Medical Opinion
Medical Opinion
Medical Opinion
For 24/7 service please dial * +504-2276-3960 (Service provided in Spanish) Código: SPN-F.GSP-09
Policy No. Certificate No. Amount: BPM:
To be filled by insurance company
I. General Information
1) Policyholder Spouse Child of primary subscriber
2) Full name Female Male
3) Phone number Email
5) Do you or your spouse have a secondary insurance? Yes No Name the insurance company
6) Since when have you been insured?
II. Medical history / Outpatient consultation (To be filled by treating physician only)
1) Since when have you been treating the patient? Month Day Year
2) Cause of Condition:
Positive Test Result Date
Workplace accident Other accidents Common Disease Pregnancy
Car Accident Occupational Disease HIV
Month Day Year
3) Describe full diagnosis, injuries found, medical complications and treatments received: (Use ICD-10 Codes)
5) Has the patient previously been treated for the same or a diferent condition? Yes No
If Yes, date of treatment Treating physician
Can the treatment be done outpatient? Yes No Do you require assistance? Yes No
Do you require an anesthesiologist? Yes No Do you require another physician's assistance? Yes No
Is there a second medical opinion? Yes No If yes, provide date: Month Day Year