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Mutliplication Facts Websites

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Game Ideas

http://www.multiplication.com/classroom_games.htm#Bingo - Many game ideas

to practice facts in the classroom, not Internet games.

Teaching Multiplication

http://naturalmath.com/mult/index.html The main reason why people read these materials

is for fun. However, there are many "applied" uses for these pages:

• learn why you need to memorize only 13 multiplication facts (or less) in order to know the
whole table
• learn a lot of useful tricks and patterns that will help in fast mental arithmetic and will
develop your number sense
• follow suggested investigations to discover a lot of algebraic patterns (it is worth at least
as much as taking the standard pre-algebra and algebra 1 courses)
• find getaways to advanced topics such as matrices or arithmetic progression

Each page in the unit consists of dialogs between a Student and a Mentor, as well as illustrations,
summaries and suggestions for further explorations and activities. Users can skip dialogs if they
wish, going directly for the summaries and activities.
http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_192_g_2_t_1.html (Create any array)
http://www.eduplace.com/math/mathsteps/3/c/ (Multiplication Properties)
http://www.math.com/school/subject2/lessons/S2U3L2GL.html (Steps to solving
multiplication equations)

General Sites
http://www.dositey.com/muldiv/multip.htm (This site will help to teach sets, facts,
practice multiplication property, order of operations, and provide worksheets.)

Mutliplication Table

http://www.netrover.com/~kingskid/MulTab/Applet.html (Shows visual structure of

multiplication and its relation to addition.)

Flash Card Internet Activities

http://www.multiplication.com/interactive/flashfun/flash/index.html (Basic flash

cards for each factor)
http://www.funbrain.com/math/ (Baseball game that provides multiplication
http://www.funbrain.com/math/ (This site provides fact equations and keeps
score of the number of problems correct and wrong.)
http://www.netrover.com/~kingskid/numberscou.html (Hear blast off sounds as
you do some math!)
http://www.aplusmath.com/Flashcards/multiplication.html (This site provides fact
equations and keeps score of the number of problems correct and wrong.)
Interactive Games

http://www.multiplication.com/interactive_games.htm (These games are played

over the Internet. They load fast and are FUN to play. Flash Fun, Multiplication
Jeopardy, and more.)
http://www.prongo.com/farm/index.html (Come on over to the farm stand to
practice your multiplication and addition. Multiply the amount of apples or eggs
by their price, then add them together for your total.)
http://www.aplusmath.com/games/matho/MultMatho.html (Multiplication Matho -
a game where you are given a multiplication problem and you need to click the
answer on a grid. The object of the game is to get 5 in a row.)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/megamaths/tables.html (This lively interactive
web site is based on the popular BBC Schools Television series Megamaths and
uses a selection of characters from the programs to introduce a variety of
activities and games which explore the times tables)
http://library.thinkquest.org/3896/index2.htm (You know how to do addition. The
next step is to learn how to multiply. These pages will help you practice and learn
your multiplication facts from 1 to 4. These pages use bricks to show arrays, and
include 16 practice problems).
http://www.dositey.com/addsub/memorymult.html (Concentration Game)
http://www.dositey.com/addsub/Mystery6.htm#s (Multiplication Mystery Picture)
http://blackdog.net/games/math/multiply/index.html (BlackDog's Multiplication
Quizzes - Have some fun learning the multiplication tables with these fun games)
http://www.dositey.com/addsub/mystery1M.htm (Solve a fact problem and click
on the answer on the grid to reveal a Mystery Picture.)
http://www.ezschool.com/games/alienmultiplication.html (Alien Multiplication -
Read the given number sentence. Multiply the numbers. Click the answer before
the enemy lands in our territory.)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/mathsfile/shockwave/games/gridgame.html (Grid
Game - Find the factors, multiples, powers, prime, and triangular numbers from
the selection shown on the grid and see Pythagoras and Hypatia jump for joy!)
http://schoolcentral.com/willoughby5/default.htm (Stanley Park Chase - Help
Stanley find his buried gold by answering the multiplication facts.)
http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/mult/mult.html (Multiplication Mystery -
Match the products to the multiplication table to reveal a hidden picture.)
http://www.quia.com/custom/6gate.html (Find the matching squares)
http://www.geocities.com/multiplicationfacts/ (For each problem, find the correct
answer and click on it. If you are correct, you will see the next problem. If you are
wrong, nothing will happen, try another answer.)
http://quizhub.com/quiz/f-multiplication.cfm (Quiz Hub - Click on the matching
http://www.programmingart.com/free/games/multiply/ (Timed multiplication
practice that keeps your score)
http://www.lizardpoint.com/math/mult-online.html (Practice facts)
http://www.playkidsgames.com/mathGames.htm (Numerous games to practice
http://www.mathgym.com.au/htdocs/japplets/invaders/invaders.htm (Play Space
http://www.prongo.com/math/multiplication.html (Batter’s Up Baseball - Choose a
Single to practice facts)
http://www.funbrain.com/football/index.html (Football Game practicing
multiplication facts)


http://www.edhelper.com/multiplication.htm (Many multiplication worksheets)

http://superkids.com/aweb/tools/math/multiply/ (Create your own multiplication
math facts worksheets. Use them in the classroom for practice or timed drills, or
at home. Choose from two levels of difficulty)
http://www.teachrkids.com/fronts/mul.htm (Interactive worksheets where you
create the types of fact problems)
http://www.kidzone.ws/math/multiplication.htm (Create your own worksheets from
many categories)
http://www1.tpgi.com.au/users/puzzles/page36.html (Crossnumber Puzzle)

Multiplying by a 1-digit number

http://www.dositey.com/muldiv/multip.htm (This site has lessons, exercises, and
http://www.hbschool.com/activity/mmath/mmath_knack.html (Mighty Math
Calculating Crew adapted from the CD-Rom to be played on the internet)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/mathsfile/shockwave/games/gridgame.html (Grid
Game - Find the factors, multiples, powers, prime, and triangular numbers from
the selection shown on the grid and see Pythagoras and Hypatia jump for joy!)
http://www.teachrkids.com/fronts/mul.htm (Interactive worksheets where you
create the types of fact problems)
http://www.lizardpoint.com/math/mult-online.html (Practice problems)
http://www.playkidsgames.com/mathGames.htm (Numerous games - Choose the
Medium or Difficult level to get the equations for 2-digit and 3-digit multiplied by a
1-digit number)
http://www.prongo.com/math/multiplication.html (Batter’s Up Baseball - Choose a
Double to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number)

Multiplying by a 2-digit number

http://www.quia.com/rr/10205.html (Brain Buster - Multiply multiples of 10,100,
and 1,000)
http://www.quia.com/rr/10206.html (Multiplication Millionaire - Multiply multiples of
10, 100, and 1,000)
http://www.lizardpoint.com/math/mult-online.html (Practice problems)
http://www.prongo.com/math/multiplication.html (Batter’s Up Baseball - Choose a
Homerun to multiply a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number)

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