Legal Med
Legal Med
Legal Med
Answer: Wound
2. Part of the cartridge of a firearm that functions to ignite the propellant powder.
Answer: Primer
3. A scar has already developed from an incised wound. Approximately how many days is this
from the time of infliction of the wound?
a. 30 days
b. 12 to 15 days
c. 4 to 5 days
d. 1 day
Answer: B
6. When a wound is inflicted, the following are common reactions of the living tissue to trauma,
a. Redness
b. Pain
c. Swelling
d. All are correct
Answer: D
7. What is the classification of an injury that is located not at the site BUT on the opposite site of
application of force?
a. Coup Injury
b. Contre-coup
c. Coup Contre-Coup
d. Locus Minoris Resistencia
Answer: B
8. A wound produced by a blunt object
a. Incised wound
b. Contusion
c. Abrasion
d. Lacerated wound
Answer: B
For 10-13
Choose the best answer from the following choices:
A. Short range fire B. Medium range fire C. Distant range fire
For 14-17
Choose the best answer from the following choices:
A. Entrance wound
B. Exit wound
19. Give one normal mechanism of the body that occurs when the temperature of the surrounding
environment is increased
Answer: sweating
20. Injury to the foot occurring after sustained exposure to cold water
Answer: Trench feet/Immersion foot
21. What is scald? Scald is produced by liquids at or near boiling point or from steam.
22. This type of death or injury from heat is caused by overheating of the body as a result of
impaired functioning of the heat regulating mechanism?
a. Heat exhaustion
b. Heat stroke
c. Heat cramps
d. None of the above
Answer: B
23. Which of the following does NOT increase the severity of electrical injury?B
a. Alternating current
b. Contact of the right side of the body
c. Cardiac disease
d. None of the above
Answer: B
25. According to Dupuytren's classification, burns which involve the deep fascia and muscles
which may result to severe scarring or deformity is considered to be: B
a. Fourth degree burns
b. Fifth degree burns
c. Sixth degree burns
d. Seventh degree burn
Answer: B
26-28. Give at least 3 external findings on post-mortem examination of a person who died due to
26. Wounds
27. Magnetization of metals
28. Fusion of metals and glasses
35. Define asphyxia. Asphyxia is the lack of oxygen or excess of carbon dioxide in the body.
36. This is a classification of anoxia that refers to the failure of the blood to get an adequate
amount of oxygen due to a decrease in the supply?
a. Anoxic anoxia
b. Anemic anoxia
c. Stagnant anoxia
d. Histotoxic anoxia
Answer: A
37. You were investigating a case wherein you would want to know the cause of asphyxiation.
Which of the following would suggest that the victim died by strangulation?
a. Constricting force around the neck is the weight of the body
b. Body is completely suspended
c. Constricting force applied to the neck using the hand
d. None of the above
Answer: C
38. In this method of killing, the murderer kneels or sits on the chest, and closes the nostrils and
mouth of the victim using his hands:
b. Throttling
c. Burking
d. Strangulation
Answer: C
40. A body was found floating in the sea, whom they believe to be a victim of drowning. If the
Gettler test was performed, which of the following will be seen?
a. Chloride content of blood left ventricle > right ventricle
b. Chloride content of blood in right ventricle > left ventricle
c. Chloride content will be same in both sides of the heart
d. Chloride content of blood in the aorta > ventricles
Answer: A
41. Which of the following will NOT produce asphyxia signs by smothering?
a. Plastic bag suffocation
b. Hanging
c. Gagging
d. Overlaying
Answer: B
42. A man died due to impaction of a food bolus in his pharynx. What is the mechanism of
asphyxia in this situation?
a. Strangulation
b. Suffocation
c. Smothering
d. Compression of
Answer: B
43. Exposure to this war gas can cause irritation and excessive flow of tears. C
a. Lacrimator
b. Tear Gas
c. Both A&B
d. None of the above
Answer: C
44. A man accidentally slept inside his car. The following morning, the man was found dead
inside his car. Which is true regarding the cause of death of this person? D
a. Due carbon monoxide poisoning
b. The man died due to the emitted exhaust in his car
c. A colorless gas was produced inside that when inhaled causes limitation of the oxygen
carrying capacity of the blood
d. All of the above
Answer: D
45. Berto was hit by a vehicle in the legs and was thrown 10 feet from the impact and hit a
graveled part of the road. The doctor noted abrasions, contusions, lacerations on other parts of
the body aside from leg fractures. What type of injuries are those?B
a. Primary Impact
b. Secondary Impact
c. Run Over injuries
d. Hit and Run Injuries
Answer: B
46. Upon investigation of a car accident, fractures on the neck, face, skull, legs and severe facial
and chest injury is commonly found in? C
a. The rear seat occupant
b. The pedestrian
c. The driver
d. The back ride
Answer: C