory. caffeine. Over agitation can increase nervousness and harm
• Use all of your senses, e.g. draw on the board, trace it over and concentration and memory.
over, look for unique visual patterns, talk it out to somebody, - Do a relaxing activity unrelated to the exam in the last hour
or rehearse it in the mirror. before the exam.
- Steer clear of fellow students who are "anxiety generators."
Test - Get to the exam room early to settle in and prepare your
- A test is a form of assessment or evaluation utilized to view supplies and familiarize yourself with surroundings.
what students have learned. It ascertains learner’s - Tense all your muscles for a moment, then suddenly relax
advancement and progress to a higher level from certain them. Take 3 deep breaths.
intelligible skills as accorded. A test impels students to During the Exam
confidently excel more in their studies. - Read directions and underline significant instructions.
Test Taking Techniques - First answer the easy questions. Then go back to the more
1) Gather resources to increase knowledge difficult.
- Employ effective study habits to enhance your memory. - Multiple Choice - eliminate the impossible answers, then make
- Preparing and taking a practice test do help. as good an intuitive guess as possible.
2) Be at the testing venue 20-30 minutes earlier the schedule - Essay Questions - take a few minutes to organize your
- Have some time to adapt yourself to the venue for the test. thoughts. Jot them down and start with a summary sentence.
- Clear your mind and think positive thoughts. - When confronted with excess anxiety, break it by doing
3) Follow test directions, pay attention to last-minute something unusual: ask a question; get a drink; chew gum; eat
instructions a piece of hard candy; sharpen pencil; tense and relax large
- Accurate instruction advances positive results. muscle groups; take several deep, slow breaths.
- Directions are an essential part to one's success. - Don't rush; maintain steady pace.
- Last minute changes are often unavoidable. After the Exam
4) Utilize allotted time productively - Use the test as a learning tool. After the exam is over, don't
- Plan and estimate how much time you will need to torture yourself over mistakes.
accomplish each test item. - Take a break and take note of how you were tested. Don't vow
- Answer all questions, leave no item unanswered and to study harder. Vow to study smarter.
double check your answers. - Review the exam looking for the types of errors. Is there a
5) Positive mindset is important pattern: e.g. did I use a - instead of a + sign in problems?
- Optimists do better on tests.
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