Si r22 Errata
Si r22 Errata
Si r22 Errata
p. 61.3, Fig. 2. Bottom line of figure cut off. The figure in its entirety
2021 Fundamentals
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A.2 2019-2021 ASHRAE Handbook Additions and Corrections (SI)
Table 3 2012 Commercial Sector Floor Area and Source EUI Percentiles
Weighted Calculated, Weighted Energy Use Index (EUI) Values
Source Energy, MJ/yr per gross square metre
Floor Actual
Number of Area, Number of Percentiles
Buildings, 109 Buildings,
Building Use Thousand m2 N 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th Mean
558 0.84 766 554 880 1395 2061 3517 1797
Bank/other financial 91 0.08 79 1285 1663 2653 3409 4193 2708
Bar/pub/lounge 71 0.03 60 1228 1920 3454 6073 7906 4274
Clinic/other health 87 0.12 135 742 1207 1785 2622 4703 2233
College/university 27 0.17 104 886 1582 2436 2981 4349 2824
Convenience store 79 0.03 47 2120 3924 7469 12750 15798 8143
Convenience store with gas
52 0.02 32 3797 7396 8692 12091 16134 9365
Courthouse/probation office 6 0.04 26 1483 1822 2532 2757 3622 2442
Distribution/shipping center 151 0.53 307 207 431 797 1315 1822 928
Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 25 0.07 48 365 801 1341 2189 2370 1529
Elementary/middle school 189 0.57 397 612 907 1263 1758 2683 1514
Enclosed mall 1 0.08 34 404 1479 2121 2438 3030 1887
Entertainment/culture 51 0.12 89 170 550 893 1961 3604 1641
Fast food 92 0.03 94 2732 6277 11451 17338 21630 12082
Fire station/police station 69 0.05 53 510 731 1263 2236 2861 1621
Government office 113 0.25 205 653 1159 1755 2631 3337 1976
Grocery store/food market 45 0.07 48 3092 4749 5627 7478 8789 6002
High school 43 0.28 142 756 1095 1701 2340 3258 1899
Hospital/inpatient health 10 0.22 409 2560 3977 5533 6720 7790 5358
Hotel 30 0.24 159 1207 1472 2060 2623 4362 2452
Laboratory 16 0.04 41 1488 2040 4066 5857 13045 5872
Library 24 0.07 37 1012 1602 1861 2436 2562 1952
Medical office (diagnostic) 60 0.05 62 431 912 1541 2295 2871 1793
Medical office (non-
50 0.03 42 711 989 1524 1832 2259 1532
Mixed-use office 125 0.25 212 391 735 1316 1978 2858 1549
Motel or inn 61 0.06 61 1007 1531 1841 2952 4311 2310
Non-refrigerated warehouse 427 0.50 350 67 215 538 1102 1737 739
Nursing home/assisted living 30 0.12 94 1109 1902 2667 4321 5488 3106
Other 109 0.14 87 44 548 1017 2686 6977 2461
Other classroom education 62 0.07 62 447 669 1033 1858 2332 1316
Other food sales 1 0.00 2 5123 5976 5976 5976 5976 5784
Other food service 37 0.01 27 177 1425 3114 7032 11496 4493
Other lodging 13 0.04 27 925 990 1791 3051 3947 2011
Other office 74 0.04 52 433 758 1155 2138 2891 1537
Other public assembly 41 0.06 63 689 912 1201 1807 3805 1838
Other public safety 9 0.04 22 1879 2771 3464 4183 4786 3523
Other retail 59 0.03 41 427 1047 2040 3433 5314 2477
Other service 114 0.06 83 388 707 1273 2387 8343 2745
Post office/postal 30 0.04 26 724 1279 1644 1835 2231 1587
Preschool/daycare 68 0.04 50 802 1115 1606 2351 3269 2077
Recreation 100 0.18 127 453 654 1357 2507 4117 1887
Refrigerated warehouse 8 0.04 21 541 1264 3009 5597 10856 4389
Religious worship 412 0.42 352 224 431 667 1073 1849 938
Repair shop 84 0.05 53 298 447 932 1794 2676 1164
Restaurant/cafeteria 179 0.10 180 1875 3174 6698 11094 14522 7691
Retail store 336 0.42 294 385 654 1478 2447 3750 1755
Self-storage 209 0.15 81 71 137 449 1035 2486 981
Social/meeting 135 0.09 98 319 581 1195 1945 3740 1508
Strip shopping mall 163 0.47 296 1171 1934 2947 4726 6053 3678
Vacant 296 0.30 247 26 114 274 711 1251 545
Vehicle dealership/showroom 43 0.05 34 516 1009 1522 2963 3990 2081
Vehicle service/repair 214 0.15 149 350 675 1247 2069 3361 1617
Vehicle storage/maintenance 176 0.12 113 182 471 861 1416 3278 1485
SUM or Mean for sector 5557 8.09 6720 300 669 1351 2536 5225 2336
Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, T. R. Sharp, calculated from U.S. DOE/EIA 2012 CBECS microdata.
* District chilled water use and cost are not reflected in building EUIs and cost metrics because they were not reported in the CBECS public database. Analysis showed there was
potential this could significantly impact some EUIs for these building use types: college/university, dormitory/fraternity/sorority, entertainment/culture, library, hospital/inpatient
health, and laboratory. Commentary in this chapter will explain the impact of chilled water systems on these categories.
A.4 2019-2021 ASHRAE Handbook Additions and Corrections (SI)
Weighted Electricity Use Index Values, kWh/yr per gross square metre