Sodapdf Merged
Sodapdf Merged
Sodapdf Merged
1. Who among the following strongly said that “Man is a Political Animal”?
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. None of the Above.
2. Traditional approach give stress on:
A. Values.
B. Facts.
C. Objectivity.
D. Precision.
3. ‘Credo of Relevance’ Signaled
A. Modernism.
B. Behaviouralism.
C. Post-Behaviouralism.
D. Rationalism.
4. ‘The Intellectual God Father’ of Behaviouralism is
A. Charles .E.Merriam
B. David Easton.
C. Laswell.
D. None of the above.
5. Hobbes Theory of Social Contract is explained in his book.
A. Republic.
B. Prince.
C. Social Contract.
D. Leviathan.
6. ‘Two Treatises of Government’ Was Written By
A. John Locke.
B. J.J Rousseau.
C. Thomas Hobbes.
D. Spencer.
7. Which one of the following is not relevant to Traditional Approach.
A. Philosophical
B. Historical.
C. Institutional
D. Behavioural.
8. Integration of Political Science with other Social Sciences Is a basic principle of
A. Traditionalism.
B. Behaviouralism.
C. Liberalism.
D. Post – Behaviouralism.
9. The success of democracy depends upon
A. Periodic Elections.
B. Voting.
C. Campaigning in The Elections.
D. All of the above
10. Which of the following is a permanent feature of a representative form of government?
A. Voting.
B. Decision Making.
C. Military Force.
D. None of The Above.
11. “A right is a claim recognized by society and enforced by the state” who said this?
A. Laski
B. Bosanquet
C. Rousseau
D. Green
12 Who described democracy as “a form of government in which everyone has a share”?
A. John Seeley
B. J.S Mill
C. Bryce
D. None of The Above
13. Who said “Rights are those conditions of social life without which no man can be his best self”
A. Hobhouse
B. Bosanquet
C. Laski
D. Hegel
14. Who wrote the book ‘A Grammar of politics’
A. Laski
B. Hegal
C. J.S Mill
D T.H Green
15. The concept of Greek, ‘Justice’ was
A. Legal
B. Moral
C. Social
D. Political
16. The origin of democracy can be traced back to
A. Ancient Greek City States
B. Medieval Period
C. Modern Era
D. Feudalism
17. Who among the following said “Liberty is the opposite of over government”?
A. Seeley
B. Prof. Ramsay Muir
C. Laski
D. J.S Mill
18. What is meant by Social Justice.
A. All should have same Political Rights.
B. All should have same Economic rights.
C. All kinds of discrimination and privileges based on caste, colour, creed and sex should be
D. All should have the right to freedom of religion.
19. A democratic society is one in which
A. Government is popularly elected.
B. Liberty is given the highest value.
C. The spirit of equality and fraternity prevails.
D. All of the above.
20. Who wrote the book ‘Politics’
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Rousseau
21. Behavioral approach in political science is “an attempt to make the empirical content of political
science more scientific” who said this?
A. Charles. E. Merriam
B. David Easton
C. Powell
D. Robert A Dahl
22. Eight principles of Behavioural Approach of political science is generally known as :
A. Regularities
B. Pure Science
C. Verifications
D. Intellectual Foundations
23. Who wrote the book ‘On liberty’?
A. Henry Maine
B. J.S Mill
C. T.H Green
D. Laski
24. ‘ A theory of justice ‘is the work of
A. J.S Mill
B. Bodin
C. John Rawls
D. Montesquieu
25. The term ‘Globalization’ was coined by
A. Kaplan
B. Theodore Levitt
C. Burton
D. Spiro
26. Democracy is rule of
A. Voters
B. People
C. Members of parliament
D. Political Parties.
27. Who defined democracy as “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”?
A. Woodrow Wilson
B. Lord Bryce
C. Abraham Lincoln
D. Laski
28. Lord Bryce has written “That form of government in which the ruling power of a state is legally
vested, not in any particular class, but in the members of the community as a whole”. Which form of
government he is referring to?
A. Democracy
B. Parliamentary Government
C. Federal Government
D. Unitary Government
29. The two words ‘demos’ and ‘kratos’ from which democracy draws its origin belong to
A. Latin Language.
B. Greek Language.
C. French Language.
D. Spanish Language.
30. The two forms of democracy are
A. Parliamentary and presidential.
B. Direct and indirect.
C. Monarchical and Republican.
D. None of the above.
31. Which one of the following theories of democracy accords high priority to the political rights of
A. Pluralist theory of democracy .
B. Elitist of democracy.
C. Marxist theory of democracy.
D. Liberal theory of democracy.
32. Which theory of democracy attaches great importance to economic rights of man?
A. Marxist theory
B. Elite Theory
C. Pluralist Theory
D. All of the above
33. The term ‘liberty’ has been drawn from the Latin term
A. Libel
B. Lingua
C. Labour
D. Liber
34. One of the major factor that has stimulated the globalization process is
A. Effective utilization of resources.
B. Increase in income and wealth.
C. Willingness to co-operate.
D. Rapid Improvement in technology.
35. Removing barriers or restrictions said by government is called
A. Liberalization
B. Investment
C. Favorable trade
D. Free trade
36. Globalization by connecting countries leads to
A. Lesser competition among producers.
B. Greater competition among producers.
C. No competition between producers.
D. None of these.
37. ‘Euro centrism’ as the term for an ideology was coined by whom?
A. Karl Marx
B. Green
C. Samir Amin
D. Rousseau
38. During the enlightenment of the 18th century:
A. Scholars emphasized the supernatural.
B. Scholars denied the possibility of a scientific study of humans.
C. A number of scholars believed human social life could be studied scientifically.
D. None of these.
39. Economics deals with
A. Production of goods and services.
B. Consumption of goods and services.
C. Distribution of goods and services.
D. All of the above.
40. The social science that deals with human use of the natural environment is:
A. Genetics
B. Geography
C. Political science
D. Sociology
41. Political science stresses the study of:
A. Government
B. State
C. Power
D. All of the above
42. Psychology deals with
A. Only violent behavior.
B. Only normal behavior.
C. Mental states of individual humans.
D. Groups of people in interaction
43. The study of human group behavior is the definition of
A. Psychology
B. Sociology
C. Geology
D. None of the above
44. The social sciences lack
A. Theories
B. Concepts
C. Scientific laws
D. Generalizations
45. Ethical neutrality is the opposite of
A. Objectivity
B. Generalization
C. Judgmental Social science
D. Participant observation
46.Anthropology is restricted to the study of:
A. Primitive people only.
B. Pre-historic people only.
C. Modern people only.
D. None of these.
47. Objectivity means
A. Precision
B. Taking nothing for granted
C. Eliminating bias
D. Repeating observations
48. The study and analysis of preliterate societies is one of the chief concern of
A. Sociology
B. Psychology
C. Anthropology
D. History
49. The social sciences where initially concerned with the consequences of
A. American Revolution
B. The French Revolution
C. The Russian Revolution
D. The Industrial Revolution
50. The study of traits that appear in specific populations as adaptation to specific environment is called
A. Physical Anthropology
B. Cultural Anthropology
C. Demography
D. Psychology
51. Furnishing historical data about past with no written records Is the task of
A. Archeology
B. Cultural geography
C. History
D. Anthropology
52. The most experimental of social sciences is
A. Sociology
B. Psychology
C. Archeology
D. Economics
53. The discipline that studies such disparate subjects as the environment religion, politics, criminality,
organization and so on, is
A. History
B. Sociology
C. Political science
D. Psychology
54. Which of the following does not fall within the preview of the political liberty
A. Right to vote.
B. Right to contest elections.
C. Right to criticize the government.
D. Right to move the court for the enforcement of rights.
55. Political liberty ensures
A. Protection against oppressive rule
B. Economic equality
C. Basic Amenities of life
D. None of the above
56. Who said “Political liberty without economic equality is a myth”
A. T.H. green
B. J.S Mill
C. G.D.H Cole
D. H.J. Laski
57. Liberty and equality are
A. Complementary to each other
B. Contradictory to each other
C. Unrelated to each other
D. None of the above
58. Which of the following best describes eurocentrism?
A. Eurocentrism is a style of analysis in which European societies are compared to non –
European societies to produce an unbiased comparison of the relative merits of each.
B. Eurocentrism is a thought style in which the assessment and evaluation of non-European
societies is couched in terms of the cultural assumptions and biases of Europeans .
C. Eurocentrism describes studies or scholarly work that only consider European political or
economic systems .
D. All of the above.
59. The credit for developing behavioural approach for the study of political science goes to
A. The American political scientists.
B. The British political scientists.
C. The German political scientists.
D. The Political scientist of the third world.
60. Though the Behaviorist Approach for the study of political science was developed after the first
world war it gained popularity only
A. In the thirties of the twentieth century.
B. After the second world war .
C. In the sixties of the twentieth century .
D. In the eighties of the twentieth century.
61. The behaviorist approach to the study of political science was developed as a protest against
A. The historical approach.
B. The philosophical approach.
C. Descriptive-institutional approach.
D. All of the above.
62. The behaviorist approach differs from the traditional approach for the study of political science in so
far as
A. It is an analytical
B. It is general rather than particular
C. It is explanatory rather than ethical
D. It has all the above features
63. Which one of the following is regarded as the most important contribution of behaviouralism to
political science
A. It greatly helped in theory building
B. It developed several new concepts
C. It developed several new tools of research
D. It emphasized the important role which history can’t play in research
64. Civil liberty is inherent in the laws of
A. State
B. Nature
C. Society
D. All of the above
65. Who said: “Where there is no law there is no freedom”?
A. T.H. Green
B. Locke
C. Hobbes
D. Mac Iver
66. Which one of the following statements is correct
A. Liberty means absence of all restrains
B. Liberty means power to do whatever one pleases
C. Liberty means absence of objection
D. Liberty is not total absence of restrains but the existence of socially acceptable restrains
67. The concept of natural liberty is associated with
A. Divine origin theory
B. Social contract theory
C. Force theory
D. Evolutionary theory
68. Who among the following was the chief exponent of natural liberty
A. Rousseau
B. Laski
C. Plato
D. Herbert Spencer
69. Political liberty is often taken as synonymous with
A. Democracy
B. Majority rule
C. Freedom
D. Independence of division
70. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
A. Civil liberty is basic to other kinds of liberties
B. Civil liberty is granted only to the citizens
C. Civil liberty is available to both citizens and non-citizens
D. Civil liberty exits only in civil society
71. Which one of the following statements is not correct
A. Economic liberty means freedom from fear and starvation
B. Self-government in industry is important feature of economic liberty
C. Economic liberty means common ownership of the means of production and distribution
D. Economic liberty aims at establishing a self- sufficient society
72. The term ‘Social Sciences’ first appeared in the work of
A. William Thomson
B. J. Schumpeter
C. Aristotle
D. Harry Johnson
73.’ Republic’ is the work of
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. None of these
74. The book ’Principles of Political Science’ was written by
A. Socrates
B. Gilchrist
C. Machiavelli
D. Jean Bodin
75. In Renaissance human reason placed above
A. Culture
B. Faith
C. Arts
D. Literature
76. The conflict between religious learning and believes and rationality learning and believes is the basic
characteristics of
A. Modern Era
B. Educated Society
C. Renaissance
D. None of These
77. The period from 1453 to the end of the 17th century was characterized by the rebirth and
proliferation of
A. Modern knowledge
B. Ancient knowledge
C. Modern thinking
D. Ancient thinking
78. Enlightenment was to a large extent based on
A. Profit Motive
B. Humanitarian Principles
C. Practical wisdom
D. All of The Above
79. Enlightenment thinkers opened up new and very significant areas of
A. Observation
B. Field Study
C. Inquiry
D. Thinking
80. In the period of enlightenment as the organizing principle of knowledge, rationality replaced
A. Culture
B. Civilization
C. Religion
D. Speculation
81. The period of enlightenment was in
A. 1650 CE and 1700 CE
B. 1500 CE and 1550 CE
C. 1400 CE and 1450CE
D. None of these
82. Which of the following is not correctly matched
A. Herodotus – Political Science
B. Auguste Comte – Sociology
C. Adam Smith – Economics
D. Sigmund Fraud - Psychology
83. Who is regarded as the ‘Father of History’
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. August Comte
D. Herodotus
84. The age of _____ saw a revolution within natural philosophy
A. Reformation
B. Renaissance
C. Enlightenment
D. Modern Age
85. The history of the social sciences begins in the routes of the ancient _______
A. Philosophy
B. Epics
C. Epigraphy
D. Literature
86. ________ is regarded as the father of Political Science.
A. Herodotus
B. Aristotle
C. Plato
D. Rousseau
87. The term sociology was derived from Greek term logos and _____ word socius meaning ‘companion’
or ‘society’
A. French
B. Latin
C. German
D. Austric
88. _____ is central to the procedures of scientific method
A. Oral History
B. Comparison
C. Objectivity
D. Customs
89. _____ affect the objectivity of the study
A. Personal Bias
B. Morality
C. Customs
D. Ethics
90. The word Psychology comes from the ancient Greek psyche which means _____
A. Society
B. Man
C. Mind
D. Brain
91. Positivism is advocated by _____
A. Karl Marx
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Auguste Comte
D. Durkheim
92. The term Ethical Neutrality is related to the
A Knowledge
B Social Research
C Philosophy
D Commerce
93. The Book ‘ Das Capital’ was written by
A Max Weber
B Karl Marx
C Herbert Spencer
D Laski
94. A set of moral principles and values are called
A Methods
B Rules
D Ethics
95. ‘General view of positivism’ was written by?
A Hebert Spencer
B Max Weber
C Auguste Comte
D Talcot Parsons
96. The word ________ is from the Greek for ‘ human being’ or ‘person’
A . Socious
B Anthropos
C Logous
D Oikos
97. ______ is commonly used as an umbrella term to refer to a plurality of fields
A. Natural Sciences
B. Human Sciences
C. Social Sciences
D. Psychical Sciences
98. Enlightment thought laid the ground work for the development of
A. Religious notions
B. Speculations
C. Social Scientific Thought
D. All of the above
99. Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as the basis of behaviouralism moment by David
A. Quantifications
B. Values
C. Systematization
D. Pure science
100. The branch of philosophy that studies assumptions about the nature of reality and existence is
A. Epistemology
B. Ontology
C. Methodology
D. Phenomenology
101. The philosophical area which deals with the problem of being is called ______
A. Axiology
B. Epistemology
C. Materialism
D. Ontology
102. Epistemology is concerned with _____ of knowledge
A. Origin
B. Validity
C. Limitations
D. All of these
103. Rationalism and empiricism represent the philosophy of the ______ era
A. Ancient
B. Medieval
C. Contemporary
D. Modern
104. ‘Science of society is possible’ is assumed by which approach
A. Humanist
B. Positivist
C. Functionalist
D. Feminist
105. Positivism is based on strong confidence in _____
A. Positive thinking
B. Science
C. Religion
D. All of these
106. Positivists tend to be skeptical of
A. Science
B. Religion
C. Human goodness
D. None of the above
107. How did Post Positivism relate to Positivism
A. Its criticized Positivism but held on some of its features
B. It advocated abandoning positivism altogether
C. It was a continuation of positivism
D. None of the above
108. The concept of Rights, Property, Liberty, Equality and Justice are related to—
A. Dictatorship
B. Aristocracy
C. Democracy
D. Oligarchy
109. The legal theory of Rights believes that—
A. The rights are created by the state
B. The rights are created by the nature
C. The rights are created by the society
D. The rights are eternal
110. Civil Rights are given to the individuals by—
A. The State
B. The People
C. Nature
D. Society
111. Who first gave the Concept of ‘Distributive Justice’?
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Machiavelli
D. Locke
112. Which among the following is a Political right?
A. Right to hold public office
B. Right to freedom
C. Right against exploitation
D. Right to work
113. Negative liberty implies that,
A. Freedom should be unlimited
B. Freedom should be restricted
C. Freedom from wants
D. Freedom to rule
114. Which law is made by the legislature?
A. International law
B. Statutory law
C Common law
D natural law
115. Who defined law as the Command of the Sovereign?
A . Austin
B. Mill
C . Marx
D. Rousseau
116. The word ‘ Democracy’ means,
A. Power of the government
B. Power of the representatives
C. Power of the people
D. Power of the executive
117. ‘Who Governs’ is a work by
A. A.B. Hall
B. Laski
C. Robert .A. Dahl
D. Plato
118. Direct democracy was established in
A. Ancient Greek city-states
B. Latin American states
C. Ancient India
D. African states
119. Which is known as the ‘Citadel of Democracy’?
A. Athens
B. America
C. India
D. Switzerland
120. Which approach is, according to Robert A Dahl, “an attempt to make the empirical content of
Political Science more scientific “
A. Institutional Approach
B. Historical Approach
C. Philosophical Approach
D. Behavioural Approach
121. ‘It is better to be vague than irrelevant’. This statement explains the following
A. Post-behaviouralism
B. Behaviouralism
C. Positivism
D. Empiricism
122. . Who introduced the concept of natural rights?
A. John Locke
B. Green
C. Laski
D. Barker
123. Legal theory of right was propounded by
A. Mac Iver
B. Laski
C. Hegel
D. Barker
124. . Which factor is necessary for the development of democratic institutions?
A. Strong military forces
B. Respect for individual rights
C. A one-party system
D. An Agricultural economy
125. Which Act is considered the watch dog of Democracy?
A. The right to property Act
B. Right to Live Act
C. The Right to Information Act
D. None of these
126. Who introduced the concept of negative and positive rights?
A. Andrew Haywood
B. Laski
C. John Locke
D. Barker
127. Social justice is primarily concerned with
A. Who governs society
B How society is governed
C. How society is defined
D. Who should get what in society?
128. Equality of opportunity means
A. Everybody as equal right to complain
B. everybody finishes the same start in life
C. Everybody finishes the same regardless of effort
D. Everybody is equal
129. Who among the following described democracy as the ‘tyranny of the majority?
A. .James Madison
B. John Dunning
C. J Rousseau
D. De Tocqueville
130. Conception of negative liberty emphasizes:
A. Freedom of choice
B. Autonomy
C. Absence of interference
D. self determination
131. Participatory democracy calls for:
A. Increasing the voter turnout in elections
B. Greater and active engagement of citizens in government
C. Greater involvement of the legislature in the business of legislature
D. Active engagement of the representatives in the affairs of their constituencies
132. Who among the following was an advocate of behaviouralism and post behaviouralism?
A. Leo Strauss
B. David Easton
C. George Catlin
D. Charles . E . Merriam
133. Who among the advocate of negative theory of liberty?
A. Kant
B. Marx
C. Sedgwick
D. Isaiah Berlin
134. ............... is any of several related philosophical ideas regarding the associations between
phenomena which can be described in terms of other simpler or more fundamental phenomena.
A. Prediction ism
B. Non reductionism
C. Reductionism
D. Deconstruction
135. A belief that the whole of reality consists of a minimal number of parts is called
A. Methodological reductionism
B. Ontological reductionism
C. Theory reductionism
D. Non reductionism
136.The scientific attempt to provide explanation in terms of ever smaller entities is called
A. Methodological reductionism
B. Ontological reductionism
C. Theory reductionism
D. Non reductionism
137.Reductionism can be applied to
A .objects
B. explanations
C. theories
D. all the above
138.The phenomena that can be explained completely in terms of relations between other more
fundamental phenomena, are termed as
A. Nothingness
B. Epiphenomena
C. Communication
D. Deconstruction
139. A contrast to reductionism is
A. Holism
B. Deconstruction
C. Deduction
D. Specialization
140. ................. is a scientific method of observation to gather non-numerical data
A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Positivism
D. Empiricism
141. This type of research "refers to the meanings, concepts definitions, characteristics, metaphors,
symbols, and description of things" and not to their "counts or measures.". Which type?
A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Positivism
D. Empiricism
142. the systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical,
mathematical or computational techniques.
A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Hypothesis
D. Experimental control
143. Quantitative research is generally, closely affiliated with ideas from 'the scientific method', which
can include:
A. The generation of models, theories and hypotheses
B. The development of instruments and methods for measurement
C. Experimental control and manipulation of variables
D. All of the above
144. Political science is a discipline
A. Which does not subscribe to any values.
B. Which provide value free analysis
C. Meant to study values.
D. That cannot ignore values
145. Which of the following combinations defines the scope of political science
A. State, governments, customs and culture.
B. Sovereignty, government, market , political parties and social classes.
C. State, governments, laws, civil society and political parties.
D. State, values, government, decision making , political parties.
146. Which of the following is not a traditional Approach to the study of political science?
A. Comparison
B. Historiography
C. Simulation
D. Legal institutions
147. Behaviouralism was a tendency in political science that
A. Based political science on human nature
B. Attempted to convert political science into a natural science.
C. Rejected the concept of power or the concept of process
D. Replaced explanations for norms
148. Who is the celebrated author of ‘Law of the constitution’
A. A. V. Dicey
B. Herman Finer
C. R. G. Gettel
D. F. W Willoughby
149. Who expressed the view that ‘equality is unnatural and undesirable’
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Hegal
D. Hobbes
150. The ground for distributive justice include
A. Merit and desert
B. Desert and need
C. Merit and need
D. Merit, desert and need
151. The Rawlsian notion of justice is
A. Socialist
B. Utilitarian
C. Communitarian
D. Liberal
152. Who wrote the work ‘A Preface to Democratic Theory’
A. Dahl
B. Marx
C. Easton
D. MacIver
153. Who described elections as the heart of democracy?
A. Lincoln
B. Woodrow Wilson
C. James Bryce
D. Joseph Schumpter
154. The principle “fair equality of opportunity “ was developed by
A . John Rawls
B. Plato
C. Rousseau
D. Lock
155. Political science has taken a turn toward the social sciences in its studies of:
A. law and administration
B. the moral effects of government policies
C. work as a source of identity
D. the social impact of government on groups and individuals
156. To what domain did Rawls direct his views of justice?
A. Political Domain
B. Medical domain
C. financial domain
D. private domain
157. Which one of the political thinker made valuable contribution to the growth of Scholasticism
during the medieval times?
A. Thomas Acquinas
B. Dante
C. Machiavelli
D. Karl Marx
158. Which of these is a defining characteristic of democracy ?
A. That rulers govern the interests of the ruled
B. That rulers came from a wide range of social background
C. That rulers are accountable to the ruled on a regular basis
D. That the proceedings of the legislative body are televise
159. Direct democracy is the system in which:
A. Citizens choose the representatives in free and fair elections
B. Citizens are allowed to debate with their representatives in open public meetings
C. Citizens represent themselves in the decision making process
D. Senior political leaders are known as ‘’directors’
160. In John Rawls’s theory, principles of justice are established by people who are affected by what?
A. A veil of ignorance
B. A state of nature
C. Economic inequality
D. Short sited self interest
161. Who said the liberty consists in following the moral law
A. Cole
B. Spinoza
C. Marks
D. Barker
162. According to individualists the people have maximum liberty if
A. The state Performs Maximum functions
B. The state performs minimum functions
C. The state is abolished
D. None of the above
163. Liberty in positive sense means
A. Liberty granted under the law
B. Liberty which people have enjoyed from earliest times
C. Provision of conditions which are conducive to human development
D. Provision of basic necessities of life to every member of society
164. The concept of natural liberty is associated with
A. Divine origin theory
B. Social contract theory
C. Force theory
D. Evolutionary theory
165. Who of the following was the chief exponent of natural liberty
A. Rousseau
B. Laski
C. Mac Iver
D. Herbert Spencer
166. Which of the following does not fall within the purview of the political liberty?
A. Right to vote
B. Right to contest elections
C. Right to criticize the government
D. Right to move the court for the enforcement of rights
167. The view that every state law enlarges individual freedom is associated with
A. Marxists
B. Idealists
C. Syndicalist
D. Individualist
168. Civil liberty stands for
A. Freedom to pursue one’s desire
B. Freedom to exercise discretion in one’s own domain
C. Liberty to mass wealth
D. Liberty to free action and immunity from interference
169. Which of the following are the sources of law?
A. Custom, religion, scientific commentaries adjudication, equity and legislation
B. Constitution, morality, religion, custom, public opinion and equity
C. Public opinion, custom, parliament, judicature and executive
D. Judiciary, equity, nature, religious commentaries and plebiscite
170. In their essence rights are:
A. Legal injunctions
B. Moral imperatives
C. Conditions of law
D. Aspects of social life
171. The concept of liberty has developed mainly in modern times and is closely associated with the
philosophy of:
A. Utilitarianism
B. Liberalism
C. Individualism
D. None of the above
172. Democracy as an ideal can be achieved through:
A. Political Institution
B. Transformation of the mode of production
C. Inculcation of new values of human equality
D. All the above
173. Democracy in its narrow sense means
A. Rule by the many
B. A form of government
C. A type of state
D. An order of society
174. The nearest approach that one finds to direct democracy in some modern states in the form of
A. Referendum
B. Initiative
C. Recall
D. All of the above
175. The subject that deals with man in relation to the State and Government is called
A. Economics
B. History
C. Political Science
D. Psychology
176. Who defines Political Science as that part of social science which treats the foundations of the State
and the principles of Government?
A. Prof.Harold Laski
B. Lasswell
C. Garner
D. Paul Janet
177. Which of the following statement is true?
A. No rights can be given to the man against the social interest
B. Grant of rights is not concerned with social interest
C. Rights can have anti-social character
D. None of the above
178. Which of the following statements refers of Civil Rights?
A. These are the elementary conditions of good political life
B. These are the elementary conditions of good social life and without them civilized life is not
C. Civil Rights are those rights which are denied to the aliens
D. These are elementary conditions of good religious life
179. _________is the earliest theory of rights
A. Liberal individualist theory of Natural Rights
B. Legal theory
C. Welfare theory
D. None of the above
180. Which of the following is a Civil Right?
A. Right to freedom of speech and expression
B. Right to vote
C. Right to become a member of parliament
D. Right to Association
181. The right to elect Member of parliament is a
A. Political right
B. Social right
C. Religious right
D. Moral right
182. Who among the following philosophers considers liberty as Obedience to Law?
A. Hegel
B. Kant
C. Spencer
D. Green
183. What is the literal meaning of liberty?
A. Absence of restraint
B. Restraint
C. Freedom with certain limitations
D. Positive freedom
184. Natural liberty is generally identified with
A. Restricted freedom
B. Limited freedom
C. Unlimited and unrestricted freedom
D. None of the above
185. Natural liberty implies
A. Liberty enjoyed by man in the imaginary state of nature when civil society did not exist
B. The liberty which man enjoys in the society
C. The liberty which man enjoys in the state
D. Absence of any type of liberty
186. ‘Freedom is a product of free society’ means
A. It is in a free society that man has the opportunity to develops his real self.
B. True freedom is conceivable without a free society
C. Freedom from exploitation
D. None of the above
187. The term “Justice” is derived from Latin word
A. Justicia
B. Justa
C. Justitia
D. None of the above
188. The essential principle of modern justice is
A. Judges should be part of executive
B. There should be independence of judiciary
C. The judges should be under the control of the Head of the State
D. The judges should be under the control of the electorate
189. What is meant by Economic justice
A. The state should follow the theory of free trade policy
B. State should not protect the economically weaker section of society
C. The state should eliminate social discrimination
D. The basic needs regarding food, clothing and shelter of every citizen are met.
190. The famous work by Kautilya
A. Arthasastra
B. The Prince
C. The Republic
D. None of the above
191. Who evaluates public policy?
A. The media
B. Academics
C. Government officials
D. All of the above
192. Hobbes was a strong supporter of
A. Aristocracy
B. Democracy
C. Absolute Monarchy
D. Republican System
193. According to Kautilya there are ______
A. Four Elements of State
B. Five Elements of State
C. Six Elements of State
D. Seven Elements of State
194. Aristotle expressed views on revolution in his book (Politics) on the basis of the study of
constitutions of
A. 58 Greek City-states
B. 158 Greek City-states
C. 98 Greek City-states
D. Unspecified Number of City-states
195. Rousseau authored,
A. Social Contract
B. Republic
C. The Prince
D. Politics
196. Who wrote “The Political System”
A. Almond
B. Apter
C. Lasswell
D. Easton
197. Who wrote the work “Representative Government”?
A. Lowell
B. T.H. Green
C. J.S. Mill
D. Laski
198. Who wrote the work “The Prince”?
A. Mac Iver
B. Locke
C. Austin
D. Machiavelli
199. Positivist Liberals are in favour of:
A. Pushing the state out of economic field
B. Doing away the state's interference in the economic sphere
C. State regulation of the economic conditions in the interests of workers
D. State regulation to protect the interests of the capitalists
200. The political thought of Rousseau is contained in
A. The Social Contract
B. Emile
C. The Confessions
D. All of the Above.
1. C. Aristotle
2. A. Values.
3. B. Behaviouralism.
4. A. Charles .E.Merriam
5. D. Leviathan.
6. A. John Locke.
7. D. Behavioural.
8. B. Behaviouralism.
9. D. All of the above
10. A. Voting.
11. B. Bosanquet
12 .A. John Seeley
13. C. Laski
14. A. Laski
15. B. Moral
16. A. Ancient Greek City States
17. A. Seeley
18. C. All kinds of discrimination and privileges based on caste, colour, creed and sex should be
19 .D. All of the above
20. C. Aristotle
21. A. Charles. E. Merriam
22. D. Intellectual Foundations
23. B. J.S Mill
24 .C. John Rawls
25.B. Theodore Levitt
26. B. People
27. C. Abraham Lincoln
28. A. Democracy
29. B. Greek Language
30. B. Direct and indirect
31. D. Liberal theory of democracy
32. A. Marxist theory
33. D. Liber
34. D. Rapid Improvement in technology
35. A. Liberalization
36. B. Greater competition among producers
37. C. Samir Amin
38. C. A number of scholars believed human social life could be studied scientifically
39. D. All of the above
40. B. Geography
41. D. All of the above
42. C. Mental states of individual human
43. B. Sociology
44. C. Scientific laws
45. C. Judgmental Social science
46. D. None of these
47. C. Eliminating bias
48. C. Anthropology
49. D. The industrial revolution
50. A. Physical Anthropology
51. A. Archeology
52. B. Psychology
53. B. Sociology
54. D. Right to move the court for the enforcement of rights
55. A. Protection against oppressive rule
56. C. G.D.H Cole
57. A. Complementary to each other
58. B. Eurocentrism is a thought style in which the assessment and evaluation of non-European societies
is couched in terms of the cultural assumptions and biases of Europeans
59. A. The American political scientists
60. B. After the second world war
61. D. All of the above
62. D. It has all the above features
63. C. It developed several new tools of research
64. A. State
65. B. Locke
66. D. Liberty is not total absence of restrains but the existence of socially acceptable restrains
67. B. Social contract theory
68. A. Rousseau
69. A. Democracy
70. B. Civil liberty is granted only to the citizens
71. C. Economic liberty means common ownership of the means of production and distribution
72. A. William Thomson
73. B. Plato
74. B. Gilchrist
75. B. Faith
76. C. Renaissance
77. B. Ancient knowledge
78. B. Humanitarian Principles
79. C. Inquiry
80. C. Religion
81. A. 1650 CE and 1700 CE
82. A. Herodotus – Political Science
83. D. Herodotus
84. C. Enlightenment
85. A. Philosophy
86. B. Aristotle
87. B. Latin
88. C. Objectivity
89. A. Personal Bias
90. C. Mind
91. C. Auguste Comte
92. B. Social Research
93. B. Karl Marx
94. D. Ethics
95. C. Auguste Comte
96. B. Anthropos
97.C. Social Sciences
98. C. Social Scientific Thought
99. B. Values
100. B. Ontology
101.D. Ontology
102.D. All of these
103.D. Modern
104.B. Positivist
105.B. Science
106.B. Religion
107.A. Its criticized positivism but held on some of its features
108.C. Democracy
109.A. The rights are created by the state
110.A. The State
111.B. Aristotle
112.A. Right to hold public office
113.A. Freedom should be unlimited
114.B. Statutory law
115. A. Austin
116.C. Power of the people
117.C. Robert.A. Dahl
118.A. Ancient Greek city-states
119.A. Athens
120.D. Behavioural Approach
121.A. Post-behaviouralism
122. A. John Locke
123.B. Laski
124.B. Respect for individual rights
125.C. The Right to Information Act
126. A. Andrew Haywood
127.D. Who should get what in society?
128.B. everybody finishes the same start in life
129.D. De Tocqueville
130. C. Absence of interference
131. B. greater and active engagement of citizens in government
132.B. David Easton
133. D. Isaiah Berlin
134. C. Reductionism
135.B. Ontological reductionism
136.A. Methodological reductionism
137.D. all the above
138. B. Epiphenomena
139.A. Holism
140.A. Qualitative research
141A. Qualitative research
142.B. Quantitative research
143. D. All of the above
144.D. That cannot ignore values
145. C. State, governments, laws, civil society and political parties
146. B. Historiography
147. B. Attempted to convert political science into a natural science.
148.A. A. V. Dicey
149. B. Aristotle
150. D. Merit, desert and need
151.C. Communitarian
152.A. Dahl
153. D. Joseph Schumpter
154. A . John Rawls
155. D. the social impact of government on groups and individuals
156. A. Political Domain
157. A. Thomas Acquinas
158. C. That rulers are accountable to the ruled on a regular basis
159. C. Citizens represent themselves in the decision making process
160. A. A veil of ignorance
161. B. Spinoza
162. B. The state performs minimum functions
163. C. Provision of conditions which are conducive to human development
164. B. Social contract theory
165. A. Rousseau
166. D. Right to move the court for the enforcement of rights
167. B. Ideals
168. D. Liberty to free action and immunity from interference
169.A. Custom, religion, scientific commentaries adjudication, equity and legislation
170. D. Aspects of social life
171. C. Individualism
172. D. All the above
173. A. Rule by the many
174. D. All of the above
175. C. Political Science
176. D. Paul Janet
177. A. No rights can be given to the man against the social interest
178. B. These are the elementary conditions of good social life and without them civilized life is not
179. A. Liberal individualist theory of Natural Rights
180. A. Right to freedom of speech and expression
181. A. Political right
182. A. Hegel
183. A. Absence of restraint
184.A. Restricted freedom
185. C. The liberty which man enjoys in the state
186. A. It is in a free society that man has the opportunity to develops his real self.
187. C. Justitia
188. B. There should be independence of judiciary
189. D. The basic needs regarding food, clothing and shelter of every citizen are met.
190. A. Arthasastra
191. D. All of the above
192. C. Absolute Monarchy
193. D. Seven Elements of State
194. B. 158 Greek City-states
195. A. Social Contract
196. D. Easton
197.C. J.S Mill
198. D. Machiavelli
199. C. State regulation of the economic conditions in the interests of workers
200. D. All of the Above
Mizoram University
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Multiple Choice Questions: Tick (V) the correct answer in the brackets provided.
5. ‘Man is by nature political animal’ was quoted by
(a) Plato ( )
(b) Socrates ( )
(c) Euclid ( )
(d) Aristotle ( )
13. Which of the following approach is part of traditional approaches to political theory?
(a) Class ( )
(b) Philosophical ( )
(c) Scientific ( )
(d) Liberal ( )
14. Traditional approaches give the most important to the study of
(a) Individual ( )
(b) Community ( )
(c) Family ( )
(d) State ( )
15. Traditional approach to political theory has been criticized on which ground?
(a) Philosophical ( )
(b) Historical ( )
(c) Unscientific ( )
(d) None of the above ( )
21. According to Easton, which of the following is the major tenets of behavioural credo?
(a) Widened the study of political philosophy ( )
(b) Integration of political research with other social science ( )
(c) Deepen the legal approach through legislature ( )
(d) Widened the historical approach ( )
32. Who said, "Political Science begins and ends with the state".
a) David Held ( )
b) Earnest Barker ( )
c) James W. Garner ( )
d) Hobhouse ( )
38. Who made the statement that, “Political theory was political science in the full sense,
and there could be no science without theory”?
(a) Wolin ( )
(b) Germino ( )
(c) Hume ( )
(d) Ferguson ( )
40. Theories of origin of State is associated with
(a) Environmentalism ( )
(b) Ecologist ( )
(c) Behaviouralism ( )
(d) Social contract ( )
41. Which of the following is not associated with Social Contract theory?
(a) Bentham ( )
(b) Hobbes ( )
(c) John Locke ( )
(d) None of the above ( )
45. Who among the social contract theorist advocate for ‘absolute sovereignty’
a) Bentham ( )
b) Thomas Hobbes ( )
c) Jean Jacques Rousseau ( )
d) Pufendorf ( )
46. Who advocate the theory of natural rights?
(a) John Locke ( )
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru ( )
(c) Plato ( )
(d) Engels ( )
55. “The state is not a mere artificial creation but an institution or natural growth of
historical evolution”, was stated by
(a) Luther ( )
(b) Garner ( )
(c) Plato ( )
(d) King ( )
56. Who said, “kinship creates society and society at length creates the states”
(a) Gettle ( )
(b) Zealot ( )
(c) Garner ( )
(d) Mac Iver ( )
57. Who said, “underlying all other elements in state formation including kinship and
religion is political consciousness, the supreme element”.
(a) Gilchirst ( )
(b) Wolin ( )
(c) Smith ( )
(d) Tagore ( )
60. The author of "The Origin of Family, Private Property and the State" was
(a) Morgan ( )
(b) Thomas Hobbes ( )
(c) Friedrich Engels ( )
(d) John Dunne ( )
68. Who among the following is not the exponents of pluralist theory of sovereignty
(a) Harold J. Laski ( )
(b) J. Neville Figgis ( )
(c) Earnest Barker ( )
(d) None of the above ( )
70. Which theory challenges the sovereignty of State and regards State as an association
of associations
(a) Monistic theory ( )
(b) Primodialist ( )
(c) Pluralist theory ( )
(d) Marxist theory ( )
73. The statement, “every State is known by the rights that it maintains” is associated
(a) T. H. Green ( )
(b) Laski ( )
(c) Lord Bryce ( )
(d) Whitehall ( )
74. Who said, “Over himself, his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign”
(a) Hayek ( )
(b) Merriam ( )
(c) J. S. Mill ( )
(d) Miller ( )
77. Who explained that “Law is a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power
in a state, commanding what is right, and prohibiting what is wrong”
(a) Blackstone ( )
(b) Sabine ( )
(c) Garner ( )
(d) Laski ( )
80. Which regarded as the principle legitimate source of law in modern deomcartic State
(a) Custom ( )
(b) Superstition ( )
(c) Religion ( )
(d) Legislation ( )
84. Which types of law deals with crime and the legal punishment of criminal offenses
(a) criminal law ( )
(b) conventional law ( )
(c) customary law ( )
(d) civil law ( )
85. One of the aspect of ‘negative relationship’ between law and liberty is
(a) the more the law, the more the liberty ( )
(b) the less the law, the less the liberty ( )
(c) the more the law, the less the liberty ( )
(d) the more the law, the more the rights ( )
87. Which is the types of law that regulates the actions of the people in society and it is
backed by the coercive power of the State.
(a) Civil law
(b) Moral law ( )
(c) National law ( )
(d) International law ( )
89. Who states that, “The great aim of the struggle for liberty has been equality before the
(a) Bentham ( )
(b) John Rawls ( )
(c) F. A. Hayek ( )
(d) Macmillan ( )
90. Which is not considered as part and source of international law
(a) Bilateral Treaties ( )
(b) International Convention ( )
(c) Agreement ( )
(d) State legislation ( )
94. The grant of franchise to women on equal terms with men is an assertion of the
principle of
(a) political equality ( )
(b) civil equality ( )
(c) social equality ( )
(d) economic equality ( )
99. J.S. Mill in support of individual liberty had written a book called
(a) An autobiography ( )
(b) Political Obligation ( )
(c) The Rights of Man ( )
(d) On Liberty ( )
101. The statement, "Liberty is the freedom of individual to express without external
hindrances, his personality”, is associated with
106. Individual liberty is understood as the freedom to pursue one’s
(a) rights ( )
(b) conscience ( )
(c) restraint ( )
(d) morality ( )
111. Who defines, “Equality means equal rights for all the people and the abolition of all
special rights and privileges”?
(a) Green ( )
(b) MacIver ( )
(c) Marshall ( )
(d) Barker ( )
115. Who said that, "The passion for equality made vain the hope for freedom".
(a) Acton ( )
(b) Voltaire ( )
(c) Paine ( )
(d) None of the above ( )
116. The statement "Men cannot become absolutely equal unless they are entirely free"
is associated with
(a) Marshall ( )
(b) Green ( )
(c) Lincoln ( )
(d) Tocqueville ( )
117. Liberty and equality become the two important essences in which form of
(a) Democratic ( )
(b) Autocratic ( )
(c) Socialist ( )
(d) Monarchical ( )
118. The exponents of ‘negative relationship’ between liberty and equality holds that
120. Who said, “Rights are those conditions of social life without which no man can
seek in general, to be himself at his best”
(a) Acton ( )
(b) Skinner ( )
(c) Laski ( )
(d) Sartori ( )
122. The differences between legal rights and moral rights are
(a) moral right is visible and legal rights is not visible ( )
(b) legal right is enforced by law whereas moral right is not enforceable by state law
( )
(c) legal right is partial and moral right is impartial ( )
(d) none of the above ( )
123. The rights to participate in the political process without any form of discrimination
is under
(a) economic rights ( )
(b) civic rights ( )
(c) political rights ( )
(d) natural rights ( )
125. The phrase, “every state is known by the rights that it maintains” is developed by
(a) Sabine ( )
(b) Green ( )
(c) Laski ( )
(d) Sabine ( )
127. Social welfare theory of right has been criticised by liberal theory on the ground
that it limits the rights of the
128. Who said, “a right is claim recognized by society and enforced by the state”
(a) Bosanquet ( )
(b) Plato ( )
(c) Barker ( )
(d) Marshall ( )
(a) equality ( )
(b) law ( )
(c) freedom ( )
(d) justice ( )
130. The phrase, “All men are created equal and they are endowed by their Creator with
certain inalienable rights” is associated with
131. Which is regarded as one of the basic features of the theory of natural rights
(a) limitation ( )
(b) universality ( )
(c) partiality ( )
(d) artificial ( )
132. Social welfare theory of rights presumes that rights are to be promoted for
(a) welfare of the environmentalist ( )
(b) welfare of the individual ( )
(c) welfare of the industrialist ( )
(d) welfare of the common citizens ( )
133. Who among the following sees individual rights as one of the goal of public policy
to maximize the total welfare of the population?
(a) Utilitarian ( )
(b) Contractualist ( )
(c) Liberalist ( )
(d) Marxist ( )
134. Aristotle concept of justice consists of what is lawful and fair by treating
137. Who analysed justice as a virtue to respect freedom, autonomy, and dignity of
(a) Marx ( )
(b) Rawls ( )
(c) Kant ( )
(d) Dreze ( )
139. Who defined justice as “the virtue by which all people are given their due”
(a) Aquinas ( )
(b) Machiavelli ( )
(c) Augustine ( )
(d) Nelsen ( )
142. Who is the author of Principles of Social Justice?
(a) Anne Phillips ( )
(b) Jean Dreze ( )
(c) David Miller ( )
(d) Macmillan ( )
143. Political justice implies the process in which everyone has the liberty to exert their
basic political rights under
(a) the wrongdoer should not benefit from his faulty behaviours ( )
(b) the wrongdoer should benefit from his faulty behaviours ( )
(c) the wrongdoer should be punished without any trail ( )
(d) the accused is set free ( )
(a) Taylor ( )
(b) Kymlicka ( )
(c) Green ( )
(d) Rawls ( )
147. Which of the following book was written by John Rawls?
(a) Social Justice ( )
(b) A Theory of Justice ( )
(c) Game Theory ( )
(d) Theory of Rights ( )
(c) Amartya Sen ( )
(d) Nehru ( )
(a) Cracy ( )
(b) Kratos ( )
(c) Korinth ( )
(d) Krates ( )
155. Who defined democracy as, “Government of the people, by the people, for the
(a) Australia ( )
(b) India ( )
(c) New Zealand ( )
(d) Switzerland ( )
159. In 2011, who became the most recent country to grant women's suffrage
160. Vilfredo Pareto discussed the elitist theory of democracy in his book
(a) The Ruling Class ( )
(b) The Mind and Society ( )
(c) Political Parties ( )
(d) Politics ( )
161. Who wrote the book, The Ruling Class to explain elitist theory of democracy?
(a) Mosca ( )
(b) Michaels ( )
(c) Whitehall ( )
(d) Signur ( )
165. According to elitist theory, the role of people is to choose their rulers from
(a) competing elites ( )
(b) the mass ( )
(c) the aristocrats ( )
(d) the working class ( )
166. For the Marxist, the elite theory is the justification and defendant of the capitalism
(a) consociational democracy ( )
(b) social democracy ( )
(c) distributive democracy ( )
(d) liberal democracy ( )
168. “Who Governs? Power and Democracy in an American City”, the study published
in 1961 was associated with
(a) Robert Dalh ( )
(b) Irving ( )
(c) Macpherson ( )
(d) None of the above ( )
169. Rethinking Democracy was written by
170. Identities and Rights: Aspects of Liberal Democracy in India was written by
171. What is the term used by Marxs and Engles to understand democracy under
(a) Liberal democracy ( )
(b) Consociational democracy ( )
(c) Deliberative democracy ( )
(d) Petty bourgeois democracy ( )
172. A combination of free market economy and universal adult franchise represent
(a) Social democracy ( )
(b) Welfare state ( )
(c) Western Liberal Democracy ( )
(d) Chinese democracy ( )
174. According to Marxist theory, true political representation must be conceived only
as the people’s self-representation based on
176. The Marxian theory underlined the need for a democratic society based on
(a) abolition of class ( )
(b) equality of opportunity ( )
(c) abolition of liberty ( )
(d) abolition of rights ( )
177. The End of History and the Last Man, in support of western liberal democracy and
criticism to Marxism, was written by
(a) Huntington ( )
(b) Edward Said ( )
(c) Herbert Lewis ( )
(d) Francis Fukuyama ( )
178. Liberal democracy traces its origins in the West in the 18th century to the
(a) The Great Depression ( )
(b) The giant leap ( )
(c) Age of Enlightenment ( )
(d) Age of darkness ( )
179. Western Liberal democracy is based on the principles of the political system that
(a) socialism and capitalism to co-exist ( )
(b) political liberties and democratic rules ( )
(c) political liberties and despotic rules ( )
(d) regeneration of authoritarian State ( )
(a) Liberalism ( )
(b) Multiculturalism ( )
(c) Individualism ( )
(d) None of the above ( )
183. Who distinguished between the “liberty of the ancients” and the “liberty of the
184. Modern liberal democracy is based on the principles of
(a) communism ( )
(b) morality ( )
(c) individuality ( )
(d) collective welfare of citizens ( )
189. Who considered that ‘welfare state is a distinctive combination of democracy,
welfare, and capitalism’
(a) Marshall ( )
(b) Green ( )
(c) Hobbes ( )
(d) Tagore ( )
190. Welfare state is a system in which the government undertakes the main
responsibility for providing
191. The origin of modern welfare state can be traced back to 19th century in
192. In the 20th Century, the creation of the welfare state was motivated by failures of
194. The welfare state is possible only in which form of government
(a) Authoritarian ( )
(b) Monarchy ( )
(c) Democratic ( )
(d) Authoritarian ( )
197. Developed and advanced countries could provide welfare schemes particularly
(a) donations ( )
(b) low taxation ( )
(c) high salary ( )
(d) high taxation ( )
199. India is considered welfare state because it provides
200. With the outbreak of COVID19, the relevance of welfare state has reached its zenith
B.A. Part-II, Political Science (Hons)
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) along with the
1. For qualifying to the Lok Sabha, a person must be at least 25 years of age
2. A person can be a member of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha at the same time
3. A person belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe can contest elections from a
general seal also, and not just with the reserved seat
4. If a member of either of the Houses votes against the directions given by his party, he can
be deemed to be disqualified
A. Only 1
B. Only 2 and 4
C. Only 3
D. Only 2
Ans: D
2. What is the maximum allowed duration between the last session of the dissolved Lok
Sabha and the recalling of the Lok Sabha?
A. 2 months
B. 4 months
C. 5 months
D. 6 months
Ans: D
A. 25
B. 21
C. 28
D. 29
Ans: A
4. Which one of the following articles deals with the appointment of Chief Justice
and Judges of the Supreme Court.
A. Article 214
B. Article 124
C. Article 226
D. Article 216
Ans: B
A. 220
B. 221
C. 213
D. 226
Ans: D
6. The chief justice and other judges of the high courts are appointed by which one of
the following?
A. Prime minister
B. Chief minister
C. Governor
D. President
Ans: D
7. Which is the oldest known system designed for the redressal of citizen's grievance?
A. Ombudsman System
B. Lokpal
C. Lokayukta
D. None of the above
Ans: A
8. Which was the first Indian state to establish the institution of Lokayukta?
A. Bihar
B. Uttar Pradesh
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Maharashtra
Ans: D
A. Bihar
B. Karnataka
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Maharashtra
Ans: B
A. Article 9
B. Article 10
C. Article 11
D. Article 12
Ans: D
1. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States? Choose one:
a. Freedom to petition the government and freedom to disobey traffic laws.
b. Freedom of worship and freedom to make treaties with other countries.
c. Freedom of speech and freedom to run for president.
d. Freedom of speech and freedom of worship.
Correct Answer: c. You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion.
5. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? Choose one:
a. The Articles of Confederation.
b. The inalienable rights.
c. The Declaration of Independence.
d. The Bill of Rights.
8. If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President? Choose
a. President of the Senate
b. Speaker of the House
c. Governor of the most populous state
d. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
12. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful? Choose one:
a. The President.
b. Checks and balances.
c. The people.
d. Freedom of speech.
14. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?
Choose one:
a. We the People.
b. Congress shall make.
c. We the British.
d. We the Colonists.
16. What is the highest court in the United States? Choose one:
a. Federal Appeals Court
b. Supreme Court
c. Circuit Court
d. International Court of Justice
Correct Answer: a. 9
20. When is the last day you can send in your federal income tax forms?
a. December 31
b. February 1
c. June 1
d. April 15
21. What are the two major political parties in the United States today? Choose one:
a. Reform and Green.
b. American and Bull-Moose.
c. Democratic-Republican and Whig.
d. Democrat and Republican.
22. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the
federal government? Choose one:
a. To provide police departments.
b. To issue driver’s licenses.
c. To make treaties.
d. To provide schooling.
Correct Answer: a. All people of the state in which (s)he was elected.
24. How old do citizens have to be to vote for President? Choose one:
a. Thirty-five (35) or older.
b. Sixteen (16) or older.
c. Twenty-one (21) or older.
d. Eighteen (18) or older.
26. How many amendments does the Constitution have? Choose one:
a. 19
b. 18
c. 25
d. 27
Correct Answer: d. 27
31. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy? Choose one:
a. Write to a newspaper and call Senators and Representatives.
b. Give an elected official your opinion on an issue and join a community group.
c. Vote and join a civic group.
d. All of these answers.
32: There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them. Choose
a. Citizens seventeen (17) and older can vote.
b. Citizens by birth only can vote.
c. Citizens eighteen (18) and older can vote.
d. Only citizens with a job can vote.
34. The House of Representatives has how many voting members? Choose one:
a. Four hundred forty-one (441).
b. Four hundred thirty-five (435).
c. Two hundred (200).
d. One hundred (100).
Correct Answer: b
41. How many U. S. Representatives does Utah have?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
Correct Answer: b. 4
42. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress? Choose one:
a. The House of Representatives and the courts.
b. The House of Lords and the House of Commons.
c. The Senate and House of Representatives.
d. The Senate and the courts.
44. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years? Choose one:
a. Six (6).
b. Two (2).
c. Four (4).
d. Eight (8).
45. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence? Choose one:
a. Life and death.
b. Life and pursuit of happiness.
c. Liberty and justice.
d. Life and the right to own a home.
Which one of the following thinkers is associate with the idealist theory of state?
(a) Hobbes (b) Hegel
(c) J.S. Mill (d) Laski
Answer: (b)
(a) Stress the importance of international institutions in reducing conflict in the international system.
(b) Are pessimistic above international operations.
(c) Agree with realists that are unitary actors.
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(e) None of these
Answer: (e)
Apartheid is:
(a) An international brotherhood
(b) A policy of racial discrimination
(c) A medical term
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)
One of the foremost exponents of the negative view of Liberty in the twentieth century is:
(a) Isaiah Berlin
(b) C.W Macpherson
(c) John Rawls
(d) Charles Taylor
Answer. (a)
The goal of Liberal feminism is to ensure _________ gender equality with men and women.
(a) Incomplete (b) Partial
(c) Complete (d) Always
Answer: (c)
The study of Post Modern feminism is borne out of experiences from _________
(a) Others (b) One’s own
(c) Outside (d) Inside
Answer: (a)
Feminist Constructivism focuses on the study of how gender influences _________ politics.
(a) Global
(b) National
(c) Domestic
(d) Gender
Answer: (a)
Post Colonial Feminism focus on the need to study women’s _________ according to their social
and cultural context.
(a) Role
(b) Position
(c) Subordination
(d) Issues
Answer: (c)
What is the theme of 2016 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women?
(a) Orange your neighborhood
(b) Orange the world
(c) Orange the life
(d) Orange the people
Answer: (b)
Who among the following said that “post-behaviouralism was a genuine revolution, not a
reaction; a becoming, not a preservation; a reform, not a counter reformation”?
(a) James Bryce
(b) Charles E. Merriam
(c) David Easton
(d) G.A. Almond
Answer: (c)
Who among the following said, ‘we cannot shed our values in the way we remove our coast’?
(a) Leo Strauss
(b) Alfred Cobban
(c) Jean Blondel
(d) David Easton
Answer: (d)
(d) Rawls
Answer: (c)
For whom, ‘ideas’ and not the ‘material conditions of production’ are the effective causes of
(a) Karl Marx (b) Lenin
(c) Engels (d) Stalin
Answer: (b)
Who of the following said that felicity is “continued success in obtaining those things which a
man from time to time desires”?
(a) Bentham (b) J.S. Mill
(c) Hobbes (d) Rousseau
Answer: (c)
Who of the following notes the existence of legislative, executive and federative powers of the
(a) Hobbes (b) Locke
(c) Rousseau (d) J. Bentham
Answer: (b)
For Karl Marx who among the following is not a Utopian socialist?
(a) St. Simon (b) Proudhon
(c) Fourier (d) Engels
Answer: (d)
Who among the following is associated with the concept of Realistic Liberalism?
(a) E.H Carr
(b) Robert Byrd
(c) George Kennan
(d) John H. Herz
Answer: (d)
Who stated that, ‘International Politics includes analysis of political relations and problems of
peace among nations’?
(a) Charles Scheichar
(b) Norman J. Padelford
(c) Harold Sprout
(d) H.J. Morgenthau
Answer: (d)