GNLM 2023-12-05
GNLM 2023-12-05
GNLM 2023-12-05
Vol. X, No. 232, 8 th Waning of Tazaungmone 1385 ME Tuesday, 5 December 2023
State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses the Union government meeting 7/2023 in Nay Pyi Taw on 4 December 2023.
HE Union system based on a dem- implemented with the national concept.
ocratic system and federalism all He confirmed that as the nation is firmly
the people are building consists built under the Constitution based on The Senior General underscored that
of all points of demand, and the Union Our Three Main National Causes, these
is not to be disintegrated, said Senior causes will not totally be harmed. Our Three Main National Causes: non-
General Min Aung Hlaing. He noted that whenever terrorists
At the meeting 7/2023 of the Union harm Our Three Main National Causes,
disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration
government at the Office of the Chair- relevant regions and residents will suffer of national solidarity and perpetuation of
man of the State Administration Council harmful consequences.
in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning, SAC The Senior General explained that sovereignty are being implemented with the
Chairman Prime Minister Senior Gener- Rakhine State has faced difficulties in the
national concept. He confirmed that as the
al Min Aung Hlaing delivered an address transport sector for many years. From
on the crucial role of the Union system. the time of the Tatmadaw government nation is firmly built under the Constitution
The Senior General underscored to date, development undertakings re-
that Our Three Main National Causes: versed the situation of Rakhine State based on Our Three Main National Causes,
non-disintegration of the Union, non-dis- with remarkable improvement. How- these causes will not totally be harmed.
integration of national solidarity and ever, AA armed organization commit to
perpetuation of sovereignty are being SEE PAGE-3
Republic of the Union of Myanmar Five special civil appeal
State Administration Council cases passed; seven special
Notification No 240/2023 criminal cases heard
7th Waning of Tazaungmone 1385 ME
4 December 2023
A special appeal tribunal consisting of Union Chief Justice
THE State Administration Council Chairman has conferred an honorary title on the following U Thar Htay and Judges of the Supreme Court of the Union
person for his excellent performance in forging amicable cooperation between the Republic U Tin Hon, Daw Khin May Yi, U Thein Ko Ko and Daw Thin
of the Union of Myanmar and the Russian Federation – Thin Nwet convened yesterday morning at Room 1 of the
Supreme Court of the Union and passed the judgments on
Pyidaungsu Sithu Thingaha Title five special civil appeal cases — No 40/2022 (Kayin), No
Thray Sithu Title 8/2023 (Shan), No 20/2023 (Kachin), No 21/2023 (Magway)
and No 24/2023 (Bago).
1. Mr Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev Secretary, the Security Council of the In addition, the special appeal tribunal heard a total
Russian Federation of seven special criminal appeal cases — No 1/2023 (Yan-
gon), No 2/2023 (Mandalay), No 3/2023 (Kachin), No 4/2023
Sd/ Min Aung Hlaing (Kachin), No 5/2023 (Kachin), No 6/2023 (Rakhine) and No
Senior General 7/2023 (Yangon) in line with the COVID-19 prevention and
Chairman control guidelines. — MNA
State Administration Council
King Alaungpaya’s
Royal Mausoleum set for
authentic preservation
THE Myanmar Royal Descend- covered with a tiered roof for its
ants Association plans to main- durability.
tain and preserve the mausoleum “The roof is to protect it from
of King Alaungpaya U Aung Zeya, the rain during the rainy season.
the founder of the Third Myan- The Myanmar Royal Descend-
mar Kingdom, in Kin village, Bilin ants Association bore the cost of
township, adhering to its authen- ensuring the tomb’s durability.
tic style, according to an official. We built a roof over it after clear-
While marching to surround ing the grass around the area.
Ayutthaya on hearing that the We plan to preserve the original
Siams (Thais) had invaded Kyay work,” he said.
Sun Ywa Let in Dawei in 1121 The monastery monk at the
Myanmar Era and returning af- tomb will take care of the ongoing
ter falling ill, King Alaungpaya maintenance.
died in Kin village at the age of 45 “There is a head monk at the Photo: Moe Min Thein (PutaO)
years, eight years on the throne, brick tomb, and he undertakes
on the 12th waning day of Kason,
1122 ME.
routine maintenance. Successive
head monks have taken care of
Local tourists flock to PutaO’s popular,
Currently, the brick tomb
of King Alaungpaya has been
the mausoleum,” said the official.
— Htet Oo Maung/ZN
snow-capped mountain destinations
IN addition to climbing trips climbing trips are still few. and bronze, Mount Khakabo-
to the snow-capped moun- “Currently, the majority razi National Park Museum,
tains of Kachin State, PutaO’s of visitors are locals. Visitors Malikha River that separates
popular destinations are also from Yangon and Mandalay PutaO and Machanbaw and riv-
attracting more and more vis- have been visiting prominent er crossing suspension bridges,
itors from around the country, destinations since November. heart-shaped lake, countryside
including from Yangon and Visitors from Lashio and Muse natural beauty, orchards and
Mandalay, said Ko Moe Min came to take climbing trips to crop fields and morning sea
Thein (PutaO) from Trekking snow-capped mountains,” said cloud view, as well as exploring
in Myanmar Travel and Snow- Moe Min Thein (PutaO). traditions of indigenous people.
capped Mountain Transport A three-night, four-day The six-night, seven-day,
Service. trip to PutaO, Kachin State, seven-night, eight-day trip
Overall, he said there are includes a tour of the an- features climbing to Mount
loads of visits to well-known cient Maha Muni Buddha Phonkanrazi. — Moe Min
tourist attraction sites, but Image, which is cast in gold Thein (PutaO)/ZS
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing asserts commitment to
democratic and federal Union, warns against disintegration
FROM PAGE-1 in order to earn foreign exchange with
instability in the condition of development rising domestic manufacturing.
undertakings. In the education sector, the Senior General The government has been controlling
He continued that the Rakhine area the prices of fuel and cooking oil at home.
often encounters natural disasters, and unveiled that students are attending the Unscrupulous persons committed to rais-
the government carries out rescue and ing cooking oil prices. Everybody needs to
relief measures as well as rehabilitation
schools in all regions cent per cent except consider the lives of the people. Deterrent
tasks many times. Moreover, the state the conflicted areas. action was taken against those unscrupu-
faced Bengali unrest. Now, AA armed lous persons under the law.
organization attempts to cause armed ter- The Senior General recognized health The Senior General pledged to ease
rorism in MraukU, Kyauktaw and Palet- the restrictions for export and import
wa regions. Such conflicts will bring bad
personnel and teachers for their efforts measures in the export and import sector.
consequences to residents, and their sab- in providing healthcare services and It is because exporters submitted that
otage will cause loss and damage to bridg- they face made efforts in trading, but
es, roads, buildings and ancient cultural teaching amid difficulties, although some importers take advantage. If the country
heritages provided by the government. It
universities were closed due to terror acts receives the non-trade income, it can
is necessary to take adequate time to un- reduce reliance on trade.
dertake rehabilitation. It can be seen that of terrorist groups. So, local authorities The Senior General plans to ease
the Tatmadaw and the government made restrictions on the export of agricultural
the utmost efforts for the rehabilitation of need to manage the convenience of produce and allow incomes from exports
Rakhine State to recover from the loss education and health staff for their to be spent on importing basic inputs for
and damage caused by the storm Mocha. agriculture, livestock, and MSME busi-
The development undertakings aimed to security and administrative measures for nesses.
complete rehabilitation in the monsoon so In the education sector, the Senior
that local people could resume their live-
the sake of the regions. General unveiled that students are at-
lihoods in the dry season. Senior military tending the schools in all regions cent per
officers were assigned to each township cent except the conflicted areas.
to manage the rehabilitation tasks within The Senior General recognized
six months for remedying these regions, The Senior General warned that if tend the cultivation of coffee to increase health personnel and teachers for their
he explained. armed organizations keep on being fool- coffee production within five years. A efforts in providing healthcare services
However, the Senior General add- ish, residents of the relevant regions will plan is underway to extend 27,900 more and teaching amid difficulties, although
ed that current armed disturbances will suffer bad impacts. So, it is necessary acres of coffee in 2024. If so, the country some universities were closed due to
negatively impact locals again. Although to consider the lives of the people, and will have some 300,000 acres of coffee in terror acts of terrorist groups. So, local
now is the time to carry out development those organizations need to solve their total, and its results can be seen within authorities need to manage the conveni-
tasks in their region, valuable time was problems politically, discarding their five to seven years. ence of education and health staff for their
spent on reconstructing damaged bridges naughty moves. The Senior General also urged all to security and administrative measures for
and roads and rehabilitation tasks with a As such, the Senior General urged encourage rubber cultivation in regions the sake of the regions.
large sum of funds. all to emphasize the interests of their and states, up from 1.6 million acres of Union ministers reported on their
The Senior General recounted that region and the country and pointed out rubber plantations. respective sectors. The Senior General
due to KNPP and KNDF terrorists, that conflicts in the country can harm The Senior General gave guidance gave the necessary guidance after hear-
clashes happened in the Loikaw region the State economy as well as the tourism that it is necessary to expand the tax ing the reports.
of Kayah State. When the area was stable, sector. Only when the country is peaceful space in the society but increase the tax The meeting was also attended by
residents rehabilitated and reconstruct- and stable in political and security meas- rate. SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Min-
ed with their funds. Now, terror acts of ures will inbound and outbound tourism He noted that sanctions were im- ister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Union
KNPP groups have destroyed houses and industries boom. posed on Myanmar to face difficulties and ministers and officials together with chief
buildings in Loikaw, so it is challenging to With regard to coffee cultivation, the harm the banking system. As such, My- ministers of regions and states through
carry out rehabilitation tasks. Senior General stressed the need to ex- anmar needs to increase export volume videoconferencing. — MNA/TTA
Resident Representative
FOR those who would like to
read the Myanma Alinn, the
Kyemon and the Global New
Light of Myanmar, published
daily by the Ministry of Informa-
UNION Minister at the Union of the Union Government Of-
tion, please visit
Government Office 2 U Ko Ko fice 2 in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. mm/mal,,
Hlaing received the delegation During the courtesy call, and www.
led by Ms Elena Ajmone Ses- they cordially discussed hu-
sera, Resident Representative manitarian assistance and in- News and Periodicals
of the International Committee ternational humanitarian laws. ICRC Resident Representative Ms Elena Ajmone Sessera calls on Union Enterprise
of the Red Cross at the Ministry — MNA Minister U Ko Ko Hlaing.
Myanmar holds sports festival for basic education students
THE opening ceremony of a regions/states. He also high-
sports festival for basic educa- lighted the positive competitive
tion students for the academic spirit and the need to become
year 2023-2024 was held in Nay outstanding citizens, developing
Pyi Taw yesterday. the five essential strengths.
Speaking at the opening The sports festival will run
ceremony, Union Minister for from 4 to 15 December in Nay
Education Dr Nyunt Pe urged Pyi Taw, and 1,850 participants,
the participating students to try including sports team leaders,
hard to become outstanding ath- administrators, coaches and ath-
letes, whereas the talented ones letes, will participate. — MNA/
will be selected for various sports KTZH
such as football, volleyball, Sepak
Takraw, basketball, track & field,
table tennis and badminton. The inaugural event of the
sports festival for basic
He then talked about
education students in
achievements in competitions action yesterday in Nay Pyi
that can uplift the dignity of Taw.
respective schools, townships,
Cherry Blossom Festival
set to be held in Loimwe
of Kengtung for five days
ACCORDING to the Directo- cast its estimated blossoming
rate of Hotels and Tourism of and flowering time. That’s why,
Shan State, the Cherry Blos- right now, we can say the festi-
som Festival is slated to be held val will be held in early January.
in Loimwe located in Kengtung In the cherry blossoming sea-
Township of eastern Shan State son, this area is fully covered
in 2024 for five days. with cherry flowers since many
The Cherry Blossom Fes- cherry trees were planted in
tival was first held in January the British colonial era; also,
2022, its second in January hundreds of them were planted
2023, and this upcoming event under projects in consecutive
will be its third. administrative eras. As far as
People visit the Cherry Blossom Festival in the previous year.
U Htin Aung Naing re- I can recall, around 500 cherry
marked, “The festival is set to trees were grown in the 1990s;
be held for five days in the pe- and another 500 trees were also are mostly grown in Chin State of them usually flowers alterna- mar, Viet Nam and Thailand
riod of the burgeoning cherry grown in 2022-23. Therefore, and Shan State. In Loimwe, tively in nature. The report says hold cherry blossom festivals.
season. However, we cannot there are at least over 1,000 there are two types of cherry the cherries are blossoming Cherry trees are also valued
set a confirmed date yet for the cherry trees in Loimwe.” trees, which can be divided into and usually last for a month. and loved in Japan. — ASH/
festival since we need to fore- In Myanmar, cherry trees sweet and bitter types. Either In Southeast Asia, Myan- TMT
Botahtaung Pagoda
draws 2,000+ visitors
from 28 countries in 11
ACCORDING to the Pagoda Treas-
urer’s Board of Trustees, in the 11
months of this year, more than 20,000
foreigners from 28 countries have vis-
sted the Botahtaung Pagoda.
Between January and November
of this year, there were more than
20,000 pilgrims; for 2022, there were
only over 5,000 foreign visitors.
The most prominent foreign tour-
ists come from Thailand, Viet Nam,
and Russia, and pilgrims from 28
Starting from 1 December, the
entrance fee for foreigners to the pa-
goda has been increased from K10,000
to K15,000. — TWA/KZW
Thatbyinnyu Temple in Bagan. (Credit: Chinese Embassy to Myanmar)
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Exclusive Interview as in which Russian universities
option for daily oil Graduates from Russian universities meet in Hanoi:
and institutes can conduct joint
research, organize programs of
Q3. Did the Forum help you dual degree, etc.”
establish contacts with the lead-
N Myanmar, cooking oil is an indispensable component of daily Answers Research University “MPEI”,
meals, contributing to their flavour and appeal. Despite the Dr Hlaing Min Oo (Myan- Doctor of Sciences (DSc), Profes-
acknowledged drawbacks associated with excessive oil con- mar): “The Forum was very help- sor, Head of the Sub-Department
sumption, Myanmar’s populace continues to embrace oily meals ful in establishing contacts with Our meeting was fruitful, success- power, helping Russia expand of “Power Engineering” of the
as a routine part of their daily diet. the leaders of other associations ful, and unforgettable, as I had its political influence around the Scientific and Technical Research
While a certain amount of oil is necessary for meal preparation, of graduates of Russian univer- imagined before the Forum.” world.” Center in PyinOoLwin (Myan-
it is crucial to adhere to established limits. All foods inherently sities in Asian countries, as well Hasan Shahid (Pakistan): Ravdanzhamts Urgamal mar), the Honorary Professor
contain calories derived from oil, but an excess of oil can lead to as organizing cooperation for the “Yes, we have established a good (Mongolia): “I am happy about of National Research University
adverse health effects. Consequently, social organizations and exchange of knowledge between understanding with Graduate As- this idea. I am sure that partici- “MPEI”, Russia. (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3)
medical experts are advocating for a reduction in oil content in our educational organizations, sociations of different countries, pation in such a Forum will be a Siviengphet Phetvorasak
daily meals. which is an example of the unity of especially Russia, China, Vietnam, valuable experience for everyone (Lao), a graduate of Kyiv State
In accordance with health guidelines, individuals are advised the global educational community India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and and bring new impressions, ac- Pedagogical Institute of Foreign
to limit their daily oil and oily meal intake to 1.8 ticals (one tical and emphasizes the importance Nepal. During the Forum, we con- quaintances and inspiration for Languages, Director of the Centre
is equal to 0.0163 kilogramme). Excessive oil consumption poses of collective efforts to solve global cluded that the meeting of Asian our further movement forward, for Open Education at the Lao
health risks, and it is essen- problems.” Alumni Associations from Soviet the same way it happened this National University, former Am-
tial to distinguish between Siviengphet Phetvorasak and Russian universities was use- time.” bassador of Laos to the Russian
To achieve a balance saturated oil, unsaturated (Lao): “Certainly, the Forum ful. We met with rectors and repre- Hasan Shahid (Pakistan): Federation, PhD in Philology (Fig.
between local oil, and transformed oil. Un- has helped establish contacts sentatives of various Russian Uni- “We agree that this kind of Forum 4)
saturated oils, including olive with them and create favourable versities for active cooperation in should be organized every year for Jainal Abedin (Bangladesh),
consumption and oil, groundnut oil, sunflower conditions for further coopera- a graduate from the Kuban State
the field of exchange of experience foreign graduates of universities
export demands, oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, tion between foreign graduates and scientific research, as well
individuals must corn oil, and avocado oil, are of Soviet and Russian universi- as with delegations from RUDN
consider increasing the deemed healthier options. ties and Russian universities. The University, St. Petersburg State
Saturated oils, found in Forum provided an opportunity University, Ural Federal Universi-
production of cooking
pork, beef, chicken, palm oils, to immerse into the creative and ty named after the first President
oil while concurrently and dairy products, can affect innovative activities of graduate of Russia B N Yeltsin and Tyumen
reducing personal health differently. Consumers associations of Russian universi- Industrial University.”
Memory after the lecture on Lifelong Learning - Future Education Concept.
oil consumption are advised to minimize the ties in Asian countries.”
use of these oils, ensuring that Jainal Abedin (Bangla- Q4. How do you feel about
to safeguard their
saturated oil constitutes less their cooperation in general. At like to express my gratitude to
health. This is because than 10 per cent of their daily the end of the Forum, certificates Rossotrudnichestvo for the invi-
Myanmar prefers to caloric intake. Transformed of advanced training were award- tation to this historical Forum in
eat too many oily oils, often resulting from deep ed. I consider the main result of Hanoi, the birthplace of the Great
frying or refining processes, the Forum to be the creation of Ho Chi Minh.”
meals on a daily basis,
should also be consumed ju- a strong foundation for further Dr Ratindra Nath (Nepal):
spending a large sum diciously. cooperation between foreign grad- “It is necessary to organize such
Jainal Abedin (Bangladesh), a graduate of the Kuban State Agrarian
University, Secretary-General of the Association of Soviet University
of money. By aligning As Myanmar relies heav- uates from Russian universities events every year. This will help Graduates in Bangladesh.
daily oil consumption ily on agriculture, particular- and Russian universities them- the Russian side share informa-
ly oil crops, it is imperative selves. In conclusion, on behalf tion about its achievements in the of the USSR and Russia. The topic Agrarian University, Secretary
with recommended
to expand the cultivation of of the graduates from Laos, let field of science and technology, as should focus on education and General of the Association of
guidelines, individuals crops like groundnut, sesa- me express my deep gratitude to well as trends in education and health, representing key issues Soviet University Graduates in
not only promote their me, and sunflower for both Rossotrudnichestvo, the Ministry healthcare. The platform of the for developing countries such as Bangladesh (Fig.5)
well-being but also domestic consumption and of Education and the Ministry of Forum also acts as a peaceful Pakistan. There are many are- Dr Ratindra Nath (Nepal),
export purposes. Regions like Health of Viet Nam for the warm Professor, Dean of Kathmandu
contribute to increased
Magway and Taninthayi have Ravdanzhamts Urgamal (Mongolia), a graduate of St. Petersburg State reception and the excellent real- Chinnamangal Medical College
economic gains for the been recognized as vital con- University, teacher at the Mongolian State University of Education, Doctor
Dr Ratindra Nath (Nepal), Professor, Dean of Kathmandu Chinnamangal
ization of the Forum in Hanoi.” (Nepal), Head of the Department
Medical College (Nepal), Head of the Department of Anatomy.
nation. tributors to the country’s oil of Pedagogical Sciences, Executive Director of the University Graduate Jainal Abedin (Bangla- of Anatomy (Fig.6)
production, playing a crucial Association in Mongolia. desh): “I feel positive about the Ravdanzhamts Urgamal
role in bolstering the economy. Russia and Asian countries in and that our graduates of Soviet idea of holding the Forum of For- (Mongolia), a graduate of St Pe-
In the 2022-23 cultivation season, approximately 800,000 acres desh): “This was an excellent the idea of holding the Forum of the field of education and med- and Russian universities could be eign Graduates from Russian tersburg State University, teacher
were dedicated to oil crops, excluding oil palm plantations. This opportunity for us to establish Foreign Graduates of Russian icine, helping to strengthen the encountered in all corners of the Universities annually in different at the Mongolian State University
extensive cultivation is projected to yield 680,000 tonnes of cooking contacts with the leaders of other Universities annually in different traditional relations of friendship world every year.” countries of the world. And I really of Education, a Doctor of Peda-
oil, surpassing the nation’s oil sufficiency needs by 26.2 per cent. associations of graduates of Rus- countries of the world? between our countries. Let us Siviengphet Phetvorasak hope that this event will become gogical Sciences, and Executive
To achieve a balance between local consumption and export sian universities in Asian coun- Answers commit ourselves to upholding (Lao): “I am absolutely positive traditional. I do not doubt that Director of the University Grad-
demands, individuals must consider increasing the production of tries and exchange experiences.” Dr Hlaing Min Oo (Myan- the values we have learned during about it. I consider annual forums such systematic work will be fruit- uate Association in Mongolia
cooking oil while concurrently reducing personal oil consumption Dr Ratindra Nath (Nepal): mar): “The Forum that took place our education and positively con- in different parts of the world nec- ful. We need to meet more often to (Fig.7)
to safeguard their health. This is because Myanmar prefers to eat “Undoubtedly, such contacts have indicates that Russia pays close tribute to the world in which pro- essary and important because exchange experience and develop Hasan Shahid (Pakistan),
too many oily meals on a daily basis, spending a large sum of money. been established.” attention to foreign graduates of gress is in harmony with ethical they will strengthen friendship further work plans. Holding such Head of the Pakistan Association
By aligning daily oil consumption with recommended guidelines, Ravdanzhamts Urgamal Soviet and Russian universities. considerations and environmen- and cooperation between foreign forums will certainly help to in- of Russian University Graduates
individuals not only promote their well-being but also contribute (Mongolia): “Yes, of course, it The results of the Forum are of tal well-being. Once again, I wish graduates from Russian universi- tensify the work of associations (Fig.8)
Hasan Shahid (Pakistan), Head of the Pakistan Association of Russian
to increased economic gains for the nation. really helped. Most likely, we be- great value for the further devel- the organizers and participants ties and Russian universities, ex- of Soviet and Russian university
University Graduates.
came both partners and friends. opment of cooperation between of the Forum new achievements pand their close ties, and deepen graduates. In conclusion, I would
THAILAND and China’s Hong cording to a joint press release by and economic activities between Consignees of cargo carried on M.V AQUILA
Kong Special Administrative Re- the Bank of Thailand (BOT) and the two economies, Sethaput said. GLORY VOY.NO. (2313) are hereby notified that the
gion launched a cross-border QR Hong Kong Monetary Authority Eddie Yue, chief executive of vessel will be arriving on 7-12-2023 and cargo will be
discharged into the premises of MKH where it will lie at
code payment service on Monday, (HKMA). the Hong Kong Monetary Author-
the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the
aiming to provide a swift, secure, Sethaput Suthiwartnarueput, ity, said the launch of the service byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
and easily accessible retail pay- governor of the Bank of Thailand, marked an important milestone for Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
ment experience for travellers. said the collaboration marks a sig- Hong Kong’s FPS in expanding its to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
Through the link between nificant step towards a more inter- utility to cross-border payments. declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel.
Thailand’s PromptPay and Hong connected and digitized financial Seven participating banks
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
Kong’s Faster Payment System landscape in the region. and two non-bank Stored Value the Claims Day.
(FPS), customers can use their This cross-border QR pay- Facilities from Hong Kong, along Phone No: 2301928
mobile payment applications to ment system is expected to bring with three commercial banks from Shipping Agency Department
scan QR codes displayed by mer- tangible benefits to the 1.5 million Thailand, are among the service Myanma Port Authority
chants for a seamless and efficient tourists from Hong Kong and Thai- providers offering this cross-bor- Agent For:
transaction, while merchants land, enhancing convenience for der payment service, according to M/S BEN LINE AGENCIES (S'PORE) PTE LTD
receive their funds instantly, ac- travellers and supporting tourism the joint press release. — Xinhua
Rains pound southern India ahead of cyclone
RAINS lashed southern India’s Trees were uprooted and
city of Chennai on Monday ahead vehicles swept away due to the
of the landfall of a powerful cy- heavy rains, according to imag-
clone, with a crocodile spotted es posted on social media.
swimming the streets and cars The police posted images
floating away. of rescuers evacuating people
Cyclone Michaung will hit from waterlogged areas.
the Andhra Pradesh state’s Tamil Nadu government of-
coast on Tuesday morning as a ficial Supriya Sahu warned peo-
“severe cyclonic storm”, pack- ple not to approach a crocodile,
ing winds of 90-100 kilometres after one was spotted on the
(55-62 miles) per hour winds streets after being been washed
with gusts up to 110 km/h, the out by the rains.
Indian Meteorological Depart- “No need to panic,” Sahu
ment (IMD) said. posted on social media.
In Tamil Nadu, the airport “There is no possibility of
in state capital Chennai was harm to humans IF these ani-
expected to be closed until late mals are left alone and UNPRO-
Monday, local media reported, VOKED.”
as rains pounded the city. The cyclone is expected
The IMD issued warnings to hit India’s southeast coast
to those fishing in the area to at the town of Bapatla, on the
suspend operations, warning 300-kilometre (185-mile) long
of expected “major damage” to Commuters make their way through a flooded road after heavy rains in Chennai on 4 December 2023. Cyclone stretch between Nellore and
thatch huts along the coast. Michuang is expected to make landfall on 5 December along the southern coast. PHOTO: AFP Machilipatnam. — AFP
Victorious Shan United has Myanmar Vovinam athletes
chance to defend championship
arrive back with two golds,
three silvers, nine bronzes
THE final day of the 2023 MNL lead in the first half.
championship (Match-21) took In the match held at the
place on 4 December, with cham- YUSC stadium, Myawady won
pion Shan United securing a vic- against Maha United by four
tory and edging closer to defend- goals to two goals.
ing their title. After Matchday 21, the cur-
In the match held at Thu- rent champion, Shan United,
wunna Stadium, Shan United leads with 56 points, followed by
secured a victory over Yadana- the Yangon team with 50 points.
bon United, scoring four goals The Hanthawady team has 34
to two. This win sent them closer points, Dagon Star has 28 points,
to the championship, and they and Rakhine United and ISPE
can clinch the title by earning at Club have 26 points each. The
least one point in the remaining Ayeyawady and Myawady teams
two games. secured 25 points each. Yadana-
As it was the decisive peri- bon won 20 points. Unfortunately,
od for the championship, Shan the GFA team earned 12 points,
United deployed several players, and the Kachin United, which
including foreign ones. They initi- made 10 points, faced relegation
ated scoring after 20 minutes and before the season’s conclusion.
successfully secured a three-goal — Ko Nyi Lay/KZW
Myanmar Vovinam athletes are welcomed back by officials, parents and fans at the Yangon International
Airport yesterday.
THE Myanmar Vovinam ath- Thu Soe Aung, Hein Htet Aung, one bronze medal in the Male
letes who secured two gold, Chit Nodi Saung, May Honey Ying Yang Sword Form Team
three silver, and nine bronze Aung Lwin, and Eaindray Phoo 4 event.
medals in the 7th World Vovinam earned one silver medal in the 3 Moreover, Aung Khine Lin,
Championships in Viet Nam Male, 3 Female categories, May Hein Htet Aung, Kyaw Thu
arrived back in Yangon on 2 Honey Aung Lwin grabbed one Soe Aung and Tin Htoo Aung
December. silver medal in the Ying Yang earned one bronze medal in the
They were warmly wel- Sword Form Female category. Male multiple training -01male
comed back by Yangon Region In the 54 kilogrammes athlete defended against three
Sports and Physical Education (attacking) category, Min Min others with weapon event, Chit
Bello of Shan United scores a header against Yadanabon United during
Committee Chairman Advo- Htike claimed one bronze med- Nodi Saung won one bronze
the 2023 MNL championship match yesterday. PHOTO: MNL
cate-General U Htay Aung, al and another bronze medal medal received one bronze
relevant officials, parents and was claimed by Aung Khine medal in the Cross form fe-
fans at the Yangon Internation- Lin and Chit Nodi Saung in male category while another
Endo sparks dramatic Liverpool al Airport. the Female Self Defence (per- one bronze medal earned by
Aung Khine Lin and Hein formance) event. At the same May Honey Aung Lwin, Aung
win with 1st league goal Htet Aung claimed one gold time, Tin Htoo Zaw and Kyaw Khine Lin, Tin Htoo Zaw and
medal in the Pair Machete Thu Soe Aung got one bronze Kyaw Thu Soe Aung in the
JAPAN captain Wataru Endo tant...(He) won decisive chal- Form Male category, and Hnin medal in the Pair Sword Form one female athlete defence
scored his first Premier League lenges, super passing, a top Thet Wai secured one gold Male category, Hein Htet Aung against three male athletes
goal for Liverpool on Sunday as goal,” Liverpool manager Jur- medal in the 51-kg Women’s In- won one bronze medal in the with weapon competition, one
his late equalizer set up a dra- gen Klopp said. dividual Attacking. In compari- Yin Yang Sword Form Male bronze medal by Aung Khine
matic 4-3 home win over Fulham. Alexander-Arnold’s free- son, Tin Htoo Zaw achieved one event, Aung Khine Lin, Hein Lin and Hein Htet Aung in the
The defensive midfielder kick hit the bar and ricocheted gold medal in the Four Element Htet Aung, Kyaw Thu Soe Aung pair knife form male event. —
came on in the 83rd minute at off Fulham keeper Bernd Leno Staff Form, Tin Htoo Zaw, Kyaw and Tin Htoo Aung grabbed MNA/KTZH
Anfield with his team trailing into the net to give Liverpool a
3-2 and got his side back on level 20th-minute lead, but Harry Wil-
terms four minutes later, curl- son steered home a low cross to
ing in a first-time effort from
the edge of the box high into
level against his former club four
minutes later.
Scheffler wins World Challenge, Woods
the right-hand corner following
a layoff from Mohamed Salah.
Alexis Mac Allister struck
a 30-metre screamer in the 38th
encouraged in return
Trent Alexander-Arnold minute for Liverpool only to see WORLD number one Scottie Scheffler had four birdies years. Tournament host Woods,
squeezed in the winner a minute the visitors level again through Scheffler fired a bogey-free 68 in his four-under par 68 on the who hadn’t played since ankle
later from just inside the area to Kenny Tete off a corner in first- on Sunday for a three-shot win Albany golf course in the Baha- surgery in the wake of his third
complete the comeback as Liv- half stoppage time, and Fulham in the Hero World Challenge, mas, his 20-under total of 268 round withdrawal at the Mas-
erpool moved up to second on 31 led with 10 minutes to go when where 15-time major champion beating Austrian Sepp Straka ters, said he was “ecstatic” with
points in the English top flight, Bobby De Cordova-Reid headed Tiger Woods said he’d “come by three shots to give him the how the week had gone after
two points off leaders Arsenal. home a cross before Endo’s in- a long way” in his first tourna- trophy after runner-up finishes carding a final-round 72 for an
“Wataru was just so impor- troduction. — Kyodo ment since April. to Viktor Hovland the last two even par total of 288. — AFP
Rains pound southern
India ahead of cyclone