AIC and AIP Supplement
AIC and AIP Supplement
AIC and AIP Supplement
Version 3
Change summary
Version Date Change description
2 06 February 2023 Annual review and inclusion of additional information for SUP/AIC
Table of contents
1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................... 3
2 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................ 3
3 PROPONENT RESPONSIBILITES ............................................................................................ 3
3.1 AIC and SUP proponents ............................................................................................................ 3
4 SUP ............................................................................................................................................. 3
4.1 Examples .................................................................................................................................... 3
5 AIC .............................................................................................................................................. 4
5.1 Examples .................................................................................................................................... 4
6 PUBLICATION ............................................................................................................................ 4
6.1 Notice requirements – SUP ........................................................................................................ 4
6.2 Notice requirements – AIC .......................................................................................................... 5
6.3 Formatting ................................................................................................................................... 5
6.4 Publication time frames ............................................................................................................... 6
7 CHANGES TO AIC AND SUP .................................................................................................... 7
8 CANCELLING AIC OR SUP ...................................................................................................... 7
9 EMAIL DISTRIBUTION LIST...................................................................................................... 7
10 CONTACTING AIS SERVICE DELIVERY ................................................................................. 7
11 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................. 8
12 References ................................................................................................................................. 8
Appendix A AIC or SUP layout ..................................................................................................................... 9
A.1 Legend ...................................................................................................................................... 10
This guide is designed to assist internal Airservices and other external stakeholders in
the preparation and submission of Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) and AIP
Supplements (SUP).
This guide is limited to providing general information about AIC and SUP and is not
intended to replace any of the formal change management procedures as documented
in ATS-DPS-0027 (for aerodromes with an ERSA FAC), ATS-DPS-0006 (for CASR
Part 173 organisations) or the change processes within Airservices.
Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) Service Delivery is responsible for the
formatting and publication of AIC and SUP only, the proponent remains responsible for
the accuracy and currency of all information published within the AIC and SUP. The
Proponent is also responsible for ensuring the draft document is submitted to AIS
Service Delivery to meet the required timelines as outlined in Section 6.
SUP contain temporary changes of long duration (three months and longer) and
information of short duration which consists of extensive text and/or graphics,
supplementing the permanent information contained in the AIP.
4.1 Examples
• Changes/corrections to the IAIP
• Military exercises
• Events with airspace changes, e.g., air shows, large motor races etc
• Airport works resulting in permanent or temporary changes to the IAIP
AIC contain explanatory or advisory information concerning technical, legislative, or
administrative matters, as well as information on the long-term forecast of major
changes in legislation, regulations, procedures, or facilities liable to affect flight safety.
5.1 Examples
• Administrative information
• Future changes
• Airport works that do not change the information published in the IAIP
6.3 Formatting
AIC and SUP are formatted for publishing by the AIS Service Delivery team.
Proponents of AIC and SUP must include the following information in a Microsoft Word
document (further information is available in Appendix A):
• Effective and cancellation dates (in UTC)
• A contact email address for questions/enquiries – a phone number can also be
published if supplied
• Title of the document, including location, dates, and key activity
• Introduction – including the purpose of the document
• Operational information
Note: If this information is not supplied and further communication with a proponent
is required, this may delay the publication of the AIC or SUP.
6.3.2 Images
Any images required to be published in an AIC or SUP must be in a recognised image
format: JPEG, SVG or PNG. The images must be of a high enough resolution for
publication. To meet this requirement, screen shots (or snips) and images converted
from other formats such as PDF should be avoided. Generally, images should be at
least 1MB in size.
6.3.3 Text
AIS Service Delivery will format and amend text to ensure it is consistent with the AIP
and other AIC and SUP published. To reduce the number of changes required,
proponents should consider:
• Abbreviations must be avoided when they are not in common usage, or the
intended recipients are not specialists familiar with the term. When a non-standard
abbreviation is used, spell the word or term in full in the first usage with its
abbreviation in brackets, e.g., Light Detecting and Radar (LIDAR). All following
references can then be the abbreviation.
• References to other documents, including IAIP publications. Ensure the publication
that is/will be effective during the effective time of the AIC or SUP is used as a
reference. The most common source of references is the AIP Book, so attention
should be paid to the effective date of the version being used as a reference.
• When using hyperlinks to websites, ensure the supplied address is correct prior to
submitting a draft document.
Within this document, the following definitions apply:
Term Definition
SUP Supplement
12 References
Title Number
A.1 Legend
Note: Highlighted items are to be supplied by the proponent, see also Section 6.3.
1. Indication of document being an AIC or SUP.
2. AIRAC – applicable when the document becomes effective on an AIRAC date.
3. AIC or SUP number – assigned by AIS Service Delivery.
4. Effective date, always published in UTC.
5. AIS Service Delivery contact email.
6. Proponent contact information, an email contact must be provided, a phone
number is optional but will be published if supplied.
7. Title – giving a clear indication of the purpose of the document and location where
applicable, including YCODE if aerodrome specific.
8. Introduction – concise description of the contents of the document, the location(s)
applicable to the document and who the document will impact.
9. Operational Information – detailed explanation including changes to the IAIP where
applicable and other content necessary for users to understand the scope of what
is being published.
10. Cancellation – when a SUP is changing the content of the IAIP, indicate the
publication(s) being changed and the expected date they will be incorporated.
When the document is not changing the IAIP provide a date when the document
should be removed from the website.
11. Distribution – AIC and SUP are only distributed on the Airservices website.
12. Appendices – supplementary information to the AIC or SUP.
13. Date that the AIC or SUP is published on the Airservices website, this is replicated
on all pages of the document – excluding appendices.
14. Date that the AIC or SUP becomes effective, this is replicated on all pages of the
documents – excluding appendices.